Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 30, 1898, Image 3

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    , ,
, : -
'I' ) flIt tl1i(1 ,
I Try Mnnrn' . stock food.
cIII nt Th. , Hoc , omco for Cuban tnap , bc
'Fhn county omCei ttt. ( be court houo wUl
tc cIoe4 todny.
MI IIop ! tanchtt of Omaha Is hc
; twst of MiRI IOflJ IIcno.
Rby Mflchell hng purchnacd n Lcnguu
bIyIo from Cole & Cole.
. . Dr. A. 0. Mudge. the dentgt ! , renomd
' from 31U to l3S liroattway.
MrL Hollinger Is entertaining her couBin
.lrL II. Blair of St. Paul , Mine ,
The IoaI freight oflico of the Union I'a
cific will be clocd today at noon.
Mr. anti Mre. II , .l. flebok and dauaghter
of Toledo. In. , were In the efty yesterday.
II , liecker of Schenevous , N. Y. , will be
the guest of Mrs. NelIo areen the coming
Mr. and Mrs. Winchell of South Dakota
nrc vsitItig Norman Green and family of
Irank strtet.
The lvaii Zaundry Is the leader in fine
work both for color and finish. & 20 I'earl ,
street. I'hone 2O.
There will be prnycr meetings tomorrow
and Thuruday evenings of this week at the
Union ? fllRsIOn on Fifteenth strct.
IMWII ; lflles , United States district at-
torn y' , was th the city yesterday on his
way to Corydon from Des Moines.
Mr. and Mrs. I' . McAtce. who have been
the gucstB of 3. T. MeAtce and family , left
fOr their home In Trinidad. Cob. , yesterday.
Thu congregation of St. Xavier's church
'V. wIll give a free lawn social this evening on
' the church ground at Sixth street anti F'ifth
. .
- \VItti a I3ce coupon and 2 cents you can
secure the omcinl photographa of the Unitesi
States navy at the Council Bluffs office of
The flee.
1)ont ynsi think it must be a pretty good
laundry that can rilease so many hundreds
. - of customers ? \Vcli-thats the "Eagle , "
24 Uroatiwny.
U. S. JosscIyn. gcncr.1 manager of Use
) Cansns City. Osceola .f Southern Railway
company. with Iswuluuartera at lbnsaa City ,
' j5 visiting relatives liert , .
George \V. Morrow ha filed original notice -
tice of a suit. in the district court against
J. C. anti 4flfl Anderson for $150 corn-
mission on a real estate deal.
The men at the Burlington local freight
depot have erected an immense flagpole and
Enturday evening at the conrlu'ol ' of t1u
day's work isolated with bfittln. ceremony'
a lrurc flag.
) The Women's auxiliary of St. Paul's
church will meet tomorrow afternoon at the
residence of Mrs. M. F. Uohrcr on Vine
Street , when the election of omccrs for the
ensuing year will be held ,
Joe Coagrovo wound up a Saturday night
spree by pre-emptlng a Portion of the sidewalk -
walk on South Main street for a sleeping
place , whore ho % vas found by an olflcer early
yesterday morning. Joe was taken to jail.
Edward Shtrlock baa recelveti word that
bin mother. Mrs. Nicholas Sherlock of Au-
burn. N. V. trail been stricken with
Iniralysla. Owing to her extreme ago fears
are entertained that. site will not recover.
The Detroit gas machine will light your
residence or store , co8tlng' 1 cent to run a
sixty-four candle power lamp four hours.
J. C. .flixby , heating , plumbing , lighting , 202
Maifi anti 203 l'earl St. , Council UltiIts , In.
The local chapter of the flrothcrliood of
St. Andrew sell ! beet Wednesday evening
at S o'clock at the residence of Itew. L. P.
McDonald for the election of officers. The
Ladies' Aid society will meet in the after-
1oon .of Wednesday at the same place.
-V _ Q. 'Spencer ot Harrison street , who
'was seriously injured in a runaway acci-
- ( lent Saturday evening , was much Improved
yestcslay afltlno dangerotia results are now
nntlIpated. Mrs. Speiicer. wIre suffered a
conipeunti 'fraOture' of the- coUnt boise. was
'also ' doing as nIcely hi possIble under the
E. Slade , F. U. Uetzel , G. P1 Norton , R.
.1. McCauI , Dan Control , C , Uffelman , W. A.
Richardson , E. Ricbardson , Caleb Smith. H.
Moister and Theodore Rohls composed a
party of Avoca Odd Fellows In the city
yesttrnlay to attend the funeral of the late
Ant1rcy Olsen , , whIch was held yesterday
nfternoon from the residence ot his sister ,
isirs. henry Steinkopt , on Washington
The oflico of C. E. II. Campbell In the
First National hank hnlltllng was broken
Into vn.1 rohheti canto tIni ! Suturdry night
As far as can be ascertained a quantity of
titarnp and nh opera glass is all the bon'y
th.t the thieves securcil. From the IaaIncr ;
In 'whIch everything In the office was
ransacked It wits evident that the thief or
thlovca voro otter money. Mr. Campbell Is
In Chicago anti until he returns it cnrtst
ho deflnltcly known how much was stolen.
C. U. Vinyl Co. , female remedy ; consulta-
tlnn free. 0111cc hours , 9 to 12 and 2 to 5.
Health book furnIshed. 32G-327-328 Mer-
riarn block. ,
Money to loan on cIty property. Kinne.
N. Y. Pltinilllng company. Tel. 250.
"i- ' Irving hotel , 2759 U'tI'y , rates , $1.60.
. ,
On June I.i tI.eStnt.lliiIlsllitg ' % VIll
II. . lcllcnteI ,
Wednesday , Jund 22 , wIll lie "Iowa Day"
at the Transrnlsslsslppi Exposition and on
that slay the Iowa State building will be tieti-
icated. Secretary Chase of tim Iowa corn-
mission received a telegram yesterilay to
this effect from ex-Oovcrnor S. U. Packard ,
chairman of the executive committee of the
commission. The committee will meet
In tins city on Tuesday and \Wetines-
( lay of this week to complete arrangements
. for the ceremonies , It has been decided that
lIon. JOltI N , Baldwin of this city will snake
the address. No details of the program have
yet been settled on.
Governor 51mw antI his staff and rest of
the stoto officers It is promised vlll attend
and Governor 131mw Is expected to snake an
Map of Cuba , VesL Indies nod the World
at The lice emte , lOc each.
Cortiwooti for sale cheap. Address W. F , ,
13cc oi1ic , Council fluisffli.
lrou.clatl potatoes , the best , 70 cents per
bushel. flariel & Miller.
1'i'ors M.iisslay ( ) , essIng.
At the morning ervIco yesterday at St.
Paul's iplscopal church the rector , 11ev , 1.
p. McIonnltl took as the subject for his
sermon , 5'Sunday and the ExposItion , "
' TakIng all the surrounding circumstances
Into consideration Mr. McDonald said he be.
lIeved it was for the beat that the expositIon
stsoud be opped on the Sabbath under cer-
thIn restrIctIons , It would Isrovlde a place
for the runny thobsands to go to on that ( lay
apit the ) ' wouls see there that which would
be of a bepcflt. to thorn and It would keep
. - . theta from goIng to other places which would
be harmful , It would also , he Bald be real.
lard , afford an opportunity for many to visIt
. - ' the exposition which they would owing tp
their busIness be unable to do on week days.
Dr. Lyon's
Tooth Powder
Useti by peoph of rtfmeniont
for over a quarter of a CenturY.
8urvivorR of the La4 War &mcmtcr These
Who I1av Died1
'V.'renths if Flonr Laid resitierI , '
( JO thti' tntitul Alpoyc tile Soldier's
lircasi , ViIle Eloquent
'rotlSlses Extol Ii I ltti ,
Encampment No , 8 , UnIon Veteran lie-
gion , observed MemorIal day yesterday with
ciciciacs in the afternoon at Walnut 11111
cmctery nod in the evening with services at
the Broadway Methodist church. The en-
carnpmcnt was joined In the exercIses and
services by the members of the Ladies'
Auxiliary to the Legion. Abe Lincoln post.
Grand Army of the Republic , and Women's
Relief Corps. No attempt to have a isarado
was made , but by the time the column of
old soldiers reached the cemetely- there
was a large number of carriages and people
in line who joined in the procession en
The encampusent formed at 2 oclock in
front of Woodinen of the World hall on
I3roadway for the march to the cemetery.
Carriages were provIded for the women of
the auxiliary and the relict corps , who were
laden with flowers wIth which to decorate
the graves. l'ast Commander W. S. Pauiron ,
on horseback , acted as marshal of the day ,
while the line of old soldiers was headed
by'al McI"ad'Isis's drum corps , to the
strains of which the veterans tramped the
entire distance to the cemetery. ArrIving
at the cemetery , which is one of the many
pretty natural slots around Council Bluffs
anti was looking most beautIful with its
luxuriant verdure and stately trees In full
foliage , the line was broken and the ceremony -
mony of decorating the graves of the heroes
who had given the best In their lives for
the preservation of the union , was gone
through. The ceremony concludeti and every
soldier's grave. which was marketi with lit-
tIe flags , liatl receIved its share of the flow-
era , the line was reformed and the march
taken up to the south slope of the cemu-
tory , whore beneath the tall oak trees the
speakers' stand bad been erected.
In adtiition to the speakers , lion. Spencer
SmIth and I'rot. II.V. . Sawyer , seated on
the stantl wore the. members of St. FrancIs
Xavier's church choir , composed of Mrs. A.
McAll ister , Misses Brown , \\'right , Judge ,
Thou and Ileebe and Messrs. P. Pasehul , J.
MtilfUcen , If. Pasehel nod W. F. I3alduIf ,
who , following the prayer by Rev. G , W.
Snyder , pastor of St. John's English Lutheran -
theran church and chaplain of the encamp-
meat , opened the exercises with the sInging
of "AmerIca , " In which the audience joined.
W , W. W'allace acted as master of ceremonies -
monies and Introduceti Spencer SmIth , to
whoni had been assigned the address of the
day. Mr. Smith , referrIng to the occasion ,
said :
This day belongs to the soldiers and sailors -
ors of the cIvil war , living and dead , and
while we assemble upon this sward ,
this God's acre of the nation's Inirnortal
heroes anti with all gentleness strew thsc
flowers-flowers which the sun of tomorrow
will wither antI the rains beat Into the
earth-the patriotIc American leoplo stand
linsovered asking for a benedictien and a
blessing upon the lesson that we are learn-
lag from the patrtottsns and loyalty that
prompted these bravo men to Imperil their
lives that we might forever have one flag
and one country , and front that blessing and
bonedictloa may We all receive a new
baptism of patrIotic devotion to the cause
of htsrnan liberty for which they so gallantly
( ought and so honorably and heroically died.
After paying a glowing trIbute to the
surviving heroes. the sneaker concluded with
a retorence to the present war with Spain
in which ho said :
The Iowa National Guard now assembled
at Des Moines is typical of the Iowa voi-
unteer regiments that went to the front
thls'ty-aeven years ago , to do battle for the
flag. The national guardsmen are like twin
brothers of the boys of ' 61 , sons of illus-
trlous ancestors , may they' prove worthy as
did those ethers , whose dseds we today
commemorate , May they' learn 'ell the les-
Eon taught by thesq flowers strewn this
memorial day upon the graves of their
sires , Which should be to them an altar
and a shrine as in the earliest dawn of
"lifo's morning march" representIng the
.present military of the government they
catch the sad echoes of this solemn sacra-
meat of tile "quick and the dead" from
their faraway camp. May It fill their hearts
with tim noblest impulses making them better -
ter citizens , better men antI bettor soldiers.
Every American soldier should be proud of
his uniform for lie etaads In a position of
honor. We have the grandest country undcr
the sun , the sisost beautiful flag kissed by
tile sunlight of heaveit-therefore , you boys
who stand in th uniform of your country ,
bear In mind that It is a high honor to
wear it In dfenso of the stars and Stripes.
Make no boast of your vaior , but let the
historian of this war make up your record
as was the record made of the boys of
' 01.
At the concluslon of Mr. Smiths's address
Phil Paschei sang "The Star Spangled Han-
nor , " with the choir antI autlience Joining
In the chorus , after 'which Prof. Sawyer
delivered an address on "The Unknown
Death. " The benediction was isronaunced by
Roy. Henry DeLong , which brought ( ho exercises -
ercises to a close and ( lie old soldiers hisw-
lag paid their tribute to their fallen ceai-
ratios the hino was reformed and the snatch
back to the city made ,
The services In the evening at the Uroad-
way Methodist church were according to the
rItual of the Legion. Following the usual
custom of the Veteran Legion cltnirs for the
deceased members of the encampment , with
their names In gold letters on a black band ,
were placed In front of the chancel , Following -
lowing the most impressive part of tile
servkes , which consisted of reading the roe-
ord of each deceased member and placing a
wreath on his chair , lion. C. M , han dcliv-
ered the oration of the evening , his subject
being , "Our I'ltlIOfl heroes , " Comrade V. B.
Davis gave a shott address on "The Women
of the \Vnr , " and the services were brought
to a close with the singing of "America , "
Ifoffnaayr'B fancy patent flour makes the
best anti meat breast. Ask your grocer for it.
'l'iII.i.S ) % ' 'V ' ' ' '
IiI ( ) Ilil 'i'itiy GhtlI.t'I' .
lti' % . lr , Sstisi'isi' ' l'rt'tit'Iii's 1(1 the
111gb Sboui ; flrni.ut Iisc CIUNN.
As a fit subject for an address the
forty young men and women who tlsla week
leave the 111gb school , Rev , J , 11 , S&'nseney
yesterday morning took "True Greatness"
as the theme of the sermon he preached to
tle class of ' 98 of the Council Bluffs 111gb
school. The congregation completely filled
liroadway Methodist church , which was
beautifully decorated with flowers and the
national colors In profusion , the graduates
and the faculty of tise High school being
Beated In the front pews of the center aisles.
As his text Dr. Senseney took Mark x , 4i.
"Vhosoevor of you will be the chhefcst , shall
be servant of all , " lie said :
What is true greatnesal It is not simply
to know snore than others know. TIs fact
zany help to make one grcat. It also may
be so used as to make true excellence an
ImposalbiIity , It Is not simply to have aWl-
ity to do users than ethers. A genius has
been defined to be one with ability to do
loots hard work than snother eisa tie , Tisis
may be good definition of a genius , but it
Is itO ittuinplte one of a great man. Great.
nell. t1oe not consIst alone , or chiefly in
natural endowments or in possessing
wealth. These things make opportunities-
thcy , , themeelycs are opportunities making
excellence of life and character possible.
1'osesion of wealth Is in itacif an op.
portunity of east proportions. I'osseseion of
stiperior natural gifts creates opportunities
as do times and conditions in which one
lives , The use of these opportunities de-
terinines on&s greatness or littleness. True
greatness consists In part in what one is ,
not simply In one's endowments anti gifts ,
but also in oslo's motives , purposes anti the
integrity of one's being. The greatest tact
of all is that of being , of existence. It is
the source of all possibIlities , The being of
Goti is the supreme fact ,
The second great fact is right being or
to ho right within ourselves , The one who
Is right is great , but it Is to be right in
the light of the truth as it relates to God.
lie Is also the truth as It relates to nian.
That is , lie Is the ideal Man. Ha ts hat
man was intended to be anti what he should
be. True bsIng then is the first element
of greatness. Thousands live in the midst
of conditions that would make them great
If they were but used.
True greatness consists further In service
rendered to others. "lie that would be
greatest among you let him be the servant
of all , " In service for others Is found the
fllost perfect manifestation of personal ox-
celience. To render sympathetic service to
mankind commends itself to one's con-
science. It commends itself to the juds.
rnent of nil. 'Fe give one's life and strength
in helpful service to the community , to
help the deserving needy is regarded as
right by all.
110w shall vo attain this excellence ? By
being honest with one's selL He honest
with your faults , recognize them and no-
knowledge them to yourself , Try honestly
to overcome them , Be honest with others.
lie faithful in the little duties of life , for
true greatness lies in fidelity to duties ,
small or great , and faithfulness to little
things Insures faithfulness in greater ones ,
Read great books , give little time to fiction.
Live with the masters , think their thoughts.
Do not he pleasure seekers. Life is too
short for that. Earnest purpose will he dissipated -
sipated by it. The neetis of this world are
too great for us to be frivolouS , Above all
give yourselves to Christ in a holy anti
eternal consecration , Get into touch with
Ills spirit anti into sympathy with ills pur-
Paso of life and He vIli snake you truly
great through service.
FOR SALE-Good second.hund bicycle at
a. bargain. Call at The flee oflle , Council
Storage , Wlnn & Konigmacher , 336 Bwy.
Convention of the lenf.
President B. S. Waring has announeesi
that the seventh biennial convention of the
Iowa Association for the Ativancement cf
the Deaf will ho helti on July 5-7 at the
Iowa School for the Deaf in this city. The
following have been al,00iflted as a ioai
committee on arrangeiltents and recepttofl :
\V. Ii. Rothert , chairman ; F. C. Holloway ,
J , \ - , Barrett , Z. B. Thompson , 1) . Ryan ,
Jr. , L.V. . Pound aati I'red Ward. An cx-
cellent program is being prepared and It is
probable that i'rot. J. S. Long of Delavaa ,
Vs'is. , will deliver an oration for the Allan
Mater. The delegates will he the guests of
Superintendent Robert at the institute dur-
log the convention.
.Il IjziiiilIiiIiiiis Failure.
It's an easy matter for some people to blow
about this. that and the other but when
It comes to making their words good it
proves to be an ignornlnous failure. This
has been the case with some of those 'who
handle paint as a side.llne. Whoa people
want groceries they do not go to a dry goods
store. Same way with paint. When you
want good , pure paints , oils , painters' supplies -
plies , etc. , come to a store that makes that
Its business and you will 'always' get the'
worth of your money. We take pride In
saying that our customers are always well
pleased. Our goods are guaranteed and we
carry the largest stock of goods In our line
of nay other house in the Missouri valley
slope In this part of the country. C. B.
Paint , 011 and Glass company , Masonic
Iowa Stiiteils of Ii' ( ! Stuclc ,
AMES. Ia. , May 29.-Special.--The ( ) work
of the live stock department of the Iowa
State Agricultural college , located in this
city is attracting wide attention , and not
' only commandIng the recognition of the
largest live stock commission firms , hut the
department is also receiving applications
for Judges from state , distsict and county
fairs. To all people Interested in live stock
it will he of Interest to know that the well
known live stock commission firm , Messrs.
Clay Robinson & Co. , of the Union Stock
yards , Chicago , have recently donated for
competition in live stock Judging , flOO in
gold , to he awarded to the best judge of fat
cattle , sheep and swine among the students
of the Iowa State AgrIcultural college , of
this city , A competitive examination will
probably take place at the Transmississlppi
Exposition In Otoher. Students entering the
now term , which begins July 19 , wIll be
eligible to compete for the prize.
S'ekiisi Military Ohilces ,
DES MOINES , May 29-Special ( Tele-
lram-There ; ) is a movement on the part
of the Iowa politicians here and at'ash. .
ington to get another regiment organized
for those to enlist under the second call ,
They realize that unless this is done the
many men in Iowa who have organized coin-
panics with the second call in vie * will not
get thin omces they expected. General
Prime , who has been pronsised a colonelcy
under the now regiment plan , will up
influences for the new regiment. A toW-
gram to Governor Shaw 'from Secretary of
\Var Alger asked how soon 1,1168 men , the
number to fill to the maximum the iowa
companies already in service , could be enlisted -
listed , Governor Shaw thinks Iowa received -
ceived much In the retention of tts four tog- '
iment guard organization , Is oppos il to
working for others with the department per-
sonahiy ttntl repl led : "l'rosnptly. "
1dli. tug for firrinir C I rIN.
SIOUX CITY , May 2h.-SpecIal ( Tele.
gratn-j. ) i'1. Miller , a detective froni
Omaha , has been in the city the last to
days in searcis of itoso and Annie Getty ,
the daughters of a retired Madison , Neb , ,
farmer. The young women are supposed to
be in company with Fred Martintiale and
Frank Neidig , sons of farmers living hear
Madison. Martindaie , about six months ago ,
was married to Mary , another of the Getty
sisters , but he abandoned her and ran aay
withs her sister , Rose. The quartet came
directly to Sioux City and stopped at the
Merchants' hotel. They registered under
fleticlous names and remained over Saturday -
urday nIght. Then they left for i'drts unknown -
known ,
lloi'leil ii Crcniserr.
DUNLAP , Is. , May 29.-Special-The ( )
creamery here was entered Thursday night
and over 1,000 pounds ot'butter stolen. At
present there is no clUe to the guilty parties ,
but officers are working on the case , A reward -
ward of 1100 has been offered for the capture
and conviction of the thieves and return of
the property ,
A Vest PiIiit Cssdt't.
CEDAR RAPIDS , Ia. , May 20.-Special. ( )
' -A competitive examination will ho held
'fere June 17 to select a West Point cadet
to be appointed on recommendation of Coo-
grossman Cousins.
Fit.tiil Stolen 'VoIszs'co ,
ShEFFIELD , Ia. , May 29.-Special.-- ( )
While cleaning out an old wehi on a farm
about a mile north of town , there was dii.
covered a large quantity of plug tobacco. it
was brought to tow&ttct1 proved to be the
tobacco that waa stoiesblt of a car last fail.
It Is thought that thWtarty ? got scateti at
the time of the Ably V'tement and fearing
his house would be I'sthed took the to.
bisect , to this deserted' thce anti threw it
down this old abanflof d well.
Town ctti-smu ° trn'th ,
CENTERVILLE , Iday 29.-Special- (
According to the lati'a'sessment the total
actual a1ue of money'lfnd credits in the
entire city is $35i,3707Otbf personal , $647-
069.00 , and of teal 4t1 tlersonal combined ,
$701,974. The gain in nflt lasses of property
shows that Centervilie t growing in wealth
anti population rapidly ,
CeIehrntetl 'lolinIstIs llonorci as-i hit
It I'iilHc Funerul , % 'hlch I , , At-
tei.sletl 117 l'roaniaieut I'crsiis ,
NEW YORK , May 29.-The public funeral
of Edouard Itenienyl , the violinist , took
place today at the Lenox lyceum , The lyceum -
ceum was packed to overilowing b' friends
of the dead violinist. his son , Tobor , and
daughter , Adrienne , occupied seats on each
side of the comn. Mrs. Itemenyi , who has
been an invalid for tso years , was unable to'
The Hungarian consul , Morris Cukor , and
Recortier John Golf paid glowing tributes to
the dead violinist ,
After the services the hotly was taken to
Evergreen cemetery , where the Actors'
Fund of AmerIca had provided a grave for
It. ' The floral pieces included several from
Hungarian societies and many prominent
Tue pallbearers included Colonel Inger-
soil , Emerson McMichael , John Philip Sousa ,
Consul General Stockinger , Raphael Joseffy ,
Thoinac A. Edison and Morris Cukor.
ltlttler .Iiis Ilsturhel Sotise Iruns-
users * titit Others ,
Two drummers were sleeping off jags in
a Pennsylvania railroad car not long ago ,
relates the Chicago Chronicle , when one of
them uttered a howl anti said :
"Great I-heavens , Charley , did yelL see
that ? " anti he crept up on the car scat with
both feet.
"Ugh ? " remarked Chancy , nonchalantly' ,
half opening his eyes.
"Wake up , for God's sake ! " the other
went on terrifledly , "There's a snake under
the seat. I think it's a snake , anyhow , and
I want you to tell me whether it Is or not. "
"I'll wIsh snake , " said Charley , with one
eye entirely open , "You got 'em , Luke. Toi'
' you what'd happen I ! you didn't quit. "
"Don't kid me , Chancy , " said Luke , im-
' pioringly' . "Vs'ake up mid see him for your-
self. " ' -
But Charley by this time felt a yielding
; substance passing over his shoes , anti with
, a wail of terror ho ros'to the occasion anti
! Joined Luke on top clf tisi ! car seat. Aroused
by the IloiSe , the oisei'passengers rubbed
their sleepy eyes arid ak6ke.
Ode by one the 'pthsengers joined the
minority on the car sa's , till at length a
vote on the snake question would have ro-
suited unanimously in the affirmative. The
sleepy brakeman , who * 'as dozing near the
stove , finally awoke , 'nndh'catchlng a glimpse
of a dark object wr1ghhng across the aisle
carpet , he opened the'sdoor with a whoop
anti disappeared. : ti
fly this time theta wast but one veron in
the car who was not3tip on his' seat and
I that was the man with a box , who still kept
' peacefully In ills corrlerr I
"Get up on your aeat.Vi' he was adjured.
"Ther&s a snake lornesnthe car. "
- "Snake loose ? " ho exclaimed. "Gucs it's
my Jim. nattier is hel About five feet
long ? Yes , that's hIm. Had him in a box.
you know , but he roust have crawled out
while I was asleep. "
Then reaching recklessly under the seat ,
ho grasped and hauled out a five-foot rattier -
tier , which be lugged back to the box in
the corner. After securely clamping the box
he went out on the platform.
"Sorry my Jim disturbed you , gentlemen , "
he called back. "Fact is , I forgot to say be
is only a toy' snake , made up largely of
spring and India rubber. One sImply winds
the spring anti he will crawl around till be's
run down. I get off here. Au revolt I"
SuntiL Enleota Trois Go " , % 'cst ,
Sioux FALLS , S. B. , May 29.-The First
regiment of South Dakota volunteers , Cob-
nel Frost commanding : left today over the
Northwestern and Union Pacific railways
for San Francisco. Camp Dewey is now
Coren Opt'ii , . Three l'urts.
YOKOHAMA , May 30.-The Corean gay-
ernnient has decideti to open three more
ports and also to make Ping Van an open
market ,
Prohobititii's , I'oint to n Fair lny In , ss'i Ill Northieri ' atitI
% ' , triltbIe Viitils.
WASh INGTON , May 29.-Forecast for
Monday :
For Nebraska , Iowa and Kansas-Fair ;
I lortherly wintis , becoming variable.
For Missouri-Fair and cooler ; aortberly
For South Dakota-Fair and warmer ;
westerly winds.
For Wyoming-Fair and warmer ; northerly -
erly winds.
itt'nl ltet'ori ,
Ma ) ' 29-Record of temperature and rain-
( till compareti with the corresponding day'
of the last three years ;
Itsi. 1S97. 1150. I&13.
Maximum temperature. 3 76 12 S3
Minimum temperature. . . , 51 49 57 ' 4
A'ernge temperature. . . . . . 61 C3 70 78
Rainfall . . , . , . . . , , , , , , , . . , , T .00 , Qh ,00
Record of temperature anti preclitntIon
at Omaha ( or this day and incc March 1 ,
isg , :
Normal ( the 115) ' . . . . . . . .
or ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Deficiency ( or the day. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Accumulated excess s1nc. , March 1. . . . . . . ill
Normal rainfall for lln/la / ) ' . , . . . , . . . . 16 inch
Deficiency for tile ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . inch
Totul rainfall ine March 1 . . , . . , 8.I _ inches
Deficiency alisce March . . . . . . . . . . . . . inch
Excess for cot , pori9tl , , bi7. , . . . . . . . . . , ® inch
Excess for cor. pertudJ3 . . , . . . . . 5ei ltlchs
iti'iiortM trout StiitijiiN at S I' ll. ,
Het'enty'thfth 'iHhIan time ,
t'.l' I.
l4 8'
W'BATh1EI1 , , : , .
JT"Zl , ; . % ' 3
.sz'o a
B' * 5 U 't
Omaha , sprinkling . .i.stt.&h . 73 T
Nt.rth I'latte , clear . . . . . . . . . . o-i ILt , ttQ
Stilt Lake City , ehoudy , . , . . , . , Cd 74 , tsO
Cheyenne , clear . . . . . . ; ' . . . . . . . . . . . ( .t G .0)
hirlititi City , itartly' CiMitly , , , , , , 6G 58 .00
Huron ' , clouti ) ' . , , , , , , , . , ' . . . . . . . . Sd .04
( 'lhtCngo , raIning " ' " ' ' . . . . . . . . 48 T
\Vllilston , clear , , . , , , , , , , , , , , , . 58 00 .00
SI. Louise partly cloudifl ! ' ! , , , . , . , 78 82 .01
St l'aui , cloudy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 0)
Davenport , raining , , , , , , .Co 70h,70
helena , clear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6Q ,0)
Knnsas CIty , clear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 ,
hfas're , Partly' cloudy . . . . . . . . . . . . , Ul
hilsmarck , clear . , , , , . , , , , , , , , , , , . , . .g 5 .00
Galveston , missjng . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
T Indicates trace of precipitation ,
Ii. A. WELSH ,
Local Forecast Official ,
is especially helpful during the conyales-
cence of fever Jlatkots. It builds fit-sir-
gives strength anti appetite. Malt-Nutrine
ii preparet by the famous Anheuser.flusch
Brewing Ass'n , which fact guarantees tha
purity , excellence and merit csaimed for It.
Are You Ready
for the lomes'
great exposition opening-Have your
looking neat and tidy-Let your friends from a distance.
see the city looking its best.
\V'e are prepared to paper your rooms and decorate thci in
a tasteful mannerWre vi11 sell you the latest designs in ' 1
, wall paper for
a roll and upwards-This enables all to put their homes
in shape at a minimum cost-Come and see us and get
our figi.ires and examine our large stock of wall paper.
108 South Main Street
Both Branches Decide on an Observance of
Memorial Day.
Senate ' % % 'tii itessitise 1)iseusMlols of the
Vnr lIes'eluc hilil with No Date
for a 'ote Yet in
Sitist ,
WSIINGTON , May ) . -Thre louse eIi :
not be Ia session tomorrow , having ad'
Journed to Tuesday because of Memorial
The "onsldoration of thin hawaIian an-
rcatlos resolutions by the hcuss this wcek
is isorsible , but not as'ired. Sp.'aker Reed
rtantlr. rea'iy to giw' . the full
right of way , n the house If they pass the
senate , hut is opposed to sanding them first
through the house anti forcing them npo ,
the senate because , he contcr.'s , It would
precipitate a fight there that would prolong -
long Indefinitely the session , and end , Ukely ,
in the whole matter finally going over to
next winter. Especially is he opposed to
forcing the Hawaiian Issue to the front until
the revenue hill is through the senate.
It Is stated upon high authority that the
other republican members of the committee-
on rules are in accord with the speakers
. position , notwithstanding they favor , as he
shoes not , the annexation proposition. Consc-
quently , consideration the resolutions
early in the week is not'to be exected , anti
considoratlosi late in thr * eek ts'Irnprobable.
There is still talk of a. republican conference
to consider the question.
The general deficiency bill nray ha taken
up during the week , but owing to the do-
veiopmcnt of new demands upon the War
anti Navy departments , notably the former ,
incident to the war , the hili may ho withheld -
held until nearer the close of the session ,
The bill. so far as It relates to ordinary de-
flciencies , has been ready six weeks.
Conference reports upon the sundry clvii ,
postoflice , Indian and District of Columbia
appropriation hills may be xpected at an
day , though the sundry clvii bill is likely
to be delayed until after the revenue bibs
passes the senate , owing to tire demands
there upon Senator Allison of the finance
An effart to pass the anti-scalping bill will
be made during the week. Bills of minor
importance will be pushed meantime by
members generally.
Senate Forecast.
Having decided at the last moment Saturday -
day to observe Memorial day , the senate
will not be in session until Tuessiay. The
finance committee will meet on Monday ha
an endeavor to perfect the revenue bill in
minor details.
There Is still no certainty as to when
the vote may be taken on the revenue bill.
It looks as though the entire week will be
I spent upon it and none of the members of
the committee undertake to predict the
exact date of the senate's conclusion of its
There are still a number of speeches to he
made upon the bill arId upon amendments.
It Is probable that there will be more or
less debate on 'the Lodge amendment for
the annexation of hawaii and the Morgan
amendment relating generally to the gov'
erument of annexeti territory.
Both Senators Lodge and Morgan announce
their Intention to make speeches on the
subjects involved anti senators espousing
the opposite vIew declare their purpose to
reply If the subject is opened.
Republicans generally predict that Sea-
sitar Lodge will refrain from pressing his
amendment and it is tile general opinion
that ho will at beast not go to the extent
of' asking a vote upon it and thus subject-
- - - - - - - - - -
- -
Council BIuHs , Iowa.
Jobbers of
Selling Agents
, , . .
tOs Cigira. Ie Ctars.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - '
Ing the measure to a motion to lay upon the
Whenever the final vote Is reached on the
revenue hill there is no longer much doubt
as to the shape In which it will be passed
by the senate.
The decisive vote Saturday on the corpora-
thou tax amendment renders it quite certain
that all the democratic amendments will be
eliminated froni the bill and that the republican -
lican provision for the issuance of $300-
000,000 in bonds and $100,000,000 in time
certificates wIll be substituted for the house
bond and certificate provision ,
The general ! mpression about the scnnto
is that the house will accept the majority
of the senate amentbnrents and that conse-
qucntiy tile bill will not be long In conference -
once , I
\Vlth the revenue bill disposed of there
may be an effort to secure an iaiiependcnt
expression on Hawaiian annexation , but this
'VIII , depend upon future developments.
The conference reports on appropriation
bills will also be in order. There will be
several of these , the sundry civil being the
most Important.
Sislyntlun Arlay hia-s a Tract of InhiI
In the Vicinity of
Ciea'einiid ,
CLEVELAND , 0. , May 29.-Commander
Booth-Tucker of tIre Salvation Army in
America , who arrived in Cleveland yesterday -
day , announces that the army bias purchased -
chased a tract of line farni land of 285 acres
near Mentor , a few miles east of Cleveland -
land , The property is to be used as a
colonization farm , to be divided into se-
tions of five acres each , avllich needy peopio
stranded In the big cities will be given an
opportunity to buy' on time anti become
comfortably self-supporting. Workmen will
be sent out to the , place this week to get It
In shape and within the next two or three
weeks borne of the colonists wili be loeate'l.
"We have on our hooks already 1,000
names , " said the commantler , "representing
5,000 people , whom we will assIst in this
way as soon as we have land sumcient. Ve
are already proceeding to get an option on
more land in the neighborhood of that whien
we have now , although it Is not necessary
0 the success of the plan that the land
will appear in a body together , We are
seeking to enable farming people to get
back Into country work who have come to
the cities and lost their hold. "
In connection with the farm the army vIbl
start a Raiffeisen hears asrociation , a cooperative -
operative credit organization modeled after
the plan started in Germany fifty years ago
by the man whose name the system bears.
0'i liiihi , . iitiiile iin.le'l ,
BOiSE , Idaho , 'fuy 29-Spoclal-C. ( ) W ,
Wernike , treasurer of Lincolii county , came
to Boise yesterday wIth $20,000 of Lincoln
county Warrants in ills grip. These warrants
were drawn in favor of flame county In set-
tiement of the judgment recently rtndered
in tile case for settlcraent of the long standing -
ing disptito between the two counties growing -
ing out of the dIvision of old Aituras county ,
out of Whicil they s'erc created ,
Say "No" ,
f4NO and stick to it , if a grocer urges
you to take something " that's the
same as" or "as good a& ' Pearline.
A washing-powder sold by " substitute -
: ; - ' : - : to suspicion. Even if it
v cents less , will that pay you for the
damage that may be done ? If any one thing has been
proved about Pearline , "It's the fact that k is absolutely
harmless , Isti't that enough to make you insist on Pearline. tc. '
The Only Original Exposition Souvenir Spoon.
volt SALE II ?
Coffee $1.35 ,
Tea l2.75.
Sterling Silver ,
O2o6 1,000 , fIne ,
R. S. Co. ,
Makers ,
Wholesale Jewelers -
ers Ossiaha , Net , , .
A. Msndeiberg ,
I , , B. Flndiian ,
S. iV. Liodey
Combs Ic
ci , ii. hLayuuad.
AIb Edholu ,
Joe. itudri ,
Joe Frenrar ,
S ii II. . .
I' . ' " 'I"J' Ii' . . . , IuurLuIiil ,
'A. Omaha ,
iv. ) . Godfrey ,
Fritz bandwall ,
0 , Iliuffs
Ii. Wollmti.
Jacquestrin r Co.
Health is WeaIth
Isseldunder positive IS'ritteu ( unrftnhec ,
byanthorismi agents only , tii CUlfl Wflk Memory ,
Dizziness. Wakefulness , Fits , hysteria , Q'htck-
I5gS , I'ighit Losat's , Evil Ireanss. lAck of tofltt.
denco , Nervooaaes , Latsitniio , sill Irnii , , Youth. 4-
tel Error , , or ExcessIve 1.1w' . otToitacco , Opium ,
or Liquor , which leads to Mlaery , Cenrnsmptlt'o ,
Inaanit and Death. At store or by mali , $1 a
box ; six for $5 ; wIth written guarantees to
cut-c or rel'uittt nzone , Maluplo periL. , s
ago , containing fire days tr@atmOAtwltil full 3
Instructions , 2cants. ' One smtmptooaiy subS to
eachporsou , Atatoroorbysnail. ,
Label peclal
'L--5 ' Extra Sirenth ,
Wg'f7For Impotency , tea , of
1tqqr Power , Lost Ahginlsood ,
iltortlity or flsrrsnuos4
; i a box ; six for I. witht
written guarantee
, : . Atetoro Ar-
Myers Dillon Drug Co. , S. It. Camel
Ifitit xsil Fzirijihii Ste. . Otisilhma , xcii.
'hITiN OThitlhtS FAil , COtqUI.T
Searles & Searles
ri ( .
Guarnnlee to cure speedily anti miii-
call ) ' all NEflVOUS , CIiltOi0 .1)
PRIVATE diarsea iii lieu ilnd ivotaru.
SEXUALLY. cured for life ,
Night misiloni , I.ost Manhood , Ily. " I
droceis , Vericocebe , Gonorrhe3 , Gleet , Syph.
ill , , Stricture , l'iies. Ftztula and liccisi
Ulcers , Diabetes , Bright's Disease cured ,
Consultation Free.
StrI3tiro and Iee10t1 itt
by new method without pain or cutting.
Cabion or addrep with stamp. Treatment
by mail ,
neb oriniro v erini rot1tI. . ' . 14th .tt ,
Ufli ) , OUIIILEC 0 dthilLid. ( ULIIIA , . % 11J
DUFY'9 i
to the exposition opening ? Well , iero's ;
a pointer , You will want .s'ernuthlng to
eat , drink or a good cigar. You will find j
them all right In the center of the city
attire .
418 Broadway , Council Bluffs.
Everything neat , clean arid prices reasonable.
Runs hetween Council Bluffs and Omaha.
Now in effect , For prompt delivery , call a's
Win , Welch , Bluffs 'phone , 128 ; Omaha
'phone , 780. RATES LOW , For carriage or
express wagon , call at No , S North Main
street-or abye ti1cphonss ,
- .
tflYtu4U0B , l'IfUl'i.ttsk IAHU OARDrJI
land. for sal. Cf rant. Day ll. . $ lean
i'ASTIRAGF3 for 25 be4 of stock In liar.
rIsen county , or will rent pasture qouti4
ing 100 acres , Ii , lIag
i ,
_ _ , _ _ _ _ - - - . S . ' , '