Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 05, 1898, Part I, Page 2, Image 2

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1 .
- 2 . , . ' 1111E OMAhA DAILY BE1 : SUNDAYS j UNE , 1898.
June & ) S3S.
Warm , Weather Comforts
See us for your needs-all prices are just no matter if for
luxuries or necessities-
Cotton Stuffs for
_ * . . Waists aiiil
' Dresses
: :
. The choicest
. . . I PatIerLH ol :
3 ynrils line Aincrican GIngIam , 38c.
3 ynrd American Madrtu 4c.
3 yarth flue Cheviot. 45c.
a yards fine Cor(1 ( ' ( NOVCIt' , GOc.
: yri Scotch Glngtiatn , e.
3 yarth Organi1o Zcphyr at fl-ic.
3 .yartl Airnorn Mturaa 43c.
Summer SCItFatC Ski rts
Dress Skirts of grass cloth ,
linen , IiIltO U1l (
i 8Ccti ) flII(1 mary of styles.
A goofl , well made IAnen Colored Skirt
at Oc OVII.
A splemlid wenritig homespun Crash at
\'liite 1'lue Skirts In an 'nilless Variety -
riety at $1.50 , $1.t)5 ) , $2.25 , $2,7 , $3.t0 ,
4ew SiIlc " 'The ' V.0 1 y lat.
For Sashes est. "
New flack TwIlkd Silk br a hanil-
sonic sash. Ucautiful rich glossy black
wilt hot 1I1UH or crush wlicii worn.
Cost only about halt the Price ot a
regular asli. Aiitl the price-think ( tIt
Se a yard.
Ladies 1-lava you eeit the
biMultilill Royal WTor _
cestor Coiet eXllilit at the
CXjOSitiOIl ?
itcinember. We carry a full lion of these
gootis , liichtiiUng theIr Summer Styles
117 and 538. Call and see theni.
r Vet Muslin ' 11IIlllg1l au O1)Wl-
Underwear lug iii the side.
walk , lflU1e iieces
sai'y Jy alterations in our
store front ,
the vater poured Iii during the storm
of Friday night and wet dowti a lot
ot Muslin Underwear. mostly gowns ,
corset covers and drawers They vItl
be sold at a great sacrIfice on Monday.
We cannot give particulars. but conic
and you svlll not be tllsapolnted.
[ or A few suggestions
Graduates for the little things
that are put oft until -
til the 1at momeiit.
White itid Cloves , in short , medium
and long lcngthi.
Fans , In hand-painted and spangled.
Sash 1tibbons In sIngle nail double
faced satin , also moire anil iilutn
Underwear Lulies' ; wit i te
] 'iblIJl ( C 0 t t 0 Ii
Union Suits ,
low neck and abort BleeveS. falicy
crocheted neck. 2c each ,
Pure Lliile Union Suits. low neck , short
sleow's. buttoned seross the front , in
white. lilack and ecru , 81,00 each ,
Ladles'1iIte Cotton Ribbed Vests , low
tiock and sleeveless , fancy crochet
slioultiers. 20c each.
Shirt Waists
L 4'-J It wouhd be
'j' : " r.-cw
Rc SU'l1 an ; s
: : SOrtiflehit of
Ever day nilds soon' now things to the
Notions WTaterprOOf 1) 1. 0 S S
For elegance anti durahilhity It eXCelS
all others.
If you ride a llcyele. ask to see .uur . No.
3-six Inches wide. This binding nut
nuily protects the skIrt fu'rnii the wheel ,
but keeps it in losltlon so that it
hangs gracefully at all times without
the use of clghts-2ic per yard.
'Vo also have this bhiuhing In many
other styles and prices.
Domestics Retdy-lnnde Sheets ,
8lxhO or 2x21 , guaranteed toni , at
&Oc each.
Ready-mimado l'lhlow Cases. 45x36 or
1'/4x1 yard , also tori , , at 12/c each , .
Feather l'illows at $2.23. $2.75 ,
$3.00 and $3.50 itr pair.
Feathers ( white duck ) , at SOc I > C' imund.
C.cnulne Live Goose leathers at 75c hier
Flag Bunting , absolutely fast colors , 28
inches wIde. at lOc per yard.
_ _ Laces
p- \ Arc Ill.
i\'I. graluati
, -a : gowns.
We can 1)10550 Ofl in White Silk Laces ,
Valenclenuies Laces or the lretty Mec-
liii Idglngs. Some ot our custouiiers
prefer the Mecliii to the Valcuciennes
lace. 130th arc sultnble for summer
goods ,
A Pericut Miss Britt is with
Skirt iis at 1)FCSOIIL ( 'tern-
Supporter oiisti'ating the
' 'Autohtlatic" Skirt
She , 'llh be glad to have the mules come
and see thmii. TIme ) ' are easily nmhjust.
ed au , ! wIll keep the heavIest skirt
from saggIng. These have a epochal
showing at a main ulalo counter.
IIoslci'y 1ic1i Cs' Black 0o14 oil
.1-1 osti ,
s'ttli double toe , solo and heel , In drop
stitch , 15c-3 Palr.$1.OO.
Ladles Black Gauge Cotton hose , with ,
bight splIced heels and double sohc ,
23c Pair.
Children's liuie Ribbed LlsI Ihose , In
black auth tail , 20c valr.
. ' - It 1Viiis Wearers
Si ite 0 introducing
J the ' 'Cresco" Corset ,
the only coi'set hnale
fi 1IIIfII that c'allllOt 1)reak at
/,71Iiq1 % the waist line , we
have received inaiiy
coinplunentai'y coin-
ineiits from our customers.
When you can get such a combInation
of comfort and corset correctness as
the " ( 'resco' offers , at the same price
of old style corsets. don't you think
it would be well worth your while to
give the matter a careful investigation -
tion ? Viicii tiext you buy a corset
try a "Crcsco. "
f3ix Deinocratici Senators Vote with the
( Ilk I tH 1'resei , Slinjie flue 11111 CarrIes
i'zosI"Iiiis I'o , fl Ifuiid I ssuut' and
Coluiuime ( If lIi Silver
Sc I jii Irnge.
WASHINGTON , June 4.-With no incident
corthuy of special ziote , but with manifesto-
- tIuiis of deep Interest. the war revenue niece-
are was passed by th enatu this eveuming
at. 7:05 : o'clock.
The bill was uuider consideration eight
hours today , ' A score or uiiore atteimipte
, ere inale to aitiend It , but lum only three or
four instances were the attempts successful.
Particuhmu' effort WUB made to amend thu
1,011(1 hOVlSIOli of the measure , but it was
futile lii every iuistauice.
The most notable ainentlinent made to the
measure today was that iii&uhe by Mr. Till-
luau , placIng a duty of 10 cents a 1omind on I
all tea Iniported into the United States. The !
umendunent created no debate and was
adopted 38 to 32. It Is calculated by the
senate exhicits that the duty , if It be fluidly
einetcil luito law , , , 'llh raIse at least $10-
000,000 , and iirobably itiore.
An nunendmeiit offcrcth by Mr. Chiliton I
( dciii. , Tax. ) , a member of the finance coin-
iiilttoe , hlOVhdeS for a tax , graduated cc-
cordluig to urlce , upon all urticles 5old under I
a vatent right , tradenuark , or name not
open to gelierni misc , and whiiclt are not
otiiervtec taxed the lull ,
Through an aunenthineut olTered by Mr.
Liuitlsay ( deni. , iCy. ) the senate decideth not
to Place a stnunp tax on bundles of umows-
iiaiors iinrtly or wholly printed whIch weigh
less tliuti ) 100 hOUuithS.
A tax of 4 cents a barrel was placed on
adulterated flour , anti a stamp tax or i cent
on every ticket entitlIng this holder to a
neat in a 1)01,1cc , or varhor car or berth iii
a sleeping car , tIle conipany si'llluig thin
seat or berth being required to flux the
staid ) .
Oum ( lie passage of the measure every ro-
inbllcan , voted Iii tue utmrnaIve ( , By parties -
ties the vote in fayor of ( lie measure was
as follows : htepuhulcan , 30 ; democrats , 7 ;
populist. I ; silver Tehiubhleafla. I ; total , 411 ,
AgaInst the bill ( ho ute was ; it'inocrat ,
20 ; populist , 7 ; silver repubhlcans , 1 ; total ,
28 ,
The deunocrats who yoted for ( lie bill werti :
Mesers , Caffery , tlorman , Lindsay , Mclnery ,
Mitchell , Murphy and Turplo ; ( lie iiopuliet
l The Omaha Be
Map of Cuba Coupon
, Present this Coupon with
' lOcfor I
t AMapofCuba. I
A Map oftho West InrUe3. I
I And a Map of the Woild ,
By Mull I4CCu1t8.
, .
This Coupon with 25D
Official rhotoordphs
Of the United Stabs Navy ,
was Mr. Kyle. and thu silver representaUve
was Mr. Mantle.
'Fhie conferees on the Part of thu senate
are Allison and Aldrich. republicans. and
Jones ( Ark. ) , democrat.
Thu detailed vote on the final liassaso of
the bIll as follows :
Ayes-Aldrich , Allison , Baker. Burrows ,
Caffery , Carter. Chandler. Clark , Davis.
Deboc , Elklns , Fairbanks , Foraimer , F'rye ,
Gailinger , Gear , German. Hale , hlr.nna ,
h ianebrough , Hawley , Hoar , Kyla , Lindsay ,
Lodge , McBrIde , MeEnery , McMllau ! ,
Mantle , Mason , Mitchell , Merrill , Murphy ,
Nelsoui. PerkIns , Phatt ( Coon. ) , Platt ( N.
Y. ) , Pritchard. Sowehl , ShoUl , , Sponer.
Thurston , Turpie , Warren , Wchhlngtou , Wet-
more. Wilson , Wolcott-48.
Nays-Alien , Bacon , Bate , Berry , iluther ,
Cannon. Chlhton , Clay , Cockrell , ] ) aniol , I
harris , Ileltfehd , Jones ( Ark , ) . Jones , Ney. ) ,
McLaurln , Mallory , Martin , Money. Pasco ,
l'ettlgrew , I'ettus , ltawhlns. Roach. Stewart ,
Sullivan , Tiliman , Turley. White-28.
Thai senate at 7:10 p. m. adjourned.
SAV.tL. IthiSFiitVldS FOIL NlClh1tASiA.
Cluaa for Five hlnidresl l' Men
It lIstiiiir.u isli 'I'I&timselvs.
WAShINGTON. Juno 4.-Speciai ( Tale-
gram.-Assistant Secretory of ( hue Navy Al-
l en stated to Colonel Stark of the Fourth Nebraska -
braska district today that 500 naval reserves
would be accepted by the Navy department
ShtOUli ( 50 uiiflflY men be enlisted froimi that
state. The pay of a tiRval reserve is $16
per month and found , They are assured
of comfortable quarters , freedoumi from iaa-
lark , , pure water and other features not
given those In the army , especially an army
of Invasion. Secretary Allen stated that
if companies of naval reserves cmuhii be
raised In the state he would detail a surgeon -
geon to make the necessary physical cx-
tuninatloti , and they would at oncu be sent
to Join the auxiliary fleet. Congressman
Stark line written a letter to Governor hlol-
comb , outlining what inducements the navy
1101(15 out for young men desiring to learn
somethIng about life on Uncle Sam's ships ,
nod believes the opportunity should not ho
let slip.
C. A , Atkinson of Lincoln , assistant United
States attorney , located at tcrhing , iii. , ,
havIng charge of condemnation proceedings
on the Illinois & MlSsiSsilPi canal , is in the
city to have ( lie Department of JustIce pass
upon recent condeunuiatlouis made by thu
United States district court involving some
1,600 acres of land worth $160,000. ,
Robert Schafer m'ae today appointed eleva-
tou conductor in the Lincoln public building
at $ l00 a year ; also , Ernest Mueiler and
Mrs. Emnia Klonue , laborer and charwoman
In the Dubuque public building at $250 and
$275 per annum respectively.
The comptroller today authorized thu Flrat
National bank of Lake Mills , In , , J. C. XVii-
hianis , vrosiilent , oath ii. 11. Thomas , cashier ,
with a capital of $50,000 , to begin business ,
The secretary of the interior today ap
proved for pnteiit to the state of Iowa 23,330
acres of laud In the Lander hand district.
I'iOMIN.tTlO118 II 'FIhli 1'1I6SlihNT. *
1.011)5 1.1st of Surgeons fur the Arui'
Si'nt In flitSt'uumte ,
WASIIINIITON , Juno 4.-Time president today -
day sent these nominations to the senate :
For appoIntment in ( ho volunteer army :
' 10 be chief surgeons of division , with rank
of major-Captain VllIian , ii. Arthur , assistant -
sistant surgeon ; Captain George Bushuuehl ,
nsslstant surgeon ; ionald McLean of lilichi-
gun , George Ii. Fowicr of New York , cap-
( clime and assistant surgeons.
To be brigade surgeons , with ranlc of
, mumajor ; William C. Ciorgas , nonry P. Sir-
The Affliction Which flefeli a Fort
Scott Lady.
FORT SCOVF , KAN.-"I have taken
hood's Barsapnriiha for clyspepsla and
to hurhfY my blood , with excellent results.
I was so that I could not ea anything
without distress , but since taking a few
bottles of flood's Sarsaparihla my food
does not distress mime , and I have felt better
in eyery way. 1 belIeve It to be the beat
ot blood mcdicincsand gladly recommend
it to others. " EVA CIIAIQ.
ii - are tasteless , mild. effec-
OOu S iS live. Ahidruggists. .
minghamn. Marlborough C. Wyeth , Richard
v. Johnson. Edward C. Carter , William 0.
Owen , Peter It. Egan. WillIam J. Wakeman ,
William Stephensoil , Adrlan S. Pohthonias ,
John L. Phillips , WIlhiani C. florden , Edgar
A. Moarns. Guy L. . Edie , William 1) . Crosby ,
William L. Kucedler. Charles Xii. Candy ,
James E. Plicher. Charles I ) . Ewing , J. R.
Kean. henry Raymond , Fruucis Ives , WIl-
llama I' . Kendall , Edward B. MorriS , Henry
S. Harris , Wiiliam B. Bannister. Paul den-
denniui , Charles D. Woodruff. Eugene L.
Swift , l'auh Sitilhock , Ogden Rafferty. Charles
F. Mason , James D. Glention , Alfred D.
Bradley , Philip U. Wales.
To ha surgeons in hospital service , wIth
rank of major : Willis G. Maelonald , Churies
il ti. Drake , Georgia ; Joseph K. Weaver , l'enn-
sylvania ; Charles S. Ruth. Iowa ; John tV.
Ilayne , District of Columbia ; Miho II.Vnrd ,
Missouri ; Schuyler C. Craves. Michigan ;
George T. Vaughan , Nathan S. Jaryls of
New York ; \\'iihiam Bovine , Massachusetts ;
John E. Martin , Ohio ; Peter D. Mdflaughi-
ton , Michigan ; Emanuel T. Armstrong.
Acting assistant surgeons : Samuel 0. T.
l'ottcr. California ; George A. Smith , Iowa :
Arthur Snowden , Virginia ; 11. Stanshury
Sutton , Pennsylvania ; Frank Bruzo. New
To be addItional paymaster : James B.
Kenner of Indiana ( nomination of James B.
McKenna of Indiana withdrawui ) .
To be commissary of subsistence , with
rank of captain : \Vnrren C. Fairbanks oh
India no.
It , iy 'I'reit'ir' Sfztht'u.ietif.
\VASIIINGTON , June 4.-Today's state. .
mncnt of the treasury shows : Available cash i
balances. $194,818,603 ; gold reserve , $170 , .
) IuIn VJIl ) Itft Sttid Imta.i hity IS 5y ,
I ii 4. ( 'a 1)1' 'V'rl e Fleet % 'uis
Not TIter. ' The , . .
NEV ? OitK , June 4.-LouIs Bunny has ar -
rUtted In this city fran , JamaIca , lie let t
Santiago do Cuba , May 18. Mr. Bunny doe I
not believe that Cervora's fleet is at San -
tinge , and be says : "I think Corvora's flea t
may have boon confused with five Spanish I
boats which were In the harbor when I left
These wore El Ilohima Mercedes , a second :
class cruiser , El Condo Benadito , Si Mar ,
guise flolina. with heavy guns and twi )
gunboats , Ill Sandol and La Estolla. Th '
cruiser Reina Mercedes is disabled , it. boll
era having broken down , anti it was lylni ,
just inside the entrance to ( lie harbor. It S
guns wore removed to the fortifications.
"The Spaniards laid a few mines last wium .
tar , but on May 6 the work began on i a
larger scale. I saw men at this work In Lb a
harbor for some time afterward and abou t
seventy mines have been laid altogether
The first hinoot six mines Is laid directi :
across frern Moro castle to the buoy whici t
marks the shallow water opposite. DIrocth : y
behind the first line are iines of four , ( bra B
and two mimics each , so that the entrafice ti a
( lie harbor is well mined.
01 visIted all of the forts and I am Buy 0
( list the only modern guns Iii use are thos 0
taken from the cruiser Reins Mercedes I.
There are two of these guns at Morro ani LI
the others are at La Zacapa and l'unt a
Carda. There are 160 soldiers at Morre
fifty at La Zacahia , and 100 at l'oiumt Uhnnc :
The colthiera are well armed , but I do no t
believe they are good gunners , at least I
never saw them hractico during umy stay o
eight months. There are 16,000 troops ii a
the province of Santiago , and 8,000 In San .
tiago and outlying towns. They are well or -
tiered and well armed. "
lie says there was a supply of 7,000 ton B
of coal there when he heft. Fresh ummeat wa S
very dear.
Seui.i iyiiiiiiiti * to Van 1''cl ,
NE'IV YORK , Juau 4.-A package si ' (
Imichies bug two Incht't vIi3u anti two inche'I
ihet'p , wIth a wrapping of manila pairr. an 'I '
tied with a string. was received In the gen
eral postuflice yesterday , addressed to Mayo r
Van Wyck , The hiackago happened to Urea k
amni a dynamite cartridge four inches Iou g
was exposed , A fuse was attached to on 0
cud of the cartrIdge. It was admitied ii Lt
the city bail today that such a package iia
been received. but no further Informaatio
was given. The postmark of the hiackag
was not divulaed. .
Russia is Now to Be Working for
' Ooncorted Action ,
,4 ,
ill t
I"I 1'
Senor Cnshhlq lj. lludrnt ° irl'iir , lii'p
hnleInir Ctu.ccusin.s , in lEave
Prnflpe Change Its
l'.i' ' . I t I iii. .
, IJ
( Copyright , iti : , by Associated I'ress. )
BERLIN , June 4.-The Inst week has wItnessed -
nessed importnnt negotiations between tier-
many , Russia anti Prance , htussia this time
ljcilig ( ho prime flavOr , for intervention In
the hhispamm-Anmarican vnr.
Upmvarils of a fortnight ago Russia ap-
irooeiied Prauice with this object in view ,
anl this communication was opened be-
twecil ( he czar and Count Murnvleit , the
ltisslali mniumieter for foreign rilTairs , on ( lie
one side and l'resiiient Fauru auth M. hlano.
tcatix , tue Fremich uninister for foreign affairs -
fairs , on ( lie other ,
Although France at the outbreak of the
mar was iuiost. anxious to bring nhiotlt inter-
eiitton , it is imow tiositively ealti , notwith.
stantling ( lie fact that Russia gave assur-
auicos that it would back up any miew at-
teiflht , ( lint France has flatly refusetl to
ParticiPate in renewed eFforts Iii this direc-
( Iou.
It was owing to this liereuuuptory refusal ,
110 greatly at , variance ithu France's forunci'
attituile , that Senor Leomi y Castillo , ( hue
Suanisii ; nmbassntlor to Frauice , ment to
MatlrId , and direct negotiations betwecum
Simhm ituud Prance were opened. Seuiur Cas'
tlllo has uio' returned to l'nrls , bearliug
formal amid specific oilers of ( lie exclmuuge
of a tlefluuite uuidorstumndluug hctwccui ( lie
two 1ovcrs In regard to thu war.
Thu maui feature of the Spanish offers
Is the cession to Prance of a ununher of
coal depots iii ( lie ilnicarle amid Canary
islanJe which would be of inunense scm vice
to France In time event of a naval war iii
thto Meihitorrauicaiu.
It appears , however , niost doubtful
whether France will accept this oiler. as
time Frcuich goveruiment has about comiciudeil
that. ( lie hmrt-'servntion of the friendship of
time UnIted States is more important ( luau
iuuilrovlng , ( lie relatloums of Fraumee with
No relily line yet beet , made by France ,
eIther to Senor Castillo or to the SIlaumish
goverumuulent. But ( hero is strong evidence
that. tue reply , when made , sflI not bc
what Spain desires.
Iii time uneautchulle RussIa hiiis approached
Gormnauiy with a similar otTer to support ii
ileme eflort at joint intervention , Count Os-
temusaken , the Ruselna anubaseaflor to Car-
iiiauiy , has had three lengthy IntervIews
with flaroui voum iluelow , ( lie Gerucaui multi.
leter fur foreign affairs , this week , but the
correspondent o the Associated l'ress comm
state that Gernuammy has
unreservedly refused -
fused to joiti th IWOIOsel attempt of In-
tervemitfon at ( lie hiresoimt Juncture ,
Iluiiiitr.r. ' , ' 1 II hiiiii's l'asit Ia , . .
ErmiperorVlihianuqshuo is fully Inforiimed Iii
regard to these , ziegottatlons , haui a
audience vith Baron von Iluelow cmi Wednesday -
day last , amid Juhl endorsed the latter's ' .
attitude. ! L i .
The German gmvtrnnient acutely feels ( km .
aiioiualous ' which has been
ated by time fact that while the govern. :
macmit and the luapirud press earnestly dcelrc ,
1dm unbroken contiutmamice of time fr1cmudshli ;
of the umiItelltates ; , . 9111 imer cent of thc I
miewshjabiers lerMt in ventIng their spleei ,
against the goverumumient and the people 01
A question which has .heen repeatedly and
persistently discussed in government clr-
ches lucre is whether
something cannot bc i
done to prevent the persistent. anti-Arnericar
nowepaper camupalgum , as IL Is highly imujuri-
Otis to uutitlonal Interests. limit no how ha , I
lCeui found which Is applicable to the case.
iii time meanwhile , the German newspaperi I
contimimic to display miaws unfavorable to thm ( i
Bnitemh States , most of which Is wmth iittit
truth. Thu alheged racent Spanish vIctory at
Santiago de Cuba has been emmhnmged upou
wIth accomlanylng comments atllrnul ng it
A majority of the papers continue ( C )
charge the Mnericans with cowardice in ,
as they put it , failing to meet the Spaniards .
whose forces. It is alleged , "are so dlspro. .
iiortiouiatcly uuimmall compareil with the Amer. .
lean forces. " All time hews train Spammisl I
Sources is believed , whereas informnaior I
from American sources Is promptly hramule I
as doubtful or being lies , Many papers , n
rell as Individuals , express the convictior I
that "the AmerIcans could never , wIthout L
the licip of England , conquer SpaIn or seizt I
Cuba. "
All attenilits to set public opinion in tIn i
right have been rendered futile by the ro '
fusah of the German
newspapers to imblish I
communIcatIons mid umows items tending Ii
that direction. Even corrections of giarln ,
misstatements sent out by the American em. .
basimy here have not always been printed ,
J)15V1 K. Ii , , ' i'r.ehi 'Vr.uf' .
The news of the conclusion of the France. .
Aniorienmu reciprocity treaty displeases Ger'
many. Time Tuglcblatt comments on it a I
follows :
"The main fact Is that Fraaca has oh. .
timined concessions from the Uumited States
while we are still In time midst of the sugam :
war there. That mIll be ifleased with
this , nobody expects , but it is doubtful
whether the present unounemut woub ! be wel
chosen for the resumption of negotlatbonu I
which appear to be dead-locked. America ,
we are sorry to say , is very stubborn with
us , well knowing ( hint wo cannot do without
such Amerlcaa products as vetroletmm. "
Cennaui exporters , it is announced , wil
shortly memorialIze the government on tIn ,
questions Involved in the new Framico.
American treaty.
EnmpemorVIIliam has finally settled or
October 18 , the birthday oX ( lie late em
parer Frederick , as tue date for the con
secratioui of the German church of time Ito
deonier In Jeruailqmn. , Sir. Tischendorff , th 3
Oarzmian counsel jat Jerusalem , wile has ju t
arrived hero front that place , has been giver
audience by-the emperor. lie biought thi S
unwelcome intiIidnco that ( lie sultan o r
Tur1oy had seq ? ty rescinded time cessiom I
of time coemiacuidlm ? Which he had lromnised ti )
Emperor W1lhiaji . or the use of ciermam a
Catholics. This1acton of thud sultan is sak
to have been due ' 10 the strenuous objectiom I
of thd Russian arthodox poluiation of Pal
estine , backed up lI time Ruelsan ambnssa .
dor at Constantinople.
A now pohlticlparty. styled national so
ciullets , which line ean formed throughmou t
( lerinhuny , Is mailing great efforts to Insurt Li
its success Iii thid coinIng election. The part ,
iii strongly niitoifluistic , with tendencle
tovartl nIl kipjs f social reforms am
greater rtieS , Many hirominen t
persons have joIneml ( ho ranks ,
The Prussian government mviii sborthl V
issue , leereea ( limit a specIal decoratton b B
conferred on "mnonarchio" habore'rs ani I
trades iicoiiio who have sworn their bye I
convlctiolis for thirty years and upwards I.
The government and ( lie emperor behiev Li
this action wIll tend to check the Inroad S
of social.iiamuiouig the working PeoPle.
Lieuteiant , General Vonthmrhldu Colts lie S
been electcd to take the place of Genera 1
Vogel von Falckanetcln as Inspector geri
aunt of fortresses. Tbi latter suddenly re -
signed hu otilce In consequence of a disa .
greonmeut wIth Eniperor Wihilama In regar ml
to the fortifications at Mets.
The newspapers here are urging the pee .
pIe of this country to use Russian instea ml
of 'iuuerican petroleum in order to Ire U
themselves "from the 1neufTcrabIo tyranu I
of the Americau petroleum ring. "
I'rot , Stoorck of the ( Iroifawald universit y
ic i n an article In ( lie lcutseho Revu , ft high-
c lass monthly , tmnder the caption 'Ameri-
c at , boternatiomial Itights , " says : " .tunerlca
h iss no right to interfere in ( 'mihia , " amid
c ontinuing ho says he rejects Monrocisuia
a s "dangerous to ( lie whole world. " The
l irofeasor ( lien says : "A country where
l ynch law suurvivcs is unfit toplay , the judge
o f other countries. "
I'm-nt. Sioerck also says lie expects a Eu-
r opean coalition against the United States
t o be an outcome of ( he preseumi war , coma'
t ending that this Is necessary iii order to
p rotect the rights of the European conti.
m acmit In time questions of hroiuction and
C o nsmumnltioma ,
Ainh-Aa.icrim'nnAliini.t'e Chnttt'r Al-
, . , , , , , . . , , , CoMM I us it i.i tt ii'
% 'tim'ni Ilim.rt'Iwe ,
( Copyright , iSi , b ) Press I'mabiisbing Co. )
LONION , Jimmie 4.-New ( York World Ca-
blograumi-Specich Telegrauii.-Tlto ) upcechies
it ( hue Aumglo-Amni'rican bnnquet last night
h ave elicited a remarkable h'roest from
Canon 1)o'bo , who was Present and is an
aribetut advocate of nnaity between Limo two
nations , "I rebeileti , ' ' ho says , ' 'agatuist thin
contiumual use of the word Amigio.Snxon in
every speech. If this alliance Is to have
mumiy solidIty it miamist be broad at the base.
\'lty , thuemi , shmnuhil ( lie races mui'cui whose
bout's this empire has been largely built up ,
I rishuuui en , I 1 Iglula inlets niud'el clulnemu , be
exchutleml ? It lit 'cry easy , by tnlking of the
Anglo-Celtic ance nod Anglo-Celtic uilliance ,
to draw I bieni all limb ouiq roiminioul syna-
iiatly. It is ellnnliy easy , by relaying the
narrower term to alIenate those symnia-
tIiic. it mminy seem to so-called Anglo'Sax-
tills to be mm lucre matter mmf seuttluncuit to a
maim with CeltIc blued , vIio immliemits aunomag
nthcu' qualitIes cortmmin seimimitivomiess of disposition -
position , it appears to lie a very hmractical
liiuttter anti his support or oppositiomi may
doiuentl upon how far lie is recognized or
I i ; tiered. "
TIm fervId seuitiuiiemas expressed by time
siwakcrs at time banque't have on the wiiohi
iOCli ro-echocil by the press. Taking the
first commscrvaivo ( journals which have beemi
least frIendly imi their support of an Anglo-
Auuericau , rapprocimenient , there is a umo-
tircaliho chiamigo of tone. The ( iloIjo avs :
' '
'Neither country line anything to gaIn by
its nttitmuile of mnuttial
suspjciomi , umiati a
friomuilly uunderstamirhlmig is likely to benefit
baum. hhmmt momnethuIlug
different frommi the as-
Piratlomis of thioo bio organized the din- .
ncr is rcqtuircul. The
extravagance of their
notions was shown oven iii time decomatiouig
of the bamiquetluig moouii. The blendiumg of
( lie tiumiomu jack and stars amid stripes in a
coninmomu flag , flue enibrace of thu British
Iioui and time Amerlcaui
eagle aptly typify
the tumilirmictical chmamacter of their ideal. ' '
The St. James Cnzetto "
says : 2itisuuider-
stamiflimmgs and jealousies have been
as Ire-
qmuemit as they would naturahly be het'eemi
a son mud heir amid his pushing younger
brother , for as Biho1i Itlimmi put It , we are
In time relatIon of chuililrea of time sonic stock
rather than that of ciullil and Parent. Hut
whucmi , England anti imacrIca tamiul side by
side they vihi act us brothers rigalumet a coin-
umioui eumomny. "
The l'ahl MalI Gazette "
says : "There should
be no rtushi for an alliance toaiorrow. hasty
welding would ommhy give a mimachmimmo whmlclm
might crack al the first or Secommul strain ,
but . kliismiieii are gravitating together surely
nos. , amid pleasant fumictions bike last night's
miot only Ihlmmstrate the tact but tend to
stremagtheu the lmieviable ( temidemicy , "
Tile Westminster Gazette says : "It is all
to time good ( lint gathuerimigs of this kind
iioulil take place , and it Is the fact of their
takIng place much more ( hama anything Ia
Iuartbcuhar thuitt Is said at theimm Gmat Is liii-
portamit . , Our common language aid hetters
% .as time one toast , anti it was one that should
certaluily suggest how much against time light
it Is for the two countries to be amiythiing hut
( lie greatest frlemmds. "
These views fairly reflect those enter-
taIuid iii influential political quarters where ,
whIle talk of an ahhiance is treated as
cbiimemlcal , there Is a growing desire for
tIme friendlIest relations between the two
si'.tmx C0X'iN'l'lt.'i'miiS l'l'i4 ' 11(001'S ,
i"irt'es It. measlCrfleImit A re JLel.g
ltt'tiivt-I to
( Copyright , lIst , by Jissoclateth Press. )
KINGSTON , Jamaica , Juuie 4.-On ( board
the Associated Press dispatch boat. tVanda ,
bound for SantIago do Cuba , off Point Cayo
Imloa , on the uiortlueastern coast of Cuba ,
Juno 3.-Whilo ) steaming aiouig at fifteen
knots an hour , at 5 a. n. today , a small
fishing smack was sighted creeping out at
Sagua do Tanamo , going east. Apparently
frightened , It attempted to get back under
the shadow of the mountains , close In shore ,
hut the \S'anula soon overhauled it amid ran
abommgsltlo tim small craft.
She hail a crew of femur Inca , one of whom
SPoke English. 110 came on board the
W'anda amid told of ( lie situation In time In.
( crier Iii tue eastern part of the island. lie
1usd not heard that the Spanish fleet was
blockaded In Santiago , hut ho luad heard
runiars that. Spain would soon senti forty
war ships to Culin.
' /mre these ships really in Samutiago ? "
asked tue Cuban with ( lie deepest Interest.
He begged to be taken on board thue Wania
that Lie might see a great battle. The
Cuban nlso said time Spaniards had troops
in nearby all time towns in the east end of
the island ; but lie exphaimied time imisurgents
% vere In time central part. of tue country anti
were gradually closing in on the towns.
At Sngua tie Tanamo , according to the
Cuiman , ( lucre wore 2,000 Spaniards , at Porte
dcl I'auira there were 3,200 , and at ( Jibara
( lucre were 4,000. lIe further eahl that there
were Spanish troops In Baracon , hIolgulmu
antI other towns ,
The troops from time towns on the northeast -
east coast , lie assorted , were being rapIdly
moved to liolguIn , time railroad poInt , amid
from there they were to ho taken hmy rail
to Santiago do Cuba. lie had heard there
was to be a general concentration of all
troops in the eastern part of ( ho islnuid at
Santiago tie Cuba , limit ho filth not know the
significance of the muoveimiont until told that
time Spanish fleet was there.
General Garcia , lie said , was at Ilayarno
with a good army , and bad issued a procla-
motion to ( lie pe plo in all the towns to the
effect tiiimt when the Cubans cuptured tile
town , as they soon expected to do , cItizens
and their property would be protected.
The Spammiarils have been drawing In their
outposs and concentrating their forces for
weeks , while the iuusurgent forces are now
strongly increased around iiohguin , ( Ilbnra
and Sagun tie Tanamno.
Finally , the Cuban reported that an liii-
portammt expeditlomi had landed at Cabanso ,
two days before , and it was thought it may
have been ( lie Florida expedition ,
itllSOUiiChiS Oh' 'P11 ii l'iIILhi'l'INIIS ,
mileS Iii 3linernlus".Velh um l'roilnets
or thit Still.
\VASIIINUT0N , June 4.-Notes on the
PhIlippine islands Imave been Issued by the
State department as No. 131 of the advance
sheets of ( lie consular reports. One expert
extensively quoted , Frank Huruthu , says cx.
tensivo gold diggings bava been opud quite
near the sea , insuring a hargo output for
many years to come , IL bias been proved
that they extend over a wide district.
Alluvial gold Is found In time Isianil of
Mindaro and there are exteumsive copper deposits -
posits 1mm buzon , While there is no ttuu
coal there , there Is lignite of a good quality -
ity , quite as useful for stean , veg3eis. This
Is in great quantities. Rough'iy washed
alluvial gold has been known to contain
rubies anmi iiyacinthies , There is no want
Of labor at cheap rates and on time whole
the general conditions for mining are cx-
ceptlonally favorable.
Home tact. of Immtsest aside from mining
The Leison on the Opportunity of Spring niid Suiii-
iiier Trentiiieiit-lts Siiprciiie Iiiiportniice to
Those With Eiifeeblecl Coiistitutioiis , Weak
Lungs niid a Tciidciicy to Coiisuiiiptioii.
I t hoetor ) Slu'lutrl ( V.'PI't' nsk'd 'Imat
mnetlk'al k'at'lultig s'nuItI net'oimmphlslu tlit
glt'mIt1'Mt gnod lie s'oiiitI unluesltutiimgly
: il 3' :
Yhc lesson /c , Ihosc wi//i 'n
I'ceblcd tOflSIZfZIfUflS , c. f7itj's
or /endcicy Iv Bronchial
Trozb1c or Cozswnptftni , of the
vi/a o/uor1nn i/icc Ihat s/.ing-
and s7tniter oj1cr 1/1cm ,
. ntlit bcmt. tt'mmelulhag Is thu lemielming ( hint
% t.iIl simytu time hmuost lIves.
tmiil this lttSthh ) It ) tlutit viili the
slightest imeetlisliusultin to CohlmAmhImlpthmmum
m I I I siivt' I flume I I yes I ii ii mm a imy t liii t en ( I Id
bt' Ia migi it ,
I ml tlii' sniiig mmmiii $ thhllhllt'I' ( .mitai'i'lm
mfluty lit' hulout' shiceIhlIt'mmremi ; vitlm Nut.
I iil' ( ' hell ml ii g I lit' % 'm ) i'k , LI me u'e.ii I t Is hiatt'
m'crtutiim . ; nfit'm' timi' curt' , t lit' eumist : tutiuium
u.m'sml mm u m's I I s mu a u'i ii mu I t'm.iul . , I I Ion immure '
'I ' it'k I ) ' ; t I most' so l't't'lm1 I big t I hey shoti lii
lii ) t evi'ii t' : luist' t I m p I uast'l t'es t t I itt
\'ttmi t lieu' thu m'l ii 1.1 t but' ' 1 mm I em' uuimty yl s I t thu t'
01 I I tes , , fl ml ml ii m'tt Ii t'l ln'il I ii I I m m'lmu'og r''ss ' mm I'
trt'mutumim'amt i'itii&'i' : & timmium Iitjuued hi time
I'X iii ' $11 it' to t lie umi tee a I
'l'hmls Is viummt liii' oltbiOl't tinily of tIme
sli'l ) um g a nil sli Ill ilmt'I' 111011 I I is mum ' 'a mis.
, hiiiit't'tl , vhthm immnumy of Ihltt miiiml'tt t'liOU $
( ii St'5-\ Ii eu'e lii mm g ml t'glecl t'tl ( In I mm i't'li : t I
ii I st't : Sm' I ii II ii I m ug I lie hm u'oiut'hi I ii I t a I it's
vhih'lm t'omm'm'y hit' mile It ) Ibit' Itmuigs huis :
liikt'ui us : utlvnmucm' imulo flit' tistit' of ( lit'
I ii mm gs I hem i ust'h yes , I in s u'm'i : i ' I
! f t hue u'omtd hiiitul vlthm thit' hmlmli'ous imut'mu-
I imm : m i t' Impim I 1 vliit'hi i t I I yes mu iul ft'etis , amid
I I mm ii I umg hit ) Ii'W' ( 1 issim t' set t I es ml a tv mu In
I't't'tl lmiiii , liii' iiiuig ttt'liti-'llhi mnammy ol'
I I tttst' t'il oil s ' : i st's t tea I iii . 'umt d mm ui ii g I Ii t'
$1) ) il mug :1 : ii ml sim mum u u mi.'m i mmmii i t his Is I hi i' oum hy
imoiue. 1lttle ii'uimmy hn'ijm cutum be hum'ohui-
lst'd thi'iii tinuluig ( lit' vliitem- .
it 's f/i cn die rin , the sjr/izg
andsnnzt , ' Ihal C'atarrfi in i/s
eQ rI ) ' slaj'es , izvo/ving' maybe
1/ic nasal Jassfzgc.c and throat
( uld vocal cords and wi'ndi1 e ,
may be iiiosl speed/li' cured , azc1
I/ia daz r of its cx/cn.cion In/ti
I/ic decriar / of the Bronchial
Tubes or 7/i : oat averts ri.
it is 1/tell Only du'ingic
sJriii and s Fin//ncr mon//is f/ia
1/zo.ce most dcsj.'era/c cases invok-
are mioted , For i'stamie ' , , the Philippine
archipelago contains nearly 2,000 Islands.
Two of them are larger than Ireland. Luzon
'ithi 12,000 and Mlndaro with 48,000 square
miles. Earthquakes are imot intreqimemat. i'2-.e
rainfall is not excessive , Time climate h v.'ry
healthful Lou' a trolilasl region amid thi.a-at's
such as yellow fever ne uumikn'jwui. The
natives nrc nuostiy Malays , but ( a the in-
tenor are remnmanuats of a race of Papunma
origin. Thu author of tlt palmuhiblet seaIcs
in ( lie highest ( onus of the character of the
natives amid time rac' has tin Inborn courtesy
a mid ready hospitality is never mnIs1ng. Eight
niihlion natives imuhaalit ( lie j'hilhIIhtlnee. )
Food resources are ammiple amid fanmine is no-
ltivt''nts of ( ) ttztii 'esscis , . . .me1. .
At Qmmeeustowim-Sailed-Cymuiric , for New
York. Arrived-himmabria , for Liverpool.
At ] lavro-Saihetl-La hiretagmue , for New
York ,
At Brenuen-Salied-Frederich der ( irosse ,
far New York.
A t Liverpool-Salieil--Campania , for New
York , Arrived-Aurania , front New York ;
Cuvlc , from New York ,
A t i'hmihadcipliia-Arrived-M lssou rI , frouua
At New York-Saiied--Spaarndnm , for
Rotterdamn ; La Bourgogime , for llavru ; Lu-
cania , for Liverpool ; Kaiser Wllhelmn It , for
Naples ; Pntrla , for hamburg ; City of Roam ,
for Clammgow Arrived-La Touraimie , froni
Ilavro ,
I'ha'si.'imiiis Iett I uu flt'ui er.
DENVER , June 4.-Time twenty-third aim-
neal convention of' the Amarlcan Academy
of Mcificlno opeumeul in ( hats city today with
a rather small attendance. Dr. L. Duncnmm
Huhkhey of Now York , ( ho presitient , cccii-
pied tIme clinic. Fifty-five uiaw members
were elected. Dr. Ilulkley annouumceil that
the total mmiemnbershiip was now 763 , includ-
hug representatives of tw."luty-omme imiedical
Ikni . , if Services ( 'Ii suui'd ,
Trinity Cathedral begins today its new
hour of morning sorvice-I0:30 : o'clock. Time
evenbuig service remnaimma as usual , 7:45 :
o'clock. Thr Sunday school meets at mmomi.
r-- %
111 Tt1 I1OTS.
Frank P. Wilhlanme , who is receivers' agent
of tIme liarney Peak Tin Mining comupany's
iirolmcrties mit Hill City , S. B. , Is 1mm the
city taking in the exposition. Mr.
'mvihhimmmmis ' , in talking of time bear-
lug of the current war on the
mining imadustry , said thmat the war hail the
cheat of ehiuttluig cit time inflow of mulnimmg
capital. In time southern hills ho said soy-
eral young amid promisIng enterprises have
beemi suspended as the result of time sear ,
All of time big commahmimnies , however , are in
active operation email getflmag out their usual
nuonthly shipments of gold bumlilomu. Mr.
Williams spoke very encouragingly of the
prospects of time Holy Terror mmaino becoin-
hag one of the bonanzas of tIme southern
hills In time very near future. The Jenumie
shaft is now down 600 feet , and a very richi
body of ere has been encoumlterei. This
commipany has purciumuseil the Keyatomio Mm-
lug company's grotmnils , contiguous to its
owim , and will develop It. Of the Shack lulls
mmmineral , 'xlmibit at time exposition , Mr. Wil-
lIuns soul time licoplo of the billie mire cmi-
fident that the eximihuit will turn time atten-
( ion of exposition visitors toward time mualn-
log regions , coil will doubtless lie the manes
of turning time trend of much mining capital
flay Iluhibelh of Northmvlllc , N , Y , , stopped
in Omaha on his way to ( tic far west amid
is visiting ( lie exposition and eighit.seeiumg
for ( be first time In a western cIty , Mr.
Hubbell says that hue lied very strange
ideas about what western civilizatiomm was
like anti was pleasantly disappointed in that
respect. Mr , hubbell was ileligiutcd with
the exposition and does not imesUnte to
say tiiimt it , is tiio flumest exposItion iii imiany
respects which baa even beeum held in the
timaRed States , The opinioum prevails Iii the
east , Mr. hubbell says , ( lust Nebraska is a
very tmimcIvilized sort of a state and ( lint ac-
comnnuodatlouis mire not good antI furhermmaor.m ( .
that ( be exposition Is a umuero ibeal affair ,
but he thInks ( bat after a tow eastern
ieople have returned home and told what a
surprise weB in store ( or thiemmi ( list
Omaha and ( tie exposition will receive time
attention they natmri ( ,
J. 13. Seitz , president of the Sbeidloy
cattle company , Ji lii time city taking in time
ig 1/ic lungs 1/ecijsc/ve may . - " ' '
be frca/ed Wit/i any hoj5' ,
So tlmert' is muiaiimtlnuit rt'asolm for dveII- .
I Hg ii 1101 % ( Ii is mmmii t I ( 'I' ,
SaIiig mmliii shiuumuier .1mm . ufTorti the I lute
to . 'ihi'e ( 'uitmii'i'lumml eommuhitItjim.
, I t limis lmet'uu imm'eii I''clI mltmrliig limp lul
elt'imme i t t ii miii ii ii i'u'it'ti ii by I it Ii ii t'imt'es or ( lie
SE , Vt'it' mm bill 'hmamigt'mm bItt % 'I'it t bier lumit
( hum ti't'mutlmit'iht , tmm'mi ngmlumst : iimilmn'uaee
of thu ttt'iliiimitt' nuil'ttatlit'r. . u''mu'hit's , uthiti
( 'II It's ( 'I liii i 111)1 I ( mm I it nh mu imil ( 'mm I mu i' rIm mar
I I It' 'I'h i I'm in t mu mimi ( 'mu t ii miii of t lit''oeii I
(2IVhM ( , ) & ' flut's , htrntit'lilni ( 'atutreli itmiti
Uaiam'rlm of tlum' iuuigs.
1"m'omn Imutv ( all thit't' inmimuhult' ti'sts viIl
lii : ' uitiit' : , evt'lu llililtr iumou' fmmtmrtllt' : lit-
Iiiittumt't' . mihmil nil mmui'l'm'u'is fralmi ( matmiirhi-
ml I ( ml' I im'oiim'lm Iii I m I I ill emil I lits , froimi ml lsea st's
mir the inr , ( hit' 'l'lmroat , tIme ltrtmuut'htkti
'l'uil a's or I .ii mu gu si u mitmi ml a'eogtu I si' I Ii Is
ii Ii ml ii . : i I I t lie imis'h vt's of t Ii lit khmot'lt'tl ge.
I mu I I itt si al I ug mu ii ml su umu m a m'r Nit tume
ht'mmls , hut'm' iiiil lii 11mm' votk ( Ii' thut' pliysl'
t'iiimi , t In' en U Sm's I I ma t ia'mI ' lht'tt tml I ii l'i'bUtl
tMmmihII ) iomus mire it'Su4 mat'tive : itti hinidhll ) ' to
rohl Is rvduit'ed. '
Out' mmunmit lu a I' su him II itti' t rent iii eli t ii' '
w'orI I u I Vt ) II I OIl t I is ni t I it' m mmnst m'n I'm' fill
'lntei' li'ttiitmmueuil it mu ! if mull 'Imo puffer'
i'l'ihIl , C8 tiui'rh u w'm'u'e 'Ise emmtnmgbm to ml m'-
\'it ) I' fl UI tie of time suuanmimer I o I a't'ui I miat'uut , .
tlit'i't' votmld somumi be ft' ' east's of (1:1- ( :
In nh to I rei : I ; tnsm's of lea fuum'ss w'oulml
I im't'm , iii ( ' u'i : Ic ; Ii i'iu ml hoist's mu cmi iiosl ty ,
a mmd ci m rmmum I t' enuiglus mm immi ( emi suuum ion
vtmld lit' medmmcm'd to mu imaliulinuuimi ,
, , , ,
, , _ , , , _
IIt Ii'Iiit'iIht.
hI''i' , titit' hi ) is silJt'et iti Ii tV
Fiimit ii imrhii.r .ini St't.'iiih'i'
sioi.aI ht'giut ir'lIuit'iit I.y. 'lii , ,
it't'luru'-l.t' , ' of this mmiumoyIiig mmisl ills-
I ri'ssi ii .uihimly milimy ( I. mis 1e lire-
ml 031 II 'I'll lA'u'ul : EN'p BY u.t II , ,
i'nl it'i.ts vhi , , hit' mat ii ihItns.t't' t-nn
hit. t i-i' ! . I cii iti I I. I' feet stuecess by
the a Iii tf t i.e Sh.t'tirl , . ) 'iI.5lomii
hi a ii k a ii ii lvii I it'ii I s' report shii't'tB
sent fi't't , U , . . . _ _ .
: ! : ! ' '
. . . 7.
lior Mo1icil sItta [ ,
C. S. SIIEP.tifl , M. B , CommsultIng
anti AticIiitcM , , Playsiciacs ,
ROOMS 311 , 312 & 313 NEW YORK LI1"IJ
0111cc flours-S to 12 a. rn ; 2 to 5 p. am. Eve.
nimmgs-Wedneedays and Saturdays only-
e to . Sundays. 10 to 12 ,
e xposition for a few days. lie expects to
l eave for Texas after lie has "domiti" tlmo
e XliOStt.IOIm , where mu vtiI imurcimase 3,005
h ucail of ymmng cattle for his much our ( Imo
Moreati river , South lakota. Mr. Seltz was
m mmuehu surprised at time magnitude of time cx-
l iositiomi amid will do iulssiomiary work for
i t ammiomig his friends ,
I'prsoimuil I'n rimm.r.tmh.s ,
J. F. O'Neill of Chicago is stomplumg at
time Barker.
Miss Dunlap of Kansas City is registered
at the Millard.
C. a hmmgmihls of St. Joseplm , Mo. , Is a guest
at thin Ilarlier ,
FL Dowmilimg amid Joe howell of Kansas
City are at time Barker.
J. Shins anti C. S. SIlas of Entchuisorm ,
Holland , nrc at time Millard.
\V. L. Chapimamun mmmiii wife of Nebraska
City are registered mit time Darker.
\Vaitcr If. Atwater of St. Paul , Milan. , Is
visiting his brother , T. S. Atwater , at the
\iihlarti ,
Mrs. F. S. I..awrence of Fairhury is visit-
l ag Mrs. II. Moreimead , 1817 North Eight-
ecoth , street.
J. E. Boyle and S. II. Barrett , In advance
of Forepaughm'mm and Sells hlrotbcrs' circuses , _ -
are at time Barker.
Miss Ida A. Good of Washington , Ram , . ,
i s tl guest of Miss Nehli Wray , 2623 North
Nhmicteemutb avcuauo.
S. It. Lawtoa , D. B. Lawton cmiii Mls C ,
K. Lawton are visiting time oxpositiomu amid
Stoiuing at the Millard. ,
William Gcumtry , vifo amid children of
Qumliicy , Ill. , are visiting time exposition and
stopping at thu Barker ,
hi. Id , Respres , J. P. Iiohlamal , S. C. PIatL
S. Wood t't'rIghmt mmmi George C. hlummter of
Cimicimpo are registered at time Milhnrd ,
S. M. True amid wife of Tecumseh were cx-
liositloum visitors yesterday , Mr. True is ens
of tluc legah lights of Johnson county.
Janice S. Setmree , ox-register of uheeds of
llugiucs county , Somutim Dakota , is In time city
from Pierre for a few days , vimmitimig time cx-
1)051(10mm. )
Everett P Ucttlnga , instructor iii the
1(1gb ( school of Crestoum , Iii. , iii spouiillng a
( civ days In Omaha. iookiuig at the sights ut
thu epositiomm grounds ,
Mcmi , Charles Iliakehy of hiemmtrlco is stopping -
ping with friends at 1127 South Thirty.flrst
street , while enjoyluig time sights to be eeoc
at thu exposition gmotuimlS ,
Dr. Andrew Crawford took his de3arturo
yesterthay for mm combined imleimsuire mind iimisi-
m ioss trill to ( lie lulls of t'ommmiumg , expect-
1 1mg to be abst'uit mm vcelc or ten days ,
I ) . K. Miller , cnshier of thmu Simile hizimuk of
Table Rock , Nehi. , accompauuied by Mrs. Mu-
h er , were visitors mit tIme exposition yester-
duty , "it is a big Bimow aiim ] milmomuld be a
great di'awilig card , " said Mi' Miller ,
John Lateimser , superintendent of constrtmc.
( Iou of ( ito govermmuumermt hmullflummg , immis re-
tmmrmmed from Cimicago , where hue Iumspt'ctemj
time new tenmpormmry POstohilcu buildlmmg nod
( oumamh It to be in a satisfactory condition.
U. tV. Itinganmi , foreiuaan Painter for the
Union Pacific railroad at North l'hatte , Nob. ,
m miadtm a 'rumm" dowum to Oimmalma yesterday to
t hit , a look at ( ho exposition sights. ho wilt
outturn later mmd spent ) acvdral days in
Omaha ,
Many exposition visitors are slefldllig soy-
eral daya in time city anti mmnmong timena Is J ,
A , Johmiuson of ( Jotlmeimburg , Neim. , wimo caine
d own Thursday wIth stock. He was so fag.
cinuiteti with what ho saw jhuat ho will mu-
t urn umgtmin.
Ammiomug the exposition visitors froum IJn.
cohmu yesterday were notIced : Josejilm A.
Sargent , Mary A. home , I. 0. Chmmpin amid
vIfo and Mrs. Ralph Ii , S. l'cnmmy. time hat.
( or being that , guest of frientle at 615 South
Fourteemmtim street.
H. C. Iavis , editor of time Falls City Neu's
and a vcteramm umewsimaper imman , was shumikiumg
hands with rmiammy old frummmis yesterday
vimlle taking a 'turn" tlmrougim ( hue oxpositloim
grounds. Aithmougim mm demmuocrat , Clay Davis , , , . _ . , . , . , , , . , . - -
is cmiii of timomie jolly fellows yea are always
glad ( o meet.
Wuliimmumi Dobson amid ilonjamnia Small , two
j irommihimuimt etochmnemm of cedar ltamIds. hioommu
couimty , Nob. , mmmarkctcd four cars of fine cat-
tie mit time South Omumima yards yesterday , re.
celviimg time top lmrbce for thmtiimu , Jim time
afterimoomm time ) ' visited time 't'imito City , "
spendlog several hours in emmjoylng tbo
sIghts , Air. hlobson "took Iii" limo \Vorld's
fair timid him says time exposition Is equal
to It.
Nebraskans at thiti hotels ; Mrs. T , 14 ,
Ilc'nipsey , Curtis ; Grace LoVan , Lexington ;
Voorhireut Lucas , tV , T. Wilcox , Nortim Platte ;
. \v. J. S'lmmston , II. H , Tuffany , Coluummluus ;
.1' . Ii , Irwin , ( iodommV. ; . Relmers , Ii , V ,
Avery , l.irmcolum ; J , A. Patton , Jamnems Mu.
ford , Ord ; 'I' , Z. Esway , Wililaumu Ii. Lee ,
Fremnomit ; 1 , T. i'arhima amid wife , Vest Point ;
11 , hell Andrews and wife , Auburmm ; Vt' . V.
Townsend. Nebraska City ; L't , deed , Can.
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