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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 8, 1898)
- - - - ' - - - - - - . U - - - - - . . - - - - - - - - - - - - _ _ _ _ _ - - _ - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - -----i : - iAIJiV WEINESIAY , JLJNJi 8 , 181)8. ) . . SPECIAL NOTIOES Aa1'qrt , i'ti t , mr t lie' tillIltItIl M TIII III. tn1i.ii liii t U 12 in. for ( lie e'et , tig iiid 11th I I 4 s81) ) fur iiiiriil lug atisi Suuiul , , eulItliutIM. tuIert Iu'ruu , lu r.'uI tuctuIIitg fl * tttti * Iterral elurek. exits ) ttle U ttMerI tiut- drNuicul In n uttituuluereul l ( I it en reef of 1Jue Jke. % nNver , . tiu ltuluLreMsul yl Ii luu' uk lIeret1 ott 1ureuu I ut lutu of hue iIuql ( util. . ltne.u1 I I -e it trord flrust huuuer ( Inni . Ic ii ' turd I luereutfi u r. ? itt ( thug iuiLui % for ( unit for ( lie llrnt lttrr- I Ion. 'IluNc nulscrtlsettu'ui ( us tuIItdt ItC ruin eouicrtiIcI , . lIIti.tTIOS VtSTII ) . AbL. klntb ot IyIewrltlng and copying lttin In l1rut.luui slinpe ; rateul tultSOtIfltlt. dret It $0. $ ilee. 'WANTlD. juouItlon ftM luotiekuu'per. Call or . nultlru'e Jluusekceper , 3512 Dutvctipurt SL , OrnLlut , A-MO s J.- , - _ _ _ - - - , % v.t N'I'l1)-31.t ll II f1P. CANVASSlltH to take urtkr ; new lIne nt vork ; in ) lui.uivy gott to curry : iuIary or . coinmitiqion. ( . . 1" . A.lttins ( o. , 324 8 lutlu. 13-2ltJ to iuell perfume null toilet iurtlcle ; $10' ' ) per month atud cx. lletr.2 $ . 'xpcrlenen utItuecculMflry. l1lumer l1crttitn'ry ( : o. , 3t. Lutilu , Mn AN OIA ) ( 'litengo vholcquln ten. cigar and uqulce house vantiu tlurcc lrt-clLt tlts- nuen lunving on c'stnhlh'hid trnde In the northwest.Vrltc full ; ) ltrtltullu tO C It ! 21 , Clulrn , Tribune. Il-I 19 . \VANTII ) nina to l > uun lfln n ( brick on : liarcs I. . A. Starbuck , 1'cucvnl , lut. I1--M3' ' ) 9 % VANTFD. men at once to lcnru , lnrltr , trntlu' . 9'hE govcrntncnt h:114 : cnllcl * uInn : tIM ( or 100 gruldunteM for tlu. ' army ; . weekly , two yctrM' ; tiuploytneni ; our Ice- . tttre4 on hair anti tikitu dIuilaMcs ? flUkO u gradluateM hi dcunanul ut rgluntnt lunrlwrs. . ? u1ttiy IOCItI lmrlurs lea'Ing unake hoinc c ulenirtnd , also ; eight w.cku4 11)01- IIcte.VrItu for eatnliguo. rnler Sys- 4 tom lMrbcr Collcgc , Chicago. 1t-1S1-S ] 3O\.9 WUfltd at Murphy , SVaey & Co.t4 , chair factory , 32d aitl % pttillln St. l I3--73 WANTFDgootIhustllng to Introduce . 11eV nrtlclu' aunong stolkcclIcr8 znul sht- Id ( 'IT ) cfl Ii f Onui hut n ) uul cvcry ci t y niul ) t n\l of raIut a nul t1I rrou nul I I ) g lIt uLtt'4 ; II 'u - man c8t1 earn $ S to $10 a ulity ; uun.otnpctl- tluuui . i ulul re$4 % y I ( II St Ufll ) , Al)1Prct ) It ? ul 111. . utfacturing Co. , 41I 11)1CC ) St. , Plillitutelphla , f Pa. 11-tTS2 r iit : lrflPlOVtflCflt COIl at 510 llrownhloclc. D-5rJt I * s % VAN"I'll ) , sucecssftil cnnvnsser itt : 11110 to liCt nit clos rs : SO.OO a niontli 0)1(1 ( exIctMe4. ) Luke flrottct ! Cointmny , ( hI- ( ) ) g . i _ _ _ - ItItIGI IT , active hId ) aIIII % votneut to or- gIflIZL' ltilgt's , for lIrst.clniM 4ockty ; II- CUItP(1 I it Neb. ; icts Hick , .1 lctllI Ity a nil . . ilcatli II1e'tlt.M ( to both exus. At tcrlnM. j F. 1tcyItoldi , Exchange Bldg. . Ihotton , : Mass. It-MGIOS' IdAN or lody of good ndilrvc to trtvc'l ; utnit ltIlolflt ( itgu'nts ; $1) ) ) p'r 101)11th nIol cx- ) ' $ ( ' . 1' . tV. Ziegler & Co. , 12' ' ) Dparlorn ; St. . Chicago. fl-MO9 ( 8 ; .il.I I I ELI' . t , 100 GIII1S for all klitdti of work ; $3 to $ t wcclc. Canadian 0111cc. 1522 Dottglas. C-2I7 - - : - ; . t RII. the hpperly corset. 1511 Dotuglni St. ¶ - C-79S-J-2I wANrIl-nIrI for housework. Nra. 11. D. Necly , 4171 1 Inmlltun St. C-9tVJ . - \VANTID , 1O girls , Employment Bureau , . ] 5I Iwlgc. ' ' ( ' ) ) ( ) 87 ; . C-I37-J1 EMI'LOYMIN'L' Bureau , 1521 Dodge ttL , VItfltS 131) ) gIrls. Til. S70. ( 'l3 .112 L Fl lIST clast girl ( or otIcraI Ilotle\vork ; I 8111)111 ) fanllly ; rofprer1eH ) i'qulred. 1rn. Jt1 : \VIIIlarn8 , 522 So. 20th St. C-2 I L ( ) \vAN'rr1)-NI , willing gIrl for dinIng : % room ut 1401 Dodge St. GOOl ) girl for general Ilutli4cWoriC. 1914 Locust. . , M1N attil % S'OOCII to work for u at your , Iuutn , day or evening : S to $12 sepk1 j . - Ito rltvtn4Hlu1g : or cxlericncc tequiretl ; ( till , , Iitrtltll1)t ) rM titttl urk 018 lIed on appI lea- , ; tion. Itrnzlllnn Mt'g. Co. , New Ynik City. f _ _ - - - - - - - - _ _ _ tt 61 ItT4 for general housework. 1817 Jackson St. C-M5S1 , ? : _ _ _ FIt I1ENT-1IOITSES. . CI 1O1C1 liottscs ittut cottaglu4 all over city ; ; $5 to $7. Fidelity , IHt Boor , N. Y. Life , , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ iIoUSES , I1newa & Co. , lOS N. 15th St. D-249 iIoUSFtt , stores. Itenuis , l'axton block. \ D-2O I1OV1NG llOtIMeIUld goouls t.nd 3)lano. ' Oiui. Vati & Storage Co. , 1511 Farnuin. .c Tcl 19. FU1tlTNtJ1l and lC.tSeI)0ll ( of ii. atul 13- . rootn rno(1trn iltit. for 8)110 ) ; iatgain good t lOCtttiOfl , rent low , IlcinIs , I'axtoIt blk. , . 12-1tOO1 unotlern hotiie , 131 So. 25th St . lint water J. N. 1"renzer , opt. old P. 0. co'rq' , $7.50 and SS.OO ; s-room , $ ) ; i-roun ; , * 12.50 : S-mont. I.oQ ; ; newly pa I it I ed ft uni ltl'rcd : beati I I fu I for sI I ii )1 ) illI ) . I 16 Iiourtl uuf 1'ratie. D-9I2 1' A NO. I brick reHllence. ( 1029 So. 30 Ave. , t 11 ronIs ; keys next door or 3l14 N. 27 St. 1r I ) Mcttl , J. D-231 11IAI1TiFtJ14 RtInIInei' resltlcrice In UemIi . piirlc , near 3tll anti 1.ltIColti ioule'arI. , Lurgo grounds ; 10 ( tIll lots ; I.trge Mablo , for 12 liorset ; modern. Itcinls , P.ton , block. L-M337 62 NOIVI'lI 40(1 ( * street , 8 rooml , all mod. . , cr1) , lawn 111111 shadu trees , $3).I ) $ ) . 'L'lio Ilyron Itccd Co. 1)-1414) ) & . NIV 8.rontn house , ttll uloderti ifllproVt' . . flctl $ ) ( . Oil IlortIt 35th ivi' . , half lloclc ) froni Fittuinun litreet cor line. Aiuplv 1203 . . Dotiglits St. D-152--7 : . FOR ItENT. strictly modern lint In Dstv- IIgIH 1)11 liii lug , opposl I t' ' ci t y ha Ii. . JOHN \V. ROIIIIINS , ag't , 1S02 Farnom si. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ A NO. I brick resittonce. 1029 So. 31) Ave. , 11 rooms ; knys next ilnor. J. 3) , Pratt , 1515 ½ Fariiutn St. , 2i1 floor. , GOOl ) r hotise 1111(1 ( nic' largc garilt.n.I' , 1)S'nt1 , IGtIi and Douglas Sts. 1)-lrSs ; 9 I : : - 8. riiutn house , ii I I 1110(1 er ii liii ProVo- tuictits. Ott North 15tIi At' ' . , bolt block front Fiirnntn itrt'et cau line. Apply 12.11 1)otigittn St. 1)-MG')1 ' ) 7-ROOM niudirn house , uuotit livu't . I''tflIIt1 \Vuttcrintin , S22 N. V. l.ifti llldg , l-iG1 0 FLJIINII4I I iD 6-room modern ( ltit. AliilrcsIu HI , 13cc. 1)-M1112 9 I - - . GItOITNI ) ( of house , with Nttthln 1tI1I ( 9(1 ( ft't't booth trnntugt' . In 2ith strcct , one block SIILI th tu t 1xpol t iiit I.n I ru ttt ) . liernls , I'axton 111k. I-dti15 \VAN'1'1l ) , two girls for museum , no cx. iuerlclwu ncit'ssary. Apply ut 51).S N. IGtli tit. , It'tW't't'I1 9 tititI 10 a. in. C-MGI9 $ ' VOlt IlENT-I'ITItiSIIEI ) lItOI ) ( $ , IXl'OSl'1'ION V1II1TORt4-1,000 ( urnlsh'd roottIti.'ritu to ExIloSItlon Itounting Co Datigittui block , NtlI and Dodg' . l-1sl up jXl'OS1'1'l0N Official lliforznatltjn Itttreau , 13l9 Fzirnauii ; 5,000 cholu rotuins it ) rtnt. t TI1F1 FAltlJAM TFHtItACli , 201G.33.1.42 . juritzinu. ttI't. otodern buIldIng , 3tev fur- 1111411 I tigs : a I I elcgit 0 t 0)1 ) I ( 'Ill (1 r000Ill iorclies. Inwit trees ; within live IllinutcIt' vttIt ; ( If busInos cctitcr ; on illglit t4e'u. t1011 e$1)Ciittll ) ' dettirablu for loan and fanilly. EM9l.J1e } . : ld.GA : N'I'lY furiilslied roomil ; ( uod'rui. Go : : S. 19th. I -2ulO'-J24' I ] I1OlFltN uwuth rooms , tronsietits. - 514 N , 1flh. 1 ) } : .9N.J2i N I ( 'Fl ; Y ftiriIhed rootuti. 21 12 1 a u ( c t. l-1I2' . Pt'flNISliiD ItOOMS. Trnnsk'tit : t1iI lq . .O1Ir place. strlttl ) $1.00 ir ilziy , witliotit lonrtl : tnotlcrn hoUlic , newly iittet IoOfl15 , intu. ) good stirroiifliin , , eonvcnient to OXflouiitIoii grotutiulti and Sltcrunttti nt'cIllIlI car Hoc. 1S02 Ohio St. 1-.Ml5111 ItOOMS , all eOflVefliCI1t'l. t2l,4 14o , 19th. l-t J2i TIlI' T1l1tOW1fl-2S good rootn. 2' ' N. 1. E-Ml2 J2. ' ' F'tY1tNlSlil'D flHIIlil. ) 1i2l ( 'ass ; on matu avenue Clit lltie referenci4 rcqtilred. l.-tllo s FU'IN1S1liD rootn4. t,21 S. 2'th ' nyc , 1-M43l J23 I'i.lASANT ri'o1n centriti ; lrlVtlte fItiltilY. , 1512 1)a'ciIIiurt , 1'-M32O O N ) 'ATI .Y ( iarnlnliu'tl Tooths , eltelti ) , t.2ii . S. 19th. 1-M33 30 1.AltCf. list rooms for rcrt aIl1art ( If city ; lIlr ellen till 10 II. 01. and SundIIYi' , 24ri. JelTrUs , lltuttrd of 'riade , Sit .ciuth utid Farnani , first iloor. 1-Mt.11 1401"I'I L front roonu to rent , 2112 1'ininet ntreet , 0110 block ( tool u'xpuulloii ( grnttnibi. . - - - - - - N1'lt.fiirnliilued riloms by day or w''it. 2010 Davenport. FOlt trniniictitu , nlodprn. Swift. 2Ifl0 I lnntu'y fl-J3i1' I'ARLOIt Tletlroonu for 3. WIG Farnam St. 1.- ' ; 9 S. t"lNl. ( ' 001 t'tOflS for trllflltie)1t4 , t2I ) N. 19. 1-i2ti : ; J:14 : 1100\lS-1CIS California ; rcMtnurnnt ncnr. icii.y ; : ftirnishcd front room. flit N. 25th ave. E-l51 11 ° I" I it N IS I I l 1) rooms. sititle ott nilto. 1) ' . .siralle. l0fltl0I1 , 2137 homey. .1\\.O Nleely fumnbiln'd rooms : coflVetIIcnt to P. 0. ; bath ; refereutecs. At1(1rcsi ( it .3 , Iiei' . F-7l ' 201 1it1tN1'\ , moonlit for reilt to ( rultslt'nts E-'tt : ; FtTItNIIIED Itooms for rent itt 11I North 19 it. - l--u ' i'ort UENT , furnished rm.Inq , botit , good iCit I kb , 1)0 COF I ltiu' , 'iVI I I king ii I s I u 11 CC 0 C oxIIlltion , 1352 North 20th i4tret. 1'-MO2 1O _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - I.'IJItXlSIifll ) ltflt'sS .tNl ) IlnAltI ) . 1'l iii ; Merriam , flrst-class family lintel. 2.tla ittitl Dodge Sti. I'--SI. I'1ASANT rooms , mr..lern , strictly llrst- cIas board ; reasonublu rates ; tt'anitnts tiikrn. & 22 N. 10th st. F-M12' 312 i'IisNr. ; . icIIftirulit'ul , rootnalt ; iliout. CIII ( ' ( un''nicnce' ( , vltit 01' wIthout hoai'ti lrlvu te fatni ly nt'it r I lit itseota ptrk. I1 12 , lice. F-792 'i'I I t UOS1' , 20 I latin' ) ' ; iIce coil r'ns ' ( ) sith botrd ; ; ti'ttuwiiiiu aecolntnolnte(1 ( ruto reatonable. 1"-U ,12l , i'\ 1 < i ubus'ti that "fc'r ah" ' or br rent" SIIII lii your window ; The Itco rr'aclws Inure I(1.tIiil' ( ii a (1a' ( t hO 0 vl1 I lfl 4 s.i 0(1(1 ( IV I it it tTiOIi tlt ; ii uid they coiiiit tiiO'4 ( ' i'lUtflhIi ( ( 'iicn tiicy 'ui1t In 1iiy ( or rent. r1IF IIA1tATOGA 11OTFt hi the l(1iIC ( ( . Aunerlc'nn or lturnjn'itn. N.V. . comlI"r i'x- pOSitltfl ; Siiei'inaii Av" . and the 24th 41 * I' I I n ( ' 4 1(1 ( I 5' t Ii u' 1)0)041' ) ) . Su ni 10cr t'sol't styl e. Faiii I lic sIl I ti t oil . tot1 cr0 , cool , contfortoble , liuinelilce. 1ttlis. gas. hliInn anti Illirury. TCIl'llIfle 1911. You CItil get It i4ircit ear 0)1(1 ) lIti.i a seat lit It. \ \ 0 hay , , trees , Iilnhs , gi'ceii grass atil vrOitiCt , tuuli ' parlors. VLtSt % clItiflhits , hlanhtnoeks , jolly IWP1O ) attd a pet bear. Itates ren..uii- able nuitl tceordln to tt'e0tiiflOdatliiii. ( F-:1l3 : flEAUTTFIJL rooms trntislctits. 2S1 I larney flC'OMS for rent , antI hoLrt1 if de..ilme,1. 1117 North 2Gtli et. , South Omaha. F'-.14uJ 0 iioott : ittitt 1)001(1 for yutig litd ) : fumnls1iu1 rronu ( or gentleniun ; llrivate faintly. . .S0 ! S. 22d. F-Mt. ; ; Jy5 _ _ t"0171t 1'urnihet1 r0.tni for rent by tlay , wecic irionth. Cull 1911 South 27th St. Call niesiIger at our oxpense. DOt7h1Lh uii1 hoord ( or two young 1)1011 Oil 30th Ave ncti I Iitiusurn Ilark. fleft'reiic'es rotltilred. 'th1rei4 It :17 : , lIce. F-2d5t 8' SOUTU rooms ; trltnsIL'tIts. 2102 t'ast. ? -10J JyG' nooits 'Itli board ; references , III ) S. 211th St. F-599 11' mit 1l11'I'-USPURSISlIt ) lttOMt. UNF'tJltN1ShIFD rooms ; mooerlt. 1821 Leav , Flat 4. (4-.Ms99 .121' TWO nice rooni'i , 15G Farnan ) . cl--111102-7 l.olt ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ltl'IN'I'-S'l'O1U11S ANI OI 'L'ICh'iS. FOIl rent , th 4-story brick biulidlu ; itt 9111 Farnam St. ThIs building has a lIre. Proof cement basement , water on all floors. gaa , etc. Apply at the otilce oi The 11cc. 1-910 Sl'ACfl to rent , suitable for Job printing or other small bitslnes. 'L'eicphiono 011(1 dck. ItWit cheap. 1517 Burt. I-GS1 IIOOM , ltixlO , suitable for workshop. 1fli Cass , iIornstglt's. 1-t121 30' A1'l'S W.tN'r1n. \VANTFID. lady onil geIitienei s'lIt'llnrs ' for IL 1"rtteriial orgunizittlon ; good Pity , Address 31 21 , 1ieo. J-47.10' WANTI'I ) , reliable canvassers , ladles or gentli'int'ii. to hiattitle' thu latest novelty , a lh ( ) I OgiiI Ill' fm in ' * I I ) II t 1)111 gnhtles ynti r pletttt'e 51) ) tier c.iit. % ' that sees it % s'ant flOe. . . great opllortlinicy to 11111 ho ii ) Oio' ) thu ring t ho ( it I r. SemI 2 ets , for sample or write for i'ircoiiit' . 'rite Star Novelty re , , , 28 Maritie hinnlc Bldg. , ltitl- titnore , 2ht. J-tro 10. W.'i'l'EI1'O ltl1N'l' . \\'ANTED , Permanent buartt and room in strictly lirivate ( tunhly for gettl'inti : , tvi ( it it ii ( I 51)11. A nser vitli foil itrtteu- lurtu. 14 3 , Ilet' , K-MOlt 0' S'l'Olt.t 11. PAC1llC Storage niiti Warehouse Co. , 1108. 910 Jones , eitet'al storage anti forwarding , M-So : ; OM. Van & Storage , 1511'I4 Farn'zn. Ttl. 1339. M-831 Y.tI'"I'EI-TO lIllY , iF You are In need of anything , try thuo \'itiit Colutnn of 'l'ltu 13co they wIll bring you what you vautt. N-El I oit S.l1..VLJltjl'rUflI1 , I l4tLI.TIthE , bookeasc , carluets , couch , itovcs , ilcttircs , etc. , ( or sale clicap. 2G05 \Voulwortn Ave. 0-Mill 5' Foil HaItI at a lntrgidn,10d ililOWS and 500 inattrcinwii ; 110W lilbWi ) ( . 23 centS up ; flOw nlattresaes , B cents up. 1GiS.10 Dodge , 0-i857 J23' , 'l\vO tiecond-ciasit hotel cookIng ranges ; burgaltis. 404 5. 13th St. 0-312 5' ICLIIINI'ruIlE or u-rouin house. 181 I St. Mitry's Ave. F. A.'Li.tck. . O-4fJl3 11' E Oil S.i.10-MtCl3Lh..NFiOh1S , 1100 antI LioWtry rttIVI' bi'tter titan 'lre utt'tting , Flue sawdust Cur floors. 'I'd , 458. 001 Douglu , 11OftSE clipping nntcliltics , lnlves ii tid re. P.Llt i , U II 14 Iii lularul not keii on hand ; grind. itu razors , Hheurs , i.tlper ; PromPt dtV- ice. A , 1. , tJntheland , FOIl HAI.E-'l'en ltl.P.'t.N.S. for S cents itt drigglstiu ; ; otto gIves rdlle ( . Q-2ti ) VOlt S1E-Threu return 'I'ubuitr bolli'rzu ; to-horse luower each , . ) ) ) ' to the stiicr Ititentlent , 105 llt'e bulldliig , Q-St ( llAh.IIH Safes-now itiitl eeoiiti.lisnd ; safes repaired and rt'iitcd. 1116 Famn.tuui. ( J-M441-J1'J SIX S.'eonti.Itiutd stecl rittics , tiltittu1e for restaurnnl s or bo.trdlng liutist'S. for sale at great bargalnsmust ; be sold , 1410 Dodge ( , -cS. J b' P1111 Mt1l'i-l lMt'Etl. ' . i1Ut'34 , . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - ( Contlntied ) 'i'iifl best nik.'il ltriItltt ( nt Shertnnn & M - ( 'conch 1)rug ( o,1313 toi1g St. , Omaha. 4-.liI..j ; , I 1 ItHI , ioitltr iiiuul lawn ( cn'es . all wir. ' ; 1.1 best , Vlru'Irhtu , 11th and I lzs r'Ie Q-2.i. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1591 L1lt'V'I1S I1iwii In iiiotlel IitIilPs' ILl ) I gcnt' ) ' ( ' iir' pow ln'inrt sol'i on ( ' 145) t nnlltltli 1 1114 1,1W it4 $3.0' ) ; olhu'r. outright at $ ltifl. ni1 high grau1 at Slh. antI 2'2S.O , to bc 11)11(1 ) ( Ear aftcr rccclv. : . if .4ii ) .wiiI ( 'itt. thl tintli'e Out and iteild to Se.irii , lttubuck & I 'o ( .IiIt'ng , , , tltt'y will s'tnl you their 1) bi- ( . ' } ' ( 'ie tittaiOgUe ittid full ltattlclIlttS. .Sii'.9.J1'1' Ti 1 E SIIt1LI ) ) $ ( ' ' Iii Imtli the east 11011 s''st , in lEithI liut Iii , 'ltI tle(1ri3P ( 2)30 ) ihotugrahlluic Tpt'iu1tIi'titii4 of tIlt' tnvri- cit Ii I ) it ( I Slat It ish ii ii V ( ' , nit Vu I nil ) 1111(0(1. ( ers , ( ti. . , t II for 23 ct't1ti4 , itt tIle Itun Oiil ( ( ' . I C nth ' 'rt'i by mit II , a d d ress Navy l'hotograpli ! ) Iutrtn1ent , Onuntot lIce. Ft)1t SAl.l , fresh .Tersc ) ' cows. AidrOs $ box 2311. Omaha. 'OO1.1.3'ACltA1ll A lin ) , ottcht ( lilt Philip Nitthitn and iii now at 1201' F'itmnntn ; \Vurlil' ' hum fornituru for lathe. lathe.Q3(3 ( Jyl \.I.i flic. ' lutvo a limited nuniitr of Ptilteil Slit tes st ttilliii rtl viul ho iii I tug I Iii i.s 'V iu It'li ' ' ' ! nne.tlilrd lcei we iii'o nfl'ei'ng itt itttItIt thu ii I it II Ci ( hell iu'r. . Oin it ha Su'lu nid Stlu- PlY ( ' 0. . 11th itiul I iirney ilts. Q-1d 112 11) ) N'l'hQtt1' wiuitlrobe in best conditinti : hll14 II C t r 01)1 relI 5'111 for sell I ti g ens I $3) ) ) , 'vi It sell tiut' $23 ; lutist sell this week , ( 'itlI 221 1.o&tit St. I'oIti iti iut'iitttl cluilr ittiti outfit ; good its Iti'V. ' , itt a latrgtin. ; Atldress It 19. 1t'e. , Q-N503-1l' 1'OU SA 1 dry liaril wool kindli iig , $1.23 Per load dellverd. Onlalitt flutter 'l'tih > ( ' 0 , " ( 'In , III Ote 117:1. : Q-31110 I 10 A CiOl ( ) lIitttott ) eht'itp. Call at * 01 D.'t. VetlIloit , or iootn O. louglas 1)101k. Q-M519 11 1Oit SA hE , good seeond.lIilluI tyt't'rltur. .dilu t'ss II 20 , Ike. Q-h3Sl 8' 1'Otit . Lin1ter.1urnc ! licirthorii , let'sev gmatlo I tfl.i4 , CttIVCi4. itt foot ; right good olies 5tI t Ii mi : m ii ked 5 cveiil iigi4. \ ' . 'l'ii tit'r , 21tl , IIi1L1 h'oppleton. Q-.9J 9' lISCi1t.i.liOUS. ANTI.MONOUOIX r.itt Iltge ( Co. , ( 'ieltfli4 CtSSlOQlS & iuri'Y Vatiit8. 621 N. ill. Tel. I i .3 11-1118.1 lii' 'I'\'ENTY.i"1Vi' cCnts will buythe lutest lttbIlitt ( ion II I ttst in I lug I In' U. S. it ii d Sialtilslt iiUVlei ( , itaval L'otnnllntlere : , cIt. ; alniist 200 Iletogrnpluic repi'odtictiotls , with it large uimp ( If the East and Vt est I ltdic. itt tl' olt1.'i' lf 'l'Iii' lice. I I' ur- .lercd by mail. ndtlresa Navy l'butogritlilt Department , Oinahiit t1'c Lt-.S0 . ' ' . LAhItVOY.tN'l'S. 11ND reading , imtgiit'tic rtibbing , advice given I ii btistne45 ! ii iitI love itfftti is. 'tl 1110. hubbard . , 11122 Cutultig . , S a In. to 10 i. in. S-M6S ) 8' . ' . ; . ' ' ' ' . ) l.t's.tl0 11.t'I'hiS , E'l'C. N ED1 CATED ha th' , tnd massage. M tue. ljrisson. ( root l'aris. 107 N' . 12th St. T-A1107 J14' I jU1tA F1hi.'cni. 119 N. 16th ( upstairs ) , mont 12 , ' 1'urko-1tioittii and 1)10111 1)01115 , InaMsage. . T-0i J19 2l.h1. A\IES : , .07 S. 13 , It. 10 : lnLsstge Iiittht T-2illli 10 RS. Dli. LEON , electric znasstgo : bath Parlors : restful ind curative. 417 S. hut , ttii4tOit'il. ) T-M3is ; 12' MM N. SM lTI 1 , 1I N. 15th SL , hot spring itilil vltior baths. _ . 1'-3t 13' I'lIlt&ION.tL. - VIAVI for uterine troubles , 310-S Ben bldg. ; i.Iiyslclan consultation or heal tht iIol < free , U-2t11 IIUP'I'Uflh11 cure' ( .r 5:1) : . No iletentloti from btisiness ; ii yeitrs In Omaha. Call ' vrite ( t'iretihurs. , ( ii' or Finpiru 12'F C1i1 ( ' , 932.i33 New York Life bldg. , Omaha , Nob. Th1F Pantoriutin , clotlit' cleaned , 1)resse(1 a iiil relairl ( , (1fl. ' 11)1(1 ) nIght ; special cai's given , indies' tailor matb gowns ; dress stilts for hire. N. E. cor , 14th & P'ttrtiiiun. 'rei 1163. U-211 I A L1t(11 Map of the World , on. ' of Cuba and a nothier of tlic entire \Vest Indies , slio'vlng Cuba. 1'4ii'tI ) Itico , iTo ytl , Sun Domingo.1artlniqtte and all thio other \Vcst Indion hslnntls ; 10 centS , at 'i'lie lIce ifllct' . fly mail , I I centS. Address Cuban Miii ) 1)ept. , Omaha lIce. U-S118 C EOfli 111 BAS'OMl3F. wii nteul information respecting thIs formerly of W'ey- 1114)11th antI Siiepton 1itiiet , England , nnd Inst lword of at Kansas City , ICan. , iii Sep. tembt'r , Ii.SS ; height about 5 feet 7 inches ; roth p1 eXion ilark ; ftill lueard , a tid stoohls slightly : itIOOt 50 years of age ; a ri'yiirt1 of twt'tity-ilve dullxtrs will b 1(111(1 ( ( for his lr'sent ailtlress. foil of llty dollars for IL ei'rtiitcate ( if death and ( leclaration of idl'Iitit ) ' if deceased. Address II. A. I11tlg. lull , 2.1ayvood , Frontier Co. , NebrltskiL. . U-I5S0 : S. LADIES' Turkish baths , Mme. Post. . 3194 S. 15th , U-Id22 UNIOY 'to J.tN-1th4.tL , 11S't'.t'l'iI. W'ANTEI , ) , choice ( arni and cIty Inatis. It. C . J'cter & Co. , U. S. Nat'l Bank bldg. SI 10.0011.00 $ peeiiil finn I to I ot Ii on Iiri.1eias I UI I rIve(1 ( 0 011 * hit hroil't't I , 0 r for I iil tog purposes. Fidelity Trust Coiuptmiy. . LOA N on iiiipmovi.(1 a rat tIninllr'p.1 city Ii'Oh)1't't3. \ \ . 1'iti'iiiiii Snitth & Cu. , 1320 Fnmnltnt. \\-2U I ; 1'ilt ceilt c'.ty and lotns , ( iirviii : IliuM. . ! lt : Fiirnnnu St. 'iV-211S ANTHONY 1.01111 & 'I'rtisL Co. , 015 N. Y. L. : ( itilek nioney ILL iiuv titles for chaicc ( unit 1ITI1IS : iii 1ovt , Northern itIlsntirI , 1tst. ( lit Net > ttitlcut. 2dON1'Y to man ii iniiroveil Omaha u'euil estate. Ilrennan-Lovn Co. , 219 5. 16th. FLS'l'l1itN TflOhi'Y tOt' 1S'Ctertj 1t1ve141- meats ; tnd ( or cir'ohar. Itiveslors' Di. rectory Co. , Nc't % ' York. \V-21P ) J7 W'AN'I'El ) , to iO.LII."J ; one butt pr.i. ( erreil ; iujso S'artt to loan $300.00 , F. D , \\'i'itd , 16th and lotigluts. \V-1S1 5i. 1'F1t cent money. Itemis , ] 'axtnn bik. W-271 10.0oo,0o private ftuiitI. wish to loan on lands itt SOtitIICitl4teril Nehirauska , 3lcnry C. SmIth , Fulls City , Ni'b. ' .V-M603 21 ltlONl3Y 'l'O ' " ' LO.tN-chI.l'1"I'1.iI.s. $10 TO 810.000 TOLOAN' ON 1IO1JSlI fOLD FUI1NI'l'tIltE AND PTA. NOS , IlOltihEb , WAGONS ANT ) CARRIAGES - RIAGESVAREI lOUSE rtEcll1"r13 , etc. , at lowest rates In Omaha , South Omnuthit ititul Council Illtiffs. No removal of goods ; strictly conlldemtla1 ; yeti can p.ty the loitit off at any time or itt (1113' fltfltjUfltH , OMAHA d0RTQAOFi LOAN CO. . 30. ; South l6tlu St. 'rilE OLDEST , I A1ZOJS'1' AND 0NIY IN- COItIO1lATFD LOAN COItI11ANY iN 0MAII. X-S65 NONIY loaned salutied p001110 holding hermunont lOSltlon5 , with responsible concerns tipoyt their own name. without securltyl easy payments. Tolman , it. 7011 , N. Y. l bldg. X.-512 1llrSlN1N CIl.U'ClM. FOR ale. ii. bargutln , my entire drug stock. show asus , soda founittin auth cotinters ; also % viil rent store at repoit- able rent ; loentetl Union Depot hotel , initi hioclc from LI. I' , 1111(1 Iiurliuigtoa ultipots , Ernest Stultt , Iroprietor. Y-179 h'iEVATOltS ( or tiutie it line orsix c'le- 'atturs on ISa Republican \'ulley bronchi of the U l. It. It. , extending south ( rain Liitcoitt , NIi. , through an execlletit raiii llEOitlclflg region , 'Will be sold toguthit'r or separately , au desired , In goad rejiair ttnil tutu working order. Viii 1)0 sold cit ( 'UN ) ' ttii'ilu ( . .Apiily 10 Eti 13. Miller , lieu- lrice , Nub , Y-.14200J30 TO Oh4T In or out of bu1nesiu go to .T. J , Gibson , 514 FIrst Nat'l ban1. Y-S6 ? VlVl'i to iIty ys'ar $ lease oittwo acres triickage ; central double track , 25 ears bultubiti for any usiuiess. S 2. 11cc. Y-t160 ( ; 12' F : 't SIi1M CII tN'I0S i.tC.tiSitInttt.d. ) ) ltl11S'1'At'lL NT. ( 'IfltrIII lorsition. a gil in , it iuhi1 nt , , uit. . . J , J , IlibilIltI , Si I I , irst Ntt'i : hlItk. " sql III . . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . -4 - - - - - - - - - - - - - . .AIt ossut'es lug btoflt ) ' $10' ) invetcd in ml. "snft. InetOitel 'In gridti or stockq" will l'il3 ' $ i,0'J wit ihut 3i1 ( iiys ; write for ; inr- tictuhitrs. ltk'huitii ' Oliver , hlitiuker atutl lhniikei' , ( 'litctt Stuck lxrlutngi' , ( 'hiengo , ' -I60l 5' . - - - 1'lt ( investors , lists that ore Itivestors' hists1 writi' ( ii 1flve'toE' 1)irectory Co. , Ney York. ; il . Y-M6143y' h'lU 'AflIOUS p1.'c.t property and farms In Nelraskn to rtut , for iuorchnntilse. Ad. dreis 1. 42 , IJee FOIl 1tXCllANdi.l0,03. . ) or $24.000 worth iii' Oiiui hit lius in'ss ) Iri14'E I y , dcii r , PitYs 10 ncr ccitt , fat' r'MIIlciic ( ' or fitrin broil- erty.V. . ¶ 1' . ( Irolirini , Agt. , 6011 lice 111.1g. ? -3r,1 .18 l.c.lL S.tlluill it.tI , IiS'h'.t'l'I. h'UN'1'7.l' l'huce. bargains $2)0 13,730 to $11,300. 3. .1. Gibson , 514 1'irst i'Jat'i bank bldg. lt1-S11'J . . . . . . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - FOI.I.OW'hNO dcsirztble property : i1tiulIic2s lot comncr , GOxIlO ft. , In So. Omaha , PItvotI , Uttsitiess lot , IJOxISO ft. , iifllt-O\'Cul ) , Suuth Omaha , street VaVed , 'frmtct (21 ( iiut ) , rthi ; SL 'I'raet (20 ( hots ) , 31)lht ) St. For pat tictilars 111)1(13' ( 1012 l'ariiain 131 , 1111-ED hOUSES , lots , farms , lands , loans , uiIo lIre insuaticc , ileinis , l'axton block. ItFI-Sli DFISITtMih.FI residence lots. 124x1.i'J ' , first- class location ; 10 mliiUtes' walk ( Film court house ; chrump foi' cash , Aililrt'ss 0 Cl , lice. ltFI-1d001-J-19 - - - 1IAVI' 3ot1 lWfl ( ' ot I , , eIi ? : .uw is tlit , 1 into to ii ilil$1' 0 f t Ii ciii ; let t lIe leoplo know tiiutt Ohl % t'itnt to ilISliose , uf tlicuiu. 'l'IIL' lice reaches thin I)1'oIe alto lint' . , the I1t0fl1' ' . IIE-S6U 11' YOilliitvti real estate for hue anti vauit I t SOld , list it with lli' uiiiti I 'tvlil eiI 1t-it 1 ( ltti , 1 C . 'Oti isii tO liutehlitso itnil t'uiiit ii. big bargain look lIver toy list. .1.11. b'Iicr'ood , 422 N. Y. 1ife tldg. ll'-2S2. FOIl sale , ,1"sii : thihi' rosiilenee lots , l2lxllO , iii ilnt-clutss location ; ten tiiliittes * vahk ( rout t'otiLt house ; cheap toi eah. Ad- dl'es 061 , lice. It1i-MCF1-Jl9 I IOM FS. linuitis , homes , let ti ; ltow tht'mn I ti you. 'l'vo good 1) ii es and 0110 StiHt I len Oil \'u.t F'uttiiuiiii , d i'I igitt fial iIitcc8. , Five iii I ittiisr'uin I'iac& ' , l'rices to suit lull' OflLi. One seven-rootil hotise itt north Part of city. Fine lot. I'lcuituiiit lilnee. ilitlce offer. M. .1. Feuuitnr.i & Son , Sole Agents. 310 antI. :111 : llrowit lflock. Iti-12t 7-It. house , corner lot : cheap. 2111 N. 2Ith. RIlI-SO ) .111' 02-90l SO. 20Th St. . 5 routn houses. ; 'rico $1,500 each. 3. N. Freuzer , opp. old 1' . 0 , I1FI-649 WE IIAVIl a large list of Nebraska lands for sale for tiiisht , or v1lt exchange for Omaha li'oICl ty. TIIFI COLUMI1IAN 1NVESTt111NT CO. , 1101)111 411 , 1st Nat'l Bank Building. IIE-3h3il 1110 neres. linprovt'd , S niilc's Cmlii Lyons , httirt coiuitty Neb. . Priec 30.tX ) Per uier * . MO uirreu4. iiei1t. one of the best farms In Ihunt ( ' ( ) Otit. ' welj improved tiitl tvo mIles ( toni Lyons. Nd ) . Price , $36.00 per itere. 1111) ) : t'rcu4 , Ilutjt comnty , improved , $23.00 iicr acre. 1 21' ' ) act'cs , S mIles iioutlvcst of Lyons , ilurt coo nty. Nt'In'asi a , 'ell lIflIliOVetI. I'rice , $30.00 P'r uier. ' 121) acres nennlCJ4lhoun , W'ashlngton cottnty , $33.00 li'r ilL re . 40 teres fotir rolleis froun loStolllCe , Omaha , S2.300. it ' 't' zilso Imavd'sevl'ral well Improved farms iii Sal'py , 1)ottgiiis anit 1.\n.sltlngton counties - ties ftr salt' at T 'ry Iov figures. poT'rER & GEO1tG 16 COMI'A NY. . I 1601 Farnain St. . ( ItFI-M53l S . 6-ROOM liotlfe. city water , Ole. , 1022 N. 21st St. , South Onlalili. $ lOdO.O0. 5-rrnni huuse sotitlicast corner 28th and I'aeilte Sts.1Lrge lot. 82,000.00. 5.roni 1)OhiSC' , 3121 1Itnt St. . $1,203.00. 10.i'ootn 1iotisc 28 ± 5 Cahifimnlri. St. , 1 100.00 , 10-room 111)1150 , GeorgIa Aye , , near 1-iickory St. . $ : I,500.00. unodemn house , S. 3.tlt Ave. , near I Iowaril St. . 81,000.0) . : i llou4es on one lot on car lIne , two miles from postoill'c , houses i-cut for $11.01) ) per 01 011th , 'i50.0i ' ) . Putter & George Company , 1601 Fuurnani St. - RE-535 7 IIEA1JTIF'tTL 10-acre tract for $730.00. Newly painted ii.r cottage. one block from Cal. . easy terms , $323. F. D. Wend. 16th and Douglas Sts. RE-th1S7 9 . 'I'Yt't6Vu1I'I'I0htS. TYI'l11\Vhtl'l'11111S fot. rent , $1.00 per month. 'I'hio Sinith.Prenilc'r 'rypewrlter Co. , 1623 Ftrnain : St. ; q'CIeh1I1e 125) ) . 2Sii O\VING to time PoPularity of the new models , Nod. 6. 7 and 8. 1teminton typewriters - writers , they liavo had to secure more room and have removed to 1619 Farnain troet. Call utnil st'o them. 671-J-1S 2'd.UNII'h'IC lilOAblOlt. MAGNFI'l'IC 1113111cr vnmits cases that have Itceit hironouncell Incurahle-rheunin tisin , n4thma. vc'ak lungs , or other inllrmities , No niedicine at. surgery , Senil for te.sti- 1luthilil. ) h'rof. J. Ii. Canthon , itortuit 4211 , 1tutno ; Ilidir. 1\ll1lfl 10' itNJ'I'U lIE I' . ( 'IC ED. M. S. W'ALKLIN , 2111 Cuuilng. 'rd. 1331 , : ii i'Sj ( ' .tlt'l' ANI ) LANE ; U.tG lOS. l'itOF' . P1i'l'EItSEN'S music school. pIano , ViOl I a , mnti ii liii I ti , gui to r , xl tImer. Gcrtnan ii'tiiod. Ternis reasonable. 51 3 Sheely IliorIc. 520-Jy-4' 111ShC. PROF. MUIOLLIOIi , zither chooh , 503 Shee'ly hiilc. , 7 yt1&VM experience , ( Jorniatu method itolo agent Sehwnrzer zlthiers , Echo , liar- 'O0d goitars uiiItl untindohins.11100 17' - , 1.oSi' , LOST , a bunch of keys : finder leo'u SIrne : utt Fredrickson's bicycle store and neeelvti good reward. Lost-MOll 8 LOST , brown pI1' , 0110 white lilnil foot. Ileturn 3116 JILCkIUfl 110(1 get rot'ard. Lost-2u1617 14' FOiH. 'rAKION ill ) , tIfly tnrtre , veighis about 1,100 Lewis Dunn , 7 nuile west on Dodge road , I ' = - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . -r-------------- 14IJO1tTIIAI ) ANI ) 'l'Yt'1OVltt'I'lNG , "AN SANT'S 'hiotil , 717 N. Y. Life , Ttic ( ( ) ( ) viiosq ittutlents get tinlJht'lfljiit , , Conihueted exhucrleticed reporter. AT OMAhA Iiu , College , 16th & 1)oughaa. 2S1 . SI iOlCX'-IIA $ P Ic , taught by court reporters. is.jq School , 403-5-7 Ihee iuidg. OlitA hA Sliorliiatitl mind ' 1''Iewritiutg ccl- lege , lioyd' . .tieitter. ? -Al 122.312' . . _ _ _ - - ; - - - - - - - - - - hiAClS A.'l ) Cfltl'flS ) , hlAChS and ci-iules ) ProtilPtlY ftirniched , all hours , ha ) ' or nIght , 1) ) ) ' I hitekuneti's unloui. A , D. 'r. , Tel. 177 , 863 and 770. - . ' -2d33l-J.hl' . - = - - - - - - - - . ' ' ' ' ' ' .1 US'L'iULi qmt' 'i'lllO l'IOAIIl , I ) . hI IiOtJC'i , :1110 : Kiurbach hilock. 288 POll ItXi'l)141'i'lON YlSI'l'JItS. W'ltITl'i lOxpositlon hltireau of Comfort , Onmahia , Neb. , ( or all accomniodatioiuu ; no fees. 111 iVA'I'Il IIOSI'l'l'I. . DII. LI h1I3FI1i , c6ncers , female diseases. 1912 L avenworthi. 50 Jy4 AUC'I'IUN , , T , It , 1IAXCY & CO. , auctioneers , room 416 , Knrbacli block , want your auction sales of real e.tatn , : nerchuindlse , furniture , live stock , etc. -328 'I'.IldlIli. MAX Ot11Ot1 makes , cleans and rcpirs clothes. 307 II , 17th. ( ' .thltlt3 , ( . P. 3. l'.hthl.'l I & SoNg. 1312 I Iotnr(1. 'relelhne , lhIrL -A1118t..I1 , Ii.thlli14S .tI ) S.lhiiit % ' . S. 13. CASAD , 519 N , 111th Sl.l-J-22 . - hI. 1.IL0\VIT7. Iotns : inimiucy. 118 N. 16th , , , , . , 'iOilV ' 1,0 l.O.tN. If. ( IltOSS , houttis & wtutchitnnker. 518 N. 16. -M891.--J .24 .S'i'IONflU It A I'll 1011 $ , 1\'h1 SOLI Cl' ! ' atiti ftirnish lOSIIiOns tir stclutgritlliermt free. Thiui Stnitit-l'remit'r T3'pe'ritir Cb , 'l'ehelulione 1281. 259 % VAN'I'iOi-'I' ( ) 1lIitltOW' , 't'AN'l'I'1D Ii , borrow $1,500 on good Itislilo iumcunia real cqtttp 3 to S 'ezLrs , 7 per Cent ; home capital lrt'ierri. AilliresM 80011 11 307 , lIce. -531 hiOltMI l'.tS'h'Iitl ? : , " ' 4iFAh.FA putstnre , 1tmrd fen" A.V. . l'heips & Sout. , 207 N , Y. I. . hhiilg. Tel. 1051. GtSJ22' H 1 It A IIOMIO meals ; nil hoots. 1619 Dodge. 401-J-1t iii0lICt1. , LA DIFIS ! Chiichiester'it Flngtish Pt'tinyi'oyal l'ills ( Diamond tnutnu1 at'u. , the' liest ; so fe , mel iabl t' ; tala no o then ; sttic1 4 t. si it tni s for particulars , "Itehlof for Loilies , " in letter by retlirim mail ; itt ilriiggists. Citichester Clietnical Co. , Ithilndelphtla , Put. itlention Bee. KID ( hOYII CI.IO.t"tlNG , D. C. MlIDLI'I'I'ON , Practical glove cleaner , 813 N. 20th. -MS'JU-J.2l lilt ICIC. \\'ITIINlOLL Jiro , & Smith , paving , sewer building ; CitIi1C1t ) ' 100,000 It day ; 22d and Hickory Streets. Tel , 423. 290 SliOlOh.ticiOls , , LYONS .6' IIIOI1OQUI11ST moved 307 S. 17th , l'utterson block. -439-3-12 I1ICVCI.ilS. BAItGAINS in new and second hand bicycles - cycles ; elts ) ' terms. The Sat. ' Store. 1116 Famnani. . -MIlI-J.13 I'I.N0i4 'I'UNIOI ) . PIANOS tuned , 81.53. Hose , 1521 Dmlge. 597 JyC' GOVIOItN3IION'l' ' ' 1O'1'1CIis , CIIIFIF QUAItTIII6MAsTEIIS 0F'FICFI- On.aha , Nub. , Jtint t ; , is9. Sealed proposals , Itt trIplIcate , wIll be receIved here illid at othtce.s ot' qtlitrtermnasters at stations named , until 11 o'eloek a. iii. , cetitrii tune , Jtil' 11 , 1111)8 ) , ILtid then lilo'llt'd for furutishuing oats bran , hay antI strutt' ( luring liseai yeitr COIn- meticing July 1 , 1895 , at 1"trts Crook , Nb. brara aiitl ltoblnson , Neb. : Onmaha Depot , Neb. ; Jeffersoii Barracks , Mo. ; 1'orts Leav- enwortli and Itiley , Nztums. ; leort Logan 11. Itoots , Ark. ; FOi'tS Heno and Sill. Oklu. Pioi > osths for ( lt'hlvery : tt other IlointS s'ili be entertained. t. S. . reserves right ( I ) re- j et t or accept a 11 y or tl h ) ( ) ) ( Is , or ilily part thereof. Infortmiatioti furnishieti on III- Plication here , or to quartenuuiztsters of sta- tit ( ns no iiied . h1tivei oes con tt i ti I img 1)101)05. tils SlOuld be mnt'kecl " ' ) "Proposals for 1'or. age , " IttitI inidiessed to luiaiersignctl , or ( Ittartermasters of Stations ilitmeth. .1011 N JJAXTIOI1 , Jr. , Q. Id. J7d4tJyl.5M l'OS'I'014'I"lClO ' O'VlC1. ( Should be read daily by alt interested , us changes unity neclit' utt 1111) ' tim. ) Foreign mails for tue week ending Julie 11 , 1595 , vill Closu ( l'ROMP'i'LY itt all CItSCS ) at. the General l'ostoitiet' as toihow , : PAIt. CELlO POS' MAILS close one hour earlier than chos1ui Shoe shown below. 'I'titltI.tttgtuli ( ititil , WEDNESDAY-At 9 a. in. ( supjilenientary 10:30 : a. in. ) for IOUROI'Fl ( except SpaIn ) . per s. it. ltritannle , via Qocenstown ; at 10 t. . n-i. ( or hOlJhtOPh'1 ( except Spain ) 11cr S. S. 1eIstngton. via Southiutnipton ( letters mtlst hi ) directed ' 'ncr Ketlsittgton" ) . SA7URDAY-At 6:30 : a. in. for FIIANC'E , SWIT7.hOItLAND , ITALY , 'ruhuEloy , hGY3'T and BItITISlI INDIA , tier s. s. La 'fonritine , s'la Ilavre ( letters ( or ithier parts of Europe ( except Spain ) must be directed "h'r La Touraine" ) ; ut 6:30 : a. ft. for lOUltOI'Fl ( except Spaht ) , Per s. ii. Etrurla , Via Qucenstown ( letters ( or France , Switzerland , I ttly , Ttirkiiy , Egypt antI British Iiidizt nitist be ( lirectt'd ' 'per ] Otruria" ) ; at S a. m. ( or NFI'FIIIORLANIS direct , per s. 8. Mtastiain , via Itotterdarn ( letters must hut dlrectetl ' 'per ltztst1zitn' ' ) at II a. m. for NOI1VAY direct , per a. s. Island ( hottem' must be directed "per island" ) , After tIm closing of tim Supplenitintary 'I'runsatlantie Ttlails nltined above , ahdl- tional sitpplt'meuttiry mails arc opetteti on tile lii C1 of t ho .11 un.'rlca ii , lOngl isit , French antI uieriiuitii sti'atncrs and retn.tiii OPel ) Until within teii tuinuteit of th hour of sailing of steamer. ilitbhs fo r Suit t I. stuuul ( 't'tt I rail . % , nc'riemt , % 't'sl Ii.ilcs , IOli. 'Vt EDNESIAY-AtSn. ni. ( or 13RA'/.lL anti LA PLA'I'A CO1TN'1'11110S , pt'r s. s. Oibers , ' , Ia l'eriiu nil unco , liii Ii iii itliul I tin .1 on ci mu ( letters ( or North Brazil nmtlst be Ihirected "per Oibeis" ) : at. 12 ni. ( stlbiplenicntary I p. in. ) for ( Y1ON'l'ItAL AMFIIIICA ( except Ccstn Rica ) and South I'nciilc h'oris , iuir H. S. Advance , yin. Cobotu ( letters ( or ( Itlitto- innia must be directed "pee Ailvautce' ) at 11 1) ) . 10. for JAMAICA , jer steamer p. in. for CAMPIOCIIIO , CJIIAI'AIl. 'rAI1AIICO and YIJC'A'l'AN , bier 5. it. Ithakit ( letters for other parts of liltixico mtist im directed "bier lthiika' ' ) . SA'FIJIIIAY-At hO a , ni. ( sltpiiht.unc'umtary 10:30 : a. mu. ) for IIt't'IJNii ISLANDS , JAMAICA , SAVANIIjIJL utn(1 0111W- TOWN , ier 14. 14. Atltos ( betters for Costa Iticit mntist Ito directetl "lair Atbios" ) ; at 11 a. in. for NIOVI)1YNDLANh ) . per s. s. Pri I , , n t ttci : n. iii. for Nl tVl'OiTNU ) LAND : per steamer ( room North Sydney ; at 8:14) : ) p. to , for S'I' . PbhOhtItFi , 1dIQUE- ION , per steamer fmotn North Syihlicy. I'dails ( or Newfoumnihliiuitt , by rail to IIthl- ( tix , itild thieuieu by steamer , close itt thIn olhlmo tinily at S :3' : ' ) 1' . ni . Mails ( or Itli- ( lltt'IOti , by mail to lioston , anti thence by ntotlner. close at thIs mitre iluuly at 8:30 : I ) . Ifl. 111011 $ far ? iIt.xir City. o'criand , U uihesti $ ) ( ' I I y mlii rt'sst'il ( or iJ en pit t C' Ii I iy steuinier , close itt thu othi ti , litiiy at 2i : ) a. in. no.1 2:30 : p. in , 'flegistereuh mail closes at 6:110 : P ifi. hirevitius tiny. 'l'rut u s-I 'it. ' i II e IIui I IN , itlalls ( or China nod Jttlflhi , 1iUt it. 5. VIe. torlit ( ( mm 'i'.ioina ) , cloMo hero daily tilt ( ( I Jtino " 1111 * at t31) ; ) l. In. lilails for Anti. ( mulL ( except those for Vi'est AustralIa , t'ltie1i. mIre ( orwitriled via Europe ) , New /.calaiid , Ilawnil , Fiji niul Sarnottuu lsiuunila , per , i. .1putntt ( from San Francisco ) . close here ulutily till to Julie " 10th at 7 a. m. , 11 0. ft. and 6:30 : I , rn ( or on arrival at New York of s , s. ( 'ainpania with lint. lshi in a ihi for Atistrit I ia ) . iulitils f.m r C it I n a , Japan antI hiiiwaii , per s. s. hieltio ( ( room lien Frunclso ) , giose hii'ro ill ) to Juno 12th at 6:30 : P. 18. Nails for ChIna and Japan ( sIe'ciIuhl' addresseil ciii ) I , ier 5. 8. limpress of Jut1ian ( from Vitncouver ) . close lure tInily up to June " 13th at 6:3' : ) h. m. Mails for Atustralla ( except % 'eat Australia ) , New Zealand , I bawail itiiil FiJI Islands , iier H. it. Miowt'ru ( from \'an- coimver ) , close here dolly after JIluie elOtIl oiiil up to Jutie 2td at 6lo : I' ' . in. Zilails for the Society Islands , per ship 'i'roplt , hiirl ( ( roni Bali Fritnt'isco ) , close Itere daily UI ) to Julie Tutu at 0:30 : p. in. Trarut.l'uclfic mails are ( orwnn.letl to Port of sailing ilidly itid the st'lieduiu of ( 'losing Pt ttrrti ng'd on the lirestmtnptiomt of theIr uninterruitted overland tritiislt. 'lt'gis- teretl mail closes at 6 p. in , itrevlotis day. CO1INIOLII.'S VAN ( 'OT'l' l'ottmnttster Potitoltice , New York , NY. . , June 3 , 1t. It.l l..tY 'I'IM II 1) , Flt11MONT , l0h1h1O1it4 & ' Mlitsottnl 'n1ley Italiwny'- ( leneral OIIlce' Uflltei ' Stntt'i National hank Ilblg , _ _ . .c , . , , Iloutltwcst ( 'tinier 'l'wt'lft and I'amnnm Streets. Ticket 0(11cc ( , 14111 Farnain Street. TClCiliUIit ) , 561. I eliot , 1.I tt't'ltth tttttl Vehstt'r Stru'ets. Telephone , 1.1)t. 1.eavo. rrivo. ltiat'k lhiils , flead. ' , 1101 HprI'git 3:00 : Ptfl 5:00 : pm Wyoming , CitPflr ittiti Iotiglas , . . . . . 300 11th 5:00 : Pm I Iastiuug't , York , Da. viii City , Suulerior , tlenrVn , l , xetur & " . ' i0'wiirtt . . . . . , , , . . 0 3:00 : pm 5:00 : pin Norfolk. 'V. l'oint and F'remont . . . . . . ' 7liO ant 10:25 : ala 1.inroln , Wnhoo & Fretnottt . . , , ' , . . , . 7:60 : ant ' 10:23 : am Freinunt. Iocnl , . . , ' 7:50 : niti I 1)4111) ' . ' httlly except unt1ay. ' Sun. day nhy. ' ' Dully 1xeebt , b'attirday. . , . DaIly except. Monday , ChllCAClO & NO11TII\VIOST. ' orti Hailwny-City 'i'h'ket , Oilier' 1401 Fnrnanl Street. ' ) 6111 , Iepot , 'rent nd Mitsuit Streets. Telephone , 623. Leave Arrive. 1)tylight C'hicagr. tllict.ifli . , . . , . . . , , . 6:10 am 11:30 : I'm : Iu.'alley , Siouic City , St. l'itul & MlIuiiCnltOll'4 . . . . . . 6:40 : am lO:15 : pm Mo , Valley , Sititix City . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' ' 7:10 ata ' 9:05 : pm Leuinison , Carroll \\'itil Ln1c' and Council fll..ff'4 . . . . ' 8:40 : nun ' 9:13 : am hiutatci'n lix. , 1) . 1Iines % , Mitruuliall- tOVli , ( 'eilitt Itap- hut and Chicago. , 10:30 : am 4:33 : pm A thtti t in Flyer , Clii. eagi , and East. . . . ' 4:15 : pm 4:3.3 : 11)11 Fast Mail , Chicago to Omtilia S 3:10 : Inn Mo.'utIleV , Sbou , ' City , St. 'uiiih uttiti Mltiiteapohls Lim'd 4:33 : pm 8:50 : am OrnChicago She- cml . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' 6:45pm 8:50 : am . Daily. " Daily except unilay , C1llCA0O , ST. PAUl , , MINneapolis - , neapolis & Omaha ltitilway . -leneral .Officcs , Nebraska ' , 1)ivisloui , Fiftoutitli anti . Webster Streets. City ticket - 0111cc 1101 Famnam Street. Tolo- IhiOuiL' , 6l. Ieptt , FIfteenth and Webster Streets. 'l'elephmonc ' , II4SS.Leave. Leave. Arrive , SIoux City Accom. . " 8:50 : ani ' 8:33 : 1)111 Sioux City AecOifi. . ' 9:50 : ian " 8:33 : Pin Blair , Emersoii , Sioux City , l'onca , Huntington nnd hlloonmileld . . . . . . . . . 1:00 : m ' 11:55 : am Sioux City , luau- kato , St. PaUl & Mtiuu'apohis . . . . . . ' * * . 11:00 : uirn 9:00 : nm S Daily. ' Daily except. tiunibLy. " Sun- ( lily only. " Does not stop at DeSota or Coffntaa. SIOUX CITY & J'ACIF'Iu Itutilroad-General Obllces , . t'iiitt'il StIttilS National ' Iliiik : hltuibtlliug S.S' . Cur- Her ' 1't'el fth ttnd Farjiatn Street. Ticket 0111Cc , 1401 l"umnaia Street. Tclciihono 661. DCht , 10th and lulason Streets. 'I'elephoiie 1435. Leave. Arrive. Sioux CIty , Man. kato , St. l'atii , 6:40 : nm ' 8:50 : ttni l'ilinneajiohis 4 :5. : 11111 ' 10:45 : pin Sioux City Local. . 7:10 : am 9:05 : 1)01 . Daily. . A It A S 11 IIAILTIOAD- 'J'icket 0111cc , 1 115 1"amnam Street. Telei'hione 892. Depot 'I'enth &miil Mntion Streets , Telephone IIS. Leave , Arrive , St. rouis "Canon itahl" ] xprcss. . . . . 4:30 : pm 11:30 : am S Dalh' . ( 'IMAIIA & ST. LOUIS RAIL- F1Q mud-Omaha , Kaiisas City & Eastern Railroinl-'rhie I'ort I ARTHUR Arthttr Ruute"-Tlcket 0111cc , ROMTE. ? 415 F'amnani Street. 'ide- lhi000 322. Depot ' Tenth and Mtttiui Streets. 'J'ciephone , 125' . Leave Arrive. St. Loub Cannon Ball Express. . . . . 4:3 Pifl 11:30 : am I'unsas City & Qttincy Local . . 7:40 : inn ' 9:03 : m Kansas City Express - press 7:30 : am Port Arthur Dx- press . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8:30 : Pifl ' Daily. , illICitOO. MILW'AUKhOI5I & . - - - - , - - St. Paul Bitilway - City I ' 'i'icket Oiiice , BOb Famnani M/LwA . U/I'EE itreet. Telephone 2Si. Depot , ' 4 . 'l'enth antI Iiitsoit Streets. - & I 'felephono. 69 . . _ _ Leave , Arrive , Chicago Limited Express . . . . . . . . . . . ' 5:45 : pm 8:20 : am Omaha & Chicago Exprcs' . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11:00 : am " 4:15 : pm Sioux City utnd Des Moines lixpres'i. . . . . ' 11:00 : am " 4:15 : pm 'Daily. "Daily except Sunday. lt.thi"A % ' ' 1'iil'1 t , till ) , LC.intinUd ) ltl.INOT"N & MIS- sttirl , Itiver ltrtilrtiaii"Tile lhurbluigt.uit Itotito'-(1it. 1111 cnuti Oihlc ( ' N. W' . n 'I''nthi nuid F'nmnnin Streets. outo Ticket Oltite , 1502 V'armutm - Sheet 'l'elephouio 230. Do' luot. ' , L'cnibu utitil Masolt Streets. Tc1tipltoii3 125. Leave , Arrivo. Lincoi , hastings niuti luit.Ceik ' S:33 alum ' :33 : am I.ltl'Ohil , Denver , . ( 'olurit un , I Ytith , ( 'uti I fot'iilu * , Ilia"k llifls , ? uloiitstuia & 1'Iug't Sotititi . . . ' 1.1.1 lilt 4:00 : Pin 1.ltiu1ii Loud 7:0. : . ) 11111 ' 7:40 : pm I.lncnln Iitst Mail 2:83 : bin " 11:40 : am Denver , Colorado , Utah , Cahitoritlit mmii l'uget Hound 9 1 :33 : 11111 ' 31 : I' . . ; pm 9)aiiy. 'I.tlh' cxvet't Htiiid' , . , , m'ltT.tNn'roN I Qti iney lIlt ii rouui - ' ' 'i'Iil , f' Bur1int Iitirlingtoii JIhiCAO i"ariiatii Street. Flout 'i'chephione 250. Depot , 'l't'nl Ii 1 nail Miisn , Streets. 'rob. phonic hIM. hIM.Le.tve Arrive. Chicago 't'stIbtiled I0xpru'ns . . . . . . . . . . . . tj I ) 8:10 : nn ( 'hileiii.pi . 9 IS am 1:12 : 1)10 ) Chiicutgo & St. Louis lOxpress . . , 745 Pm 8:10 : am ( 'ri'stn i.aeal . . . . . e 4 :00 : 11111 911:45 : aiii l'acifie .Iutictlnit Local . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1l50 am 5:40 : I'm Fnt Mitil S 20 lirn b" Chicago Sliecial . . , 92:03 : am 10 : pm . Daily. Daily exCit Sunday. I lAtNSAS CiTY ; ST. JO- I BurIiriton sephi & CatincIl Ultilis Itaib- mottO - ' "l'lie Burlington Ittitito"--'rit'ket 0111cc , 1502 I R auto l'arnnm Street. 'l''bepliotio 2.0. 1)epot , 'l'etitli uiiitl 2ulit- iicmi Streets. 'Felcliiiii ( ' 128 , Leave. Arrive. Inna s City Day Express . . . . . . . . . . 9:05 : am 5:40 : pin iCatisas City Night FxpieilM . . . . . . . . . . . .10:00 : 1)111 ) 6:30 : ala "l'lXluisitioii " Flyer"p for SI , l.ouis. . . . . . 4:10 : pin 92:50 : puii Daily. 'I UNION PACI1'IC - 'i'htI. ( ) v'rlituitl ltotito'-Jeiieral ' _ Aip4ti. fires , N , 'V. Corner Ninth itinur 1'ii\b \ I Fitrnnni StrCets. City 'l'it'ket " . ( ) ll1ce , 131)2 P'ttntiuiuui Struet. ' 1't'idhliotii' ( 21 i ; , ltqlot , 'l'eii tli , . . , , : ' and Mason Streets. ' , , , , , . 'reicohone 623. Leavo. Arriys. "Tue Overhand ' -b. IAtnited' ' fur Denver - - ver , Stilt Lttke , and westOru lut ( . . 5:30 : utmn I :43 : 1)111 TIm Colorado SIte- duil , for Deiiv.r & 1111 Cobiriulo P'tS. 11:55 : inn 6:40 : a in - . . . - . ' - Fast Mail Train for Salt Lake , I'acillc cnttmfi , ttimd all westerui hOintS ( . , . 4:35 : inn 6:10 : am Liiicolui , Beatrice & Stomsburg Dx. r:00 : 11111 " 12:20 : pin Ft-oiiont , Ctltim- bus , Norfolk , ( ' , rd Island & Kearney i:33 : I'm ' " 12:20 : 11111 Gramul lshttntl lOx . . . ' 5 :00 : hun ' 12 :20 : 1)111 ' Daily. ' laily except Sunday. South Oinnlitt Local I'ass.-I.ett''g , 6:15 : a. in. ; 7:00 : a. mu. ; 11 :15 : a. in. ; 3:10 : p. in. Arrives - rives , 10:15 : it. ni. ; 3:30 : I ) . in. : 6:00 : p. In. Council Bluffs I.oeal-1.tuvai , 0:53 : a. in. ; tree a. flu. ; 7:10 a. in. ; S:40 : a. in. ; 10:30 : a. tn. ; 2 :15 : P. 111. ; 4 :33 : P. lii. ; 5 :55 : I' . ill. :8 : :20 : 1' . rn ; 10:65 : I' . Iii. . Arrives , 6:33 : a. in. ; 7:20 : ii. in. ; 8:35 : a. in , ; Ii :30 a. in. ; 3:10 : i. in. ; 6:10 : p. m. ; 11:3' : ' ) l. in. ; 9:115 : Ii. flu. : 10fl : I ) . ill. C1IICAOO , IIOCK ISLA1N'D . . & l'ttcillc ltaiiroad-"l'htu - G meat flock I ii httnth I ttiii lii' ' , CIiy 'i'Ieket Oillce , 1323 I ' ' Format in Street. 'I't'lChihOiIU - ' 428. lepot , Tenth tiiiti . S Masoui Streets. 'l'elcphonu 1:29. : Leave. Arrive. Itocky Mountain Limited , ent . . . 1:30 : ani ' 1:23 : am Itocky Mountain Llinite'tl. we-it ' 5:20 : an 5:15 : am Chicago & St. Paul Vestlimuled 10 x. Pros . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5:00 : pm 1:25 : pin Lincolii. Coloratlo Slirings , l'neblo , Denver and wet 1:30 : urn 4:25 : ron CS I cage , D en Moines & Itock lslztiid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7:00 : iini ' 11:25 : aa Atlantic Express. for Ics Moines and eastern poInts " 7:00 : urn 8:50 : ion ' Colorado Flyer . . . . . ' 7:00 : pm ' 8:30 : anm Itily Daily CXI")13t SulilIal' . LaiA4t4 MISSOITIUI'ACIFIC RAIl. . rinttiue'a I Ounces an. I _ 1 . ' 'l'ichcet Oiilce , Sotitlicast Cor- ' -siqri i'er 11th auth Dougimts Strcct , . . tU1tiiTelellhon ; , . , 101. Debit , 11th ' 5tc'trh ililtIVcbster Stim. 'rclcpliontt 1438. ' # 'V' Leave. Arrive. Kansas anti Neb. Limited . . . . . . . . . . . 3:05 : 1)111 h2:53 : Pill KOIISIL4 City & St. Louis Express . . . 9:30 : 1)111 6:00 : ani ' N'hjruskL : I.ocutl . . . " -i :31) : ) 1(111 ( ' 9:3 : ui S Daily. ' Daily except Sunday. hiOUSEIiOLh ) IICONO3IY. Frmo La Rire. ( 'JDJ ' : ( hz-'s , ' / ' ' t-"td-- ' ( jJ.1 ( L1 II I ' 1Iov absura not to have thought of this hctotc. Just think how much 1gas cooking saves n coall ¼ . t . ' ; ' ' : ; . ! - Nd Il.z1A , , , . - _ t- : _ I II I ' 4' I- , x , flf ' . . . i . . 'l i'onder who thu numnbukull who ' wati salU 'My IlluEdom for a borse , ' - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - I