Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 13, 1898, Image 5

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Arnerican Have a Base of Operations on
. Cuban Soil.
( ) regot nii.1 'I'4 flI (3zIt In ( lie l'ence-
fill % % utrrs r the IttirPur ,
% .1iI ( , , , 'tII hr ii
for the Z'Ieet.
( Cop1gIit. , 189S , by the Asoctated I'rcs. )
KINGSTON , Jnmalca , Juno 12.-Of1 ( San
tiago do Cuba , Jutie 11. 4 p. n.-For ) three
; ilays the scene of the chief military and
naval operatlon8 haa been Calmanern and
' fluantanaino bny. The American flag Is
flying on shore and In the harbor , first
1)lanteI ) on Cubdu soil by marines froiii the
Panther , under Lieutenant Colonel It. W.
Iluntliigton , covred by the guna of the
I Mnrbleh'ad , commanded by Commantler Mc-
. Tlic battleshIp Oregon has already coaled
In the snioutli waters of the harbor niid
4 _ 1 has RaIIrlt away. The battleshIp Texas Is
. ' coalIng totlay , to be followed by the other
'r- -
, The squadrrn of Rear Adnilral Sampson
' 1 end Commodore Seliley are stIll off San-
' : , Lingo , maIntaIning n strIct notch tiny and
nIght to Prevent the possIbilIty of the es-
, : ot Cervern. Prom men who linvo
mailed to take observatIons or the liar-
bar It In learned deflnltcly , all agreeIng on
the l ) ° lflt. that the SI)8flIS1I cruIsers and
! to torpedo lioat ilestinycra are there , but
thcsc vcseIs are regnrleil by nnraI experts
arter nil ai "nien In buckrani. '
' As a high naval .
t 'i .offler remarked tnday :
- Spaln tlii ougliout Its 'hole ' history has
, liever souhit a naval fight , and never wIll.
\ . S It has always tlolgI , and In dodgIng now.
Cervura lLeVcr Intemleth to fight. lie In-
r tended to dodge , and lie huts stIcceeled.
' SpaIn vIlh never send another heeL to these
r Watei ; Ltlrlng the present wur. '
, , Severe storms prevaIl In the channel between -
- tween SantIago do Cuba and Jamaica , The
Press tlsptttch boats have encountered
tIies storms for the last teti days. riiaklii
the voyage dltitcult. The heat adds to the
discomfort , but a daIly servIce Is maIn-
- Cn ( FIPIM Ciillt'l'tri& I ii us.
In contiolhing the outer harbor of
Cuantatiamo , Rear AdmIral Sampson secures -
cures control of the Cuban terminus of the
) French cable to Ilnyth. Thin apparatus of
. thin 0111cc at the harbor mouth was wrecked
by a shell , but the cable steamer Aorta has
Iiistruiiients and operators on board , and
- dIrect communIcation wIth VashIngton vIhl
50011 ho estnbllshitd.
The distance overland to SantIago around
the bay Is about sIxty nillos and the roads
-1- have beeti rendered Itnpassahilo by the Cu-
baiis under l'edro I'erez. The first division
of the Cuban army claims to have 1.000
ilien. but these figures are probably over-
cstlinateti. Th Culians believe that there
arc 3,500 soldIers in the vIcinIty of Ca-
' mint , . which lIes at the entrance to the
. inner harbor. Guantanamo CIty Is iiiland
about fifteen miles. The two harbors are
connected by a narrow chaiiiinh.
Is the outer harbor whIch Admiral
Sampson now holds vIth the larblehieatl ,
Yosemite and Vixen anti a battalion of ma-
rifles oii the crest of a blunt-topped eziil-
nence commanding the entrance oti the
Western side. In the inner harbor are two
small Siuiiilsh guiiboats and at Calmanera
there is a battery.
U An expedItIon of three steam launches ,
, officercd by LIeutenant orman , Ensign Eus-
. tis , son of Juiiies 1) . Eustis , former UnIted
States anibassalor to France , auth Cadet
C. Van Onion , under the general coninuitid
of Lieutenant Anderson of the cruiser Mar-
, 1)lCllCUl , last nIght dragged for mInes but
found none. Lieutenant Anilerson , who dls-
tiiigulshed hImself at Clenfuegos , lUhled ) a
dIngy wIthin fifty yards of the fort without -
out being dIscovered. lie found the fort.
to consist of masonry with three guns
niounted seaward ,
JudgIng from the Imnic In which the
spanIards lied froiii the village at 1'Ishier-
wan's i'oint they wIll scatter at the first
LtiiIiroachi. They loft at Fishiernian's PoInt
three antIquated howitzers , several cases of
UlnIflullitlon , shell nilil canIster , sonic an-
: , tlquated rules and a regimental flag of infantry -
( fantry Dcl Prlnclpl No. 1.
i'recaution has been taken to guard tile
flioll from dIsease. All houses in the 10-
callty have been raIsed , Large casks of
SPanish wIno have been smashed , two velIs
have beii boartlel up , and all the drInkIng
nter ueil Is supplIed froill tile fleet. Tile
; f marInes are vcIl equIpped for the calii-
r ; t palgn. 'I'he canip will probably be named
I % Cump MeCalla , after the commander of the
I larbIohiead , who Is illilefatlgable , 011(1 has
I ' not FCIIIOVC(1 . hIs clothIng sliice the born-
The BritIsh stcttiner Newfoundland , of
L . Montreal , with IL general cargo from halt-
fax , steamed into the harbor and Its coin-
niander was greatly surprIsed at the lres-
011CC of the Anicilcans , but. lao retaIned
enough Composure to dIp lila flag three
\ _ tImes aitil thou started to put about. A
-q. shot across his bows froni the Marblehead
stopped tiliii , and the vessel was boarded ,
Its papers showIng that It was bound for
Janialca. The captaIn explaIned ( lint lie had
put in to 800 If lie could got a return cargo
of sugar , lie was informed that ho could
blot , iiiitl was then allowed to proceed ,
' ] 'Iiuisiiids A ri , llussiiert'l.
LIVEItI'OOL. , Juiio 12-Steamers whIch
have arrived hero froiii Sierra Leone report
1,000 vcrolls were kIlled In the recent Up.
rising in that distrIct , One hundred and
twenty inhabItants of Free Towii , most of
theni traders , are known to have been IllassiL-
crud , and other colonIsts were carrIed Into
thu bush by the "var boys" and undoubtedly
met a worse fate ,
Three hundred friendly natives wore
kIlled , and besides thp whIte mIssIonaries ,
ulx colored missIonaries of the UnIteil Broth-
run In Christ were inertlerod at Manoh-
bargru , The EnglIsh mIssIonaries are at the
ror Men ,
Women and ) \
- ; Chilth'en
_ _ .
7 _ a
I I ' ' .
I. , . ' t
j '
: t
k \ : .
, p .
I 4 -
I : ' ' . p I
-u ,
, ( :
All StgIes
. All Dearers.
mercy tif the "war beys , " but have not been
Old Selllr ; i : ; lntns 1'ittiitr.
hlASTf(1S , June 12.-Speclnl.- (
Ely H , ially 411041 yesterday morning at hIs
home In this city , The funeral servIces
were held thIs nfetrnoari at the
famIly residence. The remaIns were
Interred in the L'htoy cerncler.
The doceaseil was one of Adonis cminty's
earlIest settlers and was 71 year-s old at th.t
tIme of his death.
.1. S. Inriiok.
COhUMflU , Neb. , June 12.-Speclai- ( )
.1. 5 , Aturdock dleti at. his resIdence In thIs
city this morning after an illness lastIng
several months , aged 67 years. lie hiath resIded -
sIded In thIs county for the last twenty-
five years and for the last fifteen years or
more bad been engaged in the mercantile
trade. lie leaves his aged wIfe and two
luo Outeuk fur ' & 'ruiislnrts.
TACOMA , Waxh. , June 12.-The Northern
h'aclflc compnny'H shIp VIctoria has not left
hero for San Finnc1so The OlympIa will
not leave hero hieforo the 19th. The ArIzona
cannot reach here much before July 1 and
Urn Tacoma is still on its way to ChIna from
thIs lOl't , having saIled iay 20.
SUNDAY A' ! ' TIlE Full
( ContInued froth First I'age. )
positIon by Meyerbeor preceded a eupho-
alum solo by SIgnor ( liovanninl nail tiieii
the band rendered the Idyll "Em Mnercheif'
by i3chi. "The Coquette" was Sousa's
contribution to the progrant , whIch also in-
eluded t , of Mr. Snntetinann's itiost poll-
ular composItIons and the descrIptIve 'Coiil
Ical Contest" whIch has boeli heard mi soy-
oral occasions.
SVlIlSII-AMlltlt'.t S ltY PILOiILtM.
IereIs's .trriiiigeil In lit' ( 'nrrled Out
OIL ( lii' ( i rnitiis ,
June 2 I lisa beeti desIgnated as SwedIsh.
American day aIId proparat1tuus are now
beIng mailo by local natives of Sweden to
make thIs one of the biggest events of the
ontlro CXlOSItiOfl , 4 specIal raIlroad rate of
one fare pius $2 has been mtthe from all
points In the terrItory of the \'estern Passenger -
senger assoclatiuii east of Utah and It is
estimated that from 5,000 to 10,000 iteOple
will ho brought to tills cIt. ) ' on thIs occa-
sloii ,
A jubilee chorus of 00 voices has been
organIzed from the SwedIsh singing soele-
ties of Nebraska and Iowa and a program
of ekerclscs has beeti arranged to take place
Iii thin Autlltoriuni at 8 p. in. The program
Is as tohluas :
Opemling of mnaeting and introductIon of
l'reshlelit Wattlt's of the 1xpositlon.
I iitrluttIumi of ehairmunmi of the even-
lug . . . . . . . . huh. C. 0. l.obeek , l'resldent
'i.hresi . by clinlrmmnin of the evemmlng
.t. J. h. Luigren , LItnola , Nob. , I'ru-
sIding IIder Svetllh Al ethotIit Church
David's 150th I'salrn..G.Vennerberg
StllrLLllI ) , Soioiti'cit. . and Avia fromn
'Creation' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Haydn
mlIs ! mit : 1ut'ilr. ,
. .
'hear us Svea..C. \Vennerberg
zdt Chorus.
Soprano mimmil Tenor Duet , "rime Tones"
A. 1)ahml
i1ts Emnamn.1oell'r , . . and Prof. A. F1gremm.
"I'Iie Singers dnrch..J. A. Alilstroni
TIme Jubilee Chorus ,
Ailtlress-ltuv. Carl Swens3on , i'ii. D.
1) , 1) . , l'residemmt Betliatimy College ,
Lln.Isborg . , 1itii. :
JubIlee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ( Edgron
Solo , Duet , Quartet , limb. Fenmule and
LlIxed Chorus.
\Vl)3IIN lmtJSll.Y ( i'l"I'ING flE.tlY.
! 'ie.nrii for ' .Vomiiiiii's Cml. 1)ziy
ni tli' ! , ) ) .
IndIcations are that Jumme IS , "Woman's
Chub flay , " will be a great day at the cx-
lOSitIOU. The officers of the General Feder-
atlon , the presidents of state federations ,
the state chalrnien of correspondence and
the speakers wIll be entertained in Omaha's
hospitable homes , Program , receptIon , en-
tertainnient ailti decorating committees are
busy with their various plans for makIng
the occasion complete In all d"tilia ,
Mrs. 11. S. Jaynes. chairman o the lintel
commIttee , is receiving numerous apllIca-
Lions for rooms , Omaha women are preaar-
lag to comply with time request of the corn-
mnlttco "that each woman act hostess to
sonic visIting club wonmami on June 18 at the
CXIOsItiOfl grotiimtls. " Just what that request
macens has been puzzling some of thme
women , but It was purposely left Indefinite
so that. each woman would interpret. tIme
meaning to suit herself , The idea that the
conmnmlttce hail In nmlnd was that a spirit
of hospitalIty and fraternal courtesy should
pervade every mmook and corner of the
grounds. hospitality is not measured by the
amount of money expended for the comfort
mind pleasure of one's guests , but by the
spirit vhich lIes hack of it all.
"liiuhiter of Juirus" 'I'IaIs lOvenhmi ,
Mr. WIllard 1Clmnball , dIrector of music ,
MIss JulIa Olilcer , mnamimiger of artIsts , mind
Mr. Tlionmas Kelly , conductor of time FxpoI-
tlon Chorus , have arrammged ( or the "Daugh-
ter of Jairus" by Stainer , to be giveim this
evenIng at the exposition , wIth soloists ,
chorus and the Theodore Thomas' orchestra.
Time soloists are Mrs. Sophmla Markec , soprano -
prano , of Boston ; Mr. holmes Cowper ,
tenor , and Mr. Edward Kuss , basso , both of
Clmlcago ,
Mrs. Sophla Markee Imas a lyric soprano
voIce of beautiful quality and lots recently
had great success in the east in tbo soprano
role of the Swan and Skylark , will , Mr ,
DavId Ihispliamu of the Danmrosch.m Opera
Mr. holmes Cowper has Just eun time
tenor i-ole of "ElIjah" ilurin the last veek ,
with great success , at. the closIng concert of
the Lincoln univeral ty coninieneenment. Mr.
Cowper has recently returned from a two
years' course of trainIng iii oratorio , under
the vcll known teacher of oratorIo , Frederick -
ick W'nikcr of Lommdomm , Englamitl.
Mr. Etiwarmi Kuss , formerly of tIme Carl
Rosa Opera company of Ihnglammd , tins cc-
centiy beemi very Buccoasful lasong recitals
throughout the country , All lovers of good
music should not full to hear the "iaugh-
ter of Jmmlrus" given under such favorable
surroundIngs ,
Yeav lt't It'D's Urmt flIiIhmIt ,
The immlneral exhibIt of New MexIco in
tIme MInes buildIng immum been attractIng the
attention of visItors frommi the fact that It
Is an extensIve ammil costly omme , TIme cx-
lmiblts comprIse three oarloamls of ore , to
which is to be added one immore In a tow
days , which will muake the display ommo of
time finest In tIme buildIng , 3 , J. L.eesomm of
Etldy , comnmlsaloner amid general mmmnnager
for thmo terrItory of New Mexico , has been
at time exposItIon ( or a week installIng the
mmminerah exhIbit amlil has now turned hIs
attemmtlomi to the displaying of tIme agrlcul-
tuhl amid imorticultural products in the Agricultural -
cultural building , Mr , Leeson being unable
to secure suiilclont. space in the hiorticul-
tural bmmlltllimg in whlcim to ( liSImItly lila eximlb-
its to the best advantage ,
Li'itdi'r fimiI tim' I.IIrii rum mis ,
, ' , . \v. Brett , lIbrarian of the Clevelamid ,
0 , , PublIc hItrary and formerly presIdent
of time AmerIcan Library associatIon , has
soul word to Dr. Victor Ros.'water , accepting
time Invitation to take charge of time lIbrary
Coimgress mneetlmmg during the exposItion
lot'mimcimis of 4)t'rni Vi'ssi'ls , Jiimie 1.i.
At New York-Arrlved-htotterdamu fromn
itotlerdamu , La llretagmme from } iavre ,
At Queetmstown-SaIled-Chmester from
Soutlmamuptomi for Now York ,
At Ihrowlmead-I'assed---Syl vania from Dos-
tomi for LIverpool.
At ltnvre-Arrlved-La ihourgogne front
New York.
1ATTON TAii is ON 'filEVAR \
Preachcs the Baccalaureate Sermon at
Princeton University.
hr. : ' I' . I'issi for tskImig Qmim'stloi.i
of II lImt , bitt % 'Iint Is to lie
lum , ' Iii 1111- . ' of
l'ItINCETON , N. J. . Jilmie 12.-Today was
cemmimencernent Sunday itt I'rlncetomm aimtl
l'reslmlent Patton preache. . ! the baccalaureate
sermon , The services were imelil In Alexander -
ander hall , the inmmnense audItorIum being
crowded ,
Previous to the servIces the faculty , trus.
tees and seniors , all robed according to rammk
in tIme regulatIon gown , formed an ncademmmic
proctaslon , ammmt nmarchetl from Matqunnd
dm81101 across the camnlus to Alexammiler hall.
Time scene was ImposIng.
Time president's sennon was 1.11)011 the sub-
jcctt "The Idea of ( hod. " h1 saId Iii part :
'The idea of God holds a large place In
liurnmmmm lIfe. it matters not lmow we got this
idea , mvc have it ammil live In It. All argu-
mnents for tIme exIstence of God mIght be
suimmimied In the two words , 'cause' and
'Inllnity. ' Emmmimirlcally we fintl a world
about us. ammil we conclude that there mmmust
have been a cause. MetaphysIcally we con-
dude that If there was such a cause lie
must ho infinIte antI all-powerful.
"At thIs time Private mutters are re-
mnamuled to a Positiomi aubaluhiary to the great
lnmbllc issues that hmaimg iii time balammceVc
find ommrt'lves 1mm tIme mIdst of war , nmmml I
vcmmtUre to say that it thIs war could ho
ihuscribeti dIspassIonately just miow it would
ho ( mmmiii that. it resulted from time commiluemmec
or two streanma of thought. , whlclm , mmmeeting
mit ' 'as1mIngtoim , becanme mmmi overwlmehmnlmmg
torrent. 0mb of these was aim etimical feel-
lug a lmrodimct of ChristIanlty the other
mnlgimt imave been brought about 'iUmout
Christ I a a ity. "
'I'Ot ) litte ( iii Qmmm'st hums ,
' 'It Is trime that In tIme Presemmt conmphlea-
tiomis tIme day hcs llS3Cl for asking the qites-
thou of right , \'lmat is to be dommo In the
event of tIme vIctory we imopo for anti feel
sure of is v.'lmat concerns us mmow. it is tIme
privilege of Clmristlmmmms amid ummlvt'rsity nmemm
to affect public oiminiomm by eonsiderlmmg pub-
lie questions anti mmmorai lssuc asIde fromim the
mimatter of mmntlonmil advance , of territorial
immtcrest , or inmhustrinh opportunity.
"hIstory kmmowut mmot wlmat it is to retreat.
Every stop we tmmke shuts a door behmlmul ums.
Time boom of Adomlrnl Iewoy's cannon across
tue l'aclfle made us forget tIme farewell nil-
dress of Vu'ashimmgton , nail timrow time lommroe
doctrhmme for the timmie into the bnchcgrommmmti ,
"It is immiposslblc , some ammo says , for a
imation to secede from tIme fammmliy of imatlomma ,
amid if it stays In time faimmlly It is goimig
to have famimily commmpllcations , anti timese
eommmpllcations sornetlmimes take time form of
war ,
"What I wealth have you understand is
that we immust always judge evemmts from a
high moral ammul religious polmmt of 'iow ,
1)0 not empimasizo too much 'natlommai con-
veulemmco.'mat object Providence immay
have Iii throwimmg Open mmew nvemmucs of 1mm-
dtmstry anti stremmgtliening tIme bond between
us amid ommr blood relations ncross time sea ,
we do mmot kmmow , but we do know timat these
timIngs nmust be regarded frommm a light of
amoral prlmmcl lies. ' '
IThACA , N. Y. . June 12.-TIme thirteenth
amimmual cornmimcmmccmnent exercises at Cornell
utmiversity were opemmeti today hmy Right Roy.
henry C. i'otter of time diocese of New York ,
who delivered time baccalaureate sermmmomm.
Mtmrrny hall , the largest nimditorimmnm here ,
was fIlled to ovcrllowimmg with studeimts nmmd
visitors. Bishop I'otter chose as Ills thenme
'Devotfomm to ilonme nmmd Fanmily. "
.Yay lI4'Iuhire.
OMAHA , Jimmie 11.-To time EdItor of time
Bee : Last Tuesday , the tim inst , , just
about 7 o'clock , there passed away aft.r a
short Illmmctts , froimm eartlmly cares one of
Ommmaima's imiommeer trnvellmmg salesmcmm , viz :
Mi- . Jay hi. hielplmrey.
The writer was immtimntciy acquaInted wltlm
time late Mr. hlelimimrey amid asks for a little
of yommr valued space to write a few worth.
in regard to Mr. Heipimrey. He was abommt
14 years of ago uimd allimougim seenmlmmgly
cut down in the prime of life , ho had imad a
long mtimui varied busimiess experience. Wimen
Ito was but a youth iii time early 70's he
traveieti for Liarti Bros. of Des MoInes , Ta , ,
and 1mm 18Z1 came to Omaha amid made tern-
tory throughout Nebraska for Marcy &
Co. . confectioners. Afterward for immany
years be traveled for I'eycke Bros. ' Co. ,
when thin Oxmmartl Smmgar factory was lo-
catd at Norfolk. lie becanme idt'imtlflct (
vitlt tIme sugar imoet growimig immterests , imut
for time last two years imas heemm lIving wIth
hIs motlmor at ? 0S Nortim Eighteenth street
antI enmplnyed iii time omces of time Omaha
Casket Commmimany.
The funeral was held at the imorne of imis
mother cmi Wednestiny , Juno 8 , at 3 p. in. ,
Rev , T , 3 , Mackay ofllciating , tIme KnIghts
of Pytimlamm , Ommmaha commnclh No , I , being in
charge , tIme body being takemi to Newton for
The writer first remnemmmbera Mr. Iielplmroy
I 1875 , rnaklmmg trips together In cemmtral
Iowa. Later fromim 179 to ISSS , lie mmmdc
muammy a mile pioncerimmg mimmd imimlldimig up
trade In northern Nebraska for Omaha.
it was time writer's privilege to know Jay
Ifelpimney well anti knew hlmmm as a faitlmtmml ,
painstaking , energetic , traveling mmmamm ,
proud of Nebraska amid of Omnalma amid al-
vmtys neatly to defemmd her immterests.
Faitlmtul to lmis emnploycrs. lie never ( as
becommmea the gemmulmma traveling maim ) forgot
to Imleaso mmml lJrtcct time Immtcnt'sts of his
cutmtonmers. To my mind Ime possessed In
a high degree time requlrermmcmmts of a successful -
ful m'alesnman. Kind , aflmiimle , emmergetle , of a
nervous temperament , imo Was ever nit hmnmm-
orable , immipumlslve , kindlmearted ' 'kmmlgimt of
the grip. " his wrmtclmword being the scmmti-
nment so ulcer to time Nebraska salesman , "al-
ways to time front , "
MeIleiphrey Is gone , but lila merry , glad
imlanner wihh never be forgotten imy lila fel-
how snlesimmomm and time writer feels asstmred
that lIe roicet tIme imemitimiment of all travehlmmg
men in tendcrimmg to tIme bereaved mactImer
antI bmvmtimer the simmcerest symalmathy 1mm timelr
great sorrow in time parting of a lovimmg son
and brother , Very truly yours ,
C. 0. LOBECK ,
'I'Iie Cii I ii m's. ' Fl mm g ,
The standard of time CelestIal Ezmmplre is a
'ery qmieer Ioohmimg affaIr. It represents time
mmmost grotesque of greemm dragons omm a yellow
ground , Time latter is suggestive not emily
of tIme imationnl commmplexlomm , but also of timmmt
of a stiffener from hihlouammess. To remnove
tliI umibecomimlng tint frommi tIme comlmlexiomm ,
misc hlostetter's Stonmacim flItters , whIch will
speedIly regulate your liver , lmrevent nmalmmrla
and remmiedy .lyspepslmm , mmervoimsmiess , rlieuma-
11am aimmi kidmmey comaplnlm t ,
lutIs'fht ( .ihldy of llmiler ,
KANSAS CITY , Mo. , Jumme 12.-Jammics
iamimmartlmme Iludapetim , a % vemtltlmy farmimor of
Lake City , Mo. , hmas becmm found guhty of
mmmurmler him time secoimmi degree for kllllmmg J.
\v. Keammer at thmmmt imlacu last summimimer , mmn.i
aentemmce.l . to bum years immilmrisommmnemmt. An
appeal will lie takeim.
II un Iii ii ColilsIums ,
F. L. Johmnsomm , an cimmlmloyc in a saloon mit
1109 Fanmmanm street. had a collIsIon with a
atmeet car at Fourteemitim and Cuss streets
last iiIgh ammd was painfully bruised ahotit
the breast ammd shoulders , lie occupIed a
buggy amid paused omm tIme car track in front
of an aplmroaclmlmmg traIn. Time vclmlclem was
capsized amid Johnson was thrown to the
pavemmmc'nt. lie was taken to time polIce
station and later to lila borne on Seventeenth
street , near \Vt'bster ,
Induces reaLful slumber. It sootlmes time
nerves and strengtlmemms time entire symiteimi ,
MaIL-Nutnlime is prepared by time famous
Amilmeuser-Iluach Brewing Amis'n , nhmlchi tact
guarantees the purity , excellence anti mimerit
claimed for It. 1
1.mmvr Nnmmmlu'r o lhi PrIm'mm.tpi of Ir.
.11,1 Urs. .I4.IiSiI.rItt lIli , ( 'ci.
chrmute tlil
Mr. and Miii. John M'Shltt celebrated theIr
sIlver wemlmhlng last hight at Metropolitan
ball wIth t rcccptlosmd dance. The ageti
and hlgtmiy rospoc'11 Coulmle , who were
among Onmahia's eatiJct settlers , were thmt
meclplemmts of a verlttt'bd shower of congratu-
ItIommmu from scores t'mf"rmIeods ' ,
MetropolItan imahl wrmsthmrongetl with sommic
100 guests during thy receptIon , w'tmlcim hasted
from 7 to 10 , Thef'llftary ' ( anti receptIon
room were hiterallymsttewmm with cut roses
and potteti lmlants nImuhjpalmns. tharlaimds of
amnilax , emmtwlmmett wtij Thwers , dimmed time
llglmts of the clmaotlehters. ( Elaborate to.
fresimments servea In tIme library , in
time center of which was a bountifully-laden
taimlo over whlchm was a canopy of bright-
hued Iloral decorations. Misses Rotbmcblhti
and ltosemmstelmm presIded gracefully at time
lmummcim bowl ,
The felicItous event brotmgimt together a
laiger assenmimlago of the olul-tlmime residents
of thIs city than any slmnihar one for a lommg
tlmime Imnat , Besida Mr. mmmii Mrs. Merritt
were theIr fommr sans , Adolph , Jesse , Max
and Joseph , the first namneml of whmomn has
Just tommie lmommme for a tmrtef vacatiomi frommm
Clmmcinnnti , wlmere lie is attendIng a timeolog-
teal simool nail from whIch ime bears high
imonors. 1dr. Adolph Immtmiml to becommmn a
rabbi , Among the guests of the evemmlng
were the six sisters of Mrs. Merritt , all of
vimonm are nmarricth but one , Miss Mlmmmmle
Itosentimal , They arc Mrs. Charles Scimlank ,
Mrs. S. Rlscimcmmberg , Mrs. S. Prince , Mrs.
C. Slmaw , Mrs. .1. itnsemmqtelmm.
At time MerrItt reslmience ntmnmeroua ammil oh-
ogammt lmresents were received 1mm great profusIon -
fusIon yesterday , eommmlmmg fiomim far amid near.
limit few regrets were noted by time imnlmpy
host. hte' . amid Mrs. Abrnlumummm Sinmmmn of Sat-
ramento , Cni. , wired : "Our goitlen state
commgratulatlons 1mm honor of your sIlver
state. " Mr. and Mrs. M. Block of 1nmmsas
City , Mr. nail Mrs , S. Kalllshm of Fort \\'ortlm ,
Tex. , ammil Mr. and Mrs. 3 , A. Flescim of
Chicago wired Imalmlmy thtoughts commtmnemn-
oratlmmg the quimrter-ceimtury mark rcaclmett by
time cotmple Nunmeroums other mimessagea were
recolveth fromn Mr. Merritt's frltimds.
Mrs. Merritt gatimered time young people
togetimer nmmd tosseu1 imp time ' 'bride's boum-
quet , " tIme young lady eatclmimig it to be do-
clareti time first bride 1mm the assembly. MIss
Eimnn liothchlltl was time fortimimate one.
FollowIng rofreslmnments tue immerry imarty ,
led by time host , retireth to time immthi , lmero
about fifty couple joined Iii time grammtl nmarcim ,
DancIng followed , CoiTnmmim's orclmestrmt supplyIng -
plyIng time nmusic ,
Mr. I'lernitt ' is one of tIme best knowmm hotel
mmiemm Iii timls Pmmrt of time commnt ry.
- ' - -
_ _ . _ J
Thmo expoaltiomi Is not built for posterity ,
as were time tonmbs amid temmmples of Egypt. I.
Is fo : today ammtl it Is fOr mis to enjoy It wimlic
It is vitImin our gates. Jim less tlman a year
It will bo robbed of Its beauty , Ieavimmg be- I
hinti time influcmmce of its mnemnory and time
lcssomm It. cannot fall , toteacit , by Its classical
multI stately otmthlmmn. . , ,
J'tio tlnme to most timorouglmly emmjoy the
effect or the exposftioi is lii the cveuing.
limmncr lmartlc-s lmpstttrstimi time Viamluct res-
tmttmrant mmre ( ioubly entertaimmImmg by sIght
.mmd sommmmml , Looking east over amid bcyonti
time Plaza nrc tIme framiflfuh blue blutis of
Iowa , tlmmged with imo yellow glow of tIme
setting stmmm. One tmjpjnIss time fcellmmg of
vastness ammtl tin' siSmio of simaco vimich time
great lakes or the nmigimt immsplro , but
mmoth'.img ' could be lmmom' restful tlman timose
hazy hills , shutting usuway : fromim time rest
of the bimsy world.'ilIe . we are emmjoylmmg
the blue and grey 1lIl.s mmeen tllltmmgll mL rosy
haze , without mhIss c'tmm the colors or do-
Ilnlmig time emimotiomi , de1cate strains of music
or martial mmmemisure 'mect , tlm ear frommm time
Marimme bammd amid our fm'eIlmmgs are translated
into sounml.
Ios' ! lovely the "Tanuhauser" soummimieti as
it was echoed back frommm time beautifiml whIte
shell across tIme lagoomi ,
Time most glorIous picture of the exposi-
110mm is presented to yoim as you sit on the
viaduct at the east emmil of the Lagooim court
In the twilight. Time iiimiltlimmgs are toned at
thIs hotmm' of tIme day Into perfect harmony
with time sky anti water , suggestIng all the
spienthor of "marble haIls. " Imi the main time
htmildhmmgo are in the Ttennlssance style of
nrcimlteeturo. With their bug horIzontal
hues amid tIme reimotltlomm of tue vertical lInes
In theIr columns they give to time most untutored -
tutored eye a feeling of repose anti perfec-
tiomm , \\o who are imot of time craft do not
realize imow imiuch 'work and carefumh planmmimig
\sore emmtailed to bnimmg mmbotmt this lmaplmy cc-
sumlt. It was imot a nmntter of chance timat
time buildings arc so perfectly balammeed and
proportIoned. It Is duo to tIme architects-imm-
cimief. They gave to each architect time size
and scmIe of each buIldIng , thin helgimt of
eoitmmimns , width of halls antI otimer miecessary
detail , thus keeping a unIty of size amId
tlmouglit in time wimole , They completeti thmmt
unity and symammietry by comimmectlng all tile
separate buildimmgs with a coiommimade , omme of
tIme most Imleimsing thmlngs of the wimoie Lagoon -
goon Cotmrt , hiotll fronm an aesthetic and a
utihitaniamm stammdpoimit.
At the east end of time lagoomm , tIme exedra
is commmmocted with tIme Mlmmus amid Mimmlmmg anti
ElectricIty bumildings by aim tmmmcnvcrotl colomm-
natie called the pergola-similar to tlmoe
at Pormmpeil , Later In the smmmmmmner , when
vInes imlimmll imave forimied a green roof. it
will add ammother note of southern pictur-
If you lnmagine timat nothIng could be mont
beautiful than tlml s'iew of time LagoomiCourt
at twilight , it is miccessary to wait ummtli by
a mimagic toucim each buIldIng is oumtllned by
electric lIghts.
At time vest emmd of tIme lagoon rises tIme
Goverxmniermt hmmildlng , adding majesty anti
strength to time whole. Time Oodtless of
Liberty at Its apex zany not he all we would
mleslre iii time ganimmim lIght of day , but at
mmlglit with her far-rcimcimlmmg llgimt , above
time gIlded donme , it iii all sumlflr.iemmt. As It
stands omit in relIef against tIme .ieptlm of time
blue shy it is like a pearl in a salmpimlre
Stammdlmmg Iii frommt of tIme Govermmmemmt build-
lug , lookIng towmmrti time east , time vIew Is
very pleasIng , Mahy tlmlmmk it tIme POImIt
fronm whIch the best Itmlpresslon is received.
Time lma'IiIons of the' exetirn are very lIght
timid attractIve and ' When Illimmnlmmateil give
quIte an apleamanco of fairyhammd. Time round
miomnes nimtl tnhangul potiimnemmts of tIme
stately zmnml elt'gant'Art buIlding outlIned Imy
tIme warm , yellow ne indescent lIghts ntld
variety ammml accent. ' hlouqmmets of llglmts on
eIther side of time himgoofl , Vt'itll time red IlgImu
of the bridge and the blumish are lIghts esat
long , qumlverlng yellow , red anti blue refiec-
tions in the lagoon
It one coumlil Invoke the spIrIts of tiranmante
nnml MIchael Angelo , the fathers of ltena1s
sauce arcimitecture , anti they could see what
we can semi any evening at the exposItion , I
fbi sure they would John us In aaylmmg : "It
Is well , " EThEl , 1VANS.
[ NT S.
"Ileltl Imy time immenmy , ' ' W'illhamn ( hillette's
'var drammma , prescmmted at tIme ( 'relghmtomi
nftenmmoon and evemmlimg. UnlIke mimost of
those which hare their fommntiation in tIme
late ummmpleaaantness the passlomma hncldemmt to
such struggles fornm but an Inc'onslmicuotms
Part ammul time more tender passIons imsimahty
Set imm less nmartiah surrotmnmhlmmgs are immure
In evidence.Vllsomm Emmmos. In time conm-
imratlvely brIef portion of the actlomm In
which he the commtetlerato omccm'
arrested witimln flme unlomm himmes as a smy ,
gave a strong portrayal of the Part mmmii was
pnrtlculnmiy atrommg imi time stirring climaxes
of the secommd ammil thIrd acts. Carl Smmlitim ,
as Colommel PrescOtt , who tmus failen iii love
witim omme of the otmtim's fair daughters admirably -
mirably PortraYed time tryIng situations
wllcn tlme mmmnmm of hmommor is racked by tIme
commillctlmmg impulses of duly mummtl a desire to
mild time cue he lovetl. MIss Lennork , na tmsmmah ,
gave a finished charactorlzatlomm of a refimmeti
I outIiern gIrl with a deep attmmclmimmemmt for
the cause whIch she believed to be just
ammml faithfmmlncss to her cousin , tile coim-
fetlerate oiicer ! who was Iii tIme simadow of
the gallows wimiio Miss Dtmmmmm was a ( IC-
cideully clover young miss with ImlentY of
spirit but not mmmucll experiemmce In tIme affaIrs -
faIrs of the world , Ocrtrtie Berkeley , as an
Elderly Maldemi who was charged wIth tIme
care of her two nieces , mind Html DavIs , mms
tIme ' 'artist on time SPot , ' ' for mmn illustrated
paimer were also gootl ,
Itobetta and Donetta , kmmockabouit acre-
batle pecInlties , nmmti Lizzie Rnmmmormti , slmmg-
lmmg comumediemmmle , dded much to time Imleasuro
of the Imerformuance.
"Ilehi by thme Emmenmy" will be the lull for
tIme remnalmmtlm.'r of the week ,
Colommel Maverick Brainier ammil the "l'exas
Steer" are mmot strangers to Ommmaimmt hmy aumy
nmenmms , bmmt time comnlmamly whIch lmmesemmtet %
it at hloyti's last ovenlmmg is-at least In
that piece , \\'lll ii. Bray , as Cimristopimer
Cohuimmbus , jr , Flslmback , time colored states-
mimun , is tile ommly fammmihiar face in the cast.
To a large class of thmeatcr goers hoyt's
farces never cease to in' it source of amuse-
maclit anti of thmemmi all IroiallY untie Imavo
beeim mono successful tilmtt the "Texas
Steer. " Maurice Freemumimm , as Colonel May-
crick llrammtier , was vei'y accelmtaimle tbough
lachiimmg perhaps sommme of tIme quiahimtlmess of
Tim Murphy , wllo was In time orlglimal cast.
Kitic Pimtmimmm , us Bossy , % 'as a tmmkimm , char-
actcrizmutlon appearing pmtrtictmlanly to midvail-
tage imm time disingeimimotlit role of tIme yotmng
qimeclm of time cattle mmmdl , \'lmile Cimmirles Ii ,
Stcvemis as ilrossy Cmiii was able to sustalmi
time Interest hI that unique though mmnfor-
tmmnmmtehy not rare persommallty. NadIne \VinS-
tomi as tile indIana orlmimami mantle a Imit-
0 the colommcl at least , to time exttimt of a
huimthied-uimd nmmtimy a nina with a big cat-
the much to draw omm woulti not hmmmve oh-
jecteti to takIng time colommm l's commtrnct off
hIs hmmtmmtls. Time Bisoim Colored quartet made
time hit of tIme evenIng with Its imlantatiomm
"Time Texns Steer" will be thom bill at
time Boyd for tile remimalmmtler of the veck.
Ammmcnica's favorlto comnedhamm , ammth
poser , Barney Ftmgan nmmml HenrIetta Dyroim ,
I are ammnoimnccd mis the imeadiiimes of n very
strommg vaumtlevilio bill wimicit opcmms the mmew
Trocatlero tlmis evemmiimg. Other mumtaimle
acts omm the programn mire tIme Sivlmm SIsters ,
Faurette , who will 1)0 seen in songs nail
dammces ; llenmmard Jyilyn , vocal 1st ; Miss flertle
Sawler , commiedienmie : Grammt amid Norton , 1mm a
catelmy socIety sketclm ; the 'I'imxemlo Trio , 1mm-
struimmentmmllsts ; four Angela sIsters , oper-
eLk stars ; Eva Taimguay , tIme gay sotibrctte ;
Gilbert Girarti 1mm jnmitntlomms. In additIon to
the above strong specIalties F'rammz Auimil-
mann's augumnemmtetl orchestra 'Ilh meimdcr a
program of lolmimiar musIc. Sent sale coal-
niences thIs mmmormmimmg.
Gel a map of Cuba anti get the best ammil
most complete. Time Bee's combInation mmii"
of Cuba , the \Vest imithimis and of tIme world.
IIhr Fhigi'reI Millec a ( . , . ,
: : ! at the Itcsl.Ieuiee of
The iloimse of Jmmmnes Forsyth , a tlruggir.t
and old resldemmt of Ommmahma , at 126 Soutlm
Twenty-ftfthm street , was brokemi into dmmm'immg
thu almsemmce of tIme fnnmlly on Satimrtlay mmlghmt
. and timorougllly sacked ( coin cellar to
i garret. The robbers sectmred a large
quantity of jewelry amid clotimlmtg , amommmmtimmg
in 'altme to several hmtmndretl dollars , anti es-
calmcd witimotmt ieaviimg a clew.
Mr. Forsyth ammd fitimllly left. tue imotmso
about 8 im , mmi. Saturday to attemid time Thigh
schmool conmmmmencenmemmt exercIses anti were
absent until ii , o'clock. Upon their rettmrn mm
side wimldom' was found oiterm aimil time helms. )
was in comfllletO ulisorder. Time burglars hail
takemm aim abummdance of tIme anti time first
floor was subjected to the most mmmlntmte
search , A conslileraimle ammmoummt of clothlmmg
was secumretl from Mr. Forsyth's betl mmmi
amitl the jewelry cases 'ere carc'ftmlly emnp.
tied , Amnommg tIme 11118511mg articles are it
womnamm'tm gold watch , a paIr of onyx bracelets -
lets auth au OtlX watcll cimarma with cliaiim ,
fommr valmmable rIngs , Ctmimieo earnimigs aumfi
stick hmins , besiile a qmmmmmmtlty of snmaller an-
tIeln 'mmmcii as golti tllinmbies amId eye glasses.
TIme thieves hiati obtalmmeil entrammco by
b. caking out smmlllcient glass in tIme wIndow
to enable thmeimi to thrust thmm'ougim a hand
and umlfimsten time hatcim ,
Carroll II. I'mmnmmmcletm. who lmami been aim-
1)01 II tutU SU lueri mm tell tlemmt of pmiiml in Inst nimetlon
to succeed MIst ; lhi'el. Is mi imatlvo of Ohio amid
a graiUmlto of hilrmmmn college nnmd has beemm
In Wyomir.g simmco lSStT ,
Ibr1 1yji
Toh Pdr
Usel people of FCuilltlm1Oflt
for over a quarter of a cciitui'y.
I .
lie ( 'flhi't tin I I'lltt'J ( , ally hliOI'O tlmmtIh jiIt (
smIlnthtIIttm tIm'imggit-oui kuov t bore nmie
II great immminy ie'mlhle 'imo uIvnys lma'mi
' 'so I mitt t htl ug J tist a m gfltIl , ' ' bII t I I ' 14 tI Iiit'i' .
m'lit lmt'i'e-ve'vn 'himit 3.1)11 mim.l fon' mit a
t lsrnmtoi' ' ' ' ' ' ' -
tII lmrh'e-'tmil'ro nor t'i' mtshm-d ; to
I a k o StIimPt I I I img clst' .1 U 4t hiec'a U o t I it'i'e
lii immure liii iii t I ( ) us-i l's lImo gmt II IC % ' I t In
thn tlot'toi" lrt'ScrItIOhIg-ahoiUtn ) mie-
till m'aes' it tid no sum I t I tnt iomm-eonn mtt' I I t
umuth 'mtreuil rt'glsh'ni'tl ilmmtiimimnelt lii
i'Inmti'go 41mm ) ' multI nuthit. :
TheAloe&PenfoldCo - e
I.nrgest Ihotmnil irump hlomma , , .
1403 Farnam Stret. O1tAHA
OWOmiit. Iaxtcn HoteL
Official Soilvenir Meddis 4
6oId rialed and Fine Silver Official Suo-
venir Cou Medals.
: In quant itie ol' fifty and up-enli be obtained
. by tIei1ei't : at a goo(1 (1icoInlt. 011 tiLe reVei'to ido
ol' the iiIMbLI ( is 1'JIl'IJtTIhtCd ( a lhhllhh1l 111(11811 , ipenr-
lug a blIIrh1O : , 011 thu ObVVh'IJ SiL1IJ a COhIhIO'htO
photograph of' 48 yOtllIg lttdies from the ' 111'lns. :
MiSiSSi)1)i [ ) ) StalOs.
Call 011 01' 8dlI'e ( ,
JOHN A1 WAKEFIELD , Secretary ,
Stl'vice flhlillihIg ( 1ix1)oSitiol1 Groullds ,
= : : : : : : _
Those for Year Just Oloheil Larger Than
Ever Before ,
i'iui'imii'rs 4VIII It eei v. mm 31111 hum , ,
, , ' ' Ye'nr
a mitf lInrs ! ilorc 'h'Iils
Tm it for I Ii mi lhi'sl Vii r lit
the t'a , . ( .
WAShiNGTON , June 12.-Time farmmmers of
time Unlteul States are drawlmmg upon other
parts of time world for more mmmommey at time
emmil of the iiscai year this year than at ammy
tlmmmm in previous years.
The prelImInary rcpom-ts or May oxporma-
tiomis , whmlclm have reacimeti time Bureau of
Statistics , mmmake It amparemmt hint time mmgni-
cultural exports of time year will be consiti-
crabiy 1mm excess of $ S00,000,000 mmmiii tIme t.mtal
for time year belmig lIkely to reach 8t5,000-
000. Never before lmave the exports of mmgrl-
cultural hmmotltmcts reached time $ S00,000OaO
iimme lmnd mmever html twice before have they
bcc'mm as mmmcii as $700,000,000 , tlio tV.'o occa-
slons Iii WhlCil they itassed the $ 'OO,0O0,0O0
lIne lwimmg lii 1SSI. amid 1S'32.
Commmpareti witim time last fiscal year , the tim-
crease 1mm exportS of tmgrhcmmhturah prolucts (
will be fully $150,000,000 aim ml Comnlflme.l'Itim
thmmi imreceuhimmg year the lmmcrease vih1 lme over
20,000,0O0 , whIle tIme total wIll be fully 50
her cemmt 1mm , excess of that of time Iiscml : year
iii breatistuffs alone the exports of the
year will ammiommnt to mmearly $1,000,000 for
each himsimmess day amId wIll be mmmore timamm
$7,000,000 iii excess of last year's exports of
breatlstulfa. Nearly all articles classed as
brcailstmmffs have Imartlcllmimted imm thIs in-
crease. Of whleat , time Value of the exhorts
for time fiscal year IS'JS will lie mmmcmi tlmamm
doimble those of time fiscal yenr 1897 , while the
Increase In flour willlme nearly 50 tier remit.
Cur ! ! rts A ci' I.nm'gt'r.
May exports of corn were larger tilan tlmose
of any other mommtlt uI the history of time
coummtr3' , while time total exports of comm amid
ilour for time first timime will imass 200,000,000
busimels. Canmm mmieal , eats , o.mtmmmeai flmml rye
show a strikimmg hmmcreasetime galim in oat-
macal iang more luau 00 POE cent over last
, ar ammd tlmat of oats 100 lC cemit , vimhie 1mm
rye time gaIn is also pimeoommiemmahiy large.
in hiroviilomms , iii which termmm are imiciuti&'tl
beef , hog ammti daIry Itrolmmcts , , timi-re is aIso
a nmarlet1 Immcrease , time total exports for time
year beIng likely to reaclm $160,000,000 In
'alim. Most of thIs Increase , imowever , is in
hog products , expnrtmtlomms ; of hacomm , whlcim
irene 31,1S7l47 tim value lmmst year , being
likely to reach I-iO00,000 thIs year , amid lard
show m mm g a sI mu 11 ar I mmcrease , a imti i I mmmay i-each
$37,000,000 timls year , or a gaIn of mmearly
,000 , 000 ,
LIve beef seems to be gaInIng in P01)0-
harlty s itim our foreigmm clmstommmcrs , time cx-
liorts of beef cattle havIng increased ma-
tcriahiy , while tlmoe of beef , eIther fresh ,
cannmetl or salted , have failed to show mmmmy
immcrease , 1mm most cases a deeltieti falling off
being mmoticcable.
Tue exptmrts of beef cattle dimrlmmg time first
ten mmmontlms of the fiscal year were 379Gu3
head agaInst 310-uS in time com-respontilmig
niommtiis of last year , while fresh beef 1mm the
snub Imerloti fell frmnn 242,16S,034 pounmis In
toil mmmonthms of 1897 , to 227 , 131i73 pountis iii
time correspommtilng ten mommthms of 16911.
Sahtetl beef shows a fmmlhimmg off of 'JS ier
cemmt for tue year , and canned beef from
40'J-Itt,006 ltuUds ) iii time ten months of
1S97 to 'J 1,1111,119 hmOimmmtls in time ( cmi mnoimths
of 1898.
l'rnsjiCvtiuru It mmmdi lo ICIiil I Ifl' ,
SEATTLE , Wash. , Juno 12.-The 'xndus
or proshmectura to Alaska lmy time all wmtcr :
route bcgnim with time mli.'Imum'ture of time
steanmer Alllamice fmi' St. Mlcimacla with 100
hmasscmmgmire amid mm lnrgt' cargo of fmelgimt , in-
eltmihiimg hourly sIx ttmnms of Uimitttl SuiteS
mmmnil. Ste.mmmmer iiommmmokc , i-imIcim wits
selm'thumicii tm still totlt ) ' , will hot get away b.
fom't' Meimilal' .
Ii et'eI sits of tI.i- % 'mihl.ui Slit * ( 'M I mit.'rimI
Ii . 'v'ii iii. ( ) Ihhee i , it. . ( ii''mi * Iy
' , ' M'ul ,
The Ornnha Intenmmrml revt'mmuie ofilco lies n
ofllclmmi iimstrtmctlomma mms yet commeemmiing the
culleetleim ( mf the adiiltlommal war tax un-
1105011 by time tecemmt net of commgress sail
It Is mint tilotIgImi tlmnt time tax will be eel-
lecteil mmmmtll Jmmly 1 cmi ammytlmlmmg hmut beer
amid tobacco. All sIock of beer nimiti immmtnim-
I fmctiireui tohmaccos in inmmmtl iuimml kelmt iii stoolt
i ) ) vhmolcalejs mit the thmmme tIme law was
cmmmmctt'tl 'lhi lm'o to be stmummmpe.l. 'l'lme nil-
ditioimmmh tax cmi beer of 1 Per barrel and
the tax umm smimnklng mmuth cimewummg tolmaceo
lois hi-cu raiseil frommm 6 tim 12 edits 'iar '
lOimiil , , The tax on cIgars lmmms hmeen imi'
ert'mms&'d to sico : her 1,000 , imliVlmmg been only
$ : C'formmmerl .
The bnmmk tax wIll probmmhly be as great
a source of reveimuc , nit the beer zmmmtl tobmtc
tax. A tax of $0 wIll be levIed emi lummiks
havIng a cahmltal of $2,000 anti $2 ( iii emmelt
ndilltioimmmh $1,000. Severmml himmmks : 1mm Oimmaimmi
i'lil ltiii ' thaum lo0o limb time tremma-
ury cmi this omme tax aioime , Every cimeclc ,
draft nail certificate of ilmihiosIr mint drawimig
Immterest trill be tmcti : 2 cemmts , a thing
vh 1dm m'IIi Probably mimaIe rmtlica1 ehmammges
iii tIme prcsemmt methmoihmi of transmmctimmg husi-
Time work In all iimlerimnl revcmmmme ofliecs
\vi I I be ileum ill ed a mmml commsl tiemaiml e I I mmmc mel It
bo rmiqtmiretl for thin departlmmemt to get hle
mit\ , taxes well 1mm Iiitmmtl , Letters mind tcie-
grams art' comitlmlually hwlimg receIved at time
Oimmaima oflico nskimmg nmhout tIme mmcmv lmmw ,
limit mit ) inmformmmimtlomn camm bt' gIven 0mm the
subject utmtll ofilcial
immstrtmcthumms are rim-
ceI'etl from \Vasimlmmgion amid time local olfi-
curs limmyc no Inioti-Ictige of time bmw outsIde
of nc\vslmalier reports ,
l'ITNSIJS Ioit ' % 'f'1S'I'miIlN '
I-'l ' N ! .
SuirI-i-M . , i 'imr
' ( ' , ,
a'- : * Ii , ' ( . 'nt'vuh li.v'riiui.f ,
'IVASIIINGTON , Juime l2.-l'emmslomms hmimv
beemm issueti its follows :
Issue of Jimmie 1 :
Nelmraska : OnigImial--tivIvmm B. Cotton ,
icoarney , so. AtliiitioiialhmirIomm A. Mc'-
iiammlmimiu' , Hay Stnimmgs , .6 to $ 12. limerease-
I'c-ter Nook , Ommiahmn , S to $10. OrigInal
P.'Itlow , - 'tc.AreumaVhmetstiime , \Vymmmorti , $11 ,
Iowa : Orlgimimmh-Jo501il1 / , Blair , dcmmd , _
Ailanms , Jamaica , $ S to $12 ; Alommzo P. Eaton ,
Kmmowltomm , $0 to $8. hmmcreasc-Iemlis Ii' . Mc-
Boone , $1 2. A mlii I
i-Jolm ii Wesl ( ' 9'- ,
Carthmy , les MoInc , $11 to $15 ; Freilorick
Yuimlicr , Toledo , $12 to $16. Origimmal'ld. .
ows , .te-1tebeccn 11111 , Ahlerton , $12.
Wyommmhmmg : It'lsSut3-SImtcial Jimmie 2 , Ira
\\'alio ! , Slmerldami , i7.
Coloratlo : OrlglmmalVitiow , etc.-Sanmmh
F. CoiIIn'ntSoml , $8.
Sotmtlm lakota : Aihiiltiommal-Janmes Ma-
buoy , Ilenmy , $0 to 12.
Montana : OrIginal \Vtiows , etc.-Iteissuo-- .
Ivelymi M. Dtmmmn , ihozenmiamm , $17.
listitlihishi mm tJiihvt'rst- ,
PEKIN , Juno 12.-Aim imumpenial edIct imn
been Issimemi provIdIng for tIm estaimlishnmemit
of tIme Uimlverslty ( if I'ekhim omm Eurolmean
mmiotk'lm ; . Time iligimllarics have imecim commm-
mmmammdeti to confer imumimediately for the car-
ryimmg omit of time sehemmie.
- .
4 Ii vImo mmmmm reli , I k or mm I mmmiii uilmoulci
shako their nhmimiui AIhemm' i"omt-Fhmuie , a
mmoss'iier. i m ( 'mmml's lit , Ii I img , t I roil , sore , smeol-
lent feet tinti muitliemi tIght or immiiliiieui t'my
I t abitim mini mmuistu no mtmml , hirtve'mm ts dma limmg
hot miimmzmrting , hmhist.'rctl , mmwcntlmmg feet , MI
time regular army tmimops mimmii navy naomi use
\Tolmmimtemim-H Imm hot ellmntitmis cmtmm't exluit
iii comfort m-Ithcttit It. Allen's F'ont-Fanuj
I i uimltl I my a I I il ru gg I uits amid uilioe stores ,
e. Samnimlo iteuit l.'IIEE. Athtiress , Aliens
13. . Olmnstcil , Leltty , N. Y.
Out on tIm 'ul liits'mmy ymni ( 'lilt Sea nil jfj '
limmmlmt of Ork'ntiml b'mmmlt3'-lm mmml sommie vt'm'y Lei _ ' J1J
( mmmlii ) ' foot u'ovei'limgs-yc't it iohmmmu in for
I I i'nx r. Simoiimmut mi I ( m fmit'mm i1 m I In ' i mrol not'
t4)iIilllmi'h' Himoti fimu' immt'mitIn' ltte-mt Is a . , '
Ii ( ' ' it'immmmmm I mm mu-I ii t Im n' gt'm m um I mi t' I I misIa
CII I f-u 111011 I II ed I intl I dog I m ic-li m'a vy
lnumkm--Iinm' svi'llt'st ; ' / [ / / , -
brass ( ' , Vt'I'I $ anti - -
simon tm\'m' sohml lii Omimim lmt-ymni ; sn'tm tIme f/ / ( ( '
slim' mummd ytnm'll hmuy It-tll : w'e hteiMl 'f I
( 'lt'rks fo m' lii I ii ii'c' I lum I yfli ( gi' I mt I I I -t lie - '
lt'-t : ; Itm't : of It mill Is tIn' llk'I'-liiilI'H )
: l .5o--an ) . - ( styllmihn sliuc for
i8.5O. V 4 -
Drexel Shoe Co. ,
' Shoe house , t' :
Onmimhimu's tiji-o-iJiti '
1/1-19 FARNA.L S'l'REI 1' , - '
_ - - - - - - - _ _ _ _
- - - -
- -
'l'hn. ' mu I' ! 1st n i'yoh' lIvi'm I In ) u.'otihmi 1 . ' lii t - " " " ' ' -
IL ilittumI' . ' tlmtt : 'tmiiIil luol Jntjutt'i' liii. , _ . I ! . . -e- \
: i .i ? - '
llet II tO .1 tulh : mni'mn t 11lmotn It I 1gm tmstnl I ii ' -
-p ! : flI ! I
hmH'lmt ( if' iiItmlIlllih'pZi4 vln'n ' ( lhI hmm'hhmg yomhi' ' - " '
I mletli i'm's In ii s\\ um d1 1.0 I II I ht'I n I'imt 1mm I ml g - t ,
I lim : I. t lie t'os ( I mit 1 $ I u'i'mm lii tit't'ml t o In imm I ii' : j. i \
I i
1111111mmilenit lmmulf tin , mitiimnl im'ii' ' ; . ' .
-vltiho thu 'mmi'i is , tlmn lst tlmmit Cult liu ' - ' . . ' \ . 'i , ' 'ii '
' ' ' . , ' " 1"J J I
mloimum-a ne' hot of imnothlmilhlgui jtnmt cmi- , . . . -
t'eived-imtmv anti Immuimilsummut , idt'amm. !
vti 'I-
3iusIc nd ArL 1513 Douglas