Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 30, 1898, Image 5

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I C1\M11 \ AT ( liii k 1t1I (1 (
NIIIIM,4 0t th
AOfI. pAft MtHN ,
IUNIP $ flh1ItIa 4liulh l'tftftPftlII4
I HffPi1p pl i Ih $ Hiis.
$ fItIIN
, 4111' 1flhIffi II 'rtIItMM , t'IIIl'tA (
* U4 LIMp If ( ! l'irpiIpwwwI-
0' " . dP3q4 , ( M ? PtPf ffPI
I Li ) , is.pp , I ftIi YflI
' * 4 IPy1 P'Ppifri j fHt
, p $ , $ IN lIsiw ftt I
p , . , rj * pI Jittt U flr'wk rit
fl , 1 t.aMd .
N II IiiUft ti rtN. . 1III thIIftIt J
, . .I A4hIIt , MJr % gw Iemk Jii
p. 4PtIisIi 1'tlsi ' # , IIftI llIi
iI I ? , gtuI , IAItrp , nfltI't P1gJnt $ ,
* p . , , I'tiI. ' $
, II p. ' $ PpMt I iIf4 wllti rInl t' '
Wp4ifsI All II * 114 urni 'rwi itiuk cnh
, , , , , I $ . 4k1 I Ii. ' Ihil I1wII , by
tug % ' , , WIiti .tAItIy .
! I..II hP IIV DM tW. tIrl , uiI ltt' with bin.
Hr * ! ItI PIH fttilII * , f
4p , , ' NIIIIi , , . % t IIIiiIHIUIl ! tI thfl ( mlii
I" ! ' 44I IbM lPisf $ tUIIil Ii ( ) hlti'I
i. Iiii lc , ti lti rlvrr fri Infu. , un * iIrnpnt.
, b. iti Wt4 sttirlni I v' iI I ts
F' ' l i w ii I 3 iti I tN # itiil iI w I I Ii Iiti F t Y
I I. # ip . .u'l wp , vli , if Iinli'lk'i 1bfrfL
lIIqilp' I Ii.t lIiIlirtic ut lIowt'r tiut
% , fi , Ii .wu.HtIy $ tuiiifl wt'li ) ; htiw.I tt , *
I''lI.tIla ' ' iililt $ , f thu , , iii'ti Iiicy i on.
I Al II t.1 tib In Nt' fi I ' ' ( bnl I is WI I Ii you
iiil * tiiwuI 7u11 willi tIcr , ' ' 'Huir'I Ii ,
, uuI t'MY4' ' buiyn' , tuuy Iloil lii IlI
$ ' , nil tu gi uiigili , ' ' ' 1liiil lItiMM our
. .1. , . ii buppu , tip I lk tlurlr lIv for our
t.iltIIIys huuuiir. , " Nitil uiIhrr ( it liki , rntl.
1t NiiVlItn Itif' rtil.i , IunttntIoii In ) itty
, , ui I tnsr ut , Ii iiIsil by n ln 10011 of , l Ice ,
. % ( tot pruit'linl , iii r4lIi , ntuil wn ittidur ,
p , unpl , I I H tflsI ( n n I l . ' n crI n I Ictru : % II Cu.
I i ni uIt' l ! t.i iicl ii g itII cx I , I bit Ion
, fl 4i n t 9i I lnuiougn , Iicre tIs bnLaIlun (
tu lIIIIRIsiy iuIKhI. A ctcrt , , wni , given
)1 u py the toun4 , IilcIu w&i greittly
,4 by iio
iluuitli flit. I'urk.
On ri'nmlulug , thu pnrk the regiment re
iiulIuI. iuui with ( ( ) it1fl44 Bhii at Its licati
7IIuu rcbi'iI tu I I islg iiril I en I I ii g groiin I ,
tu Iioui I L w * ) in I les trouui the Ii 'nIqunrt ers o
the 'iI,1r4 , Army rori , , Tue NebrnMkn reg-
iiuiitut InrinN Inrt nf Colonul Prc4 ( JrnnL'ii
'tIvIt'iui-tIie ' Ilrt , with Colonel Inrln ! ( a
br Ig ; uile ciiiuu Huui nil ( 'I' . ( II nod I I nrtl 1 is coni
IIINIIO ( 1111104 toUr liLIyI lirlor to ( lint of
I 44jil IttIt' . tInu glv In g I ; I n ctu Inrity. t
IIIu II go I ii I hi I , L * mmii go Iiuunt Ii n ntlc I tinted.
it u lI Iii all iii'obibII ity rt'iult , In tvtuig
'oluitiul I I ii IN ciluil niand ot a brigadu.
l'Iit.kustuinugn park. wItiitit reference to
I t I , I ut on ml iii t. tin bucouno ot n nude ii t
tuitill tutiw to i1eiiurvt iI)1ii ) decrtptlon.
it ciiuutnIutq alitiut l.OOO trioIi , , but the
Ik'11iu113' Ot liii LTC1'M noti It Inmene acreage
hiruvuilL uulynon friiuiu realizing ( hut Buch a
lnrg tinily of troiIu ) hiu withIn Its borilers.
'i'Iiii jinrl lii twelve mhhcs qunre , witti very
Jittir i'pen grinsnsL Thin trees nrc ntuIIt nit
oaks. affording exi'llcut MhnhIo for the caiupii.
Thin sttsr , ai aiiiiI ) I I ii niiequikto a iid sonue
ratileith IIIInhtrc $ $ tiitlt soon In , taken for a
pt.'iter ' uuupply or the tuteut tuitist suffer In
ron'eihuIelIcu. The rcgInieuit flrt In camp
) uifliI nmiruirIntt'i the vater of the few
trlnrN In thu ; , irk to ttnIr htithtYliltial uie ,
, itntouiIng ! gtlLurdii over Ihicni , thus prevent-
lug thu tiiur& EICCflt urrivals from getting
sully wiiter t1tIiout a trip to Chickamnuga
a. reek . Iii ( 'II Ii one utile froiii the cani p of
thin 'eirutka ) rrgitiient. It i the Intention
or the comuIInIihIIg general to pipe water
1ron Chicknuimuigri crecic to nil camps in the
j'nrh ' rhie vnLer froiti the iprings is hliiiItcd
us tiunetity , Auld hi not above HtISIiCIOfl.
Miior hineviir. t.urgt'on of the SeconU regi-
mclii , han orilereit all water to ho boiled for
Cahill titirloveL
I Iu v Ins IIIN3 I'I use.
, 'Fhiu far the Imys hsuivu liii an eaiiy tUne
In enlist' ' , ns' ' . 1io uirihl prograusi hia i > eei put .
In iffiet. hteguisiruitni gunrul unotint Ia the
only ccretuiuny. Cnuuitusuuy driii are to licS
siribriI .uisoriy anti will be fohioweil by regi- S
in.ntnt niul iirIgnuhi IssnnesIvirn. On necouuut .
nt Iii. ' exlretnr lucid uuhi uirthhuu will ho befort u
10 a lit. uuuot sitter I in the afternoon. Thc
flin ots grudUuIly becomluig usecustomeul tc I
the , wutlier-i.t climate and ore rccuvcrtn :
Itotul this InhlbujuoHItioll felt by uisarsy the flral L
few 4uIYL
ethrRiikR DUST well fcI hiroud of itH regi. .
bent. . % tI ahusiug their route muds favorabtu
tuituituIeIt , n uuunuln on ttin couuuiuct and bear .
I uig n t flu. . ' usuustu. Tii ii Cii tstta nooga Ttunoa ito .
vuuteut ust uuu'q t it CIII 1111511 I ii turn i ( . of ( hue .
tisuiktt truuuuiwu , ( 'uuhouid fltntit called Infer
II' ully on ( ( dAueI ihiIh on ( hue lay of urriva i
niu % rutnuIIuusuisute4 titus trnus very highly .
I They siFt. ltui flhleist tucking , flsoit oruherl r
A. iuis.I .usi4IrrIy In flIbpearanCu of any yuhuus .
trtri yrt In utiuuuui' ' , " ad $ ho.
, Itius trl'I t how cisuuutuicte , hieing cool -
I ' 'e.1 of thu iluicisnul New York , icond No .
it lRhu $04 ltrt iIuutrIct ) of Colnuistuta.
( uuuuuiuuls lcuus.
( I ottsIwIly torponut ! (3. 1 I. ( 'nusant urn .
IsUIi'41 tt' tie ii4utLCntlt. l'rlvatcH Frausk Free .
, , ROd Juuiiie hht'ti to hue vori'oruula ' ,
Tis $ qtuesthuuru of ( liii ( Of (1w ( hat -
Iitu * uuu esuiuu. % II III company uneetluig thi I ,
itiMusuHi. VfiIhit to tusrus the guisi eve us
- . . _ .
- - - - - - -
Mrr' ' . lrofrrnnn DocrLbou flow Bijo
Wtot.ij t Mzu. Ptzsktnizn for
AItYICO , 811(1 Iii NOW Well.
trn - L
fltAth 4tW4. 1'ticiiAii-ltuforo : using
, uuiir tge'tzubIu t.Itl1RlliUL 1 was a
$ SrIII iuhtr.r. I haves laen sIetc for
1u1451111u1 tt $ troubleul t5ItIl severe lusulsi
In Iitli s.hilc of nisulotusets , sore fevllng
ill ( ) VC 1uuur of how- S
. els , nIu a.suffureul
( \ with I1IZZIUCSM ,
k. benulaehuu ,
t ; ; could nut ileep.
. : wrotu you U S
" 7 Irtter tlcucrIb
lug 1153 cze nntl
u1cIuig your ,
folluuv.uL your tBreei .
S 414tI. flfl4I cassuint liruiMi your zuictUeluc
I'1541UW1 ; f41f Wiusit. It tul % ItOIStj fsur lute ,
S LitHy thIUsIOI to yeti for your iulvluiu.
I.thta l. l'hsuklitn'4'uguthblo Cwu. -
l..iivs4 hui.s otirt'sI lute , noul I s Ut rvoouu
) fHt R to uiuy frknuIL-tIru' . l"guuIuer .
I. flwrYw.l3 IoIauuUtL , ttuuu , 0 ,
ni4 4W4UU45I5I1UIOTI'U41 $ by lIot'
t ti 4 p1.ut It ) uinusy weunun , yet
I , . , .1 .h.k women sitrwgIo ( un wRIt
114if gki % * the
S ve. % ' .rpIta utttfl ovurtkeu h ,
i. , q4 $
11. . ft'h Mv. . L'lnWutut'a xperI
i , i'eSu ' ( teiuali liii Lu Utuissral I
S ) . e , , Mi kite wrki'dshu1obysIuk
c b 1p Q.4 * h. I'hsktiauu , itsut fus
s Idt LM tui4
ij $ h iI.ItttU4UUt ti r
, . It.L I'tiahi..uuiu' ' , trshlis ty
S 4 * 54 Ir4 tIwuia1 $ , IbIUM r
us lJ i ft. ' l'rflt 'eft , ftst . t Ihtu is ps of
I'S , I I m iifu I its h. ufutsft ful t simt
1sf P'I 'IU'tffiti ti f .ft4 i hut'Ic hi fumshi
, S tt I ' . 'utr h. 1nt ntui"
* .ipy to tPI" ' , i'ful of IP * hcIn Innned to
lbs AfttlnvfthI II 14 ii tnlttot ci
i * h'fhtP it thI t.
hii Whit 11t' e'itflttttht. f'titthucttrin ,
hiP hmti 1.I ibhIrutrnti U , tIt (1tsilin
PlIt ? fi * , frfftft hiuni ( h gsti ws us rItt. .
JR Iii t'f' ftkftt by hhi sibfttflhlellt It may
tphi 1h tuiJtium , fni wtuIS } It wn
fbt'hifhMII ' ttr.utthulj. , IISt * ttn hiiIntetI
? i'ttft'tmtnI ufttftnnn nmrcf.
p t'Igni wt'tt iitpptitctl to the
PNfflMiIy If * I4tinttmincugut fluus iit1i , Iinrut
lhi Ity , Iuttili'ut unfit tut ) home bi V. .1.
Ii fiiitt ,
IuIMIIritufl ( ( lmtmk hins bvt'ts niulointed suh
JIINI ii ? ttuu fltt bntlnlloii.
II. t4ehiiyI.r A Jtunl written to the toy ,
tu Mis. t4hhiI hluelier , iultttr of the flrst
IItittinuiI , nhul Mimi JeunI , timuwit wits me-
uI Vet It Ii intihi tiutIstlshstn.
Ii 'tcsituiht t'mivnte Jnhnnn tuna beaus
Ittuftintcul I , Itg'utti ( anti Private ( iverturf
tfi efutIKt1I , ,
M , ( JniiI Ittir1 Thu following vromo
ttnttN tilt' ntututtttncl f'mtmnicut I4wIn Chit-
hIlt , I'pni' tutu ChrihIn of tnusshun ) nilti u1tit.
utty nut hIItt of ( imsti1 lIntsd to be cur-
lot nh.
A , hCr'ntiuu'y t l'tninottttni Corporal At
wooti to in u'rgonnt , l'rlvrute Iehnr , to he
tluInmlcr,1nstr , , tuergenrut , I'tIvnteu ' Ihttninonui
nut ( urriuIl iii be corpumoha
ittIs .t % lt ill IlhJUhl'I' .
'I ltu' ( 'Pin uiur I us T ; ; ; ; inule air Vnrfsiru.
uthui.utr.ulu'.l lu , I'Ittir'uu.
hi yuju wlih to hirohuerly ( luuiherstatud the
w nr tirw , if 3rott wUthu to have a Icfilte
k tin Itnlge of iuunh nI'tnirs ' niuit ciii , eventa
t tst are u'cttrrtiug ho the InuuI and Wunut
I huh's ynti con Bruturn no better , no uuunro
ehlnhhuu P0111 CC of hnforrnt.tion ( linus thu. ,
o hlhchih , phlotogrutbhsM o the United Status
t inY ) ' , jttuit hstted by tt.u.u Omaha floe , The
i rlce hut tuithy 25 centS , and more vniuubho
u nit thtuehy Inforuusatlon wea never offered
f or liii , IutOhlt'3' . It iii mu nIe at Thu. , Omaha
I kun r.ountlng-ronlnu , , or wihi be Rent to any
i uddru ills receipt of price.
Thu book consluits of nearly 200 hinges of
v lttvit 10011(1 by h. II. hart , nun'aI vhoto-
graphuer , and the Ihit of sutujects unsbrace
'verytluthg of IntureRt lertiuhisiug to our
n avy , of whuichu every American is Justhy
I , rou'h ' , Vlrst within ( hue covers of tiuls inter-
estitig work conies a map sixteen tIme3 as
l nrge eli ( iso honk itself , shiowing on one
shin the Stuauutith possessions. and all ad-
j acent territory , whulie on the other side
the liust ln.iInn Possessions Ore similarly
treated. I4teanuhIp lines , with the dis.
tanceut Intervening between different Points ,
isrus shiowuu , and a cioo study of these iuias
vihh give clue a thuoroughu understanding of
( liii ; territory. ho regard to whIch the in.
terest of the AmerIcan vublic Is now at
fever bent.
Then follow morn titan 200 rare pIctures
of the navy , its olflcers and equipment. Tue
views are alt authentic , nut ! are the latest
ofilcini phuustographis of our torpelo boats ,
torpedo boat destroyers. cruisers. battle-
sitips , gunboats , iuouittorn , rants , dynamite
ortuicers , thliquatch vessels , and other war
craft. ( ho WIHIIC embodying an authentic
ortrn'ah ( if the American navy as It exists
today. A coniphetu description of the coil-
struction , displacement , size. speed , batteries -
tories , ni'mOr. crew lIneS coat of each boat
vihi cisnblo the render to form an accurate
estimate of our fighting strengths. Included
with these are photographus of the lending
Siunis Ish men-of-war. also fully described.
ily fur the most tntcrestiuug portiouss of the
book arc views of the Maine , taken before
thu disaster in havana harbor , showing. the
lift , auld uhiBcihuhtjse aboard a battleship , to-
getlier with portraits of the oflicers and
crew , supplemented by phuotograplus taken
after the explosion. depicting the divers at
work , and other incidents In connection
with this itai and memorable event.
This work can be obtained by cutting a
coupon front page two. and bringing it to
Thu flee oihice. Omaha , Tue lice building ;
South Omahsa , Twenty-fourth and N streets ;
Lincoln , 102d 0 street : CouncIl Bluffs , 10
Pearl street. Dy mail 4 cents extra for
postege. Ahdress Navy Photograph Department -
mont , Omaha live.
In "Young Mrs. Winthrop , " whuich is-this
weeks bill at the Creighton , the excellent
company whtch presents It lists a play
worthy of Its best endeavors and calculated
to julease nudIence of all grades of Intel-
tigence. That. it is welt constructed waste
to ho expccted of nfl author who ranks
among the foremost et American play-
vrigjts ; that it is full , from Its earliest
line , of a tender interest which ever holds
thu heart in thrall may be learned by any-
who wilt sit unuler its spell and follow
its progress to its buppy conclusIon.
has heels indicated heretofore. "Young
Mrs. Winthrop" is a ochety olay. whIch
descrIbes the gradual estrangement and tbe
sudden ustid felicitous reconcihiatton of a
wedded pair , the death of whose child has
severed all thus between theni save only
use underlying love wbich has survived all
real or Imagined grievances , and who are
brought together over the grave of their
death east by the vhso leading of a common
friend. MIss ICennark plaYs the wife and
olnys it sa thoroughly well that it would
be diflicult for anyone to improve , In any
essential particular , upon her work , Attributes -
tributes which were nsised in certain parts
of her CamIlle are present here Ia abundant
tneusnro-auiunirable naturalness , entire sIncerity -
cority aiil fortunate self-repression. After
thus tier appearance in new parts will be
awaited with even augmented anticipation.
Mr. .SunIttu , as Douglas , gives by far the
best lwrforinance of a dress suit role which
his has shown since be has becut a morn-
her of this couuipany. lie also evinces a
decided gain his the employment of quiet
and reiuresuod inethouis , Mr. Enos , as tile I
lawyer , otTers another of those subtly artistic -
tistic characterizations which have conic :
to be looked for from him nod which Ito
rarely fails to provIde. ills vnrt in tbtu
rccouuchitatlou , in particular , Is carried with
a ruuluglhng of dryness and uructuousnes ,
of mirth anti pathos , which rensintis one
of Sd Smith liusseli at his heat , Miss I
1)uniu. thit how Iiigtiuiue , has already made
a zmtsrki'uily fovorablu hunpression In the
mlii of ( ho Lulinil girl nod it is hoped that
ithto lucy b'couno ourmancuutly connected
with the eolnpsuy. , Mr 1)avis. as the youth-
fui lover , cuuntributes his share to a well- ,
rounileui i'euforuuiutucu by quiet , refIned and I
convincing work. Aiiaa lierkeicy , playing .
the , titIlittIt role of the frivolous and much
marrIed Mrs. tIck ) with all her uccustomuti
delicacy and skill , edits another to her .
conuutsuutly growluig list of Isahisahuic tilts
hells Iii , ' anti Miss Ici'uuuuark exhibit a nuns. ,
her of liamulsornu gtnslu3 , Mr. hester Is ( lit I
doctor. , il. . Ilrink the eIther Mrs. Viuthroi I
arid Mr. tMng ( hit. valet.
This surutanue Doubar , whulelu recurs otter I
during thu play , was invariably pronounced I
at the Sunday mrsrtUnro with the accent or I
this latter syllabic , by wInd analogy doi , I
1101 nI.pear , as ( tie naDir has beoms sounded i
otherwise Zroiui tiumlu lasrustunorial , iii Scot. ,
laud and in all ether lngiIslu-apcakuru
l'lue oIl-thus ( lusrinan comedian. flui Wit. ,
llama , furnishes , of
omit the sjicclahties , itmut
a er- pretty girl amid a very ugly man
oahlttl the llldt'hlp. tI'e oilier , A mnatlnt't
p.rfurwarussu ill be ghen tomorrow ( lec .
oration day ) sod ( be UaUal 't'duiesdtti r
ln8tluhi. will i.e otuittrd , on account of ( hi
upuniug of (1w positIoit.
Tins Murphy. supports4 by Titlan-tuilrc ( I
Porotby $ ht'rrod aitul a mthorlous ( coin -
& ' * ny. ol'cnlMl WCCk $ cuugeuseni a t
night , presersthug "old Inno -
.nq ' tad. "iilr Ilsary llypnotiaed"-tts v
bill in uL4chi fir was seen here las I
whiter The entritnnien ( is escelten t
arid enjoyable on nd well deaeryss tisi S
Iib.ra ! & which
p&Irouauu It will doubiles I
D.iv. durt * ( hi. week.
KEEPS 14111E11'fi'S LiGhT 1411
a tt tff'ect of tire Anntiat Obervaton ! of
Mminorlnl Day
ntuimiuut..ti sit thyIn , ICecluM ttkii
r4utm Ijulitsi i''l lug-horrors of
' .Vnr ? ul to hitItIsiii rt.uI
h , ( tluir.
In ircarly alt the Omaha churches ( lie ap-
; iroachi of Memorial day wits celebrated yes-
tetdny by services ( lint wore unnrkul in a
granter or less degree by tim seusthinents in-
slulresl hy the recollection of tim soldiers
whioo lives were gh'en in the service of
( lie rehuiulic. On thIs day , for ( lie first time
Iii its litatory , a suggestion of other niid graves that might opeut before aa-
other yersr mIngled with , ( ho Ususl tribute
to ( hue uliuul of a previorus generation end
imulo ( lie services inure than usually Ins-
isressive. Thin churches were largely
ndorflr1 ii ) ' simple decorations of Ainericaut
flags. The uususte was of a semI-patriotic
ciimsracter and the sermons delivered by the
clergymen of the various uiemiominuthons
were of a character appropriate to the cc-
ca slous ,
The discourse of 11ev. Newton M. ttann
a t ( hilLy church was an especially Impress-
l ye oresentation of Meunorinl tiity seulti-
mss eflt lie itishil that Memorial tiny , snore
( h tml nusy oilier secular holiday , has a re-
hi ginus character and is not unnaturally an-
ti citunted by a Sunday observance. It is
p roperly a sacred and solemn occasion , rc-
c alling thu sacrifices laid upon our coon-
t ry's altar lii the time of tier' greatest trial ,
T he annual tribute of flowers la but a titlist
a nd uuenthinentai reflection of the substantial
r emembrance made to those who suffered
a nd to tim surviving reprcsexitativos of the
f allen ,
The apcmikr declared that conspicuous
is ubhic honors for men who had braved time
P etIt of war are not only vromoted by a
s ense of obligation , but that it. Is good p01.
i cy fur a nation to exalt the : nornory of Its
d eilniders , as the spirit of patriotisal ii
t lsreby developed and oilier defenders at'
i nduced to rise up as the occasion may re-
q utire. Thu lrnmptncss of ( Ito recent re .
s ponso to the call of the president for rol-
i luiteers hind been made noasible by thc !
g rateful recognition through nil these ) 'ear I
o f the services rendered by the soldiers ci r
t ime civil war. This is one of the timingu I
which go to make up the Idea of countri r
and stir the hearts of men to a devotion rib
u , elute and entire , a devotion even uush S
, ieath.
'I'Iui'i'e IN IL alit rircd liU&'ri'uis'e.
Continuing Dr. Mann suggested that tlsert'o
I s a marked ulistinctiomi between iioisoiiusg
m ilitary heroes and the glorification of war.
\Var is a mode of barbarians , Justifiable only-
when it is inevitable. The vivid declaration
of Gciierai Stiernian that "war Is helL" ought
not to be forgotten and only those would
glorify war vhio delight in seeing a hell on
cam'th. The trouble Is that ninny people are
unable to discriussinato betweeus patriotism
and the barbarous nets that patriotism at
times tusposes , a duty of destruction atid
deasonismn. This is one of time moral horrors
of ivar , the rcqtilreruient attempted to be
forced on the ocopie that they houl'1 ' re-
jolco in all its abominations. Iii time of
war tIre utcestty arises of killing a lot of
ISCOPIe. but the necessity ought not to snake
the killing Itself scens any time less hideous.
To recount these scenes of carriage to school
children and to keep them before the peo-
plc in tune of peace as islctures to be admired -
mired and cherished is of a oiecc with the
idiosyuscrasy that would hang the ivalls of a
timing coons with ghastly interiors of
slaughter houses. Dr. Mann said :
The glamour of victory , or of heroic
though unavailing defense , obscures our via-
ion of the attendant horrors. We overlook
the thousands of wounded anti dying in pronouncing -
nouncing sonic sinuses that have ucqIiir.d
added celebrity. The fact of suffering is
only brought sharply home in case we are
touched in the person of a dear frIend.
Mid yet. isar Crouui beginning to end is a
systematic Iuiiiction of suffering , the crip-
iding of the enemy by the destruction of
life and property. Souse ulterior aim in tile
iuuterest of justice it is generally supposed
to have , but this is frequently lost sight of ,
absorbed in the course of tIle struggle by
the mad pa8sion for victory. War is always
to his considered apart from the h'sroisin it
invokes , Just as we consider an epidemic
of diphtheria or ycilow fever apart from
the generous self-sacrifice of ldo'siciamis and
nurses who face the scourge nail make an
end of it.
ContInuing the speaker said that In most
cases where war Is declared th merits of
the case are not altogether clear , Tile duty'
of passing on the considerations involved
rests with ( ho govormimisent amid by its decision -
cision the people abould abide. The lire-
sunsptlomi is that the government acts with
the best understanding of tire situation anti
( lint the call to arms Is only issued when it
becomes unavoidable.S'hiatever our private
opinions mnight be as to tIle wisdom of a
war that has been entered into tire duty remains -
mains to support the government wIth "our
lives , our fortunes arid our sacred honor. "
L'ait uf tIi Suluti.-r I ii 'ar.
The patriotism of men who were in the
union armies Irs ( ho rebehhlomi and yet
thought that the war was unnecessary and
Impolitic was in no way inferior to that of
those who fully agreed with the adininistra-
tion. The soldier orrihnarliy haa no part in
bringing on a war. 1-lie hart is to bear its
burdens and its ocrils when it comes and
his sacrifices , his heroism amid his claim ems
a people's gratitude art , nowise affected by
the justice or the injustice of the war lie is
set to wage , War is ( hits Calvary' where
heroism is impaled in obedience to a cruel
necessity to pay some debt of sin or isur-
chase seine boon for man , 'rho heroism is
most honorable , but the cross anti Uio spear ,
tIme sinus iii the hands and feet , are abomai-
ReferrIng to tue present relations of the
country ir , Mann declared that the hsumnani-
( anna motives of the isresent war bud rats-
carried or would miscarry before we could
secure a foothold in Cuba , in the death by
starvation arid muegleet of thu whole of that
class of Peolule whose wretched condition had
evoked ( be uyrnpatliy of our people. There
hati been amid would bu deeds of prowess anti
heroism that would cover the actors with
glory , but tim miuitioui mis a whole roust flat !
its laurels to ( ito purpose for which the war
wits undertaken ahsti in this use that should
be wadis of the victory , Ito resteil lii the
belief that ( lie goveruuniemut is Competent ,
( lust It Is acting intelligently arid with such
wisudoni as is IOssible. l'hio retipomusihility
wits ems ( ho government arid thu intiividuai
owes an entire amid unfaltering allegiance.
11(11.1) ' ' '
JO1N'l' 511510111A1 , Slit'iC1S ,
% uuui uuu.'ai of t iii. " .Vorld ituu ! Irohu.'iui
ris'rM , tut 'l'.iu.-i Iit'r ,
Memorial tiny was celebrated jointly yesterday -
terday by Columrsbus caraii , Woodmen of thu
World , Martha grove , Woodnsen Circle , mumtl
° Boiietuian Turners. The celebration
comprised a parade through the southern
ibortlon of thus city and services at the lb.
huemlan cemetery on Veat Center street ,
Thu occasion attracted considerable interest
in Ibohegmian circles itnti many of the nation-
silty joined in tire celebration ,
The parade formed at ( be corner of Tlilr
teemithi and \Viiliam streets , The Line in
eluded ( be uniformuerl guard. of the iVoot ! .
fliers camp and a uniformed body of turners ,
lii addition to a large number of wets with.
out uniforms. headed by a band ( lie parade
warcaed to Fouteentb and howard street ;
where specIal motor trains wore boarded for
the cemetery
The services were iytnessed by fully 1,000
people ( the main 'tature was the unveiling -
ing of monuments nir the graves of Vaclav
Sip anti Antonette 1501(15 , deceased members
of ( hue fraterusal sootettes. Addresses were
rondo by John T. ) nlt and S. A. hirane ) . .
TIme beautitni unv0p ceremony of the
Woodmen of the \ % } turoveth to be very
Impressive. After t1do services the graves
containing the remal'm1of ! the deuid nmemnbers
ci time societies were usbiopriately decorated ,
1)11 , . i OMMI.t ,
islet I
llt'mi % Vlo FCusisr liMit % 'ehi 11-call thisi
Oului lIr.ltf here ,
Memorial services or urred at the F'Irst
Congregational churvs yesterday at-
tcrnoon iii of the genera -
era ! regar(1 ( Cit fdr the Inte Dr.
Joseph T , Duryea who left the pulpit ni
that church four years ago. irs the nbenc
of the pastor thic service was in charge if
'IV. ii. Alexander , vho spoke of the pereonal
loza felt by his church in ( lie death of its
former pastor. lie paid an eloquent tribute
to ( Ii ? influence for gael exerted by Dr.
Duryua ( utiisg his residence iii this city.
i'tS I' ra. her , Mr. Alexander said , Dr. Dur-
yea vns one to whom people turned in-
stiiietvelJ for lIlit as a man gifted lie-
yond others in the tiroblenis of life. As a
man he was described as a scholarly gen-
tlcmars anti as sirs orator fluil pastor a sins-
1)10 , powerful speaker and. a kind and faithful -
ful friend.
Th full choir , under directious of homer
Moore , theis sams "Lead , Kindly Ligimi , "
one of Dr. Iuryea's especiai favorites , and
11ev. 'F. .1. Mackay followed as the repro-
cntnti't' of th Mimsiseriai associmitloms , lie
saul that ( ito members of hii body- felt that
they were disciples in the presence of Dr.
1)uryea , who always brought to their uncut-
lags a spirit of broadness anti charity , 110
was a great luau , lir , Mackay said , one
irhioso intellect graspeul in a wonderful do-
grco the hmobleuuis of life anti whose sym-
Pahllies vere world-wide , lie added tisrt
the htenefaetions of hits inhisieterial brother
liar ! always kept bliss a poor nina , but ( lint
his good deeds were tiIl an active influence
Iii tue world ,
Dr. Miller then spoke in behalf of the cons-
ussunity wlslcii hint ! kiiowms Dr. Dnryea as a
Inure , upright issams with an earuiest arid ag-
gressire personality. Din wide versatility
was spoken of and it was stated that lie
was not only an orator of the first rank ,
but a teacher in hiterature , science and re-
Iigion as well.
The debt of tbo Omnmtha Women's club to
Dr. Duryea was mentioned by Mrs. Jonnie
ICcysor , who said that lie iiad givers thi
benefit of lila encouragensent nod nilvice !
when the enterprise wits iii its earliest
stages. As an interpreter of Browning ,
\Vortlawortii amid Fiiot lie gave an ridded
value to tiiose authors.
The program was concluded by J. M. Gil-
I nn , who spoke of Dr. Duryea's connection
wills the Christian associations of Omaha ,
o f IsIs umifallimig service na a teacher and
f riend.
1ii linus 'l't'uuu idmtr alemuuusrmal ,
Yesterlay was observed as Memorial day
by the Kusights Teuiplar or the city , All
t Im cemeteries in whiehi deceased memuberum
of ( lie order have UCeil interred were via-
i ted by special committees and each grave
was decorted with iviitp ( and black flags nut !
j asniimie. The nurubsr of graves tItus
r ules-ned was tisirtyrsix. I
l'flMlI'uirsiics 'liire' , lCihilium.c One isiuui
Cmi'luurIuiw hue Other , irithu half
'i'ui'i SlilCui .
( Sr r ) hhuttuty.
I ' .15 .
SPRINGFIELD , Utah , May 29.-Two men
cntcrcd tile Springfle bank at 10 o'clock
5111(1 at tluc poInt of aplstol compelled the
cashier to hand ovor4.000. Tue men then
mounted horses and $ tLaipeared.
A voso i\'as imnmqqIate1y organized and
started in ourvuit. fFhey overtook Chic rsh-
bees In a canyon sense tiistamsce out and
called on them to surrender.
The robbers lired. wounding a nina named
Allen. Tue iosse returned the fire. killing
omm of the i'obbers , .nid compelled the other
to aurrender. llmiif of the stolems money was
recovered. S
It is supposed the robbers are nienshiers
of ( iso "Robbers' Roost" gangof outlaws.
5h-ruuorhuli St-rviet'N ,
MAI1YVIL.LE , Mo , , May 29.-Specifl ( ! Tel-
egram.-Annuai ) niemnorlal services were
held at thus Main street lilethiodlat Episcopal
church this nfternoon under the auspices
of Sedgwick post , Grand Army of the RePUblic -
PUblic , Which organizathomi auth the ' , Vo-
nian's Relief corps attended in a body.
Music was furnished by the Grand Army
of the Republic quartet of Kansas City.
Rev. Mr. Lytle , Pastor of tire Methodist
church , rhehivered an eloquent and Patriotic
htuh.hvrM Still Imi Chius'er ,
OMAHA , May 21.-To the Editor of The
lice : Since your pubiicatioui of ny broths-
ors letter in Thin Bee , exposimig time methods
adopted in the Robbers' Roost. which occupies -
cupies ( be front part of Allen's blae'ksnultlr
shop on North Sixteenth street , tue phisce
has been kept tightly locact up , but tIre
gang states it is going to open up ita game
again iii tt week or so. In ( tie meantime , it
might provo i'ery imiterestiog to the public
if it was to know the mnanrser in tvhicli this
band of thugs iinti thieves is making an
exlsteiice. It. secms to be living on the fat
of th'e lamid. It ( lucre fellows were beitind
tbo bars or chned out of the city it is
moore than probable we would not have so
ninny hold ups and house robberies. Will
( ho hoilce take this tip ? Vu' , J , JtODGERS.
Cn , Iii ir Stul e Sell , uuuium.
This year the Nebraska School for the
Deaf will take two days to chose. There will
be humt Quo graduate , Miss ElBa Gashin , Today -
day will be devoted to the field day exercises.
Tomorrow will be givess over to the "ora-
torlcal" anul muuuricai features of the uro-
\Vedncsday cruising , June 8. will be the
closiuig eurcises of the Imistituto for the
flhimid at Nebraska City. There are fifteen
to ho grarluated this year ,
J'itIfs A uuiouuu 'l'tiht-vL's.
Frank thicker , ut furmne'r from riuniap , In. ,
vemit the isay or his iircd.icessars umpori or-
rlvhmmg iii the city yestorrlmsy amid fell lute
( lie hunnuls of Kittie Marshall nut Ada Young ,
experts , who lost. mm 'time lii st'curlrug $100
which the Iowan hadupon cnterimmgthe
house. The womnejs were arrested at 107
North Ninth Street , air the charge of tar.
cuny fromus the oursoru ,
'i'm ) CPU I iuzIi : ! I7. ONk JAY
Take Laxative Iiroth& Quinine Tablets. All
druggists refummirl tiUiosey it it falls to cure
? c. The genuine hias thifl. Q , on each tablet.
; ; ;
L' ' \ :
Chief llrehuutan returned y't'sterulmty from
Sioux City 'itii l'nt Daily in chmrge anti a
state complaInt will be flied today' charging
him with shooting svitls intent to kill. } ver
since the arrcat of Maddox anti Loftus for
shooting Mike llmurt the jiolico have beei
satisfied thsat there was another man in the
deal ant only recemut learned that Daily was
the ierson supposed to hsnvu , iteen intphi-
eatcul. Daily has been nsissIng from hits
usual haunts since the , arrest of Mnuldox and
he was finally traced to' SIout City , whore
ho was arrested Saturday on a telegram
sent by Chief Brennan. The arrest of Daily
sihl most likely clear I.ottus , as it is thought
150w that Loftims is imsnocent auth that Daily
is the musts .tho was with Maultiox at. tue
time the ennui was committed ,
The prc'ilniiruary hearimsg of Maddox and
Loftus was to have comae up Tuesday afternoon -
noon in police court , bitt it Is thought now
that another continuance viii Ito taken on
account of ( Ito condition of llsrL For a
tiny or two hart ralhicul , but yesterday hue
was Worse again nnrl Judge Babcock stated
yesterday that the hucarhmig would withiotit
doubt be continued until hart either dleut
Or was able to attend court and give IsIs
tc titnony. The imhice are satisfied that.
Maddox is the nuamu who fired the shot at
hart ,
Iliwhighi ( irriuts' ( losiiir ler''iums's.
The eleventh annual closing exercises
of the Eighth grade of the South Omnumus
schools will be held oui Tluurstlay eveusimig of
( isis week at ( tie First Methodist Rplscnpai
church. Twenty-third timid N streets , Throse
who have beemi given islaces on thus program
irhiehi wilt he rendered at that timise arc :
i'shla ( hilchsrcst , Josic Mitchell , Milired ; Dare ,
Harm-let Smith , Inllths Grey , 1"red Gariow.
Florence (1runtl- ( . Eunice Emssor , Fred Scott ,
Julia Ward , Della Clark , Clara Ireltag , Jon-
Hits Lichusosky , Aguses Lackie , Arthur how. ' ,
homer I'aytnn. 11ev , it. b.Visecler intl
huronouuuce the boneulictioms at. the close ( if
the exercises.
Thmosq who graduate frpns the Eighths grade
are : Anna Anderson , ilattle Berg , Jeumsie
Bsmm'ke , Margaret Crosby , W'ilber Cockrehi ,
Charles Chase , Clair Delanney. Corn Gras-
boy , Lorm Dennis , Jeanette Eversole , Floyd
Fisher , Itarry Gardner , i'eiia Gilchrcst ,
Edith Grey , Arthur howe , Aguses Lackle ,
Jenmsio Lichnosky , Alma ? utadsemm , Joseph
Mitchell , Mary Moore , George Novacelc ,
Mouser I'eyton , Maud Railer , i'ntih Roberts ,
Mary Shohamsy , harriet Smith. Roy Snider ,
Charlcs Shuitzcmi , Claris Toruln'iuk , Julia V.'ll -
lard , Fredmi flaumgarden , l'aui Dirge , Della
Clarlc , Lena Cnmnpbel ! , Ilert Colemami , Mit.
deed uare. Maud Dennis , Leta Mend , Eunice
Ensor , Clnra Freitag. Fred Qarlow , Grace
Grant , Florence Grnmritly , Liilie Kahiavy , Leo
1cgro , Edna McCarty , Maud Melowelh ,
Mabel Mayfield Ellen Mitchell , Joel Macnh ,
Clinches i'nymse , Nellie hlawle ) ' , Johims Roberta ,
henry Ryan , Esther SmIth , Mntid Smith ,
Maud Sobesiavslcy. Frank Tbnrp , Genevieve
Tyhee amid Misurl Williams ,
it'i''tt'es at 54 * , jtirules' .
Fully 1,000 people tuttemided Mensonial day
services at St. Agnems' church yesterday fore-
naomi , 2hemusbeus of the Grand Army of the
RepublIc , the Sousa of Veterans , the Uniouu
Veterans' Union and hio W'onsaus's Iteilef
corps OCCUPIed reserves ! seats in ( lie boily 01
( ito church. The edifice was elaborately ( hoe.
orated with American flags must bunting.
A hualidsorsie silk flag was draped on each
side of the altar nut bunting was strung
along 1)0th itldes of the church , while the
chandeliers were literally coverer ! with suriall
flags. Solemn high mass was celebrated at
10P0 : o'clock by Rev , Father Smuith of St.
i'atrlck's church. Omunhia , assiateti by 11ev.
Fathers Jenette. EnglIsh. NcCarthy and
11ev. Fattier Nugent of Des doines
preached a special sornious to the reter'nns ,
which ii'as mdi received. h'not. C. b.
Brownoll bath charge of the large choir.
which wris ruigmented by twenty-live altar
Ieoorutllos 1)ny 1ciet'e'lum.-um.
The Decoration day procession will start.
fm em Masonic ball , Twemity-fittlu anti N
streets , at 1 o'clock this afenmsoon. Coloruel
J.V. . Cress will act as chief marshal and
Captain F. J. Etter as officer of the day ,
The clergymen of ( lie city anti the isinyor
and city council will occupy carriages arid
will he followed by clvii and military orgmimi-
izatlons amid the umclmooh chIldren , T. S.
Ciarksomi camp , Semis of Veterans , will be
conimauudcd by Captain Fred Etter while
Colonel lit. Mayberry ivihl lead the members
of Phil 1carnue'y post No. 2 , Grand Army
of the Republic , Sergeant Gnilhithu will
have charge of the firing squad and the
Womami's Relief corps will hnlmig up the
rear. Siteciai services will be held at the
grave of Comrade Samuel Dennis at Laurel
lull cemetery. 11ev. J. A. Johimison and
Prof. J. A. heck will deliver oratiomsa and
miatriotlc songs will be sung by the school
chIldren ,
Snort-sb Coit'ert.
The sacred commcert at St. Agmucs' church
last nIght was omue ( lie best ever given in
tins city aiwl was listened to hiy a large and
appreclmitivo audiesice. Those given num-
hers on the program were : Mrs. Frank J.
Moriarty , Joseph F. Barton , I'rof. C. lIne.
tens , Mrs. Martin Cairn , Jules Lumhard ,
Mcmi. Tlmonsas J. Rogers , and William Wi-
bur. The chorus was composed of aliases
S. Rush , A , flush , M , Brennan , Alien , Casey ,
McAuhhffe , Ihamuner , Gc'rhnrt , Meyers , Cnn-
barn , at , Itush , Mesdanies F. J. Moriarty ,
at. Cahums , T. J. Rogers , Yocum , Messrs. Bar.
toms , Buuubmmin , Lombard , W'lhhier , McMillan
Dean , Daily , Jacobsen , Brerimuars , Genhart ,
Noilson , itush amirl Cutting.
Miss M O'Ilork was ( hue directress ant I
afra. Martin Calm ( lie accomupaniaL
Miitsic City Gossip ,
The city council does slot meet. until Tuca. .
day night.
C. W , Danmi hiaB none to Shuehiomi , Nub. p
where he ss'lll locate.
A. 'I' , Sidwchl tuna accepted a irnaition 'intl 1
time Stoclcnsari company.
St. Bridget's church , Twenty-sixth and I c
streets , sell ! lie blessed next Suntlay ,
The gambling case agalnef Oscar 11111 wil I
be culled in ( lie county court Tuesday.
A ilaughiter baa beemi boris to air. and Mrs .
Dick Dentin , Twenty' ? ourth and N streets ,
The beach merry-go-round , with rings
011011 day' mind evening , iGihi nail Capitol aye
Nearly all of the furnIture in the loca
gambling houses has beemi nuoved to Counci 1
Bluffs ,
John Buyer , ishnac home is at Twenty
sixth amid i' streets , died yesterday mormuing
a um !
Iii nrssnteimr IhIotoruh1uhiY ! yell lutist
harts time tools anw'uuh1 itsi a eamuuera-thiu
ti'miya-tlit' eliuimileiils1. tte.-uinhmso its the
S hll'OteaMlOUmll-urtly hr. c'ommrsm not oh as
II mi ohmt.horitt , scuml-1\Ve hmt'i'o , eyt'm'ytlniisg
-that tIme nmsiateni' t't ! ovei' iieuuul-thmti'k
hmrimtorims-thit'tp it , lie'I'MSSti'y foi' Soisr
dark roummi-O e't'rltM tiintm'tuf the isn'Ire , it
got'te PU till to timu htmttu : iuuuldiy tiltairs-
tr'iii'mi _ fuji- limit hmfltli-gm'adiimItus---e1mohlm.
lcmmhiu-pr'imithimg trmriuios-lu fuiet all ca'i
1)0 ) (01111(1 hiom't.-uhl '
( - itt a very 't'tttouumihle
) ' - ) 'OIl mtu'e goilig to Ilizish yomsr
) wfl iuletiures sv&t L'au gIves you s'imu vu-
ihtIltie mimmter.
LIleAloe &PenfoldCo
Aiuevp I'hos Su1ipl 3louse.
14d3 Farnanu Street.
Opoi1t Paxton hotel. OMAHA S '
I ' . I
I ------r - ----J I i'
I Hunyadi J nos H
Serbs , prototype of nil hillier Vaters" Lancet. S
OfltllS.tilY ibOSIl , OR wlNllnltssruL iiioni uiuhAlgrAs'z' .
CAUTION-Sue that the label bears ( ho signature oi the firm '
- - -5-
elcopsy beimig the cause. 4trrangemuemiis for
the funeral will be made Inter.
Tons attmniuhy Is very' sick at Ozmm , Fin. ,
iiiiil his hi-oIlier henry left yesterday to care
for bIns.
Most of the stores here will close at Isoouu
today. Thue hsansks antI ( hue city' offices will
be closed all slay.
A gasoline' stove exiulotleri in ( lie ilat at
Tluirty-socoutl and S streets yesterday fore
uioomu , but no ilnisingo was tlniiu.
11ev. , l. A , Jolunsous isrenclied to the
'i'eternhms of the late war at ( hue Ilrst Mouse-
diaL Ifluiseohual ctmimrchu IaL miigiut.
htoi' . Irving 1' . Johsnsouu lircachieti a aernuoms
to time highs school grmutiunting class at St.
Martin's Episcopal church Inst ereuiimsg.
The cotunnittee miasuied by ( hue mayor to
uisako nrrnngensents for Armour's opeusimug
will snout at thu exchuauigo Friday afternoon ,
cl. _ , . _ .
T TIlE llOTflS.
c _ _ _ _
' 'Cattle In Nebraska atidVyonuimig are in
ihmie coruihitiomi at luresent , ' ' stun Robert Cnn-
hmam of Alliance , Neb. , who recemutly rutunuied
fi'omsu re trip througlt % Vyonsing mind 'is'hso is iii
Omaha at liresent with cattle , "Tue rains
collie at the right tUne nini have kept thmti
ranges In excehiemit uhmapo , Cattle nod slieiu
uiei'er inure lii a better condition at this
tinse of ( lie year amid the truirket. Is also entirely -
tirely satisfactory to stock raisers. The cat-
the on ( lie ranges are faticuulug rapidly nut
will be ready for the nsarket ip about two
unonthss if the grass coutiumutse as good as It
is at uresemst , TIme lumproved mice of beef
has put the cattle busimiess back to the
flourishIng ( hues of a few years ago rout
overyomse emigaged ins thus business In fooling .
good over time change. " I
L. ? ul. Roberts of Chicago , is'iuo ins lii Ouusahta
after havIng mismido ' -
ii trip tlu'ntmgls cetuts-ni
iitmtl 'ivestermi Nebraska , salt coneermilmig the
, im owd which nusay be expected In Omiumihia ems
June 1 : "Omaha miii certntniy huas' thue
laugest crond on that day thimit was t ver
brought together irs tIre state. I'colule mill
thitouglu Nebraska talk of uiuthlnmg but the
oxiositlomi net tIme shah 'is'hto does not'ct
to be in Ommiahia on the opening tiny is hard
to find. TIm rates which tim rosutirn have
made meet vithi general approval and tlwre
it ; every reasomu to believe ( lint thue crowd
oil that slay will surpass ( lie expectations of
thic most sanguine. 'rho e'cposltlon has a
islace Iii the heart of nil Nebroskaiss and
there seems to be no one its the state who
is not givimig it lila heartiest sujtort. hi
all lrnrts of Iowa iii inhilchm I have traveled
( lie exposition liars as firmis a hold as iii Ne-
braskms. South 1)akota will send a large
delegation to tIme opousimug antI Missouri amid
Kansas will inako a credrtabl showim'g. "
1''rsuuuumil I'ssruu nrruupuius ,
Johimi RobInson of tint Ilobinsoms shows is
in ( lie city ;
Mr. and airs. Pickering of MinneapolIs
arc at the Barker.
111. Alexander , a stoclcmnan of Buffalo ( lap ,
W'yo. , is iii ( lie city.
\V. S. Barker of Dayton , 0. ; J. F. Bourke
of San Francisco are commercial macn at.
( hue Burlier.
Frank I' . Wade , traveling passenger agemit
of tine Cinchmiitati , Hamilton & 1)aytoni lhne _
is at. the Millard.
F. J. Schroeder , represemitiuig thu An-
heuser-Busch Brewing comnpamiy , St. Louis ,
may be found at ( hue Backer ,
Burton B. Enimnet. nndwife of New York
are spending a few days in the expositiomi
city unid stopping at the Barker.
Miss Stewart , alias Houston. James Mmiii-
lay' , hlichiard Lyle anti Frank Coltmminn arc
New York arrivals stoppimug at the Barker ,
Lotuls Ocbs of post B of the Travelers'
Protective associaUon , New Orleans , to-
getluer with his vife , is imu ( hue city to attend
tire Travelers' couivemitiori.
\V , S. hlarwooci of Minneapolis , for soy-
cml years comimsected with tire Twins City
dailies , is in ( ho city to do ( hue exposition
for'a Weekly' , for which pubhicatioui
Ito has been ( lie inestermi correapondutit for
some timnmi past. Mr. hlnnwood will romulus
In Onialia several weeks. lie will furmiinhi
( lie MhminealiOlis Journal ivith an accoumit of
time opening exercisL'S.
Nobrasirnuis at hatcl-C. C. alosisit , Fm'e-
iuiont ; henry Il. Gening , Irranik A. \ \ lute ,
l'Iattsniouitli ' ( V. I' , McDnWt'l ! , Fairbuny ; C.
II Ihell Gramuh Island : ? uiatt Peterson ,
Cretan ; 'A. H. Bnuckstmsff , A. 11. IConuper , J.
B. Crane. Charles A. Crate arid wife , Lims :
coIn' 1. D. Clark , J. It. Watson , I'apilhiomi ,
F JVadle ' Aurora ; 3. F. Brad ) ' , Atkimtsonl ;
: Duff , 'Nebraska city ; Itobrt Graham ,
Alliance ,
In thie spring tlmuie-tltenl conies picture .
'friutiiimg-ht'a usot. 140 ( y104y-hiIt i'ti".ti
tltttt ' oslus give 'i'Oi1 the
multittttt'l It Jo 'is'e
biit. w.ot.hhImnhmpulmIltimn hiitwt Htyles In
iioiiltllmtgsmlt the usual htuiusii'r ymti'd
iuoiihthiiig prict'-i'OIuie utow. 5u5flitlIIigS
S ' emti'hoii juluntos-
jimunt i't'15't'ii'td , mnlno no's'
piiicit nt ; tlte 1iors'ui ( mtte 'uIusultrt , 2u ) ( )
Ereehmtit&'lihtit ire A migt'l
yu':1i's4 : lb. 0-the
VILtOl'Stli0 IIermisti4iiiltl.Y ( lrtm'gL' Itilti
_ ' c1trthloittm't1tlut0 ttutl (
ustoiiittt'd ( iii ht'iti'y
ninny otlmel'i4 iS'ill lie mini. ! i'L'Vy' Imttor'eMt-
lug to VlMiti15 115 well as
w'tjleonuboth. .
Ius1c ajid Art. 1513 DouglaS
- . -
. -
Otmt on tIme \iid'is'tiy yeti cmiii tliid citrus-
oh mush tlorilt''n galort'-ltist you cuit't
fluid a HtC1C of litmh't' ' OxtoruiM ( 'rItual to
w'hmmm I. 1)rs'X , 14. .Siionmmtrtlt , ulmmnvN 015 tIme
I iuhivuiy OL itiiy'i'i'Iiri'i' tu1ut-lt0t ( Silly mi
comitltlt'tC limit of ( ixfoi'dui Ill mcli ( ' ( ) hmls )
: tmmih ishnnmpu's i'imtmgils5 ; In isrlt'es lmhit ) * 1.tii j- ;
to : b.oo-inmt tIm i't'ly svulk'at low simon
oV'l' 'ivom'in-thtu smnitliem'u (045-lu ( cohn
toes , black cloth - ) kiuoiv tlm'l' I It'
01.01' ( tIc hitsitli with 'islde v1lrcumt tutu
mit-u smstsmthiy mmmdi mumorts t'xpemisI't ( limit
0111' prIce , which Is 0111) ' 2.
Drexel Shoe Co. ,
Ourihia' . Vs.lo-tiate Shoe Ii once.
1419 V4tItNAM S'l'REE'V
hONOR TIIES)141)IER ( ) ) 1)E1D )
, ,
Trooph tit Ohlckahhitttga ! Pattioiptuto in
Memorial Services.
'l'lm'ee ilnre Is'mst hi A re hiciumirtoiP
.tnmnmui.r flue' 'iIiui , leers , hut it Iii
Iht'lti''t-il tluW'ui'st Is '
lsuii i'er.
ala ) ' 29.-This was ii duty of rest at Camp
Thioiusas all kinds of toil ' ' kind '
, of i'cr ) has'-
S lug boetm dispeusso with. Memorial services p
iveuc liclul to usuasu ) ' of the regtmuuerital ( usher'-
msncios and me large isumuber nt usiemi woi'u
! givt'ms leave to attemud ( lie mmi'vices at ( Ito
variotis ehumm-clueum of ( lie city. S
Lisititcutant Colonel hlmirtauff , chief sturgeon
S Cemmcrnh hirooke's atnif , asks the Assoel-
utesh l'ress to munuuiotmncc ( hunt hue cordially rot-
( horses the luau adopted by ( lie National Ito-
Ihif eonssriulttee rut recoiviuug mint disiiurumitug
miulihilles to ( lie sick auth needy ohdici'st con-
trlbuted by friends rut housuc. lie tntea that
lie has huimusehf received a isumber of coniiuuim-
! umicationts frouut various states inquirimig how
aupiulies of thso character mncuitlouied might
be sent to ( lie soldiers iii camp lucre. Ue
therefore asks the Associated I'rcss to an-
uiotumictu that ( hue miationul comiuuuuittee orgitti- S
izerl Its Chattaurooga will take care of nut
distribute all contributions of this dianne-
i ( or pronmiistly' amid satisfactorily.
It. was lennmir'd frouti tIu chief surgeon's
hs h meatiqnmmmrteu's ( hint the largest per emit .oE
s ie'Iumess iii Cahill ) is in time W'iscouislmt , Mitt-
u sesota misith Illinois reginiesitus anti ( lint tIm
l ierceiittige of sickmucss auusoulg thesis regi-
m nuemsts is sumiull unit incomsscquential. 'l'iso
I tetslthi of tile cauuip , cemuslilenimig the comitli-
tiomus , is u'emiuarkably good and it is believed
that aside froitu ( Ito imsual alight comiiphuiuits S
Iuuchiheuit to thuemie semsumumse the worst of It Its
usD55. nvcr with ( hue uncut who Intro mantle such
a radical clursuigo in tetnhterattire , mater and
diet ,
There were three deisthus today , as foh-
loss's : I'lerce Collyer , aged 18 , conupahly 11 ,
Fosuntectitli Mimumsesota , of Beaver Falis.
fmnmn l'uietiuuiouiia , contracted in casnis before
roachiimig Chicknmnuga ; harry 0. liurnhaun
of Lymin , Muss. , company' D , Blghrthu aimimusa- '
cluuietts , lneuuuiomiia ; Ludwig Ibohnuiert .ot
Spm'tnglleld. Ill. , comiaumy 1) , Fifth Illinois.
blood polsonimug. All three incus were lire-
Pared for burial today amid will he aent
to relatives tomssernOii' for interment.
Co.vliuys Are All , oui hlnuit .
Two troops of cowboys arrived today , ' .ln
counmnanth of Captain J. S. Gregory , from
Fargo , N. I ) . , wIth 10 inca autO 200 liorsoz
amid wIthout other cqnmipmiuemsts. Tiuetmo S
tu'ools comapheto time rogiurseust of 1,000 ofll-
cons arid Incus. Their supplies have arrived
must will he distributed tonmuorron' .
Thu eouuihilaimit abotmt mater ninorug the
various regiments tins uiow beers quieted.
TIm piPe lines frons Crawfish spnhuug aumd
Chsickninauga creek have beems compietgth to
those reglnuemsts mnuost remote. front water
supply and tonisorrow night. the hiheB ) , miii
be flmuished to a point muear every reglmuont
lii camp.
It is understood ( hunt ( lie two arniy corps ,
thin F'irtut. anti time Third , now beiuig fou'nied ,
'sill lie the emily troops to occupy pau'ic ter-
nitory. Negothatiomis are now penthhmig to
lease a tract of 3,000 acres just outside
nuud north of the park. muear what is known
as Gnimno'a hake , a body of fresh water sup-
llietl by never-failing springs , and ( lie
SIxths corps , to be comnunandcd by General
W'ilsomu , will occupy this site. The ground
Is high nut u'ohhiuug aunt its close ; woxlmaity
to water mnalcos it a mmiot desirable point
for the oncnmnupmuieot of suclr a large body
of uusen.
S \ Cmrrr' 'VI-ir l'uuhuut ,
The inisumidorstandimig hmctwcsn thin Schmhit
Roof gardens amid the local Waiters' union ,
which csuhumiinimiteil in a strike Saturday night ,
was satisfactorily ndjusted yesterday. 'rho
outcoumie is couisiuieu'ed hsy thue waiters as a
victory In ( latin favor. 'Flue ealo tiesusuisdoti
of 16 ocr cemut emu tbo gross receipts was
granted anti ( lie enumtract muignieti. Mmimmagur
Levine says the amrsoumit is regarded as ox-
orbltamit , hut that lie yielded iii roturus for
a eemmce'ssioni on time hart of the waiters cc-
garding the netciimtlon of the labor which
atnycri with hum while time strike was mm.
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