- - - - - : - - - - : j-- _ iii coNiUis : STRONG utanea ! by ExpcctaUon of Victhric by Our Army in Cuba. LOWER GRADES OF STOCKS IMPROVING ZJrlft 01 tIi Vnr hi ill1i ( l * hull Ele- iciit , with it TnsIcnc Vniinrd IlIgIiir 1'rIcts 1)urIii the $ ll.IsnIcr. NIW YORK , June 12.-Henry CIew , . fiend of the banking boue o llcnry CIew . & Co. , wrltcs of the Bituntlon In Wail , ; trcct : I Stock excbange 1ntcro.ta arc In n tratis- Itlonni state. Its Indicated In our advices : or a week uo , the larger operators have jlntCIy becn doing contdcrable tn the way of realizing of frOtIta ) on the standarh 'stocks : flfl ( that process seems to have how reached Its rcsiIts In a generally lower ? nrIgC of vrlces for that. grn0e of securIties , "i'he fanfly atid lower gra(1I of stocks , however - ever , which hiayo received little attention , sn(1 stood at rclatlvcly low prices during ' .the manipulation of the better class , arc now coining In for their turn in the game and SEQ being actively dealt in , with SOIIW con iderablc advances. This is a common . TOutifle In Wall street campaigns and the iJilly question In this Itistance is , how long this nioVenicnt in the cheap list may con- , Untie ZtIId how far their prices will be further - ther advanced ? We do not care to cn- . ture tipon predictions on either or these .r nInts : but at the moment this varticuiar brnnch of the SPectIlatIVe movement Is ( ie- CtIC4IIY buoyant. It may prove to be of some IInloraneo ( that a relatively high range of prices is be- I)1 ) reached at the tune when operators. arc ontciiiplaung their summer vacation and When sPeculative accounts arc apt to be closed for two or three months , Ordinarily. ' high range of Prices at tlii stage of the year would be apt to be conducive to realizing - izing and 501110 reactIon in prices. Dot present conditions are not entirely ordinary. The "bull" feeling still runs high , the niar- p kvt Is funihanientally strong and it Is sos- tamed by QU expectation of a series of sue- Ceases by our army and navy that will bring the great boon of peace at a corn- pnrattvely early day. The drift of the war chimes in with the irepondernnt "bull" achitlinout ; and the tWo forces working to- Ectiler may easily keeD UP the activity of the stock market through the Bummer I000ths , 'l'he , high priced stocks , which for some time past have led the uPward movement , have rlseii bCYOIICl a range to iiinko them Inviting to buy for an additional Up-turn. ? I'here is no disguIsing the fact that ninny , ' of the large olerators ) through whose efforts r prIcc have recently been IulvaflCel , have paid out aild are flow more interested in nakIng lower irtces than higher ones , 'to enable them to load titi agaIn , The Incentive - tivo for selling was merely the revival of the silver qtiestloii. It. is regarded as a menace to the liuliiesii situation and is be- Jag used as a pretext to iiiark down the prices of stocks. Appearances indicate waverlng prices before the market again gets Into a posItion which will form a basis : - for another upward whirl. The Increase of silver money or its equivalent to thic exteit of $42,000,000 at a time when money is being Fequired to so great an extent for war pur- tposPs. is a matter in itself of no very serious 'monicnt excepting for the ridiculous feature - in colinoction therewIth-the idea of calling 'It 'so ' iiiuchi proflt for the treasury , when as ' , Jt matter of fact the government stands us 1hvIng made a. loss of over $ SO,000,000 In ( ho , depreclntlon from the average price at. whIch lie silver was bought and the present market 'rlcc of silver bullion ; still , congress is leg- islatlng on the basis that the government wiII realize a profit of $42,000,000. 1. The prospect of an early issue of 'war loiids does not escape the attention of op. . orators ; but it excites HO inisgivitigs as to the course of the stock market. With zucli an oxtraodlnary accumulation of , money in } tPo banks , the payments f&r the bonds are ljit likely to perceptibly affect the ease Ia the loaii market. The treasury may be trusted 'not to loci up the vroceeds of Its borrow- 4ngs but , as usual unddr like negotiations , it will deposit the receipts In thu national 1Ianks until they need to be 'Irawn against tn the ordinary course of the government's ilisburseinents ; afll thus the currency will ¶ inrtlntain it normal activity of movement. Nor is the creation of a large sum of new Investments likely to have any serious effect UpOfl the ririces of stocks. A considerable ' Portion of the new loan appears likely te go to other countries ; and those taken at home will go to financial institutions and tea a class of investors who arc not neccus- , omed to put their means into corporate tocks. It is quite likely that the large offers for the bonds and the relatively high irices they vili bring may strengthen the financial markets at large. it The course of eveOts at the theater of war gives a steady accession of strength to fInancial interests in all departments. It is now evident that military and naval 00cr- ations are to be conducted upon a nieliod and a scale calculated to bring about the curliest possible end to the war. In a coin- pitratively few days we shall have a tnihitaiy torco in Cuba atid Porto Rico of 100,000 well armed , vigorous and enthusiastic men , These forces , backed by the best vessels of our fleet. will soon measure. their strength with the poorly fed , poorly equipped and imperfectly - perfectly trained forces of Spain , The re- : ' suit cannot be doubtful. Already , Cervera's fleet has been tlcprived of its power and the bland admiral may at ntis' moment reinforce our navy through the involuntarj transfer of his vessels. The powerful system of fortifications - fications at santiago do Cuba is nearly in our hatida. to servo as a basis of operations against tue rear of Havana. in conjunction t'lth the guerrIlla forces of the Insurgents , In this part of the war program also there Beonis to be no reason to count upon the possibility of our failure. Unless spain should prudently prove willing to make a satisfactory hience iii advance , the great var struggle around the city of Havana wllr ho the next step in the war program. . It it should prove. as rumored at this wrIting , that the Spaniards have got three more war vessels into their port , that can have no threatening bearing on our operations of at- titclc. It will simply mean that so ninny more of the enemy's ships have been bottled up out of our way nod to await capture or destructIon at our pleasure , In all proba. bility , the struggle at havana may prove a bloody and possibly also a rotrncted one ; but it cannot be doubtful as to its outcoirn' . "iVithi unlimited forces at our command : with our ability to maintain a siege on lattil and a close liockaite at se'a ; with a complete cx- elusion of the Spaniards from the possibility - ity of reinforcing either their fleet or their army ; and with starvatioti staring the en- cnty iii the titco , victory is the only poaiblu Issue of this next idiasu of tue coittlict. In he Philippines. affairs have taken it turn to the last degree Important in our favor. 'the Spanish government concedes that the ovcrnor of Manila has asked for authorizu- tion to capitulate to Admiral Dcvcy in order to escape the certain capture of the city by tile Insurgents ; and later reports , not yet fully conlirmed , niaki ) it quite likely that the surreutlor line already been inutle , AnsI , WItflt is scarcely le important , the insur. gents have sought ( ho acceptance of their co-operation by tIi United States and asked that the Philippines be places ! UiuIcr tue protectorate of this government. As it has t eon seriously feared that much trouble might arise front the lawlessness of the naives - ives anti front their refusal to acknowledge our authority this now turn of affairs is of ¶ 10 greatest possible value to our govein- ittcflt. Moreover. It sets at rest certain International - ternational Issues , vh1ch might have given rise to touch embarrassment to this coun- try' . It has been inaintalneil by some that : the rights of Spain in thu Philippines have not yet bceti forfeited , becaitses the United I3tates has not yet comisleteil its ocdupa- Iloit of the itlands , in the event ef Spain trying to transfer the Iahiiitda to France or any oilier govertimetit , this might easily bavo ProVeI it dangerous question. Thu rdomeut , however , that Spain transfers thu capitel to us , we acquire entire possession in tte h'hillipiInes , Thus history Is being made at a 'ery rapid rate In both the Pa- clftc and thio Atlantic and the United States is making acquisitions of an international sdgnificanco which two months ago we hind i3ot dreamed of. luiduit 310,51' ) ' iurkt't , LONION , Jutie 12-Thu money market has coiiithSt-"l owing to the release of thq Jitpunt'Bo biiiluwe.L Cheap money niit how 4lscouhit ratea seenied tu no the prospecL : - - There was little liusiness done last week on the Stock exchange. The departmentS were fIrm and home railroads wro hue- hnscd freely American securities hind a titrotig tonC , hilt business in them was mod- scala and chiefly on New York account. The Icashing increases were Denver & Rio Grand referre.l , 2 5-3. Atchlton preferred , and Northern PacIfIc preferred I 14 ; Mu- waukee I 34 , Frie and Mlssotiti seconds , I. Louisville fell one-bflif. itnil Grand Trunks were lower on the closing of weak bull flecotints. Canadian I'nelhles were % higher , There was little , iiusiness ( lone oil thin for- cign markets. SpanIsh 4s were 2 points lower , and nil South Atnericafli were In bad favor , especiAl ly Chilinna , which drolqPed 4 poInts. COi)1TlON 01' ( IIIIC hl.iS. TItiy Cnniint VIndt'se for All the M0ne7 1'Isc fleecive , NX\V YOILIC , Stifle 12.-The Financier says : "The New 'York banks , despite the aetivo demand for funds expressed in a loan expansion of $ I.I44,200 for the week just ended , cannot fInd use for nil the mn'ohley they are receiving , and the reserve is higher by l,591,400 than reported seven days ago. Deposits Itierensesl I14thl,200 , , making a gain of 5700,000 tvithiiii ii month. As the iii- crease in eitahs for the week was $ ,2S9,200 it would seem ( hint the greater Part of the dtposlt growth was obtnlned by entering credits on the books against butts. ThIs has been going on for some time , and ic- fleets ii satisfactory condition in mercantile circles. The season for early rediscoulitlng for country ittitiks is at hand , and nome business Is beIng slohse iii this hue , but lint enoUgh to coutit itt gelieriti results. The InterIor baitlcs are so vehi stipplied with ctsm'h that they are iii a. better iosition thistt ever to endure over ( lie sunimer. A detailed mttalysls : of ( lie statement for ( lie week hiow ( lint five at the sixty-live clearing house institutions , most of whichi have hten'y interior CoflhtectioliS , galsiech thee- fcurths sir the Increased deposits. Seven banks hold considerably ( iter hialt the ls9- 000,000 of iecie reported last week. " ChICAGO GILiIN AL ) I'ltVISIOSS. I'citturi's of the 'Vrndlnir tititi ClosIng l'rlces oil Snturdi. ' . CHICAGO , June 11.-The bearish crop CC- 3sort , improved weather and weak foreign markets depressed wheat today , July closed with it loss of 1c and September 1tc. Corn is off 3-141o and oats 1-Sc. There was a further decline in provIsions , & 2t,4c In pork , lTc in lard and 20c In ribs. ConsIdering the extremely bearish character - actor of ( lie government crop report wheat started fairly steady. A slight improve- meat In the weather , however , weak for- cign markets and a growing'scnso of ( lie signiulennee of thic iinmenko acreage sown to whteitt this season together wIth its gen- ( rally excellent condition , IsroslucetI a feel- lug of weakness. Longs ( litiCkly lost heart anti began to let go , Tue frlghit soon tie- came so general that the liquidation rush finally became more of a mistier of ilnding buyers than' of Prices. Short selling , led by Cudahy , was 11150 general. July , whIch closed yesterday itt tS4C sold down to 80 ½ C , and September fell off trom 5 3-Sc to 74c. There 'zts IL slight reaction ( lurIng the last htitif huitir of tlte sesition , due Itliparently otoivi to profIt-taking by the cody short sellers ( bait to any real Increase of strength itt the general situation , , Atlantic Port clearances for the day vere fGO,000 bushels. Tue government report lnslicttvd ; a crop of tc,00o bttishelis wInter and spring on ami acretige of 43,000,000 acres. The aggregated world's shipments for ( lie week are about 12,000,000 bushels. compared with ( ,822,000 bushels last year. Chicago receipts for the day were It cars. against 12 a year ago. Miiineitpohis and Duluth got 201 , whIle Inst vent they receIved 293. .11111' ooened c lower to ,4c higher at 87 7-SiIS.S'4' , sold down to SP.4c , ( lien rallied to Ste bid , the closing fIgure. September tieguit 1-hdlc lower at 74 5-S1 i76c , declined to 74 ½ e , n(1 vanced to 75 1-Sc fell off to T33'c , then llrmed LIP to 73 7-bc asked Itt the close. The weather conditIons were unfavorable for corn , but the weakness of wheat and Provisions started corn prices down bill. Jnl opened 1-Sc' lower at 323 1-Sc. sold down to .l2 7-Sc , then firmed Up to Z3c bid at the close. Oats followed corn , opened steady and ( lien yielded. Shorts gave the market good stiphiort. however , atid prIces became bet- icr near the close. July opened I-Sc lower itt 24 1-S024'c , sold down to 21c. up to 24 1-8 24'4e. down again to 23c , then rallied to 24 I-S'f24c at the close. ' ( 'here won another slump In provisions , MILItY outsltlers vhm did not act on the yellow - low fever news yesterday let go theIr long irovlsions today , There was also some important selling by packers. The EnglIsh conrerns who are short were the buyers. July opened 74c lower at l0.12l' , advanced to $ IO.I74 ! , then sold tcndiIy down to $9.67i4 , tItO ilosimig price. July lard started tOc slciwit at $5.50 , declined to $3.65. then rallied to 572 ½ itt the clOse , July rIbs began 2 ½ c lower itt $5.52 , then firmed up to $5.35 , the ciosin fIgure. Leading futures range as follows : Articles. , lOom. IIL-h.lLow. I Close. ! . t % Ii , s I- .JtInO . . I 00 1 00 , 81) pa j oo July. . , R7t8 8814 lilt 55 Sept , , . 74't-7i ldlt 734k 733 781 ( Dec. . 7:9s1 : 74 72 % 75it 7414i 'Corn- Jill10 , , ' 124'1t ' 824 : i2l . 3e3 33 .TtIly. . . 333 52 ? 33 33ifgL.J Sept. . . 84t4 34w'4 3i : 33 ( 34 ( 'Oats- htily , . . 24bfQr 24t 231 ! 24's ' Sept , , . 224 } 2 } lLI J1h I one- July. . , 10 12 10 17 9 ( t74 0 ( i74 10 20 Sept. . , 10 'Jo 10 50 0 85 0 85 10 40 Lsrd- July. . . 5 80 P 80 5 0l 5 724 0 110 . r.'pt 6 03 0 117 } 5 77i 5 77t 6 0214 bh'titibs July. . . 1 11214 8 a214 a 27 % a 38 5 58 _ Sept 1t 60 5 U4 : * 5 40 11 45 5 fh 'No. 2. Cash quotations were as follows : FLOUR-Steady : wInter patents , $ l.t0ui 5.10 ; straights , $5.20 ; clears , $5,005I0 ; siirlng specials , $0.50 ; Minnesota hard , 5.75 WhEAT-No. 2 sprIng , $6fS7c ; No. 3 surlnmr , 1s0i$0c No. 2 red , 93'4c. CORN-No , 2 , 33'4c. OATS-No. 2 , IC ; No , 2 whIte , 2829c ; No. 3 whIte. 27J2Sc. RYE-No. 2 , 45c , BARLEY-No. 2 , 33141c. FhAXSEFD-No , 1 , $1.1t. TIMOTHY S11ED-Prime , $2.75812.fO. PROVISIONS-Mess hark , ler bbl. , $9.t3 9.70 , Lard , per 100 lbs. , $5.f5i5.70 , Short rIhis sides ( loose ) , I5,2thi8.60. Dry salted shoulders ( boxed ) , 5,0tij.25 , Short clear shIes ( boxed ) , $5.80. SUGAItS-Cut loaf , $6.02 ; granulated , $5.52. Articles. Iteceipts. Siilpaientis. Flour , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . d.50 ( ) Wheat , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' , eit,000 Corn , Cu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.9IiO0 41)9.809 ) Cats , be. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2'Jtes ) ) ( 20.1,000 , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , , lharlejbu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lfl,200 4,800 On the Produce exchange today ( lie but- icr market was Stetll1 ; cretunerles , 13f ) 15i4e ; dairies , 111j13c , Eggs , fresh , 9 ½ c. Cheese. dull , Live poultry , dull ; sprIng chickens , 12'JlSe ; hien , 7c ; turkeys , Gl.jic ; clucks , G16c. I'l3W YO1l ( RNl5lt.tL. MARICETS , ( ltlotlttlohiM for ( lie lny on Geucral Cotis itsoil it It's. N1\V YORK , Jumie hl-F'LOUR-flecelpts , 24SSO bbls , : exports , 8,1104 bbh. ; market weak antI lower wIth wheat , IIAIILEY MAIT-Duli ; western , 6270c , \'l IEAT-lteceipts , 2.12,175 ho , ; exports , 486,070 bit , ; spot weak ; No , 2 rCd , $1.10 ( , o , b. ailoat , export giade , Options active arid very weak nil sitsy , closing 1 3'SQ2 ½ u net lower. irilittenced by lower cables , the go'- erhlinchit report ittlil foreign soiling ; No , 2 resl. July , 92.i94c : closed , il2)c' ) , COItN-ltecoipts 39,9Th Itu , ; exports. 81,779 ku ; spot eitlc : l'o. 2 , 35 1-Sc , Options ii 51111110 carrier With s'lieat in taco of bull op- ltltI4)hi , based on cotitilitleti tvet weather ; closed 1-Sc flt't lower : July closed 37 5-Sc , OA'l'S-llecclpts , 159,600 lar. ; slitptiionts 49.143 bti. ; spot easy ; No , Z lOlac ; No. t1iitu , 32c , Option dull ulid lower , closing 111e lower ; Juiy cIost'tl , 29 5-Sc , 1101'S-Quiet ; state , common to choIce , WOOI-Qulet ; fleece , 15323o ; Texas , 1313 - : light skims , 5'h815c ; hurt skiing 4J8le ; full skIrnI , 28i2e. 'rAlLoVs oak ; city , 311c ; country , 3 3-Stj3lt. ItICE-Firm : fair to choice , & % j7c ; JisIsuhi , 5 7-I'SGc. tlOl4ASSES-Steady ; New Orleans , open kettle , good to eiioict' . 274133c , OllS-Cottonseed oil , rltill , tending lower , influenced by weakness lit luovisions ; prime crude , 20c' , nomninitl ; lrlmno crude , 1. 0 , Li. mills , lTtj iSo ; urinis.suittiner . yellow , 25c ; uff sunimner l'elinu % ' , 211i24c' butter oh , :8c : ; PrIme wIttier yellow , 3Ghj'Jte , 1sllTALS-t'lg Iron , dull : southitirn , $9.79 ill.25 ; northterri , $ l0.0Oitl1.50 , COIiItiF , sjliiet : brokt'rts. $11.75. l-.cmtd , quiet ; brokers , $300 , 'l'iit plates quiet. IlU't'T10lt-lleeipt $ . 5.OTS 111cg1. ' strong ; tt'terfl crealnerl' , 13tii1UAe ! ; iuidris , IG ½ c' ; factory 10 ½ i12e , ROGt-Itvecipts , 3,711 likgs. ; quiet ; west- urn , hlfjdhi,4e ; southern , lui,1lc. , . I'e.riri 3liirkcti , PEORIA , June 11-CORN-FIrm1 higher ; No , 2. 3Ic. OATS-Active , lower ; No , 3 white , 200. \\1 I ISKY-Fhrtn ; high liroof spirIts , $ L221j. 'I'ots't ( , .lhiirket. TObElO , 0. , June 1l-WhtEAT-ower , steady : No. 2 cttsli , $1.01 : June , $1. CORN-Dull , steady ; No. 2 raised , 33'4c. OATS-Dull. steady ; No. 2 mixed , 200. OIA1IA LIVE STOCK IARKET Week Winds Up with a Stiff Run an1 Active Business. GOOD DEMAND DEVELOPS FOR TIlE CATTLE Heef I'rIcc aeternlh , ' Ilighier , hint PareI SteadyIlogs Slump Ileaily Unslor tire Eastern Ihrenk-Shieeis Strung , SOUTh OMAIIA , June Il. Cattle , hogs. Slice flereipta today , . , , , , . , . , . 2,343 7,602 Oillcinl yesterday , , . , , , , . 2,187 5,245 2 One week ago , , . , , . , . . . , , , 1,320 4,583 Two weeks ago . , . , , , , , , , , 1,914 6,936 1,817 Otto month ago . . . , , , , , , , , 1b66 9,217 2,5,4 , One year ago , , . . . , , . , , , , . 1,007 6,21o 2,332 iteceipta for ( lie week with coniparlsons : Cattle. llogs. Sheep. \'eek ending June 11 , . , 15,108 42,59 1,634 \Veek coiling Jtifle 4. , , , 12,927 35,0(1 ( 1l,43 Week ending May 22 , , . 13,349 43,966 21,528 Week ending May 21. , . 13,912 42,960 2l,63 Same week 1197 . , , , , . , . 36,838 33,416 8,030 Same week 1596 , , . . . , . , , , 8,098 33,139 1,910 Average irlco paid for hogs for tInt last seven ( btys , wIth comparIsons : 1r898. III 4 , 2,871 4.39 4,411 4IS JUlio 5 . , , 3.31 2,93 4.35 4,49 6,69 June 6 . . , 4,00 3,01 4.29 4,55 6,11 4,42 June 7 . . , 3.88 3.10 e 4,34 4.80 6.29 4z,0 Julio 8 . , , 3,58 3.31 3.08 4.36 4,5 ! 6,36 4,61 Juno 9 . , , 3.92 3.29 3,01 4.53 637 4,62 Julie 10 . , , 3.9S 8.27 2.93 4.38 6.41 4,66 JUne 11 , . . , , , . . , .27 2.91 4.44 4,57 4,65 Itidicates Su'nday. The ofliclal number of cars of stock brought in todity by each road was : Cattle 1Ios. C. lit , & St. I' . fly. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Missouri I'nciflc Ity. . . . . . . . . 13 1 Union I'iicIii System . , . . , , . , . . , , , , 22 26 F. , Fl & it ! , V. Ii. It . . , , , . , . , , . . . , . is 36 S. C. & 1' , Ity. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I C , , St. I' . , It ! . & 0 , fly. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2S 7 fl. & M , ft. It. It , , , . , . , , , . , , , , , i , . . , 16 36 C , , 11 , & Q , It ) ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 F. C. & St. J. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 C. , it. I. & P. fly. , west. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Total receipts . . , . , , , , . . , , , . , , , , . . 93 115 The disposition of the day's receipts was as follows , ettehi buyer liurchasing ( lie number of head indicated : Buyers. Cattle. Ilogs. Sheep. Onnttia l'nckiiig Co . . . , . , . . , 1,526 . , . , a ii. ilammonti CS ) . . . . . . 103 019 , . , , Swift ansi Comliany Vol 1,511 Cudahy Piteking Co. . . . . . 718 IOSO 29 It. liecker and Degan . , 61 Lobman & Itothschhitls , 421 , , , . , , , ' . Krebbs & Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . g L. 1" , husz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 220 Coey & Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 454 North I' . tIl P. Co. . . . . . . . . . . . 246 Swift froni country. . . . . . 76 Cndafiy 1' . Cu , , K. C. , . 24 Swift , to Chicago. . . . . . . . . . . . 150 Other buyers . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 28S Left over . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 ( ) Totnl.t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.146 S.04 29 Shippers who have vIsited the yards this week from ) S'llely separated sections cc- Port the country Under water and roads next to impassable , and It woull , 'seem quIte reniarkuble unslor such cIrcumstances that receipts Iatve lucid up so well. it wilt be tioted front the comparative statement of the recehltS by weeks given above ( lint the arrivals of both cattle iulid huogs have been large thIs week , Anothier circumstance - stance tlia.t would naturally be expected to keep back shiihsmentuu of hogs is tlu fact that Prices have iceii decidedly lower , but still ( lie hogs hutve kept coming. CATTLE-Omaha had about all the cattle that were ott sale today , there not being enough at either Kittisas City or Chicago to establish ( lUotatlofls. The 100 loads on sale at this point , however , were none too many to supply nil the demands of ( lie buyers and the market as a whole was In very faIr shape , Desirable beef steers sold quite readily at just about steady Prices and everything in that line was sold and generally weighed up in good season. Thifl less desIrable kinds were a little slow and still practically everything sold early. I3eef cattle have been doIng a little better this week and values have gradually worked upward. handy natIves , such as are Ia tjio best ( IC- mnnd , are INjl5c higher than a week ago , while heavy natIves have gained 51Cc. Even the heavy and rough branded cattle are a little stronger than : t week ago , Only IL few cows and hehters wore on sale this morning anli. the yards wra soon cleared , but cow stuff was If anything easier , The cow market hits been on ( ho down grade all ( lila week , as has been frequently remarked before in this column. The loss for the wck can safely be Put at 264325c , and there are some who would call it still more. h3'yers : took It Into their heads that the cow market was too high afl(1 they hutve been on the bear side all the week. Still it i hardly reasonable to OXlCCt cow stuff to sell down very much us It Is generally admitted that supplIes are hlght In ( lie country and that good breeding - ing stock cannot be had at any price. Moreover It is still some tIme before grass butchers' stock Is likely to show up In sulilcient numbers to materially affect the market. Texas grass cattle are moving , but those received by the packers here thIs week are reported as not being nearly so fat as the cattle were last year. Stockers rind feeders have been In good demand all the week , but very light supply. Under stick conditions there was no ( lunger or 'aiiieg deilnlne' si nit , . osi It l , . . . . . lii that good light stockers arc selling as hIgh as at mtiiy tIme. 11005-Over a hiundred cars or hogs were reported in thIs morning a liberal run for any day of the week ami a very large run for a Saturday. It was , in fztet , the largest run for a Saturday Mace the seeomi week In May. The explanation given for the large run no the last day of the week wus to ( Ito effect ( hint thio ground Is so wet that farmers can (10 no work on the land , so they are putting In ( heir tIme getting theIr stock to miukot. The large run was of itself an element of weakness , but not the chief. The heavy slump iii provisions yesterday on yellow fever reports had prepared everyone for a bad bog market today. Chicago set the nace by utiriounclng a decline of lSc early in the mornIng , ittid Kansas City followed wIth a reported decline of 18iJ20c. Tim hog market at this poInt openeml a tint lIe lower. ( ho early sales being largely at 3S07i3.S5 , at ; against 33.93434.00 yesterday. Probably not over ii ( luiseter of the re- Ceipta sold on the early market and then List : more ' gent orders beIng filled the II ark ' slowed UI ) . i1yers in many cases ivent back on their fIrst bids antI began to talk that they must have droves to cost not over $3.80. Salesmen were slow to Part with their holdings but In the end hind to take their medicine , a great many selling at $3,50. and * 30mb down to $3.75. 'L'lits hums been ( lie low veek on hogs since the commencement of this. , big bulge ( lie second week in Miii' . The week opened at a decline of close to lOc , dropped 12ic on 'l'ueslisy , and was it trifle ensler on 'tyodnes- dIL ) ' , After a drop of 22 ½ c In three days a reactIon set In on Thiuirusdmsy , i'alucs on that day averagIng almost 5c hIgher. On Fri- ( liLy another Sc 'wits rLcIt1 , lint 1111 the gain mutiul more , too , wars wiped out at the close ( it the week , The net hosts for the week lii hog timlut's tooted up 257130c. The decline carries the market to tlits lowest point touched iii over me month ansI Puts it bade to where It 'sVII ttt the close of April. After nil ( lie decline hogs are still higher than they were a ye'nr ago by 800 a humnlrcsl , and 781180c hiighisr ( lana two years ago , SIIREP-Thero were only a few head of sheep and Innibs ( hint were driven In , antI not enough of anything to make a test of the market. The spring lambs brought $6.50 , anal ( lie ewes 84,00 , which looked like strong prices , 'rhe receipts of' sfmeep ansi lambs have been ( lie higlutezit this 'vt'ek ( it any in a long time , in ( act thin lightst of the year to date , Thuerti Is iiothiing surprIsing In ( hint titct , hioivevt'r , as it t'as expected by Shed ) then who hin'u beemi aware that suppjlen In this section were practically exhausted soil ) ) ) days itgo and ( limit June i'oulc1 In all hlicbabiilty see very small receipts , 'rhioro are sonic scattering lots to come this month , but not rnnmi' , and It will probahily be the 1st of July before suiplies can be de. Isc'itlcil IllicIt regularly , As to 'ahtics , there has been so little hero that a faIr test of the market can hardly be said to hauve been musIc , but from the ( Limiter of the buyers and the urgency of thie demand us veil as ( ruin the comithition of eastern markets it is sate to say ( hint the nnarkt't is at the high noint of ( lie season and ( hint anythIng desirable 'would bring hiiglier Prices than a week ago. 1cm ississ CIt y Live , Stat'I : . } ANSAS ci'ry , itlo. , June 1l.-CATTjF -1te'c'iits , 124 head ; for iveek , 21,000 hieasl. Light receipts tmntl good general tiemnatul have served to advance lirices about 15c the lust week : lirimiie native steers. $1.804f 4.95 : medIum , $ & & & 74.75 ; light weIghts , $4.00 4j4.70 ; stockers and feeders , $ L005.5Q ; butcher cots's arid helfers. ; 3.30744.70 ; trio- tiers , $2.507f3.25 : bulls , $3.OSii 4.00 ; wL'serl ) steers , $1.00h4.624. ; Texans , $3.004.50 ; 'rexus Cows , $3.OS4jl.00. 31005-Receipts , 7.t92 head ; ( or week , 64,000 itead.'hlle offerings for light , eon- tlnued shrinkage in value of hog liroducts hiu'o causenl a further dclinn of hogs ; hienvy hogs , 23.85413.93 ; mnixetl. 33.702J3.55 ; lights , 33.40f13.(5 ; pIgs $2Tr4n3.Se , SIIREP-lteceipts , 25 head : for week , 9- 000 head. Ih'niand continues good. All de. I ' strahle stock ndvnneed from ISe to 25e Late sales were Spring hambs $5 so1i6.75 ( 'olorndo wool lambs , $6.OOh 6.1& muttoas , $480415.10 ; Texas rgrlI5 niheell , $3.758(440 , Arizona , $4l0h4Gri ; & stssckers anti Ll.iStg4.&o , - - CII ICAGO Lt'hi ' 44'OCK iAItIu'r. Supiihy or Cnttie ? . niusi vricrs An , Higher. CIIICACIO , June 11.-Cattle today was nictive to the exton" tthie meager tippl' . Prices ruled lOlJISc ! than a week ngo ; choice steers , $4,9O3. medium , $4,501i4,65 beef steers , 84.i0f4.4dh IstockerS and feed. era , $3J5t4,90 ; eowmn ntil heiters , $3.4ttUI.S0 ; canners , $2.60l'3,35 : $1,00tfjC.60 ; Texas steers , $3.0lt4&o. I'ruckers wanted hogs , taut provisions were still lower and h'Jlq for hogs took a tumble of 1041l&e , Yhtir 'to ' choice , $1.0011'I.IS ; Pluckers 83.807(3.95 ; hutchiers $7.IXVtt4.05j mixed , 3.S04j1.00 ; light , 83.70114.60 ; pIgs , $2.Ia Thic offerings of Sl'iPel ' ) sold at ( lie recent I advance. Native Miel1 , $3.007S.12t : cx. porters , $4.407i5.12l : ' 'rexa ns , $3.s07t4.0 ; yearling lambs , $ i,0o6.00 ; spring lambs , $50011660. Receipts : Cattle , 300 head ; hogs , 18,000 head ; ShOe ! ) , : isoo head. St. 1.ouis Lie Stock. ST. LOUIS Juite hl.-CAT'I' L.l-fleceipts , 200 head , Including 100 TexanS ; itiliiiieiits , 309 heasi ; market steady anti null ; fair ( p fancy native shipping and export steers $1.35475.l5 ; bulk of sniers , l.0t14.8O ; dressesi beef and butcher steers , 84,001(4.55 ; bulk of attIc's , $ u.4071 1,70 ; steers under 1,000 pouiitl , 23.110414.00 ; bulk of sitle , $1.33574.50' stockers and feeders , $3.2&414.70 ; buIlt of sales , $3.DOif 4,40 ; cows antI heiters , $2.00114.80 bulk of rows , $2.S53.75 ; Texn and IndIan steers $3.284r4.45' bulk of subs , $3.50I4.10 ; cows and helfors , 2.75jj3.75. hlOGS-Itecelpls , 2,800 head ; sluipnient ; , 1,100 head ; market lOttlle lower than yesterday - terday ; yorkers , $3.S0p3,9) ; lmckcrs , 83.8543 4.00 ; butchiers , $1,007jftj3. SilEEl'-Receipts , 1,000 hearl' shipments , 1,400 head ; market r.tead9' : natfve nitittons , 84.00414,70 : lnmnhis , 85.904,6.20 ; culls and bucks , $3.254y3.80 ; Texans , $ 'LSOII4.23. New York hihe Stock , NEW 'YORF , Jutie 11-IJES1VES-fle. ceipts , 7&0 heath ; no triisiinig exports , 1,555 cattle and 3 912 quarters of beef. CALVIOS-heceipta , 'JO head : market dull ; common to Choice veals , $4,0tijO.00 ( ; no but- termilka. SIIER1' AND LAMBS-Receipts , 3.590 head ; lirime stock stcady other grades lower ; sheep 33,50114.50 : yearlings , $4,0013 5.50 : lambs. $ d.00117,00. 1-IOOS-Itcceipts , 3,391 head ; slow at 84,00 414.30 ; southern and western pigs , 83.0013 4,2.i. Stock iii Sight , Record of receIpts of live stock nit ( lie four lirlnciPal markets for Julie II : Cnttle , hogs. Sheep. Omaha . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2,313 , 7,602 29 Chicago . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 300 18,000 3,500 F1tmrisas City . . . . . . . . . . 128 7,892 29 St. Louis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200 2,109 1,000 Totals . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2,071 36,234 4,557 OMAhA ( l0LIltAL MARKETS , Condit ton of 'I'rnde tutu Quntrullous on Slnplc rural 1'nuiey I'roluee. EGGS-Good ( ock , Dc. IIUT'rl4R-Csimnmon to fair , 91llc : sep- nmator , 15c ; gathered creamery , 13tic. VI2AL-Choico fat , SO to ' 20 lbs. , quoted at S9c : large Rnti coarSe , 61j7c. ' ' , , , , , _ LlVF I'flh1T)1'flVTTonc CIL ' ' nli 'nnt ' ' ON , 4c ; sliming chickens , 1 ; ducks , Tc ; zeese , IC , 1lG EONS-Live , per SIOZ. 754790c. HAY-Upland , 87,00 ; midland , $6.00 ; lowland - land , $5.50 r3e straw , $4.00 ; color makes the prIce on hay : light bales sell the best : only tel > grades brIng tOl ) prices. VEGE'rA TLES. ONIONS-New sou'thn , per lb. , 2l4112l4c. Ill.i NS-llnnsl-plc.eeLnttvy , per bir. , $1.23 , POTATOES-Ijoni nown , SIc ; new po- tntoes , er ho. , $ l.33. 4 TOMATOE5-Per.fsisir- crate , $1.50 tlJl.75 ; 1-3 bu. box , 75e11t.00. GREEN ONIONS-Per doz. . jOe. CUCUMBERS-Per dpz. SOc. WAX DEANS-1-3 ' b'n 1box , 5013700. FFfUITS. STRA\V13ERRIErMJssoiirls. $ l,75132.OO ; peddlers' stock , $ l.(131.0. ( BLACK RASPBII131I ES-Per 24-qt. case , $3.00 ; 24-pt. case , $ L50. DLACIillElthlI ESp$2,5&iI2.75. Al'PLlIS-Oenetons. $3.75. GOOSEI3EIeflIEs-p 24-sit. case , $1.2513 1.50. 'I , ) - C1IEItRIES-Peg(4.qt. . , case , $190. TROPICAL FRUITS. 0 RANGES-SeedtIfl ? $2.50 ; Mediterranean - nean sweets , $2.504i2 73. LEMONS-Cnhif rha } , " $375134.OO ; ' fancy Messinit , $4.755j5$0. - , DANANAS-Cholcep large BtOCk , per bunch , S2.QO7j225 ; medium , 8ized bunches , $ l.75j12.00. MISCELLANEOUS. NUTS-Almondit ; pcr IlL. large sIze. 1247 13c ; small , lie ; Iiruizhhgperhb. , 94710c : Eng. lish walnuts , per lb. , fancV soft shell. 1143 lic ; standards , 8119c ; Illberts , per lb. , ice : uecans. polisheti , medium. 'kZjic ' ; extra large , 811cc ; iarg1 hickory nuts , 81.00471.10 per bu. ; small. 81.23431.31 vet bu. : cocoanuts , per 100 , $4 ; 1)eUflUtS , raw , & 435 ½ c ; roasted , 61i6c. MAPLE SYRUP-Five-gal. can , each , $2.75 ; gal. cans , pure , per tloz. , $12 ; half-gal. cans $0.25 : cuart cans , $3.50. FthS-Imported , fancy , 3-crown , 14-lb. boxes , hoc ; 5-crown , 41-lb. boxes , 13c ; 2-lb. boxes , 227123c per box ; faIhfornia , 10-lb. box. $1. 1JONE'x-ChoIce white , Ec ; Colorado amber - ber , bIllie. KRAIJT-Per bbb. , 33.50 ; per half bbl. , 2.25. DATES-Hallocve . , 60 to 70-lb. boxes , 5iAc. SaIr , Sc ; Ford , 9-lb. boxes. Dc. CIDER-Per half bbL , 83 : bbl. . $3. hIDES , TALLOW , ETC. IIIDES-No , 1 grenhi hides. Cc ; No. 2 green hldo. Sc ; No. 1 salted hides , Sc : No. 2 green Salted hIdes , 7c ; No. 1 veal calf , S to 12 lbs. , Sc ; No. 2 veal calf , 12 to 15 lbs. , 7e. TALLOW , GREASE , ETC.-Tallow , No. 1 , 3e ; tallow , No. 2 , 2'Ac ; rough tallow , 1c ; whIte grease , 2ij2c ; yellow and brown grease , 1'4,4l24c. SHEEP PELTS-Green salted. each , 1547 75c ; green salted shicarings ( short wooled onrly skins ) , each , ISo ; dry shearings , ( short wooled earlP skins ) , No. I , each , Sc ; dry flInt , Kansas and Nebraska butcher wool pelts , per hi ) . , actual weight , 41100 ; dry flint , Kansas and Nebraska inurraln wool pelts , per 11 , . , actual WeIght , 3474c ; dl ) ' flInt , Colorado butehiet wool Pelts. per lb. , actual weight , 41100 : dry flint , Colorado mur- ruin wool pelts , per lb. , actual weIght , 3 fj4c. fj4c.FURSDear FURS-Dear ( black or brown ) $5.004720.OO ; otter , $3.0418.O0 : mink , 154360c ; jicaver , $1.00 476,00 ; skunk , 100 , 25c , 500 ; muskrat. 3c , Sc , 7c ; raccoon , 15@DOc ; rel fox , 25c41b.25 ; gray fox , lSrijSOc ; wolf ( tImber ) , 25clj$2.50 $ ; svolf ( PraIrie coyote ) , 104750c : wIldcat , 101j25c ; badger , 5474'c ; silver fox , 85,004375.00 , Liverpool itlisrIcet. LIVERPOOL , June 11-W'IIEAT--.Spot dull ; No. I northern spring , Ss ; futures , quIet ; July , : : s 3d : September , Ss 4 ½ d. FLOUR-St. Louis fumicy wInter , dull at bls 'JO , 1101'S-At London ( Pacific coast ) , dull at 2474. PItOVISIONS-Beet , dull ; extra India hliesis , 75s ; prime mess , ( Is lid , I'tiik , dull ; lrilno mess , iltie Western , 55s ; PrInte mess , medium western , SOs. hams short cut , 14 to 16 pounds , firm at Dlii , FIttcun , ateady ILL lOs ; short rIbs , 32I4 Gd ; long clear miii. dies , light , Obs Gil ; hang clear middies , heavy , 31s Gd : short clear backs , 3ls : clear bellies , ha. Lard , prime western , dull at luitu 3tI. 'I'iillow , prime chty , drill rut ZOs 60. CIIEESE-IDull ; American fInest white atiti colored ( old itIihjI new ) , 15s 60 , 01 LS-Cottoniseeti oil , Liverpool refIned , steady at 16 Sri , Tupeitine , spirits , steady iit _ 2ls 'JO. Rosin. ( oninlbn , steudi' at tus. lCiiiisgis CiI ( ra.lu.jtiisl l'rovisioiis. KANSAS CITY , Juno 11.-WI IEAT-llrird sluil , 1412e lower ; so'ftJ.nit'glectetl amid lowt'r ; No , 1 bard , DDe' No. . 2 , 9SfJ9S''e : No. 3. DIe : No. 1 red , Doe ; No. In do ; No. 3 , 800 ; No. 2 spring , OSe ; No. 3 , DOe. COIIN-lilarket ra1Jwei. weale anti lower ; No. 2 mixed , 3O4j3Oc ; No. 2 white , Ilc ; No , 3. 32c. OA'I'S-Market very -ii'eak , 2413c loiver ; No. 2 white , 25c ; nnej iitr , special , 200. ltYE-Iularki't titcarhy ; No , 2 , 44e , I3UT'I'lIt-Mnrket--s4usdy ; creuniely , 1243 iliAc : dale ) ' , l0iji2c. F.GOS-Murket wt43tc ' 4treshi , 7c , 1tE1'lOl1"I'H-Whit'at ' 18,600 ho , ; corn , 17- 501) Pu. : oats , 21,000 nii.i. Is SI I I I'M bNTS-Wletate ; 13,800 bu. ; corn , 29,600 bu. ; oats , 1,0As.bu CI Odd IIIIIiI I s1lnrkot. cINCNNA'rt , JIinsflb1.-WhII0AT-Weak and quiet : No , 2 red' ' , $5. COltN-l0asy ; No. 2 mixed , 3Rec. oA'rs-steasihp : No. 2 fliiXeI , 27c , I1YR-Quiet : No. 2. 45c. 1'ItOVlSlONS-l2asier. Lard , $5.95. hulk meats , $57 ½ . Ihacon , 86.85 % . \'bllSliYbrirrn at 81.33. I1U'1"I'lIt-l2uisier and lower : fancy ElgIni creamery , blv ; Ohio , hZ47lSc ; slairy , lOc. SUGAIt-EnaD' ; IntrO refined , 81.47116.10. ECiGS-Steruly at Do , CIIIi1ESF1-Steady ; good to prinie Ohio flat , P1j7c. hsiltin.ure Mtirkets , IIAIIi'IMORIO , MO. , June 11-FLOuR- \ % ' 'utk ansI louver ; western sul.erflnie . , $351143 3.75 ; iverstOrli extra , $4.001i4.75 ; western funnily , $5.001i5.5O : winter i'rhieat , $600116.75 ; slrlnlr whremtt. $ G.2546.90 ; sprIng vhteut straights , $6.0046.25 ; reCellitS , 9,985 .bhis. ! ; ox- 1)0,18. , 75 litils. V11EAT-UnsvttletI ; spot , $ l.OO43i.00) ; - JOBBERS RND 14RN1ffRCIURERS _ _ OF OMAHA0 : - a , - - - - AGRICUISTURALIMPLEMENrS _ arIin , Orendorff & Mai'thi Co J obbcrs of Farm Machinery. Wagon. and Uuula - Ccc. 8th and lone. . .iur GOODE . ! ! ! - p ici'urc M'oldings. Mirrors , Frame. , hackIng and Artists' Materials. BOILER AND 1fElT IRuN WORKS D rake , WiIsoi & Wiflrnrns Successors Wilsisu & Drake. Manufacturers hollers , smoke nsintek nOd brcechrings , presstlre , rentlerinig , ahit'cl , Oil ) , laril ansi waei ( rinks , tnhlcr tubes con- stanitiy on 110110 , second hand hollers boo ghit a tisI sold , Sluel nI ri tid ProtliPt to repairs in city or cotinr ) ' . bDtlu atul I'iercc , 130 OTS.-SIIOES-RUBBERS , mercan IIaiu Sewed Shoe Co 1'frs Jobbe's of Fool Wear WESlEitN AO5T5 FOR The Joseph Bangan Rubor Co. C.H. Sprague & Co. , Rubber5 and Muckintoske& . 1 107 howard St. , OMAHA r.P.KirkenaII & Co Roofs , Shoes and Rubbers Bal.sroomi tlOI.ilOL.tbc * Uneasy Street. - - \A/.L \ rnorse C. Boot's , Shoes , Rubbers , AT WHOLESALE. ChIco and Salesroorn 1119.21.23 Howard St. BAGS 8ms Omaha ag Co ( tnportcrs and MauUtctnror BAGS 6r-r6.i8 Soil/IL ill/i Streel CHICORY The"meican ' Chico'y Oo Orowers anti manufacturers Sr all foums of Chicory Omnaha-Freniont-O'NeIt. CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE M H. Bliss , a . Irnporler and Jobbe Crodery. Ciziiti : , Glassware , Silver Plated Ware , Looking Glasses , Chan- dellers , Lamps , Chimneys , Cutlery , to. 1410 FARNAIL ST. CREAMERY SUPPL11S T h Shares.pay Creamery . /J'Iac/iinery / Boilers , Engines and , Feed Supplies. Cookers , Wood Put. leys , Shafting. Belting. Butter Pack- 53e15 of all kinds , . $07.909 Jones St. - - - - - DRY GOODS. Map E1 Smith & Co. iaiportorseijd Jobber. of Dry Goods , Fu'nisJilg Goods AND NOTIONS. month , D9c bitt' July , 8P41188e : steamer , No , 2 red , 9ODO)1c ; receipts , 18,800 Pu. ; exports , none ; southern , by sample , 91c43 81.01 % : southern , cii grade , 'J5c4Tl.Ol. COIIN-Earty : spot and month , 3G47361c : July scl43i:6c : : ; steamer mixed , 35i(33ic ; reCeillttS , 211,900 Pu. ; exports , 212,270 Pu , : southern whIte , ale ; southern yellow , 5643 36e. oA'rS-Stendier : No. 2 s'hiitc , western , 32',4 6133c ; No. 2 mixed , 3O'lyiic ' ; receipts , SI- , 5e7 liii. : exports , none. nu'r'rEbt-Steady ; fancy creamery , 17c : fancy Imitation , IGe ; tune ? ladle , lIe ; good ladle , lie ; store , 1211130 ; ( rehi , blitjllc. c1l1ESE-Stensis' ; New 'York , large ' S@ 9c : New York , medium , 9l43j9c' ; New 'York , rnuil D@bOo. , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Grtiii ltei'i'IjntN at l'riiicIiifll Sirirkets , s'r. LOUIS , Juiio 1i-Ilecelptis Wheat , 21 cars. It ! INNF1APOI.1S , Juno 11-Receipts : W'hc'nt , II cars. CHICAGO , Jute : 11-Receipts today : W'hiea ( , 36 cars ; corn ; 601 cars ; oats , 190 cars , NA'AL l'itl'/.hI MONEY. Ans'jIt'iit Origini of Out , of tIre SioIlS ( if ' .Vnr. TIm large earnings in lirlCn money already - ready secured by all of Admiral Dewey's war vessels arid by some of ( hue vessels of Admiral Sampson anti Comm000ro Sciiioy , says the New York Sun , have naturally at- ( meted much attention , Hostilities , however - over , wIll huavo to last a long ( hue before ( Ito navy cmi equal its hirize winnings from 1861 to 1865 , svhiicht aniouniteil to nearly $12 , . 000,000 , derIved ( coin hundreds of captures , including many blockade runners. It may seem strangO that sailors who couture a shOp by tiring a blank shot across lice bow hioUld reap it rich reward there- from , shillu soldiers who reduce a town by an assault ( hint Jimy cost a thousand lives get nothing , But the rule denying to the army a share In the spoils is duo to ( lie abolition among civilized nations of the ancient sacking and looting of towns , The old-time incentive ofIeretito prowess on ( Ito seas bus remained to this day. Thu rule Is that it the prize Is of equal or superIor force to ( Ito vessel or vessels monk- big ( hue capture all ( hue net proceeds go to ( ho capiors if of Inferior force , one-half to the United States and one-half to ( be captors. Half the vulue of a neutral mace- . . . - - - - ' - - - . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - DRUGS. carsDrug _ Ca. 902.90 Jackson St. 1. 0. 1tfCI1.flDSON , Preat , ci , ) ' , WELLER. V , PrMt. The Mercer k Chemical Co M'f'r. ' 4enctart 1'htiruiei.iffoal 1'rspar4. ( foul , SpecIal Fornms ae 'repare $ to order. . ' 4sd ( on' Catalogue , Z.abor&torr , 1111 htoward St. , Omaha. C.Ee Druq t'cfs and Saiioner. ' , "Quesni flee" Opeciallie. , Cigars , Vinsu and lIrn.ndlt. , Corner 10th ae3 Ilsrny 6ret. . - ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES , Western E1etrioaI Company .Tflcctrical Su/ib/ics. ten tt'itiVIl'lnff hells and ( : is Liglitluig (1. V. JO1lNSTONMgr , 1510 howard St. Wolf Electriual Supply Co WUO.EBALS AND RETAIL. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES SIN Tarmiam 51 , ' FRUIT-PRODUCE , . B ranch & Go , IVIIOLEALE Commission Merchants , S. V. Corner 12th and Howard Ste. Member. of ( hue National League of Coinmi.- aloe 3&trchaa ( . of tire United Statee. GROCERIES. J4cCord"Brady Co. 13th and Lcttvenvi'orth St. Staple and Fancy Groceries1 114 ASO COIFEL ROtSIERS. ( IC. I4 eyar & Raapke , WILOLESALB FiNE GR 0 CERIES ' Tea. . . SpIces , Tobaco * un Cigcas. I 1(03-1407 llarney Semi , Daxto.n arni. . ' , , ' Gallagher Co IMPORTERS. GAS COPICEE ROASTERS ANII JOUHING GROCERS. 'rehephun. 23. } IARNESS-SADDLERY. J oHanoy : & 1o. . * t'r. HAIINJISS , HADDL1 1ND COLLAUS Jobbora of Leather , .Saddlcry Ilai-dware , PIle. We solicIt your order , . 1315 Howard St. HARDWARE. etor &WiheImy Co . Wholesale hardware , Omaha. . L eeNCIark Andre3sen Hardware Co Wholesale Hardware. Bloioies and Sporting floods. . 1219-'A8-25 Usa" soy I'troci. chant ship trying to run ( lie blockade or of an enemy's nicrchantman taken on the hugh seas , may seem a very large rewartl for ( hue captors , since ( hula kind of work Is usually easy. But , like the moiety to In- formners under statute law , it rests on run- dent usage , antI ( hint , hi turn , on ( lie value of an extra Btiniulue to vigilance. No otto wIll dispute ( lint while such a rule exists regarding captured rnerchtanmen ( , one other provision as to an enemy's war ships is just. This is that a bounty Is given to a ship which sinks or otherwise destroys an etteiiiy'H war vessel in an engagement , This bounty Is $200 for each person on board ( lie enemy's sluIp at ( Ito lleginning of ( he engngcflien ( , if ho Is equal or superIor to our own force , end $100 If shun is inferior. If sire in destroyed in the ptibhic interest Inunedlately after capture , the bounty for each person on hoard at the capture is $50. Sorneinies ( ( lie qunestlon of inferiorIty or superiority anti also of the enemy's comnple- ment may have to be one for judicial opln- ion. him dhvlihiitg the total prize money , either for the ziicrchtaiitnau or ( lie uar ship , thie division 1 * inane proportionate to the pny of omeers and men , except ( lint ( ito commander of the squadron or fleet gets a twentieth part , rind the commander of a single ship one-tenth of his ship's share , Liriless acting independently of a suleriQr officer , when Ito gets ihree'twenietlis. ( For fleet captains and comniodorea of divisions ( hero are also special percentages , IL may be doubted whether prize money , us now reckoned anti paid , will last through ( Ito twentieth century , as ( brought centuries in ( Ito past. If ( hue powers that took part in the declaration of I'arla of 1856 had acceded to our country's proposal for the exemption of lirivato property at sea from capture , prize money would have received , in one of Its applications , a barth blow , But oven In blockade running antI in bathe - ( ho It does not seentu likely to be perpetual , and when it goes Jack will do lila duty , like his brother in the army , ( or nolting ( but hula regular pay , Meanwhile ho will certainly win his prIze money all through ( lie present war , and a good deal of such money has been accumulated - cumulated durIng the past six weeks. 'i _ _ . - - - - , . LIQUOR3 , . Walter Moise & Co VhtOI.Euh'el.I' LIQ UORS. Proprietor. of AMgltlCJN ( 'hOAR AND OL.AS WAI1tI CO. ! i4.21I South 14th St. , - - , R ileyBrothers , ' . IVho/esafe Liquors and Cig.zrs. . - 1118 Il'ariem , Sired. _ _ _ liar's agIe Uivi " 7" ' East India Bitters GoIdsn Shea ? Pure lii's and Bourbon Whisks ? . WIllow Spring' Dh.tIIl.l7 , list & Ca. , 131 Ilarney marceL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , S.- WHOLESALE Hi'nes , Liquors and Cigars. . 4u'ttl B. 11th Street. LUMBER hIcaoLrnnberOo. . ( , WHOLESALE k iUMBER . . . 8l4Bouthl4tbSt. - r- ' - OILS-PAINTS StandardOil Th. : . A. Monet , - 3. Drake aen ) .Ige . . . .OJLS. . . . ' \ Oaeohfle , Tttrpentae , Axle C.rence. - Cimnha Branch and Acencies. iohn II. Ruth SIgr. - , , ' PAPER-WOODENWARE. , , , . , ( rPenIor Paper Co. P'in1ing' Pafter , I'VraJping' Pai'er , StaUoney. . 4 Corner SlUt and Reward etmu. . _ _ _ _ _ _ 5 , . . - - - - - - - STEAM-WATER SUPPLIES. I CraneaOhurhilI Co . loi.4-lol6flotualasStreet , Manufacturers and Jobbers of Steam , Os. ad Water Supplies of.A1I Kinds. . , . " 1T ited 'States SppiyCo. . xo8-zzro Harne ; ' St. , S Steam Pumps , EngInes and BoIlers , Pipe , j Wind Mills , Steam and PlumbIng 7 ' Material , Belting , Hose , Etc. f _ - - _ TYPE FOUNDRIES G reat Wstera lype Foundry Superior Copper Mixed Typ Is ( hi beat - , f the market. p- , _ _ - . EL.ECTROTIPE . FOUNDR'L . . 11.18 Reward Stx..L , Strangers in Omaha 1 Arb invited ' To inspect ( 0 , The Bee Building. L ' The most complete Newspaper plant In the West. i I--- t - - - JAMESE- flOYD & CO. , I 'I'clclllonc COMMISSION 1039. Oinczhn , , Nd , I GRAIN , PROVISIONS ai s'rocis IIOARIJ Op TRADII , Dlrer't wires to Chicago sad New York. Correspontlent.m John . , Varren A Co. Removal H , IL. l'enny .c : Vu. ( sued-Sean t Chsristl-SIrc't Cs , , , , . Cs ) . ) hsiiv. , rciiovs ed to coon , 4 , New York Life , Iluilditig , ' Health s Weilh. $ . DR. E. C. WEST'S NERVE AND BRAIN TREATMENT I THE ORIGINAL , ALL OThERS IHITATIOHI , 1 Is soldunsler potitivo Wz'ltttls Guarantee , /1 byanthsorlmod agents only , t cure Weak Momoni Dizziness , Vakotulnou ' 1"ita , H stone , Quic 0385 , XIihit I.osee , Evit'Irenm ) , . I.ack of 'enS. siomico , , oryouissas , I.russitude , eli Drain. , Youth. ful 1rror , . or Eacussivo Use pf'rubacou , Opium , or Liquor. which leads to Misery , Consumption , Iasanit and Ieaihr , At otoro or by mail , $1 a box ; sixforSwthtvrltouguarantee ; ; Ia , euro or Vtruzuit zuoiie' , Namplo pluck. age , containing five clayc treatmoittwuth , full ) iaatrucion. , 25 coats , One riumpio oaiy void to each poraou , Atetoroorbymnail , , ( 'Red Label pccIaI Extra Strength , I Impotency. Loss ( 'owor , Joct , Ilaniiuood , ' , . * d1i Sterility or Rarronneuj. - - , 11 it LioxI LOX for $5wifl. J' , ' ' written . , , ( Jguarantoe4. thOflor bymait , AF 2 % Myers ZIllion IruE Co. , S. U. Curu. 1011 * rulid iruriaw Sts , . Owelsu , Neh. . I , " Lu. '