Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 29, 1898, Part I, Page 8, Image 8

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covcrnm nt Builaing a Most. Fitting Home
; for Matlonal Representative&
Dceorntlsc Setietite Mngnlflccnt In
Cnnec,11itt nusi Cnrrlcil Ont with
Grcnt FiiieIItr flN to Ic-
tiiIi nud COflNI9teIICF
'Fho le oratlon of ( he Interior of the Goy-
( n nmcnt btilhling hits been completed and
the handsome Qifcct produced by the har-
montoti arrangement of color I the subject
of flattering comment on the part of t'o
few vIsIlorB WhO have been privileged to
. cnter the bulhltng. The members of the
board of managinent are greatly pIeaad
.wIth the result , severn ot them declaring
that thd doratton of the interior , like the
t building Itself , l far superior to any pro-
vou effort In that direction In former cx-
: poBitIonL
liefore the decorators CommenCed their
work. the building prcacnted the appearance
of an ImnienRo warehouse , the sile walls
being "AlIeatIIel" with wide boards , and the
'view from any point being broken by huge
columns supporting the great roof trusses.
The dome was a vision of bare boards , reach.
ng to a height of iO feet above the floor.
Thle Is all changed iiow , and on every attic
the eye beltolt1 the beautiful colors
of Otd Glory" arranged ngalnst a pleasing
baclgrounil of maroon and old gold. Tltt
trusses arc hidden from view , the columni
arc covered with pleasing shadows of doLl
nuil the yawning dome is chnnged to a burst
of tolor , which forms a fitting climax in
the elaborate scheme. The side wails are
covered to a height of twelve feet , with
maroon-colored 'burlap , and from this point
to the ceiling the unsightly boards are coy-
eyed with burlap of tim natural color. A
neat moulding in black covers the joining
or these colors. The roof trusses are hidden -
den from new by graccful teBtoons of ma-
roan anti old gold cloth. Each massive post
Is covered with burlap , the joining of the
colors being marked by a handsome mould-
big iii black.
At the crown of each of the trusses marking -
ing the commencement of the wings at
either attic ot the ccntrai muss ot the build-
big Is a "trophy" consisting or two twenty-
two foot flags , two twelve-foot flags and two
clgtit-ftot flags , artistically arranged and
draped , and lii the center of this beautiful
background appears a large 4metica1l
eagle , with wings extenileti and grasping
In his talons the olive branch and bunch
of arrows. At the crown of cacti of the
other trusses is a similar "trophy' without
t the eagle. On each column supporting thereof
roof trusses a trophy of smaller flags is arranged -
ranged at the moulding heretofore men-
s tioned.
Under the DOifle.
The arrangement of the dome Is the
crowning feature at the beautiful decoration.
; The bare boards forming the sides of the
dome itare ilisappenreti behind a covering
of burlap of the natural color and the lofty
crown appears In a blaze of reti and white
draped in the most artistic fashion. The
broad bands of red mid white extend from
the outer circle to the center and are
t draped in such a manner that the result
niust be seeti to be appreciated. A frieze
of blue nround the outer circle completes
the tri-coior and serves to cover the method
of fastening. At. the linac of the dome
trophies of ( lags are draped entirely around
the great circld , tbd grpup opposite the main
entrance being nlarkedby. a hugo silver
shield bearing the letters "U. S. " in gold.
The State tiepartinent Is Itnalediately be-
neathi the dome opposite the main entrance
to tile building , auth above this , adding to
the general effect of the decoration , is the
seal of the United States , surmounted by
artistically draped flags.
The extetialve exhibit of the Treasury de-
partniont Is inarketi by a trophy mounted
on 0110 0 ! the. Iron columns suporting the
dome , comprising the flags of the varIous
branches 1111(1CC the direction of the department -
mont , including the revenue marine service
the customs service , the marina hospital
service , the life earIng service , etc. Not
the least important feature which adds tc
the general decoration Is the great light
house leits which has ICCJ1 erected in tl
Center of tlio donte. The myriad prlsmt
forming this light have beau POlished unti' '
they are without a spot or speck of thust
auth the beautiful colors of the decoratlot
arc rellected from their polished aides Ii
tltotisantls of rays.
It may interest the statistically Inclined tc
kIlOW that 6,600 yards of burlap svcro Uset
hi coveiing tim valls of the building , am
the Interior of the theme and 4,200 yards o
cotton cloth were required to make thit
festoons which arc draped on the roe
trusses. The covering of the side walls o
the dome retitlireth 1,200 yards of burlap am
1.400 yards ) f , bunting were used In fornIlni
: the decoration at. the summit.
The beach merry-go.rountl , with rlngt
Opell day and evening , 1th and Cnpttol avc
hngn1inchi' Wild Animnits.
\Vednesilay , June 1 , the gates to the
great TranmisaisIppi and International
Ixposit1on will open , ulmuitaneotishy the
doors to llagenbache Trained Wild Animal
Show wilt also open.
On visiting west Midway a few days ago
attention was attracted by a terrific roar of
a lion coming from the interior of the colossal -
ossal building occupied by the Wild Animal
Show. On arriving at the entrance it w55
ascertaIned that a royal reception Was be
tag held by th ICing and Queen of the Des-
ert. After wandering throub a perfect
Iabarinth of cages filled with rare , curious
anti savage denisona of the forest , the
crowd at last arrived safely in front of a
large cage containing the Royal F'antily.
With the cnutlnn to stand back the keeper
unbolted the door to the cage. As he 'liii
so there was an ominous growling , and the
door was struck violently from within. The
door swung open , and the interior was cc-
vcaictl from which four huge eyes like balls
of fire glared at them , Talk about your
lnellngeriel no prettier sight was ever wItnessed -
nessed than those two magnificent desert-
born Algerian lions. Then Sadrack , with
another defiant look at the intruders , who ,
by the way , could feel the colti chills running -
ning up and down their spitial columns ,
drew himself up like a buck at gaze , and
roared until the earth shook. The pair wa
Sadrack anti Queen , who arc the only Algerian -
gerian lions ever Imported they being much
larger and more savage than any other
African lion. Notwithstanding the fact that
they are very savage beasts , that strange
element , mother's love , predominates in the
female , and Queen guards her young as jealously -
ously as aver a human mother could. The
baby lions are about the size of a half-grown
cat , of tawny yellow color , with light stripes.
or dapples , They vIii undoubtediy prove a
great attraction to the sight-seeing public.
This menagerie embraces huudrcds of ant-
main of all descriptions.
2ut lee.
We the undersigned merchants , recogniz-
tag Uo appropriate PurPose and patriotic
solemnity of the occasion , will clost' our
places of business on Decoration day , Maa-
day , May 30 , at aeon.
Believing on the other hand that for the
conveitienco of the public and tue benefit
of our city anti citizens. the business places
of our city should be kept OCll on special
Exposition days , we have concludeti to keep
OiCt1 ) as usual on the opening day , Juno 1.
Ili HO other way can the city be ninde so
attractive to strangers.
Any employcs having engagements with
the musical program will be cheerfully
granted leave of absence , and during the
fllofltlls of the entertainineat our employes
will be allowed ample time to visit and revisit -
visit tbo Idxposition.
( Signed. )
A. hlOSl'FL
Streets of All Xiitioiis flilil St reets , , f
( zi ill ) liClOre .Indge Seott.
The case of the proprietors of the Streets
of Cairo against the proprietors of the
I Streets of All Nations at. the exposition ,
I wherein the plaintiffs seek to restrain the
I defendants from exhibiting camels and
I donkeys as a feature of their siio , Is dn before -
fore Judge Scott , with a poaibiiity that it
will consume considerable Lilac.
Upon the convening of court the defend-
ants. by their attorney , moved the removal
of tile case to the United States circuit
court , alleging that all of the parties to the
action are nonresidents of tile state and
that therefore the local courts have no Juris-
diction. Judge Scott intimated that there
; was some legal merit in this contention , hut
saitl that it a removal shnuld be oricred it
. would deprive the ldnintlfts of all of their
legal remedies. as the defendants as well
as tile vlaintiffa would leave the state UOfl
tile close of tIle exposition and before the
; case could be heard. Taking this view of the
case , tile court , ordered the hearing to pro-
; ceeti , saying that ho would take the removal
I application tInder advisement and pass upon
at a later date.
Tile entire afternoon was spent in renting ] -
; ing aflidavits of parties to ( lie COilCeSsiOll
I and at C o'clock Judge Scott , seeing that
there was no possibility of finishing the
) testimony without running late into the
I night , ordered a continuance until next
i Tuesday niorning.
t 1'stfliee CLoNCM UoI4hLI ) . ,
3 On Monday , Decoration day , tile postolflce
f will close at 10:30 : a. en , . the carriers malt-
f Ing one delivery only. On June 1 the office
I will close at 10 a. m. anti all of tile carriers
and enlploycs wiil join in the parade.
For bed iiiitl decoration plants , cut flowers ,
roses of all kinds , sign work , for funerals ,
I , etc. , at greatly reduced prices , 13. hlaas ,
i. 1813 Vintoa at. Tel. 776.
, . Iiiilil 'l'a.iji ; Ptug 2f ) , JSDS.
And t Good One
Leaves Oinaha..1 . . . . . . . . . , 4:10 : P. M.
! Arrives St. Joseph. . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . 8:45 : P. iS/I. /
Arrives SL Louis. . . . . . , ; , . , 7.9 , i lvi.
_ ww . - . . . .
Ticket Office- Depot-
$502 $ Farnani St. 10th and Mason Sts1
- - -
-tt :
1)eyer Cnt Looset
WELd I GUESS \S'E DO : the great feature -
turo for the coming week in the piano trade
wiii be the sale inaugurated by A. Iloape ,
1513 Doughts street. Monday morning. "We
wili make a deep cut" in the prices of every
now piano or organ dropped from catalogue
on account of change in style of case. every
shop-worn instrument , every rented piano
returned , even if out but one month ; every
used instrument , every new piano or organ
however slIghtly damaged , without regard
to original coat or profit. Among this fine
stock arc makes of national reputation v-hose
high standing is inquestioneil.
Kimball Pianos.
Whitney Pianos.
Chickering Pianos.
Schubert Pianos.
Rreli Pianos.
howard Pianos.
Iliaze I'ianos.
J'ease Pianos . . . . _ .
Ballet & Davis Pianos
floyal I'iano , , -
Columbia J'ianos. , ,
Emerson Pianos. '
As a sample of the many bargains afferod ,
the following will servo to illustrate what
early purchasers may finti.
Used reed organs , various makes : $ I.OO ,
$22.00 to $27.00 ; terms , $5.00 cash and $2.00
to $4.00 a month.
New Kimball organs dropped from cata-
loguef $43.00 , i2.OO to $ Gl.OOL terms , $5.00
cash and $3.00 to $500 a month.
Used upright pianos : $64.00 , $95.00 to
$125.00 ; terms , $10 cash and $5.00 a itiouth.
New upright pianos : $145.00 , $ l6,00 , ,
$188.00. $215.00 to $260.00.
Terms , $10.00 $ to $20.00 cash and $7.00 to
$10.00 a nlOlltll.
No nero of this stock can be llro urcd
when tllt'sC are gone you will have tppny
from $75.00 to $100.00 more for their cqutv-
alent. .
You better investigate an soon as you can.
. Wholesale alItI Retail ,
I&13 Douglas St. , Omaha , N b.
The locni freight offices and ware houses
will close Wednesday , June 1.
( Signed . , ) JAMES ANDERSON.
Agent hi. & hi. Ry.
Agent Union Pacific.
Agent C , . St. I' . hi. & 0.
Agent ht. P e.
The Beach merry-go-round with rings ,
Opell day and evening , 15th and Capitol ave.
Sam'i Burns , 1318 Farnam , Is headquarters -
ters for Wedding Presents.
110W A W'Ait IS It'OUGIIT.
'I'iie Claitliges I tL the IuiIt of % 'nrfnre
Illustrated i , . l'letll rss.
If you wish to properly tinderstailtl the
war llcWS , if you wish to have a definite
knowledge of naval affairs and the events
that are occurring in the East mId Vcst
Indies you can secure no better , no more
reliable SOUrCe of inforllluuon than the
official photographs or the United States
navy , just issued by the Omaha I3ee , The
price Is only 25 cents , and more valuable
nilti timely infornlation was never offered
far tile nloney. It is on sale at Tile Omaha
Bee cOUtltillg-rOOnls , or swIll be sent to any
address on receipt of price ,
The book consists of nearly 200 pages of
views made by B. 11. Hart , naval lhlOto-
grapilor , flilIt the list of subjects enlbraces
everything of Interest pertaining to our
navy. of which every American is justly
proud. First within the covers of this inter-
eating work comes a map sixteen times as
large us tile Uculc itself , showing on one
side the Spanish possessions , and all adjacent -
jacent territory , while on tile other lde
tile East Indian possessions are sinlilarly
treated. Steamship lines , with the distances -
tances interven lag between different poitfts ,
are silown. and a close study of these maps
wilt give one a. thorough understanding of
thi territory , In regard to which the interest -
terest of the American public is now at
fever heat.
Then follow more than 200 rare pictures
of th navy , its otllcers and equipment. Tile
views are nil authentir , and arc tile latest
official photographs of our torpedo boats ,
torpedo boat destroyers , cruisers , battleships -
ships , gunboats , monitors , rams , dynamite
cruisers , dispatch vessels , atlti other war
craft , tile whole cmlodying au plitbentic
portrayal of the American navy us It exists
today. A complete descriplion of tile C fl-
struction , displacement. size , speed , batteries -
teries , aclnor. crew and cost of cactI boat
wili enable tile leader to form an aecurate
estimate of our fighting strength. Included
Witil these at-c lilotograplls of the leading
Spanish nba-of-war , also fully described.
By tar tile moat interesting portions of the
book arc views of tile Maine , taken before
tile thisastcr in havana harbor , showing the
life nlli discipline aboard a battleship , to-
getlIer with portraits of tllo officers and
crow , supplenionted by photographs taken
after tile explosion , depicting tile divers at
work , ailti other incidents in connection
with tIlls sad and memorable event.
This work can be obtained by cutting a
coupon from page two , anti bringing it to
The Bee office , Omaha. Tile [ leo buiithing ;
South Omaha , Twenty-fourth anti N streets ;
Liflcolil , 102d 0 street ; Council Bluffs , 10
I'enrl stroet. By aloE 4 cents extra for
postage. Adtlrcss Na'y Pilotograph Depart-
ulent , Olllaha Bee.
SnlIlNpn'H Fdiot.
To lanka glorious auth memorable thle
opening of the Transtnississippi and Inter.
national Exposition , I call on all Inembors
of tile itnights of Ak-Sac-Pen to put forth
their iest efforts and to participate In the
parade Oil Wctlncsday , June 1. Every atom-
her is comlilantlet ] to report to Sir Knight
hicecilor hligbee or Sir Knight C. 11. Klopp
on or heforo Tuesday , May 31 , that their
Ilalnes may be placed on the scroll of imr-
ticlpants , wilidil will go to the king for ] tis
contnentlation. ,
Kiiigitts viil aseinbio mounted at 9
o'clock a. ra , at 1313 howard aEFet and
procure their costumes. SAhISQ.
fli-SNI. " ' 'S .VILL CI.OSiL
'Ilie Stoic Viii Clos at Noon oii
flecrntlon Jgy ,
To celebrate Memorial day our atorawill
close nt 12 o"cloek noon and remain closed
the rest of the day. Friends will please bear
tills itt Illilid atitl get their orders In early.
11l1iic % ottee ,
The Northwestern Line Daylight Special
nofl leaves the U. I' . depot at 6:40 : a .in. ;
arrives Citcago ; 8:4h : 801110 eveuiiig. No
citnugo itt the otiler trains. Tue Oyeri1iltl
LilllitCd 4:1h : p. in. and the Omaha Chicago
Siwciai itt 6:45 : p. in. arrive at Chicago 7:45 :
ami 030 respectively , next morning. The
libeL advanced vcstibuledt sleepers , diners
anti free parlor chair cars-of course-what
else would the "Northwestern" have.
City Tlkct omco 14(11 ( Farnani at.
Nitit'v to tite lrlvissg Public.
Covered iietIs llave been erected at 24tl
1111(1 lieIlcer Uts , , one block tronl tue 24th
Street uhiii1ajlea to tito Exposition grounds.
While vitiughe Exposition btiililiaga pee-
Plo can ieavp tildE tCTIU8 there with safety.
as coulitetent men will be in cllarge anti
every lrccutltioll taken for their care.
Suiia of 'etcrnlN ,
All Illembers of Gen , Uco. Crook camp ,
No. 1 , 5. V. , will report at their bali Mon.
day , 1230 p. en , sharp , to participate in the
Metnorici 'lay exercises. By order
\v. 0 , SALISBURY , Copt.
M. I' , GOODRICh , 1st l3ergt.
$25.00 buys a title tat1ore suit a J , A.
Kervans , 22 S. 15th at.
Itlt,1 $ t1 $ Street Jtnilvtiy ( ioaupully.
Julius build seeks to recover a $10,000
jutigment against the Omaita Street Railway
company , lie alleges that on February 25 ,
1697 , while a lasaenger on tile Silerman
avenue car 11110 , he tell trout a motor ,
aptaining his right hand and crippling him
for iRe. lie nttriilutes the accident to the
negilgrr.ce of the men In charge of the
Get a map of Cuba and get the best and
litoat complete. The Bee's combination map
or Cuba , the \Vest Indies and of the world ,
With a flee map COUPOII. On jtage 2 , 10
cents , at lies omce , Oulaila , South Omaha or
Council iilu1f. By mail. 14 cents. Address
Cuban Map Department-
- . - - a. -
To Knghta AkrBcnGreat Attraction
atilld Don.
TUESDAY , &MY 31ST 1898
Silcoini itlItlntloaof the 'F. V. A.
8tnrtling JdxJilhtttion i , ' hingen. .
bnch's VIld .ttAninl Sitoa-tdie
Itliflults , btons , Tigers , Idc. i
I have arranged for the greatest initiation
for next. Tuesday night , May 31 , that has
over been held at our den. The occasion
will be the special initiation of the T. P. A. ,
in other words the traveling men , jobbers
anti nlanufacturers , who viii attend in large
I have also arranged , through the cx-
tremo courtesy and liberality of Sir Knight
B. 11. Sprague and Sir Knight A. J. Love.
for a startiillg feature from the world renowned -
nowned Ihagenback wild animal show frolli
tile Midway of ( lie Tranamississippi Exposi-
( ion , which will ho participated in by any
quantity of elepllants , lions , tigers , etc. , etc. ,
nil of which will be tanlcd and performed
with in full view of the knights.
. ' All acceptable prospective knights may
join oa this occasion wiletller they are
luelllbers of tile T. P. A. or not and should
do so ill order to witness titis wonderful
Tim work will begin at 7 o'eiock silnrp.
After it is collllltited ) we will all adjourn
to the "Streets of All Nations" on the ox-
itosition grounds and witness free their
first full dress rehearsal , to which all the
initiated knights and ladies are Invited.
Be on halld sure.
Ho there at 7 o'clock Shari ) .
Bring your friends.
Remember the date , Tuesday , May 31 , 1808.
itesidents of Omaha should join our ranks
at once. SAMSON.
have Root print it.
ot Ice.
We find it necessary to close the exposition -
tion grounds to tue public that we may work
to better ndvantage , and Ia order to have
tue exposition ill readiness to open Wednea-
day morning we shall be Cnfllpellcd to wont
both nigilt and tiny. Therefore we cannot
ailow anyone , except exhibitors and eii-
ployes , into the grounds from Saturday night
until tile opening Wednesday morning.
( Signed ) F. 1' . KIRICENDALL ,
Itlaunger.Grouittls anti Buildings Department.
Gate City tout , No. GO. IC. 0. T. M. , attention -
tention ! Election of officers and amend-
Inent ot tue by-laws next Thursday evening.
Juno 2 , . All ulenlbers are reciuested to be
vresent. 'p. v. SPAFORD. R. K.
Tite SlLCLh , .E4IUhIllClI t
and quicic tune oftiieiJJnion Pacific makes
It the popular line to all principal western
resorts. City ticket omcc. No. 1302 Far-
nalu at.
Dr. Yager , 4O Paxton 131k. Tel. 1016.
Boro-Lithia Water
1 IINin ' ' . ' '
lire J1'I'1hIA VA'i'Ilt of
ally ltlii.i Ii shiuiiL be IiOItO-Ll'l'II Jt-
fti' Iie jo ierr Ju.i.ortnnt rt'itMollH.
lMt-floro-Li ( hilt It for ci.i * talus uio Ce
1.lthi In t un. , iii. y fltiCt ittter ititti 1 1 t i&
iii IN the ilioMt rahtL ci Iuiiiitttit of uric
jtt.iii. u.i-it c.ntuiuip , 1.i couliinl i.ti.
Ii.rieIc no lii , . itndthls itt ( i.e oialy iiei-
lulnMilie I liternal ittuit lsti , ( Ic. 1Ii Is
sitter C)1110t4 I'LAIN I .iiiii czti'Ionzatei
( tltseeis ) ,
h1ir's Root Beer . . . . . . . . . ,
i..orins's inhaler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Thompson's Cherry . . . . . . . . . . . .
Stuart's Dyspepttia 'l'abhetq. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Paine's Celery CompuntI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . G.c
hood's Sursaparlita . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ( Ic
Meflflell'4 Tuirum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
eltiehester's Pdllllyroylti 1'Ills.$1.4)
Miio't Nervine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .74c
Malted . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 73c , $3.00
flimsy's Catarrh Powder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35c
Iiallzntine's Renledie9 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l4c
Laxative l3rotno . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Tnrrant's Seltzer Aperiont . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lIe
Lambert's Listerine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Mine. Yniee flair . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Shorman&McGonnell Drug Go
0111811,1 , ? c1i. xait : 1)nti&re
Don't go by the
osfrni S4or
Drug Oep. monday
Sure Death Bed hug pelsoti. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25C
Lincoln Tea . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25c
PaIne's Celery Compound . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ( Ic
hloctVa Sn reupaIllilt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C4c
ICilmer's Swamp [ toot , lOc nail . . . . . . . . . . 750
I'inkiinm's Vegetable Compound . . . . . . . . lOc
Castoria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2c
Syrup of Figs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Miles' Norvine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ( Ic
l'ierce's Prescriiltion.4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62c
Warner's Kidney and Liver lttllovator hOe
Warner's Litllia 'rablets. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20c
\Viilinm's I'illk I'ills. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Stewart's Dyspepsla Tablets . . . . . . . . . . . 0
Carter's Ltttie Liver PiilM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12o
"Ilyomel" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ( Ic
Laxative Brome Quinine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lSc
Aielinens llorlLted Talcum l'owdcr , , , , 130
Finely I'erftlinetl Talcum Powder tomorrow -
morrow otlly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ( a
4711 Seap . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12o
Cuticuna liofli ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iso
Packers' Tar Soap . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lic
Wootibury's Soap . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lIe
What Is it ' .
makes out Jersey cigar so onjoyablq ?
Most sii.olcers think titatt u the v 1)1137 a
ten cont. cigat' It ought to be a pretty
good one-and they LLIe right.
is n bettur amoico fthan many ton cent
cigars. Ytu need our JCISOyO iii yPUL'
btitt 111055 ,
Paxton BIoCkGIgar Store ,
1 6th tiiitUlAItN.tM.
I will offer at aUOt.1Oll in Omaha at the
Bushman Storage MoUse , 1010 Leavenworth
St. , at 9 in tile mornipg , on May 3Otil , all
tile supplies of theUnion I'aciflc ltaiiroad
hospitals. Including beds and bedding. tires-
sers , stands , chairs , cilina and glassware ,
carpets , ranges , stoves and hardware , sur
gical instruments , books , operating tables ,
stretchers , splints anti many other articles
too numerous to mention.
w. J. Gaibraitli ,
Chief Surgeon Union Pacific.
Receivers Railroads and hospital Trust
I5'idiLY 1'OO'F OP
Lawn Hose
We sell is guaranteed-the prices range from
7o to 20c per foot.
.11111 YAIINA)1 $ T ,
$10.00 to Ielter n.l flIurn ,
June & anti & Tickets gooti 30 days.
Burlington trains for Denver leave Omaha
4:35 : p. rn. and 11:55 : p. ni.
Special train for Iowa and Nebraska doe-
tora attending annual meeting American
Medical association at Denver Juno 7-12.
leave , Omaha 3l0 p , to , Juno 5 , connect-
big at Lincoln with the "Journal" train ,
having on board the principal physicians of
L'lliengo and the eastern states. Sleeping
car reservations can be made now. Call or
write 3 , II. Reynolds , City Passenger Agent ,
Burlington Route , 1502 Farnam SI. , Omaha ,
Exposition booths and railings , Hamilton
Brothars' planing mill. 28th and Davenport.
Tel. 1120.
liI ) .
MURt'IIYThomnsngeti GO years , at 121 $
i'ic'ro street at 4:30 : Fnitlay morning.
Funeral Montlay morning from St. i'liilo-
mella cathedral at 9 o'clock ,
The iilkiiorn llairoail * ) Inke's Very
Lotuhate's for ( Ito OpeflIn hay ,
' 1 he Transmisslssippi anti International
Exposition will open in all its grandeur on
June 1st , The Fremont. Iflkborn & Mis-
souni'nlley U. U. have announced very
low rates for this opening day , and will run
special trains front points within 150 miles
of Onlaha. See the nearest agent of the
above named road further particulars.
.7. it. fl.tchiuian , General Passenger Agent.
Beautiful gladiolus , roses and floral novelties -
ties , Donaghue , Florist , 109 So. 16th st.
( ,
Monday at Noon
opening week rare
1111(1 exceptional values will ho OffOI'el
ill all ( lo1)artlnelltS. V isitors to the exposition -
I tion a.i'e cordially invited to visit our store-
nmko it your Iieadquai'ters. Every facility
vi11 be offered to make your visit p1ciaiit :
. and profitable. Open every day after Moii
day , when. wo c1oo at iioon ,
1519 and 1521 DouIus Street
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ TIlE U9.CEN'l' S'lORE ,
wmwMMwMMMPMwwm !
' ' _ iOK BFOR [ YOU [ A-
kT We heard you were gohig to buy a
, rflhjs We have the Il-IERRIOK , the
3 V . only one which is aiways dry , cold fUl(1
. free irolhl ] lauseatmg slIleils-Ilaving no
V - dirty metal linings to scrub.
H ERRICKT0 want you to call and examine
Tel. 1605. 1614 Capitol Ave.
, , : ' [ xpostion . . .
. ispky -
of rkrnos.
We hiavc on exhibition in ottr music rooms
tile gralltiest aggregation of fine pianos over
SlloWfl ill Omaha or doubtless anywhere
else untler one roof-many of these pianos
arc in the most artistic cases-specially designed -
. signed by the tiluferent manufacturers for
display during the eltpOsitlOfl , Notably
. alnong Wilich are aoiitc very hand3onio Chick.
. erings. Among the Fischer 11jan03 will probably -
ably be found the most beatltifui designs
ever Produced in piano building. Among the
prominent features of grand tilapiny will he
found the celebrated one hundreti thou-
santlth piano. manufactured by J. & C.
FishIer , who enjoy tue unique distinction of
having nmnutactured and soid more pianos
tllan any other maker in the world and arc
tile only manufacturers who ilave inado .
. - ' 100,000 pianos. We invite you to conic anti .
see tilese pianos whether you wish to buy
01 not.
REGENT$31&O $ & SHoE
? r'tY . WE'VE '
up ; "
MAIL OUDERS 205 South 15th Street ,
F ! tLE1) . ( ICurbacli Block. )
. The Only Original Ecposition Sou.venir Spoon.
. ,
f' o5eo . tIll . . 3t , I > , t . ( ' 0 , , A. Mstdelberg. 0. 5. itayicond. ii' , I 9. ) . Omaha fudfrey ,
Tea $2 75. lakor , I' , E , VIodxttn. , Alit I-tJilulnl. L'nlz httxidweii ,
ti. SY. LitIdhay , JOO. iititld , Li. limITs
Stoning Silser , Wholesale Jrtwei- Combs & Co. Joe l"rcnrer hi. Woill.l.iIl.
0266 , 1,000 tIne. era thi.ahs , Nub. Ooploy. A. Ii.iiubeinan Jecquonlilt & Co.
Tonrist flaics
via the Union roatne to the famous aumme
resorts in Colorado. Utah , California ,
Idaho , Montana 511(1 Oregon.
l'or rates and advertising nlatter call at
city ticket office , No. 1102 Farnam at.
A. B. T. Co. : mtengcrs furnished ; bagm
gage delivereti. 1302 Dough'd St. Tel , 177.
Information Free
When you come to the exposition , n
matter what information 3-Oil 1flfl wnnt
whether it's about the town , the exposition.
or anythiag else , conic to Us. We dolt C
" " qucationU
"Kauderwelsh"-but answer your
intntetiiately or sooner.
Ice Cream Soda . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10t
Booth's liyoniei . . . . . . . . . . . .
UncicSam'sTobnccoCure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . t01
\'cst Brain and Nerve Treatment . . . . . . 89O
Pyramid l'ilo Cure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80a
Stuart's Dyspepala Tablets . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Smith's Gloria Tonic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7(0
William's Pink i'Iils . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 350
lcCllItCt1i'S Medical 1)iscovery , $1.15
Carter's Liver I'iils . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12o
Vine Koinfra . . . . . . . . . . . . , (
Scott's Emulsion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Garfield Tea . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1o
Pears Soai , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IOa
Ctiicura ( Soap . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ISa
Wille of Cardui . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 640
I Lydia l'lnkhatn's Compound . . . . . . . . . GOd
l' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 750
S. 5 , 13. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 750
Kilnler's Swamp Root . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7Su
I SVarner's Safe Ctlre . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 800
Daffy htait Whiskey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 800
S"AEE 'I' i'tIei
miii anti ChIcago St. . .
$ AYftj
Tile oldest inhabitant never saw shoe.
selling at such low prices as we 511811 selL- ' -
tilem for tolliorrow , There are 110 damagetl
goods in our stock-every pair first saw ( ho
light o' ( lay in this store , here's a ahoo
Lathes' Dongola Patent Tip , $1.2)
Oxford Ties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .C
Lathes' Fine Dongola Tan $1.75
Oxford TIo't . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Lathes' fine Vici iICd $2.00
Oxford Ties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
htisses fine dongola lace and button
Shoes , sIzes 11t4 to 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Moore-Shafer's hue tan 'ici llk
vesting tel ) Lace Sltocs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
I.adles' hue 'ici black or tan '
sltoeS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
- -
p ( gp
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
YOU SilOtlitl give your lawn a shave '
and a bath once ill ft i'Iiile anti even
though you are compelietl to call tipoti
your isito ( or assistance , we will fur-
idab tile
Iawu Mowers aiid ifose
for a small consitleratlon. We have a
variety of styles anti sizes at good
niowers at irict's lower than over.
We have hose at Ge per toot antl three
tiliferent klIltltt of warrtulted hose at . .j-
lOc per toot. Let us show you.
2407 Cuming St.
"If you buy it of hluSsie it's right. '
Are you an
It may lntcI'est. you to know thtit
wo nrc Illuking a 8JotittLIty ) of cx-
hibitors' st11)ilIcs ) ) In otis' uric ,
P1001' lirtislies , hlp& ) ,
Hl'0011114 , all kliids , Sponges ,
Chullilols 5k ills , Sapolio ,
Soi'iibbliig I'oS'ti0i h , L'CH
auth nil li&iiIs of
iist ; : Steaiiier
to the Kioiidike
On or * bout Juitu 10 the steamer 'Roitti-
ok c' , ' ' to Itti enly ( I f I Ito 01.1 . 1) . I II ion I i a e ,
wiii leave H'iittltt , tni , go direct to the
IlUititli ( it the Yukon rl'er , wlitre , river
boats wili J.ronllttIS' . meet jtiinstuigcrs ( or - .
1)awtton , Flrst.elrnai fore $300 11111 llI ) tft'c-
Ofltl.CltSS tare $2)0 , inclutlitig itit'iti alIt
Mt'iiil I (5) ) ut ( , ii'e tO rc4'rui' ZUiINlig ( ' . . . - -
Vci will tilsa deliver 1,300 lioUlItia of its-
sorted lrlvilitIls ) ( estinutcti I , , io a
suZ'i.iY ) Itt aity of our i'oss ' for $520 extrs
tO ft Iirnit-tl number takijlg on our
tirt stc'itnlvr ,
'i'lllI will t'xtnir'nce no liarilahil's by this
ali'witter route anti YOtI have the benefit of
iuii exieriejlee.
ip1t A ii 14 ' ( 'II II l'Fi'l.lI
'itI ttike you It ) Alaska , Vo hia'o iicci there
for six years. S'rite for further lnlrtietllgra ,
Noilli AffleFICO l1OSOFlOlQfl O TFOi1 O.
(11 1 $ Fl nit A i' . , .fit ) ) ( liii CIIi ) Slider ,
$ csstI * ' , Vusi , , L'iiit'ug , , ,
81)3 ) i'roisice lixeisitisge New l'orli ( 'Ida ,
an Cii ii isicr of Cuiti in itra't' , 1i u s.'upo-
liii , Situ. , .
1 .Neu Yorl& Life iIidldiu , Onlilil. . .
ullil l.ssi niit 'l'rii.t Iliiier. , llc
H ( ' , iiitoruiu at. , 8iis
Iti ) - II. VrII re , i'rcw , , lllwsIlI , N. 'Y , ' 1' .