Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 02, 1898, Image 3

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B1gte Cover the Urornid and Orowi the
il - -
' flcntit7 fuji Icn ( ( ( , f thi arnt Sliuy
Porc , Atfeptiluit of Mntiy for
the 1Ir't Tltnt-Aftcr
the It.xireIscN.
While the cermonIt1 opcnns of the x -
1OItIoIl wfti the notstlo ) feftturo of the lay ,
It ( lid not iircvent the crowd from taking a
renernt Luteust in the permanent attrnc-
tlonn of the show. Early In the day its curl-
O4ItWM largely conflntd to the out-of-door
h\ fentures : It admired ( hO 1ulldlnrs , watched
the trIm gondolas gUile acro3a the quIet. RUT-
taco of the lagoon and wandered nImIcsIy
over the fliufT tract and through the myriad
nttacttons % of ( ho Midway. Thousands of the
. f I Individunlo who composed the multitude
Wore taking their flrst gIimDec of the cx-
IoItion , , ui they evidentlywanted to BCO
( ho outnido In 1t18 enUrct ) before they
dcRcefldcd to sletall . flut flS tito RUn
upwnrd nud made extenRive promenadeR
; . tincomfortnble there WM a more etieral
- dlRiOitiflfl to seek the Interiore vhcrc curl-
oRity could be gratiflcd with less discom-
fort. Matry of the ohIhttR were BtflI Incom-
) lCtC. bUt CYCU at that there woe more to sec
than one could well assimilate in one day or
ce'eral. The buililings that vcro still lackIng -
Ing in their interior attractions were ro well
advanced that a very accurate impression
of the final spectacle was afforded and durIng -
Ing tue remainder of the day there wa. a
constant stream of aiglitsecris who were cvi-
dotitly vcIi satisfied with what had been
accompi Ished.
\ The Uoverntncnt building was tim favorite -
' ito resort. It contains so many things that
. - are new to the People of the west that its at-
.1 tractions aeemet ( to be Irresistible. The spirit
of the timea was evident In the press around
the military and naval exhibits and every
detail of tile offensive and defensive capacity -
ity of the government vas Inspected with
. exceptional eagerness. Tim model of the
- Maine was a potent attraction and the BlCCi-
mona of torpedoes , mines , ordnance anti
t . other Incidentals of lighting power wcro
constantly surrounded.
, - - IUhIrCNMI)1I nt IIrnt Sight.
Ono of the striking features of the day
was the undisguised wonilerinent of bun-
ilreds of people to whom the exposition
canlo as a revelation far exceeding their
brightest ' expectations. If the scene was
admireti by those who have watched it grow
from Incipiency it absolutely astounded
* others who saw It for the first time. It
was amusing to follow a tRInity party of
visitors In its devIous windinga over the
grounds and hear their exclamations of as-
tOnlailnIClIt and tiehiglit Itt everything that
' met their gdze. It began when they caught
their first view of the superstructure of
tile big buildings as they approached the
grounds and it simply passed expression
when they got inside atiil began to retthizo
tile Immensity of the show. They were
anxious to aeo tile whole thing at Once and
et at every turn tiiy saw something that
they were reluctant to leave. They ox-
haunted their vocabulary of adjectives and
tIlCU inrreiy looked and wollderd with
open-eyed ectntic admiration.
Iii deference to tile oecaslcn very little
In the wn of work was uttempted on tile
grountla yesterday. The exhibits were at-
iowd to remain ac they were left the preceding -
, ceding night. and with One or two exceptions -
tions work on tile buildings on the bluff
tract that are still incomplete was tern-
pornriiy stopped. But as soon as tiio crowd
began to tiisnrpear IP tlo evening tile work-
i- 111011 aPPearot again ttflii _ tilq tlni8iiing
touchc re rapidly applied.
IL1iCLiII'1N ' ' '
( 'I'O 'Iftfl
Luiichteon FuiIoe.lipy Ireiielifltiijns
at the YIgitItit CflfO.
As soon as the formal exercises of the
Opening wcre concluded President Wattles
led the way to the cafe on the south side
of the east approach to the main viaduct.
Thu lower room had lfeen arranged for the
s.- reception of the distinguished guests of the
occasion and fully 200 people wore seated
about the long tables. A. substantial luit-
ciieon was quickly dispose of by the corn-
pany 011(1 vhen the cigars vero assod
President Wattles introduced President
JOSejlh Wailerstein of the Traveiers Protective -
tective association to respond to the scott-
niep 'Travohiug Men's Advertisers. '
After expressing the gratitude of the organization -
- ganization lie represented at being honored
by being allowed to varticipato In such an
auspicious event as the opening of such a
great exposition , Mr. Wahierstein said ho
waa at a loss how to speak on the subject
assigned to him. lie traced the ancestry of
the traveling man bade to tile progenitor of
of the human race , who is tile flr3t traveling
mall mentioned in history , having traveled
for a fruit house in the Onrden of Eden.
: k. ho uredicted that the Travciers Protective
association viii servo as one of the beat advertising -
vertising mediums which could have been
, - secured for the oxpoItiou ,
President Waileratein was applauded when
ho said that if tile foreign consular service
of tile United States was composed of travel-
lUg men the result would be that tile export
tratlo of the country would 50011 be carried
in American bottoms. lie saiti the fact that
titia is not done is because tile men selected
for this service ilRVO hatl no practical bust-
fleas training such as every traveling man
acquires ill his experience. In closing tue
epeaker proposed a toast to tile exposition ,
which was drdllk standing.
( Illlllet-iIor aiuLezu's htMIlOhlNC.
Chancellor MacLoch f the University of
1Ncbraaka respolllel to tue sentiment , 'Tho
Exposition as all Educator. " lie said the
subject was so vast that ho could touch
UpOll only a few salient points. lie traced
tile growth of ezioRitIOllS ) frqin the ancient.
lllarket illtCo ) U1 to the modern fair , WhlCil
has grown into a great collection of educating -
ing illiluclIcell. Ito reforreti to tile ignorance
' .VlliCll vrevaiia illotiler sections of this country -
try as well ns in oilIer countries regarding
the great west , its resourcee'and products
and said this exposition woiltl urove an educator -
cater to rernou tills Ignorance. Tile clan-
cejior predicted that , tile expostion WoUld
' Pr a lflCl1flR of fusing all interests in this
entire Section-IL fusion not of any three
parties. but of all iltrtica In tile great cause
of prosperity.
Cilancellor MacLean referred to the great
progress In education , as silOWn by tile ed-
ucatlonal exhibits in tile 111010 tluldlngs ,
lroving ) beyon'd dispute that tile west is In
110 way IleiifllUCllt ill otiuentlollai IttIvallee-
geuL. Ills r.lurks ; were. ibtersporsed with
witty saIlles wiliell CuIlVuilletI tile gathering
4 -F nnt were loudly apiaudctt , lie closed with
the following toast , which was drunk aluid
May the eXpositloll bu tile school of nil
tim Lwoitie , a g000illu wc'k of unlveritty cx.
tonetOt wtlictl every grIuldairu 011(1 rr 11111.
nero with every gralIticililtI in the trolls-
lUiaaISSIitpt region 101W attentltbe greatest
free Bellool Mncrica baa seen Oltefled this
side of Cticago.
i'resident'attlos Inro4uced ( W. J.
Uryan as the man who introduced in the
Translutsaissippi Coninlercial congress the
resolution WhICh brougilt the exposItion into
being. lie was assigned the subject , "The
West. "
Mr. lirygu (11 % lIlt' Vcst.
Jr. liryan COllftsRCd to lIaviug been san.
gulno of the outcouo of the exposition when
the resolution was passed by tile commer-
vial congress ill 1895 , but ho said the result
Itad far surpasse4 his fondest anticipation
.nd ho believed it hd outgrown the ideas
. , . ¼ . .
. .
, _ _ _
of Its most cntneit advocates After speak-
log of the well known Inoranco in the east
of the great west , Mr. liryan saiti ho be-
iicvcd the exposttLa would be a powerfu
means of removing this Ignorance and the
prejudice tigainat this section in Olan ) ' parts
of the east , lie referred to the fact that
the war wIth Spain was proving a great CCIII.
cater in the geography of the southeastern
portion of this country and predicted that
the publicity given the exposition wilt
servo as a means of disseminating intorina-
tion regarding the west , and removing the
ignorance antI prejudice against it.
General Charles F. MalllierSOfl a mern-
ber of the Ihoard of Directors of the cipo-
sition , wan introduced to speak on the
topIc , "Demonstrations of War and
I'eace. " Gencrat Manderson Indulged in a
succession of witty plcas ntrics whIch con-
vulseit ills hearers and tipped oft the foibles
of many of the guests in a most. happy
Taking tip his subject the speaker briefly
referred to sotne of the prominent wars of
history , commencing with the famous rc-
treat from Moscow and passing quickly to
tIle stirring events of the rebellion. Ito
reenlied the old adage , 9n time of peace
prepare for trar , " and asserted that if the
Udited States had been orenared for war in
1860 the rebellion would have boon crushed
in Its infancy. Likewise , It this country
hail boon prepared for war in the spring
of l83S , tile war with Spain would now be
over. Ito declared that a great future Is
opening before the United States and no
American need fear the new condition
which wilt Permit tills country to take its
share of tile good things of this world. l1
dwelt somewhat at length on tile Dewey
episode III the Phiiippines antI declared that
tile Untteti States SIlOUid not take its foot
off the islands , but SiloUld haiti Its share
of the Asiatic trade of tile Pacific.
Thin closeti the exercises and the lmrtY
adjourned to the Government , building for
the public reception.
( , ( ( ) Ut ( loverfllt-Ilt htlIlilitlIg.
The receition at the Goverlllneilt buiidillg
was inaugurated at 4 o'clock. Tile Marine
band took station beneath the lofty tiomo
In tile center of thin building and played a
most deiiglltfui program of promenade
music while the receptIon tvr'i in irogress.
The reception party took their places in
the Center of the building In front of the
State dcpartnlont eXilibit allit tue doors at
tile BOUtil wing ot the building were opened
to admit the crowd which hInd been pushing
and Pulling to get inside the building. Pros-
ident. Wattles stood at tile heath of tile line ;
ill the order named stood Governor liolcomb ,
v. .r. Bryan. Manager F' . P. } Cirkendaii ,
MalInger W. N. Babcck , Mrs. Clement
Chase , chairman of the executive conunittee
of tile i3UreaU of Entertainment ; Meadames
Wattles , itedick , Kirkendail , Babcock and
Joslyn , members of the bureau.
The crowd was kept In line by the guards
of the eXiOsitiOn assisted by members of
the Board of Management of the Govern-
meat building , and for two Ilotlrs there was
a constant stream of people through the
main aisle of tim big building. There was
little opportunity for seeing any of the cx-
hibits , but tile throng was carried along by
its own impetus to the door in the north
wing of the building and out into the main
Tilousailds of people passed by tue receiving -
ceiving party and shook each by the hand.
All scorned to enjoy the somewhat unusual
process aCId there was a nianifost disposition
on the Part of the crowd to break over the
limits of conventionality and scatter about
the building , but the cordon of guards kept
the 11110 in motion and the reception passed
off Without especial illCidont.
Stiit' ColllllliNMioll Coiteiniles I'rei lilt-
IulstrI&'H for Opening tue liti thu uj.
Yesterday the Iiiinots State commission
met at the Illinois building and made or-
rangemellts for the control of tile building
durilig the exposition season. Major and
Mrs. C. E. Hanibletob will have charge of
the building. Major liambioton , who is sec-
rotary of the commission , will be custodian ,
and Mrs. liambieton will be hostess ,
Arrangements were also made for liii-
note day. The executive committee of the
commission has general charge of the at-
fair. It is the intention to make Illinois
day one of the most notable in connection
with the exposition history. Exercises will
be helli 00 the grounds of a public character.
Invitations have been sent to Governor Tanner -
nor , Senator Cullom , Senator Mason and
tue whole Illinois delegation In the lower
house ot congress , the state otlicers and
lflemberlt of tile legislature , judges of the
courts , asking them to grace the occasion
with their presence.
Colonel Clark E. Carr has been asked to
presider Chairman William E. Harper of
the commission will make a short address ,
III which he will tell of the work of the
commission and will then turn the building
over to Governor Tanner. It Is expected
that speeches vill also be made and an in-
forlnal reception will he held at the build-
The Illinois comnllsslon is working to secure -
cure railroad rates so low that there will
be a most tremendous gathering of people
from that state on the day. Efforts are
already in progress , and it is expected that
tile executive committee of the exposition
will help as far as it may in the lnattcr.
A 5ni' of Ciitiii tor Tcit Ccntp ,
The lice is giving its subscribers a chance
to keep pOStel 011 tile movements of troops
and cruisers by means of its combination
map. Tile map of Cuba shows all the towns ,
railroads and divisions , while from the IllOP
of the \Vest Indies and map ot the world
you can locate just wilere tile war ships nrc
at any time anti how tar they are from dit-
terent ports , Cut out a lice coupon , page 2 ,
and bring it to Thu lice ofilce , Onlaha , South
Omaha or Council fluffs. fly mail , enclose
a coupon and 14 cents and address Cuban
Map Department
( Continued from Second Page. )
wIth 121 unIversities and colleges , 62.000
school houses. 5,700,000 children , C P04) )
newspapers anti 45,000 religIous organizations -
tions having a membership of 8,500,000 and
worshipping in 44,000 church edifices.
The aggregate wealth of this region of
country is $22,000,000,000 , or more than one-
halt of the entire capital of Great flrltain ,
These are not figures of speech , but tilO
arithmetic of facts. I have given the oem-
bers round , but always under.
For one of these territories the govern-
meat paid $7,000,000 , yet in a few
years it received from the seal
islands embraced therein , alone , the per-
chase price , and there is now in Bight in it
gold mines treasure enough to pay the
national debt.
Another has the greatest onyx mines In
the woriti , yet its shipments of fruit amount
to 10,000,000 poUfld a year.
One of these trausmississippi states has
the greatest deposits of marble of any
state in the union , anti yet this same state
took the prize at the Columbian exposition
for the best apples in the world.
Another i ntis the union not only in gold
and sliver production , but In the production
of wool as well , and it has nioro seacoast
than the states of Maine. New flampsilire ,
Massachusetts , flhode IBianti , Connecticut ,
Now York , New Jersey , Delaware , Maryland -
land , Virginia and North Carolina corn-
Still another produces annually au amount
equal to four hundred tlollnrs for each of
its inhabitants , man , woman nntl child , aIl1
no other country in the world can 5110w flfl
equal product per capita.
Anotiler state has already taken from its
mines silver to an amount equal to the
oresent circulation of silver coin in tito
United States , One thousand lililes from
tile idaco wilero stands the greatest flour
rniiis ill the world , and all in this same
territory , Is a land where cotton , corn and
olives grow in adjoining fleld8.
In 0110 state there is a greater variety of
minerals than in any other section of Cohn-
try of like size in the world. Another has
a region of country in the hilis. a hundred
miles square , which is tile richest in the
world.containing the largest and most
easily worked ntass of low grade ore yet
discovered. Another has an area equal to
the German empire , with sixty-two thousand -
sand square miles to spare , and could sus-
tam upon its surface with ease and pros-
purity the entire population of the United
Venllli- Odiler " . % 'nys.
Here we find "literature and the elegant
arts growing up side by side with the
grosser llallts of ( laity interest. " In almost -
most every city nre ncademtes of painting ,
sculpture , music and literature. The do-
velopilletlt In the fine arts baa not beCll as
conspicuous as in tite industrial pursuits. I
(10 not think that I would be superfluously
exlilnnatory if I assigned the reason.
These people have imagination and taste ,
alld long to bold cotnniunion with the
visible forms of all that is beautiful and
refIned , but for the last fifty years they
have beeti using titeir brain mId brawn in
a war with redo nature. They have been
employing their genius to find reason anti
glory in matter. With them it been
an age of utility anti utensil. Egyptian anti
Ilidinfl architecture , Plhidtlhn sculpture ,
gothic ininsters , Italian paintings. Grecian
epics alld Scottish balltds , al't not produced
by a people WilOSO time is consumed in cOIl-
structtng railways , building CitieB , disemboweling -
boweling Inountains , draining hake3 into ir-
rigatillg canals , 'bottling up tile forces of
gravity and seiling it by retail , " yoking
electricity and stealn , and directing them
both as unwearIed i.nd obedient aervants.
Tito results which this exposition will
8110W havc been attained are largely due to
the character of tile people who took ios-
session of this land. They were of the
best btootl of the union ; men of dIptil and
range ; of aplomb and reserve ; of judgment
alld common sense. Men who would spare
nothing and wanted everything. Meu who
believed in action and know tile value
of every lllOIUeflt of time. Men who
realized 'that tile poorest day titat passes
over ( IS is the confiux of two eternities. It
is made UI ) of currents that issue from the
remotest past and flow onward into the re-
nlOtCBt future. " Men who soon found that
agrictliture was just beginning when they
felled tile forest , and that driving from the
streams the Indian anti his canoe was not
the end of commerce. Men who were
willing to give their life work to , making
the alpllabet of the language of
development , leaving the word forming -
ing and phrase making to tiloRo
who would succeed them. Men
who , actuated by the impulse to bettor
themselves and also their descendants , cooperating -
operating with the organic effort of nature
'to lflOUflt and ameliorate , " overcame the
"wilderness" and converted tile 'desert"
into a garden of benefits.
Man of This I'COlle.
I tie not believe I shall have adequately
discilarged the duty of this omce unless I
speak of one other factor in the glorious
development of this great country. We
today should bow our heads in reverence
and speak the name of Abraham Lincoln.
Tile greatest single factor or agency in the
dovoiopinent of this country and in the
bringing of this people together in a spirit
of UniOll and brotherhood was the construction -
struction of tue Pacific railways , and
Abraham Lincoln was the leading public
loan who bath sumcient prescience of tile
necessity of the construction of these rail-
Anti Abraham Lincoln was of this people.
lie was born about 100 miles from the east
line of the Louisiana purchase , For fifty-
two of the fifty-six years of his life on earth
he labored in this territory with the
pioneers for the development of title country -
try , the organization of its society and the
establishment and preservation of this gov-
eminent , Ho was a frontiersman , and yet
of all the greatest , the best and the
mightiest men of the past nineteen con-
tunes , he was the only nian of whom we
can say , "Some there are who doubt ho
divinity of Christ , but no one the godliness
of Lincoln. "
"Wilen the cornerstone of this great enterprise -
priso was laid , many were tile things which
we Promised YOU would see anti hear on
Opening day. And now into these magnifl-
cent buildings and on these beautiful
! Song 'of Wcconie Rendered by the Chorus br the Opetilug
. t Day
= ' , Vords by Henry Id. Blossom , jr. ; Music by Airs. II. II. A. Beech.
\\'C'ltOille , thit'ieti velcoIlle , to tim lI'Oile ) of our liiiid ;
' 1Velcoiiio td the people , ( lie 1)001)10 ) ) or tlii world ;
here iiortli 111111 oiith otid onst and 'est , united hianil in hand ,
have 1.elhztt city itiiil thou' thUg tiilfiit'ld.
'tVelcoinp , w'elcoiiie , welcome to tile lR'OiblO of tue world !
hero gelL'ilco W'Qtit'ei her wonders , her woiltiers tot' tin ) Iiilfl(1 (
Ilro $ titfllS ( tiEI'113'tuh the golden ll'llo ( , thu goldeii I'ilde of art ,
Aitil COIiiiiIPiCO bath SfircIlC(1 the 'orlU to lIiitl
'l'iie tieitstlii'a inic of 1111111) ' , of innuiy a far off mart ,
W'tloiiie , riieomiie , welcoimmo to time people of the world !
" , VtlCOiile ? , thrice welcome , to time 1)001110 of our Imimiti ,
Amid to time 1)001)10 ) ) of tilt ) world miii ball !
AUth SO foi'et'eI' 11111) ' this Slllt'lltlOI to theIr IIIPIUOiy stahm(1
Ummdiiiimmit'il , although its butlded ftibvlc fail.
'IVI'ltMiiIP , vuleomne , velcomne to tim P" ° Pl ° of OU ltindi
- W'ek'oume , aint to tIme People of tim rozi(1 ( nil mull
' . , . .
- , , ,
grounds we oak the people of the earth to
come and judge of their fulfillment
While your eyes ar1rapturcd with the
glories of these sccnas.jour ears will be
enchanted with Out p thlAad song.
"Uplift a thousand ' 5tiichttM foil and sweet
In this wide hail , wttitenrtiis inventions
stored , tt liD
Anti vrnire the in ilo , univerral I.ortl ,
1'hokte once moq51n0penco the nations
Where sciencn , rft'uliui . labor have outpoured -
poured I.
Their myriad horns of 4enty at our
Mr. Baldwin's powrl1 voice penetrateti
every recess of the ma.n.court anti the audience -
once maintained theioidsest attention , toi-
lowing his brilliant fitiPotttion with a burst
of applause.
"The Voice of Our ° Ntitlon , " a fantasia of
national airs , populant'folk songs anti old-
time war melodies , rendered with the beautiful -
tiful effects chnracttIktic of the Marine
band , won the hearts of tile people and fee-
quent applause , cheers anti shouts as well
known airs were played , betokened the
growing popularity of the banti and the da-
light of the thousands of hearers. There
was more than one moist eye as the familiar
old time songs were rendered with feeling
and wonderful expression. Tim veterans of
the rebellion were especially affected as cer-
tam of the songs so familiar thirty years ago
Were rendered with an ciTect which recalled
the old days. The change front grave to
gay was instantaneous anti the scarcely repressed -
pressed tears were chased away by smiles
as the stirring snatches succeedeti one another -
other in rapid succession. Tim medley
ondeti vith the "Star Spangied Banner" aitti
the immense audience rose to its feet as the
opening strains floated over the lagoon and
remained standing until the number was
t'ICIl.iY'S CI1LEE'l'&NG DY % 'lRIO.
Oliteinis at VnNl&iIlgfon Participate
iii Opening iIerciscs ,
When the time came to receive the
message f President McKinley tile long
distance telephone line proved ullequal to
the emergency for sonic reason which n6 one
seemed to tmndoratanti nod a hastily improvised -
vised telegraph line was run to tb central
pavilion anti Superintentlent W. W. Umsted
attached a box sountler to the wire , Seated
in a chair with the sounder on another
chair , Mr. Umated took the message of
the president on hIs knee , In spite of the
awkwardness of the situation tile message
was transcribed nIlti hantieti to Governor
Hoicolnb to read. It was as follows :
Tile cordiality of the invitation extended
to mc to be itresellt at tile opening of your
great exposition Is deeply appreciated and
I more deeply regret that public duties prevent -
vent me fromn leaving' the capital at this
The events of the memorable half century -
tury WIhIClI the Transmississippi and International -
national Exposition COnhlntinlorates 11CC interwoven -
woven with the history of the whole flatioll ,
and are of surpassing importance. The
mighty tsest aftortis'ntost striking evidences
of tile sPlendid achievements anti possibilities -
ties of our peopie. It is a matchless tribute
to tile energy and endurance of tile pione'tr ,
wihile its vast agricultural tievelopinent , its
progress In Inanutactures. its advancement
in the arts anti sciences nod ill all departments -
ments of education anti ondCavor have been
Inestinlable contributions to the civilization
and wealth of the woritif
Nowhere ilave the innquerabIo determt-
nation , self-reliant stength and sturdy man-
hooti of our Arnerlcahtcttlzensilip been more
forcibly illustrated. ran Ipeace or war tb
men alld WOfliCil of thdwOst have over been
in the vanguard. I tongratulato the 111,111-
agenlent. tl3It its maniflaent ellterpriso and
assure all who participate ill tills undertaking -
taking of the deep Interest which the government -
mont has in its succossxl
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ? '
Speaks lit hiehlnlf Dc Nehirashen , Ilte
iaxzitisithii : Stitte.
After reading Presfd1tit McKinley's message -
sage Governor il' lcom\t poke on behalf of
the state of Nebrus4apllows :
This occasion , the1dayjind the hour , wili
over. remain meznolip11in , he .history of
the tranamississipRi nnt.ry. It marks a
most interesting event in the history of this
commonwealth and measures a step forward
ill the progress orour great republic. To
the people of Nebraska the ceremonies attending -
tending the opening of the Tranamississippi
anti International Exposition are freighted
with special and personal interests of the
most impressive character.
Tiiis day 1105 been anxiously awaited' by
every patriotic citizen of tbo state. The inception -
ception and successful inauguration of an
enterprise , so grand in its sCope and fraught ,
as we believe it Is , witlt so Inuch good to
the present and future generations , is grati-
tying alike to all. An expoition denoting
the ever advancing civilization of the pros-
cot age , anti by a people inhabiting over
olle-halt of the area of the United States
anti comprising oyer one-third of its populn-
tion , held within the bohndaries of our great
coinnionwealth , is an honor and a distinction
gratifying to our state pride , and for which
all Nebraskans are duly appreciative. For
five months it will be the great pleasure , as
well as a high privilege , for our people to
extend with welcome ilands atiti warm hearts
a hospitable greeting to the PeoPle of all
portions of our common country , and to
those from other lands who may participate
in or visit this magnificent display. We
cordially invite all to visit us and view
the evidences of the marvelous progress
made by the people of the great west in the
material advancement in the industries , arts
and sciences ; to learn of the wonderful anti
inexhaustible resources of a country wilicit
in extent forms an empire , and whose unparalleled -
paralleled resources when utilized can be
made to bless anti make happy millions of
mankind who ntay lIt this vast ( iOlllaill finti
innumerable opportunities for the establishment -
mont of irosperous , homes.
Wonlers of the WeHifIly West.
Here , gathered by ( ho energy , intlustry
and ingenuity of man , will he fOUlltl the
products of land and sea , of form and field ,
of factory and mine , all giving cvi-
dencct of the wonderful richness of
a country yet only' partially developed , and
displaying tile marvelous progress made by
its citizens in keeping step with the grand
maceli of civilization throughout tile world.
The spirit of Progress and philanthropy In
the upbuildlng of Oil industrial empire in
our mitist , displayed upon every baud , Inust
chailongo the atlmiration alid solicit un-
stintetl praise from all WilO shall visit us
and icholti what. ilas been accomplished by
these people in scarce one-half century of
labor , Tilese are the evidences of tile in-
teillgent anti well directed efforts of a peo-
pie who. Witil a courage that Is untlaunted
and a faith that Is undismayed , have vresbitl
from nature's primeval conditions this beautiful -
tiful land , anti Cstnblisiltfti a civilization that
will forever hess mdnkind ,
This great expositionvoejobrates and corn-
memorates no importadtttepoch in the ills-
tory of the country. It dsiaii 3p0011 in itself ,
It baa grown anti asLtiltit1 shaite and torlu
as an expression of Mteadestres of a people
to celebrate the deveiopment of tile ro-
itoul'ces of a country , the scsult of their own
struggles , labors end fiD&l triumphs. ' it is
grander anti far mors rmciiing In its scope
than the celebration ci erne anrtiversarj 1:1 :
our country's histort.v tlt emphasizes and
makes conipreitensive'tho , flCcOnlpi ii.hmnents
of 110 intelligent , progressive People toward
a iligiier civilization , t.tIJl P. colllposito lie-
ture of tile growth of a cople Illatie during
the early years of setltfellt in ft flow L'ild
untried country. It lq"behltting thr.t os tile
nineteenth century l ' 4rwing to a dose ,
Witil its fruitagu of tlluf"lnanitold biessinga
willclt have been ' tIPOIl the people
of tue earth during ltl Wifkn , that we of tue
westerll and newer iiaf Bt' tile American republic -
public should take anVbntory of the rtock
of great riches of whii11'wc are possessed
in order tilat we may thereby be tile better
enableti to assume the duties ani responsibilities -
bilities anti to solve the problems of the ati-
vancement of the human race that COIlIC
crowding upon us with the dawning of the
twentieth century ,
Iiity of ii Gtiitd GUise , . ,
With the force of a proverb it has been
said of 11100 "Know tusyscif ; " anti with
greater emphasis may it be tieclareti , "Know
thy country. " Study its structure as formed
by divine bands. Know its rivers and
mountains , its forests anti pi'aiHts , its valleys -
leys and plains , its climate sail uii. Learn
of its bidden treasures of gold and silver ,
of coal and iron ; Its lroducive fleld of
grain and grasses , of vegetables and fruits ,
its plains of rich grazing for horses , cattle
'A ' _ tS' . -
anli 5hitCP. Inform yourself of the cItIes nod I
towns , of telegraphs anti telephones. of railroads -
roads anti sleamboats , of the ever pulsing
arteries of commerce , the facilities for ex
change of the products of man's ingenuity
and industry , anti a faint conception will ho
gained of the present greatness nntl future
possibilities of this magnificent trnnsnihs-
sissippi country.
As this beatltifui exposition city , with its
thousands of exhibits representing every
branch of industry , picasing to the eye anti
inspiring to ( ho mind , lIes sprung into existence -
istence in so short a period as if by magic ,
Be has the trnnsniississippi country developed -
oped iltiring the last half century with marvelous -
velous rapidity. This has been accomplisheti
by the courage end enticing energy of those
who have peopled its broad domains , The
evidences here witnessed of the advance-
meat of the people nod the development
of the country's resources inspIre within us
a spirit of thankfulness that Goti hia given
us SO goodly a land , to be mntie beautiful
and to fructify for tb enjoyment and benefit -
fit of mankinti.
Though young in years we of tile west ask
no allowance on the score of age , but chat-
lenge Investigation nnd comparison with
improvelneflts made by countries of maturer
years , onfldent that no unfavorable irnprcs-
sian of us tvihi result therefrom. In tills
hour of festivity and rejoicing we are not
tlnnhintiftll that it is also a time of trial fertile
tile nation. Loyal citizens train every Sec.
( ion of the country have sprung to nrma in
defense of national honor , in the
eatlso of humanity. Sectional lutes
have been obliterated in the face
of threatened danger from foreign foes. A
reunited people are fighting side by aide
under tile Stars ani Stripes , the banner
of liberty and progress.
Amidst (11050 marvelous collections of our
triumphs in the peaceful purattits of life
we hope it may again be demonstrated that
"pence ilatil liCr victories no less renowned
than war" anti that our countrylnen of tIle
east may meet hIS llero in ( hits midway
city of the cOllttneflt , learn of otlr progress
in the past , our aspirations anti high aims ,
our hopes for the future anti the integrity
of our purpose and determination to contribute -
tribute to a better civilization in developing
this great country 011(1 to nttain tile high
destiny designed for us by the Maker of
tb Universe.
Presitlent 1Vatties , announcctl that time
machinery of time exposition would be
started by President McKinley and the cx-
orcises would be closed by ( ho singing of
"America" by ( lie autlienco. Tile cittiro
crowd joined in the singing , led by ( ho
Marino band and tile chortls , nmi multi time
blowing of whistles anti the song of on-
thiusinstic thousands the Translnisstssippi
and International Exposition was formally
Notes of the Exposition ,
A large number of the visitors who or-
rived Oil ( lie special trans yesterday are
remaining over for several days' sightseeing -
seeing at the exposition.
A largo crowd took advantage of the cool
spot on tile east side of the Wisconsin state
buIlding and were treated to all entertain-
log program by the Cosmopolitan band.
A PickPoCket of 'siiek" appearances was
trying to get in ills Work 00 the visitors
in the Nebraska state building , but noticing -
ing he was watched by tile guards , made
a hurried exit.
Tile officIal photographer of the exposi-
( ion has been hard pressed tile last few
days photogrnpiling the large number of
permanent enlploycs , who were quite aux-
iou to get their pass-books.
The Pawnee City military band delIghted
a large audience in the Auditorium in tile
afternoon with a musicni program. This
band wihi return to Omaha for a week's engagement -
gagement at tile exposition , comnuteneing
about July Il.
The Midways diti a big business. They
were crowded all afternoon by those who
spent only a few moments in passing
through tile main buildings. Bands and orchestras -
chestras were on all sides making ( ho air
resound with melodious as well as non-
ntelcdlous music.
The temporary speakers' stand at the east
end of the lagoon was taken down yesterday
tlirectly after ( ho opening exercises closed.
The remainder of the viaduct entrance to
time grounds is now open and the gate keep-
era will be able to handle the crowds with
ease and promptness.
. The , admtsstomx.of.visitrs atthe main emt-
trances was'omewhat impeded by the in-
experience. of the gite keepers and the necessity -
cessity for registering all pass numbers and
the names of the holders. I'his was an unavoidable -
avoidable feature of the first day but it
will be less noticeable In the future.
For the information of people who were
rushing around to discover where the fire
was it may be stated that what they took
for an alarm was merely an exhibition of
the tone producing properties of the big fog
bell that forms a part of the Treasury cx-
hibit in the Government building.
The negro educational anti industrial cx-
hibits of Missouri were opened in good forlmt
yesterday. The booth was not filled , for
several entire exhibits and parts of others
were delayed in shipping. Prof. J. W. Do-
mel has charge of this department. The cx-
hihits will be complete in a few days.
The exposition guards have alreatiy tie-
dared war on one brand of exposition vlsi-
tors. These are the people who congregate
ittortly in the doors of ( ito main buildings
and blockade tb entrance by refusing to
budge one way or the other , until they have
seen as much of the interior as in visible
fronl that point. This nuisance was ittuch
in evidence yesterday and will not he permitted -
mitted hereafter.
The Nebraska state building was crowded
during the entire afternoon. The cool , inviting -
viting roolna were besieged by the tiretl
viattors. Nearly 1,00 people took tinmo to
Place their signatures on the register provided -
vided for that purpose. Timis is only a amimail
portion of the number that passed through
the building , The drinking water facilities
proved Inadequate and at ( lie next beet-
ing of ( ho state colfllflissioll stojis vihl be
taken to add to the supply.
A few thousand iOOPlO were caused no
little inconvenience by tile tar with which
tile planking in the south viaduct i uittlked.
Under the broiling sun ( lie tar extIdeS altl
melts , It clings to the shoes of pedeitrlnmls
alIt ! as they step off on tile gravel walk they
accumulate an underpinning of pebbles that
reitlee to let go. The iflconVcllient.'b is not
so seriously felt until they try to aiic on
time floor of one of the buildings and tiien
( heir antics itre nlnusing to wttless but
: 'atber exasperating to oxporience.
J , \v. Newell of Blair was robbed of a
pocketbook containing $20 while otm his way
to the grounds just after 110011 yesterday.
lie was rithing on a crowded Twenty-fourtim
atreot motor whoa a couple of strangers
boardeti the car and clung to time footboarti ,
As the car lurclled around time curve at
Curning street tiley Imlalingeti to fall against
him and during the contact tile money was
abstracted. They dropped off time car before -
fore the tiloft WItS discovered , but both Mr.
Newell and Condpctor Deli are sure they
dPi tbq Job nimci can Identify tlmem if tlmey
should be arrested.
One of tile funny fenttlr'es of opening day
was the frantic effort of Dick Berlin to
teach a few thousand people how to get ill
and out of tile Agricultural buildIng , Time
crowd came in tumrough tile central entrance
at ( be east end of the building and nithougim
there vcre otimer entraimcea on each side
the outgoers insisted on battling their way
out in the face of tlmose wimo wore coming
in , And 1mm SPite of the utmost eiotlu0000
of tile perspiriimg oflicial , they could not be
macIc to collmproheltd that there was ItO ) '
otimor door in the building. lierlin put in a
couple of hours at tile jell and then gave
it tIP anti declared tilat tue man who olecod
the Illiteracy of Nebraska at only 3 ver
cent had better get a job in a brick yard ,
l'olitie'al CIltiluge lit Inhsns ,
TOl'EKA , Kan. , JulIo 1.-Special---The ( )
politicians are devoting considerable nten-
tion to tilO subject of a possible change of
the politIcal complexion of tile state by
reason of time enlistment of five regiments
of volunteers. In the eastern part of ( lie
state the relative strellgtlm of the populist
and republican parties will imot be znateriaiiy
cllanged , but in thu extreme western counties -
ties it is believed that time populists will
be the losers by resson of the absence of
the soldiers at tile coming election , In
l'awneo county , for instance , where one
COifllOfl ) was organized , the members were
chiefly drawn from ( ho populist ranks , and
their absence will make the county repub.
lican. Tb same Is ( rue of other counties
in the state where the parties were about
evenly divided at ( ho last election. It is
asserted ( bitt no arrangement can be made
vimar'ehy limo Kansas coitilem's enmm vote in tile
field. According to an opimmion of time at.
tormmey general , voting viii i.e governed by
the geimercml election law , which provides
that a aman must vote in tin' precInct in
which ime lives unless there Is a special
provision of irwt to time contrary. lit tiiis
( 'liRe there Is no state iaw , anti the state
law would govern in a state election ,
Quite a Palling ; ; - ; hog Killings Is
? otcti luriiig ( lie L'nst
CINCINNATI , Junol.-Specint ( Telo-
gram.-Prlce ) Current says : Quite a tie-
crease 1mm mnrketimlg of hogs is shown in
time records for ( ho tveek. Western killings
are 415,000 against 1&O,000 last week anti
000,000 ft year no , rrumti Marcim 1 the total
is 3,455,000 against 4,4SI,000 inst year , Prominent -
inent vlaccs compare as toloiwti :
189S. 1897.
Cimiengo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1S20,00) ) 1,470,000
Knnsns City . . . . . . . . . . . soooo : ; 7f',00t1
( ) nlalla . , , , , . , , , , 410,000 3S0,00i )
St. Louis . . . . . . , . , . , . , 260,000 293,000
Indianapolis . . . . . . . . . . . 2f.l,000 20i,000
Milwaukee . . . . . . . . . . . . 316,000 203,000
Cincimmnati . . . . . . . . . . . . . 174,000 151,00' ' )
Ottunmwa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11,2,000 , 137,000
Cedar lhaplds . . . . . . . . . . 118,000 P3.000
Sioux City . . . . . . . . . . . . 83,000 38,000
St. Paul . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111,000 90,000
St. JOSellh . . . . . . . . . . . . . 162,000 70,000
Ii'lt Ic , VOulDS'el1 bInerensI .mg Cloud-
ilL'NN ill 4)111 A flerituomi , tltil
lhtist to SIutllciist % 'tiiiis ,
WAShINGTON , Juno 1.-Forecast for
Thursday :
For Nebraska-Fair , followed by increns-
ing clouthillesS ill tile afternoon ; cast to
soutiiciist tvinds.
For South Iakota'-Fair in time mnormiimmg
increasing cloudiness ammO higlmt ittcai sitow-
era in time afternoon ; east to sotitim winds.
For Mi8souri-Fair , preceded by liglmt.
local showers in sotmthern portion ; variable
For lcansas-Threatcniimg wenthcr ; south
to southeast wintis ,
For Wyomnimmg-Ligimt local showers ; van-
able wintis ,
For Iowa-Generally fair ; varinblo winds.
1ottl lttpeorI.
.himlme 1.-itecotti of tttlniterctture mitt ruin-
fail compared with tle' oorrespolmding titty
of tile lUst three years :
isos. 1SIT. 1S96. ISOI.
Maximntmm temperature . . ii : b2 TO 90
Minimum temperattmro . . , 62 50 54 f9
Average temfllberattlro . . . . ' ; z e . tI
Ihitinfnii . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , ,
Rccord of tempErature nod . .
at Omnnimtt for ( hits ( lit ) ' ttlmd simmce Mardi I ,
isis :
Normal for ( Ito day . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
llxcoss for the tiny . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Accumutmiated excess inco March . . . . . . .
Normal raitmfall for the . . . . . . . . . . iimcit
DeficIency for the ( lit.I , imtcii
Total rainfall Silica March 1. . . . 8.21 inches
Deficiency 811100 Itittrch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Inch
DeliciOlmey corres'g perioi iS97..37 iimch
Excess corrt'sl'g PerItti ; . . . . . . . ; 111011cM
iteports front Stntiiis at S p. llt.
Sei'entt'iIttIt MerIdian tilIle.
. ' .
no c. .i
WEAT1IEII. ; ! . -
: °
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . .
Omaha , clear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . s3
North I'htttte , clear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . so , ot )
Salt Lake , part Cioudy . . . . . . . . . . . ; s so .00
Cheyenne , clear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .00
Itapid City , clear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . so .01)
Huron , clear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 4 .00
Chicago , intrt cloudy . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 'r
Wilhiston , clear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ss , oo
St. Louis , Iflrt cloudy . . . . . . . . . . . . p1
St. Paul , clear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' 2 .00
Davenport , clear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . pj b2 .00
ilelenli , raining . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
lcilmltltt4 CitY , clear. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .p p
Iavre , part ) ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . c0 .02
ismarek , clear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1)1 . ) 90
Cnlvesttin , ciotmdY . 76 52 .36
T indicates trace of precipitation.
' L. A.'Irsir ,
Local Forecast Official ,
for the table.
The Original , Oldest and Best.
The Ladies' Department of the
Is now Open for business , anti fully
equipped with two new apparatus for giving
the most healthful , pleasillg baths known
to the world ,
The INSTITUTE has among its patrons ,
the best known indies in Omaha. We asic
you to give it a trial of two baths at least ,
mmd if it is not found as represented , we will
refund your money ,
jooms , New Quarters ,
216-218-220 Bee Building
New Ilytijene Inst.
% ' ! '
:1z : - SC
Instant fleiief , Cure In if day. . Necro retina. .
I wilt gIadI it-nd to army stiffener in s plain caIrd
( 'nieiotO i'll gil a with ( liii 1)Irrc.
titlOs for a ( ltiick mr , ; te Litre for I.o.t Maithitoil ,
Night i.OitCS , ) 'eYteu. ia'IIIitv , Small ti'tsk
i'.rI. , Ysricecelo etc ( " ' " I. Music
IPOO'rr. Iii's I
, ' CVE YUtffilflH
( IJ1i V. . ilizu for uuastut
" II birgii , thaIliW.t1014.
4I" . , . . .
Owut4.d trtatlo. se elc.ratLosl
- . , . . . ea.mobta. .
- a. 'I S..u.
I.-.4 , , .
- rmiw Los tnls.
1ttslElI.Jscl4tkIcltco. . .t . , j'etOouua.
. R&d by Drbs ,
is I&I
sr _ # & pipsId , g
4 , . . or 1 sIliu , U.1 * .
% ia -
With Eczema
HnndB and Limbs Covered wit ! ?
BUsters and Great
Soratchod Until Almost Wild.
Burned Like Firo. Sloop
Irn possible.
Cuticura Brings Speedy Relief ,
and a Permanent Cure
at a Cost of S2.
I was a stiffener Itir eight years trout that
'host distressIng of all titteaes , lczoiaa , I
trioti $ ClllO of tile beSt lttlsicials , in the
cotmntry. ( itIt tIme ) ' tlitt 1110 hittlo good , Time
l'ahlmms of mIt ) imnmmtls were coveted , mitl wotiith
lieCOlmiC inflammletl little whIte itlisters at ilrst
wottid aLitcar , thicit tin' ) ' ttttitt Peel off , leay.
dig a tetl4 smooth stmrface which womilti burn
mike Ore 511th itch tivil , there Is mitt Imaimic for
It , flu ( Ito iimiileof tlletll'iierpartotitotll my
111111,5 , , pleat rett tIitteilt'S , hot timmilko llives ,
wotmiti altcar , rnmtl as 51)111 % 55 1 itecalno warimi ,
limo btlnmiimg nmmti I I rilIng u'otihii begin , 7'Igiit
after night I ivdtihtl lie snake all imighit anti
RCt'StCil auth ahimiest go wild , 1 imer.l otCirrm-
etillA lir.blcmnnsgota ho f ( 'tnlcmm , t ( oilmt-
inelith. a iottlo , of CtTIcpItA. , 8asol.t'icivaimml
gave ( item ii tliomimghi. trlaiaimti lifter a tow
applIcatIons I noticed time relllt'sss ( aimth inhiain-
mllatiotm ( iisapitear1 I' fo.e . I ttui tasaf cits bo
thCIC irub itS ( 5ff/il Of 1Ctnii , kit. I can
truthmtttil'assert thud $2.00 Ivortil of CUTICUhU.
itiMEitlm. : ciim'I 1110 ,
.1 1) , 1'OltTli , 1111 Carsoi"t. , , I'ittsbtmrg , l'mt.
itchiiig tttmcri , tittr1ng , tlliflguting ecant , , . , &nt
even , i-eeie , of iIchin , btrntt , , wily enttl , tat % skin anti , c.lp dia' . , wtti dry , 11,1 , , , iii fill.
leg hilt , 1u.tnU $ lltyel by t .Iogle spphlc.tton , mt
SpC.h117 mutt tctitonieilIy eurci by CutlctJI Mliii.
Clii , hlt mit ibi liii. .
hsi'A'T , liii IEC Ailt ) 8rplI.r Ct jt Tmsusr pot
} : , , t hostsYmtni l'&tii , With CvTtcrm ttAr
gentle .noIiitflg , xliii ct't let's i Itiniment ) , ptti.t ,
eniottknt ikia rotc. , el illl , l'em of Ci' , ltesA It. .
SULVIIIT gititOt of blnot.uttflrrt ant lu , , , , , ccix. .
5nh tltctushott ih snihi. t'otais ilmea Au , 01111.
Cc. , ' , , SnIp l'Txi' . llc.h.n.
t..zAll About the lttoi. Miic.intl Snip , " nimIlid free.
Firt Stenitier
to the Kloiidilco
On or nbout Julie 10 ' , hlt' stenm.iur . " 17otmm- :
olce , ' ' t'urnierl' of time Olti Domniimioim hue ,
will leave Seattle anti go dIrect to tim
mnotmtlm f tito l'tuicnum river , tt'here river
1)00tH Will PromPtlY meet Passengers for
Datvsomm. First-clns fore $300 amid up ; eec-
and-class faro including macala nmmti
berth ,
$ eiti llOU at 4ilCC to m'eser've passage.
Vt'e tvihi lilso deliver il05 P01111115 of ltS'
sortei imrovi4itule ( estiniittel to ho a year's
stippI ) ' ) at RI1) of nOr mists for extra.
to a. hiuniteil mulnlbtir taking , acsnge on otlr
iirit steamer.
Yell will cxiierieu1c mm hmarttslmips by this
all-water route 11111) you hmavo thu benefit of
long experience.
% 'hI ARC 'i'Ilil I'lPIII
Tti tnke 'otm to Alasicti , We have becut there
for clx years.'rite for ftmrtlmer httrticulltrs.
N ailli eiIcoil TiOFSO1WiIo aR Trni , CO
( Ills First Ave. , fi1)I ) Old Cohnn' hhl.ig.
St'itt ti ( ' , % 'uushi. CiiIt'ng , . ,
: ttO l'roshmuee l0xeIlimil4 ( ' New' 'orl ( lt y ,
: iu Chuulaher of Coiniun'ree , hIllmlleutlC ,
his. hlliii.
I Yorhc Lift' lmnlhhiug , Ou.uaiin.
2(111 ( luiva liuiit iiiitI 'l'rtist 111.1g. , Ie.
S Cnt I foril iii st , , Su * it I'ruu lIe Isco ,
Ill ) ' 10. % % 't-tire , l'res. , Inivsou , N. tV. 'I' .
Capt. .Ioiiit .1. 11011)i' . & C. Ill. ,
Ifl'i'i'sOit , N. 'tV. 'I' .
iloffle Industries
Ily 1'imrchiasuui1 Goethe 3iziiIe at the Iol-
; o'lumg elbrnsllL EgtctUrIcs'i
OM.tilA 'I'LIN'I' ( NI ) itUlhllEit GO ,
( Successors Omaha Tent end Avning Co. )
Manufacturers tents , uwttltig. ; jobtera ladles'
anti geitts' Macklntoshea. 'ccitt. br rent. 1311
Farnani St. , Omaha.
Carload phipinenis niade In otur own refrigerator -
orator cars. lilue Itibicit , Elite fixport , % 'ienn.
Export not Family fix'ort deltrerel it ) all parts
of the city ,
1101 MC II S.
OMAII.t flOhl.liIt 'iVOItiCS ,
JOiIN 11. LO'l1liY , Prop.
loller. , Tanks tiIII SIted 'ron V.'ork. Special
facIlIties for doIng repairs. etc. 'Fel. 1359
0 , P. EI'iINETiCII ,
Manufacturer of OahvnnIet1 iron CornIce. , Ott'-
vanIzOd Iron SkyilgIlts , 'Fifl , iron anti Slate
Roofing. Agent for IClnnoars Steel Ceiling.
lns-1o.lz North Eleveotlu mireet.
Witohepais Crueker MflnuaCtOters ,
% VOIIICS , 1521 I"tiruuuim St.
flying anti cienning of garmenhs anti 503dm ot
descrIption , Cleaning of lIne garnuentui a
Ipec ulty.
S. ii' , Glf.M..N ,
hour , Meai , Feed , firan , 1li3mi-17 North 17th
Street , Omaha , Neb. C. E , black , Manager ,
Telephone t2.
Iruit juuuull linus , , ; , udens ,
Manufacturers ant Jolberi of Machinery , ( ion-
cml repairing a specialty. item , 1503 and ISO
Jackson street , Oniaha. Neb ,
IfNSfififl OIL. I
W'OOiM.tN IlNSIiii ) 0 I L , % VOItKS ,
Manufacturers tiid process raw iineed oil , ket.
tIe lolieti Ilnerel Oil , oii ! uroeesm grftuuui hineett
rake. , ground add screened flx"eCt1 for tirtig-
Slits. . oa1tJfA , NfiH.
li A'I'TflCSdfiS.
OMAII.t lliiiiiNG ( O ,
Manufacturer. of hlgll grade , liii
homer I'ire't. Omaha.
OViiIlAI.b ANI ) SlihilT i'ACTOIII1CS.
IC.t'l"F.-NIIVItN % COIll'.tNY ,
Mfrs. ClothIng , i'ants , Sillits , Ot'eolla ,
Pitiful' rA'roIt1iiS ,
J , II ,
NIhhIi.tSlC. & SIhIfl'i' COMI'tSY ,
Exclusive custom shirt tailors. 1517 Farnani
VINKOAII ANi ) 1'l'ifl.fiS.
IIILM.NN 'I'IiiG.tit GO ,
slanuftieturens of Vinegar , l'ickies , Catsupi , .
Mustards , Cdry nh Worccster.hlre Sau , .
'IVlIilASl l'i"lIill"Jhl1.
For a gooti , , utetaniai ( vehliele of tiny , lemcrlp-
lion , for repainting or rubber tire. cii imew or old
wheehi-the list place is lilt. un'i I.eaveflworttm
Street a ,
Ilii7M3iNI ) tl.itIIl.tGii CO.
Cheap , medium priced anti tony carniagei.
Aim ) thing you wanu , aeconti hani or new , head'
clllnrterl fDr hIther tire. , warranted 18th and
ilauney. i.ppOihIt' Court hirtump ,
1Il'Nl3 ' . : GO ,
Largest factory in the west. beading joblers
of Omaha , Kgnst Guy , I.lncoin irl , , S , Joseb
btptlhs our gctodi. iOOi VsntmSrn Street ,