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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 8, 1898)
- _ . - - - . = ; . - ---r _ _ . . - - - _ - - - - : - - - _ - _ - - - _ _ _ . . , - - - 2 TITlE OiSAIEA. DAII4Y 1flt ) % JITN E 8 1S980 41VJ1)NESDA.Y , , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Juno K , . I Prices and Variety Make choosing easy at this store Underwear- 1ifl(1iCS . : titIe1iRlc vosth , Io' necks , : iiiil 'ft ' 1ort1eeve , \ lii white nn(1 cCrtl2cc each. LalkM ( tUt0 ) R111 ( vc9tN , extra gOOd quay- It ) ' , th Ink , black nhII crcan-Oc ! each ( 'IlIlIIretI'B Itichelleti ribbwl veHtS-cCru anil while , 1ov neck anil sIcvcIcs , tape trlniinetl-lOc each. 11Osicy-Ladiu' black hose , with ribbed tops , dotihi , ioles and ii gt , RpI ice1 1iec1s-2ic pair. Lailles' ( nh cotton I1o % it1 ( lOUtIe ) Eie8 , Very good quailty-18c , 3 hair tiOc. CIIiI(1tII3 ( tan ilfile HOSe , itittiti In otlI , BIZCS that sold or &Oc aiii GOc a Pair- uiII } 2c. Chultiteti' , ; flue ribbed hose in nil sIzc- Uc pnir. Little Priced Price flhll va Cotton Stuhls-riety niake choosing easy. F'ast colored cordeI Lawn-nt &c per ) atil , Plite Iiinlty-at lOc yaril. OrgandIes-at I2c yard. F'ltht colored Madras for waists-at 15c yard. Imported UatisU'-at. c I'er ' ard. otions-Oniv tiies but who could do without theiri. Good hraas pins at c , be and 15c a ftieI ) , flct sowing needles , ic a Paper. Saui.ty 1)11,8 , , , at lc , Sc. lOc er doZen. iiflg'H 'tOO yard" IasteIiig cotton , 5c : 1)L'I ipool. I'It , ctiles at 5e , be , 12c , 16c and 20e each. hat pins , white or bIuc1 itcads. lOc ) ej dozen. Important Rich novelty silks : Silk NeWS-to go at 75c. Not a yard ot thl quality hiai , ever gdne ovcr our counter at Ie than fl.OO. Th l17 are well worth It-the quan. tity l ; not large , hut the 511k5 at this price will melt a'ny with bewildering suddenness-only 71c a yard. Corscts-InlHlsomoly l1)OlelC(1 ) ( ( Substantially made of a. strong but well ventilated het , In fact the liest surn tner corset we kr.ow or at the Price . is the Manhnttnn-5Oc. They ) lae two side skels and a double clzis , In front. Long waist-a glance will tell their goodness , Napoleon Caps-For little folks , ill white pique or eolore(1 ( clianibray. At COc each-Just the tlilng-anil thiei such a variety of bonnets of every de- Script ion. Men's Furnishiiigs-\\T1iite till- laUll(1CI'Cd ( sltiits , Matle of good muslin and pure linen bosont-tOc each , 'outhi's white unlnuIldercl sli1rts-.Oc each. The T. B. & Co. itrantl of linen collars , It all the Popular shapes-lije each. Lliitti culls. either ilaIn or hi1ik-20c a hair , or l pairs for SOc. New Thdaywe recelve ( a These garments are cut from the latest Ulid bcsL fitting patterns-and cost nu more than the common kind solti evcrywlere-l.O each. \Vo have a whole table ( tilt of nice style waists. If we iiave your size thc Price will be atisfactory-5Oc even. I . fHMPSON , ELDN LCOO then thia the flrst.class armored Spanish cruiser Maria Teresa was sunk yesterday ity fire of the AmerIcan shihi's , It Is said that. oiily hoe ; American troops were landed at laqnlra , or iosslbhy at Aguadores , the two ilaces being Confused in thitt reports rea'hIhIIg ( here. It. seems to be admitted that the flre of the American soldiers was so accurate that the SjaiIarihs were compelled to ilee from the fortlflcations they were de- Tenlhng. ( FrOIH S1)iii ih Sui. r. es. ( Copyright , 1S9 , by the ssoeIatetl l're3s. ) HAVANA , Juii 6.-SO . ni.Iclayed ( in 'rraisnission-ot'tahls , ) from Spanish sources received hero today of the bombardment this cMonday ) inorningof the forts of Santiago ( i ( Cuba by the Atnerican fleet say the war iiips of the United States fired about 1,600 P1 ojecthhes of all kiiids. This tir . the Span- lards add , ns aiiswered by Morro castle atid the batteries at Socapa and Punta Carda. At noon. it Is added , another bombardment began against Aguilores ( , cast of Santiago (10 C'tba , the firing hasting one hour. hiothi , str cls , the Spaniards assert , were repulsed. I , , ' castle Is fldnilttel to have bceii than- , aged , us wa "the exterior headquarters" built during the time of peace at Cayo S in I th anti . In add I t ion the Sjnitt ishi cruiser Iteina Mcicedes , Is athinitteti to have been shighitiy damaged. " Thitt Spanish coininanuler at Santiago reports - ports that the American fire did not this- mount one piece of artillery , and he says that itiac of the . \nierlcnn vessels "disap- Vettred from sight before dark. " The Spanishi army losses , accorihiiig to the ofilcial reports , nrc one soldIer killed anti 0110 chief ; four ofllcer anti twe'utv.ono soi- I diers wouiletl. , , The Spanish navy hoes are reporteti to be one chief and fly sailors idiheti auth one omccr and twelve sailors wotintled. Finally , the Spanislt version of the affair says : "Thin American losses arc supposed to 1)0 consitlerabie , ' ' Captain General lihaitco has congratuhated I i General Linares , the Spanish , commatider at Saittiago nod those who took part In tIm I fighiting , sfl'hIlg lie vhhI cull the attention of the Spatihsit governint'nt to the ' 'heroism oxhmibitetl by nIh tIme Spanish forces In such , all unequal contbr.t. ' Later reports ahiov that Colonel Orthoaez , ( ' In I ii Sanchez mzntl Li emit eon a t 'V ri Zn r of the artillery and Senort , Perez anti Garcia. cihicors , s'hoso m'nnkm , are mmot mnemitionc'tl , arc ( )1tl ) severely woumideti and not killed as at first reported. Tiit , SaIhn(1s ; , ( asst'rt that cal y out' so ! ml her 'as It I I I cd , though t Itt' ens- unities hi the imaval force arc said to bt' as ahleatly cabled. IUNGS'l'ON , Janmahea , June 7.-S a. rn.--- It is reporteil here that Rear \mhmnirai Samp. so , , hegan ) the bornbai-ilmt't , , of time outer fortihhcationi , of Santiago the Cub. , Montlay amorm , i mm g , A lie m'ce stortim hmtts bec&t & sWec't- lug o'er Jamaica anti a heavy , sea was run- nhng last night , enusimig IdIots to efuso to tlce dIsitch , boats out of Kingston harbor. rs gahmihtt favttr rtpitiy. : ] itt 11m045 mtmem aitti I am ci. krs c.trry thtt'iti in vt'st 1tctt'hcU , ItthIs carry them I it piirse. hItmetc ) r Iep thtn lit meh.'t. . rIuta. Itlentt reeomrnt"ut , ttttnt tu f it'mitl. 0 " ' ' ' . " : The Omaha ee : Map 01 Cuba Coupon , Present this Coupon with e lOclor ' A Map of Cuba. 4 A Map ofthlB West IndIes. le And a Map of the World , 4 4 By Mmiii 140thtS. .m- CUT OUT TillS COLWON. This Coupon with 25c 'MILSICURE lilt Official Photographs Of the United States Navy. Addreii , NAVY PHOTOOPAH DEPT. ( . M % 1IA IIEE , Time m'ahlroath to Port Antonio is washed out amid the telegraph , ' 1res arc down. tiioIhier AtlII. NE\V YOItK , Juime 1.-A special from Capo Ilaytien , describing the bombardment of Santiago de Cuba on Monday , says that the forts about the imarbors are now a mass of ruims. El Morro is a shapeless idle of rulneti matt.onry and dismantled gumis , antI the Estrella battery is utterly rimmed. This result , the dispatch says , was time work of ten American ironclads which passed back nmmti forth front Port Cabrera on the vest of Port Aguadores , on the east of the harbor entrammee , thischmargimmg their heavy guns as they steamed along. so that scarcely a yard of the coast escaped the deathly caimnonadltmg. At Port Agundores , the fort recently cotstructeti by Colonel Ordonpz , the famous military expert , was blow , , to ( lust and Colonel Ortionez himself was badly wounded by the Iiyi a g apI I a ters and tiebris. Cautuimi Sanchez and Lieutenant Yrizar , artillery oiflcers , were also wounded , Two infantry lieutenants , Garcia anti Parez , anti twenty-otto privates are reported fatally wounded. Later in thie day the American shmiis mnoved closer to the immouth of the harbor , where the oid cruiser Itelna Mercedes , hail been discerned , evidently attemimpting to Idacu explosives about the hull of the Mer- rimnac to blow it to pieces and clear time chanmmc'i. A thirteen-Inch - Shell from the Oregon landed squarely abaft its pilot hiotiso and tore nIh Its upper works to cliretis. Its "second commodore , " Itro of its sahoms ! and a immarine was khhied , A second lieutenant of the Iteina Mercedes tutu sixteen of the seamen vere very sari- cushy woumideti. A perfect shower of shell and shot fell upon nnd around the old cruiser and It was So badly damageth that Its crew , by order at Admiral Cervora , abandoned the Shih ) for the shore for safety. .tiit rk.l,5 . ' , , . , . , , , , Siio'e. About noon , according to time Cape hay- ticit' dislatelm. a handing Party of American marines mm.'ar . 1)aquira was attacked by Spamilsi , hlifmmmmtry antI a squad of cavalry. , The insurgentt were posted In the imolghbor- hiootl amid with timtt aid of time marlmmes suc- , cessfuiiy took up a Position , holding It and hater mmmaldimg It a base from ) ) which they op. crated. The SlanIsh force was doteted With ) heavy hos and driveim hack toward Santiago - tiago , leaving theIr woundeti behhnd thmem. I 'rho mnerhcatms are now entrencimeti mmear I.qulra ) and are landing heavy guns preparatory - ratory to movIng them ) ) toward Sammtlago aimti ' l.iylmmg siege to time city. 'rhere is a Pammic 1mm SantIago , The rosi- ihints ho cam , are fleclrmg to the country , , johmming tue Insurgemmts or doing anything to I kei'p ray iron ) tue certaim , destrtmctlom ) that nwalbm Cerverai fleet anti tIme forces of . l'amulo attii Linares. , siAhhthI ) , Jun 7.-The following olficiul dhsptitchm Imas been received hero fromii ha- vamia : "Colonel Alden , commlmnanthimig a Span- ishi ( 'ohIIImlmm , hns hitul some slmarp fighting with a hotly of rebels who are supporting time lamitibmig of Anmcrlcan forces near Sami. lIngo tie Cuba , Time Macrican war ships lmrotcctt'tl the lamitiiiig Party. The rcstmht of time Operations Is not lmmown , It Is supposed that. hmo rtilmctyal of time bonmbrthmnent , of Sammtiago , lnstimmg from S to 11 o'clock 01) Monday nmornimmg , wa Intendeti to dItraL , time atteimtioim of tue Spaimlarda and enable thu landing to be etfectd without molests- lion. ' i-nl4ltI , ( . . ' ou..t' ) , ' , , , . 'z'ANKTON , S. I ) . , Juno l.-Sieclal.- ( I htepreselitmithve Yanktom , county tlemmocrats I met in collycflllomm here to select delegates to the d.'inoeratic i3tmttu convemmilom ) to be hiehil at Abem'dt'emm June 2 , mteleetimmg a full tielegattomi Its follows : F' . Al. Zicijachi , V , S. ltoss , I ) , 31i'lovitt , C. J. II , horns , \'ilhiamm ) ( lemumneil , l'ntrht'k ICing , Jacob hlehmma , 1) . Fiimmmvgumm , Johmm olmmowsk ) ' , lratk Prick , J. r. Sargent , Jolmi , Fanslow , Jolt , , Anthony , AUtOL ) Iteagam , , V , Stibrol , Jamnes Moore , John Cimlhigami , 'hhihammm Loosemnore , J. P1mm- , nutti , C. harvey , Johi ) Stmimmnagtj , A. Id. Eimg- I hislm , T. 1)Iie , , , J. Shnumkt' , , Fred hiurgi , tv. t . II , ( lommoy , William ) , 1C.'hiy , Time thelegutes vIhI go limatructeti to oppoo fusiomm ummhess the .hi'nmocrata of time state are not accorded 8 fir share of time etfices. IJ"hI.h oi , ilillirumith Pliot.k , NEYOh1I , June 7.-The Cimicago June. tion Hallway and Union Stock Yards comu- l'aIiy .leeiret1 a quarterly divitlenti of I per ceimt On its preferred stock , mmd a senil- annual d Ivitlenti of 4 ir edit on its comm - macmm Htock , iayable July 1 , This is the first ihhvitlcnti omm stock of time new company , whmici was ( orineti In March , la5t of the Chi- cage , hammond & \'estern anti time Chicago & Indiana State Line belt roads. . F iillt RETURN FROI NANILA They Participate in Admiral Dcwey's Bg Victory Over the Spanish. GIVE DETAILS OF THE FAMOUS BATTLE Ti.t' ' Sr3hit Iti'ii ) h'uhit llrnleiT , , ) tI ( lVere Unquil to the StIpe'rIir Shill it the SAN PItANCISCO , Juno 7.-Anmommg the passengers hmo arriveth on the ticigic from ilommg iCong today were four men who par- I tichhmateth Iii time fight of Manila bay on May 1. They are Paymaster U , A. Loud of the dispatch boat McCuiloch ; lr , Chmr1e 1' . 1Clmitlieiforgcr , surgeon of tIme Olymutiha ; ltmijdm i'helps , secretary to the captain of time McCuhioclm , nn.i J. C , Evans , gunner of tIme hiostomm. ir. Kitmilleberger auth Gunner Fvnmms are going hommie at the expiration of their sea ttmme. l'aynmaster Lotith auth Mr. Phelps are hrc on business l'ktiti Will Ce- turn to time McCuiJocim. They all Fpcak of time valor ammil deter- mimimaition of timeir opponemmts in the battle of Manila. They say that the Spn.mlartls . totmghit bravely even after the last vestige of lmpe Imad gone. nnd stayeth by tlcir gtmns as long tti4 tlmey could lie setl. Dr. Kilmthieierger gives fl grnmlmIe account of the terrific fight. lie was 0mm the Olymu- lila throtighi it all. In the ihrst assault tue Ilagslmip toOk time head , tIme other vessels following - lowing In its wake at four simlims hemmgths. The Spanish fleet was nPproachmcll by laps , each turmi bringing time contestantS imearer togethiem' . fly tlmis ihami , time Amnericnmt Yes- suha frequently poured broadsides into time eHCIIIY , but were timemaselves more exposeti to lire. At one timne tiO smoke became so deitso that it was necessary. to draw aside , al. lowing the cloud to lift. Time vessels were exaiimiimed anti It. was found that they Immi eustaineth no damage , Breakfast was served to the macn , nmitl Imi a few minutes they reentered - entered the fight with time greatest enthin- siastmm , The second fight was evemm Imioro fierce thami tIme first , It was iii that that the lialtimimoru was struck. During time first fight the Spammish admiral's flagship Imut bravely out of the hue to macct the Olympia. The entire American Ihect conceimtrated fire on it , and it so badly Injured that it turimed around to put hack. At this juncture the Olymnpia let. fly aim 8-inch shell which struck it astern and iiercod through ninmost its eIiti4i length , exmlodhng finally in time engimie rooni , 'reck- ing its machinery. This shell killed the captain and sixty macmt and set the vessel on fire. lti..I Isli ' 1'vlbeIhI lhnttM. In the heat of the fight two torpedo boats nioveti out to attack the fleet. They were allowed to conic within SOO yards , when a fusillade from ) ) time Olympia sent one to the bottom with all on board , anti riddled the other. The second boat was later found Upon the bench covered with blood. him the second tight the flaltimnore was sent to silence the fort at Cayhte. It , plunged Into a cloud of smoke amid opened nil its batterIes Oil the fortifications. In a few mIuUte a shell struck In the ammunition and lime fort blew up with a deafening roar. The work of the Baltimore was glorious. After the vrinciiai ships had been tie- stroyed the Concord. Itaheigh anti L'etrel , beimmg of light draft , were sent close In Lb handle the remaining vessels of the fleet. They made quick work of them. in taking iossesiofl of the land forts several humidred wounded Spaniards ( cli into the hands of the Americans and nearly 200 dead were accounted for on the spot. The dead were returned to relatives so far as this could ho done anil tile wounded were cared for in time best manner by the Amen- can smmngeolis. Time loss footed up 400 killed anti 600 woummded ind the property loss of anywhere from 6,000,000 to 1O,000,000. The day of time fight wits clcar and hot. Not a breath of air was stirring. After the first battle time Anmericans were greatly fagged by time heat and the rest and breakfast - fast allowed themn by the commodore were of inestinmabie benefit. When the momm were at breakfast a conference of all cheers was held on board the Olympia , when the plan of the second battle was made known by time conniodoro. , Several shots struck the Olympia and it was pierced a number of times. One shell struck the side of the ship against the hospital - pital worth. Time chaplain tmiti nurses score watching tbo fight thmrough a lort a few imiches away and were stunned by the comm- cm , ssion. Experts have figured otmt that the flghmt- ing volume of the gtmns of the respective shies of the battle was three for time Amen- cans against seveim for time Spaniards. It is cicar then that time superiority was iii the ships and mcmi themselves. time Americans having the experience amid nerve. I'h ii ems 1)1 i t . 't 4 Pt. ' ( mitts. ( itummiem. Fvamms of the Boston s'aa one of time macmm schmo sent the Spanish shims down. lie directed time fire of omie of the bIg gumis on thio cruiser. As sucim officer lie was at times greatly exposed but did not receive a shot. Not cc man on the Boston received a scratch. i'aymaster Loumi , who was on Limo McCul- loch during the battle , was a witness of events omm both sides. Frommi his position lie eomhti see every niovememit of time Amneni- can ships amid could also see time battle llans of tlmo Spaniards. "ior two hours , " says Mr. Loud , "time stonily thunder of caummon was kept ill ) . The roar was something terrible. Atone time I really thommghmt we woulmi be beaten. This was after time fine had been kept up for an hour. It looked like every gumi on time Simanishi ulmips had turned loose omm us alto- gethmer , ammd time shore line was a veritable blaze of fire from time batteries. The dimm was simply iudescnibabhe. Tons upon toils of shot fell over our ships. There was steel emmougim to have sunk our ommthre fleet. "Our salvation was in time bath itiurks. nmanshmip of time Spaniards. They hammdled their pieces hike boys. Nearly all of their shots went witia of the mark. Most of tiiemu were imigh. . flying over the fleet. anti fulling into the bay beyond , Some of the batteries , however , wore bitter traimmed , Several guns maintained mm raking fire on time fleet. Nt'ariy au of our ships were struck by both , large and small shot , but miD damage of consequence watt done. ' \Ve loft. Manila omm May I" " . At that time Comminmodore 1)cwey was 1mm Possesaiomm of Umo shore forts amid arsenal , Conaidenable ama- munition and settle fair guns were cap. tuned , Manila , on the opposite side of time bay , hiad not beemm taken and it was not time intemmtlon of iewey to tie so at that time. Of course , time city anti its suburbs wore conmiiht'teIy at time mercy of our gummmm anti we couhti Imavo laid it in ruins iim a shmont time , But time force on thme war mtblps is too stimulI to lamimi anti tmmko lossessiomm , " 'ben the transports arrive from San F'ranciaco Commimnotloro Iowey wiii miemanti time surrender of the city amid troops sta- tiotmed there. If a refusal is glycim fire will itt once be oltefled from time 'car shIps immmti forcible possession will be taken at once. "There will t. dutlicuhty In hmolthing Mammiia and time Vhihippinea. Comupleto sahm- jugatlon of the Spanish forces in time group will be accomlmhisimed witimout trouble and with little danger to Anmonican life. Time insurgemmtmm are friendly and at time time we le'ft were besieging the town in large force. They are acting under orders of Cornwo- done Lewey. ) " GREENE ITO BE COMMANDER ! 4uhi loris % 'ia ( niimoe S000flit it- ph it iur , t , I Unm , un Vlcnso.i 'rItlm 4electIan , 'Si - 11/tN FILANOIIICO , June 7.-Time men who will compose tlmeIsec nd Manila expedh- than are pleasi ihat Itrigadier General Greene is to bn'Lhir commander. Besides bdmig a splemmdldt didler , he has a record its a diplomat nndinaImager of bimsiness enter- linises. lie has been decorated imi Europe for bravery , isan author of repute and an active memborof'sevorah scientific societies. It Is surmised that his diplomatic expcniemmco whli be of Bervico to General Merritt In time government of the i'hhiippimmcs. 'limo troops wlmlcim will be under Imis corn- mnand are ( lie First Colorado volmmtmtcerq , tIme Tenth Pennsylvania volunteers. part of time iigimteentim and Fwonty.timird United States tmmtantry amid eithmt'r the Utah Light artillery I or time Thirth United States artillery. ( lemi- cmi Cireemme visited time camp of time Temmtlm Pemmnsyivania regimnent , and before muahilag Imiumself kmmown to any of time ollicers of time regimnommt inspectetl the rnrnoamiy streets , visited Limo cook tents , looked in at the gtimr.i hiommse antI examined time imospital. I Ic thou immirotimmeed lmhmseif to Colonel hawkins anti slent neariy aim hour inquhniamc into time comm- .litiomm . of time regiment , nskimg about time health of thmt uncut , their lmroficicmiCY in drill and time anmoummt ammil kind of drilling to wlmictm they were daily stmbjocted. Gemmermml Greene stateti tlmat the Chimma wommld be lmls flagship amni that General Merritt wommlml mmot acconi- Path the second expedition. Major General Qtis appointed a court- martial , whelm muet ammth orgammizeti witim Cal- otici lJm'zmtt , Pirat Ncbraskmm , president , and Liemmtonamit liemimmer Smith , Utaim , jmmtlgo advocate - cato , Omie of time umiost intcrestimmg cases that s'lll come before time commrt will lie that of Joimmi Cammipbeli , fltt'r in tIme Temmth L'cmmmmsyl- s'aumia , wimo hmas hmeemm under arrest ever simico LImo negimmmemmt loft Maummt Gretima , l'n. , for cutting time in ceches of a negro striker , who beloimgeil to Coimipammy C of t ho l'cimmusyis'nmmia artillery , whicim was thmemm caumped at hdoummt Gretna. Orders have been received mit time Presidio for time Fourth tlmmhted States cavalry to make ready for service imm time l'imhhippitmcs. Thmo immstructiomms gis'emi to Colommel MorrIs were to have six troops go to Manila witimln two weeks. Ho answered that time men were ready miow , It was finally decitled that time cavalrymen should take timeir horses to time number of 400. If time animals are tramms. irnrted witliotmt much loss and stand time climate 1mm the islands , another regiment of cavalry will probably be semmt emi later. Thmo total anmommmt subscribed to the fled Cross society of California Is now $39,120. Thirteen timoimsamid banmiages for the troops going to Manila were packed yesterday anti 7.000 mimore will be ready by the time time mmext expeditiomm sails , The womeim of time entire state are taking atm active immterest in time niovenment. I3oxos of oranges one ( holly received fronm the southern amid central - tral counties. The Sam Yul ) Chmimmeso so. ciety hmas contributed $112 to the fund. TIme Itcd Cross society of Oakland Is tmgitathimg for tim purchmase of a hospital ship to be sent to Manila. - It-svould cost about $300- 000. The mmatl hal ' society , it is reporteti , will sammction the limo. Time City of 1'ra. due from Panama today , is likely to b. 'omud ' of the timird Ileot of trarmaports to letvc tthis city. Time Coloratlo , Nebraska. Pennsyivammin ammtl Mimmmicsota" hioii have been vaccinmmtetl amid time mmien of the otimer regiments will be vaccinated a r.ipidly as the' work can be domme. Time i'oinsyiramiians were vaccinated - cinated on tlmei'r iegi. Corporal C. I' . Ames of Company D , Nebraska - braska volunt discharged today , having been apppinted to a cadetship at \Vet Poin,1 . . Time Metboditsof , the state will organize a Christian commission omm a similar plamm to thmo one which was in existence during thu civil war , The , object of time e'jmrnls- slon will ho the spiritual welfare of the soldiers. RECRUITING TO THE LIMIT All itej.Iimi'iits at Chmlckmimnmmugn lviii ie Filled i' us SOOn Its ! 'ossihle. CIIICKAMAIJGA PARK. Tean. , June 7.- The very warm sveather , whiclm has been time only drawback to the work of the imark , is relieved today by a stoutly breeze and the men are getting timrough their drill work vitim mmmcii less trouble than usual. flegi- meat anti company thrills and in somne regi- muents camp tnshectiomm are the order of the day , Time main work of the regimental Coni- immanders , outside a regular routine , ( luring tile next few weeks will be the work of no- cruiting emmch company to its full strength of 106 men. 'rho major of each battalion , accomnpammied by four men , set out to do time recruiting , Ofilces will be opened 1mm tIme best imiaces In all time , states represeimted hero anti every effort will ho made to got , time work , flmmishcd in. a short time.S'imcn time i'egimncmmts are recruited to full strcmmgtlm time hark armmy will numniier 75,000 noon. Thmo Fimat regIment , South Carolina iumantry , timmtier Colommel Tlmomnpsomm , hmas arrived. It was takomm tlmm-ommgim to time yank soomi after nrm'lvlmmg at Chattanooga , Governor Bradley , svitii a large party of iiroimminommt ICentuckians. arrives tlmis eveimimig at Ii o'clock on a special train , Time panty will m'emmmain imm time Park several days. All timtm light batteries of artillery at time ianlc arc miow fully equipimed and the inrammtry regimimemits svihl soomm receive their equipment. Three division imospitals are miow complete ammti 1mm operatiomm , These are ( or iho Seconti antI Third tlivislont , of the i'irst corps , anti tii.i Secommti division of time Third corps. Coi. ont'l Ilmmrtsuff , surgeon-irm-clmief , Statcs , tlmat hue imas sufilcient mmletiical supplies cmi hmammd to last some time , Time volmmmmtt'ers , imowover , ime states. expect mmore ammtl use more mnedi- clime Luau time regulars. A large commalgu. maclit of surgical Instruments is enroute. Major Nyc , conmmnissury of subsistence , atated this nioniming thmat one order of 4,500 , . 00(1 ( rations last ordered hail becim received amul timat time balammee was eolmilmmg as fast as time railroads wild1ujul it , Captain Vt' . K , \'rigimt , assistant qqmrterniaster , states timmmt UI ) to 6 o'clock.1 , evenIng the volunteer army had been ifurimisheti by time quarter. Imbastor's delmartIieml , With 4,500 Imorses and 5,200 mulemu , TZt ; mmmy Ia mmow about fully 8upplied with ciyimiry , antillery , wagon train and officers' borq11and mules , and only a few mono are neetled. 5 , , , , iid1.1 . iit''ts Officers. MINNEAPOLIS , ' Jumme 7-Stocitlmoltlors of time Minncapohi'St'Paul , ' & Smmult Sto Marie railroad , known is time Soc road , lmeld their nmmnuah mootingit1ieyu today. The board of directors was re1L'itittetl ! as fololwa : Timomas L.owry , Joimmi itIdm-kia , W. 1) . Wasimburn , J , S. Pillsbury , C"lt'f'ctit and I. ' , ii , l'eavey , Minneapolis ; C. Van Ilonno smith Thomas C , Sbaugimmmt'ssy of Montreal , president and vice imresident. respectlveiy of time Ctmmmatiian Pmmcltlc railroad ; W'iihlanm Ii , Iearm of lit. l'aul , W. H. hntmdley of Tomnalmawk and hi. II , Angus of Montreal , Thu directors reelected - elected time old officers. l"t'tI..rzmI Court at l'Icrre' , i'IElLllE , S. fl. , Juno 7.-Special ( Telo. gram-United ) States court commvened hero thmis nionmimg and time case now before time court is McCullum against time Nortimwestcrn htuilway Company for $18,000 tiamnagea oh- leged to iiaie been caused by a lire started iim a grist Thiil at lit. Lawrence by sparks fronm an engitmo of time conmpatmy. This Is time timird trial of time case and tin each former imearimmg about a weck has been taken up , One otlmer Important civil case svlll coame besides the usual grist of Indian cases , The term will probably last about two weeks. - - - - To IUSTER IN TILE ThIRD Bryan's Regiment Han a Chance to Go to the rn ORDER GIVEN IT TO GO INTO SERVICE : h.iri Wirt l'nihln's A.motig . i'iuitlsf It ) . 'eIr ( ' C.itn flhiPUNlOflN- COi , iliiit'hif limnniip. I im t i mn' I I ( mum. WASI1INOTON , Jummo 7.-Speclal ( Teic- gram-Time ) order to minister in time ThIrd Nebraska regiment. Colonel Uryan corn- mumammihing , issueti from time War depart- meat today , bmit no place was miesignated for the roimdt'zvomms. It is untlerstootl that. hlncolmm will pull off time P11mm ) ) , \'hIie notim- lag definite Imas been decided upon thie or- tier to muster in is regarded mms a precau. tiommnry mmivaaimro to cover time statutes of Nebraska amid Colonel Stark is nimtimonlty for timt' stnteimmcmit that tIme 'i'hirth sviii 1)0 recog- mmlzed as of time national gimaril 1mm Nebraska tim order timat a qimorumu in time mnihitimry board many lie present 1mm the state to be in a position to accept fnomn time nnUonai government Nebraska's Proportion of tue appreluniatiomm voted to time mmmmtlommai guarti , wimichm Is ahramt $6,000. Ummiler liresemit commthitioums timene is mio qunrummu of time imiihitnry ionrd of Nebraska Ircsent 1mm thit' state , botim First slid Secommil i'eginiemm ts with coimmrnissIomi e'i oilicem's haying - ing licemm glvemm honorable dlscimarges to en. tee time sem'vlce of the Ummiteti States. Timere- fore time Third Nebraska falls imeir to time llchings ommJoyi'th by tbt , Pirsi anti Sceonti Nbraska , and wimen the Third Nebu-aska is well omm its way to the Philippimmos or Cuba , time Fourtim Nebrmmska will be mmmustem-ed into the National Gimmirti of time state with Major TimmtitIeits S. Climnksomm , time rummmoretl leasomi for thistiiigtmistmimmg Clam'kson being timat lie ss'us once mmutiommai cotnnmamider of tue Grand Anmmmy of time Itopimbile. tinder Nebraska - braska mttatumtcs time nmilitary beard comisimmts of time atljtmtant general , the 1)nigadier gemm- oral , two colonels comnmnammding , judge advo- cute gomicral. Bills and iiratt are otmt of time servIce by reasomm of tlmcir assIgmmmnemmt to tiio front. lilscimot , wimo knows muow time power of the govcrmmor , has been imonorabiy tilsehargeti , Icavimig emily iii time state Adjmitamit Geimorai Barry anti Jmmdge Advocate hales , virn inmmst look to time Third rcgImmment for time mmc'ccs- sary ofilcers to comrmplete the board , ihisehmoffYmiitts do himii' . Colonel lilseimof , wimo was imasseti over hmy hlolcommmb when mnakimmg his selections for regimnemmtal officers , on a techmiicallty , tiocs imot iroiosc to sit Idly by amid see time mrmmits of his service as a Nebraska Nntiomiai Guardsman enjoyed by othmer macmm aimd ime imas immstituteth an lnqtmiry as to time reasoims for imis rejection lmreParatorY to nmakitmg it imot for somebody. RecruIting Oflicer Colonel \Voods , entrusted - trusted with raisimug a regiimicmmt of rnmgl- noons. has directed that Nebraska and Iowa viil be expected to raise one commmpammy of 150 macn anti four officers , to be recnimited at Onimmlma.'hether Iowa or Nebraska will pull off these piumms depemmds iam'gely omm imow the cantls are stacked , tue fear imi Vi'aslmiumgtomm beimmg timat Iowa with its larger congressional ( iclegation , wihi get the lion's almare of tIme officers. Lleutenammt It. B. howell , late city engl- acer of Omaha. writes to a friemmd im Washington - ington froni his simip , Prairie , under tlate of Jummo 3. ammd says he was fortunate to secure a imiaco on one of the finest ships in the auxiliary mmavy. Tue simip is 6.000 tons hurtle , , , carries a complement of 300 amen and has eigimteen rapid firing guns amid ten slx-lmmch guns. Ills boat is from Cape Cod to Cimesapeake bay and ime is out for Prizes amid scammt ( luty. Senator Allen heft today for Chickaninuga to sci. hmis somm , Lieutenant Ilemiry Allen , nail rnemmmbers of the Secoimti Nebraska. lie vIil return oil Saturday ammti expects to leave for Omaha early next weeic to attenti a meeting of time national iOpmmhist committee , whiclm mnects there June 15. Semmator ileltfeiti of Idaho amid Cimalrman Marion Butler of North Carolina will also be in attendance. Senator Thunston has recommended the establislmment of a now IostoihiCe ) at Lorn- bard , Chmerry coummty , Nob. Both Senator Timurston amid Congresamnan Stark are working - ing to secure time acceptammce of the colored limfantry compammy from Omnaima and eastern Nebraska. Slxty.ore companies throughout the UnittNl Statca have requested acceptance in the IJelmiont , itihics. I'rot. A , A. iteoti of Crete , Nuhi. , will probably be aimtiionizod to raise a company of simarpshooters to be as- sigimt'd to the Belmont Rifles. It Is expected time last conference on time Indian bill will be hmelti tomorrow. The contract for carrylmmg time mail between - tween Iimml'tey amid Comimimton , Nob. . was today awnrdetl to C. Cowies mmt $335 a year. The secretary of the interior has ofllrmmmeml time : ccisioii of the land commissioner in the case of Albert M , Crofts , Involving lammds in the iouglasVyo. . , iamtl district. An artier was Issued today , to take cft'cct July 5 , mimaking the following fourtim-clmiss ilostoflices umommey ortier ofhlees : Nebraska-- Itmneamm. Iumining. Emiiermmltl , FvereLt , Fob- lug , hubbard. Lena , Monroe , Rosenmont , Saltilio , Sweetwater.VyommmimigKirtit'y. . Iowa-Aitavlsta. Aitor , Crisp , Luton , Moore- s'ille. Sumnniitvihle , Tuskeega. Wales. South Dakota-Do Grey. KANSAS REPUBLICANS TODAY ( 'otitesf ( 'i-liters Oil Ni. , , , Iimut ittli for Goverjmor , for % VIihi'hm 'i'iii're Are ml of l'minlldii to , . , JIUTCIIINSON , finn. , June 7.-Kansas re- ptmbiicans will nmeet here tomnorrow in state cormvemmtion mmmmil mmamne a ticket. Nearly all of time 900 delegates bud arriveti tommight and a most enthmusiammtic commvcmtiomi is cx- iccted , Time Ilgimt. Is Oh governor , for wimlchm place there are no loss than nine contostammts. ' Foremnmost amnommg these , each of whom aim- pmremitly , imas an equal cimmmnce , are Jobmi SeatoimV , F , Stanley amid Major Calvin Ilootl , the latter time cimoice of Cyrus Le- laud it. . time party "boss , " Ex-Commgremtsmamm F , II. leumiston and C. I ) . Coburim. secretary of the State hoard of Agriculture , are also pronilmment in the race for the imeimti of time ticket , i'h.ii'OitIA . , Kamu , , Jumme 7.-Time state pro- hmibitiomm commvommtiomm will convene Imero to- morrow. M , W'ihilaimms. chairman of time state conmmittee , said tommiglmt timat mme fusion iiroposltion would bo aceelmted from the hib. oral party , wimicim loft the regular proimibi- tiomm party cm year ago. The platform , ho says , will contmmin nothing but prohmibition and womtmami suffrage. Time liberals are in favor of the populist platforni witim womiuan suffrage amid proimibhtion aihtieil. HYMENEAL. ltt 0 ir-hl.nyeti , A pretty Jimmie wedihing was that of Miss Sarah II , Ilowemi , datmghtc'r of Mr. atid Mrs. William It. ilowen of this cIty , to Rev. Charles Young , Tcctor of St , Andrew's Pro- testammt Eplscomil cimtmrc'im'ahntmt I till , Ommmnimn. at lit , iltirauits' ) i'rotestnmmt Epis. copal church yesterday morning , time core- mommy being luerformneil by 11ev , Joimmm Wii. hams , rector of timmit. cimimecim. Time wedding was attended by a fashionable - able congm'egatiomi that mono timan fliheil time little churcim. A iarge number of time clergy of this ( hioceRti of the Riulacoitat cimtmreim svore preseimt , imiil there was a very liltimmerotus rehuresentatloim of Onmaima socIety cmi lmmmntl , Time ccneumioimy was performed at 10:30 : o'clock , mumtl before that tlnme time gaily attired cengnegatiomm imail fiuietl every seat in time church edifice. Time two imsimers , Messrs. IIO'iVStt'd T. Yotmmmg amid P. Edworti Young , together Prceetlctl time brltlt'smimnii8 amid britie to the altar. Time nttemidnmmts of the bride , becomningly gowtmstl imi llglmt orgamumii , followed , They were : Mist , Ehizaimetim hiowen. sister of thin bride , maul of imommor , numtl Aimhilo ilowcmm , also a sister of time hiritlo. mtmmtl Aimmmetto W. SmiiIle' as britlesmimaitis. Time' brIde , lookIng I very sweet imm a lmnmmtlsommmc gosvmi of wlmito mmatlmm witim 'cii , followed 1mm ummaltls with her . father , who gave imer 1mm mmmari'iage. Time I groomim s'as nttentleti by Mr. Jolmmm M'oummg as heat mummmn , milmd jolimeti imimi bride at time elmammcel rmmii. A \vctldimmg lmrenkfnst at time imoiuie of time brIde's l'aremmts , 2709 Iodge street , foilowetl time ecremimommy , Mr , .ammti Mrs.'otmmmg left imm time mmftcnmmoom , for a brief svctlding trip. Time groommm is a 'ohl kmmowmm yotmmmg clcrgymmmamm , Time bride is a cimnrimiiimg luiemmiber of Ommmmmlma Socict ) ' timid aim uimtmstmaily tmccommmphislmeti so- enlist. hi mm itSemi ii ml met I. FAll I iIAULT , hillmmmm. , Jmmmuc 7.-Spccini ( Teicgrammm.-ittmsseil ) 1tos hurt of Ommialma , comi of Horace G. ihmrt , huresidcmmt at the Llmmlon l'neiflc railroad , was mmuarrled lmem'e today - day to Miss Jane Scammdrett , gramiti daughter of illmiioim'Imippio , of time tlioct'se of Mlmmne- seta , simo hucrfonmmmcti time ceremommy imm time cutimeilrai , ss'iulchm was hiamulsommmciy tleeom'atcd for tm ) oceasfoim. Time bride was nttim'eti 1mm a s'hmitc silic tlress auth was mcconipaimied by six bnidesmamilds. A sveciol tralim fronm Ommiaiia brougimt tin' fanmli ) ' of thm groom auth frieimtis. Time traimi left fom' Ommmuha this : mftermiooim. Time newly wcddcti pair nm-c mmniemmg time pas- semmgers. I 1mm rt aiim ii-31 it a On Jumie 6 Mr. Jacob llartmmuatm of Gebo , Mont. , svas iminrnicti to Miss Ida ? ilammgcr of Onmnlma. Timis ss'as a qmmlet wedding iii the Kountzo Memuiorlnl Ltmtimt'ramm cimurch , 11ev.t. . J. Tumimie omllclatlng. DEATH RECORD. mm , . rat ii ' 'i git i. y. iiEATflICFNe ) , . . June 7.-Speciai ( Tele. gramum.-Mrs. ) N. I ) . Tiffany , mmmatromm at time lnstItmmte for Feeble Mitudeil , tiled at the itonie at 4 o'clock timis aftermmoon , Sime has becim sick two momitims s'ltii Ineumnonia. The deceaeti 'as born In Cattaraugmis county , Now York. amiti was 132 year. old.'imemm op. pointeti to time liosltlon of matron here by the suienimmtemmlemit. ( Dr. Sprague , sue was iiVimmg In Lincolmm , where site imad long been idctmtiuicd wIth the sclmoois , enjoylmmg the distinctIon of heiimg the first womnami up- pointed there as pnimmelpal of a school. She was ireshtlemt of tue Ladies' Iiinmetahh1 league of Lincoln , and hmer fumierai will be under its atmspices. The fuimeral services svlhi be held Fridity attormmoon at I o'clock front time parlors of the Lincoln hmotei. 1n terniommt will be mumatie at \ 'eelmingVater , a former home of the family. Time hmmmsbammd of time deceased , Mr. Tiffany , is hieimmg as- lstcti 1mm time fummerai arrangemmmeimts by Mr. Roberts of Lincoln. l.iOtttetiitiit ( 'ouiimimili.r Slutr.h' . KEY \VEST , Flu. , June 7.-Time Ummiteti States collier Pomnpey , formerly tile British steamer liarlech , arrived hmcre today from Norfolk , \a. , witii Its comniamitler , Lieutemi- ant Conimmiammdor E. 'A' . Sturdy , dead on board. anti Lieutcmiammt. K. C. Norton Itm charge of time ship. Commnmmatmder Sttmrtly ss'aa not feehirmg svehi s'hicmm time l'ompey sailed on i'mitlimy ttvenimig , Ito was takemi sick off Cape ileimry , anti sooim after bocamue imneon- scions aimmi died yesterday. There was no physician 0mm board , lie was a native of Maine , 51 years of age , anti iiiitl been In the service thirty-six years. The family of the deceased live at Anmmmmpoils , Time immtenmtiemmt of the remnalmms of Lleutommammt Conmnmuimtitjr Sturtly will take place here today wIth mmavnl honors , Od Ilt-sitheit I .ir Jay ileipimrcy , ami ohti rcsidemmt of Ommiahma , died yesterday morning of heart failure at imP ; imonme , 2505 Northi Eightepmmh Street. Mi. llciltimney came to Onimiimi about twenty years ago anti hmms been a commfmmercial , tray- ' 21cr. Ilti imas a motimer anti brother in thu city and Is a bomber of time ICnights of I'ytimias , vimichm orgaimizmmtion will conduct the ttmmmerai services at the imoust , tiis aftt'rmioomm at 3 o'clock , Time romalius svihI lie immterrctl at Newton , La. \'hhlinn , I ) . J"mi'iyt'il. OSWEGO , N. Y , , Jmmmmt , 7.-Wihiinmn B. Far- well , nigimt city ehitor ( of limo New York Tnibmime , thloti at imis imrenta' Imomne here today of consummiptiomm , aged 30. Prior to hmls assoclatiomm with time Trlbmmmma ime s'as editor of time Newark , N. J. , Advertiser , 1)h's ot' lcJimn' , CIIATUTON , ha. , Juno 7.-Speelai ( Tele- grani-W ) , S. Donsey , ommo of hit' oiilt'mmt rcsitlt'mmts of Lucas eotmtmty , tiled last imiglmt of lockjaw , time result of an iimjmmry stmataitmed In a runaway lust sceek. v , 4V , i'iiiiii1w , IES MOINES , Jmimmo 7.-Spt'c'Ial-W' ( ) . W. I'imhliilms , a loathing lawyer , formerly county attormmey , died here yesterday after a short illness. MtiggltSiert , BLAIR , Neb. , Jummo 7.-lipecioi.-Magglo ( ) Siert , ilaugbtor of Peter Siert , dIed timia amornhmmg from imeart disease , mmgctl 12 years. Ynrthter ( jut ut lCloidike Jimmies , NEW YORK , June 7.-A big cut on the ifionliko rates was announced today by time West Simore and Nickel i'iato roads , Timeso roads have iut in force a miew ucconti class rate of $25 from this city to Seattle , against a Irovious rate of 69.75. This Is time first time the Vatmderbiits have taken part In time northwestern rate war. Mart lit 'I'Jirm Iist lIe , SAI1A'rOGA. N. Y. , Jun. , 7.-TIme commrt of mmtpeait4 toilti ) ' afiirtmieti time i'ommvietiorm of murder In time first ( iL'mpe in time case of 'miartlim Thmorn , wimorn limo Quaqms county cnimtmiimai court found guilty of tim , , kihhimmg 0 t . 'ii I ha ma Cl uidenstm lmi ' , a lilt t hm rmmiiber , imm Vootlsiile , J.ormg l.lmnti , , in July last. "trs , Augusta Nuck , Tlmonmm'mt coimfetierato 1mm limo : , _ _ _ , M Only pure and highest grade ingredients - , gredients and perfect brewing _ can produce the exauisite flavor possessed by "BIatz. " VAL.BLATZ BREwINa Co. _ _ MILWAUI4IE , US.A. Foley Bees , , Wholeatc Dealers of. lice D llone Hotel , 124 N. Pour. 1 _ _ _ _ _ _ JIIiI1 iLk twmth Strcct5 Omaha. Neb . - - -s- - - - inmirdt'r , nmiih s'ime ttmrmueti Stntoq et'Itlonce , ii servimig mt semmietmet' of liftenu ) years' mu. m'nisnmmmnent ( tin lien Punt iii thmn oninme for sviileii Tluimrti mmullst umow 'tmffem' time leettiC mleatlm chair. ims lt.isu ltt'iIf t4c1mime. tOihi l.l , Ala. , Jimmie 7.-l.ilut'rtl resl.iumsos . SYOCo roeclyoti today to titO reltIest for rtii ' lug tIm. ' niintgagn ( on the I iiisiiii Imonie. 'ilenmi at . Uremmiborn. q'ommIght however , mm teit'grinm , m t'ceR'ei from Jmmilgn html , . 50mm' , mmttom-ncy Maying time uliovetmietit Svfli4 tmtmneee.simry. 'Fimert. remualmus litt ii. small 4 hnh&iuit't' titie on the umitirtgnge and limit 'tuflomint lmmt ieit tetihrr'tl i ) the hitmllilitu fluid ) : , ) lmSMiut'imttitui. No aid Is uet'tltt umor V.111 any be tt't'ojitod. Oiveiip i . ( , tmmItt..4 4I1' imrger. W'iillI,1NO. W. Vu , . Jtmmie 7.-Tiin , etiso ( it J. 1' . Os'cmiti , itutilctcI joimitly ithm Mrs. Atkinson , wife of Uo'et'tmtr , tkImmsnii , otm time chmnrgo of enmuimiit'Ity , imi mthlegeii forger ) ' , SV'flt to tim. jilT ) ' itt 1 :15 : o'c'Io'k thili mtftt'r- Imotmn , A verdict of net gmmllty its no- tumrmueil. A ihemimtmnrer svmt t'umtcn'l Iii time si'entmtl Immil let macItt mm ga Immat ? il rim. Atki lisoim mttud a rgtm lumemit htmi 5 h'gui a . I I or fnienils it ro etitmliiemmt , of imer a'titmittmti iflco the Owcmms Venmhlci , iilL'l' ' " ' t"i'JlNI , Browoell DII ( ) IeIls Sept. ltIi ) , IS9S. Iloiti'dlmi7. ; and 1)ay School for Gii'ls. l'tutier tlmc tlirectitumm of fit. lL. . ' % ' . Ot-tirgo \ontImitugtotm , 13 , ' 1' . 1) . , 1.1. . 1) . i'rimmmmmry , ltreiummrtmtui'y nmmil cohiegimsto olmm'ift's. Coma- it'temut ) corps of teaehmt'ni. hiiiHierfm nioti- , oils amid ( .5'.fy lm.ivmmmitmmge . offered. Strict tm I I i'm , I I rum imtiiti t I , timt' macu-ni. ummemmtmmi mm ltd hlimysi i'iti % 'elliteimm ( if tue ii ttmdemmt mi. Iehiltm- multi ii ( tilt f't'n'tl , . I 'reilim m's I or ti I eel I t'g'i oiiemm to ' . 'otmmt'mm. SPecial uommrses iii I I 1gb- ( 'I' l iigl ishm , Sti t'mme's , , ttrit'nt mimuil ti talermi I .ii mm gmmltgci4 , 'iI musit it lmtl u't. 1'ttrmmm ii muiial. erim I t' . I itt I I ml I mig l'ehitI teti mm mmd 1mm excehl out order. liatmitary pimmmumbimmg , SittisIac'ttmry St'ltflm iti'mmtlmmg. I'aremmtmm tttmtl gimnm'tliamis tieslrimmg to cliii 1)111 ii is svi I I il Clti4l' semmii fur en tim h.tgtmti . , u r mm PPY icrsotmnl ) ly to lfli s L. E , Upton , Iiiii. ltm'o'mu.hl Ilmill , Osumahimi , NC ) , . B flAliOltD Af'AlEMY - 1otmuiileil lSO3. For time Imigimer elmcmtiioi , % , of 'otmimg 5 % . duet ) , Clmimtsic'il : amid SCiemmtiilt' course ii I. sLim ii ' , mm Iso i''elitrtm I ( try It mid Ohititimma I. ' 'i''ur begimni St'mt. ii. hS'Jt. Aibimi ) ' to iiisii Ida C. 4llL'mm , l'nimm. , flt'tttiford , Muss , . . . . WHATDOESIT MEAN. 'i'lic lccIsjoll oftlmtiUcdicai Profc. sloim iii F'Lt'tl of ' 'II3'Olm1Ci' ' ' 1'I' ilEANS 'l'ltmtt at I iii' 'i'm'i , ' Mctlmi of ( ti r- I mig lIscimsos or ( Ii , . A I r l'itssnges flits ! leeiml" . - . f - - 11' IEANS ci ) ) lir , ' Jis Of 'l'Itit' or % 'lisic of .il.mi , ' iti the ' ' ' , of ( mm- lnm i'Ii mmml llrommelltIp. , ( 'otiilis , CiIl , it..l .tsIluiut , TIme testitnommy of over timim'ty.timrco lmmmn- tired rectmlar phm3'siclatms ivhio , over tImeir o'mm siguItt mm re , Ima vt tlt'ciim ccii ' 'I I yttmmmt.i' ' to be tim , ' mimtist stmct'essfmml reimm'ily ever used by titt'nm lit limo tm'cLtmmmt'imt : of thlst'mccs : of time lieu ii , t h mtam I zttmii hum mmgs lit I hut' it ron gest i timii 18,3mlmt'mm , t ever giveim to atm ) ' fin.'para t io mm mimmil I I mu otmiy o no o I' tiic k intl I a tIme Ii Is to ry I ) f mtmetilt'i mit' . Just think of It ; tiller hiavimug tested cvt'ry I I eat mime'mmt ktOSVti , I km ii iii a , snrmts. douc hut's It ttii a I ommmlzt'rs. muui cast t lmt'mn itstd c a ii verse I I m. it tmseless , I lmi'so m-emir-s.'tm ta ti ye itmeil ictl ; miit.lI i'iit I mu t Ito Alistra I imm a iry 'i 1 i' mt'tlmoi ( it' tm't'ating C'atmnrhm ; , Cmttmrrimtii : Iemtftm'ss , lim'mml'ldtlit , Cougims , ( hauls mumih Atiminmt to 1mm' tim it tomly otme by ss'ili'lm al 1 Pit i'tS of time xii t mmmt ii'i ag i's ( 'It Ii be rca chieti timid cmm retl , 1'biis tht'ciiomm iit'ltmms mi gi'i'at ii.'ztf . to time tittiimsatmiis of i > t''jtlo' ( smffei-imut , fiomn tim'i4O - , i lt'ii st's. I t mmiea tis t hint t Ito ) ' ti.'ctI . no lunger \va st e I lit'i r t i am o it mmd ummumm cy t.n imictImod si'Im liii htm vt' I t ruv.'ti vnrt hmles. I t mnem as t hut t timi'y mmeed mm at cmiii anger tim dr henri mug tir lose their scmmsi's of sma'li , ammti titate hmy ( tim c I mmg I it ttm Ph miici I it'Immes lmmtu t liii mm I r it s- simg"s with strimys , minuelmes atmd mmtoiuiizi'rs. I t men uts maim mm' u t It er t im lmgs fmtv.u raid o I o I lie im cal tim mi mid lmitpmi itmess tr I hue lfl'uIIC ) of t hi Is coim mmt ry , hi mm t best o t mtl i , I I. ma emtmis free- - (11)11) ) ( mmii smtfrt'm'lng lit tliiiso vimu mmre mif- llheted svithi tulst-tmst's of time aimS uttssrtit's in tiii' imt'atl , tlmm'ummt amid lungs. " 1 \'Ohtl El' ' CURES III' lNlI4tl.A'l'ION 'I'hei'e Ii' ito ( ltnger : , Imo risk. Your motioy is reuitmitieti if It malis to m-eiievo. . . .h lyninci' I imluitler Outfit , $1.00. Extra hot- ties 'I lyotmiel , ' ' fM. 'l lyoummet' ' Bairn , a wondt'rfmil healer , 2me. ( 'an lie oittitimmc'l , of ) 'ttumr druggist or by nmail. l'amnphicts free. I , . ' 1' . 11001ff CO. , Suite 2l-2m ( P.iiIitriuitm ilmliiliig , & 'lll.tO II. ! , . ' AllSillIl $ . The Creighton 0. mVtntii m ivzm nI. A tim u'ta mini it t. i r.'i : tar. 'lOiLi V 2 , a ; m. 'm'ONl G lI'l' SmilO , , rhii.i VOI.V.tltl ) S'l'D'lC CO. t'resotitimmg " III [ " "JIM , PNMAN. S1oclmtltht's-heItoY & Cinytomm , Iim'yammt & Sitvi I it , , f'il flu mu I mms & Come , l'arties hivimig omit of tue cii ) ' wimo desire to visit thiu I hetttro slmttmld order seats i , tiuttil or telegrttplt as seats mmre oItl two vi't'iti ; iii tulvttimi'o : mittttti ttiiitivoiy svittmt it pt'rtormmlmttc ( ) amid date..Itiren 0. 1) , 'toda'and , GU1LL'S CONCEfl'l' A It iEN Similt Iarmi.t ( 'itm' , I ( lilt a , , , ) 11mm s''milprt. I. N ( ttIli. l'rtiI ) . atul Mamtaii't- , A ttm'nc I kmm ; fo i' s % . 't'k J i t mm a 6t It : 'au'rol a rmtl Cit md tt'r , , to mm mmmm hi 'i's ; ( i i I I i ima mm amul iehitmum'i' . tililm5 ( ' mttttl t it. . . t'momm tuft. . vaiIkt'i'mj Nesvnm amm umul't'it Id rcrm. ( 'tilti t'tly JIlOttim ! im rti tits ; t ime Joim mtt4ommtl , sva y ut I. tlttmii'c'rs ( 'iii , ri I u I .imnihmemt , corn oil fit it ; il m's. ( Iy.iu ltogerm4 , lii , , futmtttro ; Z1iss htitmy Daytomm , cimitmmm idoit I tuck tin ma't'r. lThn't fail to see the Big Cake Wtmik at It utitck. The. . . . IIYWS Artists' Model Nt.V ON Sl'Jl % I , lIlill'l'ION E. Cor. Board of Trade S. . . . Building. Aim a svork of Amt It imas mme stitturior 1mm thmia coummtri' . i"i' l.'Ahl. ' 10 si'ii ; IT. BASE BALL Today. 3:30 : P M. OMAhA VS. COLUMBUS hiO'1'11L14. (1'mmropearm. ( ; ) The BaImoral'.1' ' ' ; : : . 1510 ilarney lit , , app. Crehghton 'i'hmeatcr ' I and Comvemmtlomm , hail. \'M , hi , MOILAND. Prepm' , MILLARD 13th timid Ioimgitmmt Sts , , Opimmuima. CENTJLAIIY LOATKD. . _ .tMlhiiC.t' . % % I ) ilUllOlhi.Y l'l. tN.- J i. : . 3lmti1Lt. .t SON , h'roits , -Ho'rI3L BARKER- - Colt , 13111 ANI ) JONES Sr. , OMAhA , hI.t'1lM idSt ) . % , I ) I.i.OI ) l'hiit I.tY. hl.ctnlc car. direct to espoiltia ground. , ft'ImANK fl.tiIFB { { . Caihior. . . . . . 2A1.t JSAUMAN Ctit.f ( hierk. : iIUJJA ; ; : Y HUm and llarmicy lit , Anmerlcams J'lamm-3 to 4 dohl.mra ur day. Street cars from depots and from hotel to jjjesijouuroujjjjjnjmiuuij.