Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 31, 1898, Page 3, Image 3

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q A Pleasant , SIfl1JIO hilt Sale and
. - E1fectIe Remedy for IL
" .
' \
Cntftrrh ot the tonincIi iut onr been
consklcretl tIic next thing to neurnb1e. The
tnsunl ytnptomM ztro a full o1 lloatn cn
Ration nfter entln , nccornpnnletl ometlmc
with rntir or watery rllrg , ft formation
of gae8 , enusing re8Ure on the heart anti
lungs and ilifilcuit breathing , Iiendache ,
tickle appetite , nervousness , anti a general
llflYCd.out , languki feoiinj.
There Is often a foul taste In ( ho mouth ,
- . ccnted tongue , and it the interior of the
, stcmnch could be cn It would 8how It
ilImy , inflamed eontiltion.
The cure for tith common anti obstinate
: : trotiiIo is foutid In a treatment which
causes the food to be readily , thioroughl'
digCstCl before it ) iti time to ferment nnd
irtitato the delicate muscous Burfuces of
- thu stomach 'P0 secure a irompt and
hulthay ( ligestiofi is th one necessary thing
to ilo , CIII ! when tiurmiti digestion is se-
cureil the entarrhnl condition wlhhl have
- 2ccording to Dr. ilnrhanson , tile safest
and bct trentment is to UMO after each
meal a tablet composed of dinstase , nsejtld
Ptthfllfl , 0. lIttle nUX. goldeii enl and fruit
IlCi(114. rhiesu tnhicts call flow be found at
nil drug stores limier the rinmu of Stuart's
. D3'ShlJPSiit ) Tablets , nhld , not being a hateflt
medielno , cati be used with perfect safety
anti nilsurunco that healthy lillCtltO unit
thorough digestion vihl follow their regular
use after heals.
Mr. N. 3. Bociier of 2710 Dearborn Street ,
Chicago , writes : "Cnlnrrli is a local con-
( titlOIi , resulting from at neglected cold In
t the hienti , svhierehjy the lining membrane of
the iiso beeoriie hummed and the poison-
4itilsehiarge therefrom , iassitig backward
Into the throat , reaches the stomach , thus
producing ( 'Ittuirhi of the tuiiichi.ledi -
Cal authoritlea prescribed for mu fur three
years for cntnrrli of tile stomach , without
cure , but today I nra the hinluilest ut inca ,
- after using ( lilly CUe box of Stuort's Dys-
lPsin ' ! 'abiets t citn not Ihial uiiiroprlatc
vcirils to express my gIiOII feeling , I have
founit tieshi , tihipetite &LIIL1 good rest train
tlwir use. "
Stuart's Dyniepsin 'h'ithiietii 114 the safest
I 'repa ' rat ion , its svel I a ii t lie si mph eSt mid
iiOHt Coiiveliieiit remedy , for aiiy form of
hilihlgestioii , cnturrh of tue ( oninchi , liii-
htjtistin , sour stomach , heartburn , amid
bloating titter meals.
Sciitl for little iook , mailed free , on
stomach troullp , t)3 , nddremmsliig Stuart. Coimi-
Pith ) ' , 1hitishiniI , 1hichi. The tnbiet can ho
fouiitl at all drug stores.
, . Thousands of 1i.OfIC Have 1)ys.
pepsI I Il ItVott
IIIII.L Iii ) Not Know It.
A weak stomach Is time cause of about
.tlne.tenths of all dbiease , yet In most
casem the wrong thing i treated anl the
true Cause overlooked.
Thil Is because a weak digestion produces
SyirlitOIIii3 resembling nearly every disease ,
because It. weukeil ; and disturbs the action
of every nerve and organ in the body ; poor
digestion causes heart trouble , kidney trou-
bie IUIII weakness , and , especially iier'-
oul ; breakdown or nervous prostration , the
nerves cannot stand tIme vear and tear
unIcHs geiicrously fed by well-digested
WllolCi4OiflO food.
Keel ) the digestion good and no one need
ttar the approach of disease.
MiSs. IL 1t. Leo of liochiester , N. Y. ,
writes : "For the sake of suffering liii-
inanity I want to say that from a child I.
-1/ hind a very vcnk stomach ; threw up my
- food very often after eating , and after a
few years nervous dym3)epsIa ) resulted , and
for more than twenty years I have suffered
'ii : have trfcd ninny physicians and adver-
tlsed remedies , with only temporary relict.
for nervous dyspepsia , and not until I corn-
inomiced Inking Stuart's Dyspepsia 'rabicts
last September , sIx months ago , have I
been free from suffering caused by the
condition of may nerves and stomach-In
shmcrt , chronic iibrvous dyspepsia.
"I have recommended Stuart's Dyspepsin
Tablets to many of my friends , anil now I
want In a public wny to say that they are
tile safest , picasantest , and , I behlvo , sur-
emit cure for stomach and nervous troubles.
- . I write my hmonet opinion anti I will latlly
answer any letter of InquIry at any time ,
anti feel that I am , In a small way , helping
on a good emmuec. "
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets are not a pnt-
cut medIcIne , but. they contain only the
fruit salts , digestive acids , anil peptones
necessary to help tim werilt stomach to
hromnPthY unit thoroughly dIgest food.
All ( iruggists sell h3ttinrt's Dyspepsia Tablets -
lets at t4) ecntH for fuII-sIzel package , and
lilly 000 mitifferItig from nervous dyspcpsha ,
sour stoinuchi , hiemuinclies. acidIty , gases ,
4. I'elclilng. eta. , vlll haiti theni not only a
. . ( IUlcl ( relict , but a radical cure.
Send to Stuart Company , Marshall , Mich. ,
for it little book describing cause and cure
m ' ' of tomnchi troubles , giving symptoms and
treatment. of the various ( onus of indigos-
I uterestlug Exlnr1nIcIltsVitli the
Nc' Stomuehi Remedy-Not a i'Ll.
tnt Medicine , l'tit a Safe Cure for
All Forms o IiithiestIoii.
Time results of recent investigation have
estubllslled beyond ijUestlon the great value
( If the now PreParation for indigestion itiitl
Httnnachi troubles. It Is composed of the
dIgestive iiclds-pcpsln , bisniutli , golden
seid , unit sinillar stoniachics-prt.parcd in
thu tormii of .20-grain lozenges , pleasant to
the t.lste , eon'enlcnt to carry when travel-
big , hmurniless to the most ilehlcnto stomach ,
auth vrobabb' the safest , most effectual
cure yet discovered ( or indigestion , sour
stomach , loss of appetite militi hleshi , nousea ,
, sick hiitilticlio , jinipitatlon of the heart , and
tile many 53InhtOIflS arising from iIflhOEfQCt
digestion of ( anti. They cure because they
ClItINO the food to ho pronintly nlitt thor-
iiiighii' dlgcsted before it has than to sour ,
ferment , miiiil POISOIt tile blood uttt nervous
system ,
Over 6.0(11 ucople in the litlitO of MIchigan
niona In I8I1 were cured of mltomnaelm troubles
by Stuart's Iyspepsia Tubieta ,
Fiihl-Ized luCkflgemi may be tomimid at all
druggIsts at tAh cents , or soul by mall on
receipt of price , ( ruin Stuart Conipminy ,
Marshimmil , Mlcii. Scimil for free book on
stomach diseases ,
( i ;
Means Long Life , Good Health , a
Cl ar Head and a Bright Eye1
The Ne' 1)Isco'cry , Stuart's 1)ys.
I pepsin Thbhetl , ( il'et Goo1
IIestIoIh 11)
Many persons suffer from dyspepsia and
Io not know it. They feel menu , out of
sorts , peevish , do hot sleoli whI , do not
hma'o a good , keeii appetite , do not himtvo
the imicllnittion and cne'rgy for physical or
macutah work they oncu had , but at the
snmno time do not feel any lairtieular latu
01 dIstress in the stotnach. Yet all this
: Uo result ut pees thgeation-an jt.
\1l\l :
only be cureti by a remedy spe
italy be cured by a remedy ipe-
tinily intended to CUItF it niiit
Inmiko the ( ligeStive organs act nsttmrahiy
and properly digest the food eaten hItters ,
after-dinner pIlls and nerve tonics will
hover help the trouble , TIIVV DON'T
ILEACII IT. The new medIcal dIscovery
DOES. It Is called Stuart's Dyspepslmi Tab-
iet , and It is a spoeiflc for tiymipeiisia and
ipligestlon. . It CUItES because It thor-
oughmly dIgests all wholesome food taken
Into the stomach. V"1l1Thh1lt 'FIlE
STOMACh IS I'4 GOOD Voht1lci Ott-
DIlt Ott NOT ,
Stuart's Dyspepsimi Tabiet by digesting
the food iIiStCLId of making tIme worn-out
stomach ilo all the work , give it a much-
needed flEST , and a CURE of dysepsIa Is
the natural result.
When you are nervous , run down , and
sleepless , ( lOfl't make the common mistake
of supposing your nervous system nedmm
treatment and till your stomach wIth 10W-
erful nerve tonics , which 'make you feel
good ( Or 8. little while , only to fall further
hum ever ,
'Your nerves are nil right , hut they are
STARVED : they WItni FOOD.
Nourish thorn wIth wholesome , evrydny
food , mimiti I'IENTY of it , vti digested , anti
you CILIi laugh at nerve ( bales mind mcdl-
lItit the nerves vtll not be nourished from
a weak Iiflii 111)1150(1 StInflcll but when the
digestion has been made lerect by the use
( if this great remedy nil nervous symptoms
\'ho ever heard of mi man or woman
lilem'st'il with a Vigorous digestion nnd good
appetite being troubled with their
Iltunrt's Dymipepsia Tnhlet wilt certainly
1401 OU stomach IInd digestive organs
right ; they can't help but do it , because
they nourish time body by digesting the
food ( ttefl nmiil rest the stomach.
YOU get NoIJItlshIMENr nail It1tST at
one flnii the SiUiIl turn' anil that is 1111
( lie worn-out ( llSllCItlC REEDS to build
him up and give new life to every organ
and mtiltled zest to every Pleasure.
Stuart's Dyspepsia 'l'ablets Is a godsenil
to tile mirmy of men and women with wemtk
stomachs , weak nerves , and justly merits
the clnim of being OflO of tile most worthy
medical discoverIes of the times.
It Is so cheap that thit' poorest can re-
celve Its benetits , costing but tO cents a
Iackagc mit all drug stores.
It I urelmareil by the Stuart Chemical
Comlinhly of Iilnrshnil , ithich , , auth any
druggist 'trill get it for you. It you are
troubleil with any stoinmicit trouble you can
IlL afford to be without it.
40,000 , PHYSIC1N3
Use the New Preparation for Dyspepsia -
popsia and Stomach Troubles.
Not a Secret l'.ttent MediehIe , but ti
Cure for E'ii'y Form of
It has licen stated recently that hot less
tlrnti 40,000 ithysicimmns are using or inilorsimig
the new discovery for indigestion sold by
all druggists unter the annie or Stuart's
Dyspepsia Tabhet. Dr. Tomhinson gives
tile following rensons why physicians regard -
gard the ne' remedy with so miiuch favor :
First , because it Is NOT it secret patent
medicine , hut a scientille combination of
vegetables essences , pure aseptIc Iepsln ,
( roe from animal imnpurlties , and of very
bight digestive power , bismuth , and golden
It has been tested repeatedly anti the cx-
perlmnonts have proved that one grain of
the digestive principles in Stuart's Dyspop-
sla Tablets will digest three thousand
times its own veight of lean meats , eggs ,
oatmeal amid sImilar wholesome foods.
The tablets act wholly upon tue food
taken into the stomach , digesting it thor-
ouglily , no matter vhother thio stomach Is
In good working order or not. and cure all
forms of ilyspepsia and stomach troubles
on the common sense idan that they nourish
tim body and rest the stomach atthiemiame
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets do not act
mmflon the bowels like time old-fashioned
after dinner Pills. nor are they an artillcial
stimulant , lIke "stomach bItters , " nor are
they in any way similar to so-called predigested -
digested foods , which consist of 85 per cent
of "glucose , " the stuff that cheap candies
are made from , but Stuart's Dyspepsa )
Tabicts do what none of these tic-they
act whiolly tIPOhl the food eaten anti digest
It completely , amid tile cure of indlgetion
is an assured fact , because , the tooth being
irouerhy ( ligesteti , it cannot lie for hours
in the stomach , fomenting , decaying , liii-
hog the system with germs of disease but it
is nsslmiiiateil , nourishing and Invigoring ,
not omiW the body and brain , but the
stomach itself as vehI.
The tabicts are absolutely harmless , and
can ho given and mire given , with beneilt ,
to lIttle children and infants suffering from
Indigestion. As shiowit above , they contain
110 mIneral 1)0150115 , nor anything in any
way Injurious.
Dr. 1Vtrth , sziys he hma noticed in many
cases that the tablets not only cured mdi-
gestion , but that a very noticeable Imicreaso
of 1ieh resulted where people who used the
ttthilets vere thin and run down in Iieshi before -
fore taking them , and it is not at nih sur-
prisimig that suchi should be the case , whiemi
It is renicmnbcretl that most ucolile are thin
because their stomachs are out of order ,
and when perfect digestion is brought back
an increase of llcsht is the natural accomn-
panimemit ,
Within limo last stir months many thotis-
timid cases of mitomnnch troubho and thyspep-
air , tin , , . , ) .nan rirnI I , , , CIn.i , ,
- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . " . . , " . ,
Tablets , amid their convenience antI opu-
larity are stich that druggists everywhere
are now seliling them. The price is ro cents
vcr package. mint ! if your druggist has not
yet ordered 1)1cm ) , he will get thcmn for ymmu
from hiis wholesaler. '
'Fhiey are maniminc-
tured by Stunrt company , Marshall , Michi.
Your druggist , if lie is homiest , vilt tell
you that Stuart's Dysmepsia Tablets Is the
only PreIarmttioli now before the lubiic
reconhmnemlIed and designed solely for time
cure of indigestion and stomach troubles.
No other claims arc mnrimo for it ; it is miot
claimed to be a euro all.
Get Strength , Vigor , Clear Coin-
IexIomi tind GOOd Digestion-
Not by Patent Medicifles ,
biit'iit Nature's Own
An homiest physician will toil you that
there is but one way to get increased ihe4h
-itlI the Patent metilcilmes and cod liver oil
to the 'oatritry miotwithmstammtling ,
Nmtturo has but one way to increase tiesim ,
strength , anti vigor of mind amid body , and
thmitt 15 tlirotigli time stomach by wliolesomne
food , well digested. Thmoro is no reason or
commomm sense iii any other niethmod what-
I'eoplo arc thin , run down , nervous , halo
and shaky in theIr nerves simply because
their stomachs arc weak.
They may miot think thie have dyspeimsma ,
but the tact remains that tile ) ' do hot eat
enotigh food , or what they eat is not quickly -
ly nail lroperl digested , as It hioimltl be.
Ir , Ilarlanson stys : thai reason iii becuue
time stomach hacks certain digestIve acids
and Imeptommes , and has a deitcient secretion
of gastric juice ,
Nature's remedy In such cases is to sup-
imly what time weak stomach lacks. There
are several good h1renarutioi.i. 'hiicii will
do thus , hut nomie so readily us Stuart's Dys-
Pt'hmsitL 'rabbIs. vhichm iiro demiignt'tI 051)0-
chilly for all stonmmich troubles , anti which
cure all digestive wetikmiesses-on tue corn-
mon-seimso plan of furnishing time thlgestivo
PrllmCiIhea which the stomach hacks ,
Stuart's Dy.pesia Tablets give nerect
digestloim , FIrst effect is to itmereitse the up-
1tite. anil Increascil % 'igor , at1ted flesh ,
hmuro blood , mimmit stremmgth of mmert'o muscle
are time lmerfecII mmdturnl result ,
Stuart's Iyshmcpmiia Tablets is the safest
tonic kmmowmi. amid wfll ciro any form of
stomach trouble except enacer of the
. mstomttvlm , May be found at tiruggists at 50
ct'iit for fuii-ized package , or direct by
znIl ( ruin Stuart Commmpany , Marshall , Micim.
IAttts book ott itouutclt dtieasea walled
Serious Results Sometimes Follows
Its Excessive Use.
Common soda is nil right in its place and
indIspensable in time kitchen and for cotik-
lag and SS'flsltng Imurposes , but it never
intended for a medicine , and people who
use It as smmch wlil some day regret It.
We refer to th common use of soda to se-
hlevo hmeartburmm or sour stonmach-n habit
which thousands of PeoPle lmractice almost
daily , and one which is fraught with dams.
ger. Moreover , the soda only gives tempo-
rnry relief anti in the end the stomach gets
wcrso and worse.
The soda acts as a meehamdcnl irritant to
time salls of time stomach and boweis , and
cases are on record whsero It accumulated in
thus intestines , causing d.eath by inhlamma-
tion or verftonitis ,
Dr. Itarianson recommends as the safest
and surest cure for sour stomach ( acid
dybisepilia ) an excellent Preparation sold b
druggists mustier the name of Stuart's Dys.
pOhfiift Tablets , Theo tablets are large , 20-
grain lozenges , very pleasant to taste and
contain time natural acids , peptones , and iii-
gestivo ciements essential to good digestion.
They digest the food perfectly anti promptly
before It has time to ferment , sour and
lmoison time blood and nervous system.
Dr. W'uertim states that iso invariably uses
Stuart's Dymipepsia Tablets iii nil cases of
Stotunchi derangements , amid untie thens a
certain cure , mmtt only for sour stomach ,
hut , by Imrolnlptiy digestitmg the food. timey
create it healthy lihletltC , increase flesh
nnd stremigthien limo action of time hmcart ammd
'm'hn , n , . . . , , , , t 0 , , nthnt1 , ' itit In-
tentled only for stomach diseases and weak-
miess , and Will be found reliable in mmny
A little book , describing all forms of mitohil-
ach.All tlruggists sell Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets -
lets at 50 cents per lmacknge.
A little book , describing nil forms of stomA
A little book , describing all forms of slum-
achi weakness hind timelr core , mailed free
by addresslmmg the Stuart Company , Marshall -
shall , Micim.
Soiuething'About the New Discovery
for Curing ilyspepsia.
The Ites' . F. I. Dell , a highly-esteemed
minIster , resutling at Weedmiport , Cayuga
Co. , N. Y. , in it recent letter , writes as follows -
lows : "There has hover been anythIng that
I have taken that immis relieved thie tlys-
pepsltt , froims which I have simifereil for ten
years , except time new remedy called
Sttart'mi Dyspepsia Tablets. Sihmco taking
them I have hind no distress at all after
eating , anti migitlis after long years can sleep
well. " 11ev , F. I. Boil , Weedsport , N. Y. ,
fcrrnerly of ladalla , Cob.
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tabbets is a remarkable -
able remedy , not only because it is a cer-
tatmi cimre for all forms of indigestion , but
because it seemo to act as thoroughmly in
ciii , chronic cases of (1yslmcmsma , as vehi as
iii mild attacks of indigestion cmiii bilious-
ness. A person hits dyspcpsia simply he- I
cR5150 the stomach is overworked. All it
wantmi is a harmless vegetable remedy to
digest tue food , and thus give it the much-
needed rest.
Timis is time secret of time success of this
peculiar remedy. No matter how weak or
hew mmmcli disortiored tIme digestion may be
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets will digest the
tooth , whether time stomnmteh works or not.
New life anti energy arc given , not only to
the stomach , but to every organ anti nerve
1mm the body , A trial of this splentlid mcdi-
clime viIi convince the mimost skeptical that
dymipepsia and nih stoinneim troulmies can lie
cured. So popular has the rcmetiy become
that Stuart's Dyspepsin 'rablets can now
be obtained at any drug store at 50 cents
ier package.
. 81
- .
Tailor 0003 for AlcohoI rBnt Drink8
Corrosive Snb1hnato ,
_ _ L
( i
Mitnke Iii Selection 1ilttleM ! Citsities
1118 lcntli-lImicolii l'eole , After
thie Stnie hteiimhtienn
Conemitiotmi ,
LINCOLN , May 30-Specinl.-John ( ) A.
Wcstberg , living at 444 South Thirteenth
street , drank corroslo subllnmate yesterday
afternoon , mistaking it for alcohol , mmcd
died from the effects of time poison , lie
bath gone into a dark closet to take a drink
from a bottle of alcohol anti by mistake
drank Irons the wrong bottle. Medical aid
was of no avaIl and he died in great agony ,
\Vestherg was a tailor cmnployetl by I'aine
& Warfel anti hint steady work. The coroner -
nor made an investigation last evening antI
decided that time taking of the poison ww
purely accidental and not with suicIdal in-
A mmumbcr of prominent people of Lincoln
are devising plans to secure the republican
state conrntIon for this cIty , ammtl a corn-
nslttee with that end in view will attend the
meeting o time state central committee at
Omaha tomorrow evening. A quiet meeting
'as hielti at the Lindell hotel Saurtlay
evening to decide upon the course to be pur-
stied. The greatest drawback to Lincoln as
a coflvemmtion city Is the fact timat there is no
ball large enough to hold the delegates con-
venlently. Earlier in Limo year it was hoped
that time miew autlltoriiimn woulti be ready for
the conventions , but there is now no pros-
lwct that the now hall will be built before
next spring.
Work will be commenced this week on
time now bmhiltling to be erected by L. C ,
Richards on thai corner of Eleventh anti 0
streets to replace the block burned dowmi
about six weeks ago. The miew structure
will be four stories in height auth will be
bimlit on motiern Plans for a flrsLclass omce
building , The Lamastor building , which
was also damaged by time fire , is ummtlergoing
repairs. Time Davis buldng , whelm stood
alongside time htichards block and vimieh was
totally destroyed , will be rebuIlt before winter -
ter ,
Memmiorini D113Services. .
Memorial day was obseretl in a fitting
in'inner hero today by most of the residents
of the city. Business was suspended more
generally thams ever before and alL uniteti in
doing honor to our departed soldier heroes.
Time program commenced at 2 o'clock , whehi
time procession moved to W'yuka cemetery ,
A detachment was also sent to St. Theresa's
cemetery to decorate the graves of soltihers
buried there. The decorating was a pretty
sight. Detachments of soldIers were posted
at cacti grave anti t thomsoimmimi of time bugle
flowers were strewn on thhni at the same
time. At time stand Mrs. Cotter sang "Time
Star Spangleti Banner , " while the flag was
slowly raised to time cop cf ho Gramiti Army
of theltepublioflagstatf. The address was tie-
hiverctl by 11ev. 11. 0. Ro'wlammd of the First
Baptist church , and it faimiy bristled tt'itis
tue patriotic spirit of the times. After a
benediction "taps" was soutided , antI the
crowd dispersed , each ode prosemit feelIng a
renewed iove and by lty to the flag of our
Members of the Christian1 denomination
met at the conservatory1 of music building
yesterday afternoon anti orgamsized the Central -
tral Christian church of Lincoln , amid will
imold regular services as soon as a pastor is
secured. The officers dlected by the society -
ciety were mis foiiows. , Trustees , N. K.
Grlggs , Prof. F. M. Johnson , J. Z. Briscoc ;
clerk.V. . B. lUchiartison ; elders , J. Z. tins-
eec , G. Id. Plumb , E. Jeary ; deacons , For-
rI Iii
/ / d ) _ . . s. : .
. , , hisi ;
Mr. Judsoti A , Stallion , who for many years Iiasitbeeii act-
ive1y iLclttiIietI wi th Cihui'ch and Suiiday.Sc1iqb1'voi'k ' and
the organization of City Missions in St. Louiii , a pi'oiiti'
nont young business man , being engaged as spial agent
for the Aetna Life Insurance Company , 508-511 'Ofd Fellows'
As l'i'esident of the St. Louis Christjai : t Endeavor
Uttion , lie covered himself with glory by coiiducting the
ilhinhOiThO excursion of that organization to Sab Fi'ancisco
last summer. He is also Cihairmati of the $ icia1 Coin-
mittee on Missionary Exhibits for the 1'ay Day tlestival of
the Sunday-Schools of St. Louis , which \varlreld under
tue : wspices of the St. Louis Sunlay. School Uiion , at the
Fair Grounds eztily in May , a feature of which was the
grand chorus of ten thousaiid voices. Regarding the value
of Stuart's DYB1)CISia Tablets , lie says :
"I have had to be extremely careful what I ate , Many
things were indigestible , and after a hearty dinner I could
scarcely keep awake. I tievor have been sick in lied , but
have had a great deal of ilicotivonionce from indigestion.
Sitico I learned of the merits of Stuart's 'l'ablets I Iceep
them ill my desic or cu'ry them in my pocket , and find
that I can eat anything at all without discomfort. They
were i'ec'oinmended to inc by a friend who is enthusiastic in
their pi'aise. I cannot afford to be drowsy after lunch , and
fInd thiee tablets just the thing to assist digestion and
keep all my faculties wide-awake. "
f i _ _
ter Iletige , C , U , Yen Iiuyn , .7. Id. EdmIs-
ten , W. C , Lane and N. A , Bacon ; mica.
cenesses , Mrs. Martha Iledge , Mrs. N , A.
The Sunday school ot Grace Methodist
church held a flag service yesterday , Among
other things a complete history of the designing -
signing and making of .our first flag was
given. All musIc was of a patriotic nature ,
.itti3lOhtlAL lA' IN NIhhiltAsiCt.
( irnct. of thit Soldier Denil Agnimi
Iccurntesi , s liii FiocrN ,
IJLAIR , Nob. , May 3OSpccial.The ( )
exercises of Decoration day attended wIth
the ceremonies of unveIling the benutiful
monument erected by the \Vzmshlmigton
County Monument association were mm sue.
cess here today. The day has been cool
with a bright , clear sky. Fully tOdO P'OPlC
were on the grounds wills nearly OO in
the parade. In the forenoon a conunittec
with a procession of 150 carriages went to
the cemetery anti decorated the aoldlens'
graves. The afternoon exercises coat-
menceti with a hmarado through the princi.
pal streets , beaticti by the Blair milItary
band of twenty-two picces , followed by tIme
uniform rank Knights of Pythitas , Othi Fellows -
lows , Maccabees , Woodnien of time Wonitl.
Modern Woodnien , United W'orkrncn , ( er-
nian Voreimi , Grand Arimsy of limo iteplmblic
and time Woman's Itciicf corps lodges. hto' .
Patrick of iicrman , Nob. , was master of
cerenionles , and after music by ( lie band
anti prayer by Rev. Barton , ho lmitm'otlucetl
Jimilgo 'tVV ICeysor of Onimilvi , tue speaker
of the day , That time address of Judge ncy-
ser was eloquent anti well ittteti to time oc-
caston Is the verdIct of the vast audience
whIch listenetl to imini , George P. Be Temple ,
on behalf of the citizens of this eoomty , vie-
sentel time mflontilflelmt to thu memory of
time tienti soldiers buried here. Patriotic
songs were smimmg by I'OO of the t3Inlr school
cimiltlren , acconipanicti imy hanti numslc. 't'imc
city is beautifully tiecoratetl with ihags mmmiii
ovdry busIness imouso closed from 2 to I
BLAIR , Nob. , May 30.-Speclal.-Ahl ( )
the churches tilspensvd wRit their regular
services hero yesterday and imimited in macrn-
anal services at time opera house , Rev.
\Viliinms of the Prcsbyterinmm clnmrcim tie-
Ilvered the sermon anti was assisted by
Limo other ministers of the cIty , Thu sing-
imig for the occasion was renticreti by the
choirs from the several churches ,
WAYNE , Nob. , May 30.-Special ( Tcie-
gram.-Menmoriai ) day was observed in
Wayne iii a very appropriate mmmnmmmier. Yes-
tertlimy mutton services were held itt time
opera house , time sermon being preaclmeti by
Rev. 1) . C. Montgomery of time l'rcsbytcrlamm
ciumrcim. Today time city was ommo mass of
red , white mmt1 bloc amid fuhby three thousand
people assIsted in immalcing time day a mcmii-
orablo one. Ttme parade was formmmcd on
Main strcct anti niarchmed to time cenmetery ,
where tue graves of the departed heroes
tvcrc strewn vltii flowers. After time nittm-
ahistic services by the Grand Army of time
Republic the liaraile reformed and mmmarcbcd
to time opera house , where the large crowd
listened to an cioqtment address by Captain
hieimry of Fairmont.
CRETE , Nob. , May tO.-Spcciai ( Teho-
gramn.-Memonial ) day exercises were lmclti
hero today lii the usual mnanmmer. Grand Arnmy
ot time fleimublie I'ost No. 75 beaded time pro.
cession of scimools anti civic societies to
Riverside cemetery. After time decoratiomm of
time graves a large crowd asseumbleti In the
pavilhion in time asscrnbiy grnummds , where
Judge Hayward of Ncbtaska City delivered
an eloquent anti patriotic oratiou.
HASTINGS , Nob. , May 30.-Spccial ( Tel-
egrarn.-Meniorlai ) day was properly observed -
served iim hastIngs. Time city was tmedecked
with usgs and bunting and the Cuba enslgmm
floated by the side of American colors. At
1 o'clock time procession left time cirammd
Army halt In time following order : Ilast-
ings band , nmayor anti city council , drum
corps , speakers and ciergy , schools , Wo.
man's Relief corps , Silas A Strickland post ,
citizens in carriages. At the cemetery crv-
ices were conducted by the Grand Army.
The services were concluded in time opera
house where over a thousand people lIst-
emmed to appropriate and patriotic speeches
by Hon. IV. E. Andrews , Hon. Fred Ohm-
stead , Rev. John Power , lIon , J. N. Clarke ,
Salem 0. PaUlson , lIon. 11. A. Batty. At
Limo close the audience joined in sixmgimmg
"Time Star Spaagied Banner , "
IITJMBOL.DT , Nob. , May 30.-Speciai (
Teiegranm.-Thme ) churches of the city mmnitetl
and held services in the city park yesterday -
day morning. A meimmorial seramon was do-
livened by 11ev , George C. Ritcimey of the
Christiamm church. Time Grand Armmmy post
attended In a body and aim time nmammsrnotim
new flag pole in time center of the park
floated the Amerlcaim and Cuban flags.
SHELTON , Neb. , May 10.-Speclal.-- ( )
Memorial services were held Sunday at 11
a. am , in Meisuer's opera house. The Grand
'Animmy and Womnamm's Relief corps attended
iii a body. Rev. G. S. Smith preached time
TEKAMAH , Nob. , May SO.-Speclah.-- ( )
The memorial sermon Summday was delivered
by 11ev. Antlsdel of the Baptist ehurchm at
time opera house at 11 o'clock a. in. , to a
crowded house. Today , Memorial
day , was appropriately observed
In this city. The streets , wimicim
were profusely decorated vitim hogs and
bunting , were crowded with people. The
address was delivered by Judge Fawcett
of Ornmmhma.
WAhOO , Nob. , May 30.-Speciai-Ma- ( )
morial day was observed in this city yesterday -
torday , Time Grand Army witim some assist-
alice decorated time gmnres in the alternoorm
aimd in the avenimmg people gathered at time
opera house to time number of 1,200 or 1,500 ,
atmd hlstemmed to an excellent and appropriate
seramon by 11ev. ( irahaum , pastor of time
Presbyteniami cimmmrcim , The Gramni Army
post of this city has decided to imereafter
imolti limo memorial services on thmo SabbaUm
nearest the 30th of May anti iii that way
bar all classes of entertalnmimemmts not wholly
1mm keeping wlthm time sacredness of thio tin- .
WESTON , Neb , , May tO.-Speciah- ( )
Menmorlal day exercises were hmehd today
and were vartlclimted in by neaniy mmli time
iteoPho of the town and surrounding coumm-
try. tim the irocession wore time Wctoim
band , old soldiers , Knigimts of l'ythias , An-
cleat Order of United Workmen , Modern
Wootlmenm , Knights of St. John , Woodrntim
of tlmo World , llremcmm and time schools. Ti1e
procession was a bait mile itt iongth aimil
umarcimed to two cemeteries , whiei'e tue
graves of old soldiers , immembers of lodges
amid all other friends verc tleconmmteth with
flowers , Apmropniato Speechies were mimlole
at each cemetery in English and the rio-
imemlan languages.
W'1ST POINT , Nub. , May 30.-Spe ( ial- )
Decoration day was observed with great
emmthusiasm iimVest I'oiimt , The local Post
of time Grand Army of tIme Republic , time
scihooi children , time mayor anti corporation
amid fire companies marched to the pubiimm
ceimiotery , accompanied by a large number
of citizens in carriages and on foot , An do-
quent oration was delivered by 110mm , E. K ,
INDIANOLA , Neb , , May 30-Special ( Tel. I
egrama-Tho ) largest number of people ever
asseinbied at this imlace ( or a similar purpose -
pose observed memorial Sunday and Decoration -
tion day imere. Rev , B. J. Vivian preached
the sermomi , lion , J , D , Mescrve , who Is here
to recruit company L , Third regiment , was
the principal speaker today , A company of
war voltmmmteers marched In time procession
and the flags of Cuba floated by the side
of a tattered war flag of time rebellion. This
evening twt'imty-flvo volunteered , ex-Reprc *
sentatives Joimmi J , Lamborim mind I , A. SImon-
dan being on the list ,
FRHM ONT , Neb. , May 30.-Speciah.-Tbo ( )
people of this city and vicinity seemed to
enter more deeply immto the spirit of Memorial -
rial day this year than usual. 'rhia morning
at 0 o'clock the members of McPherson
post , Grand Army of time Republic , met at
their hall and took street cars to time cents-
tory , where they decorated the graves of
the veterans with flowers anti flags. This
afternoon there was the usimab 1)ccorstioml
day varatle. The students of time Normal
scimocml anti Sons of Veterans escorkib the'
Grand Army Post anl the \Vonmcn's Itetlef
Corps to the opera house , where a program
was given consisting of patrIotic songs ,
reatlImmg of ortlers of the tlmmy , renthlmmg of IAn.
cola's Gettysburg ndtirvss anti an ntltlress
ly Dr.V , P. Murray of time Methodist
church. The attendance of eopie fm-ens out
of towim was hanger thaim for the last two
or three years.
NEIIRASKA CITY , Nob. , May 30-Spc- (
eimil.-An ) interestimmg anti impressive 1)eco-
ration day program was carrieti out here
today. Exercises were holti at the opera
houmsa In the afternoon , where 11ev. C. M ,
ShcptrtI of time Methodist Episcopal church
delIvered the atitiress , Time ( iranti Army of
the Republic posts. fire department , secret
societies anti citizemms In carriages and on
toot formed a line anti muarcheti to Wyuka
cemetery , where the graves of old soldiers
tvere decorated , liusimmess was generally
stispendeil ,
SUTTON , Neb. , May iO.-Speclal.l-Me- (
mnonlal service was imeiti yestertiny mornIng
in the Methodist church , 11ev , Levy , vaster
of time Congregational church , delivered the
sermnomm. In the evening lies' . Fowler , pastor
of time Methodist church , gave a scrnmohm to
the gratlutatimmg class.
NOlt'l'hi I3END , Nob. , May S0.-Spccini. ( )
-Decoratiolm tIny was dimly obscrrctl here
tOiifl ) ' . TIme watlmcr was fine amid a large
crowtl was hmrcscnt. i'rof. Saylor of Limi-
coin atitlressed ami inmrnemmso crowd at time
opera imouse. Time graves of time dcparteti
Imeroes were decorated. Time fire ticpartmmscmmt
amid all civic societies mmmarehmel to time cetue-
tory wttlu time old soldIers and \\'onmcn'a Ito-
iief corps ,
AUBURN , Nelm. , Mfly 20.--Speciai ( 'Feb.
grarn-Dccoration ) day was fittingly oh-
servtti lmero today untler time atmsplces of
Carlo post. Rioquemmt addresses were mantle
by Jumtlge ScimtmhhV. . I ! . itilhigar anti A. J.
Burahanm. Court house bonds were defeatetl
at Sattmrday's election by 170.
MCOOK , Nob. , May 30.-Spcclrmi ( Tebo-
grmm.-McCoolc ) anti t'icimmtty observed Decoration -
ration tiny timis mufterimoon by exercIses of
touclmiiig immtcrost. Jumtlgo William It. StIr.
ton of hastings delivered an address timat
fired every heart wills eatimtmslasm. The
Nebraska hirigadier imammil , Congrogationmul
choir anti the school cimlhtbrcn lmrovitlel the
niusic. The parattim to Lnngview cemisetery
was bug , There a nmommtmmmmcnt was dedicated
to the immenior' of time ummmknowmi doati and to
the memory of those wimo went dowmm in time
Maine , V. fl. Starr of MeCook tielit'cning time
dedicatory atidresm. Tue graves of deceasctl
veterans were decorated 1mm accortlance with
the beautiful ceremmiommy of time Grammd Army
of time Republic.
CLAY CENTER , Neb. , May 30-Spcciai. ( )
-Meimmonial Sunday was observed hide yes-
terday. Rev. It. N. Ornihi of time Metimotlist
Episcopal church of FairfIeld , who Is a Semm
of Veteran , tleiivercmi amm abbe and touchmimmg
serhmmon , Today there were services in time
court room , the oration beimmg delivcrcti by
Rev. F.V. . Scams of timls lhmtce.
iiUMlJOLlT , Nob. , May 30.-Speclnl.- ( )
Wlhhiimmn Mix post No. 66 , Granti Army of the
Iteptmbiic , ( iccorated tlmo graves of timelr deceased -
ceased conmradcs thus mmmom'nlmmg , being mms-
sistetl iii time pariitle imy time vohimntcer fire
conmpammy , time scimocmb childremm , time Knights
amid Ladies of Security amid the Degree at
Honor. In time mmftenmmoon a programmi was
remstiercti in time city park , time pnimmelpab
speaker being 11ev , Peter yams Fleet of Na-
braska City.
WILIIER , Nob. , May 30.-Speclal.-Thmo ( )
observammcc of Iecoratiomm day attracted an
Inmamemmee crowd here. ilarhier post of the
Grammd Arimmy of the Republic anti time camp
of Sons of Veterans pertorimmeti their custommm-
any ceremnoimics. Time lodge of Intiependent
Workmen also held their usual decoration
K1dAI1NEY , Neb. , May 30.-Special ( Tebe-
grammm.-Memorial ) and Decoration days were
duly observed here , Time immemorial sCrmnon
was preached in the opera houmse by Rev.
Neisen , pastor of the Christian church , Thme
exercises today were largely attended mmd
the city was protimsely decorated. lieu. W.
D. Oldlmarn delIvered the address at time
opera house this mufternoomm where an inter-
eating and appropriate program had been
imroimarcd for the occasiomm. The absemmco of
company A , Nebraska Natiommai Guard , was
particularly noticeable , as they have occu-
iied a conspicuous phaco in time program for
immimny years.
SYRACUSE , Nob. , May 20.-Speclmml ( Tole-
granm.-Menmonial ) Sunday services ivere oh-
served by all time churcimes timmiting at. time
opera imouse. Time sermomi was by Rev. ii.
.v. Gartiner. Memorial day was duly oim-
served under the auspices of Wadsworth
post , No. 21. Rev , D. H. Lake delivered the
eratIomm. The attendammco was large ammd fourteen -
teen graves were decorated by time vcteramms
who mnarchmed to tIme conmetery.
SIDNEY , Nob. , May 30.-Special ( Tele-
gramn.-An ) imanmenso commcourse of peeplo
fohloweti time procession this mmtormming , conm-
posed of Grand Armmmy of time Reptmimhic , Semis
of Veterans , Wemea's Relief corps , Sithmmey
Brass anti Conmmct band. 'rime graves of tIe-
parted Imeroes were decorated amid great
solenmmmity. In time afternoon time entire pop-
uiatien of time city amid immmntireds from time
surrounding country went to the tiepot with
a brass hand to witness time arrival of time
First reglnment of Southm Dakota , nearly 1,100
macn. Time boys were cdmeeroti to time echo
and after the timree trains departed time 1)01)0-
lace repaired to the court house ammmi listened
to eleqiment adtlresses by 11ev. BaIter mind
11ev , lt. S. Meore. Several recitations wc fj
also mielivered end a chorus composcml of tIme
Sidmmey Glee club rendered musIc. Every
bumsinesmi imouse in time city was closed and
decoratotl with flags ammil buimting ,
COLUMBUS , Nd , , , Mmiy 80.-Special- ( )
The banks , county numb city o1ilcc were
closed today and time "legai holiday" placards
vero censpictioums en time tleors , 1mm ftc.
cordmmmmco witim a proclanmatlomm issued by
Mayor Fitzpatrick nil hmmslne'ms suns practi-
caliy suspentieti in the aftermmoon , Time procession -
cession headed by time Simctl Creek bammd was
cOmmiOseiI as followal linker I'ot Grammtl
Army of the Itepuimlic No , 9 , Sons of Voter-
ens , drmmnm corps , Columbus fire thepartimmemmt ,
citizens. Time tiny was faIr and time oxen-
cises were lmold at time high school grounds
where lion , V1' . A. McAllister tlcilvcred the
address of limo day. There was also singing
and time schools hind a hart on tIme lmrogrammm ,
Time nmmmrcim was therm takojm imp to time commas-
tories in time eastern part of time towmi , where
twemmty-nimme of time heroes of ' 61 to ' 65 arc
sleeping , antI their graves were decorated
witlm flowers ammilmi impressive ceremnony , Tue
grave of Miss Mary Grifhltim , who was a nurse
In this Union army , was also decorated ,
Cttpiijtmtii ItOh Coiaiiili'h'l ,
FREMONT , Neb , , May 30-fipecial- ( )
Thme roil of memnbera of comnpammy F , Third
Nebraska , is completed. Messrs. P. 5 , Cuimi-
aiinga and W. 0 , Thompson of this city imimve
forty-five macmm enrohleti front timls imnmetllnto
vicinity , J.V. . C. Abbott cmmrohleml twenty-
seven from Ilooper anti Scribner amid \V. J ,
McVickar of North Booth , who was author-
izod to raise time compammy , has twenty-five
froumi North Bend antI Dodge , Time company
will meet soon and elect otilcers , There are
many aspirants for the conmnmlsslomis , hut. IL
I is probable that timose wimo raised the corn-
puny will be limo successful ones. There are
three lawyers on the list , W. 0 , Tlmompson ,
J , w , C , Abbott and WaldoVimmtersteea ,
county Judge.
1)1 seovers a Misc ri a go ,
PLATTSMOUTI1 , Nob. , May 30-Speclmil ( , )
-Early inst December tIme Itoartl of Coni.
mlssiomiera of 1asa county contracted wIth
S. I' . Hovey , an expert accountant of Lin-
cciii , for a timorough antI systeimmatle exam-
lnation of time records of the county troas-
urer's olilce during time peiod between January -
uary 9 , 1800 , arid February 2l 18f8. Mr
Ilovey last eveimlog aubmnlttctl imis cotmiplotim
I report to the tjoard. SurpnlIpg 1 may
scern , suhen consitlerimig the fact tlmt the
booka have been exathineti regularly by time
state examiner , shortages of over $ i.00O
were brougimt to light , Of thIs sumn iG00
aimicim occurred ibuirlimg the tennis of h. C.
hitkhoft , has beems paid in to time treaaur
anti the balance of time shortage , $1,3o7'0m
wimlch was found to have occurred In 1800-Oh ,
tInning time term ofV , It. Cushlng , cx-
cashier of the defunct Citizens' bank.
In hIs report Mr. Ibovey speaks iii tha
Imigimest terimma of time condition of ( ho see-
orda of ( lie present treasurer , A. It. tilken.
bury , arid his ( lolmuities. 'Fime records at time
presemmt ttmmme show Cass coumity to be in time
finest flmmancial contlltiomi In Its history. Sutt
will at once be brought against the bonds-i
mmmcmi of Mr. Cushing rutmut bits deputIes. '
Cumsbuimmg Is the nman whmo wrecketi time Ciii-
zens' bank In this cIty sommie four years ng ' ' 1
by his wtitb seheimmos imu backlmig hIs brother.
hick Ctuihing , time famnous western railromu
contractor ,
Euiiemiit'iut mit Asiilmitl.
ASIILAN1) , Neb , , May 30.-i3pecial.- ( )
Sumimdmmy muormming , about 10 o'clock , Sort Simer-
mmmcmi cabled at time livery barn of 1)othls
b'osomn ) anti secured a tenimm , statingthmnt ho
wotmid rettmnmm it in a few lmotmrs , lIe tlmctt
lmroeeedcd to the imoimmo of VItIinimm ii. flt'an ,
mimiti got Lena Dean , tIme 15-year-old daumglm-
Icr of the latter , the vain leaving for Parts
ummkmmowmi , Time girt's fatimer imeemimo aware
of Limo eiopcmncumt aIll toiegmmuphmed the Pellet'
at Llmmeohmm antI oilier vlnces to be on time
lookout fat' time nuimmauvay imair. Last mulgist
Dodtls & Folsom rccetvetl a teicgrnmmm fromi *
Nebraska CIt ) mmtatiimg hint Simernmamm and 'time
girl wIth time hlietl rig hiatt becmm mupprclmcntbett
NflflbtASK CITY , Neb , , May 0-Spo- (
cmi Telegrnmms-IWrt ) Sherman , ngcd 10 ,
and Miss Lemia Ieaum , ngetl 15 years , were
immtrrceptetl hmero today upoms immformmiatlott
fromn timelr paremmts , who live at Asimbnmmti ,
mu hio stmttetl that they vcro cioplmmg ammti fur-
timcrnmore timat tIme young mmmiuit bind stotcim time
team. 'Fimey uvero tmuliemm Into custotiy iimiit
will be Imelit umistlb their varcnts arrive truism
Asimlanti ,
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I
ii I inli Schioul ( rI ii 11i i's ,
F.iRh1 SM ) , Neb. , May t0.SpecinI.- ( )
Time gnmtilmmmttlmmg exercises of the 1'nlrtield
111gb school were imehul Smuttirday mmlgtmt. Time
gratbtrntms : L. MatitI Pemsrmmmamm , Mobhie M.
Coffey , Jotmmm II. hlutehmlmmsomm , Jessic J. RItI-
dci , Charles C. Coffey , S. itoso hiobsomm , Jo-
sclmhine Mmmssic , Frcticnick Demise , Crimea
Cmii ( or.
\\'ES'FON , Nob. , Mmiy 30.-Slmecial.-Tlio ( )
Westomm high school imelti commmmnemicetmment ox-
t'rcises Inst Fmidmy. : 'limo grntiumntes .losle
Letter , Emamima'ailmm , Etlitim ltoclafebior ,
.tiiiiiiii I. 11811,1 % itmt ,
IIUMUOLIT , Nub. , May 30.-Spccinl.- ( )
Time alunmmmi society of time I Iummmbohtbt. high
micimool imeld its nmmmmummml bammquet at time opera
hmotise last evenimmg mimmd took imm fifteen mmmeni-
tiers of time class of 'OS. Covers were laid
for fifty-two. Ofilcers for time year tenu
olectctl mis follows : it. L. Nlmns , ltresldemmt ;
Daisy Linmm , vice imresidemmt ; ii. J. WeiBmmer ,
secretary , amid C. E. livery , treasurer
Court L'htises.
CENTRAL CiTY , Nob. , May 30.-Spcciai (
Telegrmimmm1)District ) court closctb todnP ,
Jumdgo Tlmonmpsemu of Grammti Ishmumil omm limo
bcmmcim. Time docket was immmmnhl , George W'eimku
was seimtommct'b to the imemmltemmtIary for timlr-
teomi mmsomitims for steabimig bmarmmess nmmtl L.
Krngcimbtmhl secmmred a verdict of $5,000 fromma
tue fltmrlimmgtoim road for time loss of mu foot.
Cammip hei'liig.
SHELTON , Nob. . May 3O.-Spcclal.- ( )
Time Cimtmrch of Lmmtter 1)ay Ssmlmmts corn- .
mmmemmccmi cammip meeting imere lust erenhimg In.
Walsim's grove. A large tent imas beemi erected
to hold services 1mm munti Immammy anmall ommes wIll
be erected for thmoso in nttentlmmmmce. Three
services daily will ha hmc'lih. Many promi-
iment sicakcrs will be imero from abroad.
.tImiiimiiL ltt't etiuii ,
TEICAMAII. Neb. , May 20.-Specinl.--- ( )
Time Tekamnim 111gb school alummmmmi hmeid ( lick'
thirteenth ammimtmmil rccelmtiemm 1mm the parlors
of time htlercimaimts imotei , at wimicim they emm-
tertaimmed time graduatimmg class of 'OS. Ito-
fresbmmmments u'ere serveti amid aim excellent
program rcmidercd.
'I'ro.'M ( a. tVest.
EMERSON , Noim. , May 30.-Special.--- ( )
Timreo tr.imms of ten coacimes enchm of Soutit
Dakota troops passed thmroughm here at C p.
ni. omm their way to time Pacific coast. The
band amiti Enmerson citizemma met timemu at the
station tvitim music , cimcers anti ilowera.
mmclih for 'J'rimul.
CLAY CENTFhII , Nelm. , May 20.-Speciab. ( )
-John antI Oscar Cimenowitim of Fairfield
were bound over to time district court tG
answer to time charge of selhimmg liquor wIth-
out. a licemise. 1mm default of bail they went
to Jail.
liletil ! ) iiy at llhmuir.
BIA1R , Neb , , May 80.-Spccial.-Tiio ( )
Blair 111gb school held timetr arnimmtl fiebti
tiny exercises Satumrdmmy at Tyson's lake ,
eight nmilos miortim of imcre. I
PItt , IlH ' ( Vii h Chne'e.
Yesterday time Ommmahma Clearimmg Ilomiso as-
sociatlon ilecitleil tlmmut ( ho banks would close
at mmcon Omh Weilnemuday , Time afternoon wil' '
be observed as a holIday.
it lviii im I'mtrtiy ( 'liiid' , 'uvith Siiosv-
ore' iii 'Vi'stt'iqi i'irt itt Ihic Simile
mntil ayi ( Is Homifimerl y 'JimnIN ,
WASIIINCITON , May 30-Forecast for
Tucstiay :
For Nebraska mmmiii South Dakota-Partly
cloudy weatimer , witim showers imm western
vortlomm ; soutimonly wimmmis.
l'oi Kaneas-hncrctmsing cloumtbinesa and
lessibie showers ; ooutimeahiterly wi hmds ,
For Iouva anti Missouri-Tuesday fair amid
wanmmmer ; somitimerly winds.
For Wyoming-Partly cloudy wcatimc
ammd simowera ; cooler in eastern ilortiomm1
westerly wimmtia ,
- ¶
- - - -
SUI'ltIhlii h coiimt'i' ( IF 01110.
1)cilvers mum' tpimmim 'l'lmroiigli thm
huh. Jusimili It , 411cm ) .
I hmavo been mmlliictcml witim a disease , corn-
monly knowmm Lie ha grippe , every wiimtemi
since that disease was discovered , I have
tried mmmimy renmetilea 14
- 'ivltimout success , TimIa
. spnimmg 1 was immducod
- - , to try a bottle of Pc-
5 , , , : ; : ; : : : ' Ihiavo now
.a- ammul hmmuvo received
"I. immuchm benefit there-
I \ , /fif frenm , in tact mmli
v ;
' , .
j.- I cheerfully recoin-
mend time vlrtumes of Peru-rma-J. 11. AlIce ,
Clerk of Supreme Court ,
Nothiimmg so completely ummtiermines time
constitution amid denmoraliacs time fcehlmmgms mmii
a siege withm Is grippe , It takes only a few
weeks' wrestle with In gsIhIpo to mnimko time
young , old ; the strommg , weak ; and time beautiful -
tiful , ugly. La grippe devituhizes time Imunman
body , tt impoverishes time blooth. It snaps
time vItalIty from time nerve ct'utens , No
remedy knowmm to medical profeasion equals
I'c.ti-ua in these cases. h' builds
utm , revitalizes anti enrIches , La grippe Iii
epidemic catarrim ,
For the cure of catarnis in all jdiaseii mmml
stages send for ft copy of Dr. liartmmmn's hat-
eat book on that stmbjccL lcnt tree La an
address by The I'e-mii-na Drug Manufactur' .
tmi CQwmt'1 Ccntbu.s , , Obt ,