: : - - - - - - - . - . - - . _ _ _ _ - - rT- ; ; i ; . - - - - - - : - - - - - - T------- j"- , - -IT - : : r- : - - - - - . - - - COERC1A11 ( AND aooa a Propect Give Wbeat Anothei Push Downwar1. - . llJLAND SEPTEMHER BOTh DECLINE - t All tIti fflha'r MnrJ4ebI tr Affctcul b \ 4jti rs' flt % 'Iirn ( nnil ( iorn Ont * \ - , utnl Pm % IsIuIM ) Mlioiv It LINN. . CHICAGO , June L-Tho magnlflcent pros. ) ) ect $ for the giowlng croV , the mvem1it ot new wieat ) from rcxa , th low c&ib , - .tII cnuiel it hrtr ddflno In the what pit totlay , July eiose1 wRit a 1os of % tGc Heptemler 2 Corn Is 6 k' at1 tntt4 I S * p I\ I wer. Pork ii down 32 ½ e , lard 3.J12.c ( anhi ribs bc. 1'hero was nu definite ; con , fnr a Thaw of strength In wheat. that wn dI8pIayc4 at ttu opmiln. flut caljiors cemd ti re- gar(1 a renctiun n duo from.tho severe 8lump nE ) cterday , and for nwhllo tbier wan a moderate demnnii on U1h3 t1ier. rlin iiewi of tie day proved so LfltI1S.iY 1)earl3h however , that buyer ; drew out , mid as soon ns the dcnutnb wtta ClleCkli hoblers of 1cog wheat began to , res It for - - . ; : tlo , TIio bears became nggrotvo I4eilcrS , and I SVZU4 hot long beforu there wts general - oral (1nuortil lzatltrn. JUI' , WhiCh CIOSC % yesteriboy nt 97'4c , broke to 92c. and September - tomber From I j-8c to 79Sc. . The weather for tlia Ii tna crn ) auld IIflrIIY Iitvo licen hettei , n.nil stocks .tbr.o nRc Increaslug. hut 1)er110103 the most (1etCSIflg ) fleWS Ijatno from 13t. ] < , ( iI , hicli vIrci that new wlieitt I % nH coniing In tliero freely from Toxn * , where the Iutrveitlug z1114 thrashing was hiehmig tsshied vigorously. Ltvorpool cabhi'svuru ! /.zi lower. Chicago tCVCiltS ) were 87 cars , itmthnst 21 thu year before. Ihhmmnenhiohi ; itfltl 1)010th mecclveb 13 ean4 , cJtnimlIrei with 2G3 the corrthpOmlthtt1g day in 18b7. 'I'ho c1earancts ( rein staboar1 citIes uniounteil to tim.3 enormOus nggrcgtto of 1,610.01 , $ ) bu. With 1lay out of the sayJunc beenmo time regulator , of caia prices. II. ' . - . - oPeiieL at $1lt and closed itt $ I.OS , against 1' 31.20 yesterilay. 'rho ; imnrket becamno ox- trunaly w * : uk near the chose , IJverpool en- 1)1CM ) LLiilremttI3' Ielng the chief factor. July opmmia1 4c higher at 9SjSc , sold at t1'.e , Lii , tO ! PC ngztip fell to ILC. rallied to 95c , thiemi WL'aIeIlel' to 91t1bc , the cio- Ing figure , SIiItcflh1)e ) begamit I 1-8'Ic better - - . ter mit. S2'/j82'c ' , tlecined to SI 7 Se. then tip ' to S2Y&e , IlUWfl to then up to 79 , and ( iL'ChiIiCI1 to ? 4ZuII ) 5at tile ClOse. Unfztvrlthumroi ) flOWS strcngthmenel corn itt thin thit't , Thto ubience of shipping tier - inand nail time ciushmig weakness In wheat. . r imiutertuined thiifztitii , of the btiils and cr0- itteti ii weak feeling and the 'nrly flt'ftflCC .wiiH lost. July oi)000d higher at tii3t t.-Sc . , eased niT to 337-Sc , UI ) to 34 1-Sc ittid down to 3e Wil at time close , lAke euro. oatH were hirni curly , and weak later. A feature was buying of July against s.bc of September. July opened :1-ta higher Ut 2ii2i 7-Sc. SOld up to 21 7-Bc , then VCtlened to 2lVii24 3-Sc , time closing ilgures. . ! A All the strengt1i shown by Provisions was ati time opoiiitig , Litter there vns a selling IflOVeiflelit lroughlt ) about probahily in sym- iitthy with the weakness iii wheat nail a marked 4beehinu r4uited. July pork opened fc ; higher itt $ h1.t.5 , sold up to 11.G , fell to h1.1i4 , time last 1t resting price. July hard 4 was 2 ½ c hatter at the start ; from that flg- ; itro It. fell to nnd closed nt G.1OBi6.12 ½ . .luIy ribs OPUIUJl ( 24c ! higher at & 95 , ohl dtwn to 5.bIJ and streiithiciied to $5.S2 ½ at tilt ) cloo. Ettnattet1 receipts for tomorrow : \Vheat , 115 cnrscorn ; , S75 cars ; oats , 275 curs ; hogs , aJ,000 l1att. Lcadlng futures range as foltowe : itdf.L22 : ! : : . I Bitch. I Low. I Close. . . . . . . . . . 25 May..1 1 . . . . . July. . . flta . 1)514 ) 91 % Si1t.fl2 P7) Seit. . R2fttt 82L 7)4I 7t3S . bec. . . ,9i-U . 803g , , t . . . . . . . . . . Mmy . . . . . . . .lttiie . . fl ( 3i : . zi24 . . . . . . . . July. . . : ict si : mt : im : s : . teIt ) . . 3 a ; : i33 3 , Oats- . : . . . . . . . . July. . . 244.tT4 . : ! iT . . . 2t1.t . . 2it Seit. . 22 21 * . ' 22 tt I ark- . , July. . . 15 5. ; . ( .0 51 17 It 17hi 11 O ; ? 1 p ' S'it. . . . U t7'4 ' U. ( ; 7 11 St ) . 11. 30 11 03 'i ; ; : . . 25 G 25 (5 ( 10 (1 ( 123 I ] 22V 'Pt lb 10 U 32 U 17 U w ii 30 h iltibs July. . . S iI ! .5 (13 ( : ; iii ) 6 8 1 0254 Sept Ii 05 0 0754 00 ti I0 I ) O2 Nn. 2. Cniihi quotations wore no follows : FL.ot : lt-Stidy ; 'Intcr patents. $ .OO@ 6.25 ; straIghts , $ U.0Oj6.2O ; hard spring pat- emits. $7.20fj7.10 ; bnb < ers , $4.9D5.15. \VI I EA'l'-No , 2 spring , $1.05 ; No. 3 spring , tScul$1 O4 ; No. 2 rt'd , $1.10. COItN-No. 2 , 33c. OATS-No. 2 , 254c ; No. 2 whIte , 29c ; No. 3 white , 28c. 1tYl-Nii. 2. 4Sii9c. 1iA1tL1t'-No. 2 , 3Iu1fc. No. 1 , $1.23 ; prime tifliOthtY eeil , 1'ItOVISIQNS-l'orlc , mnevot , per huh. , $11.15 ti1l .20. Lard , lC 100 5)012015 ) , $ C.12. Short ribs sIdes ( best' ) . $ t.15 Dry salted hiotil- tiers ( boxl'd ) . $5.750.10 ; altort clear sidea ( boxed ) , $5.0005.25. SUUAIIS-Cut loaf , $5.85 ; granulated , $5.25. Articles. teCeiifl9. SIttpTnent4 , Flour.bbSs . . . . . . . . . . . .21.21)0 ) 0.8(11) \lieat. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ) I ,11) ) ( ) 30i.Ufl : ( ) Corn. bu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,0U',101J SS'lUOlJ Ont. bu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 1 I .1 III , III 7,1)11(1 ) ( , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . hOt ) IiMVle3. bli. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41,511) ) ) 4,50(1 On the Produce oxelangc today tile Stutter nilirket V1H steady ; creameries , 17i16c ; ditiries , 1ifllc. Eggs , stendy ; fr.sIi. 9. 1i vo po ii I t ry , iii good tiemit ntl ; spri n g ciii dc- oils , 7'.4iJ9c ; turkeys , 64l(7e ; du'ks , tSc. i'ISV Volt IC ( l1NIltt.L 31i II ICI'V $ . .t _ ft tl ( ) tl.i mis Cot tIit'lIi ) on Gctiergi'l Citii iitotl I t I Nl1\\ YORK , June 1-FLOUrt-flecelpts , 2i,3S1 PhIs. ; exprts , $1,772 bbls. weak and lower with wlwat ; wtntm'r patns , $ U.4Q2 6.G5 ; winter mtraIghits , $3.i0iG.23 ; Mt'nnesota 1)tttelltit , $ 00517.10 ; winter extras , $ i.SO 5.35 ; I'iliIilettll ) bakers , $5bOi5,35 s'hiitcr low grades , $2.tOj3.U0. ( ilyc itour was dull at $ J.5Fi ( ; 4.00. CltNMlAL-Fasy ; yellow , 75c. ] LYF-\Vet1c No. 2 western , 6J. . 1(1lY-IuhI ; teething. 42c , 1t It L1Y MALT-Qulet western , CZJ75c. 1I I I lAT-bteectpts 2G6.400 bu. ; exports , 9Si,12S httl , ; spot , weak ; No. 2 red S7'4c , f. o. it itlitiit ) , Setcmnbt'r I to 15. OptIons opened Irregular , but fairly steady , OII better en- StIes tiiiih expected. Stibsequetit events , biuv'vr , s'er0 wedk and ttemnoahiz.t1 timider b'tl' ) ) long and short selling based on hue crop irosets. ; 'l'huo close was at I ; 7.Bo do- cilno oil JuIy and 22'c decline 0 ! ) .uthirr lh1tIouts No , red , July , $ Lt)0 ) 1-81.L00. plaed . $1. ( $ ) 1-B. COItN-iteceipts , 301,225 bu. : exports , h- 20.1 Pu. ; si'ot. weak : No. 2 , 39c. Opttons OICfleti ) ilnui on cgbles ittiti unfavorable crop ) fl ) % )4 ) , huut later wealcened , owing to the break Iii ytitat. anti ( : iosod % tj3.e net. ittwt.v : July , 3S53Se , cloiwd 3Sc. OA't'S-itceIpts , 55 00(1 ( hut , ; oxportim , 90- 421 tam , : SPilt , duil ; No. 2. 324c No. Z wimito , 33)A.1c. ) Oiliions cre .11111 amid easy , closing tinehinuigeti , July elong ! at SOc. i"iiI ) Quiet ; bruuu. 7OOc ) ; middling. OG G193c , ) y ( Oe , hi.\ Quiet : shtulg , 3310c ; iood to ChIlliCt ! , 13i75L , hiOl'S-QnIet : state , common to ch1old ( ' . 1Kr ) , crop ' SifBc ; itG crop , GbjTc ; 1S97 crop , 32i14e ; 'i'tiiIlc coast , Th95 crop , .ij4c ; 1bl0 cr111) , ) Bi70 ibid crop. 124ille. lhilES-Vtrzn ; Ualveston , ICc ; Txu tiry , 130 : California , , Ise. I..lv1I i Iht-Stendy : ; hienilocic sole , flue- 'ins Ayrcs , lDir2Q6e. \'OOL-Quiet ftcece , 1c22e ; Texas , I2 14d , l'lt.OVISIONS-fleet. steady : family , I.0 ( Il3.O0 extra lncs , $ iO.r.ofhl.s ) ) ; beef lizmui. SUh.50h4.0O ; Pnckvt , $ tI.lOstb2.00. Cut Illeuts , 411111 Itickled bellies , $0.504I 7.25 ; Pickled ithlOlIl(1dl1' , $ t.75 : pickled hlitnum , $7,5tj 8.00. ] .iurui , stelidyl western stcain L'iosei at $1.33 lb 0.40 ; retlnt'd , steady , 1 'uric , quiet ; $ lt.50hi 75 ; short clear , $ t2.SOi1BJO tauutily ; i2.5Oi-i'1L5O : , 1'llow , iiruti eity 4 1-bc bIti cotuuitmy , 3 7-S ( 1-bc , (15 to Quality. Oh LH l'etruieum dull. htuin muteauly ; mttriuincd , ( onimon LI ) Foot1. $1.4tdtl.4. 'mr. pentino , ( 'itsier ci 20)tJ2'Jc. CottonEoed oil , t4tt'uli ) ' uiuiul moderat1y active ; Prinlo cullOt' , 2I(22e ; prUne crude. C. 0. Ii. mills , 1E'1c : liriune stunmuier yelloW 25.t2Ge ! : oft summer yellow , ; ! : butter oil , 2Sj30c lirlule winter thiuW , 3O3c. 1tlt't Virm fair to extra , 5 14j7e- ; Japan , 5 7-fOGe. ztLul.ASSls-tteauly : Now Orleans , open bettho. gutoil It ) choice , 2BtSc. V1t1Ii1 I'S'S TO LIVI1t1'OOJ.-Dult cotton - ton by att'lLmU , 2c : grain by steam. il i1'sl..9'1'ho iiietal market hacked hit. porinuit new feature's today. 1.tatt tool siteS. ter exhibIted relative strength , but were _ 'uI uIlliti. At the tl36e tue uital exciuttuigo called pig IrOn % earrantuu uni hangtI ) , with $ t.fu5 buS 0)1(1 ) $ G.I5 asked , l.liko copper was miluiet , wb Ii $2 I .tO ) bid nullS $12 10 asked. 'i'm 'vats steady. htis $11.55 bid 11)1(5 ( $14.9 askt'd. IBitelter wus lirm. $4.30 hut ntt 35,40 asked l.ead was flrm , with $3.80 bItS aiid $35.5 asked. I..end was ciuoted at $ .CO by Blue flruu nititihuig the settling utIca for west. era uuluiuruu stud uueIters , ; . JJU'l"l'fil-lteceipts , tbGS pbgs , ; market "I flm : wetnrn cresmery iZ4Ji6o : Iigln , 1CM' fiwtory ' ' ( ' market - , 11,5529 pkgL 45u10t : light k1ms &Ge ; part skims , &ljo ; ZtulI 'kIms. 21t3e lUGS-fcelpt , 2.StG pkgL ; wctcrn , 10 1lc ; southern , lie. ( ) M.tlI.t UiiEtt.tE % 1.tItIC f3'1S. tondifion of 'Trndo ' nuud ( tuototionmi oh MnI nod Vnuuey Pruduec. Ec1t114-ood stock , 9b4c. llUTTIit-Commout to fair. IVIIC Rep- atittor , iSc ; gathered creamery , 1hllc , Vi.'ui.-ChoI fat , SO to l2GIbs. , quoted at Si9t' : iargn and coarse , M7e L1VF I'OUBtJTltY-ifens , 74c old roosters - ers , 4Cc spring chickens , IGijito. 1'IUEONS-LIve. $ lJ&"j1.25 dead PIgenR not flhttcti. SlAY-Upland , * 7.OOi mhSlanuI. $ GMO : lowland - land , $3o ; rye RtrnW , $4.ti color initkes the 1' ' ° ° on hay : light bales RMI the best ; only top grades bring top vrlcna , vEQE'rJ iirts. ONIONI3-New southern , per lb. . c. t'A1)13AGiis1iss1sg1jipI , per crate , $2.2J@ 2.50. 2.50.ISFA M'S-Tfamnl-ptcked navy. ler bit , , $1.25 , 1'OT41O1S-jIlotuue grown , O&ac : Cole- route stock , 70c north"rn ( nucy nrly Ohio , eed potatoeR , SSc : new potatoes , l'er bbiq $1 : iuishu,1 boxes , $1..3il.tuO. TOMAT4il.H.-.1'er crate , . $3.3.25. 1l1ET&-4ew prr bu , box , * l. . ILADISIES-'cr dpz. bunches , 25i0c. L1TTUCE7-rei dox. buncbtes. 12e. 1tCbN ON1ON8-l'r dos. , bOo. Cl3C1JMfl14It-pt. doe , . Thvi WAX b1IANS-1.3 bit. box1'TScr l'i'A-l'er I-S btu. , G0170c. ; ' I'1EPLANT-1hot ITOWfl. er lb. , Ic. FRUITS. - $2.5. A1'1'L.1'SOcnetouis , $3.75. qOOSElTh:1tIt1 : ES-I'e 2.qt. case , $2.OO 2.2j. - TItOI'ICAL InUITS. OlSANG liS-Seed ilncs , $2.50 Mediterra- neen MVe'tu4 , $2.5Qub2.5. I.llONS-CnIforuiIa , 33.OOJ 3.25 fancy Messhuin. $3.5(4J4.t. 1S NAS-Chotc , lnrge mutock , per bunch , $2.OOJ 2.25 : inoubium stcil bunches , $1. .5'5t2.OO. 'utTSCEt.LANEOU , NUTt3-\lunoijuls. ncr lb. . large tze , 12 13e1 small , lie : ilrlLzil3 , lIar II ) . , 9j10c ; Eng. halt wulnuti , per lb. , fancy soft shell , 1ltj lie ; sltndnnl' ( , .SJic ; flhberis , 1)or ) lb. , lOc pecaus , pdhlhietl , nutubiuun. Oi3lc : extr& large. Si'c ; larRo iiickoVy nuts , 31.001(1.10 Per hal. ; 8011(11. 4l.iJ1. Per tat. ; cococuuts , per 1013. $1 : peantuts. raw , &j5tc ; roasted , G'iG4c. ' 1t1AIb'E SYlltiI'IrIt'cgu1 , can , each , $2.75 gal. cans , Pure , pet' tIns. , $12 : italf-gal , cane , $ u1251 quart titns , 33.50. FIGS-Imported. fancy , 3-crown , 14.lb. l0c 5-CrOwn , 44-lb. boxes , ISe : ! .Ib. lmxt'4 , 22t(23c per box ; California , 10-lb. box , $1 , lIONFY-Chuohco white , .12c ; Colorado am- her , 10&1le. 11tAUT-Por bbi. . 33.50 : per half bbl. , 2.25. pA'rEs-11a1io.ee , 00 to 70-lb. boxes , 5.4te : Sair , Sc ; Farul , 9-tb. boxes , 9c. CiIlit-1'er half bbl. , $3 ; bbS. . $5. hIDES , TALI.OW , STC , flIDES-No. 1 green hides , Ge : No. 2 green bites , 5c No. 1 salted hubs , Sc : No. 2 green u'alted hides , c ; No. 1 'veal vnlf , S to 12 lbs. , Sc : No. 2 Vefll calf , 32 to 15 lbs. , 7c. 'IALT.OW , ( UtEASE. ETC.-'l'nllow , No. 1 , 3c ; tallow , No. 2 , 2'c ; rough tallow. I14e ; white grease , : yellow and brown gicase. 1i'c. SJIEFW l'fih'I'S-Green salted. each , 15sf 75c ; green salted slienriugs ( short wooled early skins ) each. 150 ; dry shearings , ( short wooled early skins ) , No. 1 , each. Sc ; dry flint , Knnsas and Nebraska butcher wool peht , per lb. , actual ss'elght , 45e ; dry flInt. Knuisius and Nebraslut murraln WOOl Pelts , itr lb. , actual weiglut , 3j4c ; dry ( lint , Coloratlo hutchet vool heltS. per lIt. , actual weight. 41j5c ; dry flint , Colorado murrain - rain wool pelts , per lb. , actual weight , 3 qi4c. qi4c.FURSfloor FURS-floor ( black or brown ) $5.04Y1J20.00 : otter , $1.00I8.O0 : mink , 15j60c ; ( eaver , $1.00 (1c.tX ( ) : skunk. 15c' . 2'e : , tOe ; muskrat. be , Sc. 7c ; ( nccouii 1550Oc : red fox , 25ctiS1.25 ; gray fox , 2&qSOc ; wolf ( timber ) , 25c$2.50 wolf ( lurairie coyote ) . 101150c : wildcat , b00j25c ; badger , 5j4Oc ; silver fox , $5.0Oj75.0O. F11lSlL MEATh' . DRESSED BEEL"-4ood ) iattve steers 7c : guoul foreutuarters stoert , Ge ; good 1uhltu1Uitrters steers , 9c ; western steers , 7c ; natIve helfert , Uc ; good forequarters belt- 'rs. 5c ; good liinIqtiarters , halters , Sic ; native cows. $ e ; westi'rn cowx , 6c ; cow 4oretiuarteis. tc ; cow hIndquarters , Sc ; backluilves , cow , 0 ¼ c ; steer , 7e ; triangles , row. 4'c ; steer. 514e. IIEE F C U'I'S-Tcnderlolns. fresh , lSc ; uozen , ICe ; buuicloss strips , fresh , lie : strip iolits , fresh , Iki ; froaca , 7u : rolls , boneless , fresh , Sic : rolls , Spencer 'cuts. fresh , 11t ; sIrloin butts , boitolu'si fresh , lie ; 3hotilder clods. boulelesi 6',4c : runip butts , boneit'ss , cc ; No. 1 chucks , 5tc ; No. 2 chuuebcs. 5'c ; No. 3 cliuclcs , Sc ; boneless ehtuckc , frozeti. k' ; fresh , 5c ; cow plates , 4cl stt'r llUtOS , l ( ' , l1unicsteajc , Splits. No. 1 , frozen , 12c ; frerhi 1i4e ; loins , No. 2. trozeti , be ; nash. b2e : loins. No. 8. frozen , Sc : rrcsh , ) ) % ; short loluis , tnarhcet style , 2e 1l1)OVI3 iolr.s ; hotel style , 4c above loins ; cow loIn onus , S'4c : steer loin ends , 9',4c ; hanging teuidu'rioiuis , 4c ; ribs , No. I , troze , lOc ; fresh , 12c' ; ribs , No. 2 , frozeti. Si' ; fresh , 10'c ; ribs , No. 3 , frozen , Oc ; fresh , S'e : No. 1 rounds , 7c ; No. 2 roun-1 , 7c ; No. 3 rounds , 7e : Stoat rounds , shiinlc off , c adOl. t.iouial ; beef u'ounds shank and ramp off. 1 ½ c aululltloniil ; trimntings , 4e ; beet slimtnics , Ic ; br.thns , per doz. . 35c : sweotbreids , per ii ) . , frozen , be ; fresh , 12 ½ c ; sweetireuls ) ( ealve'3) ) , per lb. , 40c ; lciduieys , er doz. , : ae ; ox tails , each. 3e ; livers , per 11 , . , Sc ; hearts , per lb. , Sc ; tongues , per lIt , , 12c ; calf llver3 , each. bSc ; calves , whole carcass or SIdes , bO'c ; calf heatS and feet. scalded , per set , 5c. 5c.MSJTTONSprlng lambs , bOo ; regular lamntut , Dc : shii'cp , Sc ; market racbni ( long 1c ; hotel racks ( short ) . Sic ; loins , 9c ; am - dle , be ; legs , I0l,4c ; lamb legs , 12e : bu'easts 110(1 5tew. 3c ; t'ongues , each. 3c ; forequar. ters. Cc. l'ObtIC--Dressetl itIgs , 53e : dressed hogs , She : tentlerloins , b2c ; ioit , uitnrthl. ' ,4c ; large. 714e ; spare ribs , 4c : ham sausage butts , Cc ; Boston Butts , 51,4c : shoulders , rough , 5c ; shoulders. skinned , 5e ; trim. mluigs , 4 ½ e ; leaf lard , not rendered , Cc ; heilds. cleaned , be ; snouts and ears , be ; fri'h , 16 to IS lbs. , 7Ae ; fresh short clears , 5c ; cheek meat , 4c ; neckbones. be : pigs' tails , be ; pltuclcs , each , Cc ; chitterlings , Sc' ; hocks. 4c ; hearts. per doz. , 25c : to- ninebs , tach , 3c ; tongues , each , 7c ; iciulneys 1)dt' doz. . bc ; brains , per doz. , ISe ; 1)Igs ) feet. pt'r .14)5. . SOc ; liters , each , be ; hog rinds , b1 blade bones , Sc. S. IIIIN Gvu.crnl Msurk.'s. ST LOUIS , Juite 1.-F'LOUII--fluIl. on. settled uiid lower ; patentS , $5705.o0 ; straights , $5.3555.6O ; clear , $ l.755.00 ; me- ubilun , $4,00j5.0O. V1hl0AT-Weak , dull and lower , closing vUhi July I b-Se. Seiltember 24c arid Dc. cenuber 2c below yesterday. Spot , lower ; No. 2 red , cash , Mevator , OSe ; track , 0Sp DUe ; Juno 91C tiul ; IJiul ) ' , Sic bid ; September , 7lc ; Deceunber , 75c ; No. 2 hartl , 05110Cc , COIINFultures closed easy and traction- ally lower tiunui yesterday , Spot , higher ; No. 2 , ettsh ) , 31c ; Julie , b1c ; July , 31 3-Se ; September. 32 3-Sc. OATS-Ftutures ultuhl , hlrun 111145 trtotlonnlly bighuer ihtaut yesterdnr. Slttt ) , lower ; No. 2. cash , 2Tc : track , 2sc : June , 2V4c ; July , bi 1.B , blul ; September , 21 5-Sc ; No. 3 wluiU , , 315j32c. htYl-Nuniuhuial ! nt.COe. 8kEDS-t'iaxseed , lower at $1.1B. l'rlme tiauothy seed. $ b.Co'il2.C5. COIINMEAI.-Stciuls' at $ l.255fi.0O. IIRAN.-lulh ; sacked , east track , SSc. I IAY-Uuiehiuuiged : lurairie , $5,001 , 10,00 ; timotluy , $ B.UQSj 1..t.O. , nurrJllt-Qulet ; choice , 141jIG'c' ; dairy , 1011 b4c. i'GOS-Hteady at Dc , I WI1ISLCY-$1.23. COT'i'ONTIES-Steady at 70c. 1SAGOING-3tead > ' at I 3.SIiG 7-Sc , Iti1'J'M.SLead. quiet at $ J.G2fii3.C5 bId. SpelLer , llrni lit * 1,15 , - 1'i 1OVISiONS-l'ork , lower : Rtandard uness , jobt > tiig , $1 l.O1i .30. 1.ard , lower ; prime tettin , $5bS ; choice , $5.OSbsG,00 , bin- cu ( boxed ) , huouu1dcrs $1.8b : extra short clear , $ UC2y : ribs , 3U.7 ; shorts , $7.00 , 1)ry salt meats ( boxed ) , shoulders , $5'J74 ; extra short oScar , $ C.124 ; ribs , $ 'i,23 ; shorts , $0.50 , IIECEII"i'S-l"iour , 2,000 OIui&1 wheat , 7,003 , him : corn , 103.000 IuU , ; ottt , 40,000 bu , - SI I I , ' 7,000 bids , ; wheat , 10,004) ) btu , ; corn , 20-1,000 bu. ; oats , 30,000 bu. PBi'IIulstu'c.'t'M 'lsI1Ii' Stuuti'tu.'uut , NE'uV YOItIC , Juno 1-Speelni citblu nuid telegraphic tlispatchies to flradstreet's in. dlt'tu5110. . ( titIowIui changes In available utujupiies last Fntui'ia ) ' . us compared with titti urt't'euling 8aturd.ay \'b I l'.Vl'-LtuuitetI Stittes and Camiatlit , east fit Itociches , tjecreast' , 00t } bu. ; rifloat for autti In hUroiw , iuicrt'uuu" , 2.4h3.000 Pu. ; w'nrkl'sstupplr net inc-caso 2.301,000 bu- CO1tN-tliiiteul Siutes anti Cuuututtt , east of Itockici , dec'retiae 043.00(1 Pu. itmong the inure iunportaot reductIons not reported in the oiitclni 'llb1e supiuby stutenient are thu tlecrenso of J5i,1 Pu. at Msuuitolsi. and Ouitarir , storage points , 200 , . 500 Pu. UI. Chicago prl'utto elevators , 100,000 Pu. at iiorthwetuterui Interior elevators and 00O' PU. itt ( hmthvestun , ' 1'hi important gain mutt otherwise reported U the increase of l7O0O bu. utt New Orleans , 'rime cotubiuteti uttocic of wheat hid at b'ortland , Ore. , 'rama and Seattle shows a deceasc of 203,000 Pu , from lust week , Ita''tuioru 1)imtrlr , blA1.TbMOItF , , buuiti 1.-ilAt'lt-Dtiti ' antI I hotter ; % 'estern stiperihue , 13.7511 ( i.oo ; 'eat. era extra , $4251i54S ) ; western fuunlly , 35.501) 5.00 ; t'iuiter 'iieut liateuuts , 36.OOljG5 ; ; spring I wheat. patents. $0.Z.ObG.T5 : spring i'heat straIghts , $1L301uG.G0 ; re1eiluts , 11.850 bbis. ; exports. 117 bbis. I \1IEA'1'-W'cak and lower ; spot , 31.151) 1.i5 ; month , $1.124 asked : July , Ofite asked ; steamer No. ! red , tl7tjV7c ; receipts , I b2. $ bu. ; exports , ' 135,000 bIt. ; southemt wheat by niumple , $1 lMll 16 % ; southern wheat on grade , $1.09'Ll6. COHN- Dull nnd ensy SPOt and nuonth , 3G337c July , 874t37c steamier mixed , : i5-5' : & ' ; r000lptuu , 1ut,033 IW exports , 1C- 6l Pu , : southern white corn , OTc asked : sotuthnrn y'11ow , 37' asked , V OATH-Dull : No. 2 wbto 35'4iibCeS No. I tnixi'tl , 3ttIai. receipts , 105,071 bu , ; cx- ; orts I2fl.r'0 Pu. . , ItYh-.ri4il anti lower No. 2 nearby 54',4c ; l.o , , 2 vt'stern , &Ot4c , nominal , IIAY-Stoatly ; ehote timothy , Si2.COl13.OO. aR/tIN FJt1'IQIITS-DuubI ; steam to Liv- crpoo1 , per bustfei , 14 , June : Cork for or- drniu Per quarter 3d , June. flSJTTFU-Staty ; fancy creamery , ITe ; fancy Imitation , lIe ; good ladle , lBc ; store packetl1 I2tflbe , 1'OQS-F'rm ; frrsh 1ItI'iIe ; Clh1ESC-teady : fancy York , Coo : lam-ge , 9Qp9 ½ e : medium , 9t , . small , 1O' l04c , - Vno1 ) ta'rkeis , I3OSTON. June 1.-The outlook Iii the wool market here Is better tItan at any time In the laM twn mbnths and a hirmer tcno is noticeable. Australian vooI keeps up In strength , while rather more busines9 was reported ( his week , The prices for leatling descriptions nrc quoted as to1loWl OhIo and Pennsylvania fleeces. X and nlove , 2542Cc XX anti above , 29SOc ; tie- lube ntb No. 1 combing , 31k' : No. 2 comb. lag , . ) e. Michigan , 'Wisconsin , etc.-'Michu- Ignil , 2.lc ; No. I Michigan anti Iltinois comb- lag , 29c ; No. 2 MichIgan anti illinois comb- lag. 25c : X New York , 1ew lfnmpslulro nuttl Vermont , 2300Z5c tiethitlO itnul 'Mlchigutn. 28c. Uuiwnshied medium , } ontucky and Indiana quarter.blood , also tliree.elghths.blood combing , 225t23c Missouri quarter-blood and three.eighihs.blootl combing , 2151 21c ; Lnko anti GeorgIa , 1D120e. Texas wools , spring medIum ( twelve unontlis ) , 16011Sc scoured , .305'ul2e ; spring line ( twelve months ) . lC1 17c ; scoured , 43j45c. TerrItory wools , Montana fine medium iuntl tine , 15 ICc ; scouru1 , 45c : siahile. , 45c Utah , W'tiOi- hag , eta. , line , 1huI5e ; scoured , 435i45c ; idn- pie , lIc. Atistraliutn , scoured busts , comi- lag superfine , 7O'i2c ; good , 6iGSc ; average , G25j6&c ; Queensland combIng , G5c. N'i % ' ' . ' , Ir'c 1)r Goo1s Iurkt'l. NEW YORK , Juno 1-The dry goods market is in gootl shape all around Just at liresent nod although actual restilta ate tiot altogether satisfactory , the future is liliC'eb ( to hold a gootl fall trade hut store. There have beeit further retituethouts hut l,1ick cailcos anti allietl grades , the Amen- C&1115 , having' fallout into hue for competitive 1pasons. Various stnpl3 cattoum are i'enIc nail generally poor conditions are reported. Another feature and a more satIsfactory tine is the growing strength of print eIotii. Under the stImulus of an uctive market anti with a. curtaIlment of lirothictiolu silt- ilcicat to radically tiecrease tIle otutput thtt Price of regulars bias ntlvanu'etl to 2t' , and sellers arc now reftusluig biuls itt this ligure hut many Instances , TIme iniurket for staple cottons is aulet as a rule. Sum nrlnts there are many j.insatistnctory ihittes to lIme market. The derpand for fancy cnUco Iimm been light. ICuiiun Cit , ' G mlii suuuul i'roy Isiouus. KANSAS CITY , June 1-WHEAT-No. I hard , USc ; No , 2. 02j0G,4c : No. 8 , 900Cc , one car at bScl No. 1 , OSc ; No. 2. 9396c ; No. 2 sprIng , SSc ; No. 3 , SSc. COItN-Marlcet steady to higher , active : No , 2 ritixed , 291)29 ½ c ; No , 2 white , 30)i1) ) 31c ; No. 3 , 304c. OATS-Murlcet slow and lower ; No , 2 whIte , 311131c. ItYIC-ulmjrlcct weak ; No. 2 , SOc. hAY-Market ruttier dull , but stoutly ; choice timothy , $9.50ij1O.OO ; chqlce prairie , BUTTflI1-Countrs' scarce and wanted ; creamery , I2'f1)l5c ; dairy , 1Ol2c. EGGS-Fresh at S1,4c. I1ECICII'TS-Wheat , 46,600 bu. ; corn , 65,000 bu. : oats , 'I 004) Pu. SlII1'MEI'TS-Witent , 10,200 Pu. ; corn , 112,40(5 Pu , ; oats , 2,000 'Pu. Cl iut'i uuuuuuji 3sirket , CINCINNATI , June 1.-FLOUR-Dull ; fnmmcy , $5.bOibS.SO : family , $ i.S0'1J5.bO. ' \VIIEAT-fltsier : ; No. 2 red , $ b.00i1.0S. CORN-Dull ; No. 2 mlxeti , 35'c. ' OATS-Dull ; No. 2 mixed , 2S'jc. RYE-Quiet : No. 2 , SIc. I'ROVISIONS-Lnrtl , easy at $5.95. Bulk That quIet at $6.15. Bacon , ealer at $7.00. \VIIISl'Y-Firm at $1.23. flU'I'TEIt-Firm and higher ; Elgin cream- cry. lIe ; Ohio , 121)b5c ; dairy , lOc. SUGAR-Steady ; hard refined , $1.471J6.b0. EGGS-Steady [ it Sc. CIIEESE-ICasy ; good to Priune Ohio hat , 707c. 5.1 ' . 'i'ptto1 31 a rk et , r.IvERioor. , Jufle I.-PROVISIONS- Bacon , short ribs , dull kIt .33s. CORN-June steady mit Sa1d : July , steady at ba Cd ; September , steady at 35 7 1-Sd. Following are the stocks of bretulatutfa anti provisions in I.Ivcrpool : Flour , 3(3,000 ( sacics : tv1ictt. 25,000 centuis ; corn , 422.000 ceatmils ; beef , untie ; porlc , hone : bacon , 23 , . I00 boxes ; hams , 12,400 boxt'.t ; shtouiulers , 4- 400 boxes ; lard , -11,01)0 ) tienccs ; cheese , 551,000 boxes ; butter , 2,100 pkgs. ( , 'uul um 1tt't't'Its at I'rineitutl ilar1t's. CI I ICAG 0 , June 1.-Receipt s today : \'licat. 87 cars : conim , 1,033 cars ; oats , 226 cans. Estimnatetb ears for tomorrow : Wheat , 115 : corn , 875 : oats , 275. ST. LOUIS , Julie 1-Receipts : Wheat , S cars. MINNEAPOLIS. Juno 1. - Receipts : \Vlieitt , 22 cars. DULUTH , June 1.-Receipts : Wheat , 171 cars. It > ! 'l. , 31orke. TOLEDO , 0. , Juno 1.-WHEAT-Lower anti wealc : No. 2 cash anti Jimmie. $1.01. CORN-/ictlve anti easy ; No. 2 mIxed , 3Cc. 3Cc.OATSDull OATS-Dull and lower ; No. 2 mIxed , 27c. ltYb'1-Dmuil and lower ; No. 2 cash , 4Cc. CLOVERSEIID-Dull anti steatby ; lnlmo cash , $3.25. ; ll I uuust'utuo1 Is Picutur 211urku't. MINNEAI'OLIS , Juno 1.-FLOUR-First patents , $0.b0lIC.50 : second latents , $ (3.151m 3.25 ; lirst clears , $5-bthb,5.40 : ecoiit1 cleat-s. $ i.201131.40. Sm , ii F'rniut'Is'o ; Viu.'uil 3hsmrket , SAN FRANCISCO , June 1.-WHEAT- Stoutly at 31.4014. BARL1Y-FIrumt ; December , 31.15 % . 1)uu ! u'h , Vuesm t 3iutrict'i. DULUTh. Juno 1.-WhEAT-No. I north- cnn cash , $1.23 ; Juiy , 33.22 ; September , so 5-Sc. - STOCJCS ANI ) l3NIS. lIt'jiturt'1 ltndt I. ' gut Suuuul Ingi ) St i'engtb- ( 'uS d lie 1nr11vt. NE\V YORK , June 1.-With street today Interpreted Commodore Schleyts eulgage- meat at Sauitiago as a success for the Uumltetl States forces. Even the rtthmcr : mactiger details of the affair tmntl time cotta- terclalnus canting thmroiughi SitanIsIl sources tIltS not greatly disturb this conviction. It is not entIrely a sentimental result SPlit Prices of stocks should rise upon hews of a naval victory , for dealers ha stocks Ililco the lunlietical view that itinsures an early teruttIuitttiot of tlue war amid a consequent revls-aI of coinmr o and bntlpstry. l'rlces bounded upward at time opening aittl a furl- ous activity tleveloped , together with fl liuoyititt tone , the buying ( ICInItItul 1)eruneat- ing pretty much the whole lIst. ihut It must Jtti : z'eunernberei , that it hail quIte a large quamutity at buyiug , recently In ittith- Clllttiuui of a naval victory. Tizerum luas rust ) been the reunarkabiut uttivance in block islamul , carrying with It a grotip at tihlctl sttucks in anticipatIon of toduy's action lit tilO 111111 11111 mnectl mug cmi the tilvitioumul , 'l'it Is moonlit , accordIng to luivarlabie rule , large selling to tuke uroilts on the cuintinathoit of the evtmmt. Tluttre % 'iti4 Iii tact ( 'muoratous proiht taking uluring the day anti which vuts miturkod in block islauutb autO P001)10'S Gas. 'J'lltt t1zte1itg .sif Stock isimitutl on a S per ccitt divIdend P11515 ituucl the dluttrltutiutu , of it 10 tier ccitt stunt ulIl'ltlemmui vai cs'eui better than IfluIIIY ot the rumors nit the iutbhject lmud foretold. iSma timts ilhut not save It frtnt the I utovi ( a hI u relict lout froun real Izhuty. 'i'iero ; was a irononunced untiertuuie of strength all thuu'utugit the list aumt It s'as tnulllcmlent to stustain fairly well the lroilt- taking Pu tIle sto'lcH whIch hutyc receuttly , itt their turn , sustaiittt1 the list. 'l'iiu ullty'ut net cituuiges are ui dunisctIuepe ( ' niixtitl , many inmitoniant stocks showing losses , ititti the extreune atl'nuucemu oilier . bt'inguuuvit rethtn'eui by tlt'ehiutes In sympathy sitht time wekutt'smi : of sla'dinl tock. 1.outdoiu wius it btlycr iii thmc' Nc' York market and thmt'rtt vlts It large , eont un lssloui itopaq tI eunmuuul , 'rluerc was large hutuitviiUal , transiuctioums In bontla Ituitb Prices advututeetl throughout tile extensive actIve hiumt. Total sales , 5,225,000 , Uumittul States 2s atid him oII Is regtsercti , atlvanced teil , anti time umew Cli 44 iii the Phi lni'e. 'J'imvrc vorq sales of the IIL'W is , ( 'ouhton. at 122 , a giii.i of 3.5 ovem the lust sale , 'rite Evening Post's London llnancial Ca. blegraun says ; .lore activIty was obtitlli 'd In the stock markets lucre today. Speculative - tivo interest is reviving anti time muarict't for Americans anti ( ] rauitl Trunks especially lIre w'Idenlng , Numerous brokers huvu do. sorted thu kafllr market for Amenicaits. Grand Trunks i'erp bojucilted ( rota the tx- celient Auth statement , showluig tiurut lrac. tlcally time 'holtu of hue gross Inereitsed tratlte uuet'uretl Is not carnlnns. Aunenlcans were botughut largely hut're amid by New York. 'I'iue huuylumg i ( bontis for New You'k watt untuuuuahly large , notably Union l'aclilt , and AtchIson 4s. 'h'here vts also t'ilqtuo I buying of Union Paehile , Norfolk & Western I auni Northern l'aclile preterreti. Prices closetl SO cents under. time best , lIruzils continue to rise. OultI Is In strung demand br flussitt nod at 77 ltd. Sliver coniflue strong on Spanish orders. The Ibank of England alis ount rate will proba- Ny ire to 3 per eh ; omorrow , The Pnris boul'se waR firm. StnIshi Is were better there , despite the jefemtsing cable its to the financIal position ltt spain. The following amo tie closing qiuntatlonu of tIu leading Rtoclt&n the New York market - ket today : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Mehison . . . . . . . . . . * , C. C. . . . . . . . . ISIt t1oIft5 . . . . . . . . . . ' 13tISt.Pk Urn. . . . . . . . . 7$5S 1)Sitlrjore& OhIo. . 1si 'in nra . . . . , . , . . . CnoPot.hi . . , . , f'f5L ' P. 2.1. & . . . . & CanatlaSauitnern , . . Lj'2L. l'aclhle . . . . . . . . . 3714 CeatralPacitte , , . , . , I4 . .u. ltaliwsy. . . . . . . . . Chaa.kOlulO. . . . . . . . 22 So , Stmtllw&rptd . 31 % ChIcsro.'tAIton.l9 . Tex&iu kl'setlie. . , , 17 * * .c..mi.&Q..t14fUnton ( Paclflm. . . . . . . Ill ) C.Jtb.I. . . . . . . . . . 13474llP.D&O ! . . . . . . . . 7 C. C. 0. St. Ii. . . . . 4PWaash . . . . . . . . . . . ' 5 % dopiti. . . . . . . . . . , 2 5\Vnb'tqt pfut. . . . . . . . . 1914 . Del..Iiuclon , . , , ,1504(5YIue.1 ( , & t. . . . . . . . Del , L. . % V. . . . . . . 1W ) i-Wheel. & I. . U. pM I24 . Den.&ftIOa . . . . . . . I17 Adams ICr. . . . . . . . . . 10) ) ) tb phi. . . . . . . . . . 45)4 ) Amenleau , Ex. . . . . . . 128 riefnswI..u , . . . 15)4 Uutit.'d Stte'Ex 41) ErheIutpr . . . . . . . . . ' 10 WelijuFarmo Ex 117 Pt. Sysyns . . , . . , . , 105 Am. Cot. Oil. . . . . 21 ( treat2oMhernVU.lT4 A. Cot.Oth pttl. . . . . 21 Ifoelin , Valley , . . , 54 Ama , Smint . . . . . . . 12I Ihllnoluointr'tl. , , . 10)j ) Ate. SpiniluptiL. . . , 34 Iuko lIt-ic Ii W. . . . 1455 Ant , Tobacco. . . . . . 10954 110 pttl. . . . . . . . . . . . , 7254 do prO. . . . . . . . . . . . 118 Lakeshore. . . . . . . . 100 Peoplo' Os . . . . . . . 1o21 1.ottiyitlctNaRh. 1S11t5 eont. Isnu. . . . . . . . . 102 Mtinliattati I. . . . . . . S0S5 Coot. t7s'lcCO.J60 Met. St. .lty . . . . . . 1581 $ ( el. 9' . thon. . . . . MIciiirutn I1unIr1..103 tie ttc. . . . . . . . . Ill ) Nhuun ¼ St. . . ! . . . . . . . ? 0t F.1u'cina. . . . . . . tin lstiifd , , , . , , . . , 1384 . IihlnousSteeI. . . . . . . . 58 ? . . ' . . . . . . . . . . LaClode Gft , . . , 4914 iIobhloitOh1o. . . . . 25 Lead. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 334 ? ttog&T . , . , , 115 ( cc . . . . . . . . . . . . . P pttiu , , . , 35 Nat. IAn , OII. . . 1034 Chub , IntL .5g. I. . , . , , , 10 Oretoo hun , Co. . . . . 20 , 1.10 11t ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . Si l'iuciflc Nail . . . . . . 4I14 i' . .1. ( cimiu'I . . , . . , 0014 I'ulunami 1'ti. . . . . . . 187 N. Y.O'intral..I I fl4 Slutt'r Gertifleata , , , 584 N.YtThi. .tSL 1. , , lt4 ; 8tuiti.1topo .iT. , , . lilt ditut pttl. . . . . . . . 00 Siurar . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14054 tio'3ulljhl. . . . . . . . . . : iii (10 ( pitt , , . , . , . . , . 214 h'Onfolk. ¼ Wostera 144 3' . C. . trait. . . . . . . . 20 No , AtuiCt. Co. . . . . . . Ii U. S. Leather. . . . . . . H o.1'atflc. . . . . . . . . 274 do un. . . . . . . . . . . . . tie Olti . . . . . . . . . . . 074 U. . bbubbc'r' . . . . . . 2014 Ouiiflrio. iS . , , 2)114 ) tb pr'S ' . . . . . . . . . . 7)15 ) * Oregon Nay . , , , . , , Si' IS'Ostern thuilomi , , . , 11251 ( ire. Bhori . . . . . % Nortitw'estcrmm . . . . . . .29 Pltlsbutg . . . . . . . . . . ,1U8 . ito urtt. . . . . . . . . . . . . 172 % Ilpauimuir. . . . . . . . . . . Ill St I. . & 8 , W. . . . . . . . 6 lineS lalmiti. . . . . . . . 1)114 ) do. pfd. . . . . . . . . . . 104 B.L.J.S. F. . . . . . . . . 71 * lt.v . . . . . . . . . 2314 110 Istpfci . , , , , . , . , (224 ( II. (3. , ' iv. ottl. . . . . . 7t354 St. l'atil . . . . . . . . . .10144 Clii , Gt. West. . . . . . . 14'S tIC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1st lfd . . . . 453 * Total sales of stocks today , 117,300 shares , incltuuilng 15,525 Atclmlsttn lirelorred , 37,495 hiurlington , 8,010 ChIcago & 1listern Illinois , 2,685 I.otisvlio ) ! & Niuth'hhle , 8,175 iamiimat. tmiui , 4,500 MetropolItan , 11,010 Iteatiluig lre- ( erred , 3,010 Mlssnturl 1'nciii. 3,725 New York Central , 4,000 North American , 4 060 Northern Pacific , 15.035 Northern 1'aciIc preferred , 40,900 block Isianti , 5.250 St. Louis & Santa Fe bti preterretl , 42,574 St. l'atui , 25,155 Southern , 5,061 Sotuthuerut preferred , 34 , . 5'ti Union Paehilc preferred , 6,033 Chicago (4reitt Western , 40355 I't7ople's ( las , 3,001 Illinois Steel , 4,100 Lnclede Gas , 20,702 Stugar , 3,317 Western Uniom : ' 5'ijrlc 3louue 3lurkit. NEW YORK , Juuie 1.-MONEY ON CALL . . -Nomutiuialuy 1ui1 ier ccitt. I'hlISi E MERCANTILE I'A1'ER-.01,41)4 iicr cent. STERLING 1IXCIIANGE-Acttmal bush- 'touts In baiukers' bills at $4.S53(314.S6 for tie- mauud tmtttl $ l.834J4.Si for sixty days : imosted rateS. $4.SltijI,85 anti $1.67 ; counmerclat bills , $ l.E1'i.83V. SlI.VFIIt CEflT1F1CATES-5Sc bid. IbAlt Si LVIC3t6St4c. MEX3CAN DOLLA11S-45',4e. GOVERNMENT BONDS-Market strong ; ha-tv is , reg. and coupon , 12i : is , tog , , 111 % ; . coupon. 111 : 2s , 05 % ; Ss. reg. and coupon , 110 % ; l'aclllc Cs of "JO , 1OO' . Closing quotations on bonds were as follows - lows : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ IT.Saow'4s , nez , . . ,1'2' .4 8. C. fl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24 II. S.neW 45 COIl. . . l2354 N. C. 41 , . . . . . . . . . . . . 1(1254 U. 5. 49.rez. . . . . . . . blOb o. Puchflc : 1st , . . 110 U.5.4e.eoop..11l 'o. l'achtlo bs. . . 614 ( U. 8.2g. nor. . . . . . . . . t'S ' i.o. 1'ihtlo 4t ; . . . . . U.S. . . . . . . . I10 , I.e. st. L.4uu..103 (3.3.55. COtli' . . . . . .122 N. , V. lie . . . . . . . 520 . Dhuttnlct3.03' , . . . . . 21mm N , iV.Cottoi . . . . . . . Aa.cias'A. . . . . . H ' NW.beb.5u. . . . . . 11554 Ahn.c1385 B. . . . . . . 1OI4 Ore. NaIttt8. . . . . . . I 13 Ala. , rbtss ' 3. . . . . . . . 110 Ore. Nay. is . . . . I ) Ill Ala.Currency. . . 1) ) ? (7. 8. u. Os. t. . . . . . . . . Atchiuioni . . . . . . . . ti3t 0. i4.L. 5u. t. r. . . . . 10(54 Aichisonatti , 4a. . . . hill 0. Into. tMti , t. r , . , . lii Canuaa5o.2uutts. . . l4)4 ) 0. littit. 5. I. r. . . . . . 59)4 Chuicago Ter'l 4 , . . 83 * Pacifle be of ' 95. . .10054 ( Lii 0. A . . . . . . I 1354 tteauthtg . . . . . . . . 8434 c.IB.&D. 4143 . . , lOti * R.G.Wott isis. . . . . 8054 n..i , It. . fl. 1si . . . 10034 St. t. . .t I. St. Coa. S 0414 D.&Il.Q.4ft. . . . . . . . 01 SLL.&S.y.Geui.t3.lI1314 F.auut'rottmi. IsOm. . . . 1)17 31 , 1' . Conols. . . . . . . 143 1nleGett , 4s. . . . . . . 74 St. i'.C. . ' . I' . isis. . . 11' ) 1. w. &m It. . t , r. 7' Sjpop.)4. ; . . . . 111154 ' .01. . E1tC. .tJt , , . . , , , 1O3l Sbtmtheriu am' . 1)5. ; , , 11354 r..n.9. A.Ik. . . . . l031I Sr1LT. d'u. . . . . . . Oil U. 1I..t 8. A. 21g. . , It)2 Tciuui.utew setI : % . . , 57 1&T.Cont.Si. . . . . I i 1)34 ) 'l'ex , 1'.ic. L. 0. Isis ioa U. ' 1' . 0. can (33. ( 3(1 ( I Fex. Pam. 8g. 2d. . 51154 Iowa C. lst't. . . . . . 1(1)4 ( ) ii P. 1) . It 0. 1513. . 5' ) La.NowCoa.45 , . . . 10) ) ) 1 iVb. htaSs. . . . . . . . 10954 L. &N. Eat 4 . . . . . 11(1 ( - iVab. ' 2ui' . . . . . . . . . . 51)4 3t1810t1r1 Ott. . . . . . , 100 , West Shore 4 . . . . . 11)4 ) % :11 : , ic. & 'r. rut . . . . . . 1)914 ) Va. Centuries. . . . . . . 11754 M.x. & . - . . . . . Va.utoerr.al. . . . . . . . 4 N. Y. C. Iat't..11a51 Ilniouu I'aclhla mutd ( lti ) * N. .1. 0. ha. . . . . . . . . I 14 iliiiit , [ 'acilic 45. . 53 14 liostoti Stoc1. ( tiomuiions. BOSTON. Jtine 1.-Call loans , 2j3)4 ) per cent : time ioamis , 31)5 11cr cent. Closing prices for tock , bombs anti mhmming shares : ' - - - --i-i : ? . . . . . . . . m2IW , iic. : . mitt. . . . . . At AuuienICtn Stiir 14(154 ( AteluIsol , nti. . . . . . . . 3214 A1u.iitluOtr lift ! . . . . 114 I1oloi , L. . . . . . . . . . . 63 Ltztv Stats ( It : 13 16 11. I. . . . . . . . . . . . . leo Ccii l'eIoOFuOio. : 27:4 : Gun. YAee. prO. . . . . . B' Iiostoiu&AibtttV 292 AtchIson Is. . . . . . . . 0154 ilomon& Maine 1119 AlIouez 3Ilru , 0. 334 C..13 , Q . . . . . . . . . 2(15 ( AtlantIc. . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Lltctotur' ) . . . . . . . . ilOb IlOslOluA Moittani 210 ( ieutetal Ititetnio :11114 : iltitli , & 1totcn. . , 24 % hihliiols $ leou 58 ( : altutnot& liaot1. , 55254 Mexleutu : Central 4(4 Ceuttt'uuuai. ) . . . . . . . 15 N. V. . ¼ N , l . . . . . . t34 ! Fr.unkluu. ) . . . . . . . . . . is 010 Coloav. . . . . . 38' Osceolt . . . . . . . . . . . 41)14 ) nrc. Sluort Lhio :12 : Ciutuicy . . . . . . . . . . . . 117 Ituooor . . . . . . . . . 2)1)4 ) 'i'auttartu'k . . . . . . . . . 108 ( lube l'liCihlJ. . . . . 2'j svomv. ruijes. . . . . . . . . 2954 Wettu 1lntt . . . . . . . . . )43t5 ) Old Donutitioum. . . . . . 2754 iv. JIbe. . . . . . . . . . . 23 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Sum Francisco 3lluuIutg QnotntIon. SAN FRANCISCO. June 1.-omcial ems. lag quotations on mining stocks today were as follows : _ _ _ _ _ Mat. . , . . . . . . ; . , . , it ) Halo & Norcros'u , , l1S AhuthaCOlu. . . . . . . . . 2 Jtstiu'u. , . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Antics. . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 luloxicaut . . . . . . . . . . 2) ) ) Ielctier. . . . . . . . . . . 11) ) Oecltleiutal Con. . . , (36 I'cst2i Belenor. . . 27 Oitiir . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : ii ibmIllon I ; Oyermtuatt. 8 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CimU'donua. . . . . . . . . 24 l'oosl. ( . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ic Cluahleumco Colt. . . . . 2:1 : Stlgti. . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Clioluar. . . . . . . . . . . . I S Sierra Nu&vula. . . . . 03 L'oultlcietucn. . . . . . . . . 45 LJuulon Con. . . . . . . . . II ) COmu.Cl. .it VA. . 47 Utuiu ; Cou. . . . . . . . . . 6 drown L'uuuL IA Yellow 3aclt't , , , . 24 louJaiCurrIn. 1tl _ Staluilanil . . . . . . . . . 153 ghlver bnrs,5S S-Xe : Mexican dollars. 4Ct/ 4Cc ; drafts , sight. 12 ½ c ; telegraph , ICc , Nuis Vuirk * I I u.l uig Quolmu ilomutu. N10' 'OItI' . June 1.-The foilowing are the closing mining quotations : Chollr. : . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 3 ( ) lmtarto. . . . . . . . . . . 275 . crown t'oInt . . . . . II ) Otllumr. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ctuu. ( ; tl. It Va , . 45 l'lymuotuttt . , , . , , , 14 1)eadwoou . . . . . . . . 20(1 ( QuIcksilver , , , . , , , 100 Gotm1ulS. Curry. . . . . 13 Otu1otsmlysr at , ! . , , 2) ) ) ) lisle & oreroli 18) ) SIerra 34oYs41. . , 52 11oInetalcn------ ) BIanct'unl. . . . . . . . . j511 liou,8iiver. . . . . . . . 41) ) Uutioiu Con. . . . . . . . . 10 . Mexican. . . . . . . . . . . 13 Yutllouviacltt . . . , 21) ) 'asked. ( .unlomu Stock Qtuointlouiu. LONDON , mute i.-t p. m.-Ciosiumg : . 'Consoltu. , um'y..lll 5-10 N. Y. Ceuurau. ( . . . . . 12014 'Conitoltu. Acet , , , . . . 11154 I'eumnsi'ivanla. . . . . . . . 01) Can. Pacific. . . . . . . 55)4 iteadlrug. . . . . . . . . . . ' .114 1'u'l. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . hats ) Iex. ( ; . 'tl , now 4 , , 67 rle 1st ' ' . . . . . . . : Ateltittom . . . . . . . . . . . 1354 Ill , (5'lutr.uI. . . . . . . . . . 1(10 . 1. . &N. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 643 * Meicauu ontllllarY. 2u ) irattul Trunk , . , , , , , , l3t.t'aihcOlunOut..I05 ) ) 'Ex-Int. BAIt SlI.VI1R-Stetitiy at 26 15-iSO per otuuteti. MONilY1ul1I % jte.jeflt. - Tmt3 ! ratru of dtscdtml'1n iho open market for short bills , 2 Iet..cs.'at ; for three inontius Pills.2 per cent. - - IT Fiuuiuuut'Jnl iuot's , OMAhA , June 1-Thle clearings for the day ivere 31,176.265 4t t 1buiaumct's , * 260,667,03. 'J'iuo clearings for 1g7 were $ ltI7,22..41 , auud tiuc bltlltneeS , $51,833.07 ; imicrease in clear- lags , 8368,1183. Ci IICAGO , June 1j.-Cieanimmgs , $27,454,300 ; balauiee , $2,22O,60Oj ; New York exchange , ir ; Sterling e-xcluango. . posteil , $1.8l4,1'&S7 ; tictulti , $1.s44t4.s ; * : ; sixty days , $1S3IS5. : Stocks tltuhi ; Ilisetuhti' 214 : Biscuit preferred , 8b54 : Diamond Match , .131 ; North Cluicugo , IS04 ; Strawbourul , 37 , West Cluiengo , 33 % . 8'l' . LOUIS , Juxie i.-Cleau'hmtgs , 36,009,5.4.5 ; balances , $937,051 ; money , 5418 ier ccitt ; New York exchange , 2Cc tliscount bitI , 3Cc dIscount - count aslct'ti. I t' PS 11 LAIIILPIIIA , June 1-Cheariutgs , $13 , . 73l,34S bOllittecs , $2ESitb5. hiAI.'riMoltE. Jung 1-Clearings , $1,241 , . 3(31) ) : hahitnces , $781,222t'- NICYOIIK. . Jung Clearings , $163,231- 604 : hallulIcea ) , $9,570,515. ISOSTON. Jumie 1-Clearings , $23,223839 ; balances , $1,798,529. ' NII' O1ILEANS , Juno 1-Clearings , $1- 127.074 ; New York exehmunge , batik , $1 lIon 31,003 Preunitmm ; ( 'Onm't'ial } , 3Cc per 31,000 , Itreniumu. 151 EM I'll lB. Jutto 1.-Ceanings , 1110.750 ; balances , $162,145 ; New York exeluange , 81,50 , ( 'ultt't , ,1urkels , NU\ YORK , June 1.COFIFiEOptions cistuted steauly with ltrites unchanged to 3 1)4)10(5 lower , amoS fturtiuer eltarIl ( itt under LOCBI selling and the absence of lu'ers , bears euieouraged by sluggIsh and weak condition of Euroieatu markets us well mis ( 'lIIutiflUUtI liberal receipts at flrazlP nil- vammeeti sharply hut the afternoon on tile re- Iwrt that 1110 rates of Oxeltailge had .lumpeti till 4 to 5 7-l6ti ; closed Jirm and umiclutmiged to 10 poluits higher ; salt's , 15,500 hugs in. I rluding Jumie at $5.tt.'lj.75 : July , $5.SO3A5. 5Pt. Itie , siently : No. 7. invoIce , 6'/c ; No. ; Jobbi" 'To Mild , steady ; Cortbova , 8 ½ : t.J1Sc , ONAIIA LiVE STOCK MARKET Becolpis for the Day Considered Liberal Under the OIrcllmstIt.nc08. CATTLE PRICES INCLINED TO SAG SOME Uuuycrs Vcry t'nrthcnlnr os to Wlunt Titey. . rurchns-ilogtu Score a UouuI AuIs'autce and Siteep Itule S1cnd , - SOUTh ObitAitii , Jiune 1 , Cattle. Hogs. Sbeep. Receipts . , . . . . , . . 8,177 5,552 1,895 Qfliciai yostertiay. . . . . , , . 3.95(3 9,429 Z2Q One week ago. . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,572 7,436 i8i2 'Two weeks , , . . , . , . , . 4,053 10,157 tj5S 000 year migo. . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,5.57 5,680 1,031 OfficIal ( or Aiayu . . . . . . . .66.181 181,312 115,201 Average weight of hogs sold at thIs point for eaciu month f the year to date , com Pttred with prol'toiiR ) 'earst 1593. 18 ? . 1B0. 1593. 1594. 15.93. January . . . . . . . . 270 275 275 191 2.39 241 Pebniumiry . , . . . . . . 263 269 228 193 245 231 2.tnrchi , . . . , , . . . , 260 2)30 ) 261 211 233 250 April . . . . . . . . . . . , 161) 261 262 217 242 246 May . . . . . . . . . . . . . 257 271 bt3S 217 240 218 llto official stumPer of cars of stock brotighut In today by each road was : Cattle , Hogs. Sheep. 11'r's , C. , itt , & St. P. . . 1 . . . , 1 1o. l'acihlc . . . . . , 1 7 2 Uutlon I'ncllic , , . , 18 17 . . C.-NW. . . . . . . I . . . . F , , 11. & M. V. . . . 17 31 . . ti. , t3t I' . , .51 , & 0. 19 4 . . IS. & M. It. . . . . . . 3S 22 5 Cbl.&Q , , , , . , , 3 . , I. C. & St. J , . 1 C. , it. I. & 1' . , 11. . 1 . . . . C. , It. I. & 1'V. . . 1 . Total r000IhtS 1)5 ) SC 8 1 The liislosition of the day's receipts was as follows , each tnlyertu Iur'ltltsiutg tile number of head intliciuted : Cattle , llogs. Sheep. Omaha Packing Co 75 7) ) ) ? I. 0. II. Ilmimatouni Co 473 942 2 Swift uttl ) ColttlititY. . . . . . EIS S3S 1,115 Ctitlahu ) ' I'ackiutg Co. . . . . . 7)31 ) 7S2 15 1' . I ) . Armotur , Chicago. . . . . 1,419 B. Ilecker iumttl 1)egan. 120 Lobman & flothscluiltis 41 Iluston & Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 SwIft , from IC. C. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 211 Jlnntmnntl , from K. C. . . . . . . . . . . 4i'i Cony & 'Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 371 Nols 3dorris . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22't North 1' . & 1' . Co. . . . . . . . . . . . 312 Vu'hltc P. & D . , 162 Other htu'erM . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0' ) Left over . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 TotnI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,161 5,536 1,991 , CohtsitiL'niutg thuit tile nuwspaiters all an- noulueetl that the yards would be closed on totla ) ' in houtor of time openIng of the 'rran. mnissiVlSIPltl I6xposlttoim , anti that comiutI 3- slon nba geuterahly wrote to tiucir custom- erR to the santo effect early Ilist week , the run today would have to be cunsldoretl liberal , 'rhiere was a total of sonic 119 cars of all kiuttis of stock reporteti in today as against Ira ye4erduy , 262 a week ago nuid 346 three weeks ago. CATTLE-There ViUi a light run of cattle for a Wednestlay , mis was to be eXICCtCtl under the circumituttances , still the offerings of beef were lIberal for the renault that what cattle were here came under that Stead , Buyers saId that Site average qualIty or tlue fat steers VltS good , though there Wlis notitluig to cOutltal'e wuthi time top cattle here yestertlay. Time nitrkct. opemueti with a good bu'Iutg dclmtltntt fur handy natIve cattle hull hmoltlors of such generally reported - ported that ( Ito ) ' were able to gut ftuliy stolid ) ' prices , or lenitnPs strong , as cotmt- pared with yesterday. As It became 1(1)- lInrelit titlit. shihlipers wore intL wanting , lumany cattle local buyers lowered theIr itauitls unti tIme close vas rather 3ioW. heavy cattle \vere slow all day and buyers vere mono inclined to boar them than to bid up. lit fact sellers gencraiiy'clalmetl that the best lilds that they could get for their heavy cattlt3 were lower tItan yeu4tcr- day , Shippers must bemr in unbid that. there Is at wide difference bctweeut the way itamullightt uim4ivo cattle nrc selling and heavy cattle , even If they are smth , timid veii fattened. The rough and badly brauttlcti heavy cattle arc still worse sellers. Sometliimtg hike eight loads of cows amud lteif rs were Included among the tiny's receIpt - ceIpt , amid Its the tleIfllllttl was good they were sooll cleaned up at hymn prices. A strimig of the stamitlartl coti's sold at. $4.20. Bulls brought fiuhly steatiy prIco3 and time sztmc Was ( rile of veal calves , which were In larger SUiplb' thami for sonic diys , quite U hmtutcht selling at $1.50. Stockers mmd feeders , as usual of late , were very scarce and tlue niarlcet Un- cimanged. Representative sales : STE IC ItS. No. y. l'r. No. As' . fr. No. Av. l'r. 1. . 87' ' ) 33 75 20. .1107 34 55 3..flOb II 45 1. ISO4 04) ) 12. .1034 33 $5..w39 4 45 3. . 96' ' ; .1 00 23 , .12(34) ) 35 Si. .1145 4 45 I. , 7O 4 00 2. .1450 35 49. .1303 4 45 1..32u0 4 05l..130j bo 41..113)J ) 4 4 1. . 910 4 05 11.1192 33 19..1172 4 15 'l..1577 4 10 23. . 78)3 ) Iii 13. .1236 45 23. . 22 ! 15 35. ,13l3 33 l'2..1100i5 27. . 9. . . 4 15 62. .1394 35 b0..1O-St ) 50 1..101i ) 4 20 20. .1057 35 53. .1111 4 50 17..1073 4 20 Iii. .1111 35 42..1LITU 4 00 22. . 071 4 20 17. .1391 33 20. .1101 50 3. .1166 4 24) ) 20. .1291 35 22..1l-tS 50 1..1070 4 20 14..1071 35 42. .1143 50 2. .110) ) ) 4 25 20. .13)32 ) 40 2I,1102 ) 50 39.1071 4 25 27. .1213 4 40 1. . 981 4 50 14.lolJ 4 Za 40. .1521 4 ii , 31.,13S 4 b4J C6.1123 4 25 7..I103 40 17..15S5 4 CI ) 2.126 , ( ) 4 :15 : 71..11l3 4 40 20..lSol 5. ) ) 6..1021 4 25 5.0. .1soo : 4 10 15 , 806 4 50 28. .1037 4 25 23. .1003 4 40 1'J..1136 4 55 21..931 423 39..1216 440 4..12'JJ. 464) 7.,10)4 ) 4 2t 19 , .100)3 ) 4 II. ) 20.1291 4 00 25 _ 20. .1311 4 45 2 , . .137)1 ) 60 19. .1237 i 30 16. .1233 4 41 20. .1276 4 65 8. .138' 4 30 . 9 , ,104I4 4 45 1 , . 070 4 65 cO'vS 1. . 700 75 2. .1203 3 50 13. .1179 3 90 1 , . 5400 00 1..lbO4J 3 60 1,1150 3 94) ) 1..IISO 04) ) 1. .10-50 3 60 1..1lCO 3 00 13. . 913 10 1. .1020 65 1. .1200 3 94) 21..II0U 24) 1.,1IS0 65 1..1200 'JO 2. 860 25 1..llS ( ) 3 65 24. .1015 95 4 , .1067 23 1. .1310 75 2. .1180 00 1..b070 23 1..IOSO 75 1. .1060 00 I.1000 25 5..1357 .1 75 1..1l2O 04) 5 , . 092 :15 : i. .IISO 75 3. .1256 00 I. . Sit ) 3 15 : l..Io:1o : 75 3..1320 00 2. . 831 : i 40 111. .1019 80 4. ,1OI2 10 2..l1l0 3 40 24).1073 85 3,10C6 10 1 , . 930 3 40 J..Il90 85 1..149' ' ) 4 10 2. . 915 3 50 4..1065 85 21.1106 4 20 27. . 994 3 50 I..II5O SC IllCli.'ICItS. 1. . 750 : i e 6. , 020 4 15 1 , , ' 700 4 25 25 , 911 4 00 I. 600 4 21) 13 , 677 4 50 1. , 000 4 04) ) 1. . (30I 20 1..1J3I ( ) 4 33 1. . 570 4 ( .10 I..I0i0 4 25 1. . 830 4 40 COW'S AN ! ) IlbCIFEItS. 2. . 835 351) IS.1071 4 15 21. . 814 41S I1IJLLS. 1 , . 970 2 50 1..1370 : m 40 2..13O5 365 1. . 9241 31) ) 1..lblO 35.0 1.,1OCO 370 1..3410 3 20 I.,1470 3 55 1.1634) : i 73 1lcSiO 3 25 1..lb&O 3 60 1.,1570 375 1..1270 323 1.IS8O 360 1. , 5410 SItS 1..OlO 335 1..11u30 3115 1.,1130 410 C/i IXCS. 1. . 22-3 5 17 % 1. . 2.10 5 75 1. , 210 6 fO 1.280 525 G..390 65.4) STAGS. 1lI80 3 45 1..1490 4 00 1.,1404) 4 10 I. ,1230 3 ' 10 1.,1900 4 10 1. .1650 4 10 2,1J1S . .4.0G. STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. 1.,1b20 :1 : rio s , . CIII 4 25 F2. . 003 4 40 l.I0dsJ : i 65 2. . & . ) ) 4 25 4. , ' 35 4 40 1 , 870 3 5. . 000 4 30 2 , , 5.80 4 40 2. , 54)0 3 ii ) ) 1,105O 4 31) 5 , . SOS 4 40 2. , 360 4 15 1 , , 770 4 40 3 , . 704) 4 5.4) 1. . 904) 4 15 6. . 945 4 40 2 , , 810 4 5.5 5..1l76 4 15 2. . 513 4 40 3 , , 466 4 83 14. .1005 4 20 7 , . 9'33 4 40 liOGS-Thiert , Waut a fair average rumi of hogs ( or It Wedumetelay anti larger tluaiu was ( XltCCte'1 unties' h lie clrcuutstanc'es ) , The ( IlualIty was gosl , as was Site ease yesterday - terday , ititul there waut itlenty of the kind of hogs that Packers 111cc , ICanly ittivhces were favorable from Clii- eago , i''hiclu was a tIecitItlti 110111 to tile selling Interests , taken in coxtuection with I iu a s1 rouugt it 3 iuuw'i by I hud lurovi siutut timar- lcet yestertlay , The greatest element of streutgtlt , itoicever , was ( ho large ( ultipplng ulcnitiiud , For several days the shippers , largely uuitier tiuc Inhluoutcu of railroad rates. have not attempted to tb niucht , hIlt tOlllty Armour and sounu others took twenty to titinty loads , ititti local packers s'eru contluciled to iuutlo to get enough to lilt orders. 'l'hto result was that the market oltenotl 51110c higher mind wtuti active Ut the ad- 'i'liii't' , # 0 muchso that evarythtluig in tue yards soon ItasSeul out of lirat luantis. Later trains were bought UI ) 00 arrival and everything was sold and weighed UI ) at on early httur. 'I'lut , most Itt the lungs snIul at $ i,24)fI.25 , its against $ i.12 ½ 4i4.15 yesterday , hogs solb - tolia ) ' lOb 15c luigher titati on btlonduty , halt I onir aSoutt - ScSmigluer than a week ago , After nil the declIne in values that has tlukolt plac , , dining the jast week or two Jiitai # turt5 ( tilt with values SOc higher thumi they vere at time coulunoulccmont of May uttil SIlo hmigimer than they were Jumue 1 a yaam' ago. On June 2 , 1506. the average price PailS for hogs on this marlcet was only $2.8) , It'pi-eseuttathv ) a1etu : No , As' , liP , I' ' No , As' . ISP. Pr. l4..2)7 ) 40 $1 11 % 70 , . . , , . 213 . , . $1 ll',4 64 , . , . , . 201 120 4 I7 23 . . , , , .2' . ,0 . . . 4 l7t 40 . , . , , . 203 40 4 17 ½ 67..63 110 420 71..245 5.0 4 20 26..224 40 420 00 , , . . , 212 160 4 20 137 , . , . , ,2' II SQ 4 20 Cl , , . . , . 250 . . . 4 20 35 . , , . . , 3415 , , , 4 20 Ci , , . , . . 210 50 4 20 61 , , . . , . 2343 , . . 420 63..232 80 4 20 65 , . , . . . 223 40 420 , . . ' ' . 229 40 4 20 SO , . , , . , 357 160 4 20 70..246 . , , 4 20 54 . , , . . , 213 . . . 420 r4..t54 80 M Ct..iCl SO 4 u 44..233 . . . 20 74..2l9 40 4 20 53..2 : 160 2(3 ( Gh..252 , , . 4 20 82 . , . , 250 , , . 20 sq.233 80 420 61..tCO 120 20 65..251 120 120 76..26'S ISO 20 63..261 . , . 4 20 74 , ' , , , . 273 200 20 Ci . , , , , . i.i , , , I 20 61 . . . . .2(35 160 20 71..2l9 80 420 67..245 . . . 20 27 . . . . . . 27 , , . 4 20 7S , , . . , . 235 SO 20 72.244 O 421) ) 2..211 40 20 10..339 . . . 4 20 Sn..hI 120 20 20..273 40 4 20 7S..240 SO 20 1)3.255 , . , 420 65 . . . . .2.5.5 . . . 20 75 , . , , . , 257 tO 4 20 63 , , , , , . 253 . . . 20 62 , . , . , . 250 30 4 20 ST , , , , , .2. 7 32' ) l24 57..210 5.0 4 20 ( l.21'O 120 24) ) 60 . . , , , . 2'4 11) ) 4 20 72 . . . , . . 230 . . . 4 2) 79..23 10 4 20 62 , . . , . . 25 , , . . . I 24) 5(3..270 40 4 221,4 Cl . , , , . . 233 50 4 22(4 SO..263 50 4 23 64 , . . . , . 301 . 80 4 bIt4 67 , . , , . . .B . , , 4 30 * 21..6 . . 50 4 23,4 11..2T1 SO 4 22t r,3..2" ? 200 4 22L f4 , , , , , , 243 50 4 22-4 . . . . . . , , , 4 224 5.1..29i ) 100 4 22i (19..276 ( 160 4 22t (13 ( , , , , , . 266 50 4 22 73..556 . , . 4 22c5 f,5 . . , , . . 292 SItU 4 3Z 53..211 50 4 22 % 17'iii : . . , 4 $3.,234 111) ) 4 25 73 , , . , , . 2.t.5 $0 4 25 9..241 221) ) 425 69 , . . . . 235 . . 425 SO..2.0 4) ) ) 4 25 62..313 . . . I 23 53 , , . , . ,3 03 Si ) I 2.5 6.1 , , . , , . 239 5.0I 25 Cl . . . , , 319 80 4 25 59 . , . . . . 262 40 1 2.5 6..213 50 4 25 I'S..2(30 . . . 425 . . . . . . . SO 4 23 141 , , , . , . 26S 3211 4 2 SI , . . . . , 271 84)I 25 31 . . . , . . 3513 . , . 4 23 WAGON l.OTS-T1II1OW OUTS. 3 . . . . . 213 . . , 323 1 . . . . . . 120 . . , 350 5 , , . . . , 122 . , . 3 75 6..171 . . . I ( IC 2..355 . . . 10 - I..370 . . . 4 15 1 . , . , , . 250 . , . 4 15 4 415 SO 4 15 -4 , . . , , . Ibtu . , . 15 1.s. ; ) . . . 4 lb . . . . . . ' . . . . .1 15 5..216 . . . 415 7. . . . . 2iS , . , 15 ii..212 . . I 'lP S . . . . . . . .24) . . . 17'4 2 . . . , . . 233 . . I l' 5 . ' . , , , S'2 , . . I75 : i , . , , , . 331 SO 4 1. I . . . . . .310 . . . I7lJu S..314 . , . I bib 6 . , , , , , 251 40 20 1 . . . . 300 . . . 4 20 C..293 . . . SlllCICl'-Tlit'rt , ivero three cam's shIpped direct to local Packers which worn not offered - fered fir sale 11011 ttve ears of wniietl , ianmbs , That , nsiula ( miii a lIttle Iaiuucht or two driven In , ettuistltiuteti ( lie day's Iftuhihily. lltlyI'ruu seeimietl to wautt l3'em'3'thtiflg lucre unti % 'ere ofl'tn'iimg' stronger prudes. cit'iut'rs ivero imutithing Oil pretty strong In what ( Ito ) ' huntS , so ibid the pouts were mint cht'utreti ItS ( 'SrI ) ' flR wtnuhl otherwIse htutvti ht'cll tue case. Still everytlmiutg wits t)4)ltl ) antI weighetl up in good season. The iituutlts irouglut just So mom tlman a emIt fi'ttin the utalne lot brought yesterdity auth uituy btmtoi'c. Iteitrt'sentntiv sales : WI. Pr. is ewes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91 $4 20 C native inixij . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .141 -I 55 1145 Moxicitus iauni,4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 5. 90 ( III1C.ttbO LIVE $ TtCI ) ( ) tAlllCll'l' , l.limuilid Supp1' hr Ctittit' liesulipi In nut .tdm'iiiuce lit l'rh't s , CHICAGO , Julie 1.-'rlue caItle siupply to- tin ) ' was so hinmiteti that prices averageti 101)tSc higher ; dressed beef steers , $1.1G'CI' 5.00 : choice steers , $ l.tlOepS.20 ; nhiMltiln ) , 31.45 511330 ; stockers antI feeders , * 1.064115.00 : cows nutS hielfers , 33.40fl4.O0 camber' , $2.00113.35 ; 'l'extts steers , 31,30f14.70. 'htere wits an uetI'c tieinnnil for hogs antI 'ivitht contiuutueti light receipts prices unoved S higher ; fair to choice , $ i.biQ14.21 ( ImdIl- cr8 , $105534.25 ; buttclters , $4.I&1f4.45 : nuixeil , $4.1Ol'l,40 ; ligiut , $ : l.854ti.3O ; pigs , $5.tbYiiS.tIO. The demnalid for sheep was nctl'e limitS Prices bet 5cr ; comutnitumi to choice iiimeeli , $8.50 614.1' ) ; wcstem'n Shmet'h ) . $4,13ii.60 rants , $1.25 514.00 : 'rextis mthmet'li , 31.70 ; clipped lambs , 34.75(3(5.54) ; wooletl iammtbs , $ G.OOii 0.10 ; t4lirlutlC Ilitahis , $ SXtOq1G.50. bllCCFill"I'S-Cattle , 11,5.00 hieatl ; hogs , 24- 000 head ; sileel ) , 14,04)O ) head. St. Iuiuis Live $ lit'IC. ST. LOU I S. June 1.-CATTLIC-lteceipts , 2,200 imeal , lutelutling tOO Texans ; slulpincuts , 500 heat ) ; niarket opened SI rolig for umat Ives and closed easier ; Te.xltims stromig to lOc huhgimer ; fair to fuuncy natIve shipping anti export steers. 34.351(5.10 ; btmlk of tihi's , $4.50 &i4.00 : drt'saei , beef antI butehtor steers , $4.10 5(4.80 : bullc of stlcs , $ l.3Oim'l5 ; steers tuttier 1,001) hIts. , $3S51z4.40 : 11111k of tunhea , 34.1541 4.30 : stockers until feetlt'rs , $2.941'di.75 ; btthic of sales , $3SM54.5O ; cows anti heifers , $2.23 1)4.70 ; bulk of cows. 33.151i3.90 ; Texas aumd lmitllait steers , $3.251t4.33 : bulk of sales , $3.30 1)4.10 : COWs ttumtl itcifer3 , $3.O01j3.&O. IIOGS-lteceipts , 6,900 bettl ; shtipments , 1.700 heatS ; mnaricet active ltlttl etchS ) ' ; york- ens , 83.90414.10 ; liachcers , $4,15(1.8.3 : butchers , * 4.25(354.45. SI llCEI'-Recehhtts , 1,101) head ; slmlpnmeuits , 700 110116 : market steady ; natIve unuttons , 4.2514.65 ; lambs , $5.25'3t5.&O ; bucks , $3.25. lCnuasns City' Live SlocI. . KANSAS CITY , Mo , , Juite 1.-CAT'l'LE-- Receipts , 6,200 head ; miirlcet active autO stead ; s , largely 34.251)4.70 : lirilne hteav ) ' steers , 31,65111.50 ; metliumu , 31.35(311.65 ; ligiut wi'ightts , $ i.001j4,50 ; stockers antI fce- era , 33.00115.23 ; cows 0110 lielfers , $1.404.70 ; canners , $2.0'5i3.40 ; bulls , $3.IOCji.20 ; 'l'oxtis steers , $3.9)tf4.2. i lOGS-Receipts , 1SID ltt'atl ; mnaricet opened luc higher ; uudvanco sooti lot-ut aitd elosut 5(3iiOc Inwet' ; bmmilc of siies : , $ i.)0iil.25 ) ) ; lmefl' , ' ) , 31.30(324.35 : mIxed , $4,00ii1.25 ; iiglmt , 31.75111.25 ; itigs , 32.751)3.75 : packers , $4.00(3j 4,25 : yorkers , 31.03(341.10. SIIEEI'-bteceipts , 1,091 lientl ; supply coil- sltttcd largely of soutllivesterns1 niaricet strong SI ) JOe higher ; utative mnuttons , I 1.23(31. 4.75 : southwesterii sheep , $4.10 1.50 ; culls , $2.5O1jb.00 ; atocicers anti feeiier , $2.CO1i 1.00. N.'i' Y < ir1 J.ive 51I'lr. NIC'.V YORK , Juno 1.-Il ICEVES-ile- cetpts , 1,516 iteuil ; steers lOc lower : fat cows w'ealc ; bulls attd cotnntnlt amid mnediuni cotta hilgimer : steers , 31.50(315.10 ; oxen tail stags. 33.00(311.25 ; hiulls , $3.50ib4.25 dry cows , $2.25i 4.00 ; cabIe low ; exitorts , 2,460 qtiiirters of beet : tomorrow , muinc. CA l.VISS-blecehpts , 4,572 hienul I 25ilSOc higher ; all soul ; vetils. 34.00116.50 ; choice , $ G.6OPG.75 ; bmtttermilks. $ i.O4I-li'S. ( ) SIHCE1' AND LAMIIS-Iteceipts. 5,014 head : active and htiglmer : Hhleej ) , * 3.50(3)1.75 ; 110 yearlIngs here ; lazuibs , $6.231j7,00. IIOGS-ReceliuttI , 5,550 head ; firm at $4.10(3j 4.50 ; pigs , $3.004.OO. Ciuiiiumiiu * I i.hi t Stoeli. CINCINNATI , , June 1.-IIOOS-Stcady , Sc hhgher : $8.40ti1,40. CATTLE-Steady at $2.71j4j5.O0. ShEEP-Active and lirm at 32.75111.00 , LAMBS-Steady at 33.713(311,75. Slelc lit Slialud. Record of receipts of hive stock at the four lirinchlial markets flr Jimno 1 : Cattle ] 1og , Sheep. Otnaima . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2,177 5,552 1,1.03 Chicago . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11,1300 . 21,000 14,1)00 ) Kituisas City . . . . . . . . . . . 6,200 18,179 1,191 St. LOUIS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,200 6,900 1,100 - Totals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22O7 51,631 18,159 ' ' II'S' . COT'l'ON 3i.htiC ileitria Ar. ' I mu Comi I rd anti l'rle.'s Ju'oii H Iteii' l'ohiuts. NlCV YOI1IC , June 1.-Cumtlitlerallle old lomig stuff % % ' 1t14 tliuslouigetl today by tint bent crowd , i''httchi WIts emicouraged to hammer the cotton inanhet by generally favorable crop new's , lilill llredictions for coultittucti goat ] weather. A decline of 24 POt ccitt on tiuc oiiemiImig was in response to shgns of weakutess in time ICuighishu market , but fol- lovlmig tile call crop news was tlto gov- eruilng factor. 'rhromigttout tile JefIilon tgmlimtg was panodhc. niuti ciiiehly tar local account , A few scattered ordr to lUy the nearer positions vero received from outhorn polmits , ittutl llmirppe' HL'llt It moderate ituunbor of ortiers for both the 1(1(1(1 IiIiO Pumrchast ) of cutton Iliunly in tile sessloui. hut itsltle from this thu llroes- tuiotai ) oIemeuttJiad. tlta.muiurltel prelty much to Itself. Shorts wore restralimeut some. what by tIme tirm temper of New llnghaumd , dlspatehies ruigitrlling tile Sltullitioul oum tile Print cloth nturIcllt. ) mind ttdyicu'ut from tiiui soutlt to tito effect little let up Is iutleuI iii the tiemnuutl fitr spot cotton , Aitsencti Of outside support tt.nIuusiy hammdicapinab or- forts at longs to check that tiec'hine. The market. closetl quiet at a net lasim tf 5146 her cent. 'I'otni saleS , 81,1100 PIties. S'ot ' , ( lull ) middling , 69.1Cc ; nut. rectiiltts , 069 ilaleli ) gross , 34,001 'itak's ' ; exports to Oreut Ilrliaili , 10,028 Pities ; to the continent. 653 baiu , forwarded , 1,037 lathes ; sales , 3,000 bales ; stock , II5W ) bales. 'J'otrmi today ; Net receipts , 4,315 ' 11:1105 : exports to Great llritain , 10,12. ' bales ; to France , 3,2111 lnlauu , : to the c'omttlnent , 85'i lutlea ; ; ntock , 151,198 lfl11i13 , Consohhtlateul 1 Net receipts , 23Ssb itahu's ; exports to ( brent Ilm'italn , 24,124 bales ; to Framice , i02lO 1)itle ; to tile couttiutent , 16,911 hales , 'I 0(1(1 81)1cc ) Hcttemnber 1 : Nt receipts , 8.362.II bales ; exports to Great Britain , 3,314,777 imhes ; to Yu'nnct' . 793,203 bait's : to tltit cutntiiteitt , 2,814,714 itnle4. NJCS' OISLICANS. J iin 1.-COTTON- Futures ittea'Iy ; salt's. 18,500 1)11105 ; .Iunt' 53.1.9 biu ; July , $5,961i5.97 ; Auiguuut , $ .5'JGli 5.91 ; September , $5.It9115,00 ; OctOber , $5.It8(3v 5.50 : Novoinhter , $5.90ixS.Ul : 3)et'eniler , $5.03 65.Sl ; Jantimiry , $3.tuG(3j5.tIl. Spot , citsy' stiles , 2,400 baie4 ; ortlinary , 4 5.Bc ; good or- lunar ) ' , 50 ; how niltitihhng. 5 7-ICc : rnidtlling 6 j.lCti : genii mititillag , C 3.Se ; ruitluIhluig ( air 6e. Iteceipts. 5.52 bales ; stock , 175,235 1)1111's , LlVlCbti't)0l4 , Juno 3.-CO'Ii'ON-hipot , lImited dtiunurd ; prIces lower ; Antericaru mnhthulliitg fair.I 1-32u1 S gootl mhulullhrug , 214)1 ) ; American iniclubhimig , 21 19.124 ; low mkitlilng 3 35.33u3 ; good ordinary , S 5.164 ; ordinary -3 1.50 , The sileH 'at the ibay were bihes ; , of w'hlidlu 404) store ttu uqo'rmiatittui itflll export and iiiclutlet'5 5,401) AmerIcan ; receipts. 23fKY ) bales , hiteludhtug 2244)0 Amen. can , litures opeausl ( pilot , with a mnouler- ate uleunanti anti ciotwul steady : AmerIcan middling , 13. . Sd , C. . June , 3 33.GltI sellers' Juno aitl July , 333-610 sellers : July and August , 3 33.Gitl Pu , , era ; August and Sd' . temPer. S 33-Cid sellers ; Seltomnler anti Oc. Sober , 3 32-OhS sellers ; tc'tober anti Novem. Per , 3 3O-04V3 3l..t-Ith lnuyers ; Nos'eunber and December. 3 20'641j3 50-Glut buyers : It'cojn. tier and 'January , 3 20-61(303 .8)-Clul buyers ; January and February , 3 29.6itJ3 30-64U buy- n : rebniary timid March , 0-6lJ'3 21.tli seihors , Metch and Aprhi,3 $1410 buyertu , lintuinS's , SltniyIn 1i 11rnu14 , , . NE\S' YO1tI. , Julie 1. llank elc.'trimigs , ft repottt1 by hrati.trc'et's for Site booth U May , a itas expected , in 'iew' of tluo 1,51. , icr btl5lnes couitlithouus repotteth for semi weeks pash , Show a qeiui , thu. . aggte4lltli beluig over that of April ntth ) over lircetlhil1 mouths of 5tII ) for a Inumuber of years leishu Ill fact , thmero hi 01)1) ' OttO tlti' till ret')1t111 titat of ISOO , % ViiC'li SIte tOtlil vIctim-lags w4.ii1 . 45 heavy as in Sue month just closed. 'the eletutlns at stivutt.uet-eii i-i1it' for the umiotttii iuggregnte $7735O , ( 4),1)34) , fl gRimm of 8.4 Itor ccitt4 ui'er .tPrli of 23 Per cclii , UVC May a your ago utnd ltoW a tiectonso o only 10 per Cclii front thuG immense recoal breaking total of January thIs year GainS steno tue heavIest In the grain irowhm1i $ sections limitS lii thai uitltbtllo stntes grethil. Tile ont * gi'ttl ) SllovIlig Ii deehino is SiSal of tIme ew iCliglanmI elites , For tile llt'll lilotltiutu of tile lireselil ( 'flit'llIill' year tile total clextriuigs aggregated $27,446,000,000 , tIle heaviest loinS ott record for tIle first iit'tl lutQhthis of the year , exceetiluig thouo of 1355 ) 'Cam' P3' . 3 per ceutt , tlioo of thai low wni'r bark year , 1591 . , by 47 II' et'itt , anti tiol.fl ) ( if the ilrttt fl. & . muuonths or 1891 , which wt'ra ( lit ) ileui'ieqt ever kluown heretofore to that iterlod , by 3.5 POt remit , lortlt i'Iumnmeinl. , tONDON , Jniio 1.-Tiuo tlinu'kt't for Anm ? . lcmin 8Cctlu-hti iras ilt'tn nIl tIn ) ' on NeW York Iitl'himg , Tiuo closing tone wuts strttfl nod Site tlenianul nitnierate. T1u lulnotutIt II iiuullioui tltkOtt iltto the linlik ( If lCuiuiutuid tr , ; balmtn'o ttttlny ivuis .iI7lilO ( , Inuilli eoilfli'hI I'iils w're ahltittei tollIly at Itt 3 5.113,1 , Gold is qumott'tI at Iftienos .yres at 165,70 , ShinitiSit 4 $ t'ltttui'tl at :11 : 1.3 , ii Itt'S guiut ; of t her cAnt S'A It IS , Julie l-l'rices were hirin on thIl boursi' inthay. 'I'hue light stctt'ls carried , Iver hntlieatetl gr'lth ( ) ' retitueetl tlttt' iii tlmn uhien mluarlct. : 'l'lirt' ss'ns a report titUS tluo Uan ) itt Lrttumco ms'lli l'etitl&'t' its ruito ttunui-ruiV ( rota S to 6 ler ( 't'itt. tilulinituli 'Is iulllrtlvell ; out rumors cit i't''erst's to time Aumit'rieruhi hleet ( lit Slillthagt , tb ( 'hInt , flitS Ilnillun se eturities iuttit'ovt'l ill t'xlectlttlufl cit it s0hlit tioii it the mmiinistc'u'hal crisis , Spallislu IS closed at SI 1-5 , a iut't gniui of S'S lIeu' ent 3 11cr cent routes , 102f ilh'te ' for Slut' ttt't'Itlm1t ext'hiiiiige ( lii Iommtlou , , 25 2St.t for ehut k'A 1111111.1 N' , Jimin' 1. - itltilalt scclrities ) ni lht'iI oil tile ltuurs& ' Ibm tollIly , uhtme to hlIn t ( 'i'll , lullit 1101 (1 t I ho ClIlliumOt en situ in 1 tnl' , I ocnl stttt'hcs ts''rt , ticti'ti amid Aliieri(41is , ivero iiruit lit i''Itltimtstt to ( lit' lotte tif 5118 Lontittu uumaricet , Nunthut'nmt , I'aehhiex were higher cii favorable traillc receipts. $ , urnr ! 3imuritets , NE'I' OIlI.l'iN5 , Jumie 1.-SUGAR- Stenthy : ( ilieli kett he Sijie ; rentu'lfuigtiis ivluhti' , 4'554-l 5-Sc ; yellow , 4t(34'l'4e ' set'ouuis , 235913 7-Sc , Molasses , stCll ) . ; t't'iltu'ifthgItl , NEYOI1E. . Jiuiio 1.-3ItTGAlt-lt * , ilruti ; fair reiluiluig. 3q ; ccuitriftmgal , 00 4 5.1 Cc ; reii imeti , II rut ; itiouhtl 4t C 5-Sc ; uitnn- utarti A , 5c : ctiilfcctloitrs' , A. iUt' ; cut itnf , 5 7-Sc ; cntisiut'tj , Ii 7-lIe ; hullwuiert'ti , 5 7-Sc ; graiiulntetl , 5 3-Sc ; cubes , 5 5-Se. t'nlltnu'iuia 1)rheul 14'u-uuis , N1CVOlti. . , 3 iuute I.-'Al.l 1OllNTA 1)111 I'll ) FIIIJI'I'14-Stroumg. IC\'nltulrtitcti ai- iii es , lluut mu nu , , 6Ou. . Item' ill. ; llniunu w'irt tm y , Oil 1 4c ; ivoOth 0 u"ieil , l'u'luiie. S1.L.e ; chmtilcr'- , 9ltt)1 ) tOe ; ( alley , lOt' , 1''llfle4 , 44iS'5e. 4\hlrt- ( ' 0tH , Royal , $14 lOc ; Moor b'llu'ic , 101,120. , t'e&ieluos , unpeeled , SItSi' ; hteletl , , 12(3jlt'e. lruhiu SIuImuuuemtl tu for l'uigt't Stun uusi. TACOMA , Wash. , JhlllO l.-Spcelnl- ( ) Secretary Collyor of time Tcicoiiia Cimaunber of Coluilnerce iuus lireliared a statemneitt of the sliipmtiens ( of Ilomur tintS wiucat front the ports of l'uget * otuuutl ( ii fol-cigmi coulimtnes ( i)1'tW''CIl Septeumiber 1 , 1807 , nut ! 3la' I , iIl)3 ) olghtt Itlonthis. II shows a total of uicari7. $6,000,000 worth o tviitat anti $1,376,00I worth of ilotur , or $7,31S,000 of the two corn- ummoilities , 1)urlllg ( ito 60118tli Taromna hiati fiuratelmeti the COlitllfltt ) cargo for forty-ftlflr shuts of tile fleet of sixty-eight vessels zumd Imas sUi)1)iil'tj ) ) Part cargo for twemuty-tw'o of the reniainlitg twenty-four ships. Taeolua'R exports of iiotmr consist largely of slmlplnemlt to China raid Jltlalt ) by steamer , 500 to 1O0 tons or thereabouts goIng oit by sti'aaler every ciglttecum or t\Vellty days nearly if net qiuhte the year aroutid. The grain sililinients to California of laf& have been cxtrcuncly heavy , 10,000 ( ohs of fl-to otdllmar3' slzetl ship loatla being Site amnoulmt ectut to Onto tltia unontli. All save seven of the grln cargoes from the Sound for foreign tbemitiliuttomi tltis acasoti Itai'o gone to Europe. Of ilIc sevoim five were fot' South Africa tel' SiberIa , one ammO one for Brazil. The major hart of the shipmtlcnta for bill- u-ohio Is diecluarged iii France , Great lirliala altO lielgiumit , whIle a COllSl&ICI'ablsi part goce to Spain amid lialy , ' , ' ) 'isu.i . iuuir Crssm , II s'mmni'i. ClillYhiNNhl , Wyo. , Julie 1.-Slieclal-- ( ) The weekly repou't of time croii colttlItlon ill W'yomlutg of the veatller limurenu sluatvs timat titlriltg lute past wee1 excessIve ralafalls are rcported to have occurred iui ceveral larts of Site stale. On time 2biI amid 24th , - 2.29 llll'lleS of raIn fell at Fort \'lislmmlclc : A water sltotlt is reported at I'as Creek air tiuc 2151m , All of tile sireanis of Converse aluil Joltnson county % vere above tlue luigh water mark. Ibahl Is reported from Sweet- tvnter , Laramie and Converse cotuuitie emi the 2-lilt , 00111g. however , hilt little dalnage. The temperature of the week was warmer tlmait far the wechc lirceedIlig , yet still below - low the normal. No frosts are reported for the weclc. Alfalfa , grain and other early crops have made gooib growth ottO are iii good condition. Meadows are oxcelielut nulL a splendid crop of hay Is assured , The' Benson Is about a week late but with warni weather from how forward the best. of crept are assured , - JiuO latin Io Not I i JIuxLeti. TAIILEQUAII , 1. T. , Julio 1.-Special.-- ( ) Amuotimor detaciimeutt of full-blooded Intltalllb who vIsited Olti Mexico with a view to cob- utlzilug a large itoity of Cherokees down ( hero has Just retum'nc'l , J. hoary 1lclc , one ot the number , said tiuc country was Ilot what It was represented to be. Mr. lick ) saId : "We visited the slate of Sonora , 'l'liG country Is ruiuimost a barren desert with a few ilthaliitamlts , They 1l11v0 110 fresh water streams , as- the Cherokees itavo lut tills l'OUfl- tm'y. The land has to be constantly irrigated at nut enorunomis expense before they caut raise anything at. all. - " 1 it'lhi make my report to tlue Iceetowalm socIety In a few days atul it will act u It sees fit. F'i'outm expressIons that I imave heard some of the monibers milice I do not think the colonization cltene will 1)0 favorably r- ceh'od , : i advise mill my ( uull.hlootled frIwudi to stay away from there. " 1v . "lfluthi iii Msiiu S is InIoS a , CIIAMIIIIIU4/iIN , S. D. , Juno 1-Spa- ( cIal.-Dunlrtg ) him mnolmth just closed more Shall sIx incites at raPt tell tiurougliout liuli Hectiolm , equalling the macst favorable period of time last. ( ow years. As a result of t1u great rainfall , ialto beds at. presemit contain as mimeil vater as they diul after the macIt- lag -of Site heavy niiow which fell iIiunimi tIlCwinter of 1890.7 , and the ground is in 118 good comutlition as itt any thmite iulriitg Ibid last ten years. 'rho ground in now soaked to stub an extent 551St tiledammger of Pal winds Un' latter part of June end the begin- aliti ; f July ii reduced to tile minllumUllt. , Ict.'iIist'Nt' (31 ri in.huIui I S7tN IrItANCISCO , Juno 3.-Speclal ( ) - Among tile graduates at the State umulsersity this year was Miss Unit Yono Yamilgasawa , tIme first Japanese girl graduate of au Amer. lean college. Silo is 25 years elil arld 11113 lIved In t1tl country sixteen years. lie ? work at tite unIversity was In social scieiuce and she brimu annie a specialty of lulstory anti English. _ - H. It. I'etiiuy .t SIn , 5suct''ssors 55 Christ I c-Street CHill , (7ii , ) hmn'v. , rcuuav. cd Ia riusinu 'I , I'csv Yiis'l.c Life ilu1Iuliuus JAMES E. BOYD & 1'clepIlolle 1039. OinnIlli , Ni ! COMM ISS ION , GRAIN , I1ROVISI ONS stud Si'OCI BOAI1I ) Ol TRAIlS. flirv'L wire. to Chicago and New York , Corre.pocudcntsi Jlau A. Werna & Ce.