Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 08, 1898, Page 5, Image 5

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- - - . TIlE OMAhA ) ) AIIY RWE : WEINE4IAY. .TtTNT S. 1M ! ) .
Many Btrangetz on the Sreet.s Coming anti
Going in All flircotons.
' -
p . Ivlcgnt'p IIurr Ott tu 1'JieJr 11n11. ,
&J 'IMItr , .tvtid flnNl IItlt
Unni ur Ga to the 1ziO
M&tltiL (2 roulndN.
The econ ( lay of the iecornl veo of tike
.PXOgttIOfl turned out to be ft fine hty ,
though for several bourn It was an even
. break between the clouda and the mm. The
. ) tter finally 8curel the nastery , and nfter
lioOn It vns Just as nice Juno weather n
mb would want to eo. otwItistaniIIiig )
the erowliR , rought Into the city on the
morning traInf there was no great IncroMo
In the size ot the trect crods. Mo3t of
the viBitors went directly to the expositloit
groind or oIt to their repcctIvo nselfl
bly p ! uces.
Thc.o scre three votiventloirn nsvrntle(1
. n as tntny : Iitrf'reut ( hifln yestertiny. nmt ,
- . though uolie of them were as largo a the
ziRtloflal convention of the precetling week , !
i1I were well nttcnIed ( , Thu morning utid
the afternoon trnltiii brought In practically
nil of the ( lelegLlt'S. The convention of iflhi
teE tlIeChflnlc8 aiil MilerlIItenleIlts ( of the
flurlltigtoit KyRtelu brouRht. together three
Icoru ( IC lirolnilient men of that raliwny corn.
liafly. rlio Intilitcri of Jericho came In
numerous bevies. Thu liquor dealers were
on ii tillil early I ti the nio rn In g , nud as they
vnlked about they ay signs of 'ecoiiie
over liuntireds of nIooiii , on which were
- IiatntcI two ftrinly claBjiell lIandB , anti the
' :
; greotlnp of the local retail liquor men.
\\'Itli three eoiiveiitloti In sessloli and
with the oIportllnlty of HICfltltIig such a ( Ic-
liglitful ( lay flt the exposition grouiils the
( lowil town flttrii'tiOflB ( ( lid not play to very
big congregatlolIB , 'FIft ) variety halls and
gnrItnh ( hail light houses until after the
. - . - BllaIt'I 01 iilglit WCIU drawn , and oven then
they were not crowded. In the afternoon tIi
baRe hull genie between Omaha and Colum-
bus took out quite a iiumber , the pecta-
tori lciiig InercaRel by the announcement
- - - . - that It was "Ladles' Iay. " The railroad
offices noticed tlit' beneficial Inliux , though
they diii not Roll nearly Eo many tickets as
they would had It not been for the curbitoiiu
tirket caIpor. . Ot these several ilozen Ply
tieii ! trade without a thought of paying the
nitinicipal Iicoiise , and lnutage to capture
. . the bulk of the htisliu'is between local
I lOiflts. ) 'Flie storeheeicrs ) down tovii report
that the nurnlrnr of persons who call at the
stores ( luring tile ( lay has greatly Increased ,
hut nihi that imrehasers have not Increased
to any apprecIable ( 'Xt'IIt.
. - Get a iiiati of Cuba and get the best and
most complete. The flee'8 coinhinatlon map
of Cuba , thc \Vest Indics aiiit of the world.
With u Ilco map coupoo , On page 2 , 10
( VIitM , at lIeu ( (111Cc ( , Omaha , South Omaha or
Council Bluffs. fly mall , 14 cnts. Addrcs3
( 'ilbali InIj I.artinetit
; I -
1 Th ( ItieStlOll of the city obtaining ierina-
lient quarters for its oiflccs and Police court
t CR1110 Ull at the meeting of the council last
xitglit after the radtiig o a letter from
J1ilg ( ( JOIlO I. Itedick , the owner of the
litlilding nav occupied by the cIty. Judge
fledick refuses to make the repairs ro-
( IUI'StCl ( uiiless the city vihi enter into an-
OtllCV lease for either One or two years. The
owner further ascrti4 that. the building Is
In a faIrly good conIition. This latter asser-
tion the council deiilcs and by resolution the
city attorney \V8S lilStrUCtel to hook over
the contract with a vlev to COflhIJehliI1g tile
owners to make neciled Improvements nuti
the iiuiiillng Inspector was directed to CX
amine tli structure atiti make a report at
the iixt meeting.
President Barrett. Who occuhiled the chair
in tile absence of Mayor Fiisor , favored the
culling I ) ! a special election for the lurPosc d
of voting tipoit a 1 > 011th proposltioii , the pro-
ceelts to he Used In the erection of a cIty
hiitliilliig. Mr. Barrett stated that in hiI
OllIliloll a special electIon for the iniriiosc I
l000tIOflCl would not cost more thaii $00
Wear suggested that as the lease oii th
present quarters expires eu December 1 tht ,
ComiiiitteU Oil Public buildings ho tllrecteil t
cast about for a now location. No actlor I
vas taken Cli thiR suggestIon , however , n I
the city attorney thought it best to wall L
until lie had examined the law on the bout I
At the suggestIon of Barrett the Cool
inittee OIl lire and vater was rcqueste ( I
to look III ) a suitable location for a fire huh I
somewhere luetwccn Twentieth and Twenty
t thIrd streets ijijil Q aiiil W streets. It I
l the Intention , in case the conihitlon of thu J
fuiiils wIll warrant It. to provide a lire corn .
h'zuui ' for hirovn park.
. - ( 'liugen biought UI ) the matter of creat .
lug the othico of pltiiiiblng inspector nn
the matter 'viii be considered. i\lort wante I
thlO ehlef of 1)011Cc liustructeil to see thu t
the orditianco relatIng to the hitching o r
horses Cii thlO streets vns enforced , lb LI
stated that tile number of riiiiutways wit : S
( tail ) ' Increasiiig anti that the iqhlco otight t
to take Htels to enforce the law ,
fly resolutIon the city treasurer was In .
BtltIcteII to cancel $100 of the tax on Ic t
9. hawley Terrace. owned by Mrs. Thonia H
html. This nihihitionni amount was as
st'ssed In through error and has IICVC r
been corrected.
Thu comtiltteo directed to visit the of -
fleers of the Omaha Street Italiway corn
iuau Iii coiiiiectioii with better service oi Ii
the Omaha auth stub lilies asked for fur .
thiei time nod the request was granted.
Ait orthinauico was read for the tlrst tIm ( ,
. . allowing the Union Pacific the right to Ia I
a sltletrutek across itaihroad avenue be -
tWtUfl IC and I , streets for thin use of thu I
South Oiuiaita X ttcl conipany. The ordinanc 0
P1 ovldiiug for the grading of U street irou
Twentieth to Twenty-Orat streets vn 14
vassed. A petition vus prCsellttftl by' prot I.
erty owners asking that .tlue alloy betwee a
Twvuity.thulrd auth Twenty-fourth street 5
and I uillil J strceta be graded nuud the stro , t
auth alloy conunuittee vlii Investigate.
\v. a. Sloane sent In a communication rc
gardlug the tiunuingo to his uroperty at thu 0
corner of 'I'weuty-flttii itiuui I streets b
steno water being allowed to run onto lii
lot ( rein the alley. lie stated that lie ha
called the attention of tue street cornmiu
slont'r to the matter , but uuothtiiig hail bee ii
dotie. lie proposes to loltl the city 1mb ] Ic
for utity further duinuge.
At the suggestion of Chairunaui lienne tt
of tluo ilnancu committee the fohlowiiu ig
. , - unlotints vero tiatisferreil front the specii Ii
. ,
. .
licciuse fund To the
street reptIr fun tI ,
700 ; gouterul fund , $700 ; salary ( nail , $601 ) ;
. 1)011CC fund , $ SOO ; lire fuuid , $1,200 ; tots 1 ,
- - $1,000 ,
Trainer brought up the matter of crosi 5.
walks by stating that property owners u II
over the city mid been taxed tills year fi Dr
sideutlks , many of vhiichi were useless b Li.
cause the city had not laid any crosswalk 8 ,
r Allen's Foot.iiutsc , a jowder for the fC ( 't ,
It cures Painful. swollen , siuactttig , nerve
toot end Ifltltlllltiy takes the stilig ( flit
cortus quid bunioiw. it's the greatest cci a-
tort discovery of the age. Allen's Foe t.
' I.usu makes tIght or new shoes ( eel cas
It Is a certaIn cure for sveutln colic :
antI hot , tired aching feet. ' 1ry t toda y.
ibid b1 all druggists auth hioo stores. I : h'
inallor Address : : . 01L& go ,
li e offered a resolution provldtng for the
la ying of sIxty-five crouiswalks In different
p arte of the elty anti the work wac ordered
d one.
iitlartes for May anti quite a ntimber of
b Ills wore ordered paid.
AdJoturnel until next Tuesday evening.
lvi , ! ( tiII it 3IItMM $ I.ctillg.
4' well attended meeting of representative
cI tizens was held at the omee of M.tyor
l naor yesterday afternoon for the purpose
of talking over the proposed packing houiac
ju bile' . Those present were heartily in
fa vor of the scheme anti it 13 thought that
If the affaIr is properly advertised and the
ra ilroads will run excursions that tronl
to 30.000 people can be Induced to
co me lucre. It was at fiNt proposed to go
ah ead and lerft'ct an organization and ap-
p oint committees , but after consIderIng the
m atter It WM decided to hiohul a mass meet-
lo g at the council chamber on Thturunlay
n ight of this week. ivery busiies % niuti
p rofessIonal man in the city is urged to
a ttend title meeting , While every one In-
tc rcsted In the affair adnults that haste is
n ecessary if the celebration is to be lividte
o n Juiie 28 , yet It was thought that two I
d ays delay vIll not mnke much difterence ,
tMkM huh ( or n 'v Si'IuioI ,
Yesterday the Board of hithtication ndver-
tl ed for bIds for the hhighulanti school house.
T his building is to be a tour-room structure
of selected stock brick and trImmed with t
st one. The plans , which have just been
co mpleted by Architect tavls , show two I
sc heel rooms on the flrst thoor and two on ;
t he second 110cr. iaeiu room will have seats
fo r fifty-four ptilils. Rock face stone courses
is lli ruin through thiti btiihdliig and above
a nd below the windows. The abut en-
tr ance Is to ho an arch , constructed of
st one. It. is estimated that thin building
w Ill cost $9,000. flids for heating the high-
la nd and Lliieohui school3 have nhso been at-
' ertInctI for , steam or hot water to be used.
The followIng janitors will ho retained :
W 'eiher. Allen , Lund , \'ansant , Wyman and
S herwood.
A rret.ts . . ' '
.tll.tIl'r ( ' ) ) ,
.The case agaInst herman Tangernan ar-
r ested for assaultIng I ) . Snehl , wns called
i n hiohice court yesterday afternoon , but on
a ccount of the absence of witnesses was
c ontInued until June 16. Mr. Snell was able
t o attenil court although the eye injured
b y Taugcnian Is still protected by banthn'ges.
W hen Snehl told his story to Judge huh-
c ock n warrant was at once issued for ( his
T angemno , a brother of Herman , nod ho
w Ill be charged with the same otTenco as
i lerinniu. Ir.'huite , vhio Is treating Mr.
S oell , said last evening that It was doubtful
I f Such would ever be able to see out of
t he Injured eye again.
'i'ea..Gi'i s 'Luke Iliiii hint lunis.
ibout fifty apllicants for positions In the
j uibhlc schools took tue examination at the
1 11gb school building. The cxauntuiatiouus
viil last three days and are In charge of
I tey. Irving P. Johnson , Rev. C. C. Smith
a uuil Attorney V. C. Lambert. After a couu-
t erene the Board of Education decided to
r educe tile luerceiltage requiirch and until
f urther notice the average for first grathe
c ertificates will have to be 85 per cent
i iuuttt'ati of 90 per cent as formerly , and for
s econd grade certificates SO per cent In-
s tead of 85 ier cent.
Ii'IiO ( ' Stittoit Is IllMnle.
Cub Sutton , who is in jail for stealing a
w atch fronu C. Ilussel at Cutlahy's , Is
t hought by the vohico to be demented. iii
s upport of this theory Sam Bell of this
c ity received the other day a letter frouui
J . M. Sutton , Sliohby , In. , the father of the
l ) ris000r , In vhu1ch he asks flehl to look outer
f or his soui. The writer warns Itch about
y ouliig Sutton's proclivity 10 pickIng UI ) or-
t ides which do not belong to 111111. It is
u nderstood young Sutton will be turned
o ver to tue Shelby couiity , baa , officials
a nd sent to an asylum.
MiiIt' CI * G ( ) NS I ii.
\v. fl. Brooks is on the sick list.
Aliss Lena \VlilshiI ) of Cheyenne , \Vyo. , Is
i n the city vIsiting friends.
C. I' . Itotiinnhl of the Drovers' Journal force
i s hold up with a broken wrIst.
Oscar Tliurlow. Forty-thuird and C streets.
i confined to hIs beth with typhiolil fever ,
SIIIIpCrS anti exlorters bought 445 cars of
c attlo at tills market during the month ci
Frailk Aiulersoii of Los Angeles. Cal. , Is
S Il'ultIiiug a few days with his iucpluew , SY. L
l -IoilutliuI.
i. ii. Gemmihi of easterli Iowa Is visiting
hit iurotlier , J. D. Geinmili , Twenty-first an ] L
J streets.
\Vashington tent , No. 67 , Knights of the .
.Iaecnhces , wIll give an entertaInment luiC
bait at .iasouuic hull this eveuuiuig ,
irs. Ida 0. l'utney of F'rankfoi't , Mich , , lu I
the guest of Couuiicilniaii ViIiiani I3enuotl
Oiit' wife , Twenty-second and ii streets.
Devey lodge , No. 32 , Intiepoiithciit Work. .
uuier. of Anuerica , will hold an Irnportnul : L
utentlng lit Voodinaii. hiall thIs evening.
Street Coimnissloner Itoss stIll has qtiItc ,
force of 01011 at work repairing the tnan (
washiouts caused by the recent heavy rains.
\'IiIio sciulihing at tue Kirby hotel Monda ] f
uulght Julia i'ctersen , a teamster , wat
thrown In such it v ny as to break hIs let :
Mutyor FnsOr has chaluged lila Plans alit I
s'IlI erect four store rooms Instead of throt ,
oii his Property Ut Twciity-fourth and 1' :
4\ll entcrtaiiluuicnt for the benefit of tiut D
Sunday ebool was given by tim Presbyteiirti u
iCing's Jcugiutcru at the .haxweli inlsstoi 1
lust uilgiit.
Alfred Lizy , Twenty-fourth auth U streets
dIed yesterday. Funeral services will ho belt i
at the family resiienco tills forenoon , inter .
11)0111. at thin Iiohernlaii cemetery.
Attoi iiey j ; ' , I'ower has been suetl Iii Jut -
tice VluItc's court byVllIfarn Cushilng fo r
$9 I. Cushliug alleges that i'ower cohieceet :1 :
this amount for hIm but fatieti to settle.
4' set of huarnv3s was rtoioii from a campe r
near ICruig's brewery Moiitlay uuight. Yestar -
tiuty Ollicer ieters foUnd the imricss In a
secoiuil laud store iitI rettirned it to tli 0
MagIc City lodge. No , SO , Fraternal Uuulo ,
of MacrIca , will give a free literary enter .
tahinhicilt at 'orkiuiniu hull oui Satlirda V
CVI uliug , Ice cream and strawlierries will Ii e
\VIiiIain O'nll. svhoso 110100 Is at Twoiuy
111th ituud 1' strets , was knocked liowuu by a
traIn at Suivuigo's ciossing ) 'CstCi tiny an ii
quite b.ltlly ii.jurctl. lie taken to a ii
Oiuahu bopI1iul.
'I'Itre' , . 'lii hIi'lpt'itItult t1'II lLllI' ) II r
lnluit ( 'it tiIi iItlt in
cit . ) iiii ,
Ollio Suhllvan and Theresa Lewis , two C ) f
the colored quartette which relieved Leonar tI
Mcilvaiiey of Duukotie CIty of 720 in a vauu Lt
house on Ninth street a week ago , wore dli
clmrgcd at their preliminary hearing you I-
terday , As the two were uiunking their we y
to tIle open air they vcre rearresteil c nether
other charges inphlcatlog them In the rd , -
bery ,
Tue Lewis woman almost fainted hc tn
taken to the ( 'Cli room. "She Is a very sic k
woinait nm ! really shOUli ( ho to the hospital , , ,
her attorney said , lie coiisidcred the usa :
tlio 11011cc subJectettlie woman to as brute
Tue attorney 4iati thu woinnit's hihliSIcIui
with him , us ho swore that sue was iii a b ui.i
way and that her life
would be entlangert ' ( I
by keeping her in confinement. She Is a i.
legod to be suffering from a malignant ti Li.
hello l'llhow , 'huoi it Is clalineti actual
took Mcilviuioy'a money , Is iu custody , x
$500 bill Is on depocit to the credit of ti lie
I'IIiouv woman at the Nebraska Nation al
bank , whIch the 11011cc assert is a part of
the stolen money. The money In part co di.
slated of a $500 bill , Mcilvanoy vlil be
given the opportunity at 1deutifyin it t 0.
L ocal I'reparatkns for a Big Celebration
When the Clubs Meets
O ItlaiiO 'YIil liil'rtnIi ilisiiy IIMEIn-
stitlulted IcIeg.ic , It , Site ( eu'rnl
I'C.llerllt , ItNl.Ies II ii
of Iti terest I tier VDtulC'il.
Juno IS is Woman's day at the exposition
a nti the women of Omaha are exerting them-
s elves to make the occasion one of the most
a ttractive events In the history of the cx.
Im sition , a special railroad rate of one
fa re for the rouiiuti trll , from nil Points wIthin
a radius of 1t0 miles of Oinahia has been
s ecuireth and the women are working on
s everal plans to Induce the women In the
te rritory to vluiclt titis rate applIes to conic
to Omaha in large bodies on that day. The
m atter is largely In thin hands of a special
C oflhlnittee of ( lie \Voinnn's club and thifl
C ouuiuuiitteo has been untirlng in Its efforts
to make the arrangelneuta very coiuiplete.
As a special attraction on this occutsion
th ere will ito large numbers of helegntes in
th e city enrotite from the east to the blen-
n al meeting of ( lie Geiieral Fetleratioui of
W oman's clubs In Iener. ) Mnong these
d elegates wIll lie some of tue most noted
.W oliIeli Iii ( hue country tuntl ( lie rneetiiig to
b e heltl in the Auditorium tue ntternooii of
J une ii Ill ho addressed by a number
o f these wonuen.
The delegates from the cast will arrive In
t he city on ( lie morning trains and tile
m orning vIil be spent in visiting the cx-
i ositioii grotinils and inspectliig the exhlb-
it s. The afternoon will be occupied ly a
p rogram In thin Auihitoritim Iii which a nuinr
h er of the women most nromincuit In the atT
f airs of the wouuaui's club rJovernont will
i artIcliiate.
It hiutpltefls that June 18 Is also \Vlsconsin
d ay nuutl the Ihailger state building wilt be
ti etilcateti on that day , A large delegation
w ill come to Omaha from \Vlsconsin , iii-
e luding the governor and nUmerous stnte
o fficers , thirty women dehegates to ( lie Den-
% . ci' incetliug and iieoide from all sections of
t he state. The dedicatIon of the building
w ill take piace In the inoriilng anti an en-
t ertainlog progran has been lurepared for
t he occasion.
UNIER ) TilE \VA1II \ SUtc
( ContInued trorui First Page. )
I ncluding tue high school. tile admission
b eing 15 cents.
l'resldent Warner of the Missouri l'aeiflcn
l tnilwuy company iiotifled the exposltloui
mnnageuiuent that tue Stibscrlltlofl of tue
u hissourl Pacilic to the exposItion i'as to
b e considered as a doitatlon to the enterb
i rise nod not as a subserlptioui to stock.
Secretary Wakefield was ordered to have
p rinted ii. speciah form of souvenir ticket
f or Nebraska ilay , Juuue Ii , with an ml-
u ilIssloil COttOti to ho thetachied vhieii the
I urchaser enters the ground , the tIcket to
b e retained by the lurchnscr as a souveiulr
o f the occasion.
It. was dcIdpt % that. the Mimics building
s hall be CloSel ( at 6:30 : p. in. each day , cx-
c ept on special thays and on occasions lien
t ile Bureau of EntertaInment hiohtis mite-
t ions in its parlors in time gallery of this
b uilding.
S1'iiNIt I ) IiSl'LA V O1' I'L.'I'I NtM. ]
: ti itieral 11th .4titlci , , I , ) ii Viii tin-
ilt , tutu I 11(1-reNt ( I iig ( 'of icetksi.
A large atiI , varied exhIbit of Itlatliuuirn
h as been received at ( lie Mines building , nod
t hus , witit a silver exhIbit that is fully as-
s ured , will round out the most complete and
i nteresting display of the precious metals of
t he west that has over itecui brought to-
g ether. i liberal exhibit of turquolses and
o pals Is already on the grounds and a con-
s lgtunuent of diauutoutiut from W'isconsln tuntl
California will arrive In a duty or two.
The CXilihlt of Iilatlntuuiu Coities fronu an
e astern refining house , anti was only secured
after a good tical of dIfficulty by Comnilst
a toner Day. It covers the entire field rehire.
sentcd by this metal , anti iiiciudes many
thiiugs that wIll be new eveii to mineral-
ogists. It includes a full shiowing of ilat-
i iuunu snail uttuti miuggets , among tim nugget -
get beliig the largest ever discovered
outsIde of Russia. 'rimese collie from South
America , hut eveii the inuporter doea not
know a more deilnite source. These iartlc
ular iutiggets are not Included In the first
conalguitleilt , as they are schiedtiled for ex
hililtlon in New York Until July 1 , vlter I
they will be sent on and remain at Oiimah
untIl the exposition closes.
Tue iuinniitactuietl Iuhatliltiuli In the fermi i
of dishes and other conveniences will als ( )
be shown , as vell as the various chicinica
compositions ( hunt are found in the sand , OtIt
which have been separated by the refinini .
process. These iiiclutio a variety of cx :
tronicly rare metals. whIch not ouuo juersot
lii 100,000 has ever seen , aiii sonic of then
mire very valualule , iii fact , time platinun
itself ranks next to gold in poInt of value ,
owIng to its general use iii electric light
lug anti oIlier purposes , The two sinai
wires which enter the bulb of an incanthes
cent light are composed of thIs metal , ant
Os it has lcen foumiti lmnpostullule to dlscovei r
a satisfactory ubstittito for tiii liurlios It
the lirice of the metal has becii greatly en -
huanced. It. is iunw about three-quarters a : S
valuable as gold.
: iiistcIltu.I.t is ( ) Iiieini t'nr ( ) ' .
"Iisoii 11. iairbanhs , cluumlrmnan of ( lie
senate commIttee on appropriations of the
iAssachiusetts legislature , writes to the Ie-
hiartuuucut of Puhllcity and Promotion that
the resolution apirolriating $6000 for thue
( , xpones of a cornmlssloii to represeimt tiur' ' t
tttto at the Transiuilsslsslppl Exposition lieu
been signeti and that the commIssion would
start for Omaha about Juite 16 , The coin-
uilissinhi provided for by thin resolution mak-
lug tIle appropriation coiuiprlses the gov.
ernor or lieutenant govcrnor , nil of the
state oliicers amid a delegation from cccii
house of the legishature , According to Semis-
( or laIrbaitks , the varty wlii reinalii In
Omaha four or five days , auth lireliaratlons
are being iuiatlo by the cxhosltlon muuamiage-
iiment to entertain the dIstInguIshed guests
In ( lie n.aniuer beitttmig their liositlons and
time bimolticanco of their visit to ( lie exposl-
( lou as ( lie represemutativos of thin Old flay
( 'liiIircli iiu.t % , ,
According to time action taken by tue Board
of hducatioiu. school children of ( lie liublic
schools viii have an opportunity of seeing
the exposItion on miext Monday anti \\'edmie-
tiny. On ( lie tlrst ilate thue scholars of the
Sixth and all lower grades will have their
turn , aiid on thin oilier ( lie iUPI1S of the
Soveimthi , F.tghih ( mid 111gb school grades
i'hli be In atteimdanco. In order to accom-
mnolato the eliihulren school wIll be closed
o'clock on those ( lays.
Tli children will bo given ( lie aiivaiitage
of sitecial totes , SUiterifl'teiltieiit Pearsu has
devIsed a scheme to give cacti chiliti a slip
of paitor Identifying it as a milemnber of the
public schools niuti upon the liresitatIoii % of
this slip at the ticket ollices the clilidremi wIll
receive a ticket tar the sliccial rate that
may b fixed ,
( -uitlithi iuit'iitnrII celdnl.
A coniphimemitary recital for the mneiuihers
of the Ilureau of liitertaliiitient and a few
invited guests will be givemu Thursday after.
noon between ( hut hours of 4 and 6 o'clock
by Mrs. hlatldcn-Alexander , the iilanlst .
whose playing In concert at the Autlitoriumu
M nn,1ay nlht rulchc1y won for her a place
in ( he hearts of ( hi&ople of Omaha , The
re ettai wIll ( nice pIfkii in the handsomely
d ecorated pariors Initc ; , gallery of the Mines
b uilding , 'shich hau'q1en fltteti up as the
h eadquarters of thme..hux.eau. The recItal wilt
bb e followed iiy a pcpption. Owing to the
b rief time intervenlnj efore the event the
in vitations will b' ' , Wrhai. The program
w hich lii be prenled by Mrs Alexander
wco ill incluihe two CMfihlositions by American
co mposers Mrs. hiJH ! A. hicech anti h. A.
i acDoweli. I
.1 1 . . ' _ iL'ht'l'lI P11Ilh ( ; A st'iti'tiiit. : :
tutiiSitt'r ( 'lnrksOtstIiu
tog Piiitis for a
u r.'nt
July 4 will be } 1u41e a big day at thin
e xio.ition anti the , nrangetmuents now in
c ourse of preiuaratIo'llm for the event bill-
c ate that nothing Is. to be left undone to
iii nb the celebrathoa of the nations bIrth-
th ey n occasion which avili go down in ( ho
a nimals of history ( us an epoch in the progl
r eut of ( hue great west.
Tlic arraiigernent of ( lie details Is In the
h ands of Major Ciarksomi. general niamiager
o f the exposition. and conferences are being
lu cid bctwcen the major and Mayor Moores
fo r the PUDIIOSO of thecidimmg upon certain
fe atiircs which vIhi occur in connection with
th e celebration. Major Ciarkson says ho
hu es not yet iertectetl the arrangnnwiits sufS
fl ciciiiy ( to niake any tletaiietl amumiounce-
I ntuit , but Ito seys the affair will be emi a.
g r.intl scale mutt large crowds of people
v1iI he in nttendance at the exposition on
t hat tlnfrommu the surrouiiihlng country.
hlouu. Janues ti. linde of h'huilaulelphuin , a
m an of high stanihimug auth of splendid reini-
t uitIon as a public speaker , has been invited
to deliver time oration on that occasion anti
h as accepted ( lie iiivltation.
. % ItIllti , ( ' .trriiligcM 1r Cite 'I'rlp.
CIIICAGO. Jutie 7.-At a mmueetlng at thin
d Irectors of the Apollo MusIc climb today ar- :
r nngemeutsvere tuiatic for a trip to thio
T ramismnlssisslppl Exposition at Omaha.V. .
I . . Tanuhhmus vill heath ( ito cliii ) iii reimtierimtg
" Clijahi' ' on time afternoon of Juuuc 21 , liii-
i tols day. A repetition mhli be given June
2 3. The nianagemoent of time exposition will
P lace a trai.n at ( hue service of ( lie chub ,
w hich vhhh consist of i00 singers , I
ihvIiUMI I Itti , Stiles.
W'ork on tIme Gerimuan village has been ro-
s ummieti amid Is imumikilig great licamiway.
The Kamusas horticultural display line or-
r lved nnti ( hue work of Installing it In the
h horlciihture ( lulildImig iii tinder ivay.
Owlmug to time hircsenco of tIme chorus It
h as been decided to charge an admission fee I
o f cents to ( lie Auditorium concert tonight.
The delirIa is being removed from the \VIs-
c on ita hill I I d I ii g and ( lie pal ii ters and ii ceo-
r ature have takemu possessiomu for the uiurhtose
o f hit'utitlfyimig ( he building In readimiess for
lie lemma' ilcihleatiob June IS. I
The haul admnisstouts to ( un exposition on
J une 6 were l,6T'.i. The sharp declIne in tue
n umber of atiiiutssipns Is easily accounted for
i )3 the rainy weathmer wiiicut prevailed durIimg
ci lniost the entIre tha' anti evening.
All tiir' big chectrlcai iuaciiimmery that is to
b e instaileti In ( lie 'tiachhnery buIlding Is
I iol , On ( lie floor anti workmuicmi are rapidly
s etting It iii ) . it Is expected that tile elr'-
t rical features s Ill 1)0 fully installed by the
c mi ( If this week.
'Flue comumuection .viUL _ ( lie vater maui emi
T weiity-fourhi strCe ( tiliowod sigiis of i'eak- :
1 1055 yesterday am mitt iuighit it was tmukemu
Uh I ) tUlti reluid. It , luasttatr'ui ( lint the work
h ail hieemi doiit' toq hurriedly in thin first
l ilnee and in order to avoid any possibility
o f future trouble It
was tiecldeti to make a
l iuoro thorough job .Oftit.
Tiio Ailnijutsiomis bureiu laid off forty ticket
s ellers and gatekSepers ( hits imuorning. Ul
o f the men on thi shies i re hut on Inirt
td lmnm' the latter par't'Of 'last week , hut Itfl5
d ecldeti to reduce the foico for thin Iwesemut
r ather titan to keep a lirge nimmnber cmi ditty :
bitt a IItl ( ivhtlhe. eaui day , with a corre-
s pommdlng decrease in hieir pay.
The "Nebrashca juy' exercises vIil take :
Phace imu the statp lflhlhuiimmg , which Is Capable -
pablo of accomiunuoiqtjg ] as imuuiy leOlhe a )
Ustiutily remain during the emitlre tIme of
slitiliar exercises. The Platform on ( hr d
north luart of the lovcr iloor viil be useC I
by the siieakers amid sitmgers. Several hun-
t ireti seats wihl be provided and ( lucre will
be amu abumiiilanco of statidhtig roomu.
l'li iirooklymi Daily Eagle has forwartieti
t o ( hue Truuiusimiississiplii ExposItion all imiter-
e uttlmug cxiiibit for ( lie l'rcss building. it ls
p matrix of ( ho front page of the iiaglu of
May 2 , hS9S , ammih coimtaimus in boldface
t hese words across the coluimins : Eirooklyn
Daily Eagle Senuls GreetIng to the Tramis-
mlssissIpii ) anti international Expositlomu ,
Omaha , Nebraska. " It Is expecteil that moat- ,
r ices tvlll ho sent front nil ( lie icading laIer
of ( hue coumitry. uumuil i'luemu received will 1)1
giotiped to fotuti a dat ] 0 muon liii ( lie iun in
c ourt of the Press huiidlng on ( lie expositiomi
" . , , : ' : . Ii v Sit ii ri ( 'hit ii gi' Ii tit'L. t't
Two nuemu worhucd a sUccessful short chuamugc u
gamue upomi ( lie bartentler of the Timnnchl saloon -
loon , Fifteetitim auth Ilarney streets , last
iiight whereby they Itrolited about $ . Tiie ;
ordered two glasses of becu- and one teiu-
dered In payllient a 1O bIll. After It hat ] I
1)000 juiacett to time
regIster the seeoiiul titac d
sahii lie hiatl the change ammd time blil vnt I
restored to ts ( formner owner. The SeCant ] I
moan tiicmu ( iIsCOvCrCi that lie only had
cents and time bill was ommce more t'xtendeC
iii itaI'iuuent. Thme bartender supposed that
it , was tI samule lull awl returned changr m
for $10 , [ Jo discovereti later. however , that
the bills bad been switched amid ( lint tin I
otto Iii his ilossesstomu was only vorthi $ i
harry FIelder was arrested on thio descrip. :
tiomi ghvciu auth Is thought to be one of thm I
IDIJ y 'Vrrits ii Still t'iiieiit
\'AShIINGTON , Jumue 7.-Today's state-
bent of thie comiuhitlan of the treasury shiows
AvaIlable cash lalaiicc , $192,513,190 ; goic
reserve , $169,279.014. .
O perating Manageii of the Great Bystom
Gather in Oouncila
Muster 3IeelmzttiIt. nuul Siiperiultettli-
Cii SM ( 'tmslt- 'i'og'tiler to Ctii'iitter '
thin tIntt'rN flint Affect Their
hliiiurnmit lemnrt hit-ui ,
The convention of tiunater nuochanics anti
it uperimutenmients of ail.the lines of the line-
h lngton systeiui assembled iii ( lie rooms of
( leD Omunho Ciiiuuinerclai clult yesterday morn
i l og at 10 o'clock. Sonicwhnt over fifty lironul-
m wimt railroad men coniiected with ( he tIe-
l ) armneiit of motive po'er niuti machinery
a nti with the operating tlepnrtmnemit of the
i luriiiigtoii iines convened itt ( lie appoInted
t ime mmd at once settled tlowmi to ( ito ilis.
e mission of stich technIcal matters as are
i iiost closely related to their lines of
The visiting railroad mvii arrIved in
Oniaha. on iiurhingon ( trains from ( 'hulcuigo. . .
S t. Louis , l.iiucoin nini other hdoitits Iii 1111-
u cla , tI issourl atiti ebraskuu , 'l'hiey have
c omulo hirepareil to enjoy ( Ito exposition as
vell as (0 ( ttitly thmoso subjects that ldcrtahii
te t o their railroad duties. Thin master tuie-
e humuies nmnt thin auperlmitemudemuts will meet
t o Jolmit sessioti for about a day anti a luaU.
Thou cccii bronchi ivihl atijouro to its own
i uucetliugs. George 'V. lhhuotles , superIntend-
emit of _ moIve ( power of the flurlimigton sys-
( emit , Iresitheo over the joint mneetlumgs niuti
over the sessions of the inaser mechanIcs.
uciicrah Superimionuiemu Culvert or ( lie ii. &
ti , vihi preside over ( lie sesslomus of thin
suihuerliUeiutleflts , Thin ineetiiigs will be lucId
f it ( lie Coiiuuuuercini cluh for the lit'xt two
days , the nuorning uneetimmgs opening at 10
a. flu. , anti ( lie afternoon seutsloius at
2 p. iii , Time evening will be devoted to the
eiljoyiuuemit of the attractions at the expost-
( bit , nnd after the athjotmrnrnemit of the after-
mmooii nieetliugs ( lie rrmilroaders vihl go dl-
rectby to tue exitositbomi grotmiuds anti titke
timber ( lucre. After ( ho conclusion of tue
uneethmugs It Is lrohable that uuiost of ( ho
visitors wIll remnahmu hero for two or three
days to stuthy time expositIon by daylight.
Chatriuuttu Ithoules cahiel the imuorning's
muueeting together amid tiehivered a brIef ad-
tiress emu tile work of ( ho conventIon , In
the joiiut meetings of the nuaser nueciunnics
amid tlur' superintendents ( lucre are thirty-
t hree technical subjects to ho considered , amid
each of ( he subjects wIll ho given twenty-
I thurco muuimuutes. This program vIll occupy
thirteen hours , or two ( lays' time. For ( lie
separate imueetlng of the toaster mechiutuies
there are ( cmi muibjects assIgned , niiil thin
uiuaser mmuccluanics expect to get thirouglu with
tbeiiu all Iii omue day.
Soul , , ' 1tI * " .Vili A C tetid.
Not nil of those whio will lie huresent are
lucre yet , ( lie remaiiitiug muiemuubers of the you-
ventiomu being expected later. The fohlowluug '
Is a list of ( huose already lucre :
F'roiu thin Chicago , flurlingtotu & QuiInc3
raIlroad : G.V. . ithodes , suherlmiteuidauul )
nmotive power ; \V. Forsyth , inechamuical cii -
ghiieer ; 0. Ross , supcrliutemuuient specia I
freight cur Service ; F. ii. Clark , chl r
tiraughitsmmuamu ; fi.V. . Yates , chief clerk ; C. I
Stiirgls , geiternl utiutlitor ; J. Li. Besher , general
oral superiiiemutlcnt ; F' . C. itiec , superimi
temident ilhimuots limues ; C. M. Levey , mtuuperimi
tendent Iowa iiiies ; F. A. Delano , superb :
cntleiut temiuulmuals , Chicago ; ii. D , Judson
superintemmdent Chicago thivisiomu ; 'tV , B
Thuroop , suierintemudent Gahesbiurg divisiomu ;
\v. G. Ihesler , superlmutentlemit St. Louis ill
visioti ; 0. E. Stewart , superintendent ens t
Iowa divislotu ; J. ii. liuggamu , utimporimutentien (
\vest lows. division ; J. Ii. Mct'urtiintl , as
sistaut superintendent east Iowa dtvislaii
. Forsyth , divisiomu master nuechiammlc , Aim :
rora , iii , ; it. W. CohvIhio , divIsion immuste r
nuechuarmic , Gnleshurg , Ill. ; J , F. Deems , di -
vIsIon iumaster muuecluanic'cst flurlimugtomu ,
a. ; E. Jones , filvisiomi mutaster inechiaiulc
Creston , 1mm. : J. Ii. Cnruuey , tiivisiomu imiase r
tmmechuuinic , flenrdston'mu , Ill. ; It. L. Crosluy
nsslstammt to generah mulanager , St. Josciuhi , Mo .
Fromml the Ii. & M. and Burlington hues Ii
MissourI : D. Iiavksworhu , superintendon
iuuottvo power ; C. 11. Rotlgers , Stuiuerlui -
tcudemi ( ; ii. C. Nut ( , superiiutemudemit ; . ii
Price , toaster uuueehuanie ; F. A. Chase , geti
ttrai master muceluamuic , St. Joselult ; A. T. L'cr
Itimis , superinteuttient terniiruls , St. Lotulmi , 11
S. Storra , uusslstamut suimuerlnteniieuut West lowu
tiivisbomm : 1' . limrkee , assistant nuditor ;
J. It. Phuelan , superintendent ; A. F. Ilbghu
land , superiiuteiidemlt ; J. I' . itcarliomi. nuasle n
tuiechamuic ; E. 0. Fish , assistamut superliutciud
emit , ICaimsas City ; I. N.Viibc'r , toaster tue :
eliante , hlanotlual ; C. E. L.unub. imuuuer me
chanic , lirookflelii ; Henry Miller , superimu
tendent , ilamuiilbal ; ( I. ti. hiohh , superlmutemud -
not telegruiiuh , St. JoutCIli ; (1. B. Ijuimubar , as
Sistauut audItor. St. Joseph ; I ) . Cuiuiulnghumumn
supertmutemudent , La Crosse , \\'is. ; N. Frey
tuimister mechanic , Lu Crosse , \Viit. ; W. II
W'Ichehmors ( , eiugliueer tests ; It. I ) . Smoitim
mutaster inecliamule ; J. it. Iecriimg , Chief dun ' :
seconti vice Preshdemut ; V. S. Cozad. secretar : I'
secoild vice president : 1' . ii. ihoulahinmi
Btiiueriitetitieiit ( , flrookfleltl , Mo. ; V. 0
EnglIsh , supenbntenilemit ; A. Caiuupbehl , stupor . :
Immemiriemit ( ; 2th , A. linker , supcnimltcmitlemut tom
graph , Ilnuumilbal , Mo. ; C. It. Samuipsouu , us
sistumit auditor ; B. S. Gremusei , roaster me
eiuniuic ; It. T. Smutithi , toaster mechanic ; It
Archibaiti , monster ineciiaiile ; It. tV. ICinu
her , train ituaster , haleshiurg division ; T. E : ,
Culvert , gemieral superimutemutient ,
The afenmuoon ( sesslomu of ( lie visItIng rep -
rcseiutalves ( of time hlurhbngton systeni wa S
another joint niceting of ( ho monster me -
chiauuics nnii time utuperhmutendents It wa H
better att'mutieti than ( lie inorniog imuectimug , ,
several delegates having comiua in on tlt 0
uftornoomu traIns , 'rite afterimoomu was givei Li
miii to ( lie mibsctussiomu of mnechuaiubcah muuatter I ,
twenty-tlmreo iuliutmea ( being giveii to eec ii
SVhien ( 'aplalit Ovitla Sfl\S' ( lit' big
giumus Of OUr Iibt' ' itt elost' i'muige lit' vuit4
mIi'ubiZiiig I iimi tiiO ( ' leutlt'i's of OmuuuihiuL
Iluiruuizli % gt lii' 141i ( ) ( ' tialti's ot' ( huuinlia
IiiI' $ ( ' liItuiy : ihuiys sithi tIn' bIg vuuhim-s lit'
litsists cii glviuug t'om- tiohhuim l'Ohul -
I I i I ii t-'i'lit' vii I tu' sluow'iu I ii on r iii i'
] ; I tint ! 'j ; I mihiot's 1u4 uriiiiu'thmiumg w on-
II I Ill 'nI'til-i : ii ii I4tiehi mu 'n I ii ii tt ( I I ne-i i t ii i I
I kliiClu4-\\ ' ( ' luiv' tjit'iub In tIn' light kiul
) - ) ( ' ht'uttlut'r ci' hlil
C I l'ddtS' 01' $1 i.t't' I shioeut bin ( Ito I b I 'i v y
: kid for sitiOI % \'tlii't liii hit'av
( tx I tub $11111 titul I itti' bum I t cii tim I ii cit-it Ii /
itt ( lie tiiiut' : ' jiu.ict. ' , -
I i , t. . ,1ri-
I Drexel hoe Co. , L
Otisi. . liii's Up-t"O-hti * n Sli cc house.
lilt ) F4tUNAM Si'lt1EI' ,
- r - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
( ) I t Itut I s' iuclnm (4 ( ] ( ' . ) ui Slut I u4 I i i I Ii 0 i ) b'iI ( liii'
( 'Ii I' ( I ti' I I i i. ' I'y'u4rhh I iumo U 1Vui 1 3's % ( 'ui i'ibi
l'Oil 'hutim , "uuui' ivyi'Ighut comuuuutumie'u It )
t ui I I , I iy I I u i' tty ( ! $ - siuimi t't I ii g , Lu Ii ii I mug
'iilt'l.111' thit' t'ytlEhl tluiiuhhitig , tin' Ibis
tvitt'iuiug , m't-l i tuicftih ci' eyts-
you II ii i'.itb' liii v it mUtt I bt't ut in- ii ii I t'ss
\v ( , fit mn Islu , ' ) t 8t'o ii ii tbgl i t v I I I m it puu Ii'
ot' litOlfl'blY utilJuIt4teil glassis-Vr' huutri
mu 'ny oh tL'u4tIIIg ( , y5 itll thu mut'\'t't
01' $ ( 'I'ii I I II ( ' his ( rim ii ICli I s.-t hun 1)j ) di t hun I
uiiuint'h'm'-thimtt hrbngs out nil the little
ii mimi big ( ht'fi'el ' s a nil 'iiui bk's us to ib ° l )
t'ily III yomit'\\'tt gi'Inti nil huh' UISfl
ht'iises-t Imims uisstiiitig aieeuiruuty ,
1TheAloe &Penf'oldCo
I'uiIis SeIpntIflo OjitIcIuu. ,
1408 Yarn s .treet. i.
Ovos1. Loi.&ue 3uteL OMAHA
. -
- - - - -
I t opic. An adjournment was maim at 5
o 'clock anti ( ho fifty vIsItors thciu hitCCCeletl
( 0 the exitosiion grounds , There they took I
tl hinner together , eiijoyetl the concert by hue
l jiiitett States tInritue humid cmiii ( lieu took a
e liort thashi on ( ii Mithivay ,
--i- : ;
lIIiLOIiS tlllI'l' ,
Binnul l'iii rt III tseOi .tr'r ( 'smiuips I ( ,
151'1 Iu.'r fur I Is Aim ii iittl Sespi iii ii.
The ( ' , ramitl Court of ( ho lierottues of Jet-
I cho for ( lie jurisdiction of .iIssoiuri olteneti
l th twenty-fourth session iii Ceiitrnt hail
yesvnulay ( muornimig With a hiurgo attenthance
amid under most invorumble eirciumnstuumuves.
The meeting was called to order ity Mnromi (
Mrs. I. . A. Dclauiy of St. Louis , wlmo ox-
t emidc.l a hearty grcelmig to the woineti vho
rOhireBeuiCti ( more tliamm Iitty chuuuptcns of ( lie
hicroitues , Worthy ( iranti Joshua 11ev. C.
v. ( Icy of Topeka , itnu. . was introthiuced
aiud comuilticteti dt'voloniil nxerciee , after
whulehu ( ho following aantllmug committee vtms
i tlipol lit eul
Cretliutiutis-JosIe E. WillIams , Maggie
iouiglnss ) , l.ntmra Mitciunli , , tldIo Triggers ,
Atcnuiits-F'ouunlt' lttmlueiford , Mrs. V. E.
( htmy , 1mt. A. Litirtomu. Famuuiie fli'ldeuu , itosa
iispeiisatboims \\'arruints-Mrs. . i. A.
ia ) , SailIe bllowltt , MntIo ( ( lortlomu , AuuuuIe
\nrtl , S Tenneli.
I JtIrIShirtutieutcr'bt' . Ci. 'i'm' . Oily , M. Ihury
toli , Mary Lily , int ! Smubley. mite Aonemt.
( Irnuuti Oflieu'rs' ltviuors-A. hell l'cuint
Itottiudtrot' , C. htobhiisoii , Frauds iloxley ,
lv Jolumisoiu.
ilettirimg-/ . It. i'ago , M. ii. Suulth , Ehiza
itch ! , l. Brown , M. hi. 1tttlgeay.
.iPeuIis timid ( lrievamicc's-ht. Butler , Celia
itrevnr , J. C. C Ow&'mis , A. Taylor , J F03-
tot' .
I Tue gnuuuul nuntron tleltvereii her niunual
. atidress and reliant uiutti hind mnntiy emleoturag-
imig ( luimmgs to say about the piogress of
I ( lie order. W'Ittuln ( lie lust 3'euii' ( cmli 110w
I mounts have been organized uuti it mnajunity
of ( lit' ttuuboriiiuiate courts have been vIsIted
nuiti ( ouumtt in a liotinieuluhmig coiutlitttumu , The
; reports of ( lie grand seeicmiry' ( nmitt grand
treasurer \veme tenth alit ! referneti to ( lie coin-
uiiitco Oh gratiti ohhieers. Comiutntmmuieatiouus
iii ( hue fornu of telegrauuut nuud letters we'me
tenth frouiu time gnaiitl court of lowe multi froiui
Past Grand Muitrouus Mahimutla Tluonuas , M ,
L. ilnnnhson anti ConmuehIa lusscii. (
Prof. A. II. Moore of Coituiuuhuia , Mo , wait
iiurotiuccth to thie ontier timid dehlvuetl mmii
elotueiut mutidress upon ' tIn' atlvaiitagcs of- I
foreil by ( lie Masomile bouhies and theIr nux-
Ott behalf of Prltciuard court No. 3 , i"imlt'l-
ity court o. (8 anti Star of tueVcst court
No. 77 of Kansas City , Mns. Laura ? uilchehl ( ]
presented Gramiml Mntroui leiany ) with a
iuanuisonme jeweleti cnown of ( lie hienoines
of Jericho. Mrs. V. E. huy respouutled for
( hue grand iuiatron In a few vell cliosemi
After decIding ( lint ( lie huiisiuiess uneetings
of thie onion should be lucia fnomiu t till 12
a. iii. timitl fnotn I tIll 4 iu. mu. ( clay nuud I
tonuorrow , aiid ( hut Friday siioulml be givemu ¶
(0 ( dl visit to the exposItion , the iuieehmig ;
ntijourneti uuutlh t o'clock this inoruuing. t
A rccciuIomi ( to the gnnnii court oiliners wIll
be it ciii I ii Con ( nuil it mu II t amulgit t a mt 1 ( lit' luti b-
lIe Imustnhhatloui of otlicers will lte lucId in Ccii-
trot hull tomorrow tulglit.
i'uust Gramid Joshmimu' ' . Rev. J , C. C. Owemus I
amid Past ( ] naih Matrouus Mrs. V. i Guy , II I
Topeka , Mns. Suthhio iuitee ) , Jefferson City , I
mimi MN. JoIe E. WilhianuB of iboumuevlhic ,
arc nmnomug ( hue huronuiticuit worlcns of the order -
der who one lit ateuudnmicu. (
C. \\Tcntlomie , StLotuis , is mit ( lie Mu-
1iss Miiuuiie ( 'huapmuiamu nmtth mmiothuer has ,
gone east.
G. W. Skinner froiuu SL LouIs Is a gu-st
at ( lie Millard.
Ittihiii T. Olcott , train Ilociuestcr , N. Y.
is at the MIllard.
it. C. flerckinniu of Augusta , Gum. , Is stop-
plug at ( lie iiilland.
T _ B. lUcks. a ivell kmuowum cattle maui ci r
Clicyomimue , itt In Onmaha.
\VI I I I ciii .1 muc ksomm , S t _ I.ouu Is , i i mm I lie ci t
stoppimug at. tile Mlilamtl.
George Ii. Moor ( ' 01 Oxfomd Jumuction , ia.
is a guest at the Barker.
MIss Norma I ) . Ciawforul of Mimuuusvlhle : ,
l'a. , Is stopiuimug at the hanker.
MIss lichen i'eck caine iii from Calliotut Ii
yesterday to atteummi tue Youumg-liowemu muumt -
( lois.
A. C. Keever niud vIfe auud Mrs. G. ii
hh'achm of Kmuox City. lulo. , are stuppimig n t I
the Ibnrkem.
Lynlmuu James amid ilnughten of 1)cs itlolmici I
Ia. , nrc visltluig ( hue exposltlomi amid StOhuIiui ; I
t ( hue Barker ,
Superintemitlcuut Miloy of ( lie Umulon l'n.
cub at Cheyemumue , W yo. , Is iii time city , nc :
commupanieti by huts faiuiliy.
Ex-Goveroor Jauuies W , Dawcs , who wa S
recently aupoiuicd ( to the posltiomi of pay -
monster in tile nriuuy , Is lii the city.
C. iiI. Stark fluutl W. P. Stark , promiilmueuil I
miurserymuen of Louislaua. Mo. . are mmtendImu
tue nuiserymuut3n's comivcuiiofl now Iii scssloi
iii the city.
Mr. and Mrs. Framuic htamikin of Shieuiami -
doalu , ha. , are in ( hue city , ( lie guests o
Coumucihumuan nuuti Mrs. Karr. VliIlt lucre thie
are visIting ( lie CXlOsltloii.
Edward McCray , forimuenly a rcsldcuut a
Ouuialiut , Is vIsiting frienthti In ( hut cItY. lit
is muow cialitu ngeuut of the Missouri i'aclIlu
ralhmoati at Kamusus City , Mo.
Bulgutiler General Charles Khuug , formuueni
Captaiui Clmarheut Kiiig , selto Itt ktiowui mis am
author of muriiiy stories , luasseti thirotmgh
Onualta yesWrdhY on huis way to ( lie I'luii
Mrs. Geoige C. Towlo anti Miss Ilessl t ,
Towlo sslll leave Omaha \\'ediuesthay ft r
'tVllllnmstowuu , Mass. , to attenti the comui
luietiecuiiemlt exercises at Wihiiuuius coil gt
] losut Towie is a member of the giuitluatimu in i
class anti will returmu lucre with his iuuotlur n
auutl sister next syttek.
ri ticil COIIENCEIEi'F
P rogram for the Gradtiatlng EXOrCIStIS to Be
liehi Saturday Evening.
Niiiuie tif Tlium'ut's'1iu , ( 'iuui'uthtiie ( 1li
lliiii , ier ( hiss lii l't.Iii I of 4ehttihuir-
slut , iii Ill , ' IiIstnr nt
I lie Seiiol ,
The irogrnin for ( lie grathumatlon cxcteisefl
o f ( hO class of lSS , ( ) mnalumm hUgh school , huA *
b ct'iu amuiiomliicetl miiimi will be lucid on thifl
n ight of Jiiiie it at Lloyd's opera house. Alt. .
li carance 1111011 ( hue lirograiui was comnptitItii
a uuti the rescnce of t'ichm % uiaiiut' himiw eic
c liii excellcuuce itt a ccrtaiiu hue. The dt'C
h uituunbomis were ileeltied by a comutes ( takrtt %
p utt Itu by repni'seiitntI't's cliosomi hty ( iitb
c lass , niuti other uituiuiters were soleteil tm-
c ause of sulucmhorhiy iii sciuohutrshlp miuiti cclii-
i ietllvo essays. The class as a whole t
s uit ! to be an imiumistinily iromuulsImmg omie ,
i ii lioluut of schtolatmthuiit hiss an average tib-
y oiii nity ( lint humis lirt's'iously hucen gemititi.
u ted. 'rlim' hurogrnmii for comnituetucenielit oviuti.
l og is as follows :
' ' . ' '
I'Ai''i' I.
' tiusie.-Gartttt thu Ciri . . . . . . . . . . . . it ii
Oreluett iii.
l ssity-Stimne mttivt'tiut'nt .t iii Aiuuerk'itn
itlet Inmi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . it iss lt1 I I hi .1 utr'kitbtt
OnIgI uuuth I 'neuui-'J'lie lii ii hi . ii t I Ii t' 'ii Iou'
Lily . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 'thl mhumrimtui lh'ei
l 'but un I ) ii et-mtn ccli ( 'I itt nt t ( otis t It pu e ,
Oi' . 121 , No. I. . . . . . . . . . . . . ltuituuZ Slituilert
: ul Nttiuoy I ) tirs'y it Ii it V I ot , t nit h I I lion.
0 itt ( buui-Stttiict's a f Nit t itinut 1 h 'nsv em'
- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 'shi' . . ( It.i.utlth'iiumutoit
l ] ssuiy-Mmtm. Stci'nteS."tiIt4 Citit'o l'tiftttt'
tletIley-Sm'let'tioii . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I' . i1e1'e
l'Ai&'l' Ii ,
Oration-The Atuu'niouin Stunt of Fitly
Pitt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ii i' . e tin ml ( ' 5 l vt'i'i S
I .uiy ' 1'hi i I , 'nuIiut' i if I ito Novel . . . . .
MI Muiry'otml JtiliuiSfllt
I 'Iii tic u4tuhti-'t' lltiuit ii mu l'ett I 'a uty. . . . .
: ui r. ltritrht. , CiIstuitlt'ui.
I ssuty-mlnthiess' Autmaid. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
'thi'it ltiiiite ioNiti
Oruttlomu-A Defemutte sit ( lit' Cluissios. . . . .
. Mm- . John Swcmisnl %
\'tth ( : ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ucior
Mtitehi-A iiittuit'ut lttlrover . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. ( ) rohieutrt. :
1're"emu ( mu I itin a I. I ) I i ii oillutu4 0 liii A ill ross
to (1 mimmi tilt I e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
IL C. Jirdutiu , , i'ni's Ijoaud tif ltiticmttiCifl ,
Thin foliowtmtg is a list of thin gruuluaost
Aiutiion E. Antht'rson , .laiuues Auuticrson1
W'tliartl Climimuibeis , Arthur J. Chuisamn , Iotits
Sauuuuel Clarke , Thu nuns J . I I Co ItmiuS hi ,
Sieuicer ) V. Ctrtclyotm , ltretierlc 't. Cusentheut ,
( 'ltarles I' . Everts'lhliutiui ii. Foiithui , Mu-
ton I I. Giamumu , Abe it. ( lroh , N. 0 , A. 1.1.
quest , \\'yllt.i Juhimustoui , J. Cook Joliuuuton ,
Mmmx lcot'ttvr , Framik l'uttil Mnmuchmester , II-
fremi I' . Mnhiets ( , J seluhi Noslittic'ic , Atmh 'tiy
i'otter , itobct t Liuiiiaetis ltobisomu , J.'ic. .
( ( Ii' itotmilghu , Eliuui'r S. Rood , .lohiui U. fins.
icl' , Jot'1ihi S. t3chisvartzlauutlt'r , itiwuinI , So.
, ierholnu , Johuii S. Sw'uusomu , ( herald , \Iflpii
\Viuantouu , I CLimL' ? t1 no A h lt'ii , mi mi njouIn I' . A It.
tittrsomi , Atla Anal , Mary N. Atistimi ,
hhuirmiliaru , lbessk' M. ilarrmit ( , l'ntiiiemico Ii ,
llarrat ( , I .ue'y I I. Llccli ci , Ilertima I iemlun A hi.
ii'ttt : , iiinke.tlm'laitit' Illatu'stet' , hleheti
hirumutiels , ithltii I. hiuirgm'ss , Auirnia C. hiuirg-
tromn , hhertlimt Case , lititsl e mt . ( 'haiti lt'i5 ,
, \ na Ccviii , Nell Ic C rot g , Ion a I. I ) a mu Id
Lout'lla hntulel , tluuithia Ibm' IlcU. Nancy ittx
Ioisey , Elizuuhut'thu S. lruuge , Georgi . Ehht't ,
Mary hi , iilswoitlm. Amzites W. . Emmieu'sium ,
\\'hiihfncul I. EvomImug.uutmut , J0.tIti GoCt ! ,
Mary Vishnu Gnillitlu , ( 'aituihla L. ( htituumiCi'
I I C Ii nI c ( I a G tutithuer. G eciglut I I i'i I e I laisl I p ,
llahhi. ' M. llartllui , Jitlimi M. ilolfinnyr. Mumi-
( liii m1. hlnnieiiius , Nehhi M. litirmu , I.nOnut
Coutii'h I it I I mm ut or , A glues Eu um a I ur'y , fl uty I" .
ittmucr , Etlttlu Jumrlmiouu , I let ltrta l. JutyiiCR ,
ithiemun Jcuusvtu , Mary \\'cod Jolunsim , Ltssitm
L. Kerr , Celia itose Kessler , Vi.tnrla Klhhian
itarhtrmt : LIchen. Lucy M Ma" It , flhlutore Man-
tilhlmumu , I iuiuuiuali I..otultmi tlcNnir. ( b'rtnttitn
Bhizabethi Mncammuiteu , Mtitmde CluinIuiui Mis-
( ( liii lieu' , Eti I I ii ti ut LIt is , h I I 7aht ii I cecil I Iii
tIaxsvc Ii , ( 'lam hiIiiclitt Murphy. Muiry ii.
N lsomu , fluuimiua'hiclt'r l'uu ken , Ouna hh.
i'uterFuuu , Ounce Abbott lontcr , F'utitii l'ut
tel' , Florm'mico Itamitiall , May EII'.zttctlu , ltums
tuiimsscmi , ? hmtniuuu Isaluel liccil. lora ( ' . itoys ,
EtiIit ( Loran Snuitlbcrg h Ihtlretl Ii. Sumiltit ,
Lillian Ethuin Such , Edith I ) . Smn'mut'r , Aggie
Tomniisittt . Cinuuti inVil Ii 'I mimi (1 i 1 ito , .1 mmiii is
Ii.Toiiit'hit , ' , \'imi ifrt'il'Ilhel iuuy , lorothy
It iii } ' ' ' ( uti it g.
, j _ , Ii lY ( \ ' u ii ( 'Ii I ii t'st' l.a uitm
( I r it it ii It ii at' h s C ) ii I 'l'tvi , I'o-
I It-e ( ) lIir' , .
, Schureve. a strauiger In Omuuaita , an-
cnmuulamuleut by a woman , weuut hub a laumimily
at 12t South SIxteenth street auid dematutleti
theIr luuumutiry. Jim Lee , ( lie projumleor ,
hunntletl out ( lie hiumiuthie fluid a bill tot- $ I.
Sciureve took thic laumudry antI hit the Chiutis-
man a lihoiv in ( Ito lace. Simug Lhng , the Part- 4
tier of Let' , caumue Iii for a similar mlose.
hiellu tumult ) Iii ilni jursomi of Olilcer Carty ,
buit lie looked like a Cluimumumutan to Sclmrot'u
uuiumi ( lie oiilcer was flootetl. OIhicer VanotiS
uttarteti Iii to Iteiji auth lie wait treaLrn
jiiuit the samuie as ( lie others.
Flmunihy it stmlllclcnt. force to overpower
Sclurnytt tins gatlucreti anti lie was lamimleit iii
mu. TItu ollicers rumiul Chuluieso were veIy
iflut3ii imsed up by ( lie pugilistic geuutlemnutu.
S4. ( ' I 4' t " I' I hieNiii cii a I I.i'iu gut. of
It , . . iiliilt'ii ii ( 'hubs 'I'ilictN Iii
tIll ( ) umuuuluit ( hurt. .
I ) . Ii , Stino of Loiulsviiie , iCy. , miecretmity'
of ( lie Nuitlanal Leuiguu of Itt'iummbiicauu Clubs ,
mmrrive.l Iii ( lie city yciutentiumy nuoniuluig to
tuuuihu o munimu mu gout e mu tit for ( Ito nit ii mual coumyon -
t i ssht : svl II lie licitl lucre , opeui I mug J UI ir
ic. ile has citlumbihaheti hienihtimuimitens at
( hothhinmh , lintel ; tuttl still md lucre until
after ( lie athjournrneuut of ( hue comuvemution ,
' -I
- - - -
li''mtlmi1ifllt ( ' 'l'lIE N\I1'-
"Idi ll.
I low cmi you forget It ? -ttut' giu'uut'st
I I ii ii ii iou' ci' I lii good i i i ui bins 1401 ii hut vo
this Ilmuluue cli ( lit' munumumi bnnuut tutid cii
thit' 1ihuiti-Ihui' l'lIuuIHihi lilamuos uti't futuntii
. "
iii t ho tunisk' mnomiis of I lie gm't'i : I est ii I- \ (
lists-'i'lit'io uuii' Omuh. ' iOI ) ) ( ) Iii lISP by \ ( I _
) ( ' ) vluo kiiuutv a gooui ) I' .
I 10t9)1' ) ' humus ( ' ( ' 1 , 2)4) ( ) ) is Oluimiuli ] , ii miii
thim'y uute tiit ln's ( lutuvh1 piuimmo iii tlumi
s.o rI ui-'i'hu t' i' I iuml nu I is mu i'e emi ox Ii II dl
it t I Ii 1' ( 'X ) ( ) $ i I lou -I mum s'o fl SeP11 t Ii u
Autuiuuut : i ( Ilutiujum ?
M8lC OD All 1513 Douglas .
A 'l'Oi ' ( 'II 01' ItI'Fl NlI iN'l'- .
Is uiuiulid lii tlut hhhuuIiu't ( roomum h' a ilitlu
(1 l'.i I 11'iY'IV ' ( ' cit ii sit t I sIs' , , 'oul I' ii us '
muet'ils lut'io : uuuul give you just w'Iuuut yotu
vuuil : iii jtmttt tin' 3hu1m ( you iviulit 1(1 liii ) ' thii
-.4 Bi ii ) I ii mm uuui loOk ti't'i' i im I' I I ii t--iiiu . :
I uiuuiulu to shioi' gtuiuiuu-I his vt't'l mien
i I tO k I mu g a s 1mw I uug ( if itmu iv lit 't I i i it mi I mis
-liii I I ( 'Iii di I utVtI' set'Ii I mu C ) miii i tnt I ) ( 'l'uiI
- u il m' o um I' iuui ( 'i's ii 1't ( IX t it'u II t'Iy ho flit
Ilulti hiOt' lOt-SVO ' ,
gIufluutiutttt hue uiIiuIhiilt'M -r- ' -
I ii 81 I i ni t'hiut KL'u4-l ( liii I I I ) ' 1 ) PfflVt' l rh'iu
s'itli Iis-y't yotit' in'Ice Is nislu'us ) ( lie
.1. '
Oizuulia's ExcIttslt Carpet I1oiist ,
1515 Dodge St.
- ' - - _