U - - -w : S Exposition Visitors1 AYOENS NumhGrIess B tIes Ilicideot to Our Great Cash Purchases RICKPATTN ] arc invited tomakel For the i .xposiirion Opeing Go on Sale Saturday. 1 "THE BIG STORE" Buying heavily before the recent great advance in prIcd nab1es us to give greathr values than ever in stylish new good Prices will be found from 1-3 to 1-2 less than asket'by others and the assortments and styles are the best in AIEN1 r k- tileill _ _ heaciquai'ters _ _ _ _ the _ market. _ _ _ SUCH _ _ MONEY-SAVING _ _ _ _ _ OPPORTUNlTIE.HAVE _ _ _ _ _ _ _ NEVER _ _ BEEN _ _ OFFERED _ _ _ BEFORE. _ _ _ : Threelarge wholesale cloth- I hig stocks at fifty cents on : the dollar . 11e grettest ; c1ol1iingaIe III j = - . - - = - - . - - - - - : = Goodi inirehised ; for spot ca1i from : ' the leading iiaker of Aiiierica. ' 1he clothing offered in this ale is elegtntly ; made alIl lined-ui Ibo very best fabric , I.- ' latest cut 1111(1 IOrfeCt in every detail of fit aII(1 ! iiiisli. SUCh amazing 1\v prices oil pIeiidid new gooc1 have iover ) ) een knowii . lCfOFU. - - - - - You pay.$3.5 , $6.75 , $8.7 or $11.5O tt the case may be1 I - . and entry away one of tbn most satisfactory bargalna of your I / . fife , together with the big money ave. . ' Men's Ilne SuIte at $3.75 , 3.OO $6.7 , $8.7 , $ t1.f0 , worth I . \ . double. ' . Mens 01d I'ants at. tIc , $1.50 , $2.50 and $3.23. Don't forget ' theac values. Boy's Long Pant Suitn , itt $ .25 , $3.95 , $1J0 , $5. , 6.7 and $ s.ro ; suits that are sohl e1sevIiere at from $ .OO to $1&.O. I s r3oy'g anti chltdren'i ICure I'ant Suits at i5c , $ t.25 $1.O , $1.95 , $2.50 and $3.75-everysuitwortli double. 1 I . - /1 / ( L Grand sale on car- 4r - pets , oil cloth , matting and d raperies r111ouua1lds of rolls finest floor cove'ring _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . - - - . from the eu1iiig : carlet dealers in Americ'a-\V. flfl(1 3. Sloane-oii : tli at great price rediic- tlon. These elegant gooth. were sacrificed at auction In New York for spot cash and Hayden llro3. secured several carloads of the bcst liigrnltu , bruselh , uxntlnster , wil- tons , etc. , at a fraction of their worth. You can select anything you wish from tim grnnd display of carpets. floor covert - ; ! t _ . winulow curtains , tliadcs utid ( lraperlesanlntagreat saving In price. . .t , Just iii a new lot of iron iti.t . . beds , a'so ' cots uid tI-- . springs. . - - siIcl1 : i.-F'lnp looking Troit Dcii , has brass rail , head and ; ca : foot-full 8Ize , thlH l'll i fitted ItIi an Iron truine ; rIng , - ! Whnil . ' .i'ih . 1lI , 7.S5. ( 'null ) Stools , 2Sc. (2ami ( ) Cilnir8 , c. . , . -j U'iIitn * ; L'tu1'a4 'JIi'iiH [ with irIn rests 22x24 fetther pFCl1 ) pillows , &O ( . 1.a'.Vii nts , $2.75 aHd $3.25. Ilattan Irnrch ' floekers , $1.95 and 2 1,0. Sinili 1lnublo ca 11l seat Ilocker , $1.00. : Housefurnishing goods--stoves L q 'Tin Water l'aiIs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 000(1 SIzu 1)Isli Pan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9e , % Veod Wash Tub . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21c , Wash Board . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dc Galvanized \'asli Boiler . . . . . . . . . . . . 51sc luart Granite Coffee Pot . . . . . . . . . . 27c ' Stew Pans , Granite . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lie ? dtlk l'ans , 3 qtrnrt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lie Granitu Rice Boilers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DDe Granite Tea Kcttle' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11011 'I'OilCt i'aper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 D-4e - - - Fuo Stops . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dc 1)0 ) NOT CUARANTEE IIONESTYI Counsel for Sureties in Eugene Moore Case Tile Their Brief. r LIABLE ONLY FOR lBS OFFICIAL ACTS ' : rlipy I e Not ( , ( . , , for . % iiy Tm IIMHI'g 11)11K I ) alourt Outside of ills lulo , . us tiite Miiiltor. L1NCOLN June D.-Speclal.-Tlie ( ) coun- eI for the sureties In the Eugene Moore bond case have tiled their brief with the clerk of thu stlvrclIt court. After reciting the wording of the bond , the brief says : , ,1t Is clear front the language quoted that the sureties upon the bond bound themselves - selves only to iiiake good the loss of money received by their Princllal by virtue of his " . office and by authority of law. They did , Jt , guarantee ( lie honesty of his conduct , zrnr undertake to Indemnify hiorsons dealing . - vith hiliii outside his ohhlciai capacity , for the consequences of his acts. They did iiot extent ! or liluil. his authority as audItor - Itor , They boutul themselves solely to lunle good ( lie 1033 Of money reCeivCi oifleiaiiy. "It is obvious that so far as thesure- ties on tlit , boild are concerned , there ia anl can ho no question of honesty , morality or fair dealing ; niul that the contract of such sureties is to be strictly construed. " After quoting a number of authorities to . show that there could be no conviction or Jtidgineiit where the receipt of the money embezzled was unatithorfed by law , tIm brief takes up the question of estoiipch , as Zohiows : "It is finally urged that the sureties are VStOilCd ) to deny thoconstitutionality of the . law under which ( lie fces vcro received. The best answer to this argument is that the siiretii's tie not deny ( ho constitution- ahity of that law. They merely aver that 8ince the iiilOiitiOii of the lrcseiit constitu- lieu that law , so fur as it touches the right of thu auditor to receive fees , has been non.'xiBteiit. Hero ii. no question of a law to be u Phi el ii ii ii t ii ( I ecla red uncon st I tuUo iial , lint a simple case of no law at all , There Is no irinciiiio or lreCCtIClit by which a party to a suit can be estopped to aver the jion-existelico of a law. ' ' In this case Field Brown appear as attorneys - torneys for ( lie sureties and Brome & liLirnet ( appear for Moore. Thu casu of ( lie State against Hilton was taken up in ( ho thi.trict court tothijy , beilig a stilt ugailist the ex-Inspector of oils on accoulit of $5,000 in fees collected by him ztld xiever accounted for. Time iiry was .me- cured today and the attorneys made ( lie peiiiiig speeches , utter which ( lie case was muljourned over until Monday. 4) , . i.iiit'uLi uti's. hteprc'sentativo F , l. Loomis of Butler county was a caller at ( lie state house today - - day , Deputy Sthto 1uperintendent hecl au- dresses the graduating class at Scribuer to. "gIlt. 'rho health ofticer reports tIme existence of several cases of diphtheria in the city. Time liouso are being strictly quarantined. Iii district court Mrs. Ellen 1)uggen has olitaineul a verdict of $1,000 against tIme lltiihington roaui , her husband having iot his life 'viullo in the service of the road. Mrs. Ira Noble of Chuariton. Ia. , who ran a'vay fromi , her home witim a luau imanmed McCullough , is Imeiui at the police station hiuro awaiting the arrival of her fatht'r , 1. S. Ihufllngton of Chariton , 11cr hmusbammd is already here , and It Is believed he will forgive - give his recreaimt spouse and take her borne. The Mason & Davis 6-hole Steel Itange with high shelf and water front , large oven ; regular $15.00 range , Special . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $29 1i 6-hole Cast Range , 20-inch oveui . . . 6.hiolo Steel Itange , as flue as silk , with high shelf , low warnming closet and reservoir , regular $35.00 , special. . . . $25 5 3-burner Gasoline Stove . . . . . . . . . . . . $2 61 Stove Pipe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Elbows . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Mrs. Noble Is a handsome woman , and if her tears are any indication has fully me- Pouted her folly. 'flue Everett Literary society of the Wes- icymum , ummiversity held its ninth annual ban- quet. at the Lindell hotel last night. There va a good turn-out of the young people from University Piace , and a pleasant oven- lug was spent. The attorneys for Broatcim have filed a notice to Limo attorneys of Mayor Frank Moores that they will on Jummo 7 call up for argument. and submission in the su- premne court the mimotion to sustain the find- logs of the referee. Omaha people at the hoteis : At the Lin- dellA.V. . Whetlock , lien Joseph. .1. F. Conil , Jr. , ii. Ii. B. Kennedy , 0. V. ' . Crocker , \v. l , hitchcock , Merrick F. Lease , A. G. ilermmuudy. At ( lie Lincoin-Itlelmard Scan- mmcii , W. C. Sundcrland , M , F , King , J. B. Wiicox. At the meeting of tim State Normal board at Peru yesterday Miss Lillian Stoner , reseat - oat county superintendent of Cherry county , was elected preceptress at a salary of $1,000 a year. Miss Fiva Itulomu was elected hibra- minim at a salary of $500. Miss Lulu Nears was re-eiected .critie teacher , the salary being - ing raised from $600 to $650. A requisition was issued today fqr thu. return of Wiilinm Cooper from Iowa to this stnt to answer the charge ot grand larcen' . Cooper and a moan named iavis stole and carried away olevemi and one half yards of cloth. belonging to John A. Kervaim , an Oimmahiu : mmmii , aim. . ! valued mit $3. Cooper is under arrest at Council Bluffs. About fifty cadets of the State university , nrrnyod in various styles of white garnuents , indulged in the annual ' 'shirt-tall lmrndo' ' last imight , They ere leul by a band cool- ioSed of a allure drum , a cracked cornet , two alto hiorims anil a tuba , all trying to play tIme fir to "hot Thmimo' ' with moore or less success. The number of stuclvmmts in time vuirmulo ( was hot 05 large as usual. Through time hot weather season the Liii- coliu Gull club will hold its weekly shoots on Friday evelmings just after supper. Oime feature of these irnetico shoots vi1i be the contest for time champIonship cup , which is to comime off every week , the new champion being COlflhChleI to defend his title at the mext weekly .mhoot. It is expecteul that this will bring omit a" good attendance of the best niarkamimeim every Friday. . - II imii Selioul ( rimiluittes , ITHACA , Neb. , Juoc 3.-Speelal-The ( ) grnduntiimg exercises of the public school.m of tlmi.m 'iilnce--occurrcui last eveniimg. Jessie Itobb , Myrtle 1mmboy anil Marion herd wore time graduates. \'AKEFilLD , Nehi. , Juno 3.-Speclal.- ( ) The coomniencenmemut exercises of thu W'ako- field high school were hell lust eveimiog , Time gnduates were : ( leOrgie Marie Smith , Eul 1) . Swedianul , ( iertrmnlo N. Fitzsinmmnons , hcosa l. Alexander , F Ray Dilts and Jepnio F , Slinger , NORTh LOUI' , Neb , , June D-Slme. ( eiai.-Thu ) commuemiceliment exerlcsos of time 111gb school were heW last oveilitig. There vere twelve grad- mmates-Cinra Clemiment , ( iraco Kellogg , Fior- dice Cienmemmt , Sidle Simmitim , Ammna Vanhiorn , Nina htootl , 1dima Arnold , Mionia 3anmes , Corn Davis , Otto 11111 , Oria Goodricim , Oak- by hlurloy , NELItIII , Neim. , Juno 3.-Siwcial.-Last ( ) evening ( lie alumni of time Nehigh liuiblic schools held Its annual banquet , Nearly 100 guests were present. TiLD1N , Nob. , June 3-Special.-Grad. ( ) tiatiug exercises were heM hero last night , thmti graduates being : lhenncttVimitney , hert Saltier , Arthur Miller , ( lerteudo Ryan , hithei Brown , Glen Snider and Motta liansemi , SmIllerlislirs iii 4t'ssiiii. COLUMBUS , Nob. , June 3.-Special.- ( ) The Board of Supervisors for Platte county met today and will tamisact what business conies before them. They will meet tomuor- mow aml.contiuue in session for three days Ladies' and Men's F u 1" 11 1 sli I ii gs. The greatest values in their lines ever S1IOWII in Ollialla. Men's extra hue suspenders , the best. InlLke , worth 0c iid Vc , and sale at 25m. Iumm' 1)nCk amid lrown socics , vot'Lul lic pali' , 8 palm' 25o. Men1mm ilno baibmiggati a1ilrt anti drawot's , ( ii plmtlii amid fancy colon , , worth 51Ju , at 25. Mcmi's Ilimo iauntiorcd nercutle sb1rtm , woiih 'Jc , at 3e. Mm3i1' $ uxtra flue colored m1i1i'ts , In all the i.owu.ot imattorna wom'th 3I , at 5c. ( ) All the newest styles In nookwear itt 25 Ladles' hue baok and brown teniiilt.s , 1iomo , worth 2c , at 3 paIrs tot' 5c Children's ' bicycle hose in black and bi'owim , s'ith double heel and tOe , worth e , at. 12u Ladlo& hue vests , in assoi'ted colom's , woi'tli 2.3rj , at 1'2c A ( mill line of corauts timid latlicH' fL1t'Iiismhlmg3. ) Big Hat Sale. Newest styles in hiLts at lowest pi'lcoum. .1 VCt' milemi felt hat at 48. . 5(1)110 ( ) specIal bargatitmi at lSui ) , $ 1 AS and $ 1 .OS. Drossy llmml durable. 1hImu most cuimiplete assoi'tmnemmt of straw lmat in Omaha , itt 15i : , 25 , 'l5c , 75c. Chmlidremi's lutta at 5c , lOc , l5u , 25 , 35. . 'I'ltc Leat.Iiiig Dress Goods House of the West. A i.toek of dress goods equal to the four lnrgest iltOClC.9 vest of Chicumgo. 250 hll'CCM ( of noVeitIe , worth 25e , 0mm Suttuirtlay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12 ½ c 200 pIccL's ( if iUVeltiPs. Jiwqunrds , I . . riettom. . ete , , worth 25e , on this iummlo 15c 275 luitCes of wool mixtures , worth iJe , at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21e 150 iuiCes of German Jmicuiuaruls , nil colors , hotter goods than is .molcI anywhere - where else for itk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25e All our mixed novelties ( lint .mokl at 41k' , Die , 69c vhll go on sithe itt only. . . . Die . , hi our mloVettCm4 ! ( lint were TIc. 79. ' , S9c , DOe , all go on one lot at. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49c Ahi goods thou said frummi $1.25 to $2.10 xviii go at. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Die 13la.i Ii es. . Goods. \Vi ? hn'e no competition on black goouim _ , , hic , IDe , 2cc , 29c , : uc , 4ic up to. , $ l.50 \\e are exeitiaive agents fet l'iiestley'm black goods iii Onmnhn. We much hilack geoL mor skirts at DDe tlmat cnm't be nitrilt'I in Omnahma for 71c. I1ail orulen li'ummilutiY ) ihhleul. Satbmfmietiori gunrniitee'ui or mooney refunded. 3 Big Silk Specials for Sititrday. ( 'hIANGEAIiLli AUSTRIA SILXS , all the new color combinations , on Satur- tIny . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19e l'LAIN BLACK INDIA SILK , hue qunhity , on m.aio Sturdmty. . . . . . . . . . . . . . D5c 1II100AI)16 Bldmk'K OltO OIIA1NS , time biggest lot , him the hmnmulsomost hesigns , all Placed on 130.10 Saturday lit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49c 'i'hmis silk uiie eunmneuices Saturday morn- tog promptly at S o'clock. scribed by iaw , viz. 106 emmileteul omen , Company ohflcers wiil be as fohiows : Cap- tam , one ; first lieutenant , one ; second hheum- thmmaumt , one ; first sergeant , one ; quarter- muastor seigeant , one ; sergeants , four ; cor- porais , tweive ; musicians , two ; artificer , two ; wagoner , one ; lirivates , eighty-four , , Total strength of company , 109. It Is suggested to all recruiting officers , asveil as to time temporary company coin- mnamulers , ( lint the various counties adjacent to tIme headquarters of time se.ral compaumiem. as designated in general order No , 19 , A. G. 0. , be perallttteui to unroll thieummsolves in time nearest company to their respective iiomnes. All recruiting officers and company I commanders should , on receipt of this let- ( or , report to this office their present en- hi.mted strength amid render hereafter uially reports on time progress of enlistment in I their several comumnunuls , I Company commnamiders will ho notified in ulue time when to assummbio their respective conimnands for muster into the United States service and the pohimt of immobilization , I Many recruiting olilcers have mnade inquiry - , quiry at this ohilce whether or not tlvir comnhany would be permnitted to elect coni- pany olilcers , and In reply to the above I desire to call your attention to section 24 , chapter 1 , S.msioi , Laws 1897 , governing election of officers , I 'Fliu election vrovimles that "all elections anti appolntmnouiis of comomissioned ofllcei , In the miatioumal guard shall be subject to I tIme approval of the governor , " Your utten- then is also Ihivitell to "paragraph 8" of ( iovermior hlolcomb's address , Issued to tIme officers of time First amid Second rcgiummommts , Nebraska National Gummed , lrior to their lie. 11mg muusteretl in the United States service as volunteers , as follows : "It is mumy earmiest amid well knowum desire ( hint ( lieu two regiuneuits of infantry of tim N'mraska ) National Guard shall maintain their 1)rcsnt company and reglincuutni or- gauiizati9ils when accepted into the volun. leer iirmny , and so far as my efforts mnay I avail I shall strive dIlientlv to secure this maucim desired end , micither .maimctionimmg 'nor cimeouragiimg mtumy change except where legal obstncle mmiay appear , or the public good am ] ( ho clhhcioimcy of ( ii , organization seonis clearly to require it. " Act of congress approved April 22 , i8OS , section 6 , Proviules that in each regiment of the volunteer army that all regiuneuital anti comimpany ohilcers shall be appointed lmy time governor of ti state's In wimich their respective - spectivo organizatiomis mire raised. tiovermior hlolconib has recouniumemiule. . ] Prof. A. A hteed of Crete as ( lie proper man to organize a conmpany of shmarpsiio9ters iii this state , ( lie conipany to form a hmart of time regimiment ( lint Millionaire Belmont of Now York lies offered to equip. htnsiuiui.seui J.aid I. , him'st. COI4UM13US , Neb. , Julie 3.-Special.-- ( ) The fumicral of time late Juiius Rasmussen was held tomlay at time family residence , at 2 o'clock. Time funeral was held under ( lie auspices of time Masonic lodge of timis city , time Coiumnbus lire department , of whmlclm lie was sum honorary member also attendemi ho a body in full uniform , Time Order of ( ho rand Hammock Sale. lit . : ) ° have the on1y COflIlOtO line of hlllflfllOCkS .lth-Olflflhlfl1 aitti WO lUldC1'e1l aity house iii the \'st ill high grade , fiit ClflS h18.llIhiloekS. Children's hammocks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . These are the very finest lmtmtumiioeks mumule , 1xtra length grass hammocks The noted Thiomuas limmoimocks , with 3 lmk'kory sprentlers tim each end. cmi sale- Letter R. only . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . bettor Q , only . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ . . i.IS Letter 1' . only . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1.18 Letter M , oimly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1.88 i-bahl croquet sets , iii cely varnished , onl' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sic Gratid Souvenir Sale Sattirday1 25c Souvenirs of tlm Rxpositlen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1OC :150 : Souvenirs of the Expoaitlon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1C ICc otivcmmirs of the i xpositiomm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DDe $1.00 Somivenirs of the ixpositiomm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SOC' $1.00 PIC'I'URRS WiTh MAT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . These are copies of Pictures ( ruin time olul masters timat brought . . timoitsanuls of dollars each , . 1tegtilar hirice of copies $1.00 ecii , sale imrice IDe. New Books. NEilOOiCS25c novels , oumly Sc , Chicago Record Cook hook , SOc Special Sheeting and MuslIn Sale. I'riucs Los'er tliii E'er , . . 10 bales heavy L. 1. . mnudimi . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 boles heavy 9-I shetimig at . . . . . . . . . .I2Le 10 baIt's soft finish ble'ached muslin. . . . 41Ae 0 t'lU4e $ L.mlmtiueie . Cammibric Ut . . . . . . . . . . ( rnme and get out' PrimeS Ofl natty tO l51' .mhmes amid imihlow eases , big stock anul low lirices , ' ( ) % and 1.iiiuit , The finest stock'of tdwols iii time country , SOc satin damask towels , knotted frilige , size 15x54 , at. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DIe 21c satiii damnmisk. niiti buck toweis at. . IDe lIe damask , imuek antI bath towois , big aize , at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lOc hOc large sizu COttmml and Turkish towei at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ic r1c0c1I Exquisite Millinery All time prettiest cm'catlonm 1mm Ihowers dis- ihLYetl , iii Il'o ftmsioui in time big iii mmc'ry ufepartmn'nt. ( 'J'rimnummhumgs aim , ! ormIlumnents witimout emmul. Great reductions on tm'lnmnmed pnttermm iizi t S. ( "opies a f luumported I 'arIslLn ho ts , worth from $35.0' ' ) to 3O.00 , on sale at $1.50 , $3.00 , $7.51) and $10.00. Siu-'ciiml sale ( iii liea v'iiito tmhimimncd sailors - ors mit SOc. Fverytlmiimg iii saiior3 at SOc \el'y low Prices 00 children's styihsh hints Saturda' . jew'chi'y Icpam'tnmept. I Iendqunrters for Ocim\emmir spoons. 'i'iiC largest iussmrtmeuit 6f iterItng silver sou- veumir spotiuis Iii Omniuhit , Sterling sliver sPtons.i DDe up. I ieutltiuarters for ladles' anti gents' fine w'lttc imps. Litihies' and gomits' gold' hilled huntimmg cast' wiutchi antI limit' Eigui 'or \tItimiii : works , eases warranted tu ) wer : ID years , $ S.'JI , worth $20.00. as a Board of Equalization. The city council vhll also be sitting at tim same time to hear any complaints of Illegal assessing. Tile newly organized Consumers' Brewing company has taken charge of ( lie Colummibhmi brewery. Time ofiicers of the new company arc William Brown , president ; S. J. Ityaum , ' vicui lresltient : L. .1. Lee , treasurer ; Cami htohde , secretary. H. J. Kcrsenbrach will be retained for the present as manager of the institution. The company expect to make some extensive improvements in time near future and among others will be an ice plant by which they will manufacture their own ice as timey use it. R.t.iSlN ( 'I'll 10 mlit'VAN 1tflmMl0N'I' . Aijuiiiiiit ( m'uiermuI lllSrr3 Issues IL Clr- eiltv hette'r of I , istvuiotimi. LINCOLN , June 3.-Spechal.-Atljmmtant ( ) General ilarry today issued time followimig circular letter : Persoums namnemi on general orders No. 19 , I A. G , 0. , are hereby informed that the Third regiment , Nebraska volunteer In- faimtry , immi boeii accepted for service by the president of ( lie United States , ammti the soy- oral companies composing this regiment will be recruited to time umaxirnunu ntinmber Pr- Eastern Star , of which his wife nod oldest daugimter wore members. was also in the lone nrness1on. It was one of tIme largest funerals held hero in a number of years. ) , , ' ( 'o.iuil Irt gimge iteeerul , FitEIIIONT , Nob. , Jumie 3.-Special.- ( ) The following Is ( ho muortgmige record of 1)odge county for the mmionth of May , 1898 : Chattel mortgages filed , sixty-eight , amount , $19,117.70 ; released , forty-three , amount , $33,718.68. Farm mortgages recorded , sev- Ctmteetm , linmount , $17,206.81 ; farm mortgages rolcaseul , twenty-eight , amimmmnt , $22,053.11. Town and city mortgages recorded , nine , amount , $1,525.00 ; town anti city mortgages - gages released , twenty-two , amount , $14- 694.61. Deeds of foreclosure , five. 1'iult Ilimota lluulst'.l. \VAIcEFIELD , Nob. , Juno 3.-Speciai.- ( ) . . Time full quota of volunteers for nort-heast Nebraska has been raised by the recrultiumg station at this place , under the management of Thomas Rawlings and J. H. Brown. Timoy imave received orders to proceed to Lincoln , Time following are time officers : Captaium , J , 11. llrowmm ; first lieutenant , it. G , flowse ; mtecolmd lieutenant , II. B. Nelson , Chumig..l lii 'i'h.e'ft. FAIRLIURY , Ned , . , Jumme 3.-Speclal.- ( ) Walter Norris , a photographer , was arrested last mmigiit at Hubbell by Sheriff lionaverts ntl brought hack to Fairhury. ISo is charged with breakimig iii 0. II. Itoiders' photographic stmmdio tit timis place amid steal- immg a valuable camera anti other material. lli , ' lros'iit i1. FAIRBUI1Y , Nob. , Juno 3.-Speciai.- ( ) A party of boys wore swiumiuning iii the river last evening above the city and one of the number , Claude Morris , about 15 years old , Wl1de(1 ( into ( loop vater and was drowned , Time body imas not beemm recovered. Morris was his mother's only cimlid , 'Issus IiIee't Oilk'ers. EMERSON , Nob. , Juno 3.-Special- ( ) Magnolia lodge , Amiiemmt , Free and Accepted Masons , elect d the foilowimmg officers last ovcnimmg : F , 0 , Pauiger , imiaster ; Frank Coy. ' , senior warmien ; It. A , Davis , junior warden ; Ceorge Ilaaso , secretary ; 11 , F , lulosemmian , treasurer. ! 'leani.tl , m.i t hi 4 , t iiim , M'COOL JUNCTION , Nob. , Jtmne 3-Spo. ( cial-Persomms ) retumiming frommi time openimig of tIme exposition mire irofnso in their praises of Omaha business men for their enter- vriso in giving the wetiUueii a Inagimificont display. , fJ ml J'i'uti' t it "ju',1 ii l I t' . TILDlN , Ncb. , -Special-Wimilo ( ) eumgaged in muovimmg chaIrs for tIme ncconmnmo- datioum of time aumilleaco jmtemmdlmmg the gradua- titmg exercises , Beummelt ' . 'imltlmey was thrown from a wagon amid received a badly fractured ankle HYMENEAL. I I 'it 4 , , itlC.ii lull Ii IC. ClNTRAI4 CITY , i'ciiJ June 3.-Special ( Telegrammm-i' ) . S. 11cntou probate judge of Merrick county , and Mli.s Ada Komnbrimmk , dmnmghter of Ii , ii. Icombrink of timis city , wcm.0 uimUed Ill marlrage at St. Miclmaei'mm church this morning , 11ev , Father Delfosse oillciating. ( 'mmiii e1 l.'i'lioin lisfimi , HEBRON , Neb , Juime -Special.-Mr. ( ) . Alexander Caidwell nod Miss Margaret Tiiomnpsoa were married last mmigimt at time bride's hobo abotit seven umhies northeast of here , 11ev , hI. 0. WIlcox officiating , Got a map or Cutia and got tIme best and most complete. The flee's cnm'iinatioui una of Cuba , the \Voat Indies arid .f the world , 'Jith a flee map coupon , on pmtg 2 , if CeUti , at Bee 0111cc , Omaha , South Owalmn oi ( ounctl Bluffs. By muall , 14 cents. Admiresm Cuban Map Department. China Departin eiit. Elegamit decorated toilet sot'm . . . . . . . . . . $1.93 Decorateti dumiiier Phittos . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sc Decorated cups immiti smumc'er4 , each . . . 10 6-1)7. , S-os multi 1O.oz handle beet' glasses dozen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100lieCO decorated dinner .mots . . . . . . . . $5.95 Crystmul s'imio glasses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dc 1'lnin white cups amid satmet'rs , emcii. . , Dc Complete kltcime'mm lamps , with reflectors ISo Japanese iammterim from Sc up to . . . . . . . IDe b'itiie' eimintt CtllS ttimtl saucers , . . , , . . , IDe iXltSitiOhi stamnim iiates , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IDe Jtrdlneres : , from 49c imp. Complete stanui lamp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200 I'llilti wiiite oiates-Dc , Sc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4c Meat , Lard and Chickens. Nt ) . I bacon , augur cured . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lie Good n1t pork . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6'c Pickled pigs' feet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . No. I stlglur cumrcul hams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . so l'ickiei , tripe , cooketi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4t ' 1-il. pails best lard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DIe 5-lb. Dolls best IarI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . \\'elmmcr sausage , Per ptnmmul . . . . . . . . . . . . hJohttnit stuimsage , best mmmmu1o . . . . . . . . . . . . cc Fresh dresseul cimickt'umu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .S1c Lunch picnic lmum , , lie , . cam , . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sc i 1AVIh.N 1-mItOS , . TIIANSM ISSISSIJ'PI I iEDQUA1tTEitS , ' . _ _ --1 ; * Yesterday afternoon time conmuittee numneul by Mayor Eiiiom' to take charge of time pro- hiosed cciebratiomm to ho arrange(1 in hmouom' of the opening of ( ito Am'nmommr plant muot at the Rxcimange hail at the stock yards. Those present were : Mayor Ensor , General Manager - ager Kenyon of the stock yards company , Secretary Utt of time Omaha Coimunercial club , W. S. King , chief engineer of time stork yards amiti Armour conmpamilcs , Rdword Ilosewater , L. C. Olbcon , W. B. Cimeck and C. . S. Hayward , Time mmmeoting was called to order by Mayor Ensor nmmil no immfnrnmai discussion followed which resulted in the nipolmitimlg of a committee to wait upon time packers next Monday mormmimmg no.1 . ascer- tnimi their wishes iii conumectlomm with tIme celebration. It was sttetI by time may01' ( lint it would 1)0 June 20 or possibly later before the Armour plant would be ready for itlSlmmeHS ) so that those interested In time liroiect will have ample ( line In which to comnlmleto nil arrammgemnemmts. Robert Ii. howe , superimitondent of ( ho Armnommr plant here , stated to Mayor Flnsor that the Armour people verc heartily In accord with the movememit anti would do everything possible to make the ceielra- tiomi a success. Mr. howe further stated ( hint ammy date selected by time coinnmittce for time oItcnlmmg would ho agreeable to time Armours. I Mr. ICcimyomi said timat the pe.ojle of Omaha aiid Nebraska mlitl hot uumlerstand or appreciate - ciato time imupartance of tile stock yartis almi packing imouses bore , and for that m'emusoui lie was not iii favor of aimy celebration vhich would be strictI' an Armour affair , lie wautteul nil of time packing houses and the stock yards to be Iumciumtloi , in tie cole- hmratiomm , Time other Imackem's , Mr , lCm'ayon said , had boon hero for years and had domto a great deal to build up time city , anti for that reason lie diti miot ( imimmk it wouh'l ' ho right to single out one packer to ceiebrato over to time detrimncmmt of time rest , Time others ircsemmt seemnemi to I uk'j time sanmo view of time mimatter as Mr , Iceayomm mild amid so it was finally mlecided to Incitalo all of time iltckcrs amid time stock yards in time ceieljratioim , nmahimmg time opemmilig of the Ar- amour imiummt atm ilmCitlont of time oectmrremmce , In conmmection with this iine of thought Mm. Rosevater saiti that v.0 thri iud : bt'etm accolmmiiisiuc(1 Imere iii fourteen yj'ars amm.i (11mm ( ileoiilo who haul dommu so intmthi : to build up Soutii Onmaila umimotmid lie ni 'tie ' imroumiineumt factors In tile cehebratioum , 'Vito co.nimmg of /urlmmour s'as macrely ( lie climmax iii i bum lsL ; of ( lie city's immulustries , it being tIe wonder- ( UI achievement wimich has imocit loolu.'ul be- ward to for years , In enso the piamms us outlined are carried out Invitatloummiwihi be extended to tile , Iros- b..iemmt . of the hlamnnmommth i'ackiog conipaumy , tile Armuours , time imoati officers of the Swift amid Onmmmimmu i'acking plants anti to limo CUII- aimys as well aim to the ohiheera , Imast anti present , of time Uimiolm Stock l'ards commpmmtmy. Mr. Check sugiestetl thma _ a sort of jubilee week be desbgiiated and thud oxeuraboims bum rum , from all over time state amid timat time celebration hero occur en omm of the days of time week mleslgiiated , lie said that alchm IL course would draw hueohmlo to time expusi- tbon anti that. a good attendaemco hero would be insured- Secretary Utt of time Coimmumierciai ciub timouglit it would be a good plan to4 appoInt a comnnmittee to wait upon the matmagers of the packimig houses anti stock yards for the purpose of seeing what coUhii be dee in regard to a general celobratiomi , As it is desired to ilarmnommize the immierests of nil of time packers , this suggeatiomm was imeartiiy approved , anmi a immotion of Mr. Cbeek emit- powering tile chair to UIiObilt such a corn- zulttee , was carried , The mayor aimpolumt.d I this conmummittee M. It Murpimy , J. R. IJt ( , R , Bosowater and W. 13. Chock. It was then - - - - - - Grand Sale ott Ladies' Suits , Capes and Skirts The largest assortment of 1uUe' stylish ga i'nitints in the 'fr i h1s-i\IissiSsLII \ ) ) C0t111t1'Y , All bought l'or sIct ) cash wlieii thu market , \Vn.s itt itS lowest. ii ' L' Capes- . ; .d Ladies' wool eames 1mm imlniim mind ilguieuh nmnteriruls , i'J C worth $1.25 $ at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I i.aclies' silk cmmptms ortii $3.50 at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 98 'I Lathes' imammulsommie brocade lilmtl gras grabmi silk capes. himmed vRIm sIlk , trlnmmncd i'htim chiiloim , riblmomm auth jet , fully worth $9.00. for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $4.9E1 Skii-ts. Laulli's' himmen skirts , vobtlu $1.50 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98c Lathes' silk skirts , worth $6.00. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3.98 Ladies' mohair shirts womthi $1C0 , itt . . . , . ' , . , . . : . . , . , . . ' . ' . . ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 690 Shirt Waists niid Silk \uists 7 ; tlozemm shirt waists , mmew hattomims , ommul colors , worth 7Se at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 490 So do7.emm shirt waists imm percale , immadras , che. , 1mm imitest toshilcium , worth $1.10 , nt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 980 175 silk vaists in P11mm tatfetas , Imiftiuls , cimecims , stripes and mmli time imew tennis , worth $ S.O0 at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $5.00 1.nmiies' wash suits , Imiouse muiti jacket offccta , worth $3.50 , at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1.99 Sixty bathes' stilts , oh vol , full taccI skirts , ily fmommt jacket , lit covert cloth , tvee'tl fnmmcy , miixttmrcs , etc. , wortim $1100 , on sale mit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $5 9 A comilimleto line of ( ho Imowest timings iii sititli , jmmcllvts , ummtich-skirts Imlid wrappers at lowest prices. - - - - - - - - Big " Sale _ on _ F1our. ii ; hountls , ( Irnaumlated Stmgar , . , $1.00 Large sacks intro York State hinekwlmeat I ' 22 uotimmtls C Sugar. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.00 Flour , regumlar price , DDe. . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 S-lb. CmiiiS extra quality Table Pears. . . 9'c 1.tmrgo sacks Grmtmmtmlaed Corn Meal . 'Id ' 8-lb. camis fnmmcl' Golden Ptmmnphlmi . . . . . 7 t,4C 10 poumutis fresim roiled Oatmeal for. . . . . D.lb. calms fancy \\'hmite Stigmur Cormm , . Sc Sweet Seedicuta Oi'ammges , dozeim . . . . . . . . 'IC 2.lb. camla flutter Beammsor Peas , , . , . . . . DClDbnrs Stmmiulnm'd Laimmmtlry Scap. . . . . . . . 250 More Bargains - - - - ' other lIe camis Con.Ienstl . MIlk . . . . . . . . . . . . So \'east Foani , ( lerummalm or any yeast . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2c i'earb Tapioca , Sago , ilombtiy , Barley , Sapnlio , per bar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sc Greeli i'eis. IAtmma ijeans , etc. , uer Mtistartl Smirtlimies , per can . . . . . . . . . . . Dc imoumnul . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SO Sweet Cimocoiute , ier Pac1tgc . . . . . . . . 3 ½ c Letnoml ormumihlii Rxtrnct , peu bottle , So I'tirior Matches , ier dozen , . . . . . . . . . S 1-'Jc Pmmtiuiiemme , iDe packages. nil flavors. . . 7 o hOc packages Starch , , ommly . . . . . . . . . . . . Sc 111 } . COilS Pure flaktmmg l'owder . . . . . 8c lOc packages Slmrctidetl Cocoantmt . . . . . . 8m4c W'aslmimmg l'owtier ( all imraiids ) only , . . . IDe bottle I'ure Tomato CatStil. . . . . . . . Sc Scruhimirig I'e. i.er eamm , emily , . , , , Ic Ibiooul iteul Saimmion , imor can . . . . . . . . . . 7 tlInked iievmmms , iieu camm , only . . . . . . . . . Table Salt , 2 sacks for . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sc Large bottle heat Dimming . . . . . . . . . . . . and Coflee- We give away free with mme poimmmd of Fresh Itoasteti Rio Coffee , only.lOc amid 12l , Tea a fumicy decorateti cup and Cimotce Suimmtos Coffee , ommiy. . . . . . . . . . . . . lIe Japuimi saucer.Vlm' do you pay 75c for tea when ( ] oltlemm Sammtos Coffee , . . . . . . . . . . . . saucer. calm biy famicy iaaket iiretl uncolored Goitloum 1(10 COffee , emily DOe amid. . . _ . . . 220 you Mocha atmti Java Blemiti Cobfec , onlY. . . . 25i . for DDo ? Japutli .iapami Tea 1)mt , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . / l'ure Meelma nmi , Java , oniy. . . . . . . . . . . . 251 Now Spring Leaf Dmmian , for. . . . . . . . . . . . iDe Best Mantilmeiiumg Mocha ammd Java Cof- ilxtra clmoice BicImmi for Ice Tea , only. . . DDe fee , 3 1moilimds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ . Ceylon , Oolong , Assarn , Forulmosa , emily. . ZSc _ , - Butter for Saturdays Lam'ge dui'ect shmipmnentu of fresh cgirs amid bultem' cecuivctl every day. New i'ass lUtteu at ICc , I le amid , . , .l 2e Ouit' cmettmnei'y ( sure ( mm mlease you ) . . Best eotmhiti'y ljilttCi' itt. . . . . . . . . . . . . - . 1it Tlmd VmJm' ilmiest cl'eamei'y at. . . . . . . . . l8e Out' eggs arc vru'mammted ' -.m . - - - . . . - . - - - simggesteti that the mayor servo omm tIme coma- mnittce iiimnself aiutl It sims so orderetl. ' Time conmmmmitteoagrcvd to nicet at tIme stock yards 0111cc at S :30 : o'clock mioxt Monday inorumlmig for the puliose of visltimmg tIme packers. Iii case the packers favor time Idea those vIle met yesterday will ioiti a mncetiimg anti np- point commmmmiittees 011 lregramm , puiiicity , elm- tertaimimnemmt , transportation iitld flnaumce. ( 'I l' ruuiuit' II 1leehue. . Presidclmt Barrett occupied time cimair at tIme mneetimmg of tim city coimneli last night , Mayor Ensor belmmg out of time city , Trainer brought up time mmmattor of better stt'cet car accommmmnodatfolmS for time residents of .Aibmiglmt ammdVest Q street , amid ICehly ( hiotmgiit SOliiO action ought to be taken by the coummebi to procimre hotter service em , tile Omnima line. lie asserted that it. was almmmost hmmilioSsible for a man to get a seat , anti 1113 thought that 'sImon a imersomi pail lure lIe was cmmtitled to a Seat. Tim resbilemits of Albriglit and West Q street comnplaimm that the last car leaves Twont'-fotmrtlm amId N' miti'eets at about 11 o'clock , which pm'evelmts tlmt'umi fi'omn golmmg to any ommtel'taiflmfltilii.S ill Onmaima unless tiley walk hommme. At time sug- gostlon of Traimmor , Presllemmt , Barrett up- imohmmtod Messrs. Kelly , Traimmor and Cibmmgeui a commmmlttec to coimfer with time officers of time .mtreet car cemnpammy ill relutboli to better service. A culvert was ortlered laid omm P street betweeli Sevemmteeimitit nmiti lilglmtccmitiu strceis iii order to imrevemmt time roatiwny be- 11mg washed out durimmg heavy rains. George iare was gralmtetl a plllmlbers' licemmac almd Otto Mauler ammil MCiOllOtigii & Sheailami vore granted ilqtmor hiceumses. An ortlimiatlc'o was reati creatbumg a gruuhlmmg district on It amId Twemmty- street betwoeum Twenty-first second streets. ? .ieimilmer Fauiferhik called time attention of the hotly to a bad hole imm time ronti em , Q street between Sevemmtecntli aimul Righiteeumtlm streets , amid (11(1 street cclii- missioner was ordcred to imiake time mmecos. sam'y repairs. A lmetttiomm for an arc light at time inter- sectbomi of Twenty-fifth and 1' streets was imfesenteul amid referred to time higimtbmlg Colim. nmitteo. Iuiiuiing Iuitupector ilmmmsconmb ru- honed lmavimmg ismmed timirty-timree bmihiliumg imcrmnits durlmmg May- which aggregateti a total cost of 512,760 , Transfers frommi time special license fund vero ordu'rcml as follows : To time salary ftmmml , , $600 ; street repair fmmnd , $500 ; police fund , $1,200 ; lire funml , 1,000 ; gemmeral fund , $800 ; total , $1,400. lulls amid buick salaries alimoUuitiilg to about $5,000 were ortlored laiti. laiti.No action was taken imm ri'gartl to time mmii- lhlcatiomi for hiccimse for tile imperial Music imalh. The aiplbcants agreed to elinmilmuto time objectiommatihu feattmros of time place anti Oh opilortunlty will be givemi for ( ho appli- cantui to commer with ( lie reUioimlmtraters , 4'ttl jourimeti UlItti next i'ucstlay mmlglmt. ii igli S'iiiiiuI (1 rnml umimi iIere'lses , . Last evening time atiimuul grlmuilmutioii cx- ereises of tile 5otmthi Omammima 111gb schooi were itchi at the First Mothioulist Eplscopai L'hmurcim. The class was coimmposcti of Chris- timme C'omiuirtnm , Lemma Lcota Ccx , SamIbo L , Fowlcrummua It. Levy , Mary ht1Itlm hawley. it. larli Simmithm amiml Charles R. Wells , Scarlet - let amid crealmm , the class ceiora , termnetl a large part of time decorations aimmi imeot bows of the colors were wormi by niani of the hlarCnts atiul triemmtls of time graduates. Time exercises opened with ami itms'ocatiomi by 11ev. IrvIng 1' . Johinsomi , rector of St. Mar. timm'mm Rplscomal church. Timiim was foilos cml by am , ltstrtmimuoumtai sole by Miss Christine Comuiron amid tilt-li Mary hawley reatl aim essay emmtlie'i ( ' "Tile Novel as a Teacher. " "Aim Arralgnnment of time Suhmtiay N wsi'a- ' per" was the topic of Sathho Fowier's grimmiul- ating essay Charles B. Welis arid Anna it , Levy diacussemI time uiucattomi , "Radieahimumn versus Conacryatimimo , " ammml received well Immeritemi applause , It , Eimrii Snmitim , Lena Cox amid Chriatlime Condron duiivorctl ccci- tations after which President L.ott of tims Board of 1tlucation iiresiited diplomna'm to ( lie gralitmates. : imrIe ( 'i t y ( mssh ) . 'loactmors' exmumimmnutions will be hmc-ld hero mmcxi , week. film Jimite 5 limo 1trmnour eummmioyca wihi pie- mmtc at Saipy Mills. \v. 11. Yarton has severetl his colmmiectlon with time llliiy Still. JOimIm F. iticlmimmmrt of time Urammi , Isiammul Dcnlocrmtt shout yesterday in the city. Mike Hart is i'epom-ted as growing weaker and It Is feat cul that ho camimmot rececr. . ' , u iimaslmm. lodge , Ne. 227 , Ancient Order of LImited 'cmriulicll , vIii elect othicers Jute Ii. 'I'll , , mvolmmen of time l'resbyterlumm church % .ili m'el'vo leo cream , , at Sirs. Atistimi's tiiC , , atoraeomm. 't'ile 'I'ravehing Mcii's imssocimttlon visiteti tiium stock youths multI packing imomma yester- timiy aftermmoon , Oil tile ovemiimig of Jmmiy D tile local so- . . .lety of iioimemmiiaii 'i'tlrimers vlii ceibr.tto It mcmli lu ltumlml\'ersmtry. TIlvonmen of time Hospital association am'o cnr.vaasiumg ( or mlmi'mmmfcrmm. ) mneimmberahip 10 the tSSiLuimtI : Costs $1. ' it GIll mmima P I II nm iii mlg Ii I'll ) obtal net ] a lem- limit yesterday for uimakimmg uu'ilor ; connectloims' at the mmew imostoihlce building. t'Jlmmmk hlmmieo t'as taken to Fremmmomit yemm terday. wilero mimi opcra.Lletm ttIii be per- formmmetl for eltulcer of tile tolilicII , lt'i. I' . AeNnry ; preaclled at time Unitotl i'rcsimyte'rlummm Chitmrch Just t3scuiimlg , I ho vhiI COmltiLmC COflhmiflhll 10mm services tmlmday. Time following bIrths wcmo reimorel ( yemuter'- tly : Mr. amid Mrs. ilemijaimmin hhbnkiey , Four- tcvmmtil antI C streets , a daughter ; Mr. amia lvi us. 13. icrlteuili'immk , , 'l'weimty-aoveumth mmiii ! 11 imrcets , a daughter ; Mr. ammml Mrs. iimery' Trlli)1) , 2922 V street , a somm. MOVING THE IOWA TROOPS b'J ftFlist Jl.'gl.iieuj uf Viplum iii el'r in. tim ii t 'j : " Get I I ii w itemumi y to Gui to 4mmi Jl'rnmieimui'o , At time meeting of railroad macmm at army ilcadqtlarters yesterlhay afternoon arrange- umients wore immade for tim tramisportatiomi of a reglmmmemmt of Iowa voiunee'ms ( , immfammtry , frommm' le Moimmes to San Francisco , Time troops mviii come tiirougim Ommmaila. TIle Rock Islalmul % .iil hutmi time regrllmemmtlml hme'auiquartera and 01113 battalion ( coin 1)es Moimmes to Ienver , turumlimg over ( ho tralmm to time Union I'ncifld at ( lInt Point. 'l'imo Jiuriiimglomm will haul a secommd bmtttnliorm fi ommi Des l.ioiimemu to leimvur tlu'itvcrimmg tilt ) battalion to the Ummiomi l'aclll there. The Northwestern will imammdbe time third battalion froni ies Mu > immes to Couimeil lfltmtfs , delivering It to time Ummion PacifIc at' that 1)01mm t. I I mm mu liii ii d 'I'll i m's V e ii grit ii e' e , ALFRII1) , Mo , , Jtimme 3.-Lommis Marteimu , % 'ilO Vb'liS released frommm jlmli ( hubs forommootm , imavimmg cottipletemi a term to wimlcii Imu wits seimteneemtl for a uimismieizanor , iim which Mrs. Josephm Gieummloim was involvoml , , , 'as shot null probably fatally immjtmi'etl mis lie was icttviimg tile Jail by time lllmslmamimi of time wommman. Ofhicors vimo wbtflcsscti time shooting followoti ( I le'Ildo n , t'Imovimuum lIe found t ii 11 t Ii U could hot escape' , placed tIle r vohver with whIch ho hind shot Martels mugaimist lmls ouvum brelmst timid tiretl a bullet timroughm ills hmcamt. lie' dieml Imistamltly. lih'iIimumt i 111pm I imu Ilee'ier , lAOlNIVls. ( . , Jurme D.-Jeu Aumuhersomi , time eltiihalmt kecepue witlmVnilaeo II ; 05 , ' cireIms , was htiiltd here today by oumo of time ale- pimaumts timmit became mmgiy , Time eimlmmmui broke mway mmmi cilasech time whole Imohicu force mmd 110 excited crowd of citizens. ii iioilii or6ford's ' cit Phosphate quiets ( tie nerves , and Induces ( mottles , ! . : _ . . _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _