_ _ _ _ - - - - - - : I : i 2 TIlE OMAHA DAILY ) EE : 13'ItIDAY , JUNE 10 , 1898. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ' 1NSIDE A TORPEDO FACTORY how the Most Torrbh WeaponE of Warfare - : fare Are Constructed , ; MYSTERIES OF ITS MANUFACTURE . . Eeerers of the SeerIfl nui 1nIntn'ig , Gcnr iPl th 1it1,1 ( ruin I'ii11Ie iCiIDTIedgc-VIIgit n . peI , Cuiisls Of. . The most Wonderful mochinc ever In- cnte1 , from the point of view of the high- mcchnnlcnl Ingenuity and pertQctlon of Consttiictlon , lB \Vhlteheatl torpedo. In the IaandB of akilifut tn4 rco1uto men It Is ' 4 the most terrible cngIno of wartaro the world has exer seen , A ship which receives a blow from It Isdoome4 n Httrcl.v as jut. Icerl. already at the bottom otho oo.tn. " This Is the estimate which L1eutenRn (1. ( K Anstrong , recently t navy , pincos upon the iIipIernent of war . which Is expected to play a IonIng part in the present struggle between the UnIte4 : ' States nitI Spain , ante It Is 3IkcwIo the OjiflIOfl held by most of our own naval omccra. I A torpelo Is an Intricate piece of mechanism - , ism , too , so delicate In its Poise and hal. , altec1 o complicated In its operations , that none but spcclallstn , even among the of. flccrs ot the navy , can thoroughly understand - stand It. A man can study torpedoes a - dozen years and still be learning new facts about theni at the end of that time. The first Idea to get rid of in order to i undertan he torpedo is the belief that It Is a uhhct In the ama sense as Is , say , a thirteen-inch shell , The latter is propelled by the charge that is behind it in the gun ; it will go the distance that charge drives it , no more , no less. The former carrIes its own engines ; It can be regulated to trsvrel 't fIfty yards oi 2,000. It is within ono step of being nutonomus , as It is automobile. in t the 1ngiisl navy torpedoes are called "steel babies. " A more appropriate name Would be steel devil fish. They are the modern and real successors of those fabled and intellect. The torpedo cannot change Its mInd-In that respect It Is superior to some commanders. There is only one place in this country where Whiitchend torpedoes arc inaflufac- tured. That is a big brick factory facing the East river , In that vnrt of Greater New York , known as ] irooklyn , under the afternoon - noon shadow of the Brooklyn bridge. The building Is occupied by the i. W. Bliss company , which controls the sole right to manufacture the Whitehead automobIle tar. peilo in America. From the outside the factory - tory looks like many another , but you find that an unusual kInd of business is carried on there as soon as you try to enter. At the door you arc met by a respectful but firm guard , hio InsIsts on learning the business that takes you inside. If from your account it does not seem of sufliclent importance you are sent packing , anti no protests vIhl avail to change his decIsion. Torpedo makers seem to bavo little sympathy with Idle curl- oslty. It is not well for Uncle Sam that every one should know the secrets of his war engines. Once past time portal , however , the air of niystery vanishes. One sees hugo drills , big steel lathes and all the paraphernalia of a casting and macbloc shop , for every part that goes Into a torpedo Is made under one roof. VIir.t a 'I'orQli ( ) ConsIsM Of , The outer case of the torpedo is , in brief , a steel cigar , sixteen feet long and seventeen - teen inches In its greatest diameter , It consists of five separate parts which. in the completed torpedo , are fitted closely to. cther , so as to be air and watertight. The head. whIch Is time business nart of tlmo tor- pcdo , and carries the explosive , is of Tobin bronze. It is In the shape of a cone , and comprises , roughly speaking , one-third of the entire length of the torpedo. flack of this , and somewhat greater in length , Is the air husk , Its walls made of time finest forged steel , to withstand the pressure of 1,500 pounds to the sqtmnre inch , % ImIch Is put upon it wlmen time torpedo is ready for use. Btiii furtlmer back lB the buoyancy chamber , by time bahlastiimg of which time depth of time torpedo in Its submarine voyages can be regulated ns desired. Beimintl this compart. mneimt is time engIne room , where small cyl- IIIdersroC enor&mlOUS & strciigtlm for their size , utilize tim compresseli aIr In turning the propellers , which are fixed at the butt end of the cigar. The first hoer of the torpedo factory is devoted to the forging and shaping of their different Inrts. \'hmiIo the work is all done itb exceeding care and nicety , It is much like that which may ho seen In ortlitmary machine shops and does not strongly 1w- vress the tmnsclentiflc observer , 'When one mounts to time next floor , however - ever , and enters time nscmbhingroom , where these parts are put together and where tbo lIne machinery of the torpedo 13 adjusted , the scene grows in intoreat. hero are torpedoes lying about In all stages of corn- pletlon as cotmmmOim as wheat sacks In a flour mill. 1Ier , in different parts of tlmo great room , are amen busy In shaping and testing time lIne machinery and bearings , a carefully balanced and adjusted as the works of a watch. One of time first things to arrest the at. tention is a little heal ) of what looks like bronze 101)5 mounted iii pivot franmea , set at right angles to each other , and on finely ground bearings , so that the top Itself can easily move in any direction , These are torpedo jra1ns , or what serves In the torpedo as the very effective subtittite for 'irains. Torpedo tankers call them gyroscopes. To explain In detail limo workings of this bit of mnecimanisnm ( which , by the way , was Invented - vented little more than a year ago ) Is not easy , Whoa the torpedo Is launched the vhaeel of this little top , known as time gyroscope , is set a.splnning , and from the 'ay In which It Ia pIvoted this spinning V. motion keeps it pointed In one lrcctlon , no matter how much the head of the torpedo may be deflected , The principle on which It operates is the same as that which keeps a modern rifle bullet. pointed straight by spinning it on its long axis , The gyroscope and its enve1opin apparatus , known to torpedo experts as the obry gear , is connected - nected with the rudder anil steers the big steel flab , 1f the torpedo in its journey strikes a curre'ht or any sort of an obstruction - tion that tries to turn It from Its course and send It kiting in the wrong direction , the little top acts to work and tugs at the rudder until the torpedo ha brought back to its proper course. It thus acta.both as compass and helmsman and has enormously increased time efliclenCy of the torpedo. By oxperi- menta made with torpedoes fitted with the obry gear it imas been proved that they will nbt hmow a lateral variation of more than timrce yards either way lb travehings 800 yards , the distance at wlmich torpedoes arc ifltcfldCl to be fired , Considering the work timat this nppnrntus performs , one is mmot surprIsed to learn timat It is carefully weighed and shaped and tested , until It Is as acetiratO as the Immmirsprlng of a watch , and that in making It the most skilled mechanics are mpIoyed , 1 t is easential not only tlmat the torpedo should keep to time fixed Path mapped out for It , but also that It almahi remain at a flxt'd depth which will vary according to the kind ot vessel it is to attack. This point is looked after by anotlmer skillful piece of mnaclminery found in another part of the workshop , aimil known as the "immersion gear , " This consists of a hevy pendulum carried In the "balance chamber , " and at. tached to the rudder In such a way that If Limo torpedo goes below its required depths the pendulum swings forward , bringing the rudder up and so stecrin the torpedo back to its proper Immersion distance. ! ecvets of 'l'irzed. , , CuIMtrlet toil , The details of these two Pieces of torpedo rneclmanlsmn were for years the most carefully - fully guarded secrets of tile governments and firms engaged 1mm making them , They were known only to a few naval oflicers amid to highily paid workmnen sworn to so- crecy. They are made public now only after the governments of 1uropo have all galmle(1 ( knowledge of them in one way or another , through their secret service mcmi , attil after they have been fully protected _ - I . ) , . IfWV ( _ _ i f : : : . 4 ; ) I rIIL1lW ? $ . II IHtII ! , I ' 1 I . . . . Paiu , Il ' , : - " , , , . . - _ _ , , . , , ' - , - . . ; : . _ _ . .m , I . . _ _ _ _ - - - - a : - ' . - t ilw . . . I I I e t - ' , - /c / I , t\\ \ . : : : : : : - Ii : V 1I \ , ( _ TlIfl ASSEMIILYING ROOM IN Tilil'IIITI ITIIAD TORPIDO 1ACTO11Y , JIROOK- LYN , NEW YORK. - monsters , which , according to ancient belief , _ _ _ _ could destroy hiIiis by single blows fromn _ _ _ their tnlls , Time torpedo Is In reality a sea - monster obeyIng the will of man with devil- IsIm iimgcnumity. Wlmen It Is released It follows the course mapped out for it In a straight line amid at a fixed depth. It always returns - . turns to this course and to this depth , no matter how much It Is deflected by Inter- veimlug Immfiuonces on Its way toward Its prey. Careful devices guard IL against premature explosIon and other devices render it vrne- tically harmless utter It has run Its course In case it does not hit the object at which it is miinmed. It will float In water and yet f it can be kept submerged. In fact it has all the requisites of a ( iemnon except a will by letters patent in every country , 'They make It possible fec a shIp runnimmg at full speed to iaunclm a torpedo Into time water ivitic tile absolute certainty timat It will follow tile coumse marked out for It amid reach the object aimed at , a timing that could miot be done with the earlier forms of torpedoes. Although these two pieces of apparatus vhil correct any deviation from' tue torpedo's course , the toriedo is 'hlso Supplied wIth this In tin fiulapoof horizqntal and vertical rudders of thin steel fixed at time tail , wiilclm servo to keep It straight under ordinary circumstances. Scarcely less interesting arc the muscles of the big fish-three brass cychinders little more than a foot long , but capable together of ( leveloping timlrty-borse power wlmems connected - nected with the compressed air in the storage - age chamber and driving the torpedo at tiio Speed of a railway train ly means of the propeller blades attached to the tall. The rorieliers revolve In opposIte directions and so prevent the torpcdb from rolling in the water. They have to be very tlncly rnatle , in order to exactly neutrahizo each other , After the torpelo has been completed and tested In the water , If It is found that they (10 ( not work properly together , they are detached awl a fine steel shaving is taken from one or the other , untIl they have tile proper counterpoise. log of one of these steel thunderbolts is When the many different parts , the vork of hundreds of hands in different sectIons of tlio big shop , are brought together In time assembling room. The long steel comie is placed upon a frpme , Into 'which it fits exactly , and one after anotimer the various pieces of propelling and directing gear dro put In by skillful hands , each one being tested as It is , put into place to make sure timat It Is in working order. It Is hike witnessing the struggling birth of some sentient thIng to watch the torpedo as it grows tmmider this process until It has all been jointed together and Is turned over to the finishers , who go all over its surface , rubbing amid filing and polishing it until it glisteims like a mirror and offers the icast Possible resistance to passing through the water. A Itecord for Lbicli 'j'om.ieJo , The finished torpedo goes next to the storeroom , where It Is placed , in company aIth dozc of Its fellows , in wooden racks ranged mmmi above the other , Througimout its career It Is handled with time greatest care , but so far It is harmless , The bronze bead is a lmractice head and Curries only the ballast needed to gIve it time proper weight , Time war hicad , wltlm its cimargo of gun cotton , Is not to be put oa until time actual need for the torpedo's services simaii arise , Next In order comes the testing , lor timia work tile Bliss company ims secured the use of l'econlc bay , at Sag Harbor , I , , . I , hero is anchored an old-fashioned Wooden vessel fitted vItb torpedo tubes , and hero time torpelo snakes its first trip in time water , A course Is laid out 1,000 yards In length fld time torpedo is sent over tials course ninny times under conditions as varied as vosslble , and is tried In every Possible way. After each trial some sliglmt atijustmneiit is made until the thing is in as perfect working order as It can attain , Then , In time presence of naval otilcers , it Is fired five times In succession from the tube , eaclm time with an identical charge , and Its performance en each trip Is carefully notemi by macaims of accurate Instruments. Tlmeu records arc taken by a mecimanismn jdaced inside the hollow lmractice head , which sets lloYll time speed , horizontal and vertical variation amid other useful data relating to the projectile , As fast as these records are mastic they are transferred to the notebooks of the othicers for future reference. if time torpedo's performance is satisfactory it goes next to Lime goverilnient's torpedo station at Newport , It. I , Timore it is tested again Ia several practice runs and its record on each run Is carefully preserved and at- tacimeti to It , A torpedo Is hike a living imerson-it has Its little habits awl peculiarIties - Ities , and , as far as possible , tlmoae are found out beforehand , so that when it cornea to be fired the men in charge may make allowance for all Its idiosyncrasies. The torpedo remains at Newport until it Is imededVhen a call for Its servIces Is re- COIVCd the practIce head is removed. In Its rdaco Is put time deadly "war bead , " carryjng 200 pounds of gun cotton , carefully guarded against Premature explosIon. but primed to scatter an enemy In atoms. Thence it is taken on board the war ship , ready for Its flnsl journey-the compieteil thunderbolt ready to be inunchetI-t mlhtiest afl'd most perfect engine of deutruetloc ever devised - vised by the ingenuity of man , HSPAIIILOOIC GOl' IllS VI4iI , htos Juulgc imnhilwi ii' , , Cnretiimly Ilpo fl mmcii lefcns. , % S'na Iesnoitshicd , Omaha , the town wlmcre they are having time exposition , is time way the Chicago Itoc- ord introduces time story following , concern- lag two lawyers locally well known. Ilctmry D. Estabrook , the attorney for the Western Union Telegraph company , lived for sonic years In Omalma , where his reputation - tion was timat of an orator and a gentleman - man rather than of a good lawyer. Tlmat shows imow a man's neighbors misjudge imim. Still , despite Imis fame ( or loving ease and literature a great deal better than the energetic practice of his profession , Mr. Its- tabrook often rose to heights of daring and nccornphislmment in court which startled his best friends. Once ho snatched a victory- or , what is of more Iniportaflee , a fee- out of the jaws of certain defeat in a most pieturesquo way. There is a venerable lawyer in Omaha whose anie Is Iiaiilwin and who is crafty beyond his years , and imla years are many. There was a time wimemi Estabrook was comma- ad for the plaintiff in a case in which Judge Uaidwin figured as attorney for the defense. Istnbm-ook had a good case and Baldwin knew it. So Baldwin busied himself with Estabrook's client and Induced the latter to settle out of court for a minor sutfl and , what was the most interesting , time settle- went was made without any comisultation with the plaintiff's lawyer. The case still kept its place on time docket , and In time was called for trial. As was usual In those days of or.itlons hmorc and banquet speeches timere , dr. Estabrook was not ready for trial and told time court so , but there had been delays before this time , and upon BalIwinms Imi- sisting upon nfl Immediate hearing the mnnt- ter was rushed into court , NeIther sta- brook's client nor any of his expceted witnesses - nesses were present , and it began to look as though one excellent fee was about to escape hlmn through time cleverness ot'flaid- win. Then It 'vmts that the qualities of courage , brilliancy and tiash revealed themselves - selves In Mr. Estabrook's composition. i3alilwin snilled crmmelly across time table at hilma when the jury was sworn and ivalted for..hmimmi to call his flm-st witness. Mr. Estabrook called time nanie of Bald- win's best witness. lie examined time miman as one inspired , aimmi as the cider attorney was In a position where cross-examination was hardly desirable , Estabrook called another - other of time Balfiwimi witnesses. lIe ran through time wimoic list of them and dud- dated a series of facts which made the old man dizzy with suppressed emotion. Time wltncsses whom Baldwin hind relied ulon ) to win his case for lmimn were taken up by Estabrook ammd made to tell their storIes In such a way as .utterly to anni- hllatu time chances of tIme defense. sta- brook (11(1 not even send a subpoena for his own deserting client , but , turnhmmg over i3aidwimm's last witness to him , said that that was hIs case. It. was a mad thing to do , but it won. TIme old judge paltered about In a sad way for a fev mInutes amid then tried to argue it out with the jury , but failed , Esta- hrook's unwIlling client getting a verdict in full. Time verdict wns , of course , imever paid , for Baldwin already had time vlaintiff's ackmmowledgmcnt of , . settlement , but Esta- brook's fee was. Baldwin had to go down In his pocket and , with the most extreme. I anguislm , fork over the price of the younger man's work. "Time only good thIng about this whioio affaIr , Henry , " lie said , in a fatherly way , "Is that you didn't call me to the stand. If you imad I'm afraid I'd not only have had to pay your fee , but would have been fined for contempt of court and imprisoned for arson , homicide or poisoning wells. " ThU SOLDIER'S ICNAI'SACIc. I.'er1eimee 'I'm'g'lies the Stow Recruit ' 1mni to Cnrr' on im , , , Mmmccl , , It is a pIty that every raw recruit , while serving his apprentIceship , bannot have the advice of some one who baa been through the mill and learned the lessons of cxpc- rience. "l could just put myself In their places , " comnmented an old soldter who hiad been ir- rcslstibiy attracted to Camp Eaton , speakIng - Ing to a Detroit Free Press reporter. " 1 could recall time contents of my own knap- sack just as clearly as if I had packed it the day before. It looked as though It had been blown up with a bicycle pump. It contained a heavy pair of boots , a pair of pants , two sets of umiderclothing , an extra flannel simirt , a bachelor's work basket , a bottle of cough syrup , a Bible and a voiumc of Shakespeare , a blouse , a hand mirror , a can of plums , stationery , hair oil , shaving tools , scissors , to say nothing of time numberless mninor ar- tides in the way of 'gent's supplies. ' To the top was strapped a heavy woolen binn- hot Inside of a rubber blanket , amid con- ccaled within the roll was a bunch of pennyroyal - nyroyal which my good mother , had Insisted - sisted on my tnlcing aiong , for in her esteem - teem that vegetable constituted a very respectable - spectablo pharmaceutical outfit. Even thus weigiited down like a pack mule , I roluc- tautly heft many timings behInd mind was particularly put out becausa I couldn't take some kind of a portable kitchen aIon wIth inn. Add to the load mentioned thu nec- casary equipments for fighting and you can Imagine thmnt I at times felt that I was be- iimg pulled over backwards , and , at otlmrs , timat I was being crushed under a load like that born by Atlas. "The new soldier always carries too much of a burden till lie Is on his first march. Then the reaction sets In and ho goes to the othoroxtrcmC , throwing away oven sonic of his necessary baggage and making all kinds of sacrifices for the sake of marchIng light. I'll bet tlmere'll be a great transformation - ation when some of our boys get down into Cuba with their heavy vlothlng and heavy loads. I shouldn't be a bit surprised to hear of some of thorn being uniformed in nnth- ing but linen dusters while chasing Dons , or lying about camp in the garb of Greek statuary. But tlmoy will soon learn the ropes and strike the happy medium In what they wear and carry. " Noi'i use for mi Fish , l'oii' , Two unknowii macn started to ammbduo the Third ward last night with the heavy end of a jointed fish pole. 'WIthout ammy provocation - cation they brought the end of time polo CloWn upon the head of Tony lireck , aim : Italian vender at Twelfth and Douglas streets , and inflicted a painful woummd. \Vhmomm they reached Tenth and CapItol aye- nue they passed a negro and they struck : lmiin likewise across thu bead , breakiimg time I 1)010 at time handle. Time victims complained L at time station , but time club wielders have not been arrested. LIBERTY'S ' BEAX1N IN AFRICA 1rOSCflt Condition sid Prospeot of the RepubBo ofl Libctht , MODELED AFTER TIlE UNITED STATES Great I'rogreas Mnde tJ.iiicr Iisoimr- aging A.tvcrse lntiihlltaIIM-- " . . Brn inthie lltstor ) ' Hf tltc lllaoic jtnceM , " Dr. 3. C. ilartzehl , missionary bishop of Afrka1 writes to limo 'Independent an In- strtmctlvo review of the present condition and prospects of the republic of Liberia , The republic ha. an area of 75,000 square miles , extends 250 miles Into the interior and has 300 miles of coast line. uisiop Hnrtzeil says : it owes its existence to good men In America , both rmortlm and southm 'vlio many years ago felt that the freed PeoPle of time United States should have a place In the hand of tlmcir fathers , where they could have the opportunity and satisfaction of building a nation of their own , which shouid demonstrate - strato time capacIty of time negro for nation building , ammd also open time way for his having a share in time civilizatiomi and re- ( iemption of the African commtimieimt. The American Coionizatlon socIety and kindred organizatiomis Inaugurated and have fostered this phmilnmmtlmropic movement by fncIiltattn time immigration of negroes fromu time United States aml by advice and material aid In cdtmcatiommal mnd other enterprises. There arenow 1mm tIme republic about 21,000 Amrico-LIberlam'iS , speaking , of course. the English language , and perhaps 1,000,000 mia- tivo Africans. The formmmcr are emlgrammts from the United States or timelr dcsccndammts and tlmo latter are mmmdc up of various tribes of nborlgiimes , speakimmg ninny dialects , ac- tno1n,1 . 'I 1 ! the snvereicmmtv of time republic , hut as a whole living labarbarisiti , as their fathers before them have done for mnammy ccmituriea. Time formu of government is modeled after that of time Ummftemi States and oimly negroes citizemms or imold can owim mmmd , become 010cc. A few thousand mmatlvcs have become civilIzed amid are a part of the matlon. For twcmty-flvo , years Liberia was a colony , under time imnnmediatc dlrectlomm of the colomil- zation societIes , hut iii 1817 tlme nation was formed and received time friendly recognition aimit good will of other nations. Liberia anti lIayti ar'e time only nations in the world con- troiled entirely by imegroes. I'vogres $ of thu iteliuhil to , To say that time hopes of ttme fricimfia of have then natIon builder time negro as a realizeti during time past fifty years 1mm Li- berla vould not be true. 0mm tIme other hand , unkind criti- to accept time ummchrmritmmble mind cims of the struggling republic , which arc heard along the coast from many traders auth travelers and often reiterated 1mm Europe antI AmerIca , would be doinggrcnt injusUceto time ieople of LIberia. I have recCfltuy mmei'I coimversatioums witim representative Liberlans and others In time principal ceimters of time republic , and have studied its present coil- clitiomms and outlook.Vhen we commaider time dimcuities which these people have had to meet 1mm a new and , to many , a hostile dl- mate , tiitir lnbk of wealth and experieimCe 1mm governnieflt. surrounded and permeated by multitudes of barbarous Imeatben , and subjected constantly to the uncharitable crIticIsms of wimite traders and travelers. the marvel is that so much in time way of cmcicnt government and advance in social conditions has been ncoimiplisbed. True , their national doninifli rich in minerals amid agricultural possIbilIties. has imot even becmm explored ; but It Is ' also true that , until within a very few years , but little advance lies been nmnde by other nations on eitlmer coast of the continent In extenmliimg practical - time an- cal and efficient govermmmeflt among ttves of the interior. Time advance of the result of ehorm- past few years has been the ous expenditures in money , backed by powerful governments , able to command the best administrative talent. President Coleman and his omciai advisors - time increasing - realize visors have comne fully to creasing dlmcUitles which their nation must face. In the first place a few great an- tEens are rapidly dominating nil Africa , and , - - . . ' . . - - ' . . . . , , ' . , . , , . , n.v flflp small nation on Lime IUDVOOLfl4 . the continent must be in constant jeopardy unless time government has time practical friendship of at least one great imatinim. Both Germany and France arc exceedingly aimxious to acquire the territory of the republIc - publIc , and France hmolds a treaty by which if any part at the republic's domain Is alienated It will have time right to reassert its claim for certain valuable territorIes on time coast , and also its hinterland down to within forty miles of the coast , whicim would mean practically the annihilation of the republic. Recent troubles between a Ger- maim subject and some Liberian natives led to thio demand. for a large Iidernimlty , In money and other concessIons , accompanied wIth a iroposed treaty for a German protectorate - tectorate , which if agreed to would settle the dispute. S1i , Grosdhi Iii Population , Time growth of the republic in population is slow , and It cannot be large until , by time openIng up of the country , there can be opportunities for the investment of capital , so that remuneratIve labor and agricultural openings can be given to those who migrate from time United States and elsewhere. Lack of money has made the development of an efflelent educationni system impossible , and thmo second generation of children Is grow- lag up with but few facihties for lostruc- tion. What Liberia wants and needs is , first , thmat her nationality shall be guaranteed I ) ) ' some powerful friend , She naturally turns to time United States , and if for any cause a proper prntectorato cannot be secured - cured from that source , she next turns to England , Both nations imave shown imer friendly offices several times , and , being of time annie language and' religion , Bile naturally - ally looks to them. 11cr people almuthier at the thought of falhimmg under.a forced protectorate - tectorato of any people of foreign language. A natlormahity secured in the way aug. gcstcI would open themway to practical anti efliclent co-operation 'in the administration of time local government , and of extending influence and control emeng the natives , would open the way for aid In the develop- macnt of a system of finance , by which reliable ammd adequate revenue could be collected and adirministered. It would also open the way for 'time appointment at time request of the republic of explorers and specialists to explore the territory and In- cato Its wealth , antI open lines of comnmunl- cation , first , b ordinuryroads , then by tele- - Atemperwrecker : -wash-day vit1i soap. Standing On feet , hard work in the # # % q _ Zr- midst of sOiled clothes and ' -I fetid steam , aching back , wear ' : . . and tear to things washed- to make any one grumpy. t\ts\ \ \ \ Fine occupation for a civilized woman I A temper-soother-wash-day with Pearline-wash.day wtth the unpleasant features left out. Easier.quicker , better , healthier. No woman can find fault with it. Soaking , boiling , rinsing , instead of rubbing on a washboard , I graph , and later on by railwnys-ali km the .ntorcat of the republic , and of such frknihly repr antativcs of commerce as might desire to develop trade , Another 1w. porttmnt matter would be advice and assist. atmco in proper emigration from the UnIted States and elsewhere , Whatever America cannot do borscht I believe England would gladly co-operate in doing , at the sugges. tion of America , and Liberia is ready anti anxious to have atmeh frIendly aid as these nations could properly and wisely give. With the exception of tiils little Patch of territory owned by time Itepublic of Liberia , all the African continent , with its 150,000,000 of black natives. is rapidly passing tinder the rub of time white man , This tremendous fact mmmst be accepted as in the providence of God marking a mmew era in the history of the black races , They are to have their chammco in their continental home for goner' atlons at leas under the tutelage of white governments. Liberia , imowover , has existed for seventy- five years as a colony or nation , It is time providential child of time best timotmghmt mmmi prayers amid help of thousands of Christian people , whose convictions were clear antI positive that in sonic organized way time mull- lions of negroes In America should have a share Ia the redemption of Africa. I believe that conviction was of God , and I also be- iicvo timat It 1mm tIme duty of America and llngland to hear and imeed the appeal of this child of Providence. 5118 .JlUI ANt ) iiidlt P1NGEItS. Ithii Slntoreui iyaeMixture of Sod hue , ( huti ity Coiipeieiee nuiti Aruuicis , She is a new woman , or ratimer girl , for she is only 19 , relates tIme New York 5mm. 11cr frieimds say that alma has a dozeum re- markahle qualities. She is not only In- tcilcctunlly brave , btmt she has physical courage , too. TIme other day a door shut on time first two fingers of imer left Imand. Anotlmcr girt might have screamed loud enouglm to tmrimmg omit the fire department , and tlmen fainted away. Site did imothing of time kind. She aiunpiy cried "Oh , sugar ? " or sonictiming of H. Sprague & Go5 , Rubbers and Mackintoshes. I 107 I1o'ird St. , OMAHA E" . Kirkemlall & Co Boots , S/toes and Rubbers Sahsirooms BOS-Ilot-hiOl hiarney tr.st , V.I.v Morse Co .8oos , Shoes , Rubbers , AT WHOLESALE. Office and Salesrooin llhS-21-23 howard St. BAGS 8ems Omaha Bag Co Importers aud Mniautactilreri . BAGS 614-16-18 SauI/t jith Streel - CHICORY The American ' Chicory Co Grower. nd manufacturers of all foims of Chicory Oamaha-Fremont-O'NeIi. CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE M H. Bliss , I y Injortsr and JoS4P Crockery. Chinmi , Glassware , Ifly.r Plated Ware Looking chaises , Chaa. dellers , Lamps , cjhlmneya. Cutlery , Etc. 1410 FARNA)1 8T. CREAMERY SUPPLIES T he Sharples Company Creamery iI'Iac/tinery and Supplies. Uoilers. Engines , Feeti Cookers Vood Pal. ioys , i3tmaftIng , I3sltinur , iiutmer Puck- bes of all kinds. o'T4og Jones St. - DRY GOODS. M1E11 Smith & Co. lumpotters mud Jobbrs of Dry Goods , Furnishing Goods AND NOTIONS. that sort , anti th went vr to the win. dow to see what damage haul been done , Simo was a good deal annoyed sit the ned- dent , for that afternoon a party of her girl friends were LiIlcml to appear at ( lie house , She lotted to be even slightly ineapacitateil while they were there , 'I'hey came , nntl notwithstanding her injmmry , a very jolly tinmo ns bad all around , They had the whole house to themselves ann did nbommt as they liked , On that very evening her best yoummg man called , The visit was rather unexpected Still , simo was always glad to see him under tiny circumstances , although her friends said , and she agreed with them to sonic extent , timat he was Just a little too dlgni- fleil , Time fact was , ho lmatl thought of time mitmistry at ommo time , but had not been I able to bring hinmself to a decision. At time present tIme ho was so occupied with her timat no ideas , not connected witlm her per- sommality , mantle nmuch irogress. When lie caine In on 'timi pzmrttcmmlnr evening - ing , her atmnt-sho living with her aunt -told , hint of time accidemmt wImIle lie was waiting for bin Idol to appear , Wheum she din COTOC ho thoumgimt timat as aim experiment be would riot nmemition it , but would see how bug she could refraIn from spcakiimg of it. lie even determined to go further tuna this , and have a little joke aim time subject. Consequently , after lie bath becum speaking to her for a little whIle , he said , suddeni - : " \S'hy , Grace Ethel , you've been amok- Lug cigarcttcsl" The girl was taken completely by stir- lrise , She faltered , and then said : ' ' \VImy , hmow-how diii you know ? " It was now the yoummg mann's turn to be stunned , It was as if lie hind received a heavy blow. lIe was hum no fit condition for conversation , but. in answer to imer questions he assumed a faint smile , ammd mechanically went through the line of thought upon which he bad based his joke , "Why-why look at your fingers , " lie said. said.Ammil Ammil now she has taken a vow never to use arnica and iodine again In her life. JOBBERS RND F4RNURCIURERS 1" OF OMAHA. AGRICULTURAL IMPLETE NTS Darlin , Orendorff ' 31 Martin Co J obbcrs of Farm Machinery. Wagon. and Bugguci - Cor. 9th and ZOnes. ART GOODS esp . _ - P icure Moldz'ns. Mirrors , Frames , Backing and Artis'4' ' Materials. BOILER AN ! ) SHEET IRN WORKS Drake , Wilson & Williams Snecessors ViIsosi & Brake. Mnimtmfacttmrers boilers , mmokn stacks anti breecimings , pressure , rendering , sheep dip , immrd anti water tanks , boiler tubes con- staimtly on band , second hand boilers bougimt nnd sold. Special nuid prornilt to repairs 1mm city or country. 19th arid Pierce. BOOTS-SHOES-RUBBERS , - merican Hand Sewed Shoe Co ? W'frs ' Jobbers of Fool Wear wESTERN AGENTS TOR Th Joseph Bauigau Rubber Co. DRUGS. 1 - - - chardson Drug Co. 902-906 Jackson S/ . 7. 0. RICHARDSON , Preet. U. P. IVEhLBR , V. Preet. ie ercer T Chemca Co Zd'f'rI 'fmms&ertZ ' Flmurn.tmoeieticmzl I're part.- Go , , . . Specfa Fornmutao Prejiartci o Order. , ' 4entlIor ( , 'atttloguc. Laboratory , 1112 Howard St. , OmaIxi. E. Bruce Co. .Drug irls and Sfcr1z'oner , "Quesa use" Specialties , Cigars , VIn and ] Jrantlie. , orn.r 50th anti hlurimey BLreet& ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES , \kJestern Electrical , Company Electrical Subplics. Electric Wirinir Bells and Gas Lighting 0. W. .JOIINSTON. Mgr. 1510 howard at. Wolf Electrical Supply Co WUOI.ESALE AND RETAIL E1ECTRICAL SUPPLIES 1154 rarnamn at. FRUIT-PRODUCE. B ranch & Go , WHOLEiAL Commission Merchants. a. 'w Cqrimer 11th and howard St. . M.mb.m of the National League of Commis. .10mm Merchant. of time Tinimid Stat , . GROCERIES. I'4ccord.Brady Co. 13th and Lcmtvemiworth St. Slafie and Fancy Groceilo:1 mu AND COffEL RO.SIRS , Ltc. I4 eyer & Raapke , - W11OLESM.B FINE GR 0 CERIES ; ' i 'reu. Spices. Tobacd am. ' . CIgI. I ltO340 ? flame ) ' B&r.s axton anti Gallagher Co IMi'OItTEil. GA COFFEE JtOitSTiltS 4N13 JOIJIJINO GROCERS. T.lephmun. US. HARNESS-SADDLE RY. I iiHaney&i1. w . J14I1NSS , H4nor. .INI ) COLLABI Jobb.ri of LeaUe , baddlery IlartI.vare , lIfe. We solicit yoimr orders 1315 Howard St. HARDWARE. Rector & Wilhelmy Co Wholesale Ilaralwure1 0 as a Isa. L eeClark Andreesen Hardware Co Wholesale Hardware. liloj'cles ' &ad bpartlng Goods , 1219.iLI 2 $ Uu . , ! Ltib - - - _ _ - _ _ For Men , Womenand ) Child . ( t ; Ill.i' _ Y \ sIp " All Dealers. p DUItFYP9 PIJR MT WfllSKY - ALL OUCCISTS. 1 . - -.r- I LIQUOR3. _ _ _ Wa1ioise & Co \\'hlOi.ESAI.B LIQUORS. I'rolirletora of A.-ImJC.tN ( 'bAIt AND tf.ASS ivAhtu CO. 214-216 liouthi 14th St. P1Brothers ! ! _ , I'Vlzolesale Liquors and Cigrr : . 1118 auamu Sired. Ease India Billers Oohdlru Shier Pure fly. antI Bourbon WbiskS7. Willow Springs Dtstimlerr. lice Cs , , liii , ' ' ' hlarney Street. . - J ! ! ! ! . , . . . . . . . . WHOLESALE Wines , Liquors and Czg'czrs. 411.455 5. tRim Utr.t. - ' - -I LUMBER hlcao Lumber Oo. ( w HOLESALE i..UMBES. , . ' 8l4SoutbUthst. OILS-PAINTS Standard Oil Co. : , A. MotYet , hat Vice Pres. L. 3 , Drake , Cen 5gr . . . .OJLS. . . . finsoine , Turpentne , Axle Grease. Etc. Omaha tmrmmnch ani Agencies. John B. Ruth Mgr . -PAPER-WOODENWARE. arpenter Paper Co Printing Pajer , Wrabftig Paper , Stationery. Comic 12th and ltowtrtl Street. STEAM-WATER SUPPLE3. - CralleChurchill Co. 1014-lOioDotmgias fttreot , Eanufacturira and jobbers of Steam , Ca. Cal Water Supplies of All Kinds. United States SupplyCo. . . iro8-rrro fIarzei' SI. Steam Pumps , Engines and Railers , Pipe , WInd Mills , Steam and Plumbing Material , BeltIng , hose , Etc. . TYPE FOUNDRIES - - - G reat Western Type Foundry rvperto Coppi uis. Dyp. I. the beet uv tli jni'jket , 4 LLECTI1OTYPE POUNUflL 1114 howard Sirsit , Strangers in Omaha Are invited . .To inspect I The Bee Building. ' . - ' The most complete Newspaper plant In the West ,