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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 8, 1898)
- - - - - - - - - - : - " w - - - - _ - uMA1I-Aii5AIL1F : : 3i1E : WEDNSDAY , .flTh ] 8 , 1898. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1" _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ E. UOB1\VATflt. IdItor. - - - - - - - - - - - - - I'u1JhIstuD : 1VI1tY MOllN1NL , rLnMa 01. ' SUSCrt1TlON Daily Heo ( Without Sunday ) , One Yettr.$6.O ( Daily flce and IUfldfty , One Year . . 1SO1 81x Z1onth i. . . , . Three Month'i 2.U ) HUndiy flee , Ono Year . itturi.Lw lice , Oii ( ' Ynr . . . . . . . . . . . . Wockly lice , One Yeir Oi'F'1CES. Omnhn : The flec 1uIId1n. Boutli Omaha : Shiger Iliock , Corner N alid 21Ii BtrLetA. Council fl1tirf : 10 l'earl Itroot. CIiIeao OtTIce & 02 Chamber of CoU. znc'rce. Nw York Tl'mDlo Court. WftlIInuton : 501 1'otirto.inth Strcet. con ittspoD1NC1 Alt ennintinIc'ntton r'lntlng tO fl'WS Rfli , ( dItornI ! matter ihouId bo ui1dtCC(1 lu the I0tur. I0tur.fltISfNi fltISfNi SS LI : TTnRR AU 1)UflhlU4S letters flh1i r.1flttfltc ( ' $11flI1 1' to The fl'o I'tthllSIiIfl Coinpaiiy , OmaIn. flraft checks XflCR1 flflil DO.tOfllCO rnoiiey orlcr to be rnad 1ayatk , , tn t1i nr.1'r of the VtfllflflY. ) T1IF 1'tJflI1SITTNG COMPANY. STATIMINT OP ( IflCtJLATION. Sinto of NebraHkn , tougIiu County , sfl. : George H. Tzehttek , eertnry of The flee l'iilI IhtIg ! company , being duty sworn , VzIi4 tiliLt thO ttcttIUI DUrnICr Of full and ( OflflICtO rotIC of 'l'IiO IaUy , ! urflfl , iventng anil Sutulay 11cc' , prInted durliig the monti ) of May , 1S , vaM as foIIoYi 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 : ; , fl i 1 fl. . 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . : ) , : : is . . : iu , I 3 : tI.7fl : 19 : i , I 17 4 . . : ton in 20 . . . . . . . . . . . . . t ; . . . . . . . . . . . . . : uT.17 ) 21 . . . . . , . . . . . . . s ri . . . . . . . . . . $ l.77 ) 22 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : tn ) 7 . . . . , ' 17 , 1 I.i 23 It R . . . . . . . . . . . . : to.o ) 2 . . . . . . . " . . : tu , Ii ( ) 9 . . : tinnu 25 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 81.170 2r 11 . . . . . . . . . . . . : iou7 27 12 . . . . . . . . . . : t , I 2S : U,8M7 , 23 . . . . . . . . . 4 1 ,1)1) ) 2 . . . . . . 14 . . , . . . . . . . . : tii : ; i . . . . . : ' ) .11u 16 . . . . . . . . . . Total t Less returns 11I unsohi cop1e . . . , Net total snle9 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . L I Net daily : tvettge : . . . . . . . . 3O'27 I GFOItC1 11. TZSCIIUCK. Ss orn to before me anti HtlbcrIbct1 in my presence tIili Ilst * Iay n May , 1S9. LSaI I N. P. FElL. , Nutat V l'ubllc ; 4H fl. FtfI11lI'r ( ) for reventlo olily flati lon p Is It sliliting SUCS. , 'Fin ? flrt ivitk of tli grcat expoIt Ion j ; l(11111(1 ) ( us. 01113' t ciity-o11t vc&'k 1'lltflhllIllg. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 'l'li' ( 'Xl)4I ) I l ( ) U liltis t hi ( 44'l1 I 0 l ) ( ' l- ) ( ' teil. No ( It'FItIO1I [ ) 01 1ilct un' can ] o It full jtitItt. 'i' II ( 'XJOI ) t lOll I a ii t'1 uet t 10 II I it I t t'I I' . t. ! I'iIIle SItIt ) lucre iy t school chlldrcn vIII bt' U iiit vc1I s1)IIt- . ' 1Iii ' 'fin I sli I ug tO tl ( lIt' : o I t lit oXIO ) tIOfl. Oligilt IUt tO 1) ) giVt'i ! I ) ' tl ilg''t ' : 1liigrcd gLHg ; of iiofcIoiia1 "toUch _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , nIII InlcutIoI1s nrc' tlutt guInnlt1o Is ; going to l ) ( ' In a I)05itiI1 ) to carry tIii' 'stt't'iith \ a uI of1inII : at tlii' fall dcc- c t Ions vItliout lUtilot lOX ) SttItIillg. A great flIUOUltt o inoiu'y Is lnIu 1. nIaIIC OUt lVdSt thIs yt'n V. lIIi ' : tii . FV8I1dIs ( ( ) utliit : iloiip : . $ I7 ( ) OOO& ; In ten Ifloiltils , and all lii gout colti. \vI ta t Is I ho 1''I )11II ) ) let' boa r(1 ( goIng 4 to (10 ( 8 1 ) O1I t t In' a l Ion of ( ItItf ( a I lu gi i " r : I ii ng n Ot Ii i'i in ; I n's Hi oII'Y 0 vcr to l'flUIdL ( ) 1tiisoiii vIthutit lcgtI : authorIty - , ? - Ity _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ \\'lieit tlI ( ' Slch11 ) lnys : it tin' exisl- tIII ( ) SIUVI n-coining thcy will nrrI' so ; , Ihlcic a iid fast that thcrc vIhI not 1)0 ) ; ( I1OUghI lnys of : twenty-four liotirs to go : touiit1. IiItdl ( StIIII still OV11 $ ( ) OOOOO { ) ( ares of laud not oecuIlc(1 ) ( by hioriic l1'nk'rs auth It svllh he iiiai' ycius hofote the last acre Is used. Most ot' It Is In : tIaska. ' 1 IAlith 1)tS1t1 ) OflIdhtIS can ftii'nbili eon- e1iisIv cvklcnco ( Intl tlio exlosItIon ) Is nttract hog thotisainls ot strangt'rs to ( ) I11flhIfl. 'I'Iic 1'ttI5 ( ( hearing ncv 111111105 . U r& ' In d 1P ntnl ilt' p roth I' . It 5001115 tIm t the Phillipphile IlHIlrgt'lIt'j ! , have also eithistttl tilt ) Stolill I ! Ig 1 thiclr enust' , :111(1 : In'tveeii tylI1001ls ) a lId 141v0r115 tlit' S1)1111511 ) tldfclItdrs II VU hav lug n Ii IL rd I I lift' I ioltl I ii g ? d a LI ha. 'I , I I ( ( ' ( 'X ISIt ) 1)41St ) U go st :1 : 1111)5 ) 1118 y 1XI IIIOVO llllrPehtttJIl ) ) tlio 111010 thic people IL IC coil ) lfl'I led t o SI1 I t 101 them , b LI t I hat Is Ill ) rca son t I 103' slioiil I hot 11111 ko I Ii tI r Itjlltl1illld0 ) la'forc the Ir'sOllt ) ( iliontit Is - VP. _ _ _ _ _ _ ; iO111l' tllIlt 8 ( ) the ( 11110(1 ( Sta t s np- d8 rt'I ( I 0 lit' I I ii' 011 0 IS ( ) hlt lcd II a t Ion of Ilti's'l'lli. . NOV' II Is 4ILllI rlntt Is p- 1)11 ) i't'itt I frk' I I ( I loss a I I ti a I i ii e. 'I'11 ' ( ' ' clintige Is Iugt'Iy : ( tile to iewcy , I toboii . : 111111 (111101 $ . ' 1' I IU Sila 11 Ia ils a tI III ) II lie. . 'II 1 4)1 ll I I hit' II go t LIII t I licy I III ( I a g i'.tt U ri I115 ( ' I a 141(110 ( f)1 ) tile 4Ill01ldILl1h4. 'i'hiit. ' far I lit' 110)51 ) iilr)1lIhIg ) tltlzit s that tIit'y 1tit' ( lout' IUtlllIlg ) 111010 tIlItil got tltcir hoot 1iitt fl liottlo , NdIfllskIL ) Itiis llO % ' ftIrhIlhlt'(1 ( jut. vol- 11 II t t'cr a iiiy % l I Ii it I'tihl-lt'lgt'd ! In' IgIL- dlor gt'llohlll'Iint Is ( ' ( IUIIIIY erotihtuhit' , It hits 1115(1 fLlrIllt4llt'tI bore thou Its 11110111 (1 1 mi 8 I t'S , .110 t t 0 hI1'I 1 t 1(111 ( Ii IgI I or 0111- ' ei'i $ , I lit SIhI)1)l ) ) Of vlilcli Is jlraItIcahIy llhtIlhllltt'I. I to t vou1d t Ito ti Is t iI ot Coil rt J n ilgos (1(1 ( f)1 flIt1IIt'Ihlclkt It' they did hot lntvt' I lit'l I ii W1t , ( ' 4) ) II0'SS I ros t o chIt or- 111111 tlti'iit vItll IhlErhhtI\'os ) or tlit'It Iron- lit'S ? I t Is I'I'II I Iy t 1)1) ) ) 1)11 ) d t ha t t ho t'oii ri I II'II I 1 $ LI I 11)11 t I o dust' , v itIlo t lip Iii VUy l'hhhlH Oil 1111 1411111111cr. 'I'Iie il ( ' ' t'ILIIt'r3' ( COlIlrlct ; hlpproyt'l ( 1) ) , ' 1 Ii 0 1) hUb I I Ii I 108 III (11' IhI fl ( 'a t 1(111 ( liii I Is I ho ti 511 0 1 coli ti I t I oh ii go I lIst iliartla go ti ii i'I IIg t I iu tt' IiII ol cli I I lIlly I I It'll t , 'Vti siii- 11(1St ( I Ii Is Is t o I ) u I ho 24010)01 boa rd's co ii. trilnit Ion t0\'hl1'(1 0. g.utl . ) s1io 1iig for till ? t1ty In tlio ceiisis of 11)00 ) , 'rho i)0IIc0 ) lutl-I ( orghlil Is t rylng IIOV to IHIlLIUtO hi hold tititi 8IlL'csstIhI ) % $ . 1lrii1Ihlg ( by ml hunting tlntt 1ieeitis thu 1ld1 ( % 1.1I5 hhhlIhJhlrt'il ) tiit' proprictor of hit' ) urginI'llt'l ( store 1111(1 ( lt'tt Ills door open. LoV tIiI ridlotiloini sttll 30X ( tls ( ' lilt ) * ittt'i IIlelIldIt'hIcy tif I ho Dinalni IMIIII'e hi protoi't 11w cIty ( toni thIeves L.dSeS CO1J3pl'tIiVZlIOfl. ) .SITfJA 7 TON ZX TrW Pi7fl'PtN. Thin lateM reports from Uhe I1hlllpplne show there k urgent tieeenIty for Amer- loan troops tlir're. Ifl order to prevent exeesft.s ( .fll thu part oC the liIMhlrgentR , ' 1io luive heeii IIIiik log stonily 1ient1vciy IlgIlihist tilt' 81)1111 ) Iiii'tls'iilln tliiilral Jcvcy vIli (10 ( Iii ! lie Citti do to have thu hlisiirgeii t $ olservf' ) I Ito rules of ci vii Izi'il whlrtar ( ) lie inny hot be :11)10 to elltIreij repress theIr tllsposltlon to wreak veil- gonhlce 111)011 ) tilt ? SpnnlI1rh1 by siiiii- iiiarliy puttIng to ileatli the IrIonerS tnkt'ii. 'I'll're ( Is a bug r'eoi'd of Span. 1.sli brtltallty niul cruelty vIilclt the I'itli- 11)1)100 ) ) liisurgents , like t1tO0 ! lit CubIt , eitlilutt forget. VhUiollbtedly nlnhly of 1110 followuis of tgulhialdo hllIve laid fittliers 1111(1 ( brotlit'is who hove fiiIuu liito tile Iittiids of the pn itlarhiM iiiercl. ie'ssly tortured anti put to ilt'ith : aiiil tin'y ore otgct for revenge. Thcy know iiotlilng about tlio rules of elvillzud war- 18 1 ( ' , 'I'liel 1 Itleit of var lIfts Iit't'ii i'htrhiL'l ( ti'olii tildir OIIt'OS)401' ) ) 811(1 ( ' , Vllat they IIIVC : 1)0011 ) tittiglIt tlit'y desIre to IIilCtIt'e. ) l'ltIIo's V'hlgl'flhIC , being Liii' Siaililai1' rub lii ticoilug svltli titoSt ? Iii Itisurroct iou , It Is most Ito tiital tllhtt the Insnrgcitts should vztilt to apply titu SIttilt ? i-tile Wildll tile soldli rs of Spahil (1111 hllt ( ) their lutntht , ' [ 'lie loatlers lilay lIChigC ) tluiiist'IVOS ) to OhtrV0 ? thu mli's Of dtVlhl'/.l'hl vurfnre , but thici'e Is no as 141i11111d1' tilat thie'y can 111)1(1 ( theIr follow- ( ' 15 to stidll observance , ( or they are not orgIlnIzed 1111(1 tilsdllllit'tl ) aiitl Iinhaicd with a st'iii' of reSh)0i1StiIllt. ) ) as are tin' ' triiili's of clvlilzel liatlons. 'l'hwy are 1101(1 ( togt'tlicr 113' a coinhiloit hiiiptilse , but tiit , COlltV)1 or restrIllilt to s'hiIch tiicii 1t'IOlftrS 1110 : tiile II ) Stlhjt'Ct ) tliuiii lIltist in'ct'ssurlly be loose. ill. a word , they ltl ( ? little If ltll' bettor t 111111 a itiob and therefore lIable at iiily tIme to break oscl. nil rules or ri'gulntlons. Undoubtedly A diniriti Dewey Ilas a CtitSI(10111hIt ) ( ) ? Inhhticitce vitht the lilsur- geilts. 'I'Iiey kxtos' what lie IiLs accoin- IhISlietI ) auth tili'y apprecIate Its object 'l'liey have shtusvii thulr wIllIngness to C0-01)0111t0 ) lit Orlving out the SItnliirIs : : tiid 1)cwt'y hthhdit1's ) ) to have contideilco Iii tiltill. TheIr sttthihilty , however , wIll 1)0 butter zl$411r0l W'hiCfl tinrc ? ? Is huithud In the I 'Itlhipplties 1111 ! t inerlean : trlfly strong enough to CXIeI the Spatilards vltIlou t rt'qlllrlilg lilly 1lIShUlct } from the iiistirgoiits 111111 to nitll1tnlti orler ( thit'rt' vhien It shall have fully 'IT'cted nil OIMU1)itt ) lou. Nohwtly can furt'st'e , hi0V01Cl' , hlo\v ilitidhi Of a tttsk t his vhi1 lIt' . Our ( loot Is itt eOnti tl of It1iIIa 1)lty 811(1 tlit'ru ilhiL'I1PS ) to be no reason to ahilireliomiti thllIt It eIlIlIIOt hold 111050 \V11101 $ Ii1(1t'hhhiit0l. l'erhaips w-Itlt a 11111(1 ( forct' of 10.01)1) ) ) tItu cIty of ) .IalihlIl cotilti ( 'I1$1l3 be Cli htttre(1 ) ( , 1tit this V)111(1 ) ( lInt t'iitl tilt ? vork to ho done. 1Vu , ? ? ioiihti hiivo : IH)5t'SSIOlt Of 0110 citti 01' thit' I'Iilllppliics , w ith a st Ill larger iilatloii , prohIth1h much of it host lit' , to Ito hnouglit iiiitiet StIllliISiOil ) to our nu- 1 liorlty. I t Is iiroiost't1 ) to scud per11Ii 2 : p,000 iiieit to tile lsliiids. ; it Is 1)05511)10 ) I hIlt ( hlllile' this lltitItbeV vI1h be re ( hIlire(1. ( 'l'la' hiistoiiliig : of troops to tile I'lihhip 1)1111's ) S'cliis to 1)t ) ? liiiiieratlvt'ly ntces 5:1 : i's , I a ord o r ti in t Ii lie shi a I I 1)0 no faliuro 011 the .11:111 : of the United States It ) liloot tlte r&liisliIhltY ) ( ) It hills tlS 5111110(1 turn' . )1i'ri3ijv'ix rItIlr ) V OIUGOY i'0t hie fIrst t hut' the Oregon no- ) ) this yr :11lllnl1e : 11 hiniit stiiitl. for t I it' 1)11 ) II t. I I lt's f I ii r 1111 ii y US Il ) nitilgatod at t. litils I ivo ycais ig' 1111(1 ( this IllltfOl'Ill ) , vlilehi vas luioIt'lI ago Inst tin' 1)10105t ) Of 111111)3' ) old 1tlt(10F $ tr tile iti'tY ) Iii the state , together vtIi : a t It'kt't ol elt'iii : 1111(1 hub 111011 , eltrt'k'd t ii'llt to V li't t ) iy U go I list a fusIon coi i I - lihllttIil ) ( ) ( OiillO5eti ) of all ele'iii-mit ' op- 1)050(1 ) to time ri'lnhiIcall ) ) i1rty. I'lie vie- 1)i'S' ) _ W'ItS tihiliett ( ) ? 11.11(1 of the gnoatest sign hhicanc& ' . 'l'iie large lillijonIty for time roIlihiicln ) : (11 iiti Itlt : t e for governor Is sa tlsmactony to rt'ltlhhicans ) evt'i-yvhici-e , but time ohi'etioit of two 1t'hllhiiCtll ) congr ( SsliielI S\'ItS niore Important , 1111(1 ( thIs not so liii- iOltIIlit ) 11 $ the t'iuetlon of a nl'jllhildILlt ) legislat III.I' that vlil hill the YOOlthidIn _ tue iiiilti'tl States SL'IIate from Ort'gtii vIthi ii. 111811 , VIi ( ) vhhi StIthuil $ (1llItI'ly ( vithi hIs 1)antY ) 011 all ( JlleStIOii $ . 'l'iils va- tItil'y front Oi'ogoii w'ts ( thi50tl ly tilt ? ihlsagrcciia'nt itiiilmg rt'ptilihlctiis : 011 thit' Ilnunclal ( jltstIOhl. ) diltttoti i htciit'hi haul deoltioti ieaiiiiigs town i'd free silvi'r , a'd. ; itlthiougi itftet tlte h'ghsia ttlnii fa'.lril to t'lect Ills SlltPt'SSOL C oVt'ihIor Loitl 111)- jOllitt'L ) ( Iiliii to the otII&'t' , lit ? 'Z1S hot IlOrlIlittOti to tflkt' Ills scat in thIs Irregular - lar lutIhiller. I hIs sticct'ssor sviil ho ft so i i ii ti 1110110't 11111 Ii It itti ii Is itlIt'tlil ) lIlt ? In the lJllite'lI States sI'llatt ? vhIl ns:4lirt' : till ? t'OthllIil [ ) ) itS von1Iiig stni.ngtlt svIlIcll thtcy i10 l1l'k. ? 1tmi' Orugoil l'CItthlIdtilS ) ) Ilonestly tliiiiiil i'tl thit' I)55iI1llItY $ hlcCS ( Oil 11 1)1111 ) IoriiI lit iiIhl'hlllly w'ithi thu iltit 1011111 1)hlttft)11i1 ) ) , largely hodluiso for yonrs I lit''t ) i'lttlOr $ hitith Iceii illililIlIg t'oilccS- slitmis tO t iii' free eoluigt' : IltiVodll t ( ' 5 , 1111(1 ( iilso htt'cittist' tlti' ttt reilghll of the t4Oliilti 1il(1hl ( ( ' _ . ' ( 'It U I ( ' I I ii tl iIt'vt' L ha'i'it III I i'iy tustt'tt In tilt 14(811 ( ? , 'I'lle t'lrct Ion tills vt't'k thllt'ls ) 11 ii doubt. Oregon stantls for tile gal tl Sin I I tin iii . 'J'Il ( 10l ) Ii I Ii It'll as ( it' tlLtt StIlt. . ? vlIl lint tigalil hesitate its toVliitt ( ' 0h1i14t to l)1111411e. ) C.IIUA'G 1"Ofl Titi ; .SOLI)1I'ltS. 'J'lioi t' I I' , V)111 ( I lilt Ill t I I III t I ii I ? I 1001)5 III 14Iiltt of tin' c.tiitps of colicentrat Ion Itro Ii I I t 1 ) I ii g it i0l'nI ) CII Et'l ( toNC'IV ! $ 1111 it'i ) ( ' $ ) ) ( cli t $ :1 : t I hit so t : tii ii is $11110 thu I tito t'OhiiltllStIi'y t'tylt'o Is iiot % % ( , ii iiiaiiagt'il , tIilbt tIlt ? food Is lint hlup- ) ( 'ii3 t'oui'd a iid that 11101-tb arC othir thi'- _ t't I s lit I lIt hi i'i'a Ii go int'ii I s CU US I ii g 1ll(1l0 ( ( U. loss ilartIshil ) it ) tilt ? SthtlhiJl' ) $ . 'I'htu I lIlt I t t'i. Y1I S It' ft'rrtti I o I a i-u a gi-t'ss a fev ( ll % ) ' $ ago lit the ioiii'stj of tile t1t'IlLtU OIl tilt' dL'lItlt'iley bIll , 9'imt'i' Is Peru a ps stt in r groil ii ( I 11)L' t lit ) st a t t' ii I oil t 8 1 lIlt t hit Vt ? I i't'ii liiatitt , t liotigh It Is ( hilt' ? llht'Iy tliitt they ilItyt , 1)0011 ) ( 'XII ggt'iii t i'tl. l'li Is ituiy 1)13 U P1511 I 11011 I'ton , llio fIlet that. ho coIllidIlIlit , so far 1114 tI ? hinvu OllstlrVtHl , hilts eoiiit ( Vhtl ) tilt ? soltili'rti aliti If matters vere 140 1)1111 ) its ri'prt'soiited 51)1110 of tile $ hlIi0it'V4 vtniItt % iilitllit ( ) cdlliiit ( on itil a w-ay it ) hililko the fact litilillehY kiios-ii. 'l'iit ) 'tilhlit0t'V foi'cti Is (1)lIllflSt ) tl larguly of I a I t'iI Igon t a iid i ' I ti I cii ii i i'n , vllo at hitiflt ) lIved echiIfortuiiy ) 111141 'cil. Such lllt'ii vlhi not ItIlt'tly thi'Vlitt ill treat. iiit'ilt t)1 sniiiiIt to tiiihlt'ct'SsIlRy II1li ) tloiis niul lntrlsiilps. It Is to lie I)1t'Sililit'i ) tIltit u'eI-y 1111111 who enlisted lii the mIlItary servIce lcness' that lie would have to e'qn'rlence niore or less discomfort itlitl hardshIp. 't'lint Is iiisoparnbie front the life or a soltifer.Vhiothior in the Cahill ) or In the fli'ltl eamupalgiiiiig tilt ? soldIer cannot hare the coniforts enjoyed at Inane. All that can reasonnthy ) be epocted Is that lhiu goroi'iiineiit wIll do the very best It can to ropetIy 1)rOVItiti for Its soldiers iiiitl thIs thit'ru Is every rehison to bohit've It Is (11)111g. ( iii ( lie tiebate on thIs tiii- Ject In the 11(11150 ( It was stated by soy. I t'rai i111'llllIrrs , froni ersotia I kiios-it'dgi' , that the otlielalit chlltrgetI with provlthhiig for tile army have bet'ii vorkIhig with extnitortliiiary dIhigt'uce a lid oiit'rgy slilce tiii , (1113' ( ( haiL war viis ( idChlit''tl itiul they are still tiolmig so. Thor" Is not the slightest reason to ( lOtibL that tue olhi- daIs of the \\ttr t1t'prtiiient are ItS deeply eoiicernod nhotit 11w hfloPOr care of the soldIers as meiiibers of congrcsi s'1io iittve eoiiStItblollts Iii tile army Or anybody else. A tretiieiiiiois task vas iiiitlei'hitketi vlihc1i could ' not he nct'ohii- PlIstleti In a (1fl ( , but It Is Prt'tty iicttrly coiliiiI'tt'd ) anti lit a lIttle % lllie nil cause of complaIn I. 'Ii1 bo reiiiovt'd , l'llO.IIOTING TJIb USl 0 ? " ( 'OUX. Tile Nev York Ciaiiibcr [ of Uoiiiiiirrce 11115 rectiitly lltktMI actIon favorable to it further effort ly the govertiiiiciit to lrollmote ) the use of corn by itlr)1wa1ls ( ) , havIng hitsseti : resolutions urging coii- gross to iiiake iiit iipirorIitIoii ) for thIs l)111P050. ) ¶ l'lie ilttit ) 1)101)tS0(1 ) ) ( Is to settil to 1'ti10ht ? iiersoits tiunhihleti to give Iii- struetlous Itt the varIous treltrlttIolls ) ) : of cotiiiiienl. iti'ferrlng to this , the Nt's' York Jour- ilal of Commerce rciiiit-ks : that tilt' culti- . _ ittI0il of tilt ? Ftiroiean ) nhit'tltt ) ? for corli Is worth nil the itssisttiice that ( lie Cil2it1I1)er ) of Coiiimnerce rt'cohtuilirhitls. hut ( lie exteitt of tiitt exIort ) itt tilt' presolit 1.Iiite indlcttt' : ( lint itiuchi of the vork of Iiistruetioii hills litreatly 1)0'ii ) liCColil- pushed. Last year tilt ? export of corii thiiiost touciietl 17T,00)0O ( ( ) bushels itud a larger aiiioiint vlhl be exported thIs year , IIS Iiitllcated by the hlgiini's thus far. f thifl prIce of wheat slioulti con- tiritit' high for anothior year a coiislthcr- 111)10 Inci-rase In the export of coiit hilly safely be eXpt'cteti. At nil evunts the tune scunis tt ) be peculIarly tutsplcloits for agaIn urgIng this cereal as a. tahile food tiptin tilt' atteiitlon ot Europe and it llla'ral flih)1iIrIfltlOil ) for tilt' ItiilSu ) by coiigrcss otiltl be geilertIIy : : tp- itO't'tl. ) Tue fitt that IItSt ) ( ? fIOltI4 In tiths ( iiri'ttlUVt'te S0li1'Vil1it tilsap- poiiitlng In results itrgut's notiihiig agahiist anothici ofl'ort , umitter tiit' iiiort' favorable conthitlons. 2VOh1 SL1XD 1"ROM UNDIJU. The hilgii-liniahi'tl flttt'ilijt of ( iiilef of Police ( Inhlaghier to drIve out of the city the it'tectIvcs employed by thit exlosl- ) tloii for the [ )10t'CtlOil of Its ittioiis lutist be rest'iitctl and roslsteti. Omaha Is Ill iioiior bound to pros-Ide for tin' S1tft'l , ' ( if Its vIsitors 1111(1 guests durIng the expositIon. ' .Piie notorious Iii- olhlck'ncy of ( 'Illof Gniiagiit'r : tntl the forer tiiidei 111111 to cope vIth tlit' 1)iofeS- sloiitl tiiIevts titt1 thugs attracted by I li multitudes that offer a irohitalht' ) 111.1(1 ( Lot- their rniieity : hmt : coiiipt'hht'tl liii' t'xiosI- ( hIflhiiiigrrS to dIi1ii0y It sit't ) lal foice of exln'rt tllIcf-CIlteitt'rs : tiitl cik-shot- ( ( ) hers , iiot otihy for the bi'iii'tit of VIsiting si no ligt'rt Ii ntt rltIzt'iis , but also thit' Il0- ) tt'ctlon of Its osvn trt'astiry against dls- Itotiost _ tli1)liyt' ? ) ) $ _ lit tills the iiiaiiageiiii'mit Is 01113' (115- ciiargliig a sacred trust. Es'oi-y 1111111 , W'OiilItIl iiit1 chiliti that emiters tin' ) rt'- ( iiiets of ( lie t'xposltloii is olititlrd It ) 1)0 safegua rdud front hilCl1)OCIt't5 ) filth 1)rO td0tt'l ( zigt : Inst dlIlIlliitl : 1)rIt'tlces ( of es-t'l y descriptIon. It. wotihi he ) f1tL 11101-1. crt'lhtalie ( ) for Oiiiahia to close Ihit' gates oh ! the ( 'XlOSItlOhi ) tinut to staini Idly hy ) svhtlle Its guests ttie lutetl Into hoiI-t'- ) i)11) ) t t'ct i'ti rOih ions' roosts an d p1 a a ti ri-i'd by iilghlss'ltylne'il In collusIon Ivhtil POhlCI' ltIitilOrlticS. 'Viit'ii a ( illef of Pollee ssvorn a mid 1)1111 ) to iiiIllIttltIlI oi-dor 1111(1 ( Sllill't'5s ) ) t'ihiiir ' ' - ' svitht tIn' force ( lellhl'ratt'ly ) t-oitsliil'es 1111- tier hiiiii to IhtIY ) Ilito tilt' hiaiitls of enlin- hints haiiuiled togetlu'r fotphtiimtloi - It Is ti mile for ltsva : hId I ug ci I lzoii s o f I II o ( ' 0111- inulihty to risc In their nilglit , not oiily to lilotest 1)111 ) to see that thit'Ir protest is 1100(10(1. ( ( Nti othloei- hthgllor hill it lii" lit V U ntl no t i l iii I II a I Is lilt ) i' tlaiigt'rolis thiiii : the lorjured ) ohhicer svhio eoiiiiisrl4 I a cii 1110 iiy I ilt'rfOi'I ( Ilg s' I t ii a ion sv ho itt-c tryIng to ltit ) lIlt t'iitl to Oiitli1SVi' ' . 'I'il'ie ( Cliii be no ptlhlittloit : or t'xoust' for tIle coiidlthoii t'xlstliig lii thIs tIty : tt this thnie , : titti ( lie iiieii svhto Iiiiaglimt' t lint 'l'i ) 1 ? 1 lee sv I I 1 no nut I a slirit t I )0Cil ) 11140 OX- I)0l1i ) of tue soaiidal iiiay kt't'p t'Xi)0I- ( bit visItors asvay tliitit'ni'att ? Its inoi-uI i4tltlIiIita. 4. COhllIiltiilIty ss'htlcht svouhtl al- loss' Itself to hL'Ctiii ) ( ' htrtliri ) : in a relgil of shliittrloss : swliidhos 1111(1 ( W'hiOit'lllt' rOhll'i's' ) ) _ by tlllts'os ? 111111 things nini gain- hiit'is no lOtt'i ( tiutit rohht'rs vhit ) staiitl lit ss'Itli thit' h)0iIC ss'hhi siilit'r iiiorc' h' toht'ratlng Its colltliIIiimlct ; tiiitii by Its ( 'Xlotill' ) niitl tlOiiIliit'littIii ( ) ly ) the t't'ill- loss lre'ss that kiiows Its ( luty anti dan's dlsohhilrgo It. I IIs t I mime , I 00 , t I ut t I hIt ? roSI ) ( ' ( ' I 11 1 do a nil ( l'C'li ( t I ) ( ' ( ipit ? ( I f C ) i lIlt lIlt si ill I I ttiiitt It ) t I it' fioitt si t It t hiuIt s ii io rt fotlit' i'fi'tii t 5 ti t : t hit' in t'ii on t In' ox post I loll 11011111 5YhlO 1t'flis ( ? to jrtlatl'lIzo ( I lit' silt- , ( ' 055 of tint eX1)tiSltlOll ) itiiti siiihrt'hi thic' ' I 11)11 f 0 hi I ' i-i'iidt'rI it'piitn ) (1 ( iiia a su a g to t hit' ttltiitW'14 svllo eoiitt'til tlti' ( ) muahlu u hIt'r. It Is tIme to fact , tilt' isstit' limit ! lot P11 1 ii Ic son t I ilit'ii t LI sst'rt I tst'l f lii a 1)11 ) hI It , liit't't lug I t llt'Ct'il iy , ( iiiii ii I ry 1)11 ) hll ) ? $ svit it'll Ii l'O hal II I I ug sii- ) t'iiii tt'iegrlllhhhIc 55'Iti' hit'S\14 Itlriortliig ) ) .to 1)0 ) I a su I ist a iito 'I'll II I leo's h t'eha I s'n r il\V ( $ $ ( 'i'siCt ? 11 t ? 01111 t haIled t liii t no n'i'- Soil toitiii'vtetl sslthi 'l'lll ? Iht'i' hits nut 111)1'- Ity to nst Its iilspateimt's foi thIs iitii'i,0s. , Nt'I I 1101' 'I'hi ( ' I ht't' nor a iiy UI ci ill lt't' of Its sttlf ; is utlniilshlilig ithiy l1tl'r : ) ssit It tilt ? 140-CIlllt'l ( h'ti svnr spoehiths am ! dis- lIlt I dIes SV I i-t'tl flo Iii 0 inn I in a s 'I'hio I teht'gtll ills 11it iitntlo ill ) ft-out meal ml- 1)01s ) att'i' thit'y hiltvt bet'ii halt Ofl ithe In tilt ) stit'ets. , . . la done svlthi Otilni \lti1tt.o1. ) iiiay , Pol'tt ) itIco ititti the Pliillpplllt's , It I et'rtnlit that tilt ) A liienicalt iUSlllt'it ) nicit are to bt'cohilo iiloio faililllhir svithi thltl iuisluc'ss jHnethhIhhltItiI4 of thielte lllnhitl5 tlunliig tilt ) lhrst hutif of tilt ? ceiltliry ilOtS hlilIlost hit'i-t' , aiitt It thioreforti hehloov'lt ( ) aug nlt'n s % hiti it i'o gIll ii g 1 a to 1 ilsl iii's to 1ittoiiio fhlhlliiIltt' w'Itlt thit , iti tush iitlighlllgt' . 'l'iie coistthlt effort Of t iiierl- ti-ado booiiieni Iii to seciru freer I COliiIitilll'fl ) ( thou ln'tss'een thu ' I 'iutted Sijttt's niiti the nuthi niitl Central Ainer- lean coutitrlt's , ilntiethils citli ltst 1)1' dolie by llillkuilg thic'tptiiIshi Irimigunge (1111111- br to thiP iiigiistitsiakhtig PeoPle. 'I'hie ( niIfori1lit liio dealers are not it'juIt'iiig over Li1t' iiesv recIprocIty treaty with i'raiice. 'hity say It yIells ( to Fralico nil tha'nIp-utectIon tilat linti been afforded their bUsliies ilfiti that It xviIi lii : ' ilil1)SSiilt ) ( ? for thit'lii to eoiiipete ' , Vitll thH ? Irt'nchi wliq4iiakcrs for tlte Aiuierl. ( ' 1111 trade. A recIprocIty treaty Is lretty et'rtahii to be objuttIonab1e to some ier- soils , hut the ' 12tlhierlenn PeOlilo WIll ( ? s-onttlnhly SO0etb lt that ( iii' CalIfornIa wIne dealers iVit11a niarkt't for theIr . 55.11 103. 1s'ery school upermntc'iitIetit itiitl every tt'aeln'r iii time I rlihililIssIssippI states shuotilti try to attriitl time Tnititsinisshs' 511)1)1 ) ihliCltti0lhitl coiiventloii at Onialiti ( lit' cud of this nioiithi , 11ticiltors of nrohiilliclwe Say thia'itilu attractIons of tite Oiiniha min'i'ttiig vIhi far excecti titose otTered 1)3tIll ) ? NiitlOiilti Etltiet- : tiomial assocIatIon \\'itsiiliigtoii and teitt'liers who hitso a 01101cc between thai t % V ( ) shiouhi 1)V ) _ itli means take lit Oiiiitlia ittiti tue exposItIon. The way to dittsv 1)001)11' ) to 11w eiosl- ) tloti is to : tsstiro tltt'ln that while lit at- teiitlaiice thit'y wIll he protected fromii tlltt'VC $ , things itiitl ssvlitilleis. 'l'hie gteltost OttIt'it : ? tile exIiosIt lou lutist OVI'I'COiiit ? III tillit hirsel1tetl by thit' hiuntl- eqthitto lioilce luroteethoit afforthc'd vIsitors by luck of it hi)1Ice ( ) force of ehik'Iout ittul homiest. iiiemt uitnier Coliiptitt.ilit ihhti'c- tioii , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ A Ilnitislt hag was roiiiosed ui'oiii alnoiig thit' ducorat Ions at ( lie coiiiliienct'- liit'iit eeioIst' of tile MIssouri uiih- s't'rslfy on dt'inand 01' Curator , Tones , a hOitihlt ) ) 1)Olltht'Ittti ) , svlio coliiiulaliietl that ( lie hag svts a catering to "thit' goiti iugs. " On the satue iirliieltiie its phitce shiotihl hiilse beeti tuheit by a Mexlcati or Cithitese ( lag. A gaiiie s'ardeu iii Chicago hiits iiiade it CoiltIscittloll of a large ntiiiiber of si1iihl hhiils founti lit cliges lit it store sviilelt stitii ) ) los iiiIihliit'i svlthi feathers and hlUihit'S niitl I iie ioetl court snstaliietl Ills coitteittloii tiiiit these birtis were loing ) hiciti illegally. Tue song bIrds ttte galii- lag frleiitls es'ory year Out' cause of ( lit' rt'luitliCul ) : vIctory lit Oregon onoiuity svas ( lie exeeihi'tit state anti CoiIgL't'SSltIlal thekc't. 1'llu CaliiIlltte ( for gov'nltor. tI r. teor. li , a. faiiiic'i by occupatIon and a. stii'ieiit ' and orator. All of t Ito eantilda to-i s'eie much vhtosc' tecord'i t uimasstlin : ble. 'I'Iie iiiIitiiutkii-rs 'vllo 011CC profIted by the gullIbility o' PtisOiiS sVllt ) thlonglit that tue efrtii : 1iid : exh'ritiIct'l ) ( ( a her- iiiititeiit ciit IIge of tventlic'r might nosy. iiiihe : a lilt l' bnliiglng out ti. sure tliliig ( itNtr svc'atllc'r lcItioii , . No Sut.-ht Vorl Its Fitli. Chicago 'rIlOes-lierald , The Omaha eosItton evidently doesn't Intend to talle any chances of ( allure ; It has two Midways , 'Flie Itt-ni "FiiSiity' Cui at ry. " Ne Yfr11 Sun. When the Bryati Tloy Orator goes to Cuba , or to ManIla , ho wIll learn that the 'cite- lily's country" is not wIthIn the borders of the United States. No Stli Jul , . \\ii1t1ittoii l'ost , The peoPle out at Omaha are quIte enter- prislng , but they vIlI be sure to ascertaIn that thIs thing of runnIng an exposition In opposItion to a war is no fool Job. SeetlotittI I't-cI iiij Iiiti iNJIetL Globe-Democrat. One ot the great results of President Mc- ICInley's admInistratIon Is the disappearance of all sectIonal feelIng. The president has cul tlvated harmony throughout ( lie country by every means In hIs power. and given fresh proof of lila broad-mInded patrIotism , $ , -t-ii Ut IL 1)1MCI , ut. l3rooklyii Ealo. The officIal nniiio of it Is the Strategy -Board. The wicked wags in congress call It the lethargy board. If anything , however , can beat lethargy , It Is that branch of congress - gross called the senate , Lethargy has been knowii to lie tlown and tile of grief aiid shame 'long aIde of the record of tlto sea- ate's glacIal pace. Sisttvs Slttiuug flue Carr'itt. i'lt llilt'iPliliL [ ( Ledger. Evidently the adrnlnlstratloit expects to hold Manlia for a consIderable tinie , sInce It Is not only gohlig to statIon the iowerflll monItors Monterey anti Moitadiiock there , illt Is preparIn to plant a large number of mInes In the harbor. These irCCatitlOils IndIcate lioth a long stay and tim antlclpa- tion of attack by a strong fleet , such as SpaIn can hardly aenti agaInst our squadron - ron there unless we wait untIl she bulltis more vessels. ar at least finIshes those now under way. flut then It is the wise policy of our government to take no chances , but use a force sure to ho strong enough for the work assIgned to It. coitN : liIiLtL l'itOi'itGANIit. OiortauI 'l'i lee tip Sing Its l'ruiNeW III lr.rt'ign Iziniii'i , 1iti1sitS CIty Star , TIm preseiit Is a most opportune tlnho ( or the United States govciitiacnt to resuiiio its etlorts to exteiiti the use of IndIan corn in Europe as food for liunlait consuntpbon. The CItintber of 1cqmmercc of Now York hir3 adopted a rejjoh4LIoi1 callIng on con. grEs to make the pecessary appropriatIon for tills ptirpoe. PrevIous efforts In this directIon have apt been hIghly effective , chiefly hecauso tI1 were carrIed on at a tInU ? when wlieatSvaa cheap anti plentIful , anti thiero was iiq _ p\tiCil \ need for seekIng nit addItion to lt'at1 SUIJIlies. Slit wheat breatl In Europe i tithistialhy high now , and there Is good reasort to believe thiitt prices of wheat for sOitlUJIfll.e to conIc wIll rt'inalii high , a compared wIth the average values Pr101 to the preent year , Au aggressive eioft ( now to extend ( Ito use of corn bread' In Europe ought to be crowiict with stieeeslt. ThIs couiitry pro- tiuces such eiiornioue quantities of corn every year that [ I Jnrgo aluotirit can readIly ho spared for e9rt , lit the year entling with thIs month the slllpmenta of corn to Europe will ainouiit to nearly 200,000,000 bushels , yet thIs vast quantIty has been spared from home supplies wIthout dliii- culty cud wIthout materIally advancIng prices. It is doubtful whether Europeaiiu are using for their tables much of the great quantItIes of corn that they are purchasIng from thIs country , They lave a prejudIce against this excellent cereal because they have always looked on It as a food for boa8ts , But merchants abroad are getting used to handlIng It and a porn bread vroua- ganda In Eurtpc at the preNemit tune , uiider the auspIces of the United States Agrlcul. tural department , ought to be producttyo of good Its , (1hSlUS Oil' TIl1 WiST. I 011011 haul , , l'itit'k and ii I l Irrirel ity the lOsih Ittu , ilaitlmnoretine ticaitI There lit avery rca- son to belIeve that ( tie cxPoItioi1 sylll be a sticcesii aiiil the attendnnee large. Many people who make It a rule to travel every summer wIll abandon foreIgn trii thIs sen. son on account of the war , and wlil go west for a chiangi' . They will profit by such a journey. The exposition at. Oninhia will be well worth seeing , nrni wlil give every American a chance to see that the west can make good Its boasts , auth that it is a great section of a very great country. Newark ( N. 3. ) News It is a innrs't'ious example of the progress of peace and war along parallel lInes , and we tloiibt if It counld be repented In any other country 111)00 the face of the giobo The war hia not Interfered with the aticeess of the cx- IOsition , nor has the exitosition hindered a Jot the conduct of the war. Nebraska and every other state participating has sent Its full quota of men to the front , iiiid they all stand ready to stipport the government auth uphold our national honor to ( lie toll- est. extent. The exposItIon swill continue until November 1 , and we doubt not ( lint liiterest in It wIll hover hag until the enit Treiitoiu ( N. J. ) State ( iazettc1 fllstaiit as Oiimnlia Is ( roam the east , it is ( ho center of a great and prosIjerotis country ( hInt OilY. where else iii the woni(1 might ho an citi- PIre , There is nothhiig that these coin- iiientiablo eiitcrpnlses iiiore powerfully hit- press on the mIiuil thou tue Ininienslty of our terrItory and ( lie Stihhicleiiey of every nart amid section of It for Itself. 'The fact ( lint tlto millions of people ' who are engaged - gaged lit ( lie Peaceful occupation of coin- pnrliig notes nut ! learning front each other ( ho arts of industry are ese wIth us on the ll00-mile.ilIstnttt AtlantIc slope who are quIvering wIth anxIety over the war iiews whIch barely Interests thieiit , teils a marvelous story of our greatness and Its development. St. Louis Reptibhlc : The large attendance of the opening week at the Omaha Traits- illiSSlRSiiil nitti Iliternatiolial Eiposltloit is an encouragIng sign of the healthy condl- tloit of the public mind , Despite the excite- meats of war , the people have not become distracted or demoralized , and are pursuIng their ways as If nothing extraordiiiary were occupying a part of theIr attention. A feature worthy of special notIce is the readIness of all departnieiits of the exposi. tioti to receive crItIcal inspectIon by the tliousanths of vIsItors It is attracting. The enterprIse is by no means local In scope. It comprehends In Its elenteiital plan more titan half of the country , and ( lie prepara- tlons cost nearly two mIllIon dollars. The exhIbits embrace the best evldeiiees of the natural wenlth of the vast sectIon of cotin- ti y ivest of the Misslsslppt rIver , wIth Its iiiliit , IIs fertile soIl , Its salubrIous climate aiid its forests. Time Intellectual progress of ( lie ileolile who are developIng thIs svcalthi. unrIvaled In sarlety aiid quantity , Is also being exploited at Omaha In a way that swill startle texts of thousands of 'inienicaiis. The Iimlilal week augurs swell ( or the auc- cess of the enterprise. The volume of travel to the expositIon lh1 be swelled by the rePorts - Ports of returning vIsitors , and there Is every reason to believe that the show wIll attract the patronage whIch its merits deserve - serve 1IEluiiS OF SN'1'I.tO. Clnclniiati Tribune : Before such bravery it is best to be silent. There are- some things whIch words do not descrIbe. It is for us to salute those eight iiieii , but that is all. l'lilladelplila Inquirer : Admirai Dewey has been hailed as the great hero of the cenhiict thus far , but tile actions of these eight taco show that heroIsm Is not con- lined to high places in the navy. if ever tiici e were heroes in ( lie history of the world these eight iticit deserve the title. And they arc but types of all those who are fightIng aboard tim AmerIcan squah- ron ! IndIanapolIs News : The act niust be Jtidgetl by itself , without any reference to its results. iiil the iticit of the Mernlmac have slio'n thieinseises to be heroes of ( lie highest tYPe. They faced not. merely death in a dreadful form , hut the horrors of a SpanIsh prison in a beleaguered cIty. No roil of American heroes iIil be complete that does not Include their naines-nanles that wIll be hold lit proud renieinbraiico by a grateful country. Kansas CIty Journal : What is even niore gratIfyIng than tile successful ahiievement of this hazardous purpose Is the fact that thousands of nien volunteered where oniy sevelt wore necessary. The high character - ter of our navy , which has been described by Jealous otvers as a heterogeneous aggregation - gation of hirelIngs , has been demonstrated before all the world by this Incident , Let the SpanIsh ailti the German press gIve out ( lie news of this exploIt as a SpanIsh victory it It will. Such hiciolsin can not be hidden or belittled. It is destIned to bicoiito historic. PhIladelphIa I'ress : Courage , coolness and skill , carried ( Item through and added one more to those deeds wlilcht men remember - member and emulate. Years will pass , other wars wIll conic and go , and hlobson aitti lila comrades v1iI be remembered with lecutur , with Armstrong and wIth Cushing its those the memory. aitfi cheer of whose 111gb tlarlitg is a natIonal resource in hours of danger , caliiilg to perpetual servIce for hug auth country , to new nilselituro and fresh aclilovenient , remInding all who coitte after iletter one hour of glorIous strife ! i'haii llfty years vItliout a iiaine. ChIcago Times-herald : The earliest narahiel In our iiuvy to an exploIt of thIs kInd ss'its that of Lloutenaiit. Decatur in ( lie harbor of Tripoli in 1803. The MacrIcan frIgate PhIladelphIa had struck on a rock In ( hint harbor and was captured by ( lie Trlpolitaiis and carried antler the guns of ( ho castle. The over adventurous Iccatur veltilittierefi to recapture ( lie frIgate or burn It , imlttl was accorded peniiilsslon.Vlthi a tilnahi vessel called a ketch lie orgaiilzetl Oil exlieclhtloii wIth thirty or forty amen , salheti Into ( hit ) harbor under thin guns of ( lie castle , boarded the PhIladelphIa , set It OIl fire anti canapeti svltbou ( tile hess of a sliigie luau. luau.St. St. IMiiIs Globe-Democrat Ieods of dan- lug lii the ttiiienican navy arc so nulitcuomus that their recital would till a. large niae , in the smallest type uscil lit any newspaper. \Viieui tilt ) younger Stephen Decatur , wIth a tow volunteers , lit tIle ivar ngaiiiut the Barbary pirates In 1801 , entered ( lie harbor of TripolI , Iii ( ho face of ( ho pIrates' fleet , boartled ( lie l'ii Il ethel idi In , whi Icil bath groulideul and been captured , anti , under thiu hiio of I0 ! cauinon , stnred ( a blaze on lieu wlllcli burneul lien to ( lie waters edge , Nd- 13011 called ( lie ( eat " ( lto most cotirageou act of aiy age. " In ( Ito santo svar ltichtarI Soulienit , si'Ithi ten vohutiteers , eu hoard the sloop-of-war huiicpltl , loaded svitli powder and shells , whieht sweru to be exploded by a slow match , i-au hilts vessel toward tile Tnipohltan Ileet , IntendIng to destroy ( lie lhce ( , but the fire ( rein ( Ito idracs' shIps blew the Intrepid at , prematurely. mid allen on board were lost. Lieutenant William Il , Cusltiilg , In a small steam haunch , , in 1804 , with a few CouuhpailIOilS , ran up tile Itoanoko river , Ill ( lie taco of large nuiitbers of itiekot boats oil ( ho lookout ( or eittcnitrhses of ( his 11111(1 ( , and torpeihoetl and destroyed ( lie for- itutthabho confederate ironclad Aibelnarle , anti , ililo leeatur , ho escapeti , tboughi all his crew except one were eIther drowned or captured , hlobson's feat at SantIago Is wily Quo of a long list of aehioventens which cast a gleam of spTeudor over tbu hIstory Cf ( ho American navy. hYli.1MhI Oi'l 1S AN.tlYZil1. .1iiul iii MernrihCuuutlngieM ( lii' 'iirI. ult Mhnle , , of Scuit I , ut'u I , 1etter In New York liitlu'ntieuui ; I fle0 hardly say that PlIblic flth.'fltitu in hiiglnnil : Iii Inuir.h occtupIc-l by ( Ito pr. , gress of the war between the tttuiivil 141s ( . ' u and SpaIn. sow , I shoiiitl ptuiy at Ouii't' ( bat , so far n I can juiuhke , the Nyiriiiuitliii'i of ( lie vnt nmnjorly of ( bun i.iihifr . in tht'e Islands go cordIally Itt the . ' , tri'rlrutiits , in ( huts controveruty , luut , of eliiriu' , you ssilI costly iinuherstiuiuuh that ott Ito ' 01)011 ) to tlistlsitiIi ) tut till , Iti'n the uuilii. opInIon of our very tuttxi ii t-oinhriutiIy ( ul.- clone itself xiltogi'thucr vithi oil , ? sPit , , anti we have aniong mis hero a rouIMi.teraIie lnluionlty who wIsh quircos to tilt , i4lsits - Inruis amid nut to ( hut , .Ani.'rlrnhiL . A IIitIIK 501110 sections of w lint In eruiloul sorl.'ly . ( tutu , ' is a sort of entiiiieiitai ( ceiliug for Hiunill as n grand , ohul , historic ( iiI , ' , nuitl I4iusilI Is a s'ery 1ietlrcsuimlt' COtIfli ry In whulehi certain cinases of English 1,101,10 , are follil of ninking a holIday nail frotul which they gciuei-aiiy coult , iuiirl cttrimlittireul WIth iii , ' cathietirnls niiil Aihiainld-a anti Hevhhie tlto ( Into of tin , Silo at Mimuirkl , and tIn' flsctirlnl , anti nil ( Ito other sIthits ; ( lint iputIll hiss to show , ( o say neIuliig ( of the bull lights. Then theit' are soliiu of the 1111(111k classes here ssiio holti ( lint ( lie Spitiiiards . nt.o a iuoro geuithenmait-iike fluId hllCttiru'sllu ( ' set of fellows ( hiatt the Y.iiikt'e ( nialers , aliul tlmc'ru ore macn itt ( lie mniiks of ceinunerce who thInk Ii. wouitl not be at oh a hal thtlutg if these toopushiliig'niiiees had it little of ( ho conceIt ( alien out of ( bela. Of cotlrse , ( lie rehiglotis questIon coiuiei up a. gooul tical Into tIme colmaluieraioii , auiil si-Itit certain sets of our Eulghlshi Cathinlicli It is atone or ies a questloit of a Cathohltu state ngninst a l'rocstnnt ( state. Idnliy ot' tito English Catholics belong to ( lie high nobility , or at all events can boast of nut dciii family , and are raLlier opposed to iiew ( angled imotloits about hilerty and tiemnoc racy and equality aunt all thtat sort of thIng I know only too well ( hat our Irish natIonal cause-the cause of home rule for Ireland- hits no atroiigcr oplupnetits anywhere than it _ finds In cernhit sectIons of (110 EnglIsh Catholics , Some few of these EnglIsh Cathi- olics , moreover , are strongly Carlist lit their syiutpatitles , and find their outiy sathsficioit ( with the war In the hope ( lint it laity tunui out a good tIming for Ion Carlos. Ainoitg lily CoUittV'illCii iii Great hiritnin nod Ire- Iaitd the feelIng of the iuinjonlty iii with the AmerIcan cause. All of the Irish ima- tional party iii the House of Continoiis are lit agreentent on this subject aiid have cx- nressed their ngreemeitt by formal declarations - tions of their sympathy with ( lie 4inenicLlius lii tIlls struggle. In other vords , all ( lie tacIt who are entitled by election to speak for time Irish cause iii ( lie lnrllanlUiit of \Vestnmliistc'r have ulcelareul theiiisi'lves on the side of Aitmenica. hut , on tito other hiamid , It oiild be Idle to deny that ( hteru' ni e solute IrIsh Cahiollcs who syinpatitlze witht Siualn because of ( lie bond of tbo cant- bolt rellglun , and there are other Irishmen , too , who bear Iii niemnory tlte ( hays of long ago whicit Si'alii uilade hieiself ( hue chtantiuioii of Irislu giIevnnces , alid who , thterefore , feel themselves borne IrresistIbly alouig to a synipatlty with Spatii in her hiresent trouble , 1'OViitmt SiOii. ) Now vatch thie paragraphiers itlay out " 1 iobson's choIce. ' ' A lulgh prlsato In one of the Ohio regl- inolits Is now serving under a captain who sins lila toachiuian fonmneily , The ram Katahtlln , having nothIng itiore substaittlal to work on , raununed a dock , autd Is now laid up for repaIrs , It doesmi ( muatter If provisloims heconlc scarce In Havana. General Blanco intiniates ( butt hIs soldiers vould rather fight than eat. There Is no occasion for aharni ahouig the shores of Lake MichIgan. The Spanish caras'els are securely bottled up In Jackson park hiugooui. As ( lie Mernlmnac contalmied about 500 ( aim of coal when It ciutered Santiago harbor , Its inlasiout was evIdently to add fuel to ( liii Ilanies of ( lie fois , Chrlstobol Colon Is the Spaiilsh way of disgulslmig the name of our old friend , Christopher - topher Columbus. Tacklmig the name to a Slamtlshl cruiser vIlh not save It front be- coining a nnlsoncr of war. In a speech ( lie other evenIng Mayor Rose of Milwaukee ' said he wished ( hint every womait whose hiuiubaiid was at the frouit mIght swear seine distinctive badge. so that lie mlgltt take off hils hat to lien , Thmo sculptured color-bearer on the Shiaw ntollulnciit In Boston carrIes a flag lion' , Just as he uscth to In real life. And , by thu way , the brave colored imman who ilcvcr let ( lie hag touch thte grouiid In Sbaw's last charge Is still hIving In Massachusetts. No matter what glory awaIts hiliui , Aulinlral Samnimoii's Ptli'SO wIll be subsnntialiy ( fattened - tened by ( lie war. It is estimaeuh ( thmat his share of the prIzes captured In Cubaut waters wIll liet liliui $150,000. Mid the jack- tars of the fleet svlll also receIve a baud- sonic pettily. It happeimeil otit ui 1)enver whieii ( lie Cob. mdc troops Ivero about to start for the front. "God bless you ; staitfi up for Cob- ratIo , " exclaimed a Ieutver girl , as he kIscd IL soldIer goodby. Checking ltis sobs ( lie gallant volunteer replIed , "I'nt from No- bra ska , but I wIll try now to ataitd tip ( or boUt states. " Then lie bravely took another smack amid sealed ( lie compact. Ex-Seitator M. C. Butler of South Caro- Itmia , who has just been appointed maJor general , Is a confeulerato veterait amId was a hleutcmiant geiteral at tile close of time war , lie imelul ( he seat In the senate ( or three tennis until tietcateti by Tlhhunnum. Ito coities of a famous faiutlly , bclitg a iieluhiew of Commodore OlIver hiazarti I'erry , the hero of the battle of Lake Erie , t5.tM ANI ) 3. IlhJtd , . Cinriiirntl Trllunel , The luhienonlonon We 0(1W ( tvltnr'ut , in htdmoldliig Eiigland In the iitiitud. . , of in'gglng that she may be alinweul In jllti her fortune ! with those of ( his ro- Ituhihie. iii nfl atoniIlIng one , whIch has , as nell It flilghit , attrncttl the attention of tbs wrurlul , : urnt irusy a' , shape thiemselyc's as to 1urini about 7tilnnul' obvIous desIre , but - nil lriuit'iI ; , wtlttsn tontract , In stipulated Ituruns , Is hot erie upon which the United illt..4 . III ittiter lightly. if at nil , $1 1IuJ1s lIrluhh.lIc1 All itu all , It is better " for a I fttiitI 10 * iiinul Iliotie , tmiid only when II ) ? ) WeSk In un so ibtomild It seek ( ' , ltanglIng slilstn'es , This invermitnent ha .lcntoiustraetl Its iiyItt si,1 , , nbhiity to maringe its owim &t laIrs inu1ruu'uuInt ( if arty ; uartntrhiIgs , A lohug .14 Lb. , IJiiu ) ? , of Lincoln , ' 'iiallce toward linui' riuI ibirlty for all , " is our uiioto as It ililinli th.'ru , tm"o'l 1st no great tllihlculty II ) the nuljuul nu'mil of Inlermiatlouini dItlIcuiios ( , " - w I ( ii ( I reil I. I iii in hIs or any ether natIon. Hlurl , iKilt'hll htepmilil lOtin : 'hin t t e live uunl.h . iugarhitig thin lutoilosCIl \ ngIo-.incr' I ( 'itis iii I I , ii et' ii 1 I es to ini'st.ii t coitil I ( ions aloin. I 'h aiigeul eoiil I I loris mn I gli t lurese at a very diflerent lurohulermi. What is needed (0 icluller sent uiui egrecmnent juustlilnhlo is fin aculuml iieuinic' to th Interests of tuotti iiatloitut sumelenthy fol immhtinhilo to call for JoInt action lutireiY for llrottotloul's sake lJiitil such a niemimlee exists no nlhlniico calm - be wise for either Amuierica or fluiglaiid , slmie Its very forniatioll vouI.l . greatly ahat iii time other powers nuid tt'uuth to bniumg oil thio conhllet time nhilaiicu Is tlesigiied to iur0vt'iit. St. Lotus flIolue.hciiiocra ( : Smmchm fervid ( xltm'Ssiouis of fuituiuthiuhilp as ( htcs from immeim lmlgli lui the govenmilimelit of a great natIon for oumo of ( lie eombatnumts lii a s'ar iii sviileh ( hint imatloim Is mieutral are without Iliect'tleiit iii the world's hIstory. This spirit itimd ( lie service whIch It huts reumdercd iii tlek'ntimig tIle coimtlnenah miowcrs efforts , , ' ' at iiiterventioii against the Umiltt'd States Is warimtly appreciated lit thIs country. Nov erthueless ( hero stIll be ito offelisive niiul tie- fensivu alliance between tIme two cotmnrlcs. Such it league svould ins-olso ( lie iJmtlted States lit quarrels iii whIch It has no inter- eat aimul iiiake a departure fioum ( ho tm-itdi- ( bus aimd practices of ( ho last hundred years. But tliL're svllt be a cordial nailer- stnntbiiig betsveen tlii'un , and as thIs Is based oil contiitunlty of interests amid harinoiiy of asplraticims amid luUil)0St'S , it s'ihl have iimos ( of the bcneflcciit liillueimces of an itlliaimc - svlthmout. aity of Its eitmbarnimssimieiits. JlItiii'l' .iNi ) llitEEzY , ( 'bovehaumul Plain Dealer : ' 'Sclemmtbsts say Juuiienieitmt hOopla itro kIlling tiieiiiselves wit it ovt'iwork. ' ' ' ' 1 .bon't kuinwl I've broken thown my commstittitloim ( rylumg to 1(001) ) out of work. " ' ' I imihianutluol Is Jouriiim 1 : ' 'rIme ' ( l1l tli , ' saul thu Cornfed l'hilnsoIhier , ' 'Is iurouuu' to tut'SSImiIiIlfl , because in' does mint realize how ic % % ' ( ito ( lie uuportuuiItleuu for beluig other- wIse. " Chiicngo 'l'nilumiute : "hllst lien heart ! " ox- olatinu'ui t lie Ylti iig soldIer ti t Cii in i' 'I'lionmituu , 101)1(1 1i fo 11111) ' 0 t ( ii i thu o tog mi di o f herself - self hIs sieetlmeart In time north Imimd mueui ( Ii Im. 'I hess hi or heart ! St Ii I , I ivi lt I t ilud been Putted chiiekuui iimscadi" Sonmervihie Jotiuii&tl : I tuutiorist't4'ifeI dlit't $01' that this Joke of yours huts lilly sonic to IL I hummiorlst ( wettmiiy-No ) , oimly imouis'uise. hetroit Free l'ress : "Now doim't say you 'eumt ( II ! wltlt niy umimbrehiut bocutilso it lund a Ii itoh hitiuiul lii J us t I I Ice ytutm rs. ' ' "Ni ) ; I w'euit 11ff with it lcflti& It has a slut cu'i'i better limit muiimte , ' ' Chicago hlecurd : I to ( In ( lie grnuid .saibui ) --Those fellows tluuii't sei'mt , to get au to tliitt plteiiei's ( 'mirves at till. She ( hew to ( lie gttmuio-sviuy ) , I ( hill as snail as I ietw him. I lu's-lie's drettilfuihly bovlegged , isim't lie ? I umd In utapobb s .1 on rind : ' 'ty bro ( hi e r lii time Kbounbiko , ' ' meilil ( lie ntellIlLl student iuumriht'r , ' 'wrIe ( an' that lie bad to pay $4 , for ii iuiet 1' tif Ziilll ( ' ole. ' ' 'i I ut mflumu4t be , ' ' said tIme Cimcei-ful Idiot , ' ' 0110 of those idece ur any pi-Ico oci-ons. ' ' ietrolt Journal : ' 'A iieiimiy for ynur thinigiuts , ' ' ime whilsiuer.ul , fondly. I to was a literumry initmi ; haul It uueemnoul to ii luit ho t'ouhul d Ivino lie r mitlvcs. F\i hIs thiotugiits ivet ii vortlm a dollar a word , f. o. b. , at ( lint ( Inte Ictrol ( Free Press : I Inuisehiolder-Da you pretend ( ti say ( hint tlulti nu'er uileauuuures the uiiiiouitit Of gas 'e iunmt ? I mtspecto r- I I emmter I at a ill ) "omit ro- verily , sir , iii ( I will say tluut ( lie macair mneti1res tue utinoUitt. of gas you imitvu to lillY for , W'asliingtout Star : "I'm nfrtubih , ' ' said time Sllamibutii oIllet'r , uls lie suv : sImell itfter such fum I I sit ort a to I ii rap I ii I Ii o ( ) ( ' ( 'uLit , ' ' ( hunt svo hmavemi ' t fl rio in iui I hmetb a imy ( hi I umg by uI I I Ills shontin. ' "Ohm , yes , we hiavo , " relubleul huli superior t'micoti ri : glmigl y. ' ' Every I I tt be huh ps.Vt , - - hia-e iuuu.he the ship lIghter so that vo can mu faster. " EN1us'u'itI ) . Ehiza Calvertilahi , lii 'I'nuithi. I fought mimider auth Stoumewmhi : , itiil , I hiutteil a ' , 'itmmk.'o lIke sIn , DilL ghumtune amy umilornt , sergeatmt , I iii aol ii t o lIght agl a. I tonic mit may (11(1 gray clothes haitI umight , I tlmntigimt of I lie tiny thmuy was umew , Amid I looked ut ( lie link's Iui ( lie left-hand sleeve , 't\'imeru ' ii In I a Ia bitl I mveui t thi tough . " Auid I ln'ar.l . tllt ihutY ' 'Dixie- ' ' I ly Gaul ! I lien rd t'voi-y lit ) teA - A tid I thought , uf ultiiuuuiusuts nuiui Sbillohi A nub ii I U till ) ca 111(1 U II I Ii iltY t hi ron I. Amid I 501(1 ( : "Cc , bark 1(1 ( hint tului nalc chest , 'l'hic ru' a i mm' t lit ) iIllitJ l''rVI ( ' 0 to r 3'o u 1' ' to gohmi' tO lIght timi ( lie side ( hunt's right , Aimil h'iii gohmt' to wear ( ho blue ! ' ' Tlwrc"s just nime thought ut every heart. 0mm 'ord In t's'ery mumuuIi Fium ( imiuigui is all su , ( i'Istet1 aritmuntl 'l'hiui t ( hicro itl ii' t ui ( ) hun-I hi nor semi ( ii , I iiever thmnmigblt it s'otih1 come to ( his ; I t's sritmuge , hitil I reckon it's ( rtie ; Far it's Just ouie Cititituy imiiui Jest ommu usE , jiiil we're all a-weanin' ( lie iuluol Our Daily Bulletin. WEbES1A UNE 8 - WAShINGTON , June 8 , 1898-'l'Iio superb hiosjultzil slip ' 'John 1migIIs , ' ' recemitiy nur- cllmtseil l ) ( ho ( 'oyerumunetu ( , nail one 01 tIle hliitust of our AtiauiIc t'asseiuge-r ' coasters. will be ( uriuc'tl over to ( ho nas'iml atitiionltleii today Shin is uiow fully L'ItlipJetl for tar iunpoitamit service. THEI'S UNEQUALLED - Service and value in our bicycle suits , 1-Jave you noticed them _ _ in our windows ? If you ride a wheel and don't wear one of our suits , you miss a good thing. So easy and comfortable , Now ii you want anything in the Way of wheel or golf costums come to us-and don't tomorrow. Come ' say today-we've an as- I sortment now of suits , sweaters , stockings , caps- belts and Underwear - derwear that can't be beat , and by coming now you have a better choice , that if you wait. - \K BItOM'M ' Nil K' ' MI & (0. p S. W. Cor. 1itI , nnd Douglns Sts. _ _ - -