Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 10, 1898, Image 4

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    - - - - - - - - -
: - - - - - - - r4 JaiU,1. ! _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - .
k t I. 1tosI1vAT1 ; R , Editor
t ; = - = = -
IU1i1.tS1IFD LV1IL ' .1OIUflN(1.
, - . - - - . : . - _ _ _ _ _ = _ = - - -
T1ILMS OF' snscnii'rio.
Mty floe ( Vflhout Sutithty ) , Oft' Year..OC
. fltIIy 11e' and Hurtday , Onu Year
' iIx MJflI ( . . 4.OJ
'fhro Mspnth . . . . : .oo
Huiulay flp. , Ono Yat' . .2.041
F 8IttUr.y ! lice , Otie Yvsir
k WeekI flet , One Yenr
oFFrcIs. :
Oninliti : Thn 1n fltiIIiIln
ButII Ornrtht ifinger Ijiotic. Corner N
&nd 2lth Strvt8 ,
CtujicI I8Iuff 10 1'ear troot.
. CIIIcLUO Office : O2 Cliambor of Corn-
, Npw York : Trnpte Coirt.
WushIngton & 01 Foutte'nth Street.
ccltIc ) 1SI'o : D1-NoI.
All etiirntncntton relittIiu to fle'VM nfld
cdltorlnl matter should be 1LddrC3Sed To
. the I1ttor.
All b11s1ne43 1ettir nii r.rnlttflflCes
ithni1i1 I nidrpd ! to TIio Ilee I'utlIi11Ifli'
, ' Corn iitiy , Omaha. Drafts chee. eNprc.4.
. nhlil tfl4tIJIIC ! rnnnoy oriif'rM to 1)0 natIl
J4 1inyiiIIn tO tile nrd'r of thu c'IflI11Y. %
I 'riir nTi I'tlnr.IsIIINGCO1'Y.
. t _
I Iflato of NoIrIMkn : , Jotlgtu4 CountY1 H. :
George 13. Tzc1itick , iwcretnry o The I3cn
I'UII ) I I1 log etnpt t , . be ! tig ci tily JS orn ,
. .
tltiit tin , n.tijI number of fII1t and
COflhIIItO ( C0tI1eS of Thu JttilyhirnIiig ,
i'vcnhtig itliti Sunilay 1' ' . IrIrIt.'L ilitrhig
; the month ( IC \Ii3 , IS9 , wits u.9 folkws :
I : ; , i ; I 1 .
: . tii.8t : I : tijn t
( 3 . . . . . . . . . . . : r .1,27(1 fi : u , i i
4 , , . , . . . . . : tnt : tu 21) ) , . . . . . . . . . . . . .
, . . . t1,7.I7 21 : tO.7 $
e : tJ 7 22 . . . . . . . . . . . . .
7 . . 87. ll 23 . . . . . . . . . . . .
; S . . . . . . . . . , . . . . : iu.u n 2 $ . . . . . . . . . . . : . .
- 9 - , , . : ti.ttt : , 23
10 . - . . . . . . . . . . . . : t i 17n zs ; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8IS7 )
11 . . . . . . . . . . . . . : t i , tit , 27 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
12 . . . , . . . . . . . : ti ,
i : . . . . . . . . . . . 1 , ) : ; , . . . . . . . . . . .
11 . . . . . . . . . . . . . : i i , st : 30 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
I . - . . - . . . . . . . . : , iii at , . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.s-l1
ill - . - . . . . . . . . . : t1,2s
. Len ; returns and % Inmld coide . . . . .
Nt t total a1c . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Net daily nveragi . , . . . . . . . . 3O727
, , ( I1O1tGI 1 ; . TZCI1UCi.
Svorn to tx'rore me nud nibcrIbc'd In
my pre4eIice ( lilti 31st da ) of May , 1StS.
tSqitt. N. I' . Fi I
Nottr Pubflc.
\ \ 113' .V1tS I itt' I'Iiiktrtoii story sul )
prsetI ? it \ asn t.
: it : - ; Lilt old : iyIng tha t It iie'r rains
btit It jt)1118 ) , I > tit It CUlt 1)L rOlL'atWI ) OUCU
; i
Nvl ) i n 11i tlii y shotil (1 ( be in a tb natno
1 a1)1t ) flS t1t ( gIflt(4t I(111'tIe1' ( d8 of
tIii ( 'N1)sltlon. ) ( )
'I'Iit I'IlIllIIinO ) ) Iiisttt.tiits 11I1 fl1)Ii' to
t It & ' ( 'ii I ni n I usu rgii ts pol U trs 0 ii
; IO\V $ to It(11) tItiiitsivi.
'I'Ii p ( ) legon p91 I t I Ca 1 V It ory Is ti groV
'f lUg ( Hu' itud flhtIUSt ) 85 iintn11i III Its
- ns t lie i.tti Ut Oregon loiig.dbitaneu uctnti
1 jotiriiy.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
; . 1I ( : itts' tlit' Ill'f1V1l ( ) are (11r'et ( lug
tIui .uiuirinn 51(11' of tIu' ' rir : cIioue to
kC1) Si'CIt tIIeiL Iuioveuuittits is LO sign
that they liLt' doing nothing.
I ii view of I lie kitni of repout sent
frouuu 1 I u n I I u I t Is prOlntbie t Ii e S tnt n ish i
gnveriuuuien t v islues tii t flu CflbIUS a nih
lehegiuiplus linil hireiu severeil.
h Io : t ( lily follows ( ' 11)50 after Illinois
I day at I lie exposi t bit , nuuti front thifl
l ltlntntt1o11s leluug ) uunid by the hhiluiols
. lucolule the I uvut1Is \ li1 ! Ut % e to hustI
- - to come tip to the inn nc set.
not lake
' hilitce tuuit ii ( JlIl ) ) ( this 1)111. ) it 11U13
, be pit t d nvn t it I s ei : ily I ii thu e sea son
) I lint the gnyet iis of iuli mighty ItU11 )
l luitifs eutirt iih be well vottLivuithutg
: t l'ii i4 ) i lilt liii lt ) ihg ( ( . 1RL.S hut in Idle
nitogethier too 11)11g. ) Aiuythuiuig that \vlhi
r Pull t uk ex1)eIusive juiee of lrulKIty into
use ii ii ii gIve (3 ( in a ha nil ii I thu ii n 1 I eiinl Intl
( neihities ili be veheoiuied by the coni.
: 'I'lie rOJtihhlCflfl ) ehuhis linuuld be
; ertuiteil III ) to tluir full streilgi it at ouice ,
i I t ( ) iiltI bi a sad eouuunueui t :1 : ry tipoii Xe-
1 ntskui i.i.i i U I ii lea ii s I 1. t I it3 fa ihed to
iuiuhe : a cretlitahuho shuiiviiig at th Na.
tiouial Leagtut. iuicetluug.
lCui ii sa s rhIhl ( ) I t I o II ist s hit V I ng noun i.
; 1IuLtul l'effer for governor , thit PituhiStM )
ougli t to reti ) , I I e by noi ii I na I I uig St.
.1 ohu H to hi in ii thit i r t hthti : I , es eeii : I ly s I ' 't ' e
'the ' lust tiiuie lie reluorteti St. Johtii ! .VZtM
oil. the 1)01)Uhlt4t ) circuit.
¶ l'hue coiteerts of the Iiuilted States
ritie U U a ro a 1(111 C Vo r I ii tvIce t hi o
I rite o I.a il i ii I ssio it el u ut rgetl a t t I te expo.
i ; si I Ion gut t es. n ii t Ito 't'lto inns orehies t iii
: avouhil oinuuiutiiil tsso Iloiizlrs for every
euit if It ) ltyCl iii nile of the city
\Vluen the Vethtrut ! lion \Vouiinns
Chiibs iltlegates stop in OtnailuL ( Ui their
, ; 'Lty to lenver they titlist 1)11 ) uiiathe to
i i 'iill / it tiint tjuty ulualle ii httige uiuistnko
ivhuin t I iey tut ii iil t ti tcetu t. t lie I ny i I at
to lix their 1S9s bleuuuulni meeting for
this city.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Nti' Yoi k City , tinder tInt control or
'ru i uuua iiy , vhi Ic it otgii ii b.ui thou cia I nis to
1)0 ) hIVitl ii ) thiO CliCutg $ ( ) pluttoruii , Ihi
toOIi ttiutiov 1ONNUO ( ) ( ) biinds to IutY
off 11111 iIIIiIt5 81111 I5 seeni-ity 'ViIi Is.
stilt gold ioIttIs. ) 'iViitt ItIC the free colut-
uige uuinuiagers iloliug ?
'l'hin retn ii liquor ilt'uuitrs can iuits reso-
hntiuiis galore theiuoiuuti iiug tlu tiriug store
tut 115)1)5 ) , 1)11 ) I I ii ty en ii uuunk e ho I iii jurts.
iiuit On titt lOgtIs ) itdIet , veforuuiers W11 ( )
( ) i1 it I vii I it lav.brtuu k I u g. 'l'iie 1 Ii
( ii'U h'fl4 ha vii a ri glu I euuis gtIes't ltCtl
a git lust t Ii e ii rug store tlut lush 14)1) ) , hut
t hue it ii ly n y for I iiiuit t a nceohiuli Isli
nuuytliiuig IS to take up for thieitislvtot
thit ilefeuiso of their rights under the
1i.tuistt laws.
.t ( ' I i Iiutgo "re ft ruit uiut gut'.iifl4' ' a d ver
I ists 1114 Its star at t rfletiiit for thin .1 iiuie
Ii uuiulHi U It it El I ehe by a eni legi professor
% VIit ) tItelures I lie t tue 'l)1tsCuit ) vtr ; Is
I itt' gInhItIei4t tXitiiiili ) Hf soiuhisiii yet
giveut itt this ceuitur.Y , ' ' nuud cluuiiuis that
thtO $ VlI $ % jhI hiring llCtter t hues aiiil thtutt
thU 1flUit hutoluettY ilstrOYtII t hi uiuore
vork tIn re IhI bt. 'l'luit wiping out of
several iur CItt ( eltlts , hit insists ,
YOuIhI ( rtstiit in nut tuIipre&dt4uiteIl era.
of gIHI ( I lines. 'I'hiis uuiuiguizlne bhIOUhtl
chuus Itself uuiong th buuioruus publl.
Cu tiona
Tn ; I'7rIr.lrrxNfl ZX.4t flrflxTs. ;
l'iut , Pit hhIpine Instirgetuts appear to
1)0 ( tuii ( ) ( ItC Ctituuul of the Cubans as
ligiittrs , If ituilpeil they are not superior
Siuieo ( envrul Agilinnido , who seetius to
IC fiLL fl1)II lend'r , toohc conurnuuiil , the
Iiisnrgeu Is itt 3iinila : have becut ; ) ushuluug
operatiniit4 with great vigor auth inuiulshi
lug the SauuiitiIs siV'rei3' , ( . I f lint al-
reunly iii IOssessiOit ot ( lie Phuihipiuuo )
en Pittil , tUt repoi'1et14 that city intuit even-
tnahly fail Into their hunuitI If not stir-
reuutlermh to luuuirnI Ievoy. There
sLeItiS to Ito no reason to tlotubt that thie
Iiusurgeuits nrc ihisliosed to faithfully co-
OheVflte ) with the Auuiericutn fleet anti
thin t tgtihiinldo will contorin to what-
t % eL 41 lretIotis \ tutu intl Dewey uuuuiy
give liiiui. This Is lndietttetl by his or-
tIii proteetluig foreigners ituuti Sputuuishi
Ii 011CO I iiiii to ii t s I n tl ut U liii.
it appeals froni thin IhisluLtches that
tue insurrection Is rapidly gaining
strength uuuid It is irobabh that the iii-
stirgeuit force is already strong enough
to overcouuuo till the Spnuiishi ft)1C0s iii
the Islanils. 'I'hue danger Is , as sve have
ia i ett i fore PUi I t ted o ii t , that ii tishueti
with victory the insurgents utuuty go to
excesses iuitl violate the rules of vlsi.
lizid Wuirtr $ # . 'tthuuuital Dewey vili nfl-
( htihtCthh ) lit ) nIl thuutt is iiussihle ) to avert
this diuuiger , lint hic liui no hand force
% s I thu i i ICI I to tim I ii tut I it 1d er iii ? it a ii iha
it it slioniti be sitrreuidered to huiuui or to
hreVCuit ) ( XCCSS(5 Oil tlit imrt of tilL' in-
stirgeuuts If th city shuouhtl lie tutken by
thietn. 'flie situitiouu : , thut-efore , vihl be
sOuuut'Vhiu1 I eribuis until \ inerican
tilOIU ) arrive , vIuieli will tuot be for
solute tiuiie yet.
So fuit ns l)1iiui ) 15 couicernuti her soy-
erelguuty Iii the 1iiIhippiuies is at an etid.
If the Ijuulted Stntcs were to 'ltht1raw
its uuivuil : force from thieve itt once Spain
otiltL lint be abh' ' to t-e estabhtsh her
sovereignty. That litis been huoelessIy
host iiiI ( tlOUhthPSS ) niost Spanish states-
utica realize the fuiet.
T1I ; zunsinitixs : uounzs.
It apbeuirs [ lint the American tree
grovers hutve : other iwobhuins to conteuid
uigutiiist ( utile 1S tt-otihlesouuue as iuufeti iii'
soil : i itti luieleniunt veittiti''luihe dis-
hutuuist iuueut hiave ut tiuties brought dis-
creuilt to the ltisiiit , this is
a trill t' eouu i pa red iv I t Ii the tiut Iui
or evils fohlowluig the unisontita-t
0 f t hui (8 II hi ss utu ii i nuo uiquitte ii t
It tuus lIi1Pii _ i'l I40 hit I yr ut re i : t-
t ha lhy i&'slti & 4 ii )11 ) foi t hit opportuhu I t y for
so nuiueh htivestigatiuig or flue insect t'ne-
iii its of fm I t t reis aiuti fruit , nuiti I lie
nit t st'i y ii ut.ui ii a t ii nil iy I lui nit' t ii e cii to-
uitol ghsts I ot t Ii e ( I oruuu a i u 8 ii ti Iietu cli
( ru i t t'x i l uuslo uu orilers a uid the Ca ii it ii ian
hnv to i)11)iiihlt the . : ile of . 't utierlea ii
IUhl.s ( I y stock In ti Ic 1)i o ii i ii ion. ' 1' hue
fori I gii bugs anti tlui for'igui I uig-l u tin I rs
ai.e iuuispeahcnblt Pt'tS. 'I'Iie Anierk'aut
. .
iiui.sel.yuuidn a uid Intl t grovt'rs h'ser-e
iiettet then to Ia sulliectetI to : ihI tIies
uuevdhess fliiuifl3i lures.
hut thiero is ) ) for the future. 'lhie
Ijutiteti States is at 011CC II. grt nt orehiird :
: tini a glen t nnrket. 1xeluslon ortlers
huuive a limit I o their ltittnfiuliitss. ; 'I'hie
.iuierictut : uiursetyineut knov , utuneover ,
thiutt nil ttiit : rout lie tlouie by iegishatioit
ii Ii d gvel.uu ) uui cii t I ii sped au d retuIL-
t ituii in their helialt'v1ll En done. In . tt-
(1 itioii tiiey ut 1e ut svi : cc tint t thu hiouiii'
uiiuirket for fruit Is grovIiig , that the
_ % ui eI lt t it ) [ ) eut t. lute 1-0 fm I t a ii ii
waui t iiiOie orchutrds. ; that utenuud hut-
IWIVCti varieties of frith t are In deutiatid ,
auni , Oh the v1iohe , t hue fruit lnusiuess Is
iuuakluig satlsfnc tory ativauices.
'I'hue fact Ihiat tubs year's convention of
the 4uiiericuui ; iiiuseiuiut.ui.uts lucid lit
Ouuiahta , faitlwr west tltutut ever before ,
shows how the IuiurSeryuiutui's Ibeki huts
hiceut broathuuiiig. 'l'oday tue great univ.
ket for tutirsery stock is lii thue trautsunis-
sIsshiii ) ) iegioui. The Aunerican nturseiy-
uneuu can do the fuiruners of this regioiu
ito . . , ut .tter seivice flout to Inuliuco tlueuut
to hinlld U ) ( hue orcluurtls nuid small
fm Its.
iran INTIIt ; TloI'lrs.
rt is to be expteted thiuit Anieu'Icaii sol-
dlers iii ( uba , l'orto Rico and tIle Phdli-
hihutes s'Ihl stiller more or hess frouui ( lie
dhsenses itectuhiar to those tropical countries -
tries , mit it Is euisy to exaggerate the
dauiger iii thu is thiiection. A ( eruuntn null-
itutry le1t eXlrt54i(1 ) t hi olhnion iii it
receuit IuitirvItv that senihiuig an aruuiy
01' U nui eel I inn t ed . iu to rica ii s t o t I ieVest \
Iuidbes is a very serhous entii-jiriso. lie
saiti it is a veuy ( iiiiI ( tult uiiatter to turn
a uiuut U I U to a sold I ei I ii a t t un eut t e cli-
lituLte fluid ( lieu unuike hun a trolical ) 501-
they. lIe txplniiicd that vnr in a troli-
cull cliniate dhtTers greatly front a lucre
trohietII ) exjn ditioui , such as is often
I I II I ii e by t lie h ugh bsl i hut . . fricut nuid otlttr
Put rts ot flue voi-1d. iuuglauud tistuahly
sciuds only the ofhicers ieqtulreil to or-
guttuize uttutl lea(1 aruuties of acehhunateti
uiutthves , Bvitisht troops hiehuig scuit , as a
tithe , uuuhy out 1X1)editlouls ( hint are ix-
veeted to last but a ftov veeks. In
uuiala rloius ehiiiizites colored troops frouui
thueVest Iuuthie uttu exclusively euui-
huh0YIi. In ( lie Sotudutut native tnols ) tb
all the rough vork that lit volves ox-
l)1)511Lt ) ) to thui huot stun , vhulle British
t iHi)5 ) ) It lO soil t I it t hut fro U t , tiseul I it hattie -
tie ui nil 'vitiidt'uiw'it uts soon as lossible. )
'Ilue vIov of thit unuttti.r lreseuttcul by
flits ( it'ruiinui exn rt Is hot eitcotiruigiuug.
1 be unthul thiutt it' thieve utie 104)OIX ) ) . uteri-
cliii stihdiers In ( iuba In tluc nutuntut ,
vhuk li hue thought is its seout as they
shuottid lit. seuit tiit'ue , it uuuuly be takeut uis
II certuiiiuty that out of tlirte uncut one
vhhl be iuiitlt for setvheo In rotir veeks ,
allot hiei iii eight veehs ituuth the thud
11 iii ) P11 hi t I u io tugiu. 'Ihttrt'forui huts eon Id
see iii ) rtason shiy tue vnr shuotilul not
Inst several ytais. I t very likely would
U i I ii t.i. ticli ci V(1i I itS to u i ei s It ii ii Severut h
I i ii U ti i etl t hiousa nil i ii in wotu huh be ic-
iltuitetl to out ! it. 'Fhut rtt ujijuiutrs $ to b
eouist uistis r 'h ' uiuu I uuu n unuuig 1U rlbtut It
uutliilary iut ut tbiuit to throsv nut utruny
I it to ( tuita ( I itt-I uug t I iii 51 $ iii ii it'l 1111)1 i this
vihi be a serious iuiistuthe nuutl It is utlso
tint geutt ruil vitv that the iutvuisiout
she nilth liii I no do by it veiy lui rge foiee-
Iii it htss t liii ii I )4 ) ) , ( ) IXJ a uuil si uuuto t I u I uk
ultit I bitt t luui t ii U fltIt ) I uuiuty ho ( ( illiHi utect5-
58 ry to drive out t hun Sini niut rds. 'l'iieso
hn ye peu : us hun vi' It ye iy good 01)1 ) ii lout or
tiutu light I itg iiuui hit its ut t hit , Sietulisit
soiiIiirs auni exhie.t I hem to olTer a very
lit tuhihiotit resistut lice to t ho A utterhean
iuivasiuiii. Ci the other hiutuuth they uttn
dishiused to ritt1uti iiitderrato out yobtuut-
ti'er forct , not trout utity doubt of Its
( MtuIlige , hut ( or tim reason that it Is
"Uhtst'iu4oIut-ti. " Thieve vni the sututue
feelIng , bovevr , in rLglIrd to the itavy
lxfore the 4'uunericutlt ' senulieut hind tht'iut-
onstt-itetl thwir bravery , skihi and tIlsci-
pilno unuil there iiecd be no utpprehueutsbon
that oitr volunteers svilh not fully sus-
tutiti flue high reputation of s'untt'ricaut
soldiers. That they vihh prove thvnt
selves ns steatly autul stiubborut lighters au
liii , Slutuuiutrds , is uuot for a urtoment to tn
As we have said it is to be expected
that our armies iii the troitics % vihi stiffer -
for to souuie exteutt frouuu the fflseties : pe-
euhtar to thuose latitudes , but wt' ill ) not
thuiutk the dutuiger iii this directiout so
great as many thibitlc. Tue [ ) VCVutlt'iiCe of
dlstutse in Ctula is largely itie to the
Iut'ghect of sati itary ineen Ut louts. 'l'liose
vhuo live properly ilti not Ihittl the eli-
uutuite tiuihut'abtlty. The Auiterleaut sohuiitrs
wihh be subjecteti to such sautitary regu-
luttlouts as the local coitditioius require ,
Si ) far as IossihIe ) , : utti Iwing lteahthuy ,
vigorous uncut t lucre is reutsoui to leileve
( hut most of theuti vhhl escnie disi utse.
At nIl events they wihI itot be ui uutitchu
greater daltger in this respect thiuit if
( lucy reutiutiututi iii cutnip at 'l'ttittput aitd
other poiitts where it is as hot as in
Ctubt. :
nw i'ixicmroy curririsn.
Tue exposure and denttutciuttion of tIle
couispirutcy of Chief Uahhuighier , buicI'd
by the infainoutu Itohlee board , to hhutY )
hutki the ittuitis of thIeves nuid crooks htui
dtiveut the gauug hutto desperate straits.
Iitsti'ad of itteetittg the eluutrges of eol-
htusioii vitiu tluc erhuuuituuil eluises squarely
( hue lOliCe board fence tries to play cut-
thelhshu by raising a iuovi about l'iuuker-
ttut utterceutaties. In its nuixlety to diii-
tract public attetition frouti the otutrege
in'rietrated ly ) the chilef iii cutusing his
1)011Cc to arrest the detectives euttpioyed
by the exOSitiOli [ to SPOt hielht'hftt5 )
utuiti titieves , it even goes so far uts to
thtarge 'I'hie lIce vitht ilohiberuttehy slip-
hressIItg ) an Associttetl : lress tlhspuutch
frofu Vutshtiutgton dechutriuig tiiitt the
secret service of the goveritinelit hind not
lieeui fariutod out to the I'iutkertoui
utgi'lIey , bitt was being caru-hed on by ( lie
rt'gtilnr goverut utteutt force. 'I'l' shtuiuute-
less Itteuutlaelty of flue fence is cOlit'liu-
slveiy lrovetl liy tin , fuict that ( lie this-
luttehu about the I'huukerioui detectives
svhuicli it says vuis lltu'l)5IIY ) snlppressed
II I ) h'utvetl ) itt ( ii I h I ii a co : uspcu in is jioi-
I hon on I Ii e secoitil i , i go of 'l'I it' itee 1)1' )
t hue sa lute uuturut i utg I it v ii Iclu I I a p 'a ucil
in the \Vorhtl.1 torah.
' 1-h 10 1 toVl 81)0 ) II t 1i it keul n t uuteretutui t-ies
vihh tleet'Ive itObOl3' ) ( . I It the Ii rst Pince
it enht hit' l)1(1V1i ) ( liV _ at least thtret iiuihuuu-
hetchtibIe ) : vititst s I hta t Chief ( aI-
hutghter ( xhtussel ( ( his vihiiitgutess to haive
I'iikt'ptout tletettives outipboyed by I In'
( , x 1)05 ) I t hun u uua u iii ge utttn t a tu d thin t lie
agreed tu have flue hocal.iiohice co-opein . e
vltht tln'uti. 'I'hut' only coitditiout htt tried
to I itth)0SU tliOul ) I liii e x ) ( ) (11)11 ( flUt lingo-
uuieutt vuus thtuit lutui inVhuhte nuid hubs
( lelectives sluou1tl In' bin rretl out of the
coiuupetitboui for detective service.
hut eveit if ( huit f ( uthhiighuer lund front
thteliist OPiOSl ) ( hue euutiiboyuuieuit of ( lie
l'hutkerton ngeuucy t1ettctlves , his course
call Iluiti 110 valid just ilient bit. 'Viue
teuise that the bav proltiliitiuig tli hue-
iol ) ttttioii of arutted uuter ( euiutrics wis iii-
tended to 1)les'ltt ) the euutphoyutteuu t of tie-
tectives front other iitutes : to ferret out
crluninahs is ahisohu lely baselOss. Tue
Iuts' citeil huis : reft'reuiee only to the iutt.
hiortatlon of bands of aruneti uuten for tue
lulilHSO ) of overavhuug alid sulnliuhutg
vorkinguuuexi euigaged in labor ccitt ro-
vershes. Itas vhutced out the statute
books of Nebrtskt : : : ufter ititiehi agitation
iii Its favor by 'Vito Bee. It vas recouit-
Iiteltiitd by Goveuuior 'I'Iuuiyer Iii his uttes-
sage autd enacted 1)3 a reunlhulletut bi gis.
latuure. It Is one thing to 1)rbutg a hire-
hluig aruiuy to terrorize citizens autd all-
other thlutg to euuqtloy expert deleetivcii
to protect eitbzeits of all ( hiussos ( ruin
raids by lrofessioutal ) thuievts ? gatluereul
Irouut all Oveu the country.
The working nueuu ut utd ivonuen of
Outiahia ituuve nothIng iiu eouutinouu svithu
l)4)liCC-hIOtectel ) ) ) ganubiers uiinl ( 'rooks ,
halt on ( lie contrary are as uutiutit coil-
ceruted in bebuig safe iii ieisout autd r ° p.
city utiglut ou day , at luouuiuj or
: tt tlue oxhosition ) , as ( lie vealtht-
lest : tuid uutost luuliueuitiil. : No
utluloillit of lutic shied by the ciuttlolishu
feuueo SViil deceive thui' 1)eohht' ) ) butte t-nll-
tiouulutg the reigut of outlutvry vhuichu hues
liceut forced iuuioui Ouutahun by the fiord.
uututlt gut uug. 'I' ito t ov it snuh ii scul rtely be
luahltabht. today iy ) dect uut 1)001)10 ) ) v ( ue
it hot for tIn' se uiuoluhiglut at' pnhiikhty
hpt focttsu'd by Tin' Bet' upout the
logiles fluid rascals who liutve sought to
ciiuivert flit' ut ttiitctiouis ohiered by the
oxjiinltioui Into utut excuse for police-pro.
ti cted oiithttvty.
All tiuc euttleihshhutg and all tlue
luovl uihotit Piuthnrtoui vill not
obscure thue gluirhuig flood of light vhuicli
'i'hue lee vilI couttintue to thtrov into hue
( IltVk corners ii util crooked ways of the
Pohice olliclahs vlto are balided togetluer
for bhutcknuail Dud phtuuuder.
'l'hie stlcee'ss attoutdiutg thue bouutheud-
uiteutt at' Slialtisli forts ututti haunl huutter-
ios by the . 't uiterletut : svar sutibs huts
deuutoutst i a t tel thtutt Ii Es t chut is uunuulerzu
shuips tf ) vutr , s'ithi hteuty guns voli
served , ruth etsily : thetutohishu i hd-futshuiouued
st 1)110 ) ftiitii. S tuchi a it t I q nut t oil tort i hhea-
I ions , hios'ver voh h ii rnued , ca ut ii a t ho utg
v i t I ust a ut d t hue I rt'uuueiutio nut lnoi ec t II e,4 ,
I huut t cut It he iu ii i-led a gui I uust t I n' uut frouiu
\s-ut r ii I i uis vltoso gu uus uii e uitl ) ) ' 11
seived. 'I'hut ox IHIleuutJ ) ( ut t Sit ui .1 tiut II iii
I 'olin lthco utiuti itt Saul iutgo ihit Utiint
utuntiy attests this.
I hiti uttost foruut Id a bin ii i'feui sos ut ue
earthtvotks unouiutiulg hui uivy gnus. Luuuud
fort i ii Ca t hi uuti ; t outt ui I ii i Ii g I usuissi vu I nu t t ei.
los In hliIi I butt gnus are hritoetoul ) ) by
hthtut ty of t.ui rt hi a ui il I hue vhuoi e vot-ks
111.11 uuot (01tlIiClliIuit ) are uuuuboubtt tlly blue
111(1st ( clTett I vtt ( cid i iouse. I ) uu uiiui go
ulouto to $11011 fortiticuit iouis by linuuthuard-
Ittont eutut it qtuielay 1ihuiirttb aini if hun
guns iii nt-tiout on 1i1r ( ( ' ure $ at util eqiuth
to thiiutO tiseti h' tin' attutckiuig vissel-t
II utti t hi ore Is it fit i i but ha itee I it t iii' uuiut t ( or
I ii sk I II oit t hue 1)11 Vt 0 f t Ito gti U ut ers , t Ii 0
uuivuuuttnge is svithu the sluorti bat torIes.
It is hut' oltiltlflui of exhI&tts that such
outi-thusvot-k forthlit uttllIupt lilt I hose itt
Suiuidy hook could beat hawk ot destroy
uuhuiuost auiy Liossiluhe tIi et. 'l'hut.y cait use
heavier guns ( luau slubps , thue earth luro.
tOltiflul ! ruth 1)0 giveuu utli iht'siit'ul thick.
IitSu4 uludJ $ the nutuk prescuited to the en-
. uuly is txtrettuehy siunthh. 'I'iiere is ito
dotuhit that ha ii hattle lnitvceui shore
batteries uc1t as those at Sutuidy hook
uttiul wor .siuips thic' til5flh1tflgl ( is with ( hue
forutter. : Pul (
A a experlmehThwwortti watch lug iii
hoiuig , tuindo J.rtutiu IlullllitthtrohlC )
bersouus lit the 11Z'I1 lovgt town of Bi-ouk-
lye , sshuta-e thue ! , : ave formed utut nusoci-
atiout vhiichi 1is-ttlgates ; thai case Of
eVcr3 persoul coEvicted of a iiiisde-
utiulutov ( , niuti especinthy every PeLoul cout-
iteti of iiruuukt.bitess. I f the olilciutus
iii charge are tftt + incet1 the cutSe iii otie
uutoriiuig ( titeirflStest they will give it
litutiti for the go.jliehuutvior of ( lie nuutui
anti i.ettrt' suuiqfutiott of tim jutil Mcii-
tt-uice tistuahiy iiuitnit'd. , Thut' uitans vuiges
utl.e cOlleeteil hiyvn meal batik atid tue
iieQisitbeS of 'tileraunihy ' for
( -raunihy lTOYhtie(1 ) ,
Viiihe II htiut gurdiutuisIuli is kept over
the ulTouider They believe this viht be
bettet ( luau scuiding the uttuin to Jail ,
sIueie hue s'llI nssoclnte vitli huutrdouted
eriuniuiuths stipporti'd iii 1dhtutess viuiIu
his futiutihy is left in vutiIt. Thie
lihutli unity - be gMIl Iii thn'ory , but
vluethier it vihi work lit lintutice is it
very ti uret-eutt ii lid tloiittftli ) quest iou ,
Tlue board of tiuitle of IItt1e Itoek ,
Ark. , huts iuetiiiouted thue govetltot ( ( I III-
lily ( or utut iuujuutctlout restrutiutitig- the
hCOPIO ) of ICansuus and UOiOrulh ( ) frouut
using the water of the Arhatiusas rIver
for Irrlguttiouu ItuuitSeii. ) ) 'ritu' excuse for
tiuls uiethoui is ( but' uthiegathout thuutt this use
of tluu vuitor for irriguttioii iuuts cluuttigetl
( ito river ( i-out a utaviguilile olie to OtiC
hut uunvigutbhe utt Little itock , utitti iuu-
( fl'uiSCH thtO duiuugur front overflow at cur-
tutiut seutsouts of thud yeutr. Ouu the sauuio
iuiuicilhe ) ) flue 1)001)10 ) ) ( If Oiualua utuigiit
utsk thtutt the.louututuuut. . tiuiuters be ( heulieth
tin' rigiut to use thu water of the Mi.
souri rlveu for niiutiiig luuloses. ) Our
Jsrkuiutsuts fuiciuds seuuiu to be stretchiiuug
the iuijuuuct ion theory.
Owners of stouuiutshuips ulyluig flue Amen-
cuin hug svoiiltl do no uutote thiutit sltuv
lnufrhothsuu by ngreoiuig upouu tutlr tenuuus
for the chutney of tlieir slulbii ) by ( liii
Uutit4l Stuitt ii fet the US tFtltilrtS. ) ) lie-
1)t)1t8 ) ) iuthicltte thuutt the oVuieri of con-
htiit l'flcihiO occult sluips refuse to ittithe
ti ruuts and tituit it svihi be iteceisutry to
iiii1itess thueso vessels huttu thue servlcii of
tue goveuuuuuueuut : tuud heave to thue courts
the tiuostiouu of cduutpi'utsttlout. 'Vitiie tlui
viil be a nt'gni'tabbe ( ) rnceeUIuig ( lie
goveuutuuioutt vili lie doiuig right to resort
to it If Ite5Sllt3 ( The ( uWliers 0 $ ' Auitei i.
caut stout nishuips otughtt to be as patriotIc
as the Alll'uictiu : seututteul.
Esery lOPluiiSt ) vhuo uuttetuds the gathu-
euiuug o1 tln u)0ItulIit ) cluuis : itu this city
uuext week ututil fuu us to give ( hue rtiinItI :
hue travels ouu a testhiutonial fur use for
uttiveit isluig iinf , ° sqii wili rest tiul(1Ct ( hue
suspk'iout t hunt hj luts tlhlt'li on a tree
hiiSii. ) ' ( 'hue rotIs : tiiivergiuug iiu Ouiuaha
otughut to have POP0CIuttle testhuuiouuiahii to
bui-iu ( rout uiow Ott.
'i'htt' 1ltId oi 1lucatiott suiotuiti light
shy of nil real i'stu te spoctiluttbouts , vluhehu
luevet. fail to sci'thilthIz its utueuutbers. if
tluei-e lu not u-touit eutought lit ox isthuug
ehuooi lnuihdiiig they should hi' cithuer
eiului-ged. or torn. doui ititti replaced by
etltaclous buuitiiitgs on flue lreseuut sites.
V&r at , , utn .tslvi.rl I,4IIIeIIt.
1'hut1tkIeip1tta rlines.
The Omaha EositIon might niako a
lretense of dlvitlfng interest vlth the war
If ( lie managert voro just to get fighting
antong thentselvcs.
'it Vtrtu n Siteer.
Indianapolis Journal.
It is not worth while to suucer at Mr. Car-
ranza as a SIautlshi ) spy , as it a spy were
the most contemptible thing on earth. A
SIY system is one of thue featutea of every
var , and our own spies are very busy just
110 W.
A 3lnrl.i IIltereiice.
Chicago i'ost.
In defense of the selection of Uryan as
coionel of a Nebraska regiunent It is urged
tluuit Roosevelt has htail quite as little mU-
itary experience. That , as we understand
It , is Precisely tile reasout titat Roosevelt
selected a iflUit of military experience to be
colonel of the roogh riders and will go with
tlieuii hImself as I leutenant colonel.
% I"IiiiiiitIiii Assugiiieiit.
New York Sun.
Tile assignment of Bryans regiment to
( lie 1'h1i1lpifleS Is eminently proper. partic-
ularlv It It iO true , as reported , ( hint the
goveuninent has ! , ought a lot of Mexhcait
sliver dollars ( or tiuc expedition to talco for
use in dealings with the natives who are
utecustoined to the Spauuisht 1)0505. WhIch is
( ho same tlting. This would enable the
democratic header to go forth with arms but
ouue hautd and In tile othuor a great ngeitcy
of uteaco and proserty-us ho would view
It- .
'FIle Auit rleiun 'Votiiitet-r.
Cleveland Plain Dottier.
A free government lUte the United States
not oully itas an advauttago over an arbi-
( nary government in the wilhingiess of its
Citizens to rally to the flag iui the tirno of
iteed , hut its soldiery is of a hotter qual-
ity. The American warrior Is not only su-
uterlon in effectiveness because ito faces
bullets on his own iuuitiatlve , but because
by virtue of the Institutiouts under- whIch
free rein is given to the development of
his individuality lie is iii every way more
of a uutaui tItan hue vhio mechtauibcahiy goes
forth with a giiut oil huis uthioulder at the
blddlutg of iespotiitnt ,
1'JIII ) . ' ! . , IortiiIs ,
New York Suit ,
Tue whld joy" shtIcht cutguled MadrId
viien the utews ulno of thuu glorIous "vic-
buy" at Sauutiagb and tlio Hinkliug of flue
'Mlxiiiary cuuis' ierrlunac iitows ( lint
the rnunantiui tenhiel'kluncllt is lOSSeHSei ) by
tiuc Spautinrds geuiernhhy and utot monopo-
hizeti by the goyiJznuutt bigwigs. The rejoicing -
joicing thnt logt4it ) Mautila cootbutucs to
Ilaunu ill ) at. Inteuvnls , autd lutist be a great
dlve'rsiout a vopulation that lIes little hiut
rumors to feed qp n. Lovers of romautco
unti 11oct17 cannYt'bhit u-egret that the hut-
unortith Tabasco , governor general of tlto
Philippines auud olticiab iuistoriogrnphter of
Muuiehtauseula , iiTUt in Madrid , Tltoro are
uiuaity good uncut iuu the busiutoss there , hint
riot one of thieutu has the robust linagiutatiout
anti claulhing stipqf TaIaaco ,
.tH l'1'IiMiVt' CorI.
Siinluiguieitl nss. ) Itepuhilcan.
It is a rather expeuusivo cork wlilclu lIne
linen drIven IuutotIfo Santiago bottle , though
worth t-hiero it is iitany times more thunut
the cost , Thu Merriuutac tuuu one of thue
largest colliers in the utaval service artd cost
tue govcrutuuteutt $342.000. Something hike
tLo00 or $8,000 worth of coal weult down
titht her , besids , It is stated in uunvah cir-
des , however , hunt. thuo Merrlntac was a
hartiahhy wrecked -vsseI which lied been
fixed over before being offered to the goy-
irnment- , and was not worth oute.hiait what
flue goycruilnent u'aid ' for her. The auxiliary
veseis board refused to reconuntoutfi a hirico
of more thxn fi5O,000 to ! hu Sluil ) , hut the
owners. by appealiuig directly to flue Navy
dcpartuuient uutnaged to get $312,000. bt
suns to have been a pretty goat dIsposal
of bad bargain , . -
IIitrnNMIng lhie A.itnhiiitrntioii for
1.nuIt leni EIIIIN.
Now York Suit.
The purpose of tlto president in ntnktng
his second call for volunteers wut to use the
nien euuhisted , so tar as necessary , to recruit
( ho regirnenta ahu-eaiy in the field to their
tnnxluntum streutgfit. To do this wilt require
( ho majority of the 7OOO volunteers cahiod
for , anti unquestionably it is the best aerv-
ice to which they could be Put , siitce a large
i'arl ' of ( ho regiunents are In iectI of such
recruits to render thorn thoroughly effective.
It sceuns , however , that overnora of states
au-c usIng every effort to bafk the execution
of thus plan , approveti by nil sound ntiiitary
judgmcnt as essential to the true interest of
( Ito army and the nation. These governors ,
reiutforced . anti abetted by men who are
working solely for iolltical fluId 'personal
eutds , without nuty regard to obviously miii-
tary necessities , ai-o urgiitg ( ho president
to orgaitize ( hue now voituneei-s as separate
regiunents , leaving ttnflhied and Imperfect
( hue regiments of their states viticb are liOV
in thin field. Their motive. of course , is to
make rlaces for more commissioned omcorui.
So fat' as the troops obtaIned arc used to
recruit existing i-egiuncnts , they wlil come
under the cornrnniui of ohlicers already corn-
uttissioned , nuul 5l additional supply viii be
unado unnecessary.
hence. agents of these governors nra now
swariniutg at Vt'asluiuigton auid using nil pos-
sibho pressure to induce the president to
continue and aggravate an evIl from which
the volunteer regiuncuts are now suffering ,
to tito distress alut couiftision ot alt experienced -
rienced general ofhlcers under whose coun-
luatul they come. Military maneuvers which
dciiciid Upon regiments of maximum
strength for their proper anti succsstih (
execution are hiattipered by organlzittlons
short of ( Ito requisite number of companies.
Yet unuuuy , if muot utmost , of the goverutors , are
straining every lierve to Preveilt titelr coin-
imletioum , thotlght a sulilciency of recruits for
( hint nurooso is easily obtainable.
During ( he civil war the baleful conso-
rjtuenees of rutisimmg new regiments , thought
those nhrendy lit the field itad been reduced
to a mere shadow of their proper streuigthu
by casuaitks , were demonstrated so strikingly -
ingly that the nrcsldent amid all his military
ahvisers were determined to avoid ( heir
repetition at this time. Accom-tifuighy , the
prime purpose in making time adtiitionnl call
for voitunteers was to recruit time regliiuents
of every state aiready in the field to tlueir
( tIll and requisite strength. These govern-
ore , however , wotuld unako use of It for another -
other and contrahictory lnurvose. careless of
the military need which occasioned it.
Thucy vant to lenvo their present state regl-
liteutts Incomplete , iut order that they atimy
have a chnmtco to sottdothuers , wIth a full quota
of ollicers , no matter how short the rnuuks
of both may ho ,
Stucht a policy is not nterely injurious to
the existing organizations auth to ( ito general -
oral military immterosts of ( ito nation. it is
also ureitidlclnh to the welfare and ( hue effectiveness -
fectiveness of the volunteers to be enhisted ,
for they vihl hose the advantage of association -
tion lit the saute orgnmmizations with troops
who have recetneti ititichi valuable trni nimig
and of being wither the cornunaimd of olllccrs
alreatly initiated iii their , iutles , nmtd ium 'cry
ninny cases of long familiarity witit titent
Thuemo governors would sacrifice ( lie ittter-
cats of tli outlisted men to schienmes of p0-
hitlcah advancement concocted wib a vicw
to multiphyluig commtntissions needlessly and
(0 thu IoSItiVO Injury ot the military sony-
Time ItresIdent should refuse nbsoiutcly to
give any heed to these self-seeking anti mu-
oariotic governors. Ills imperative y is
to nmako tue best possIble use of time vohtuum-
teers under the new call , anti lie knows , and
every luhlitary mali kumows , that title Is to
send them as recruits to raise tim oxlsting
regimtments (0 ( lie full stremmgth necessary to
titoir effectiveness , accepting no separate
regimttents fromn ( be states until ( hint has
been done. Efforts ( o interfere with the
execution of that necessary plan are directed
against the life and health and effectiveness
of time new troops , and hence nrc nothing
short of criminal.
AN OVltt3VOuIKIu ) lititEtU.
OrIgin of the Stirues Cimimeerimimig
( eriii1In 1111,1 I'reiicla tuosimu i t- .
Puuuuadehimhuia Inquirer.
Ambassador Wltite at flerllmt Is doIng his
hmest to prevent Americans front accepting
too readily thtoso iorsktent stories beoring
the Berlin date and dw.lHmmg upon tint al.
legeti hostIlity of ( lie Cerrnt'tms towumrdmer -
Icans. The bureau now furnishing these
anti-German dispatches Is a good deal more
active than the Americamt embassy at 11cr-
liii , anti it would be strange If assertions
so persistently ntade , even though they be
deitied by otur own anibassathor. did mmot have
time effect of creating Ill-f2ehing toward
( ' .crmaums autmommg Americans. Iletunuming tittir-
Ists vlmo hmavo been imuterviewed ott time subject -
ject substantiate tile Aimiorican mimtister and
ntaimttain ( lint while ( lucy were subjected to
insults Iii Paris they were treatcd wRit no
( leparture from the customary courtesy Iii
The stubject is ouuo of considerable irmi-
pOrtammco to both Germany and ( ham United
States. While we are becoming more
friendly wIth Emmgiamtd It woulth be' great
foolishness to get ott bad ( ernie t-ltht coumt-
tries whichi are such excehlemit customers
of file United States as Gerntaumy amid Rue-
ala. If over-zealous Emtghishmummeri iui their
miew-foumid eagerness to be friendly with us
arc also aatous ( lint there imhmnii ho no
frieutdshtip with Cermimany they can htmtrdiy
nutprecinth ( hue Aumtenican capacity for good
will and. friendship , which Is big nmmd great
enouglt to imiciude even the Spaimiarthe after
we have trounced them vchl it tltoy vihi
prouttiso to behuvo themselves aitd lint up
.Imostimgcs ( or the pcrfurntance of tim jromn-
Spain , however , is not a promnising cus-
tomner , but Russia wititlit a year htns placed
orders in Penumsylvaitia , at Crarnps , at Bald-
wIn's autd at Carnegio's , amnouuiting to per-
ha its tveil ty mu ii I in it del lars , nut ac tb mi vhu left
unruly nccords with Limo story which utp-
imeared in papers recantiy of Russiaut interference -
terference with thu war or with htuesba's
loumg maiuttained Policy towarti ( lie United
States hut ( lie vast. it will be wise not to
believe iii Itmropeaii imotthity ( torn any qunr-
ter until somimo act warrautte cimtertainlng
stmchu a belief , If time Peojile of tile Ummitetl
States are goIng to take a broader outlook
It wouid be well to begin by coimsidoriutg tluo
pmobablo utmotivo behiuuti thu imu'rsisteuit ro
ltoi-ts of eoumtlumeuttnt hostility toward Ammier-
' ' .vl' ' ' i.i-'i't . ' " '
'i'I m 'i'i , - i.i J.I't"l'I ii.
Chicago 'rritmuute : Iieutenant Carrnitzui is
Itrobabhy mutoro nrtxious now timan ever to
fughit , If be can ouuly find sonic oumo worthy
of his "steal. "
Chicago Record : f the Spanish spies in
Caumada will onhy beep on wrIting a&uttmsing &
letters to get into print the Anueiicsuia will
hmmtvo little cause for couttpialutt.
Buffalo Express Cutru-nutza's letter is
valuable , its siuowhuig how Clue PUbiic service
of Spain Is luoneycomnbetl autd crippled by
jealousies beteeui the olilcurs. It is tIme
letter of mu ingcumtious , iuot'hueuuhwl youumg
ummaum , who cyldemitly never was lltted for tlue
host of siy , trouut wimichu he bhiouid be u-u-
liuved imitimiethiately by time Dommtiiuion guy-
I'Imiiadelphila Press : MI tint world knows
that flu hose amid Carrranza have ierfected
what Polo estutbiiuilitsl in a neutral state , amt
offeutsivo Hyiutemtm of espioutage. Sooiier or
inter this was bouutti to comuto ouf , auttl thtat
Carramtza kas accontmnodated us is macat corn-
( ortiuig It itguuin presses home the hessout
that if you but givu Spain's ready letter
writers ink eaougii ( hey wili work out their
own undoing. First carn Dc Lomo and now
it is Csrrauza. Nexti
AIi. ZttlI. , Oflfl ( ( ) .
Cltlcngo I'ostt Oregon has made a stmc-
c'cssttui run into the reptibiicafl coitimn ,
' state and con-
( 'luicago Record , Oregons
grsIioutai olectioums vero held on Moimmiaty ,
resulting In victory. for the rcpttbllcnmis. Time
outconte is significant because ( ho money
question was the principal issue. as in
and becunuse Oregon was one of ( Ito cl.use3t
states Ia the presidential election of two
years ago.
Chicago Trlimtinot The cantpaign was
fought on finmiticial issues. The fumsionists
stood imp for the Chicago itlatform. time free
coinage of silver at the ratio of 16 to I , Lila
detiumsement of the currency , and Limo tise of
cheap silver dohlnrs retroactively iii the
payment of debts comitrocted on the gold
stamtdau-t , basis. TIle reptublicaits coneuided
fearlessly for thin gold standard atiti the
uitniiiteumaneo of ( ito value of tito money of
( lie vouuttry. Thu repmibiieatts vemo lutore
oUtapokelu and tmiuequtvocal iii their utter-
nitees than in 1896 , antI that lielpeth hem
to vln their great victory.
St. Lottie Ghobe-Iouaoerat TIte sweciming
victory which tile republicauts have just
gitiuted in Oregon luau it double signifleuunco.
It means ( lint tIme republican tide , vhticli lmtm.i
reuchicd a high uttark in 1596 , is still at uts
Itooti , It niso destroys the old muition ( hut
( ho party in itocf' iii time lurciIlCiIY is smuu,3
to imiect a reverse in tIme ceuigressioutnl eke-
( ion , occuru-Imig Ittitiwny In thu jiresidential
( aria. Time ltoiflhlnr tmranclt of congress is to
ho chiozeui tItta year , autti ( Ito thu-st two inemmi-
bei of it to be uttuitol have jtmst b&emt oie-tu'd
in Oregon. 110th of titent are reptublienits.
luidianapohis News : Thus restuit is iiioit
eitcoui-itgiuig to tue friemids of soimutd uluttiite.
It has beoui snil , untiuty ( iumtes over by Limo
free silver luOitlCtS that the itnoide were
nitxiotusiy waitimmg for n chamtco to get at ( Ito
' Inomtey lto-er , " nutd ( lint hmen tluutt elmmtitce
cnmmto they would promutptiy reverse ( Ito ver-
diet that tliuy reumuhered two years ago. Yet
imi title faiwestorut state , removed tm-omit ( Ito
witherimmg imiuitut-ntos of'ail street by the
emttiro 't-ltithi of the coittimiemit , a state iii
which the free silver semttimemmt hmmi always
heemu suplioseti to be stu-oui , tile licoPie have
i It all prolahiii ity ti oimbletl t lie m-einuhi icamt
plurality of 1896. it may ho siil tltut Ore-
gout does mint speak for the utatiout , but it
must be admnited that her voice is still
strommg on time side of huomiest uttomtoy. There
lute beeut no 'repentmmmmee" on tiuc part of Iter
people fur their actiomi iut ISUG.
1'iuiSCNAt , tNi ) O'I'lmimtvusm ,
It vas one of Mr. Gladstone's rules never
to have as a mmteniher or htis ntimiistry nimy
director in a stock compnimy.
Charles Lazaumo , a mneucbant of Wasluiuug-
ton , I ) . C. . hue stued a rival mneu-chmztutt for
$ Io.000 for calling him a Spamtiartl.
Imi atlthitiotm to beimmg 'a aatioit of shop-
keepet-s. ' ' Spammishm otilelals mtow admitit rathmor
grtmdglumgly thnt we eami drIve a 13-iitclt bar-
ga I ui.
The l'tmhhmau ear pcopio have timid to sue-
cummtb to the ruopular craze and ure mmctimtuhly
renamning them u-olhitmg palaces which bear
Spanish tItles.
Whatever ( Ito ltewspnpers may say about
( lie froetiomn of the liress thicir news editors
hiave , privately , a great deal of syimipathty
for the ceimsous.
Every man vlto commtes omit of the Klommdike
has much to say of tue Immimncmmse qtmauitlty
of gold he left. there. but very little about
( be ammtouimt imo brotmght ahommg.
TInt estate of Johtmm W. Calroll , ( lie origi-
Untor of ( lie 'Loumo Jack" brand of smtmoltimmg
tobacco , shio ( lied recently iii Lynchtburg ,
VaIs estiinatetl at $1,100,000.
In one tltty last week Govcrmmor hiradley of
Keittucky received 100 letters , ( lue writers
of which all wanted to 1)0 generals , colouteis ,
cnptnlns or licimtemtants in the reguuttents
now being foruned.
The Boston Herald says : "Tue girls are
now % vt'arlng garter buckles emitbehlhehmed
with two enanieled liags cross-d. , Or course
every one knows what llags ( lucy arc. "
Oh , ve domt't know.
The Canntliamts are about to subntit to
popular vote tlrn question of prohmibitimig time
umianufacture and sale of inoxicatiumg liquors
in the dommtinlon. Tit , moveunemtt fore-
shtadows nit alhiautce s'itht Kansas.
Conmntodore George C. Homey , in charge
of the naval base of supplies at Key West ,
Is one of the kimtdest and ntost courteous
of muon. lie is a delightful conversatlomiahlst ,
shiows blond culture and hmas nut almost Inexhaustible -
exhaustible stock of information.
When Don Canoe starts In to wIn his
throne in Spain ito wIll carry with hmini one
of tue lflOst beautiful swords iuu tlue world-
a lresemtt , from his wIfe. It Is nut olil Toledo
blade , rIchly dantascened and its hilt Is
fairly iutcrtmstcd with diamonds , rubles amid
Tim rigorous exantiutittions whicit New
York 1)oliccumlcn tused to unhergo ummmther tile
Roosevelt regimno ecemtt to have bceit already
suspemtdcd. A poiicemamt , in reportimig an
arrest made In a restaurant the othuer day.
said Ito judged fromit a sigui in thtq window
( lint thuo wommtamt vho kept ( hue Itlace was
"Charlotte Russo. "
Jeseihi Cluamberlnirt , when a little boy ,
Ivas playing oume day wltit his sister at a
game of "battle"-euuch child liaviumg a regi-
meumt of toy soldiers amid a popguui to lire
at the encnty. The little girl's soldiers m'euit
hovli very qtmickly , htmL his stood unit , and
he was iroelaimmted ( ito victor , lIe bad
glued lila utteut to ( hue floor.
Thuo earl of Limcaut , svhio line just lieeii
created a Knigltt of the Order of St. h'atiick
by Queeuu Victoria , is ( Ito huead of tIme
popular Irislu Ituuse of liiimghtaumt amid son
of ( lie coumtmmtamtticr of time I3rltishm cavalry imi
( ito Crimc'att to wluont beloumgs time
immerit or thto blaumme tot- the historic charge
of the light brigade at lialakava.
'lhlii etlIflt4C1t CYOrATlON ,
Ilotton ( liobe We lunvo hail a geol mans
gatherings of mioted utica to discuss finance
In this country iii recent years , but tho7
have prae.ticaliy been rallies on behunlf of
one or another "school , " not really utsseun-
bites for the iuiterchinngo and combat of
opinion. Ontabui ghes imroitiiso. however , of
a tOni monetary congress during tie-en (157 *
of Septeunher next , hegtmtmming , the 13th , lIon.
.1. Sterilulg Morton Is to luresido over tits
gatherimigs. It is phamtned thiitt thin first (1117
shall lie given to ( ho advocates of the free
anti tuutiiiuiteti coinage of silver , amid Chair-
mull Bland , Commgrcssrnnn Towmte amid otimr
lttemnimtent adherents of the faith arc ox-
1ecttnl , to penk. The second day , thtos
favorable to the gold staumlbtrl will ho ghen
mt chalice to be hmcand.
Miniteapohiui Jouruial : TIme greatest tnl'king
match of ( Ito period line beeut arrautged for
at the Traitsittississippi Rxposition imi Omitaht
on the Dtii. 14th nuid hiahi of Selttttuuhmer , . . -
Arrautgemmiomtta are unmler ( Ito auspices of ( Ito
Natiomini Sotmnd Moutey league. It is lire-
Poscl to huavo the flu-st day known as ( ito
gold day , the sceolith as tlue silver ( lay. autil
( ho third us lmht'r unomtoy day. Tlucro will
be ito resolutions alopted or vote. taken
(0 test thun et'ittlmuuent of tite nudiuumce , taut a
'free-pitchi-iut' ' of all who vislu to Itear
themselves talk out the nioltoy qtiesttotu.
This will bo ( ho cbm'tmtco for tiimtt utaut st-ito
at a fuuteral. iii tlmo nbsertce of ii clergymutnut
and an iuuchimiatiomt omt the Itart of tuty ono
else to mumako numy reuumirkmu about ( lie do.
C&'ttst'd , ttiiied if lie imiigitt emmtploy the oi- ,
Iol-tlmmtity ) to say souuethtiuig abotut time fm-en
itimittge tf surer. llapiiiy there nrc not as
mtuimuy of hmimn na ( hero wore two years migo ,
3IIItmm iIui 01' SV.til ,
Chiemtgo 'L'rllnimto : 'Aumtoimg her oUter vnr
lila ti'niitl , " mttld Uumclo Aiiemt Sputm-ks , "Sinlmt
scorns to 1)0 lmrovIdel Ihi a tiisttljiemirlmmg
mtdlniu-ztL' '
Cievelutmud l'lniui ienlur ' ' ' ' "
: 'iu ) , begami
( lie iutveterutttm ' IIttmtster , "why tutu timu Slualj ft"
-m-uui ?
. .
.S ( ) it cotild be called ftoet , ' lii-ormiptly re-
1)11(51 ( iuu liolicu eotmrt lttwyur. . . . , ' :
Detroit Jonrmtttl : ' , , ' remutnriciml time
ttmserver of lutt'It - mtmtd ( itiumgs , ' 'eummhittt'rms
ummmtty mI lift. by belmmg so mmtut-lt sveeter ( humimi
utn'tt tiitt ; eltu lit ( lie world. "
Citicago Post : ' 'how did Ito ( 'omno to
' Otm , itutn all a imiistaico , I to heard so
much nbotut bottling UII ( lint uo ( imouglit IL
\uti golmig to be mtuuiie' kiimti of a ireo. ' '
Cleveland h.cnilur : "Tite Nutvy ( ivpnrtntcmtt L
otigltt to be Cituiileditli ) gtis mmtetors' '
"Noliiumgwutuiil got petit tluelmt vitItout be-
lilt ; duly recorded. "
Detroit Free Press : 'St ) yotmr wife vemit
witiiommt a ma'v to buy a silk Ilag-
s- hIlt t t ( I uchu I hg I ) i1 I tiitt imimmi. ' '
'Veli-ntrLiy ( bitt mitd rnttl' hiecuttitte slt
\vammtei to utit-siiiite lire mtL'lgiuitrs' '
Chticmgo Itecoril : 'Io you titimuk .Toiilt's
him u vl L-hge of Sun utisht " - I I I ii ( .1 1) Ii I mit d tin mtg-
thtt' 'itlY' '
"Certaimihy the Siiamiiards will drop dead
tlit-mt ( lucy hear iil't mic&iu ( . ' '
) ) otroi t .1 on rita I : Stmdiiemmiy t hi e Sun it laril
t mail ed , smtumti ( I 1mg t ht(1C U PU mi I itt' tn-ilge t , f Im is
shim ) .
. .
\.o nie iooinetl ! ' Ito shrieked.'rho
( 'itent liut'o ( 'ii ( I ii o Ctllle 8 umd mit get uio
inure ortlers from thu strategy tiottri ! "
A Ii wmis cleu rly lost save imotiur timid a
( ( -ty other light articit s of persommal
mtdorutmmtemt t.
Chicago Triiummto'lmat : is time flintier ,
RIlyY' asked time ( tmit-rly , surgemumtt.
' 'Not Ii I 1mg , ' reIl IeII I li you mug sol , ! i.-r
-Itit time , umuivt-rtumg eliOt , yieuVls strtmggIlmmg
-iIt a Iakoshmnu ) , ttmstttiii iie , ( lint mommmu
friemtl It ml , h simm uggleti I ii to Imi in , 'o mu I y t It is
Is so timihike thu l-Ite mit-niotlier tmseil to
niuke ! ' '
'Vn Sit I ii gt a a Star : ' ' Domt' t t oh I rut o ntan Is
tluo crentim mc ut it Is emiviromimmi t-mm t ! ' ' cx t-itt I umted
( leneral itiuuiuc , , .
' 'Doit't you tliimik tluemo Is nimytlilmig in
, ( Ito ( iteory ? ' '
"Notimimmg vitutever _ if titere vere I'd
1)0 it ftmli-iliei , ( Amrmricaiu. luuk at ( Ito - -
- % fl1'umi surm-otnmded ! "
Sit'i INh Iiiior.
Utica liemald.
"I do not wtutt to tIght , for , caramhia , if
I (10 , "
SaId the cauttmdn of the 'I'enternrto ,
' A. Yutmtkee situ ) ntiglit comno nlomig and
blow so high mny t'rev
They votmld iiso nil iuilercst in tIme world
So , to save ( lie Soaitislm lmumtor , for ( Ito \s'ar
I'mti lmtih away _ _ -1
In time uietitrl : Putt afforded by friendly
RouGh lIllEutS' SVAR
I to , all of ye kmmh.dits who ward tIme pinlut ,
Elll breatlt froni the sea imtvmikes Lime
' 1ztImme ;
1.\'lilut , liii frommt the depths of orenmi grave ,
A cmy for rev'migo ClIiCt4 ( o'er thuit'e ;
So , mcimt to tlte liromieli , tumd swift nt-ty : ,
For ii ii I y ito % v ( 'It 1 I s , no r brooks ti ci ut y ;
Give m-tmo tO tii&t doim vJim stemttuy Imitnil ,
'l'hemm iniss 0) thtIr lildea \ , red-hot bramid ;
Nor ommco , by tiuilr jIttiIuL - ho mnoveti nor
H t I rrtjd ,
i'ot StL t it ii. U I sI ghm t , sitoim Id ft umo y ( lint iterti ;
A mmI , so , imey-Imo ! Si r imiiglm I s , hey-Ito
JiIo ( ( iii , iii your prIde , muer u-Ide yo SlOW !
I [ 0 , nIl of ye kmtiglmts lit c'omrtly ss'est ,
I lave temtrs for time so's imu isles opuirest ;
hrr immyrittils t ii ere Iuov ftu I mm t ( ii m ii m-mttl ,
A imI , tmtrrittmm liii , ks t.a m sa t it t pl h oath
. , \mul 1)1(1)105 lIe itaric imi Iosmn5 , liar- , ,
A ad unoltrs look ii p v I t ii ghuissy eta mo ;
Aum d p1 tyi mtg i-al Is get. so im I k-ss jre j ' ,
For trt'tm cit i-ri ) U C d one ittu ye licut m-t I eec ( 'urn ;
So , hi le ter t ii elmt d t-'ii , utor in hid ( boy mit otto , \
1ir suttutmi must kmmis' to ( 'lutimim lilt own ; -
4\ uil so , ( . ' ! SIr l' utigli tit , lit-y-l to !
itihtY 00 , imi your wrath , to detti titeumi vool
lEo , nil of ye kmmiglite wIth courage high ,
Emmc-lrcio titu brutes for fear tlmoy fly.
'J'iut'it htihil , tllPfli Iii liummmti till % t-rk lit , tmti , , , ,
A mmi i I kt , ii mm I ( I Cuu I n yo' ye mmiii rkei I , iiit one ;
irom. ovuui t ii a Iwo Itclms I , f J itS I I et. k no tv ,
1 mmd cliii ( a it t t hue lii t , ftmi I b , mi t to go ,
4miii , ili-et mte t ho sy I mmi4 , II mtvt'x iii ii imil free ,
'bVOii iii l ) ( ( i to t lie held e whoio k mu guts
elmottlti lnt
So , hmltte to I It it it toil , nitti lrtt , ii 1 t Ii em wol I ,
Tlmnt aatimm laity rouul tltemml till In lueil
4' II ml so , lucyho ! Si r iumlghu ( ti , ltt'y-hm o
lildo oil , lii yotir mmtlght , aumd Itty titemlawl
Fort 1) , A. fluseell , Mit ) ' iO , 159L
Our Daily Bulletin.
, ChICAGO , Jimumo 10 , 1St-Croi , experts .
% % ili toiliy : hirest'Iut thmt'Im Iluini r.lorts on . :3. : -
time probaimlu Viuuter sluint yIeld of thlti ,
coulu I uy 'limo iii i i 1'rs ma mu ii ii 'i hillel y ivut I t ht
for tlIOio tlgturemm , ttitichi lure ilamlell oxi In- . .
s'em4tigmu I louis ii unl vl I I ruuiiltnl y it iteet ( ho
lumnu-ket itrices ( J f % V ltttitt a mmd 11(1mm r.
of short prices if you come to us now for a new hat. Our assortment - .
sortment of straw hats for men and boys was never in better '
shape to please than now. SOc buys a good one-of course we
have better-if you want it. Then we have quite a number of
light and medium colored soft and stiff hats that are some broken
in sizes-if your size is among them you can save from SOc to
$1 , Come in and look them over and see if we cantt offer you
a bargain. Sailor straw hats for ladies also.
. S. W. Cor. i5th and Douglas Sts.