- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - SPECIAL NOTICES' ' .tIvertM'nu , , for Iir coIut'ln * % .III b tnkcpi ittII 2 tu. for tIi .iilii siiiiI tnitII S i. in. for the nnrnIg ttti.I $ ni1nr .hItIini. AIh-erIMCrN , by reuesttIiX St ttflfl bcrq iI ( IIeek , run st nnwi'ver nd. l1rcNNe. tu U imiiiuhcrcil lttttr Iii enre 4t Tue 1Ie. An.swrs t sddreN'1t81 , II I sit. Ih'I IrciI un lreIItfttLIII % of thic ehseck only. htntcs , I 1- . , nid flrt tn.crttbn $ ] 8 'word lsrrnfter. % fthtlng Inkeil fur lcss , Ilinti 2u for ( he hlrt htiNer- tlii. rhcsc niIortl'srinen Ic flhti't ' bi rim oijnseCIitIYcl7. . = - - - ML'g'V.tTIOS WATll ) . BY Accountnnt ; wIll take cbgtrg ot cOt- 1ectIon8 resrnnIWo 10 yarM bnkhItg cxperlcrne. A(1lrcss ( P , J3ee. AMImICAN lady. ipenk French. mwlclafl , hZtflISfl1t , tOUflK , quick. 4I1drS4 wRhl dot&ls. ! 3 Arcade Ijofrl , City. MECitANTC1T lrnftMmnn wants ioition $ ; can make working dr&wing4 ) f mtchInerY or complete IIItI $ for factnrlcM , iectriu light TIflflt4. water works , ute. AiircsH ' 1' ; 3 , lice. A2114' - 1OOi - < 1 ( IFI'E1t , large experkiwe , best references , desires poItton ; anything. it 5 , lice. A-31T 'rvo Irniles wnnt poslUon taking chnrgo ot exhibit itt expositiofl best reterenres : ; iven. Address It 9. lice. A-M319 2 J013 11t1NTFIt wnnt positlon ten years' i.xpcrlciice ; sobcr. Addres3 R 8. Hee of. lieu. A-M331 2' ' ! I1LI . CANVASSIflLB to takoort1ert new 1mb of work : no heavy ; oods to carry sa'ary ' ot connIsslon , C 1' , Adams Co. , 4 South t3lxteetith street. 13-83G WNTFfJ. sniesmeti to sell tertutncs and toilet nrtities $100 per month ahd ox- , l'idrner pIIse $ experlenco ullnecct4snry. Perfumery Co. , St. LoU13 , Mo. fl-MGS5 J19' \VANTEI-Florlst or gardner at 1813 Vin- ton St. Ih. lions. H-917 1 'ANTJ ! ) . men t once to 1arn the barber trwle. 'Vito. government has called uimn us for lIJO grailuntes for ( ho army. i5.OO weekly ; two ) 'ear' employment. Our k'c- tureM on huir flUti skin diHeases inako graduates in th'nmnd as regiment barbers. Many local barbers leaving make gradu- atcH in , lemstnil an regiment bnrbers. Many local biirhirs leaving makes home demand good also. Fiight weeks conlpleteH.VrL&o for catnlugtle. Muler System liarber Cal- leg' , Chlngo. ] -MUSl .1 OOVE1tNMFNT Positions. Thu war makea a deiintid , for men In the government civil survice. Examinations soon. Full In formation free. Coiumblan Correspondence - once College , \Vnshington , D. C. Ii-MtQO--4' - - - VANTIUJ , giO'l tinfltr , Scandinavian pro- ( erred , Who CLII1 play in halul. Address lock box 2i3. Newman Grove , Nob. 1l-.tl J4 " , VANT1D , First-class drug clerIc. P G6. 13cc. . 11-241 Ji WANTEDyouiig man for otilco work ; writing Zlfld nrithmettc the qualitleatiuns. Adtlreui it 6 , lIce. il-M321' , 1' WAN'I'ED-A man exlwrienced in market gnrlening ; $ IS.04) POF month. Chas. Coil , 42t and Amc Are. 11-311-i' AN OLI ) Chicago wholesale ten , cigar and 81)1CC ) house wants three first-class sales- rntn having an establisbeil trade in the northwest.VrItt' ttill particulars to C B 21 , Chicago Tribune. 1I-M353 19 EX1'lRilNCE1) tree salesmen wanted to work on salary and cominissioli. 4ldrcss , Stark Valley Nursery. I'Ialnview. Neb. lt-M190 4' SALESMEN to sell soaps nuil druggists' sundries : lOO ier mu. and expcnsis ; cx- p.'rlenco uiitiecesotry Cannon Clumlcal Co. , St. Louis , Mm B-Ml7 2' A-SALFSMEN to s'ii cigars to dealers : salary , O.OO to $200.00 Ier month and ox- ieIlges : axperlcn"o L1nnecessarv : Permanent - nent po5ltion. 'rio Dc Mora Chrar Co. , Springileld. 0. I3-M358 2' IIEST lIe anti 2c seller In Omaha. 230S S Davenport st. , beL 1 and 4 p. in. fl-M3r.2 2' W'AN'1'ID. mon to hum kiln of brick on siinrcs. F. A. Starbuclc , Percival. Ia. . B-MBO 9' ' , VAN'l'L'i-FBAlE IIBI' . 100 GIIiLS for all kInils of worc ; 3 to 5 week. Canadian Ohllce. 1522 Douglas. C-SJS SEI the Eppt'riy corbet. 1511 Douglas St. C-79S .121' vAN'rED , Girl for housework. Mrs. 11. D. Neely , 4i71 Ilamilton St. C-9G9 WANTED. First-clas coolt ; must have recoinmeinlatlons. Mrs. CL 'IV. Megeath , 2137 5. 33rd st. C-9G7 WANTED. 150 gIrls. 1mplo3'ment Bureau , . ' so. C-137-312 1521 Dodge. 'relei'hone - - EMPLOYMlNT Bureau , 12t Dodge st. , syaMs 150 girls. Tel. 876. CU ? J12 \VANTlll-Mangto girls , Model Steam Latiiiilry Co. C-M30s J6 olni. for gen'ral housework In small family. 1003 I'urk Avenue. C-3.19--3 WAN't'ED-A first class cook ; references required. 24)O ) WeIster St. C-JIO WANTED. four ladies of gmd nldres , to sell Sl'tllt3' ' to constitners ; salary and conhtnlslon. Address It 11 , Bee. C-MI4S 2' FIIt lth'l'-hIOUSlS. CitOICF houses aitt , cottages all over cIty $5 to $7. FidelIty , 1st hoer , N. Y. Life. D-839 hOUSES. flcnowa & Co. , lOS N. 15th St D-840 SliVlN largo HIUth from rooms , sultalilq for lodgers , 18th and Barney. S. S. Curtis. D-M222 Jl ; HOUSES , stores .I3'mth , Paxton block. B-Sit . 7dOVINCI hsourehohil goods and 1)1111105. Oni. Van & torago Co. , l511' Fit mom , Tel , i&i. I ) FUflNlTURl And leasehold of a 7 antI 13- room IflOtlCI'fl hat ( or solo ; bargain ; good locat'on , rent low. flemis. Pacton 111k. I-il5ii U-ROOM inoilern hOnitO , 131 So , 23t1t St. , hot sater beat .1. ? ' . , 1' reuzer , opp , out 1' . 0. FtiIt1Hl lIB ) hiniso of S rooms , S blocks ( ruin ltstotflco. Atlilrc'ss 1' 31 , lIre. 11-913 CO'li'AO FS-3.mooin , $7.50 and $8.00 : 5-mown , 10.OO ; 1-rooln , $12.50 : S-room. lt1.OO ; newly P ° lilt t'il a nil iiPeretl : iiiU t I ( UI fur si t tia- tiOll. 43i ( lloa ; 1 of Trade , D-912 FOIl I1EN'l' , 8.roon ) Iiois' ; on Paved street , Eiit Otnubs , with tiSli Of telephone ; cheap for the summer , Laincreaux limits , , 302 5. itth ; , POll lilN'I' , lime-room lmuso with barn , 22t1 st. , near Cnhitorniit ; nutilerii : rensona. hilo to guuil tenent , .lpIy ) at ftbi N. V. Life Ililililing , I-M20t ) A NO. I brtck resiilonro. 1(129 ( S , 11 , roonut keys next door or 3114 N. 7 St. v. n. Mcutl , jr , I-233 6-BOOM modern cottage , Just. cOnllCtel ( $20.00..7. . 11 , Sherwood , 423 N. V. L. 1)-319-1 TI 11AIITI FlYL summer resitience In Ilembi park. near 3th iuitti Lincoln boulovaril , Large tmoumis : 10 full lots ; l.rge bintilo ( or 12 horses ; modern. Ilemis , l'i.xtnn block. fl-MB7 _ L'Ult IIJJiNT-VVIIXISIIEI ) ILOOMS - - - - _ _ _ j - EXPOSITION VISITOItS-i.000 furnished rooms. 'rIto to lxpoiiltiuii ltooiitIit Co.1 Doiigltts block , iGthi unit Doilge. } . -.M IU ii' XPOSlT10N tltlvial liiforinutiiflt Bureau , I3l F'arIluin 5,000 choke rooms to rent. l-St9 - T11F7 FA1lNtM Tl1lItAClZ 23d-3S-4O-U Fariutin. ness' modern building , new fur- fllt3liiflIS ; all elegant ttutsliltt rooms's - Porches. lawn , trees ; within five minutes valk of business center : on idlht eleva- iton : especially dealr&bie for man and ' fanilij. I-M951 JIS' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ roiL It1NT-VElLNlMtt1il ) ) LOOMM. ( Continued lt .tflA NTl1Vftirnishcd reonls motit'rn. 620 5 , 19th. F.4l9'lo J3' MODl1lN south rctotns , transients MI N. 1. 1'L'ltNlSliIl ) tooms. t2 N. 16 ; gmoeerstom' ' , L'-991-Jz : ' , i:5(1I.NTI.EMlN : : , large rotting. iirst class 'mok'mn , neatr husine ceItPr ; references exchanged. Aildress 1' 4S , Jie , . } --MI 15-31' NICI3LY furnished rooms. 2112 Citt street. , N1111.Y furnished roomitfor trnnsienL' , 1914 Douglas. & -M157 .1 % ' FiltNlHll 1B I100MS , 'l'rnniient , this Is our tlace , strictly $1.00 per day , wItliotit boaril ; modem liousit iiewiy fitted mourns , bath. good sumrtimuihngs , , convenleiit to exositleii grountlil and Sherman nvetltI' ) car line. lSO Ohio lIt. } --M1it It IIOOMS , cli conveniences. C21 iki. lath. 1-IS9 .123 - TIlE TIIltOWlilt-Z good roomi , 2OS N. 17. E-Mi52 uS' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . Vl1tY mllcelT fUrnished rooms. liotise nil xnodqmn ; itrivato fanily ; on cam line near 1Iansom hark , 1' Bee. B-Ml7S FOIl RENT , two frott room * . 3ff ) N 22d. . l-M23S .B' l"t71tN1Sil1D roonti. Ill S. 21h nvc . 1-1141 .123' FUILNISIIIiD moomill beautIful loeatloii private family. 11S So. 81st. I3-237-2' 11AUi.IitJL rooms transients. 2..Si Ilmtmney 1-21O-2' LAltGF ideasant runnu. cool , liztile 3 block5 liorth of Ogtlvn hotie and Broad- WIlY car line , 141 Grant St. , Cottilcit flluffs , In , BM3lIl .36 SECUItI desirable rooms lii vrtvrtto tam- Ily-ltve blocks tvest of court Itoutu ; moonis have awnings , modem conveni- enci.i ; IItII telephone service. Call No. 2181 for Ilartleulors , Foil RINT , Nicely furnished front mount In prvlntc famIly , for gentlemen or nina anti % vtfe ; sir..oo tier month. 41t3Viltirtm St FURNIShED rooms. Tmnnslents arrant- modated. 2402 Ca59. M324 7' i'IAASANT rooms ; central ; prIvate family. i5i2Davemtport , F-1d32t ) 3d' N1'AT14Y furn1hed rooms , clteiti ) . 62 S. 19111 , E-M325 30' LAflGF list mourns for rent all parts at city ; ( dflce open till 10 ii. in. and Sundays. Mrs. Jerfmles , IThard of Trade , Sixteenth and 1"amnam , iirst. floor. SOUTh front room to rent. 2112 Ernmet street , one block from exposition grounds. E-M33t - TWO desirable rooms for quiet couple in Private family ; modern conveniences : close In ; references exchanged. \ dlress , 11 2 , Bee. E-322 1' NICEhY fimriiiied ) rooma by day or week. 2010 Davenport. . E-3i FOR tranMcnts , modern. Swift , 2010 homey fl-J30' FIRNISTFD moms. 1621 Cass ; on Slier- man tivenUe car line ; meferelices reutilred. B-M330 8 FUILYISIIIdDILOOMS AID flfl.tItD. 'VilE Merriam , first-class family betel. 20th and Dodge Sts. F-S-il NiSV ALBANY , 2110 Ilinmicy : elegant rooms. llrst-class board terms reasonable - able : tmanslent trade solicited. F-M322 37' PLEASANT rooms , moemn , strictly first- cins board : reasonabio rates : transients taken. 22 N. 19th et. F-M42J J12' ' 1'112 ; iiosii. o 1iaey ; mee cool rooms with board ; translont accommodttted rates reasonable. F-i97 321' 1LEASANT , yell furnished room ; all modem - em conveniences , with or without board ; private family ; near littuscoin park. P 12 , lice. F-792 'CAKE ( ltWii that "fersalo' ' ot "far rent" t sign in your window : 'rite Bce reaches more Iteopie in a day than 'will juiss ycitmr window in a. month ; and they consult tliee columns when they want to la.y or rent. UTOPIA , 1721 Davenport St. ; rooms , first- class board ; transients accommnodateth F-MISS Ji' . PIUVATE family will take a few boarders for summer in cottage at Lake Okobojl. Address I' 62 , Bee. F-M21 J4 2211 BINNEY-flooms and first-class board : tranMtent8 accommodated ; ronwnable , rates. F-M220 .14' LlNB eooi rooms for traitsienti , 20N.I9. . F-M97 330' I'LBASAN'I' rooms , outside , ttatlt , mnoderit , .onvcmiie1ice , porches , trees , tine table. 212 S. 29th st. F-M3h1 2 WELL furnished rooms ( or 2 or 4 gentlemen - men in private family. on car line ; best hart of city ; terms reasonable ; ioartl if required. it 4 , lIce. PP.IVATE family will take n few boarders for summer in rottage at. Okobuji. Atidress 1' 62 , lIce. . Fl ° 21 .B' THE SARATOGA hOTEL Is the Idace. American or European. N. 'tV. corner cx- position ; Sherman Ave. antI the 24th street car line pass the house. Sununer resort style. Families solicited. Modern , cool , Cull ) tartable , homelike. liaths. gas , 1)10111) ) altil lthrary. Telephone 1931. You cnmi get a street cur nitil find a seat In it. We have trees , bIrds , green grass and croquet. Double liarlors. vast verandas , hmautmocks , joll' iteititle and a IOt bear. itates reasonable - able and according to aceommodnttons. F-313 FOIL IthiN't'-tJNFUIINISiiIiD ROOMS. FOR flent , nice south front unfurnished rooms. with 1)0th ; Witlinell tlock. F. W. Carmichael , No. 6 , Wlthneil block. . G-S4S UNFUIINISIED ) rooms ; modern , 1S21 Lens' , Flat 4 , G-MS9O .Ul' l'Oit l11N'I'-Si'01t115 Al ) ( ) FFICBS. Foil rent , tl'e 1-story brick bimhIdiii at au ; Farnam St. This building has 0 fire- lrqof cenient basement , water on nIl Iloors. gas , etc. A1)PIY at the chico of Thmo lice. 1-910 S1'ACE to rentituitable for job prliting , or other small buidmu'ss , Telephone and ilesk , lient cheap. 1517 Burt. I-C81 itOOM. lx20 , siiitilIe ) ) for workshon. ICQI Cass , ilownstnlrs. 1-1)1221 30' DESl room , 31YJ-i0 Pitxton 111k , 1-MML ' A(3Bri'J'S VANTI3fl , AG BWI'S wnnted--1'.lumat ilniatcati's Great War 111)0k. "Our Country inVar , " MI aliotit Arml's , NavIes , Coast Iotenses , Maine llsaster , CuhVar viihm Spalim , and relations with Foreign NatIons. Nearly too ; ? ages , Mi written iflC'.t Mimto Disaster , Magnilicent colori'd lilustma- tlomi , Agents making $10 to * 35 Per day. No oxpcrlenc'o iieci.'ssnry , Most . hlht'rui terimis gtiiIro nte"l. ) 20 tliiys' credi I , I'rlce hiiw , freight lL1i1 ) ) , lbandoino uutflt tree. Si'nil 9 ttv.cent itoinpu to pity postage. 1IticatIonai Union. t1 Deariicirmm St. , Clii- cagu. J-M1 .lunu 5' Oii'ICl4L souveitir budges ltutton ot the Tritnsmisslssipli BxIiisitiuii , I lusthtirs % vmt II I t"I I t ) sd I on ox ) I ittii groii liii H U nil In this city. Also otlu'r Iiin'eIhl&'s. Ii , 2ltiiilili ) , , 110 lieu lhimiidhmig , J-ld2ai .16' /m.UlNTSWnnteil , fur "Our Navmii War " . I tii flui ) ) I a . ' ' Slil ( ' 11,114113' 1 ii ust ra t i'tl , uni y flu m fmi'it t Ic 1)00k t a ho iti hI Inhii'iI. F'reet nutilt now rculy , net quick , Nationul l'imh. Co. , ikeSitlit llltlg , , CiliriLgo. J-M3i)3 JO' AGEN'l'SVAN'l'flD ; we want one shrewd , cart'fiii iitiiii in ta'tmy town to iauktt a few thousand duihiirs for hImself quietly at htiniti niid ittt work hard : iirivn to Iii- structiuns nail 'aiLIubio nutjtt. of new gqods si'nt tree , Address iiiiiiteitlii ttly P. 0. Box & , OS , Boston , Muss. .I-M3 2' W'.tN'I'l3J-'I' ( ) lII3'F , \VANTII ) , itt once , S unturmiishcIroomi , , In central location , Adtlress It. 10. lii'e. K-M053 3' . S'i'OiIAGLS. PACII'lCStorngo amoiWarchoimso Co. , 903- 910 Jones , onemaI utorue and ( orwnrdimm , OMVan & Storage , l5ll Farii'm. 'rd. 1539. M-S51 WA1TI1D-.TO RUT. IF'Younm'e Ia need of anything , try th Want Coiuninq of The LIeo , they wihi bring you what 'oi1 want . POht $ i.l.-.I"t itl'l'Iilti. 1-On ale at a bargain , 500 pillows nod 60' ) mminttresies : newS pIllows , 2 cents iIIi new nmattresMn , 75 centi u. 1105-10 Dodge. V O-M7 J53' ItALLT1tfl , bookn. carpets , couch , stoves , Pictures , etc. , for sale Cileill ) . 2603 Woolworth a'e. 0-itZJl .12' FOIl $ .t1.B-hIOltSt'3 lITC. T1ll best 1)10CC to buy a goal carriage cheap ; bargntn in hlrst class second hand carriage. . 11(0-11 Doiite St. P-M129.J4' LADl1S' driving hmnr'je and hue Stnipson phneton. ) ; 0 B. 31st. 1'-M2I3 .14 - GOOD work team. black horses , ciieai weigh 2.190. Inqulru E. Iurdy 2tli and Burt Sts. L'-3II-3' POll. S.tLI3-l3CILLA15OU $ . 1100 end poultry Zence : better than wtro mtetthig. Fine sawdust for hoots. . Tel. 453. hOt IJouglas. t-S32 flOflSli dipllfli11.'tChlIfleS , knives and re. Pairs , all etandoni maken on liand grin'S-- log razors. shenr clippers ; Prompt serv- Undelanil. Q-833 Foil SALIi-T'm 1t.TP.A.Ns , for 0 cents , ut drugglstsono ; gives relief. Q-M7s0 FOR SAII--Three return Tubulnr hollers ; SC-horse power each , .Appiy to the suaer iritciulent , 106 Bee buiitlimu. -SS5 11AIhJS Saes.-new and iecond-hand ; itiites repaired and ment3. 1.113 Famnani Q-Mill 313 SIX t3econd-hanrl tecI ranges , suitnhlo for restaurants irhuztr.Iing houses , for sale at great bargnin ; must be sold. 1410 Iodge. Q-3S5 jtr' Tl111 best rnied paints at Sherman & Mc- Connehi Drug Co : , 1513 Dodge St. , Omaha , Q-M636 Jil 1100 , poultry and lawn f oces ; all wire ; Is best.'lro Ivorks , 11th and Ilrmioy , q--i34 JiO FOIl SALE , very cheap , 12 shares Union Life Insurance Co. , of OmnUliti. P. 0. Ilo lOSS. , . Q-MGil lBS BICYCbflII down to 3-5,00 : new 1598 , mOdel lailles' and gents' bicl0s"t1ru now being o1d 0.1 Cfl5 conditions as low as ; 3.00 ; others outright at $13.96 , amid high grade ot 311t95 and $22.50. to be pad ( or after receiveti : if you will cut titis notice out and send to Sears , Roebuck & Co. , Chicago , they will send you their 1S93 bicycle - cycle catalogue and full Iartictiia&s. . . Q-M63'J .113' -Fiiii Siutnihi in both thu east anil west , In map form , witit nearly O ) photographic reproductions of the Amer- 1cn nod Spanish iitiVie , naval commanders - ers , etc. All for 25 cents , at The Bee iillct3. It orileretl by mail. aileress Navy Pliotogmajmhi Department , Omalal. 13cc AUTOMATIC Drinking Fouita1ris for sale. 1'ii Automatic Drinking i ountains , dis- tensiug at riII a variety of tt'rnpraace drlmiks , such as Trod tt'i , lemonade , cherry IthosPhate. etc. , ly ilmopping a. enby In a slot. Just the thing for the Exposition. Profits immense ; for lartieimlars deserib- 11mg foUimtiiin , terms , etc. , address George Ziegler Co. , , Milwaukee1 WIs. Q-94-3 50.000 CELE11Y vlants for 10110 at a. very ov price. St. Joseph Celery Onrilen. St JoskIi1 , Mo. Q-M130-J3' FOIl SALF. a young burro , well broke and safe for children. M. 'IV. Lee , Dumilap , Ia. Q-MI5S 37 FOUI1-110fl5F power motor. Omaha hay and l'reas Co. . Room 40 , Douglas 111k. Q-M1S3 J4 FOIl SALE , fresh Jersey cows. Address box 2G. Omaha. Q-M354 S' 1lhIsJLLLAxFOUS. , TWENTY-FIVE cents will buy the latest publication Illustrating tli U. S and Spanish navies , naval commanders , etc. : iilitiost 200 lihotor.tpii1c reproductions , with a large m:1tJ : of the East anti West mules. at the 0111cc of The Bee. If ordered - dered lt , " mall , address Navy Photograph Department , Omaha lice. 11-S70 ANTI-IItONOPOLY Garbage Co. , cleans cesapools & privy' vaults. 61 N. 16. 'PcI 1779 . R-l8 316 3lASS ( ; L , ut'vi I 5 , hi'I'C , OI1IENTAL. 't'uriIsh : bathi for ladies anti goats. 107 So. 14th. , tcl. 1891. Open all night. 'r-M2o jo' MEDiCATED bathm and massage. Mme. Brisson , from 1'ari , 10 N. 11li St. T-M191.-J-14' rAUltA Elli4en , 1lJ N.lGth ( upstairs ) , room 12. Turko-Itusslan amid Plain bnth , ln1issagu. T-701 .119' MADAME AMES. 507 S. 13 , room 10 : mas- sagu baths. 'r-1u992 .13' MIlS. JOlt , LEON , electrIc n.nssage bath parlors ; restful and curative. II ? S. 11th , upstairs. 'i-Ai2.6 .15' MMII. SMV1'll , 118 N. 15th St. . hot spring nod vapor baths. ' 1'-31S.C' I'EIISONAL. VIAVI for uterine troubles. 316-S lice . bldg ; physician colisuitatlon or health book free. 1.1-SB hIATUS , niassago.Mrnc. L'wit , 219 S. 15th. U-SB ? .0. IIU1'TIJIIE cured for $30 , No detention train business ; 0 years lii Omitlia. Caller or w'rltu for circulars. Empire flupturo Cure , 932-932 New York Life bldg. , Omaha , Neb U-913 TIlE Pantoriuni , clothes cleaned , pressed and repaired , day or nIght ; special care given lathes' tailor ntade gowns ; dress suits for hire. N , E. corner 11th and Farimamo. Tel. 1363 , tJ-.S57 A i.ARGE map at the World , cue of Cuba ii nil another of the elitiri , Vest littiien , showing Cuba , Porto lUco , lisyti , San lomtngo , Martinique anti oil the other \Vest Indian isinnds ; 10 ccmtis , at 'l'lmii lire 0111cc. By amahl 14 cents. Ad- dr'ss Cuban Malt lep't , i5nmalma lice. 17-568 Do YOU want to see all time sights In Onialmn. Lltls tiuminer ? 1)0 YOU Want a room ? Do i'Ohi want nil ) ' alit thing ? Are , 'Otl front Missouri ? If so vo call sltow yiu , Send stnifll ) ( or artieuIars. Iltisl- ti.stt i'oniiilentiat , fleferommees fimmnislmetl , Address 1101 'l'lnie ciiilt , Chant's 1 , hart , manager. box 128. Omaha , Nob. 3I 1' IIIONIIY ' 10 I.UJ'-1fl3t. 155'l'.iPl3. WKTED , choice farm antt city loans. It. C. Peters & C'o. . U. S. Nat'l hank bldg. 1fl0,0)11,00 ) special fund to loan on Iirst-class iiiipmoved Omaha property , or tar build- lag lurposs , Fidelity 'i'rust company. W-St0 ; LOAN emi improved & unimproved city city hiruperty.V. . Farnain I3mnith & Co. , 1320 Farnamn , cent city and farm loans. Garvin Urns , , 1613 i"am'nomn t , - ANThONY j.oait & Trist Co. , 215 N. Y. 1. . ; quick money at low rates ( or chitico farm hands In liiws , Northern MIouri. East. em Nebmanku. . W-St1 MONEY to latin on intproveil Urnaha real tatato. ilmejutan-Love Co. , 213 tO. JOtit. . w.-564 lis\S'l'1ltN money for westeril' invest- Iiiiiit.s : stmmil for circular. In'itsttI's Lii. rector ? Cu. , New York. W-0 .37' ' WANTEI ) , to loan , ; 2 , ; ' one leap pro- ( erred ; nisu want to bait $500.00. ' . fl , \\'eil , 16th and Dotigt3s. \V-Si 5 1'EIl cent money , liemis , l'icxtnn P1k. W-SG.i ' 1'ltd ' . % 'htl'l'FliS , - TYl'E\'fllTEltS fur rent , $1.00 irnr month. , Thm Srnutti'L'relnI9r 'I'yptict'rltor Co. , 1625 lumnain St. ; Telephone 12SL OW'ING to the POIillltl'it ) ' At the now models , Nos. il. 7 amul 3. Itentimtgton tylte. writers , they iia'tm haul tu ccure nioio 100)0 iiiitl have ri'mooeil to 1619 Fnrnztmu street , Cell anti sea ihmrum. 674-3-15 hI.tClCS ANI ) COVI'BS , 1IA1'I 13 ititti coupes prtnnittiy furnished at cli hours , day or night , by Iluckmuu's untup. A. .D. ' 1' , , tel. 177 , 864 MOil1Y ' 1ti , f.k1A.-.ciT.tTTIII.M. IIOTO $ l0,00 j"f ( ) AN ON llOhtSEliOl.D " 1INITUItE AND J'XA- NOS , 1DltSI WAG0N ANI ) CAR- IIIAGESVAhllOtTSE fl1C'Ei1'TS , etc 11 1west rates In Omaha , South jmtjt'hit anti ( "otmncil fluffs. No rcmovni of ' , ifls , p4tmIctly confidential ; you calm IeIY the loan oft sit any time erin in any amounts. OMAHA flTiAG1 LOAN CO. , .4 I 31 Siuth 16th St. ThiS-3 OLDEST't.mAltOISTA"1) ONL.'f IN. COltPOflATEbtOAN CbMI'ANY IN OMAIL't. " : t : peoflffo1iT porumit000t ltItlins with responsible concerns upon tbIr 'own name. without security eas5 pltI'mcntS. Tolmzin , It. X-572 -L-- , - - - - l1VSNrS CmIATCt3S. FOR sml , a bargain , my entire dru stock , show nses. ' soda fountain an eountori4l also will root store rut reasonable - able rent ; locntod UnIon Depot hotel , alto block front U. P. nod Burlington depots. 1.rnvst Stuhmt , propthetor. TO GET in or out bf business go to S. 3. GIbsou 614 FIrst Nat'l hank. Y-E6 ? flii'V&TOilS for iaIinhlno of six do- Vttlit flit the flopblian Valley branch of thu' U. P. :1-i. : sfl. , extending south front Lincoln , Neb. , throudh an excellent grain producing region , Will be solt together or separately , as desired. in good repair anti firto workIng artier. Will be oIil on easy temnis. APPlY to Ed S. Miller. Boa- trice. Neb. ' Y-M293 J33 MAClI 1NI Siiopamid novelty works doing a good busihess , for sale at a bargoin on account of Ill health. . .Addresm P 61 , lice. Y-M2l9 34' A NIdA'F little 1)UsifleSs , cigars tobwcos , fruits alul confectionery : also light lunch amid laundry oillce : will cii lnislness and lease clienit. 1202 Douglas St. Y-M330 2' 5-v liAfl established cigar business. Bar- gain. One of the best locations in Olnitha. l'arties leaving city reason for seiliimg. liiqtiiro Mrs. J1Crtes , linarti of Trade , 16th noth Famnam. 0111cc opeit tiil 10 p. in. and Sundays. ' .Y-M332 RESTAUI1ANT for sale , 216 N. 16th et. Y-M327 3' $130 INVISTED earns 33 ocr cent weekly : established IS ritiesl third year ; particu- lam free. B , Sloane , 110 St. Paul. lhaiti- inure , Md. Y-1u1359 2' VOlt IiClAG1. VARIOUS pieces ot' property and farms in Nebraska. to trade for merciianlise. Address - dress L 42 , lice. Z-MS6S 8-ROOM house , tine residence. modern : will trade fort good improved tarot. Wilson , 28th nitil Franklin Sts. , Omaha.Z970 Z-970 .12' BIG list Hotehn , Restaurants amiti Itoorn- log hloutes , Omaha Business Exchange , cor. 12th and , Famnam. Y-M'JOI J4' , It1t SALE-1tEtb I6S'I'A'I'IS. KOUNTZE Plact bargains , $2,500 , $3,750 to $6,500. 3. J. Gibson , 614 First NaVi bank bldg. RE-S69 - - hOUSES , lots , farms , lands , loans , also fire insurance. I3einis , Paxton block.JIESli JIE-Sli FOLLOWING 'iesirnblo ProltertY : Buisinees lot corner , 60150 it. . In So. Omaha , paved. flusiness lot , ; 0x150 ft. , improved , South Omaha. stret pvcd. Tract (24 ( lots ) ' 3jtli St. Tract (20 lots , 313th St. For iarticumlar appl3' 1012 Famnam St. ( - C RE-SlO DESIRABLE eslenco lots , 12lxllO , first- class locattol\ . li iiiiiUtes' walk front court house : clicaIfo.imsh. Address 0 61 , lIce. ' , , ItE-M6I1-J-19 FOR SALE , 7moai modern house anti lot , 23i1\VebstcrtSt.uThr $2,600. For particulars address MrsLSlnlair , fox 433 , Seattle , Wash. BE-MB1 J2 irA'vE you ioi-ia IptS to sell ? Now is the tinTh to dliu)5q ) , bf thorn ; lot the people Itnow that you 'uuinnt to 1sposo of thcmn. The Bee roaee hie PeoP'e ' who have the , . . none3 ; , IF OU have teal etato for sale and want it solti 1istitw1tim me and I wili sell It-it I can. If yofi' wish to imrclutse utti want a big bargain IonIc over my hat. J. 1-I. Sherwood , -122 New York LIfe RE-M414 FOR sa1e desirable residence lotS , 121x130. in tlrst-class location : ten ninutes' walk from court house ; ' . cheap m for cash. Address - dress 0 61 , Bce. 1132-31691 319 FOP. SALE , one of the few iiio suburban residences near Omaha , located on the hills west of Florence ; house contains eight rooms , not coumiiting store room , bath rooms , etc. ; ilnished in hard woods ; fIrst class plumbing , inihividual gas vhnut , two barns , gardener's cottage , ice house. tine trces , grass and shrubbery : reasonable - able price anil easy terms. Walter G. Clark , 1214 Barney lit , I1E-l60 4 $1,000.00 FOR'5room house , nearly new , and large lt near exposition ; city water ; $250.00 rash and $20.00 a month en balance : no Interest. The Byron Reed Co.HE215 HE-215 S ROMES , homes , homes , let us 'show them to you. Two good ones nnml one smaillir onVst Farnam , delightful places. Five In ilanscom Place , I'rices to suit any one. One seven room house in north part of city. Fine lot , Pleasant place. Make oiler. M. .1. ICennard & Son , Sole Agents , 320 and : : ii Brown Block , RE-72t IRRIGATED FARM- 450 acres located in Boise valley , Idaho ; will Producq over 2,000 tiitii nhfalta yearly ; good cattle range convenient ; this Is a bargain ( or any one interested in stock. For particulars udtlress Tate & Stein , Boise , Idaho. fl13-MTT6 J5' 7-it , hou3e , corner lot : cheap. 2114 N. 2ithi. RE-609 J14' 502-904 SO. 20Th ! Ste. 5 room houses , price $1,500 each. J. N. Frenzer , 01)1) . old I' . 0. I1E-649 LOST. LOST-fled row ; big burns. Reward for return 5th 1111)1 Locust Sts. , East Omaha. A. Jacobsen. Lost-Ill 31' LOST. footimiuf handkerchief anti baby phi , on 22t1 & Cumimu ; ; kindly return to lice 0(11cc. ( Lost-230-J1 SlIOltTIIAI ) .tI ) TI'PiVitlTiNG. VAN SANT'S School , 717 N , Y. Life. The chiooi whoo studenta get employment , Conducted by an experienced reporter. . -M418 A'l' OMAHA Bus. Coliogo , 16th & Douglas. . 575 _ _ _ _ _ ' SflOTtT-TIAND'tip-to-dato , titught by court reporters. IIoyies' School , 403.5-7 11cc bldg. 876 OM/ulIA Shtthitmu1 and Typewriting cal- loge , floytl'1.tie.it'r , ' -M422 312' - Ml'IDICAi. . I , t ' ' lA Di ES 1 Chittii.Jser's English Pennyroyal - royal itihls ( Iiitiund brami ) are thto host ; safe. reliablto take no other : eriil 4c StitiItlA ) for. hitrticulars , ' 'Relief ( or 141(11014 , ' ' iii lt'tter by ret urn mail : at ilrtmgglsts , ( Iit'hiester Chemical Co I'liii- zidebpiiha , Pa. Mention lieu.MB7 2' 1mVlI'l'i'hJlt1h 1'.tCICfiI ) , _ _ _ 4 _ _ _ _ _ _ - It ! . 13. W'ALICIN , ' 2111 Cuming. Tel. 1331. , , 573 'i'tiLOIIJNO. - - - , , $ _ - _ MAX FdOIlLitnalces , cleans anil repairs clothes , 307 & . ,17) -433 312 1)11 * SIM A K triTa , DIIESSMAKINCI in tamnillea.2B1 Daven- Port. . - 7.1310 .11' . - = = = - - . - - - 1'.t'NI1ltflICI1hIi3. - 1I.MAlIOWIT loans money,418 N , ICtim. Ii.tII ? 1155 . % I'i ) I4tilbliiIY. B. a CASAD , 519 N.I'11I , 813-J-22 ( Ah11tl.I1 3htiiNG , P. J. KARI3ACII & SONS , 1312 1ltwartl , Tel , 1102 , -AifT : .117 , 3lOI'IY ' 1,1) lO.1. II. 011055 , loans & watchimaIteriSN.,16. JU3TICI.I OP TILSI l'JOAC1 , n. . llOUC'K , 3tistico of the eac , 3C Karbnch block. 963 STl.NOflR.tl'liI'hLL \vF SOb1CIT end furnish positions for stenogmnphers free , The Smlth-l'rcmler Typewriter Co. Telephone , 1283 , 582 I'iIL 1IPflSh'1tOS ' 'lSiTlhIS. WRITE Exposition Bureau at' Comfort , Omaha , Nob. , for all accommodations : no roes. 900- . hli ) ( ILO'li CI.l3NISfl , B. C. M1DDL5T0N , ptactlcnt glovrclenner , 813 N. 20. M890 324 ShIOlIAI(1iht. & 11S-RUQUEST - Moi ed 307 S. 17 , Patterson block. -439 .1 12 11101 CL1IS. BARGAINS' in new anti second-hand hi- ccles1 easy terms. The Safe fibre , 1116 1.mtrnam. -Still 313 111110K. , WITITNEt.I. liro. & SmIth , paving , sewer ltuiihdimi. ' ; enirneity 100OQ(1 ( ; a day ; 22d anti hlickorystroets. Tel. 423. 520 hORSE PASTURE. ALFALFA pasture , board fences. A. W. l'holps & bun , 2477 N , Y , I. . bldg. Tel. 1031. G1S-.122' 1t5iSTAU1LtjTS. - hOME meats ; all hours. 1619 Dodge.4013.Il 401-3.-Il _ - - - - - IOS'L'OF'hiC1i ZOTlCfl. ( Should be rentl daily by all Interestoti. as clmankea mn imOctir at nmiy time. ) Foreign mails for the week entling Juiie 4 , 1893 , will close (1'IIOMl'TLY ( in all cases ) at tile General 1'ottlhii ± u as rolhows : I'Alt- CI3LS 1'OST'IIAILS close one hour earlier titan closlnr time shown below , Tritns-Atiantic % 1iiils. TIIUIISDAY-At 6 a. m. for EUROPE ( except - cept Spain ) , per s , s. Fuerat ] Iismarck , via Ciierbourg , Southampton amid ilani- burg. SATURDAY-At 7 a. to. for FRANCE , SWITZERLAND , ITALY , TUI1K EY , EGYPT anti lIltiTISlI INDIA , per s. ii. Ia Ilourgogno , via liavro ( letters for other jmarts of ldtiropc ( except Sitain ) must ho directed " 11cr La Bourgogite' ) ; at. S a. m. for NE'rIIEIlLANDS direct , per s. s. Span rndam , 'la flottertlam ( letters must be directed "per Spaurnulamn" ) ; at 10 a. m. ( supplementary 11:3(1 : ( a. in. ) , for EUROPE - ROPE ( except Spain ) , per a. s. Lucania , 'la Queenstown ; at 12 in. for ITALY , er s. 8. Kaiser \Vlhhielm 11 , via Naples ( letters must be directed "per Kaiser \Vihliehmn 11" ) ; at 2 1) ) . m. for SCOTLAND - LAND direct. per s. s. City of itomne , via Glasgow ( letters must be directed "liar City of Rome" ) . After the cloning' of the Supplementary Transatlantic lilails anmneti abuvty. nilthi- tionnl supplenemitar } ' mails are opened ott the piers of the American. English , French anti Germutmi steamers and remain open until within toil minutes of the hour of sailing of steamer. 3tnils for South ni,1 Ceimirni AnterIezi , Vest timtlles , Etc. TIIUItSDAY-At 1 p. m. ( supplementary 1:30 : p. m. ) for BERMUDA. iii a. s. Ort- floco ; at 1 l. m. for NASSAU , N. P. , CAMPECIIE , C1IIAPAS , TAIIASCO and YUCATAN. item s. S. Arecuna ( letters for other pacts of Mexico must be dl- recteil "per Arecuna" ) . FIIIDAY-At 10 a. m. ( supplementary 10:30 : a. In. ) for AUX-CAYES , JACMEL and SANTA MAIITIIA. per a. a. II. Daniels. SATURDAY-At 2:30 : a. m. for Nhi'tV- FOUNDLAND , lie ) ' 5. S. Siberian , from Philnilclphia ; at 10 a. in. ( supplementary 10:3' : ' ) a. nm. ) fitr FOR'rUNE ISLAND , JA MA1C. , SAVAN ILLA anti CI1TI LA- GENA. ler 5. 5. Adirondack ( letters for Costa itica must be directed 'per Adiron. duck" ) : itt 10:30 : a. m , fin' 1-IAI'i'I. per s. S. Primis F. hleutirilt ( letters for Venezuela , Curacao , 1'riniilad. Jlritisli aiiil Dutch Guiana must be directed "per Prins F. lien.lrik' ' ) ; at 11 a. In. ( supplementary 11:30 : a. in. ) fur VENEZUEL.A ouch CUBA- C O. also SAVANILLA antI ( ' ,1t'l' I IA- GENA , via Ciirneao. nor a. s. Laughton ; at 8:10 : 1 , m. for Nld'tVFOIJNDLAND , par steamer from North Sydney. SUNDAY-At 1 ii. m. for BARBADOS dl- rect , also NORTFI BitA7.iL , via rara and Mannos , ier s. S. Sobmalenso. ? ttails for Newfotmndianc , by rail to itoh- ( mix , anti thence by teamcr , ciose at this ailice tInily at SlO : : it. m. idaits for .1.hi. quclon , by ruii to Boston. anti thence by steamer. close at this 0111cc daily at S:1) : I ) . fli. Malls ( or MexiCi ) CItY. overland , unless SiCC1OIIY adulressetl for tiespatch bY steamer , close at thit offtt' tinily at. 2:2) : a. m. 011(1 2:30 : 1) . m. "Itegistered mail vIuse at 6:00 : i. n. PrevIouS day. Trtiiis-I'aeilc Mitils. Mails for China. Japan nod Hawaii , per S. S. China ( front Sait Francisco ) , close hero daily imp to Jimmie 2 at 6:30 : P. In. Miiiiii for China and Japan. per s. a. Vic- turin ( front Tacoma ) , close here tinily up to June " 6 at 6:30 : t. m. Mails for Australia - tralia ( except those .for 'tVest Australia , wimirhi mime forvarileti via Europe ) , New ZaIand , Hawaii. Fill and Samoan Is- buds. per 5. 5. Ittoana ( from Sami Francisco - cisco ) , close hero daily up to Jumie " 10 itt 7 a. in. , 11 a. m. anti 6:30 : p. ft. ( or on arrival at New York of a. s. Campania with llritisii mails for Australia ) . Mails for ( 'Plan atul Jnpn a ( specially addressed only ) . per a. S Empress of Japan ( from Vancouver ) , close hero daily up to Juno " 13 at 6:30 : p in. Mall for Hawaii , per B , H. Zealanilia ( frtjm San Francisco ) , close hero iiidiy up to June 23 at 6i0 : p. LU. Mails ( or AustralIa ( except \Vest Australia ) , New Zealand , hawaii nail Fiji Islanils , per H. ti. ShiouvorIL ( train Vita- couver ) , cltn4e here daily after Julio " 10 iiil iii ) to June 23 at 6:30 : p. .m. Mails for the Society talantis , lt't' 51111) TropiC Bird ( from flail Francisco ) , close here' daily up to Juimo 24 itt 6:30 : I. in. Trans-Pacific mails are forwarded to port of sailing dtlhy nt1 the selmeilitie of closing is arraimgeil on the IrestmnPtion it their unlnterruittetl overland transit. "Regis- tored mail closeS at 6 p. at. liroviohla day. CORNElIUS VAN COTT. Poitmnaster. l'ostomco , Now York , N. V. , May 27 , 1698. ItiILVAY 'l'IME CitltB. - ItiWtGCj , BURLINGTON & ' Raliroati - 'phio n . & 4 Quincy " ' ' U UI flti fl Jstmriingtoit Routo"-'I'icket F'urmiam Street. 0 (3111cc , IB2 Unimtn 't'ehephone 250. Depot. 'reoth iIuuw ammd Musoim Strets. 'rule- Pliotme 125. Leave Arrive. Chicago Vestihimled Express . . . . . . . . . . . . ' 5:05 : pm 5:10am ( 'hlt'agtt l3xmmre.ts . ' 9:45 : am ' 4:12 : urn Chlcagt ) & lit. . Louis Express . 7:15 : vm ' 8:10 : am rruston 1ocni ' 1:00 : lti 90:45 : ton l'aciiic Junction Local . , . . , . . . , . . . . " 11:50 am . ' 5:10 : vm J"ast Mali 2:50 : i'm ' Chicago Special . . . ' 12:03 : ama ' 31:50 : Pm ' Daily , ' Daily except Sunday. ' . ' ' & MIS- - - - - - - 'flUltL.ING'I'ON i------ ; . . -i i snarl itiver Rniiroaml-"l'ho " uUI lilpifiui llurilngton Itoutc"-Oen- I oral Ollices N. \ ' . Corner i-lniitn I 'l'L'nth and Famnarn Streets , I - IUU Iii 'I'icket Olilce , 1502 Farnam J Street Telephone 210. Do. - - - pot , Tcmitht amid Ittattoli Streets , 'rciehholio i2l. Leave , Arrive. Lincoln. Ilastlmigs imitil McCoulc ' 8:31 : am ' 933 ama , Li micolu , Detiver , ( 'olorado. utah , California , Black ililla , Moittuuia & Pimst littunti ' 4:35 : urn ' 4:00 : pin Lincoln rot'nl ' 7:00 : iun " 7:40 : him Liitcitin Fast 3lmiii , " 2:53 : i'm " 11:40 : ama Demmver , Colorado , Utah CaJlormiiu and 'l'tiget. Sound ' 11:55 : LIU ' 11:65 : pm 'nali D.mlly xcce. litimidny. ItANSAli CITY , ST. JO- U ' sepit & Council Bluffs Ball- uUF IiI'iUfl ' roatl - "l'he hiurllngton " 0111cc 15112 et Itout"-TickOt , hinmilo Fartiam Street , 'I'elephoie lluuiu 251) . lepot , Tenth tinti Ma- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ stn Streets. 'l'elephmona 125. . Leave. Arrive , Kansa 0 CIty Day Bxlrebs , . . . . . . . . . . . . 9:05 : ama 5:40 : pm iConsas City Night Express . . . . . . . . ' 10:00 : pm 630 ; ama "l'xjittsitlifm Flyer" ( or Hi. Louis. . . . . . 4:10 : pm ' 12:50 : iiui DollY TIA1t.1Y T131l CAIII ) , ( ContlnimCI I 'UNION PACII'XC - "Tllhi ,4p4VY Overland llotmte"---tleneral Of. pfi ! flees , N , W , Cttrmier Ninth ituti i'lY 'AI k Famnam Strcots. City Tic'ket liilIl' , , ! Oll'ee 1302 F'armtamu Street. kt'IT& ' Telephone 216. Depot. Tenth amid stason S'xeets. Tciculiono 6z. Ldavo. Arrive. "The Overland Limited" for Dcii- ver , Salt Lake , itfltt western p'tt , , 8:50 : am 4:43 : pIn The Colorado Spe- cml , for Drn'tr & all Colorado li'ts. ' 1155 ltmn 6:40 : a n Fast Mail 'l'rnimi for Salt Lak' ' , i'aciflc coatt nail cli western Imoints , . . ' 4:3 : , , pm 6iO am Lincoln , ileotrlc & Stromsburg Ex. , " 5:00 : i'm " 1220 pm Fremnomit , Column- liii , , Norfolk , Gr'd Island & Kearney ' 4L : im i2:20 : pin Orsntl Island Ex , , . 5:00 : imt " 13220 Lun 0 Daily. ' Daily except Suntl.ty. South Omaha Local l'nss.-i.eaves , 6:16 a. m. ; 7:00 a. iii. : 9:13 : a. rn. : 3:11) : 1) , itt , Ar-i rivet' , 10:15 a. in. ; 3:30 : ii. at. ; 6:00 : p. mu. Council Iiltmilr Locnl-Lcre's , 55 a. rn. ; 6:50 : a. . m. ; 7:40 : a. m. : 8:40 : a. ma , : IOiIO a. mn. ; 21S it. mt 4:35 : p. m. 5:55 : ii. rn.1520'ih at. ; 10:05 : p. iii. . Arrives , 6:33 : a , am , ; 7:20 : a. m. 8:35 a. at , ; 11:30 : a. mn. ; 3:10 : p. at. ; 5:40 : p. 01.1 6:30 : i' . 9C6 : p. at , : 10:45 : p.m. ChICAGO. ltt4Cit iSLAND I - , Pacific iiitilrotttl-"Tht Great Bock Island hhouto" p i City Ticket 0111cc , 1323 $ I ' ' j Fmtrnttnu Sired. 't'elephomtc 420. Depot , Tenth auth - 0 3lnson Streets. 'relephomie Leave. Arrive. Rocky Mountain Llntited , east . . . 1:30 : am 1:2.5 : am Rocky Moumitairt I.trnltetl. writ 520 ama 6115 omit Chicago & lit. Paul Vestibuled 13 x - Imre . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 5:00 : pm 1:23 : inn Liutcolum. Cohoratlo Springs , t'ucblo , ienver and ve5t , 1:30 iu.i ' 4:25 : pm Chicago1 Des Moines & flobhc Island . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' 7:00 pm 11:23 : am Atlantic Express , for Des Moines nutS eastern Itoimits ' 7:0' : ) ant " 5:50 : limit Colorado Flyer . . . . . " 7100 pm ' 5:50 : an ) Daily. ' Daily exeimtmt Sunday. ( 'IMAIIA & ST. LOUIS ItAIL. ritati-Oninhia , Ratistum City & Enmitermt ilmtilroatl-"Thte 1'ort r i Arthur ltoutc"-Ticket Omhice , ROUTL 1415 Farmtam Street. 'l'ohe' _ phmomio 322 , Depot , 'renth antI Masoit Streets , Telephone. 123. Leave , ArrIve. St. Louis Cannon Ball Exprecs. . . . . 4 : pm ' 11:30 : am Kansas City & Qtilney Local . . . , ' 7:40 ant ' 9:03 : itoh S Daily. MISSOUI1I PACIFIC flAil. . ' roail-Oenemal Ollices ant I Ticket 0111cc , Southeast Corner - . nor 14th nutS Douglas Streets. I i 'releithone. 104. Depot , 15th and Webster SUm. Telephone 145S. Leave. Arrive. Kansas and Nob. Limnitetl . . . . . . . . . . . 3:03 : pm ' 12:53 : pun ICamisa4 City & St. Louis Express , . . 9:30 : pm ' 6:00 : nm 'Nebraska Local . . . " 4:30 : ian " 9:45 : am ' Daily. " Daily except Sunday. hI1CAGO , MILWAUKEE & cke,1 St. l'aul lhtilwnv - City 'i'it'ket 0111cc , 1504 l'arnan ) WUKEE treet. Telephone 281. Depot , a 'f'enth and Mason Streets. Telephone. 629. p Leave. ArrIve. Chicago Limited Express . . . . . . . . . . . S 5:45 : pm 8:20 : am Omaha & Chicago Exprcsq . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11:00 : ama " 4:15 : pm Sioux City anti Des Moines Express. . . . . " 11 :00 : am " 4:15 inn DaIly. "Daliy exceitt Sunday. 1tll.t6' TIME cAlm , C p0miumhtmoj ) ClIlCAClO & NonrlivEsT : , c'rn ltnilus'ay-City Ticket , 0111cc 1401 1' omnamu Street. "l'elepltono &Oi. lOpot , Tenth untt Mason Streets. Telephone , 629. Leave Arrive. Daylight Chicago Slie.inj . . , , , , . . . . . S 6:40 : cm 11:50 : pm Mo , Valley , Sioux Minneapolis . , , . . . 5:65 : am ' 10:15 VIfl CIiy. St. I'aul & Mo. Valley , Sioux " City , . , , . . . . . . . . . , , . . 740 am 9:05 : pm lrnmtlson , Carroll Wall 1.ale and Cotmncil lll.iTs . . . . ' 8:40 : cm ' 9:13 : run Ensterut lx. , Be's Moines , Marshall- town , Cedar hap. ids aimti ChIcago , 10:30 : sum 4:3 : vm Atlantic F'iyt'r , Clii- cotta amiti 1'tit. , S 4:45 : pm 4:33 : itm Fast Mull , Chicago to Onmalimu , 3:10 : Pm Mo.'ahiey , Slou , ( 'ity St Paul anti Minneapolis Limu" ) 4:33 : itm S:60 : am OmnChicago Spit- cml . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6:15 : m 8:6' : cmii Daily. " Daily vxetit Sunday. C1IIcAaO HP. PAUL. , MIX- . ' flenhtohis & Ornhirt Itmillway -General Offices , Nitbraska ' Division , l5ltteenth auth . , \'ebster Streets. City Ticket 0111cc , 1401 Furmimun Street. 'l'olo- lliOlte ) , 661. liepot , l'ifteemitlt omit ! 'iVabster Htreet , Telephone , 1,418.Leai'e Leai'e , Arrive. Siotmx City Aecom , . ' 5:5' : ' ) nat " 3:20 : iimtm Sioux City Accmii. , , "S 9:50 : mini " 8:20 : inn Blair , Emerson , Sioux City , I'ouca Ilartingtnn amid Ihioouniloltt . . , . . , , ' , 1:0' : ) iii " 11 :55 : am Sioux City , lilnim- kato , St. Paul & Mimmnemtiinii'i . . . . . . . . ' 5:55 : itma ' 5:20 : nm Eniersomi Pzuisenger " 5.10 mmmii ' 8:4S : mtm'mm ' laily , " 1)itily except Sunday. " Sunday - day aitly , " ' ' : I'hila tritimi ) ttt)1t5 at l4tntitimm5 Fioremico to tlotithi hllmtir , imielimsive , Suit- days uniy eu fleck ilays , South llhmdr ommi ) ' , F'Ill'liONT FB.KIIOI1N & . , Ill issoutriahley Railway- ( It'mi&'m'al Olhices , Umiited States National Ilamtk llitlg , tlouthmwcst Cormier Twelfth and Fnrn'imn Streets. 'i'lcket Oli1c 1401 Fitrimamit Street. 'relephommo. 561. Fiftecimth amid W'ctistcr Streets. Tiiieplmoae , 1.455. Leave , Arrive. Black lIlIls , Ieail- wood. Hot Spmi'gs 3:00 liuih 5:00 : pm Wyontimig. Casper run' Douglas . . , . , ' ' 3:00 : pm " 5:00 : m hastings , Ytrk , Do- vitI City , Superior , Cheiteva , Exeter & tuwartl . . . . . . . . . . . . 'S 3:00 : pm " 5:00 : him I Norfolk , \V. I'omat i amid F'renioitt . . . . . ' 7:50 : mum " 10:25 am I Lincoln , Wahoo & I 1"remont . . . . . . . . . . ' 7:50 : am " 10:23 : am I Freunottt Local . . . " ' 7:30 : mtmn ' Doily. ' ' Daily ' " I except ummtla ) , limit- day only , " DaIly excelit Saturday , S. " , Daily except Momthay. SIOUX CITY & l'ACIFIC Ilmihiroad-ciemieral Oiiicc , ltmmmitt'd States National Batik llmmilthlmig S. 'iv , Car- 11cr 'I'weiflh mutti Firnmumt , I Street. Ticket 0111cc , 1401 i'amnam Street. ' 'l'elephtomic 561. Deptit , 15th and \Vebstt " Streets. Teiephonc 1438. Leave. Arrive. Sioux City , Man- itmito. St. Paul , Minneapolis 5:55 : itm S:20 : cm S Daily. v A B A S IL 1tAIl.ltOAD Ticket 0111cc , illS F'armiamn \ ' Street. Thc1mhiuno 892. lepot Tenth auth lilmtumi Streets , 'rideithommo 12S. Leave. Arrive , St I ouls "Canon Ball' Express 4:30 : vni Il:30 : ama ' Daily. . RWt " /d. ; r : . . ' 4 ? ' - - ( LW " ' . . " ---4q1 qLi t- , tId \ Id ( & , Y1 . \ ( ' / ( , . , , . ' % . \ - ' \ \ ( - -p. p.'u : \\'u L ; . A : . : z 1A . - - -:7 - - - - . . , . - A : : - - IIU : r1 L 7' Firat Boy-Where are yer gob' to , BIll ? Second Boy-I've get to go right over 'Ammersmhth Bridge to flamne3 , then l'sa got to go to Putncy and hack by Fulbam Itoad , then to igt street , Kensington. First Boy-Why. I've got to go to 'Jgt street. You go on , I'm in a bit of a hurry , but I'll watt for yen , ' ' , . - . , - ' - - - - -c V - p ic" - - - - - _ _ _ _ _ , . : ' - " 1 say , mimitci' , don't tilt so near 'La tall ; you'U tJp 'Lw up , " - - , ,