Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 02, 1898, Image 9

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ESTAILTSIEED JUNE 19 ,1 871 . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ( ) MAJLA , 'ThURSDAY ' MOTtNING , jui , isos. SINGLE C01'Y F1VF CIENTS.
V -
- - - -
United Presbyterians Wind Up Their
: Bnsineas tLfld AtJourns
F ' Plitsi T1m' Itetsern DItisilnnN
FIinitcInI Pro1,1iiitr , to flet lnu
VnrIInniri.tnr Tnngle-Cflui-
dcinti iiide In Art.
The flrt Uilng don by the Unttc1 Pre'by- '
terlan gcncrnl Memb1y when It enme together -
gether tor the morning csN1on wns to aelect
ft ptiico of meeting ( or next year. Invitations -
tions verc received from the Woo1Ian
church , Chicago , flfld ( lie I'IlfladcIIhla pres-
bytcry. No nsuranca ol covedng the cx-
pcnes of the ietegatcs could be given by
the Chicago ctiurch , but Rev. .1. 11. Webster ,
on bebair of Phllailclpbla , said the presby.
tery of that cRy would defray all the cx-
penses , A motion to accept the I'hIa0c-
phia n1tntIon ran up against on nmeml.
7nent from Itv. { David McCaw of the Clii.
cage lrcsbytery ) to substitute Chicago , but ,
OR Clerk IteliFs explanation thnt both cities
WO1ld liavo to be laIlotcl , tion , PliUndel-
Itlfl was chosen by a vote of G8 to 19. The
' ' , - place of meeting for the General Committee
' on lIrnne Missions was Ieftto Its correspond-
ln secrctnry to select ,
k The fliiaiiclnl cominittte's report followed ,
It recommcllled granting the request of
hiniseif and several presbyteries for a reduction -
duction of the salary of Corresponding Sec.
rotary % V. S. Owens of the 1101130 MIssion
. . . board frmn $2j00 to 2OOO , and recoin-
mended also the discontinuance of the salary
of the corresponding eecretar1ei of the
Boards of Publication and 1r1ticntIon. It
was the belief of the financial commIttee
r - that the needs of the church and the times
. ' necesHitated a cuttibg down of some salaries
nnl lopping off of others.
Soiiie opposition wni ; encountered by the
recommendation to cut off the salary of Ir.
1. C , lloyil , correaponiling secretary of the
floarI of I'ublicatiun , but Chairman Rut-
ledge explained that it cost the assembly
. . Ioooo a year for the operation of tim board
named and it hail a general manager at
$1,600 a year anti a bookkeeper and staff all
tinder pay ; besides , the committee had
thought that where the correaponding see-
retary wa Paid a 8alnry aK lnstor
of a church , he should be willing to contribute -
tribute his board services gratis iii times of
financial stress. On the other hand , Itey.
Rev. J. C. Scouller of Philadelphia pointed
out the fact that the Board of l'ublication
had sustained itself independeiit of the
clnirch , and , In addition , had contributed
$2,000 last year toward the mission funds.
however , the nsembly voted to cut oft
lr. Itoyd's salary , and the same Into met
tIme salary of Dr. V. T. Campbell , secretary
of the Iioard of EducatIon.
nko Snlzrlt's I'uihlie.
Another recommendation grantmI the
Iowa's synod memorial calling for time I)0b
hication in the assembly records of the salar-
. Ics of all tIme oinccrs of the assembly , professors -
fessors , missionaries and others. ' Statistical
Clerk A. 0. Wallace saw a difficulty in getting -
ting tile neccsary data and wanted instruc-
. - - tions. A large portion of the morning sea-
_ sloe wami consumed in the discussion of this
IOInt amid other financial subjects. IJele-
gates thought tIme contributors to the church
cimtitltd to information as to expenditure
of 'money , amid that the task was
not beyond performance. Eventually
it was discovered that the
language of tIme mnemorial was simply that.
"plana be dcvised' for publishIng the sala-
rica , so time matter was disposed of by leav-
log it to the cicrks of the assembly to
formnuiati , sonic plan , send out blanks to the
various boards for data and make the plan
operative for mmcxt year.
One of the questions raised during the (11S
cusslon had been.Vhat are general
'fumtds ? " another , "What professors and mis-
sionarles are Intended in addition to the
general officers of the church ? " These were
answered by arriving at. an understanding
that all moneys contributed to the church
were to be regarded ha general funds , and ,
as to tIme tlmeologieai irofessors and missionaries -
aries , the amounts Paid to them could be
ascertnlncd through the various boards and
synodim having direct control of them.
An effort made to cut dowii Dr. Owens'
saiary still further to $1,600 felled nod Instead -
stead time assembly by a vote on a motion
by Dr. Meloy of Chicago , complimented him
' for his generous concession of part of his
. ! . _ salary for the mioxt three years.
Church extension recommendations fol-
loweil. The committee on this mubJect coal-
. - plimnenteil Sccretary A. 0. Wallace and Su-
perintcndommts of Misaloima William F. Robb
and l , L. Stephenson. Eighteen congrega.
tious had beezi iisaistel to au aggregate sum
or $28,625. Dr. Wallace has been secretary
of the Church Extension board for a very
bug time. Iii Imis address , which folloveil
the committee's reiiort , Dr.Vallacu enim-
inerated the real estate and financial per-
vlexlties over confronting his board , and
among them ° shoultl It pay' 7,000 for a lot
In Sioux City ? " It was not so disposed. lie
also took a survey of tue trenil of events
In the world today , anti this suggested to
him Senator Thuraton's Decoration day remark -
mark : "Time law is miot the survival of time
littest ; it. Is the sacrifice of time best. " ThIs
.lvua belimg very keenly ( cit In church cx-
temmalon work.
Chairman hhawes of the commIttee Praised
the board for the wisdom of its management
mimmd invcutmmmemmtmm and personaliy comnpli-
ineilteil Dr. Wallace.
( t mmrst Ion o I Cli march
Time C. P. Meredith case from Iowa , in-
voiving a question of churcim procedure , then
caine up for issue. Time only polmmts to b
iletermulned veroS'lmemm : On elder asked for
' *
' a letter of dismnlssion amid it. has been issued ,
I \ does lie cease to ho a member of the con-
' gregatlon ? amid , Ioes the book of govern-
macmit emmtitio a ruling cider to a certificate
Iii lila letter of ( hlsmission showing that lie
'as a ruling elder ? Rev. S. E. Martlmm of
' time College Springs , In. , prenbytery anti 11ev.
: . Nicoll of time Iowa Nortiiwestern liresby-
tory took tIme opPosite sides of the argu-
imicilt , the latter upholding Mr. Meredith's
riiht to a tirolior certifIcate of chierslmlp ,
Accordiimg to Mr Martin , Mr. Meredith had
i confused muattera by wanting to resume his
incniborsimiii in time hloyden congregatIon
L after his letter of disimmiaslomi Imati beemi issued.
. , At this volimt time case became full of Prob-
lemmitie Intricacies. Mr. Nlcoll contemided
that inasmuch as the letter of dismissal was
mmot in accordance with cimurch law It was
: not a proper one , and Mr. MeredIth stilt
remained a macumber of the congregation ,
'Feclmimlcallties IfluitiiIieml involvimmg tue regu-
3 larIly of ( lie course of time coniplaimmaut In
. L lila efforts In time lustier , amid the proprIety
of the actions of time Iloyden session , Iowa
Northwestern presbytery cmiii Iowa synod.
t' Mr. Martin amii Dr. fell raised time point
that the general usembiy hail already
- . passed upon and approved the minutes of
, tue Iowa synod , and while Moderator Ferguson -
guson tiitl not entertain these points at the
d , time , yet the assembly by vote flnall > refused -
fused to sustain the comnimlaint. As the ap-
d ; polotment of the Meredith commission hail
been reconsidered , all record of It was ort -
t dered omlttctl froum tIme minutes ,
Among the recommendations v the special
. , .
committee emi reform , which vas the next
thing considered , were these :
Ve express our emphatic ilIsnpprnvai of
( lie public exhibition of the nude in art and
earnestly warn our people not to encourage
tills evil by having in their homes Immodest
pictures or statues.
While not assuming to dictate to the polit.
ical ntihiiattons of our people , the general
itssemnbly earnestly urges all our members
to carefully and prayerfully weigh the of.
fect of their votes on ( ho liquor prob'em ' ,
ammil to imro the power of time ballot as to
be clear of all responsibilIty for the existence -
once of the rum ( came.
Its other recommendations were the
designation of the fourth Sabbath in November -
vember as "Temperance day" on the ra-
quest of ( ho Women's Christian Ter.iperanco
union , and on endorsement of the petition
of the Internntlonai CommIttee of the General -
oral Aillnnce'etting apart one tiny of the
week Dt prayer to special prayer for the
temmiperance cause. The latter action was
lironiptod this ( lame by a request from the
Wonicn's Keeley league.
The entire report was adopted without
dlscmmsssion ,
On the question of prebytertni supervisIon
of vacancies a special committee's recoin-
mendation was adopted providing for corn-
nlitteee of supplies in each prisbytery , with
the stmperintondcnt of mnlsslomms as chairman.
From time committee on nplmro-
priatiomma camno the following : For
foreign nilassions , $13S3S ; home
mnisslons , 99S freedmen's board , $ OOOO ;
ctmurch ext mmslon 5OOOO ; education , 35OOO ;
ministerini iclief , $8OOO general assembly ,
: iooo. ThIs amnounta to ii total of neatly
$3.25 her member in tIme United States
There was no objection to any item , and time
report was adopted wltlmnut change.
Sim itiurt for tteICl imt' .
'rime afternoon sessloim filslieml the work of
time general assembly for this year. It was
just about 4 o'clock when time assembly mlis.
Ilefore adjourning resolutions were adopted
Oil time war with Spain amnd a telegram vns
scat to PresIdent McKInley. Time resoiutiona
were sent up by 1)r. W. T. ? .teioy of Chicago
and lr. John A. Wilson of the Allegheny
somlnary amid time telegram was added by
Evangelist Ii. II. I3elI of Moanmouth , lii. A
COpy of the resoltmtlon8 was ordered engrossed -
grossed anti sent to tub president at the
earliest convenience of time principal cleric ,
Dr. IV. 3. Reid. The resolutIons rend as
follows :
flesolved , that the cruelty of the Span-
lali goveramemit shown toward the Imiinbi
tants of Cuba for so mnammy years jmmstllicl time
interference of our goverfiment Iii the cause
ot humanity.
liesolved , That vo admire time patient ,
dignified mid Cimristian spirit which chnrac-
torizes President McIKnlcy in time trying
ditties lie is requIred to perform and that.
\.e assure lilimi of our jrners ( lint lie be
guided wisely.
Iteolved. That we earnestly pray God to
slilelii our unity and mmavy anti to give such
' ictories to (11001 RS will secure aim honorable
iimiii lasting peace.
Resoivcd. That we express our carnet
conviction timmit no territory wrested from
the dominion of Simalmm should ever be re-
storeil to it.
Time only obect1on came from Dr. T. B.
Turmibuli of time Argyle , N. Y. , presbytery ,
anil his was aimnpl3to the lest resolution
as to this government Icecplmmg territory gotten -
ten from Spain , but it went through. by an
almost unanimous vote. The Bell tele-
gramim sent to the president was :
Ills Excellency , William McKinioy ,
I'resident of the United States , Washington ,
D. C. : Time United Presbyterian church of
North America1 through its general assemn-
lIly in session at Omaha , Nob. , assures you
of its prayers anti the prayers of its commatit-
uency in thcsc tr'lmIg times.
\VIL.LIAM J. flEID. Clerk.
SImmmt t t mit.c Out Adscrtisvnmeuts.
The report of the committee on Board of
I'ublicatiou OpIOsCd the proposition to Increase -
crease time prices of time minutes of the as-
senibly amid the Christian Union herald and
the assembly took the seine position. its
resolution , based upon a Pittsburg request ,
wits adopted advising editors and managers
of churim vapors , particulary the Sabbath
school publieatiens , to "ec1mmdo as far as
practicable advertisements of a merely secu-
mr character the reading of which Is not
promotive of devotional Sabbath keeping. "
Another resolution vent through irmstrtmeti mig
time Board of PublicatIon to encourage the
sale of time church psalters through retailers ,
regardless of ( be location of depositories.
Time board is 8100,000 in debt , principally
on accoummt of its new building , still time
buildIng seems to be a good investment , the
cOlfldflitteo reported , anti it looked forward to
an early camicellation of this debt.
A great dcci of trimno was taken up with
discussion of time edimeational question.
Grants of $500 were awarded to time Pawnec ,
Nob. , and W'altsbmmrgh , Wash , , academies
aimd $200 to time Marlasa nstttution. The report -
port of the committee on the board of educa-
tlon urged raising ( ho mionommilnatlonal in-
stitmmtlomms of iearmmlmmg to a lmlgimer degree of
efficiency , seeing that so mummy students are
iii imistitutlons outside the denomination.
Ur , W T. Campbell , time corresponding see-
rotary of time board , spoico at length In behalf
of greater educational effort nail fully got
( hrough a motion for the npportionmmient of
a special coimimnittee to report to the next
assemnbly SOnIC comnprcheimstve educational
scimenme , time committee to consist of tIme
; resltlexmts of time colleges and seminaries ,
with Moderator Ferguson , wimo Is imlmnself
1)resldent of time Wostamimmater college at Now
Wilnmiimgton , l'a. , its chairman.
IIi'mmmrt of ' ( mimIumiittimj Copumimmittet' .
Time report of ( lit' jmnniinctting comnmltteo
was timeml made , time imonminations of nmemnber3
of time various boards mmimd stanmllng commit.
tees to fill the places lpf vacant by time outgoing -
going members miami vacancies due to other
causes. Tlmreo macinhere of each board ( mms-
ually comnpteil pf pine , members ) go out
every year , Nominations of fraternal delegates -
gates to klimilrod church organizations were
also mnado ; likewise th 9nImmtttco , on
ctmtircim uimiomm , the delegates to the central
council of the AllIance of Itcfornmc'd
Church vhlcim meets at V'aaimlngton , I ) , C. ,
in limo zmuttmmn of next year , the delegates
to the anti-saloon league convemmtlon at
CieveIamd , Ohio , , in iecemmlber ) , antI time coma-
mnlssiom : on burch debe. Foiowing is time
list ;
Trmmsteea of time General Asscmbly-Joiimm
I ) . Fraxar , S. . I. Melleary amm4 Ii , 'mV. ' ide-
ICce , mmli of i'lttsburg , Pa.
Foreign Mlssloims-lleve , Charles S. Cle-
mmiii , 1)V , Collins , U. D , , amid Id. Cl. Kyle ,
I ) . 1) . , all of l'tmtladelpimia ; corresponiimng
secretary , 11evV. . \ \ ' , Barr , D. I ) . , of Pimila-
home Misioas-lbvtt. I ) . Barcia , D , I ) . ,
of itomlI , l'A , amid .1. IC. McCiurkin , I ) . I ) , ,
of Monommgnimela , I'a. , anti Eider A , M , Scott
of l'tttsbimrg , Pa.
Frcedmneim's Misslon-Tlevp , Joseph Kyle ,
B. I ) . , itllegemmy , h'a. , 1) . W. Carson , I ) . I ) . ,
flurgottatown , l's. , and W , Ii. Mcidiilan , 1) ) ,
I ) . , Aliegimeimy ; correspoimding secretary ,
lttmv , J , \ \ ' , Witimerspoon , D. I ) , , Allcgimemmy ,
Church ExemmsIon-Hidera Thomas Mc.
Cane of I'ittsburg and W. J. Sawyer of Mb-
glmcmiy , and 11ev. M. M. l'atterson , I ) , I ) . ,
l'ittsburg ; corresponding secretary , 11ev , A ,
(1'allmmce of Sewickiy , I'a ,
Publication-Eider P1 , I ) , McGill , Revs. I ) ,
S. Littell , I ) . I ) . , and J , A. ioutlmetl , Elders
John I ) . Frazer ( mmmd S. 11. Donaldson , lies- ,
John McNaugimer. P. 1) . , and Eider John A ,
Bell , nil of l'ittsburg , l's.
Education-Revs. itusscbl Gralmarn , J , I" ,
Jamison. W' . C. Williammison and Ii. W.
Nalrn corre'onmling secretary , Rev.V. . T ,
Campbell , D. I ) . , all of the vicinity of Moe.
mouth. Iii.
Ministerial Relief-Elders James McCart-
ney , James D. Ferguson and James S. tc-
Cracken corresponding secretary , all of Phil-
adeiphia amitl vicinity ,
Managers of the historIcal Society-
Revs. S. Ii , aralmam and I ) . Barclay , and Elder -
der William Stevenson , 'dl of i'Ittsburg , l'a.
i'ernmn.mcmt Coimimimittees ,
Narrative and State of itelIRion-ReY.W ,
S. harper , D. 1) . , of Ernsworth , b'a.
Young l'copbo's Work-Eider Robert Rut-
ledge of St. Louis , Mo ,
itaibroat ) Fare--Elders Robert Cielnmmd of
Chicago amid Robert Trimbbe of Pittsburg.
Reform-Revs. . .Y. Robinson , LI. I ) . , of
Allegheny , J. T. MeCrory. I ) . I ) , . of PItts-
burg , I ) . S. Lltteli of l'lttsburg , 'F. A. Shaw
of Avalon , l'a. , and \V. ' , % ' . Lawrence of Bet-
bevue , Pa.
\'ays and Means-Elders J. 3. Porter , W.
K. McOinmiesa and Samuel MeKnight of Able-
glmcny , J , Ii. Murdock of Washington , Pa. ,
mmd J. Ii. Scott , Robert Ii , Thompson uind
John M. McCance of l'lttsburg.
Commission to Consider and Provide for
the Debt of the tThurch-flev. W. J. RobInson -
son , I ) . I ) . , of Aileghemmy , chairman ; 11eV.
.1. Q. A , McDowell , D. I ) . , Newcastle , l'n. ,
and Elders George M. l'aacn , J. P. McICIn-
mmey amid Jammies S. McCracken of Plttsburg ,
1) . S. Mcllenry , Thomas M. Armstrong ,
William S. Weir anti W. S. Sawyer of ABe-
gheny , and McKenzie Cieband of Chicago ,
anti 11ev , 1) . 0. McKay. r. D. , of Green-
yule , l'a.
Comnmmmitteo on Union with the Assoclato
Reformed Church of tIme South-Revs. A. 0.
Wallace , D. D. , of Sewtekiy , Pa. , M. 0.
Kyle , D , 1) . , of I'imilndelphia , M. M. Patterson -
son , D. I ) . , of Pittsburg , John D. Irons , D.
D. , of Xenia , Ohio timid .1. R. .1. Milligmimm of
Abilegheny ,
Delegates to the National Aimtl-Saboomm
League Coimventiomi-ltovs. W. Ii , Vincent , D.
D. , of Detroit , J. C. Taggam't , I ) . U. , of East
Ltvepooi , Ohio , \V. A. Miller of Cleveland ,
S. I' . ltarracknmau of Stcubctmvlbie , Ohio , J. I.
Frederick of Zanesviiic' . Ohio , J. .1. liuston
of Belie Cemmtor , Ohio , A. Ii. Ocr of l3irmimmg-
Imamn , ' Mich. , anti Elders Joseph Lactic of
Cleveland , Ohio , Dmmmican 1)0w of Ibellefont ,
01mb. and M. C. Roach of Worcester. Ohio.
Delegates to the Sovmmtim General Coumm-
cii of tlc : Alliance of time Reformed Clmurclmes
-Revs. It. J. Ferguson , D. 1) . , of New \Vil-
mingtomm , I'a. , J. W , Witherspoomi , D. D. , of
Aimcthcmmy , J. Q. A. McDowell , I ) . 1) . , ( .f
ov , York , James C. Wilson. D. D. , of Erie ,
Pa. , John D. Irons , I ) . D. , Xenia , 0. , J. C.
Boya , I ) . D. , Pittsburg , S. R. Lyons , I ) . D. ,
Mommmouth , Ill. , Andrew henry , Jersey City ,
N J.V. . S. MeEacimronVest liebron , N.
1' . , Chance S. Robinson , lialtimimore. I ) . A.
McClcmmalman , D. D. , Allegheny , W. J. Be-
chanan , Columbus , 0. , Collins , D. D. ,
r''iiadelpimia ! , Jesse Juimaston , U. I ) . . Tar.cia ,
Mo , amid J. C. Scouller , L'htladeiimhia , and
Elders It. A. Smmllth , Iiicimeny , hugh A.
Ihart , Mnmlsflebd , 0. , and Jumes S. Mc-
Cmru lcmm , I'lttsburg.
Delegates to the Synod of time Reformed
Church of America-Rev , 11. S. Swenringen
of Allegimemmy.
Delegate t9 tile Glasis of time Holland Ito-
formed Church-Rev. . H. Vincent. D.
D. , of Detroit.
Delegate to the Synod of tile Assoclnto
Reformed Clmurch of tIme South-Rev. Alex-
tinder GilclmrIst , D. U. , Pastor of time Central -
tral United l'rcsbytcrlan church of tlmis city.
Time last timree nominations \vero made
throtmgim the comimlitteo on correspotmdenee ,
which had had time matters pertaining to
churclm union in hand. Referring to the
somitiment expressed him a letter from 11ev.
F. Y. Pressby , time fraternal delegate from
the Associate Reformed eimurch of the
South to time United Presbyterian assembly ,
It joined in tile "hope of an earl3' removal
of time Ilmiaginary geographical iimie"-all
that now divides the tso church organiza-
ttons of tile same faith.
The last thing was to tass the custo-
nancy votes of thanks as follows : To Mod-
erimtor Ferguson , to Elder Tracey of the
transportation committee , to the railroad
passenger associations , to time pastors of
Omaha , Particularly Dr. Gii imrist , to The
Omaha Daily Bee and The Omalma Evening
Bee for time "comploto and accurate cc-
ports published during the convemmtion of
( ho assembly , " anti to George 0. Wallace
and otimers who have been interested in
showing time delegates the hospitality of the
city and making their visit a pleasant one.
Assemimlly Notts.
Rev. W. Ii. McMiilan will agnimm represent
the assembly as trustee at the UnIted So-
clety of Clmrlstian Emmdaavor. lie has denim
so for niammy years.
Time third Thursday in Septeambem- beemm
formally designated a d.y : of fasting and
prayer , In consideration of financial strin
In the matter of the threatened suit of
Rev. J. It. \
It.Vaiiaeo of the I"ranlcfort presbytery -
bytery to compel imis veinstateriment in a
pastorate , time judiciary committee advised
the trustees of time assembly to emimpboy coun-
ci' if immoral suastotm means faikd witim the
1ttiant minister.
'l'I&O & alumni of time Xenia 0. , senlnary !
held a meeting aimd adopted resolutions urg-
Imm Dr. Joseph Kyle of Allegheny to accept -
cept .tlme cimair of timeolov vacatmd 1w tIn'
retirement of Dr. James Harper , and whicim
i tO I c filled next sumnmcr. A eommmmnhtte.j
wmtm : eppointed to secure a litc-siztjl or-
tramt of Dr. Harper and I'ang it iim tht. C7Ti
iima'y : Dr. Harper has beii bmrofessr , cf
theology lucre for time last t.vemmty years.
't'V'imly-Sevem OmmtofSixt,0me of time
I'imssemmgers Sitsed mmmiii hlrimiigltt
it ) VIctmrigt.
SEATTLE , Wasim. , Juno 1-A special to
the Times fronm Victoria , B. C. , says the
schooner Lady Grey foundered ninety miles
west of Cape Flattery , Sunday , May 22.
Only twenty-seven out of sixty-one pimasen-
gore were saved. Following is a list of time
saved : Crockett , flaimsen , Camisomm , Olson anti
Joimnsomm of tIme crew ; passengers , Ingratmamn ,
Lesey , Packard , I'ennington l3laekwcli ,
Livingston , Richards , \Veaver , Brooke ,
Iteblicy , Coutrie , holier , Davenport , Zeiia ,
Blancimi , Celra , Wactmer , Kingsbury , Rob-
crts , Wibsomi and Johnson , Time survivors
wore brommght here by the scimooner ) avorIto ,
They left for Seattle at 9:50 : on time Kingston ,
NoregItmm Ntt-i.mmer i'ieks V temt
lVrteke.I nim time Ilmistern Emimi
of time Ishmmimmi of CuImmi ,
Pih11ADELI'1I1A , June 1-TIme iaseq-
gera amid crew of the feight steamer Belvi-
ilere , which was wrecked off Cape Maysi ,
Cmmba , are on the } Qeg
Frcie , ( roam h'ort Antbnio , whelm will reaelm
this city about mmoon today. Time riebyidere
sailed from Kingston for Boston 0mm Wednr-
day last and was wrecked the followhmmg day ,
The ICong Freile passed fleetly island , Dciii.
ware bay , at :3O : this morning and signaled
all eli.
Cr.IIe ( I ii its I Iii l'rcsidemey.
CiI1C\aO , Juno 1.-At the annual meet-
lag of the hock Islandrjmiiroafi today , Pros-
ldcnt It. ft. Cable was elected chairman of
time board of directorr , FlrtVI dP7rcs1-
I dent \Varreim 0. i'urily was cipeted president
to succeed Mr , Cable. Third Vice l'reaidemmt
W'iliiamn 11. Truesdale , first vice president ;
ii , A. l'arker , sccommti vice president ; J. F' ,
I'hiiiips treasurer , mmn'l George Ii , Crosby
secretary , The regular quarterly cash dlvi-
deed of 1 per cent vas mlqinremI wlthban
extra cash dvidend $ of 1-4 per cent. An
extra stock dividend of 10 imee'celmt'was also
declared , making a dividendof 5 per cent
in all for the current year. The gross
earnings for time year ending March 31 , 188 ,
were $19,548t83 , against $17,146,652 last year ,
an increase of $2,401,930 , Operating cx.
, penzcs were ; h1,74l,4o3 , against 10,743,148 ,
ch1ey fleported to' Be mnipatient to Get
Action ontht3 pan1s.
Natil Memm cit Opln'i hint it lie Conid
Otiec Oct time htnn' ii , , Could
, ltlnkc $ nmmtinga Unten-
b1e for Cervera.
NEW YORK , Jimac 1.-A special to the
Times from VashIngton , says : Washington -
ton is working itself up to the hope of
omcial news from Scbie' to match the news
from Dnwe ) ' , With ynrious corroborative
dispatches about the opdrations at Santiago -
ago it is made plain timat whatever the
plans may bo for eventual co-operation at
Santiago do Cuba of the navy and the nrmny ,
there is no restraint upon Commodore
Sclmley to prevent him from reducing the
forts at time entrance to time harbor , des-
troylmig Cervera's fleet anI making the city
uninhabitable to the Spanish if lie cimooses
to tie so.
The news from Commodore Schbcy con-
tamed iii tIme press dispatcimes caused no
surprise to those who have kimown him and
his rccod. Ito is not na olllcer to remain
quiet whIle there is a cimanco for enterprise
so close at imanti. Ills advemmtures in Corea
wimen ho took inmrt in ti4m attack on tIme na-
the forts , his participatioim In time Greeby
relief expedition , amid , more receimtiy , imis
defiant stnmmd for Ameelcuin rights in Vab-
paraiso harbor , Indicate tIme' nature of time
muami who is now time 4merican commodore
at SantIago , carrying with him a very poor
opinion of the military ability of time Span-
- -
isli peopie.
lie had heard the b1minions of these
people respecting this coimmitry , anti it was
lila belief timat. time Utmit.etl States ought to
lmavo an opportummity to how these con-
tcniptuomms scoffers that fimey dId not tinder-
stand time PCOIbo they Imnil sneered at so
long. It has been kmmown that Sclmiey was
eager to macct the foe , and that he and his
men had fretted at F r Monroe while
Dewey was nmnking imims if famous. Schbcy's
friends imisist that lmo vllt never stop work
at Santiago until he has demimonstratod the
ability of Ammmeriean Blips and Ammmericnmi
sailors to overcome Spanish shIps nnd sail-
org under difficult circj.mmnst.ances ,
Simmce Commodore Sehie"s fleet has been
reported at Santiago a great deal of cci-
cubation aimd speculation has been indulged
in as to tIme possibility of acting effectively
against time fleet of Admiral Cervera without -
out entering time harbor ; Some of the naval
mcmi here have takenimslt things iimto account -
count mmd have concimided that with time
timirteen.incim , twelve-irecim and eight-ineim
guns on time Mnssacimuetts , time Iowa amid
time Texas , lie can readh the city bC Snim-
tiago Itself if ho can get the range. If ho
couiml obtain the moorimm of the Spanish
Vessels , which it Is nastimnefi he has done ,
so definitely as to be Able 1to cimart them ,
no ( Ioubt Is eutermtinetl of his ability to
Pour a destructive fire tipon the ships at a
distance of lve or six milms ,
According to the dispatches received , corn-
Paratively little attention Impp are to have
been given to the fortIficatIons' . Time as-
miumuptien among naval' med who are dis-
cussiimg time engagement before particulars.
are obtainable Is that he has directed just
enough fire ntthe forts to occupy theam , and
has employed hi most effectiVe long range
guims in peppering the Spanish vessels in
the harbor. Admiral Cervera , It Is ho-
lieved , has foummtl himselfat , a terrible ills-
advantage in being pennqd up In the har-
hoc. The bay of Santigo is scarcely a
mile wide at Its widest part , It is navlga-
ble for vessels ot
such great draught as
time four armored cruisers of Corvera's fleet
for but a part of its wilth It Is considered
to be out of the questIon for Cervera to
protect himself to any great extent by
maneuvering. Having once got th range
of Cervera's vessels , either at anchor or
moving up and down the bay , Commodore
Seimiey may sink or dtsabo them nil. At
the saqmo time , lie may keep his vessels con-
stnntiy in immotion , playink on the fortiflca-
tions and time Spanish lbe t , while time torts
and imprisoned fleet xtre ildiy endeavoring
to hit a lot of mnoving veseis.
Army men are hearing the news wIth sonIc
concern. They have accepted as true some
reports that there is to be a land force dispatched -
patched to Sammtiago , antI they imnglncil that
all preparations were to be deferred until
time army was in readlmmmss to nartleinat , .
in the attack upon Santiago and to win a
share of the credit for Its capture. While
Commodore Schiey does not appear to have
been made acquainted with this view , time
army omcers who imavo heard of the attack
upon Santiago by Schioy say it will be lam-
possible for him to make as coamplete a Job
of the reduction of Santiago as it is for
Admiral Dewey to take possession of Manila
without the mild of a barge number of troops.
Secretary Long does not Inolc for any report -
port ( rein Commodore Scimley until ime has
completed the job that ho is relmorted to
have begun , Ho has complete liberty to
use his own discretion about attacking , and
under his Instructions Im expected to destroy -
stroy or capture time fleet of Admiral Ccc-
vera If imo can (10 it. "Use utmost endeavors -
deavors , " the immstructiorms , issued to Adnlirai
Dewey , were repeated to Schloy when he
was found to have cornered the Spammisim
fleet. These immatruetlops , will mmot hermit
him to lie idly outside the , harbor , and his
termmperamnotmt anti ambitIon wili stimulate
imiam to time greatest acttyty.
Comrmrndoro Schboy has a good supply of
coal and provisions. ,
Pit A I S E Pt ) It si4 NI Si I QUIt EN.
Iix-himmIser Tm'IosI4h ) Slit , Is Commit-
tr's Must YnlmmniIerossessiumm ,
NEW YORK , JUnO 1-.hlftnnis Taylor , ye-
cently United States mimister to Spain , ills-
cusses in time Juno numb r of time North
American Review the political future of
Sham , Mr. Taylor considers historically the
circumstances out of which have risen time
two beading political mrties in time penhim-
subtmr klmmgdoimm , wimicim imao beeim equably
resolute in resisting tIme 7cpubbicans on ( ho
one hand and the Carllvtf on the oilier ,
siimco the ro.eatabblsbmemt lii 1875 of time
present ( lymmasty. Unite' Mc , Taylor says ,
timese parties arc more ( iraq a match for all
timeir opponcmmts.
No matter what may happen in ( ho exter-
nimi politics of Spalim ; no1 matter if slum is
stripped of her colommlai possem'sions , no matter -
ter if flomero ammd Woyiori do try to stir up
civil war for their own selfislm ends , Spain is
safe so long as conseryativcs amid liberals
stimimil together to prcscry social order under
time existing Coimstltutioiij
Mr. Taylor Is stronglyjif the opinion that
the time baa not come far SpaIn to depa'rt
from monarcimlcal institutions. Timat being
time case , Mr. Tayior askS why ( be present.
dynasty should be overthrown , why. Ihe wise
anti devoted queen rgent simoubil be driven
out on account of tuitional misfortunes for
which neither sue nor her son Is In any way
Time most priceless possession of Spain , is
Maria Cbristiima , because she alone bars
the door to a renewal of civil war , whicim
mit this amonment will be destructive to the
country. 1mm this dark hour of Shale's ails.
fortune , her pure , womanly character shines
forth bike a light in a dark plitce , round
hich all patriotic Spaniards gather ,
If monarchical Institutions survive , her
overthrow flle4ttms the secession of 1)on Car.
los , who , opart from his utter antI admitted
worthlessness as d man , rcsents a set of
medieval ideas anti aspirations that would
set Spain far into the past-at least a con-
As confirming his belief that Spain Is not
ripe for a republic , Mr. Taylor refers to the
attitude of Emnillo Castobar :
It anybody clearly comprehends and loves
Spain , ho does. In his mighty brain is
stored away her whole history , as a part of
the history of Europe. In his heart is an
unsebflsh and great bove of country , as lofty
nntl unselfish as ever ennobled a patriot.
Convinced years ago that Simm was not prepared -
pared for a republic , he resolved to retire
from the political arena , nhd to traimemit imis
aspirations to another channel ,
Mr. Taylor expresses time hope timat the
United States in their dealings with Spain
at time end of time present war will follow
a course consistent with their own normal
dignity , and in time hoer of victory renieni-
her that justice and generosity should char.
acterize timeir dealings with a once friendly
nation , "When time end cornea. " lie says ,
"bet us resoive to be jtmat anti generous , mmot
only to Cuba , but to Spain , too. "
Ailmnlrnl ietve'Reseimts a Slight to
Ills C4ilmlmtr ) ' miti,1 Jems'es l'rimiee
htemmrt's hlnmmqmmet ,
CHICAGO , Jmmne 1.-Charles N. l'ost , vice
president of time Lyon & htealy company ,
who imna Just returmieth frommm an extended tommr
of time oriemmt , met Athmmmiral Dowel' iii hong
Kong , March 25. Mr. I'ost tells of a social
passage at. arnie between Dewey and I'rhmco
Ilemiry , a brother of Emimperor William , cent-
mantling time Gernian squatiromi at hong lcong.
Prhm e Henry immediately after his arrivai
at hong Kong gave a banquet to time higher
officersot time other fleets , cmimiong whom was
hear Ambmniral Dewey. At th feast tIme
vrincu proposed a toast to his own country ,
then to Great Britain , then to 'all time other
great rowera except time Ummited States.
F'immaiiy , just before the thinner was over ( lie
royal host proposed a toast to timis country.
Wimen'htear Admiral Dewey saw timat apparently -
ently hits coummtry was to be slighted Ime left
the banquet without cerenmony. Next lay m
representative of l'rimmce Henry sent a roundabout -
about apology to time American commmrnammder
Iewey sent word back to tIme emperor's
brotlmer tbmat he woulti accept mmotiming but a
wrlttezm or bmerzoimai npolngy from time lrilmce.
Time latter then called upon Dewey and mmpol-
ogizeti , saying that In time confusion of thu
dummmmcr lie thoughtlessly imegiecteti to put the
American toast 1mm proper place omm the ro
gram. While Mr. I'ost was itt hong Kong
Prince Ilemiry gave a ball , but Admiral
Dewey. thmougim invited , did not attend it.
The bammqnet incident was not abiowed to
get out , and Mr. l'ost received it first lmammd
from omit , of the olflcers of time Amnerlcamm
News for tIu Armimy ,
WASHINGTON , June 1.-Special ( Tebe-
gram.-Army ) ortlers are issued as foibows :
Captain Jay Coohie , Timird conmmlssary of
stmbsistencc , - United States volunteers , will
proceed to Camp George 11. Thommmas , Chick-
amntmg National park , Georgia , and report
to the commanding general of the Third
army corps. Second , Lleuteaent John 0-
McA. I'aimer. Fifteenth infantry , isrelioved
from tluly at the University of Chicago , Cimi-
cage , and when lie shall have completed his
duties as acting assistant quartermaster in
connection witim the board to Inspect and
purchase horses at Chicago tmmmii inatle his
flnai report , will hiroceed to Mobile , Ala-
barn a.
An army retiring board is ordered to meet
at Chicago for the examination of such
omcers as may be ordered before It , as tel-
lows : Colonel Thorna F. Barr , assistant
judge advocate general ; Lieutenant Colonel
Francis B. Jotmes , chief quartermaster Unitoti
States volutmteers ( major antI quartermaster
United States arnmy ) ; Captain Henry P. B.
Cunninghmnmtmm , assistant surgeon ; Captain
Peter S. l3emus , First cavalry ; First Lieutenant -
tenant Charles B. B. Flagg , assistant stir-
goon ; Captain George H. Paddock , Fiftlm
cavalry , recorder. Sucim journeys as may be
required of Captain l'addock and First Lieutenant -
tenant Fiagg , assistant surgeon , in attending -
ing the meetings of the board anti returnIng -
Ing to stations are necessary for time public
Captain John McA. Webster , Twenty-see-
end infantry , is ordered to report to Colonel
Timomnzm F. Barr , assistant Judge advocate
general , presitlent of the army retirlmmg hoard
appointed to meet at Cimicag.
First Lieutenant Fltzhugh Lee , Jr. , anti
Algerimon Sartoris , First regimnemmt voluimteer
engineers , recemmtiy appointed , will proceed
to Tampa and report to Major Gonerai Fitz-
Imugim Leo , eomnmantling the Seventh army
The secretary of war changes time assign-
meat of Brigadier General George W. Davis ,
United States volummteers.
Major Waiter S. Schuyier , assistant rnlJtm-
tent general United States volunteers , will
report to Major General William M. Gm-
ham , commandIng the Second army corps at
Fails Church , Virginia.
The following olhlcers of time Third rogi-
macnt , New York volunteers , hmnvimig tendered
their resignations to accept proni tion , will
be honorably mustered out of the service of
the United States in the grades specified :
Lieutenant Albert hall , company 1) ; First
Liemitonant Desolvo Ii , TUft , company D ;
Second Lieutetmant Frederick L. Pattberg ,
commipany D ; Second Lieutenant Frank B.
Smith , company L.
Time order issueth discimnmrging Secommd LIeutenant -
tenant 'SV. C. Webb lmattery A , Wilted States
volunteers , on tender of lila resignation , is
Time following officers wiii report to Lieu-
teimant Colonel henry C. Ilasbrouck , Fourtim
artillery , prestdemmt of time examnhmming board
appointed to macct at Fort Monroe , Virginia ,
from tlmis office for examination as to their
fitness for promotion , and upon time conebu-
sion of their exomaination will return to their
vropor stations : First tieutenammt Edward
S. Avis , Eighteenth Infantry ; Second Lieutenant -
tenant Marcus 13. Stokes , Tenth infantry.
Major Wi&Iiarn II , Daly , surgeon , United
States volunteers , svlib report to Major Con-
cciii Nelson A. Miles , comnnmaadlng time
UnIted States army , In this city for special
Cimrios. . NjmtiiIh V.'iipom , ,
WAShINGTON , Juno 1.-Secretary Alger
baa received ( roam Ocean Springs , Miss. , a
Spanish weapon known as a muleta , wimicim
in said to be used by the torcamiora in bmmbi
figbmts. It wa8 sent by Newcomnb Clark of
timat place , who said that time weapon had
an Interesting history , having been made
early in the sixteenth century , Time sender
recalled that In dismantling a Spanish fort
at St. Augustine early in the civil war in
one of the casements there was found time
remains' of a ibsen amen , who , unquestion.
ably , had been lmnamisoned timere. Among
other things discovered with their skeletons
was the muieta sent to the secretary. It
cattle into the sender's possession in 1864
( rota a soldier who reportetl that he had
found it at time place Indicated , The weapon
is about fourteen inches long , made of
twisted wire , on time end of which is Otteil
a cylinder of iron or steel , Attached to
the iron cylinder are a number of small
rings , which , presumably , servo for the inir-
pose of attaching thongs instruments
of torture at their end. The ctmrloslty will
be presented to the president by Secretary
Alger ,
Iivision or fllspositiumm of time I'hmiili-
Plimes Lonkeil Vim's as s
Ticklish Subject ,
PARIS , June 1-The I'lgaro publishes time
following tilsimntch ( remit its St. l'ctersbtmrg
correspondent : Pmmhbie attention 1mm Russia
is chiefly devoted to the incidents of the
Siinnlsh-American war , Sympathy leans ,
rather toward Spain than to America , so
there was miaturably mimuch sorrow over the
naval disaster itt Cavito , and now there is
rejoicing 'st time smuall successes of the army
In Cuba.
Russia. Is also iiscussipg the future of the
Philippines , which , it Is ' feareti , will tall
entirely into the power of time United States ,
or be sharctl between MnetiCa nmmti Emiginmith.
Itegarding this the itussian press thinks
tltmit a division of the islands vomibd cause
great prejudice to the immtcrests of litmasia ,
which coulmi not tolerate such a step tmmiless
it were given Its share 1mm time archipelago.
If such a tiivisiomm takes place the muninto-
nmmnce of Peace will be seriously threntemieti ,
for it wommlil be tilmctmbt to conciliate the
Interests of time several great powers sharing -
ing Iii the divisiomm.
Mr. Cimnmhcriaimm's speech lirothmceti a very
bad inmprcssion in Russia in political circles ,
as well as iii time prees anti among limo imeo
iiie of St. Petersburg. happily the speech
was i.ooii smmmoothed miowmi by ( bin nttittmtic of
Lord Salishtmry ammth ( limit of time large major-
itof the Eimgblshi irnimers , v1mose iammgtmage
pro'eti that the cimief of time colonial nihice ,
its usual , was presemmting bmi iiersotmnl imoiicy ,
whitim is only supported in Rmmgbammd by a
limited ntmmiiber of vartlsans. Time United
States lmrs tmo mmiore immterest In emitertmmg a
conflict with Itussia thamm tints hitmasia iii
seekimmg one with it. 'rimere is no nntagomtlsmmi
of any sort bt'tweemm time tvo powers. There-
( ore , one cammmmot see amiytlming lii thou to
cause alarm. All omie can see in tlmemmm
is aim atteimiiit made by timi ttmrbtmient mmd
ammibitious personage to give more promi-
notice to imis personality , which he tioubtbesa
fintis a. uchm effaceti by time imposing figure
of Lord Sablsbtmry.
Smm rmc'omi Gemmeriib Se'mmls Out it Ci t'cimbmtr
1mm Itenlitmimse tO Nimmmerims
I n i mm I r it's.
WAShINGTON , June 1.-Surgeon General
Stermmberg of tIme armmiy has received ntmmner-
emma letters from patriotic wonton asking
what articles wotmltl be mmmost nceeptahmlo for
time misc of our sick amid wotmntiemi soltliers In
time field or itt time lmospltabs. For time Imur-
pose of nmmswering 1mm it gemmeral way timese
inquiries lie has prepared time following
menmorammtiunm , which will bo mmemmt to persons
commnunlcatitmg m'ltim Imini on this subject :
Money may be seat to time surgeotm getmeral
of the armmmy as a contribution to the hospital
funds of the hospital slmbp Relief anti of
United States general hospital. This will
be sent to the surgeons In charge , to be cx-
pentieti for tielicactes for the aftk , btth as'
caimneti soups. Jellies , heinous , oranges , etc.
-' ontr1hute. .cauuvml.
soups , clam broth , orange mnarnmalado , gimmger
ale , biscuit , water crackers and alnmiia'r
articles In imermneticimily seabed catms , ( or use
on the hospital ship Relief , cmiii at the
United States general hospitals at Key \Vest ,
Fia. , Fort Mcpherson , Ga. , Fort Thommias ,
Ky. , amid Fort Myer , Va. Bantlages , lint
mmml other stmrgicai ( lressings are not desired ,
as timese can now be obtained front time rnaimtm-
facturers , steribizeth for use , anti of the qimal-
ity wlmichi experience has shown to be best
suited to our ptmrposes. Shirts and drawers
are provided by time government. but will
be accepted , and can be given to con-
vabescents upon their discharge from lies.
pitmil. Papanmas made of bigimt gimigimamu svhil
ho usefui for the sick iii Imospital ammtl on
tIme hosimitni slmip , mis timoy comm lie worn by
convabescents who arc able to be out of bed.
Long night shirts of bigimt mnusbiim can also le
utilized , Broatl bandages of light flannel to
protect time abdomen are highly recoin.
mnenileil nntl may ho worn to advatmtngo by
our sobtiiers in the field.
The articles mentioned may be sent tiirect
to the surgeon general of tIme army or to
the surgeomimi in charge of time general hos-
idtais named ,
Ammiihinry 6immmlonts ( ict a. Little
'I'ret l'ruet k'e on Sptmmmisis
hofemmses iii Cuin
KEY WEST , .lumie 1.-Time United States
auxiliary gunboat Unccms arrived here this
morning ( coin the Cuban coast , It reports
that on Monday last , whetm about a mile
mmd a unit west of Mnntanzas light Imotmac , it
aiglmted a Sitammisim bbockimouso mm timore.
Taking up a losition about 600 yards nit
simore , tIme Uacas fired two shots at the hmouso
amid time two shells vent clear through time
buildhmig , whlci'm was wrecked. During time
flrimmg time auxiblimmy guimbeat Leytlen canmo
up and ale fired a couple of shots. It is
not known whether ammy Spaniards wore
killed , but they probably tied at. the first
simot. Time blockhouse made no reply.
Time actlotm on the part of time Ummcaa and
Leydemm is in accordance with time policy of
tlmo patrol boats in mmimeiling any block-
imousea they may come across. Time crews
enjoy this target practice very much.
All sm'aa quiet on time Jhimvaima blockade
when time Uncas left last night.
'limit ii Jmj t I , e i'resld i' mm t SI mmd ( , i. ress
gi' . CommimIiiiviit , l'imi.l Ihlimi ,
WASIIINGTON , June 1-Time president
today sent tIme following message to congress -
gress :
To the Congress of time United States :
Time resolution of congress , lfltssetl May p ,
18'JS , tendering to Commodore George
Dewey , U. S. N. , comnmimntmder-iim-cimlef of
the Umiltcd States naval fnrces om time Asia-
atlc station , time timammbca cit congress anti of
the /mnmerican iweimlo for imlghmby illatin-
guisimed commtluct iii cormillct witim time enemy
as thlspbayed by imim 1mm tIme destruction of
time Spanish tieet and batteries 1mm ( item liar-
bor of Manila , May 1 , 18'JB , atmil thmougim him
extcmmiiing tIme thanks of congress and of
the American people to tIme oflbcers and men
untler his command for gallantry anti skill
eximibited by them on that occasion. cc-
quested the president to coiaaiunicattm the
same to Commodore Ies'cy amid timrougim
him to time ollicers and men tinder iml coat-
mnand. This having been ( lone timrougim time.
secretary of time navy , on time hIfl of May ,
1898 , time following respanso has beemi re-
cetvecb antI is hereby tiansmnitteti to time congress -
gross :
" 1 desire to express to the department amid
to request that it will be transmitted to the
imresident crab coimgress , my float sincere
thanks ( or tlmc great compliment humid to
Executive Mansion , June 1 , 1 (8. (
FIiil ! lliIl'ilb Gmli- .
WAShINGTON , Juno 1.-Lieutenant
Lucheinmer , judge advocate of the Menocab
court martial , today brougimt time proceedings
of the court to Washington and haiti them
before Secretary Long , Time court foutmtl
A. 0. Mermocal , civil engineer. guilty or ime.-
heel and carelessness anti sentenced him to
simapenslon from duty on furlough pay for
three years , but uolteml In a strong recoin-
meadation for clemency. The charges grew
out. of defective construction of the New
York dry dock.
: . .t . . : - ;
Havaiia Press Tells of' Great Dis'inter to
American rnis ,
'Volt lior time Sptmnisim Arimt' Viml *
litniji' , , is to iim'ndt' lht Untied
hitntcs amid' Cummimmer
time Cutmntr' .
NR\\ ' YORK , Jtmno 1.-El l'rogrcsso , a
mKuvslnper , published iii iiavnmimm , a copy. of
whelm has been receiveti here , iii an editorial
Imblished Ma ) ' 23 , contains time fohlowimmg
sumimiminry of time stttmntiomm ( remit time view
poiiit of time Simamiisim liress :
. A mmmontim has gommo by stimt'e the cotrarmily
a nmmkoes iirocbttlmmmei , s cc ngnlmist Spain.
They then declared ( lint timey sm mmlii aunt-
hmilato us ; timnt they wommiti comae stud tabto
iIit'ann cmiii level our forts to time grouimiti.
% o niow see that it was bill a cownriily
boast , for mmot one tinstartiby Yankee imas set
foot ott Ctmtmamm soil , Tlme' tinro mmot , for otir
bras'tj soldiers still reinmise timemmm ntmtl drive
thmimt back to tlmeir owmi simores. have they
taken liavamma ? Not cue gun has bt'en fireti
tiiOim ) our forts iimiti their simiims , which itre-
teitd to mniiitaimm a Imlockatle , fear to commia
vithmimi' ( lie rammgu of time umobie gnus at Mono
9mstit' . It wotmhtl mmmccmmm their tlestructiemL
a ankees are eowmtrtis cmiii ccii tie mmotbming but
boast of % hmmtt tbie3 viii do , antl thou don't
tia , it. Every gotni cud true sculler of
Spain is nmmxiously nwaitimmg thmo muppeimrammco
( ml thet t aimiceus amid we slll timemi almow ( imoimi
Imowvelb a Siaitminrti ctimm fight cliii tiumt We
vail tb mmmore ( lien boast.
'lnjres or tIme slmipaot ( hum eneimmy imave tip-
Inoncimed our almori's they Intro beeim dniveit
back with disastrotis loss auth their nttt'imibt3 (
to destroy our fonts have resulteti Immstciid
lii them destruction of their simlps. Our brave
soldiers immtve ptmtmretl ebmot cmiii shell title thmet
elmenmy antI nobly 5100(1 lii' their gamma iititi
milieu e"ery occasiomi tuehiovemi a galiamit vie-
We bmavo iienm'd meports of the ermormimotmo
animmy 5 % imlchm wns to immvaiie our ibimtl nmmtt
commtlmmcr our armimy.'lmnt bums bectmmmmo of it ?
'l'imoy do miet elate to ceimmo cmiii imiect time
iim'itvu Spmmmltmrtls : , ktmowiimg ( mill velt timat.
tieatbm will be centnimm to await timemmi , They
tried to starve mis but , omm time' eoimtrmmry , ( hey
mmmc starvimmg tbmenmsebves , for breath amid mmmccl.
mmmc higimer iii New a'onic than tlme' are lit
ilavamma.Ve have iheimt' ttm eat , wimile tIme
Ymtmmkees imave beemm eomnpelletl to open free
501111 imoumses iii mill time big cities to feed
tlmcir imungry , amid time ieolibe ( lie 1mm starva-
( mu. No dog evemi goes ovemm witimont fonmi
iii timlit capital , but tiogs are imetter lImit
tIme dirty 'm'ammbcces. licef costs 6(1 ( coimts in
Now \"oik mmmiii a knmf of breath 25 emits. how
bommg calm time shiopkceimiimg Yammkce , vimG
timinks of mmothmiimg but dollars , atniul tlmat ?
'lucy are tmbremttiy sorry they imnve begun
'nr agaimmst Spain , but we vibl give timeimi
catise ftr tieebmcr regret. It will mint be iomig
before our victorintis mmrimiy will cross over
limb their territory mmmi tb to timemim as timey
w'oiilti 111cc to Imavo done to us.Ve will
give tbmemmm sonic' of their owim mmmcdicitme.
Already our gallimmit ileet imas boimibarded
their city of iiostomm iid tlriveii tIme inbmatti-
tants of thmzmt Place immto the Itmtorior , comn-
ieolhiimg tbmetn to ihee for their lives. Next we
% .Ill move mmptmmm New York , ztimtl no Yankee
sbmbliit dare attack us , kmmowiimg full well
their hmmability to cope wltlm time fornmidmmbio
Simnmishi imtv' .
, lrcndy timero is tunmmmbt amid insurrection
aumomig the Ynmihicts hecatise of the failure
or their aunts cmiii time people mmmd blanilag
Prositient McICimmboy. A mibititry guard of
1,000 soldIers surroundi' 1mb palace to pro-
vomit an assassiim ( remit rcnctiiimg imimu , lie
never goes out , anti it Is 'xpectetl tinily that
mmesvs will be sent out of jmts dcclii , so in-
tnnst'by eimnitgetl are time peoiibo b"eatisr' they
500 mmothing but defeat imm their war agaimmat
Smnln. Civil war is timrcntened nmnong time
UnReti States mmmi it mmmcv lie honked for at
tiny mnnmmmeimt. ' Time wealthy Yankees of New
'a crk and Piiiadelpbmin have barricatieti timelr
iioUsCii and armmmed their servaxmts , reariimg
bell , limo attacks of our forces amid time mmmob3
of tbmeir own ieoiulo.
Such is time centiltion wlmleim exists iii
America tnday , wlmile otmr imobbu army amid
our governmoiit , mmmmtler time hmrave anti goo'h '
Captain General ilianco , imas sticceeiii'i In
pacifying all of Cuba , so that peace reigns
umpon our shores.
Spaimiartis. we lmrmve imothbmmg to fear fromim
tIme cowardly Yamikees. We arc almoatly
limo victors anti gladly woultl the eneimmy sue
for peace.
'rIme i'tmililiiiimmes , wimicim were at first re-
p0' lcd lost to us , have been rognimmeti , if , iii-
deed , timey were ever out of otmr power or in
danger of being lost. Time ships of time
Yammkoe comnmnammiler have Imecim tieittroycul
with great loss of bite nnth tIme rebel forces
Imave united witlm all good .Spamiislm citlzemims
in driviimg tim foreigmmcrs froimi those isiaimmhs
and imave reomgaimi7eti timeir goverimment
under tIme eqimitaimbo autonotny mmucii mum cx-
ists lit Cuba tolay ,
Brave Spaxminrds , we will not be content
with conmpebiing thin Yanlcccs to sue for
pence ; we will invaio their territory , cap-
Lmmre and iestrO'Y tlmelr towns and force timemn
into smmbjectloii , Stmmmisim s'uhoi' is the samoa
that It was in time ( lays of obti , anti we can
500 in time near futmiro time Premmui flag of
Spnimm again afloat tmpon every son cmiii
imiantetl again upon tue coimtimmemmt of Ammmer-
ica , amid once mom'o Spain will rumie tIme
woriti , as it dlii iti thin happy tiays gone by.
Viva Espana Comm iiomior. "
Niime 1fl'mi Iiijurt'dtiie of Vhmoimm May
liL"'CflhmsL l ) ) A'ciiiimmlii-
flaiL ( Pt Gns.
NEW YORK , June 1.-A terrific explosion
occurred early today 1mm time tar vaver factory -
tory of Tobias New & Co. , orm East Nineteenth -
teenth street , in which me immmmnijer of persoims
were seriously iimjureti , the entire plant was
wrechcemb and timoimsantis of tloblars of danmtmgtm
% vdta clone. No oimem was killed , bmmt it iii
feared that some of time Injured may die.
Time iimJtireb are :
Tobias New , tIme bmropnietor ,
Pull i i p (1 reemm lid ii , engineer.
Victor Itoscimo , cimi uf engineer.
Jolmn O'Neill , engitmeer ,
Unknown Italian womumima ,
Leo J , mliii ,
Solomnoim Jmmbmuu.
Thomas Ryan ,
Jolmim Juidge ,
New , Roscime , Circenfleltl and O'Neill were
in the engine room wimerm thio explosIon took
place , Time liremnemm timiimk time explosion was
caused by accumulatioum of tar gas ,
IirsI i'ttrly to Consist Of 2(1,11(10 ( ( , to
1it F'oi IliVeli by tt ) , ) ( ) ( ) .ilort' itt
itt miii lmmriy 1)itt' ,
W/eSIIINGTON , June 1.-Secretary Alger
sent to thmo house today auldititamab call-
mates of $3,107,000 reilmmlreuh immediately ( ore
time exmeditlonary force to Cuba numb for
work arab equipments necessary in time cain-
paign against Porte Rico mind time Philip-
piiio islammils. Secretary Alger transmits a
letter outiiumiimg inimediato action mugaimmat
Cuba ammd saying it is hmrolmosel to tiislumitcim
hiOO ( to 20,000 troops nt once , to lie lot.
howeti mis rapidly tie possible by GO,000 more ,
PULL , lIEGliE'l' heJtfli NEII1IASICA ,
Secretory Alir'r 'J'eii'grujlms ( .overmor
hflmliIsJ tim 'l'iiit Fhffvi't ,
VAShiiNClTON , June 1-Secretary Alger
has teiegrapbetl limo governor of Nebraska
that lie will lie given an opportunity to
furnish an atiditioumal full regimmmeimt of iim-
fantry , This will hermit 11w go-terimor to
I appoint William J. Uryau as colonel it be
1 uo desires.
- : , , -