- - . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - - - - - - - . r - - I . . 1F&4.J IIIAJAJoLU.L. . * J.it.L , ftZt.I - - , - - - - - - - - _ - ' _ _ _ - - - ( CIETY IS hELD IN CI1ECIi _ . - q- Preparations for Welconihig Expition Visitors Are All Oomp1et. t.AST WEEK ONE OF SMALL FUNCTIONS I'entile SfltIMt ) TJirlN'IeN , " lot Very hIet1i In tIat % % 'flT lit IitcrtnIii- zupilt Iirliig tilt. Dnii Ie- $ tore tlip ( Zrciit 1)n. The opening o the TranmlsIIpp 1x- yoIUon 'will ftfld Omaha society quite at home. welt iirepare4 to entertain In honor of the straner * that nrny come within our grte8. The establishment of the Country club ha been Hornc11nt C1RYCL but tboc other Important nlJunct8 to local oelcty. tlio Ititling club aiul ( ho Golf clUb , are flow In full swing , and the outtloor lleaauro of ( lie fiulilonablc I fably well provIth for thu next few months. l3otli of these clubB lia o contributed not a little to the oclat lIfe'of the first set t1urln the past tort- iilglit. Of Ituloor nmcnltlos there have bn hut few , arni ulmo3t none that might be terineti aotnble. Thu reception of Mr. flhirdon W. 'tVnttlc5. prckeut of th' po3Itlon ill. rectory , to the dIstIngulMIlcIl cxposlttoii vlltor lii the city on 'rhuridny ovciimn a brilliant nffalr , anti fittIngly openeth the erlc of socIal functlon9 concomitant 'with thu great fair all have o eagerly waited for during , tim last two yeart. -t of mari7lng nn giving in marriage there ) iac been qultu a bit , enoughi to aatlsfy ( lie rnot lnhcfatlgahle Cupid. 4nd still there's nioro to follow. Tim flethflrlth-Iioey nine- ringo will take vlnco on Wednesihay : the Willlnnis.flaker wedding hht be solem- nizeth on the name ( late. 'Fhie 1togers-Mll- laril ohiptIals will occur on attirtlay , aii though they will be witnesseit by only a few the reception following will be one ef the swell' events of the season , The I'ar- Ishi-hiurburit wedding Is reported to he scheduled for an early ( late , and vlll help nil out the list of June weddings to a con- siderublo length. The martial Bplrlt i still rife among society circles. but it Is patent to thic most casual observer that nil ( lie heroes have not gone to war , nor are all the true heroines Lit the front na members of the Red Cross society. Thicro are a nunibet of young men who belonged to one of the local companies anti dearly vitiitc to go to but the support of a mother , or sister , or other stern duty kept them hero , antI those who know honor theni for their action. Legion l the name of the young heroines In Omaha , alit ! sliouhi the war coiitinuo any length of time it is an assured fact that much aid and relict work will orlg- mate ( rout Omaha. There is one young woman in Omaha , one of the Prospective tlebutantes of next season - son , vlio was the heroine of an incident on the occasion of the Omaha Guards' going through the city. 11cr generous little act was not known until one of the soldier boys wrote back to a frIend about it. The fair young woninn has a brother In the Guards , anti as she was bound down to the station to bid him goodbye a neighbor gave her some cigars to give to her soldier brother with his compliments. She took them along with no other thought iii mind. flut when sIte reacheil the traiii abe gaw hie o\n brother quite surrounded with a number of friends who were bestowing various hinds of nrosents on him. Going toward him she met another soldier boy , who was all alone and plainly disconsolate. SIte reco11nizett him as an Omaha High school boy. who had iicither father nor mother , nor brothers nor Sisters. She really wanted to get over to see her own brother , but she stopped short antI said : "Why , hello \Vill ; what nrc you loohing so blue about ? " 0h1 , nothing much , only it made inc feel kind of bad to see nil these clown here to . - set , ( lie other boys pIT , and nobody cares anythIng about me. " "Why , they do , I caine down to see you. " "You ? You came down to see me oft ? " To make her words good the generous ! j girl lromptl7 vressed the package of cigaia that had been given her for her hrothcr Into the hands of the surprised , almost dazed , 3'outhi. Then hie said : "Yes , rahly , I enmo down to see you. I thought , ver- liaps , no one else would. And I brought you these cigars to smoke on ( lie trip. " \Vlien ( lie train IUhiel out the irnor orphiaji boy , who had hind ito such kind words sPoken to lilni for many a long day , was on the car stCIsraving his hand to his benefactress. It was a story she laid told biiii , ( or she hail had no other thought in $ mind going to ( lie train than to say goodbye - bye to her own brother , but surely It was hot U wicked story , anti there were at least two souls itiade happy by that little "white lIe. " Ilet'i'ip iiiii ut 11 rVitt tIes' lloiie , ri The reception glvcii by Mr. GtirtloiiV. . \'attlcs on Thursday evening at his home to the inonibers of the lionril of Management of ( lie Government building at ( lie exposl- tion , tIme menibers of the state cominissiomi , representatives of the states who are at Itresent in the city and a number o Omaha friends , vroved to the satisfactiomi of fIb guests that some omen are just as cnlnblo I of giving elegant entertaitiniemits as any IkiCililiers of the fair sex. Although jewels , laces nhit.1 Slilcemi trains were conspicuously absent , the white brilliancy of the expanstvu fronts and tile graceful cut of the svalIow- tails made very good substitutes , Mr.Vat - tIes i'ns assisted In entertaining by Messrs. Reed , Babcock. hitchcock and Kielcentlali. As the guests entered the beautiful hall of the new resitlence they were greeted by strains of entrancing iiiiisic comlnir from nit orchestra hlthileii behind a screen of paIiu. The ball ipautci was heaped with jack roses allil ferns , la Fi-iiiict , roses were scattered iii great Profusion through the parlors , The decorations of the dining room were red , Mi liniucimse niounil of red roses graced the ceiitor of the lohisiieil iilnhogmiiiy table and I hero elegant refreshments were served , I hiugem lillilehi howl wreathed with American beauties OccilpIeti a place of honor In thin I billiard rooni on the third floor , Somewhat Over 200 guests were present. 'Y4.iiI iligN iiiiul IimgngeiiieiItN , I Time mimmirrimigo of Miss Fmirahm Iflhlbouso I liowen , daughter of Mr. anti Mrs. " , Villimi'mi ' it , lIoi'vmm , to 11ev. Charles IIerbrt Young of I this city , vihl be SOlelililizeil at St , liarimabas CII I 1.1) % 'lt lCICS , CuulMt'd lm , hjrisursiiit SeI'et of L'itiiil , One of the macst Divine traits in nina- khmitl is the love for nuLl carti of thu little fuhks. To furnish theiii good , nourishing boil is to supply the u herewith to build the little bodies into hiealthi amid sturdy much nail women. Pmirente who thoughtless- I ) ' give Coffee to growing children will see thin day when they vouhtl give anything on earth to ho rid of the regret for the wek- ness ammil frequent sick spt'his of the ehiilit- reii caused by the alkaloids of coffee. ( live time children l'ostum Food Coffee , ( lie fa- ilbous food drluk which goes directly to nourish and streiigthii'ii child or adult , and when In after ( hays you glory in their streilgihi nail ability. you can remember witli undo that your intelligence anti cairo about thau food and drink in their childhood - hood immndo the sturdy imaeai amid women they are. it is criminal to be careless , It imays vshl to give claUd.M zwurisbing liquid loud JiIu l'ostuzn. ' Protetant 1piscoimal church Ofl Timihty 1mornlng , June 7 , at lO3O ociock The wedding of Miss Coca Ilecker , dnurh- ter of Mr. and 1rm , George IJecker , to Mr. Samuel Wcrtheimer of Omaha , will be sol- ernnis.I on Vedneitdny evenlng .ltmno 1 , at Gho ; : o'clock at Metm-opoiitnn hall , 'rime wedding of Miss ithltli Ihmker to Mr Dwight W'llllnms will take place at ( lie henmu of the brido' sister , Mrs. W. hi , hllackmnar , 2020 North Thirtieth atreet. on Wednesday of thia week , TIme ceremony will ho verfornied by ltov. rramak A. Var- flehti , Mr. % 'aiter Ambloim of'hiconstn nail Mrs. l' . S. hamilton were mnnrrlml cmi \Veihaies.hny afternoon by Itey. Jacob hook. A reception was hehil in the tivening at the resitlemmee of the bridu's sister , Mrs.V. . 0. Mathews. Mc , nall M8. Amidon heft Friday evening for Vlscommsin , where they will nmnke their homo The wedding of Miss l'ermi Marty. daughter of Mr. and Mis. F , Marty of 2.7G Ilarney street , to Mr. Paul Meier of Veat l'oint , Neb. , vtts solemnized cmi Thursday afternoon at the residence of the brido's parents. fley. m1nma of South Onmahut lerformed the cere- money. Miss Louise Metz was maid of honor. amid Mr. i"red Marty wittended the grown as best aman , Mr. and Mrs. Meier left for their new hiomi' at Weat Point , Ncb. . soon attem' ( lie Wedding. No cards were is- milled , The wedding of Miss Elizabethi 1.ceclcm' of thus city to Mr. flay Cook of Coulicil Illuft's occurred on Vccinesmiay last at the hiame of the bride's parents , 1131 North Eighteenth street. The ceremony was perfornieti by Roy. A. 3. Turkle , and was witnesseil by only a few friends and the families of ( lie contracting Parties. TIme bride wore a iretty Frelicha gown of white and carried bride roses , Au elaborate supper followed the ceremony. Mr. anti Mrs. Cook nr en. joying an eastern trip. iiitorl ailli ilielliM of ( lie ' .Ycek. Mrs. Gaines emitertained a number of fricntl5 In a ilchlgiatfiti ananner yesterday afternoon , Mrs. Adisomi Carter was at home to the Wonmen of ( lie First Congregational church on Friday afternoon. Mrs. F : . A. Cudahy entertained In her Usual charming manner , a few friends at curtis on Monday ovening. Mrs. E. \ ' . L'tinoreaux entertained Thursday - day amid Friday afternoons , some thiirty4lve guests being present ilpomi each occasion. Mr. and Mrs. George Becker are enter- taming a house party. The gUests nrc assembled - sembled to attend the marriage of their daughter. Mrs. Dr. Counor entertalijed on Saturday evening a few friends very intormaIhy in honor of her guest , Mrs. Edward S. Noble of Sioux City , Ia. Ni's. George W. LoOmis gave a pretty dinner party on Thursday ovenin , Covers for eight were laid , Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Shtiliagton of 3921 North Twenty-drat StTeet , entertained a high five iiarty pa Weilncsaiay evening. About fifty guests were present , Mrs. ltlngwnlt gave an afternoon tea yesterday for the Guild of St. Barnabas church. It was one of ( lie most delightfuL oiitertaiiiniemits of the 'eck , Mrs. Euclid Martlam 360S Jackson street , gave a green and white luncheon on Thmurs- day afternoon iii honor of her guest , Mrs. \v. it. Dunn. Twenty guests wue presemit. Mr. nnd Mrs. McCoy were at home to their friends emi Saturday cvenimig at 4018 Clinches street , The house was decorated with red , white arid blue. Dainty refresh- . miients were served. Mrs. Henry \V. Yates entertained at a luncheon on Tuesday. The floral decorations sere of piiik roses and lilies of the valley , dainty build-painted ammo cards designating thu places of the guests. Mr. and Mrs.'hihiammj S. Howell enter- tallied at their home , 4021 Lafayette avenue , last Tuesday , Mr. Harry \'est of Des Molmies , In. , amid Mr. harry Vhitworth of Liverpool , Eng. Eng.Mrs. Mrs. I'edcrsemi of Thirtieth and Lake streets , celebrated her birthday anniversary on Thursday afternoon by giving an Informal luncheomi. Covers for eight were laid. An interesting musical program was given. Mrs. Henry W. Yates gave a pink and white ' luncheon emi Tuesday afternoon , The guests' cards were beautifully hand-painted Iii % 'ater-colors amid were retatned by ( ho guests as souvemiira , Covet's were laid for sixteen. Mrs. George' Wareham entertained at a floral Kensington last Thursday aftormioon , about forty guests being present. Imi ( lie contest for honors Mrs. Ferguson won , while Mrs. Holbrook contented herself with the consolation prize. A very pleasant tiancing party of the week was that given by the choir of All Saints' l'rotestamit Episcopal church at Macand's on Friday evenimig , Mesdanies Baldwin and l'atriek served as Patronesses of time affair. About forty guests were present. Rabbi and Mrs. Framikhiu entertained the comilirnintion class at Temnphe Israel at their home on Tuesday evening. A number of ammmusing gaines were played : those winning iarizes were : Elsie Goetz , Charles Pregler , Stella Brandies and Charles Kopahd , A surprise party was given to Mr. Nels Climistenson , 1112 North Twenty-third street , oIl Saturday evenIng , to celebrate his birthday - day anniversary. A large crowd of friends ere present , and they danced until a late hour. Mr. Christensen was presented with a watch , halii and a ring , Mrs. Lamoreaux of 1906 North Twenty- olghmtht street , entertained her friends at a musical amid a "Burlesque Study in Art" emi Thursday afternoon , Music was furnished - nished by islesdames Lees , Shiram , Tales amitl Oclmlltree , It was thoroughly enjoyed by all hresent , I'rizes wore secured by Mcsdnmes Shepard and Drake. Mrs. Clifford South gave a luncheon Wednesday lam honor of Mrs. Jmtiiiemm Cooper Ayres of Washmington , The table decoratiomis were exceedingly pretty , artistic and spring- like iii greemi amid white. A lianilsonmo sit- ver loving cup , filled with carnations anl mmiaiilemi-liair fern , silver caimdelabra bore candles of green , ammil ribbons of green taffeta extemmaleal from the editor to ( lie corners of the table. Mrs. John Kmiox , 1029 Georgia mtvemiime , en- tortaiimcd ( lie Ilarammny hUgh Five club on Saturday ovemilmig. It was a very patriotic party. The national colors were in evitlemicu everywhere , oven in the ice cream anti cake , Cards were lilayed until a hate hour. The fIrst women's prize , an elegant bronze frammio , was won by Mrs. W'ood ; the secomid prize , a poster sofa pillow , imy Mrs. Goodrich. Mr. \\'ooil carried off time first gentlemmian's prize , a miietal ash tray. Thu weekly jaummt of the ltiiling chili last Sceek Included a trill to Council Ilhuif' amid a supper afterward. It has beeii ali'idt'il to hmiv a ride every Thursday evening alurimig the stmmnmiior , time ridcrmi nsscmnbiimmg at time house of Miss ilessio Towle. MISs liesslu Yates lius been chiosemi captain of tIme ltldimmg club and will select the route for t'ah trip. Thio other olilcem's of ( lie club Include ( ho following well known young society iiiimeli : h'rosldemit , Miss Grneo Allen ; vice president , Miss flessie Towlu ; sccretar' , Miss hiizabethm I'cck ; treasurer , Miss Alice An'lrecsen , Time Forest 11111 Whmist cliii ) was qntor- tamed last \Vealnesday by Mrs. George C. Smmalthi , at her pleasant hiommac cam Park \\'lId avemiuc , A novel score card was given to each guest lii the form of a flag , anti large silk Ilags vero givemi as prizes , Mrs Itn immor , Airs. Ilarnaral , Miss Cole and Mrs , hailer received prIces in time order nmameil , Thio last , a booby , was a Shauiehm flag , 'F he refreslimnemata also represemiteil ( lie roil whmlte mumil blue. A tiummihaur of patriotic airs were playeti tlurlmmg time afternoomi , amid ( lie vommmema mimarchieil through thau varlors to the strains of "DIxie" and "Yankee Doodle , " Tim receptiomi given by the l'aremmts of time contlrmmmants of 'Femnide Israel , at Metro- hmolitmui hall , on lrhilmiy afteraoomm , was emma of ( he most eimJoymmhlo affairs of the week , ihablil amid Mrs. Leo 1al , Franklin were us- 515(13(1 ( iii receiviimg by Messrs. amid Mcsdauics hirammalics , Calm , toetz , Gohtinmaim , Gotheimnor , hiiiler , Kopalil , Levy , Mandelberg , Meyer , Prt'gler ammal time youthful eonilrmnints. 1)ur- him the hours devoted to time receptIon aim orchestra , statiommed hehmimiil a beautiful screen mmmnde up of Amnericami flags and liotted plants , discourseti sweet music. The decor a- tions in the imarlors cairieil out time color echienic , amid were green anal whilte , Time bank of Itahmns at time cmiii of thu parlor forimied an agreeable background for the whmlto-clait clmiltiremi. Ilefreshiments were served in the dimming mama , which was beau- tifuhly decorated with smuliax amid roses. Time exquisite Imiexicau drawn-work table cover was festooneii with sumilax caught up with bunches of white roses , \'hile a large cut glass bowl filled withm roses occupied ( he center of the table , ropes of mutlax depended ( rein the hmiuma1chiem' te the taut nrmu'rs of the table. Thin costumes wcro ringant mmml the guests nmimmmbereml about i0O. 31it % c'it.vmtms of i'cnile. Miss Koimmitto was In flemiver Inst sceek. Mica Gertrtiiic Kountzu is visiting in len- Vem' . Mr. I.V. . lteehrr of Ctrmc'tnmmsti in a guest of Jr , Becker. 1iIss l'iscmnn of Slou' City , Is. , is a guest of Mrs. lianmi. Mr. and Mrs.'nmlce Lane have returned frommi Chicago , Mr. Mtschul of ( ' , liicago is a guest tmf Mr. Ocorge Ilecker. Mrs. iLnn will visit her old homo at Vale , la , , next veek , Mrs. Itlgm'hrnamm of 1)es Moines , Ia. , visited Mrs. Ihllher last week. Mrs. New of Chicago is a guess of Imer motlmer , Mrs. Now nina , Miss Carolina Johnson of SL Joseph is the guest of Miss hicasie Yates , Mrs. Benjamin S. Baker hmas been critically ills , but is now greatly improved. Mrs. Arthur C. Smith in entertaining her sister , Miss lhmnting of Boston. Miss hooker has returned from a pleasamit visit to Des Moines and Clcngo. Miss Hayward of N'brnska City will soon ho time guest of Miss Hattie Cady. MIss Kate Coulter of Iroquois , Cammathim , is a guest of Mr. mmiii ! Mrs. A. C. Adnimms. Mrs.'Ililer harding and Master George Iiardlmmg have returned from \'lnterset , Ia. Miss llmmttio Ciuly will entertain Miss Dixon of Nebraska City during the comlmmg week. Miss Emma Wihlinimis of CouncIl Bluffs was a guest of MIss hlessio Cowles time last week. Mrs. Iiermmstein of Chicago is visiting her sister , Mrs. Meyer , at ilul South Tenth street. Mrs. It. Morris of Wahoo , Nd , . , mien Miss } Cntharlno Cohiimms , Is at time "Shelton" for the summer , Mrs. Carl Steokel , formerly Miss Marie Case of ( his city , died last week at her home in Mmimlisomm , Ia. Mr. 0. B , Waliace of Monmouth. Ill. , wihi be time gimest of Miss Besslo Cowles dumriumg the coming reok. 11ev. haIr , and Mrs. Mammmi will ho time guests of Mr. amid Mrs. George Joslyn for time corn imig mnomith. Mm's. Jammies Ayres. s'ho has been tIme guest of Miss MeKenan , left Thursday for an oz- tended western triii. Mr. harry Lyman , who has completed a medical course in New York , has returned to Omrmaha for time summer. Mrs. Mary Holland Kimmkaial , formerly of Omaha amid noss' a resident of Denver , vis- iteil lriemmds hero last week , Miss \Vertlmelmer of Ligonler , Intl. , and Mr. Wertholmer of Buffalo , N. V. , are gtmests of Miss Corn Becker , Mrs. C. 0. Chnpmnami of Minneapolis , Mum. , is the guest of her mother , Mrs. Il. F' . Hooker at .103 South Twenty-fifth avenue. Mrs. W. I. . . Coakhey leaves this week for Colorado to renmain with her sister till Mr. Conkley returums frommi time i'hiliimplmie Islands. Mrs. Edssard S. Noble of Sioux City , Ia. , who hmmis beemm stoppimmg with Mrs. Conmmor , 532 South Twenty-fifth avemmue , has returned home. MISses Jennlo Sullivan ammd Lulu Largey , who have beemi thu guents of Mr. Crotghmton , loft for their home at Butte , Mont. , last Thursday. Miss Della High , principal of one of the 1)imblic schools of Hastings , Neb. , is visiting 11cr coimsimi , Mrs. Charles T , Thompson of 2112 Douglas street , Mrs. Isaac Battlmm , who has been visiting 1mm WashIngton and Atlantic City , Is now In Pimihmulelphila , She expects to return to Omaha about Jummo 15. Mrs. James Cooper Ayres of Washington , D. C. . who has been the gimest of Miss Mc- ICenna , heft Timtmriaday for Califorumia , where she wIll visit for sonic tIme. The maimy friends of Mrs. WillIam \Vom'- hind , nec Miss Fredericka llaimmril , of Worcester , Mass. , seth be pleased to learmi that she is time another of a son. Mrs. Jamnes Wallace Reynolds , mmcc MIss Brownie 3aumn , is now In Washington , I ) . C. , and will soon ho In Omaha to visit her par- eats , Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Baumim , Mrs. George Roberts , nec Miss Mabel Brown , will soon be here from tmmdependence ; Ia. , to be the guest of her father , Mr. Frank B. Brown , durlmmg the expositlomm. Mrs. S. Ilaigh of San Francisco , Cal. , arrived - rived In the cIty Fmiday to spend time summer - mer wIth her parcmmts , Mr. and Mrs. McBride at 3924 North Twemmty-nlnth street. Mrs. J. II % , Darneille of Cimathmam. Ill. , Is the guest of her daughter , Mrs. Edwaril v , Lewis In Kountzo Place. Mrs. Darmielile will remain in Omaha for several months. Miss Josephine Allen leaves thIs afternoon for a visit to the Oaklawn Stock farm , near Chicago , whmere she will attend time wedding of her school friend , MIss Nellie Dunlmam. Mrs. lii. L. Scovell of Shreveport , La. , who has been visiting her sister , Mrs. P. 0. Ilawea , left for hier homne last week , Ieavlmig Mrs. Ilawes , who has decided to remain In Omaha. Mrs. Z. T. LIndsey , MIss Ethel Evans anti Mr. Harry Limmdsey attended time wedding of Mrs. Lindsey's imephmew , Mr. Henry Evans Smmyder , to Miss JessIe Oldhmaimm In I'atts- nmouth on W'ednesclay evemmIng. Mrs. Spahlimig , sridow of the late Major Spahillng of the Fourth cavalry , was hast Week the guest of Mrs. J. F' . Barton , stop- pimmg on her way eastward from Cahiforimia , and resumnimig Imer journey on Friday. l''nN a res I a m'i'mINIa'e t. Time Forest 11111 Whilst club will be entertained - tortained by Mrs. George E. Barker cmi Juno 8. Mrs. Henry \V , Yates will entertain a numnhor of young women in hionor of Miss Anna Millard at 'a hi o'ciock ten on Monday. llirl , Seltoom Nilu.s. The Alumni hop wilt be givemi at Metro. politami hail 0mm Monday. The commencement exercises this year will be held on Saturday , Julie 19 , at the IiOyl theater , The baccalaureate sermnon svlhl be dcliv- ored by 11ev. T. J. Mackay at All SaIuts church on Juno 12 , Comminpmiy 2's new officers are : Misses Lila. Towar , eaptalna Louise Tukey , flm'st lieutenant ; , Phmoebe Smith , second iieutemiammt , Class Day exercises will ho held on \Veduesulay \ , June 7 , at time Ilighi school , 'rhiey will lie given iii the open air. _ Imistead of time imsimal class ProIhmecy there are to be tents nail gypsies to tell time future of the various mmmemnhors of ( ho class , ( ) M , % HA StIIIIlItitt , I ? . ' , . MD ii. Miss Margaret Safford returmiemi imomno ( corn her visit last Summilay evening. Services wihi be held at ( lie Methodist church this evenhumg at the usual hour. Time quarterly conferemmee svlll hold its PostPoned session next Thutmrsday evemmimig at tIme chmurch , Miss Lottie Snmlthm caine up frommi i'hatts- mouth last Saturulmmy ovemmimig anti is visltizmg with friends In Lhensomm , Mr. and Mrs. Jammmes A , howard omiter- tallied at tilmuumer a numimber of their friends at their home last week , Laurltz Jorgeson has beemm put on the list of mail carriers and George Such rec.Ived an nppointmmment as guard at the expositIon this sumnimmcr. Last Wedmiesday was time birthday anal- versary of Mrs. J , Nevlns , and tIme wommmen of the hrvlmmgtomm society svemmt time day at her homne , A vleasant time was hail and lumich was served , Time schools decorated each window of time different roonms with small flags lust Friday a week ago to celebrate flag day and the ( lags svlll ho left there , Iih'Itations ss'ere rec.civeii In Bensomi for time wetldhmmg of Claus Rohim amid AlIas Llmma Lars , to occur last Saturday evenlumg at the home of ( lie bride , who lives west of Benson. Moimilay ovemmimmg the Ladies' AId society will give ml supper and .eumtertainmneot at the town hall , A good program is prepared of music ammil recitatiomis wimleb will begimm at 8 o'clock , Supper from 6:30 : to 8 p. am , Miss Lilly Strigur was agreeably surprised by a number of her girl friends cahlimmg on her on Saturday , May 1 , It being imer birthday - day , A iileasant afternoon was spent by those lmreseum ( and hunch was served at 5 o'clock , Mrs. 0. Lawsen arrived in Benson last Sunday morning . irons Colorado , where sb I - - - - - - has hen for her health since last October She is mmmcli lmrqed and is on Tier way home While hth'd'the Is visiting her mils- ( or , Mrs. J. A. Morgan. Miss Dena CnriL4 of Omaha was visiting frIends hero Sat.mjmy nail Sunday. Mrs. Wiley Klng and mica went to To- kanmah b'aturahay-to visit relatives a few tiny , The water wes company pmmt on a large force of amen la1ng pipe Ia Omaha Momiday morning. - The Misses t'i'Mnkellnr of Fort Crook , eb. , were vlsitliTgd theIr varemmts ono day Lids week. Mrs. Luke Slnypsp anal daughter Ohio of Crescent , In , , mire visiting Mrs. Simpson's mother , Mrs. Voae- Time Modern \Yoodmen of America gave a supper on Thmnm'th y night In the lodge rooms in tIme cl1ihiI. A large Inrty btihme friends of Mrs. B. C. Ilass surprised her at Imer imonmo Saturday iilght , refreshmmncmmts beir.g served , Shmaime & Jackson are getting along slowly vithi their excavation at the water workd emu account of it being so soft , the water rmmnnitmg all ( ho time. Time Misses Foley of Omaha visIted with Miss l'rmlenee 'I'racy last cck. They syore on their way to Cnlhinin to ho iresent at the graduating exercises. TIme Ice cream scai given by the lady niembers of the Christian church Tuesday night was sveli attended , amid quite a sunm was realized , Time school entertalimunomit given by tIme imimimils of ( lie Public school last week was good. Each grade lmas work ( lint will ho limit omm exhibition at limo exposition. Mr. J , N. Bowlesof , Deliver. Coin. , was viii- itimmg with S. F. Sklnmmer , the ferrymnan , soy- oral days this week aimil left Sunday for Sloan , In. , where lie will visit relatives. Time Arctic Ice company finished shippIng time ice out of the ice house on time river that it bought from Icierl & Fouke , Tuesday of this week. It lisa shipped several cars from the house here at thu reservoirs recently. Framik Cox , wife amid daughter of Steator , Ill. , arrived Timursday. amid are visiting wIth time fanmily of hugh Suttle. Mr. Cox is the editor of time Streator Slftings , and' is hero looking over the exposition groummds , In the interest of hIs Paper. . The novelty q flt moton up by Mrs. Roy. nolds for ( he benetit of the Presbyterian chimmrcim is nearly flntshed , and is very unique. It is coniposed of blocks about twelve inches square , ammd each block commtalrms one or more advertlsemnents of Omaha firms. Dr. S. F. Tracy was called in time country , late Friday night , to attend Mrs. M. C. Mar- tinsen , who was seriously hitirt , Mr. anmi Mrs. Mnrtlnsen were on their way iiomno frommi town , when tlmey got stalled with their wagon. Mr. Martinsemi unhitched hIs teammi anti httchietl it to time hind end of the wagon , to iiull time wagon back. Mrs. Mar- ( insen was guiding time wagon by holding time tongue , wlmoii a sudden itmechi of time team jerked the wagon , time tomigue striking Mrs. Martiimscn , ImmJuriumg her seriously' internally. 1)iimiiiee , Mrs. 'tV. J , Fisher left with her chiiilremm last Saturday for a two months' visit to imer old borne iii Aiton , Ill. Mr. Fisher Is mmmnk- lag a business trip to Salt Lake City , Utah , mmd other western 'polmmts. A patriotic umeeting was held on Monday evenimmg at the school house , whiemi time people - plo of the village , old anti yoummg , caine to- getlmer to speak and sing In vraIse of "old glcry. ' . , , At tIme resldemmooef5Mrs. A. Ij. Stonecypimer on Friday eveutmg , the immemnhers of tIme Dundee Woman's club entertaimied their husbands amid a fess 'immvlteil ' friends , on the occasloim of thmefr nmtmmunl reception. Time house was beautlftmiiy decorated lam spirea anti other sprlng.flowers , amid aim attractive musical ammd literpry program was furnlsimed. One of the features of the evening was time wrttlng of teiegranms supposedly ( roan time seat of var , saul tcdegrammus being mnade up from certain desIgnated letters of time alpha- bet. This mmovelcontest was 'the cause of mmmueh inerrinmemmt ammr resulted In a display et original wIt apd wisdom.- .trtlstle' tJ'rIlig Sliver. Until June 15 , I xviii have displayed at my store , 215 S. 1ttlm street , aa assortment of Sterling SIlver tea cailmiles , crunmb trays ammd scrapers , sUgars dredge , berry ( iushicS , spooim trays , gravy boat mmmmd tray , cake baskets , bread trays , pmidillmmg , olive anti bomm homi dushme , salad dIshes , conipotlers and tea sets. Newest desigmms , heavy nail fimmohy fin- Islcd , Would be pleasel to Imavo you inspect - spect them. Henry Copley'ares of Gold amid Silver. 215 South 16th street. VETERAN FREE MASONS PLANS Loeui Meiibers Arrminmc for the Ito- uiiioii to lit" lieu ! in Ojimulin OIL .Jmmmme l'i. A meetlmig of time veteran Free Masons of Omaha was called on Friday night for thu purpose of arrammging ( or time cmmtcitammmnment of the veteran Free Masomms of Nebraska omm Jumme 14. On the morning of thic 14th time Omaha veterans wIll meet time visutmmmg veterans - erans and theIr wIves and daughters at Mn- sonic temimpie and take timemma to tlmc exposition - tion , Free ndrnusslomm will be afforded time visitors anti lunch will be sumpllcal to thorn on the exposItion grounds. It is expecteil that about 200 strangers will be cmmtcrtiineii durIng thmo day. At mmlglmt G. W. Lininger , nresldent of time Nebraska Veteran Free Masons. wIll entertain mit his home , and a addition to time veterans , nil omilcera of time grand lodge , wimljh eommvemmes on June 16 , will be immvited by Mr. Lininger to attend hIs reception. 'FiiiCmiliitilii. . One of tIme features of ( lie big exposition Mitiway Is concentrateii 1mm Chiquitn. the llv- lag doll , a woman of mature years , no larger thmmmm an infammt in its mnotlmer's arms. CimI. ( julta was born at 3latanzns , Cuba , December 14 , 18ti9 , amid is amow over 28 years of age. 11cr Imeight Is but. twemmty-six inches. She is well educated anti reilmmed , She has been In flits coummtry but a little over two years , auth in that tIme has been Idolized by many people. 11cr fathmer was a wealthy iilammtor In Cuba anti 1mm no way would ho coamsent to his daughter leaving honmo until forced to leave at ( lie commnemmcenmont of time revolim- ( ion. Sue Is one of a family of six children , all of whmommm but tier attaineti normal growth. 11cr little private brouglmam amid tiny imony mmttractetl a curious crowil 0mm hmer arrival huere , but Chiqulta could not be foummd. The waitimig rooms anti carswere searchme ( ! hut to no avail nnil even time lammuimorim or ncr hmotei said , "Yes , I've sceum the nttemmilantn and conmhmaniomus , but whore time deuce Is ( imat little woman ? " Chmiquita was 1mm her apart- nmemmts. She hail been conveyed there lie- mmcath tIme folds of a cape over time iihioiil- ders of her traveling compnnlomm. 11cr par- hors on ( lie vest Mitlwny are likely to ho thronged ihumrimmg ) mb emmtiru exposl'tnmm , where rho will atmmg , dmncpm and entertain all tiny hong. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Mr. Liiiii.er's ( iilii'ry. Commmmomicing sttitt , Mommihmiy , (1. W' . Lin- luger's art gahiem1mvhli ho opemm to tIme public every 'lay imm tiid"kck durIng time exposi- tori ! , hut vIsltors'iWlhI not be ailinited at mmilmt , bi , , t , , $ _ - . - known , ActuatcSt5show , It goesoso. third tutthethpms cull other brood ' If ov4jq bAKiI1 POWDE AboIUCY $ Pure soAi. * MtiO POWOLU CO. , ItCW O5tC. ± - - = = LECTURES ON JOURNALISM Iilitnr tif 'the hlei.lnvite,1 iii 1)rhI'or ) n ( 'nurse itii t hi' $ uhJeet at Cornell , Etiwarti Itosewater , editor of 'Fii Oimmaima lIce , has accepted an Invitation to deliver a course of lectures en joimrnauismn before the students of Cornell university , Itlmat'm , N. V. , sonic timue during time miprliig at 1S99 Since his eiectioim to thm 'liresitieney of the New York State university It hats been time ainm of i'resident Jacob Gould Scbmmrrnaim to secure lectures by lcndhimg nmeim 0mm the work of their professions. Secretary )0an ) recently addressed thmo students omm 'Thm Finammcm.'s of a Nation in 'i'immme of War , " nital lioum. ilammnls Taylor delivered a mmteai Ie- lure on his experiences 1mm Siuda. ( 'imarles A. Dammmi was tlmo last lecturer on journal. ism at the umiiversity. TIme invitatiomi to deliver tIme lectures at Cornell next year was rccenly ( received from l'rcsutleimt Schurmami , anti is mis follows : COitNlIh4t. IJNIVEIISIT'L' , 001cc of the i'roaitlont-My Dear Mr. liosewater : I ammm desirous of sectmrlmmg for our stiidemits In ( lie acailemmmic ileprmrtnmemmt , mmmany of wlioimm are looking forward to time imrofessiomm of Journmml- lsrn , a course oh five or six lectum-es cmi that subject , I do not think there is any idnce In a university for a lirofessor of jotirnalimimmi ; hut I tb think that aim able and consciemmtlomis jourmmnluat , wimo has hiatt large experience , mmmighmt , In ( Ito course of a halt dozeim lee- ( tires , comivey iumformmmatiomm to students whilctm would be of vx'cecilimmg great value to thmemmm , Aflti as I entertaimm tIme highest appreciation of time chnramcter of The ( ) mnnlui flee , I have very mmaturnhiy eumime to time conclusion that if see coulil secure the editor amid imrtmprictor of ( lint Pnier for such a course as I himive iii. dicateal , the etfil 1mm view could be olmtaimmetl , Accordingly I extend to you aim urgent and cordial iimvitatiomm to give such a commrse of lectures before time stutlents mf Corimell Uni- vcnsity during somne week of tIme apriimg term of 1899 , at such date as mimay hereafter be agreed mmlmon. Strlki' Ain.iig 'Vu lEers , A lmnrtial drouth was in operatIon for several hours at ( ho Schhifz hoot garden inst night , owing to a strIke nmmmommg the waiters , A scale hind beemm pri'paretl by tIme Ommmaima Waiters' uniomm , No , 23 , providIng for a cc- imitmimerntton of 15 cents omm every dollar ccii- lecteti over tlmo prevIous rate of 10 edits emma a dollar , but this was hot looked upomm favorably - ably by time nmammngcinemmt. At 9 o'clock all the umiloa macmm employed lam the establish- miment , numbering about fifteen , walked out tmmmii time service of several hundred people devolved for sommme time upomm three Immeim. Oilier imolp was obtained later. however , mimid ( lie evening was commchmmtletl without immcidetmt. Ii. B. LewIs , president of the smmmioim , states that time strike was inaugurated to emiforce what was considered reasonalmle commdiIons. lie says that time undertaking of the waiters - ers I emmilorsed by tIme Cemmtrmml Labor mmmiiomm amid that ho will pusim it to a stmccessftmi cmiii. 'rIme management on the other hmammd believes that the imresemmt scale Is a fair ro- mummoration , amid that waiters nrc easily ob- taimmatile at hmroseimt prices. A conference is being held between time enmployens amid time comnmmmittce trout tIme smmmiomm amid it is sup- lioseti flint amm nrrammgeancmmt will be menclmumi. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. 11. Hardy vill be In Chicago until Times- day on business. Donald W. Riley left yesterday for time PhmtlImpimie Islands. Mrs. Martima A. Shmute of time Colorado cx- position commimmilsslomi is at the Millard. Mi-s. M , Ii. Cohlimms mmd child sweat to Louisville , Ky. , yesterday to visIt fri 'imths. Juilgo Munger retmmrmmetl yesterday ( rota Fremnont and federal court resumed session. F. B. Luper anti E. F. Tedloop arc stock- maca from Peader , Nob. , stopping at the Barker. Officer Doncila of the United States secret service meturumed from Sioux City yesterday mmmrailmmg. \v. 3. Eden , assistant superintendent of tree delivery of mimails throughout the United States , is ( ml tIme city. Governor Tanner Passed through Onialma yesterday In Nortliwestermi special car No. 103 , boummd for the vest. 1-lou. David ii. Mercer returmmed to the cit/ yesterday to be hrcsent at the emigres- slommal noumminatimmg cnmmvemmtlomm. A. T. Heggeln anti II. Id. Tillotsoam of Cimlcago PassCti timrommgii Ommmalma this mmiorn- Immg on a tandem hound for California. Dr. S. WrIght Butler returned ( roan a round of state High school commimencemiments , includIng Fremommt , hastings , Lexington and Syracuse. J , H , Brighammi of Washmimigton , B. C. , assistant - sistant secretary of agriculture , Is 1mm Omamalma anti will remain here until after the opemiimmg of the exposition. Vice I'resident Warren of the Missouri Pacific , together whim hIs famiiy , arrived in Omiiaiia fromm time south yesterday amid went west on the Burhlmagtomm. Vai fllatz , jr. , J. I'etensen , RIch Freud- enberg and Otto Stracim , all of Mhlwaulcee , are In Omaha and will remain here to attend - tend the opealng day exercises. Nebraskans at hotels : J. L. Ilenmmolmm anti wIfe. Biue Earth City ; II. I. 'Ward amid wife , Tecumnseli ; J. F. Tnyior , Lincoln ; \V. S. linker , Gretna ; N. L. Livlngstoam , Elkhmormm ; J. G. Spencer , Elm Creek ; W , S. Mattley , Ord. Ord.R. R. Iloesemirotim , Chicago ; IL M. Spearo , New York ; George tat. lInker. Grammd Islammal ; I. L. Fiske , Beatrice ; If. P. StItim , Chicago ; F' . 11. Edmommds , lemmver ; 'V. ' . J. Knlus , Liii- eoiim , antI F , L. iIodlnson , Chicago , are tray- eltmmg mmmemm spending Sumitlay attimo Barker. Nebraskans at hoteis-L. B. Conman , Fcc- mont ; T. V. Goidemm , O'Neill ; 11. G. ) iar- quis , Arhungtomm , N. P. Howell , Imidiammola ; A. Ii. Wnterhmouse , II. J. WlmItmore. F. M , lhnul , Lincoln ; Jamnes Ilnssett , I'npllliomi ; J. 13. I1osehl , Blair ; V. ' . H. Ithodes. N. N. Wagner - nor , Hehromm ; N. J. I'aul , St. Paul ; W. S. McLucas , Fairbimry : 0. 1' , Cuffey , Sheltomm ; Robert Grmmlmnmmm , Ahliammce : F , 0. I'aolger , Emnerson ; A. N. Mclvlmm , Sterling. BEROLZH ElM FR , MftUNERY . LalioH' ( rrl.ililiilea Wnliito I-IttB. : La(1iCS' New \Vliito Sailors , OIi'i1dren'i lJati4. 203 South 15th StreeL tiiis. R. II. DAVS Monday 811(1 'J.t1eF(1lLy WO will iell all our Swell Pat- trI1 11i1113 tliflt liFO pi'icecl $85 , $25 811(1 $15 at oiio price$10.00 Reinelubel' , 1aliOH , this ia1e will be over 'I'ueday itiglit. We c1oo MOhlday at iooii , 1511 Douglas. Scofield ' . \v ill be : reI.-c13T 1olIlay1o1'o1Loofl . . , ' ' ' fl'Olil S to U . in , vithi iL ILild r1m1lE.l\ \VedlillIy \ ( ( , 15hthlI'(1hLy $ ( p. ( 'Olfl i)11l ) Ci st.ot'k 0 ! . elsollll)1u : ; ) giti'iiient at _ 'ei'y reasonable 1)l'k'C. . Lndies' Suits-Linen , 111(1110 lihIl voo1 , Scinpatc , Ski rts .ti1 ttssortca lot Mulmair , Snt'go , etc , ft. .IDS-L1iiom * k1t'ts 9mm to t,3 .OO-Plquo skirts $2.O to Shirt Vaists Lmmi'gemit. nssOm'tlflOflt Iti eLty. ' I k aists Pottlenats , di'nssLmig sadcm , mvi'mImput'm , veilitiga , tlis , bo1t , etc. Tailor 11ade Suits Omir uipoc1mtlty-lO.OO nlitl better , .SCOflELD J c1llIw&sIJITcoI 1510 Douglas Street. . - - - - I _ _ III1CT ) L ! ! ! Till MIKADO'S [ MPIRE. AUCTION SALE JAPANESE ART GOODS :121 Soiftli Ith St. , Betiveetm l'itm'iiitiit ziii.t 1lnriiei' , Sale commmmmmemmces ? alommtiny , May 30tim , 10 ii , mu. , 2:30 : p. am , timid 7i0 : p. mn.-nmmd daily until time entIre stock is disposed of , . This Is time moat niagmmiflcemmt amid interestimmg - coiledtiomm - ever offered tom' sale at publIc auctinim , conmimrlsimmg Immmlmorted olil Satsuns Clolssoimes , rare bremizes , Ivory carvings , fammcy chmunawmmre , bammmboo screeims , elcgammt emimbroitlery goods , aim- tlqtio tioam. armors nimil mummy other curIos too miuimierouim to mmmcii- S ' _ % _ , You are ctmrdiimhly Inviteti to attenmi ( lmls sale. Seats reserved - served for lathes. F , KASO"V , importer. Sale coimiiucteih by J. ii. Maxcy & Co. , Ammctioimeers. I _ _ A. Mdflkbcr A ta. _ LEADING JEWEIER ,4 ' ' ' N0R'I'IIEAS'f CORNER l 16th dad Farnam St. Hqs jusi iccei' ed the finest J .S'elCCtlOhl of io1id silverware . ware.toilet arlicks-silver L -cut-g1ass-Louw1sa. ware- - ilovelties-Goki watches-fancy iiis-Lorgiiettes- 4 waist sets- fancy beltspurses - Opera glasses-umbrellas r- 44 iii all colors-lialnoiid rilIgs- i pills tiid studsever bi'ouglit to Omaha-these goods are all 11C\V and l-to-(1tte ; , suitajle for j [ ,4 , WEDDING AND GRADUATING PRESENTS. 1 IA Call oji. iTs before purchasing-no trouble to show i goods. \\Te are headquarters for sou'eiiir spooiis. A. MANDftBR6 , Mrs1. J12 Benson , i ? V. M. C. A. BUILDING. Kid Gloves -FOR- GRADUATJ3S Two clash ) \Vlmlte ICici Giovos , $1 timid $1.50 ; limmdI'esHeilVliito Maims- quatmmli'o-S , iii and ( ) buttomi fi'ormm $1 to I3,75.To have time best sti'eat glovi's timat nm'u miimmdo foi' time mnonoy-'l ' , $ . . timid $1.75. tiutmidsommic Silk Gloves , col'mm'od ci' lmlmtok , SOc Imi. Cl I 1 LlRIm 'S Ii 1'l'S AN I ) C4t I'S-sti'mtsv cm'owmis , vItIm F't'llloal ? ihtmil i'immms , tm'imnmc'd vlth lace , 58o imp. A. lull 11mm of fancy 'I'am O'Sliantci's , also btNiipleollsit 1mm cloth and lumen , 25c imp , Ion't fom'get ( lint we cmmt'i'y thin lmmm'gest un1 imandsommiest line of siiiier wisi's cvet' bi'ougimt to Oiimuimu. , . . : , ' : Wash Your Faces _ _ , and Your Laces ! j - ( with ) I I . ? ! ! , Made on pzirposeJ'or Flue Fabrics a:1 : Fine S/ths : , : J A PURI3 , Wt11TE , ELOATING SOAP. Made by The CU1)AIIV SOAP WORI < S. , Ornalma , U , S. A ,