- - - - - - . - - - - - r---- . , THE OMAHA DAILY BEE . . " . ) - ESTABJiSIIEI - ) JUNE19 , 1871. OMA1LSATU1tIAY MORNING , 1TE 4 , 189STWEL1rE PAOES. SINGLE CPV FIVE CENTS. ! . W'ORIIE ' ( IN ChARGE . Put on the Fklshng ! Touches at the Exposition Gronndn. LAST OF EXHIBITS BEING INSTALLED v\ t4tth I3uIMing on Bluff Tract Ilearhig ; ComploLion. T SATISFACTORY PROGRESS BEING MADE : _ Every Twenty-Four Honra Now ark a - - Great Ohaiigo. ADDITIONAL GATES BEING CONSTRUCTED . IIMorr' IN Miule Thnt 1ore of IgreN Ani , EccMMnr III linsitilijig the lug Cro1M I . uf VI..Ilnrs. . ' , Yesterday WIIB nnother typical "State < falr' day. and a strong wind whirled the . - dust through the fervid atmosphere with a ' vIgor which was nflke dIstrestng on the streets anil tfl the downtown otflce butid- tws. HUt the elemeutary discomfort only CtflflbflHlZCd the succeis with which such Inconveniences - conveniences have been guarded against In - . the constructIon of the ecpoBItIOfl , for the not a circuni- ( lufit on the grounds was itanco to what was encoUntCrea on getting oltsido of the gates. : ThcrO was no surging concourse of visitors at the exposition yesterday , but. those who did attend were spared a large proportion of the annoyance that. they would have stifered it they had remained away. The Wifll blew hard enough to make continucti VnIhinl ! fatiEUifl. but once it.renched the graveled and sodtlcd surface Inside the enclosure - free from comparatively closure It was _ % L dust and became almost a6ceable. CrnvI I n & lie % Vo rl. is o attendance The absence o a Large material assistance to the workmen anil the remaining details of PreParatio1 are be- ahcnd with trernenilotis teptdttY. ' ing pushed 'r ; otitSid. Another lay or two will see nil the vork completeil except two or three state lIlitilirIgs on the lower bluff trnct aiiil meanwhile - while Ilie work ot Installing the remaining cxliihtts i progressing as satisfactorily.as cati he expected In view of time einbatat. decorations that nro being utilizeil. Every twenty-four hours marks a ( IeciIemt clmang. iti the interiors mmml berore Nebraska. day of the lug there will be scarcely a feature show that will not be fully perfected. As with every jreviotIs exposition - has been the case position , the flrst few days mire practically ( jays of preimaration , that but the fact is now assured ho comparativelY brief and this period will - . the elevelith hour detmiUs will ho perfected long before the real crowd of ejmositiOfl yts- through time gates. Itors begins to swarm - - onte Ilnor DCfCCtM. The only drtwback to rapid progress oc- of the somewhat crumb am - ctir.'i on account rmingcmmients for admitting carpenters and other vorkmcn who are employed by the various exhibitors und comicomislonists. 0mm of these muon the last two mornings IL crowd have been compelled to waste a couple of hours In the niornhlig In a abor1oUmi effort to secure ndnmittnnco. There are so many people who have emnploYeS for 'whom they . imupostures are attempted - many - want passes and so tempted that. in the imreSS of busineSs mci- dental to the tmeginnimig of the emiterprise it requires a good deal of time and patience olliclal and secure the to hunt down proper it favorable consideration of a request of . - . - - , - - . ' , . - , , ' . . T .nii' .fl. . . . . 'flsvS the worlmen tiilh Ciltil a t -I , ; . . . . . . . Into the i'Itliout getting have gone flaY grouiiils at miii and several exhibit have beemi nmateriauiy delayed by dimeuities of . . - this character. Some workmen who vcre cinployed by the local Grand Army of the Republic po'ts to install it display 1mm tile Nebraska building have been unable to do anything for two ilays on account of their alleged inability to gaul admittance and this is a SafliilC of numerous complaints on the hart of cx- The workmen ore raplmliy constructing the \ ndditiona gates and turnthies mud the next _ tilno there is a heavy patronage the ( lelays that were unavoidable W'ednesday will not - - . be experienced. The only remaining feature that is hikel yto cause complaint in this do- lmartment is the coinparativo paucity of exits. It is now easy enough to get into the grounds , but it frequently invoives a long walk and no end of questIoning to find a way out. There nrc sonic lmrts of the grounds front which It Is almost Impossible to discover an egress anI ( time few enmahi gates that answer the purpose are so ob- scurchy located 01111 muarked that the casual visitor is liable to imass by them without discovering them. fl.Y FOIL 'l'lll 'OM.tN'M 1.tmllS , ) lUNi 4 iiti lteeoi.rn heM out' of lie un- ; nprtnhit % ( Ut tllerls l.ie. Woman s chubs have become such an ha- portent ( actor in social miami educatiommal cir- cbs that time Transmnlssissippi ExposlUoti bas set apart June 13 as Woman's Club day. iiiiost all the eastern iieiegations on their way to time biennial meeting at icnver ) have arranged to stop over in Ounauia to at- temi the \Voumamms climb congress to be imeld In this city June 18 and 19. Mrs. Ellen M. Hemmrotin. ir(8iicnt ) of time general fedora- thou ofVontan'ii clubs ; Mrs. Alice Ives lireed , vice presimlent. and Mrs. Philip N , Moore , corresponding secretary , will be In attendance. Among time speakers will be Mrs. Ed- 'ward Loiigstretlm , Mrs. Mary i. Munford , Mrim. Cornelius Stevenson of Philadelphia , Mrs. Eiien M. llehnrdson of lioston ; Mrs. Ualo Tarammalt Woods of SalCim2. Mass. ; Zmlri. Electa Walton of Newton , Mass , ; AIrH.Vil. . 11am Vischel of St. Louis Mrs. Ceiia i'arker \'ooicy and Mrs. liermommn ilmmii of Chicago. Siwciai liitcs for Jumie IS have been irauted bY all the railroads ieauiing to Ommimmima. and hundreds of club wonmeri ( rem lime surrouiiding states Eire 'Iannimmg ' to at- tenth time exposition and congress on that Iay. The Woban's Iioird of Managers , the Exposition iIurcau of Entertainunemit imiid - time Omaha Woman's club mire mummklmmg active ircparatlons Cur time success of time occa- * mion. In orLer to distinguish them fromim chimer exposition visitors each visiting club oman immis beca asked to wear a knot of pale blue ribbon. In additiomi to time rt'gu- limp sessions of time congress , which will be ummusuauiy immtert'stiimg , tiio daiiy concerts by tim Thvodoro Thomas orchestra iviii be - Eivcmi jim time Auditorlual , free of charge , , - ' ' 4IMl * 11.11 i tmiiImM NIIIrI lIt'giIl y , \\/tSIIiNOTON , June 3.-Spcini ( Tele- grmmmu.-1ietwt'm ) seven mind ten mulillon mtamps of thu Tralmsmiiibsissi iii Expositiomi ieries will ho issued 0mm Jumie 10 mis a ilyor , but this numuber will not be a drop in the bucket , according to Aasistmnt i'oitmmiaster General Merritt , who is convimmced that the aio of the Omaha Expositiomm stamnp will tivmtt it not exceed thee of the Chicago posit1on. Merritt saw today that * . . _ . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - requests foi these stamps had been phenoro- nal , St. Louis niono wanting 3,000,000 , Ciii- cage 2,000,000 , to say nothing of all the cities lii the tramismlsslsslppi section ranging - ing fromn &O,000 to 1,010,000. The stamps are artistically the finest ever issued by the Postomco department , far and away superior to the World's fair series. I'itOGitiSS IS liii. IJAIS I)3tAIN. itim.tnllntlom of EzlmilitN in the Mines 1iihd timir Got's On 4tcniIii. The installation of the remaining exhibits in the Mines buiiding is progressing with satisfactory rapidity and new wonders are being added to the collection every twenty- four hours. CommIssioner Iay says that unless the exhibit Is an absolutely complete exponent of the mincra resources of the western country he will consider his efforts a failure and ho don't propose to fail. To carry out his idea of the scope of such an exhibit will involve a continual activity Until - til the exposition closes. It is not proposed to be satisfied with showlmmg everything that Is material up to unto , but any new dlscov- cry that occurs during the summer will be utilized mit once for the exposition. If a new and valuable ruby should be discovered , it will be headed at once for Omaha and cx- tensive arrangements have been made to secure time benefit of any discoveries that may be made ( luring the SeaSon in Alaska , the iCiOfllike or any other region of mineral importance in the west. This will result in giving the exposition a number of mineral features that will be absolutely new to the entire world. For in- stance. two days ago a method vas discovered - ered of making a mineral by artificial momma that had never been previousiy pro- ( IUCCII except by the work of nature. 4r- rangements were immediately made to II- lustrate the discovery at the exposition and time first public exhibition of the method will be given In the Mines building. Dr. Day has not been given permission to disclose - close In advance the name of the mineral that is to be produced , but as the materials that are used consist exclmmslvely of dried herring and pine wood. local mimieralogists will have an opportunity to guess at it ttwimllc. NmmmrgeM frnim tle IClonil Ike. The material that arrived yesterday included - cluded two assignments of gold nuggets from time iCiondiko. Among them was one huge lump four inches long and two thick that is probably one of the largest pieces of solid gold that was ever mined In any part of time world. ft was taken from the first opening nude Omi Bonanza creek , one of the tributar- lea of the lCiondike river that have recently becomne famous , and It is recognizable at a glance by time brassy color that characterizes - izes the liondike gold. This feature of the exhibit will include nuggets from every camp that has been developed in Alaska and also specimens of gold quartz from the great Treadwell tallies on Douglas Island mmear Juneau. The latter will be accompanied by pictures of the mills , samples of the free gold and the low grade quartz that abounds there in almost limlties profusion and an exhibit of the methods by which this low grade ore is reduced. This will be Interest- lag as an illustration of the Inexpensive methods that have been devised to handle this grade of quartz at a profit. Time citizens of Juneau mire tathmig a tremendous - mendous interest in time exposition and Owen 1' , 11111 of Juneau is now In Omaha to prepare for the Installation of an exhibit that wili adequately siiow the resources of that territory. Their exhibit will be here In two weeks amid they have nmade arrange- meats to stop all of time finest nuggets that arc washed out in the Kiomidike this summer - mer nail forward them to Omaha. They assert - sert that they will simow miuggets that weigh lifteca pouimds before time exposition closes. 'i'lmo completeness of the gold exhibit will servo to illustrate the difference in the character and appearance of the deposits iii various gold bearing sections. AsIde from the complete showing of Alaskan gold , there will be samples from all time other gold pro- ilimeing regions imi order to show time differ- dice 1mm color between the iarloims deposits. According to the old macthetis of determnln- ing the value of the metal , time Kiondiko gold would not make an emicour. aging showing. Not long ago the gold was tested by rubbing it against IL very black variety of jasper , tue trcak that resulted being taken as an Indication of the comparative purity of time specimen. But more recently this idea has lCCOfl ) discarded and experts have learned that tIme color Is after all only a minor con- sideration. oimme Itemitit I ( iii SIieCI 1,1cm , , . . Among time specimens of very pure gold that from tue Snake river In Oregon and Imlaho vili show the beat coior , but the niost. beautiful specimens at time exposition , anti. In fact. the most beautiful in the world , are those which come from the lireckinridge mimics iii Colorado , This 1mm found in an iron deposit , and when the iron Is picked away the gold is found In feathery crystals that are almost as artistically designed - signed as a magnIfied snowflake. Washington and Oregon will alse contribute - tribute several car loads of said bearing dirt , arid every few days an exhibition of the metimotis of panning out the mineral vill be given for th edification of those who have never mmccii time actual 'mnnipuiatloum of the shovel and Pan in which so many mu- Ilonairemi have found the beginning of their fortunes. A very beautiful display of rock salt from the Itlo Virgin , Arizona , imas just been in. stalled in the Mimics buihmilag. Sonic of the rocks arc of tremuedous size and every agriculturist who notIces them inmmcdiatt'ly expresses time desire to have one of theta to locate 1mm his cow ia .ure , JImts N'Irmi.k.m t'immIl. The exhibits timat are mipproavhimmg corn- liletion In the Agricultural building are striking iliustratlons of the artistic effects that the imroPer arrangement of seemis , corn lmmmsics and similar uimaterials s capable of imroiiuclug. Semite of the mleslgmis are really marvelous and eclipse anything that has been previously invented for show purposes. One of thmi most strIking effecus is con- tributetl by one of the % % 'L mmtern rauiroaml anti represents a Imappy Neirmmmka family seated ; mreummd lime dinner table. Tlmere are five figures In time group amid they are fully dressed by the artistic use of husks , dock weed anti one or two simallar materials. Time dresses of tue woolen anti every detail of altimarci up to Loilcil shirts mmiii miccktles are ; erfectiy Ic- liroduced and tIme table is icatieti with an abumitiamice of eatables that mecm antural emmommgli to excite the appetite of time b - holder. Time entrire group is EO naturally lClirOtIiIved that of people who are no- qtiaimmtefi with the fatally that s rved as a model for time work recognise time person. ality at a glance. 1)oglims ( oust'M lI Illm ; ) , The Iouglas county agricuitural display promulsea to be ont of the most artistic feat. mmmcc of this departmiteuml. James \Vaisii ani a , v. liervey are mmupertumtending Its ar- langement and the Immncmtse booth Is rapidly becoming one of thu liost striking sections of timc ltulliilng. The ceiling Is a mnmmssiyc and imposing decoralion in Ak-Sat. llemm coloms amid the booth vlil he Illuminated by eight cimandeliers loaded with ears of corn , cmiclm carrying a tIny incandescent Ianmp. Thu beeti display of this county is the immost aalitlcc that imas ever been sitonum at any exposition amid Includes over 400 jars at. ( Continued ems Third I'ags. 1ORE TROOPS CO TO IAN1LA Second Det&hxnent Ordered to Go on Shipboard Next Tuesday. RESPONSE TO OIDERS FROM WASHINGTON ixiectntIin flint One Iteginmeat of Ileguinrs lVIii Pill -Vp tIme Qucin-Ilonts Taking eu ShuilpIles. SAN FRANCISCO , Juno 3.-After the rounds hail been made last night at Camp Merritt Major Ucacral Otis isaued an order directing the First Colorado and the Tenth I'cnnsylvanimt volunteers to embark on transports - ports for the Philippines next Tuesday. The news reached the encampment about nmldnlght and was received with manifestations - tions of time greatest delight by the men cimosea for time seconI Manila expedition. The Colorado regiment Is 1,008 strong and there are 640 inca from the Keystone state. The order of General Oils read simply that the colonels of the regimenta would take their comnmnands on board simip on Tuesday , with 400 roummils of ammunition to each man and six mouths' rations. More definite instructions - structions will be published within a ( layer or so. No statement was made of when the shims would leave the harbnr , It is not cx- pected , however , that the transports will sail before Thursday. It is stated that the Zealandla will be ready by this evening , hut the China and Colon will not be In condition to receive men for several days and thea stores will have to be taken on board. These vessels will carry more troops titan are conthined In time regiments named amid there Is a strong proiabllity that the Twenty- third regiment of Unitej States regulars will (0mm a part of the expeditionary force. 130th the Pennsyivatiia and Colorado regi- meats are excellently drilleml amid equipped organizations. Colonel Hawkins of Pennsylvania - sylvania amid Colonel hale of Colorado are experienced soldiers. hale graduated at West I'oint with the highest hemmers ever known at that institution and hawkins is a veteramm of the civil vnr. 110th regIments are to be inspected today. Supplies for the Manila flotilla are being bought in imnmeiise quantities and time stocks of some mercimants here have been cx- haustemi. General Merritt is using every effort to collect reliable lnformnatiomi to- garding the Philippines as time scene of nmllitary operattuns. Data of every kind is beIng coilecteil and books and immaps are jiureltased daily. A bureau of milItary Information - formation has been established at headquarters - quarters aumI placed in charge of Major Gea- eral I3ell of the engineer corps. Cl. Itie.t' SutML'm.llt ( Iticu , . Knot Shue , editor of the Chinese news- imaper in this city , has opened a subscrip- tiomi list ( or the Red Cross society among his countrymen and has already secured $100 from time Sam Yup company. lie is wrltlmig up tbo work of time lIed Cross in his paper and Is confident t large amoumit of money can be raised among the Chinese . here. - The Nebraska regIment has been presented with fourteen large flags by the lied Cross wodnemm of Oaklammd. United States CIrcuit Judge Morrow is taking the lend in ft mnovemnemit to organize a society to board the fanmilies of voiuit- teers during the absence of the troops in Manila. Major \Vllliani A. Simpson. United States volunteers , chief of artillery on General Merritt's stall , arrived in San Francisco yesterday and reported for duty. Captain Charles E. Woodruff at the mcdi- cal department of the United States army , imad attending surgeon on the staff of General - eral Merritt , has reported for duty. Lieutenant Krause of company 11 , Cob- ratio volunteers. was under fire yesterday. lie was in time act of combimig his hair when a bullet fromn tue Minnesota camp whIzzed near hIs head and cut off his shoulder strap from his coat , which htmmmg beside him in hIs tent. The shot was the result of care- bessness. Colorado troops received now rifles yesterday - terday amid 10,000 rounds of ammunition. It is now thought that no cavalry will be taken to the Philippines. Experience has shown that the imimimient of American horses would be impracticable and It would be very ( Ilfilcult to secure enough of time native stock. At the request of General Merritt time pro. jected banquet In his honor has been aban- doned. Instead of a public affair he irefers to meet a few friends at dinner. The Catholic Truth society has arranged to erect a ( emit capable of accommodating 2,000 people close to camup Merritt , anti the priests of thIs city have arranged to alternate - nato in holding mass on week ilays as weli as Sunday. Catholic soldiers will be granted full liberty to attend these services. The steamer San Bias , which arrived from South American torts yesterday , was today inspected by the government omclals , and it is generally understood that the City of Para will be inspected next week , anti that the two vessels , with time Ohio anti Centennial , will compose time third fleet of transports to be sent to Admiral Dewey. The government is still considering the purchase of time steamer Morgan City , which is capable of carrying 800 amen in comfort. Time vessel can be made ready for sea in twenty-four lmoura , providimmg IL is vro- visioned by time govermimeimt without delay. lhiisbm Order C.icii. WAShINGTON , Juno 3.-Assistant Score- tary of War Meikbejoimn has telegraphed General Merritt at San Francisco to hasten the departure of the Philippine expedition. It is the intention of the department to start the expedition us soon as possible , ammd so great Is iiie anxiety to accomplish this to- suit that orders have been issueti to leave one trantport behind if necessary to insure imniediatu sailing. Effective memmsures taken by the adnminis- ( ration will shortly render Manhia harbor imnpregnmibbo agammbt ( Spanish attack. Ia con- acetlon with 11w defeases of that harbor it lit learned that the City of i'ekin carried with i to time far east a large number of mines contaimmimmg fifty imoundB of gun cotton - ton , of the some character as those which werti sent to the North Atlantic squadron at the request of Itear Admiral Sampson. flack of timese mimics will be bilaced tile mommitor 'iiotiterey , which mviii shortly start for the far east in tow of colliers. anti there Is good reason to believe that Itear Admiral Iewev's ) force will be suitpbemmmentemi in the near ( tmturo by time gunboat Bennington. Fighting in the smooth waters of Manila bay. naval experts declare , the Monterey will be attic to give mimi excellent account of itself , it is expected it will leave San FrancIsco in a few days. Time gunboat fleit- nington. which is now at Honolulu , will come home to undergo a few rvpairs anti wiil convoy troops to time Philippines. ( ) rcnumi's lIt , Ilder ( , It'N ( II ltsslit , \VASI1INGTON , June 3.-irving Scott , presidemit of the American Iron works of San Francisco , with his semi , has taken out a special passport to travel In Russia , Time understanding is that Mr. Scott Is called to commeult with tIme Russian naval omciabs reba. tlve to the building of battleships. Time attcmmtion of the Itueslan officials has been especially attracted by the recent performance - ance of the Oregoa. SAMPSON IS M' SANTIAGO : . - Strongest Piglitlng.RhIps of tue isy Are In I.tuue to'Ive ' ' 't'l- collie , Io t4isvertt. ( Copyright , lIi9 , by thetMpoclated Press. ) OFF SANTIAOO.Dfl CUBA , June 2.-fly the Associated Press dispatch boat Wanda , via Kingston , Jamaica , Juno 3.-Rear ) Ad. mimi Sampson. with the United States cruiser New York , his flagship , accompanied by the battleship Oreon , the cruiser Mayflower - flower mind the torpedo boat Porter. joined Commodore Schley' squatiron oft Santiago Wednesday morning , and their combined commands have the Spanish fleet securely locked in the harbor. Admiral Sampeon slid not nsume corn- nmontl and amalgamate the squadron upon his arrival. Each squadron retains its separate entirety and Conmamodoro Schiey's single starred pennant is on the Brooklyn. Time fleet off Santiago numubers twelve fighting ships , a collier anti a cable cutting ship. The fIghting ships Include time New York , Brooklyn , Iowa , Oregon , Massachusetts - setts , Texas , Marblehead , Dolphin , Mayflower - flower and Vixen amid the torpedo boat I'orter. There is every indication that active operations - ations will begin mit once. The last cable which binds Cuba with Madrid and the outside - side world vmms cut today. l'cnching the execution of Admiral Samp- soil's plan , our ships form a cordon about Sammtingo iinrbor to prevent time Possible egress of the Spanish fleet shouid Admiral Cervera be foolhardy enough to try to cut ills way out. Conimaunleation limit , ' n imeen had vitim the shore. Time mountains ani hills whicim surroummd Santiago tire 1mm full possession of the Cuban lnsurgeuts , an. ] In certain contingencies the latter riil uc ea- abied to render effective aid. The reconnoissances made by otmr ships , principally the smnalier yachts and torpedo boats , which are able to creep close in shore early at niglmt , have pretty clearly de- termnlncd the nnturo anti character of the ( bcrenses of the harbor. Seral mmew bat- terics have been thrown up on thu hills on each side of time entrance and it is evident the Spaniards are prepared to make a stout resistance. SPAIN IS BUYING SILVER . ' .Iuicrlcmu t11 mue Oiviucr I , Sii mutuli ag 'I'Itmtt C4.ui,1iy iitlm ( I.e ( : iiIi % C&'IIIIL for CirulmmI lomu , - NE\\ ' YORK , Juima 3.--Time Evening l'ut says : "The cause of the advance In sliver is known to lie time iUrcltasc in London by Paris imouses in beimalt , f time Simmmmllsim gov- ernnmemmt. This operation has been conductt'd very secretly. It was first detected in Lou- doum tluring time last week of April. At. the opening of May a London broker wrote of time sliver market 'that a large coinage order from Paris caused the speculatton and caused the rise , ' "There have mmot yet been heavy shipments of sliver from London , either to France or Spain , from whIch It is concluded that France is supplying $ iamtish demands froimi its own stock of bulhlop ! to draw on New York later . ' "in April Lomidon exported no silver to Spain amid only 6O , lo France. One odd pimase of time liendiug operatfoim is that through the medium of English mind French brokers time sliver miners of the United States are supplying time silver needed to lieep up time SPanish stock of metallic mooney. " ltiV ( ) SX't'ION.t ISV littCI ItIi'tLSii ) . It'l't Iemmier , iii San 1)oinI iig. , Fly at tltt Vtrst Flr ( ' . ( CopyrIght. 1S9s , iy the Asm'ocinted Press. ) CAPE HAYTIEN , Jimne6:3O p. mn.- correspondent at Ptmerto Piata cables con- firmnation of the reports of the repmmie of tiio revolutionary party at Monte Christi. General Augustin Morales ammd Romijio Iluctz were killed. Five of the Insurgents were taken prlsoner mind shot thIs unoriming. Time others escaped in the steatimer Fanlta. President liereaux left the capital this mornIng with three men-of-war. The correspondent - spondent , iii concluding his dispatch , says tIme revolutionary movement Is regarded at Puerto Platmt as of no consequence. The Dominican consul here at Cape Iay- tien reasserts that Jlminez escaped on time F'anita. lie says that had Jiminez been captured l'resident Ilereatix would have ln- formed him. This afternoon time Dominican consul hero received a dispatch ( torn President Hereaux saying that aim attempted tovohtmtion at Monte Christi imad been defeated , that Gen- crab Jimlnez fled at time first lire of the gom'- ornment troops , taking refuge on board the Fanita , and that all the others who landeti , with time exception of three , lund been killed. Two of the prisoners nrc Pablo Vlllen- Vuemma. Son of Gemmeral Vllbomivuetma , amid a laborer mmaimieml Caideron , They will be cxc- cuteti totlay with the other prlsommers. Time. Ilaytien general , Morales , mind seven Domain- leans who shipped here are among time killed. Anotimer person was killed oum board time steamer Faumita , which put to sea lm- nmediateiy anti escapel. MONTEREY MAKES A START It Lcmtv ( . Yard for Stulu Framu- cI'wu , miiii % 'IiI l'VubhtJtl ) Situ ' 1'i.dut or 'i'tmnrromv , VALLEJO , Cmii. , June 3.-Tlmc monitor Monterey left hue navy yard this afternoon for San Francisco. As time vessel steamed away frommi time ( lock It was greeted with cimeers ( roam hundreds of sailors and people on shore wimo wItnessed the departure. All time steam wimistles in this vicinity saluted time vessel as it passed down time bay , Time collier Brutus ; mvhlch is to accommmpaay time Monterey to Manila , wfll leave for San Francisco tomorrow , an the two vessels will probably sail from Iicii Francisco Saturday - day or Sunday. ASIC lJN'I' 'Vt ) peLutNiiu1 l'Itoor , % % 'mLut Culoiultth OIlIvt'r $ itt iIngstoti SORtie I tuortnntlahl , KINGSTON , Jamaica , June 2-3:40 : p. m. - ( Delayed in TransmiELi9l.-TimO ) colonial authorities have reqtmest d United. States Consul Dent to offer proof of his complaimmt timat the Spanish steamer Purlsima Con- cepcion loaded with geods , lucre for time Spanish arnmy is violat.Lmig time mmeutrality laws. Minister Dent hiss not yet complied. A brother of time flrlti&h consul at Cien- fuegos has made a written application to time colonial secretary that a war ship ho sent to Ciemufugos to quiet the appreimen- sIan of the British residents of time place , who fear an outbreak egalast them , The matter has been referred to Commander henderson at Port Royal. l'utsi.vhit l"imvnr Ammisiiit In , , , \VASIIINGTON , Jupe 3.-President Mc- Kiniey dI emissed the question of Hawaiian annexation wiuh several representatives who were in conferenre with him today. Ho told themn it was of time utmost lumper- tance tush time two houses of congress take prompt action on the resolution. Hit Indicated that be bad received assur- minces of a majority In time actuate who wouitl yote for annexation and its therefore con- fldent that It wilt become a law , 1101 ShOT FROI CASTELAR Stirs Up Ills Opponcnta , Who Demand flit Prosecution. PLAIN TALK ABOUT THE QUEEN REGENT Aecues llr of Interferini , ith At- fnlrs ( uf State anti Stuggests 'Flint Slip Itetire in Vstor of lsnbclln. ( Copyright , i8S , by Press Publishing Co. ) LONDON , Juno 3.-Ncw ( York Vorld Ca- blegrnm-Speclal Telegram.The ) passages in Petite Revue lnternationabo for one of which Castelar's enemies demand his Pros- ectutlon for high treason are : "I am bound to say time court biterferes tiangeroumuly with political affaIrs and has gravely compronmised itself by ituterven- tions hot consonant with ts cimaracter and right. Time role of freedom ( roam respon- sibihity is one which a regent comm only pos. seas when the courtiers have mmotlming to do with the decrees of the ministers and the laws of parlianmentary assemblies. In these directions the regent has transgressed both in letter and spirit of the constitutiomu , thereby depriving parliamentary immstltuUoums of their itroner eiflcncy anti in regulmmtimmg tlmc affairs of state the regent has obtaimmeti the mediation of the pope without mmulnis- terinl authorization , arm encroacimmemut cmi time constitutional rights of her advisers anti creating a precedent full of danger ( or good government. Again , the regemmt has displayed open preference for Polavleja over Weyler , wimeretmy the policy and efforts of the latter were puralyzcd , instead of being given a fair trial. An instance of time regent's Unwarrantable - warrantable interference was her action to bring about interference of foreIgn powers at Washington and secure an armistice at any once. Snain should not treat witim foreign - eign powers except Umrough her ministers. " Timen Castelar compares the regent to Marie Antoinette , calling her "The Austrian - trian , " anti suggests that she should hmammd over the reins to bufanta Isabella , her sis- ter.in-law. t'htiuulttm tiu Caunmlgmt. Great iwessure is being put upon the gov- crnnment by the btCSS to send to Mmimmila either Admiral Cervera's squadromm or the reserve fleet at Cadiz. Elgimt thousand macmm and six batteries could be embarked within twenty-four hours at ports in the soutlm of Spain , But the governnment. hesitates to emmti an expeditiomm so late , wimemi Macrican reinforcements frotmu CalIfornia are likely to forestall any Spammisim relief. Time gorernmuent expects that events iim ammtl about Cuba will soon give atm aggressive turmm to the course of time war. It looks for either a banding or defeat of time Amnericaims. This is confidently counted upon , as a sigmmal reverse to tue Spanisim troops or Adnmiral Cervera's sqtmadromm will make it easier for AmerIca to adopt tactics most disastrous for Spain , a blockade of Cuba and Porte Rico , while waiting ( or the cmiii of the rainy sea son , by which time both Islands would be short of irovlslons , Time only drawback to this plan of campaign for the Americans would be time fact. that this waiting gnuiic would Increase time great sufferIngs of the rocommeentrados and insurgeimts. Spain hopes that knowledge of this distress will drive time United States to premature action ivith insufficiently organized forces , LONDON , June 4.-TIme Madrid corre- sponient of the Tiumes says : "Time goverimment is believed to have abnndormetl time mdea of prosecuting Senor Casteiar for imls article nttackimmg time queen regcmmt. Senor Capdepon , minister of time interior. explains that his statemiment imm time etmate was merely a personal opliulomu subject to revision by his t'olieagues. " GERMAN NEWS FROM MANILA Ail'iut ItuiiN ) tIe 'I'Izit t iu illoekamic by A.liiuIrnt Ieucy I'i'ove , of Little Fffect , ( Copyright , tSiS , by Press Publishing Co. ) IJNDON. ) Jtmtmo 3.-New ( Yor'c World Cablegraum-Special Tebegrnnu.-Time ) Stand- ard's Berlin dispatch says : After an imiterval of four weeks telegrams - grams have been received by Germai mimer- cammtile houses wlmicim have branches in the I'hliipplnes. They give quite a hew pie- ture of the state of things. Timere are said to be no visible lntlicatlons of an insurmee- tion in Mammlla , where sUpiils were commi- ing in freely ( room time interior. Time Spanish - ish mmd mmatives live nmalniy on rice and oniy time foreigners have to submit to tmmmy do- privation. Comimmerce anti industry are ut aim utter standstiil. Foreign residents are generally of time opinIon that time powers should demand a cessation of time blockade , which does Spaniards no harm but entails eimormnous losses on foreigners. They tic. dare that the Anmerican squadron mummy stay for years without the Spaniards and natives - tives noticing Its presence anti they ac- cordingiy wish to petition their govern- muonts for effective protection , They pro. diet that the Amzmerlenn troops which imave been sent from San Francisco to ManIla will Imavo to undergo considerable imtmrdsimijms , BERLIN , Jummo 3.-New ( York World Ca' bicgrammm - Simecial Telegram.Teiegrmmphic ) tllspmmtches received here via hong lCong by trading imouses from their agents in Manila state that all is luIet 1mm Manila , Noinsur- recilorms have taken idace , Food supplies raciu time town iii quantities from time lim- tenor. The blockade is useless and does Ito harm to the Spaniards. The only moon- venienco is to foreigners , whose luxuries are cut oft. Two thousand five lmtmndred Amne- ' cans are said to be enroute ( roam Samm Fran- cisco. rm I Sutrr.'itilvreI ( tu ITiuiicrirf 'r , , ( Copyright , iS8 , by I'ress Publishing Co. ) KEY WEST , June 3-New ( York World Caumlegraumm-Special Tclegramn-Tho ) owners - ers of the Restormal , the Eoglish collier cap- tureti by tbe St. Paul off Santiago , have surrendered it to its underwriters. Time ship huati a war risk on it when it startetl ( roam Car- duff and time nmornemmt it was caittured time 1mm- smuranco became ( hue , Time oa'mmer was Itrob- ably glad to get rid of it under the cir- cumnstnnces. it is leaking badly and it was imarml work to get it in here. Time vessel Is now at the government miock antI men ore busy taking the cargo out and storing It under governmcn aimeds , It is a better qunuity of fuel timan that shippemi lucre from American ports. ioctuuttutM of Oecmiuu % 'cstt'is , J tmime 8 , At i3altiumotc-Salled-Ilestia , for Glasgow - gow , At Copenbagctu-Sauied-Tltltmgvallit , for New York , for haiti- At lironmemm-Sauled-Drcaden , nmore , At Queenstowxm-Sailed'--lleigvnhamtd , ( or Philadelphia.t rrived-Aurmmnia , fronm New York , for Liverpool. At Moville-Saiied-1'urnesslu , for New York , . At London-ArrIved-Europa , from New York , At Suuthmanmpton-Saiied--.ituguste Vie- torimm , ( or New York. At New Yerk-Sauicmh-Victoria , for 11am burg ; Aisatia , for ( Jiasgow. Arrived-Brit. annie , frommu Liverpool. At Liyerpooi-Arrived-Germnanic , from New York. At Naples-Sailed-Ems , tot New York , THE BEE BULLETIN. Weather Forecnt ( or Nebraska- Fair ; Coolerl Nor' . Wt us. I'agc. t Plthlsluiumr Pouehtt' , . ta More Trontus for Misaim. LL' - Cnstelnr CrIticises Qneetl ' - FiKhiuu ilruucye.l nt I 2 Seitrute no.1 II < .t,1 l'rommeaS. 541z'.lce us a 1)Ispnelt ( II AmtIu-Ausu-ricnlu llnnqiic 8 Gosernmtcnt's ( , * 'j It. 1muiiii.im's Pitti' lIiiuiii 4 Fditoritui atud Cnnuuient. ' a 2'churnskn Ciil. Aiusiier of 'Geime Moore ic. , ( I COUuICIL Bluffs 1ocnl ! itcM loimt NemM 1511(1 Cohuitiuchi t , 7 ltt's Itctew of Ilimsincuss , Onmnlurm fl'itmh it Hail ( inni , Secr , ' Stiuruul at Alerdecn , 8 'I'rnciiir Men AulJottrn. II l'wifle Hxpress Company Secrets. Au.ntiuer htol.lery In ( Inmalimu. 11 Culhluhu'peini nail Financial eis. It lot at Suit flu , , , iuigo. : s "ieetitw CusI hi .tgitt lun. " Teterntiure at Oiiunhtnh hour he. hour Peg. a n itt . . . . . . 2 I p. iii . . . . . . ( I a u.s . . , , , , 11 ii . , . , , , 7 a , mit . . . . . . 7 $ 8 p. itm . . . . . . S a. bu . . . . . . Ti' .1 1. hI . , . . . . I ) a , tim . . . . . . 79 i , I' . 11 % . . . . . . $0 It ) a. lit . . . . . . $1 U tu. lit . . . , , . 1 1 mu. Ilk . . . . . . f43 7 t. itt . . . . . . .4.1 li it , . . . . . . . . . 8.1 14 m. mu . . . . . . ' 4t U ii. 'it . . . . . . 71) Fourtlm fin ) ' ( if tito HlIOMItiuItIi Ilnuist Cmuccrt at lomI : ( ) a. iii. , Grattul L'Imuzn. Ilnmi Concert at 7'i8 ( ) p. uui , , G rand I'ium'n. liuuluunu 0 reitest rtt 7,81) ) p , tim , , And I- Cavil , iii. ATTACKED BY INSURGENTS Getit'rtil ( nreiut ICmuiM a ForCe uf Cnlmtastu , tgnluut tIme City of Smmiutiigu , , ( Copyright , ISOS , by Press i'ublishmlng Co. ) PORT AU PIt1NCE. ilayti , Jmmtme 3.-New York World Cablcgrammm-Special Telegram. ) -it Iii rr'nnrtetl imere timnt time Snanlsim comm- stmi received last imighut mm cable Baying timat the AmerIcans yesterday again bombarded the defenses of Santiago and at the same timne a imody of Insurgemits , lcd by General Rabi , attacked the town. Time land engage- immemmt was bloody. It resulted in a drawn battle. The instmrgemlts encatmiped on time Ilolquin road and the Spaniards arountl the plaza d'armmmas. Time Sunfish fleet in time harbor suffered under time bommmbarLlmelmt. KINGSTON , Jamaica , Jumme fi.-Ncw ( York World Cablegram-Special Teiegrarn.-Di- ) reeL insurgemuts advices say timmmt confuslomm anti evemu terror cxlst in the city of Santiago - tiago 1mm anticlpatlotm of a comimbimmed landi and sea attack upon the city by Americans and Cubans. Riots are ampmcimemmdeti immi- mcdiateiy the attack is begun. If time Cu- bane cammnot force mimi entrance Into the city before the Anmericans occupy the bar- bar they fear a massacre of all foreigmmcrs and Cuban famnilics in Sammtiago. Time 1mm- surgcumt ndvlcos say that Tuesday's naval engagement at Santiago was mmot a serIous attack tiecausim the Cuban forces outside time city were tint ready to co-operate effectively. The object of the attack was to divert time Spaniards' atten- tlomm from the nmovements of time insurgents , who are rapidly concentrating a large force , but have beemm delayed by heavy wcatimer. The immsurgents will assist time Ammmerican ficet when reatly to attack. They expect that time latter wIll fight its way imuto the harbor , attacking the city ( roam time sea , while time Cubans attack by lanti. Shouhti Cervera heave the port meanwbllo this ivill render time Americans' task easier. Time imisurgents expect to be ready to attack in day or two and not later than Sunday. Ist , . , f itrk's MSelllehh ( mu. ( Copyright , iSiS , by Press Ptmimiisiulmmg Co. ) LONDON , June 3.-New ( York Worhti Ca- biegrani-Speclal Tehegratn.-The ) admiralty deimartmcnt knows mmotiming of the alleged projected visit of the tluke of York to Anmer- lean ports when ito takes comnmand ot the Illustrious. I anm informed time duke's intention - tention is to take a short cruise preparatory - tory to Umaneuvers. Among politicians time idea of his vIsiting time United States at the prcsemmt even ostensibly as a macro naval commander is received with utter 1n- credulity. It is imeid that such a visit would be a demonstration certauim to irovoko further - ther anti-Engllsim feeling on time continent , v1micim time British goverumimment. desires at present pnrticuiarly to avoiti. Time rlnco of Wales , wimo has a controlling voice In all sucim matters appertaining to time tlimke of York's public acts , Is known by Imis friends to be a most armbemmt advocate of peace , aim' ! couiti mint. vermnit the miuke to (10 ammytlmlumg but keep within the strict neutrality of England 1mm tIme present war. Time prince ofS'alcs confesses that while anlmatemi by the warmest feelings toward time Ummited States lie wishes to see Spain emmmcrge from time present struggle witim as little Injury as possible. 'lit I uk itclIrN ( Hiiggertitu'il , ( Copyright , 1698 , by l'ress Pmmhllshing Co. ) LONDON , June 3.-Now ( York Worlti Ca- biegranu-Special Teiegram.-Time ) CItron- ide's special from Kingston , Jamaica , says' Santiago dispatcimes recoiveml here seem to show timmmt American relmoTtm of the bombard- nmcnt of timat city mire grenti'exaggeratet1. Early Mommday nmorniimg , LwoSpanisim torpedo boats emerged from time lmarbor. Time search- llglmt of time Texas revealed them anti an Amerieatm fusilado ensuQtl. The boats to- gainei the harbor uninjured Sluice then Sclmley's fleet has tried to simeil time forts anti Morro castle , but wltlmout ummuch effect. Time Anuericarms cannot enter the harbor on accoummt of mines and time imarrowimcsmm of time clmanmmel. No sbot8 fired outside can reaclm the city , 'J'i'l : . , /1 rotmad tue ' . % 'orhul , ( Cop'riglmt , I&tS , by l'memts Puhiimdmlng Co. ) KINGSTON , Jnmaica , Jummo 3.-NewYork ( Worltl Cablegranm-Specinl Telegram.Tlme ) little 51001) , Spray. witiclm left Boston tlmrce years , One month mind seven days ago , to clrcunmnavlgate tIme globe , has arrived at the island of Ammtlguay. Skipper Slocum , vimo Is tmiso time slooi's crew , is well , and exlmresses a tletcruninatiotm to commiplete his trip around time worimi , I ( mu mit' . Iuu hu.uuumuil I uuslu'uu I t ( Copyright , iSm8 , by I'resum I'ubhimlmimmg Co. ) KINGSTON , Jmmnmaica , June 1.-New ( York World Cabhegrammi-Speciai Telegrani.-Time ) Italian cruiser , Giovanni Baimsan , will leave lucre imnmctliately. It svill join time rest of time squadron oft flarbatboes. The simiims will timerm itrocceul to l'ort aim Prince , where they mviii demtmarnl indemnity ( or time murder of three Italian subjects , who . were slain some tirmme ago , Nti iVorui ut Jut ler.'iu I ( Copyright , by Press Ptmblistmigug Cu , ) VIENNA , Juno S.-Ncw ( York World Ca- blcgmamn-Speclmi * Teicgram.-l ) have authum- tic assurarmces that lime Vienna foreign olllcu has received no imutiutmation of steps to be undertaken by tile lipammimulm ambassador at Paris to induce time lowers to interfere in behalf of honorable lwmmce , it is thought Austria would be the first power appealed to , RENEW TIlE F'ICIITING Amothan Fleet Reported to Have Attacke& Santiago Agatn. FORCE AN ENTRANCE INTO TIlE IIARBOR Gollier Merrimao is Said to Have Been Sunk ty a Torpedo. GOES DOWN IN THE MOUTh OF THE hARBOR. Spaniards Olaim to ilavo Taken Eight Americans Prisoners. NEWS COMES FROM SPANISH SOURCES. AliLICCN Are lteueled itt Coise ilay- . tiemi hi ) ' Cmihiie frouiu Smitul hugo Umnlcr Cent ml of ( hue S&auu Inrul , . . ( CopyrIgimt , lsms , by time Ai'soclated Press. ) CA1'fl llAYTlllN , limmytl , Jumie 3.-3 :15 : p , 01.-Time Aimmericaim ileet , miccorditmg to a dis- iuitcb received by cable frotmu Samitlago tlo Cuba , the cmubiu being under Spanisim comi- trol , opeimetl lire at 3 a ma. ( Friday ) on tlmo fortifications amid war simips , Time cnlmmmommatlo ifl5 well sustnuumel until 4 t lmi. One of time United States auxiliary cruisers "well armed" nttenmlmteti to force time Passage into time imarbor. Time Slmanisim allowed time cruiser to cross time fIrst himmo of torpedoes , but before - fore it amrived a the second limme timey this- cimrmrgcd at it a torpedo , wimicim broke a great imobe in its side ammd caused It to sitmlc nimmiost instantly , bow first. Time mmammme of tito yes- sd is not known , nor is time mmmmnmber of vie- timn4 reportemi , Omme ofllcer , omme emmgitmecr anti six sailors scre 'made prisoumers by time- Spaniards. 10:25 : p. umi.-4 uliumpatcim from Sammtiago says timat time vessel sunk is understood to be the. Merrimnac. Oimly time extrenmities of its fuummmcl amid two mmmasts arc vislbie above water , Tue Santiago auivices to Cape ilaytlen in reference to time simmildeum vessel as aim miux- lllnry cruiser probably mistake its cimarne- ter. Time Merrlmmmac is mm coliier amid iua al- % vnys becmm a collier , BALTIMORE , June 3.-The Merrimmmac was. nurclmaseul by time govertmnmemmt ( room the Lone Star Stcntmtslmip company. TIme transfer was mmmmuie lit timis city early 1mm AprIl. It wmms for- muerly the Norweginmm steatmmer Solvelg anti was nearby tiestro'eti by fire at Newport News imm 1SDG. It was Imuilt at Newcastle , Emmgiamid , in lSt4. was iio feet lommg , forty- four feet bcaimm amid imati a imet register of 2l3 ! tons. Time Merrimmiac heft Norfolk , where it was fitted for goverumnmelmt purposes , about a mnommtlm age. POET AU PRINCE , hIayti , Juime 3.-il 15 p. m.-Tiuia nmormming at 9 o'clock time Macrican squadron agaimm begamm a bombard- ument of time fortiflcatibatm of Santiogo do Cuba . . and a lively cannommnde mistieti for two hours , which silenced time SpmnimmJ bztt- teries , Aim Ammmerican vetsel , time Merrinmac , de- scrhlcd in time amlviccs from Santiago tie Cuba , as aim auxiliary cruiser , making a mlaslm to force' the entrance , mtticceedetl 1mm ) n5Siiig the first line of defeimses , but was torpedoemi about roe feet up time cimnnnel. It. . \vemit tiown "perpendIcularly. " An ofllcer. aim enghmmeer aimd six seamen were taken imrls- Oners. Time umummiber of victims is unknown , Ommly time fommnci amid mimastimeads of time sunken vessel cnn be seen. There is gloat excitement in time city. A imartof time population assIsted 1mm time flgimt- ing on the heights. Everybody Is nstotmmmtleth at the audacity of time Amiorlcamm vessel. Time American squairomm was cruising mill time while In the ofllmmg. , i,4h P Iuue k t Ii e I fit rltu , r. WAShINGTON , June 4.-Time Wmmsimington 1'ot says timis mnorning : There is umo tlouht in time nmintls of thu naval officIals timat time sermtllng of time coi- bier into time imarbor was mmli a lmrearaimgcti mimovo omm time part of Atbnmiral Samp.somm. Time use of a collier. the mmnusunl hour of time nmormiing , the imecessity of blockading tim clmanuci to relieve sonic of ( he shut of tii squatiron from reummaumming ammtloncul ( at Santiago ; time Importance of discovering wimetimer time nmimmes serc effective ; miii the reasons make it certnimm timat thu Merrlmmmmmc was deliberately guided to its destruction. It was not a Spammlsim victory. Time eighth. timen in a Spammish Imrtsomm were time real heroes - roes of time war. it the Merrimanc went dotm'n under Its owmi crew It is lmmterestlimg to know that Its otil- cers coumsisted of Conmmatmmjer J. M. Miller , Llcute'mmmmiut W. W. Glummer , executive ollicer ; Ensigns J. IL. Y. hllakely aimd J. M. Lmmhy , Assistant Engineer It. K. Crank. Miller is fromn Missouri , Giluner from Virginia , Blakely fronm Pennsylvmmimia anti Luby amid Crank ( roam Texas. It is expected that reports will be received today train Admiral Sampsomm wlmicim wlli gIve tietimils of the Merrinmac's tbestructioa and time imames of the eight umeim wlmo imave been captured. NEW YORK , June 3.-Time New York Journal prints , ummder a Cape Ilaytlea ulate , the foliowlmig , wimich is aiirnmetl ( to imare been cabled verbatjmmm to Euroime today frotmi Sammtiago : "This morning there was heavy cannonatl. ing ( room 3 to I o'clock , An armed Amen- cazm transatlantic cruiser tried to run over the first uric of torpdo defenses. Time Spnmilsm ! let it do so. Itoh. when the Macrican smmlim , whIch had already got into the pass , mittettmjmtttl io run over time second 1mb of torpedoes time Slaniaruls set lire to one of tlmese anti time Amnerican itimil ) sunk 'right duwmm' llnnmetllateiy after tIme explosion of time torpedo. Aim officer , aim engineer and six sebmen have been mantle prisoners , 'rime mmamne of limo American Bitill iS unknown as well as time nuunbcr of victims who have perished. " MAIUD ) , June 2.--Timc Pais , a promi. ncimt rebmubllcami organ , says it is rumored that time United States fleet imas made a second attack upon Santiago do Cuba and that time Amnerlcana tonceil an emmtranco late tltui imarhior. 1mm Spanisim circles imere the rc- port Is not believed to be true , KINGSTON , Jamaica , Juno 2.-(1)ohayetl ( in Transmnisslomm-Time ) correspondent hero of time Associated l'rcas has beemm timfonmemi ( room an apparently autimentic source at Port Antonio utah a Sumnlsim fleet wili be off San- tinge do Cuba tonuorrow to reinforce Admiral Cervera , 1101.1) It'l' BAli' ' 10 lNSlitJ.N'i'5. ; Cimi.i : ii C'l.uuslsu'r itcsole's ti AsIc 'letsu ! for A ssi.utiuiiee , MADILII ) , Juan 3.-A dispatch received imeic from ilavauma says that 1mm tIme Chamber of itepreseimtativea Senor ( liberja , the aim- tonoimmist leather , baa presented a mnohlomu urging time governnment of Cuba to request the imucurgenta of that limlmmmmd to accept au- totmomy on the groumutl that the Insurgents theniseives mitmmt be aware that the country itself was not ripe for Immtiepentience , Time president of ( lie chamnbcr , the llavmiua dis- pnttu amble , 'Iceland In a patriotic peech tlmat the goverunmemit would entertain such it ummutiun ,