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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 8, 1898)
- - - - - - - - - - - - -r . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - : - - - - - - - V--- . - - - - - - - - - - : - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - : - - - - - - - - . - . . . _ - . - _ = - ; . ; - _ : : : : - - - - , - - . . - - . - TIfl OMAhA DAILY BEE ? VEDNESDAY TUNfl 8 1898. : , - : , , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ RETAIL LIQUOR DEALERS ccond Annual Convention of the Nobraika Association. MUCH BUSINESS QUICKLY TRANSACTED r lfittr Moore , . VcIcnnIeN the Iele- : iinte , Pref.I,1c.t Tlcriey 8ome 4tigKcNl IUN nitil th e IkUI } GUCM to Wurk. 'rho pecon unnual convention of the No- } brnBka Liquor Dealer ? association began yetUerdny morning , I'rcMdent John C. Tlcrney calling It together n l'hurBton ItllIeH halt. It changed 1t1 name and decided - cided to make the aocIntIon a distinctIvely - Ivoly retail one. This action bars out the brewers end wholesales , but it puts It In proper standing with the national organ. ization. The convention also adopted rcso lotions condeniniiig public olflciais for al. r lowing the druggists to violate the Slocurn law. I Mayor Frank Moores made a characteris. tic address of welcome , ( luring the course t or which ha assured the visitors the free- tiom of the city was theirs. Humorously noting the absence of any one to oiler a prayer , ho said : It was not quite a year ago that I had the pleasure of being with you , I had just taken coy 0111cc fiB mayor and I then assured the members present at that time that they could have the whole town. I am hero tlay to renew that promise , flnl ( If there is atiy- thing you % vatit all you have to ( ho Is to ask for it-come over to the city hail and X will : eo that it is brought to you on a silver . platter. I ( lOft't think there is a city in the country that has ao many good fellows in it as ( Imaim-so many good fellows who know what Is good for a man's soul and what is good for a man's stomach. Your organization Is a very creditable one and were I in the businesa of selling liquor I would be a member of It. I believe every mall In the busIness ought to connect himself with this organization. both for the good of the business and hI own bemilt. lie renewed hti cordial invitation to the visitors to take in the town and enjoy , themselves. " If any of them got into , trouble he would see that they vere properly - erly treated. Ills telephone number was still 65. Ho got a rising vote of thanks and three cheers. I'reMIIent I'Ieres SUgtM ( bit. After the rending of the minutes of the Ittitlatory meeting at which tile associa- tioti was organized nbout a year ago. and tlio cubsequent one , by Editor C. E. Fields of tile local liquor organ , who hiad been made assistant secretary , i'resident Tier. noy inatlo a few suggestions for the good of the convention generally. lie hoped tile delegates would "put on their thinking caps this tulle , SI ) that WIlell ( lie Colivention ad- jotirneti it CoUld show better results titan it did at the IfleetlUg aboUt six months ago , hen not niuch was done owing to tile tally. ho parties and the good times the members enjoyed generally. " Some suggestions foi. lowed train 111111 thttls . . .l advocate a closer union so that in cases y of unjust prosecution we will be in a hotter - ter shape for defense. I would alto advo- / c cate that all complaints be made to the cx- . cutive committee ; nlso that we have a t common defense fund did employ the best legal talent. " Finally be urged incorporation h the : - state association , observing that we enjoy 'j more success now , 011(1 the saloon keepers are not so often attacked zior on so weak points. " . Jell11 flntier of Llncohn , Henry HoUf of ; Omaha , l'at Stanton of TihdenVhhhlain f Elchner of i'aplhloii and I' . 1' . Reedy of LIUd- : say were OliIOitItCd ) nil auditing committee to go over the accounts of Secretary \Vll- , 11am Mahoney and Treasurer Fred Muchow. : t Upon his stlggestlng that there should be a sergeant-at-arms to keep out those not 2flelflber $ , Morris Karpclcs , the secretary of tile 01110110 Mtiniclpal league , was given that task. lie got even hater on by Inviting nih tile visiting delegates to enjoy the hospltnh- Sty of the flICluhiers of tile league. vhichi had Increased In nuluber , said hle , froln five at tile first meeting eight months ago to aboilt 300 now. Their vhnces would be known , ho explained , by the league banner with Its device of a pair of clasped hands and tile word "Unity. " All saloon keepers wore given an Invitation to take part in thu meeting , whether members or not. AIt. , ztiii' ( or Attorney's Fees. SOnlO details of the business of the asso- 1 elatIon thou were gone over. As a member - of tilu CXCCtlttVe coinniittco. Mr. Tiernoy reported - ported tilttt it hiatt allowed Joseph Schmuck ; ioo from the defense fund as the associa- thou's share of the expenses of his case at I Iaytnii ) City , Speaking of a case where an nttoi'ney hind tried to work the association , - l'tlr. Tbernoy said the association "would flot keel ) a charity fund ( or the benefit of shys- tt'r lawyers. " The (1c'hegates who had represented tile Btnte at tile national convention at Indian- nitohls last October , Charles iCmtig mind Mom- na iCarpeles , ittittle their report and told why they 110(1 faIled to induce tile national association to bring its convention hero this year Instead of taking It to Asheville , N. C. Lack of Interest at boom cns given as one reason , notwithstandIng the Tmansniissis- iitiiI Fxpositbon was to be the great atimac- tion , anti , besides , Asllqvlhho itati hoeil ) ( a- voreti by an achievement in the colnetly line by a North Carolina delegate , against the effect of which , said Mr. ICmug , nothing COtlhl have vrevailed , The Asheville people , too , floatleti the Indianapolis convention with telegrams , whereas only one camna front Oniahia , Still nitotIler thing which operateti against Onlulla , according to Mr. Krug's report - port , was the ituntber of disroptitable jlaces hero. " Minneapolis nittl Otnalla got three votes each and the lest rent to Asheville. Front the reports of thertt two delegates It was learned that W. A. Young of this city is on the national assocIation's list of cx- I ccutlvc COllIbllitteeIllCfl. Stintu Itotit bitt' TittcrM. Immediately after tilts the president appointed - pointed Chailea lCrtlg Of Omatla , Peter hitiff - - - - - - : ( iOOD ACS To SN9 TIw SUMMER. -hot Springs , S. 1) , -Sylvan Lake , S. H. . --MaimItoli ' -Colorado Springs. -Denver. -Yelhowstollo l'amk , Fhmoy're all on or best reachad ' . ia our hue. lescrllitive ) literature and full information - formation at Ticket 0111cc , lcpot , 1502 IrUaW St. 10th N Mason litl. of Ilartlngton and Adam Loerke of Stanton a committee on resolutions , Sergeant-at- Arms I < arpelcs informing the chair that "gentlemen were present not members of the associaIon , " it delegate stiggestetl that badges ti Dtinted and worn by the mem- hers to distinguIsh them. Fritz Bloomer and Michael Nitler of this city were sent out to attend to this matter and by supper time all had badges on. When the auditing committee reported it. was fountl that there was $465.30 still in the treasury and the accounts of the ofU- cers stood In good shape. A little parliamentary skirmish was en- joycd vhi1e waIting for it to report. In the printing of the constitution and by-laws no election of omcers had been provided for in the order of business , so an effort vas made to fix it up in an Informal manner. An amendment , however , offered by Waiter Moiio vith the intention to do this was lost. Henry ilnubens explained 'why lie voted against ( ho amendment. "It might establish a bad precedent and questionable methods might be fohiowed afterward in amending the constitutIon and by-laws. " The imiatter was arranged by an agreement that the officers should ho elected under the bead of "new business" today. The committee on resolutions eventually rcportd , through Chihirmnan thnmles Krug , a resolution which bad been written by tile delegates who went to Indianapolis and the effect of which Is to limit the membership of the association to retaIl liquor dealers only. It. suggested tile reconsideration of the motion by which the brewers and wholesale - sale dealers hiatt been mimitted to member- ship. The comnittce recommended the adoption of tile resolution. It also recommended - mended a change of name to "Retail Liquor Dealers' Protective Association of No- braska. " henry Ilaubens said he would withdraw so as to give free discussion. lie had slat- ply gone Itito the association for the geit- cmi benefit of the liquor business. Like- vise Waiter Melee withdrew , first , however - over , assuring the association that he would always stand ready to contribute in a pe- cunlary way ( or its good. The resolutions vero adopted. Drug Store Saloon. . The discussion on the exclusion of other than retailers had once turned onto the drug stores and another resolution , cover- lug this very matter , vas rend from the committee , in the following : \'herca , , The sale of liquors In drug stores and ilepartinctit stores in violation of law lIfts worked and is working incalculable Injury to the legitimate licensed retail liauor ticuiers of our state ; therefore , be it Itesolved , That the members of the Nebraska - braska Liquor Dealers' association in eon- ventlon assembled express our stern disap- Irovnl of the unlawful methods employed by $10 lcrmit druggists to compete with II- CetlliCi liquor dealers anti ilereby place the stanmp of corltlcntnation on the city , county aitti state otilcials who knowingly toiemato hits wanton violation of our extsttn liquor laws. This resolution was unanimously adopted wltiiout tliSCtlSSiOll. Another resolution adopted was one corn- lug outside tile committee , pledging tue members of the assocIation to "patronize only union-made goods whenever possible to do so. " As soon nit this action was taken Organizer B. J. Smith of the Cigarmakers' Interna- tIotlal tlnion , wtlo was Immesent , was givemi the floor , anti thanked the association for endorsing Ulitoli labor and the blue label. Thousands of people , he sai'l ' , were depend- oitt upon tue liquor business for their live- ilitooti , and ho eltunlerated the various trades more oriess , depetldeilt on tile saloou business , froiti tile cabinet maker to the farmer and cooper. lIe matlo quite a speech before finishing , castigating "those who do not waitP to drink anti smoke themselves , yet wile vtint to irevent others. " Many of his remarks \vero haltering to the saloon business and were received with much en- tiltlsiasm. An adjournment was then taken until this ntornlng. I1 IX ItflAla' ' ' ' ' ' : cUltslItt 10 S'I'AIt'l' . Ci'tciitboii ' .VllI)1tei. 'PiIZl ) WI ut a lt'ireseitlzil lye t tlenlltiIIM' . The various sections of the country were pretty well represented by the delegates to time nurserymen's convention who had arrived - rived tip to last night. Altogether theme were about 100 of them. This is the twenty- tiiirtl annual national convention. It will assemble at 10 o'clock in Creighton ball this morning. President Irving Itotise and Secretary George C. Seager , both front Rochester , N. Y , , were among the am'rls'als. There was also It. C. fleickmans of Augusta , Ga. , one of the executive committee. Captain 1ierck- mans is here OIl fl leave of absence from his regiment , the First Georgia volunteer cay- airy , of which Ito is the regimental quarter- ntaster. lie received a requisition front his regiment for sonic tents , by mall , as soon as 110 regIstered at tile Mlhinrd. Atitong the other arrivals were : Ralph T. Olcott and C. L. Yates , editor and proprietor - prietor , respectively , of the association's organ , the National Nurseryman , published at. Itochester ; I ) . S. Lake of Sltenantloah , In. ; 'F. J. Smith of Geneva , N. Y. : George Peters of Troy , N. Y. ; E. W. Kirkpatrick of McKlnney , Tex , ; Hiram T. Jones of Elizabeth - both , N. J , ; Brewer & Stanmlard of Ottawa , Kits. ; Stark JirotIlems. the Iowa anti Mis- sourl nurserymen ; Alberison & hobbs of Bridgeport , lad. ; l'etcrs & Skinner of North 'l'opeka , Kas. ; A. L. Brooke of North Topeka , Kas. ; Arthur Bryant of Princeton , Ill , ; .1. A. Gage of Fatrbury , Neb. ; A. C. Griesa of Lawrence , Kas. ; J. A , Hill of St. James , Minn. ; T. B. Hubbard anti George S. Josselyn of Pretlollla , N. Y. ; Thomas MedIan of Gerniantown , Pa. ; L. T. Saunders of I'iaintlenllmmg , Lit , ; A. W'lhhis of Ottawa , ICas. ; Silas'iison of 4tlautic , ha. , and J. J. Itarrisoit of I'ainoss'lile , 0 , Tue tlelegate3 are looking forward with some eagerness to the report from the cciii- iitlttte on tue San Jose scale , l'resitiont house , C. Tj. Watrou of Des Moliic au.l N , Ii , Albaugh at Tatimnor , 0. , are on tItle COllilUbttCC. 't'lieso gentlemen ltt befoic coiigress in February anti attccecdetl in gettitig before it t bill ( or a systenl of fed- cml inspection thtltt it Is intended to have opertte uniformly nil over tile country. t great deal of tlissatisfaction Is felt by nurserymen over tue many di verse rnetiiod.e vraetlccd by the different. states in their quarantine Ollil Inspection regulations. In slcaling : of this Inst itighit Captain Beech- IlIltIls satti ; 'Al4 tlu WaLter now tltands we can't semi a bill of goods from Georgia , say , to Nebraska - braska , without first looking over our files to see tvhat are the inns here. b'IlliOO ) ) I want to make a shipment in North Carolina. I 111113t first eltiI my certIficate statihig that lIt ) ' trees are all right. to the st.tte onto- luohagist there , and then I niust tvait. until 110 PSSCS upoil It anti seitils inc back a certifIcate before 1 can send the goods , It- was to have a gittierai system of fetlemni lItsilectiolt adopted that our bill woe Jutro- ( Bleed into congress , anti tint results so far the colnlnittee will report tomorrow. " Superintendent. l'cter Youngers of tile No- immasha f uit extihht was in front Geneva yestcr.ha ) ' , atid with I'rof , 'rayhor , who is In charge of both. titu nriculLnrai and tiorti- ctihttimai exhibits o this state , assisted In ( iOiHg the honors to the visiting nurserymen - men ,' l.lGfl't' 'l'IIA IN 'tO ( ( lIItAIIQ ( 11.1 1tot'll.itmiiiit Itoitto. Leaves Omaha & :20 : a , rn , arrives 1)cnver and Colorado SprIngs S p. lii , Take tills ( mItt attd save sleeping car rqtn of 'flvhet oIiIcq 1323 Jarnaut strot' ; . 'rite Superb. ltiiiitiiiiti'tt anti quick lilac of the UnIon i'aciflc makes it tito popular line to all princIpal western tcsorts. City ticket oLTce , No , 1302 F'ar- uum.t. - CITY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS Mayor Moores Approves ctt1cment with ] 3olln Bondsmen. ThINKS IT BEST THING FOR THE CITY Ito Also Mnkcp , Several Appointments to City L'OPIItIPiiM , All ul VIiicis Are Conflriite.l I,3 Itte Council. At the regular session of the city council , held iast night , Mayor Moores submitted t proposition , saying that ho had approved the resolution providing for th settlement of tile judgment against the bondsmen of- henry IJohIn , treasurer , who defaulted - faulted in the sum of more than $100,000. The mayor's communication upon the sub- jct follows : I return herewith with my apProval doe' ument No , 2,466 , passed by your honorable body at your Inst regular meeting , May Si , Is. This docunteat is a resolution authorizing - izing a SettlellIelit with the first and secon4 term bondsmen of Henry bun ( 'or the sum of $35,000 anti the payment of ahi costs in the action heretofore pcndillg in the diStrict court of Douglas county , Nebraska , against the first term bondsmen lit which judgntent has been entered , and directing the city at- tomney to enter full satisfaction of said judgment in the records.of said district court. upon the payment of said costs mitid the sttiiu of $35,000 to the city treasurer within sixty days front this date. 'Ihie settlement as indicated in the resoiu- tioti may seem to sotne to be a heavy this- count upon the actual claim of the city against the bondsmen of Henry 1301111 , but a careful consideration of the facts will sat- irfy anyone , I believe , that this settlement is a desirable one. Very few persons believed before the triiii of the case in tile district court that the city would secure a verdict against the bondsmen , and it certainly Is quite improbable tllnt we tould be as sac- cesaful on a second trial if the supreme court should for any reason reverse the judgment rendered by the district court. The city attorney , Judge Ives and the as- siatant. city attorney have spent. month8 in the preparation of the case for trial. The cyitlence for tile city was mostly obtained front experts who had worked nearly a year investIgating the city treasurer's books. It no settlement is reached wIth th bonds- atoll , ( Old the present judgment shtotlltl ho reversed by the supreme court , the attorneys for the city at the new trial wlticb would ensue would probably not be the men who have expondeti so tnuch tlnte anti shown such splendid legal ability lIt protecting the city's Interests during the recent trlai In the district - trict court , for their terms of 010cc would probably Ilave expired. fltierts Mtt- Not ICCMIoild , Then , too , the experts employed by the city at tile last trial might not be willing to leave good positions elsewhere to conic to Omaha for a month or two and give their evidcnce in the case. The city , therefore , mit a second trial , would probably have to ( Ic. pond on new attorneys and experts who would be tlnftuuiiinr with the details of the case , and therefore unable to represent the city as successfully as did the attorneys and experts at the recent trial. I realize fully that tile passage anti up- proval of title resolution is an important niatter anti one that deserves careful consitl- eration. F'or this reasoitile greatest delih- oration has been exercised , both by the coun- cli anti by myself. The subject of a coni- promise was first taken up more than a month ago and ( till announcement was made at various flint's in the papers of tue differ- cut steps which had beqn taken bout by the city anti tue bondsmen of Henry Bolln. A strnciai meeting of the council was held to hear protests from any citizens who rnigt oppose such a conipromnise , anti an invitation vas extended tllrotigh tIle daily iress to all such persons to attend tue meeting ailti pro. sent their views. No protestants appeared at ( ills special meeting amiti the resolution was filially passed by tue councIl last Tuesday night. I have waited until the last ( lay aliovetl inc before approving tue resolution In order thtt : anyone desiring to present objections to its approval could have atnpleopportunity to do so , but no one has called upon tue for ( lint purpose. During tile time that this compromise WItS being talked of , I have discusseti tile niatter with maltof otir leading citizens and taxpayers - payers anti they hare almost withlout exc ( ion advised in favor of accepting the propo- sitlon submitted by the bomidsmnen of Henry Bolln. I have therefore , , approved the rca- ohtftion , believing that the ttettieiflcilt effectetl thereby is a desirlilile one for tile city and that It will meet tile approval of all of our citizens 011(1 taxpayers vIle will consider tile matter carefully , It ) ) ( I ills 1IJi ll ott ry Hi rec I era. In communicotimlg to tile council Mayor Moores appointed Lewis S. Itceti , 11ev. T. J. Mackay and Dr. lianchett as Inenibers of the Public Library board. lteeti and Mackay BUCCCCtI themselves , while llanchctt sue- cecd Clement Chase , Whose ( cmiii expires July 1 next. Tile appolatments were con- flrrnetl by a unallilllotla vote. Mayor Moores nameti J , Ii , Sedgwick its supdrlntemtticnt of the city haIl , to serve until March 1 , 1900 , The appointment was cottflrntcti , after which Superintendent Sedg- vIck named the following city hail emit. playes : Engineer , A. L. Sllafk'r ; firenlan , George Catiiro ; watchman , James S. England - land ; elevator conductors , W. I , Malone , C.V , Johnsoii , Antonio Scalzo ; janitors , Alt 1111gb , Joint Billings , T. P. Mahammitt anti i F. Mayne , These appolutnients vere con lirmneti. Electrician Schurig miameti D. L. MYers as inspector of wires. Comptroller Westherg submitted the following - lowing report , siiowing the condition of city funds at the cloc of business cii Jumie 7 : Available , Hxp'nti'd , flal. ( I ) General fuittIltSOSi.S SliB.l7 ( $ iO'Ji8C9 Fire . . . . . . . . . . . . . t5.837.S4 47,524.28 48,8h3.5G i'nhice . . . . . . . . . . . . 'J2,022,25 37,180.09 51,11lf'J \Vater rent , . , tt2,017.S1 14.00 Sewer mn'itt'g 9,767.11 4,1.'t2.4S 5,211CG Juitigracat . . . . . . . 8ijcso2 4jjOti.l ( ; Library . . . . . . . . . 7,8711.01 i2J30it Curb , gutter anti cleitning . . , , . , , 3,207.31 458.45 2tOS.St Park . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.SO15Utl 14,8C7.O1 23,7m. lloohth : . . . . . . . ; . , 12,111.44 Jr.7r..9i Sb31,45 Lighting . . . . . . . . f7SOO.3I 13,702.57 41flhil.4I Sinking . . . . . . . . . . 172,162.81 5U'J21.9d 115,240th Cu rb gil Item itisti liltYilig . . . . . . . . . 17,840.73 1,752iO 1G,0ti.2l Street cleaning ttitd aweetiltg 2l,5C179 11,17G.52 9SSS.27 (2) ( ) Itoatl . . . . . . . . 4,787(5 2,2.Ti.64) ) 2,552(0 ( (3) ( ) city halt. . . 2G7.4i 1,201,28 1,726.13 (4) ) Paving bontt 45,492.69 540.61 44ft52.O Dog . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,733.00 2,7B.O0 : llltricrl4 ) 307,00 99,55 207.15 Market place . ( ; 0I.75 140.20 468.15 Totnl . . . . . . .1(86,323,07 ( $2S0,821,8t : $517,001Jd llprru-ilt , ; I (1) ( ) ( lemieriti fund . . . . . . . . . .t77.291.C5 Net nvnilttbie b.tlnnee , . 29,621,0l (2) ( ) Roittl fund. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,100.00 Nt t itniotirit fl'ttihllhhe ) , . , 1,152.05 (3) ( ) CIty hiluhi fund. . . . . . . . . . 240.00 Nt't anioulit iivtrilnblo. . , . 1,496.13 (4) ) i'aving hiomith fund. . . . . . 24,015.03 Net tinioumut tivailnltte. , , 20ttSl.05 .t ft. ' I. 3Iito'IiiiaioI ' . nit Iii. Ceuttciiniutt Lobeck , flurklt'y aii'i Stuhtt Joined in a resolution , which was referred to the comuritttteu on juithiciary , providing far an investigation of the von'itlet ' of Garbage Master Maeionahd , it being cltargeti in the resolution thoU MacIonalti hiatt violated ( lie ( ernie of his contract in tim duitipiug of garbage minti file ilisilosition of dead ani- mimals , The licens" Inspector was instructed to remove from ( lie streets , nileys anti sitie- walks oil fruit stands , the owners of which are not lict'ltsei to operate at such places , Gas ltuuiia burning at etmeet intersections benuatit electric lights vere orderoti discon- tinuetl amid ( tie lumps will he tenioved to other locations. Crosswahks were ortiered along nil of the streets autO ehlcys In Kountze I'iace lead. itig to tile exposition grouittls , Twenty-third street between \'inton aitti ( be south city lintits was ordered placed in itassable cvitditton , ( lie cost. itot to exceed $300. Taking up ( lie city jail matter , the coon- cii rescinded the resolution by which the - lowest bid was rejetti anti awarded the contract to A , W. Vht'lp. Son. The license inspector was nutilorised to employ an asslstanttsfltirlng the continuance of the exposition. tme man is to receive $100 per month , ttkith will include pay- meat for horse hire. The sum of $ , Ot0was appropriated for extra street Ilglitlqg 'during the _ nights of the Ak-Sam-lien wt-e1t the money to be ox- pendeil under the direction of the board of governors of the rotisty. lln-4en lirops. WB WON'T JOIN TIlE TRUST. We will not. beloeg to any trust. or corn- bino for the purposetef raising ( ho price oti articles such as crackers , breath , flour , sugar , coffee , or any staple article that the people must buy. ' ' - 12 bars standard laundry soap ; 25c ; 4 pountl of beet. soda crackers for 2&c : 4 potiuds of ginger snaps for 25c ; 4 pounds of oyster crackers for 25c : breath On sale for 40 hC loaf ; fancy High Patent flotir , per sack , $1.10 ; fancy Messina lemons , per dos , , be : fancy Sweet oranges , per doz. , tIc ; fancy separator creamery butter , 22',4c , 14c and 16c ; finest dairy butter , 114c , .12c and 15c fancy Young America cream cheese , 9c Ilerkirner Co. Y , A , cheese , full crennI , lie : white boneless codfish , only 4 ¼ e ; 0110 large fat. mackerel or herring , 21,40 , These are anti-trust prices this week , DRESS GOODS. Clearing out all our light ' * elglit and light colored dress goods at less titan half their value. Si'SCIAL 1'RICES ON M1ATS. No. 1 sugar cureti hams , 8c pickieti pork , 6c ; New Eriglamtd cooked ham , tIc ; bologna sausage , Sc : good salt pork , 6l4c ; 3-lb pails best inrtl , any brand , 25c ; weiner. wurst , 3 pounds for 25c ; iilckheti tripe , 4c. hAYDEN BROS. , Tranemississtpl headquarters. ABANDONS A' LITTLE BABY Vnknovn Voituitiioslts ; ; a Child In Mrs. Scliroculer'ro itoioilis on South Thirteenth Strect - , Some unknown coman abandoneti an in- font' child in the rooms of Mrs. John Schroeder of 607 South Thirteenth Street. yesterday afternoon during the temporary absence of their occupant. The woman , 'who was seen by sonic cliii- dren playing about the front door as site hurried out of the building , is described as being a stout , well-dressed woman. No one saw her enter the building and it is the belief of the police and residents of the building that she intended leaving the child in the hallway , hut seeing the door of Mrs. Schroeder's rooms invitingly open she entered - tered aitd depositetl her burden on tile bed aliti also a bundle of infant's clothes. When Mrs. Schroeder entered her rooms she discovered the baby contentedly stIcking on a well tilled nursing bottle. It was fully dressed in excellent clothitlg. No marks of Identification were ( ounti on the clothing. The citiltl is alotlt 5 molltils old and very bright. It is in the custody of the police , who are anxious to dispose of It. ] teiiteiiilei' ( lie taiiiie , "KIMBALL" Ilanos. A. hlospe , 1513 Douglas , Omaha. flow A 'WAIt IS 1UUG1iT. The Clinhtixca lit IlteSfiele of Warfare ItlustriLtecl 1) ) . ( 'ictures. It you wish to properly understand the war news , it you wish to ilare a definite knowledge of naval affairs anti the events that are occurring In tile East and West Indies you can secure no better , no more reliable source of intormitrttoii than th official photographs or the United States navy , just issued by the Omaha Bee. The price is emily 25 ceats , and more vnitialle aitd tilnely tnformatioa was never offered ( Cr the litoltey. It , is on sale at The Ontaiia Bee counting-rooms , or rill be sent to any ttdtlress on receipt of price ; The book consbsti' of r.arly 200 pages of views mnathe by E. H. Hart , naval photo- gmapher , anti the list of subjects embraces everything of interest pertaining to our navy , of which every American is justly proud. First within the covers of this inter- eating w-oi-k comes a map sixteen times as large as tIle hook itself , showing on one sbd the Spanish mossessions , ano all ad- jacent. territory , while on the other site tile East Indian possessloou are similarly treated. Steantshlp lilIes , Witil the die- tances intervenitig between different points. are shown , anti a chose study of these mantis will give one a thiorougn umiticretanding of this territory , in regard to t-liIchi thu interest - terest of the American public is now at fever heat , Then follow more ( hiatt 200 rare pictures of the rtavy , its omeers and eouipmnent. The views are all authentic , and are the latest oIllclnI pltotograpbs of our torpedo boats , torpedo boat destroyers , cruisers , hattie. 511bps , gunboats monitors , rams Qynamnito cruicers , ttispatch vessels , anti other' craft , ( ho whole etmibodying an authentic portrayal of th American 11fly9 us it exists tothily. A complete description of the construction - struction , displacement , size. speed , bat. tories , ntmor , crew anti cost of eaclt boat wilt enable the meatIer to form an accurate estimate of our fighting strength , Inchudetl with these are photogrnpiis of ( lie leading Spanish llteaof.\tar , also fully descrlbeti , By far the most interesting portIons of the book are views of the Maine , taken before the disaster lii havana harbor , showing tile lifo antI ( liacipline aboard a battleship , to- getber with portraits of the olficers anti crew , supplemented by photographs taken after ( lie explosion , depicting the divers at work , and other imlcidents in connection with this sad antI memorable event. This work cami he obtaitleti by cutting a coupon from page two , and brittging it to The Bee otihce , Ornitha , The lIce building ; South Omaha , 'rwenty.fourtli and N streets ; i.imicohu , 1026 0 street : Council Bluffs , 10 l'earl street. By mail 4 cents extra for postage , Address Navy Photograph Depart- meat , Omaha lien. 'liit Cost timae'ui Sal Iiui toil , The 110w Wabash south veetihiulo train o day coachcs , sleeping anti ( lining cars. it train ( or tourists anti all classes of travel , "Till Leave Chicago ( daily ) , 12 noon , Leave St. Louis ( daily ) , 9:10 : a , in , Arrive New York via iVest. Shore , 3:30 : p. in , Arrive Boston via Fitchburg , 5:50 : it , in. All agents sell tickets for this ( maui and will tell you nil about it. Ask him or write G. N. Clayton , N. W , P. Agt. Wabash It. It. I'ourlNC lIttle. Via tile Union Pacific to time famous slImmer resotB in Colorado , Utah , Cailtornia , Idmiho , Mcntztlta arid Oregon. For rates anti ativertisimmg matter call at city tIckf chico , No , 1202 Farnalli at , lIeiieitilr time Niumne , "KIMBALL" lilatlus. A. hlospe , 1513 Douglas , Omaha. Slurrliitre lie.'misi'H , 'i'he following nmarrlagu iicellaes were is. sued ycatertlay by tile county judge ; Nitrite antI AltireBL Age. Johimu W. Vu'eichi , Omaha , , , . . , . , , . , . , , , , . . . . 21 Attnn Coffey , Omaha . . . . , , . , . , . , . . , . , , . . . . . 21 John Neiil , Beatrice , Neb . , . , . . , . , . . , , . . . . 25 Mary B , Tiglie , South . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Silas II. Htmmtcan , itath , Me. , , , . , , , . , , . , , . , 28 Katlteritit' Preston , Omnallu , . , . . , , , , , , . . , . , 23 i4teveat llippeli , Omaha , . , . , , . . , . , , , , , . . . . . 28 Emuitimi hicitte , Omaha , . . . , , . , . , , , . . . , , . . . , . 23 ' M , C. Keihoy , Sout'iOmaha , , , . , , , . , , . . . . . 26 Maniie V , Mltcltehi , Sotitht Ommtaha . , . , , . , . , . 20 Vouili ir I'bulLoelt't Ciiimgli * , Morris liam-itctt , 12 years old , I. at the police station for an alleged attempt to itick ( tie ioclet of F. ii , Coopsey of 1154 Leaven- torit street , Coopsey was standing at the corner of Sixteenth and Canitol avenue when lie tell a twitch at his watch chain and look. Ing down t'atv bitt wattcli In time ilarttl of a ermInil buy , lie grasped at 11111 tItief's slioul. Ocr , but tile boy was too quick and t'scaited. Later Coopsey polnte.l out Uaraett as time tltlef anti hat tt-as arrested , ,7 _ & 1-r' . is food-fuel that keeps the fire of health aglow-time pure' nuritment of malt and hops , Malt.Nutrille is prepared by the ( a- mous Aaheuser-DUSCb hirewimig Ass'n , which fact guarantees the purity , excchiencc aud merit claimed for It , NE\V \ FARNAI STREET PAVING Oontracthr Smith Oompleths the Work on the West End Section , SHEET ASPHALT FOR NEARLY TWO MILES Surfnee front . l6lgistet-iitiL SO Vortietiu as Sittootim as a i'ionr.-South Six- teetitit 01111 North Twenty- Fourth Conic Next. ' The Parnam street paying was completed Monday afternoon and now ( lint thoroughfare - fare IscoVerei with a smooth sheet of asphalt - phalt out to Fortieth street , Gangs of men are now engaged in removing the debris 'which has accumulated ( luring the work. Contractor Smith , who laid the upper sheeting of asphalt on Fnrnamn street , will aov remove his force to Twenty-fourth street , and the task of laying the asphalt covering on that street. from h'atrick avenue to Lake street will be rusheti to comnpletion , The ftuntlatlon of the paving along this strip has all been laid and is remttly for the covering. Contractor Murphy declares again that he wilt start paring on South Sixteenth street in the near future. Ills force of men has been engaged aboUt the new Burlington depot nhd has almost completed the work there. As soon , as it Is finished they will be put an the southern thoroughfare. This , Murphy declares , will happen in a very tow days. ' With the exception of this southern strip , City Engineer flosewater expresses himself as satisfied with the progress that has been made in the paving all over the city. The only delay was caused by the rains , which have been prevalent for twenty days during the time the contracts have run. ha wet weather asphalt. cannot be laid. WOIIIC ON Tilli NEW CITY JAIL. Changes in Site Iluililimug hay lie Coma- ittiI by the First of July. A few days ago it appeared very probable ( lint the city jail at Eleventh and Dodge streets would be ready for occupancy July I , hut members of the city government now consider this as unlikely. Still the jail may be removed into the new quarters by the first of the month and a makeshift of a barn may be employed until the new stable will be completed about August 1. Workmen are now engaged in transform- lag the ( orator school building. The imrti- ( ions are being torn out. Iron girders arc being put into the floors and a concrete covering is being constructed over them. During thIs week the city engineer will also tlraw plamle for tile cells , and lie expects to have ready very soon the plans for heating anti iiglttitlg. hide for the installation of tile former plant will be advertised for , but the city expects to hut in the electric wiring. City Electrician Shurig is now tirawimmg the Plltns for tile latter. The new barn will not be completed , it is expected , until August 1 , and in this the boilers will be locatetl. Ileat , however , will miot be heeded and ( lie horses anti wagons cant be accommodated in a temporary struc- lure. It. may be , therefore , ( lint the removal of the jail will occur ( lie first of ( lie month. Moirtitlity Statistics. The following births and ( loathe have been reported in the last. twenty-four hours to ( Ito health commissioner : Iiirths-N. McCoy , 611 North Eighteenth streqt , girl ; Daniel Bevins , 2011 North Thir. teenthi Street , boy ; John Pickac , Fourth and Pierce streets , boy ; Abe Cart' , 2202 Clark , boy ; hI. 1-leaston , 1818 Izard street , girl. Deaths-Charles Lyford , 209 North Twelfth street , 65 years , heart failure ; II. T. Peters , 2107 Locust street , consuniption. City hull Niptes. Despite the war ( lines Omaha schoal var- rants are still in big demitand and the brok- ems were all willing to receive them when the teachers were paid off this aftermioon. Carl Gudatit has taken out a permit to erect a one-story cottage at 3463 South SFx- teentlt street to cost $1.000. Several other permits for itiipFOveifleflts have been is- sued. The force in tile city clerk's office is get- titig ready the plan of nssessntent for tile hearth of equalization , which will be itt see- sloit Oil Ttlcstlny , Wednesday anti Thursday of next teek. I'imbtlc iOhice. The Northwestern Line Daylight Special now leaves the U. P. depot at 6:40 : a mn. ; arrives Chicago 8:45 : sante evening. No change in the other trains. The Overland Limited 4:45 : p. am , amitl tile Omaha Chicago Special at 6:45 : p. ru. arrive at Chicago 7:45 : anti 0:30 : respectively , next nioriling. The most ativamiceth vestibtiled sleepers , Oiners anti free parlor chair cal-s-of course-what else WOlllti ( lie "Northwestern" hare. City Ticket Omco 1401 , Fqmnarn at. For lied anti decoration plants , cut flowers , roses of all kimitis , sign work , for funerals , etc. , at greatly reduced prices. 13 , Ilnas , 1812 Vintoti et. Tel. 776. , l'ilIS ItIIAL'VY itt.tltLCFi'l' , INSTRUMENTS placed ott record Tuestlay , June 7 , 1538 : ' % Vnrrnmuty froths. J. F. Scanneli to I'ntrick Scanitehi , lot. 13 , liltick 2Tct't Stile Na. 3 ; ittt 12 , block 1 , l'tlMflt i'lace ; hot 11 , block 1 , Brown imtrk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 100 George Gnrdmtt'r ltntl wife to S. 'r. h'tttcr. mt'4 lot 5 , block 28 , Omtlia. , 1,900 iT. 11. Cobb anti tt'lfe to Charles h'os- lush , lot 5 , block 4 , l'otter & 2ti atid. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 400 Joaepii Swuboda anti , vifo to Peter Slit , lots 13 anti 14 , block 2 , South Omaha atiti. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 I'eter ( hip to iClttiO Swobotilt , clinic. . . 1 \Vihllltm lot' nnti wife to F' . G. ityles , w112 of mt 26 , blade 3 , Shermtumt Arc- mine I'trlc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 Dziltn i'Citzntieraki anti wife to Jnhmi itttltez. lrt ) , of lot. 3 , tlotk ! 8 , Arbor l'lace Extension . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200 (3 ii I t Clii I iii City of Orntthin to .7. hl. Metcalf , strip tttijotmitlig hot 4 , block 215 , Omaha. , . _ 5 It'e'olH , Sheriff to A. M. Goodrich , hots 7 , 10 anti a ½ of lot 6 , Preston & \V'a multi. 7,30 i3anio tt John ( Irihilmi , a 41.17 f'eL of ( I 110 feet of hot 107 , Gist'tt ttitl. . . . . . . 1,300 Sttmno to C. A. I ioffmlttiti et iii , a 43 feet of it 87.17 feet of e 107 feet , aitinu 1,000 Sltmam , to , Augtmttt Ioih , lot 1 , block 66 , Soutit Omaha , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,000 Same to A. L. Stlttun lot 20 , block 13 , f4ituntiers & Ii.'t4 lllgliianti I'ttrk. . . . 250 Same to 11. K. Peck , tt tract in iiw car. of lot 3 , block 6 , 1rnpro'etnenL . Aocitttiort amid. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,840 Sitmo to Ihi. II , 'liitney , a tract in SW car. of ltit 4 , block 6 , sumac. . . . 2,700 ibtmno to H. I I. Smith , it tract lit ilo cor. of hot :1 : , sItlilo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,650 Santo to First Nitti. 111111k , lots 6 , , 7 , .1 , 10 , 1 ? huh 13 , block 11 , \'iiox ittiti. ; lotS 1 to 10 , block \Vtlcox's 14tttitttl totiti. ; lots 4 , 5. 6 anti 11 , black 12 , hWigtlt & L.'s atlti. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6,504) ) 'rotal amount of transfers . . . . . . . . $2S,247 , bsfai _ - I aa I'cLx.4. . _ s s l0'i1lt' l4'tirml' OF Lawn Hose We sell is guaranteed-tue prIces range from 74e to 20c item foot. OMAHA TENT AND RUBBER CON , vIll 1AlINAM ST. - Auction Sale ' continues-five more carloads of household g O(1I of the UJiiion Pacific It , K I-Iospitnls to be i1aug1itered-begiii- 111138 this morning at. 0 o'clock , at l3uslnnnu storage 1iouie , Gi'cat bai'gaiuis. . ' \v. J. GALBBAI'ltl-I. lice , Jttmto 8 , 1898. ave 26k ? : , ' : . . ' . Good morning. Have you 'ooked ' in our \viildowi -tli'is lflol'hling ? 1-lavo you ieeii the itico wli'utc paiits at a - dollar , and the gi'and Crash Suits at tlii'ce do1ars1 auic SplehIcliIVliite Vests at sixty cents ? Have you noticed. the elegant quality of the Blue Serge Coats at two and a quarter ? 1-lave you SizeI up the light oflice coath at GO and 75 cents ? 1-Java you observed the bicycle 1)ahlts Ot _ a dollar ? .Ilave you noticed the ( louble-breasteci : Pjquo Vests at $1.25 ? 1-lave you rested your optic nerve . Oil the \V1iite Duck Paiits-for lawn teiniis-at 65 ceiith ? ' 1-lave you seeii the wonderful display of elegant Suminer" ' Ties-lIuIldI'eds of 1)atterlis-ahI niarkeci to sell for a nickel1 and have you-but say-we don't want to bore you. We don't ask these questions to be iinpertiiieiit , or to be smart , or to inquire into your private buiiiess , We ask them because we want to do you a good. turn aild 1 , , because we want you to got next to the good thiiigs. They are good tliiiigs. I , . % g1 Two SpeciaLs for the hdIaIlce of the week. ' ! dCC Curtdios i\Te 01)011 UP and show for the first thne , tomorrow , p. , new lot of advance fall de signs ill the so 1)oIular fish iiet cui'tains-fulI 54 ihiCiles ViCTC and 3 yards long. A finely woven fish net Curtain with detacheti figured center , buttonhole edge. A big value at-a pair- 81.50 All entirely miew itlea-Zeiitla stripes -buttonhole edge , floral border all around-pair- $2.00 Elegamit figured bortier-detachieti leaf flgureti desigmi iii center-buttonhole edge- . $225 A flue BrusseIl effect-white , b-aauti. ful anti artistically flgureti edges and center in liQe000 design-buttomihoic edge , per pair- $5.00 ORCHARD & WUEM 1414-16-18 ' CARPETCO. , Douglas Str , They Weigh 25 Pounds 'l'ho Veigiiteti Floor lirushi which we sell ( or iolisiiing imnrtlwootl floors lit tile beat one In use. By tilting ( lila UlId 'Sliinon FItior W'ltx' ' ) 'oti will lutvo no trotiite itt protlucimlg IL 1)Ohiltii tli&tt is ltemnillmleitt. Ht'guinr l'rico Our Price. 25c h'liltor's Tmtr Biltp. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lie $1.00 l'nitie'a Celery Cunlpounti. . . . . . . . . . . ( Sc 2c ; l'lercoi'mt I'beIlmuttlt l'tlm'JiIttlVO l'eiletmt lie 25c h'ityaomi'a indelible Ink. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 190 : SOt' l'tual'i lixtrIlit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ; l1c SOc l'nzzoni'H h'owticr , fleht , white rtnti . hirtmttttte . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .lie SOc httttlWIt"lt Ready Itehiof. . . . . . . . . . . . . . SUe 15c ijougli on ittitS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . be 25c itttbuitig's ltllttitiltii l3lIl'e. . . . . . . . . . . . We 25c Sliolliehti's Dt'ntimieo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . hUe $1.00 Stt'ltitl''b'lmltJ of ( 'i'tl ' Liver Oil . . , , 74c 81.00 Swift's SYIlliiitic t4he'ille . . . . . . . . 740 SOc Stuitrt'a Dysl'ltitimt ) 'I'itlhetmi , , SIt' $1.00 Scott's ilniul. Cmi Liver Oil. . . . . . . . 67c iSc SZOloitt , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . f.Uo 500 it. Jitcal'it ) Oil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SUe 25o 'rrttslc itlttgtintic Olntnient . . . . . . . . bOo . SOc Titrritmtt's Stltzor ApemIclit . . . . . . . . . . bc iTitt1lO Sllmn'io 'J'ILi' Soap . . . . . . . . . . . Sc V.'llITli FOR CA'1'4\ LOCi iTli. Shorman&MoConnoll Drug Oo 1513 Iodge Street , - - Oimtltiiit , Nehi , d&S slits j ; . As IISIIRI WO r 1Oa(1 ( ill offei'- . ; \ ing the lai'g- est variety of 1f1lieS' tiii1S * ill t.'lotii , liii- ' P44 , oil 811(1 'lJliO " s1io'iu ill ' 0111(11181111 ( lLo\\ ' tiid eoi'rcct styles. i't'Ictis tito lowest Ittt' tiiuri-titil- oi'ctl 5j1t1'iiCilttt. ) Suliam'itto bId rts in tl'lLSI , ) , linen itritl 1)1(1110 ) trout USc tim to ( lie IYISt hindu , 1IgIscofgELn U I CLOAR'&SUITCO. 1510 Joiiglits Struct Cdrpets A iiew shipmentwe've oceaiis of carpet on our 2nd floor 110Wno matter how iliaiiy you Saw last week you CItil CObIlO agaili 110W aiid see new patterns , elegant cai'pets that have inaiiy tinies our asicing pi'i- , . . . . ces iii t1jiee NEW BRUSSELS , N E'tV VELVE'l'S , NE\V AXMINS'i'ERS , NEW iiOQUE'I'ES , 1cE'\T INGRtINS- Soiiio of (11053 Axminsters are soul ; tt SOd some at l.OO , others at $1.50-all ' , . - flew amiti desirable hatteras. , - Tcltet Carpets at He nitti $ h.iS. ThIs last is tile best value ever given imt a Velvet carpet. TAPESTRY BI1USSELLS at ( Oc , 75c and 85c. Time very best makes of goods ttlld a great variety of iattemns. [ xpositioii ' ! ' - Visitors AR1 A coi'dially iilvitel to ( UXaiflhliG 0111' large stock of Ivers & Pond , Voso , Emerson and Ohickering Pianos1 All styles ut lowest pi'icCs ; cash or easy 1)LYillebuls. Ohickering , walnut case , only $ O50O KimhaII Upright only - . . - 18OO Decker Bros0 , good condition. B1OO Organs and Square Pianos 25. 00 ( New jhtLhiOS foi TtiuIt ClIcoti ) , A , C. MUfl 1.1.1111 PIano Tuirer , Tel. 1025 SOUMOLLER & MUELLER1 1313 Farnarn St. Leading Piano Dealers cUPTUCURED : $ j4 , . : ' ' No Detention From Uusinose , ' , 'e refer to ilVNDSV.DS 01' PATiENTS Cumtmrti PILES CUR1D In Seven to Ten Days VItltout PIii. ONJI 'rSSATMaNT DOES Thu Woes , THE EMPIRE RUPTURE CURE AND MEDICAL INUTITUTE , ( bbuaceuors to TUE O 5. MILI.EU 00 , ) Building1 Omaha. ,