Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 04, 1898, Page 8, Image 8

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: TIlE OfA1A DAUAY flflSATVlDiY , , TITNE 4,1808. . I
Dolcgata Conclude Their Bniness an Get
' Ready for Departure.
AILtC,1 npiil 'Irli , . . to ( uII Ix-
tctINRe 1enl I'litIitN Taikcis
1)irlii& the Iny.
As soon n the Trtvc1era Protective a -
ocIatOfl ot together at the Millard hot.I .
yCtet(1fly the committee on resoluttons
rcportc(1 through Chairman IeflBOfl and Soc.
rotary flush. Most of thorn were repotutlons
of thanks to nil wo hail been connected tn
any way with showIng the delegates the
hoMpitnhlty of Omaha , but among the others
Wfl8 one Rtnn.ltng by the government In
the wnr wIth SptIii. one favuttIi8 thu nut- !
.ca1pcrs' WI ! aii.I oiw nktn the irliroads
for concessions In Lb Item of c x.css bag-
gage. All were , . .tcit 'tthoUt change.
Foltowing wits the 1's' '
Itesotvei , That the thnnk of the convention -
tion be extended to the honorable mayor
and counciL of ( be cIty or Omaha for the
lclti.I . welcome they cteni1ed us ; to the cniii-
nitttea on arrangement und to Mcsrs , It. 1.
Itodgin and M.'UIIt , the cllcIent ! anil zen-
ous workers who dtI all tu theIr vower to
make our May picalutut , and nso to the
efficient chuirmun on opening day1 Mr. 0. C.
1ohnei ! ; to MeHdnnleR It. F' . Ilodgtn , F. S.
Streoter , M. flaky , 1) . F. EllIott , Mrs. P.
flrnnch am ! othorR of the atltes coniniltteo
who so knhuy ) took chnrgo and looked after
the comfort , wcfnro ! nnd Plensrc of the
women who nccoinpitnle.t us ; to the prc.s . of
thu city of Omaha , Special thanks are
hereby tdnderc(1 to The Omaha flee , which
in reporting no-
00 kIndly took great pains
ciiratciy the ) roceec1ing of the convention
and devoted liberal space in both its cdi-
tions ; to the meinbeis of the Transinissis-
c nnI 'Fravdin. ! Me118 club for their hospi-
tnllty and atteiition extended us during our
stay In the city of Omaha ; to the Iloarti of
Trade of the city of Omaha ; to tim executive
committee of the Trun3mississiplI Exposition -
tion for courtesies extended to the members
and fiietuls of the Traveiers Protcctiv As-
soclation of America , to his royal highness ,
King Ak-Sar-IJen IV , and his royal house-
hOlt for theirs splentlid entertainment , and
further thanks be extended to them on ha-
half of the candidates that passed through
the terrible ordeal of Initiation utiscathed ;
to the v1ioieale inanIfnctIre13. Jobbers , retail -
tail merchants. hotels anil the citizens of
the city of Omaha for the kindly interest
siovn , us by decorating their business
houses and residences in our colors.
Missouri division and Kentucky division
offer the following resolution :
1'hnt they hereby extenti their heartfelt
thanks to the \Vaha.sli railroad for the hue
equipment of train ; also for the excellent
Service and courtesies exteuide us by their
representative who accompunioI the party
from St. Louis. Mr. Frank Berg.
t'piutei iiliij. 1ee..M JIuuggiije.
A resolution concerning excess baggage
offered by W. A. Ryan was :
Vhcreas , There has not been any conces-
. Sian made by the rai1was : in the nlatter of
excess baggage and tile same Prices and
scaie of ijriees obtain now that Prvnhlc.l
tcuity years ago ; and
Whereas , The charge now made for ( xecs5
lnggage is made burdensome and optres'.v'
tipuui that ClUBS of trade and trLveiiuIg ui'I1
vIic are coinpelied to carry large lines of
it5OiVCi. That the chairman of th. railroad -
road committee be. and lie is hereby in-
striated to inaugural e and pursue meulnires
loslng tt relief froiui sai.l charges for cx-
Ce3 baggage , to the end that the may
ho rcduced niul made less burdensome to the
traveling inca urn ! the houses they rep
J Resolved , That In our belief a reduction
fronu the lrcsent scale of 12 per cent of a
first-class fare to a scale based upon 10 per
cent of a first-class fare by the railroads as
charges for excess baggage , the same being
a 20 per cent TCdUCti0r of scale WoUld operate -
ate to remove the burdensome charge of
which we complain.
itesolveul. by the Travelcrs Protective As-
soclation of America , in convention as-
selubled at Omaha. That congress be. and
Hereby is , rcspectfuiiy requested to enact
house 1)111 No. 7180. commonly knowui as the
nuitI-icaiptrs' bill.
13e It resolved , by the Travelers' Protect-
lye Association of America in convention as-
50011)10(1. That in the ( loath of James T.
lrummond of St. Louis , which has occurred
' lnce our last national convention , our as-
; sedation has lost a friend who iroved his
loyalty am ! friendship when our association
flCClel a frlvud , and that. we deeply regret
the loss of a manufacturer nial luau who so
frequently showed that his sympathies were
with commercial travelers as a class , and ,
in fact , with all ninukind , flu it further
Besolved , That these resolutions be spread
upon the minutes of this asuociution , to be
made a hart of this convention.
luI,1V'N I'rt'Pli.'iI t 11'lCl tuley.
The oim on the war had beeui introduced
by It. I. . Siunons of Colorado. it reati :
Resolved , That the 'F. P. A. of America In
convention nssenbled heartily gives Its supPort -
Port to the government in thought and deed
in the matter of the present war with
Spain ,
Fluiniiy one from Aloy Jacobs of Denver ,
Coia. , was adopted that the convention
honor Joseph Walierstein of Richmond , Va. ,
tIm outgoing president , by electing bloc a
life delegate to the Travelers Protective as-
Innnelintcly after the convention acted on
them , II. L. Benson , ojie of thu Texas dde-
gates , arose and said he had something for
the "good of the order. " But what he did
say seemed to stir up a little storm ,
his remaris were In relation to the
triumph of President-elect Dutlin the day
Previous over the retiring president , Mr.
Wullerstein , lie accused the four central
states of Illinois , Indiana , .1lssouri . and
Kentucky with trying to run the Travelers'
Protective associatIon , and charge(1 them
with having effected n ' 'combination"
against tIm outside stateB lii a 'eold blooded
. ' ' ' 'if this Is continue ' '
nianner. to , said he ,
"youu who rqpresont these four stites : uiuight
just as well flx up all your business vithout
coining to any national convention nad save
the expense. ' ' lie also lredidt'd ) that it the
"counljiuuatlon' ' were to continue the ' 'first
thing it vould know there would be no
uIeIt'gates" from the outside states , 110
hoped all such combinations would stop.
Siuiiu Ii ( lie lsul ( Cr Ous ( ,
This brought to lila feet W. A. Ryan of
indiana nail several others and for a little
whiio a battle of debate was fought
by the syznlnlthizdrL3 , respectively ,
of Messrs. Walleistoin nail Duflin ,
the delegates from the outside states taking
DuO side and tiuoso from the four states
named by Mr , Benson taking the other ,
lr. V.'ailerstcin , himself , tried to iOUV oil
on the trouble't waters , saying he was "not
In any way sore" over the outcome of the
election for the national presidency of the
association , and among tlfe others who took
the hoar was Mr. Puma , the new president ,
] n hIs closing remark Mr. Iuilln said "no
one liati given more loyal stipport to the
luau who was elected at Nashville last year
( Mr. Wallerutein ) than the candidate he
had defeated , " Mr. Dufilu hnl bec , a
candidate at the time. lie elsa expiniucd
that the unit rule had been adopted by his
delegation and that accounted tar the solid
vote , Intimating that this was probably the
case with ( ho delegations frcnn Illinois , Mis.
rotiri and Kentucky. Mr. Walierstein as.
urcd tILe association that under all dr.
cunustances he would always stand by the
b5ociution ,
The hour was getting late end the .lelo-
gates caine to the conclusion ( bat if they
'were to go to South Omaha at oil they
'would better be starting , co when the hand
or the clock had gone around considerably
P.t 10 a. Ui. , the hour which had been settee
toe ( ho start troiu the hotel , they broke up
thu meeting in better spirits , feeling that
they had now a better understanding of
thu sttus of things nod could breathe inure
- -
freely , and at once took their departure
for the South Omaha packln plants , to the
visiting of which they were to devote the
forenoon ,
'INIt 111i Stock 'nrslpu.
As soon flR the convention fInally ad-
journcd , the delegates , many of them no-
companled by their wives , boarded the
street carR for the Union depot to take the
train for South Omahn , Assistant General
Freight Agent A. TI. Smith of the Hurling-
ton took them in hand , having provided for
them four comfortable chair cars , Yard
Muster Robinson had charge of the train
and J. Eyler , the Burlington stock agent ,
went along.
At South Omaha the visitors divided Into
three parties , each going through the Swift ,
hammond flnl Culally plants and observing
everything from the time the animal is led
to the slaughter to the final dressing of
the meat for the conuniuner's table. The
visit to the packing plants was without incident - I
cident except that some of the ladIes did
not. greatly enjoy the close contact with
the details of butchering , but they bore up
The next Institution visited was the ICrug
brewery. There a chance Was enjoyed to
slake the thirst the wind and dust had
been responsible for. William 1Cru gave a
souvenir of some kind to everyone , and
ninny of the nicely engraved glasses of the
establishment found their way into the poe-
session of the knights as keepsakes of the
trip. Messrs. C. F' , Iloumer and M. Meyer
were In the height of their glory as enter-
While waiting for the train to take thorn
lnCl ) ( to the city the delegates Indulged in
some of their yells , which have become fa-
iniliar now to the cars of the public : "It's '
nIl righti"'hnt's all right ? " "Omahal"
and others of the same tenor , taking care to
itentioui everybody who had shown any courtesy -
tesy and every member of the convention
who enjoyed an unu8ual amount of poptu-
larlty , among the latter , larticularly , 0. 1 ! ,
Schollmeyer of St. Louis , who is nick-named
"Scully. " On the " "
way back "Scully" maul-
fested remnrknbliy vocal talents and lcd a
chorus of ready ingers In a succession of
vell known songs. On the whole it was a
Very pleasant wind-tip for the convention.
Among the women who accompanied the
party were : Mesdames L. Oclis of Now Orleans -
leans , It. M. Millican of Evansville , ad , '
Katherine I300th of Jacksonville , III. ; Ben-
Jainin Ii' . hoffman of Lafayette , Intl. ; S. E.
Grate , A. Dcyoag , W. A. Kerchoff , George
\v , Smith. John A. Lee , J. W. McDonald and
F. 'V. Crandall of st : Louis ; A. 11. Beckman ,
J.v. . Porter and W. L. Farris of Louisville ;
, a E. Smith of Atlanta , Fl E. I.ebold of
iiichnond , Intl. ; Jeff McDonald of Craw-
fordsvllle , Intl. ; J. F. Johnson of Racine ,
\VIs. ; George It. Conover of Clinton , N. J. ;
M. It. Mason of St. Joseph , Mo. ; Chauncey
Mclbury of Von du Luc , Wis. ; G. W. Collins -
lins of Portland , Ore. ; J. M. Glasspeli of
Davenport , In. , anti others.
Most of the delegates left on the earliest
trains for their homes , Before going Chair-
nina John S. Ilarwood of the legislatlvq corn-
mittee said to a Bee reporter that the action
of the Travelers' Protective association this
year on the anti-scalpers' bill put him in a
very awkward position. Last year at Nash-
yule the convention took the opposite course ,
and as chairman of the committee Mr. lIar-
wood had written to about 100 senators and
representatives in congress asking them to
oppose the bill , recelylng from many of them
an assurance that they would do so. Now
he finds It necessary to reverse his appeals
and urge theni to support the bill.
Many of the Texas delegates display much
bitterness over the result of the election for
national president. and Texas , they say , will
"not ask the convention for anything next
year. " A Maryland delegate was so piqued
oor it that he refused to Iwesent an Invi-
tatlon from Baltiui9re for the next conven-
i'tlCe ,1u.lie GVdILeIIdH ft ChilleNe
Siieitk 'i'h.k'f I. , ii. Coti.i * ' JiLl
14,1' Lflreeiiy ,
A Chinese sneak thief was Sent , to the
cotinty jail by Pollee Judge Gordon foi' thirly
days yesterday. The Chioainan , who
gives the namrw of Jim Ling , Sam Sing and
several others , was identified by several
housew1ve as the man who had visited
theIr houses just previous to the time they
had missed articles of wearing apparel and
Ling's method of work is ( o enter a house
surreptitiously and hunt about the rooms in
search of valuables. If detected be puts on
a bland smile and pretends that be is look-
lag for the lady of the house to get
"washee. " So childlike and innocent does
he act that he always disarmed susplidon.
Llng has been in Omaha three weeks aiitl
during that time is believed to have secured
a great deal of valuable property. During
his stay here he dhtl not associate with 0th-
ors of his nationality , because they shunned
luau. lie ha caled by them a "yce yup , " a
term applied to the hatchet men of the
highbiudei' society.
\.e wish to extend our heartfelt thanks
to the kind friends who assisted us in our
sad bereavement of a husband and brother
who met his death on May 31.
F.V. . HUNT ,
ltOBEltT NELSON , Sit.
Plnsant hotel hitching and feeding stat
bles , 24th and Sr'euicer. ' One block ( rein cx-
position grounds. Good accolnunodatiou , low
rates ,
Beginning June 3 the lintel Dellone will
be American plan , rates $2.00 and up , snow
as before June 1st.
City illeetrieinnlirluugs ( I.e IlxIuNl-
( iou OIJit'inls tu 'l'jnuu nui
( I.e " , Virini ,
The ditllculty between the exposition
officials and City Electrician Schurig is in
a fair way of settlement. At any rate the
Inspector 110(1 ( his assistants have now the
privilege of entering the grounuls whenever
they vtsli in ursuanco of their ( luties. Mr.
Schurig says that lie has made arrangements
that nil connections on the gruonds shall ho
safe and he insists that ho vili keep them
in that condition , Tile known trouble between -
tween the city anti the exposition had lend
some of the coivesslonaires to put in unsafe
connections , but these will all have to ho replaced -
placed ,
For a time Thursday there promised to ho
aetlyc warfare between the city electrician
utuiti the exposittoa people , The latter
u6solutely refused to allow the former to
enter the grounds. Schurlg finally solved
the problem by climbing Ibtaugli the window
of the ticket 0111cc and at once made arrange.
meats to get in Ia the future.
ULit'klen'M _ tvuiie&i uLIi' .
The best salu In thu world for cuts ,
bruises , sores , ulcers , salt uheum , fever
sores , letter. chapped haiids , chilblains ,
corns , and all skin eruptions , cud positively
cures piles , or no pay required. It Is guaranteed -
anteed to give perfect satisfaction or money
refunded. Price 25 cents ier box. For sale
by Kuhn & Co.
1)AYId.Ii"I' ' ' '
'tIL IIut'IJlut1 ituiie ( ,
Leaves Omaha 5:20 : a , in , , arrives Denver
and Colorado Springs S p. in , Take this
train and save sleeping car ratA of $3.0 ,
Ticket oflice 1323 Faraaun street ,
t1D.uo lJIN'Elt AND hLli'I'EJft'j
'iis ; Uout.
Tickets on sale Juno 5th and 6th , good to
return for 30 days. Trains leave Omaha
5:20 : a. in. , 1:30 : p. in. anti 7 p. n ; only line
running S trains a day from Omaha to Den-
ver. For sleeping car reservations and
tickets call at 1323 Faruain street ,
) Cl1IlF1Y , STtfl1lt & Co.
! pcini. . . in Mcn'sSninrncr t'nuierwenr ,
Cohoreil Shir ( . niisl hoNe.
For 25c-Ribbtnl haibriggan shirts and
iraws , extra well finished , drawers made
vith (10111110 guesett.
For f.Oc-Extra quality baibriggan shirts
Lad drawers , pure Egyptian cotton patent
earns , drawers made with double seat-Fine
luality drilling drawers with claatic.ankles ,
Oc each.
For 7&c-French balbriggan shirts and
Irawers , very flue summer weight.
Yor $1.00-Men's sills nnd lisle ribbed
hirtg anti drawers , with narrow light blue
tripe.-7LieIL's ribted , balbriggan union suits ,
i.oo each.
For $ l.&O-Men's fine lisle ribbed union
tilts , a most comfortable garment for hot
For COc-A fine assortment of men's soft
hirt made of cheviot no.1 percale , withi
: tIffs to match , to be worn with vhlte eel-
nrs-hioy8' soft shirts with cuffs to match ,
0 ho worn with white collars and with cot-
are attachied , t'Oc each. .
For 7&c-Men's soft shirts for white col-
nra in ulark ineiiuin flntl light colors made
) f excellent quality percale , with cuffs to
natch ,
F'or $1.00-Mon's fine mnt1ra anti cheviot
uhiirts for white collars , the Monarch braatl
-Fino percale with two detached turndown
: ollnrs nnth culTs to match ,
For $1J'O-Tiio celebrate. ! Star bran. ! shirt ,
Lhulequaled for .luirability of co'or ' arid for
wear , made of the best French madras , with
r without collar , soft. and cool for summer
wear ,
For l2.4c-BInck and tan stainless hose ,
irnible soles aiiil high splice. . ! heels ,
For 25c-Men's plalii black nod tan 11050 ,
louhle soles aIl.i . heels-black anti tan , with
white soles-fancy plaids , stripes no.1 polka
dots-plain roil , cadet blue and navy , fast
: olors.
I"or $ lc-Plnin black and tan. extra fine
and serviceable , with double soles anti high
spliced heels-black , with white soles.
For title , mcii's lisle and silk fancy Roman
stripe and plait ! hose , new designs-cadet
blue , tan and red lisle very thin nod cool ,
d&uble soles an. ! heels.
For CIc , a very nice cool night shirt for
summer , made of very flue soft muslin , with
neatly trimmed fronts ; this lightweight
cambric night shirts , with low neck , no collar -
lar , nicely trlnnned.
For $1.00. boys' pure wool hand made
sweaters in red , blue and green.
For 1.b0 , men's turo wool hiami made
SVunters in navy , red and tan.
For $3.00 , men's superior quality hand-
inatle sweaters in pearl grey , green and red ,
with laced front.
For 25c , bade bows in fancy silk stripes
and plaids , silk string ties in all the latest
colors , white pique puffs.
For hOc , Imlics' puff ties , extra wide and
fuhl , waist length , in white pique , fancy
silks ; also plain black , red and white silk.
For 75c , fine silk puff ties , extra wide and
full , waist length , in Roman stripe Scotch
plaid , fancy strfpes and , navy , red ,
black satin ann black corded silk.
Foi $1.00 , ladies' silk irnif ties , with stock
collar , in black , white and cardinal.
Foi' 1.fi0 , thle latest novelty in ladles'
neclcwear , the Queen Ann puff , with stock
collar In ulain black , rhiite and ! red ; also
fancy stripes.
Cernnr Farnnm and 15th.
Only family resort. No objectionable char-
actors. Krug park. Sunday concert.
Dr. J.evy of i'llln.Ierlii , . IIseourses
on tIit ( , . , , ' ( , ( ies of
Ills Pace.
Dr. J. Leonard Levy of Phliladclphia was
the guest of the congregation of Temple
Israel last night on his way to thie l'aciflc
coast for a vacation trip. lie was intro.
thiced by Dr. Franklin as one of the most
learned and eloquent rabbis in the Jewish
church , nod ho spoke in a very interesting
way of the history and present Contiition
of the Jewish people.
Dr. Levy based his address upon the words
of Paul , " \\'iiat advantage bath the Jew ?
Much , every way. " The author of the remark -
mark was described as the greatest man
that has lived In the last 1S0O years , one
who saw his race overcome by superIor
physical power niiti yet felt that the
spirituality and. moral power of the Jew
would be sutiicient to bring him the filIal
victory. Anti his judgment was true for
the Acropolis of Greece , the temples of
Scrapis and Diana of Egypt and Rome , all
were In crumbling fragments , while the re-
liglon of the Jew Is still a power upon tile
earth , for to him , Dr. Levy said , were revealed -
vealed the oracles of God. Ills , first of all ,
was the advantage ef a correct ethIcal conception -
ception of the universe , the unity and eternity -
nity of God. Whlen all the earth advo-
cateti that might made right , the Jews' be-
htcf was that right made might , and so it
has provetl , as the names of Moses amid
Christ are abose these of Caesar anti Na-
Another advantage which tile speaker said
was credited to tile Jewish race was its
invaluable _ gifts to tile human race. Such
a ill ; aid , was the bible , the most
remarkable hook mankind has ever pro-
duced. In it were truths thousands of years
old whlich Oflly were beginning to be understood -
stood at the present time. The prophecy
in the verse , 'Nation shall not lift up
sword against nation , neither shall there be
war any more , " Dr. Levy said , is even
now coming to pass. The tolerance of the
United States In its slowness to anger with
Spain was given as an example that tile
Anglo-Saxons at least , whom the !
believed were the naturnl successors of the
Jews Ill showing the way to spiritual en-
hightenment , were ready for a reign of peacs ,
The speaker finished with an appeal to
Jews to be true to their conscience anti tile
assurance that in the end they would be
U oiht'L ( lie G rave ,
A startling inclduit , of which Mr. John 011-
ver of Plsiladelphila was the eubject , is narrated -
rated by him tis follows ; "I was in a most
ciretififul condition. My skin was almost yellow -
low , eyes sunken , tongue coated , pain COIl-
tinucmhly In back anti aitlc8 , no appetite- .
groducily growing wcclker day by do ) ' , Thice
pimysiciamis had given ne up. Fortunately , i
friend advised trying Eiectrle Bitters , ' anti
to fly great joy etid surprise ttlO first bottle
mnatie a ( ! eCilei ( improvement , I continued
their use for three weeks and ama now a vehl
mnati. I know they saved my life , and robbed
the geevo of another victim. " No erie ahoulJ
fall to try liem. Only 50 conte per bottle at
Kuhn & Co.trug ! store.
Get a map of Cuba and get the best and
most CollipletO. The Bee's combination map
of Cuba , the'SVest Indies mind of the world.
With a lice map coupon , on page 2 , 10
cents , at lie. . ollico , Omaha. South Omaha or
Council Bluffs. By mail , 14 cents , Address
CUbaII Map i1etartIneat.
B. B. Welty of Walnut , In. , was relieved
of $12. all he possessed , in a disreputable
resort at Twelfth and Capitol avenue Iat
night ,
Kittie Owens , unknown to police circ1s
for several months , once more broke into
jail last night for the alleged theft of $12.0
from the person of an Iowa visitor.
A permit has been issued to David Cole
for the erection of a $1,000 iron-covered addition -
dition to lila establishment at 1019 homey
street. Minor permits for irnprovcnlents
aggregating $200 $ in 'ptliuo have also been is-
The travel en all lines centering it. . Omaha
still continues heavy , thilon l'aciflc train
No 4 urriveti yesterday in two sections
oud late because of the heavy tr'ivel ,
Thu train On the Port Arthur route vas also
delayed bI : tie crowds ,
( lt'orgo Duni was arrested by a detectivc
In the employ of the street car company host
night for jumping on and off cars. lie is
suspected of being one of the pickpockets
who have been operating so successfully
upon citizens and visitors during the last
fey days ,
lcilI.I.I'P.TiGi11t ; & CO.
hot Venther Iers.rlng. , In 1ndics'
I'nrnuiols , Ln.rcnr and JIONICT ) ' .
Judging from th.i Immense number of ha-
dies' fancy 1.amnsOIsn.l . umbrellas we sold
during the wcekiotir customers here fully
appreciate the rnny bargains this depart-
meat contains. W will continue to give
greater bargains tlie'tomlng week ,
At $1.00-Ladies' 'whiito silk parasols ,
white enameled bndles , special quality ,
only $1.00 each ,
At $1.79-This 3ine of parasols is the
greatest value torM.he money we have over
offered ; blue amul-twhtto , black and white ,
with hemstitchett trnracrs : very pretty han-
tiles ; regular $3.0 parasol , only $1.79 each.
The departments are fully supplied with
the greatest number of bargains of any store
in the city ,
At 12 ½ c-Ladies' Egyptian YeStS , nicely
made , white or ecru , all full sizes , only
12c ,
180 , 3 for f0c-LatIIes' fine Egyptian vests ,
silk taped , very pretty trimming ; high neck ,
short sleeves , low neck , sleeveless , regular
25c quality , all alees , only 18c-3 for t0c.
At 25c-Lat1le' fine lisle vests , silk finish -
ish , silk tape , high neck , long or stuart
aleevcs , low neck , short sleeves or sleeveless -
less ; knee Iiants to match ; all sizes , only 25c
35c , 3 for $1.00-We arc closing omit othI
sizes in ladles' hOe lisle vests , beautifully
made , beat quality , only a few dozen left ,
genuine bargain , only 35c , 3 for $1.00 ,
fOc-Our line of Indies' Mtmnstag Union"
suits at 6Oc can not be equaled-we are
Omaha agents , perfect fit , best finish , flue
egyptian Cotton-1os' iock sleoveless-highl
neck , long or short sleeves-knee lengtii ,
whit. or ecru-ahl sizes-3 to 6-only SOC
per suit.
$1.00-Ladles' halo thread Union suits-
"The Muuusing"-juat the garment for sun-
flIer , cool anti comfortable , silk finish , per-
tcctly mantle , one trial you will wear no
other , white or cciii , all Bhapes , all sizes ,
3 to 6 , only $1.00 er suit ,
121Ae-Misr.s' beet egyptian vests , crc-
eliot neck and arms , util sizes , only 12,4c
each ,
25c-Boys' bahbriggan shirts , high neck ,
long sleeves , drawers , knee or ankle length ,
well made. all sizes. 24 to 34. only 25c.
At lIe-Ladies' fine black nild tan hose ,
double sole , hleei and toe , regular 23c quality
only lIe pair.
25c-Ladles extra light weight fine cotton
11050 , fast black or tnuu , double sole , high
spliced heel anti tee , 35c grade-Saturday
only 21e pair.
35c-Just received an excellent quality
gauze lisle thread hose , fast black , extra
spliced heel and toe , double sole , special
for Saturday's sale , onhy 35c pair.
16c-Chii.lren's fine ribbeti hose , fast blacker
or tan , tlouble knee and foot , all size , 5 to
10-Saturday only lIe pair.
We are special agents for these well
known patterns nuud now have on sale all
the late patterns anti publication.
Corner Farnain and 15th St.
Free concert Suntlay 3 to 6 o'clock at shady
Krug park , Take Walnut 11111 cars.
Ioea' iM 'i'zkmi fruit. Deif i'Irli uti.1
Itt.yd iissmIIemIl.N frtii ( lie
ttl ) uf ( l , , i'ollce ,
The case of the State against G. II , Dci-
trich has been on trial before a jury in
Judge Slabaughu's court , the defendant being
charged with setting up and keepiulg gamn-
bling devices.
Deitrich and Boyd Were tile proprietors of
the Diamona , a gambling house on Douglas
street that was raided 50010 weeks ago.
After the state had concluded its case the
tiefendauut was itineed ulen the stand In his
own behalf and entered a general do-
nial. He testified that vnen tile raid was
wade something like $1,100 was taken and
that ho was of the opinion that $500 of this
money luati disappeared. He 'as not certain
what lund heconc of it , though lIe was of
tile opinion that it hnd been paid out by the
chief of police without any authority.
s.Ii. Ojaiti liii I'lmli ( .
The case of H. M. Christie against the
Onlahla Gas company is having a hearing before -
fore Judge Scott. The ilaifltiff appears in
behalf of himself and asks that the defendant -
ant be restraincti from tearing up the streets
in South Omaha for the purpoo of laying
gas mains. lie alleges that the council ,
without justification , grantetl a franchise for
carrying on the work and that the unenlbers
of the body acted unwisely auld against tile
best interests of the town.
UutJI)141Lr CtiI,14l'M " .VirI.
Judge Scott devoted a greater portion of
the morning session of his court to severing
tIes in misfit marriages. Decrees were
ordered in the following cases : Gmacd M.
Thompson against Joan H. Thompson ,
Samuel A. Bowman against Anna May Bowman -
man , Sarah Lane against Arthur Lane ;
Anna M. Griffin against Joel F. GrilUn , anti
Minnie A. Lowdehi against George A. Low-
NotcH rmt I I.e C. . . . rts ,
In the case of the l'enn Mutual Life In-
sumance company agarast the Crcighitoa
Building company , the appraisers have macic
their return and have fixed time value of the
theater property at $185,000. On this ap-
praisemeiut the nio will ho made ,
'I'iic supreme court hias issued an order
suspending the currying into effect the
sentence imposed upon Henry Oerter , who
was convicted in criininuil court of setting
up anti keeping gambling fixtures. Time do-
ft'ntlant wns found guilty nnd was filled $400
and costs.
John Morris tuna asked tile court to op.
voint a receiver to receive tIme rents nail
ll0fit8 of the property of Phoebe it. E. E ,
Lintoim. Iii niakimIg hIs application , hue
alleges that the client whom he represents ,
iuns a mortgage ( or $55,454 against thie
property and that. in adiditioll thereto there
are unpaid taxes aggregating $9,000 ,
: i Ilk , . , . . ii t'uiIe , A I'i'eN ( ,
? 'Inrtin Andrup , a lililIdIludun , wns am'restcd
last night en counpinint of Andrew Chris.
tiauusemu , his employer , for starting out on
ills route yesterday morning antI tailing to
return with either his liquid trust or time
proceeds. 'Flue driver sent his horses to tIme
( hairy , which is in the nelgilborhuood of Cut
Off lake , by 1111 exltressnian , and Chlrlstlan-
sen amid lila brother , lions , who had a
mortgage on time wngdn , started out to see if
they couih ( get any rdtuurns on thue llroperty ,
Aludriup was build Imi Jefferson st4uutre auth
explained that ho bin ! loaned the wagon
and milk cans to a mfrlenmi. Christiansen
says that the driver lo owed' hmiumi $110 for
material used and Ihe was charged with
grand larceny ,
IIvt ! fruuim 4t'ros ( rimi ii , , , ,
An inquest. was 1101(1 yesterday afternoon
over the body of' Michael Cavamuaughi , thin
boiler Inicker who idled very suuddelily wlulio
working In a boiler Iii the Union Pacific
silolts , ant ! the 'verdict wac that ho comae
to his iloatim trom prostration mmnd that there
was no evidence of any other cause of
death ,
'vim II It u.thtici'r ,
1NSTRUMENTSpluced on record Juno ,
' , % 'urrmLmm I ) 1)eeIN.
N. C. Madsen to C , F' , Johnson , lot
4 , tilk 4. I'urk Forest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ I
C. F. Johnson toV , A. Dunning , lot
4 , blk 4 , Park Forest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
E. I. Rogers and husland to Norman-
dia Apartment house company , lots
I amid 2. bik 4 , Ilumnscom l'iaco. . . . . . . . 12,000
henry Karstenmu and wife to George
hnrstemis amid vltc , mw 25-15-li. . . . . . . . . 5,000
Miltomi Trust comnpumiy to Unloml Trust
eonipnny , trustee , ttLllfiiV , lot 4 in hot
7. Cap. rcmlci , ; hots 13 mind 14 , bik 3 ,
Jlanscom Place . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12,000
S. K. fhpnldlng and wife to 0. W.
DoanC , lot 8 , bile 5 , Creiglitoul
heights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 300
G. W. Doane and wife to C. Imi. Ilow.
mirth , sonic , , . . , , , . . . . . . . . , , , . , . . . 0 . ' ' ' ' 200
Sheriff to Thomas Perkins , executor ,
lot 14 , 1)1k 16 , College Place . . . . . . . . . . . 3,052
Sheriff to Couicorlla 14.ftfl and 'rrunt
comnpafly. east iso feet of north 12S'I
feet tax lot Iii 22-15-il . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,450
Total amount of tmausfera . , , , , , , , , $34Q3
1,000 Ladies' Linen , Pique , Duck and Orah
Buit and SkirU ,
Aiitt Omit of C.entcN ( SnIe , , of I.mdION'
'l'riumnmcl nuil Ui.lrim.muic.l lifttN
nmiI Flower , . ' % Vc her ilchl-
All IinpclL ' 1'o.ln' .
Crash suits , linen uit , pique's and ducks.
Crash and linen skirts , 49c , 75c nnti 98c.
Pretty , attractlvo white piqtme skirts , $1.50 ,
$2.00 anti $3.98.
Ladks' linen suits , blazer anti skirt , all
ies , Plc multi $1.60.
l'retty white pique Tuxedo coats anti
skirts at $3.50 amId $4.08.
$5.00 lawn suits , all new styles , light and
dark colorings , choice , $2.50.
$5.00 extra heavy quality black taffeta silk
waists , tucked anti corded , latest styles ,
$7.50 qurility , on second floor , at $3.08. $
Ladles' lalimltlered shirt waists. 300 styles
of diionities , white plques and india linen
waists , imandsouuiely triauacd in insertion
anti embroidery , nil of this lot worth up to
$3.00 , choice , $1.08.
Our $1.25 limie of laundered glmiglunmn and
percale and lawmi shirt waists on bargain
square , GPc.
Millinery-Fine Knox split sailors at tile.
F'lnet qimuility of MilamI braid , Knox shape ,
8ailor , $3.98 quality , at $2.50.
Stuart back , tmntriumimcd sailor , white only ,
$1.00 quality , at 25e.
30.00 triunmeti bats at $2.98.
Finest Panama short back anti dross
shapes , trimunietl In thle height of futsliion , to
sell at $1.00 , 50 BtyleS to select frommi , at
$2.50 quality of ladles' leghiormu hats at 69c.
Extra large hicaimty roses and foliage , Sc ,
imported iiowers , uleW , fresh flowers just
receiv'd , all varieties , worth up to $1.50 , oil
sale at lOc auld 25c.
lOthu aund 1)ouglas ) ,
110W A WAlt 1i5 FOUGIIT.
The Clinauges lii tlme3lode of Warfare
lilumstrnteil I , ' I'ictumres.
if you wish to property understand tile
war news , it you wish to have a defimlito
knowledge of naval affairs and the events
that are occurruuug in the Easi and \Vest
Indies you can secure no bettor , no more
reliable soul-ce of information than the
official photographs ot tlio United States
uiavy , just issued by the Omaha lice. The
price is only 25 cents , ant ! nloro valuable
and tlmulL'ly information was never offered
fer the mtiomuey. It is an sale at The Omaha
Bee couulting-roomna , or will be sent to any
adtiresa on receipt of price.
The book consists of nearly 200 iuages of
views made by E. H. hart , naval photo-
graplier , and the list of subjects embraces
everything of interest pertaining to oumr
navy , of which every American is justly
proud. First within the covers of this inter-
eating work comes a map sixteen tunes as
large as tiuo hook itself , shuowing on omue
side tIle Spamlish possessions , lUlO all ad-
jaceuut territory , whuile on the etluor side
tile East luldian possessions are siunilarly
treated. Steamship lInes. with the dis.
tances intervening between different poimuts ,
are allown , and a close study of tllese nuaps
vih1 give one a timorough understanding of
this territory , in regard to which the interest -
torest of the Amcricaui public is now at
fever heat.
Then fellow more than 200 rare pictures
of the navy , its ofliners amId equipin.'nt. The
views are all authentic. and are tiuc latest
oiflclal phuotograpils of our torpedo boats ,
torpedo boat destroyers , cruisers , battleships -
ships , gunboats , monitors , rams , dynamite
crumisers , dispatch vess1s , anti otiler var
craft , the whlole elnbotlying an authelutic
portrayal of the American navy as it exists
today. A Cofllplete description of the con-
strtuction , displacement , size , speed , batteries -
teries , armor , crew amid cost of each boat
will cuablo the reader to form an accurate
estimate of our fighting strength. Included
with tluese arc phlotograpils of the heading
Spanish rneul-ot.war , also fully describe , ! .
By far tile most interesting portiomis of the
book are views of tluo Maine , taken before
the disaster Ill Havana huarlior , sluowlug tile
life and discipline aboard a hattlesbip , together -
gether with portraits of the officers and
crew , supplelnented by photographs taken
after tiuo explosion , depicting the dlvcrs at
work , auud other incidents III connection
with tluis anti auld memorable event.
This work can be obtained by cuutting a
COUpolu from page two , and brluuging it to
The i3e offIce , Onlruiua , Tile Bee building ;
South Omaha , Twenty-fourth anti N streets ;
Lincoln , 1026 0 street ; Coturucil Bluffs , 10
l'earl street. By mali 4 cents extra for
lostago. Address Navy Photogrnph Department -
mont , Omaha Bee.
Band concert Krug pnrk , 3 to 6 o'clock.
Take \Valmlut Hill cars.
JUlIO 5 and 6 tIle
STill sell tickets at the
of $19.00 to Ienver and return oii account of
For tickets and full information call at
'I'tii'Lat lOot , ' , ,
via the Union Pacific to the famous summer
resorts in Colorado , Utah , California ,
Idaho , Montana ouch Oregon.
For rates and advertising matter call at
city ticket ofTire , No. 1302 Farmlnm St.
Coolest place for family picnics. I3nmlti concert -
cert Sunday 3 to 6 , Krug park.
Amucrleuimm 3iet team 1 Aruincymulioum , IJesm-
vt'r , , Jiirme 7h.-1Olm.
Dr. Montgouuiery of Chicago will run a
special train over the Itock Isluiiutl route tc
Denver accotunt of above. This train will
lcnve Onuihma Moimtlay , June thin 6th , at 1:3 :
ii , mml. For slecilmluff car rcscrvatIomis , etc. ,
call at Rock 131011.1 city ticket ofliee , 1323
Famnam m. : .
'Fiu Suimerh , , fl.1u15 mmsmemmt
anti quick timne of tile Unuon Pacific makes
It the popular line to all principal western
resorts. City ticket office. No , 1302 ) ! ar
anal at ,
Beautiful Krug park , bamuti concert Sommutiuy
3 to 6 o'clock. W'nlmuut 11111 cars.
vullic hotlee.
The Northwestern Line Daylight Special
now heaves the 13. I' . depot at 6:40 : a , m. ;
arrives Chcngo 5:45 : same orenlnu. No
change in the other trains. Tim C'verlamu'l
Linlited 4:45 p. in. anti the Omaha Chicago
Special itt 6:45 : p. im. arrive ilL Chicago 7:45 :
anti 9:30 : respectively , next unornlumg , ' 'Fiue
most advanced , vostibuiecl sleepers , mlimlera
amId free parlor clinic cam-s-of course-what
else wouljl the "Nortimwestern" iuave.
City Ticket 0111cc 1401 Fiurruam at.
1)1111) , -
CAVANAUC1II-Mlchlncl , age 23 years : June
2 , P18. Funeral from resimiente , 1501 N.
18th , at 9 a. m. , to Iltily F'amniiy ctuumcli.
Interment Holy Sepulchre ,
P0 WilL II
Highest Honors , World's Iair
Gold Medal , Midwinter Fair
flee , Juime 1 1803 ,
, , r Breal 2fr .
. ? 9one's ? 14rth. "
' \Ve believe iti giving our ClWtOuiCrt4 ' 'good t1i'tiigi. "
Wt3 believe Uiui'e ii no better way in the world to get a
mail's trade fl,11l to hold it than to give liiiti big va1uci
for his iiaonoy ahid to keep giving tilein to 111111 oory tituti , ?
Today we are going to offer otiio great Iig lnonoy'13
worth in Inoii' fine suith.Vo waiit to tell you right
Hi\V ( tlittt fine ut tiiii itoro nictii a little bit fhier tihati
it ( loe3 iii 111014 ally otlioi' 8tore you cait find. WTe doii'
iML1I our five or six dollar suits ttfhit , " aithotigli they are
fiiio uitis for the hhlOtley , but these 8uits we offut' today
.i'e made froiii fine fabr'ic , iu'o finely tailorel , finely flu- . -
15I1tX11 atid they are suits that in ordinary stores would
sell for a 11110 1l1'ICO. ' 1hese iuits were ordered by 'I'Ile Ne-
braika'i buyer to aIvertise ( 'I'he Nebi'aska , and to give
The Nebi'askt. euttoiiiers iOlh1Ctlhil1g to i'eiiieiiiher 1Iie Ne-
braskit by after they go lionie , 'Iliey ai'e 11111(10 fi'oni
faiieyworteds in double twist weave , and iii Iheat check
patteriw , ahlI if we nHu'ked them uiftecit dollai's we would
got it without any trouble , but we (1iTl1't.Vc ulacked
them flue ciollars anT a half , 'Y
Scofleld's '
Black Japanese The kind you'li
Silk Waists like-good quality-
thlti lining - well
* 3 S imiade - - cool - nOVel'
have to wash-sizes
32 it' 14-3.5O.
Another of siune quality with fronts
l > uas coi'dimig about an tacit apat't , $1-.5O ,
Black and White rJl1eue also just
Plaid Silk received 1011(1 the
I , 1- prettiest yet hllowIl
' valSiS -mrmany w'huo do not
.cull. culou's will timid
these attu'uctivo both in style , quality
and hm'iee-$7.50 ,
SmutturIay OUt' uttial sale \Vu'appei's
_ 750 , OSe , $ l.5 mind better ,
Shiim'tTtti'ts all kinds. Belts 50e.
Ladies' 'rica 2.3c. Liuuen Dress Skirts ,
etc. . Come tumid bring your fm'iendut.
1510 Douglas Street.
. . . . . 0 0 0 5. . e o o . .
, )
0 You may have a course of medical
. treatment for
0 of all kinds at tll
; Silopard Medical Institute :
0 New York Life Bldg. , Omaha , Neb ,
S ODi'CtIAI TI Q. Catarrh , Deaf-I
0 01 L''ItLl mLJ' ness and all
0 Diseases of tile runga , Stomnach ,
Kidneys , Nerves and Blood. Itecr-
0 by pem'mission , to 5,000 cured
0 patielits. Thue largest medical oflicet.
and practice in the west. The Omaha
0 lice , leading tinily , says : "The Shep-
0 ard Medical institute is entIrely rehlaa
I hth in a professional anti litlicilicict.
way. Dr. Sheparci amId his nssoeinte
. have gained and fully malmitaimied a
I leatlimig reputation in tile treatment
I of chronic dlaasee. 'rho public may
sturdy trust them , " .
IAIQ IT For testimonials from S
. vs ii i . i. . ministers , teachers , busS ! -
S ness men , farmers , etc. , telling luow
they were cured at home through the
. Mail System ,
I Q L"Tim L New Treatment ; .
LI I 110w It Cures , " is sent frec
S to till who write , It 1mm a cleauu medical
S worlc for the whole. family to read .
anti is of great value to all who aek
O better health , hook and Consultation
' 0 Blanks sent tree to all inquirers.
. ItiCliCifllK sent , 'verywiuere. State
your case utud send for opinion turuti
I lowest tom-ms. Chmargcs low , ConS - 0
S tation tree , perseuuully o by letter.
0 . : eutt , , , , 'I"fs l'amwr ,
] For Tired Feet -
aliti feet tllat are swolen tie "VICTOR'Eh
, ,
FOOl C'OMFOTtT. " This Is a highly amiti.
Sehit Ic it at ! heutl I mig Po svd , 'r , colmlitou lldetl
after a. formula long imu use by it noted
Foot Doctor , W'Iuemi the feet tire tired ,
hot auth swollen , entused by long walking
or Staiitlimlg , the tuso of Vistor's Foot ( ' 1)111-
fort as jier dircctiouii. . 'ihl liming mtlmuiost
instrumltauleotus relief , reduicimig the this-
tended blood vessels to timi'lr normnai izn
anti brImiging a souse of ease. I t hutirthetut.
tentici' feet tumid gives to pc.hestrlans nlumcll
greater elItlurimnee thiiuiu v.nul.l lie lcossibl&
without its imse , 1"or sweating feet itmuct thin ' " - '
colusetluemit odor arisimlg tiucrefrom , thti
ptiivtler farina iuii ubsoluto euut' ; uilso fat'
blisters filth StIre or temuder spots. ' 'Victors
Foot Comfort" is sold iii 2c boxes. Stimi-
iileS free. For sale by.
Sherman&McounoII Drv Oo ,
Omi.uin , 1'elm. I in Iilge.
( Middle of . )
I will offer at atuction in Oniahia at tha
fltusilrnail Storage house , 1015 Leavenuorthu
St. , lit 1) ) In the iliOrIuiutZ , flit .iniit' 7th , all
flue suiiiplies of the Union l'nciflc itailroad
IIOSlitalmt , iiucluding beds antI betIding , tIres-
sers , stailds , chairs , -china amid glassware ,
carpets , ranges , stoves anti hardware , stir-
gical instuuillients , hooks , operating tallies ,
strctciuers , splints alit ! many otlit'r articles
too numerous to niclution.
'sT. J. Gaibraith ,
Chief Surgeon Umlion Pacific.
Receivers Railroads alit ! Hospital Trust
Fu lIt ! .
E'IlltY VOU'l' OF'
Lawn Hose
We sell is guaranteed-the prices ramuge from
7'c to 20c . foot.
. - ' J
- - - - - -
sppc IALIS' (
.P 4I J
; ) Private Disease
W..ko. . IDI IJi.ord.r ad
20 YearsExporioncc.
10 Years in Omaha. f
. . Book Free , Coanlta'
- - tlon lree. ! lIox 76 , of
14th an Pamcam Sti. - . _
i- . . . . . . tSIALIA. 1iP. .
CbIcb.ter' . E.U.h ZIamond ) flran&
OrIgtnl utI ( i,1y Genulnt' .
" S. , . , nl..yn r..IIstu. . , k
"I ltrugmI io CAteLe.ter , J.gtI ( Di , .
mtni JJrtt In Hi' , ! . .d . ( Jolt mctliii
- , boiti , , .Id wIth bt..o . rii..oa ! 'I'Lo
r , , no otlirr. Jtj..i .Ianp.i. . t.t4tit.
' - , on.dnli.tion ( , . AtOrvggl't.or.tSl. ,
I. , t.m. . Ii , , ; , omce.i , ( , , tiudo.tI , ,4
V. "mmemuer rr I.u4IeL".ttt' ( , , flt. , ,
Mami. o ooo r.tmmo.t.i. . p. . , . P.p.r ,'tIeo. h + qvsi' . ,
ais bj .11 Loam nruult. . i'IIILAJJA. . , L'
wat C
_ _ _ _
A Brief Trouser StOr3-
216 ( ) Pnirs-A Brilliant
Purchase Conquest-
WToi'st el4 ( , CilSSlihl ( il'JS ( , ehttviots , sti' pc ,
l)1tU1C(1 , CliCCkCI , illiXC(1 ( , I iglit , Ifle-
(1 jUl11 an(1 ( lttI'k 1)fLt.te1'n-tahlo1'ec1-
CitI'eiilIly Jlht together ,
i.2-i. ; ; o--9i,7 + - ; - -
2. O-2. 7-43. 00-
So Illilelt the bottet' if you iU'O a COlfl
poteiit julge. ( You are Ilot ? The '
clicaiJest is 11 CO1iSC'iefltiOllM blu'ga'lli itt
2.OO , 'J'lie s8.OO oiies : u'o f3j)1C1i(1i(1 ( ' ' ' "
value iii. 4OO ,
Readyior You Saturday , .
Bright nnd Iar1y-
A Better I3argaixi Than.
You Rver Got- '
Anyone who kiiov someone who
( l'llfl't get what we advoi'tise SteJ ) ill
-tliere is a II'au new pail' of ti'ouiori
: foi' the proving , how many iitorea
caniay O ?
.7' - , - - - - - - - - -
- .
. .
- - - - -
- -