T\VO \ hUNDRED CET DIPE.OIAS Ocnnmenccment Day at the Univcrsity of Nebraska. S : ( ' CLOSE OF ITS MOST PROSPEROUS YEAR 1)1. . btIIfl1 .tbt ) ) Iel I rrM a St I rn iig \ .4ddi es , . au " 'ey 1)utIcM ot hc 1IOUr'-.flHeM TIa)1C ) S Grntisstcd. L1NCO1 , June L-Speclnl.-Tlic ( ) twenLycventIi nhnunl comrnencment o the university of 4cbrnka , which occurred at the O11or theater this morning , marked the c1oe ot a most prosperous year for the IliBtittitlon. and the beginning of IIf&s Iat- P tie ( or more than 200 gradtinte , who today ? TCCCIVC1 diplomas from their alma muter. Shortly after 9 o'clock the untverstty proces. slon composed of the atumut , senior , , Inns- ters , doctors umi the faculty , and headed by the cadet band1 formed on the campus , aitl marched to the theater. here they were greeted by an enthusiastic nudlence that packed the building from pit to gallery. On every 8llC WCI'C to be seen ilio scarlet . anil cream of the universIty , entwlnrd wIth .c the stars and stripes. All of the candidates for degrees together with the faculty and Board of regents OCCUIlCl seats upon the stage , S The program opened with "The tnrs anul Stripes l"orevcr , " played by Prof. llflgCflOW'H full orchestra. Prayer was offered by Rev. dr. Mnnss of the FIrs CongregatIonal church. The commencement oration ly Dr. . Lyinnti Abbott of New York , Is saId by ninny to have been the best address ever listenrul to by a LIn'oln aullence. ! rt Introducing : the speaker Chancellor MacLean said , "It ' is fitting that In thIs progressive University , ; of a progressive atato , In the most progresS - Bive nation on earth , that Dr. LYJIUtH Abbott. S n Prophet of Progress and a Lover of MankInd - : kInd , address you , ' Ito needs no introdue- tlon , " t f Ir. AJuIuutt on Our Jiuflep , , Dr. Abbott took for hIs theme 'New Dim. L . ' . _ tIes of time Hour , " and spoke In Part as fol. lows : What are our dutlcs Character and the 4 Opportunities of the hour combine to deter- i iiiltie our duties and we imiust be wIllIng 1111(1 - . - able to grasp them. New events make new duties , Abralmammi LIncoln was confronted with a situntlon that carrleti wIth it great S responsibilIty , but his strength of character t carrIed him through. The American PeoPle S have several distinguishing characteristics , In common with every other natIon on the globe ve have many vices. These nrc not S AmerIcan , but belong to mankind in general. S With possibly the exceptIon of Ragland , time - I . American government is time least corrupt In / , 4. the world. One distinguishing characteristIc . , of this nation Is seif.government. 'I'Ime S Anwrlcan hypothesis Is that every luau is I better able to take care of himself than any I other mann Is to do It for him. The fountain I I _ _ _ source of power Is time people. In enforcIng laws force is only teeu1 when conscience falls. Another thing ( lint sets us apart from other natIons Is the equalIty of our People. There Is no caste : none are born prInce or S pauper , but all arc born Americans. You may occupy nay lulace if you can but reach , it. Although thIs , our Ideal , has not yet 'I been reached , we are nearer to it than any other people. I Our unparalleled system of education Is another dIstinguishIng mark. Our free ed- ucatlon doc not stet ) with the "three fl's. " u 'Fho publIc school system Is the only exani- ; iule of a great people engaged In their own 14 hIgher education. Agalmi , we guarantee to every Coiner free religious prIvileges. We I have all klnuis of relIgIon and Irrellgion , but S are the only people. on the earth Who have nothing upproxlmattng a church of state. No church is eIther helped or btmlered by the m state , The teachings of Robert Ingersoll , S munch as we ( leploro theta , verve to Illustrate 4 _ _ how free Is spee h In AmerIca. IIv'er hospit- able , we Cxtcnd a Imamiti of welcome to who- 4 ever cons. and In s1 months give hIm the privileges that ae vitlmimeid froimi our own u Until they have lIved hero twenty-epa . years. This policy may mIotb vIse , but it Is dIstinctly American. The present crisis teaches us that not only may we welcome PeoPle tq our shorca , but that AmerIca must take her place among the nations'ot the earth In every clinic and under every sun , to the end that. JustIce shall bo proclaimed throughout the worlul , - Ie55iII 'l'niigbt 5b ) ' Dewey. The guns of Dewey have convinced us that there are no hemispheres. We are one. This Ia the most- necessary , just and right- e0u8 wnr'thal ever was fought , If the tIme ever conmes when conscience nat ! reason rule 'anti men do right of their own voiltion , war will ho unnecesasary , but we have not ot reached that state , Wherever England goes better governments are set up. Not so iwith Spain. She lies been a robber for over 300 S S years , taking everything from her eoionlsts and givIng them nothing in return.'hen time Maine exploded we vakcd to the situ- atlon afll now as a nation we are laying ( lowli our lifo that another licople may live. The story of Daniel in the lion's dcii Is not more marvellous than that other story that , flashed over the wires a few days ago wheum , Ilobsoim antI his bravo muon went into time very Jaws of ( lentil and caine out unscatimeil. Thu orchestra selection following was a 5'- group of Amncrtcan national aIrs , a fitting m ' complIment to the address just finished. Chancellor MacLean then conferred degrees Upon graduates presented by uleans of the dIfferent departments cml presented them wIth diplomas. 1)egrecs were conferred upon twenty members of the elass who arc absent with the tivo Nebraska regIments. Their dIplomas ivere wrapped In a silken flag and Placed on a boil of liowers with time Prayer "foil grant they may all return , " In a short speech Governor llnicomb corn- mIssIoned seventeen universIty cadets as second lIeutenants. Time announcement was made that nlmmty- seven university stuitlents had enlisted In the First and Secommul' Nebraska regIments and that so far as could lie learned twenty former grimuluates had enlisted antI that no doubt there were mummy more. Those who were gIven degrees today vcro L'utiege of lIterzutmire , For degree of bachelor at arts : 'Fimeodore Aummmmmmm , Tecuimnseh ; ViliInmmi Axliug , Go- timouburg ; Jenhuto Barber , llo1drege V. C. Burlier , Lincoln : l , J. ltarromm , Lincoln ; Ethel licattlo , l'crmm ; Amman Butts , Lincoln ; Arthur A , ilisclmof , Nebraska City ; Alice flross. Lincoln ; Edna Carscadulcim , Millard ; Oula Closmuon. Lincoln ; S. J , Corey , Roiia , Mo , Mrs. Julia Orewlft. Scimuyler ; ' Core Crolusey , Vairlmimrytm ; Mabel Cuslmrnnn , Liii- ecilim ; . ( IA. . Iavies , RIsing City ; A l , Da- i'issomm , Limmenlim ; Carrie Day , Omaha ; A. L. Deal , TFCfltOJIu Mo. ; Mabel Dcmpstcr , Ge. nova ; Ma Duflols , Ashland ; C. L. Erb , Lincoln ; Jane Fnrnhmnm , Limucein ; C. A. F'Istmer , Frenmont ; Frances Gore , LIncoln ; A. A. Ollumaim , North Platte ; Lucy Green , S I Llmmcoln ; 0 , F. linger , Clay Center : Ernnma Ilagoy , Norfolk : 9t , W , ilaggaril , Lincoln ; S 1j , Ilalstend , Lincoln ; \V , S. Ilaltzmnaim , lioulah ; Cimarles heady , North Platte ; IL A. Henry , Lincoln ; Margaret FL Ilemmry , Lincoln ; F' . Ii , humphrey , Lincoln ; C , It. Jeffords , St. l'auml ; A. I , Icoltim ; 0. I' , Ktmnl. icr , Garrison ; JessIe Lammslng , Lincoln : W. II. Lchmmman , Columbus ; Jonas Lien , Sioux Falls , S. I ) . ; 'T. P. Luau. Lincoln ; Amine , , _ S Lyti1 Greenwood ; Mary Mcanimey , LIncoln ; McKay , Omaha ; 0. II , MartIn , Ilomu. diet ; IL Meliza , Verdon ; Mabel Metcalf , Lincoln ; IL A. Moore , lted Oak. Ia. ; Selimma 5- . ' Norcmm , ZulcCook ; U , S. l'arker : L. V. I'atclm , Gumbo ; 1t. 13 , Payne , Otto : J , R. I'earson , Lincoln ; .5. " \ ' . I'lnkerton , Box Eider ; ILlmm I'olk , , Lincoln : I ) , I , I'opo , Ited Cloud ; a , N. Porter , Ummmulilia ; Belle Reynolds , York ; F' , ' ltiiey , Omaha : 'C. 13. Robblns , Llmmeolu ; Sr. F' . ROduliu Nebraska City : Ellen flooney , Omaha : Marie Russell , Schuyler ; P. W , S Russell , Omaha ; liIzu Schcrzer , Dorchea- tar ; Elith Schwartz , Omaha ; Anna Sidle , Lincoln ; Sarah Smmmltlm , Lend , R. D , : 'C , L. S. Spencer , 1)akota ) City ; Gertriiulo Stewart , Calmmimbefl. II , H , Stewart , Atlantic , Iii. ; Mary Sulilvmimm , Jackson ; Manila Sundean. Llmmcolmm ; 0. 'mV , Taylor , lIed Oak , In , ; Mercy Walker , h'clmuyler : Ilmmmmmmaim Wallace , To- limmimmaim ; I.ela'imeeler , Lincolim ; 'S. A. White , Mamuaroneck , , \ ' , ; , , \'Iggen horn. Asimlamud ; 'F' . II. Wiggimms , Steele City ; 01L 0. Vi1kiuson. Limicoin ; UsiaVllklmisou , 1.ducoln ; lilossous W'lfliamsou , Liucolu ; Veda Wilson , Almlan4 ; Mary Woodforul , Clay , In , , Lottie Worley , I3ox Ilutte-97. IimtlnfrItml Collesme. For bachelor of science : Edgar David Ilanghart , Lincoln ; Charles 1IIjnh l3artmer , 1olilrege ! Albert Thomas I3ell t'nlversity I'lace ; George Ilurgert , ir. , Nebraskn CIty Robert Archibald ( 'mimpheli , } 'utllerton IreulerIck Curtis Giloley , Lincoln : Rachel Core , Staiulehurst ; ltoyal Melvin Cimehmnan , Lincoln ; Irving Samuel Cutter , Lincoln : Rrwin Roland Davenport , Omnaba Harry Frank Gage , Lincoln ; F'nmmnle Minerva hew- itt. Neligh ; Martin Edward IIIltner , IAn- coin ; Vi1ilnm TItus Hormme , University Place : Mary F'rammecum JacksOn , Lincoln ; Helen 1rammces Sawyer , Vest Point : Charles Campbell Morlmuon , Omaha ; RuiwIn Itees Morrison , Lincoln ; Ralph Scott Mueller , Council filuiffs , lii. ; Jercmlah P.elrnummio , Werternburg , Germammy : Charles Ieroy Stomme , hastings ; herbert Osmnoad Sutton , Broken flowt Itoscob W'llford Thatcher. Gibbon ; } Tmmmna Jenmi Tuttle , Limmcoln : Rl7.ut Edward Tyler. RrIc , Ran , ; IL Itauk Van Ierslice. Chetmey ; Joseph Allen Warren , harvard ; William \\'infleld Wolfe , IAn- coln-27 , F'or bachelor of scIence In cIvil engineer- lag : Albert henry Ammdrcvs , Norwalk , 0 , : OlIver Timomne Reedy , ilcatrice ; Jaunts Mntilson Itolmrbauglm , Jensen-3. Iror bnctmelor of science in electrIcal en- glncerlng ( 'Imarics fldward Anderson , Isasa Nasijo , Sweden ; La Monte Judson llelknam , hastings : Edward Atiiearn liesuucy , Limmcolrm ; .lackson Colliali a llttchmnamm , Weep- 11mg'ater ; Maurice Arthur 'rydo , Ltucolmm ; herbert Silas Evans , Steilal William Georgm IClumton , Stella ; Alvin Augustus MIller , Lmi- cola ; hliland Uacli&ikr Noycs , Waterlco ; John AlmPleton Sai Ille , Omumnima ; Fvcrctt Urowit Saisyer , Llimcoln ; Charles lienmierson 'rrmme , Onmaha ; Cimnrleum 'mtrren Weeks , Aim- rora-18 , higher Degrees. The college of llteratmime , science nail the COts cad the Inmlustrinl collegu. for master of arts : Francis Asbury Alatmnmuter , A. IL , ' 140 , Northwestern umimiversity ( lii , ) , Umulver- sity Plnct' ; hillllmmgs Grimutmeii Almny , 13. Sc. , 'pa , Greenwood ; Elwarl John Angle , M. I ) , , 11. Sc. , ' 86 , the Ummiverslty \Visconsiti , Lin- colim ; Raymond Servlus linker. A. Ii. , ' 9T , Curtis ; Ilollu Kent Ilcattie , A. 11. . ' , Cot- her tmmmiversity , 13. Sc. , 'lfl , l'emu : Rrnst Atim- earn ilessey , A. IL , 'litI , 13. Se. , ' 9T , Lincoln : Clurles Wesley Hlgeiow , 13. L. , 'Sf1 , Demiver ; May Clmamimberlairm , A. Il. , 'lii , Vmilpnraiso ; l'ntil Fennlmore Clark , l3. ! SS. , 'S7 , Lincoln ; George l'vnrt Commdrn , ii , Sc. , ' 96 ( April ) . Nurnini ; Samuel ItIchamfi Cook. 13. S. , 'P5. M. S. , ' 97 , Michigan State univereity , Ann Arbor , Mich. : AlvIn Eieazer Evans , A. IL , 'Or , Coiner ummiversity , Bethany ; Allen Clemonce , A. IL , 'UI , Nebraska City ; Mrs. lieleime Dresser Fling , B. L. , 'u3 , the Unm'uersity of MInnesota , Lincoln ; ( ilmarlea Fordyco , fl , Sc. , ' 9G ( April ) , University Place ; Mary LouIse Fossier , B. Sc. , ' 94 , Liii- cola ; John Simnen Gutiehen , A. II. , ' (16 ( , MImI- land college ( Ifas. ) , Enmerald ; Sarah Newman - man Hall , Ii. Ph. , 'P7 , Nebraska Wcsieyan University. UnIversity Place : Iliancet Shack- let , 13. So. , ' 97 , Stcrliimg ; iCatimleen Georglumna lit urn , A. Ii. , 'S6 , Lincoln ; Bruce Vlclzory 11111 , ii. 1'li. , ' 116 , Iowa college , Griminell , In. ; Emmieut Raymond Holmes , 13 , L. . 'ftO , Llmmeolim ; 110111Cr Clyde House , A. II , , "Jt , Ioano cot. lege , , Crete ; Alice Cusbmnan hunter , A. B. , im , Lincoln : WIllIam l3oyti hunter , B , Sc. , ' 97 , l'ommca ; Charles Walter Irwin. A. U. . ' 91 , Battle Creek college ( Mlelm. ) , College \'lew ; Alvin Saunders Johnson , A. 13. , ' 97 , 1-lommier ; John Arthur Magutro , B. S. . ' 93 , Iowa State Agricultural college , Mitchell , S. D. ; 13db ' oIl Mansfeide , A. IL , ' 97 , Asimlunul : Scimnyler WIllIam Miller. A. B. , 'UI , Schuyler ; lice Eu. gene Odell Puce , B. Sc. , "JO , Lincoln : Charles \Vescott. Phllpott , 13. Sc. , 'bO , LIncoln ; Wells Ilanks Skinner , A. 13. , ' 96 ( AprIl ) , Nebraska City ; F'ioreiice Sebring $ mlth , A. B. , ' 9-I , LIncoln ; James Sanmuel Snoddy , 13. L. , ' 113 , time University of MPi3ouI I , itldimmnomul , MO , Kate Simon' W'alker , A. B. , ' 97 , Stmrprlse ; George henry Wlmaley , A. 13. . ' 93 , Colunmbims ; May . .Cyntlmla'lmitlng , A. B. , ' 96 , Lincolmm ; .irs Emma Parks Viion. 13. Sc. , 'SO , Limm- dolim ; Floreace MacL.un Wlgner , A. 13. , ' 95 , Limmcolim-I0. For doctor of phIlosophy : Albert Lu- tiuer Candy , A. IL , 'J2 , A. M. , ' 93 , Kansas Stntt imniverslty , Lincoln : Frederick Edwarl Clemnents , B. Sc. , ' 93 , A. M. . 96. Ltncolu-2. T1mtiv ( ruudimsiteN. In the afternoon time graduates of the law school , numbering thirty.nlne , ivent to time state house in a body and verc sworn In by ( lie duet Justice of the supreme court , Time law gracluatsmere as folIows- Oliver Willie Belden , Bolulen : Ernest Capromi Ames , Lincoln : Charles Everett ilobbiti , Alvo'Uarnes : Arthur Brown , Rock- haii. S. I ) , : Newton Dexter Burch , Central City ; Harold Dyer Bush , Beatrice ; Marion Otho Cunningham , Wayne ; Hugh Bernard Daly , Lincoln ; Herbert Eugene Dean , fling- her , Ia. ; John DeLes Ienison , Clarion , Ia. ; Ernest Clinton Foisomii , Lincoln ; Leslie Brooks Green , HastIngs ; John Homer Gros- venor , Stark ; Walter Andrew Hansen , Omaha ; Orpheus PolLen hines , Kenesaw ; Fred Lee Humphrey , I'awmmee City ; Charles Clarence honey , Elka , Nay , ; WiiIett fly- tier Hyatt , I'resldent ; Charles Hudn Imhuoff , LIncoln ; . Victor Oscar Johnson , Geneva ; James Harvey Kemp , Luray , V.a. ; Charles FranklIn LaUd , Lincoln ; John cur- tie Lyndes , Forsyth , Mont. ; Edward ThommifiS McGulre. EdIson ; \\'tlslo Antimony Myers , Alma ; Ihcc Eugene Odeil Pace , LIncoln ; Leonard Emery Itoath , Hatfield ; Harry Evans Sackett , Beatrice ; John A. Slnghaus , Craig ; FrederIck Andrew Stahl , Bloomflelul ; ' Walter Cleoum Tishue , Seward : Lewis Melvin , Troup , Lincoln : Johmm MartIn Tucker , Val- entlne ; Herbert Brainard Vandecaru Elba ; James Lincoln Wallace , Cripple Creek , Cob. ; George Alfred Warfield. Cripple Creek , Cole. : flurtomu Wilbur Wilson. Un- coin ; Louts Sheridan Wilson , Red Cloud ; Loreui Elimanan Winslow , Brookings , S. D. 'Enlisted. . , % timmimni Assoclim t 1(111. The Alumni assocIation held a meeting and elccted tue followIng officers : Pros- ident. 0. W. Fifer , ' 89 ; first vice president , it. B. Johumsoim. ' 93 ; second vice president , E. It. Holmes , ' 00 ; third vice president , Miss Alice Hunter , ' 96 ; secretary-treasurer , 1(03- coo Pound , ' 88 ; executive conmmnlttee , Lin- coIn Frost , 'SO ; T. F , A. Williams , ' 91 ; Miss Pinkerton. ' 96 ; Miss Grace Thompson , ' 97 ; Jay A. Barrett , ' 88. George Vi' . ilotstord , ' 84 , was se'lted for alumnI orator in 1900 , 1105- coo I'ound was appointed as a commIttee of OIiO to raise money or time itmrimoso of fitting a room hi the Nebraska building at the cx- position for time convenience of the alumni. Last evening the trustees of time university - sity nmatle several changes Iii the faculty. These professors vere re-elected : Profmm. Fordyco , Alabaster , Rose , W. E. KIrk ammO 11. C. Oril , for the collegIate and academIc dopartmmments Prof. 0. E. Locke , M185 lint- tie iii. Blond and Miss Mary A. f3nmlth In the music and elocutton departmmmomuts. New memuiers hf the faculty were elected as follows : htei' , Preil A. Stimif , English Ian- guago and literature , In place of Miss Mm- ale Jay ; Miss Abble' Burns , mothra lami- guages ; P. F , Ailway , cimemmiistry , geology mmml ummlneralogy , in place of Mary B. Fowler ; -v. T. dine , imrincihmal of the academy mmmiii irofessor of historl' , In vhace cit J , V , flolus ; 3liss Maude Joimuson of Crete , shorthand anti typewrIting. 0111 Sujciiers .iIi'et , BATTLE CREIiIC , Nob. , Juno D.-Spe- ( cial.-Tho ) twelfth nnimual reummlon of time Matlisomu County Obti Soldiers' association Is In session at time Yellow' Banks , seven auiles northwest of thIs Imlace , Yesterday at a business meeting of ( lie associatiomu it was tleclmled to hold time next reunion at time seine place , it to commence time first Tuesday after time first Monday of next Juime. The follow. log others of time asociatioa were elected for time coining year : S.V , leueb , Meadow Grove , imresident ; Charles Snyder , Meadow ( Irovo , secretary. J , W. Stlrk , Battle Creek ; William 'Low , so. , Ilattla Creek ; 'F. A. Shaf- fee , Meadow Grove , committeemen , .1 mies' 1mm limigemme iI.mri' Cmmsi , LINCOLN. Jummo 9-Si'eclal ( Telegram- ) A jury was secured in the Eugene Moore case in the district court this foremmoon , ammul time introduetlomi of evidence was begun timla afternoon. Time testlimmommy In tIme case will be mmiostby from time records at ( lie tate house , to prove that Moore um.celved ( be money from time insurance companIes. lfo > s him Avii' . GENEVA , Nub. , Jumme t-Speclal.-A ) ( ) few ilays ago Mr. iiaraett discover d that he bad been losIng knives ammO some other am'- tides train his hardware store , lie imad some of the knives returned by parties who hail bommgimt them of some little boys and ( becomc suspicious that they had boost stolen , Among the goouls returned was a revolver. Just at this ( tame two boys of 12 50(1 14 years of age left town. Their where- abomita are unknown , The boys , Homer and Guy Gibbs , left town on the B. & M. freight. WOMAN GAVE HIM THE SLIP Aumotlmcr Man Comae , . Along nmm4 inrrles time Alleged WIfe of a I'ortrnit Artist , IIEMINOFORD , Nob. , June 0.-Spcetal. ( ) -A marrIage surrounded by very peculIar cIrcumstances occurred at this pace. The contractIng PartIes were A. I' . Osborne of Salt Lake C1t3 and Mrs. Fannie Young , who also gave her reslilenco as Salt Lnke. The wommmami arrived here Monday mornIng in conmpnny with A. 10. Hake , who advertised as Mr. and Mrs. hake , of the Hake Art - company , and Were teaching the hake art systeiui of crayon portrait work. They gave an entertainmemmt. at this tilace Monday evening and nmmother last evening. Osborne nrrivemh here Jsionihuty nmuut tried to arrange to have time marriage ceremony lmcrfornmetl Mommihay night , bumt the wom-nab Old not have a good chamico to give hake time slIp. Os- borne's Presence lucre was unknown to flake. Last nIght , after time entertainment , time woman nssisled Hake In packing their of- feds at the school antI started out a little almond of him , apparently for the hmotei , but it developed that Osborne was waiting out- elde whIm a carriage , In whIch he nod the woman were driven to the court house , where they were nmarm-ied imy the county judge , a little before nmldnigimt , after which they drove to Alliance , twenty miles dIstant , wimere it Is supposed they boarded the train. \\'lmemm flake went to his room at time hotel ho vns very much alnrmmied upon finding that his former comnpnnlon was not there. lie left. on thIs mnormmlng's train for Omaha. It is saId timat hake and the woman have lived together for five years. (1 IttI ) JSItl ) COI.I.IIGIO CLOSES , ( : m'uIinti's time I'l-'t Cimiss fromut time PmmIl CoIbogizit ( . Course. GRAND ISLAND , Neb. , June 9.-Specinl ( , ) -Conumumcmmcemmiemmt week at Grand Isiammd college - loge began Summday with the baccalaureate sermon before time graduates , by Rev. C. B. Allen of Onmnima , and cioscd last imlgftt with time graduating exercises proper. The sermon 'was delivered iii the First BaptIst church of Gramid island before a crowded house , 11ev. Alien Preached from the text , found in I Corinthiamia , vii , 24 : "Let every man whereimm he Is called , therein abide wIth God , " The address was enthuslasticaily - praised. Time exercises on Monday evening were a declamatory Contest for time Pattersomu prIzes given cccli year for the three best recita- ( bmw , Nine students frommi time preparatory departmneimt were the contestants. Time first prize was ivon by Cora B. Higgins. time see- end by W. Albert Davis , time third by ire S. Carden. The Contest in oratory was fertile tile purpose of choosing an ormmtor to reimre- semmt Grand Isifmmud college 1mm ( ho state oratorical - torical contest to occur next slmrlng in Omuaiia. nmos N. Shattuck , with time subject - ject , "Educational Achievemnents of time MIe- slonnries , " took first place. Time second prize was awarded to J. G. Vi' . Lewis. 0mm Wednesday evening occurred the grad- uatimmg exercises of time ( 'lass of ' 9S. Gramici Island cohiegc is miot mmmi old institution ammO 1ms , up to this year , had mio graduates who took their full course within its walls. Miss Grace Abbott and Mr. John N. Caress were time graduates. Miss Abimott Is the daugh- tar of Governor 0 , A. Abbott , well known throughout the state. Time ministers' institute has been in sea- don siimco Tuesday morning and will comi- ( liuume during today. ) Ium'e ituuliL WAYNE , Neb. , June 9.-Speclai ( Tale. gramn.-A ) heavy rain has been falling all day and no uioumbt smell graIn pa time low grounds ivlll be more or less iIania'ed , ma It Is very rank in growth. The tanners imere have been delayed In cultivating corn the last week owing to time raimis and it Is becoming - coming very weedy. GENEVA , Neb. , June 9.-Speclnh.-Tt ( ) raIned one-half an Inch dmuring the night and still it raIns. Cellars are full and arc beIng pumped. FREMONT , Nob. , Juno 9.-Speclal.- ( ) The heavy rain of time last five ( lays have done some damage to this part of the county by preveotlmmg farmers from finishimig corn planting and other work on time land. A great many acres of laud north and south. east of the towo are covered with surface water and some fleId of corn will be considerably - siderably dammiaged. Snuall graIn Imas already conmmemmceti to lodge anti is growIng rapidly. flaw IlItle creek north of thIs city is full and the Platte and Elkimorn are hIgh anti rising ; 4.10 inches of rain has fallen here since Friday night. The bridge committee of the county board Is in sessiomm to hook after bridges which have been damaged by the rains. ELKIIORN , Neb. , June 9.-SpecIal.-It ( ) has rained lucre almost continuously for sey- oral days. Saudi grain will amount to mioth- ing. The growth is so rammk that it has fallen down and is rotting. Where it was thInly sown it is rusted badly. Corn is growing rapidly anti so are the weeds. 1'a. tmmres and ummeatiows are in fine condition , DUNCAN , Nab. , June O.-Speclal.- ( ) Ammotber terrific rain fell here oday , All how Janus are under vatcr and at 2 p. in , it is stIll rainIng. Crops of au kinds wlli sutTer if rain continues much longer. EDGAR , Nob. , June -Spccial-For ( ) the past four or five ( lays showers have been frequent and some very heavy. Last nIght rain fell heavily all the hatter part of ( ho night. The ground is now so wet that farmers cannot get into time cornfields to cultivate anti weeds are growing rimpiuhly. Wheat looks fine and promises an emiormnous yield. DAVID CITY , Nab. , Juno 9.-Spcclal.- ( ) Another heavy rain fail last night auth it Iii still raining. Cormmfleitls are so wet timat It will be several days before farmers cnn ho- gIn cultivating. Some fields of simiali grain are showing time effects of the excessive raIns. Corn is looking yellow and time fields are getting exceedingly fomml. Several washotmts nrc reported cmi time lines of time roads coimterirmg here. WEST POINT , Nab. , June 9.-Special.- ( ) Rain fell cotmtimmuously during time whole of last night , aimil is yet imourimmg dowmiViiilst time soil of Cumning coumuty is capable of ab- sorbimug an Immmmoimse quantity of moisture , yet the ground Is perfectly soaked amid travel on the country roads has been sari- ously Impeuled. Farnmers imavo tried during time Past Week to cultivate corn but found It iummposIble to tb so on account of tIme wet coimdition of time fields. Weeds are growIng apace , but corn , timougim a strong , imealtlmy stand , is very backward on account of the weather , Smnnll grain is showing time ci- feet of the wet weatimer and is very ramuk anti In sonmo Iulaces is badly lodged , but will recover with fine , dry weather , Time water is rising In the Elkimorn river mind ( ears of Ilootha are entertaIned , MEAl ) , Nab. , June 9.-Special.-A ( ) cohml , heavy raIn is falling In this vicltmity tomimmy mmd farimi work Is entirely suspeimmied , There has been so much rain ilurlng time last six weeks that fatmers nra 'way beiminil with their work. Time wet weather imas causeul quito a good deal of replammtlng of corn northeast of here , % 'lt Jiejolmi Ills iegliumeut * , WEST POINT , Nob. , Jummo 9.-Speclni- ( ) Captain 'W. A , Mercer , IndIan agent for the Wlmmmmebago and Onmaha reservations , has been ordered to immedIately rejoin his regi- miient , ThIs wIll give time aspirants for Cap- lain Beck's old place another Chimmice of be- lmmg appointed. lion , F , Ii , Aidernmaim of this piece is an aspIrant ( or thIs posItIon and 1mm believed by his frIends to imave an , cmceiieut chance of appointmuont , 1118 only , opponent who hums so tsr developed any strength is the redoubtable "Ihlbby" I'eebies of header , The positions of the : cntenmiing parties for the omec of count3.r'Ctsrk stIll remnumin the same. Acting Clmrl 1Vmmlla absolutely refuses to deliver the efltc o the appointee of the board , anul as , vom' county oflicor is of the same poiitica ) mpersuasion as Mr. \Valia , It looks as thciuihh time repubhlcaq , appointee will have to" * it untIl ( ho so- promo court renders ntf4esIomm mis to the validity of the nppolnttndnt bf certaIn mom- bars of the hearth of stfirvlsors whose cc- tion Mr. Walla refuses ito , pcognlze. The contract for thebrlck , work on lion , Urlaim llrmmncr'a two store brick building ivas let to Mnandus Dccc for $625. ARGUEBROATCHMOORESCASE I 3iemumhmcrs ( if d lie Smmprriimc Coumrt Inject Seine Senreim Iimg ( iumi'gstluuus Dmmr.- lop : the Argumunemt. LINCOLN , June D-Special ( Telegram-- ) , Tim supreme court sient the forenoon in hearing time argumnients In time liroatem- Moores case , the question being en time mmmc- ( Iou to aflirmim time findumiks of the referee , I Arguments for Broatcim were made by Fraimk I hansom and C. C. WrIght , thmring tIme nr- S gimment mumernhers of the court Interjected it nimnuber of searching questIons. Wrlglmt cmi- peclally tried to show that the retentIon of mimoney beyond mm certain perIod coasti- ttmtd a defaUlt , even though the ofliciuil . had no Intention to permanently convert tIme money to his own mice. Arguments for I Moores were made by Jobmi C. Wimarton , J , J. Ilouchmer , ltatimh llreckenrlthgc anti C. J. Greene , time latter closing In one of time I most , imomverful speeches ever heard in time coimrt room. lie showed conclusively that timero 'would be no embezzlement wIthout iimtent to unlawfully witimlmold money and CIted the actions of Moores , vimo PaId over time mono ) ' as soon as tie found that it was dime fm-nm hIm , even though at the same time the county owed him fees amounting to more than $30,000 , and that there had never beemu any attempt or cohlusiomm to wIthhold money or cover up time records. Crcnmmu Maim ruitor at lieumi imugfor.b. IIEMINGFOIID , Neb. , June 9.-Speclnl ( , ) -Arrangements voro coimipleted for time establishment - tablishment of a creamery separator stn- tiomi at this lilmice. The Plant iili be owned by residents of liemningiord anti vIcInity and will be operatemi by the BeatrIce Creamery comnpany of Lincolim. Work will be corn- mnenced on tIme building immmmnediately and the plant wIll be inoperatIoa by July. The plant will cost $1,750. I Otm' Year In the i'en. hASTINGS , Neb. , June 9.-Speclai ( Tcie' . gram.-Clmarles ) Russell , , a yommng colored boy , who has been in thc county jail for two niontlms charged iiithi house breakIng , was tried today In time district court hmefore Jumilge Ilcall. lie plcaded , guilty , declaring lie was nearly stumrvid wlmen he entcreil time house. Time court scnteuctt hlnm to ammo year in the Peimitemitiarl' . A. 0. 1' . W , Ollicers , TRENTON , Nab. , June 9.-Special.- ( ) Last evening time Anctent'Order of UnIted Workmen elected the fAllting oflicars : C. L. Allen , coumity clerk , .rnaIer workmnan ; \ VII II , 'Fhorniuihl , foreman ; OJDo \Vmmhl , overseer - seer ; Vu'ahlace Thomnpsonitmrecorder ; A L. Taylor , financier ; 0. 13. Riynolds , receiver ; N. S. Baker , inside wMeh ? . M. ii. Yerrick , .5 outside watOh. ii I it 'Vuts i.ozuicI. WAHOO , Neb. , June i.-pecial.-A ) mmmi- tressimig accident occurred 1mm tIlls city yesterday - terday afternoon. Arthtir Swansoum , mmged 12 years , was experlmentiri with gun pow- tier and which cost liij&hls eyesight , one of hIs ears anti probably jmia lifo. Time particulars - ticulars are not knom uIgIWce fhen he was discovered ho was lyibg Iii time barn un- , . - - , ' conscious. , S I'ost juimume C4'muui ( ' : qztt Case. HEMINGFOItD , Neb. , June 9.--Speciai. ( ) -District. court convcne here yesterday , Judge W'eatove : stding , and. Q. 13. , Scott reporting. The most important case Is the county seat matter. It has been contlumued for a few days. Among time attorneys In attendance - tendance from abroad are M. A. hall of Omaha and Judge Thompson of Grand Island. S' 'i''mut'Iers Cbm.usemu imi 2ltezmd. MFIAD , Nab , , June 'J.-Speclal.--Tbe ( ) following - lowing teachers have been enmployed in the Mead school for time canting year : Principal - pal , G.V. . Crazier : grammimar , Mrs. M. A. Miller ; immtermetliate1 Beatrice 11111 ; un- mary , Flora Moore. CONFIRMED BY THE SENATE Iuirge Numummher otAmuipuIntuuueuu tN its Suumtoius in the A ruuuy Are tflleizibly Apimro'e.b , WASHINGTON , Jumie 9.-The senate today - day coimfiramed these nomnimmations : To be cimlef surge'ons of divisions with rank of major : Captain V. ' . II. Arthur , as- sistant surgeon , U. S. A. ; Captain George B. Ilmmsbneli , nssistmmmmt surgeon , U. S. A. ; Donald MacLean of Michigan , George 11 , Fowler of New York. To be brigade surgeons with rank of ma- jar : Willis 0. Machommaid , New York ; Charles Al. Drake , Georgia ; Joseph K. Weaver , Pennsylvania ; Joimn Guit 'ras , Penmi- sylvania ; Charles hi. Rimtm ) , Iowa ; Jolmmm W. Ilayn. District of CoIumumbta ; lit. B. W'ard , Missouri ; Schuyler C. Grmtves , Michigan ; George T. Vaughan , Marina hospital service - ice ; Nnttmamm Jarvis , New York ; John C. Martin , Ohio : Peter D. McNaughmton , Mich- lgan ; Samuel T. Armumutrong , actiimg assistant surgeon , U. S. A. : Joint Patterson Dodge , Ohio ; John It. MeDhilViscoumsin ; Saimmuel L. Potter , Califorimia ; George A. Smulth , Iowa ; Arthur Suowden , Virginia ; 11. S. Sut- (0mm ( , FrnnIc iruso , New York. Captains nail assistant atmrgeoas , United States army , to be brigade surgeons with ramik of major : W'iilianm C. Gorgas , I-iemmry 1' . flirmlrmghuam , iii. C , W'ycthi , iticimardV. . Jolmnsoim , II. C. Carter , W. 0 , Owen , P. it , Egmimi , W. J. 'uVakemnaim , Vm'llllamn Stephen- soim , A , S. I'olthmemnns , John 14. PimIiipsVil \ - llama C. Borden , Edgar A , Mearns , Guy L , Eddie , Wlhllanm D. Crosby , Charles M. Gently , J. B. i'ilcher , Clmmmriemm B. Ewing , 'A' . B , McCaw , J. It. Kean , ItL"imry I , Raymmuond , Francis J , Ii'es , W. I'.0IC7mdall , Edward It , Morris , Henry S. , , , , . B. Banister , Paul Clendenin , ClmarlosEVoochruif , flu- gene L. Swift , Paul Sbilroelc , Ogden Hal- forty. Charles F. MmmsontJiirnes I ) , Glumunan , Alfred H. hiramllay , Phmlihlp G.'ales. . To be comnmmmissnry wt'im"iaiuk of captain : John P. Tc'agardemu , ' ' . Jul11 o . % lisumy SosiJirs to 'Vote , WAShINGTON , Junq.TIio bIll to cmi. able volunteer solt1iors11o partIcipate in congresslommal elections yjms taken up wlmen time house imuat today. A.ntmnmher : of amuuemud. mnents affeetlumg the mnliriiad of ioting amid return of the votes , withcliulew to prcvcmmt fraud , were incorporati 'C luii' 'l'remusumr ' ' ( ' ! ' , WAShINGTON , Juno ii-Today'a state- imment of the condition of time rvasury simos's : Available cash balance , $102,125,583 ; gold re. serve , $168,020,554. ' ' ' ' 'inr'i'Ilbe 'rmnelmers , MARYVILLE , Mo. , June IL-Speclal- ( ) The itiaryville school board bus elected tIme following teachers for the lublic schools for time ensuIng year : Superlmutemudent , U , F , Dummcamm ; vrinciimal of high school , Charles A. ifawklmms ; assistants , J. M. 'm'alker , Gertrude MclClmmlt'y and Id Duttommi eigtbiu ( grade. Edith Smith ; sixth grade , Julia Atkinsoum of Wmmkefleid , La. , ammil Marry Bellows ; fifth. Emma Cmttmnon , Mumttie Wllliomu and Maimilo Doobey : principals ward schuools , Muggle Paschaii , Ada Albert cud Mamithie Marshall ; .Iutermedlatv deptrtmeutmm : , hattIe Graves , - - rri'iiuuj11h , Nettle Dormnn anti Grace MorrIson ; prImary mttpartments , Stellst Smith. Heboev iay and Mary Forti ; colored chooi , W. J. Illcknuan , Miss Kate Pamichall , one of the retiring teachers , had helmi a position in the schools of Maryviile for twenty years , Outing wimich tIme bo hind never beeP tardy r cubsemmt either from work or from teachers' meetIng , TODAY'S ' WEATHER FORECAST I'r.lr zimmml Wnrnmer In Wi-sterut No- ijriskn , Slmoi'icrmi in ilimmitorut l'nr- t limit nail Cumnuigiul5m' % 'iiuils , WAShINGTON , June F.-Forecnst for Friday : For Nebraska-Fair In western portion ; showers In eastern portion ; warmer In west- era portion ; northerly winds , bcconmtng southerly. For Kansas-Showers in eastern portion ; fair in western portion ; northerly wimmds , For South bakota-Generaiiy taii' ; micimmtli- erly wimuils. For Iowa nod Mlssomirl-Simowers amid thunder storms ; variable winds , becoming northerly. \Vyoming-F'air variable winds. 1uort ! ltecurtl , OFF'ICB S't31ThiEll I3Ui1EAU , OMAHA , Jtimme 9.-Record of ternperatumre nimml mimi- fall compameul wIth time comrcspondimlg tiny of ( lie inst timmee years ; lips. lS9T. lS9G. 1895. Maxlmmimum temperature . 74 78 70 74 utIumimnImun temnperatmume ( ; 2 61 49 (3 ( Average temperature . . . . . 68 'O 60 ( .8 Itaimifali . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .82 . , , Record of temnlcrimttmre mmmiii lrcciPitatiOui at Omnimlma for this day mind muimuce Jmlarchi I , 181'S ' : Normal for time timmy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 Hxces for time tIny . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .I Accumulated OXCOSS since March . . . . . . . . . . Normal ralmmfalh for the . . . . . . . . . . . imuch ilxcesm4 for the iitt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2.63 tmmcimes Total rainfall slmmee March 1 , . : , . : l2.70 . lmmciies Excess miluce March 1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.11 imiclmemu Icflclenc5' for car. perioti , 1197. . . . 1.54 tunics Excess for cor. period , 181)6 ) , . . . . . . 5.61 imuelmes Hcpurt H frommm Stat louis itt S ii. ma. , time. , So'emuty-tiftlm MerIdian - - lge .i 1. + nH tel STATIONS AND STATE OF f I ' WJ3ATIIER , I : - Ia' ' I : -1i- 0 ° a I : ' I : -i - Om'aim'iTh1y i SF74235 North I'latte , raimuing . . . . . . . . . . . . 4l t0 .30 I Salt Lake CIty , clotmdy . . . . . . . . . . 7S .00 Cheyenne , cloudy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .I I Ihqmld City , cloutly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i'll ( 5 .00 I huron. cloudy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 681 72 .00 I Clmicmmgo , raining . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70 ! .12 I \Villlston , iarti' clomiuly . . . . . . . . , 74 -II .00 i St. LouIs , 'inmrtiy cloudy . . . . . . . . . 82 e . .i2 i St Paul , cloudy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .I 641 .00 I Davemmimort , raining . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .I l 72 ! .1 I lelena , immirtl' clomidy . . . . . . . . . . . . 681 74 .0(1 ( ICumimsas City. cloudy . . . . . . . . . . . . . m SO ! 84 .01 llnvre , clear I oj .oo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lilsmsmrck , cloudy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I sin 721 .00 Galveston , cloudy I 80 ! S4 .00 'r Immdicntem' trace of precidtntion. L. A. WELSh , Local Forecast Omcial. I will guarantee that my Kidney Cure will cure 00 per cent. of all forms of kidney oompiaint imnil in sunny lm'mstances the most serious forms of 2 Bright's disease. it , - the disease is corn- piicated send a four- ounce 'nat of urine. We will analyze it mind advise you free . , S what to do.MUNYON. MUNYON. At all druggists , 25c. a vial. Outdo to ileaitb ediral advice fro 1505 Arch it I'iuila vn OTflER.s' FAIL OQVLP DOCTORS Searles , & Searles C ' 1 - / ' 4te mtL Dl au ' AI , . S h' a S .A % rntgi / SPECI4LISTS Guarantee to cure apeethily unit mdi- onhl ) ' iiII NERVOUS , ClLIlOiiiO A1) PI1IS'ATE diseases of Men anti wonuen. WEAK ME1 SYPHILIS SEXUALLY. cured for life. Night EmIssions , Lost Manhood , fly. drocele , Verlcoceie , Gonorrhea , Gieei , Syph- , , Btrlcture , Plies , Fistula anti Rectal thi leers , Diabetes. Bright's Disease cured. Consultation Free. Stricture and G'ee ' ICured at by new method without paIn or cUtting , Cailon or address with stamp. Treatment by mail. EJRS , SEARUS & 8ER1 ES . 14th Health saIiE ' DR. E. C. WEST'S UERVE AND BAMN TREATMENT I THE ORiGIUAL , ALL OTHERS iMiTATIONS , It soidunilor positive 'Written Guarantee , byauthormztid agenta only , to cure Woa M0m017 , Dizziness. Wakefulness. 1its , hfstoria , Quick. ness , Night Lotte , , Evil Dreams , lack of Conti. deuce , Neryousmmoss. Lassitude , all Drains , Youth. f'ml Errors , or ExcossivoUco of Tobacco. Opium , us Liquumr , which loads tQ Mhsory. Consumption , Insanity and Bentim , At store or hyunumii , $1 a box ; eixfor$5withwrttten ; guarantee to cure or i'etund iuouuej , Mnmplo puck- age , containing five days treatmenLwmthm full instructions , 25 coats , One eampio only sold to each person , At store or by wail. ( ' . Ir-RetI Label Special : Extra Stren jtii. . For Impotency , Lass ( it S i'owar , Lost Manimtiod , lterility or Barreoness.i " a lmtixj aix for 8. will' ' writtems 'uarzmntee Atstoro 1 1OBFOVbymai1. ) iyers Dillon Drug' Co. , 8 , 12. Corimer 10th ummmt Fmmrmmumni Sic , . Oiuiimbn , Neb. A Two Weeks' . Treatment : FREE 'FliFlY AIIr OIi ) SPECIALISTS in tiuc treatm.ot of .il ChroRic , Nervous aild Private DIseas , mtd all WIIAKNIISSHS .imd U1SOIHW.Il8 OP CatLmTiu. sIb Dhseassi at the No. . . 'fihfoat , Chist Itemnaclm , lAmer , Slim a4 Kidasy Dia. Sal. . . I.o. ; Slanhooe. llydroc.i. , Vrioq.tS , Gonorrhea , Oi..t. , Syphtii. . Surictur. . P1151. III- I tis : sud liretal Ulciru Disbit , , fluljbt' . Dli- I s cur.d. CibI on or sddri , with stamp fez m rs hook md Nsw .1ithd , . Treetummeut by flail , CousuIdtIous free , Owaha WdIcal an Surgical Institute _ zc tcMt5 iiii as. . M. _ _ _ I- _ _ . _ _ _ _ . . . , _ _ , , , . . S S --S---e' 'r ' - - : ' - f . : GAIL BORDEN ' : EAGLE BRAND : I CONDENSID Mn.K I A4S HOEQUALASAN1NFANTFOOD , S "tNfAl11 HEMTII"stsr FREE. ktosot r _ _ _ . - - - ' . - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ , _ _ . _ _ , , Iliirv jctwt IVe aim ' / 'tI1 ' , 'I S' lf , . To iiltcc ti1ol"l1lg tbovo t i l ! ! ; the ( ) \118 of Titticy high price 1 / S' ' I for credit , iUl(1 'Sliotitly" f : decepti'o CILtiflIllJS ) ( , / h ' The suit you order froni ii I' ' f ! .p . iii ; $5 1111(1 $80 viIl bear the I I ( ' ' ; i/1' same c1oe ci'iticiil 111s1)ectiOIl S : . t as regItl'lSVOI'lUllalItili iII triiii- I LL , ( hnuiigs and fitting , as the $40 i , _ 'iC. . . . . . . 01' 45 I)1'OlllCtiOll ol tliti CrCllt tailor.tjilLei.elS fl ( lifferenee except the irico. If you are encoitoinically iucliiied , ai1c the i81e51uIn ; to 1iow you the $18 and 42O suitings. T1ico fabrics liavo beehl se'ected ' with great care , aiid sire in e'ory way adapted to the requirements of the niost exaetiiig ( iressel' , The fittiug of those gai'inoiitt will be as ; tecui'ate as that of the higher priced garments. All garlnents matTe in Omaha-by Oiuialia tailors. TROUSEES , 4 to $12. SUITS , $15 to $5 - - - - - - - - - - - - S 209 aiid 21 ! S. 15th St - - - Karbacli Block THE OREGON COUNTRY. \Vateli it. Great things will 11:11)15011 : 011 tlio Columbia river as a result of the Spaiiisli war. FIll-es are iow-oiily $40.00 romid trip betweeii Onutlia lilId 1)rth1.11l , Ore. Visitoi's to the Traiis-Mississippi Iiidustrial. Fali' sliouhi take thuis trip without I'ail. We offer for 30 dayS the following of our own properties adjacent to Portland 4 prices and on terms that caulilOt fail to 1eitse. the prof- erty once seen , viz. , a 1,000 acre farm ith.35O acres in wheat iiearly ready to harvest-will : . yield at least 1OmOpO bushels. ' ' , S . ' ' 5 , A 50 acre bearilIg prune orchard , VIth crop maturi1g , that will pay 25 per cent 011 cost. . . 500. acres of 'four-year-old orchard ir lots' to . , suit. ' A 300 acre dairy farm. . A 60 acre 'lairy farm. 5 ' . S A variety of sniall places suitable for mixed fai'niing. S A splendid site for sinpyard and clock , convenient - venient for rail and water traiisportation. S j0 parties dealing with us on any of these properties we allow all expenses of thti round trip. Prices oii anything fixed on the ground iii open competition. Titles made clear and perfect in all details. STEARNS FRUIT LAND CO. , 275 Stark St. Portland , Ore. S Sec Oregon and Wtmashington Exhibits. S : * : * : * * fliostrated Opeffing Dy [ dition. : The eyes of the world ; : ti'e now on Olnaha. + : I The rI1.aIlSIi5SiSSipIi i , . L I EL11T1 L1lcl International Expo- * S. ' l j 1JI 1tt , iqt"u ki"Tf # 41' : sition has opened its * gates tIli(1 every citii4 , , Zen of this city and * statonmstcoustitutehirn- * self a committee. . of one , p to acquaint his frien(1S out of the city v1th tlu beauty and extent of the exposition. ' ; . To facilitate the spreadillg 'of this information , * TlieBee has issued a superb illustrated edition entirely - tirely worthy of the opeiiing day. It gives a history i ; of the exposition , liahf-toiio engravings of the build- e ings , portraits of the InCH ivhose liai'L work1 eiergy ' ! and geitius have made the exposition a graild suciess f . from a StaIldioiflt of architecture , art and ucienco , You cait help to make it a success fiiianciahly by , sending a copy of this splendid edition to your friends i , ! ; outside of the city. - FIV [ CNTS rRcYs _ ! Illustrated Opening Dy Edition. - -S - - - - - - - -