, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . - - - - - - ' - - - - _ THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE. E LE . . .J 3 ES'I'ABLTSIIEI ' ) J tJNE 19 , 1C'.t. [ ATIA , SUNJAY MO1tNINE , JUE ; , 189STWENTY-FOUR PAGES. . SUGLECOPY FIVE CEN't'S. q FOUIIT1I DAY OF 1'AIR. Storm Clouds Keep People A''ay from Exposttou Grounds , - k 't RAIN BRIGHTENS liP FLOWERS AND SURLJBS Workmen Engaged In Putting on the Pinishing Tonclica. BIG CROWD IS EXPECTED 01)1 ) TODAY . _ _ Tazk of Getting Exhibith in Place Goes Merrily On. MANY NEW CREATIONS ARE TAKING FORM Alt ( ) IIIMI4IC Vurk , 'rvlth the 1xciiIOfl of Minur ( nIIs , Cuni- 1cte , % 'IiII ( ItnjIil I'rogreNs . 1J4 Mit1c OIL Interior. ' , ' < The third day of the expoBUon sas de- I'Ied1y uneventful and although a small 'rbwd of visitors were In evidence durIng 11w afternoon , the menace of another storm 4 IfldUCCII most people to postpone their visit . The usual to a more auspicious oecaslon. concert by the Marine hand was the only - . . - feature of the day and the workmen took - advantage of the absence of thu crowd to clear up any trilling debris left by the rain and the grounds will appear at their best to receive the big crowd that is expected -i today. 3 - The tremendous downpour of rain in the early morning was a thorough test of I the precautions that had been taken I to avoid a repetition of the ( lam- age that occurred a week ago , and the result indicated that. very little trouble from that source will hereafter occur. The grounds : . ) Were copiously deluged , the lagoon was swelled almost to overflowing at the vest end and the water rushed across the main court in torrents. But the only damage ' ItUstalflei W8S a slight cracking away of the . sheet piling for a space of about twenty - ' feet on the north side of the lagoon. A force of men \vere Immediately started at work to repair this weakness , whIch was accomplished - complished with very little trouble. The only tlainage on the bluff tract was a slight settling of the ground near the Nebraska building , which was remedied by the deposit of three or four loads of gravel. Slight leakages were noticed In two or three of the large buildings , but they wore not sulficielit to cause any damage to the exhibits. Some little discomfort was oc- casloned on the Midway by the deluge , but there were no serious consequences in any case. iIrlgIiteIiS Up Verdure. OiIt effect of the rain was to keep the grountis practically tlerted during the forenoon - noon , except by those who had business there , but another was to ntbl materially to - the beauty of the laaisrape. The flowers and turf luxurIated ill the abundant moist- ure. and the rush of water left the walks atd avements as bright and clean as a newly SVCt floor. When the rain ceased progress around the grounds was somewhat - what obstructed by the Pudiles of water [ lint filled the depressions in the walks and drives , but thIs soon ecped aw.y through tiLe porous materIal and an hour of sunshine practically eliminated all inconvenience. If no more rain fails the grounds will be in perfect condition to receive the Sunday crowd , as every speck of dust that has ncumulatcd during the week has been washed away and nothing is left but cleanliness - liness anti beauty. Iiiside the luiidings ) the task of improv- lag the exhibits Is going merrily on and every niorning the change that has been accomplIshed ill the previous twenty-four - - hours Is plainly noticeable. New creations IlL decorative cifect are constantly appear- ing. and the belated exhibits are taking form and beauty under the busy hands of hundreds of workmen. All of the material in the electricity building is on the ground anti a few more days of hard work will male the building practlcaly complete. In the ManUfacturers buIlding rapid progress is being made and the efforts that are being ( iiiatie by the exhIbitors to give now and ar- L tistie effects to their decorations indicate ihat the completed exhibit will be a record breaker in thIs department. The rork in the Mines and Agriculture buildings is somewhat less rapid owIng to the pecuiiar nature of the exhibits , but It wIll be coin- picted in a comparatively short time. Out- 51(10 work Is complete with tue exception of a , few unimportant details anti the visible evidences of preparation are rapidly dlsap- pearlag , INlCU't'I Vii ( ) SiM I'1"ViiIS MIfl'1'INC. . SIlIlit' I iiiiinrtnhlt : ii tters Mettiel 1y the IIIIIIl1tTM at 'l'helr St'nsioii. The construction of an overhead crossing at Manderson street has been decIded UPOU by the executive conhlnittee and the resi- tieniB In the vicinity of Twentieth anti Man- derson streets will soon be able to cross the exposition grounds wIthout going through the fence , The viatitictvIll Ie for foot passengers oiily , and will be reached by ineitflM of steps at either end , Its ebustruc- tion will be coniinenced at OIICC , The executive committee also decIded to abolish some of the otilces vliicij rcro a iiccsalty during tIle constructive period , but which vili no longer ho required now that that perioti has been safely passed , On June 15 tue oilices of archItects-in-chief , landscape architect and plumbIng inspector vlli cease to exist , and the duty of iiiain. taming the artistic beauty createil under the direction of the two first unineti will devolve UPOn tiLe Department of fluildings and Grounds. 4' dIspute of considerable proportions has ariseti between the executive commIttee and the N'ebraslta Fxposition COflhiUisSloii ovci ti3 number of Pa6se5 which shall be Issued to employcs of the commission. A request of ( lIe commission for ainety.onc passes In addition to those Issued to state olflc.rs . and members of tue commission excited tin' curiosity of the committee. and the request V- was referred to a committee consisting of the managers of the hepartinents of lx. IiIbIts and Bulltlings anti Grounds to investi- . , . - - - sate the truill of the reports that the corn- mission has requested passes for versons who are not entitled to them. A sirnllai request sent to this Iepartinvnt of Exhibits early in the weekvas censored In a manner which excltcd the Ire of tile Nebraska corn- nilsslont'rs anii they appealed to the cx- ecutivo committee from what they denominated - nominated the radical action of the depart- meat management , In tire meantime tire . . ; % executive comnhitteo Is trying to discover the whereabouts of ninety-one eniploycs in and about the Nebraska buIlding. $ LIISgL.5 ( 11)11 froiti lnrssis. One of the features of the Kansas exhibIt In tIre .tgrlculturai building conveys a striking and very Pertinent object lesson incIdental to the Cuban question , A large mortar end carrIage is constructed of seeds and just in front of the ordnance Is Piled fl huge pyramId of sheila labeled "Cuban nra. munition. " These slidis are 1ass lQbs , each filled wIth Seetis and graIn. anti the logic of the suggestion Is plainly apparent. To strengthen the Impression , a white dove , the emblem of peace. is Suspendei just over the gun and the whole very effectively Illustrates what tire designer evidently believed - lieved to be the true solution of the future of the Island. SIIXIA1 itA'ItItl S ( ) i' ISt'Sl'VlON. Ti o Cntiecrt . re lilllel for This Afteriitnti. Two concerts will be given on the expo- sltion grounds today , which will form most attractive features of the entertainment pro- vlderi for those who desire to enjoy theIr Sunday rest In quiet amusement of a most elevatIng character. The celebrated Marine band , the national banil of the American government , wIll play at 2:30 : p. in. . In front of the Government building at the west end of tire MaIn court , and the Theodore Thomas Chicago orchestra vili give a concert at I o'clock in the Autlitoriuni , These..conccrts are so tilled that those who wish to tb so may hear both. No charge Is made to either anti the opportunity thus affortlci to tire vcoplo to lIsten to music by the organiza- tiona which are conceded on nil hands to be the finest ot their kind In tins country will undoubtedly tiraw a large attendance. The programs to be presented by both organizations - ganizations wiii be of a varied nature , with the so-called srcreti music predomInating. Neither includes in Its repertory the claptrap - trap music which is manufactured by the yard to suit the alleged demand of "the masses. " but both render selections which charm the ear of the nian who "likes to hear music , " as well as the musIcian who enjoys tire concerts because of the benefit he derives - rives from hearing a high grade of music rendered by organizations capable of cx- ectiting it. according to the Ideas of the conrposer. Many of the numbers are of the so-called "popular" variety , but they are popular because of the refining influence they exert upon those who hear them. A treat is promised by the musical tie- partmcnt of the expositIon for Monday even- lag. Mrs. Stella Hathien-Alexander , an AmerIcan pianist who has achieved a considerable - siderable , reputation ( luring the short time she has been before the publIc as a per- former upon this instrument , will appear with the Thomas orchestra at the concert in the Auditorium Monday evening. Mrs. Alexander is a native of MichIgan and pursued - sued her preliminary musical studies at Oberlin , (0. ( ) college and at Boston , She has studied under the direction of many of the best American instructors , including W. II. Sherwood , whose playIng is well known arid appreciated in Omaha , and continued her studies in Berlin under Klindworth. 11cr repertory embraces the works of all of the well known composers. 11cr appearance in connection with the Thomas orchestra will afford a rich treat for the music lovers of this vicinity , MUSIC ON ' ' ' Ix1'osI'I'1o noinns. I'uIr SIze.t Crowds 'i'iirn Out ILILIl . . Listi to IJie Cojicerts , Last night there were people enough on the exposition grounds to give them a lively appearance and to do full justice to the excellence of the musIc. The concerts were begun slIghtly earlier than previously ant when the first strains of musIc floated across the grounds there were comparatively few people tp enjoy them. nut the stream of arrivals continued and an hour later boLh the banti and the orchestra were playing to very fair audiences. The band had come- thing the better of the argument for It was insufferably hot iii the Auditorium and hundreds of People who caine originally to hear the orchestra were driven out by the heat and sought the Grand Plaza , where they could hear the music in the open air. The music seemed to offer the principal attraction for a large proportion of the pco- PlO who seemed to prefer to sIt. quIetly and listen to time concerts to sightseeing around the grountis. The disposition to attend the exposItion in the evenIng Is growing and it Is expected tlmat it will soon become the popular thIng to sit on the cool bluff mu the evening and hear the nitisle. in addl- tlon to witnessing the beautIful spectacle presermteml by the grounds when they arc radiant with the gleam .jf innumerable electric lamps. The menace of another storm drove most of the visitors home as soon as the concerts - certs were over , but enough remained to make things fairly lively along the Midway until time gates were closed. In thi , lieu I iiis iii "hhng Corn. " The Douglas county agricultural exhibit Is developing new beauties every day , and those who have it in charge declare that it will be the irrost magnificent affair of the sort tlrnt has ever been constructed at any exposition. 4t niinrber of new anti very Pretty ideas have been utilized in the at- rangcmcnt of the staple materials which give the booth the appearance of a faIry palace. For Instance , the huge cornstalks and sheaves of grain are artistically twined with morning glory vInes whose multIcolored blossoms relieve the otherwise inartistIc ap- rearanco of the bundles. The workmen are now engaged in installing a huge statue of 'EKIng Corn , " whIch wIll be accompanied by the "Queen of Grasses , " Both of the figures are constructed of the materIals muon- tloned , and the work Is very artistically done. The exhibit eill be complete In a week , but parts of It will be constantly renewed as the season advances and new fruIts and products mature. iihiuitils Meet. There will be a meetIng of the eons and former resIdents of IllinoIs at tlio Commer. cml club Tuesday evening at S ociock. This meeting Is called for tire purpose of arrarr- lug for the entertainment of thu visitors en IllInois tiny at the exposItion. 'rime committee - tee appointed to outlIne a. program will ; n- port at tIns meeting. Ohm of the recoin- ruendatlons will ho an Informal banquet to be given in honor of tire guests , The governor - ernor of IllinoIs anti hIs stmrff and the IllInois Trarrsniississlppi commission will be bore. Governor Hoicomb anti other distinguished Nebraskans will be invited. Plates will be provitled for 200. The committee iraving the matter Iii charge Is mnado up of Euclid Mar- tin. Lucleim'ells , E. I3enedlct , 'IV. D. Mc- Hugh , W. hi. Tayior. No l'hsitt' ( ii I. l'ol It I'H. While it is supposed that any suggestions of a political nature are not admissIble as features of exposition exhibits tire man- agerrrent has not succeetleti in entirely eliminating this eleimment from the Nebraska state exhibIt In tire Agricultural building , it is Untiorstooti that in tire fira lilaco some of the friends of W , J , hiryan. wire were prornlnent'nmong those interested in tire ox- hihlt. wanted to insert the picture of the Nebraska colonel imr full uniform among the decorations. The suggestion was frowned tiown for obvious reasons anti a cnnrpronrisc tins now been effected by whicir a literal represemitatIon of tire famous "crown of thorns" hangs suspended from the dome of the pyramid which forms tire central lea- lure of tire exhibit , Tins is the subject of considerable unfavorable cornmeal from visitors , 'lmo contend that a pprllsan cia- blermr Is out of r'Iace ' at the exposition , lYhirgi 'is Ii et U ms to t.'rri tram iii. Frank W'iggins , secretary of tire Los Angeles - geles , Cal , , Cirarnber of Commerce shut superIntendent - Intendent of the Ino fruit exhibit from Los Angeles county. returns to California today. Tire exhIbIt wiii lxi left ii tire charge of Mr. and Mrs. C' . L'ilon , MrViison ( Continued on Fifth Page , ) PREPARiNG ' [ 0 FLEE Queen Regent of Bpnin Geth Ready for the Inevitable Omah. REMOVES HER VALUABLES TO A SAFE PLACE Likely to Follow Them Herself When the Crisis Oomes. hAS PLENTY OF MONEY FOR A RAINY DAY Saviiiga Invested in Poroi ecuritics Make Nice Nest Egg. SPAIN IN GREAT FINANCIAL STRAITS l'rlrIN Itistikers Deerhire to Ad's-auce % ceessar Miiie ( DC Carrying ou % 'aLr uhtiL the lJniteil States. ( Copyright , 1S9S , by Press PublishIng Co. ) . LONDON , June 4.-Now ( York World Ca- blegramn-Spcclnl Teiegram.-The ) report published hero today that the queen regent has been removing her valuables to a place of security beyond Spanish territory shows her belief in the Spanish slumbering volcano - cano which may break into revolutionary eruption at any moment. The queen regent , according to gossip in diplomatic quarters , has taken ample precautions against a rainy day , having for years invested - vested large sums in English , French and even American securities. I also hear on indIsputable authority that Don CarloS proposed - posed to make a large donation to the Spanish - ish national fund , but was dissuaded by his supporters In Spain , who represented to him the lmpolicy of stopping in to save the present regime from the impending financial crash. Injudicious talk about peace in a New York paper , accompanied by declarations equivalent to admitting that the American peOfle are already tiring of the war , has had its natural consequence in the preposterous - terous pretense of the Spanish ministerial organs. Spain will accept nothing short of a status quo ante , In diplomatic and ruIn- isterial circles here , where the utter insecurity - curity of the Spanislm position , both political anti financial , is thoroughly understood. these officious suggestions about peace from the American side are regarded with aston- ishment. Speaking today at a club specially favored by dlplornntists a former foreign ambassador to Matirid said "Such is the impressionable and mercurial - rial temperament of the Spaniards that these gratuItous peace overtures from the Amen- can press , whether backed by public opInion - ion or purely individual , may well enable the war party in Spain to get iimternally the money they sorely , need to prolong the war. " SaIIL Iii Ftiritnehatl Straits. MADRID. June 4.-New ( York 'World Cablegram-SpecIal Telegram.-The ) loan prospects of SpaIn are not promising. I'anis bankers absolutely refuse to entertain a proposal unless Spain gives a guarantee on the tobacco monopoly , revenue anti law. to guarantee all extensions , concessions anti other privileges demanded by the principal SpanIsh railway lines. of which most shsre hoitiers , bondholders amid directors are French. German , Swiss anti Belgian bankers have been sounded and decline to undertake to float any loan until the war is over and they can appreciate the financial and polit- icai consequences for Spain. Leading foreign - eign and Spanish bankers In Madrlti , Dance- lana and Bhiboa do ot believe It possible to float a large loan for Spain , as all capitalists are profoundly alarmed for a heavy fall of funds and securities of every kind. The mirmister of finance consequently has had to rise the authorizations voted by the Cortes last week to issue 2O0O00OOO 'mm- inal perpetual 4 per cents to be used to guarantee about $65,000,000. The Bank of Spain is tliSloSei to advance on the guaranty - anty stock being deposited in its hands on the understanding that the government will keep up a margin of 12 poInts between alit- cml quotations on Interior stock on time MadrId - rId bourse and stock to be given in ledgc when this money is spent. Tire mmn'ster. it Is stated , will insIst upon the ( olrreco mimommopoly company advancing one whole year's rent-l9.O0OOOO-aotl if all this is insumcient. then he will try in succession a native and foreign loan. Anyhow , with the two above operations to its credit , Spain gets $84,000,000 , barely enough to cover four months' war expentlitures. The monetary sItuation is not brilliant. Financial papers very bravely advocate honorable peace to avert graver financial consequences of a prolonged war. \\'hen Sagasta's legal councilors for the crown decided tlmey could not send Castelar before a court-nmartinl because no Spanish law permitteti prosecution for arti.ies pub- lisheti outsitie of Spanish terrItory , great displeasure was caused the court , ' who accused - cused tire liberals of being the authiors of existing legislation. Republicans are umma- Imous and intend to give Castelar wherm lie returns to Mamlnid an enthusiastic reception. Marry Spanish politicians , especially cmscr- vatives , would welcome the idea of immaking peace even by recognition of Cuban lurk- pentience If time united States respect their nights fir Porto Rico anti tire Philippines and don't ask too heavy an indemnity. They believe the European powers would back the queen regent and her ministers in efforts to overrule tire resistance of the Spanish popular war party. Sr.'s'rmi i'serter lle-iirilists , CHICAGO , Juno 4.-\Viren the Fourth tie. tachiment of IllInois naval recruits receive tire order to move to the Input next Wednesday - day one of the men to respond and fall in line will be C. E. Rook , a deserter. Rook lisa traveled all the way from Colorado in lresent lrlnmcelt to tire proper authorities and receive the ptmnlsiiment due liar. Owing to the fact tirat he deserted in tire time of pence , anti aiso in consitieratioa of his patriotic action in returning , tire Navy department Is inclined to deal leniently with him , lie has seen the opportunity to re- tleonm iris standing by serving continually to July 18 , lPOi , at wtmtcii time tire mark of deserter will be removed from his name. Liuti ( 'onfiienie In ( lie Ceimi eiiisiiil , SAN FRANCISCO. June 4-The charter. lag of the steamer Centennial to carry troops anti aupplteS to the I'hilippInes has created sonreahat of a sensation in busiuess circles , The Centennial was built thIrty- nine years ago , anti one afternoon paper says that it has been contiemucti by the Japarreso government , and was eolti to a Puget Sound syndicate ( or i5,000 , and tirat tire syndicate baa chartered i to the United States government - ernment for * 500 a day , Tire vessel is Hot rated by Lloyds and is not named in marine records. C ha NUt VirjJa ( i.e F'igiit , ST. h'ETERSIIURO , June 4.-The Novoc Vrcmnya says that the symupatiry of the piost of Europe is undoubtedly witir Spain in the present conflict with the Uniteti States , but tirero is no denying the fact that its posi- lion is almost hopeless , Continuing , the Novoo Viemyn , say "Afcr all , Cuba is hot worth Siains exhauatkig its resources to retain it. " HOBSON HERO'OFTHE HOUR IIrnc Conitinniiernf tle Collier Mcr- rIiriitc is'chi 1CIuin Na's-ni Circles nt 'Washington. WAShINGTON. June 4.-Naval Construe- tot hlobson , whose name ii on every lip in Washington tonight , is. well known at the Navy department , as ho served In tire Ilurenu of Constructloq for several years. Ills associates considered hIm as combining great ability as a student with the eccen- tnicity accompanying genius. It was remarked by one of the chief oh- dais of the department that hlobson was a muon who held naval regulations concerning matters of form in contempt and was ob. ilvious to omclril ruio These daredevil characteristics wore offset , however , by his recognized ability in all branches of naval science , particularly naval architecture , Although the youngest man in his class at the naval academy , he"graduatemi at tire head of the class , a signal honor at the acattcmy , which led to his being sent by time government for a course in the naval sciroois of Europe. hero ho gained new honors. On returning to this country he served with the department and also saw sea service , and about a year ago became iastntrctor in naval architecture at the naval academy at Annapolis. When the war broke out ho asked for active service anti at the same time insisted - sisted on taking the three naval cadets of his class with hini in ordqr that they might gain the advantage of practical experience on shipboard during the war , As a result he arid his three cadets were assigned for service on Admiral Sanmpso&s flagship. It was the prevailing expression at tb tic. partment tonight that ilobson was just the character to take the lend in such a hiazartious feat as that of sinking the Met- rimac. It is presumed that Admiral Sampson - son chose him from among many volunteers , owing to time fact that his expert knowledge of naval construction would permit him to sink the Mernimnac In such a position as to prove most effective In blockading the channel. From naval sources a full sketch of Con- strrictor Hobson was secured , as follows : Richmond h'eason liobson , horn August 17 , 1S70 , at Greensboro , 11011 ounty , Alabama , where he also graduated from the Southern university at the head of his class , ap- iOlflted to naval acadomrry on competitive examination in May , 1SS , and although the youngest man of the clnsagraduated at its head La 1S89. Ills first cruise was in. 'the squadron of evolution on the flagship Clricago with Ad- aural Walker in the Mediterranean. Later he made a cruise to l3razih1 when the flag of time new Brazilian republic was recog- nizeI. ( He was ordered to a spectal.course abroad , spermding one year at the. NaUonal School of Mines at I'anls and two years at the School of Maritime Science in Paris. The stmmmner vacation was spent in time French yards. He receiveti diplomas in time French school for construction anti design of hulls. lie spent some time in the English i.hip yards. He was assigned to tiuy at time Navy do. ' partment in 18114 , in the otilce of naval in- teiiigcnce en time bureau , ofonstruction and repair. While on this dut-'he wrote a report - port on iris observations abroad , also a to- Port Ofl disappearing guns afloat , which was discussed by naval experts on both sides of the water. ' In 1895 he was on dmty at the New York navy yard as assistant to the naval con- structor. Later ire joined Admiral Dunce on the flagship New York. April 27 , last , he was assignerl to duty as constructor for the fleet at Key West. Constructor Hobsorm is a great nephmemv of Governor Jolmn Monehieari of North. Carolina. Ills father was a well known lawyer and judge of that state. On time maternal line ho is a grandson of Chief Justice I'earson of North Carolina , antI a nephew of Repro- senative Pearson of orth Carolina. lie is a great grandson of former Senator Wii- 11am of Tennessee. WILL HASTEN THE EXCHANGE Nit's-i' 1)epnrl Iiit.IP.eN ' ' No 'Uiiiie iii 'I'iiiIiiti Stetis (0 Secure Itelelise of Slit' 3ierrinirntr Crev. WASHINGTON , - : ; ; . 4.-From early morning , when tire first newspaper appearctl on time street containing tire brief statement - ment of thr sinking of the Merrimac in Santiago harbor , time officials of the Navy department awaited with intense interest olilcial confirmation and explanation from Atiniltul Sampson , In the afternoon the story caine , lacking in detail , it is true , but giving in rough outlines a sketch of American heroism tlfnt will live through generations to come. There is no dcubt that the name hiobson is destined to be bracketed with that et Cushlng among Amerf5a's naval heroes , anti indeed it was the' opinion of a majority of officers who scanned tbe accoumrt of the sinking of the Merrimnac that the exploit surpassed in brilliancy , anti as an exhibi- tlon of cool daring , even Coaling's famous attack upon time Albemnanle. Reward , sure and adetluate , Is awaiting these American heroeri , and Acting Scene- tary Allen hums so pledgeml himself after consultation - sultation witim Secretary Long , who is still confirmed to his room by a lame leg , Metiais anti irromotion are tire least 'they can expect at the hands of a grateful people. Moreover , they wili not languisim long in a Spanish prison , if the authorities irene can bring aboirt their release , for in half an hour after Sampsons bulletin was displayed on the wails of the Navydepantmcnt Colonel Carter , assistant adjutant. general , had taken the preliminary steps toarrnnge for an cx- change of prisoners , and vaa learning just how many Spanish ofllcors arid enlisted men were still held in captivlty'nt Fort McPherson - son , Ga. , where they had been taken from tire prizes captured by thdAmerican naval vessels , I In addition to these tM 2ravy has just turned over to the military' authorities at Fort Monroe for safe keping another Spanish - ish oiitcer , supposed to be of high rank , hint who has so far managed ta.conceal his idea- thy. The officials aFe coqfldent they have more than enough Spanlshtohcers to offer as ransom for tire on's American ollicer , and seven enlisted men heti by-Cervern , The officers , one anti all , took pate of the generous recogn'ltiqn by time Spanish admiral of the bravery o the Americans , anti his kindly treatment of the prisoners , and it can he guaranteed that the muimnirai's lines viii tall in pleasant places as any captive has a right to expect , should be be overcome in the end and forced to surrender to Sampson. . The naval situation. is believed to be en- tlreIy satisfactory , Notwiilmstamrding tire Spanish reports of tire clearlpg away of time Iderrirnac , it is not behleveti for an in- atant that Sampca will sutimit to losing tins so dearly purchased advaatage , and he can be relied upon to preveat the m'e- moval of the obstruction , With the Spanish fleet caged inside the hrrbor , there to remain - main until they are starved out or surrender - render , Sampson will be able to detach maost of his Powerful squadron for service elsewhere. This means , according to corn- mon belief , immediate attack upon Sari Juan. EiCiiT ARE hEROES Members of American Navy Show an Entire Absence of rr , TAKE TIlE MERRIMAC INTO JAWS OF DEATU Admiral Sampson Gables Account of the Daring Incident. ONLY TWO OF TUE CREW ARE INJURED Their Bravery is Fully Appreciated by Enemy's Officers. PROMPTLY OFFER TO MAKE EXCHANGE Ailiniral Ce'scrn is Sitlil to have l'er- sunnily RescuerS tue hirave Fel- lo'si's After ( lie \'esset unit Gone fount. ( Copyright , lIPS , by Associated Press. ) MOLE ST. NICOLS , ilaytl , Juno 4.- ( With the American fleet , oft Santiago do Cuba.-All ) the members of the Mernimac expedition arc safe , Only two of theirm wore slightly injured , arid their nanmes are not known , Lieutenant hiobsan was not hurt. All of the Merrirmiac's men are held as prisoners of war. The news of the wonderful escape was seirt to Rear Admiral Cersera , tire Spanish admiral - miral , who was so struck with the courage of the Merrimac's crew that lie thought Ml mimI Sampson sirouid know that they had not lost their lives. Admiral Cervera's chief of staff , Captain Oviedo , loartied the New York antler a flag of truce , bearing tue armnoummcemnent of the safety of the Merrirnac's mcmi , and returneti with a supply of provisions and money for the pnisormers , The men who accompanied Lieutenant Hobson on the Merrlniae were : Daniel Momi- tague , George Charette , J. Ii. Murphy , Oscar Doignan , John P. Piriliips anti 301mm Kelly , all non-commissioned cheers or enhisteti area. area.The The daring officer attempted to rita in after dayiiglmt on Thursday , and was only stopped under protest after stern orders to return from the admiral , All day yestertlay the preparations proceeded - ceeded , anti by nightfall the craft was in rcadimicss. A row of torpedoes imati been nr- ranged outside time hull , so timat Lieutenant hiobson could explotle them from tire bridge of the vessel and thus insure its rapid sink- lag. lag.At At nightfall the various ships of the fleet passed the doomed Mernimnae , cheering IL lustily. Hundreds of men and scores of officers volunteered for tire duty , and Cap- tam Merrill , who has been commander of the Merm'imnnc , begged of the commander to be allowed to go , but Lieutenant liobson wanted only six amen. By 10 o'clock all but the men who were going on the dangerous errand hind been talcon'from the Merrtrnac , and - the collier took a imsition nartr the New York , to await the approaching hour. It' was an impressive night among the amen of the fleet , for few expected that the members of the little crew' would see another smnmmrlse. The nIght was cloudy , with fitful lightning flashing between the hostile lines , and showing the grim shadows of time battlements. Soon after 3 o'clock the black hull of time Merrinmac began to drift slowly toward the land , and in a iralf hour was lost to sight. It was Lieutenant Hobson's Plan to steam past Monte , swinging crosswise the cirarruel , drop his anchors , open the valves. cx- p10db the torpedoes on the port side , leap overboard , rireceded by his crew , anti make their escape In a little lifeboat which was towed astern , if possible , anti if not , to attempt to swim ashore. All the men were heavily armed , ready to make a fierce resIstance to capture. St.r in letnii. Lieutenant hiobson appears to have car- tied out his plan to tire smallest detail , cx- cept as regards the method of escape. Time , 'nhnrt in whh1i ( hi' w.'rn to nttemnt to escape was either blown up or shot to pieces , for Lieutenant Hobson and iris men dnifteti ashore on an olmi catamaran whelm was slung over the ship's sitle at. time last moment as an extra precaution , Upon reaching shore the men were taken prisoners anti sent to Santiago city under guard. Later they were taken to Morro castle , wirero they arc now. Captain Oveitlo , Admiral Ccrvera's cirlef of staff , who boardeti the New York under a flag of truce. did not give further details of the captimro. Tire bravery of the Americans evidently excitc.1 as much admiration among time Spaniards as it did among the men of the American fleet. The prisoners will lie perfectly safe , and will probably be weli treated while they remain - main In Morro castle. 'fire fleet Is wiltl with delight tonight over time termination of time most daring expedition - tion sInce the destruction of time confederate ironclati Albemarie by Lieutenant Cushing in 1864. The atimnirai is just as glad as tire youngest Jackie. Ciausen , time New York's coxswain , went on the Merrimac against orders. Nothing could have kept imiui from that trip into the Jaws of death , It is possible that the Spaniards will try to blow up the Merrimac , but iniprobabie that they will succeed , Speculation is 'rife as to time exact detaIls of how Lieutenant Hobson managed to blow himself and sin ; ) up anti live to tell time tale. At quarters last night on tire Now York Ciraplain Royce , praying before time bare- imeatied crow on deck , thanked God for law. ing preserveti Lieutenant liaIson and tire me , , , . , , , lnr hlnn . Cadet I'oi's'l l's Story. Cadet Powell , who was tire last man to see Licutemrant Ilobson before iris start , mmml who had charge of time launch during its perilous trip , after much needed sleep told the story of imiB experience , lie saiti : "Lieutenant Hohison took a short sleep for a few imours. which was often interrupted. At 1:45 : ire caine on deck and made final inspection , giving his last instructions , Then we bird a iittie lunch , hiotson was as cool as a cucumber , About 2:30,1 : took the men who were going on time trip in the launch. arid started for the Texas , time nearest strip. but bad to go back for one of tb assistant engineers. whom hiobson finally compelled to leave. "I shook hands whir Ilobson the last of all , anti be said : 'l'oweli , watch the boat' crew when we pull out of the irarbor. We uvill be cracks , rowing tirirty strokes to tue mirmute , ' After leaving the Texas I saw the Merri. mac steaming slowly in. It was only fairly dark then , and tire shore was quite visible , We followed about three-quarters of a mIle astern. The MerrIrnac stood about a rails to time westward of the barber , and seemed a bit mixed. turning completely around , Finally headIng to the east it ran down anti then turned in , We were then chasing him THE BEE BULLETIN. Weather Forecast tar Nebraska- Showers : Cooler ; North Windft. I'nge , t I"mrti hn of ( lie li'ensitlnn , ( Ltteu hiegent L'reinrcs to P1cc. II erolsin of A nierienir , , at Snut Ingu % 'nr Slums in Aetluni .gniir , 2 Senate h'nsiucs ( lie Iteveirnte 11111. ire' lttiiu.rs of linter ; eat mist. it Nebrnskn News. Ii rs'nsr Gets Ills Conitint tssiuii. Sliniiisit Ohilccr's flhinnsii 'Ie'sv. .1 Lnst ' . % 'eek iii ( ) nitiin Sniciety. r. ( hscrIinl.Ii ( ' 5 Pini. Iihi 11,11. Nrrrscr'isiet Meet 'i'm is Vcek , Crooks Ijielltl fr , , . , , . 1u.iusit miii. n Connie I I ltiuffs Inessl Mn ( ters. In'ss'n Neua's nitit C.nt. . . - ' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . I. Onirnitit Viits AuntS Ileelit't Is held f Affinirs nit South 4' n. 14 htiiiit lnmiihneIi , . of Visitors. 10 "Aulics of hisii.ii' $ ' i 1 ttiiiiihl miii mr tiii ( 'I'rnnle , (1IlI inierelni niul , , teIrl Neuvs. I 2 ll i'nrlni istirl Cnnh"ji ir : ! ! errIsiii nit 3lerrt's Cre'sr , l't-epnrntiurs for a PIglid , EeIrsn's of lInt' Aue-Iluoni , 1.t I it I I.t ' . 'urld of A stiirsciticnt. 10 lu ( lii' Miirltets of hiniim , 17 Lightlnrir the City hall. is lit ( lie hluinitini of " .Vomnnir. Itl Scr's'let Urtiformir , , for Soldlerr. ( ) Ncu' Naval i'lxtierl inert Is , hiou to Ssnet'eed In t'ollties. 21 Careers of hlnliuvriy Tralniriemi. Vle'svs ( if Estrurhrt I'riinns. 22 Si.rthrg IiesIe'sv nit tine Veek. ' 'itlt tire Vhee1s turd "tVlteeluieii. Ii's A i'iii hugs , l'mtritd lse of tue Citrliheztu. 'I'emit nierature at Oirrahii i hour leg. hour Di'I.t. a n , Iii . . . . . . u-i i r' . in . . . . . . 74 Ii a. iii , , . . . , ( I I i ii. ' iii . . . . . . 70 7 n. lit . . . . . . U I 8 in. in . . . . . . 77 8 a. iii . . . . . . iii i p. iii . . . . . . p , JI . . . . . . ( Pt 5 ii. in . . . . . . 7 $ 1(1 ( a. l's . . . . . . (1 ( 6 p. its . . . . . . 77 I I ii. mit . . . . . . 51 $ 7 m' . in . . . . . . 12 in. . . . . . . . . because I thought Ilobson had lost his bear. irigs. " \\'hen hiobson was about 200 yartls from time harbor the first gun vmns fired from time eastern bluff. We vero then iral ! mm mile off shore , close untler tire batteries. Tire flnlmmg iricrcasetl rapidly , \\'o steamed 1mm slowly and lost sight of tire Merninmac in time snioke which the wind carried off the shore. It hung heavily. "Before Hobson could have blown up time Merrinmac time \vestern battery picked uim and coramnenceti firIng. They simot wild , anti we only heard time shots. We mu in still closer to the shore. and tire gourmets lost sight of us. We heard the explosion of time tor- hedoCS Oil tue Merninuac. "Until dayliglrt we waited just outside the breakers , hmmiif a mile to the westward of Morro , keeping a bright lookout for the boat or swimnniers , but saw rrathing. "falcon Intl arranged to meet us at that point , but tlrirmkirmg thmat someone might have drifted out , we crossed in front of Morro and the mouth of the harbor to the eastward. "About 5 o'clock we crossed tire harbor again within a quarter of a mIle. and stood to time westt'ard. In passing we saw one spar of tire Mernimuac sticking out of tine water. We hugged the shore just outsIde of the breakers for ti mile and then turned toward time Texas , when the batteries saw u and opened fire. "It s'aa then broad daylight. The first shot fired dropped eighty yards astern , but the other shots went s'ilder. I drove time launch for all it was worth , finally ranking the New York. The maca behaved spleri- illcily. ' ' \'ASlIINGTON , Juno 4.-Time Navy do- partmnent has posted the following bulletin : MOLE ST. NICOLAS. June 4.-Succeeded in sinking Mernimnac in time cimaurici of Sarr- tiago at 4 a. m. June 3. This was carried out mimost gallantly under the command of Navah Constructor hlobson and seven men. By a flag of truce from the Spanish aml- mniral , Corvera , sent in recognition of their bravery. I am informed all are imnisoners of rnr , two siightly wounded , Request author. ity to aiiprovt exchange if possible between these amid prisoners at Atlanta. Six of tire Spanish squatiron in the Imarbor of Santiago , unabio to avoid beimmg captured or destroyed. SAMPSON. Sst'se.t i , . Cerverrn , MADRID , Juno 4.--4 p. mu-Great on- thusiasmn prevails in this city over time Spanish reports of the SpanIsh victory at Santiago , Senior Sagasta and CaptaIn Aunon , on leaving - ing the palace , after informing time queen regent of tb affair , told the representatives - tives of the newspapers that the object of tire Americans was not to force hut to block the entrance of tire channel. Admiral Cer- vera , they alleged , was aware of tire In- tentlons of tire Americans and ordered part of his squadron outside to defend the en- trance. The ofilcial dIspatch from Santiago also said that when ( ha Merninmac sunk , Atimniral Cervern , who was on board a Spanish war ship nearby , entered a emnali boat and "personally saved the survivors , who were swimming in time water. " The people of Madrid consider Santiago impregnabio , basing their belief on the fact that the defenses of that place were con- sttucted by the celebrated artillery expert , Ordonez. MADRID , June 4.-2 p. m.-Tlro mninister of marine. Captain Aunon , went to tire palace - ace at noorr today ann read to the queen regent arm official dlsmateb on time subject of tire recent fight at Sarrtiago de Cuba , time U.xt of which is as follows ; "At i o'clock arm Friday mnoriirmg 0mm of the enemy's large cruisers anti imp auxiliary cruiser attempted to force an entrance into the harbor of Santinmo tie Cuba , They surprised tine scouts guardIng tire entrance , but tire artillery of Fort erro , the gurm' of the cruiser Reinri Merced"s , a battery In tlro La Socapa fort , a l''ede boat 'Ic- stroyer.anrd a torpedo boat opened fire cmi tire enemy , "Time American cruiser , thmci Merrimar , was surrk by our vessels anti torpedoes , anti $1 $ , ' large American cruiser was rejmidst'd at lh' entrance to time channel , "Time Reina Mercedes capturel one 1eu. tenant anti seven nailors of t're "iorn Isaac. The ( ate of tire rest of the crew Is not known. " Time ofilcinil tiispatclr adds that twenty Annericaii rtiriiIs are now before Santiago do Cuba. The qtreen regent , it is announced here , has ordered that a message of congratuha- tlon be sent to SantIago do Cuba , 'nmsinIerhlht No Plot ten' , ( Copyright , 1t93 , by I'ress l'ubiirrirlng Co. ) LONDON , Juno 4-Ncw ( York World Ca- blegrarn-Speclal Tciegranm-I ) irear tirat Corneliurr"'arnierbilt's conditlonshows no ml- provememit , tlrough Europe's inmost noted ape- cialists ima'e been consulteti anti every resource - source of medical science tried to cormibat his afflictIon , He is able to get about for short dtstamrces with the aid of two sticks anrtl au attenidairt Is always at hand in us. gist him , lie suffers greatly from depres- s'on ' over liirs physical imelplessness , but friends say ire never conmploinmr , Vhilo iii i'aria ho is undergoing a newly discovered massage treatment daily , but so far without success' WTORI [ OFTl \ \ ShIPS Rumors of Fighting at Santiago Keep Pouring In. SPANISH FLEET IS REPORTED DESTROYED Ship Sunk in the Channel Was to Block Cervora's Exit. SPANISH USE DYNAMITE ON OLD hULK Dons Consider the Exploit of the Americans an Audacious One. MADRID GIVES IT OUT AS GREAT VICTORY liIitIster ( if Marine SnN It W'nis n Auxiliary Cruiser , tutu .t Iter ( ito "lIsnster" tine .tmiierierti Fleet htetirel. ( Copyright , lIPS , by Associated Press. ) CAPE I1AYTiEN , liaytl , June 4-i1IO : a. mn.-Firirrg was resumed by tire Annerican squadron off Santiago tIe Cuba at iOO ; Fni- day night. Details are lacking. it is reported at Santiago that three war blips mayo hiceni ttr'tachetl from the /rnnmeni- cars fleet to convoy a fresh supply of - tiorms and arms to the Cuban coast. CAPE IIAYTIEN , ilnyti , June 4.-7:45 : a , rtm.-A report , whichr cannot be venifietl , is current here tins morning to tire effect that time American fleet , oft Santiago do Ctrba , destroyed the Spanish fleet at timat place yesterday , but no direct news from there has yet been received. Tine accounts of tire defeat of the Dornins- ican revolutiommists at Monte Cristo , reirub- lie of Santo 1)ornirngo , are imcraistcnmtil doubted here. 9:20 : a , nm.-inrfornmation received hero iii- rect from Sanmtiago tie Cuba conflrnrrs the reimorts that tire bommnbartlrnenrt began at 3 o'clock in tile morninig. 12:43 : p. m.-Dispatclrcs received here arty it is reported in Sanntinrgo tie Cuba that Uniteti States troops have been debarked at l'trnta Cardcnrt. The thispateir atidrr throne was heavy carmmnonailing yesterday aftenrmoon at Sanrllngo tic Cuba arid that extraortlimrary conuniotion prevaIled at that Piace. All the Spanish troops , it is saId , were corn- cenrtratcd at the fortiflcntlonms in time sub- urba anti it was understood anioimg the non-combatants that the Insurgents and Ammienican forces were cnakiimg a grand attack - tack aim the inrrdward side. In the evening , time llspntcimes go on to Sn ) ' , at a distance of about eight miles off tile coast , twenty Ammmericanm war ships , five of whIch were cruisers , couirl be seen , It was believed 1mm Santiago do Cuba tlnat th1 was the united ficct of Rear Adnilral Sampson - son nnd Comnnrodore Schley. Tire steamer virichr was blown up at the entrance of the harbor o Santiago was the Mernimac , a former cdliicr of 4,000 loins. It. is now unitierstood that this vesseh was sent fri for tlne inrrirose of sinmkinrg It and thereby hilling time channel so that tine Span. ish war ships could not leave the port in the event of AdmIral Canaan-u's fleet arriving - ing off the Cuban coast. ' itt'trt ( 'oiitlrntetl. PORT AU PRINCE , June 4.-S:30 : a , m.- 1urtirer news received here fronr Santiago do'Ctnba confirms tire reports that tire loin- bartlmuenmt of that place began at 3 o'clock yesterday mnerning. After the action tine Spaniartis biow up vlthn tlynanniite the suukert American collier Merriumne and have sltrce been at work clearing time channel so 4 as to , In all probability , permit Admiral Cervera's fleet to hut otrt to sea sirouid the CarDs squadron , under Admiral Camara , ar- 4 nrc in Cuban waters to relIeve time blockaded - aded shiii'is. In the meanwhIle tine dim- patcincs from Santiago tic Cuba say the Spaniards may tnibrite to time audacity of the Amniericans un so cleverly attempting to block the channel. According to tine Spaniards , it would be foolishness upon time part of the Airmericans to attempt to force the harbor entrance , wlnich is tiescribetl as being long and narrow - row and thmoroughmly mined , seenninngiy forming - ing an Insurmountable harrier. There are a great nunmber of insurgeirts in tlno vicinIty of Santiago , pobably waitinng for sonic dcci- sivo actionr upoir tire print of the AmnnerIcaa fleet , which i'1il urnrlnmnbtetily be tine signal for a laud attack upon time town. MADRID , Julio 1.-Timo version of tb sinking of the Merrinniac wInch has rencined the mijmister of marine Irene , Captain Aunonm , from Santiago , is as follows : "A Spanish vessel in front of Santiago lras sunk an American auxiliary cruiser. Ahi tire mem- berm of time latter mayo been imprisoned. Tine rest of the ermemmmy's squadron innine. diately retired , " It is officially announced hero that the Spanlsb govornmeint inns received further disimmitclrea regarding the alleged victory of time Spammlartis at Sanmtlago do Cuba , but that they wili not lie vublishetl mnirtil they have been comnnimuimicated to the queen regent , In tire meanwinilo tire report Inas been circulated that tine Spanriards mayo capturetl "nurner- ous Anrrenicana. " itt .IOlL 1ihLtUit1'.tLX itSSASSINA'1'ID. Cintrininatitna of 'I'roiilplt's I it hteirirbiin ( If i'ri rib ii , , , . , I iiwu , ( Comyniglrt , 1Sh8 , by the Associated Press. ) CAI'fl IJAYTIEN , Ilayti , June 4-It is rumored here tirat Preslnient hicaureaux of Sari Domingo inas been assassInated , The son of Senior Jinmlrnez , tire wcaltimy macreliant wlmo took Part iii the rcvolutioa In Santo Iorningo , is stilt without news train the revolutionists as to 'tire result of tire attempt - tempt to overthrow President Ileaurcaux , but Ire is disposed to believe tire worst. lie ascribes lime assImlioseti defeat of tire revolutionists to Inch : of op-ortmnnity to land tire arms amid ammunition from tire Fanita at Monte Cirr-lsto ; to tire failure to seize Senor Grillete , tire governor of time province , winch was piarrnretl , amid to tine death at time first fire of tine two foremost military lead- era , Generals Morales mmd Ilacs , But young Jimines still hopes that a land- lag may irave beenn inane elsewhere , anrd that the telegranmi train President ifeaurcaux yesterday - terday irirry mayo beemr sent expressly to tile. courage snore Ionnlmricans bore from joining in the rnovemmcmit , lienniquc Castiilo , a lnephew of President hleatmicaux , told me that tire revolt had been absolutely suppressed ; that many arrests have been made irr time provInces and tirat. several lmrIsormera lrrrvo been shot since yesterday - terday , Presidvrit ilerurreaux arnivemi at I'onto PlaIns last nigirl , anti he is expected at Monte ChrIsto tonrigirt , SiI'iiiir.t ) fur Spriiiisii ieeniriticu , LONDON , Jirnro 4-Among tire various causes aecnilieti to the firmness of Spanish tours is that tlney are supported by an inn- portant corimiiirmation of strong finaticirri houses in Engluoni nmnd Prarnee , They cloee today at a uct gain of 5-8.