. - - - - - - - - - = WU1NJ iufSS . - - I NEWS OF INTEREST FROM IOWA. I COUNCIL BLUFFS. MINOII UIT1ON. Call at TIio 13cc omco for Cuban maps , tOo each. Piirnhhc1 roomi for rent , with or without boar 221 South evcnth trect. r The Men club of the 1irt I'resbyterian church will meet In the church parlors at 8 o'clock thIs evening. The Evnni Intinlry in the ) adcr In fine work bOth for color and flnisb. & 20 Pearl : tteet. Phone ttiO. A marriage license wnH lur0 yctirday to Alcxnnder II. luiiii , ngcd 42 , anil Lena Muir. Aged 33 both of Pottawnttnrnlu county. Dent you think it nuit be a pretty geol intirilry that can ptoac so many llundred3 of cu.tomera ? Woll-that'e the "Eagle , 724 llroailwny. T. A. Iollctt. the law partner of Major 11. U. CurtiR. flfl ( T. II. Wallace ot Atlantic are . in the city in tlko interest of Major Curtis' canililacy for congress , The IJohany ( uniter was weIl filed last night lesplte th ( lO % U hour of rain. ' 'lonte Crito' was well stiige0 and the verforinane ' cave gooti satisfactioI. Thu l'tttrintic Ortler of Sons of America will meet in regular scasioti this evening. NoninatIns of officers and full at1endanio , is desired , fly order of the iircsiilent. 151011(1 No. 10 , Cominunl No. 10 , tliiion % 'cterati union , will iiicet in the ( Irnini Army hail tonight at 7:10 : sharp. All coimiratles anl visiting coimirniles nrc urgctl to bu present. , Iluperititentlent Dimmock of time irfbtor comilliamly expccU4 that as soon as ( ho new . power house is comiipleted ho viII be able to mu ImI trains direct from this city to the cx- , pmition grouttils. . Twenty-six recruits of the Fourteenth United Stiits infantry froni Jefferson bar- racts , Mo. , in charge of $ ergeaut John 4 \'ck'lntnt1Im ' , msueil through the city y. . 4 terday on their way to Situ Francisco , The Council Bluffs Vonmen's Sanitary corn- mission met yesterday afternoon at the ar- Immry and camiictel ( thu necessary work on the ablonimmLti ! lnnlngcs , which were packeil anti setit to the boys of company L. at San 1ratc teen. . I In thu action brought in ( ho sipm'rIor , votIrt imy Flimtmiitl , Jelfern to cOmpel City Treasurer Iteeti to pay four Outstanding warrnhits on the uttcr fund of 5OO each , I dated March 2. Th'JG , the defendant yesterday t ' flied his answer. t \'llIiam Cooper , the negro nircatel iore ; . as a fugitive from Justice antI lie is charged 4 vitim tiring an accomplice of the three colT - T oreil vomen nt present In CU5tOly in Omimaha for robbing Leonard Mellynney or Dakota City , Nob. , of $720 , was turned aver to 1)etec- tie Dunn of tIme Omaha force , the requlsi- tion PaPers having arriveil front Governor tmaw ysterday. I Viavi Co. , female remedy ; consulta- ' ( free. Olilcu hotira. 9 to 12 and 2 to 1. health book furnished , 32'-327-328 Mor- rlatn block. I Money to loan on city propeity. Kinne. , N. Y. Plumbing company. Tel. 250. Map of Cuba , \Vest Indies and the \Vorhl at The flee ofiko. lOc each. 1'ItOCFI5IINS 0 ! " CLI'Y COUNCIl. . L 1lrI.I. nimit I'ernliisml coilimiminy Al- luW 191 44 , t7MC t1iiliui A''tIltI ? . { Tim city council met in adjourned regular session last night and after several additional - tional amemulimiunts had been tacked on passcl time ordinance amending the ordi- k lianco granting the Onialm Bridge nail Ter- Initial company a right of way over Union avenue. . \v. II , ICisaell , N. I' . tnith , A. N. Lund h and 13. E. Smith were appointed sieCIal ) po- j ilcomen vtthout expense to the city , ( The cinitract for repairimig the bridge at I North Main street over time creek was awarded to It. C. Ilerger & Co. on their bid ot $350 for piling. . c { City Aimlitor Evamis was Instructed to apply the amount in ( lie judgment fund toward satIsfying - Isfying the Street jutigmezit against the city. There Is $1,000 at piisent in the fund and 1 the Street judgment amounts to $1,100. j Tim matter ot renewing ilic Insurance on , the city hail , which expire8 this Iflofltb , was ' referred to ( lie committee on city property and bridges. The bill of the Gus Coinpamiy for the light- imig of time city jail and Police imeadqunrters was after conmldernbio consideration ordered paid. The city eiectrlcian was Instructed i to hereafter test anti read tim contents each month. Aidermuami Brougii reported that the Eicc- - trio Light company wanted to charge $11 for cimamiglug tIme light. at Timirty-flfth street anti Broadway to Thirty-fourth street and tim comninittee emi lighting was authorized to . act In tlio matter , , Thu ' matter or comupensation to the poll j tax collector was settieti by amending time ; existing ordinance to read that the collector l shall receive 30 cents for each notice , served where the party works out his tax I amid 20 or cent of all IflOfltJyl4 coiiectei ' 1 by voluntary payment or by suit. The bond of ( ho 1)011 tax collector was Oxed at $1,000. : Wanted-Girl to do gemierni 1iouseworJ. Mrs. C. A , liohimisomi. 724 South Sixtim street. Miss l'eari Itliotlt's tins purchaseil a League bicycle of Cole & Cole , list In Ihies I ) , , Ismmmge. The heavy rain of ycaterilay afternoon causetl Intilan creek to overflow Its banks in the vicinity of 'Femitli street , and ( or xcv- cml biock vcxt liroamiwny vmts covered with water nail mud to a depth of a foot and In pimices even more. At tue NorthWestern - Western crossing the tracks were coimi- t ) pleteiy covered , anti imetween 'l'emttt ! anti 'i'welfth streets nmmy , of time cellars in time inunediate vicinity were tliicml with water. , Inrimmg ) tue height or the stormit yesterday afternoon lightning struck the rcattteuco of J. N. 1)aviu at 2i28 Sixth mtvenut' . tearing a large hole in the roof nitti thu cave spouts from thu side of the Imouxo , Mrs. Davis anti the to ciillilrcmi , who vero niono In the itouso mit tue ( line , tavts being em- PIOYti itt the Union l'aciiic rouuilhouxe , Were thrown down by the mmiocic , , A Imorse I staked near time Union l'ciii roundhousu was killed by llgiitmItmg. , . 'l'ho un t liermi a ImmtIes a ro tunic in g aped a I efforts to servo good tiimmiers , amid suppers to Ittsiflt'SS PCOiIu on Saturday at theIr dimming haii , 407 Iiroadvmty , lIitt ls ii ti' 'Irmi ilfe.s. The following transfers were llie yes- tertI.y In (1w ( title , abstmact amid loan 0111cc or j. Squire , 101 I'earl stre'et : Ernest E. I itirt nod Ialz'rhtt 11t'l , . ttI mig bit , ext'L'mI I ntjs , a ad 1'riits I i'Z I Itirt anti wifu to 1tizeriit , t1.Im- , IIIttgtOI ) , 1 feet of grinmud betwet.gt i ( ) t 1 lIt bIc'k I. 0 lemululo multi , nail lot J In 1) , 1' . lot I9 , Cotmittil rlitmrLH also lot 2 in Ititick 4 , hail's I mititi. taut lot it ( , 7 , ii a ad mdi , 10 itt , ( ( b. J at IC son's add t 0 1 atm nell Bluffs , v. ii. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B. C , ittiItIi anti vifo to L. A , I litI- stelI. it mnvt 22742) . W , ti. . . . . . 2bUO Ailco I , , ldtttiw'lI oh ni to ii. C. $ mnlh ( , : t imwi. v. ii , , , . itimtitt In Ucorgo tt 3mult1i , u 25 ac 1t'i ' $ t tm. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Corneila I imtye supi lmtIbamui to ( icorgo 'rIght , lot 5 , subti block 4 , Avoum. w. ti. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jacob lekie amid r1fo CarrIe to Joint (1 SullIvan , lot ii in block 4 , Babbitt ; ibut'e mlii to CouncIl limiTs , v ii. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 400 Mary B .Me IilsIer and husband to ( 'an Mortmmani , i'art itw . . 33.75.43 . , w (1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CounI' Sheriff to (3. M. Iodge , lots I uud 2 In bioek ! , Ihtiisiiaie add to ( 'ounell Ifluffs , s. d . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 435 . John (3 Hulilvan , single , to Jacob ii : . kie'm. ltd tO block A. liabbllt P14CC add to Council Bluffs , w , ii. , 2,000 Carl Morlrnson itad wife 10 John (3. t liuJIIvun , hot Z In block 5. tlabLdmt pisc. add to Council lhhuffs , w. d. , 1,0t ) Ttn transfers , total. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . QO53 CRANDLOOGE CETS T1IROUG11 Iowa Masonio Uovomint Body Conoludea Itn Annual ommunication1 MUCH IMPORTANT BUINESS DONE i'ln , * for n i4ohmooI of hmtsrucl Itmit lx Atit'itcd , Cumitil Itutiuti A nteiisleml itimil h4tmicrl Immate Uttleers nt.I Coin mu I ( tees Nnsaicil. The fifty-fifth anotmal commimnicatlon of the grand lodge of iowa Masons concluded its labors yetcrday afternoon and adjourned , The majorIty of thu ieiegates left. for their linnics soon after tim eIoo of the afternoon session ammil the hotels , which had been taxed to time limit for the last three days , resumeil their normal condition and appear- I again last nIght. Unfortunately thx 'weather clerk vns Imot on his best behavior I anti the Incessant rain did much to spoil the ideasmre of the delegates during their visl % here. Most of theta inul come with the an- ticlimatlon of spending part of the time I taking in the sights of the exposition anti the various attractions there , but the rain Interfered with their lsns and many of them vcnt home last night without oven having once visited the grounds. At ( ho close of the afternoon session the p grand seeretary imid the delegates their mlleho and icr diem at the CitIzens' State banic and for a whIle it iooked to the tin- inltiatetl that there waz a run on the bank , It took just forty minutes to pay time dole. gates off. which is said to be the fastest I time on record at. any previous grand lodge meeting. The total amount of mlioagc paid out. according to the report of thin commit- leo was $8,578.75 , being an average of $19.34 for each lodge. lktforo iuljotmrning the grand lodge passed the following resolution : itvsoiveti. That we hereby tender to ( lie Masonic bretluemi of Council liiutTs anti to thu members of ( ho Chapter Order of the Eastern Star our sincere thanks for the very courteous reception anti ontertairment extended - tended to the members of this giand iodge during this session and we wIll hold their kindness In memory among otmr red letter days. For lmmstrmmetltimi In itltimnL 'rho mormiing session of the last day's proceedings was opened in the usual monitor and after the invocation by Grand Chaplain Ilnekicy the lodge at once cotnmencetl.on the business before it. One of the most im- hiortant matters acted uhion was that of on- iargimtg the methods whereby the lodges can receive Itistrtmction In the ritual of the order. l'ast Grand Master Granger , vIio Is one of ( lie custodians , outlined a plan which was ltdOjtCtl ) and in accordance with it the code wlil he amended. The plan provides that : The grand lodge board of ctmstodinns shall divide the state into such mitmmnbcr of dlx- tricts as shall be ntost advisable for the hnmrlmse and in each of these distriets a school for Instruction in the work and the lectures of the order shall be held. Time school is to b in general charge of the board of custodians which shah within thirty days after each annual communica- tlon of the gFnnd locigo select one of the nimmaber to act ax travelIng custodian. who will have partlcqIar car.e of the sch ols In the different districts. trite traveling custo- than is to receive an annual compensation of $1,200 and expenses , Iii Lhu'eveht tbat no member of the board of custodians can bit secureti to perform this service , then the board shall select some other competent brother to do the work. Each subordinate iodgo will be requIred to send the worshipful master or otto representative - resentative to be selected by him to the school for tnstruction In the dIstrict to which ( ito lodge shall belong who when pro- ftieiit in the vork an l lectures shall re- celve from the custodian in charge a cer- tluicate and this representative shall thereafter - after be the authority for the lodge onall questions as to the work and lectures : It shall also be the duty of the said instructor to thoroughly Instruct the lodge in tile work and lectures vrescrlbed in the jurls- diction. The committee on chartered lodges reported - ported adversely on the pctitiomis ot the three lodges to ho released from payment of grand bilge dues on account of having , hind their lodge rooms and property d- stroyed by fire. The amendment to article XII of the con- stltutlon of tile grand lodge presented at the annual communication imi 1897 on the subject of right of membership was taken UI ) atiti Ilmial disposition made by Lts adop- tion. The amendment was as follows : Section 1. The grand lodge shall , by ap- oroorinte legislation , secure to every non- alilitated muastcr Masomi of good moral character - actor and good Masonic standing residIng In this jurIsdiction the rigimt of petitioning for membership in the lodge of his local jurledic- tloit after timely residence therein upon sitIi terms and condItions as will best subserve ( ho imonor of time craft and nialmitnin harmony and good feiiewship Imi such local lodge , Sec. 2. Each subordinate lodge shall have tim right to waIve its jurIsdictIon over ammy such non-athiilatetl master Mason upon proper applIcation anti tipomi such condItions as nity be orovided by law. AlmmoImE he Olileers Numnet1. At the afternoon and concluding session Grand itiaxter hhovon ittitned time following to fill the appolmitlve othices : Deputy granti minister , Sumner Miller. Guttenburg ; deptity grand secretary , N , It , I'arvin , Cedar Ibip- ide ; lratul cluiplain , 11ev. J. 1. iarley , New Virginia ; grand marshal , C. B. MIlls , Sioux Itapids senior grand deacon , It. Amis- back , Ciitriiitli : junior gramimi deacon , i. J. Bourne , arimmitly Center ; senior gramiti stew- mini , Cleorgo Sinclair , SIoux City ; junior granti steward , I ) , W. Swnrtz , lCeokutr ; grand tyler. A. M , Aiberomi'ashiliigtomm , ( leorgo W , Hall of Iowa City was appointed trimstetm of thu grand lodge charity fumiti to stmceed h'ast ( Irminil Maxtor W. P. Alien of lIlhumiue , tiecnixeti. Charles C , Clark of llimrhimigton was elected emi tli board of gramui ledge cimetodinrum In liaco of thu into Past Gramiti Master W. 1' , Allen.The other iiiemIera , of tim boarti are (3 , II , \IIII Saimmi of Cetlur Faux amid Jtmdge C. P. ( Iranger of 1)os ) Moiiie. Time gramid niaster appuimiteil the follot'Imig ait time commimulttee emi Masonic jiirlsprtideiico : Past ( Iramul iii.ter : Almnun it , Dewey of Washington , C. Vt' . Neal of Stuart aimd J , L. Stcven of lhooiw. 3 , C.V , Cox of Washington was realm- pointed committee on fratemmia correspond- 011CC , A resol im t hum iumt lion xi mig titi , t ru at ccx of the grand lodge library to employ an archi- let : I tim Itrelni ru IILi lilt ml uti xwci lIeu ( Iou x for 0mm addition to the llhram'y which they arc I to Present to ( lie gramiti lodge at time next I aummual luteting wax i'aseti , F'oilowlmmg thu imistahiatlon by Past Grand I Master Ii , W. Itothiert of thu newly elucted otllcers the grand ledge atliourned. FOlt SAhE-Oooi secomlu-hunil bicycle e a bargain , Cell at The llett oile ) , Counoil bluffs , hloffnmayr'a ltittCmit flour InakCB th beat and nioatbrcztti.Ask your grocer for it. Iicli % 'ttmt.'tt Shut , The ailced harness thief , limnerson , who ; as bound over to the grnntl jury wo days ago on the charge of stealing barmicuts at Crescent City , * as ye.terulay turned mVer to Deputy Sheriff E , E. Myers of Lmtwreucu , . . . - - Kan. , who hail requisition papers for him. Emereon's right name ix Samuel Ii. Tripp , amid Sheriff Myers says he is ( tie most noted liorsethief In the country. There are no Ies tlman forty cases of horsextealing against him In Kansas and Missouri anti ho Is nlo wanted on similar charges in Indiap Territory - ritory anti Minnesota. haul ru of t4ner-isorx. At the session of the hoard of County Sn- pervimmors yesterday the committee to whom had been referred for investigation the pe- , titlon of residents In the vicinity of Loveland - land for the establishment of a road cross- lag the foyer river reported in favor of establishing the road as petitioned for. The semi-annual settlement wIth Cotmnty Treasurer Mad was made. Gilbert brothers submitted a bid to supply the county wIth Ice at 25 cents per 100 pounds. Last year their bid was 30 cents and thetr bid to supply - ply the city submItted at the meeting of the city coumicil Inst Monday night was 40 cents per hundred. Time bid was laid over , The bill of William iowns of Norwalk township for thio care of a pauper nameti Ilogge was rejected. Cordwood for sale cheap. Address W. Ia. , Uco omce. Council IBuffs. Try Moore's death to lice and mites. Irving hotel , 2759 fl'ii'y rates , $1.50. Council ' , Vitix ( lie Ph rst itoumiul. The city council has won the first round in its fight against time Iloard of County Sn- pervisers to mtectmro control of the expendi- tare of that part of the county road fund arising from the taxation of property within the city limits. In the district cotmrt yesterday Judge Smoith handed down hIs decision - cision sustaining the demurrer of ( lie city to time answer of the county beard in the action brought by the cIty coimmicil for a wrIt of mandamus. Judge Smithi in lila sustaining the demurrer holds that the fund has to be expended under the directIon of the city councIl. l'c-dtis , Gets thus' flc1'ristloii. SIOUX CITY , June 9.-Special ( Telegram. ) -Time Woodbury county republican comi- veatlon was held in Sioux CIty this afternoomi to select delegates to the state , congrgsslonal and judicial fonventlons. The delegates wcro named without much opposition. Time oimry fight was on the list of judicial delegates. Wondbury county wants two judges out of the four. It also wants a nonpartisan Ju- diciary. It favors the renomination of Judges Wakelleld of Wooilbury , llutchlnson of Sioux , republicans , atid Gnynor of Plymouth , demo- crat. 1)avld Mould \Voodbury , republican , wants the position now occupied by OlIver of Monona county. The fight will be hotween these two men. The congressional delegation Is unquestIonably for George D , Perkins. hCiulghitx on mi Visit. ATLANTIC , In. , June 9.-Special.- ( ) Knights of Pythias members from this city , Walnut , Lewis , Wiota amid AnIta , went to Grisworld in a simeclal train last evening and time Atlantic lodge installed a new lodge at that place with nineteen charter members to be known as Custer Lodge No. 98. Time visitors were banqueted before returning - turning , early this morning. Quite a number of the oimi Atlantic rest- dents were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus Newlon at Exlra Tuesday to help themit echo- brato their fiftieth wedding anntvorsary. Mr. anti Mrs. Newion were former residents of this county , coming imero In time early 60. ' . lVoomh mutii limime it 'h'imne. CEDAR RAPIDS , June 9.-Speclal ( Telo- gramn-The ) eigmh annIycrnry of the Iowa Log rtolllni association of time Woodmen of time World wascclebrtcd ? ) . The , attendance was5 small bOcaitse of rainy weather. The meeting in the afternoon was heitl In Woodmnen hail. where addresses were made by Mayor John M. Redmond , Dr. T. C. Lindley of Davenport , J. C. Root of Omaha and A. P. McGuirk of Davenport. iloono was selected as time place for holdIng the next meeting and the folhowin ofilcers were elected for the enBuing year : President , C. Ii. Brown , Boone ; secretary , J. M. Godson , Boone ; treasurer , C. D. Tilson , Boone. 1)FeJ'e 'I'rek tin t lie liii rI I ngon. CRESTON , In. , Juno 0.-Speclal.---It ( ) is persistently runmored that. the Chicago. Btmrhington & Quincy road will complete time double tracking of its line from Chariton to the MissourI river , about 150 miles , this year and next. Two hundred to 300 men are working In ( iifferent places widening cuts amid preparing grades for another track , anil it is understood a large amount of Iron will be hold on the sccoimd track timis summer to assist in accommnodatlmmg time Increased travel to the Omaima exposition. Between Creston aimd fled Oak work 4s beIng pushed rapidly. Conijiut'ir'tmi..iit at 't'dior. TAIlOR , Ta. , June 9.-Speclai.-.Tho ( ) third annual commencement exercises of Taber college will be hehil from Juno 10 to 22. The alumni address vlhl be given Tuesday , June 21 , by Dr. A. It. Thom of Chicago amid comnnmenccmnent svili be time day followIng. - Mhhignry Notex. The new Iowa recruits uro not to t'e m.emmt to Crtm3 McKlmiiey at Ds 3d ) lnos , bim will In sent to . time cmtmnpmm wim'm . thu Iowa togi- mmiummts at.e I email quads as fast ax cc- ceptol , Tito sciieimo of dividing the enlIstments immider tim second call aimmtmmig tile various counties of time state has becim abmmimdoned and it Is first comae ilrst served with tue recrtmht. lug mmccrs. The mnemmmbors of time Icifthcthm lova received their gutis at. Camp h3primighloid , Jackmtonviiio , Fin , , and s'ere tilsaiqiulmited iii DiaL they were hot nmotlern antis , htmL the ordinary single-shot Springfield nibs , A n'inmmber of the Iowa CmLj comniiamiy of limo Fiftieth regIment vnites fm nsa .baekmton- vile ? that it is imot Unusual fom' tmm'enty er ( him-ti' of ( ito boys to boari a streo cor , ami'l 'hi'ii tiiy offer to pity tao Coitiltictor I.e loilteiy told that ' ' ( lie goImLeinam ! : who just got elf paid for yotm boys , " A c-om-rcslmommdjrmt of the Ottumwn cqiri'r ; writes back frommi Jacksommyilie that tiier ( I ni I i I mtg is tb no t'ht I I e thu imitmim svt'itr ime I t ii or ( 'uLtt' , vests tier gloves , amid iittitatI f bet- mutt 1.3 t hey hmttvo so m' Ice lmmtts , ieggi mm ge a mmd belts , sitli imo suspeimiit.rs. Everything Is being done for thu comfort of the Iowa im'ys. ( luncral Jamimes Rush Lincoln imps written a letter to iticimmimers of tint Iowa delegation cx- hmresslmig lila nqmrcclatiomm of Limo hoimor done iti pm I mm I .i'J m gi itg alien I Ii lx aim itoimt , nicmmt mitt bmigadiar gimmeriti , lie stat tit tiuit hue every irm'rt ' stuit lie directel townil mmeetlimg time mmi'imioynm of tlmose who immLs't ) imeeji so cent uI- omittim amid to provlimg hmimns9lf wom thy of the ti list. Situ-ti h'rixs Coimsiuiemmf. Ehlmatlor Register ; Iowa's crop mmtiook 1mm. titeittes thuit ( his Is to lie it furimien's year. Sioux CIty Tribune : An iowa bishop Oliglit to in , good emmommglm for lova ElisCO ititilamma. 'l'imt'rtm is good immaterial in time cliii rcii I mm I Iii it sta Ic. lt'tt ) Moimmes Lontber : If time report be trimo Ilmat fashion has decreed even more mlecol. icto gowima , will ttmzm ( Oimmntma Salvation lassie tlmimik it her duty to Invade varhors whIm her nxo7 lLmvenimert. lemmmocrat : 'I'hme Iowa and No. tmrtmslut ( arumers who begumi 'nYIng off mottg. ages about a year ago are keepimig right at it. About liii , emily xuffexujrs are those who have miiommu' ' to loan. Ottunmwa Courier : Tto of time eight muon who mvcimt Imito the Samitlmtga harbor were Iownmmmt , lror ardent imatriotiammi anti time Ithitil that counts , Dude Stun can depend emj his iltmwkeyum iampliew every tiimmim , Iubuqtie ( liobu.Jounmmtml : Governor Show in bitt Mtmmmorhai tiny address at ChitmIon ItintitI Imt the aiiitexutioa of till time t3IIaflhitIi cuiumtiett. 'lIme atmmiosphertm of Cammip Mc- biiiut' ' 11C4'mimN it ) btimuulatu time aimitit of con. quest , , . . . . - _ _ - ; I- F'IGIITVITILEITZIIUGII \ LEE Forty-Ninth Iowa ' ! kcrs Receive Orders to Uo rnt. vflv WILL PROCEED AT ONCE TO JACKSONVILLE I , Nct-a imS the Mo-nmt-mil Is iteeciteti tvUI * Chcerx lmr-t thut' 51dm , Vlio Are All Imgcr to Simmehi DES MOINhS , In. , June 9.-Speclal ( Tel. egrnm-The ) Forty-ninth Iowa Voiunters today received orders to proceed to Jack. xonviilc , ha. , at once amiti report to Gen- cml Leo who Is in eomnmanti there. It Is now believed by Colonel Dews ntl hIs om. cers that the regiment will leave tolnor- row afternoon , tilthougim it may not go until Saturday. This will depend upon time notion - tion of the chief quartermaster at Chicago. Time telegram was received whim cheer after cheer by the boys. The long and tmlnter- eating wait wait over and they were glit'l that they were goIng some vlnco wher'i they stootl a good chance of seeing sonic 1A0 ( lye service. Mrs. tictsey and Miss Corn Smith will probably ho hut en the witimesa stutid to' morrow to testify for. the defemise in behalf of fletrey Smith , whose trial for time immur- den of Ilielmatil Smith In 1894 has occupied ( lie hist few days. Sensational test'immomm ' will probably be given by thmeni , Today was taltru up In time reatlimig of testimony gtv.mn by Elhezi Icovilie , i'ete Parttn , F. C. Nenfie , Eli Ilarchin and J , a , Bane , at time former trial. 'fiic inst tso were city detecttvca mvimo vibited time county jail many timnes dun- tag the progress of the first trial anti I ttormed out of Betsey much of time evldeimce agaInst her during time trini. The trIal has progressed fan enough now so that time jury Is getting tIred of it. 1tt.Q , ) Smith aits in the count roont tiun- leg the whole trial wIthout the slIghtest trace of-anxiety on tier face , She watches time jurors nimil time attorneys with very Uttie Iimterest even during the time testimony Is being given which recites ( lie murder anti datlm of Smuith and MIss Smith's conversa- tlomis with Behinire. "Where is Iielhalre ? " Is a question whIch m : mtt' people are how asking others. lIe flgmmteti proimmimmently In the first triai and mIght give addttioimai evlience In this trial were lie here. Many claim ( lint he wag at the lottem of the vimnie affair. County At- torimey howe said this morning tim.t him \rims not mtmvaro of tIme whereabouts of 13th- lilm : t' . One of the witnesses iii time imxt ti .mml Ia now in the penitentia at .Iohitt : , 111. _ dt mmiii Ictit lOll itt Assigimoc. The assignee of UIe1tefltral Loami & Trust conipany , A. L. Cajnpmei ! , has nmnde an aim- tiltentlon for an ortyr ) .skIimg the court to sell certain propert that Is In time hands of a trustee , J. 13. Sttma t. It seems that ( ho Central company dimmj its life gave two notes to the Des mane National baimk for $5,000 each. As seeurt' ) . bonds of the coat- pony for $20,000 wtrt jvea and , uhso property - orty which they ha mmzs' placed In the imnmmd of the trustee miamc4 see that time bank had sufficient secuniy. , , AIl parties are now I agreed that It mvouil best to sell the equities - ties and the clear PPeTtY put In the hantla of the trustee , ' i agreement has been signed to tha , flect. , The property is nmniniy In tiiecLty of.Qiuaha1 , ' Arrangements arts ii'fig made by the rail. roads leading omit of tes Molnc bad fronm nil parts rpg lal exctlr- slqns to Omaha on , Iowa day June 23. No definIte arraimgemnentshave ben entered into Lw he dIfTcrmmmt ronas , but , an unusually low rate will be offered. Arm effort mvIll be made to make Iowa day one of the most Important and largely attended during the exposItion. S. V. W'ardali of Mitchell , In. , today filed with the Bcretary of state articles of Incor- Imoration of a new railroad , company. Time capital stoqk was fixed at $300,000 and It cost the company $350 to file time articles. The money was paid and it was ( lien discovered that. there was a defect in the artIcles of a technIcal nature and Warthmih took them away to remedy them. Time business of time conmpany Is time construction of a railroad from Des Moines north Time details could hot be learned. Tbe engineers for the road are now at work. . The 'headquarters ' of the company are Nevada , Story county. The cot- Feet articles are expected by the secretary of shite early next week , when the whole plan in Its detail tvlil be made known. Time road is said to be projected for time Imur- pose of giving northern Iowa and MInnesota a dIrect outlet into Dett Moines , which , It Is expected , will be the terminus of the new Gulf route In a short tIme. News reached here tonight that Iowa troops bound for San Frammehco had a car of clothing burned today. They are traveling in three battalions , It is not known whIch suffered the loss , but it Is supposed that It was the First battalion , containing the two Des Moines coumpanics. F'gttrit ( tuarrel , MASON CITY , Julie 9-Special ( Teic- gram.-Wtll ) Darrow Is rnmmicr arrest awaiting - ing devclopmncimts of time assault mmpoim lila bmothmer Fred. Time formner had fenced off oart of a ltiblic hIghway. Fred coming along tore tiown the femic and started to drive through , Will seized a imitchfork and rushing at lila brother struck Imlimi omm time hientl , laying tIme scalp open fo several Inches , and It is teared ho cracked time skull , Frcd bamt bceii uiicojmsclous for timirty-imix Imouns and tIme attemidhng idiyslchaa timitmk ito cannot recover. Shot sI lii it II I lit- . ATLANTIC. In , , Jimmie 9.-Spcclal ( Teie- gram.-1.ittio ) Ermmest 11111 , SherIff 11111's 110mm , nimd playnmates were foolIng with a 22-rub this nfterimooim anti Ernest was shot in time left mmmi above time elbow. Physicians Its yct , have been umitmde to locate time bullet. Time corommen's jurcouhti find tie cause for Mrs. ElI ilnimsen , fr9jflqpear Exirim , commit- lug suicItio yesterdyy iiy t.maiigliig , Sue was found lmajmglmmg ( my a ' * tmtEi front a barn rafter when her hamabammil .rettrimct1 , at noon froa his work Iii the ] : mtttriu rvt-i iI reiiIt'ui , MUSCAT1NII , Jtiif 95-Special-Musca- ( ) tiimo htatm nmmttle eliib4r.tttt preparations for the state lireimmon's tourmt'mnermt which meets here Juno 14 , 15 , 416 amntl 17 , 'rime grand Imlirado wilt take plitce'tWethnestlay , ( lie 15th. Prizes amimounting tclJii0O will be given anti 0110 fare for time rotlmYd trip has been granted elm nil time roads , 1l'brmme of the attractions are it special lmerse diosd race and steammiboat excursiomma day antiifswt.lnlng , : . Nt's iiImtEjttIjty hteimcimt. SIOUX CITY , . . 9.-Speciah. ( ) President SelmaeIfos0ia authority for tIme statement that Goverpor Stmaw has accepted time reslgnatiomm of Regent J , "EL Garner of Colunmbus Junctipn and alpointcd'nlter I , flubb of Mt. I'Ieasantas his successor. Judge Ihabb was time ( temu9cratIc candidate ton lov- ; crnor three 'ears ago , % , , Jiiguii i'tist' li.-msigmms , DES MOINIIS , Juno 9-Speciah-ltev. ( ) Ida C. Ilultin , for mmmany years pastor of the Unitarian eliot-elm 1mm timia city , but Imioro to- cently of Mohiac , Ill. , lisa esIgncd limo pas- ( orate of time church tImers , and will spend time sumunmer Iii Colorado. Jvirt Ierlm 1otsi ht..immuloim , dASON CITY , Ia. , Juno U.-Speciat.- ( ) The Northern Iowa \'eteraus' assocIation Is In session mtt Clear Lake. About tOO vettr- anN are present Mrs. Georgia McClellan , president of the Iowa 'omen's Itelk ! corps , gave her lecture on time baitte of Gettysburg mvhich was well received. Mrs. Jutlge l3rock way of ( iarimc'r presitleti. 3. hi , lliythe spoke last evening. I. , . 5 , Coffin of Fort Dodge presided at the campfire tonight In place of ex-Governor Carpenter , ( oimntemiectumt-nt ad ( ie ( 'ollege , CF3DAT1. RAi'iDS , June 9.-Spccinl ( Tele- gram.Timo ) annual commemmecimment oxen- chaos at Coo college were brotmjht to a close thIs evening with the graduating excncises at time First Presbytonlaim church. There were four grntimmtes , Charles Calhoun Brown , Miss Ida bonn , Miss Annie Yule Smith anti Clarence Wlllianm Weter. ( loitfest fur n Nt-mt Church , ALGONA , In. , June fi.-Speciai---The ( ) contract for time new Mcthmodit. church has been let. for $20,500 , exclusIve of seats , heat- tag apparatus anti oilmen fixtures , it is go- imig to be time finest edifice iii northwest Iowa , smith time comitnactors are tinder homids to lmnre it conmpleted by October 20. The contract goes to a La Crosse flrmmm. OREGON GETS CORRECT RANGE 4ecumitl Shunt ' ' ' hirniux it 'I'liirtt'mt-tmihm Shoti lii ( lie 'I'errur smiil Alt I. ( her , ( Copyright , 1195. by I'remux Publishing Co. ) OFF SANTIAGO. June 7.-New ( York \Vorld Cabiegnnmmm-Spccinl Tebegram-Omm ) ( Board ( Ito 1)iitpateh float Timree FrIends. Via JamaIca , June (1. ( ) - A swift Spammisim war ship , probably time torpedo bout destroyer Terror , was blown Into trzmgimmemmts by a thirteen-inch shell from time Oregon itt 11.30 o'clock last night. It was trying to sneak immto Samitlago imarbon , Time mmmo t for- immidabie shIps of Snniimson's sqimadron veno firing at it for mommy nminutes before time lucky shot fnom the Oregon imL ! It. 3o ( liar- oughmhy was time work of destructiotm done that no trace of the boat wan found Dint couhti be identified , It was shattered ammti sunk at mmighmt in time black shadow of time coast range. Evemm time mmiaim whose well di- recteti shot was so effectIve ojld make it out ommly as a dark vessel goitmg very fast. It ( iamted in and omit of time rnimge of vision as the aeanclmligiit alternately touimd nmul lost it. Then camne the fatal simot , amid It van- imtlmed tmtttniy. Time moomm was shinIng radiantly when the Spaniarti was discovercd , If the war ship , hind imopeti to creep wItimhmm striking tllatntmco of Sampson's fleet under cover of nIght time nttemmmpt was ilh-tiimmed , Two hours earlier there might. have been sonic chance of success , for heavy bammks of clouds hid time moon at. the time. The block- aditmg fleet , in time regular night formation , stretcimeti mmlong fronm a imelmit a mile west of Morro , where Schley lay in tIme lirookhymm , to a poInt ammo mile east of tIme harbor niotttlm , where the New Omleans kept time right of line vIthi time Marbielmead and time i'ti\v Yet-k near by. SwtftlI' down the coast fronm time westward caine time Spmtimlsh tor- petio boat destnoyer. Its course lay witimiim time belt of shadow close to the coast line. Its officers and crew could make out every one of time big Mimer- icait ships lying iii wait for it , timeir signal liglmts winkimmg in time mmmeonhighmt. Time big auxilIary cruiser St. Louts swept seawnrd in wide circles , guardummg ( lie rear. Time ( or- imedo boat Porter was well out to sea. car- ryiimg a messace to a coliler. The cable ship lay outside time fleet. lletween the collier and time New York lay time Three Friends , ( ho ommly dispatch boat that happened - pened to wttness this most tragic nod pie- turesque incident. Time Spzmmiards swept on in the dark shadows of the mnountaIns , preferring to run ( lie desperate risk of runnIng on the rocks along the simore rather than to venture out iii the light , where It would be seen In- stantiy. An omcer of the New Orleamis , sweepihg the sea with his night glass , sat' a black object moving eastward rimpidly. A m'dnleht inter time cruiser's sealchhight wa0 gropIng for time moving abject anti Its sig- imal lights were flashing the news to th flagship. The New York rapidly stemuneti shoreward , signaling as it wentand flashing Its searchlights. Suddenly the searchlight of the New Orleans because steady , nod In its path of white light , almost Invisible against the inky belt of mountain shadow , I saw through amy night glasses a moving object. Flashes of fire belched from the side of the cruiser. Wreaths of white tnioimo ctmrled imp iii the moonlIght , as it turned loose Its see- ondary battery. The booming o the guns reached across the water. Time New York sighted the chmmso ammti brouglmt its bow guns to bear as it held on its course toward a point far ahead of the strange vessel to intercept - tercept it. Longer flashes from the New Orleans told us that heavier guns were being tried. Great geysers gushed up In the path of Its searchlight near time vessel , whmote time shots struck. A signal rocket burst above the New York , and another burned in answer to time westward. The Brooklyn and time Oregon raced dowmm fronm their stations , there to Jolmi in the chase. But still tin- harmed , the torpedo boat destroyer speti eu. Tue firing slackened when the searchlights of the Americans lost time Spammiarda conm- pietely. The New York boldly ran to time shadow's edge anti waited. On the Three Friends we wondered if the srieakiumg the. stroyer could dodge searchlight and shells bug enough to get , mvithmim torpedo distammco of time flagship. If It could do that. It mIght simmk time New Orleans mind joIn Cervena's other war itimilis In Santiago Imarbor. This was a desperate chance , but it was time Spammish conmnmmmmmtlei's emily one anti lie had to take it. lie lucid lila course. Time slack- cued fire becamno ftmrioumt again , Once nmore time broadside of ( lie New Orleans was aflame. At brief intervals caine time roar of the guns from time flagship as it tried its 8-Intim rifles. h'rom the iUttlOwy enemy there came neither light nor setmoti. Mott of time ( lame I eotmld not make It out at all , Tlmu gunners plowed the water nbOtmt it whenever time rays of the New Orleans' to- lcntless searchlight rested on U. Time elmance that the mieatroyer would got wlthmimm strikimig range of time New York grew greater with every swift timnmm at the ocrew , Hut with Its approach to ( lie flagship it nuttat loom immto greater directness atmd risk time hall from the flagship's quick-firing gumis at deadlier range. That it. imati hold its c'otmrse so long without injtmry was an amazing thing. WIn or lose the coil of the fierce gaimme wax cioe at tmnmm(1 , Time big Oregon hail rimmt t1omn to a imsition litany Ofl it line drawn froni the New Orleans to the Nemu' York. A flash from its forward gun anti a tre- mcimdoums foummtnin sprang mmii just ) ; t'yommml time Spanish boat , Time shell hmati been nimimeti a little too high end astern. Again time gamma of time New Oricamma bellowed , A mtmoumetmthry glimpse of time hunted shadow set fire to the broadsitles of time i'ew Yomk , Brooklyn and Oregoum iii ( Ut-mu. limit stilt time Spatmiartl flea' . dangerously near uuow to the New York , Then canto a nmighuty roar front the Oregon. 'Flue ( hue the gartner fired ( rime. Straight to time mark flew the great ( hilt- ( ecu-inch steel shell , it mnmmst have mmtmimck time Simnniattl fair amnitlshmip , for time flitig simailow vanisimed , To time we.t.wmirti time New York , to time ( 'nstwari the New Orleans waiteti 1mm tam. Time restless searchlight imrobed time dark area iii a theusammil pisces , but found imotlmlug. 'rime New York steameti slowly eastward dowmm time coast , exmtmmmlumimug c.ery ( foot of water tot wreckmtgc. Meim with strmmiumed sommars iistemmeti for time hull of xommme wrecked survivor , btmt they fouuui mmetlmtmmg , Tue New York at length sigmialemi time em - tier : ' 'Itettmrmm to statiouus. ' ' On tIme Orcgtmmm mimcmm wore shmtpmItmg one atiotlmer oim tIme bmmek aumti shaklmmg Imands with the gummner who had snuffeti out at one smmulf , as ommo smmuffs a cammdie , the tlt'at1iy torpedo boat destroyer thuD. caine to stab in time dark. On board the fiagslmip this niornlmug the omccrs xxiii simply that time New Orleans imtmd discos'- ercd mm torpedo boat or gtmnbomtt mttteniptimmg to immmike harbor arid ( hint the boat was sunk , Arnold's liromno Celery cures headaches. lOc , 25c , SOc. All druggIsts. - Get a map of Cuba and get the beat anti most comimpleto. TIme Bee's combinatiomu map of Cuba. time \\'est lmmdiea timid of the woritl. NEW CURE FOR CONSUMPTION Yommmg ( 'hmk'mo htn'lor 3htLkcM Ito- uiiitrknh.l Au itous net-macmit In Couteum ( Ituum of l'lmsht.Imimis , DINVER , Cob. , Jtmmme 9.-Time feature at lime fifty-Itrat nimmiuah commvcmmtlon of time American Medical asxoetatioim , miow 1mm ses- cmii In thIs city , was a remimarkabie admiroas at time foremmootm sessiomm toilmy by Dr. J. 13. Murjmhy of Chicago , who , although still a yotim.g luau , is recognized mis one of tIm greatest living stmrgcoims. Dr. Murlmhy's imoer ivas entim ely umimemi time subject of time lungs , but spcciat refer- cimee to time discovery by hiini of a ctire for colmstmtmmlmtiomm or tubercimiosis of tIme lungs. Time discovery was mnodtm iubile tcday for tIme lust ( line , and Its ammmmoumlccimmcmmt aroumseil great enthmtmsiasm nmmmommg the assemmmlfiemi imimysicians. Ir. Murphy's new treatimment is based tiOii time fact ( list the sore spots 1mm tIme itimmgs imare a natural tcntlcncy to lical , time heal- immg process beiumg retarded or lmrcventeti by time commstammt cpansiomt of time tisammo iii breathing , Time trcatmncmmt consists 1mm tIme introdumctiomm of pure mmItrogen immto. the himuig cavity ( brought a lmypodermmmic needle. 'rime actIon of time imitrogen compresses ( tic bug anti gives it an entire rest. Iii the coat so of a few weeks the nItrogen is withdrawn and air admItted , the lung expamictumug its usual dinmeumsions. After a warni discussion time coimsenhiomm refused to nd'umit time New York State Imledi- cal association , which does mint accept thm code oZ. ethics , of time Amncricaii Mbdlcui as- sedation. Columbus , 0. . was today chmoscim as the next place of meetimig on June 7 , 8 , 9 and 10 , 1S99. The following officers were elected : Prssi- dent , Joseph McDowell Matthews of Louis- 'tulle ; first vice president , W. W. Keemu of I'hlhadellmhmla ; secoxmd vice president , S. W. Graham of Deumver : third vice president , II. A. West of Galveston : fourth vice presldelmt , J. B. Minumey of Topeka , Han. ; secretary , Wiulamu B. AtkInson of Philatichitimia ; trt'as- urer , Henry I' . Neumann of Chicago ; htbra- nan , 0. B. Webster of Illinois ; board of trustees , Ahonzo Garceion of Maine , I. N. 1ove of St. Louis. ii. L. . B. Johnson of Wash- itugton , D. C. , T. J. Hoppel of Tennessee ; judicial councIl , S. S. Bailey of Iomm'a , D. H. Brewer of Illinois. N. S. Davis of liii- muols , II. D. Dldam bf New Yomk , D. M. Mason - son of Washington , T. T. Rogers of Rhode Islaumd , M. B. BIrd of Missommri , W. S. Jones of Ness Jersey ; lecturers for 1899 emu mcdi- cimme , J. C. Viisotm of Philadelphia ; on stir- gory , Floyd Macrca of Atlanta , Ga. , elm state medIcine , D. II. l3rower of ChIcago. HYMENEAL. Si'frmtmmel.-,1usemli. \VAHOO , Neb. , June 9.-Speclai.-Last ( ) evemming at 8 o'ciock occurred the wedtllimg of Miss Leouma Joseph anti Mr. John Sefrtt- umek at time Episcopal cimurcit imm thus city. Ite % ' . Mr. Young , time pastor , offlciattmug , Mrs. Sofranek is the eldest daugitter of Mr. ammd Mrs. John Josepim of this city , Mr. Seframmek Is a successful young business nmun. They began imoumiekeeping today. Cnrbnmiel-Etmm mmgt'l tnt. CImtmt.'rts. I3ALTIMOI1E , June 9.-MIss Evangelimme CIsneros , whose romantic escape from a SpanIsh prisomi in Ilavauma several mnomitlms EsI Mail o.nhtR3/ : ' nourishment for Nursing Mothers , whose weak nerv- , siL / . . ous. over-taxed systems arc incapable of producing mIlk for the babica. I pure nourishing _ _ _ 1 _ Mdthcri' who drink it daily during Nursing pcriod A _ _ _ _ will always have excelicni food ( or baby and enjoy good health thcmieivcs. I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ A NON-INTOXICANT , .m owuootm. - _ _ VAL.BLTz BREwING CO. . I _ _ MILWAUJ ( . U.s.A. _ _ _ _ _ Vohey bros. , Wimolesabo fleaicr , Office , Del- - . . _ ' hone Hotel , 124 N , 14th St. , Onmalutu , Neb , _ , , SYPHILIS OR ANDBSOUGIITTOPEHFECT 4fl Ifl 2w . ulilu 1.1J a iy our luIm tr&iii.nt , ot Turlitit , Ct..uIeu Eruptlct eurel by Turkiui for S 00 , NIhs Lobl' , i)3 Io.'ii , .Scrv , _ itytibmus Cure. mi.v.r rim , , urflratatmeutil. . ( tur,4 .iimierftrt at you mulmtr.atienm , wmttm toja.-an. , . , . ovrseme , we 4iake our own mn 'iem ' * ( Sc ta8miigm.uoxvs.uo. ; ? rt 'IA HNS PHAIIM A OY , imotm ci b . miall ussr. l'IZAIIWAOY. , mliii JHN GIWOODWARD & CO. , m Council BIufIs , Iowa. iVIlOSA [ CANDY MANUFACTURERS jobbers of CRACKtftS , NUTS , UOARS and FIR [ WORKS. Selilmig Agents ICA TE Fl12LD CHA S. S ( J7'INE R 105) ( Jlgimrs , ro (3ffjj55 , . - - - - - - - I ago is retailed , was nuirriemi hero today te Caries F. Carboumel , who assisted In he rt.Sctmc. Thus , cerenmony took place at th& hiotel ilennest nt noon itoh the happy coumpl left for Sashmimigton an hour later. I Cn-Ttmruter. The marriage of MIss Llnimlo Tturjmer to Mu' , Shuelumrd Cox was solemnized at 34t ! , Minumul street on Wednesday evening at 8:30 : o'clock. Only time rchntfvca and tntinmat friends were vrcsent at this ceremony , A1 sumpper followed the weddIng. Mr. and Mrs. Cox will ucsltie at 3208 North Twenty-fourth street. 4 'ironWeishi. . ATLANTIC , In , , Jtumme fl-Specinl-Mtn- ( ) mute 51'e1sh of GrIswold and S.S' , Trtat , of Otttmmwa , Itt , , were married at time bride'4 lmommio imi ( iriawohti this evcmiIng , Mr. an4 Mrs. Treat no uveil kumnwmi in sotmthuvesterma Iowa. Atlantic a ill he their future home. - , i.ticxet-mge. At time resiticutco of time hmritio' Imarents , 4211 burtiette street , Omaha , on the 18th' of June , 1898 , Mr. t"rcd Lngeseuu auth Miss Minnie i'age uvere tmmmited in uumarringe by hte' , C. N. lhtsvt'omm , pastor W'ahmmut 11111 Metimodlat Eplscomnl chnmrch. - _ . _ . - - - - - - - - - The adLcs' Department of the New Hygiene - . Institute Is now open for buslmmess , mind full ? ' ' equipped with two new apparatus for giving ( ho unost hmeaithftml , plcaslmmg baths knowm to the world. t Time INSTITUTE line among its patrona , the best knowmm ladles in Omaha , We asit you to give it a trial Of two baths at ieaa anti if it Is mmet foummti as represented , we will . refund your mooney. d Rooms , New Quarters , 216-218-220 Bee. Bulldiaig ' - - NewHygienelost _ _ RUPTU OURED . . iR.tCI ; No Dotontbon From BueInoS6. - . We refer to IluNimrtmns or PATuUNrs Cuutsms PILES CURED lii Seven to Ten Days Without Pain. ONum TReATMeNT DOSS ThU Voamc. THE EMPIRE flUPTURE CURE AND MEDICAL IN8TiTUTE ( Smmoceuoi-a to THE 0. B. MILLER 00. ) 932-933 New Yo'rk Life Oufiding , Omaha. Ccii or wrltc , for c3ct.iama - -1 L .g'a-"i 1 . . : a G.W.PanglleM.D. ' TmfE 0091) SAMARITAN 25 t'EtR'S XPRINCE , tcascler of DIHCnHCH of lucia staid inoimmets. PROPRIETOIt O TilE World's liemlimml JIspensmiry of Mcdicttyp. I CUItI3-Catnrrim of head , Throat cmiii Lungs , IIstase ) of 1130 and liar , Fits timid Aumopk'Xy , ikiart , Liver nmmd iCititmey IIxemisea , Iliibetemt , hii-Iglmt's 1)Iscmmse , St. 'inms Iunco : Itiiemuimmutlsumm , Scroliuiu , fit opsy omuroti wltimout tmtppimmg , 'J'imimo IS'ortns removed , all chronia ' NOrWOU8 aimd m'rlvate 1)ixctmscx. - LOST Inca , _ Otli ) Pimym-lchmmm who cmiii S PH ILlS . ' . p imrohmeiiY ( 'mmii. ! miYi'Ii 11.15 wit mtmmt destroyitmg teeth mmid ljommemm. No mmuer. emury or umtmlsomu tim immoral mm ctl. TIme oniy I'imysicimmmm situ cami toil su'hmmmt ailS you withmout imakimig a tiiicstitmm. 'limoo mit a ( listanco tummul for qtuestlon blmuumk. No. I for mmmcmi ; No. 2 for umnnmetm. , Mi correitpontk'tico strictly coumildommtiai , Medleimme sent Ity express. .itiithtetts till letters to G. W. PANGLE , M. D , 8ta $ Hromuhsnty , ( : OUNol L ItI.LIVFS , IA I2'Soumd 2.ceflt. 5130111) 1cr reuly. -1 Gas and i& ) Gasoline J1 Engines. Vt ltoJOO , , ' i Horse . . Power , Call oa UI or write for prle. anti dciionlptIOfl4 , DAVID hIhl'.JJ.lIY .t CO. - Ciuuieil ltiuffw , lovu. Music hALE. CI'NCII. hh1.thFS , i , : Edwards , Jackson and Banks I'lay aim nh musical irmstrmimtu'mmiR and del light time audicimin sultim nab negro ' nmclotly. ADMISSION FREE , C'onmmer Ihmoudus'tmy imti Nortim Scrotal streets. Rmmtniinco on Nortim l3tmcommml strict. D OHANYTHEATER ' ' Cliase-Lister Theater Co. , MONTJ. CRISTO f4mummtimmy ttmmd IimmturIla ) ' attcrmmoomm's malta mit , , , Ut 2:3km : , I'rices , hue imimil i5t' . Note-Sp.'ciimh sunmmmmer itrice ( or reserved , i'eulH. hOc , Stats go omm smilim Ut thmemtttr bos' ohilcu for miii ) temtttmlm , ommil aim ) ' imigimt , 'rela mmlmtmma No. 110. .