Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 29, 1898, Part I, Image 6

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- IL JLJJL _ -
, uxu1L MENTION.
'ry Moor&a Btock
Call at The flee omce for Cuban mnps lOc
Dr. A. 0. Mudge. the dentl8t , rCWO1
from 319 to 83 $ flroadway.
The Evanc4 laundry Is the 1eaIer In fine
work both for color and flnIh. & 20 Pearl
Btrcet. Phone 2O.
P. I. . Joy ot the Frernont , Elkhorn & 2.tIs-
ourI Valley raIlroad wn In the city yesterday -
terday calling at the local ticket ornces.
Judge Macy of llarlaii was In the city Inst
evening on his way borne from Ulenwootl1
where he had concludel the term or court.
A marriage license was issued yesterday
totltred Ifeers Eaton of Chicago , aged 34 ,
nail Mrs. Mary James Vood of this city ,
aged 32.
Judge 11. Il. Trltnblo of Keokuk was in
the city yesterday on business with the district -
trict court In connection with the Folsom
estate ,
\Vith z liec coupon nn 25 cents you can
secure the omclal photographs of ( ho Unltel I
l3tatcs navy at the Council flitifTa ofilcu of
Tim lice.
Don't you think It must be a pretty geol
laundry that can please so many hundreds
of customers ? \Yell-that's the "Iagle , "
724 L3roadway.
Christian Science-loom 402 Sapp building -
ing , at 10:45 : a. In. , readings from the Bible
and Scicuo and health. ExpcrIeiiu rncct-
tug Friday evening at 7:45. :
C. C. hiuflif ) was granted a building permit -
mit yesterday for the erection of a one-
story frame cottage to cost 1OOO on lot 2 ,
block 6 , Stutarnan's first addition.
The funeral of the late Andrew Olson vill
be held at 2 o'clock this afternoon from the
reskhnico of his sister , Mrs. henry ti'in.
kopf , at 5OI Wasliiiigton avenue.
The 111gb school cadets will meet at the
corner of Willow avenue and t'eari streat
at 1 o'clock tomorrow afternoon to take
part in the Memorial day pnra(1e.
Attoriicy Clem iCitnhall will deliver the
address at the graves of the unknown death
at the Grand Army of the ltepublic exercises
Monday afternoon at Fairview cemetery.
The WollCfl'S ) Christian Tempernnco union
will opeti a waiting and lunch meant at ro.
8 Pearl street next Wednesday for the convenience -
venienco of visitors to the city during the
Thioinn Gray , the man brought back from
Omaha charged with the burglar ) ' of hlelk-
nap's repair shop on Pearl street , was ar-
raignell before Judge Smith in the district
court yesterday and took time to plead.
Itcy. W. Id , Nichol. a missionary of Luxur ,
Egypt , who Is attending the general assein-
bly In Omaha , will preach at the Secoud
Presbyterian ebureli. with which his reIn-
tivs iii this city are connected , this evening.
All members of subordinate lodges anl
visiting brothers of the Indepciuknt Order
of Odd Follows are requested to meet at
the temple at 1 o'clock this afternoon to
attend the funeral. of Andrew Olsen of
Avoca lodge No. 220.
Members of the auxiliary to the Union
V.cteran L.cgion and past members are invited -
vited to meet at Woodtncn of the \Vorid hal
at 2 o'clock this afternoon , where convey-
ahiceshll be furnished to take them te
'Valnut 11111 cemetery.
Johin and Frank Small and Will Collacott ,
the three young jaIls chiargd with pulling
down a chimney on the residence of C. P.
ltced at 810 South Twentieth street , had a
hearing before Justice Burke yesterday and
Wore bound over to the grand jury.
1Splrituailst meeting at Union hail , 146
Broadway , this evening at 8 o'clock. MrH.
Mary J. Bouncy will deliver a.lccture , sub-
jeet. "What titt Spirittialisni Done for flu-
nianity , and What WilPit Do ? " Questions
vll : be Eollcjtcd frotie gudience after
the lecture.
The Wonian's Relief corps invites the
children of tllp public schools to bring flow-
era for Decoration day to i07 Broadway
r early on Monday morning , also all patriotic
woolen and members of the Woman's Relief
corps to assIst in flower work at tile same
* time and place.
A reception will be given at the First
Baptist church next Thursday evening to
the new pastor , Rev. It. Venting. who has
just entered upon the regular pastorate af-
tee preaching for he church as supply poe-
tor for two months. A pleasant program
line been arranged , to be followed by an informal -
formal social. A cordial invitation is cx-
tcflICl to the public to be present and join
in greeting the new vnstor.
A special service will be conducted this
evening at the Congregational church by
Messrs. J. L. I'aynter and B. J. Baylls , who
' for some time past have been prominently
connected with the rescue work of the Bow-
cry Mission in New York City. They are
now enroute to the Kloodlhcc region to es-
tabhish a rescue mission among the miners ,
'They are being sent out under the auspices
of Ir. Talmage's paper , The Christian flee-
C. Ii. Vinyl Co. , female remedy ; consultation -
tion free. omco hours. 9 to 12 and 2 to 5.
health hook furnished. 325-327-328 Mer-
riani block.
Money to loan on city property. Kinne.
N. Y , Plumbing company. Tel. 250.
Au 1111PllllIlIlllN I'nlltre.
It's an easy matter for some people to blow
Rbout ( his , that and the other hut when
it. comes to making their words good it
proves to be an ignoininous failure , Tills
line been the case with 50100 of those who
handle imint as a side-line , When people
vant groceries they do not go to a dry goods
store. I3aino way with Paint. When you
want good , pure paints , oils , painters' sup-
lhies , etc. , come to a store that makes that
its business and you will always get the
worik , of your money. We take pride iii
saying that our customers are always well
pleased. Our goods are guaranteed and we
carry the lurest stock of goods In our line
of any other house In the Missouri valley
slope in this irt of the country
1'or furnhturft nuil hardware there Is no
place where you can got as much for your
money , as l'etereon & iclioenlng's bIg store
In tiid Merriam block. They are making a
record On having the best goods on the market -
ket anl selling at low rlces.
I'fillse of IllMllrllulte' Company ,
In the came of AlIce C , Stork against the
lupremno lodge of Knights of Pythias , now
pending in time dIstrict court , the defend-
nuts yeeerdny filed a substituted answer
In which it claimed that Stork , con-
tracy to , be representations made at ( him
time ho. , hPplletl for insurance , had a disease -
ease intl that tlmis fact was known to him
. anti the medical tixanminer. The suit is
one in which Mrs. Stork seeks to recover
_ l the amflOUUt Of ho lIfe insurance imer late
lmusbanil held in the order , paymeqt of
which has been resisted.
Tiio unilerslgned shoe merchants have
agreed to close their stores at 6 o'clock p.
in , on every day of tue week except Monday
and Saturday front Juno 1. to October 1.
II. lii. Sargent , Adams Shoe Co. , iMincaim
hoe Co. , Knowles hoe Co , , hlankruiit
Mdse. Co. , M. Solomou , \Velmmberg and
a , A. Pierce.
Map of Cuba.Vest Indies antI the World
at The Bee 0111cc. lOc each ,
htolil lsgme 'l'rsilKfers.
The Collowng transfers have been filed in
time title , abstract and loan office of J , W ,
Squire , 101 Pearl street :
County treasurer to .Albina Title , lots
1 to 10 , including block 70 , RmUliuud
add I ml. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S
County treai'urer to Albina Yale , lots
1 itliti 2 , block 5' lots 9 utmit 10 , block 14 ;
lots 3 anti 4 , b'ock ' 20' late 11 and 32 ,
block 24. and lot 5 , block 31 , Mtiiiin's
subdiv , t ti. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Jalimea Peterson nail wife to Arthur
tiiatltlen , se'4 ne4 23-77-44. w d , . , . . , . ,
fl. hi. Metcalf amid wife to 'l'hmomns Mel-
calf , 5 acres In s'3' ne % se3 1-74-Il , q ci
Four transfers , . , . . . . . . . . . . , , , , , . . . ;
. , . .
' -
City anti County in Oou Over the New
Law's Application.
Atortis tnke a Sliovingr of Their
Jaterprejimfiori of Ilic Statute
ahtil Cinart Tnkcs the Uattcr.
Under AiI' IMeJICftt.
In the district court yesterdy afternoon
Judge Smith litteoed to the -arguments in
the suit brought by time city to thpel. the
Board of County Supervisors to expcnii time.
portion of the county road fund as derivett
from taxation of property within the city
limits according to the directions of the
city council , Time city was represented ly
City Solicitor Wadsworth and the Board of
Supervisors by County Attorney Saunders.
The arguments occupied a little over an
The argument of City Solicitor Wadsworth
was practically a presentation of the city's
side of the case n.e set forth in the petition. I
lie contended that time new code provided
that the portion of the road fund collected
from the taxation of property within the I
city should only be expended by the supervisors -
visors at the direction ot time city council ,
wlmich should have absolute say as to where
and in what manner it should be expended.
County Attorney Saunders opposed the po-
sitlon taken by the city and contended that
the word "direction" In time statute simply I
macant that the city should have power to
direct as to the manner in which the work
simould be done , but that it did not intend to
convey to the council the authority to die-
tate where. County Attorney Saunders also
contended that nIl of the tax sought to be
controlled by tim cIty having been levied
prior to the ocw law going into effect was
not affected by the new code.
ZtIr , Saunders stated that tim county board
was about to expend all of the road tax eoi-
lected for the year 1897 from Kane township -
ship in the improvemept of time streets of
Council Bhimife and upon the roads leading
into the city and that no expenditure of tim
fund would be made upon any road beyond
a point seven miles distant from tile city.
lIe claimed that the city , if it secured control -
trol of the fund , intended spending it tipon
( ho cleanIng and not lnmprovement of the
Judge Smith took the case under advise-
macnt , but gave no Intimation as to how soon
his decision aught be looked for.
Time forthcoming issue of the Class Look
of ' 98 , CouncIl Bluffs High school , will be
one of exceptional interest and merit. The
body of the work is being comnpiled by the
pupils of time class , who nrc making excellent -
lent effort in this line , and the artistic designs -
signs for the cover and title-pages are from
( lie pen of 0110 of their own members. The
half-tone cuts scattered through the pages ,
are prepared from photographs taken cx-
pressly for this work , Altogether , It will
be flfl attractive little booklet amId much
sought for as a pleasant souvenir of the
patriotic class of 1S98
Eu Welch has purchased a League bicycle
from Cole & Cole.
Hoffnmnyr's fancy patent flour makes th
best and most bread. Ask yopr grocer for it.
Six Ieiegte. to Des Moimies Chosen
ziiiii U I'lutforni Adopted.
The convention of the people's party of
Pottawattanmie county to select six dde-
gates to the state convention to be held in
Des Moines Thursday , June 2 , was called
to order yesterday morning at 11. o'clock in
Farmers' hall at the county court house by
L. Kinnehan , chairman of the cunty central -
tral committee. Following the reading of
time published call , David Evans was elected
chairman nUll L. Kinnehan secretary. L.
Kinnehan , 13. P. Brown and A. M. Hutchinson -
son were appointed by the chair a committee
to draft resolutions.
The election of delegates to the state
convention resulted as follows : B. P. Brown.
A. lit. Hutchinson , L. Klnnehan , Council
Bluffs ; 0.V. . Oakley , Boomer ; James had-
field , Neola , and N. H. Bowman , Washing-
The platform reported by the committee
on resolutions was unanImously adopted.
The preamble set forth the party's belief
In the initiative and referendum and endorsed -
dorsed the national platforms adopted at
Omaha In 1892 and at St. Louis in 1890. The
platform Is opposed to issuing of interest-
bearing bonds payable In gold or granting
of franchises to individuals or corporations.
It holds that all public utilIties should be
owned nn4 operated by the public and favors
a law that will make unlawful any obligation -
tion payable in one kind of money only.
It favors a law that would remedy the inequality -
equality of taxatIon , and that all money
linvested in interest-bearing bonds should
bear a share of taxation.
Before adjourning the convention passed
the following resolution :
We tender to the patriotic people of Cuba
our deepest sympathy in their heroic atrug-
gb for Political freedom and independence ,
ammO we congratulate the United States gov-
erarnent that it has recognized that Cuba is
and of right ought to be a free and lade-
pendent state , anti we hope our government
vlii wipe the Spanish fleet from the high
seas antI silence all Spanish fortifIcations In
vindication for their treachery In hlowlng
up the Maine and the loss of 266 patriots ,
Furniture is a ataplo article for tine lmome ,
\Vieni buying anything in that line careful
attention should ho given so that you can
secure him best goods ( or your money. Your
attentioni is called to the large stock of
flirnittiro now on hand at the big store of
l'cterson & Schoening , In thu Merriam
block. The goods nra now , up to date anti
timeir prices are marked to the lowest margin -
gin , Givd them acoll.
Storage , Wian & Konlginacher , 336 Bwy
Cordwood for sale cheap. Address . F ,
Thea 0111cc , Council Bluffs ,
Garden hose from S cents up at Cole's.
It iiiimisvziy Ateldent.
Mr. anti Mrs. flollIn H. Spencer of 244
harrison street met with a serious accident.
yesterday afternoon % 'bllo returning from
ilanthorne lake , wimero they had spout the
day fislming , Their tennis ran away and Mr ,
and Mrs. Harrison were thrown out of the
buggy , Mr. Harrison was thrown on his
head and rendered unconscious , while Mrs.
harrison receIved a compound fracture of
the heft collarbone , Mr. Harrison's comB-
( ion is serious.
No tinmmo now to kick , The exposition is
nearly upon us and every body ought to be
prepared to talto care of the visitors. So
far as Kleiu is concerned he has everything -
thing tiiat they may Wahit in fruits , cigars ,
confectionery anti summer drinks. Look ( or
tIne number , 112 Broadway ,
Lawn mowersvery cheap at Cole's ,
Ileid fur hlurgiiiry ,
Albert Blaese , Frank Cartwrigbt and John
Seiclel , three young men who claim Omaha
as their home , wee bouad over to the
grand jury yesterday by Judge Aylesworthi
on the charge of burglary. about two weeks
ago the tooi houao in the switch yards at
the Union Pacific transfer was broken into
and a number of tools and other articles
the property of George Wesley , time switch.
tender , were stolen , Some of the stolen
goods were given by the young men to the
two women , Celtic Staley anti Pearl Davis ,
who caused their arrest for disturbing the
peace , This gave the police their fIrst chew
anti led to the arrest of three other young
fellows , Fred Kaiser , Frank Girnes and Joe
Kocheer. The last three were bound over to
appear as witnesses as was the woman
As long as Bouriclus' Music House is able
to do a fair business by handlIng high grade
pianos anti organs at low prices , they will.
keep on doing so. But they will not try
to impose Upon time people by having fire-
sales , or smoke-sales or other socallod 23 1-7
per cent off sales. Mar. Bouricius , the Iro-
prletor , timinks that other imeoplo have at
least as much common sense as lie lmas himself -
self , and ho wants his customers treated
accordingly , at 325 Broadway , where the
organ stands on the building ,
Veck Just Clpst'.I htt'e.irils Few
hiYClltM of
Socially the last week in Council illuffa
mns been a particularly timihl one anti would
nave neon one G [ complete stagnation in
that line hut for two events , the entertain-
meat last \Vctlnesday evening at llmmilo'.i
bali for the benefit of tIme beige J.ighmt
Guards and tIne reception to th. graduating
nurses of the Wonman's Chribilan hospital
Thursday evening at the home of i'rs. IV.
II' . Wallace.
Society turned out In full force Wednies-
day night to the entertainment for tue benefit -
fit of the Dodge Light Guards g'von ' under
the auspices of time Council Bluffs IVonian a
Sanitary Relief comnniission. The alfoir was
a success and netted a neat sun : fur the
soldier boys.
Thursday evening Mr. and Mrs. Wallace
threw open their beautiful hotn on 13111ff
street to the members of the Womnen'i
Christian association and their friends , limo
occasion being a reception in honor of time
graduating class of nurses of the hospital.
The rooms were beautifully tis.orated with
flowers and the national colors , aimti during
the evening a pleasing musical programil was
rendered in which Mrs. Norene. Miss Sylvia
Snyder anti Master harry Fstop urticipnicd.
The Misses Emily Sniveley , Coma liicknell
and Augusta Turk , ( ho three nursea wino
graduated this term , were presdntel by ' 110
superintendent , Mrs. ityerson : Mrs. 0. 11.
Lucas , president of the association. making
the presentation of the diplomas. Informal
addresses were made by several of the mcdi.
cal staff of the Imoepital , fohnowing vhiIch
dainty refreshnments were served. The reception -
: ception was very inrgely attended ,
Lloyd Griffith amid Miss Delia Dyar sum'-
prised their ninny friends in this city Monday -
day evening by quietly slipping off Lu the
residence of Rev. IV. S. Barnes , IUBtOi' of
the First Presbyterian church , anti getting
married. Only one or two intimate friends
were let into the ceret and witimessoi tln
ceremony. Mr. and Mrs. GriffIth ha'e takt'mi
moats at 502 Fourth street. where they are
athome to their friends. iiotb ar popular
members of the younger society bet.
Aifmed Beers Eaton of Chicago and Mrs.
Mary James Wood , daughter of Judge and
Mrs. W. C. James , were married yesterday
afternoon at the home of the bride's par.
eats , 816 ThIrd avenue , Rev. L. P. McDon-
aid , rector of St. Paul's Episcopal church ,
ofllciatinmg. Only intimate friends anti reIn.
tives were present. Mr. amid Mro. Eaton
left for Chicago , where they will male
their home.
Mr. anti Mrs. Cortland 13. Palnmc'r arrived
( rein Colorado Springs yesterday to attend -
tend tie wedding of Mrs. Palmer's sister ,
Mr& , Mttry James Wood.
Miss Mary Key left , yester4y on , aivIsit
to friends in Pennsylvania. ,
Miss Maude Harfdrd of 627 Fourth street
is visiting in Irwin , Ia.
Miss Mavlo Cornelius of Sixth avenu3 left
yesterday on a visit to friends in iThlcago.
C. 13. Atkinson expects to visit his
brother. IV. E. Atkinson , In Madison , Wis. ,
this week.
Miss Peale , who has been tIme guest of
Miss Ellen Dodge , has returned to her
home In Lock Haven , Pa.
The marriage of Mr. Janice ' [ 'utile anti
Miss Sadie Umblo is announced for Wedres.
day evening at their future homo , 210 North
Twelfth street , Rev. It. Venting of the
Baptist church will perform the cere-
Mr. IL i3ilharz , who has bee visiting Fis
daughter , Mrs. John Moran , returns to hl
home In Chicago today.
Miss Ethel Shiepard left yesterday frr
Columbia , Mo. , to attend the gratflmatlpg
of her friend , Miss Mary Lee iteed wlicm
visited her here Inst 'nitmmtimo ? .
Ajax tablets , wonderful nerve tonic for
restoring vitality and energy , a positive
cure , Sent by mull. Dellaven's drug afore.
Church NotIee.
Services will be held in the different
churches of the city today as follows :
Broadway Methodist Episcopal Church-
At 10:30 : a. m. the pastor , Rev. J , ii. Sea-
seney , will preach the baccalaureate sermon -
mon to the graduating class of the High
school ; class meeting at noon ; Sunday
Echiool at moon ; Junior league at 4 p. m. ;
Epworth league at 7 p. an. At 8 p. m. tine
lflelfloriai services of the Union Veteran
Legion will be held , at which addresses
will be made by lion. C. M. hurl and other
prominent citizens. Special music will be
rendered at both services.
St. l'aui'a Church , Rev , L. P. McDonald ,
Itector-Whiteunday , May 29 , holy corn-
mnunion , 8 a. in. ; Sunday school , 10 a. rn. ;
morning service and sermon , 11 ; Sundai
school at All Saints' chapel , 3 p. rn , ; oven-
log service anti sermon , 7:30 : ; morning 8ub.
ject , "Sunday anti the Exposition ; " even-
log , "The holy Ghost. Me , J. II. Conrail
of Mi Saints' church , Omalma , will sing at
tIme morning service , Mrs. Loomis 1n time
evening. Seats all free. Everyone wel.
come. .
St. Johins English Lutheran Church , ,
Southeast Corner Willow Avenue and 5ev-
enthi Street , 11ev , 0. IV , Snyder , Pastor--- '
Services at 10:30 : a. m. and 8 p. nu , ; ser-
01005 by time pastor ; morning subject , "Time
itoW Spirit ; " evening subject , "IVar ; " un-
day school at noon.
Reorganized Church of JesuB Christ of
Latter Day Saiqts-Mornlng services at
10:30 : ; Sunday school at noon ; Z , B. . L. so-
cloty at 6 o'clock. At 7:30 : Either J. IV.
Wright will speak. Elder Vright was on a
mission for several years In Australia ,
Ivoryboely weicomne.
Second Presbyterian Church , Frank and
harmony Streets , Rev. Alex Lithierlanti ,
l'aator-At 10:30 : this church will join with
the Broadway church anti listen to thm ser-
non to the graduatIng clnss of the hUgh
school , A special service will bo conducted
In the evening by delegates of the general -
oral assembly now meeting In Omaima , Tine
address of the evening wIll be by .31ev. IV ,
iii , Nichol , Luxor , Egypt. All are welcome.
First Baptist Church , Corner First Ave.
nue anti Sixth Street-Morning service at
10:30 : ; subject , "The Dawni of a New Era ; "
Sunday school at noon ; all are invIted ;
Baptist Young People's union meeting at
7 ; a special program Is prepared anti all
neil urged to atteni ; evening service at 8 ;
subject , "A hiemcdy for Spiritual Dspep-
tics ; " the ordinance of baptism after the
sermon ; regular prayer service on Wednea-
I day evening at 8 ; BaptIst Boys' briga4e
I Thursday at 7:30 : ,
First Congregational Church , Corner Sixth
I Street and Seventh Avenue-Special memo-
I xml services at 10:30 : a. mu. , with sermon
' - - - - - - - -
'r- -i-- : : : :
' ' 1.1
by the pastor , Rev. J. W. Wilson ; subject ,
"Memorial Storles-fitnnday ; school at noon ;
Young l'eoplo'n Socio' of Christian En-
I denver meeting at , m. ; at 8 p. m ,
there will be a apetihgospei ( service , conducted -
ducted by Messrs. JI. _ Paynter anti B. J.
ihaylis , prominent rescue workens of the
flowery mission , ewOVork City. These
gentlemen are now erjutc to the Klondlke
region to establish mm rescue mission among
time miners , under t5&uspiccs of the Chris.
( Ian Herald. " '
Fifth Avenue Metitdifst ? Church-Services
at 10:30 : a. m. ant1"4i. rn. , conducted by
the pastor , 0. 1' . 'jy ; morning subject ,
"The Unsearchable Riches of Christ ; " even-
lug , "Hope Abandondd ; " Sunday school at
noon ; Junlon' league at 3 p. rn. ; Epworth
league at 7 p. in.
First l'resbyterian Church , IV. S. Barnes ,
Pastor-Morning service at 10:30 : ; hIstorical
sermon on "The Westminster Stantiards ; "
Christian Endeavor at 7 p. m. ; evening aerv-
ice at S o'clock ; other services ns usual ; all
The Ilerrick refrigerator is by far the
most economical amid hygienic refrigerator
on ( ho market. Used by all tine state instl-
tutlons. Colo& Cole , sole agents.
lmniiro'ing the Parks.
The Board of Park Commissioners hold
special meeting Inst night at which it was
decidctl to decorate flnyiiss park in a suit.
nblo manner during time holding of the Masonic -
sonic state grand ledge hero next month ,
The park faces tIne Grand hotel , where limo
headquarters of the ticiegatca will be adni it
will be made gay with flags and at night
with Chinese lanters strung between the
trees. The board also made arrangements
for flowers for the different parka and ni-
lowed a number of bills.
Parties who have beenm pasturing attle in
Island ninth Prospect parks will be miotifled
to vacate. Publisher Loverett. of the Trans-
mississippian was given. pernmisslun to Secure -
cure cuts of the different parks to use in
his special Imsue of June and tine board ap.
propriateil 25 to pay for time cost of same.
Lenmim's beer and porter on draughti Jack
O'Neil , Itil Broadway , opposite time Ogden
Neri'o Ammmn-imn Arrested ,
Belie I'illowe , a colored woman , was taken
into custody yesterday afternoon charged
with being a fugitive front justice. Sine Ia
wanted iii Omaha , where it is said Friday
might she robbed a white man who visitel
her room of $700 by menus of tine "panel"
. method. Time finn identified Belle at the city
, jail last evening as the woman he had visited -
ited , but when she m'as searched none of
the stolen money was found on her. She re
fused to returmi to Omaha without requiel-
tion papers.
( icorgie Taylor , another colored womami ,
wns also arested yesterday afternoon at the
request of the Onmaima authorities. Georgic
is charged with robbing a man of $10. She
was taken back across , the river last evening
by Sergeant Wlnalonem
Gasoline stoves fijm up at Cole's.
This is time time i'ytr'that hardware is
in demand. There1 ts'biio place in town
whore you are sureio hit suited in anything
you want In that lin That place is I'eter.
son . & Schoening's , in the Merriam block , ,
Berry Boxes. Youinlenn1man & Co. , 162 ihwy.
Irving hotel , 759'di ; rated , $1.50.
FOR SALE-GoodisecOnd-hend bicycle at
it hargaio. Call at-The. B.o.oihl.e , Council
Bluffs. ' .ntm s
Iron-clan potat&sIXlti & be'st , . 70 cents per
bushel. Bar.tiI , , . .
, , .Y-ttnr , . , . t. . ' " - . ' ' 'Yl
'liltn1i , PflIMulmiIlIr Case.
MASON CITY1 Ta. , May t8.-Special.- ( )
Acting under instructions of the State Board
of health , the body of tine late Edward
Hughes has been exhumed anti the stomach
sent to Prof. Ilaines of Chicago for chemical
analysis. Hughes died very suddenly April
17. The attending physician , on death cer-
( ideate , gave heart failure as the probable
cause. Since hughes' death ( acts have do-
velop&1 throwing strong suspicions which
will warrant immediate action as soon as
flames' report is received. Hughes carried
a $2,000 life policy with the Knights of
Maccabees and $1,000 in the Northwestern
of Milwaukee , both of which have been paid.
Hughes was married about twelve years
ago and left a widow and a son aged 11
Coiigressioiitml CohmteMt Is On.
BURLINGTON , Ia. , Mtty 78.-Special.- ( )
The nomination of Thomaa wedge in the
republican congressional convtntion to sue-
cccii Sam Clark is now regarded as certain.
ills principal opponent was Judge Stutsman
of this county , and it was SUpposed that
Stutsrnao could beat hedge In henry county ,
but ho failed. Ativices from Lee , Louisa ,
Jefferson and Van I3urcin counties indicate
tmat fledge will have the best of the contest ,
anti that Colonel William Bell of Washington -
ton will have no following outside of his
own county. Hedge's friends here now coin-
fidontly predict that he will be nominated
I by acclamation ,
iit'iiiorinl % Vintlowe ltt'ci'iyei ,
WATERLOO , Ia. , May 28.-Spocial.- ( )
The work of placing memorial windows in
St. Mary's church is now under way. In
all twenty-nine pieces were received , everyone -
one donated by a member or me'mbers of the
church. There are ten large side windows
and the balance are distributed in other
smaller openings. One large piece is
designated a birthday window , and will
occupy a promInent place in the front of the
bulldummg over the main entrance , It was
obtained by family contributions , each one
gIving 1 cent for each year of thmcir lives.
The bill for these windows amnotmmnts to
about $700.
% 'hieii St''Iiuj , Maclsitir's Vere 111gb ,
WEBSTER CITY , Ia. . May 28.-Special. ( ) ,
-Time safe vjtult of the Woodruff office in
this city , wimich baa been in use for the last
thirty-five years , has never been cleaned
out of time acedmulat d papers for thirty
years until yesterday , when it was given a
horouglm overImqulin sopo rare curiosities -
ties were unicarthed j44 receipt was found
for time first sowin m 4imine ever brotmghmt
to hamilton countyj was Imurchased by
P1111' ' Millard , who 1sJJJJ with the IVoodruff
company , anti aiateJ price paid for the
machine to be $268 , Mummy stamps of antique
date and foreign denominations were found ,
. ' : i _ _ _ _
Ihtisihy Thriied ,
ATLANTIC , Ia. , May 28.-Spcclai ( Tide-
gram.-W ) , II , Woo4iJrd , photographer ,
while looking at a flash-light picture , bath
his face severely uned and may lose
his eyesight , .5
Nearly all republican townships anti ciny
wards in Case county held caucuses today
or tlmis evening. There were two caudi-
dates for conmressjonai honors from tiihm
county , lion. U. Gm tiurtie anti lion , Silas
\\'ilson , Time f rmcr twill be tIme cotlinty's
choice. '
m3l' 'I'rude of I'roperiy ,
GLENWOOD , Ia. , hilay 28.-Speciai-A ( )
ilg trade was made here ( mis week when
Ii. F , holbrook traded to B. A. Shols 9f
Corning a fine farm located nemtrhfenderson
and consisting of 346 of the finest acres In
the county , 320 acres of Dakota laud anti
160 acres of Kansas moth for a brick store
building , a $7,000 stock of dry goods anti
two dwellings valued at $3,000 and $2,000
respectively , located in Viii isca , together
with a cash consideration of sufficient
amount to make the irado balance.
. , - -a- - - - ' ' _ _ _ _
Are You Ready
for the great' exposition opening-Have your home
looking neat and tidy-Let youi friends froiii , a distancel
see the city looking its best. '
SvVe are prepared to paper your rooms and decorate hCrn iI
. a tasteful manner-'sVe vi11 sell you the latest designs i ' .
wall paper for
a roll and upwards-This enables all to 'put their homes
S shape at a miiimurn cost-Come and see us and get
our figures and examine our large stock of wall paper.
108 South Main Street
- - - _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _
Supreme Oourt Sustains the Decision of the
Lower Court.
liliTcet of tile leeislon is to Make Gem'
eriml l'rhine Colonel of tIle
Flfty-'i'hiiruI louts
Voiuiitccrii ,
DES MOINES , May 28.-Spcclal ( Teic-
gram.-Tlme ) famous Prime-Guest case was
disposed of by the supreme court today , but
the Public is to be denied tine particulars I
that are furnished by a written opinion.
Tine six judges were divided equaiiy on the
case , donsequently no opinion was flied and
the public is left in the dark as to time
IMints upon which they failed to agree. A8
a result of this state of affairs time decision
of time lower court stands afliramed ,
Tine details of the case arc well known ,
Tine troubie arose over tue election for
brigadier general of tine FIrst belgado of
the Iowa National' Guard held February 24 ,
1S96. It wai , determined that no cammdidate
re'ei"etl a majority of the votes cast and
a second election was ordered to be held
oil March 25 , 1896. The last election re-
suIted in John K. Prime receiving a majority -
jority of the votes cast , and upon that an-
noumncement suit was brought in the courts
to compel the issuance of a certificate of
1ection to James A. Guest , on the ground
thnat he had been duly elected at the time
otf.tht.frq ) olecton. On Januay .9 , 1St7 ,
Judge Spurner of''Polk dounty district
issued an order of mandamus directing
and commanding defendants to re-canvass
time result of the election held March 25 ,
1806 , and to count for each of the respective -
tivo candidates for such office 'of brigadier
general all the votes appearing by said cc-
suits to have been cast for such candidates ,
IncludIng the previously rejected , anti to
issue a commission in accordance therewitin
in due form as prescribed by law. Fronm
this action of the lower court an appeal was
taken , with the result as already described.
The effect of the decision will , in the
opinion of military circles , make General
Prime colonel of tine Fifty-third Iowa volun-
The record of the supreme court shows
time case of Ford against Dunmore from the
F'ifteenthm district to have come to tine same
end as was reached by the Prime.Guest case
today. It too , resulted from a cointested
election and the supreme judges became
deadlocked as to the merits of the case. No
written opinion was filed anti the decision
of tine lower court was allowed to 'atamti ,
TIme dtstrict court has appointed d. H.
, Layiuan receiver for the 3d. Riegelnnamm Mu-
linery company , which faihed for $100,000
hero last week , and has appointed Iienm'y
Riegclmao manager. itiegeiman was flr3t
appointed receiver by tine court hut was removed -
moved ui'onn the petition of large creditors ,
Now time creditors have protested migaimmet
hirm being nnndo manager , as they daunt that
piatiell' mnakes him receiver. 'rime cast
wlli ho decided next 'ruesdy. :
.An order was issnmed iim time district co.mrt
todmv ; commanding time famnous tietsey Smith
to appear in court next Thursday for retrial -
trial on the chnrmrgo of murdering her Inns-
band. In the original trial she received a
life sentence , but after serving several years
the sttprcme court ordered a new trial. Corni
Snnitlm , her daughter , who , after her mother
bath served several years , confessed to time
muarder and is now serving a life term for
tine samd crime , Is ordered to appear and
testify , Whom : Corn confessed she was liv-
log in Onimaita auth was in one of the sport-
log houses ,
Time Fifty.second Iowa , Colonel IV. ii ,
hlumpinrey' ' comnwandimig , left for Chnlcka-
mnauga today. , , Tiie fIrst battalIon left cmi
the Chicago , Burllmmgtomm & Quimncy , time sec.
end on the Great Western and time third
pa the Milwaukee. All go through Chicago.
'Fine comfiainie $ in the reginment ard : A of
Mason City , 13 of Perry , C of Wobtcr City ,
I ) of Hampton , II of llull , F of Aigonma , 0
of Fort Dodo , II of Sioux City , I of ( leone ,
Ic of Emnmetsburg , L of Sioux City aimd M
of Cherokee , The special trains were rimn
out to tine camap grounitls at Camp McKinley -
Kinley and tim going of time tiaope was
attended with no especial demnmnnstration ,
Before leavinmg tim men were paid In Still
for their services to date , $16,706 being ro
quirei ,
? , lissloillsr , Cilifi'r'iicc ,
WATERLOO , Jim , , May 28.-Special.-On ( )
May 31 antI June 1 the Upper Iowa conference
of the Methodist church will hold a mass
missionary cotmerence at Waterloo , mind it is
expected a large number will be in at-
tentiance. Dr. J. 0 , Van Ness , former
pastor of the First church of this city. Is to
address time convention mm Wednesday afternoon -
noon , It will be quite an important gather.
lag and Bishop Joyce will be tIme speaker
on Wednesday ovenning.
Fonijuids ( u.tiiretl.
CIIF3ROKEE , Ia. , May 21.-Special- ( )
The two negroes who held up anti robbed
the tmm'o young fellows near here yesterday
were captured near Cieghorn about 4 o'clock
in the afternoon ,
hiezmy linitifuil.
VILLISCA , Ta. , May 28-Speelmtl.-Bo- ( )
tween 4 p. m. yesterday and 4 a. in. today
occurred the greatest rairmfail here tinis year ,
The meadows are thorouglmly soaked , help-
log the grass crop very much. About 4:0 :
P. ln. ilglmtmmling struck an oiti building owmmetl
by Mr. Jones and mantle it lively for the
fire company for a tixmme , as it was imear soimmo
of time beet btmilt.hings of time city.
Ii l.rht SeIi.ud Griiiliiitl Cs.
. RED OAK , In. , May 28.-Special.-Tino ( )
annual exercises of the fleti Oak higlm school
graduating class occurred last nIght. Thmo
class was commmposed of twenty girls and tour
boys , Conspicuous anmommg the class were
tvo young Inca wimo wore time ummiterni of time
Uimited States army. They were Clarence
Lnmmmb amid C. IV. Ross. Botin yomimng inca
wore givomm a leave of absence fronm Camp
McKinley tlmat they mmmight commme home anti
gratluato before they left for the frommt.
.ttt-iii'tt'i SimlIle ,
MARSIIALLTOWN , Ia , , May 28.-Spe- (
clal.-Dan ) Higgins , a tilesolute character of
'imis city' tmttempted stilcltie today by shootIng -
Ing lnimself thmroughm the head. lie will cc-
cover ,
Icejys for the Am'.miy.
WASHINGTON , May 28.-Special ( Tele-
gram.-Tlme ) following army orders are
issmietl :
Major harry C. Flint , First infantry ,
North Dakota volunteers , mayIng teimdored
his resignation on account of disability , is
mustered out of service. Sccoimtl Lieutenant
Jolmn F. Preston , jr , Sixtecimthm infantry ,
wheim relieved from duty at Fort Spokane ,
IVash. , will proceed to join mis regiment.
Leave of absence granted Second Lieutenant -
ant Arthnur IV. Yates , Niimtim infantry , is
extended one month on surgeon's certificate
of disability.
The following assignments of judge advocates -
cates United States volunteers are ordered :
Lieutenant Colonel John A. huh will report -
port to General John 5. Coppinger , Ummited
States volunteers , , Fourth arnmy corps , for
duty as judgeadvqcate o that. corps , 'First
Lieutenant Guy ii. Prestoo , Ninth cavalry ,
is relieved from his present duties anti will
proceed to Join his regimeint. Liehitomnant
Colonel Carlee ! H. Ribble , judge advocate
United States volunteers , recently appoInted ,
will proceed to Chnickamauga National Park
and report to Major General James F. Wade ,
Third arnny corps. First Lieutenant Samuel
IV. Dunning , Sixteenth infnntri' will report
to Colonel John N. Andrews , Twelftim infantry -
fantry , president of the examumming board
appointed to meet at Tampa , Fin , , for ox-
aminatlon as to hIs fitness for promotion.
First Lieutenant Richard C. Croxton , First
intantry is relieved from duty with time
national guard of Virginia anti will join mis
The following oflicers will report to Lieutenant -
tenant Colonel Henry C. Hasbrouck , Fourtim
F artillery , president of time ecamlnlng boartl
appoiimtetl to meet at Fort Monroe , ITn. , for
examination as to fitness for promotion :
Captain Charles L. Davis , Tenth infantry ,
Captain hIugln 0. Brown , Twelftlm infantry ,
First Leiutenant David C. Shanks ,
Eighteenth infantry , First Lieutenant Aim-
drew S. Rowami , NIneteenth lmmfaimtry , See-
ommd Lieutenant Arthur IV. Yates , Nintlm infantry -
fantry , Second Lieutenant Ralph if. Vande-
moan , Twenty-first infantry , Second Lieutenant -
tenant Frank A. Wilcox First infantry.
The following officers will report to Cob-
nd Johin A. Auclrews , Twelfth infantry ,
vresidcnt of the hoarti to meet. at Tanmpa ,
Fin , , for examination as to their fitness for
promotion : First Lkmutennnnt Frederick T.
VainLiew , Second infantry , First Lieutenant
Gcorge II , Patton , Twenty-secointb infantry ,
Sccoimi , Lieutenant John F , 3in'iden ' , Flfthn
Tine following transfers are made in time
Ninth cavalry : Captain Matthias IV. Iay ,
fromim troop ii to troop I. , ; Captain Walter L.
Finley , from troop Ij to troop B ,
i'rivato Fred Strong , company C , Twenty-
secommd infantry , now in conflumeinent at
Fort Crook , Nob. , wIno tbeiterted July 29 , 1897 ,
and surrentlereti April 26 , 1198 , is restoreti
to duty without trial upon condltlotm tlnat
inc make good the time lost by desertion ,
l'rlvate Strong will be sent to tIne stationer
or lila regiment , Ttmmpa , Fla. , mmmnnl will cc.
Inert tliOi1 lmls arrival to tIme commanding
oflicer of time regiment for duty with lila
company ,
tiiI ' % % 'liitI Stun. , ,
SCANDIA , Icon. , May 28.-Special.- ( )
Late yestertlmmy evctnlng a storan came imp
from tine southeast. There sceimmed to lie
coinflicting currents of all , and in about tell
malinutos after the rain coinmnencotl falling
( ho wind veered into tine southwest very
suddenly anti with terrific force , then witin
lncreimseb , force it caine fronm time wc t , nail
tbemm.febl back into tine sommtlnwcint. Inn tine
Space rif less time thatm it takes to tell about
it tue worst was over , In time towli imimro tIne
ilatimage done is summel up in signs blown
down , higint lmuiltilimgs overturneth , lojis of
shatlo trees twlsteti ammil broken ninth fences
blown down. IVest frolim townn several
etmmpty cribs wcro wrecked , trees broken
down armil a few buildings movetl a little.
But east and northeast the storan spent its
streimgthm , totally wreehiimg two large barns ,
moving anti twisting' several others , and a
Mr. Vohlen's dwellIng wan torn to Imieces.
Mrs.'olien being considerably , but not
seriously , bruised , and a wagon was carried
, frwiTwt . i-V1 r
. '
, ir
4:11w. : Pangle , M.D.
TuB 00dm ) S.t.MARITAN
flcasIer of D1HC8NCN of' stcm aiid
'vs. osim Cli ,
World's lIun'bnti I ) ispensairy of' Mcd icim'i , .
I CURE-Catarrh. of Ifead , Thnmat amid
1.utigs , 1)iseaea or lye anti Ear , Fits and
Apoplexy , heart , I.iter and iCidno ) ' llseases ) ,
Diabetes , hirIgint's iiscite ) , St.'ittis iltimce )
tthietnimatismmi , Scrof'ilti , Uropsy etircil witlmomn
uiippiiig , Tulle \'orinM removed , cii cinrommia
Nervous and Private fllsec ,
_ young antI
fl4lD1UJED imilthtilc ugixl rmmcn ,
Only Phyicfninn mvtio cam
withomnt destroying teeth and bomnes. No men.
etmly or POison itmlrm5raI used.
rue otniy i'imysicinmin who calm tell what aug
you withmotmt , askiing a questiumm.
Tiiostm at a distance send for qtnestiou
blank. No. I for men ; No. 2 for womctm.
All oorreponiiCimco strictly coiiildenntial ,
Medichmco sent by cprem8 ,
, Atl".rcss all letters to
G. W. PANGLE , M. D. ,
fi5 Iirotidwsiy , COUNIL BLUFFS , IA.
'Send 2-ceint , atamu for ionIc.
- -1
to time expositiomm openuimg'elI , hmere'e.
a Imointer , You will wammt soinethniiig to
eat , drink or a good cigar. You will find
theni all rigimt in the center of the city
at the
418 Broadway , Council Bluffs.
Evorythning neat , denim and prices reasonable ,
Gas and
IcL Gasoline
: :
CIII OS UI Ot' write roe prices and descriptloflV ,
DAV.1l ) iiiteAliEiY & 00. .
Councli liltiffs , lawn.
lands for .itio or rent. 1ay & ties' , iS Vein
.tn. .
I'AS'I'hJltJtCII for 25 hitnmtl tiC 1oelc lii liar.
risoi , county , or will rent vastmlre coiitttin-
big 100 acres. 13 , Ilagg ,
a dIstance of bun or twelve rods and twieteti
nmimd broken , Mr. llultmnaii'n dweilling was
wrecketi emiL of here , his sun sustaimmiag
eomnsiderablo injtmry ahiout the hie'ntl. A fence
Pmst was carrieti across the imlglnwimy imtmtl
harts of tIme wootlwork of ttiu house were
carrIed nearly half a jililim , A tour of the
nclgiihiorimootl swept by tine stormin idioms's in
all sovcmmteeim lmiiiliiignm nmoro or lees wrecked
ammil ( our completely torni to ideces. About
three inches of water fell in twenty main'
I FJd'ii3'I' SA 11,5 AVA Y PiIM CADJZ ,
I i'.it iii the1'lm's ( Ft'mv hays
lii iii' , , sun .sw mit Simis ,
MAIItID , May 28.-ft Is otliclaily an-
XmOUhiceil that time Spniiishn reserve aquadron ,
I cotnmantieti by Athnniral Camar , Inus heft
, Cmlix. Before going to its destination the
aauatiron svlli intmnctmver , probably for soy-
I oral ilays in time opeim sea , ttfterwnrnI inn-
moth I atel y atti I i ii g for I lie I'hm ii II'Iii ' mm I ala tide ,
Cuba or time United States , as time government -
mont may jutigo most opportune.
Tlio squadron is understood io ho corn.
poseti of ten to twelve vessels.
- - - . - - - -
- - - - - . - - . - - - - - - - - - -
- -A
Council Bluffs , Iowa.
Jobbers o
Selling Agentns
JOt , ( ) tgzsra , (3v Cigar. . ,
_ . .
i - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - .
. . - . - - " - , ' ' _ _ JI'
- " - -