Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 30, 1898, Image 4

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    TJ 1 J J. 'If ' 1 , J 2 t O , I89S ,
I1 III' ' t 111111'1 I ) A11Y III'I '
f it r , 'v A r 9 t ! , 1 Ilt t
I' ' hI4IIMI / , , Lt Llt' + llultNtNL
A i , , t At19 'hU1Ii ' ) 4.
t' ' + I tit 1I,4nl All 4 yh Irnr Pi thfr
hl HxAeMh ( efts lt'rtr. . . „ t
, .t , 11 n 1rAt 2
MnIrStr 110 ! ' Iin tsnf . . . , . . . , . . , , . L
rPN ? ! 1410 , IUfI beat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
' $ 'iti TIJ1i its , tnldlffit
: " t 'k ' 1 t o gIAMpt Illnrk Carnsr N
,4I"'k , S A.
I " 11.011 . n 4 : 111 'her , Hlrset
I bb 11 > tn I ' Ut ( hin
In f' n
ti ltpiittthI1 I1 rmH t null H1Mrt.
t't 111 i 114A 1'I , Mi , t r l I/ .
Atl rM fH , rsllqn4ii IIIi Ui t , w $ nth
. ,11r DMll.t Mttnuld ltt' nikltr + srn : ru
1t. wr
wrtitMltftlix tJ4't'tf41tI4
Au IpIaIMp a Ire. nn I trrnlttnnr ra
s 6" , I 1 inn rrtil trsstno l In 'run inn 1'ubllskltiq
I iftMn } ' , LItnnhn IiInfl + rlln/k / + tit' '
t , I psilire / In in' y nt.trtA In Inn ttindr
p:4t , Iy r Iitdrt of hr rnttl IIY
: I I , CLtC II'ANP.
ntAtI4 $ IIYT ( U flttCUi.A1'IU4.
n4 $ ni sett ht. Ilotipine meaty , Ha
( IHnfA. fl rtsnhutk , nNCrelsry ill 1br 1't' %
t'nbIIihlnlt ' Mmi.Mtiy , tiring dilly uwn'u , anya
Ibit Ike' srlusl mtutbtr of lull an.1 cntnplrlr
tnle4 of Tlis dally , Mnrntng , itveling and
t1 tttb j ( ter , pritird during the uonth of
Aptll. ItlM , assns ioIttI p
I , . , .l/ells / If 111.1ID
9 „ . . , . , i..etldln 1r. , . . . . . . ,
a . .Hl.uu49. / . . . . . . . , = 1TIT
t . . 121.711 20 , . . . . , . . . . . znnf :
I . . . „ 21tne 21 . . . , . . .
I . . . . . . . . ti ItftiI , 22 . . . . . . . . .
9 . tlIHHU 21. . . . . . . . 2/nail
1D .t Ifnr 2r. . . . . . . .
11 . . . . . . . . , , fialfio , sn. . . . . . . . , .
11 . . . . . , . . . 24 , IIIn 27 . , , . , . . , . : 11,1117
11 . . , e l.e/T . / 29. . , , . . . . . . 2UrI
1t . i , gIlI sl 27 , . . . . . . . . . : tl,1.11
j , . , , . . , . 14otn 2n. ,
Tolnl . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . , TSnana
IAna trtiirn4 nail tatsOlti copien. , . . , IT , ISn
Nrt tomb minks , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .TUat11T
rr'ut (1nlly IVUrug ( . . ' 25,039
(1IN)1tII ( ) II. TZSCilICIC ( ,
$ I ntn In befntr nit , end nnH $ + rrlbrd In my
vI ii. ttce thin 80tha tiny of April , 1979.
( genl. ) f 14 I'Lii , . Notary public.
I'tpnsiUon ' tiny I nrn(1e alnnid be tl
tuarkrr Ili tits r.iar ( ( 0t.Utllha'H 1)11)1 ) % It ,
4III ( ) II ( $ MIl It IIIIH.
Iq IlHlllt Ills 1'i'piII'I1(11(4 ( ( 0f tllr Si'enll(1
(1IAIV1 t err fl rMt It III ( fI 111 is Ith their
Callllhlnle fur rnngrt 44.
Tie en Itoh giinvr4 ( 'Von l i tint ciJect
If ylr. LMii'rnhuul(1 Io nnlo rotten what
IIr IIIIH M)1 ( ntilo q'11rnt
Tie ( hnnlul 111th M 11mia1 en(1ei ( cml
HGinl ( a living to)1ih'nuttau Of hit , vIM.
duu9 of miltnry IiSlruc1141I ill thu PUb
ilt I4C11eIS ( ( ( ,
i'PtlllnllI $ $ llrtvnIkS are (11r ( ) dr for
Ile' Inxpltyrr lion 'naIUIIIIY FPeurrlog
dut)1Igl' AtlltM braugIIt $ tgalnst tie el ty
for Iiiinrles teethed from (1cfeetiVc
1rlt1it 4.
I t enttint b ( ' sni(1 tlmt llrmori01 Illy
UnM n urn' cleaning t ) lult'rltau $ this
year , lul II ( ( rtnltly buts n uitnnlug time
pimple I(1 ( loot appreClnlo more than
ever hofnrc.
1Ve lute 3011J ( he-11 of the nut of-Iotvn
visitor ts hn IIII4 VI'wed ( the ox pnsltiII
gruua(1M atul bnlldhugs null $0110 $1SU(3' $ (
nlth itiithing but goad surds for the
gicnl ( ut'rprise
Iowa ix 1njyhIg , the (1IMlltictlnn of
laving a young 1111111 hhh 1t pull tvhu
threw up n Cotnlnisluu ns a sialT rolotiol
to enlist aH a prIVntI. . Such i IIilogs Imp.
pen eeC ( ill a tvt111e.
11.111 thin I'Xrr)1LIV ( ( ( lllitlittO of the
Mxpusliton t atif. IIII. pint to tiulkr tie
rxposltlon a ) artw'r sit11 lie IIevil uuur
gang of 1Hrllce bundlers who arc ready to
19nltttl crime for a prco : ?
'fit' au(1tutIt ) gouibl Hg timelines
sect to he aprrnllug u'lllion t Ira or
IIhHlrnucc front tine pollee , nolwllliSlnnd
IIIg lift' pnrllblllve orl1er of lip ( pollee
bu11111 tvWel tvns never Intetided to pre
hbit : ,
1't' $ % persons reullzrll before hint Uf're
Lire so )1Hrty etilre lii 1Vest Aldine
waters. Cablt' loyhlg IoM bran golug oa
deadly fur tiniuy years rind after the
wnr Ihrro { rill be n big job of cable re
( Jorernor IlnltsluIl's nuxli'ly In IInvt
Nebraska fliri(1sh twice Its quolu of
trrrope in the Vulu)1t'er army is eontlu
elves l'Ylletli that lie lout More pronllsea
of CoauulAAlone olitstaudlug thou be clue
1loislbly rrtleelu
Una 1(1tva nallroad , exelustrt4 ; nn
town Ilnr , rIp4Irle4 unit tltrihlgI4 for
April even' .tit per taut Inure llmt
lit lip ( corr.nsLHuliug mouth last year ,
ntltl tu' incr'ase ivlts not effused by
Ituueuie prollta4 In lnursjlorting tragPH ,
' .fhe umn whin b to be chairman of
tiny next Ilen14H'tatlr Collrt'IItllttl It Iowa
onto nut fur t9mgre rts oil n platform Of
Ids oru IiHtklllg shlch eutltnlual n
plank In fuvnr of ntNdlMldng all hip's bt
rrgnnl to Irgttl haler nnur ) nuli all
tins fur titr I + ollertL4f1 of private deldi ,
If In' Is ant rMAktit Nti41tlght ( n 111. yhei
to Mull the (1pl4guks lbtnl lute euu)1ultleu
glees It alp.
1'Ltt ! Itrlniblianu l.t11e a PJV'Ilt' ( JIl to
tH + hukl it Iinhn iH .Italy vhhI un Iho
rely IsiUumi ) tONVt $ Ik + 11 of rt'puhliettua
of lbw yiMat. It will bri $ togt + $ Iwr Hourly
nit t4w grestl Ionlwrs t + t tku rojslhiran )
1Hnty and Mhwuk1 w.wre ( u Inepirl' No-
i'r wkI1 twlalklk MS $ w Ik a detxrwlan-
I o ) $44 $ W 4)I $ ( a , IN4 Iww/lit I.IHiislhH far
Ihr rwlwNltlsit of Nwkrsiku Nt 1w neat
OvwM.k.r w14tlles , 'Fw du lkhi whit rl'
l + rw tdit + Mtllw wrllltl/lantk.u a4d Ikl.
n"rk 1 ( riisri usl4ut ua should ho Coin (
io. tut1 ill oI u.
'titt ivtlaae Ht 11444 It.r4lta n gang 144
upon Ike luwu wkie (4.1.k'k1Hi.k5tM and
1'rofwlsxal vr4Miks of wvwrl dt + srMptl4'u
by ru&'eIi 11w .u1lwsNkla HUlaagurs Isle
tutHluf $ rvwr Ihw rxle'alti.I ( I.l llvo
Mt rvk r t.e thu LU'aDl ( aiitipol4INt Wut
M144 * I . tlwa144t t.lpIMI.Muw Il.ew ui11f
FHiwunl buslnti'r ulau * euhI leer
uleu44wat wulsugelak .r vutltilsannwi t e
deltl .rsh ) wxlewnrU u ( rl lllap I I'IM
Gael uur OMU l.w11kt 144 ttu uutuoL4 Iei1
$ ehL. at urt < Wiwtt bnud4 of llauvva $
1WIe4 , uuwyruLUua4wI ,
tI ltOi1LII , 1)(1'
A nrrrrst.tident of the 4)rlagflohl ,
Ilnse , IlepulIi hul , svhn Algns hie ( eiii
tnutilenton "A 1i'h'rnt"'rof'r1 to n fart
nut generally kunn'n In regnrd to the
hentill ( UI tustonl of de.'nrninc . ( sol(1Irrs'
I lt % t , , 'I'lls le , lIent It had Its begta
tllag In the south. Acrording to this no.
tllnril. , nit 11ny 81) ) , 1ilt , the , grns of
anion soldiers tvhio tend been prisnnrrs
nt lolls Isle , nenr Itlehmonll , wore (1ieo
tilled with Ilon'e $ , sofrrnl tvonien front
JIH51Irhtsrtts eugogeet hi ttaelllug the
freedmen hnn lug IHrtll the pnlJeetors of
this net of hnVr rind re'r)1ce for thin
Qrnii turlnes. 'C11o certturt3. , Bleb pas
As + ( A t 1st e i ie IUIere' st Is thug Ilencrlbrd ;
II i st t P$11 $ (4 way plilt ed ntnnug Ihr
Mille atn11titlM , Iheu n bougtul n as ii alle(1
llpnu ( 'Ii Ph hrnllIviii 'd ; Ibis leh9g (1ntlo
Ihr (11110 ( rnutpruty galherrd nboal the
ern55. u hea all' n mtitul { Vito hind hero n
inirsr It Ihr lrurplteil snug a hynri , the
rest Jobbing In tie rofl'nin. ( br tin'
by tul suns II uIHhrd suddethy the clondn
pnrl/11 / ntid a beam ill 5nullglit rested on
Ill ( er,1s4 , ; Dl that tiumlenl the little party
knell Iti 4Inien , 'I'Ids eti(1e(1 the sere.
many. 'Phis stns Ilit' II 'st it'll oilaI of
5erVUiire ; bit a'Unl a 1 tvuiUnil pleilre.
The' ttlek mist , the br : e hillside on the
Iwlrt , the ru41'.grat'rs , tie rift It limo
clouds null Ihr sunlight on ( Ii. . cro4M.
'IIit. IIeXt yenll' , hny iO , iSn7 , tie { I'oiiieIi
cif Illrh)1u)1pl dCmiiIeel ( Ihr giitts of the
rotlfederaI bi Ilnllytvlnld re ii et cry.
lleuinrlal Ihty , of which this is the
tl(1rtielli ii inive'rsnis , wits es Inblisle(1
lu ISfiS by ( lenernl Inignn , thou coil- )
iniuielordu chirf of 1110 Crnnd .Irn1y of
IIi. Itipnlllr , I t Id not a nntlonnl hull-
diiy , Iiiit Iv ohsetred Iii most of the
Hllttl4 Its It It { 1 ( f ( so designnletl by tact
or relit ; rl'HH.
The tinyIppchis : : ) to Inynity 1)19(1 patriot-
istt , nA V ell us to 11e1 geuller nail lea-
Ilurer srnlitiugiS of our ii ution. Ill pny.
Itig hnnulg ( Io Ilte drnii rhio i , valor pr-
$1 , rveil the Ii uloa svo foster an t
Att ragllien lit the living (1'utiau to the
guvenmuII ( ) itlid the $1iig $ , vIihIc the $01150
fit' gralittuh' he gnlekrard 1111(1'.V ( get it
Iugh ee I.'nl er fir Valn0 of 4ttuoricaii
eltlrcus4hip. , nil the tI'aclilag and Iii-
II uelie. of 'IruunlaI Illy Is euu(1Ullag
nod clrvatlag $ Um1 there eau be no
doubt it lus ) hind a in isi , Vlole4otiue ef
fret )1Oil ( nutIon$11 chin roetor. 'fliIrty-
Ilree yea 15 htn ( gnus by shit ( t11nso
{ vIii . graves { VII ) Inilay lm (1ecnratod
V er ( lu arms-a generatInu of prarrand
prngrrS5. Igula we ere' at. Vnr n)1d of
thirst { Vlin ere golug forth to ni Bold the
It iior of Ilidlr Country nod Illustrate
ii iiV the pnlriot isnl ii 11(1 ( the Vii lur of IIII'
Ana'ricaU snldter fancy will flub graves
In f. ielgti Innis , svhi'rr love aad grad.
tude tenant het tOSv their in ciiienI .
ilrnVeti grant that the coutlicl ho Soon
; o 1UlX'tS IX TiIi : IllR.
IVIIh the ueaing of the exposition and
tie adVaut of the a(1VHUCO guard of the
vIsiting tlumig that is sure to 5V'ell
steadily In ninnler as the great show
prngr03S.S , the hnpurttuue of ro)1Shlg
every 111)111 ) , VUtiHUI tusk cbtd It the cont.
minty to the point of Halve purlICipa
tun In the work devohvIng upon Otilaha
trust not 1)t' ) overh xeLrd ,
lu every large undertnkiig the ease
getlc std : t . rtivu foss' naturally take
thin lend 811(1 are gtnetn113rO0ulrel to
lour the ilium of Ule burden , ' 1'o this
ii II 8rylug rule the expu51Ib it ins lua
ti0 ( XCeptlou , allhougi as a cuueI 11011te
of Its Magnitude 1111(1 ( scope It bas Ilrtsvn
upun the resource , of a grt tIer tnlnlher
or our eltlzetis tlmit Is urdiuttrily tie
ease Vlth ptthlle clrlerprb4t' $ of lesser
lIUilf'lit. )
1Vhile this stitte of affairs must continue -
tinue lt9 a large IIenure ) , 3'0t tl.e . expoSl-
tlmu truth Its accongrnyl)1g ( i.taetligs ; ,
Congresses troll couvettiuas , ; tttraeth ! ;
drlegaIk)1114 of mull It II ( V'ume ) )
l1tblguihr(1 in every Salk of
life , can 1111(1 sio)11(1 absorb
the ttttentlou of all n'hio are la-
tefC5t0l Ill laving Omaha perform its
part with credit. 'l'lere Nhioul(1 he ao
( h ollOs in tie CxpOShthOtl hive , but every-
Hilo 5holllti contribute to tle full extent
of his oblllty null talmclly.
' 'lo expaShion tiuuulgetett 1111(1 the
1)1111110 ) littlloVltleS 110(1 ( the VILVIOIIH local
nrganixallotis call lie tlepCadrd on to he
ill the front. 'J'lley Hlna/(1 / , lmwrver , be
Vlgoronsly supportel nn every 51(10 by
IIldi I4ual Volt1)1tcerx , each ntl(1lug bin
rlttt to tilt grni l total by whlcl tue
visitors will be wont ii'orilhly lat-
'l'Ite ( xpnAlllIt ) afforls Onala nut op.
lrrtanlt3' to advertise the city and earn
this hlsthlg guan1vlil of the 1vrple not
ally of Nebraska nod uelghborllg
states , hilt (1f every state iii the union.
Such tilt oPlortti(1ly tilts never before
) reentwl cull It sill be long years before -
fore It Is ngHattd. It not completely
ulll'sed saw , the nlitake 'lilt never be
correcle(1. 11'0 believe all that 15 nestled
I.e to have the situation fully coutpre-
! ended by our 1s 0pit , 1111(1 here sill be
11(111(1 but worker.e durhlg the whole cx-
1115111n11 sensmt.
, t.nliur.tNNiItR : i'Oltxrtrtf.1'fRRRLR. :
'Cbe last iHttell ( rf tinlles for IIR1v V's-
Seta lahe / t'uhed 4tnles envy lndlent.'s
that all tip ( gael Anlerleatis 1)1)1Mt ) hiivti :
been scut to Ile front kavhlg the ship.
luunlug Jul to 501)10 tilHOr ! atncle of
the ( ilpluulttle ) service. ( ) alte a nuinber
of tine new Vessttls lire ant wet' ships ,
but there is no rxeu$1 + for burlonlug
l ul ) lugs 1111(1 ( trnhI 1e4Ir15 Irttl Muetl
uaall'H its Ilrulu + + . ( Ytsshls , 1'avsar , Ilmi
uibnl , l'ump'y it 11(1 ( Ilelplu , names that
wu)1Id du very V l'li fur the IOy 14(111114
run Of n dsgout'nttr in lil 1atvi , + r to ply'
Hush ) Ill' . ' .Ieduorrt11us111 , bat inrdly' h' '
proprlntC' for ati tlUUI141111 peat pater
hHg Inlgusty t.eeMltiM , l' tnny bD
HLs11lksril who oluilU dus.sut from those
old ItuuHti(4 ( but fuw of their uhlilrou
I + tivu 10110.1 11 u(1Ik ( thu ( 'bltad ' $ lulaeu
what It Is.
.lllkwttt li Ihwru 1s the s11Innlun0uiuh ,
b cihitallu. sluhtenii , ( 'olnlln'lhi , ! In
rllLla , 1Vau4ut11 , 41114415.1. Iroliu(1Is and
u11wrd In the navy , 11w tab of slrlelly
aliorighull uaute4 IDIM ant ba(1ox
I + /111stv4. 'iiIHru would Ito n e ereepr11t.1- .
( lwd4 itt leonurlag .urh himHll.l Indite
rkl.fA us Kolekuk , ( ' .eutkte , ' 1'wetitusnll ,
i'uWIHtinu , Musk hawk , 11dsa41a011 ,
l$4M.h1 null 'VIII tut' ' urnfly 01.1 Mllllag
( IIL 'rhun Ihvrw nro IIMIIIHa lit tHbi µ
114441 Wwllhl nl.tehy . likely to shlpa , Mlleh
0.1t nhtou , 11b.yotttu. 1'd VUVU Punuu ,
ltus/411tua , ItLMtwbu , itrapnkatt ( Jldakn
$ .IW (1141 ( ( 'tidal ( , all If tiuvw buuu
udu4 lavfurv tkvru I a luuj ItI lit
rnnsicnl I11(1IIn ; words of vnrlell 1r'nti
hug thin t would serve to dlstingnish the
Aninrlcnn envy faun 011 o111eis
The Atilt'rtuul navy Ienldnrw ! Ims'M tint
( lane onn.h herrntvIII of Ideas from the
nncletilb , our ( rani the ii nvy btilldors of
1 ii rope , null It Is II at dice 4sary ten 17111
( ndk nticlout history to 11)1(1 emu's ' for
the ships , The Aak'rlenu navy is bd
Ing built uullke nby of htr Myer seen ua
the Jill a of this V'ntiaw nail by tnki(1g
en m to give the vessels tltlliies ehisthllety
Galen en a It ought or lIMn II t IL(41 ( 1401911'-
tidng null thui be n(1dtnl in Its char.
LOOItt'7' / i'Ull 1S11 ti7'Oltr/JR.
A party of IJncoln hanlers slnrled yca
terllny for fs111ng In thin rlorlhwrnt. Any
on. . , of the following grnthemcn may be cx-
petted to be ttllon , of tall slorles in a worker
or an : J. lt. Ullkesan , Judge A. H TI16alts ,
T. S. Allen , Darn 1 : , Low , .1. II. Ihnrley , Johnl
Hhr8dor , 1VIIInrd ihalmmond , Vlclor Hey.
) Hour anti hierlman of UniehnSunday
Lincoln Journnl.
'I'lls lllny utplnhn Vhy ( ; 0Veruur Ilul-
cotnh Is dl'lltyhlg giving to 1110 puhhle Iho
report of his Ilndhngs In lh1' htiprnc11-
illeut ehurg ( $ preferred ngnlnsl his
bogus reforti9 police cnulnlsslnter 4 , Itih-
erl 1' ) Lee Ihrdtiua , 1) . U. ( h egory lull
.1ann's 11. I'enho(1y.
1Vheti these charges Were filed Iho
gnrl'1'll0l' Met ii ii Its It II ( XI'11Me III C11h (
1119 duty to hear the teylliunuy ill prrnnn
that ho wns ten busily eiigng.I Vilh
ether pallle Itutler $ std npixelnleI ( an
luipuu tinl substitute to sit ht Iho case
null act for ft liii. 'l'ids Ito i art inl snbstI-
tote V'IH ) .lu(1go A 4 , 'l'IbbettM , N'hile
Judge 'fill tts listened to do stitte-
lueuts of ltubert 1' : , Lee Ilerduutn 1(11(1
the other Inil'nched ) . cnuunisslourrs 1111(1
ltunounced publicly l'foro time cnnglle-
tion of the alleged 11eilrhlg that here
n71H unthblg In Iho charges , the roporl
oil the fitets itiitI ill ! Inn' Vhhci Ill' % 'IIK
I a Urine It hits cut yet nuUerinlizcd ,
1V1at tic Itiparllt 511bAt.a11 ( has Ii con
, ldllug for I5 ill ) % % ' 11iscloe u'd ! I'hl' IItlle
I1s111ng party Conslstlilg of A 4. 'I'ih-
h otts , Ilnbert 1) ) Lee Il'eel )11 ii et al
pupucrats sill 1oultles $ digest Ile 10
port before It I'XlaU it (4 ( Ul ( Ilsh supply
I l iho II hrtIi s'st If tie hues art ant
cho4I'ly IIIt0rn'O 0ll IL II II the IIuoks tigilty
h til1111 Intl it 191111iot0 CXanernlloti nufl
Vin(1Icntb it for Ilurhllna ( Im/l / Jds gang
Ii the flute tIi(8l ( + ( Ihsc111JP5 of Ike 1Vnhun
t 0tiien IaIIIIC ) tie whole expelillun svlll
1)0 ) Stumped whth wretched fnllure ,
honk nut fat' lie Iish stories. l4eolc
out also for the Johit report Of the liu-
partinl sn'hstitutt ' and Ile Inlprnelled
police culiutilssluaer on the Ilrrdnuul-
( ; regory1'VUhady Inloll clnucnt charges.
1ILLd111UR tlfOtllll715.
The fallacy of iho Ii rgunleht $ of the
ItL vitliul lunleXittlollisIs is easily
' till' of IIll it' orgnits says ttlt ,
lumexntlon of the IsI(1IIIIs I5 a IlecesHhy
h tunlse the ( ' ere the hsif wny hou5r to
the I'hllipplues turd our hvm ) I4hips
must touch there for proeIsluus and
eon ( oa their wny to Jtanlin. Uar siiIu
are 115 free to to this as ht the hstitli(1H
wtrt 1t part of flit terrllory of iho
lhtlle(1 States , J'ho Ilnwal111 govern.
meat IIllS lint declared neu11 aIIty , but
Iuslea(1 bus Ilotilled this governtiicnt
that its 511111 $ may coal at Llonnhdu , Ind
gel any other $ uppil'S ts'hICl 'nti he il-
tnincel there. It is true lllat It is still
li tIio power of tie ihawaiinn govern-
went to lech/urt / netgrnilty , hiiL there
I $ not the romntest prubnIii IIty IhaI It
V'lII do su It Is absolutely netted Clint
Ihnvulll will coutluuu l0 be as free to
Vis lts of our 5111 ; s rrgnlriug coal or
at n'r $ ( It 1115 ; 0vtI. , la'etl.
A nether sliggt'stIaII of tie ii ih'oeiiI
of annexation is tint 4pnh1 ill ght late
ant duly 11 grill ) ud for JuMt (0iIi lII lii t ,
hilt for a claim for l:11nages : ilgil lust
Mesabi , oil ii ecrawt of tIIc favor slitesyii
the 15IIIcll ! Slates , drspt ( tUr fact halt
[ caved hiss not declared aeutaity. If
(11:5 ( : be adudltoil of n'hat cnu5ccItlmICC
n'allhl he a claim for damages on ale
port of Sinhl't ) : I'IIut Coutity Val eat
le In anulitou IL ftcc the war to enforce
such a clam 1111(1 at nil events the
ITuitcd Stnlcc4 would see to IL that
IhlV:111 : n as ) IOtccte(1. la acccpting
the lu0splt(1Ity of her ports ve shah utlsn
11551nne 011 the eeJeolIHlbtllles Implied.
It Is , howCrer , luuulfestly absurcl to
titllc abaft 41Hlin ( Sill 111111h11ug In this
uuttter as a reason for this CoaItry all-
nexh9g the ISlftls
J'be ' anaexntoalsts utterly fall to 5115
Mitt thine coulcnton tlnlt iho II lsortltlon
of the Ituvnlloti islands by tie Uuite(1
States Is n necessity. The fallacy of
their in guineat $ ! s so clear that any
ate ur ulrlittnry latelllgenee must sets
It. Still It nppenrs that they are In a
Iuajority lu tangrees , It htrgu n)1IIlber
( it republicans lu tie house falling to
1400 , V'Uat Spaalcer Ilee(1 has Llnlule(1
lilt , that presSing the uunoxalloa
SCIIUIII ( ill this ttlDe Vlll voik harm to
the purly : Mr , ! teed Is ( hilotell as Ha ) ' .
lug : "Apart entirely from the nlorul
1111/tIIIIH ( , or even the atUntulstrntlre
quLHtloas , IIIIS lturt'(1 would Io In11 pall.
tie * . J'ho 1$511 ( 111 the roon hig id cod lulls
wJuld lint lie Uu1 poet record of the
repnhllcau party , or liic peuollig µ ' 11r ,
or nnyIldug of that sort , lint anucxallua
lulu kindred Itthallous ; luul awry
scntidal tvhclt ! ( 'aultl 1s.sslbiy bu at.
taeied to Iho repnhthl'illt ) orI ) ' lit cu1I.
lICt'tion thcrevllh , % V heftier troll.
fo11t1iul or Iiseleis ; , wallh i be dragged
( III I it ud uulgthleel. ' 11 r , IIcud Is aisu
reported to his ye ion iii IhaI "Io rush lu
now 111111 tilul)1' the nanl MltlluUnn ii
Iho Ihlohlt at o' . else for o'Ir14'ling by
lagislatlo11 Ile' iehe'iii' for ilmr'xatian
tvhlui has bees olinhlo to gal post Iho
wish. . lu tilt' rlrrtl of ii Irrgty w11a111
br lu upon tic hollers for every Idoel of
Jobhnry. Ili lt hit Iho n'hlhoc Coauresl
would run rho I. ' ' 'L'imns eau hetc n(1 Inaba-
tnn as to the n'Isoluui and soundr44ss
of Ir. 110e(1's p ° MIllun thud II Is snubs.
what rokull'kablp Ihnl hu Mlutuld bo
II nurif Iho n(1norlty lit Iie tIeiibclleit hill
hi congrt > + 'M hl r.geird In 1111s sletluu $ $
Itlt nwvhr bas IIs ( wmrlh as a publk'
1111111 bvot a1rr0 n'Idaly ltfill lulwlhttwnlly
( 'urlnlit 4al(11tit ii farm n4l"kl4eur )
hill ) iloplellHalh , iltiil IH'11'$111MIM ) IIIss
hula ( to roprl'sutt 111(1111 huvo inh ell n
hue nu/ wry ugh hui L Ili. ' t'1IsllUlu ti Ii41n
ngottuat tor purmllthtg ttu urw'lloll si'
11 Inltdtug on hit' ugpleehltnl gr4uludr 144
wlgtod to filvwrl4H It lsireurll tau IIIMIA
I ; ntllborder bnssin.i t'ba 111511 Ih4l hilt
wpaou aliultat ! fur lilts bulldhatl Wa , nil
gdgod null cab ( tub' ' lucre lhaa fifteen
Itmuti ! $ ego ) srllpls to Ilnve hrcu bolt
sigh of , is alibi ie. ( fact that I11n exposl
tIon huts do I glib to UIserlinhntte ht-
taltn pa11vnIH 4SIb ) carry on llglllalnLa
htiMlnPM $ . 1'hesmn5t stIivtil pert of the
proet5tS Is tIioi lilti'nl t1111t IhI' in it !
tVIIn ale it ithIg } farm hnplemetils
Ill ) ciciitIII hssloil q ill 1 IIJy'ccitI tie exposl-
Lou , IP i1OHtpntlle , ; $ , Vnol to Copley
the lu3 cmill eis 1tt , n'enpuu tb ( ) eionl(1
(1Ireet Ilieu' tvrrlth at the nu)1ntfncttlrr $
{ vho supply the 1ml clinrry „ 'Bell the uf-
fetslVI' nm II.ender Ii nuso sells nt eel
rnt ( $ S(1 Usti hs thin IlII i h steal lilt ntl-
fnltaree $ refas ( "Yo'11lscrUnitlntl' hl fit vin
of th' retiiih (1tii11tiy Il Is Itnlea5unnlle to
de)1utlare tin' ti iHisltoo ; for rrfusing to
( IlserUulunte.
I + nles of farm 111111 hi ell the states
vest of t11u yiIAsisehtld ) river have heeti
uti11HtutIly uuulnruns Nils yearned prices
far ltiiprmVed Inn ( ( are grand oVee ) , V11rre.
'I'll' 11111111111 fur tIt'll ltIValod land by
peraoiIS % V ho Itilelld brcuuiiIig II0hutl
settlers Is reported guild. ' 1'eI IJIusIIlltu
the pereul reVIVii I of business 111 tlis-
pu5l)1g or fart ) Iiulds the' hi Istnry of ham l
shies by tie NIII'thll'VII I'uelllc 111tlhvily
cuulpnny tiuty ho citeI . 'I'11nt Cmupan3 )
salel :2G,111hl , needs of Innli to 1,1)111 ) ) ur
l'IIllH(1'5 III IStH ) , brill suth1's sti'ilIty ( fell
( I IT ii utII iSPI , whet Ihey aggregated but
stlas1 : , it ert $ I i 7'1:1 : puro11nsrrs , liar the
Ian tultus ( tided AprH 1O lust the sales
were 111 2,1)1M1 pat' . , itggregnlhig
171 , II 2 )1eres , 'I'l1050' ere nearly ell sales
to Hctual iuou' uiukers , Ill all ( hut vest-
Iti'll 5111115 ! till' IIIIIISI + d 11111(1 ( IM Using
taken by settlers nail thine VIII snail be
an old t ) iho purchase of i7uV land.
A rt'celpt far the price of n new
seV'ltg innchitle tti tie4 11D lu nu lawn
beak Iho other tiny I + hnVing that $248
aVa(4 paid for the tiles lull lnhor SD VIIIg
dales. Yet there arc persons { Vlu )
4'oaphlhi ) about prlsttnt Illgh prICOS lull
yearn tor the goad old tnles. (
Supreme Tent of 1f.'ehnhrcni Shill.
Olobu Iumucrnl.
Thu Oregon wns built ii the ahlp ynrdn
of Hati rrniiclscn , and no bettor epecnnen
of good tsorktnaushp ( Is itoeded It lnur-
Icnli tuechntdcs on thin t'nclllc could httvu
no lnurO Crcdltahln di ioum.
sonu' 'l'hlua s N'urne ' 1'Iinn war.
Chtcltt a 'l'inirs itorah ) .
Just al this lire , when lice pnhlic is
eligrossml with war a ICausns aetuutist very
pltnuamitly relieves the strnlu by a 1)11)01'
on "Thu ltch11vinr of Klnoplasm mid Nucleolus -
cleolus la the rivlelon of the Pollen Mother
Cells of Abclepta. CornUte. " Thu llorros
of war do nut scent gmlle Se terrible now.
A $ upi'IM. + 'Iii I'raspeel.
Nuw Yorll'Mull ' turd Express.
One of these flan uuariings tile cotltltry
will w alw up mina dlscovor that Cuba has
heon Inwuled by an A11mricnu army of
60,000 or 00,000 mH during iho previous
night. Tile Inllllnry Itrrnugenucnts ) ravlde
for giving Ouiici i Ililnncu ( Ito largest and
cost ( Iaamlstratlvu eut'prlsu paty tlatt he
ever wltesscd 111 the whole course of his
life. i
$ rnaturttl ' 1'nlfors.
1'hlhttI built 'I'I 11)05.
In tlnes of plfrei when 110 great crisis
confrnuts the cnuntry , u talking senate ,
white a good drat of a mdsance , does not
cmiatltuu ( a Ineilucu to the safety of the
Inertinn : gOVerntneni ; 'hut In a time of
war like the ptbsugt sufuy hies only In
a seiialo ( hat can ho depe ndeif on to act
when IloCes.nry , (11111 to teccuro this it is
avlhOHt ( suuiu of the talkers will httvo to
he retired.
Alone ) for Anu'rreriu I'ro.1Hcls.
AliunenpolH : Journal.
T11o Hot Importutious of gold forr the Racal
year are expected to reach a round $100-
000,000 mid to exceed the luiportttlOns of
any provlous year Iii the history of the
cemUry. SUIco the exports have exceeded
the bnporls of gold every year from 1S8
to 1697 , It is no wonder that tiara i irrove
nod the calamity party , which ca ) Ihrlvc
only on husluoas cieprosslolt and fieaeral
distress , ho willing to concede that lids
is a republican year.
areet lies n 1''ull ,
Loulsvtllu Courier-Journal.
That is the right sort of information
which conies from \Vnshitglun ) to the effect
that If the deanship owners persist to
their efforts to rob the goverHmOat lit the
terms exacted for transports the vessels
swill ho impressed. It is about thou to
leach some of these people that n state
of war wIt1I a foreign power does not furnish -
nish unlimited license to domestic ouemlcs
to prey upon us from within. The govern-
nent ougltt to tale , at rcasoiu hto canpen
satiomi , Lilly Americat ship that it needs ,
Can't Bottle 11111.
Now York Sun.
This manning the country will rend with
enornious satisfaction that the lion. IVllllan
Morris Stewart of Nm ndn , a slntesman who
Is heard too seldom for bits own comfort ,
look Limo floor. Wo remember micolny somec
where the assertion that the flour of the
senate was latch only for time purpuso of
allowing Mr. Stewart ( o take It. 1Vholt lie
avails hlniseif of tlio Privilege , hnpplntss
leaps from every nyc , aul druw'nlmif ; 11)00 ,
with lhu customary straw In lheIr ! antis ,
lot go , saying : " 11111 Stewart has iho Itoar ;
now we can afford to cite. "
'I'll ll Il/ISr1 'I'll 'run : rae 'r.
% 'ar Yrl' . artllra Crralr n Ilehunul
dust Is Slant ) ' Jlrl ,
Cbtctn 'tlinles I lernld ,
1VItl ( he n h rnt of the bloycln Iho epln
Ion was freely expreued that Iho horse
hind had Ids dnynbut In en rntlrrby dlger
mil souse Iho horse in havting hats day now.
I is III cioummi4 by thin Kuvrrnmvut anal
Is tntmnon'ling ' u IMtler urico than for tuahy
Thai scarcity of horse. III ( ar eaveiry surv
hell wns shown tpsuhy lay reaIutIaua to sit.
vurthsemonu for Wile sent out ! runt army
hendquarters In this shy.
( illy Iwo bids .axu0 re.ehs.l , Awl Is boll
Cases iho bltitiers pl.tewl . high raluwtiaw
(111011 ( Ibis nlebn sha ruquir.ut skit 40wt554.4
sixty tiny. 111 whl.h to 4.I1r4'r I4..w. Ldsr
IoM tuncttutvuly Ihal'Ilary 454 set hs , IS
Mnhllmhl nit hiss ( S 4 w' + 014 hat. 1. Ka
Irvin the 0pa1 tnsA.l to
Th' burs. I slalltr 5 $ Ik. 1 µ .i .xo.p1 M
Iha Ier.t411nq of I ulNsj4t4eq l sis.t , Iris 140
MHIshw ) .r.r sl l ' I atu. . M
$ so lklr tad , w I11 IIM wlM5 1Ni.1r ir.i
tlWls hats h.i 1.41 tar .i9. W w..M
fuller.c eitsl cir.w kt , wks.r. 1.544
us klll tie uep4 Ik.ts wMh t.wh
U.tssbrrnls * le1.i. 11 554 il .ld . )
icxf. . ki ( is 4kd vrry s/0. . W ts + M .M
shalt iii ktb r..a. Ilai n.t t.m 4511
Mr.04y .44sw 4n4.y 14.4 5A. , sIs..4
l4 tI441MM iWka11. $ tai Mw W , . > h
twee e'Ir.lry , ssq MMIs Its r.M 1.
0544 tN supply ( Si. K t.11Mw.M1 s Ih4et a.
4kj h. + s.s will sos.swsd sri4 w. . . .l
1M. WweMs , 'II 4444. . 144 $ M
TIe Wo1 i * igsy . " 4g4s t iM w
A 5..41 .lt'MI * 515.0 44 $ ii4M 2.N M
14 M i + 'I'f .ir4xw.1.5 ,4t45sh 111
M h,1rgM swis e.I4'I 44. . wt sStkM4
11'.r 1445 Mle.10 flan 1.94. 5M .y + Iwtat.l4t
to laugh 41 ( SI + Wry4t. ,
$1'.11'1. I'II SM ON S1'ATI l'OLlTil"H.
Ord Journal ( pop , ) The populists nro en-
tIt1eJ lu the nominee for governor stud thin
democrats say they should havt' It 11011
IJnlui 1t. Thompson is the 1110th to have the
llnwell Journnl ( tienl. ) : A reform omcinl
who rides upun n rnllroaci in ss n11d solicits
favors from the railroads x 111 hear watch.
trig , or perhaps It would be n 'bettnr Ideate
to retire him to prlvnle Itfo and pal a true
reformnr ht hie plncu.
Kearney Sun ( rep. ) : l'npullsls ludlvltiunlly
null convcutiorlnlly have declared time
without number ( hint it pnas Is n bribe ; hilt
I Hlnto ( ill Inspector iCdnaMrn says n pass
in a snap ; he Ades nil over ( Inn state on
n pass aul (11011 ( charges blue state up hub -
ngu--ell for reform.
( 'hadron Journnl ( rep. ) : Nobrnska pullltci
( hits fail will ho nighty warm 011.1 this state
prninlsrs In lw the sent of a ntnmirnblo but.
tic , Six eongressnleh are to bu 0leatvd and
nlse lhu entire stnto ticket anti n leglslnturn
w911eh wltl be called Upon to clioono 0 pile-
eesuor to Item W V. Allot 111 thu senate.
That he will he succeeded by n rentibtirnn
ii , souiotltiug ( hint ( ho republicans of thin
stale are going to work for with might and
mnln. Thnt his Macecslsor , If n re'pilbllcml ,
will tin m umn , tipright , honest , free fr01u
lint Itlcnh cliques null urn ( vim wlII represent -
sent the atnto cro(1Ilnhly 1s n fact beyond
dispute. Whin this inns will b0 le yet n
under of comijccuiro.
Auburn Ornmigcr ( pep. ) : ! 1011 hratk limn-
sent , presldont urn lctn of the state seminto
In 1697 , the free sliver rnpuhlienh , nod the
hull dog in fiebate , lints men Itmuom Is
110W gettitg soma free adverleiug ( Llu ouglt
the uppers because of the fact ( lint Ito was
nrresled for gnuibling a tow weeks steno ,
down al the city of LtIicuhH. Pratte 1150(1
In be n republlcnh Iuul was omit' of dhmn ,
hilt (1s lee Joanteyed toward 1)anltlaenn to
Innipnmi those of nay other faiths le ' S
npprtned of ( lee fact ( hint It wns lard r
hint to kick ngaimist thin pricks anti to
0brldgo tutu lung story , he was converted ,
but thin tact 1s , that couvurslun wrought
so black Illliii ctintigo In the mull that lie
was still hrnnlc Itnnnunt.
Slnnlon Register ( pup , ) : Judge Westover
is ttdlrod of 115 n candidate for govcrunr , but
we thUdc that Pnyuler strands the best cliaico
of securing the uouduatlmn. A lion' candi
ditto I5 hetng lnikcd of by sonic and should
lie cuter the tnco vIll be a furnldnblo cai
dldalo. The How men is Caigressmtm Htiii
of the l ourth district. Should he be plnc'ai
lu nominiatlon Ills strength will ho great.
Inn Is coo of ( le best cougressuu'ii w0 have
nnb 110 0110 has nuulo ally more frlmnls
dnrinl ; tilt' Ins ( tsvo years Thant hu has , 111.
w(1rlc tic congress has 1)00) ) brilliant mud
eallsfaclory null while we think ( lint his
phtee la lu congress still tvo recognize tin
him an excepttonnlly strong candidate for
lhu chair ( tow occupied by Itolcoutb
North Loup Loyalist ( pop , ) : It is quite
Ov'Idmit ( lint W. l. Ureeuu will have sonic
very forntdnhio npposittmi at the cougres-
dumnl convention aul anoug thi nauca
nie11tlonod as his successor ( lint of Judge
W. if. 14estovar of Crawford alnniS out
promitently. 1Vhilo Ilse frlelids of Justice
l11rnugltolot iho Fifteenth judicial dislriet
would naIclt regret hits resignation train ale
bench , yet , alioiid ho stgnlfy his svllling
less ( n accept It congresslonnl homtuation ,
it Is quite evtdunt from iho sciai lent nl
ready expressed that he would receive their
uumduinus nil pp0rt , which alone would
Henrly 110 sumcient to nominnte tint. An-
oilier argument , and one of merit , ( lint will
lie useti ! h his behalf , is the fact that ( lie
north side of this district has hover yet
been allowed to furnish the cnntlidide for
tilts very hnportnnl position. Judge 1Vesl
over Is n brilliant nod successful nuorney ,
a Iluont and firclble speaker 011(1 one of iho
best Judges ( lint over graced ( Ise bench In
( ho Slate , and hits name in canlectlou with
the congressionnl no11) I uation to ( hits ti isrict (
at the hnndM of ale populist party 0t once
shills off mill aspirants for ( IInt po ltIen Whoso
nhility Is of the second class.
1'tthon New Lra ( pop , ) : 11'ieon ( he atnto
central commtttee of lima three divisions of
the leform forces meets on ( lie 11th prox-
I111(1 SOnia (1Iffo ent p1Itit front tliu one adopted
ht 1697 must be evolved. The populists will
not ngaun submit to being controlled and
outvoted by it coalition of the deiiincrats anti
tree silver republicans. Thu solectou of
candidates lutist be decided according to
time ratio of votes polled by the respective
urg(1ulznlbus. This questloli hind better be
docidetf tin advaee and not left to than inn-
ulpulallons of a tow tenders at llm state cav
vetltlon. Another ehaugo front flue last state
cmivention elmutd ho made by time slate cen-
tntl eouunittecs ; the represmitntlou should
he decreased , In ( he first plnco no hall can
scat delegations so as to give all a fair
chance to be heard. In a large representa-
tlon , unless a county has a pull with the
managers , it will be shoved Into some out-
of-the-way corner , whore It ccti neither be
heard nor seen ; at the other hand , favored
counties will ho "ln iho ewini" all the time.
d eonrwitloa svttli at untluly large repro-
senlntion becomes a howling mob , and not
a deliberative body. Then again it may be-
conic necessary to unite nor ( lire , convemi
lions Into one body during the balioting (
for candidates. In such an event the rm
Bans for a less ratio of rtpresentntlon become -
come Imperative.
Auburn Cranger ( pop : ) The popocratic
forces In ( lie cohdng campaign will be told
( lint members of the State legislature mmlo
thin state pay from = 16,000 to $ :0.000 of their
canipntgnang expenses hy allowing over fifty
untioces.nry engdoycH to draw salaries , just
the Salno as the republicans did only on a
little smaller scale ; tlmt official salaries were
not cut down us per schedule of the St.
Louis platform because , forsooth , ofilclnls
contributed and uiuM contribute to the esm-
patgn funds , Just thin unman as republicans ;
( limit popocrata violated the provisions of
the constitution just ( ho saute as did the
republlcnns by appropriating money for pur-
post's lint provided for In tlii conslhullon :
Thal they were Inlhlelice4 lust as the ro
pubhIeni + s have been by a class of men who
Pena as moulders of public oplnlon but
throatchtst to make use of their Italuences
aKallil ( ( hose who would sot favor the con.
tinusnce of laws under which they could
down that stain cud the counties for autrs
genus fees , The popoeralle forces whit his
rantlndod lust the secretarles of Ili. senal.
11114 clrrks of Ihs twos. got the Iwo bodies
to wranb. ever who shewtI 1b amid who
col l. + U sn4 sirkiiT doh while Ih.y
su.sredal In Kettle , appruptlrtwh 119.0' ) fur
tiiklsl wp lh. J.srsald whl.h th.ush II was
.oily st wl sl. . I.uIM of the ers + . 41401
IM Its. wss e. . e4 law. ik.sii 22.5.5
Is4. ' Th.y will Ii. 1.14 It.i $ sk.W , $
kits .fist swwe ki kss Jiey aa4
t.c u4I + lly 41.e1.Ni. ib U 4MSi. ww. Jest
n1.M4 $4 Ya.IM44.1 .i 11.W o.4ils .4
1.M I..widis.s4 54 41 4 link wed. W
I.4wn1 irlr Yi.uw45e , sty W WMA wow .l
.M $ I. t.e45t. e uwawa taii p 'w
lmM4M i.555.i 4 eA WYI. 0444 , b
i Mwr . + wt. , + el . .rraIUJ a w/wwaki.
554. abl ) b44 4wli1tM. i. w hr-4M.4 w5
111. 4.(1 54 . 'Nit ' . . .Y NMwk b1
s p.iSM 04 i + N4wnt ' .wq tj * eat .1.4sIr
ell I. IAd . ; esM. . $ .ir1s
11 , .45 .s ssi. to . . .4&fle iw.N. + 1 wq w
pW ' L ilt W - Pibel.4 .5 MrN ) . . . .t. 1M
u.s , w.11 1.940 I1Ml .4O + M4wMi 'i..4 ' Mew
$494 r.iH..d w swim % I ii 5..4 sa4.5 w
(441 ( ) 5s. s uosO-s14 ' cs.s tsu A5 Fri
1.i.w . .iitJ + .M oss * i es4 e45 l.rwwsl. 55.11
NdMNMNIM. 1.44. Mlp'1 Is. ps. .Wti. .
1410104 11.11 * bi ialsie s N twili l/w 10 ' 5.
. . .tq 1 ' . .MI .a4ri. 1siei'in v' "s si . .ii
Ia $ 1L'io-i { - ii M.1d tK ii M 41ya
M5 V.4tl' 44o 5iN ' 0'44 ti4j4 $ 141554 $ . MtI
-4 sail eo. wuM. " , ew4 w.41 M.
w.Mi sata.M i'I.14 1'.l I.e ih'ol VII 1I4H.
54 4(1(4 s i.I 444 Iasxr
l r
llx t'OIITIOA Aay 1'.1Ttlln'rl4M.
Teknmnh herald Oevernar ltoleomli s dls
lrlhullon of military commisslons is In keep.
hag with his appointments of non-partisan
bonnls conlrurlnled by statute. They ere
composed of then who will sing ( lie seine
pallllcnl song nail vole ( lie snore ticket.
tinrthmigton Ilrrntd : Uovcrtor Holcomb tins
given 1V. J. 11rynn pornd + slort to rnlsr a erg.
hmenl over wldeh tin Is to be colonel , tlrynn
known just maul as much nbmat prnctlrel
war as he does nbnot practical finance. Tim
goverl01 Is ii lstIugtllsnhtg ) ti lmsdlf In Ii Is
ablllly to and cnmmlsslons for his political
patrons nnci pets ,
I.otgh World : It is to bn regretted that
tutu bravo NI'braskm mops hind to ho used
by destgulmig dninngngurs to further n pop'
mist govnrnnr's polillcnl snhelnes and the
boys nro to br commended for not allowing
strife to arise at such n limn ever pnrty
nHlmo , thIes. It appears hail Ooveninr
IIolenmhin nnJust Illscrtiitlnnllotis trill Proven
n stigma ou llin party ,
llnidrego ( 'illzeu : llovernnr 11oleomh at-
gut's ( hint peopln who crlliclse 11tin becansn
of acme of lids appoinltnritts In tlit select ten
of olllcers for the stale troops are not pa-
trlulic Many would feet thou ( lie governor
was lucre mlttlled to talk nbnul pntrlotlsoi
If they 0onld Ito convl11evil ( hint Ilse governor
was Inliucueed by a desire to prnlttotll limn
rmcleney of ( lie troops by ( lie nppotmtnuuns
he has tnndu.
1Cearney fillip : The Nebrnska National
Guard as it will be when renrgnnilzed or
reconstructed by Unvornnr linlcorhb will
bo vorlh got ! g Hdles to sec. The mien
chosen for iho head of the now reg.
I1111'11H ( ea re nlutost ) VIthntlt exeepIuu ( popo-
erallc pnlltloin iS mind uo r05pect whatever In
hehig paid to merit or Illness. Time IIiii ; dnea
hat nude meutinn of the mutter by wny hf
cougllttill , for It duos mint Cliii , ii 1-lip. hilt
merely to hued ) time record slralghl us I ( gnus
nioog ,
11'oud Inver lmiteresn : Onvornor Ilnlcnmiih
huts luul n gaud iunuy iriot hi Inns who his vu
looked with frteliitihess upon hint as nn
executtve , but hits conduct mix a war guv
a nur In mlxhig up politics with the nuldtur
hn'x In bringing d(1wii upon hits hoiid ( lit'
wrath of ovary numi who bulttves that pal-
Rtes nhuitld cnlphntlcully bu lent night of
with the soldier boys. Wo wait no pup
reglmmds , uo repuhiIcnu regImmus , hub
plutit sul(1Itrs to streugliloi UHclu Haut 'H '
right arm and uphold thin ii hgntly anti Iiiu
gluey of ( lie stars unci stripes ,
North Platte Tribmin : Now ( lint 'IV. J.
liry(1n has aecurrd n couuuisnlumi as cohmicl
0f ( lie prgmaed'I'hird regllntlit of Nebrnnkn
vnttuaeme amid ( lint he anti huvernor Itnl-
comb will virtually nppniIit till ullicots ttbovo
cnrpnral , lot neither of them forget ( hint
North I'intta ' lull Severn ) J(1hlosio pupnllats
{ vhf lutVO (1(11)1) uuthihug but tniIC "i efurn"
for six years pint while their wives lmvu
tab ni hit , nsitlng to supiort ( lie huh IIIt's ,
A man tt'lto will loutigo on the ut'eet Cur-
mns wlillu hits { sift slaves over ( he w(1sh-
lonrtl Ought lu make a good "nnlilIor , "
Allen News : To nppolnt a nine cultniel
svho haa lint oven ever tlamihal the ( ouchn
hole of a cnuuon ( akcs cc , nsidm nhln nurvo ,
but not half so much for ( hit. luau imiiiiitui ( ii
accept of the posttioii mind then have every
tin eau editor of his party Point svilh pride
t0 hirn mid yell , See how brave nod loyal (
Ilryn11 mil ) ' mint he a dciungngttn at' n grand
utnnd player , but It voiddd lave created enure
emithtislnam for him m ach g the "dour cnnr
luau people" If he timid euilIaled its a prlvnle
at lke first call for volumiteers nod worked
bibs way up and earned hit n lulu of colnuel ,
thu smut as other grunt luau ; but then Cul-
ouol tlrynn 8riinirls big mid ( lie pay of a
colonel is larger thnu that of n privatti.
Edger Post : Ilolcouib promised ( le yeuug
men who cign izeil thin heavy artillery regg
hneut ( hint Should there ho attnther call they
would ho ( le llrat ordered out. Colonel Uad.
Icy who wns to canunand the regintemt Is
nn expericncod edits ( ) ' nice , ahusc cducn-
( Ion and training would seen bring lie or-
gnulzatleu up to n high ) state of etilcleuey ,
liesides tuts the c(1ptttie nod Iletitcnnnts
hnve all had trntnting hu tlau uuh'urslty Cadets -
dets alld nra Bpcctnlly Iltted t. suppleueut
the efforts of Colonel Dtidloy , hunt liiyai
came along with n little polithcnl balloon
that need0(1 blowing up mutt ! ilulconnb wan
( he only man who hail the gait to do it. The
result is that pollthes are to flue fore w1)Ile
iho boys of ale artillery rcgluieut are being
elbowed toward ( he hack seals. V'hat ox-
cube has llovermior Ilolcoutb fa otter for such
cauluct ? It would be unbecmntug In n
ward poltticinn.
Schuyler Quill : Oovoriior Ilulcomb
hits certainly shown very poor Judg-
mast hu his lute olltetnl nets as
to ( le militla. To heghn whh , ho forced the
militia boys to go to I lHceln anti cnicnmtip
whilu wntthig for orders rani the nnttomi , ho-
stead of having them go to Omaha and go
to ( ho old bnrmeks at leort Oumhn , w lere
they would have hind the hmt of quarters.
As It was , they were forced ( u go to Lincoln
an(1 camp out on the old nlato four gr01nnls
and live in leuta during the rainy wt'nther ,
lie has dipped Into ( lie ndlitla 111 n polltIcnl
way also not to his credit. For Instance ,
whoa ( hero was a second lieuleuant rejected
for physical dlsnblllties iii the Norfolk coin-
pnny , Instead of hnving the company's 0111-
corn ntlvancetl lu the regular way or allowing
the company to select Its own second Iheu-
tenattt , he goes out of ( lie cotupuny eutiruly
nod appoluts henry Allen of Madtsuti , n
son of United Stairs Senator Allen , who is
a private of another company , Lu ( hint lieu.
letlany vacancy. lie titd this be.
Cause Allen wanted hits son uuula
a htauterian4 The Norfolk eotapany
protesll'tl and the peoplu of Norfolk
held an lntilguntlon meeting anal ( hell Alloo
sent word to hilt eon to resign , which the
governor tried to block. Ills latest political
nwve ii. to appoint 1V. J , llryat as colonel of
( ho proroneti Third regiment when Uryun Is
to no way titled for it by experisncu or
training , Thu fact he that llalcontb Is Indulging -
dulging In lee touch putlttcal eahnmtmc lu u
times when panties nhmdd be dlsatrle4 sod
nlmpfy rtKht and the goal of the servle.
shnulti he cnnatdrre + l ,
I'rlitsI ( atI. A 5h ) o'lIIihi 9'IMl : ,
lls ) resldcnt ( tlereland la said to look
far from well and has last n great deft In
Now ( tint thin Mlchlgan fnrwta are within - -
n vrty few veers of rshnustinn , tttr state
has begun to agnate for a fnra.lry .
Mmlri.1 la n praline news center Just now ,
hill the dlepntches from lust item ( ern a
111th too deeply third with one of lute nn
tinnni colors ,
1'clrr Urny of Now York trioh to shoot
hltmiself hat only aurcccdrd In Ilntlcntng
lhirco bnllels nn hits skull. 11'Ilh ouch n heel
land filer ought to drrmltia to live on
and hee0nIe n pnlllebal. (
The czar of Itte'In , an thin story fins , bus
01001111 lda uolIselold an mtdcrsludy , aingo-
inrly I I h n hi lhl In nppnnrnure , who shuwa
ldnueif nt thin whodnws of railway carriages
amid Ihr ilkn whelu his imperial Htnjesly , h wn
tot wish to .1lath ru IihnnldL
Mrs , 1t'lllinui Ii. Ifonk ct Oshkosh Imn sip-
plled for n widow's pnnnioll of $12 n month.
Iher ltuniand was miHlsterrd Ill us a prtvnto
alt Irrtdny , biny Id , h'cnnu , III /Iii / Hatlininy
mm ul iIril nu Huuiny rut Cnugt Ilnrwy of
alomnlat ( tnublr. 'thin Is tlii Ural pc' nslen ,
npplicnllun of Iho pu'aeut war.
A canunrnutry nn tho' present craze for
ntllllmy Itepp111ga fur thin pnrpuse of fend-
Hila , ndaruuiriit limy hr found Ili ( ha reply
of n yuttng noitilor al ( iii ckutneuipt whose
( slater sVn11ted to innku up n box for limo
I hays nt ( hi ii Raul nod Its/cod / Ii iiii what she
nhiniih.l . 51'tid. "rear sister , " hut w'ruto , "scud
lilt' safety ptmis , Pvo Just ( nut Ihfteen new
girls. "
lVuniml nrn sold to bn vdlunlreriu ; rap'
Idly fit the svnr tin rntonIiig in 1Vlscnnstn
over flit' elnlnlcnlmig of the bnttliship 11nmiu'd
lifter that data , Mss Allen ] tusk , grnod
daughaer lit l11u Isle Jrrrmdnii Ionic ; ( t his
Caryl lit Irchlld , dual gliir (1t Iho tutu dh -
senor 1'direldlti , anti Alias binlllo 1'I ( n s ,
I dnughtor of t'x ' Heasitar Vthut , lire already
I lu the tight.
T'lu , weal wltdav lu he plucud In 1Ia-
svnrdeu chitt'el by nhn ineunhers ( it nhn 01nd-
Hlmimio ' I o cn11tnu'ntorelu ' it iii Mel ,
Uhminlnlle'a ' luuit and liitppy cnnuccltmt w'Ilb
IIie nrdrmi , Is rum' ' ldly npprnnehing cahull 0'
Ithan nail will shun ht placed In pusithntt.
' ' Nlihjo'et In the Nativity , frog the do'
signs of Hi r 1Cdwitrl IInru o Junin , Thu do'
signs were Hub11itlrti ti ulici nppnivud bf
Zit r , Ulnilsticno Inunrtitatohy lufuru hits III.
Ulna ,
I TsVU youig ( nuaI ftaH Now letwoy to-
umitiy nitw ( Ian nlglitn \I'ItnllitiglunViiIIn
tuukllu ; nbuul ( lie capitol , pirhan ; ; nuivOJ
by sontetling of nhn spirit ' 'or thin youth
w'hn hired tle Iphuainu dome , " they tlaaght
It w(1uid bu n guild tldog ( ii ptrp1)bultl their
unuitH by serntihtug thane off uranru danrs
worth nuuiy Ihn11aultt of dullnrn The reg-
Islrall(1u mntcrltily nidrd the 11111 ( , , Ill
Lipprehiudiug throi , aitd they urn eta lllculy
to celuhrnlu thou' ruleunu hilt n i iiellluti ( of
iho ofmuu ,
' , ' ' ' ' ' '
i'IiIMIUVt(1 ( r : .
Chlengn'I'rihnnu : "It Aiudrnl Hrlibey lion
tllu Hi iiish hart bull led Ig1 , " ruuarlod
Runic Alle11 Hpiulcsl 'ell 1'vu gel to say In
Hutt iiu's '
a corbm ;
Chlcngn N.wM : "W'iml Is war stentrgy' ? "
ll Is urelduntnlly nutci11g H gael nluvn
n'lii11 ' neemybudy ilsn tielltveH to lutes burn
mutlu (1n pmput' , "
- .
Cint'lurmtl iHqutie1'l Vnllmiio-i lutvau't
hutteici you tileiusstiig Iho svii r a hit iuti'I
vt'u tau' illy hut'rest 111 mlrti IhI11gAl
i"o'rry- ( ) Ii , yes , bill 1'vo gel touch it wt'nli
vutuu ( tilt I Mluutl 110 Hhuw In uu argu11itnlt.
Clevoln11d l'11ttii It'itht m " 'l'horr Is n hrtdlc
denuuul by tIic guviruincul for mesH oyud
'hint fur ? '
'Tu ga dawn to bun ( 'nrlbbctut Sat and
look for lie HpnIiish Iluel. "
Imltunn'nIIS ' Jatn'oti : "our tuttltni , " thin
arntni ' $ b'f(11 . ' Ile' ' nihrur , "ivent
+ f"rlli with blond lu ate hnutl clad Iho sword
In Iht ulher "
" 1ui't ! tlutl Jut Ili" ' a uuut ? " his svtfn IH-
' 1w rilplril 11tin la ask ; " 0 u'una11i { Vnuld
lutvu tuheu it liVCll'nliii ' fn. '
Youri'M ( : nntinutnn , ; "I luvon' t snob ynit
for ugi' $ , " sutti Ah , (11ndHtouu o11 nu'nt11u
Lord Iluugllomi , nddtiig ; 'i tend taw life uI
It Ling ,
1't' $ , of n Ht. lirrwu I , lip , suvlur of
nett'i riled Lard Iinclghlnu ,
0htengn ' 1'rihuue : ' ' 'iint dne $ Hpnin expect
pect to do w'llh those old ltlhs , nn > 'w'0y7"
"V'OSIi the nuttu cut of her lumlur , I
fttlley. "
Chlcng(1 i'nsL "n'tint do you know abnut
thin et'-spacc r bni iIi'9H7" milked the city
"I lmnss' ell stimuli t II , " reputed tun up-
plteiutt ter a job , prune illy ,
' 'l'hrli glee lie the Hiroo prtneipiti duvt-
aton $ of u'it t hit ' , ' ' sold Iho city edltar ,
" 001chd Ile % $ , $ umtillclul newH null real
01. enuro ho suns put to work , for It wan
nvldnill tliit ( II wits nut 1111 kulu buiuot wlieu
lw snlti lie knew It nil ,
't'Itu l'ousor.
( 'Iavelunib I'lit in Dcidrr.
' 'mr think you hm'o a luuulsouic scoop , 1
You Itiin It cut srlth t'nrt , „
You gloat upon y(1mr happy coil p ,
'roil ihut'khi Iheu and thit'rr.
Ynu gallop to the 11rnrest wire :
' 'Sit v , rule It l" loud yon slum ( -
hut tire c'ensor's Kwlne ( iI git you
If you
svntch autl
IIOC1)ILITION it tV. 151)5 ,
Tdny , tvu batter tmdernhuid
tVhy leenrutinn tiny In kept
1'nr we huvu wtttehed our soldiers go
Tu Ilght for right , while lngthrrs wupt.
\Vo hour our country's cull for men
And stn them rise. by thmisunds stronC ,
Ifnidiag hints drnr than huge or triads
1'hut right shuwid triumph over wrung ,
11'u love our ctnmtry's nag mac deer ,
hr loyal songs its pralsu wa sing ;
l'or tide wu know , wlters'or II waves
h'reuduln uhtdw. and 4ntl Is King.
M1dhA11l':1'hI : 1t. CONi' I.IN ,
Omaha , Neb.
nature. " f
An Important"spring custom Is to het a new hat just as soon
as the season is settled. Colored shirts too begin to bz In demand
about the same tLm ,
\Vhhn the pearls of prspiratlan begin to tied their way
down from under the ao. ahed sweatband of your s ring derby ,
it time to think of stravjr hats. We want you to think of ours.
We have a Lillie of soft hats that will interest you. They
are , of tthk weight and wilt save the straw on a showery day ,
Uatt of alt kinds , in a wordy a1it bicyila ; clips as well ,
" r BR0WNINOK1N6&Co.
s , w11 iIE t M rw lit # Pu