Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 31, 1898, Page 6, Image 6

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I _ - (1 ( f1'1Ii OMA1EA DAILY BEEQUESDAY : : , MAY 31 , 1898. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Try Moore's stock foot.
Call nL The lice omce for Cuban map lOc
Gcorge M ) cIfl antI wife of Silver City were
In the city ye8tertlay.
Dr. A. 0. Mudge , the dentiRt , romoit1
from 319 to 38 Ilroadw y.
M. T. IIn1oy and II. C. Ithinour of flaw-
BOfl , Ia. , were VISRIIII friends In the city
The 1van lnunilry 10 the leader in flue
work both for color cUd flniBb. & 20 I'earl
street. I'hono 2O.
II , Dale of Oaklanl avenue has gone to
IfarrIhurg , I'a. , where ho will Bvefl(1 ( the
summer for the hvneflt of his hcaltii.
With a lice coupon arn 25 centa you can
eceuiro the oflcial ! photogrnph9 of the tlnitcd
itate uiavy at the Council Uluitta olilce of
The lice.
1)on't ) you think It muuut be a pretty good
laundry that can please uo many hunlrelus (
of clistoiners ? Wcll-that'8 the L'agle , '
724 flroalwny ,
A marriage license waB leaned yesterday to
IL L. Vrenn , ngel 21 , and Sylvia li' . Myers ,
agc0 IS , both or Omaha , anil they were mar-
neil b Jututicc Xlurke.
Mrs.V. . V. Anlrewn otVcsL Haven ,
Coun. . lii kIting her Iirents , Mr. and Mrs.
ft. T. Monfort , \Vasiuirugton avenue. She
OxpectB to stay here several weeks.
Joe Cosgrove , the indlvhual ! who , after
Imbibing too much liquor Saturlny night.
vcnt to filed ) on the sldevalk , 'as fincti
sin 60 In olico court yesterday morning.
Mrs. L. I. DwInncII , accompanied by her
eon , In visiting her father , L. Sherwood of
121 ; 1ast Broadway. This Is Mrs. Iwin-
nell's first vluit home hero for the last ten
It. J. Lyons for selling yeast from house
to house 00(1 J. D. CuunniInis for selling a
'ntr otic song hok utni Maine memorial
c.IuIF. on the streets yLstcnla ) were nrrcstcd
for peihlling WithOut R Ileeuise.
Time CotncIl lllulTs high School cadets will
take iiart In time larale tomorrow in Omunima
on the olmnIug of the TrammsnmississIpI , Ix
position , as will Canton Pottawattamle , No.
6 , ludependent Order of Othi Fc1low.
The midweek services at St. John's lng-
Ilsim Lutheran church will ho this evening in-
nLcaI Of tomorrow. All thu onmen of the
congregation , young nod old , are uieel to
be liresent for a spccla purpose of grcat In-
I ( 'I
- - - -
--d-1-0 ; pottawattamie. No , C. will meet in
full umniformum at Odd Fellows' temple this
evening at 8 o'clock to make Ilumal arrangements -
ments to attemid the opening of the Trans-
amississippi and International Exposition on
A meeting of the ng1'atlon oC Grace
Ili iSI (1 .mtl cliti rch svll I h' lieIl tim Im , even I mug
In the church. A full atucunlance Is ile'-
slvc'J. as time new boar.I of trustees will be
electen nut ! other bualneme ; of Imirnrtunce
Mayor Moores of Omaha has Invited
Major Jenrings and the members of the city
council to be time g1ests of tim Onmaha city
council Weuincuiday at time opening exercises
of time Transmississipimt Exposition. Mayor
Jennings has accepted the invitation ,
fiche PIllows. tlmo colored woman wanted
in Qiiaha on time cimarge of robbing a
wealtimy Nebraska City umman of $700 by means
of the 'panel" trick was ytaterday removed
from the city to time county jail. an intorma-
tion cliarglumg Per whim being a fugitive from
justice imaving Uccum tiled.
Orders for extra copies of the illustrated
edition of Time lice for time opening day of
time great expoxition can be filled at the
Council limits office. It will contain halftone -
tone engravings of time buildIngs , portraits
of the mmmcmi win , are the leading factors in
the big enterprise , togetimem' with its history.
The paper will not only ho valuable as a
souvenir , but will be interesting to your
friends at a distammec. 1Ive cents per copy.
Time case against John liii ! , an Omaha
snout cimarged wIth disturbing the peace Sat-
auday milglmt last by kicking 1mm time door of
a house where huts vife was stopping on East
l'Ierce Street , was , contiimued iii 1)011cc commrt
; yesterday until Thursday. 11111 and his svifo
have hami more or less domestic differences
lately and Mrs. liii ! left Imimn and came to
live with friends on this side of time river.
Sumidmiy timoy lmtclmed up their troubles aiim !
uihio accnnipaimieul him back to Omnalma. liii !
lint lull 25 for his appearance In police
C. 11. VInyl Co. , female reniedy ; consultation -
tion free. Oiflce imours , 9 to 12 and 2 to 5 ,
health book furnished. 3'3-327-328 Mcr-
riani block.
Money to loan on city propemty. ICinno.
N. Y. Plumbing company. Tel. 250.
Irving liotei,2759 fl'd'y , rates , $1.50.
Map of Cuba.Vest mules and the World
at Time lieu oiflce , lOc each ,
Storage , Wlnn& lCongrnnclicr ! , 230 hwy.
' ! % VI t1aimt ii
Mayor JeumiIiflgS in his inaugural address
said ( lint "no source of revenue should be
overlooked" antI the new pollen force Is cvi-
dently deterumulmucul timat none shall be. Among
the city ordinances is ono Irovlillmig ( lint all
persons giving street exluibitiomms sliuill he
compelled to talio otmt a license. Ycstorday
N. hiarbato , a son of sunny Italy , strtmek
tos'ui vitlm his 1150(1 organ and a moumkey ,
lIe imad barely timmmo to grind out the first
tow bars of A Hot Tlumme In the Old Towut
Tonight" before Detect ivo Weir happened
alommg. hail Signor flarbato a license ? No ,
indeed : lie himiul never heard of suclm a timing
as it Ilcensci Nicolini hIurlJmLto , his organ
and monkey are umow occupying one of time
upstairs rooumus in time city jail , charged with
fracturing the city ordinances by not first
securing a license for giving a Street exhi-
A fammuily row was 1mm progress the other
day omm ono of time iumaimu thorougimfares of
time city. An iuuvestigatio uliscloseit thu fact
that time head of time funnily haul becut ordered
by his better half to get a mmucss of fish for
dinner. lie fuolihly went to time lake and
canmo hoimium OuImpty.1mautled. , Time row tvotuII (
have ' been avoiuietl had lie gone to Sulli-
van's , time grocer1 aunt bought his fish there.
tu.l fist. 1111kM ( pf Auuuy.
The uuiotor company has of lute been ummuch
annoyed by bicycle rhkrs , on Summilays esjme.
dully , scorclmiumg across time bridge amul
onmittiumg to pay time toil , Summciay evenlmmg a
COUIlti Oil a tandummt vassetl without paylumg
their fare ammd time bridge tender tclcpimoumeut
into the otflco at time umietor car lmarmm , Three
emmmployes of the conmpany vent to lireadway
for the iurposc of intercepting the tumumiem
riders. They tuckiefi Il. I. Lowe , amid Georgum
Irwin , who vern lmacing time Owl club luomne
Sroumm an evenimmg rumi , by ummistake t'Ith the
I'esumIt tiumit thu riders \rere tmrown ! heavily
to the ground ammil tiuree others followimmg
behuimmil Were also timrowum. Lowe and Irwin
Wore moore or less bruised and Ous Look ,
hurt in time stomnacim.m11110 tIme mtmtx.up was
taking imlaco timu two mmmcii m'hio imad hmilkefi
the bridge temmder Imassed along tumummioleated.
Upomm Imersommal aimhmilcatlomi Sullivaum , Omo
grocer , will give Iumstrumctiemms on "hew to
Catch Irish1 , ' ' fly foliowliug hula Immotitoul ho
'will guarantee that any I'raon eami catch
mmii timt..tlalm lie wants aumy day lmm time year ,
Mr. Sullivan uitaiiv no cimatgea for time in-
structiouB iivemm ,
Cordwootl for auto cheap , Address W , F.
3ieu ofllct' , Coulmeil flliffs.
_ _ _ _ ( mImIuImt'uei'umIeuit 1xercisea ,
The comuuimenccmntimit exorciGea of time Coup-
cli fluffs 111gb scimool will be heiml this
ovoumiimg at the lohany opera house. Time
imEogrummum pa mubhIshied will be carried out
anti will conmmcmmco pronmlmtly at 8:15. : Prof.
II. H. Terry of tIme Umuivuraity of Clmicuto
will dchiver the address to the graduates ,
takimig U lila subjoci "Ybat is an Education -
tion ? " - -
ioiA iisoic iii LODGE
An'angementh for the Mcctiug This Week
Wefl Under Way.
HimiNI ( toiL t .idm'I to l'rateriint At-
tEmiotiouiM IN lisimected to liriuig an
Un mmu It 1 A I I en mlnuice-Couuuii t-
tees IJnhiig Ciinrc or Affnlr.
fly Thursday of this week the advance
guard of time j,100 to 2,000 Masons tlmat are
expected to attead the fifty-fifth annual
commutmication or the grand lodge of Iowa
Ancient , Imee and Acceimted Masons , which
will be huelmi In Council Bluffs June 7-0. wIll
arrive in time city , and the memnbers of limo
local lodges ore busy completing arrangements -
ments for the reception and entertainment
of time visiting delcgumtc3 , litany of wlmom will
ha accompmmnied by their wives and other
members of their family. It is fourteen
years since the meeting of the granml lodge
was helil iii Coummcil Bluffs , amid the session
this year tvlll he the second time In tIme imis-
tory of time grand lodge that it ha3 been
helm ! ii , this city. Tue local Masons are do-
lmmg all in their power to make the coining
session alma of time plenanmitest and utmost
satisfactory to the mmtembcrs attending of any
held In the imast. The fact that the exposi-
tiomi opens time first weelu In Jumme anml that
time rallreaui have all granted special rates
for the meetimmg of the gramul lodge , whicb
viil enable the visiting delegates to spend
sonic time before and after the Se3sion visiting -
ing ( ho expogttion , it Is confidently expected
that. the attendance will be larger this year
timaim at ammy previous meeting of the granmi
lodge. Time local committees have made a
rangemcmmts accordingly and provision. has
been mamie at each of time leading imotels In
time city for the accommodation of time vlsi-
tors. In addition to the accommodation pro-
vidcd by time hotels many of time delegates
will be entertained at the homes of the local
nienthers. I
Iollow1ng the usual custoni a grand lodge
school of immatruction will be held previous
to time meeting of time grand lodge proper. It
will be held in Masonic hall under the direction -
tion of the board of custodians , conimoncing
Friday , June 5 , at 0 a. m , , and contitmumlug
durimmg Saturday and Momiday following. To
attend this school of instrimetion will bring
many of time delegates to the city several
days in advance of the grand lodge session.
I'tit I hi of i.CIL1 A rrmmimg.'m.'I.M.
hI&tdqumarters of the granti mumaster , grand
sccretary and the several committees will
be at time Grand hotel , on the parlor floor.
'rho comimmittee on crcdeumtiais will be located
in one of the offices off the hotel lobby amid
all delegates , grammd and past omccra are
expected to report at once on arrIval to thIs
commmmittee and see ( lint their names are
upon the credential list of grand imast 0111-
coca and to receive cards of admission to
the gramm.i lodge. All mnimii matter. directed
to time members of the grand lodge will be
delIvered from the office of this committee.
The Iohmany opera house has been secured
for the sessions of the grand lodge and the
program for the first day has been announced
as follows : 8:30 : a. m.-Granmh and past grand
ofilcers , together with members of the grand
lodge , will meet at the Masonic temple nod
be escorted to the Dohany theater under escort -
cert of Ivanhoe commandery , No. 17 , K. T.
0:30 : a. m.-Opening of grand lodge ; annual
address of grand master. 2OO p. m.-After-
noon session ; reports grand treasurer , grammd
secretary , ilbrarinn , trustees grand charIty
fund and trustees library building ; reports
svecial committees , etc.
In the evening a publIc entertainment will
bu given for time members of ( be grand
lodge amid their triend. The women of time
local lodge of time Order of the Eastern Star
wilt look after the social entertaimmmnent of
time wives and daughters of time visiting dde-
11ev. It. Venting , Pastor of the First flap-
tist church , who is a member of the Masonic
order , has invited the grand bilge and ummeni-
hers of the local locigea to attend the serv-
iced'nt lila church in a hotly next Sunday ,
wimeui lie will delIver an address on 'The
history of Masommry. "
Time presemit officers of ( hue grand lodge of
Iowa Masons are : Almon It , Dewey , grummd
master ; I ) . IV. Ciomeats. deputy grand mumas-
ter ; Arthur A. Ilugg , senior grand warden ;
GIlbert Baldwin , jummior grand warden ;
Charles H. Slocum , grand treasurer ; Timeo-
( lore S. l'arvin , grand secretary ; 11ev. J. W.
Ilackloy , grand chmaplnimu ; N. It. Parvln ,
gramud secretary : S. II. Andercon , semmlor
gramul deacon ; J. It. Sniull , junior grand den-
con ; E. M. Willard , senior grand steward ;
\v. II , McCoy , Jummior grand seward ; I' . 0 ,
Egan , grammd mmiarsimnl ; A. M. Alberson , grand
Time following are time local commummilttecs
appolmmted to look after tlme nrrangcnments for
time welfare of the visitlmmg delegates :
ExecutIve Commlttee-T , ii. Iacey , P. M.
(71) ( ) , chairman ; 0. II. Jackson , W. Iti. (259) ( ) ;
I. M , Treymmor , W. M. (71) ( ) ; George W. Lipo ,
P. Imi , (71 ( ) ; /t. McMlllemm , P. M. (259) ( ) ; IIV. .
Binder , I' . M. (71) ( ) ; it. II. Illoomuer (259) ( ) ,
Charles Copley (259) ( ) .
Reception Committee-i. C. Waterman ,
chmnirmnaim ; T. IC. Knight , J. A. Kelier , I' ,
Jemmsemm , 1. F. Murlmhy. F' . It. Lovlmm , L. I ) ,
Leutzlngcr , fi. II. Loffert , C. F , Rain. Alex
Leggo , ( I. L. lee , J. A. Pattoum , II. l'etimy-
brhmigo , George II. Nieol , J. N. Mathews , C.
C. McCimesrmmty , C. fi , 'rocker , . 0. Culver ,
Ii. N. Wmmilert. . W. lhelkmnan , T. N , Ihiley ,
C , fi. Woodlmury , 3 , 1' . Weaver , It. II. Wil-
hums , J. J. KeIth , 0. arcgory , W. A.
Iliglismitim , P. M. (259) ( ) ; W , II , GoV. ! . S.
Wilkins , Ii. A. Wyman , A. C. Swartz. W ,
II. Tracy , 11. Evanum , Fl. Cammmming , It , Hurt ,
Jr. , C , flosen , Id. If. Sears , J. I' . Stcimimemisomi ,
ii' . Ij. lteemi , lb. flisiuton , 0V. . ltoberts , 5 ,
I. Robinson , J , L. Tcmmmpleton , W. Id , Shop-
turd. W. S. Stillmnamm , J , Schwab , ? mi , LI ,
Timmlcyv. . II. Wimitnoy , 0. 0.'iao. . Ovide
Viemm , F , T. 'rrue , harry Adammmmm , J. N. Par-
1.01mB , James MortemisooV. . W , Iceeno , F ,
H. Clark. J. A , Gorimuum , (1 , M , Gould , C. W.
Foster , S. L. fitumyre , C. A. Cook , .1. K ,
Cooper , } . C , Ilrotvn , Dell U , Morgan , Jolumi
Sklnkio , Nat Simeimarmi , I' . It ! . (259) ( ) ,
Entertalnmnemut Cornmlttee-J. U , Atkimms ,
P. M. (71) ( ) , elmairmnan ; A , I' , Langmmmade , J.
J. Jones , C. ii ! , hIam'l , P. Itt. (259) ( ) ; I. N.
ilickinger , F , It. Davis. George Carson , F.
II. Jaummes , 5 , 5. Fumes , 1V. hI. ilaverstocic , 'r.
3. fivnmms , A. II. Carter , 1.1 , P. . A , IL lirock ,
v , A. Iligimsmmmttli , 1' . Id , (259) ( ) ; VI' . 0 ,
Win , 0. (1. ( Saummilers. L. Al , Simubert , J , T ,
Oliver , 1' , M. (71) ( ) ; II. Ii. Jcnmmings , M. D , ,
1"Immiey flurko , F. 13. Thomas , It ! , I ) . , J. Suits ,
J. 0. Itobeetson , It ! . I ) . , I ) . Macrae , M. 1) . ,
J. It , Cleaver , jut , U. , A. J , hirpwmm , 1' , M.
(71) ) .
Visitors Comnmmmlttee-J , 0. MItchell. P , Id.
(71) ( ) , chmalrmnmmmm ; ( I. C. Case. I' . Iii. (71) ( ; Ii.
a. 1orgaum , F. 5 , Simuart , II , ii , Itotbert , J ,
Ii. Atklmms , I' . Id , (71) ( ) J. T. I'uglm , F. Hera-
hardi , F. S. Gray , S. H , Spoor , C , Kommig-
ummacher , jul. Duquctte , J. a. Watermmmaum ,
Traimslmortuttomi Conmmntttee-G , II. Jack-
soil. W' _ Id. (259) ( ) , cimmmlrmnamm : A. T. Ellweli ,
N. 0. PhIllips , J , Tb i'ugim , J. C , Mitchell , p.
lii , (71) ( ) ; A , flmmlrymnple ,
hotel Conimmmittee-p , 11 , Wind , P. Id. (259) ( ) ,
chairman ; V. L. Treynor , Id. I ) . WIlliam
Moore , \V , J , Jameson. 11. A. Cox , F. ii ,
Ilrownleu , 0. II. Itumndiett , Id , F , Ihobrer ,
11. ii , Hayden , hi , ii. Sears , 'IV. 0 , W'irt ,
( I. II. Dyar.
DecoratIon Comnmnltteo-W. 0 , Eateim ,
chalrmmmumm ; A , W. Wyman , lion , .1 , R. Reed ,
w , S. flaird , S. S. Fees , F. I' . Morgauu , E ,
14 , Slmugart , .1. V , i'eregoy1 C. hI. Woodbury ,
1' . H , Clark , 1" . Id , 1)lngle ,
Music CommIttee-I. Id. Treyaory. . Id.
(71) ( ) , c1malrman I , . W. Tuileyu , V. ' , C. Estep ,
J. A ltu't'r , Mar liouriclus ,
Mipro Vresl. % 'nter hIli.
Another consignment of fresh water flab
Was received Sunday morning at the
Government building. A car of the Fish
commission from Quincy , III. , with a nmmm-
bur of fish from the government batching
station at that point anti Superintendent
Deftn of the Neosho , Mo. , station brought a
number of fish from that point.
The onsignment included about 1,000 fishm
of the following varieties : fluffalo , large
cat , sturgeon , carp. white percim , white bass ,
yellow bass , crappie , calico bass , hmlack bass ,
drum fish , dog fish , golden tench , English
teach , gold fish , golden ide , gar pike , rainbow -
bow trout , lake trout , brook trout , crawfish -
fish , common turtles , snappers and soft shell
TheSe now arrivals were immedltely pieced
in the tonIcs already preparemi for them and
in the large pools at time corners of the
aquarIum , which are lighted from beneath
by elcctrlcity ,
After enjoying the festivities of Decoration -
tion day you should have a good dinner. A
fine mess of fresh fish front Suihivaum's , the
grocer , will make the menu complete.
I. I
Fred Saar Imas purchased a League bicycle
frommu Cole & Cole.
1)liSfilt'ANC1I or tillsiflltA1. DAY.
, I'nt tiul Ic Mmmi ri t eeins to lumhm Alt
Clitsst'M In Comiim'l I flhmflP. .
Not for several years has Decoration clay
been so generally observed In Council flhtmffs
as fl was yesterday. Everyone scented hit-
hued with the patriotic spirIt prevailing.
with time result that the exercises of the
Grand Army of the flepumblic at Fairvicuv
cemetery were attended by an Immense as-
semblage. All time retail storo3 in the city
closed during the aftcrncon and the streets
and sidewalks were tlmronged with people to
greet time veterans as they munrche4 to ( lie
cemetery to hay their nnmmual tribute to their
fallen comrades. Mammy of time business
houSeS and private houses along the line of
march were decorated in hemmer of time day ,
especially on Oakland avenue , along which
the largest crowd gathered.
The liumo was formed shortly after 2 o'clock
on Pearl trect. with a squad of police in
their imew uniforms , under Captain 1)cnny ,
, leadiimg. Then came 110mm. B. L. Shugart ,
master of cereniommics , and the speakers in
carrIages , followed by McFadden's drumn
corps at time head of the Ihigh school cadets ,
1mm command of Lieutenant fi. A. fleardsley.
Next came the Boys' brigade of ( be Pierce
street school , with one of their number
carrying a large flag. lielmind them followed
the veterans , some 150 in number , those who
through age or infirmity being in carriges ,
wlmlcli had also been irovlded for the women
of the relief corps. At 107 Broadway a lmalt
was nuado while the women of the relief
corps pInned upon the coat ot each veteran
a handsome bouquet and linnded Imim a
wreath of flowers amid evergreens to place
upon the grave of sonic departed contrado
at the cemetery. I
The exercises were held at ( lie soidiera'
burying groumid at the extrcmo north end of
the cemetery. They were opened by prayer
by Rev. henry DeLong , followed by simmgng !
by the Ibarmoimica Male quartet of the Cemi-
tral Christiaui church , under time leadership
of I'rof. Vilson. Mr. Shugart then Introduced -
duced John M. Galvin , ( lie orator of the day.
lie said In part :
We meet today in this beautiful city or
the dead , as others of our cotmntrymen are
meeting In every grnv.yard Imi thIs wide and
lovely lamid , to scatter flowers upon the
graves of men who in time great war of
tIme rebellion shed blood to save the
unIon and to free the slave. And 'hilo we
decorate the soldIer's grave it is becomimig
that we should pay a tribute to the soldier's
Othicr nations arc older tlman ours. Other
nations have their traditions reaching back
over centtmrics , their niausoleumnum in whIch
repose the dust of kings , their ancient
castles wbero once mlwelt time princes amid
the barons of long ago , tlmeir veneralmlo
ruins spenkimmg of a glory that enct was
but has departed. Of timeso we cannot boast ;
and yet , although our natiomu's life is nil
encompassed within the linmlt of a little
more than 100 years. wu have a heritage of
niemortes of whlcim a rAce of freemen may
well be proud. And of all those meinorles
none ar.a more precious than those of the
clvii war. For it was a great war , great 1mm
( lie number of men that were emigaged In
its battles , great In time miumubers of timose
that perished on its battle fields , but greater
still in the valor and the sacrIfice of those
that. In the fierceness of the commillct faced
death amid danger in the ( lefenro of the na-
tlon's flag , and greeter titan all because
wlmemi the Inst cannon ceased to roar and
peace was again restored the Integrity of
( lie union was made certain for all the tim-
tur ( ' mind the freedom uf time slave was an
accomplished fact.
Is Ij any wonder that these old soldiers
cherish the wartime mnonmories ? Is It nmiy
wonder that every year In the beautiful
spriumgtlmno ( lucy seelc out tIme resting PlaceS
of tlmelr di'pnrted comnrndes to strew tlmercomm
the flowers which rest upon those graves as
tIme dumb token of the affectIon of ( lie llv-
ing for time dead ? Would not time greater
wonder be If It were otherwise ? And while
timese veterans , imow weary with ( ho weight
of years , wend their way to time hilltops
whereon their dead compnninns sleep it. Is
becoming ( hunt we of a later generation
should swell ( hue scanty colunmn to a multi.
tumle ammd Join the vetcrnns 1mm timeir work of
love. Well may we ho liroud of our fallen
heroes , Wa know they were brave amid true
amid that they scaled timeir fimithi witlm their
lives. God irospercd their righteous cause. I
Time nation they saved is grntefui and 4,000-
000 freetimmmcum bless ( hoot , Timeirs was time
toll and time sorrow , Ours is time peace ammcl
( hue joy. mjlmotmiil we keep timeir graves
and tenderly eherlsim tbelr nmcmorles. God
emily knott's what they suffered , suffermi
that we nmlglmt be happy. Wlmetluer they
sloop in thmeco graveyards , close by time
hmommmes of their childhood , or 1mm tIme far away
south with notimimig to mark iviiefo their I
graves are , watched by time stare tumid God
till time trumpet mchmaii call ( bent together ,
all shmould be dear to the hearts of every
lover of freedom.
Clemmi Kimball delivered tIme address on
' 'Thmp tJmmlcnQwn Dead , ' ' lie said , 1mm part :
Like time lonely grave lmm the land of Moab
time ummmuarhcd : tommibs of our soldier dead are
unknown save to Ilimmu ( lint kumoiveth all
thmimmgs. They are mumnutly of time reich amid
file , They were like you , of time very best
citIzens ; ( hue young amid nmlddleagcml , in time
full vigor of lIfe. To their lIving ones
tlmero cameo not ( hue solace ( lint comes to
tbou ivhose mleiul lie in known amid cared
for Imlaces ummarked by lettered slab and muon-
ii mmmcci t.
\\'hnt simahl we say of their valor ? They
fought In time very front rank.Vimo ccii
slug of timeir heroic deeds7 They , too , are
uurecordcm.l , but time glory of all ( lucy nmighmt
havi , bcemm , as well as time glory of what we
knotv they were , Is not lmegrmmdgeml to timemmi ,
They immigimt have been counted amnong the
nation's great had ( lucy livecl , Wimo would
imayc ever imeard of Napoleomm had bullet or
? : ioncL Pierced lila imeart at Loft or Arcole
ilal ( time death that met time timousanda met
I.aumncs or McPhuormomi earlier 1mm life timolr
graves nmight , too , Imavo beemm today aim-
uumnrk 0.
Yomir umicmmmumemmts will cruniblo away. Year
h.y yemmr ( iil tribute will be Paid mmiore amid
moore to the 0(011 in ummkmmown amid forgotten
gravas. hut this action is time everlasting
niumm.ucmit to ( ho yeternu of time civil war
ommil it canm'ot cruimible. Its foundation is
eternal right : its base I love and sammctity
of hionmo ; Its columuins of protection , redress
aiim ! justice supimort thm I.uperstructure of
hmunman frccdommm. anti Its ( lomite Is tue welfare
of mankind , wltii Its golden pinnacle imlnt-
kg heavenward cmiii over which hovers the
tthlte dove of peace.
It little matters to the ( load whether timet'
lie in chmimmclccl tommib or uomarked places , but
it matters to the hiving.Vo love and honor
thiemn not to lmiea8e the dead , but to inspire
( lie living , There cammno ( be such another
war , but in this day of time mimution's anxiety
let us not forget the lessons of mnagnaumimnity
taught by those we honor , Wsr for tree-
dom and peace , now Iii thiemi , but not for
revenge. May we no sutno to Judge and
punish , but slmnlmly tepml the world what it
is so difficult for thoruintlons of Europe to
conmimrehend , that we wnge no war for conquest -
quest , but ommly that ti world may recognize
the libertlc we priz9 afmml' the rights
. .mnintain.
Time exercises wcreight to ft close by
the cadets firing a voilpy over the graves
amimi the lIne was rcfmmrnied and tIme march
back to the Grand Army ball on I'carl street
made , where time romen of the Relief Corps
provided refrcsimmnenta for the veterans.
Too cold for fish to bite now. Hut it is
never too cold to catch a niess of fresh fish
at Sullivan's , the grocer , 343 Broadway.
FOR SALE-Oocd sccond.hsnd bicycle at
it bargoin. Coil at The lice offle , Council
Iron-clad potatoes , the best , 70 cents per
bushel. Ihartel & Miller.
Hoffninyr's fancy patent flour makes time
best and most bread. Ask your grocer for It.
If tue Soanish flcet could be cornered as
easily as Sullivan , time grocer , cornered time
fish market Uncle Sam would imavo smooth
M liMOlhl.t I , DAY IS CHmdllhlt.'I'El ) .
limuivkt't'e Cltizcmislo Ilcimmor to the
Soldier lk't.l.
DES MOINES , May 30.-Special ( Tele-
grammi.-Memorictl ) day was observed here
today as never before. Business was nhmso-
lutely suspended and tIme entIre cIty ttmrned
out to do honor to the soldIers of the nation ,
I those ihmo died in the CO's anti those now
I at time frommt. Time larmmllo. which was three
flues long , was hieamied by time Fifty-first
and FIfty-second Iowa , now in Camp McKinley -
Kinley hero vnIting for the equipment which
must come from \'nshlngton before they can
go to time front. Over 500 veterans of time
civil war were 1mm lute. At the cemetery
some 15,000 gathered to llsteum to the exer-
elses. lion. John N. Baldwin of Council
Bluffs delivered tIme ailmlross. It was time
most profound , impressive and eloquent effort -
fort which has ever beemi iiertrd iii ( hula state.
lie saId :
" \Ve prefer to fly wIth time Americnn eagle
to war than to crawl along witim the sniootn
reptile of Spanish diplomacy. Not simice thb
inr of time rebellIon have the prInciples of
that war , time issues decided and tIme results
I attained bcemm more strikingly and effectively
hroughmt to the attention of time world ( bait
at the present timne. The saute people are
imow engaged in ammotimer war for time estnb-
hisimmmmetmt of prncticnlly time same principles ,
but in foreign lands anti among a foreign
Itcoplo. HtmL the ummlon and confederate sol-
01cr are mmow stammdummg together simonider to
simoulder , flghtl for time estabiislmnmemmt of
liberty , nationr y abtl the rights of maui in
every Spanish possesp , , , This is a war for
lmmmmanity , freedom and liberty. "
This evening a nmanIflcent ( fireworks slice-
tacle was givemi at th , oung Men's ChrIs-
tlan assocIation athletIc field before an audience -
ence of 20,000. .Wime9npicture , of lewey and
his fleet iii action In M.ymIla was presemmtod
in blazing fire time atidience canto near tearing -
ing down the grand stand and everything
else on the grounds.
RED OAK , In. , May 50.-Speclnl ( Tele-
grant.-ited ) Oak observed Memorial day
with fitting servIces. mfln immense crowd
was in time city. fStvei'al slight accidents
occurred but no serluS dnmnage resulted.
Promptly mit 10 a. 'ft. time colunin started ,
beached by time Imlajor\V H. Evans' fife and
drupu corpse folloWd by Garfield post ,
Grand Army of the' RepublIc. Next came
the W'onman's Relief ddrps , each with an
immense bouquet. Then canto tIme various
civic societies of ( lie city followed by citIzens -
zens iii carriages and on foot. In time aft-
ernoomi a ball genie betweemu Red Oak
amid Coburg was played at Pactolums park.
Time game resulted In Red Oak's favor. In
the evening services ivere held in the dut-
ferouit churches.
CRESTON , Ia. , May 30.-Special ( Tele-
granm.Menmorlal ) day was observed here
in tim customary niinmmer , with patriotl..i
exercises by the citIzens and rItualIstIc
services by the Gramid Army. BusIness was
gemmerally suspended. lion. A. B. Cunmiums
of Des Moimmes delivered the address.
DUNL.A1' , In. , May 30.-Speciai.--Me- ( )
morial day was approprIately observed by
( Ito veterans aumd pntriptlc imeople of Dunlap.
Tue graves of departed heroes in I'lcasant
11111 cemetery were strpwn with flowers and
an excellent address was given in the opera
house by Rev. A. G. Martin of Denison.
CEDAR RAPIDS , May 30.-Special ( Tele-
gram.-Timo ) whole city observed Decoration
day here , all business being suspended and
everybody participated. In ( ho exercises. A
feature of time parade was thousands of
school children In hue , The west side
schools turned out over a thousand in the
nmorning and time east sIde school a large
mitmmnber In time afternoon. Two flags vero
presented ( lie schools turning out the larg-
emit umumber in proportion to their membership -
ship , Sumiday aftermmoon 2,000 people at-
temmded memorial services at the opera Imouse ,
Shmort addresses were nmado by Father Soil- !
vami , Rev. L. fi. Green , Rev. B. fl , Luce and
Rev. Mr. McCaslimm.
SLOAN , Ia. , May 20.-Spcclnl ( Telegram. >
Memorial day was ohmserved lucre by union
services at time opera house , the interIor of
which was appropriately decorated wltlm
flags amid buntiumg under time auspices of the
public schmool , each room being represented
by either soumg , drill or recItation , Time principal -
cipal address was mmmmtde by Comrade Marshall -
shall of Onawa , A Fourth of July crowd
was in attemmdance ,
Iti'ml a , elm t IIINtc're,1 1mm.
DES MOINES , May 30.-Speclal ( Telo-
gram.-Thio ) Firty-first Iowa was mmiustered
into service today emit ! will leave for the
front about \Vemlnemcduy. 'Flue needed equip-
nment will not reach lucre ummtil ( list date ,
Time governor todapt receIved a message
from the War dtimcmmt notifying lmlmn
timat Iowa's quota , cum iio secoumd call will
bo used 1mm filling limp time reginments which
went on the first chllV Iowa's quota on time
first call was thmrc1cgimmmcntn , but so as
not to break tmp ormammtzationa of time forces
as ( lucy were time goh'citnment permmmittecl the
stat m to send fouilSteatl ) of' three rvgi-
unemmts. fFimo reguzn ½ n could not be filled
as thio quota wouiillonly allow 800 muon to
tile regiment , F h ' hundred more men
ammd time umeccssary'ctJfera ) ivili be emulated
mmow to fill up those regiments to a lighting
strength of 1,200 , TIme \\'ar department no-
titled the govcrno , ' at four officers ivill
be sent hiomno froimi' ,4lme regiments now lu
( ho field for the purpbse of onlistimmg nice
to fill up timeir rcspcive regiments.
One Goverm.or 'tYiii Fight ,
PhOENIX , MIs. , May 30-Speciumi-- ( ) .
GovcrmmormlcCord will lead 1,000 Arizonisas
to war , lie has received authority front
Secretary Alger to raifie a regiment , on con-
ditiomi that be comnmnand it iii person. One
mouth ago the governor applied for penis-
sloum to orgiumize a force , but was told that
Arluomma's cowboy troops imad filled ( hue
quota for time territory. Under the new
call ho renewed the application on Thursday -
day , Covermmor MeCord , in his onigimmal imp-
plication , offered to resign or accept a leave
of absence , amid ho will be glveu time latter
acid Secretary Akers will become ( ho act-
lag governor.
Clidet Cimrclessi Shod ,
CEDAR FALLS ha. , May 30.-Special (
Teiegram.-Aa ) the result of carelessness In
himumidling lila title a mutate normal cadet shot
a comrade through time thigh this afternoon
while the battahlon was engaged in firing
, salute at the cemetery , Guy hawk , the
injured man , occupied a position in thm
front rank and the rifle which diii ( ho work
was resting with the muzzle against his
thigh , when it discharged , the large
charge of powder tearing Its way through
the limb. Major Iiris'ldciie , commandant of
the cadets , stated that. ( ho accident was one
of gross carelessness anti disobedience of
orders on the part o ( time man causing the
accident , anti the feeling among time students -
dents is strong lb condemnation of the act.
Tim himnb may be saved but the chances
are against it.
Trncling at lied Onk ,
RED OAI , In. , May 30.-Speclal.- (
Sonic large deals in trading were macic hero
last week. One deal was between Charles
Nelson amid 'F. J. llyshimunm in which property
vaitmeci at $14,200 changed hands. In the
trade Mr. ilysham comnes in possession of
Mr. Nelsomm's homno residence at MO SIxth
street , his store building on the north side
of time square , and five acres of groumid in
the Qulmnby addition , while Mr. Nelson becomes -
comes owner of a 320-acre farm 1mm Otoc
county , Nebraska , and also a 240.acre farm
In Seward county , Nebraska. Ommiy abotmt
$400 Iii money cimamiged hands In the trade ,
Sni'e ) . for n itftilrccn.l ,
MANCHESTER , In , , May 30-Special- ( )
J. C. Scott , thmo chief engineer wlmo hums been
1mm charge of the work of surveyiumg the railway -
way line between this city anti Coleshjurg ,
fimmisimed up part of ( lie preliminary survey
last week , and time work of going over time
route amid leveling Is now under way. The
stmrs'cy was begun at a point just east of the
North Matmciieatcr school house , the route
passiumg through Oneida , thence to a imoint.
aiout. half a mile front Petersburg and thmen
north to Colesburg , The grade is pro-
mmommncod Ct very easy one.
lClmuultke iCilled him.
SIOUX CITY , May 30.-Special ( Telo-
grammi.-Tiio ) hardships nnml perils of KIon-
dike were too great for John flochmclstomme of
Siotmx City , nut early settler. lie died at
Lake Lindeman , weakened fromim time fatigues -
tigues of time journey and timorotmghly disheartened -
heartened , In a letter recetred by his wife
it is stated ( lint lie was deserted by thme rest
of his imarty amid was found dead by strami-
gers. lie was buried , hut time remnnins will
probably be brought to SIoux City.
am'arslMmImeJi mut Cerotimoum Its ,
DES MOINES , May 30-The presence of
1,800 members of two regimiments of time
Iowa National Guard , comprising time troops
still remaining in Camp McKinley , contrib-
utcd to give thus Memorial day a military
aspc'ct. Wlre salutes had been fired in
previous years by slmmale compammies of the
National Gunrd , entire regimnents partici-
pitted today. Time memorial address was de-
hivered by Joima N. Baldwin of Council
Xt' XoriiiI l'reslilt'i.t ,
SHENANIOAIi , In. , May 30.-Special.- ( )
Arramigements have just been completed for
securing l'rof. George lb. Colbert. Broil-
lmead , Wis. , to take a positIon in time \Vestcrn
Normal college again as principal of time
faculty. lie hold timis same position for
several years before time fire anti is perhaps
the best kmmowmi Independent normal school
mann 1mm time west , Ho will enter upon bin
dutIes umext September.
Strnivherr 1)mi' Celt'brn * bit.
REDWOOD SPRINGS , Cob. , May 30.-
( Spectal.-The ) arrangements for the
celebration of Strawberry day to be held in
Gienwood Springs out Saturday , June 18 ,
have been about fully completed , the various
committees having been industrIously at
work for several weeks past Iii making the
programmi to be observed on that day , amid
front all indications a successful fete day
, now assured.
Fatal ( immurrel.
CRESTON , Ia. , May 30.-Special ( Tele-
gram.-Gcorge ) Manger and Robert Wood
quarreled while going lmommme , Munger drew
a knife ammO threatened to carve his corn-
panion. Wood defended hImself with a
necicyoke , stnikimig Mummger on the head
fracturing time skull. Munger will dIe.
\Vood offered to gIve himself up but oflhcers
refused to arrest hint , as he claimed self-
defense ,
Struck icy a 'l'rmtlii.
IOWA CITY , May 20.-Special ( Telegram. )
-Miss Jennie Sunier was knocked down by a
Rock Island fast freight and sustained a
broken right arm and severe bruises all
over her body. She was walking along the
track ts'itim her brother and when the train
approached she did not step far enough from
the track. Time train struck imer right side
and brushed her aside wIth a terrIble force.
uuicklen's Armmlemi Salve.
The best salve 1mm the world for cuts ,
bruises , sores , ulcers , salt rlmeum , fever
sores , totter , chapped hands , chmilblaimms ,
cormis , and all skIn eruptions , amid hiositively
cures pIles , or no pay required , It is guaranteed -
anteed to gIve perfect satisfaction or mmlouey
refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale
by Kuhn & Co.
IJjmnllc to I'articimmnle itt Gett's-
Jcur itiemcirIuil Ex-
WASHINGTON , Mny 30.-Time president
lmas sent tue following hotter expressing nit.
grets that he canmmot take part in the
exercises at Gettysburg today :
Engagememmts Imore , time nature of which
Ia well understood , will prevent me takimmg
part In time Memorial day cerenmommica at
Gettysburg this year , attendance upon
mvii icim , ummder other circumastaumees , would
have afforded mo an especial gratification.
Time only enlmanccs the iasting vtmluo and
deiuommstrates amiew the tnume significance of
these Inspiring Iuutniotic observances ,
Whatever may be time chiaracter of its tent-
pormmry Imroblemns , timia lIberty-loving nation
Is not amid never can be forgetful of the
immortal heroes of tIme civil war , For thmose
who served as iveli as for thom svhio fell
at Gettysburg-now so peaceful anti beautifully -
fully adormmed with the hmighmest creations of
time sculptor's art-our reunitemi follow-
cotmntryumemm , without regard to locality , creed
or political faith , imnvu an abidimig respect
amid the most cordial esteem. Today timose
ivhio commtendcd on thiB historic field imearly
thIrty-five years ago and their descendants
are mustering under time saummo flag , entimusi-
astie In tlmeir devotion to tIme nation , amid
wliimig to nmako nay sacrifice for its honor.
Time debt of gratitude whmiclm we owe to the
mmatlomm's clefcmmdcra can never be cormmpleteiy
repaid eIther by this or future generations ;
yet time aekmmowledgment of this obligation
mcii year , Iii various forms and In a
multitude of places imroughout thus broad
land , purifies our ideas mind brings us all
nearer together In sympathy of aemitimnent
ammO unity of purpose. No time could be
more umpmropriato than the Imresent to up-
imroach in a fitting spirit tlmese sacred themes
of time love of coummtry mind the rights of mmmii.
Generations comae ammd go and the issumes for
whmieit they fought amid died soon pass lute
history , Hut the living lmnlncililes of undertakings -
takings worthily accomupliahied for an Unselfish -
selfish purpose abide forever and guide us tea
a nobler destiny ammO still greater achieve-
meumts as a nation.
ittilt's mu FLINt itun ,
WAShINGTON , May 30-The Ihaltimoro
& Ohio amade a record tmiay on a fast run
between Cumberiand , McI. , and Washing.
ton. A special train carrying time St. Louis
base ball club covered Ibo 152 miles In
three hours and flvw minutes.
Brahi Workers1
Uorsford'sAcid ' Phosphate
tit3pbioa the needed nerve force.
n5bJImtut4s , Petci osmj Ia t.qttl s.i
Ito IrninlispstImnr , . ( 'omicimummil at ( lie
1'biilpcitic Eiied itbon amid H.itnb-
hIshmec hlcnclciunrtcrs ,
SAN FRANCISCO , May 80.-Major ( len-
cmi Merritt today established his bend-
quarters in the Pimclan bimilding , in time
rooms vacated by fleneral Otis , ivlmo is now
gerimianently located at Camp Merritt ,
This morning ( leneral Merritt issued an
order assuming conuumtnumtl of time Phtiilmpino
expedition. arid is now busily ongmigetl corn-
pleting arrangements for the forwarding of
the sccomid detachment of troops to Admiral
Dewey's assistance.
The work of preparing time steamers Zen-
iandla , China anti Colon for time reception
of troops is progresicimug , though rather
slowly. Tim Zc'alammdiut micedu little alteration -
tion to fit it. for service , antI fail be prc-
oared for sea 1mm forty-eight hours. provkl-
lag its cargo has been stowed ammO trimmed ,
The China is still aimloadimug at its dock.
but a force of carpenters Is at work fitting
bunks anti rnaklmmg othicr necessary repairs ,
nail time same amy be said of time Colon ,
The steamers Centennial amid Ohio , which ,
with the three vessels nanmed , tmmake tip time
five 'vessels to conmprlse the second fleet ,
have not ) 'ct arrIved fromu Pimget Sound ,
It is hot expeCted ( limit tint fleet can heave
hmere before time middle of next week at
the earliest mmuomnent ,
it is ummilerstood timat time Momiterey , wimicim
is being coaled itt Mnre island , wilt get
away by the cumil of time nrcsemtt wools.
The ( iuestiomi of what regimemmts will make
up the second expedltiomm to time i'imilippincs
is agitatimig time utica at time camp greatly.
Timey all wammt to go , but as there are uI-
ready over 12,000 mcmi , nnd more comnimmg ,
and tIme sccommtt cxpeditiomm lit to be made
iii , of only 5,000 mmmcmi , there will be amity
( lisaplmolmitniemmts ,
There arc umow five volunteer regiunents
ready-time Colorado , tIme Seventh Cmmiifor-
ala , time Mimmncsota , Nebraska ammtl Pemmnsyl-
vania. lIver ) ' vossible effort to get thmeni
immto shape for service lmas been nmade , amid
1mm view of this actIvity to get these regi-
mmicmmts fully equipped It looks as if timey ,
with the regulars mmow here , will constitute
time nmajor portion of time sccommd expedltiomm.
Time Kansas boys nro imappy tommigimt. fly-
cry mmmamm iii the regimiment is tvearlng a new
uniform , nets' shines , mmciv untierclothiing antI
looking ns good and as soldierly ns any
volummteer in canmp , amid timat Is saying a
good deal. Tue Kansans have also organized -
ized a band of twenty-six lmicces.
Memmmorial servies Were held in the Nan-
smi camp this afternoon , anti the macn , nil
attIred iii their mmciv uniforms , vresented mu
remarkable contrast to their appearance
two or three days ago.
The first battalion of troops from North
Dakota will reach this city tomorrow , and
the secomid battaliomm will arrive in a few
days , with the battalion front Soutim Da-
Time local rIco Cross fund has reached
$32i'PD. $ Today's contrihimtioums were swelled
by one of $5.000 , sent in by C. 1' . hunting-
The Ladies' Departmciit of the
I nstitte
Is now open tot- business , and fully
equipped with two new apparatus for giving
the most healthful , pleasing baths known
to the world.
The INSTITUTE has among Its patrons ,
the best known ladies in Omaha. We asic
you to give It a trial of two baths at least ,
nntl if it Is not found as represented , we wIll
refund your money.
Rooms , New Quarters ,
216-218-220 Bee Building
New HyOicoe nst ,
gA Two Weeks' '
- Treatment
'l'mthJY AltIc 01.1)
In the treatnisat of all
Chronic , Nervous and Private D1seases
and DlSOI4OhiRS OP
Catarrh. all Disease , of the No. . , Throat , O. . % ,
rtomach , I.mver , Iiiood , Skin and ICiltasy Dl , .
.41e1 , Lost Manhood. hly4roc.l. , Vericceel. ,
Gonorrhea , Oieete , Syphulma , Smnicture. l'mlss , Fis.
tula and Rectal tHeirs Diabetes flmtght' . IDis.
* s. cured. Call ci , or ddris with stamp ( of
Fr. . Dock and New Method , ,
Treatmept imy Mntl , Consultietton free ,
Oiuaba Medical and Surgical Insutilte
sc S. Ufl Nert 11th 51. . Oa& ItO ,
Mitihiet-si rtlotliersil 2tIoiIiersU !
Mrs. Wins1ows Soothmiumg Syrup iut been
uhed for over 50 years by mmmllllomis of mumothm-
ers for their clmildren 'wlmilu tecthmimig with
imerfect success. it oothe time child , soft-
cmiii the gums , allays all pmmium , cures wimmd
colic mund is time best remedy for Diarrhoea ,
Sold by druggists In every Pan of time
world. Be sure amid itsic for "Mrs.'lmmslow'ms
Soothing Syrup" and tnko no otimer lclumd ,
25 centS a bottle.
- - - - - - -
& ife :
quently get hold of'
- opposite ends of
. , ) (
r,1)g aI(1Fi : ,
_ _ . ' , t
/ I
itfany a hardworking timan ntmi womuami in
each day's toil , is puhhiumg a " ( tug of war1'
with death for an antagonist.
They fail o take proper care of ( lick p
health. When tlmey stiffer from Indigestion
cm siigimt bihiotma attack they "wear it omit. ' '
After it while timese dIsorders wear mit time
reckless nman 01 vomiman ammul time result Ia
commsunmptlou , mmmaiaria , riueuuiatlsnt , or sommic
blood or skium disease , Dr. Pierce's Coma-
nmomm Semmse Medical Adviser tells nil about
thicie diseases. It Is free to all , fir. Plcrve'
Goidemm Medical Discovery cures all t1m
maladies nutuned. It cures time cause , It
makes time appetite imeanty , time digestion
perfect the liver active atmul ( lie blood pure.
It Is th greet Ilood.tmiakcr , flesh-lmuiider
aiiti imerve tonic. Don't ' let a ditiggist Imu- "
pose cmi yea with a atone rofmtable stibtI-
. , I hind a very severe pain In time snmnll of may
bacic , where amy hips Joimm on to amy body , and ft
hurt so that I thiotight I was going to coumuc apart , "
writes Vumm. 7. . l'owcrs , hhci. , of iirin Shades ,
licorice Co. , % n , " My doctor cammie antI pro-
noimmiceti it nimt'imnmatlsmmm. lie gave ame a pre.crIp
tian. but I got no better but worse. I pimmcimumsed
a bottle of Dr. Pierce's toldemt Medical 1)iscorcry )
front may dniuggist amid crmtnnmenced to umse ft. Z
begnu to imimprove at once and got well , Now
emu in perfect hesltii-mio paIn , tie niicumnatisimm , "
Nearly every disease knoamm to cloctora
and the treatment is described 1mm Doctor
I'icrce's Cormuimmomm Sense Medical Adviser , \.i
0mm thmoumsanul amid eight magcs and over
timnee hummthctl iiltmstratiomms. ltmtmmi. Scmmtl
twcmmty - omic one - ccumt staimmims , to cOvcr -
mailimmg Of ? ) ' , to time World's Dispemisary
Medical Association , No. 663 Maui Street ,
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