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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 8, 1898)
- - - - - - - . V - - - ' . . f"r - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - r----- -f"- - 0 ' 1II1i OMAhA flAILY BJF : WEINESIAY , JUNE 8 , 1898. :1 : - . NEWS OF INTEREST FROM ± iWA. - - V . - - COUNCIL BLUFFS. MINOIt M1NTION. Call nt The 13cc omco for Ctibn map1 lOc . each. V'urnlsh 4 rbom for rent , with or without board , 221 3outh ieVcnth Ktrcet. Andrew J. Kastner has nRsUtnecl the man- nenient of the MCIICsBR Mineral lipringa Watcr company. Tim vani laundry i the leader in flno work both for eqior and finish. L20 Pearl street. I'Iume 9O. ecrctary P. N. Chase of the Iowa epo.i- tion comminIon left yesterday on a short business trli ; to Chicago. A marriage license vns issued ycstcrday to Peter I' . chott , aged 25 , and Katherine 1 : . flaser1 aged 20 , both of this city. 1)ont you think It must be a rctty good laundry that can please o ninny htindreds of cuatoniersVehIthat's tim Fagio , Z24 Iiroadwny , Nels Christoffersoti , a grocer at i523 South Eighth street , was swInlkd out of $10 ycs tertlay by two well dressed strangers iti naklug change. \v. 1 ] . flanible , an Omaha man , wnH or Tcstci yesterday for tacking up advertising signs nround the city without taking out the 3ieccssary 11Ce11t3C. I'he city council haK ahIlropriatel 2t0 to complete the cleaning of the sewers , The $ Qo prcvioisly approprinteti for this purpose 1ia beeti cxpcndcd. t'hn sessions of the Board of SltIervIsors 'sterday were d'VOldOf ( any particular in. V tcrest , being iovntcd mainly to allowing : bii against the county. ttepreacntative Frank F1. Merriam ot Hop- kinton. Pciaaro county , who is a candidate or the oflire of state auditor , Is attending I the Masonic grand lodge meeting. The Board of Park Coniiiiissioners has to titioned the city to place an arc light in Cochran imrk and another at the bend of Fairinount avenue Iii Falrmount inrk. V A meeting has Icefl called of nil the to- V tail clerks in the city for tomorrow even- Ink at 8 oclock at the Ogden hotel for the ptirpose of organizing a retail cierks union. rrlio Ietroit gas machine vIlt light your residence or Htore , costing 1 cent to run a iixty-four ; candle power lamp four liollii. J. C. Ilixby , heating , plumbing , lighting , 202 V Idalti flfli 203 l'enrl st. , Council fluffs , In. Tonighj will ho the last verformance of 'bynwood' by the Chnse-Llster company. Tomorrow night the bill vil1 be "Monte Crlsto' and eight new specialties will be V introduced. There vIll be matinees Saturday - day and Sunday. V Max Ilcoliler , past grand high priest of Royal Arch Masons of Iowa , and A. L. 1Ltrl5lOC , Past deputy grand commander Knights Tetuplar of Iowa , ore two IicwSpa- uir nien in attendance at the grand lodge. rhey are the publishers of the Manchester I ( Ip. ) Invcstigator. , Frank Miller. the 20-ycar-oki son of Adam Miller of Quick , has run away from home and his larents believe he will enlist in the army. Post cards giving a description of the young inaii were sent broadcast over the country yesterday by the police at the to- quest of his father. The fifty-second semi-annual session of : , the Council l3iuf1 district conference of the idethodist EIIscopal church convened at Dunlap yesterday afternoon with Presiding Elder D. C. F'ranlclin of this city as chair- man. Revs. G. P. Fry , U , Ii. Goodell , J. 1-I. c Senseney and Henry DeLong of this city are In attendance. The High School cadets , in command of : Lieutenant Iieardslcy. Put up an exhibition VV iltili last evening in front of the Grand hotel which was much admired by the vis- Ititig grand lodgv Masons. After the drill the . cadets attended the performauce of "Lyuwootl' at the Dohany theater as guests of the management. . L lias and Timothy Brewer and C. A. Anderson - derson , members of a band of gypsies known all over Iowa , were nrrested yesterday on a charge of malicious mischief preferred ugainst thorn byV. . w. Cones in Justice Burke's court. Cones charges that they tied their horses to lila trees and in this way destroyed them. Elms Brewer Is a wealthy ' YiSY of national reputation and owns con- . Blderahlo property in Omaha and this city. t A search warrant for the premises of George Whitebook. the junk dealer at 72 ( I3roadway , yesterday , train the court of Justice - tice Vien , brought to light 395 pop bottles belonging to Wheeler & Itereld and over 500 , the property of C. Geise. Whitcbook was arrested - rested and will have a hearing this morning. Seine of the bottles were identified as those recently atoicit from If. A. Welch of liar- risen county. agent of Wheeler & liereld. Whltehook accounts for having them in his possession by stating that a man brought them to his place to sell and that when he ( Whitebook ) refused to buy the man left them there and drove off. C. 13. Vinyl Co. , female remedy : conaulta- tion free , 0111cc hours. 9 to 12 and 2 to 5. health book furnished. 32-327-328 Met- rlani block. Money to loan on cRy propelty. Kintia. , N. Y. Plumbing company. Tel. 250. TlACiIItS FOIL TltF CO1ISG YIAI ( . lituti il of EluciIt iou 2tct.ts ( Liiiol : tll IIkt-M ltN SeieelonN. The Board of Ilducation loot Monday night at the olllco of Member Stewart for tile purpose of holding an informal sessioii to select teachers for the next year. As all of the members were present it was decided to iuaio the meeting a regular one , and the following teachers on the report of the corn- inittee on teachers were elected : 111gb School-W. N. Clifford. principal ; Jane Ii. flaidwin , Louisa iloesehe. Fraukie Dailey.V. . J , Flint , J. C. Grason. Jeunie C. Rice , Anna Z. Roes , Kate Iteed , J , M. 13y1- 'rester. S. I. . Thomas. Lydia Webster , Grade Schools-Birdie I. Anderson. Jessie 'Aiwortli , Sue L. liadoilet , Myrtle liarmit , Ethel Barclay.Vlnifrcd A , ilesley , Lizzie llohii , Emma Iloesche. Louise liohuing. Miy Caldweil , Minnie Clay , Louise Carson , Flor- OJICO E. Caricy. Josie Clauseit. Lillie Cll3r- niss. Lizzie Crocker , Teresa Coyne , Zirs , M , Ii. Curtis. Mrs. lora ) Churchill , Myrtle Cutlet - let , Mary Fl DRIL' , Agnes Drake , Annie le- Groaj , Viola It. Duncan , Minnie Ivers , Idarie Ferguson , hattie Ferrier , Ftiith Field , Grace Foster , lora Grass , 1iiznbeth Grivee , Corn Crctzcr. Mrs. Horace A , Gleason. Slna Green , Minnie lliitisoii , Lillian hart , Nan- nie llartltn , ltobertii liattenlinuer , Augusta lioun , Eiie P. lionu , Ada howard , Finna Howard , Jennl howe , Nellie Jacobs , Minnie Johnson. Opa Kendall , Anna l4nndon , Dora Lyon. Ella McIntosh. Mary McMtilep. 13etba Ij. Marsh , .iatitio Mnngum , Ciarn Meyers ; Anna Mikesehi , Eitle Miles , Carrie dorgnn , ? dlLInic 'Norene , Mary i. Oliver. Kate Payne , Nellie C. Parsons , May Ii. Perry. Jenuic l'ilo , Martlia Id. Pierce. Mrs. ltlith i. Prouty. Verniount Iteynolds. Amy Robinson , Nova Itutiseli , Moiiie Scnliiii. May Sims , Maude C. Smith , Mary Swlre. Florence Btorrs. Kate V. Treynor , Aurelia Tinley , Julia Tulleys , Iloleti Tyler. May Van lirunt , Flora R. Van Order , Anna Vandercook , Ruth Wallace , Margaret Waiiacc. Julia Walker. Carrie S. Wells , Annie E. Williams , Minnie \Vihiianison. 'iiiinnno S'hite , Luclia M , Villt ; Margaret % 'itistlcr. Licia Young , b'ubstitutes-Miunie V. Wallace , Laura A , Jotige. 'L'he following persons were chosen to be called as substitutes in tue order named when in the 3udgtiient of the teachers corn- inittee they are iieedeil ; ICittle Conner , MIt- tie Pile. Mary Garathy , Olive 'rhonipson , Joslo Shea , Lou Graves , M , Drake , Ella Al- of music. Lou Iortcrfleli ; su- rervlsor of drawing , Ilarriett liiood ; supervisor - visor of kindergarten work. Mrs. Lulu hard- man. directoress , I.aura Colextian ; paid as- sista'nts , Mrs. Card , lthiel Shepard. Frances Wright. Miss Duncan , one of the teachers elected , 1. now Mrs. T , 0. hicks , haying been mar- ned Monday afternoon , 'hiIehi will leave a V vacancy to be filled from the substitute list. Miss Porterileld , who succeeds Miss Our- trudo Kennedy as supervisor of music , for- inerly held the osltIon. The list shows that with few exceptions the old teachers were reappointcd. The asigument8 to schools will je macla later. \1k1SONIC \ CRANI ) LODGE 1EETS Fifty-Fifth Aniurni Comnuinkation of the Order Formally Opens. ADDRESS FROM GRAND MASTER DEWEY Mntrrin ! .tlTairs of lhr ( ) rtier in (14)lI Coiii it inti-4lsiI ( ' SggIM bias ititil Iteeiiiit Slaciul at iuiu-Vhgt the ( flhiir OlilcOrN lteitit. CouncQ Bluffs lies the ( listinctlon of en- tcrialnlng thic' largest attended meeting of the Iowa Masonic granl lodge in the his- tills of the order in this state. When Most W0r31hlful , Grand Master Almon U. Dewey called the tifty-flith annual communication of the grand lodge to order yesterday morn- log sit the Dohany opera house there were over 1,000 delegates present , l'reeding the opening of the grand lodge the grand oIllcer antI delegates , headed b7 limilter's uniformed band and escorted by time members of Ivanhoe commandery , Knights Templar , in command of Fmninent Commander Victor Jennings , marched from the Masonic temple through the PrinciPal down town streets to the opera house. In addition to the delegates to the grand lodge th'rc are some 250 visiting Masons in the city , end it Is estimated that fmiliy 1,200 Masons \vere in line in the parade yesterday morning , The morning scsskmi was devoted to the address of Grand Master Dewey and reading the reports of Grand Secretary Parvin and Grand Treasurer Slocum , Grand Master lowey said , in part : The fact that Mnsonry in Iowa has for tIme last few yearii enjoyed the greatest prosper. ity is rensomiable evidence that our hiast course and conduct was right. Flattering is it for us , thu rPresontatmyes ) of Masonry in tlmit4 gland Jurisdiction , to be able to Present to tIl ( ' Maiomiic world so plogressive , so liar- incubus and so fraternal a commlltion as now oxtst in Iowa , Th events of the last few months have awakened and astonished the whole clvii- ized world at the conservntimn manifested by iuuerican stntesmnanslmlp and correspond- lag BfltIIliL'flt of the Am.'rican people. The wnlllke dihhoiition , , ever potent in nil orbl- tmary or despotic forms of government , has been lound absent in ou'a. The desire tu grasp t grievances , either real or imag- itiary , for the purpose of hnwing to tOo world that we Possess an ambition to reLal- hate on our neighbors without first appeal- 11mg to theni to set nil wrongs right by peaceful - ful methods , has been fully ihenionstrateil to be no part of our disposition. Commenting upon the matter of a cypher ritual , lie said : I cannot but feel that the adoption of a ChIllier by this grand lodge flhitl to proclaim it to the world as the authentic secrets of Masonry , would be one of the most flagrant acts of wrong to Masonry of any letslation we could adopt. - lie paid eloquent tributes to the three past grand masters who died during the last ycar-Zcphanlah C. Luse of Iowa Ctty , who died June 20 , 1897 ; Ralph Gurley Phelps of Atlantic , In. . who died September 27 , 1897 , and William Paget Alien of Dubuque , who ( lied March 24 , 1898. Ho recommended that time code be revIsed and thal the Order of the Eastern Star be permitted to use the lodge rooms of subodinate lodges for the purpose of their meetings. In the Aftrimooi. The afternoon session was called to order nt 2 o'clock , when hirother L. E. Fellows of Lansing presented the report of the corn- mittee on tile grand master's address. The report comnmeaied the address a a whole a one free from anything that. could be criticised and worthy of the omcthi head of Iowa Masonry. It congratulated the grand master on the peace and good will that prevailed throughout the jurisdiction and commended his action iii severing relations with the grand lodge of Peru , which had substituted the constitution of the republic for the bible on Its altars. In accordance with the r'commendation of the grand master a resolution was passed that subordinate lodges within he grand Jurisdiction may wIth propriety grant the use of their lodge rooms to the Order of Eastern Star for Its meetings ceremonial and festival. The report of the committee on chartered lodges was presented by Sumner Miller of Guttcnburg , which reviewed the work of the subordinate lodges during the last year and showed a good improvement , both in the matter of attendance and growth of rnem- bership. The membership of subordinate lodges throughout the state increased 418 over that of the previous year , The matter of the revision of the code was referred to the committee on Jurisprud- ence. The balance of the session was taken up with the reports of a aunmber of special committees. The election of officers will be held at the afternoon session today. More of time lelegnen. - The visiting Masons have possession of the city and every hotel is full and the reception and hotel committees yesterday afternoon had to find rooms for time late arrivals - rivals at private residences. In addItion to the list already published the following delegates - gates arrived late Monday night anti yes- tertlay morning arid were registered with time committee on credentials : W. 11. Alien , 185 ; W. S. Armstromig , 493 ; F. C. Abbey , 419 ; 0. W. Anderson , 312 ; George W. Avery , 508 ; J. II. Antrim , 439. W. F , Blystone , 269 ; F. liryco , 458 ; Jamnes hiranner , 56 ; W , S. Branson , 4-It ; W. V. 11ev. ridge , 106 ; I , N. heard. 77 ; A. Dasher , 201 ; J. A , llarrett , 150 : D. W. lioweim , 425 ; W. W. Brooks , -136 ; 0. M. Iloyles , 548 ; A. P. Burr- bus , 350 ; J. I. . Bascomm3 , 482 ; D , 5 , Bradford , 131 ; F. N , Bailey , 431 ; W. E. lingley , .08 ; George liatchcltfer , 370 ; G , Baldwl , - ; W , 1" . Bright , 461 ; W , 5 , Ilrasoni , 444 : J. II , 13011 , 275 ; F' . 1) . Beardsloy , 179 ; - Iirobst , 320 ; A. L , Iieardsless , 165 ; M , Ileelmier , p65 ; B. \ ' , Brown , 218 ; II , C. Barnes , 493 ; (1. Z. liobling , 137. A. B. Craven , 280 ; J. C.V. . Coxe , 2d ; S. Chilpps 344 ; F' , S. Gumming 15 ; M. ( sun- ningliarn , 234 ; W. 5 , Cooper. 318 ; F. II. Cobb , 11 ; L. F ; . Callowell , 271 ; Joseph ii , Craig , 411 ; S. A. Casady , 461 ; L. W , Clayton , 25ti ; George ) , Cnrtwrigiit , 109 ; C. II. Coggs- well , 263V ; II. Cgrtwell , 126 ; M , B , Cottrell. 501 ; C , 13 , Crawford , 81 ; (3 , 1) , Coates , 118 ; J , W. Cart. 52 ; C. A. Conuell , 491 ; Ralph Craig. 317 ; T , B. Crook , 304 : C. B , Case. 158 ; 5 , P. Crismnami , 514 ; W , F , Cleveland , 321. B. F' . Douglas , 393 ; J , II , leGrnff , 237 ; \'alter Doe , 36 ; P. B. Denton , 211 ; J. C. Dunlammy , 508 ; J. I ) . Dodge 156 ; I ) , Fl Dean , 375 ; II , 1)avis , 251 J , Deland , 309 , J. M. Ebright , 495 ; Robert Evans , 160 ; W. (1. Eiierm. 173 ; 'r , 1' . Rmnlnoal ( 395 ; F' , Id. Ellis , 467 ; L , Ellison , 244 , M. (1 , Fettus , 474 ; J , 31. Foley , 538 ; F. N. Fowier , 249 ; Ii. 'r. F'isli. 2213 ; 1' . Id. Ida. betty , 242 ; 11. 11 , dry , 397 ; IBanc T. Forbes , 108 ; A. W. Foxworthy. 443 ; 0. N. Flagier , 214 ; V. ' , II. Foote , 447 ; Emery Frost. 510 ; II. A , Flint , 352 ; II , J , Failing , 439 ; W. H. Freeman , 435. R. J. Gillette , 301 ; Ii , J , Guenther , 495 ; Id. A. Grven , 458 ; J. V. ' . cierranell , 234 ; Id. U , Gibbs , 537 ; It. II , Cerrnoeii , 188 ; F' . H. Craves , 115 Matthew C. Crier , 399 ; U. L. Orannis , 248 ; I. OUuil , 463. J. N. hloloday , i17 ; ; C , II , Cook , 194 ; John lfaynes. 495 : 0. W , horton , 17th : A. P. licald. 51 ; 11 , L. hIkiotm , 493 ; 13. 2. Iieioy 190 ; A. C. hiagenseck , 72 ; Albert Howell , 68 : WIlliam Ilutchinson , 537 ; L. S. llasklo , 232 ; 0. 0. harlan , 309 ; ii , II. Hunter , 332 : F.V , hazel- ton , 316 ; A , F , nobler , 461 ; L. W. hatter , 231 : R. R. Homer , : l75 F' . .t , hanson , 210 ; L. N. hlarford , 444 ; James harris , 457 : ii. S. lladsel , 518 ; Id. B. htuftmnan , 65 W. J. Harris , 532 : II. C. ilarshmbarger , 401 ; W. N. Hyde , 156 ; 5 , 0. hawley , 261 ; J. W. Itaikley , - : I' . C. hteege , 87 : 11 , U. Howe , 3fl ; J. Fl. ltenbaugim ; , 137 ; 3 , IC , herbert. 492. S. Fl. Irish , 10 ; (1. Iceabice , 512 ; It. Irons , 490. 490.v \v , W. Jackson , 413 ; 0. La. Jnrvis , 479 ; Fl. C , Jennings , 437 ; Gust Johnson , 45 ; J. V. ' . Jamneson , 25 ; 0. Vi' . C. Johnston , 412 ; S. L. Johnson , 30 , A. A , ICing , 362 ; Harry ICelso , 249 ; Joseph Kingsbury , 24 ; 1. . F. Keigley , 115 ; L. 13. Kemp , 183 ; A. Id , Kelly , 319 ; William A. lreel , 90 ; J. C. 1uchiei , 471 : 0. Id , Kirk , 199 ; John Kerr , 540 ; Fl. jd Kuehule , ff07. C. U. Lemon , 181 ; Id. B. Lucas , 36 ; 11 , 3. Lotmthnn , 347 ; Frank Longueck , 441 : F. hi , Loring , . - ; 11. B , Leggett , 348 ; 11 , W. LuaU , , 1U7. 1U7.U U , 13. Marshall , 179 ; J , M. Montgomery , & 3S ; 11. Ii , Macy , 237 ; S. Id. Morton , 34 ; J , Ii. Murphy , 347 ; hI , J. Max-eIl , 403 : J , C , Merritt , 369V. ; . Ii. Miller , 251 : T. 0 , Mat- thes-a , 286 ; J. Id. Morrow , 413 ; C. 11. Ida- comber. 127 ; Id. P. Mowery , 104 : 0. C , Mere- (11th , 59 ; U. S. I.laticlicster , 244 ; 5. Mortz , 353 ; iaimion Marsh , 43G ; Rufus J. Morrison , 340 ; 1) , C. May , 527George ; It. Moore , 435 ; C. Ii , Mills , 332 ; A. II , Marshal , 110. A. McDonald , 73 ; J. C , McCabe , 126 ; John McCarty , 378 ; W. W. McDoimaid , 289 ; Ii. J , McLatme , 512. A. M. Nepper , 271 ; J N , North , 6 ; W. ft. Neff , 451 ; N. B. Nixson , 235 ; J. W. Nobleg , 25 W. A. Nichiol , 27G : 0. II , Nash , 335. G. L. Okell , 440 ; IV. V. , Orebaugh , 91 ; 0. Id. Oshorn , 202 ; I. Oteve , 244 ; J , L. Owey , 260 ; John Orr , Jr. , 277. 0. T. I'owers , 280 ; S. II. I'inkerton , 10i ; 3 , Id. Patton , 854 ; C. W. 1'Iumb , 477 ; S. 11. Porter , 426 ; W. A. l'iacc , 187 ; 8. V. ' . Preston , 130 ; David Prester. 405 ; Clint L. I'rice. 5 ; A. Pratt , 428 ; N. ft. l'arvin , - ; 0 , Id. Pe , lock , 158 ; 0. W. Patterson , 483 ; George Perry , 311. J. S. Quiggle , 262 : T. .1. Quick , 448 , Jolmit C. Ruble , 434 : A. Id. Itnyburim , 52 : \v , Id. Road , 372 ; S , I' . W , Rodebaugh , 465 ; \v. U. llltchey , 545 ; James Robertson , 521 ; C. II. Richardson , 210 ; 0. L. Iteder , 118 ; IV. Fl. Randall , 145 : J. C. Roberson , 415. iildward F. Strobehn , 221V : , b'outharci , 2(10 ; C , S. SItulisOn , 44 ; C.V. . Sherman , Gti ; S. ft. Sterott , 233 ; A. J , Sourwine , 162 ; \Vhihlamn Sn'et't , 535 ; 3. W' . Southiwick. 'JO ; C. L. A. Shupe , 152 ; Al Sickefoose , 93 : D. V. ' , Swnrtz , 12 ; Fl , D. Stiles. 20-I : David Stewart , 238 ; F. L. b'Llnderlin , 330 ; Simon Setler , 122 ; Id. It. Smart , 528 ; W. I. . Severe , :375 : ; 8. 1. Spoor , 259 ; C. D. Stevens , 401 : It , A. Smith , 329 ; C , 13. Shnw , - ; V. II. Shealds , 28 ; 0. Shode , 552 ; Ii. N. Stephenson , 299 ; J. Id. Steckelmnn , 285 ; Fl. 5 , Sill , 515 ; Id , Stewart , 265 ; E. B. Smith , -115 ; II. Id. Sheldon , 523. William Teuer , 516 ; It. S. Tennyson , 94 ; w , s. There , 27 ; C. II. Tanner , 203 ; J. II. 'Ihatcher , 487 ; Ged Townsend , 135 ; Frank Thompson , 452 ; J , Ii. Trewtn , 144 ; G. B. Thompson , 1146 ; Johiji F. Talbott , 174 ; Id , Trailer , 492V. ; . Id. Trailer , 492. \'iiiiani Vernoim , 524 ; C. Id. Van Cleave , 388 ; B. II. Van Dyke , 63 ; G. Fl. Velder , 499 ; U. Vettor , 37i ; J , Vetter , 162. C. J. Wright , 280 ; A , S. Weir , 5,16 ; G. II. Wyrnore , 5o ; Id. A. Westenhonac' . 188 ; 0. 1' . Worshey , 162 : C , P. Warner , 246 ; C. D. \Vaterbury , 531 ; . . S. Wagoner , 13 ; John Wood \\'iison , 340 ; Paul \ Vcston108 ; 1" . C. Wilson , 67 , Harlow Wolcott , 436 ; Aif , Wimm- gate , - ; Frank Jd. Wood , 370 ; J. It. Williams , 552. 552.v. \v. S. Young , 483. Tlieo. Zimmerman. 419. liii ( t'rtni , . , imii.i t for Toll0)- . This afternoon the wIves of the Visiting delegates will be driven In carriages to the State Institute for the Deaf , where they will be the guests of Superintenlelt and Mrs. flothert. In the evening the members of the Order of the Eastern Star .ill entertain - tertain tile visitors at Odd Fellows hall. A great program has been prepared for the occasion and the entertainment will con- etude with a dance. Last evening a public meeting of welcome to the city's distinguished - tinguished guests was held n the Broadway Methodist church , which had been approPriately - Priately decorated for the occasion. The program consisted p1 .address.s , enlivemit'd with music between , Mayor Jennings vel- coming the grand lodge and other visiting Masons in a very neat address. Judge Walter 1. Smith delivered the ad- drcs of welcome on behalf of the Masons of Council Bluffs , making an exceedingly interesting - teresting talk on the 'Universality of Ma- sonry. " Grand Master Dewey rgphied on behalf of the grand lodge and was followed by Past Grand Commander Knights Teni- plar ef Iowa W. F. Cleveland of harlan , Grand Secretary Parvin made an address on the "Purposes and Objects of Masonry. " A number of pleasing instrumental and vocal numbers were rendered by the Apollo club , the Dudley Buck quartet and the Council Bluffs Glee chub. The visiting women are requested to be at the parlors of the Ogden -house and Grand hotel this afternoon at 1 oclock , vhien carriages - riages wiii be furnished for the drive around the city antI to tile State Institution for the Deaf. Easy payments on steel ranges , refrigera- tora and gasoline stoves at Cole & Cole's. FOR SALE-Good second-hand bicycle at tt bargelo. Cell at The Bee offle , Council Blurts. ee the Ilerrick wood-lined hygienic refrigerator - frigerator at Cole & Cole's. Absolute circulation - culation and no microbes , ro" , fromit time Court , , , ha the distrIct court yesterday In the case of Louise W'ilson against Alice C. Mc- Adams judgment was entered for the plaintiff - tiff by default for 415 , time amount of three notes sued on , The case as to the foreclosure - closure proceedings was continued , The American I'ress association was given judgment agaiimst the Globe Publishing for $134.80 for " " company "plate matter" supplied - plied , The will of the hate August lIons was admitted to probate and George ilaas refus- lag to qualify as executer Emilie hlnna was aplloillteI : mdruimmistratrix by the court and her bond fixed at $500 , The wIll of time late Katherina Id , Son- gelmun of Minden was admnittcd to probate and Adaimi Youimg and Louis F. Mischier op. rointcd executors , their bonds being fixed at $15,000 , In tlmci superior court yesterday Thomas C. Kennedy commenced action to oust Id. ft. Edgortoim , a tenant whose lease imath cx- plred , from lot 22 , block 6 , Williams' first addition. Andy Kustner , office at Flvans' laundry , telepimono 290 , wIll take your orders ( or tIme celebrated Medessa mineral ' water. Do. liveries promptly made to all parts of time city , Miss Katie lloizfaster has liurchased a League bicycle of Cole & Cole , Jloffnmayr's fancy patent flour makes time best and most bread. Ask your grocer for It. Map of Cuba , \Vest Indies uud time World at The lIce 0111cc , 10 each , Lawn mowers $3.00 at Cole & Cole's , Cordwood for tult , cheap. Address W , Il' . , flee 0111cc , Council Bluffs. Try Moore's death to lice and mites , Irviog hotel , 2759 B'd'y , rates , $1.50. Gasohine stoves , $2,00 for two burners , at C.1e & Cole's , hdour1i lIMtrlct Convi'mmtiomm Cnlli,1 , NBW hAMPTON , Ia. , June 7.-Speiai ( , ) -A meeting of tho'repubiican central corn- mittee of the Fourth congressional district was held here today. henry Meyer of Elka- der , the national bank examiner , presided , Every county in the district except Worth was represented , On imiotlon of A. II. Cuicm- mings of Mason City is was decided to hold their convention In the Firemen's auditor. turn here on August 26. l1 I FIGJ1T ABOUTTELEPhONES . .tfijQ. Des Moines City bouncil Ortler3 Iowa Company 0 MUST REMOVE APPAR1TOS FROM STREETS ' 'it nht Idrlmmelmie unit Omi 't 'cnr Ago , limit ( ( ) tliIIlI ) CinIfii * ' tFlmimt it has Ileeti lteni'-'mI.-More P11mm In Stmrt' . DES MOINES , Juno 7-SpeCilil ( Tele- grani-Juat ) wlmnt the Iowa Telephone COfli" Puny , which Is none other than the Bell Telephone company , will do in regard to time action of the city cotmncii yesterdaY In ordering tim company to remove its poles , wires and apparatus from the streets anti alloys Mamiager Van Alstine declined to state today , It looks as though the war between the Ios'a anti time Mutual Telephone - phone companies is how to become a var between time Iowa company and the city government , Mr Van Alstino referred to a resolutloti Passcl a year ago allowing the companY to my conduits and said the order would be referred to tIme managers at Davenport. l'residcmmt 11111 of the Mutual Telephone conm- puny said lie was not alarmed at the situation - ation , which is in substance that tIme Iova is tryiimg to run tile Mutual out of bust- ness by giving free 'phones to almost everybody - body who applied. Time Iowa compatmys tramichise ran omit a year or more ago. but it claims tile order to put its % -ires In con' dutts was a iwactical renewal of the frnn- chise. Time indications are that time Forty-ninth Iowa wiii also go to the Philippines. Col. onel Bows has hot yet received orders from Washington , but the passenger agent of the Milwaukee road today received notice that the governhmment had givemm them the eon- tract for hauling half of time regiment to Omaha on time way to San Francisco. President A. Fl. Stillwell of the Kansas City , Pittsburg & Gulf Italiwny , will be iii the city Friday evening as a guest of time Commercial Exchange. lie comes here to talk over railway matters and look into the irospects of extending the Gulf road so that It nmny hare connections with Des Moines. Time Comanmercial Exchange is today arrang- lag fom' a big banquet at the Ktrkwood on that evening. Governor Shav , the railway commissioners , judges of the supreme court and ninny prominent Des Moines business amen will ho hiresemmt. Vi'liIImM ll \'rek mit Sell. MARSIIALLTOWN , In. , June 7.-Spe- ( cial.-Amnong ) those drowned by time found- eriimg of tile Lady Jane Gray , which was enroute from Seatthe1&o Alaska , were V. C. Gambol , m'ifo and child. Mr. Gamnbel was formerly a resident qf this county and for several years was primmicpal of time schools at Rhodes. After hcjtviqg Itliomles some three or four years Mr. Gambol entered - tered time mission flel1hammd was assigmied tea a station on St. LarcImce island iii time I3erimmg. ceo. They - istted relatives here tmbout three weeks ago. Mrs. Gambel's mother , Mrs. Maryebstcr , is now a resident of tills clty lion C.mi im .Y' Remmimlil trims. CEDAR RAPIDS , Ia. June 7.---Special ( Tclcgrnni.The ) repmitIcans of Limmim county in convention today n'Mn1'lon nominated the following ( icket : Clerk J. W. Bowman ; auditor , \V. T. Jacthort ; ' recorder , J. 11. jdrcnch ; nttormmt'y , 'W. ' 0. Clemens. Delegates - gates were ale lectd 'to i'he state congressional - ' gressional conventiodr and judicial conven- tion. Resolutions were adopted commending - ing tIme course of Congressman ft. (3. Coims- ins and demanding his unanimous renomi- nation. IDWIL Idiremmit-mi' , Ton rnn.ent. ODEBOLT , In. , June 7.-Special.-Great ( ) preparations arc being made here for time flremncmis tournament to be held Wednesday - day , June 6 Eleven companies have joined the association anti some close races are looked for. Last year Missouri Valley , Ode- bolt nail Onawa were tied for the championship - ship belt in the association race. Yitimt.pmmit' : Itetimibilemi JIM. CORYDON , 1mm. . June 7.-SpeclnL-The ( ) republican convention of Wayne county was held here Saturday. There was a large attendance - tendance nfll much enthusiasm. Delegates were selected for the state , congressional and judicial conventions. Delegates to time hatter - ter were instructed for Judges Tedford and Thomas. On congressmen time sentiment was unanimous for Colonel Hepburn. Strike ut Ames. AMES , Ia. . Juno 7.-Spccial ( Telegram.- ) Sixty-four men emiloyel by the Northwest- era railroad laying stech rs'is near here struck thIs morning for an increase in wages from $1.25 to $1.50 per day , They were refused - fused amid imave quit work for good. floy- catting is feared and the jiroper authorities have been mmotitled , J.tiicolmi 'l'nheithe tindli , AMES , In. , June 7.-Special ( Telegram.- ) At a large reception held in his honor last evening at time State Agricultural college , where lie was formerly comnmnnmmmiimnt of the college battalion , Gen ral Jammies Itush Liim- colim took time oath of otilce as brigadier general , Ium Ccmm t ml Hurii tugs. MARSIIALLTOWN , Ia. , June 7-Spe- ( cial-Tlme ) approximate earnings of the Iowa Central railway for the mnomitim of May were $160,113.38 , atm Increase of $3S92.85 over time correspomiding mnonth last year. 1Clt'Iet II ) ' LI llip.e , VILLISCA , Ia. , Julie 7.-Special.-Mr. ( ) Williamumu , living southwest of town , was kicked by a horse while in Villisca this forenoon. Time lector says ho does not think it ; very serious. I.vm 1ul IlI.miL NiteM. Only ten counties wSrJrepre'sented at the recent Iowa populist ? ffite conventloim , Ida county rcpmmbhinns. hold a convention next Saturday to sei t delegates to time comigressional convCflfdIi. Thonmus hedge of flu1fimmgtomm carried tIme day uI Jefferacu county anil Is stIrs to be time republican nomniifli tor congress in tIme First. 'Ill 0 1 A ICalisas newsiiai1eC,6llggeMtS J. A. 'I' , hull of Iowa , chairmnfl4eof the house amili- tnry eonimmilttee , as 5t)1cammdldatu ( or vice resident , vm ii In the Eleventh , ppgrctsional district Brown has time thel'at's from O'Brien county , Cole those frObm 'Sioux amid I'erkins ims carried Lyon , i ' Time Lee county republican convention for the selectiomi of (1eltim'te8 to the congressional - sional amid state conventions wilt be held at jonnellson June .15. on'i Early in time year &t was atmmmounccd that Senator Henley of Fort Iodgu mumight. be time democratic candidate for colmgremus against Uolliver , Now it is announced lie is to be moarried this year. Time tact imas Just been made Iublic that Congressnman Hepburn is a grca grandson of the once famous Martitm Lyon , who rep- resemmted three different states iii congress and cast time vote which clcted Thomas Jet- tersou president. htehtlv4 of llilsoii , NEBRASKA CITY , Neim. , June 7.-Spe- ( cini.-Lieutenant ) liobmuon , the young naval ofUcer who sunk the collier i.l rrinmnc in the entrance to the harbor at Santiago , is a oousiu of Messrs. It. H , and J , 8. MIller of this Clt7f CAUCUS ON REVENUE Iteluliitcnn , Member. of ( he Con fcr- dice Comnmntitee Agree tYpnmm Unli' ( if time ltenm , , , WASHINGTON , Juno 7.-Time republican members of the conference committee on time war reVnuo bill were in caucus for about thur hours today , and it Is stated by members of the catmctms ( limit they pr'acttcnhiy reached cia agreement on the niost irimpor- tant Items of difference between the two imoues. Timey relate to the coinage of time silver bullion , time form of the bond provision - vision anmi the amount of tIme bonds , the inheritance tax , the duty on tea , etc. These questions have not yet been raised In full conference amid republicans decline to state nay imints of their argument. The impression is that there will be some pros vision for coining the seignioragn and silver bullion In the treasury , limit it is not be- ileved the senate lrovislon will be accepted withommi. material revision , IL 53 C l 1 SIJS III t AZ I I.IAN M lIl STE It. l'reslmlemmt IOlmfltlg.M Fiximvesu.t.n of tOd VIil itii lilmil , WAShINGTON , Juno 7.-The new minis- ( or from Brnzii , Semmor Joaqulni Francisco do Asslz , when presented to the president. mnndo time following address : My versommal friendly feeiimmgs for this great nation , frommi the contemplation of which amy country nnil lii , ' wcmrlil hnv , lprlvp1 so nmanv lessons of progress amid liberty , are identical s-ithm those oC time Brazilian imeolile amid go'- ernnment. You were time first to raise tIme cry of free government , nail we recall time macin- ory of timiit gloriotma cry , mmhtimotmgim it was only given us a centtmry later to repeat it. vitim success. You epemmed and we closed the cycle of the tremendous work of liberty. 'lmiclm is still heitmg carried out on the most fertile soil of the American continent , The destiny which mnade of our two countries time greatest territorial Powers of America , giv- Rig mis similar aspirations in the domain of pollticai irotection , established , however , very different fields for time mnaterimmh activity of each. I'rodtmcion , the basis of Public venith , Is far fromu being tIme simmne in the two mmatkmns , so the very strtmggle for exist- once , wimicim not seldom obliterates time best feelings and defeats time best designs imistemiil of giviimg us cnuse for selflslm conipetitloim and disturbances of our good relations , will be , on the contrary , the certain pledge of the thrrnest friendship.Vo are nmmmtuaiiy drawn together by the two forces which exert the greatest influence upon imumunmi action-love amid interest. " President MeKimmicy replied as follows : Mr. Minister : It affords nie great pleasure to greet you as envoy extraordinary and imminister imleflipotemitinry of time United States of Brazil to time Ummited States of Anmerica amId to receive from your lmamid tIme letters whereby the iresileflt of the United States of Brazil tmccredits you n that capacity. The ieOilO of this minion have always held sentimeimts of the imiglmest esteem for time Brazilian mmntion , as is shown by the friendly relations wimicim have uninterruptedly existed between It and the government of time United States of America. And I heartily welcome your cordial offer of concurrence In mmmiii- taming amid strengtlmeniiig those relations of goomi friendship and promoting the mutual welfare of the two nations viiosc aspirations are in nmany respects so similar. Time high personal regard whiclm your predecessors - ecessors have won in their immtercourse witim this government gives me assurance that you , too , Sir , Minister , vilI enjoy time sincere rL'SiCct anll friendship of thIs government amid most worthily represent time nation whose commIssion you hold. I beg that roll will convey to the president of the United States of Brazil an expressloim of my cordial appreciatIon of hmis message of good will for may persoimal prosperity and that of time people of these United States , and assure - sure him that I fully reciprocate his wisnes both in imis own name and in timat of the American people. \'o'i'lm 'I'O ItE'I'IJltX ! iA'1"I'I.I FLAGS. hf.iuse Amrr.'es * 'l'hcmim Cu Slack ' ) 'I'J.'tr it'MI-'tle Stzmte. WASHINGTON , June 7.-The house today passed a bill directing the secretary of war to return to time state of Ohio the flags carried In the civIl war by the Twenty-first , Fifty-eighth amid Sixtieth regiments of Ohio infantry. antI to Now York the flag of the ( 'Inc hundred and Thirteentim infantry and Seventh artillery. Mr. Cannon ( rep. , iii. ) called up the urgent - gent war deficiency bill. with amendments , as passed by the senate , and moved to concur - cur in time senate amendment and add two hoimse amendments providing $70,000 for additional - ditional printing iii th Navy department and for work in the Bureau of Engraving. nail Printing. The motioim prevailed. TIme senate resolution was passed authoriz- lug time president to wave the one-year sus- liension from promotion and order reexamination - amination in the army In certain corps dum- lug the existing war. Mr. Cannon , from the committee on ap- propm'lations. presented a conference report of partial agreement upon the sundry civil bill , which was agreed to. A separate vote was tlmen hail on some of the amendments. One increasing the limit of cost to $250,000 of the public building at St. I'aul , MInn. , was adopted , t'ohteremic ( . ( III lt.'vemiie 11111. WASHINGTON , June 7.-After sitting no- UI peat midnight last night the conferees of the to houses of congress on the war revenue - enue bill resumed their sitting promptly at 10 o'clock , today. The impression Is growing - ing that the committee determined to con- elude its work prompthy and that the report will be presented before the close of time present week. When the conference adjourned at noon - - tenator Allison expressed time opinion that it would ho able to report to the senate llnl house by tomorrow. lie said that excellent progrc5 was being maule , hut ( lint It was imn- possible for the present to give details cit the proceedings , 'i'hn house mnanmberrn are manifesting a disposition to accept the imminor ameodnients without cavil , and the lndicatiotma now are that at least 90 per cent of time senate amendments will he retained without serious disptmte , The amendments principsmliy upon which there Ia most cots- troversy so far are the seigniorage provision , shich has proved to he time most ilifhicult prohihema with wlik'im time eonmtmmitteo limit hail to deal , Time republican nsenmhers of time conference are naturally opposed to ammy ira vision for coining the sliver In time treasury , but they realize there would ho great tlifll- culty to get time senate to- accept a report ( bitt does not nmake somne Provision of this character. Time lmmohabiiities now are ( lint a stmbsttttmto silver hrovlsion , will be reported. h1.ASSIVI $ 'SVAIt lIldICliiNC' 1111,1. . lfmiis i Coiirmll erlmiit a , i'umsIre to Altuit'mmimmtcers to WAShINGTON , .111mm 7.-After disposing of time urgent was detlciellc3' bill as p0530(1 ( by the senate , the house today considered time conference report tuna time sundry civil bill , Thu m-ciort so far as it cmniioilicml agreenments was adopted mmimd the liotme ( hems began voting aevermmily upon tim senate anmenmlmnents upon vlmicim no mtgri't'tiiemmt had been reached iii comifernce. Of timese there are forty-five. TIme liotiso considereil today eIght of tlmc'se , acting favorably upon three mmmi1 rejectitmg time s-c- rnainder , Commaidcratl mm iil continue to- mnorromt. Time house adjotirimed , pendimig ilisposi tion of a measure to cnaiie volummtccr soldiers to 'ote at congressional elections mltmring tIme t'ar. It Involved coimstitutiommal questiomms , anil by ummammitmiotis commsent it will be takemm up tomorrow following time sundry civil s-c- liort. Hi 5lIt'l'iliS A ii li Ahl ItIIMOVIII ) , l'resldcnt Sigims tim , ' liii ! lImmmltimmw Itittlits of l'ix-Coimfeierittes. WAShINGTON. Julio 7.-There was no untmstmahty small mmumnber of callers at time White house today , even sightseers being scarce. Time president saw it nummibor of senators and representatives , Imowever , nmoshy ( omm war appnimmtinent smmatters , Setma- tot Frye of Maine Immi a 8ilort commforcimce 00(1 RepresentativeS Seery of Connecticut , Brownlow of Tennessee , Weyniouth of Massacimusetts nail Wadswortim of New York also hail brief interviews. Time bill for the removal of nil political disabilities arising fronm the civil war Is now a law , President McKinley having formally approved it. ltelireseiitntlve Jenkins of'is - cousin is Its author. The lmm declares that "Time ( lisabihitles imposed by section 3 , fomtr- teemiths amendment of time constitution , Imere- toforo Incurred , nrc hereby removed. " I NOlAN TiiltitI't'OitY lit t.L i'ASS14I ) . It Aols C.'rtilmi iiiidH lii Sc'erullt3' tO ( Ill' hiIliiiimM. WASHINGTON , June 7.-Almnost irnnic'di- ateiy after the senate convemmed today con- slderntlomm was resumed of time bill for time protection of time people of the hmmdiamm Ter- ritory. After time reading and discussion of time mucasure , which occupied imearly three hours , it was lassed. It provides for allotmimemmt lii severalty of certain lands to the Indians of time tern- tory , the paynment of iimtcrest clmmiins to time Cimickasaw Indians and time ratification of time agreement effected with the Indians by time Dawes coimmimmission. Time dlsctmsslomm of the cemmatma bill precipitated - tated a civil service debate , which had not been COflcltlled when time senate adjourned. , . ( li.Il Service Ennili.uitiomm , \VASIIINGTQN , June 7.-Speclal ( Tele. grans.-A ) civil service xamnlnatlomm svill be imehd at South Omaha July Ii to fill vosltioims of clerk and carrier in time postomce at that city. lnformatiomm and nppiication blnnks can be obtaimmed of the secretary of the Board of Civil Set-vice Examiners in the postomce at South Omaha. 1tiiGi'llN'FS Idl'S'i' Isti ltFlCittTPI'Fifl , Jdhfet.m 'l'iaoisILmmll Men hteqire,1 itt Cl. tkmimiziigt Alone. CIIICKAMAUGA NATIONAL PARK , Ga. , June 7.-General Brooke issued his formamml order today to the various regiments to recruit - cruit their companies to the required num- her of 106 men , mind time details have already been made out In nearly every regiment. The mmumber of men required by this order will be in time neighborhood of 15,000 of time volunteers nailer the secoiml call of the liresident. Few of the regiments here have more than 1,000 men , and inammy have not niore thaim 800. Time I'ennsylvania and Ohio regiments will require nearly double their present en- rohlnment , no regiment. from oitlmer of timese states imimvlng more thaim 800 amen , amid a number of themn not more timan 600 or 700 men. htoic 'l'biees lJmmler Arrest. HASTINGS , Neb , Juno 7.-Speciai.-- ( ) Frank Roberts and lien Willianms are under arrest for steaiimmg hogs. They stoic eight hiogs from Fred Criflin and took timemmi to Pauline , where they disposed of timemmm They were arrested by time sheriff Sattmrday amid are mmow iii time county jail , THE P.UBLIC ARE CAUTIONED against spurious waters served out of refilled APOLLINARIS bottles or out of boLties with labels and Colic brands resctnbliiig those used for APOLLINARIS. Tile imprisonment of a PhiliulelpIhia offender , who was heavily fined , and thO indictment of one in Chicago , is assui'anco that all complaints inale to us of such illegal prac'tjces vil1 receive vigorous attOhltiOll. United Agency Company , 503 Fifth Ave. , Now York , Solo Agents of TIlE APOLLINi1RIS CO. , LTD. , LONDON. WEAK EN CURED I ANtI UIOUGHT TO PERFECT - BAD BLOOD. by uurlulmtr-&Ui.nt or Turkish , , , ' . , . . . . , . . yijttunu cured by 'lurki.i sigat . i.oceu , , , Day I.oo.o..rTo ' ' I mii Cure , sever 111. , ornrnintm-oub. ( ? imrh - - al You . . . , , . s lt-ret-b , v t treatijieni with gu..rn- , rv.-r , were Ws .nak our osn . uedic nei . Smo.Oi single Doici , et.UO Inl you can reiyen gettmng wail. % Y lu-ia. rttienenIam-snI' . with full cure. Hial HAIIN8 PHARMACY , , linlVsrnainCMAiiAEB _ _ .Th-oj i WOODWARD Council Bluffs , Iowa. VI1OSA CANDY MANUFACTURRS JuhbovM of CRACKLftS , NUTS , CIOARS and FilTh WORKS. Scihitig Agentis KATE FIELD ClIA S. S UMNBR 100 C4-ur. ° OtitJl5. - - - - - - 1- - ror Men , - Women and fl t. - , A iiffL ) ! 1fl' ( ftiiIz4 I ' , I I ' : ' 'I , . - ' All Stges . . All Dealers. Wlfl4 OTIIF.IIS' rAlf , CONt1LT DOCTORS Searlea & Searles ; ij SPECIALISTS Ommnruumce to cure upcedil' amid rod- ! . eall nil iElIVOVS , ChliLONIC . % , iD ' - - VIIIY.4'I'E disen.cs t atrim imiih wonmen. WEEK MEN SYPHILIS SEXUALLY. cured for life , Night Emissloiis , I.o.t Manhood , Ily- I drocele , Vericocele , Gommorrlmea , Gket , iiypim- ills , Stricture , Pike , Flsttibt and htectat Ulcers , Diabetes , Bright's Disease ctmred. Consultation Free. 4 Stricthre and eet cit ' by new method slthout pain or cutting , Calion or address with stanip. Treatment by mall. 11US. 14th St ' - - - ' flflt ! eriniro V cram ro lift ) , IEIU1LO 0 dititLCd. ( UMAJL4 , , % ED Two Weeks' , Treatment 'I llL .tlttt. (11,1) SPECIALISTS In the treatment of all Chronic , nervous and Private Dlsease3 , slid all WRAKiflSSES slid DISORDERS 01' C&tnh. ami Dimelseu of the No. . . 's-woat , Chmsm % , Liver , LIlooti. SkIn nd Kidney DI , . . . - V n.e. . Lou Manhood. Rylrocei. , V.rtcoc.i , ' Gonorrhea , Oteete , Syptmimta , Stricture , I'Iiei. Ft. . t' tuis end Rectal Ulcers Dlabelei Bhirhi' . DIe- Sac. cured. Call 0mm or ldre.u with .tamp to , V me. Uoolc and New Mtthodi. Treatment by 1lziIl , Coneulttion free. Omaha Medical and Surgical Instituta * .e L,1V1J.4 NQtth 15th 81. . O K& . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . - - , , G.W.PangleM.D. ' TII ( GOOl ) SAMARITAN 25 YtR'S E < PERIENCB , , Ieader of Diczmnen of suema and -t-Oll1Cll. PmtOPRll''L'Olt 01' Thil World's Ilerhimil llujmensary of ittcihlcin'u. I CIIItE-Cmttmirrli of head Throat om.l . Lmmtigs , iisemtbes of h3o nmid limr , FIts immid A mmopk'xy , heart , Liver amid Kiduity 1)lsemmscs , [ ) lubetes , ltnlgiit's llscmmst' ) , St. Vitims ihimico , Itimoummmntismn , Scrul'uia , imopey etmreil s-lthoiit tapping , 'J'mmio Vorimms rcninved , all ciironio Nervous amid t3rivate Ileaes. ' young rind L OS' I IPhIl1fl UID rnhidlomigednmetm. ' Only l'hysician , vhio can S YPH' ( ) ' cure S'l'hllLIS without tiestraying te'th amid bomice. No mmmcm- cii m y or lisOIi ) imliflefli I lmed , flie 'imily l'lmysiclimmm % Y lii , can tehl what mmiii roil Wi I imoim t. mmtkimi mm ( ltmSt bitt. 'l'imobo at mm tilmimilico emid for tltmeStiomi blmmmik. Nim , I ( or mmmcii ; No. 4 for woumleut. All correspondelico strictly comifidemitiul. Modiclimu sent IIIOXitlCSB. . Adt1rett4 mmii letters to I' G. W. PANGLE , M. D. , Dd Jlroatlwu.y. COUNCIL IiLIIVES , IA L'Seud 2-cent eusmu for revir. Gas and Gasoline J1 Engines. F , , ! - * Power. Ciii Os UI Or write for rrtceI end deieriptlon * .LAYII ) hiit.ILllY & CO. Cooticli fihmilfut , Iou. SCUDUL [ XPRSS Runs between Council hliuffi and Omaha. Now in effect , For imrQnhl4 delivery , cttll oil - ' Vnm , Welch , Biuff 'phone , 128 ; Omaha 'phone , 780 , RATIS LOW , Idor cimrrimgu : or express wmtgomm , call at No , 8 North Main street-Or abvo ( elepones - DOHANY THEATER Ci iASFl-Lir'i'ilt ' 19 IFIA'i'Ilht CO. , its ii simecimmi jirtithtictinu of 'imo ' faittous war curnc.1y. im-m four acts , . . .LIZflVOOD. . . Sutiday mind Smtttur.lay : mftcriouti'H mali. mmci , lit 2:30. : i'ni'I3 , lOtl immal i5. Notci-Sitecimmi suimirner i'rlces ' ( or reserved seats , IDe , i4cmmtmt to eli sale Ut tiiemmter iiox ' -p elilcu ( or miii Season , itmmd army night. Tale- tuiituno No , 410 , . [ AN1E1S ILHLPANY& vqlt ltFNT. hutcimer simop , with tools , No. 136 Broadway ; good location , 1)uy hess , agents ,