- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -j . - - _ _ - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - - - ' - ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , - - . - . . I' s 1t(1 1 flSV iA i . THE OMAHA. DAILY BEE 1 - ' \ ESTABLISIIED JUNE 19 , 18fl. OMAhA , MONDAY MO.gNIG , JUNE 13 , 181)8. ) SNGLB COPY FIV3i O1NtI1S. - SUNDAY AT TIlE FAIR Greathst Crowd Binco the Opening Day J : VISItE the Expositions SUN CLEARS THE WAY FOR THE PEOPLE . Old Bol Dispels the Rain GOdB Porce After Repeated Asau1th. PERFECT DAY FOR TIlE SIGHTSEERS p Everything at the Grounds Is Pound to Be in Apple Pie Order , FAMILY PARTIES A FEATURE OF THE CROWD I'cniIe C.u to Siseisil the .t fteriiooti ttIII1 yritIn : untl TitIe ' 1lkeflMCICM ' Coiss lssrtnble I a ass , ! , trniiitil the 'sYhite I'ulnces. Thnt persevering patriarch , Ok Sol , has s4naIIy RUCCCCICd fl getting another good , tow of tl&o exposlUon. For almost a week 310 had been waging unequal strife with the elements beneath. Day utter day he trove In vain to catch a glimpse of Its alabaster - baster architecture atid merry landscapes. - 1oriiIng after morning he mounted confidently - dently over the Iowa bluffs and attacked the fortifications at the enemy only to sink baffled , beaten and bewildered beneath the 'western prairie. Ills perspective was urn- tcd to lUOBSeS of dark , impenetrable clouds tIIt hung persiatentiy over the Vhtto City nhlt refused to graht him even the tiniest : rift through which to catch the glimmer of its beauties. Ho launched his bolts blaz Ing with fervid hent , but they fell unheeded - heeded on the stubborn battlements of cloud. His brightest radiations fuikd to 1 penetrate tli heavy curtain and cast their Juster emi the magnitleent creations under- neath. Even yesterday the victory was not won . " ithout a struggle. When time flrat glimpses of ( lnyiight strcaked across the sky they revenied the shapeless misntimiels of cloud atili on guard , as though reluctant to leave tile litid where they had so bug hold undis- Ptlte(1 ( svay. They hovered over the lion- elI , grim , reolflte nail motionless , as though in cimailengo to an enemy tlie had CCfl8e(1 to fear. l3tit forgetful of Previous defeats Old Sd gallantly returned to the charge. As the first liroatlside from his uort battery stiucic tIiin nnhiiishis ! they ( cli tutu confusion , Their ragged edges were glinted with a tinge of gold and streaks of glowing red shot through the rifts and . crviccs 1mm their nignnicnt. ! Then they rid- 1iCl. Their tiarlc crests bent. Illiti merged into closer foVmatIon ttmii one by one the rildily shafts of morning were obscured. But thw enemy 1)resse.I them closer auth , - . hittic by little tht'y were compelled to re- , 1 treat. Their uulignmnent was broken by conj - j tinned assaults and sharp lines of gold struck through their broken ranks ansi gilded time earth with lrumnlse. The sulmi roie higher unti Its lire ecorclted and withered - ered mnezciiesly. Then with a ftmual dash ho hroko through the scattoreUlncs and isv- islicui his siiltmulor ( till on ttf white douuies ahu i pillars of tlmc exposition. The last rem- iunnts of the defeated host scurried from i'Igiut and when Omaha's cariy risers drew . . mck their curtains lucy saw a broad ex- I I ianse of cloudless sky from which the sun \ hiazed down triumphant. ) , I\ \ l'eo1ie Toisk tduintiuge of It. 'I t\ , 'Witen the gates of the exposition were \ . ' opened at l o'clock the conditions irene as ! orfccL ito Jpuio could offer. A few scattered ' 1 fpatiuer of tiloui floated listlessly across time broa } ecpause , of blue , but they gave no lucunco' of mum and only served to temper the host of the smuuuinuer sun. Front time mo- sflenb 'the gates were opened there was a I ' c.Qstnnt tide of visitors , Most of tiiein , . . I vC4 ( rum Omnuha and immediate vicinity , btufi tnre number of out of town iCOPIC ) : versYn evidence us time arrhnls multiplied , ! As u' time irevIous Summmday there was a I hirgo .miouudvuamucc , of family parties who I . ' t.inie Jfjtt.td with immneh baskets amid pro- .5 Jrcri stmiy until time lights wore turned , , , . , t # 1igiit. Mammy of them were taking 'Their vidv of time CXiOsitiJi1 ( amid they , j4xorc , ,14dJty distimuguisluabie by their ftc- , fiuefflchiuuitIons of umimniration mmmi sat- pt Isfaci for those who hued been , COflSy3 visitors time exiiosition ( IOVOIOICl I umew. tIesu 1mm time glow of time bright suit- ' , I shim its jauuuust'apeim lmuiieritcd a vivkl 1 q the abundant moisture of the 'V r ( t jnmra while of tIme big build- 1 J S um1mnsized by the contrast. Time . time lagoon was scarcely rut- .s lied by 'Jie light breezes , amiti the graceful ' I gonuiutIs tim ; floated lazily on time mirrored I surfamcongletcl as pretty a picture as ever Ty inmt of doors. 13y tfte1jniddiv of the afternoon there were tumore jmopie out the grounds than have been there ut iy one timne since the opening , cad they cou&nued to comae umitli well into the oveuuin.cry few % vent away uutii after tue. evigi'iig concert amud the crowul umeemnoti to e cmVntma1ly Increasing almost until limo hst mumitt2'e ) , The restaurants and resomt - - wliorujmpcranco drimiks were dlspemmsed en- oy d ii 'llbcm'nl patronage , and tue entire , jmmcostitYh full of life amud movumnemut , - , Wluiio ( ( little necessary work was done on 'tlia lagoon and 1mm seine of time buildings. it " d not emiouii to cauuue coumfusiomu amid time 1..i bath qui 'tucle wa gmuoraliy immaintaimued , 'vi , cunceuts all attracted large audiences tlmoumsammtls of people walkout cmiii sat 'rmtl time grouumda all time ovemuing thor- ' ; { hiy cmite'mtaimmed by watching the beauti- 1 % I 4iiumnhmmatiomms amid time ever chmangiuug tds of people hunt tlmronged time court amid * tittes. I _ i'l.id .tlti A'1"1'1I.'t'IL ) BY lVSlO. ' . c:5. ii itseinhiles Ili'mur tm' 'l'Iismsmts Urehestrim 1'rui.rmimsi , . D : ho largest crowd which has mussemmibleil , , lie Atmuiltorluimi sluice the openimug of the , , ai3it1ouu gathered 1mm time btmiiuhimmg yemuter- ' , _ ay afterimoomi to cmmjoy time commcert by limo ! ihieodoro Timomimmimu orc'hestra. Nearly every ; seimt Iii time houmso was occupleul ammd the La''i audience wits warm In its applause of vt'rfmmummmber , - The programim presented was fully in keep. lug 'witlm time high stammdard of time Imerformn. nuhswhiclu imavtm beeui given by this urgaim- Ir1 ; since time oiemmimig of time expositiomm , ; ' . livened mu wide range In cimumracter , C. ? ' " " time oyemi'mu overture , "ggummont , was u ) g nummuber smith time immterhmretation of : couumiiomuitlomm vns a revelation -z. Votipwimmg timimu 1mm quick succession caumme we kivcmnenta fronm lime "Iammce of time laIL)1 ) tiIrits" in "Orpheus , " by Gluek , 1mm. huding am hub solo , adagio movoumient , by Iilr. 4unsci , which captivated the audience , simid ho "Iance of time Furies. " I'm suite irii time ballet music of "Syvla , " by , _ )4 _ 8 , included four mmummmtmermu which were bCU'tjtI ) ' apimlauuled , auth this was foliowed by avotte , "Near the hail , " by fillet , a uti , , beautiful tbimg ; time well kumowim , : m turture of "Ocr 1rreischuetz" lime flualo Ot lisymin's "Symumpbouy In U ; " "Thousand -.j. and One Nights' Waltz , " by Strauss , and time ever benutlfni "Torchlight flanck , " by Meyerbcer. Time nummerous requests which have been received by 1)irector Mees during tIme last week for special numi.era have led him to establish a custom which will be a source of great gratification to the people of this vicinity who have enjoyed the artistic performances - formances of this organization. hereafter , and until furtimer notice , lriday night of each week will be "request night. " and nh persons desiring to hear some cumpeciai selection - tion may bmuvo their wish gratified by send- lag a request to Director Moos at , the Audi- torlum any time before Friday of each week. Th program for Friday evening's concert viii he made up from these requests. It Is the aim of Mr. Mees to make the concert3 popplar In every sense of the word. and he wishes the hflmbllc to timrougbly understmimisl that all requests of this nature made f hhn will receive lmrompt attention. While it Is more than likely that time ma- Jonity of requests for speciai numambers will have reference to the great variety of selections - loctions alrculy played by the orchestra during Its ongagemmient and will ask that. some of these be repeated , yet the orcimestra Is vreparel for almost any emergency and any reasonable request will be readily granted. lii order to macmit almost any de- mnnds that might he made umjmon it , an eumormnotm library hiss been brought by the orchestra and it would be difficult to name any piece of instrumental music wlmlchm cannot - not be found in this extensive collection. sixteen chests , each as large as an ordinary trunk , fill one of time large roomims back of time stage in 'time Auditorium and each of these chests is filleul vith music. The collection is the cream of the. ceic- brated private library of Theodore Thomas. it is well known thmat Mr. Thomas in the possesior of the largest library of orchestra mnusic in the world and the music in these chests was carefumhly selected froun this enormous collection by Director Moos. Time coumtents of these sixteen chests are valued at from $12,000 to $15,000 aumd some of It is alnmost priceless in value. From this great collection have been drawn time mammy different - ent numbers whIch have entertained tile audiences in the Auditorium anti the cohlec- tion is stmmclemit to macct all ordiumary re- qulrenien ts. This valuable collection Is the comistant care of Librarian T. F. McNicoi , who guards the battered cbcsts as though they ontalued diamonds. 'j'o NiiU ucie 'i'mt ' siujc i Couiit'V. Itmstmlrlt'r , , ( > 1 U l.oiij mImmgrIui' iii nit ( ) iunliii l'ulr Ilsiv' ShuNter ( ) tsJt'et. A local publication occupied to columns yesterday morning in exploiting an ingenIous btmt laimientably nldietmious scimemno to imulltmemiec time district court in the legal comitroversy between the rlvai Oriental concessionists at the exposition - sition , The article consists of a long presen- tatlon of one side of time case , which Is immu- mistakably suggestive of busIness office in- shsiratlomi ammd the auuirnus whicJi promnptcd its publication is readily apparent. This consists In a weak effort to give the liii- pression that the editor of Time flee has a Iersotmai interest in the suppressloum of the Streets of Cairo in the apparent expectation that time allegation will iavo weight wIth tue court upon whose docket the case up- pears. The article declares that at the time wimen the contract for the Streets of Cairo was closed Mr. Roscvntor was imm Nashville attending the Tennessee Centeminial expost- tlomi , It proceeds to stnt that Gastomm Akoumu was operating a similar cOncession at Nash- vihlo at that timne and wits also plauning to secure v. similar privlh'ge at Omnahma. It Is covertly intimated witluotmt giving any rca- soul for the assertion , thimit during his stay at Nashville Mr. flosewater hmad some miegoti. mitions with Akoun in regard to the Omaha concession and that lie was rntmciu displeased to find on his return that the concession hail beemm hot to Leopold l3onet. Timis forms a bests for time supposition that follows , which is thmat the action of time exposition nmnmmagc- uncut in declaring the Streets of Cairo comm- tract forfeited is merely a scheme of Mr. hiosewator to favor Akoun. That rnmrt of the publication which refers to. Mr. Rosewater is obviously a miysteumiatie schenme inspired by the real owners of the Streets of Cairo to prejudice the court In their favor. As a matter of tact , Mr. hose- water did not even see Akoun at Nashville ansI imad no conversatiomm witlm himmi imntii seine timmie afterward , when Akoun came to Omualma to secure his concession ammd cmiiIei on all the nmemnbers of tue execumtive corn- mulitteti , Mr. Akoun was recornumuemitheul hy George \V. Unimmger , who saw his establishment - mont at NaslmviIh. Mr. Llnimmger had trmtv- clod in Egypt and Algeria anti assured time excctttivo committee ( lint Akotmn's people ore gemiuine Algeniamms. At his suggestion Mrultotmmi wrote to Mr. Itomuewater some time after in regard to time commeession ammd tile mnmatter 'as turned over to thu depart- uuicnt to which it beionged. In this conmmeetiomm it is a notorious fact flint Leopold IJommet , who Is time ostensible owner of the Streets of Cairo , is in fact merely an enmployc of E , A. Folder nod Dion Geraldine , who are the real proprietors. Time concesslomi was granted wlmemm Geraldine was time grand duke of the exposition cmiii tiirotmgh imla inuluenco it was secimretl at a ridiculously low figure. Folder is time man who operated a similar estnhlisimmiment at St. Louis , wits' o his show bore a very unsavory - savory repmmtatiomi , atvLis ltI'iNt : ; i.ic'i'Eitl ON Alt'I' . Iivuetor rlIII hisihIshstinu hit' I'lL'- ( ii l'vs * 45 nIl Iiiisroiim it ii i'nr , Visitors to tIme Art buihmhimmg yesterulmuy afternoon - ernoon vcre treated to a feast by Director Gritfltiis , who organized a party to make it trip througii time galleries. fill 'tio cared to do so vere free to join the excursion party ammti nearly 200 iieople availed them. selves of the opportunity. Wimen all uvtis rosily Mr. GritUths led time way to the vcst sectioui of time building and passing imuto time first gallery Imointed out the utmost immmportamit paintimugs in time moorn , rapidly sketching the pnimmcipal characterIstics - Istics of the artist and time mmuain voltmta in time llctUre , tehliuig a little anecdote occa- sloumally to ihiustrato a point and imumpart- Immg a vast deal of Immformatiomi the while , I'assimmg to time imext room the iroccss was repeated ammd thus time party pabsed through the entire htmilditmg , the journey ending witim tIme imiugmilticent work of F' . Royliot In ( lie east section , tiiti largest palntlmmg iii the entire - tire cohiectin , entitled "Clmurlea time Bold intering time Church at Lisle , " Tue running lecture occupied timree.qunr- tens of aim hour mmd at time close dr. Gnif. flthms was vigorously flplmiammdetl amid thamiketi muietly timmiemi ( or the pleasure he had of- forded , : inTliiI' Piuiitt's I'it , stt'rts , The mantis band IdnYcIl to an audlemmee of only fair ProIlprtIouis yesterday afterumoomi , bitt iii the eveairmg Its eommcert was eimjoyctl by a crovm1 that literally puckcth the big I'lan amid renulered the mmmost hearty ntiire. ciatton. Commtiuctor Samujehimianmm had scleed ( , ' pmogramfl timat imicluded several exceptiomu- iliy enjoyable miumubers and It was lmiaYed with that cutliusiuisam a luich muomnetImy. iuispires time mnusiciami ; wimefl it is sut' s" mmmnuiIestetl by the auuitci Ii 'as uluceti by Meyerbcer's mm' ' Co.omiatlou , " mvluih was ( ohlowcii by S muagmmiti. emmt overture fmtmmmm ' 'Ricimli. ' ' Another corn- I ( Continued on Fifth I'agc. ) HAWAII IS THE MAIN ISSUE SVhmcn It Shmnhi llellspoesl of Con- grcs M'llt II. ' lten.iy br Final , tuirflhitcflt. WAShINGTON , .ltmno 12.-The first days of the week wilt be devoted by the senate to mieceilaneous matters , and the latter part to time hawaiian question , if present. plans are pursued , The hawaiian question is attractimig more attention timan any matter imow before congress , and upon its disposition largely depends the date of final adjourn- macmit of the session , Senator Frye is determined to get the house resoiutioim up in the senate as soon mu ; It passes the imouse , nail asserts his ability to hold the senate in session for ii reasomi- able time , or till the matter can be disposed of. It Is conceded on all hanils that ( lucre is a majority In ( ho senate favorable to an- neXatioim , but somne of those friendly to time cause adamit the diflhcuity of holding a quorum of Its friends anti expect the oppo- miemmts of time measure to refuse to assist then iii mnaimmtainlng the quorum. Other matters to be considered during the week are the bill for time Incorporation of tIme immternatiommal bank , Senator Pottigrew's bill regulating time accounts of time public land states and the quarantine bill. The conference committee report 0mm the Indian approprlatiomm bill is likely to receive attention amid a portion of the time wilt be devoted to private pension hilts and to houmso bills of the calendar. Senator Morgan hopes to imave a favorable report on tile Nicaragua cammni bIll to pro- semmt to the senate late In tue week. Time debate upon the Newlands resoin- tion , providing for the annexation of ha- wail , will commtimmue iii the house this week until Wednesday , whieim at 1 o'clock a vote will be taken. Meantime conference reports on the sundry civil , hmudian and District of Columbia appropriation bills may be pro- seated aumd considered , but owing to time great desire to speak on Hawaii these no- ports will be delayed until after Wednesday. Tue gemmeral deficiency bill is expected to be taken up Timurstiay , and will be disposed of quickly , Aside from time quarantine bill , there are no uumeasures of much inmportance likely to come ump beyond alPropriation bills. BLANCO ASKS WAR SUPPLIES Spatis l'romsmtscp , to Seitd 'I'lmem itt Otmee b Sn 1ff Steamsiers , Umisier a Stroii Convoy , LONDON , Juno 13.-Tue Madrid come- spondemit of ( lie Stamiulard , telegraphing Sunday - day says : "General l3lanco , having agaimm ( do- graphed that in case the blockade becomes stricter it will be urgent to send war stores , as his supply is rtmnnimmgsimort , time government - mont iia.s taken steps to dispatch abundant supplies by fast vessels fromu Spammisii and foreign ports. The more important supplies from Spaimi vili be strongly convoyed and viil be sent immediately. 'Gemmeral hiiammco also telegraphs that time authorities at Santiago de Cuba claim to iiavo repelled the American attempt to land in time inner and outer bays of Gumantamuarno , the Spanish forces beimmg entrenched In positions - sitions commanding ( lie best iandtmtg places between Santiago anti ( uamitamiauno , " WAlt iEWS FROM S1'AIS1I SOU1tClS. lllitisco timid A ugusti Forvititt Itot.zite , Ca lt.'grliiis , MADRID , Jumne 12.-I p. rmi.-The follow- log dispatch has been received here ( room Cantain Geumeral l3laimco : "One American' cruiser and two gunboats arc before hlavann , two arc before Muriel , one at Carilenas , two at Sancaisarlo , none at Matanzas and Clenfuegos amid fiftecmm American men-of-war arc off Santiago do Cuba. We have ito news from Caiumiammera. " A private dispatch receivei , here from Manila reports time situation there as being silghtly improved. It says : "In Spite of time Insurrection in time imroriimco the capital - ital is resolved impumi resistance. Time spirit of time people is excellent. The defenses have beemi increased , fresh battahioums of volumuiteers have been orgimumized , time place is victualed for two mmmontlms and the insurgents - surgonts have not ventured to make an attack - tack , " % 'AL'I'EIt imi "i"m' is , t'i' s'i' , 'VlIOl.t.S. lt'IIIOM Fit ru Ish lug lIt' ( is i4 Staten it Ii % Vtr I iiforimitt lispi , 'T. THOMAS , W. I. . June 12.-Walter fletl. wimo is said to have been a secretary o : uhVrawford , the hlnitisim consul at Sami Juan do Porto Rico , the latter now acting ( or time Ummited States , arrived here yester. day. Mr. lieU was accused of comnmunicat- lag Information to time United States atmthmor. ities In regard to time immines antI forts of San Juan , and hmo was ordered to leave l'orto Rico , The Spaniards allege that this Is a ha grant breach of British neutrality , and ( ian- gerous for Mr. Crawford , unless it camm be proved that time latter was mot : the employer of Mr , Bett. and that the expelled secretary % .as not answerable for his actions to time British government. Mr Bott denies having supplied the United States authorities with the information ro ( erred to. Thirty-one I'orto Rican refugeer , mostly wonien , also arrived Imoro yesterday , TIme mmowspapers say that two months of the existing conditions wilt brimig I'orto Rico to time verge of starvation. The govenimmmmcnt of the islanmi has established a few pUblIc kitchens for time relief of those suffering the most. Time Spanish torpedo boat destroyer Terror is now regarded as beimmg useless , owimmg to the breakdown of its boilers , and tIme hick of memums to repair timeumi , It Is still at Samm JUmmmm do Porto Rico , witim Alfonso Xii , Isabel 1 , Ponce ( Ic Leon , Conchs amid Como. cimmmt. At least they vero mmli timero when time refugees left San Juan. I'otIt'rs iii himisi Smmut use. ( Copynlgimt , S9S , by h'remumt Ptmblisimlng Co. ) LONDON , June 12.-Ncw ( York World Ca. blegram - Special Telegram , ) - Thu Daily Mail's Las Palates dispatch says : ° There arc at ircsemmt anchored in the harbor of Puerto do ia Suma ii. M. S. Clmmlryb- mliii nmmml one Fremichi moan-of-war both of which arc awaiting developments. Time three Spanisim torpedo boats whicim returned imoro from Caime Verde islenmis are still un- tlergoing repairs , I am inforimmed that the Emmghish engmieers executing time repairs fouummi the boilers and engines in Sriglmtfmil ( Onlitlfl , lmie to imeor mmeglect. Time commvoy or toipedo boats , the City of Cadiz , dismmipears periodically , taking with imer sonme O or 600 tons of coal , It iii absent for semite thrco of four days and timemi returns to obtain another - other supply. Whore it goes is kept an absolute - solute secret , but evidently it is a tender to other shills or tue fleet probably lying in one of tue Imarbors of adjacent islands , eitlmer Fuerto Vuimtura or Lanzarotte , both of vblclm have good anciuorcmge , They are rarely is- ited and are very suitable for the purpose , " 4 Veht'oisui' I" ' * 'I'iliit'SlO ( ' 'irootis , M'COOC , Neb , , Jumie 12.-Speciat ( Tele- gnmmmmi.-Timo ) First rt'gimmlemmt of Tennessee volunteers , 1,260 men , passed timmougim this statlomm between 4 amid 8 o'clock this afternoon - noon miti were given a hearty welcome anti a more substantial treat of coffee and wholesome sandwiches. TRANSPORTS OFF FOR CUBi1 Invading Army Mnken Anmtlier Start for Boone of' Actidit. . SIJAFTER IS IN COMMANDOF THE ARMY - War miisl Na flenrtmmmcmmtn Are Nna lngngesl Lii L'rcinritig Ammothier lIXjiChitUhl 10 GO to i'urtt ) hlie , , . WAShINGTON , June 12.-Under commnn.h of Major aeneral Shatter , ( ho first divisiotu of time United States anmmmy will sail tonight from Key West for Santiago do Cuba to besiege - siege and capture that town. Time army transports , thirty in number , left Tanmpa yesterday amid are now at Key West. The coumvoyiog war ships , believed to number between sixteen omud nimmeteen , will be ready for the voyage by mmightfahl anti with timis powerful force there is no longer reason for apprehemmsiomi tlmat time transports can be attacked successfully by atmy Spanish war ships , even if such slmouid have escapomi the vigilant seari'h of time naval commanders at Key \Vest and oft hhmtann. It is believed lucre that the sally out of hhavamma of ( hue timrec Spanish gtmnboats was intemmdeti to create the Impression timat Lucy were prepared to go out to attack the trans- ports. If so , the plan miscarried , for the craft were detected instanIy by Commnodoro "Vatsoim's cruuisers and driven back pcii mcii Into havana harbor UO&IeE' the protection of the gumms of the shore batteries. Even if these boats lund escaped they could imavo done no daimmage , for time size of the convoy ttmrcished for the trbop ships is sum- cleat to warrant the belief that they would have been speedily destr6yed should timey imavo had 'the courage to make an attack upomu time Ileet of American ships. The Spanish - ish gmmaboats are mmot of fomnuidablo character , not one of them being equmal in power of time snuallest American cruiser or even of such gunboats as the iittl& & flancroft , which may be used as General Shafter's fiagslmip. } ] very precaution has been ( milton by the government to insure the safety of troops on route to Cuba. The naval war board \'as in sessiomi today , making the fimmal preparatiomms for time tiisnosltlnn of iii , , guards. Time transports ill be kept as cloeiy together as safe imavigntlomm will permit - mit and time war shuts will ho disposed ahead , aatern and on either fiammic , Time fleetest scouting vessels will be timrouvn far otit In advamice of the transports auth in order to insure against an' atack from time rear somno of timese rcsels , such as the St. Louis , perhaps , will linger tar astermm , ready to signal time heavily armed cruisers at the first 8ign of an approaeimIn foe. I itt ! mmiii iheitsIn tlit' Time stately battlesimlim Indiamma , it is cx- peeLed , viil leach time proetmssiomm of simips , vimich will be time most ammrnerotms gathered in American vaters since time civil war. The troops slioulti arrive off Sammtiago by Wednesday night , suimposing time fleet pro- cectis at eiglmt knots speca , anti lnndimmg operations should begimi by Thursday , for General Shatter will not keei imis men cooped imp omm slmipboard s , moment longer thamm necessary. It ispot btiieved that timey will ho lamudeti at Caimuanero. the jrnint on Guammtanamo bay where the Aummerican flag now , flies over time heads of Sanmpsomi's mnarincs , ' as that place. wimile well adapted to serve as a naval base mind as a Imarbor of refuge for the American war aimips , is not iartlcmmlnnhy well suited for time begimmning of mmiilitnry operotiomms. In ten days ( line , unless unforeseen oh- stacles are encountered , ( lie movemumont mmpon Porte Rico will begin. The War departimment ha been in close comnnmummicatlon by ( ole- grapim with General Miles at Tamupa , and cii of the necessary instrimctiomms have beemm givemi to time commmmnanding general for the prepnrntiomm of time military forces to be imsed in ( lila part of the canmpaigmm. General Miles , in turn. immis been commault- lug Generals Copphmmger anti Lee at Jack- comiviiie , giving the necessary detailed in- strmmctions , and all is so mmc'ar ready timat were sonmo essential supplies aim imanti , the expedition could start wtthmiim twenty-four lmotmrs. Time Navy department has been advisemi of this purpose by the army , amid time war boarml todmiy was making arrammgcmmments for time supply of time convoying fleet. This will be of a mmmorc formidable character timan that. wimich goes witim time Santiago expoditiomm , for the plans contemplate a Joint attack upon time San Juan fortifications by time army tmtmd mmavy , auth timeso fortifications are so power- ( mu that heavily armed ships only can be sent against them at time beginning. Therefore - fore , it is believed Sarnpsoim'a battleships will head timis fleet , Now that Samapson hums tuhcomi up a p081- tion ashore hi Guantnflaniu bay , it is cx- pected at time Navy department tlmat lie will soomm be In direct cab'e ' communication witlm time department , which will greatly facilitate - tate the cbmbined operamlotma t the navy anti army. Time cable which ho cut just before - fore landing time malnes vap htmoyeti ammd its soomm as cable operators and instmunieumts can be gotten over from hlayti , the cable will ho OIeiieti again , 1,1st of time 'I'roouss. TAMPA , Flu. , JILnO i2.-Time expedition ( lint sailed frommi imere to Key West , probably goimmg to Sammtiago , was mnmid up of mmearly twenty regimemmts of regular infantry of from 500 to 60 memm eacim , immcluditmg besides - sides fomir regiments of time Fifth army corps , anti foui' r6gitmienta of artillery. Time total force of regular infantry was about 11,000 men , There were nlso two rcgimnemmte of volummteers1 unmmkhmmg about 15- 000 memm altogether. Time Secoimd regiment of infantry troumi Mobile , 500 macn ; aumti two sqtmmmdrons each fremmi the First , Third , txtim , Nimmthm anti Tenth cavalry , about 2,00 mmmemm ; eight troolms of voflmnteer caynlry ; taken frommm ' " riders " SGO tour Roosevelt's "mougim , immemm ; batteries of light artillery , .400 men , sixteen guns ; two batteries at heOvy artillery , 200 macmm amid sixteen una ; lime imattallomi of emm- gineers , 200 Inca ; signal and hospital corps , etc. , about 300 nmen ; a gmammul total of about 17,000 nmen. The reginielmis 'were practically pIcked macmm , as not a Itmglo recruit was takemm , time regimmmemmts carrying only time old casoned troops. hrlM'iIIL % 'oiiId A hs Icimte' , ( Copyright , i08 , by Press Pimtmhialmlng Ce , ) LONJON , Jumme 1Z.-New ( York World Cablvgramn-Specia'l Tclegfamn.-Tho ) Iaily News' Madrid ( hisiatch says : Reports mire again rife that Christina wants to shift tIme regency to infants Isa- bolia anti lot Item accept -Almiertea's commdi- tions , It is expected that Russia will pro' test against an op n alliaace whIm iewoy as belligerent witim Agutualdo. tcbei elmief of time l'hihimpines , Time Standard's Romno 'dispatch says ; In conseqimenee of serious muews received froma time Philippines time pope has telegraphed time quceum regent , placing lila services at imer disposal it she considers the ummomemmt has arrived for iumvokImm the intervention of the powers in favor of Spain. The queen regent telegraphed her timanks , saying ( butt , at the opportune ummomnemmt ho should feel the imope's offer to be very precious. - - - - - - - - - TEMPERATURE AT OMAHA lfour , flcsrliotmr. lep , Ia. . mum . . . , . , tilt 1 5s , mit . . . . , . ( I a. an , . , , . , tma 2 p. in . . , . . . 55 7 mm. in . . . . . . ( UI 8 n. ma. 75 S a. in . . . . . . tuS 4 ii. ma . . . . . , 711 1) a , ma . . . . . . 119 5 i' tit. . , , , 77 I ( I a. tim . . . . . . 7 ( It ii. ma. . . . . . 77 it a. lit . . . . . . 78 7 1 , , iii . . . , , , 74 12 in . . . . . . . . . 72 4 , . mu . . . . , , 711 I ) p. iii . . . . . . TOlA' .t'l' 'l'iII lNt'OSI'l'ION. At the arutitimism Chilidrcim'n iny , lOmBO mm. iii , , 2li rifle llnmutl Concert , (3 u. mit. , 1nrlmie hiutiti Concert. S it , mit , , Tlmutiinn' Orelient rim flush F.- mmnIt ion Cit.rtms at Aniitorlsmism , lovn Tomm t flcformis l'rts , . Asniiclnt litim nt Crcigli- . ton hull , Initlsli liitlmern.is , ) nniMlt Immlst'ran Chmureim , 'Vm'ciiy-Stxlt aims ! Prnmk- lit' , - - - - ANOTHER PRIZE CAPTURED St. I.ttis hilt hers hit hint mu Stenmumer Ltmuis'd lth Coal for Sjmmstm- . ish Fleet , ( Copyright , isius , by Press Pumblishmimig Ce , ) MOl.R ST. NICHOLAS , Hayti , June 12.- ( New York World Cablegram-Special Tele- granm.-Timo ) hiritisli stenamer Twickemmimam , with 3200 tomma of coal for the Spaninim fleet , was captured Friday night by time United States cruiser St. Louis atmd sent , as a lmrise to Key West. Time Twickenhnmn is time London steamer timat first went to Mnrtinlqtme , cx- pecting to find the Spammish fleet there , anti was detained on suspicion by tue French autimorities. The St. Louis foil in with time Twicken- imnmn Friday niglmt , twemmty miles off Kingston - ston , The St. Louis simowed the ordinary red and green lights of a mereimantmnan and time Twickeumimam suspected imothing anti held on its course northward toward Guantammamo , where Its coal could be on- loathed nod almippoti by rail to Admiral Con- Vera at Santiago. Wliemi at close range time St. Louis fired a shot across time Twickon- Imammi's bows , but instead of stoppimmg tIme British simlp put on full Stealmi and ran. The St. Louis soomi ovorimauled it nmmd fireil another - other shunt amid by this ( line the Twlckemm- Immimum hove to. \Vlmen time 'rwmcuccnmmanm was Doaruetm , mis cnptaitm at first vigorously denied timat time coal was for the Spaniartis , but 1mm its fire room was fouimti a mmtmm 1mm overalls who spoke Spnmmish , nntl timis maui , after a vigoroums cross-examination by Captain Goodnick of time St. LoOis , atimnitteti ( lint lie \'as a Spati- ish cuber in charge of time cargo. lie Imati timrowmi imis PflPCl anti imis commimnissiomi overboard - board , lie 'as badly utcareti. lie was semit as a prisoner to Key West emi hoard the captured steammier. Time St. Louis hmas beemi cutting time calies aroumid Cuba. Llemmtcmmammt Album cmi board time St. Louis passed Guammtnnammio last mmight amiti saw time stars ammd stripes and time tcmmts of tiut' immarines still cmi time lull amid Aimmemi- comm ummemi-of-war , iii ( lie harbor. There imas beetm no emmgagemnemit with time Spanish yet. MAY LEAVE ON WEDNESDAY ( , 'imerzti 1ert'ltt Issin Orders to have time 'i'rot'n Itenti' 40 G , ) Oil Piuuirmi tlmt' 'l'rtiiunporls. SAN FRANCISCO , June 12.-Major General - oral Merritt has mint issued regular onions tlirecting time enmharliatlomi of troops for Ma- imila , but has sent verbal instructions , tlmrough Major General Otis , to tIme coloneis comummammiling rcgiimmemmts ummmmi battaliomms tiesig- tinted to sail to Imavo fimmislmel , by Tuesday the placing aboard ship of nil camap equmip- age ntmd to be rendy to embark timeir troops by mmoomm \Vetimmesday. . Time rcsuit is timat great activity prevails iii time cammmps of time regtmiients that are to sail. l'acltimmg has been begumm anti every article not needed hetween now and sail- imig is beimmg Imacketi away. Arthur MacArthur , the last of time bniga- diem generals of vtmiummteers ordereti to me- port to Genarai Merritt at. Saum Frammcisco for time Manila expeditiomm , reached imere froni time east last mmiglmt. ANOTHERLANDING REPORTED Fiighit 'l'liinttmii PJmsi ted Stmidt's 'I'ruumss . _ ve Sushi to lie IiMImiiIiirkctl mit Siuthtgo. ( Copynlglmt , 1SiS , lmy time Associated Premot. ) CA1'fl HAYTIEN , June 12.-1:30 : p. nm- Eigimt thousand Aummericans , nccordiumg to a Imrivato dispatcim from Port Au h'rlmmce , have lammded near Sammtiago do CtmIa. Time Ummited States auxiliary cruiser St. Louis arrived cut Mole St. Niculas today , PORT AU PRINCE , linyti , Juime 12.-8 p. nm-Tiio latest advices recelvetl frommi l'ort tie PaIx say time hiritisim ateanmer Ravemus- dnle , fmoni Guantannmmio , whemmce time Oregon mmd Marblc'heatl immi conmpolled It to put out , reports that time Americans were cvi- tiently piumnmmimmg it debarkation of troops oim time aimoro of Guantanamo bay , Go mmiont l'esriti Gtet Sunlit , PIIILADRLI'hiIA , Jummo 12-The gtmmmboat Peoria , formerly time pilot bent I'imilamielphia , salletl from time Lengimo Islammd navy yarti probably to joimi Almlmai Sampson's fleet in Cuban waters , at 11:30 : today. IL was expecteti tlmnt time gmmmmboat Dorotlmea woulti accomnpammy the I'eoria south , but ibm departure was delmiyetl by reasomm of the failure - ure of snillmmg ormic'rs from Washington. TIme Dorotimea is a new boat recently coma- picted at Cranmlms ammtl is expectemi to develop - velop a high rate of spced , Time I'eoria car- rica a battery of 3-liountiors and is tmnder time command of Licutenammt Ryan , Time gimnboat I'rimmceton vihl probably leave time navy yrurmi this week , and time Fish Ilmiwk a week later , L'raisu frustum l'ui i-is , ( Copy'riglmt , ItOh , by Press Pumbhisiming Co. ) I'AitlS , Jumime i2-Ncw ( York World Ca- lmlegrammm-Speclal TelegrammiAumrora ) in atm etlitonial mleahimmg witim time war says todmmy : "rho hour of liunisimumment for time tortures of Mommtejuecim , the opjmressors of Cuba amid tIme I'hmihlpmlimes ! , assassins of ltizai anti Macco. luau comae , Time mleliboratlomm of Americami operatiommum 1mm Sumitlngo shows praiscworthy anti novel features of mm dern- ocrmmtic wai' wlmicim wisimemi a minimum sac. rlfico of imumnan lives and wimemm it strikes , strikes once for all , Time United States in this quarrel has tieservemi ivoll of civillza- ( Ion. ' ' ( 'rtuiumtl ) . \'situll 'i'iii' a hlattil , ( Colyriglmt , IWJS , by Press I'tmbilmthmiimg Co. ) LONION ) , Juno 12.-New ( York \'oniml Cablegram-Special Tclegramn-Timo ) Mull's Nagasaki tlispatclm says : Trustworthy iimfonimmntlomm reaches moo tutu Germany imas tlcterzmilned to lmrevcimt time L'ommmbardmmment of Manila , Time Kaiserin Augusta , ( lefomu , Irene amid Cormorumim are now off Mnimiia anti time Kaiser , wlmicim immms been delayemi , leaves hero today for time santo Imort , 'l'Im imst. , Gontusn is ? ' 'Il I ( ) tijt't-l , LONDON , Juno 13.-A dispatch to tIme Daily Mali fromum Nagasaki , Japaum , says. "I have trustworthy infornmation that ( icr- matmy Is determined to prevent a bombard. meal of Manila. " FIRST FICHT ON CUBAN SOIL Marincs Atlacke Spanish Guerrillas anc . Regular ar Guantanamo. ? j. FOUR BRRVE FELLOW 1LL BEFORE THE ENEMY'S ' GUNS Fighting Begins on Saturday Afternoon and Continues Thirteen Hours. OUR FORCES SUCCEED IN HOLDING THEIR POSITION They Are Camped Upon a flulitop and Make au Easy Target for the Spaniard. , Who Fight from Ambush , Secreting Themselves in the Thick Undergrowth Which Abounds in that P..egion-Spanish Loss is Unknown , but is Believed to HnvoBoonHavy. Time iirst imumul emigagemumetit hmut'enui time forces of Sluliim utuiti tlmo Utmiteil Slates oceumm'rel ( imi tumrilmiy ii ftertmotnm , vlmotm Spmmti Ishm guet'ihlns uiumul regilimi rut : tt- ( mieked tIme imleket iimme of time tletutchimmieimt of mmmnrlimu's 'hmicii iaumdi'tl mmm.'ar ( ilmull- tmumn mmio lmist li'rlmhumy , ' [ 'hut ligim t hi'gn it a t 8 o'clock mm mm d coot lammed timitil U o'clock Stmimtlny mmmormmhmmg , vlmemi the iti'i'l'uml of mclii forcelmmeutm4 fronm tii liet't forced time Sioummiuirtis to ret int' . 'i'ime i'k'ket ' hiumu' mis nimout I , tX ) ( ) ) -hu'u1u : lmmlnumd fi'oiii time emititi ) , amid It vis : drI'eui Lot 'k 1v , _ tjme eimemtmy to tIme mmmmitm : lnly of time nlmtritmem $ . Ftqii' of time imiii'imnut : nrekmmtvut , to have hn'emu kilhni , vIt hi time mumetmmiers ) 01 : time mulvmt tice hIiei't hue still ttmtlei'otmmi : te'd for. i'lme ios .of time Slmlmluhi'tIS ) : h4 mmmmktiovmm , lout it umt heile''ti to imn've hmm'tl .lmt'ivy : , time demul amid. \votmuuletl ( lmeitmg cmrrled : : ivzty by thou' commmu'mdes : , Time tlemuui ummumimmes mmrc : . \SSIS't'AN'l' SllR liX .101 iN Ii lA I It t 1 thiS f Itk'lmmmmomnl , Va. _ _ _ _ _ SEIti ( I'.N'i' (111 AitlES ii. SM ii'l I of mmmmmllwootl , 'iid , 1Iti.Yi'l' ] \Vl r4I4IAM 1)1Xh'hlV ) of Gioucestem , thumm $ . PIIA'1'E { JAmIES M''OLI.\N ( of Stommu'lmmmnm , Mass. SPANIARDS ATTACK MARINES ' 1'lie' Flglmt F'isium Amimisitnit ti'sI iCili Fur ol' ( lie iolmtelmmmeuut ' % VIm bit Luttel ) ' i.imtmtlett. ( Copyright , 1S3 , by time Associated l'rcss. ) MOLE ST. NICOLAS. June 12.-Omm Board time Associated i'ress 1)ispateh Boat Iaunt- less , oil iuaimtaumamno , Suumduuy , Jmmne 12.- Lleutetmant Colommel It , W' Ihtmumtlngtoii'S bat- tmmilumi of mmmarimmes , which lammdeti froni time tm'nmmslmort l'ammtlmer on Friday and encamped otm time hmili guarduumg the abantioumed cable statlomm at time emmtrance to time otmtcr harbor of Cuatmtatmammmo , iota been emigagemi in imeading off a rush attack by Spatmish guerrillas and regulars since 0 o'clock Saturminy nftcrnoomm. Time fighting was almost comitimitmous ( or thirteemm hours , until U o'clock thus mmmormming , whelm reinforcements were lauded fromn time Mnrbiehead. Four of our omen were kiliod nntl one woummded. Time amivnmmce pickets tmmmder Lieu- temmants Nevilie anti Simaw are ummaccoummted for. Amnong time killed is Assistant .Sumrgeomm Johum Blair Gibbs , son of Major Gibbs of time regular itrmmmy , wimo ( cii in time Ctmster mmmassacro. ills imoimie was at Riclmmnonti , Va , , but ho has been practtcimmg 1mm New York antI Ime emmtered time service since time war begatm. lie was a PoPular oflicer. Time others killed are Sergetunt Cimanies H , Snmitim of Smmmahlwood , Md. , Private \VIl- liama M. Dummmpimy . of Gloucester , Muss. , anti I Private Jammmes McColgan of Stoneimani , Mass. Corporal Glass was accidentally weunmled mt the head , 'Time Spammish loss is unknown , hilt it was considerable. Time splasimes of blood fouimd at tia'lighit at. time iosittomms the Spatmiardu occupied immtlicated fatalities , but tlmeir comim- ratIos cam'ried off time killed amid wommntled. Time ommgngemmment began witim desultory lining at tIme Imiclucts , 1,000 yards iniand ( room the camp. Cmptaimi Splcera company was doing gtmurti tiuty , anti was driven in , flumahiy railyimmg on the canmp , and repulsing time enemy at 5 o'clock. The hioflies of I'nivatcs McColgan anti Dunpby were fommmmd , both shot in time lmeati , Time large cavities caused by the bullets , which inside mm rmmmmgo of 5C0 yards have mu rotary motlomm , intllcate that time victltimmm were killed at close ratmge , I'set't'ui t ( . tile limb len , Time bodies were stnilmpei of simnes , imuts anti cartm'imigo belts nmmml horribly mtmtilateti 'itim immacimetes.Vimen they were brougimt 1mm time wimolo battalion fornied timree sltlcut of a ludlow squat'c about time cammmp omm time lmihhtop. Below lit time bay were tite war ships at anchor , lnltmnti from time imili camp In a (1001) ( ruvitte soul boyontl this arc high imihis. Time atijacemmt coimntu'y is imeavy with mu timicket growth. Time sky mm'as blaumkcteti witim clotmmls amid sm'Iion time summ set a gale was biowimmg scaivard 'Nigimt fell , tlmiclc tumid itmmpeno- ( ruble , Time Spanish mmquamls , coimceahrd iii time cimuppartil covet' , lund time rulvammtmigo , time Americuimms on time rimlgo tttnmmishing floe targets - gets against tIme sky rind time white totits. The Spammimmnilum fought front cover until mmmld. mmigiut , discoverable oimly at hlumsimes , at wimleim time itmanitmes limed volleys , Time repeaters soutmmleil like crackers iii a barrel , Time Marbiehicati launcim , a Colt nacimitme gun 1mm liii tow , vusimed tip tIme buy , enfi- latilog tue Spamilmmntls auth it is thought that ronme were killed , Time mnaritmes truiletl mnucim blood to time water's edge , nod timero lost it , Sharks are miunmerous itt time viclmmlty , 'rime ships timrtiw their mmeumrcimllgimts ashore , time jtuwerfui electric eyes sweemltmg time deep tropical foliage antI tllsclomuitmg occa- sionnliy skulking Imunties of Si'antards. ' it all reprosomited a trammsonmmmatlon scone at time ltariiot' Rumchm discovery of time enemy was greeted by time cracks of carbine tiring aiommg time edge of time cumuli ridge , or by ( lie long roll of limo inunclm's iumaehtmmo gun , nemmrciuimmg tIme thickets witlm a leaden streatmi. t3hmonly ( after immidnigitt catne time ummalum mit. took , Time Simaniards mmmdc a gallummt charge UI ) time soutimWst blolme , but mm'erc moot by repeateti volleys mom time tmmaimm body uimti broke before lucy were otme-third of time way up time imili , hut timey emitimo tie close ti&it & ( at polmmts theme wits umlmmmost a imammd-to-lmanl struggle , Time oiltcemmm used their rcvoh- 'ers. 'ers.Titrec Titrec Simaumiartimu got mimrougim time opemm forrmmatiomm to time edge of time cimmup. Coiummel Jose Cammipina , time Cuban guide , diselmmmrged iuis revolver. and they , turninK anti fluid. p - - - - - immg tiieimmseivcs without etmpicrt , ran helter skelter tiowtm the reverse simle of time Imill. It usa tiuning timis assault timat Assistant Surgeon Gibims was killed. lie s'ns simot itt time imeasi itt trout of imia owmm ( emit. time fartimest frommu time pntmlt of attack. lie fell into ( liii mirimus of Private Stmiiivnn and both ( mopped. A sccommtl lmullet timrew tiimmit in I their faces. Surgeon Gllilms lived ten atm- utes , but dltl not regain commsciousmiess. Time surgeomma of time hosruital corps then retmioveti their quarters to tin , , trenches about time oi'i Spanish stoakatie nom'tim of tue camp. The attack was contimmued at intervals tlmmougimout time rest of the tmlgimt , witim firing - ing front amnall tiqumutla immk'arious directions. Toward mmmortming time fire , mmiaclcemmeti , Dawtm Is time favorite time far attack , anti as the east pmled : , time umianitmes , lying omm their guns , vere nrotmsetl. Sormio vere actmmalhy asleep as they had imad tin rest for forty-clgimt hotmrs , mmmd tired nature could ito Iommger stnumd ( lie strain. Dmmt mme mmttnck caine. Three mmciv two-pound Ilelti guumms , which could imot be used tlmmring the nlgimt for fear of blttimmg our owim macmm , shelled several squmuids of Spumumislm after tinyiiglmt. Tiiey tiove Itito time btmslmes like prairie dogs itmto burrows ums time shells broke over them in time gm'ay tlawim. lhtmit ui.'m of leuttli IJimlmmo'sm'zi , Sergeant. Smith was reported as being killed at 5 o'clock time evenimmg of time Immevi- ous duty , but It umppennmt Imo imath been seen alive at 10 o'clock time previous evening. \Vlmen amid how he was killed no otto lummows at timis writimmg. Liemmtemmammt Colonel llutmtington anti Major Simmuw gave high praise to time nerve and stenthlmmcss of oilicers amid men , especially time youmiger ones , as tile eugagomuent was a baptimumi of fire for mu large majority. 'rime nien were in darkness anti in a stmammgo lanti , but timey stood to their bloats witim courage antI fortitumie , anti ( lucre was mme aymptonm of Imammic. The marines , timommgb much cxhmmmtmstcd , were eager for more figlmting , promising to inflict heavy lmutmislmmmmetmt , Timcy compil- inemmtemi ( lie tiunlng of time Spammiards with characteristic caump prttfanlty. Today time amfljiCSt lmrecautions have been tukt'tm , anti rchmmforcermmcmmts are bcimmg inmmdotl fronm time Murbiehemiti. A storimmy tiumme is cx pee ( ccl. Estimmmatesvary asto time attackimmgq force , sonme tiny uu , atmmm inc mmgmmremu rmmmm mis lmlgii as 1,000 , Colommel Cumrnpina , time Cuban guide , said time Spanlartin were nmcmstly irregulmurs , but time reports of time mil8ciiarge of Matisers wommld Indicate ( lint timey were regulars , as mmmost of thu guerrillas carry Ronmimmgtons , 'time Cuiman guerrillas , as a rule , have mmmoru ( lash amid courage thiamm time regimlutra. Time new cummnimaigmu tmtmlfornms vrove satisfactory - factory mmmiii arc umhimmost invIsible mit a dis- tnumcc of 200 yards. The Leo gmumms cmmuseci several accitietits imm tlrawimmg cartridges. Corporal Glummtmm simatteremi huts imarmd. Icspite time loss of time nmen , wmo ar" keemmly regretted , time mmmtmritmcs rejoice that they lmumvu imcetm oumgaged in timeir first flglmt. on Ctibmimm soil , 'Fimey sailed fromim New York time slay war was deciaremi mitmmt expected to lmmmmtl witimimi a week at. havana. Since then , umitli ( lucy lammmiem.l on time mihore of Quanta- nanmum hay , timey imuti been cooped up on time l'umnthmer emmtl they imati hegumm to fear that time troops m'ommici beat. timoun titter mmli , W'ASIiINGTON , Jutme 13.-Up to 12:30 : this morning no news timid reacimeti time otil- dais here conrorning time tIght. mit Quanta- riamo. Time report ( list 8,000 trooi)8 had been laimtied aetir Smmtmtiago cammnot. Lie commuirttmetl , auth it is believed tlmmmt our troops imave mmot yet reached those waters , Nfl\V YOll-C June 13.-John Blair Gibbs , vimo is reimoqetl killed at GUmmntanamo , was 26 years old\singlo \ anmi lived alone. At his late lmomtmo imm titi city ime is said to hmavo beetm a gmamiuumte of time Ummivermulty of VIr ? gitmlmm , lie lived armd itmacticed inetlicitme here for tmbommt four years , Two nmoimtiis ago imo receivemi time tmplolntmument as acting assist- atmt , surgeon , mmml was ordered to Key West , atid slmmcu that ( bunt his fnionuis tim titus city have imemrd : little front iminm , hut Sumpimoseti imitti to be on tIme Panther , Ills only known relative itt this city is mm Mrs , Roosevelt , but it Is sold ( lust lmc baa mu brotimer in Al- tootmu , l's , ( 'nmmms'ci Slilimusuum f , ritolsl lers. \VASII1NG'i'ON , June 12.-'rime lmreaident imams authorized canumeti salmon to be added as one of time nueat. conmpotmentg of the army ruitlomm , Ordinarily fresh beef v1hi Ito issueml to time troops six days in ton , salt meats tiurco days 1mm ttn , smith cummned saltmmou one day 1mm ten. Conmpmandimmg oflicers arc au- Ihuonlzed , itowever , to vary tlmcso proportions of time ratlomme sccormilni to time necessities ,