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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 8, 1898)
U - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' F : - - TJi 0SLXiIX DAItY1EEE : WEDNES1)AY , EUE 1 , 1895. TWO LITERARY PATRIOTS : Aut1ior of 11Hail , Oohimbi& ' and of lItTf V BatUc of the Kegs. " CRUDE TORPEDOES OF TIlE REVOLUTION Jtec.Iteelnn ot Vrnncls ntul Joueph IIojk lilsOn , 1n her nitl Soii , nnd "iiclr 4crlccM In Itevo- 1ittIoiir 'lililesi. A strflclng Instance of the tiereltty of patriotism a wc1 u literary arni ICgBI RbIlIty the caicer cit Jusepli floIkInson. ) ttuthor of the famous tatr1otlc song , " 1nU ! Columbia. " which tiII lives In the henrtB of the people unil breathes ( ho rmo pntii- otki ardor that awhketid the ehthuIn81n of 1IoiikIhson'a fellow countrymen whefl lie Wote the cong 100 cnr ngo. lllii father wa lrancl9 Ilophinson , one of the gncr of the 1)cclaratloiv 6t lnilpiendence. unit the author of a cry iatIrtenlballad calleit "The llattle of thu ICcgs , ' written In 1T8 In tIerlon ! of the flrltIh fortes , at that tune In possession of the city of I'hlladcl- hla. The father of trancla wai Thomas Hop- ) dnson , a man of literary genius , a highly cdticate4 icholar and a ( Icterin toed OppOnent of any Infringement of the rIght8 and liher- ties of the colonicu by the mother country. ' tie Wfl3 a Very Intimate friendof Dr. Itenja- 'I ' 4t' I I ( J1 \ \ \ , FRANCIS IIO1'ICINSON. luluFraniclin , and liarticipated In the lattcr'n aclentific lnvestg&tUona. It Is said that ho performctl the first cx- perlinent which Proved that the electric fluiti may be drawn from a hotly charged with It by means ot pointed Instrument without the explosion end shocic. Francis liopkinson was born In Plilladel- phia iii 178 , and was one of the flrst gradu- aLes or the college of Philadelphia. lie Btudlcd law , and in 1768 ho marrktl Miss Ami flordeii of Ilordentown , N. J. In 1774 , when the discontent between the colonists and Etiglunil had assunied a threatening aspect. he Iubiishcl ( a. pamphlet entitled ' 'A Pretty Story , " in which lie portrayeil , with a free and pungent pcnCIi , the lire. tensions or the British government. It was Widely circulated , ami was receivoil with much favor by those who believed in the inalienauilo right of the colonieg. As a ( Iciegate from New Jersey to the congress of the United Colonies. he signed his naiiie to the Declaration of Independence , and during the whole of the revolutionary perloil ho was never tUb with his pen , even while discharging Important public dtitic. Jntflc ! of the ICegs. in 1778 the patriots or Ilordentown arranged - ranged a number of kegs to act. as torpedoes - does , in a crude sort of way , and floated them down the Delaware river , in the hope that they might destroy the British vcsels at Philadelphia. The attempt was futile , : hut the enemy was very much alarmed for a time at the boldness of the scheme. This incident rormed the subject of lioiklnson's ballad , 'Tlie flattie of the Kegs , " the flrst Part of whLcll runs as follows : Gallants attend and hear a friend 'l'rIli forth harnionlous ditty , Strange thing I'll tell which lute befell I n I'ii I ladel phIa city. 'Twas early , as the irnets say , Jinit When the sttii was rising , A soldier toot1 on a log of wood , And saw a thing surprising , Mi In amaze he . stood to gaze , The truth cnn.t lie denied , sir , lie spleil IL SCore of kegs , or more , Conic flouting down the tide , sir. A sailor. too , in Jerkin blue , 'tiils strange 1lpieurunco % 'luwtng , First damned his eyes , in great surprise , The SItiti , 'some mlsehicfs brewing. "Tliso kegs I'm told the rebels hold , i'iieked up like pickled herring. Aiiii they're conic ( ios'Ii to attack the town , In this new 'ay of ferrying. " The sohihier flew , the nilor too. And seared nhmost to ( tenth , sir , Wore OUt their shoes to spread the news , Arid ran till out of breath , sir. The ballad , through fifteen more verses , tells that Sir William Howe was warned of aanger and that troops fired volley after rolley Into the floating kegs , while the lrtihhery bombarded this deadly device of the Yankees. Francis Ilophinson took a nroininent part In the great convention in l'hiladelphla in 17S7 to agree upon a form of national gov- (5 _ ' . ; -1 . I - _ JOSEPU IIOPICINBON. eminent coil whentheconstitutloif was rati- fled he wrote the " " "history of a New floor , : in vlichi humor and good sense were dci- iightfuily mingled. Ills "Specimen of a Collegiate fixatnination" antI biii ' 'Letter on % \'hitewashing" caused considerable coni. mpiit at the time they were iiubIllieci , Ito was made United States Judge for the dis. trct of I'ennyivana by I'resident W'ashing. ton , ljcit enjoyed that dignity oni ) ' a short tiiiie , as he died May 9 , 1791. 4tiiiccir of "hull ( 'oluii.Iiii. " Joseph hiopkinson was born in i'liila. ilclpliia on November 12 , 1770 , graduated from the University of Pennsylvania in 17S6 and then studied law , lie liracticeci at Easton , I'a , , but sooii returned to Pulls- . delpllca , where he quickly attalneil prom. Inenco in his professIon and was elected to congress in 1814. Mr. llopklnson waa an Intimate friend of Joseph Bonaparte when the latter lived at Ilordentown , President John Qulney Adanis . appoioted him United States judge in 1828 and tie took part in the convention of 1831' , - which revised the constitution of Peunsyl- vaola. lie wrote a number of articles on Jegal a.ud ethIcal subjects , but liii only ' - ' \ - * - - - . : : ' claim toreniejuhranee at the 1iesent time Is the fact that. he was the author of "hail Columbia. " That song wan written In 1798 , when Congress was debating what attitude ths people of lint Utltfl ( States houhl take in the struggle between Engiand and France. l'nrty feeling ran high nail the patriotic sentImcnt of Joseph lopkihs n's song , by inciting the national pride probably helped to avert entanglement in d10 itiropean con- llict. The ballM was written at the request of an old school friend , an actor , who had a benefit on hand , and put to ( lie music of a popular nh' known n "The I'rcsident's March , " which was the work of a German named Paylea , and was played first in 1789 in the John Street theater in New York City , In honor . , of. .Washipgton , "hull Columbia" was received with the greatest enthusIasm itnil It bet hcamo popular throughout .the , couutry. it has retained this popularity , in spite of the many other patriotic nga that baqe helcd to keep alive the love of country and freedom during the. Inst 100 years. Joseph hlopkinsoii died on January 15 , 1842. ctIw or' CATS. Soiiie l'oinN In flint i.Iiie. "Cats are by no means as hardy as is suggested by the old adage that each cat has nine lives , " remarked a veterinarian vho makes a specialty of treating sick cats. "lInt thcrc is no rcason why , with proper acre , a pet cat should not live to a very green ohil age , "Cats should be fed regularly and at least twice a clay. llrenii and milk or oatmeal porridge and milk , the milk having a little hot cnter and a trifle of sugat adiied to It in chilly weather , should constitute their breakfast. While bread and broth with a little cooked nicat Is quite sutflclent for their ( tinner. "A little fresh fish may be given occasionally - sionally , auth now and then a morsel of fin- cooked liver and meat , care being taken to remove all fat , and any vegetable for which the niilnutl shows a fondnes3 may be given wIth discretion. ° ltenieinber to see that a cat always has access to a plenty of fresh water and fresh grass , grass being a genuine imnacea for all their minor troubles. "The diseases of cats include sore throat , broiichtitls , pneumonia and consumption be- log especially prevalent among them as they nrc very susceitiblc to dampness. One of the first symptoms of illness is a rough aiiil ii1iti(1 coat. If this be accompanied by restiessiiess and languor it is safe to administer - minister a close of castor oil and provide kittle with a sheltered lilace until the emect has 'orn off , Where the presence of any kind of poison is suspected prompt and energetic action is necessary. A liberal dose of lukewarm water slightly salted generally has a good effect , but it is safest to give at once sweet oil or Ifleited lard , After such an experience a course of cod liver oil is advised. with a generous , diet. A hula powdered sulphur made Into a paste with lard or unsalted butter and smeared upon the front paws is an excel- heat thing to keep a cat in good condition. but care should be taken to keep it from all exposure to dampness until the effccts of the dose disappear. "Never scold , frighten or shako a sick cat. It matters not how cross they may be at first , they soon come to understand the treatment is for their own comfort and will quietly submit after a short while. Care must be taken to guard agaInst their bite , however , as the bite of a cat is aiways a serious thing. For treatment , taking mccli- cine , etc. , the sick anirnai should be snugly rolled in a sheet , its pavs at its side , the mouth iressed open and a bit ot wood laid across the lower jaw , just behind the eye teeth , will prove all that is necessary. " Pithilic CIickpi , Few great cities of America are ade- quntely provided with pubiic clocks of such a size and so prominent location as to incH- Cate the time over wide metropolitan die- tricts. But it is high time to check kidney anl bladder complaint manifested to the sufferer by ' Inactivity of the organs af- fected. liostetter's Stomach Bitters remedies - dies do thii as it does dyspepsiarheiimatism , constipation , blhlouanass and nervousness. I , , Speak Siiiiiilshi. The following rules will help in learnln how to speak Spanish : Rule 1. Every letter is sound.d and is at- ways lironounced the same. Itulo 2. The accent is aiways on the PC- suit , unless otherwise sIgnified. Rule 3. The alphabet as follows : A-Like a In ark. 13-As in English. C-Like English k , except before e and 1 , wheit it has the sound of s ( and In pure Castillan tli ) . Cit-Like ch In chess , fl-Like the in they. li-Like o in eli. F-Like English f. C-Before e and j like aspirated h ; before a , o , U , or a consonant like English g ; before - fore uc and ul the same sound , but u is silent. Il-Nearly silent , I-Like I in Ill. I J-Liko guttural ii , 1-As 1 Euiglieli. LL-Liquid as gl in seragilo. hi-As iii English. Q-Like English Ic. It-Like English , but rougher , S-Like English. 'l'-Like English. U-Like oo as In look. V-Like English , X-Obsolete. Y-Like Spanish I. Z-Ltke lb In thank. "Over Itighitcen. " A young fellow walked into the recruiting ofIlce of the Lake View light battery at lOis North Clark street the other day , relates the Chicago Tribune , and sahi he wanted to enlist. The recruiting officer , Allen Lester Fowler , aelced bini his ago and other role. vnnt questions , and placed his name on the roil , On the afternoon of the following day tliero bustled iiito the oflico a portly and Inhtidle.ngecl man who asked if a boy of the name of Cohen had enlisted there. Mr. Fowier replied there bad been such a name PIftCC(1 on the roll , "Ahi , " said the man , "that boy is my boy. lie is not 18. lIe can't go to the war , It would break his mother's heart. " ' 'tint , " shut Mr. Fowler , "he told mc he was over 18. " - "Ali , Isaac is a smart boy. I tell you how be did that trick. lie took a piece of challc and marked in the sole of his shoes the number 18. Tlieti lie caine in here and told you liu Ia over 18. " Under tue circunistazices Mr. Fovler be- lievcd It only fair to strike the name of Isaac Cohen otT the rolls. l.iiut ii Jt'eiry Store , ST. LOUIS , June 7.-At noon today while Jacob F. Smith , a Jeweler at lE45 South liroadway , was out at lunch burglars broke o1)en the back door of lila C8tabll8bineuit aicil looted it , taking eighteen trays of vatchs and other Jewelry , valued at over $3,000. The merchant hiai lefttheictorejocketi anti was Dilly four doors away at the time of tue robbery , which tool ? place on a crowded thoroughfare. The imlice are out In force , but have been upable to run down the rob. hers. . ' . Cciiiiilec' , , , i iitiiiiit It ti'iis , GREENVILLE , l'ci. , JUlIO 7-The veiior able 11ev , John Peale line , after many months of labor , completed the wonilcirficl lens which ho line been shaping antI Polishing for the American university \Vashicigtoc , . The big glass , tlici largest of its kind in the country - try , is boxed up ready for ichipnitjiit , The ginse vlii lie transportei to tVushiliigtoii in a sitceini express car furnished by the uni- versity. A few nights ago Rev. Mr. I'eate tested the g1as antI pronoujicefi it a marvel , Get a map of Cuba and ges the best awl most complete , The flee's combination map of Cuba , time \Veat Indies sad of the world. With a lire map coupon , on page 2 , 10 cents , at lice olilce , Omaha , South Qmaba or Council Bluffs. By mail , i cents. Address Cuban MaD Departmen LIVINC IN TilE PhILIPPINES Character Sketch ol' the i'eoplo "e Arc About to Rule , SOME LIGHT ON A DARI ( ' SUBJECT I..l I iii I itM fl ii it 01 her shiisi grels o f I'nr- tint CIlilstIoj by naAtner - IOnic .SoJoiiritep ift , . the Islaicils , Tlto traveler bound for the Philippines by Way of San Francisco or Vancouver , sliy a' writer in the Springflei4 3epctcan , chp imagines that ho has exhausted the marvels of the far east after a glimpse at dainty , charming Japan , and another at the barbaric wonders of China , will find himself egregiously - giously mistaken after a three days' voagc from Hong Kong to MnhIa , upon landing at that stmane old Spanish pen , which stands at the mouth of the river Pasig , in the typhoon-swept , eartbquake.ent island of Luzon , Filled with impressions of almond eyes , yellow complexions and pigtails - tails , he finds himself now in the midst of a race of chocolate-colored beings , vth straight , scrubby , black hair ot the shoe. brush description ; anl a greater contrast thati that between the iChino amid hi Philippine neighbor could not exist , xml- though the blood of the two races has Intermingled - termingled for generations. The aboriginal "Filipino , " still to ho found in the mountains antI forests of Lu- zoo , is a black dwarf with en enormous head of "frizzy" hair , antI represents the lowest race of savages. Treacherous , cowardiy , with animal instincts , these little creatures , known to the Spaniards as "negritos" ( little black muon ) , wantlerin bands through the for- eats , sleeping tinder a few boughs wherever they happen to be at nightfall , and subsisting - ing by means of their bows and arowe , and upon what fruit and coCoanuts the for- C3t5 afford them. In the vicinity of time set- tiements and towns , however , centuries of intercourse - torcourse with other races , particularly Malays - , lays , who long ago invaded the Islands In thousands , have obliterated all traces of their original characteristics , amid the FilipInos , who arc today trying to throw aside the Spanish yoke , are a race of stalwart , mus eulnr fellows , ranging In color from the dark chocolate of time Malay to time light yellow of tIme Mestizos ( half-castes ) . Time features as a rule nrc well-shaped , hut time eyebrows are very apt to meet over thu nose , particularly among time wonien. whmib gives them a lowering , savage cast of coun- tennaco , quite at variance with theIr geueral. tempornmnemmt. Usually they are mild , inoffensive - offensive , anti slow to anger , but when once roused , they display a. reckless courage amounting to ferocity , as the Spanish padres , in the outlying districts around Manila , hive lately discovered to their cost. They are cleanly to time verge of fastidiousness. antI IL is a curious fact. that In this respect they be. tray certain traits of Mohaintueclanism , for which it seems inmpossibte to accouimt , except upon the theory that at some remote perIod Arab . _ traders or r'irates ' managed to find their way around to tills corner of the world , bringing 'itl them customs and habits of their own ; which is the most probable solutloim , as it has hp further discovered that there exist iii the native lnnguagc certain words and expressions of indisputable Arabic orlgln. The language itself ouds 111cc a eombnn- tlon of 'ngs" and short , abrupt syJlabIe - bahang nag humilit ( it is forbidden to smoke ) being one of the 'few sentences 1 can now recall. From the lips of a nutivo the iiinitcagc ks very pleasant to time ear , and one of its iecuiinrlties is that it Is eald to contain no word or figure of speech to cx- press gratitude-unit I may say from may own experience that this sense seems to bix entirely - tirely lacking among the Filipinos. Filial Alteetlon. One of their strongest virtues is that of filial and parental affection , but this Is offSet - Set by their utter inability to appreciate either tIme desirability or necessity of lcimmti- flees to animals. A8 an example of this contradictory state of their peculiarities I remember once seeing a brawny old native sitting in the doorway of his hut holding on his lcntie a roly-poly tot of 4 or 5 , whom he was petting and fondling with every show of tenderness , while the youngster , In his turn , was engaged in pulling the down by handfuls out of a live duckling , whose ox- postulatory "quacks" bad pp more effect titan would hnvo been produced by the squeaks of a rubber doll. On another occa- aba I entered my office to find the clerks amusing thbmselven by pelting each other with the morning's catch of mice , regardless of their feelings ; and I fear that the Society - ciety for time Preventioi of Cruelty to Ani- aisle lecture , which I delivered timers and then , only helped to confirm the prevaiiing impressIon that the English-speaking race Is composed of bees ( lunatics ) . The dress of the native men in and around the towns , when "on duty , " consists of a white bosom shirt-more or less emnlmroid- ercd , according to the wearer's standing with the fair sex-worn with the skirts Ilapping outside of a pair of white 'linen trousers , presenting an appearance of corn- fort rather than dignity. A pair of chinilias , or heelless slippers , constitutes the footgear - gear , when any is worn , and a more or less dilapidated derby lint usually acIds incoa- gruity to this costume. When "lying off , " or at manual labor , the shirt is genraliy cliscardeil , acid , it at work in time fields , the heatt is lrotected by a. bowl-liko structure of mnntting , which frequently does service as a fruit or vegetable basket. The higher class of , merchants and 'clerks very often adopt time European form of dress , and time capitans or chief men of time little pueblos , or ( listricts ( sometinmes about 100 yards square ) , into which the towns are divided , are entitled by vlrtuo of their ofilco to carry canes nod to wear short black aCket , the effect of which , with flapping shirt tails , is picturesque , to say the least. Time dress of time women macrite a longer description , In general form it iatho , same anmong eli classes , differing only in quality and texture , and consists of a bug skirt of the moat brilliantly olorcd plaid or check that can be obtained for xnommey ; a short , black overskirt , caught up at coo side ; a white waist , with flowing sleeves extend- big to time elbow ; and a stifily starched emnbroldered mnarmtiiia , folded cornerwicto and worn over the shoulders with the ends crossed on time breast , Time effect of tide. is very agreeable , and riot at all unbeconm. ing , especially to those inclined to plump- ness , wimichi , fortunately for tlmeimm , is the rule amoimg time Philippine ladies. The hair , Widen ( lrcssel , is drawn mcmnoothly back from time forehead , wittI6dt a susilctocf of a curl , into a kmmot cit time back of the nvpk , and decorated with a hugo comb. Often , however , for tue sake of comfort , time hair is worn loose , and In Its , uurmcetato , is superb ; soft , wavy and glossy , often fnhiing to the feet in a glorious. raven.blftk mnfiii. They are forever wasiilng.and _ coinbing4 it , and cleanliness of the head is their especial undo. I ilo not remember lmmmvbng seen a single native , maci or womnamt , with the , least sign of baldness , acid gray heads are rare except aimmotig time very aged , huts ( It lIce Nicti ics , 'limo native hints are curiosities. iluilt of bamboo inside and out , they are raised frotn tIme ground by stout hosts of the santo material , wimich serye us a safeauarti Jpr. ing time floods , and also us a protection or vrcservation from earthquakes , as thvy are very springy , and imliow the hut to sway back antI torth wimemm one of these uflhiemms. ant disturbances occuis , instead of tunm tiling to vit'cea like a hack of cards. Tics .iden and roofs are thatched with the long , slender imipa heaves , and altogether their imp. - - - - - - - I pearance is very .tfl5ctmi that of magulficil , hairy bugs , It would. tax man's ingenuity to construct a building more inflammable than a alpa hut , and tm fire once started among a collection oftibem does not stop , us anile , until au are consumel. On Easter Sunday , 1893 , some ' 4,000 were burned in UI , pueblo of Tondon.nesr Manila. At the Panic time , this style otzrchmiteeturo has its advantages. If the owner wishes to move ronl one neighborhood to another , ahi be has to do is fo take hi house to pieces , pile it upon a caraton , or bUffalo cart , with his pots , kettles and faratiy atop , and transfer It to the new locality , tumid the sight of a dotmiestic establishment , thus moving Is worth seeing. The anotive power is sup- piled by a carabao , 'or water-huffimlo , a liege , niommec-col erect brute , with eflormotme horns , possessed of anazing strength and phenomenal deliberation of movement ; these creatures in a wild state are utterly ferocious , but when ( iomesticatcl may be guided by a Child , All heavy draft work is done by them , as the little , stunted , tin- ttivo pony is equal to. nothing more than pulling light carriages or serving as a hack tinder the iuuidle , thereby resembling the natives themselves , who gracefully yield all coolle labor , such as lifting and carrying , to timt Chinamen. In spite 'of their appearane of mtmscular strength , time natives seem Incapable of so- yore nmanuai labor , and to possess very little stamina ; a touch of the caienttmra ( jungle fever ) , which would only cause an Amen- can or Englishman to swear , will lay ii Filipino on his back for a week. It is the same in case of the cholera , this dreaded scourge of tlm fan east is almost invariably fatal among the natives , who die by bun- fireds duritmg an epilernic : whereas tiihro are several instances of Enghishmncn recover- lag , even after a second or timird attack , which 'may he accoummted for by time fact that the white men during aim epidemic are accustommied to exercise sonic care iii ( lie way of food and drink , while the on- tives dIsregard the simplest rules of health , not only with regard to cholera , but to other pestilence , such as the smnllpox. I have seen natives in time worst stages of time hatter - ter disease walking in the crowded streets umimmoticed. During my ( lame of residence , there were only four cases of smallpox among the fluigtlshrnen , two of whiclm were fatal ; one being time "blade' smallpox , wimich is immvnriably hopeless from' tIme first , and the other that of a hcmriy , powerful stevedore , who told me only focmr days before his death tlcat ime hind never been vaccinated and never would ho. The otimer two cases were those of young Scotchmcn , neither of whom hind been 'nccIimated since childhood , mit bothm fmmlly recovered withmommt a scar. I was vaccinated - cinated seven timimes before It "took ; " I % VOUli hare had it done twenty times if miecessary , being a firm believer in the ino- tcdtiomm thus obtained. I 'I'hie Nnttoiismi Sport. Time principal and all-absorbing amuse- went of time natives-in fact , what may be called their national sport-is cockflghting ; and his fighting rooster is as mucim if not immore so aim object of xolieitation antI care to every Filipino as his family itself. 1mm Manila there is a large building of bamboo and nipa erected solely for this diversion antI the uproar wimicim arises 'front it every Sunday - day nfternoon can only ho compared to ( lint heard at a league base bail game at borne. A native so tmmmfortummato as not to own a fighting cock would be an object of scornfui pity to his nelgimbors ; and it is dimcuit to walk time streets in the native quarter without - out stumbling at every few yards over a Pair of feathered combatants hmavitm a trial battle under the watchful care of their owners. One of the drawba'lcs to Filipinos xis servants Is a pecuflar superstition which exists among ( beam to the effect that time soul of a person asleep has departed tern- porarily antI is taking an independent aerial flight , and that if the sleeper is suddenly awakened the wandering spirit amay not have time to returmm to its proper place , which Is poetic. but inconvenient , for it is utterly impossible to depend upon a servant to awalen one at an appointed time. Time most lie will do is to squat down in time farthest corner of the room awl remanic at Intervals , In a low voice , "Senor ! ' it would require from twenty minmmtes to half an hour of this sort of thing to bring au ordinary sleeper to any semblance of con- eciousness , and there is nothing to do butte to make allowance in time for his peculiarity of ideas , for no amount of threats , persun- alone or promises will induce him to deviate from this method of proceeding. Our house was a large , roomy structure of two Btorles , standing in a small garden , about two miles out in the coumitry , the ground floor being used as a carriage and harness room. while the upper story was divided into four big bedrooms , a wiclo hail and a sam , or drawing room. Several huge posts , like ehip's masts , ran from time roof to the ground as supports against time fre. quent earthquakes , which also necessitated the ceilings and inside walls being covered witim canvass , Instead of plaster , and the window panes being made of tiny squares of oyster shell instead , of glass. The windows - dews were framed in over-iappipg panels , which could be pushed back into the wail , thus turning the room into a sort of roofed veranda , and as the thermometer ranges from 75 degrees to 110 degrees all the year round , tiuey were never closed during the daytime , except in case of a typhoon , anti then the light , coming through these con- chas , was very soft and pleasant. 'rue IlouNellolti Cut , I have onmitte(1 to mention one important member of our household-time house-snake. One of these creatures , of the native iwthon species , is to be found in every well regulated - ulated suburban house , where lie serves in place of a cat , living inside the walls and lmetween the floors and ceilings , smmbsistlmmg upon rate , make amid cockroaches , mind doing inestimable service in keeping time houses free from these and other vermin that swarm in time tropics. Our particular snake mci- ways attended strictly to business and never issued , forth except at night , when he would go to the water tank to drink , and we would find his tracks upon the tiles in time morn- log ; but oftoim wiien reading in time evening I lucre heard his gentle hiss , or time sound of his lowerimmg himself 'from beam to beam , itcud seen the ceiling canvas shako as lie writimed alommg overhead in pursuit of a squeaking rodent. Attractive as life may seem in the islands to one who has never tried it , with these strange scenes and people and the lazy , itmx- urlous , waya of iiviimg , there is a sense of i/Perfect IiiantJ7ood Gail Borden Eagle Brand Condensed Milk A PERFECT 5UDSTIWTE FOP MorHns MILIc , FOR 40 . ARS THE LfAOINO RAttD. /MN1HM111IivirFRfE . . . .Y. @ 5015510 flu.s@ ' stwrcrsc " monotony and loneliness about it which cannot - not be oyercome'by'ooe froam northern clinics. Omit of the track of the great steamship lines , limo islands are seldonc visited t'y "ghobc-trotters , " icantly tin account of their reputation for cholera , typhoons nail earthquakes - quakes , and a new face was seldom seen in our little Anglo-American colony. Amuse- meats were few and tar between ; tile Inevitable - evitable Sphili built fights anti in the cool months of Decemmubcr and Jammunry a few chances Anions the Spaniards anti richer chase of Mestixos : a little simooting unit a great deal of ciurcltm.layjugyhipky drinking and eimeral cliii ) life , went to mnmike tip mm rathmer wearying , not to say denibritlizing , round of existence , No fornc of outdoor recreation cx- cept driving could be indulged in train 10 a. m. to i , In. on accoummt of time deadly heat. , amid lmors back , titling , tennis , etc. , could only be undertaken early in time morning - ing or late in tIle afternoon , anti oven under these comwlltlomme tmecxercise ! was too violent , After two years of this sort of life I caine away fever-stricken , weighing forty pounds lees than I should and glad enough to leave. limit now I often look back with a feehimig of longing for that queer , wild life among limo painm trees anti bamboos , with the great , 'olcatmic ranges tuwCrng [ lit time south ; in tmose tsiantls of wonderful tropic beauty , where the birds never sing , the flowers have no snm'eil arid the sofithmern' cross glitters ftist over the horizon miii night. IIiec'ric llglt ( , Cemtuetmtiomm , ChICAGO , June 7.-The twenty-first con- vcntion of the National Electric Light association - sociation commenced a three days' session at time Amiditoniumim today. After a ameotimig of the executive committee President Snni- mccl Instill of tue Chicago Edisomm compammy delivered his numnmmai address. Calvin Rice of llroolclyn read a Imaper on "Cost of ( temu- eration mmliii Distribution of a Unit of Rice- tricity , ' ' Following this paper tiiccre was a gc'imcrxml discmmssion on prices and discounts for electric current and methods of hilling Current to custommiers. Among time imotable visitors to time convention is Prof. Fmmfqmiitrm , the lmrlncipal authority oh electric lighting In Japan , Imru ; ii ice to l"igii t tii itsierM' 'trust , CHICAGO , Juume 7.-Ami organization of mmmanufactuning malteters , who are 01)1)050th to the American Maltimig commilmany , was iier- fected today. Time mmuw associattion will be AGRIC Ur1TURAL IMPLEMENTS arlin , Oreidorff & Mathi Co J obbers of Farm Machinery. W&on. and Duggtci - Con , 9th and Jones. ART GOODS - ,1D icfure Molazgs. Mirrors , Frames , Backing and Artiste Iutenials. BOILER AND SHEET IRON WORKS Drake , Wilson & Williams Successors Wilson & Drake. Manufacturers boilers , smoke stacks and brecchmimigs , pressure , rendering , sheep clip , lard and water tanks , boiler tubes ccii- stmntly : on hand , second hand boIlers bought nnil soul. Stt'cial anti prompt to repairs in city or commntry. 19th amid Pierce. BOOTS-SHOES-RUBBERS , - merican Hanti Sewed Shoe Co .IW'f'rs Jobbers of Foot Wear ' wxs'rEitrc .AOKNTI ron The Joseph Banigan Rubber Co. CcH. Sprague & Co. , Rubbers and Mickatoshes. 1107 1Iovxird St. , OMAHA " _ E" . Kirkerniall & Co .Boo/s , Shoes and Rub6ers slurooma UO2.llOt.liOt liarney 8tr.t. \A/.v \ Morse Co1 BOots , S/toes , Rubbers , AT WHOLESALE. Office and Salesroom 1119.21-23 Howard St. BAGS B'ems Omaha Bag Co Isiporturs amid MuuIacturor BAGS 614-16-IS Son/It 11th S/reel CHICORV 'The American ' Chicory Co. Or wers nit manufacturers of all focmm of . . Chicory Omaha.Fremont.O' Nell. CR OCKERY AND GLASSWARE M H1 Bliss , , & ' . Jniporfur arid J.bkr Crockery. China , G/assw'tre , tlver Piated Wane Looking Glasses. Chan- 4alier.1amipt 'thmirtiiieys , Cutlery , tc. 1410 FAIINASI WI' , .CREAMERY SUPPLIES I heSharples Oompany Creamery Mad : inery n'1 Supplies. Boilers. Engines , Feet ! Cookers. Wood Pal. bye , SimiefIng , Pelting , Putter Pack- 5es of all kinds. 101.009 Jones St. GOODS. 14. E1 Smith & Co. kapoeteaauui Jobbers of Dty Goods , Furnishing Goods AND NOTIONS. hcrmown , as the United States Mahteters' sueso- elation , Nearly thirty thmthufaeturer tEem Illinois , Iowa , Wisconsin , Ohio and New York vero made charter members of the new' organization. The following , omees , were ciectei ) I'reuiithent , John C. Vhite , fluffalo , New York ; secretary , John Park , Chicago ; treasurer , Charles II. i'ettit. Kenosima'is. . Arnolti's Broino Ceiery cures headaches , hOc , 25e , tOe. All drUggists , Coiigrc.uIotint 'onuinnt bits , PITTSIU 1W , Juno 7.-Time Twenty.econd congressional district republican convention met hero today and rcnotiuinidcsl John iiml- sell , In thu Twenty-third district 'iVlihianm A , Graham was nominated to succeed \Vil- Ilium A. Stone , recently nomnirmated for gov- enmior of I'emmnsylvanla , Annual 8iiIa Ovoi'ti,000000 flAea iEECRAJ V 'PiLLS FOR BILIOUS AND lilMIVOUS DIBORD1IW mmcli as Wind atmit Palic in the Stomach , ( I ltii iimt'ss , Fi&hiimcq utter memmis , Ilead- aehte , Dizainumis , Drovsiflcss. Flushings of heat , Lose of Appetite , Cosilvoimesa. lilotcimes nn time Skiji , Cclii Chilium , Die. tiitbect Sleep , Friglitfimi ireammis and nil Nervous amid Trotimbling Sensations , TIlE FIRST DOSE WILL GIVE ItELIEF IN TWENTY MINUTES. Every sufferer 'trill acknowledge themmt to be A WONDERFUL MEDICINES flEECIIA1's P1IJMtakcn as direct. ed , wiliquickly reetoro Females to coma. ihito , hienltim. They promptly reniouo obstructions or irregularIties of tim eye- ( cmii mmliii cure Sicic Jicitilneho , For a Weak Stomach Impaired Digestion Disordered Liver IN MEN , WOMEN OR CHILDREN fleecham's Pills are Without a Rival Anit hiame ( lie LARCEST SALE ofany l'utcimt Metliritmo iii I lie World. 25ti. at all irug Stores , JOBBERS RND I'4RNUE'RCIURERS il. ! OF' OMAI-TA. ' DRUGS. chardson Drug Ca , 902-906 , , ThcL'son SI. 7 , 0. RICHARDSON , Prest. P.WELLER , V. Prest. T he Mercer ChmucI Co , Z'f'r. tan4urL Pltcirnaoutsftotzl J'r.parc * . tio&S Speotul Fornctulae Preparett to Urder. Sendfo , ' Catalogue. lAboratory , 1111 howard St. , Oma. C.E : . Bruce & Co. Druggicls and S/a/loners , "Queen net" Specisities , Cirani , Wism anti lirandle. . Corner 10th and Htcrne Atre.tft ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES , Western Eectrical ! Company Electrical Snbt'ies. Electm'icVirin Bells and Gas Lighting 0. V. JO1INSTON,1.Igr , 1510 Howard St. Wolf Electrical Supply Co WIIOLEAL AND RETAIL ELECTRICAL S UPPL LBS ull Ysxnm 61 , FRUIT-PRODUCE. ' B ranch & Co , VUOLEsAL Commission Merchants. H. Vt. Corn.r 12th and Itoward St. . M.mber et this National League of Commi. . lion MlrclmSnts ot the Vnit. States , GROCERIES , J4cCord.Brady Co 13th and Lemtvcns'orth St. Staftic and Fancy Groceries5 itA AND COFfEE ROtSIERS , ftc. 't eyer & Raapke , WIIOLV.SALH F/NE GROCERIES , I Tta. , Spce. , Tobncc .aA Ctg.Is. , . I 1(03.1407 lImurimey SsresI. axton and allagher Co ' ' , 1POlt'I'ElS GAl COFFEE ROASTEItN ANti JOUUING GflOCERS. T lephion. :51. I liHanoy & 0o. . I1.4IiN'J5't , MAlJI)1t M .INP COLI.II5 Jobbers ofLealhe" , tiarlttlrry fardit'tire , JfSe. We solicit your orders ISiS Howard St. . HARDWARE , Wholesale Hardwiire , Omaha. L eeClark Andresen Hardware Co Who1esa ! , Hardware. liIojolcs .wt 8portln Good. , 121033-23 flit. . . .2L&1h--- - . - - - - - - - ' ' ; g,5 > ; ( ' KNOWNffCft'j. . j. , , , ' , / -x _ FREE BOOK " ° 'tWEAK ' MEN. M ilttl book , "Three Classes of Men , " soul. to men only It. tells of my 30 years' experience as a specialist 1mm all nervous disorders rcsmmiciimg front yotithful intliscre. lions Lnniu Ilack , etc. and tells why ' ' ' ELECTRIcI'ry emires W'ith my invention , time Dr. Stoden Electric Belt , knowim anti used the world over , I restored last year 5,000 maIm , yoummg and old Beware of cheap mutations Above book explains .ihl ; sent sahcil Write today , Dr. A. R. Saiideii , No. 1S3 S. Clark St. . Chicago , Ill. LIQUORS. \/altr \ Moise & Co \'llOL1SALR LIQUORS. Proprietors of AMlimC.N ( 'IGAR AND f.ASS AflU CO. 2l1.216 Stiutim 14th St. . - ' R ' Brothers9 _ _ i- Wholesale Liquors and Cz'grrs. 1118 Fitreauuc Street , , Gin East India Bitters GoblIn Shea ? Pure Bye and flourbon WhiskeY. willow Spring. DIstIlierY , tier & Os. , 1U liarney Street. J . . . . . . . . , . . . WUOLESALE Wines , Liquors and Cigars. 411 ' 415 6. tub lJtns.t. - LUMBER ( hIcaoLumberDo. , _ _ WHOLESALE LJUMBER.1. 814 South 14th 81 ; , OILS-PAINTS Standard Oil Co. 3. A. Slorfet , let Viet Pres. L. 3 , Drake , Oun Mgi / . . .QJLS. . . . Casoline , , Axle Crease , file. Omaha lirancim end Jcgence , ' , John ii , Ruth Men. PAPER-WOODENWARE. ( arpenter Paper Co. I , Printing Faj5er , Wraji- Paper , Stationery. Cor.r 11th and Ilowtrd stnsta. STEAM-WATER SUPPLIES. CraneChrchill Co 10,4-lOlA Douglas Streef , Manufacturersanti jobbers of Steam , Ca. LD1 _ ! ! r Supplies of All Kinds. U' ' ° ' States SupplyCo. . . jo8-zoIarev SI. Steam Pumps , Engines and Boilers , Pip Wind Mills , Steam and Piumbimmg Material , lichtinc , hose , Eto. - TYPE FOUNDRIES G reat Western lype Foundry Superb. ' COIp.T Mixed Typ. I. this beit or , the mnrkt , ' JLRCrflOTYPit YOWWflY. * 114 howard Str.t , _ 4 Strangers in Omaha Are invited To inspect The Bee Building. The most complete Newspaper plant In the West ,