Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 29, 1898, Part I, Page 3, Image 3

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: O\AJIA DAIL ) LUJ.I n , , , , - - - -
: , ito _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
; Sccretry of War Pnnctnr tlo Popocratlo
: Ooone1m Rear Tire ,
t TeIi'&rrnvn , skIii the Unernnr in
: f FirttIslt SI Itatsilretl $ nud Sixty
Ur ( ' I'risnri SCIPS 111111 to
Jutuiilsg NideTnA ,
LINCOLN , May 28-Speclal--TIie ( ) governor -
ernor today rCCeLVCl ( n tIegram from th
j ecrctary ot war blcli Ilt3 cauRed rnticIi
conBtcrnatlon In ( ho ranks of the popocrats
S. ivhoao principal patriotlam connlsts In a
: - scicme to make W. J. Bryan colonel of a
fuIl hlown rcgitnent. The telegram was aa
folIos :
UoVornor of NotiraRa , LIncou , Nebraslca
It i ostmated that about GGO enlisted men
'viIi ho requlre to fill to the maximum tha
organlzatlonH already In service from your
Btntc. It 1 lcslted to know how fr yo1
will ho able to furnish the above number.
It , A. 4L.GER , ecretaty of Wnr.
The complaint of the PoPocratic ioittI-
- . . - . . clan8 is that tim recruiting of 660 ndttltional
n12fl to erva itt the two regiments under
Colonel flhiis and Colonel liratt will taho
hucli a proportion of Nebroska's quota unler
' the ccontI call thnt there will he only a
part of a regtmeiit left for Itryan to corn-
inanil , and If ho goes to the front with the
NC1JVILSkR troops he can only hohi a coin-
mission ns a 'major. After nil the political
ecliernitig that. tins been done this state of
nifairs In most alarming. The governor
wireil back to ( lie secretary of war as tel.
lows :
lion. it. A. Alger , Secretary of War , \Vcisli-
ington : Answering telegraphic Inquiry , No-
braslca will promptly furnish full quota of
men nssigncd It , nud In such a numner as
-41r (1eiartment ) may trescribc. If you
nieRu to ask my opinion , I would rcspcctti1ly
suggest that In my judgment the present
niaxlinhiin 'strength sllt prove more emb'nt
and more satisfactory to the officers niid
mcli , companies to be kept recruited to pres-
- - - eat strciigtli.iitlcipatln the possibility
of a aecond cal1 a third regtmept has Uocn
orgonized under commanil of W. J. tiryan ,
hlcli lii at your service. Could be ready
4 for muster on it few days' notice.
- SILAS A. IIOLCOMI ) , Governor.
on I NII ( ' Of lir3ztli'M ltegiiiti t.
While there Is no doubt expressed that
Nebraska v1ll be able to furnish the nd-
tittlonal men without unnecessary delay ,
there is a great deal of doubt tlrnt any of
the patriots belonging to the Bryan crowd
ivill volunteer as privates to help fill out
tile cornpaiites already In the fiCll. One of
) the cuptains of the "Third regiment" has
already stated in an open letter that Pri-
Yates enlisting In the companies of the
First and Second regiments will "ho made
the dogs" of the otllccrs of such companies.
This sentiment 1s being taken up anil widely
' expressed by other omcers anti men of the
Bryan regiment. and It Is probable that the
GGO macn will have to be enlIsted from
among those who have not seen fit to join
the tirynim companies or have not bad an opportunity -
portunity to do so. It is evident from the
Alger telegram that the men \vlio have
during time last two weeks expressed an
anxiety to get into the army vilI have an
excellent chaimee to prove their patriotism
by offering themselves for enlistment in two
reginents that are now at the front. It Is
probable , however , that the madagers of tile
new Third regiment scheme will use all
possible efforts to preserve their organization -
tion , and will allow outsiders to fill up time
companies In the other regiments.
There Is aircady a move on foot among
the members of the hcavy artillery orgaal-
antton to furnish the rccriia $ for the coam-
aiile in the ficlil. In ca d it is shown that
tluiir own organizatloncaiinot bbrccugnizcd
they will at once offer themselves as Prb
yates jn the companies of the First and
' 1300011(1 rcglmcnts. Tim leaders of the move-
rncnt say that they will prove to time country
* that their latrlotisnl is pot rcgulatcd full
directed by voltttcal jobbery. Horace Whit-
It Is a well known
. ,
.4 fact that when the
water from the Mis-
sourl is the muddiest
, L _ which is at this season
- iJ4 of the year-just before
I 2' and during the Juiie
rise-that It contains the
'fr least amount of soluble
. I mineral impurities. such
carbonate of limo ,
for the reason it has
J been founti that time
4 , - many filters offered to-
ilay that clarify time
. . - water by means of alum
fall far short from doing the work Intend.
ed for them just zt the time wheti most
needed , 'J'hoVIFUGO Filter clarifies
time water by a stImuIIe , natural process ,
We do not use A'um ' or
Sulphate of Alumina1
'rho great objections to the use of either
of thcao Is : Flr8t , that In cases where the
usual conditions of time water are exces-
1veiy rnudtly as they are today , the large
amount of alum rCqUIrel to mimalce the water
clear leaves a very bad and thisagreeabo !
luckerlllg taste. Second , that water so
clarified is not fit for the laundry because
of time excess of soluble clietmilcals left In
the water , iiiukiimg it very hard nat ! unfit
for use.
This flifer is so simple niitl comprehien-
1blo that a chillut of ten years can easily
understaimulu maunage and clean It thorough.
hi lii fifteen minutes. Time filter Is so am'-
ratiged that all time impurities are cmiletl
alT through the sewer , timmis doing avoy
'wIth time objection founti 'ItIm all other
Why $ ould you hattie in the muddy
waters of the Missouri ? Why should you
use It for cooking ? \'by endanger your
health by using It at all In Its mnuthly anti
Inmpure condition m'lien you have In the
\-FU.OO Filter a clarifier that iyes cu
water as clear ntl jiure as the ulews of the
' morning at a very trilling expense ? The
4 Iinportant'feature of this , the greatest of all
filters Is that you have pure , clear water
. . . - In all parts of the house , in the laundry ,
; In time kitchen , In tIme 'ath anti as i.iuchm
as m'aiit , fur there Is no limit to time
quantity. Go to any faucet In tlio house
¶ anti you flail this same clear. soft , tasteless -
less water , After you have cure used such
brights clear water as \V1.FU-aO III-
tor furnishes you vlil wonder how you et'mr
, , inanuiged to exist without it before ,
t.iI We are making sPecially low prices no
thmo first tea to be Idaced In June and so-
hicit a call for further eutii
estimates ,
. 3. H. LERMER ,
305 South 13th St.
l'clephooe jiGS. First Nat'l flank hlld5 ,
' ,
more , the ynumumg democirut who refused to
serve an captain of tiryan's company , says
tonight that ha believes the artlHer orguunl-
zation ccii furnIsh the number of men to
bring the two regiments to their full
strength anti that ho will enlist wthout ( I
any inquIry as to the distribution of coal-
ml ss ioM.
Seeing the turn that imitates have taken
Governor hloleomb has repented the action
taken In slaughtering Colonel fllschof to
make a place ioiblo for Bryan , and has
invitel fliachof to occupy a ItInco on his
staff In the exposition parade next \Vedncs-
day , lie desires fliachof to appear In lull
regimentals as colotmel In the National
( bard. Colonel lllschof haa dechineul tIme
honor. lie Indicated to the governor that
a man who was too much of an "Invalid"
to go to tiuti front with the troops would
also ho unable to perform sucim arduous
staff duty.
Secretary of State Porter is suffering so-
rerely from some ailment In one of his
cars , and a specialist from Omaha baa been
sent for to consult with the local specialist
In the case. Mr. I'ortcr first nottcotl the
laizm a few days ago , shortly after hnv-
lag taken several dives ufld r vntcir rut thin
sanitarium swimuning p061. anti bt'llecs
that the vater has carried some foreign
substance into the ear.
i'ilMhIulr- fl .Iiiiiiiier ,
The breaking of state records In the broad
jun11' , high dump and 100 yard sprinting
events the other day ham , aroused much
additional Interest In athletics at the mmiii-
versity , Time feat. of Young Pillsbury in
clearing a bar five feet eight. Inches bight
Is now regarded as several Inches short of
the capahmihitles of this record-breaking
high jumper. A snap shot photograph of
Pillsbury taken while ho was going over
hmos that he cleared the bar fuily tour
inches. Should he be pushed in a contest
to his best. It Is now believed that he can
reach the aix-foot mark , or even better.
The city of Lincoln will be practically
deserted next Wednesday , so many people
are going to Omaha to witness the open-
log of time eapomittlon , Many of thu mo-
cietles wliI go in a body and In uniform.
It Is expected that the trains will be
itachced and a great many vili pay regular
fare anti go up Tuesday evening in order
to aVoid the big rush ,
A party left here this evening for m few
days' fishing in the nortlmwcst part of the
state. In time party Vere J. It. Gilkeison ,
Judge A. S. Tlbbetts , T. S. Allen , Sam Low ,
3 , ii , Harley , Logan Schrader , Willard 11am-
month and Victor Seymour. Leo ilerdmnan of
Omaha also goes with the party.
C. imi , Spenney died at time residence of
his daughter , Mrs. If. B. Brown , 310 South
Eleventh street , this morning. aged 70
years. The fumieral will be lucid from time
residence tomorrow afternoon.
Omaha people at the hotels : At the Liii-
dcii : W.V. . Marks , A. J. Munche. At time
Lincoln : C. D , Sutphen , W. D. Pruyn , A.
F. Sayics , 11. G. Gansomi.
high School GrntuIuIM.
FALLS CITY , Nob. , May 28.-SpecIai.- ( )
Time graduating exercises of the Falls City
High scimool wore held Friday night. 'rho
graduating address was delivered by Miss
Vandauia Varnuni , A. M. , of New York. The
class address was by Miss Lois Spencer. Time
class numbered eleven : Fiorence llama ,
Adda Ilowers , Lome Fergus , Josephine
Graves , Ada Insheop , Joe Jones. Pearl Lawrence -
rence , Lois Spencer , Kate Thomas , Mablo
Wilson amid Mary \Vlltse.
TEICAMAJI , Nob. , May 28.-Special.- ( )
Time graduating exercises of tile Telmaimuak
high school ivere held last night. Time
graduates were : Eva Ellis. Irene Sutherland -
land , Mmmudo Templeton , Alice Ilrookings ,
Etimia Brooks , Mabel Gates , Jessie Chatt ,
Chance Gacs , Reeves Itopoweli.
OSCEOLA , Nob. , May 28.-SpeciaL- ( )
Friday evening o curred the temith annual
graduating exercises of the Osceola
Iligim school. Foiidwung arc the raduate :
Janie Pelver. Nellie Plieaent , Mary MeKong -
Kong , Myrtle Machum , Mildred Haziewood ,
Mabie I3rown and Virgil Anderson.
FULL1tTON , Nob. , May 28-Speclai.- ( )
The graduating exercises of the 1-11gb school
occurred Thursday and Friday evenings in
Sheafi's opera house. The graduates : Lisle
Stunner , Myra Gllmoro , Myrtle Short , Dohhio
M. Loucks , Edith I. Itidell , Chair MeCay ,
Lodemnia Gould , Jessie Id. Luco , Chariton
Jay , Dahiio Baker , Gertrude Dier , Olive
Sheaff , Cassie Davis , Mary Whitney and Ida
ALBION , Neb. , May 2S.-Spohal.--Time ( )
graduating exercises of the Albion High
school were held last imight. The gnatluaes :
Ethima tiosford , flessie } Cilbourmme , Nellie
51111k , James B. Smith , Raymond Itoltunger ,
Wzmrreim Martin.
CULI3ERTSON , Neb. , May 2S.-gpeeial. ( )
-Last night thtrtcon hiupiha graduated from
the Cuibortson High school. Time graduates :
Carl Fordycc , Jasper Daugherty , Mary
Joclcens Fioy Edyeart. Edwin Crews , Orra
Reynolds , Uessio Crews , Myrtio Conway ,
Mary Keller , .Mnry Young , Lawrence Pci-
lows antI Nellie A. ltisioy.
JuNrATA , Neb , May 28.-SpectaI.- (
Commencement exercises of the Juniata
High schools were held inst evening. EIght
graduates constituted the class : Earl II.
Groummd , George J. Zapp , Alnieda flechit.'l-
hemmer , Irene Knapp , Sabrimma I3reeland ,
Tim McCracken , Aita V. 11111 and Clyde
IlEilitON , Nob. , Nay 28.-Special-The ( )
fourteenth annual graduation exercises of
time Ilebron 111gb school were hebi last
imighmi. Time class consisted of nine mcmii-
bers , who vero rcpresentctl iii the prograii
by Jerry Young and Anna fletcher. 11ev.
C. S. Dudley of 13c'atricu delivered the ad-
TALMAGE , Neb. , May 28-Speeial.- ( )
Commenconment exercises of the Talimmage
High school were Imelul last night at Cash
opera house , Miss May JetTriemm being the
only graduate. The music for the oca-
sion was furnIshed by Tecumsoli mmmusicians ,
ihitOICEN flO'uV , Nob. . May 28.-Spociai. ( )
-The commimneimcemeut exercises of the city
schools were lick ! Imera last nigimi , The
graduates : Etta Iticlmartlsomi , Imlumudo Par-
roll , It , F , Thorpe , C. L. i'ickett.
ASIILJAND , Nob. , May 28.-Spechal- ( )
The twelfth annual colnnmt'ncemi'nt ' ercices
of the Ashlmmnd Iligim school were lueltl last
evemming. 'rime graduates : Roy llirzmmmm Oliver ,
Calvin Orren Craime , Irving llmnersou limook ,
Julia Edwin Laughlin , Ttalph Kenneth hays ,
Fraulc A , Gross , Julia ll. Parkhiurst , Lizzie
Mae Bryan , Jessie A. Scott , \'eda L. Lami.
phear , I. . . Maude lirusim , Neiilo 0 , lou ,
Helen Knight , \'ermt T. Limmdhoy , Hattie
Webster amid Sadie F' . flhmicic ,
LIOT1IENIIIJRO. Nob. , Mgi' 28.-Speclal. ( )
-Time second anmmummi comumimcncemmmcmmt of 'lie
Gothmenburg high school occurred last night ,
Dr , 0. K , Tindall of ( Inaud Islanul delivered
the graduating adtlress. The graduates
wore : l3emiic Jones , Ilosto Vcet , Libble
ltussell , Jessie ll Vromuan , Ellen Id. Mmtler.
son , Clyde M , Ti-otter , Frank I. . Selmoop ,
Cl'remmce Johimeon anti William Vronman , 3r.
GltEELIY CEIITEII , Nab. , May 28.-Spo- (
cmi Telogranm.-Thc ) graduation exercises
of the Greeley 111gb school were held mit the
court house last night , Thu class was coin-
hosed of eight members amid imatlo a credita.
ble showing ,
S'I'IIACUSS , Neb , , May 28-Special ( Tele-
grammm.-Commmieuceimient ) exercises of time
Syracuse 311gb school occurred last mmiglmt ,
Twelve were graduated , One of those cc-
coiving A dlplonma was \Vaymie Jones of Corn.
iianr C , Seconul regiment , now stationed mit
Chickarnauga. ills chair was profusely dee-
orated and lie was vattl a high tribute for
his loyalty. Time address by 11ev , S. Wright
Butler of Onmaba was well received.
M'COOK , Nab. , May 28.-Speclal ( Tele.
graun.-Twcnty-ouo ) boys and girls were
graduated from the 111gb school of McCook
last eveniog. time largest class in the history -
tory of the jtublie schools of time city , Time
address to the class was delivered by lion.
11 , ii. Wilson of Lincoln , Neb , Mabel
Bishop delivered timc salutatory , Bert Whit-
taker wits class historIan mini Miss Minnie
flowehl yalethictorian.
FA1I1UUIIY , Nob. , May 28.-Speciah.- ( )
The fourth commencement exercises of Fair-
bury High school were held last evening , a
class of twenty-chic graduating as follows :
flaiph A. 1olh , flay 11. hlhnshaw , Carrie A.
Todt , Nellie Ware , Claude S. Bottaford , floe.
coo C. King , Helga A. Gordon , DeWitt han-
sea , Luvenmi Armmstrong , Clarence Bartlett ,
Neil 0. Fitchpatrick , Grace il. George ,
George ilawes , Myrtle flainey , Max Griffin ,
harry E , Graft , Cliff W. Leltoy , harry C.
Barker and Anna E. Grlmn , valedictorian.
HUM IIOLIT , Nob. , May 28.-Special.- ( )
The class of ' 98 appeared at the opera house
last night in the thirteenth annual corn-
memicement exercises of the humboldt High
school. The class consists of fifteen , seven
boys and eight girls ,
EM EI1SON , Nob. , MaE 28.-Speeiai.-Tlme ( )
cloatimg exercises of the Emerson schools
Were held Friday afternoon. TIme fourth annual -
nual graduating exercises 'were held in the
evening. Two boys amid two girls composed
time class as follows : Harvey Poole , Arthur
Mines , 1nggle Limbarty anti Effie flondrea.
PAWNlfl , Nob. , May 28.-Specluml.-The ( )
commencement exercises of the h'awneo city
High school were held last evening , 'rho
class numbered cihtcemm. the larirest ever
turneti out hero. 'rho mul4ross of the even-
immg was by Chammeohlor MacLean of time html-
veraity of Nebraska. The valedictory was
by Mary Maple Davis.
CALHOUN , Nob. , May 28.-Special.- ( )
Time commencement exercises of the Cal- .
hmoun public school were held Thursday evening -
ing , Timerim were five graduates , The exercises -
cises were in the form of a contest. Grace
Vaughan gave a salutation , There vere
two orations : "Time March of Mind , " by
Olivia Baunian , and "Character , " by Grace
Trisler , The question for debate was : "lie-
solved , Tlmat Emiglammd imas a bettor form of
government than thur United States. "
On the xmffinnmativo Chester I'Isher ; aega-
tire , harry B. Waltron , The decisions were
as follows : On orations , Olivia fladman ,
ono : Grace Trisler , two ; on debate , Itarry
Walton , three. The judges were Superiti.
tcimdent C. C. Marshall , Diair Superintend-
emit W. K. Fowler , Blair : Superintendent
E. J. Ilodweil , Omaha ,
SmmOoTmNG SClLAl'i IN N llhit.SIcA.
'l'hiee Ilmunehmumen.lunre n ( tmmnrrel
Over Pc'mmelmiz I'itstnre I.iuitd ,
thAT SPRINGS , Nob. , May 28.-Specual (
Teiegrnmn.-News ) has just reached this
place or a nmtmrder conmnuittcth about tlmlrty
nmiies south of this place In the saud hills.
Three ranchnmen by the names of Kimmknid ,
Sylvester and Chase- had sonic difficulty
over fencing pasture land , and time result
mvas lCunkattl was killed. It is not kmmown
which one of the two muon did the shmootimmg ,
but It is said to be Chase. There is great
excitement over tile affair , as there are
supposed to be several ranebmen implicated
in it , as they wanted to get Kimikald out of
time country , There is expected to be mmiorc
trouble. The sheriff and deputies have left
for the place of mnurder.
ALLIANCE , Nob. , May 23.-Special ( Teic-
gram.-Joimn ) Kinkaiti , who was shot three
times by the Cases yesterday , on a ranclm
eighteen mimiles from here , was brought to
town last night and seems in a fair way to
recover from his wounds. lIe was unarmed
and claims the slmootimig commenced whemi
ho had turned to ride away.
Cii , iii to Uhiziimge llaiids.
KEARNEY , Nob. , May 28.-Spechai.-C. ( )
N. Brown , superintemmdcnt of time Kearney
cotton null , has just returned from a triim
to New York , anti is authority for the state-
meat that time Koanney canal will pass iato
the bmmndc of the Cotton Miii company as
50011 as the necessary papers of transfer
can be executed.
The mystery surrounding the finding of
the human bones under the iloo of John.
Rathm's saloon has jn all probabilty becfr
solvetL The coroner's jury found that they
undoubtedly belonged to a couple of medical
students who formerly hail rooms in time
second story of the saloon building , and
were known o have two skelotoas for study
and examination.
The Keanney creamery has been corn-
pioted , anti Is now ha working order. Kent-
ney creamery butter is on the markets , and
is a very fine article. So far no milk routes
have been established , but the daily milk
receipts are nearly 2,000 pounds. This will
ho largely increased as soon as the mIlk
routes arc established and worked.
Affairs at ItNhmlnhld.
ASHLAND , Neb. , May 2S.-Special.- ( )
S. Autlicy Reasoner , deputy postmaster of
this city , had a narrow escape from death
Thursday morning. Some one was shooting
at a target when a shot crashed through the
window of Mr. Reasoner's room , barely
missing him.
During the heavy rain storm Thursday
night lightning struck 1mm the western part
of the city. City Treasurer John Vi. Moon ,
whmiio returning home , was knocked down
and stunned by the stroke ,
Horace Almy , a Lancaster farmer living
in Mlii precinct , southwest of tills city , , had
a deep gash cut in the back of time wrist
Wednesday by a fractious horse.
The highi water last Sunday took out six-
tccn _ feet of the fiumne of Jame II , Snohi's
mlii , a large tree being cmrricd over the
damn ,
A small son of Elmer Bailey met with an
accident Tuesday whim playing around a
cultivator , One of his feet was nearly cut
oft in front of the instep.
( iii 'l'rmmel of I Iii. ' 1'JiIe'es.
COLUMBUS , Nob. , May 28.-Speclai.- ( )
Herinamm Oeirich of this city , who recently
lost some 1,200 worth of cattle from his
ranch a few miles east of this city , believes
he lmas a chow to he parties and will spare
no pains to prosecute It.
Several cases of petty timlevery wore reported -
ported to time iOhico the last few mlays. A
couple of stores and offices have been broken
OIOfl atud ml few articles carried away and 1mm
one case an amount of money was taken.
There is a strong suspiclonithat It was the
work of home taiemmt ,
Private Norscman of company 0 , Tlmir-
teentim Mimumesota volunteers , who wait taken
front the train hero May 17 wheim the rcgi-
mont Ilassomi through amid taken to St.
Mary's hospital suffering with an attack of
measles , was discharged yesterday antI Is
flaIr nwmiting for traimsportniQn to join his
company ,
Ira IIIICVN A re lehiiyed Jm' limmima ,
EXitTEut , Ncb. , May 28.-Speciai-The ( )
weather tjiis week lies betn riuite warmmt
and very thre tenimmg with occasional light
showers , Thursday ove'mimmg ; , however , It
culminated Jn th heaviest rmrimm storni of this
year so far , It begnmm about 5 oclock amid in
aim hour and a half a good strong Inch anti
five eighths of water fell , which , owing to
time ground already being thoroughly soaked ,
flooded everything ,
Corn Is about all planted anti farmers are
anxious for some pleasant weather In order
to get to cultIvating , as weeds are mimmikiimg
good imetmtiway in the cornfields , Farm.
era are also getting a little anxious about
time wheat mind oats , fearing that this is go-
immg to ho a rcpe'titiomm of time spring of 1896-
all straw anti no graimm.
( hue-i loonrutiai flay ,
DECATUR , Nob. , May 28-Bpecial.-At ( )
a special meetiimg of time Grand Annmy of time
Republic post of tlmie city this morning it
was declared that no public demonstration
would take imlace by time camp on Memorial
day , Time old eohdlers will quietly go to the
graves of their dead comrades and deck
theta with flowers. The rest. of the day will
be spent as a day of solenmnity and sorrow ,
TIme Missouri river is playing havoc with
town lots , houses and city property in gomm-
eral. Great chunks of land fail In every
day. Some of the citizens and owners have
become alarmed , anti moving their
houses back beyontt thm&tWthger mark. The
olti Conklin place , justnning to bloom
wIth beauty , went IntOi river last night ,
In the last ten years , hm iands of dollars
of city property has bqonsumcd by the
high waters of the "fli.4tidy. "
. .111.
Conmnieneenint Weeyj nt hlellemme ,
I3ELLEVUE , Neb. , J4y128.-Speciat.- ( )
Thu following prograthiim been announced
for commencement ilellovue college -
loge :
Sunday , Juno 5-flaccaituuroato sermon ,
Rem' , Stephen rholpa , Omaha , 11 a ,
to. ; address before societies ,
Rev. C , K. hoyt , flehiem ? , 8 p. iii.
Monday , June 6-FIclil dj ; alumni entertainment -
tainment , 8 p. m. ir
Tuesday , Juno 1-MeatunAof the board of
trustees , 11 a. m. ; musical , 8 p. m.
Wednesday. Juno 8-Annual address , 11ev ,
11. T , Fleming , D. I ) . , 1'4ebraska City , anti
presentation of dlplomnas , 10 a. ma. ; aiuainl
and ox.studonts' banquet , 2 p. m.
Dr H. It. Kerr has offered three prizes
to be awarded field day : A silver cup to the
young womna making , tito highest score in
toimnis ; a silver cup to the best all-round
athlete , and a third cup to the academic or
collegiate class makIng the highest base
bail score. No successful contestant may
hold the cup for more than two years ,
Br , B , 11 , Kerr has just returned from a
trip to the east In tIme interest of the col-
The Ladles' Aid society of the Presbyte-
rhun church gave a strawberry social at the
Kmmlghts of Pythmias hail Friday evenIng.
To celebrate time closing of time schools the
chiidreim enjoyed a basket picnic Friday.
Another Coiniiuny Itnised ,
STROMSI3UI1O , Nob. , May 28.-Speclal (
Teicgranm.-ConpaImy ) H of the Third regi-
nmcnt was organized here today with a full
rcprescmmtatloim of the entire coummty. About
seventy-five nieinbcrs were m ustered In anti
the following officers elected : Robert J.
Beer , captain ; Fred Green , first lieutenant ;
Frank Mills , Osceoln , second lieutenant ;
Elmer Cowen , sergeant ; Ira Bartholonmow ,
first United States gmmard , Thus Is a robin-
tent company from l'olk coummty. Victor 11.
Wiison of Onmalmme , who has greatly assisted
iii securing thIs company , and this 1)011mg
his home county , was reconmmended by the
emmtlro vote of time company to be placed
on Bryan's Btaft , Captain , \V. Luntlcemm of
York was present. harmony and enthusiasm
prevailed throughout.
Court , tt , 'iihihomt.
ALBION , Neb , , May 2S.-Simecial--Judge ( )
Albert came up from Columbus anti held
an adjourned term of the district court
this week. The nmost Important case was
Johnson against Johnson , a divorce case.
Johimson brought aim action against his wife ,
alleging adultery , and he flied a cross
hIll , asking for a divorce frommi him on account -
count of cruelty. She was granted a di-
voree and ahiamony. The case of Gutmo
against the State Bank of Newman Grove , n
usury case immvolvlmig quito an amount of
money , was decided in ( aver of the bank
on the groummd that ( lutme failed to prove
usury. Cases In the motiqn for a new trIal
was overruled , and tho.paFies are goiimg to
the supreme court.
Siiiprtin E * ' 1it , l5m'cCiillsehm
TECUMSER , Neb , Mmit'128.-Spcciai.- ( )
Two sporting events of 'bmmie importance
took place here yesterliaS1 A 150-yard foot
race between John Miiumtir1and James Gal-
icntlmie was woim bj th 'rmer. A sitting
pulling contest botweent'Fhrmner Burmms" of
Illinois , it wrestler of xmotp1 and George
Place of Tequmseb , 'a jvon in thmr e
straight lifts by time foumeri Rain prevented
a ball ganmo betve a thp ppmhs and time Liii-
coin High school nggrcgaqpn. The Llncalmi
boys came down today,1 hcyor , aimd a good
game was played. .ComaLderable money
changed hands onth , pz.llLng , ckntet yesterday -
terday , the locaI.spcgttung the , worst
ofit. , 'tfCivt C' ' '
VpNt Polmmt TencIir.
WEST POINT , Nob1 , ? 1tty 28.-Specinl.- ( )
The school 'board iohv etl in adjourimed
session last SaturdaV ev nimir and selected
five ofthe oid teaihersot'the present. corps
as follows : Misses Briggs , Crawford , Hill ,
Mihier and Mr. Nehigh. Previous to this
Prof. George was selected as principal and
A. M. Randolph assistant.
The Grand Army of the Republic imas tie-
cided to observe Metnorial day in a fitting
manner , and ox-Congressman 11. K. Valentine -
tine will deliver the oration at the cemetery -
tory Monday mornhmmg.
Fic J'tmM
HASTINGS , Neb. May 28.-Special.- ( )
Out of the twenty-five who took an examun-
ation before the Nebraska State Board of
Plmarmay only five successfully passed the
examination. Mr. Evans , president of time
board , has just received papers which makes
the following persons full-fledged druggists :
C. V. F.pimmg of Bertrandr L. a. Feeher of
Ncwmangrove , V. J , flom'arik of Crete , C. A.
Leckhiter of Lincoln and Miss Mary Day
Moore of Lincoln. Each of time above had
a general average of 70 or over anti not
lesmm thmmmm 45 In any one subject.
Csitlt' 'I'hief CoimfesMes.
ALIHON , Neb. , May 28.-Special (
Telegram.-Itichard ) Woeppel. a stockman -
man at Petersburg , this county ,
0mm Tuesday last stole fifteen lmoad ot
cnttio imelngimmg to W. M , Ilartman , wimile
they were on time range on llartnman's farm ,
and drove them to Mndlson and sold them to
another stockunan , then' went to Onmaha.
He was arrested at Humphrey , confessed
to time vholo matter anti was bound over
by Judge Canmpbehl to appear at the next
term of time district court.
Pirlit Over I.Icemse ,
STROMSBURG , Neb , , May 28.-Speciai. ( )
-The petitioners for saloon licemmee have
not yet secured their penemit. as time temperance -
anco people flieti a remonstrance , saying
that sonic signers oim . certificate of good
character we're imot free-holders , Time con-
ai4crmition of the matter has been postlmoncti
for three weeks and it is uncertain what
time outcome wIll hO. Lawyer King of Oscc-
ola is attorney for tue reniommstrators and
Joimn Tongue of this city appeared for time
'I'tke ( ionl Niuimmes for 'I'hmeir ilo'M.
BEhttIN , Neb , , May , . 28b-Specimml.-Mr. ( )
and Mrs. Lewis Gaimzoiu German fatally ,
have Just named theihinewiy arrived son
and heir Dewey SamimpsomlmGanzel. hero's
timat he may prove an Qmoor to both name-
sakes. mmmi ,
A. A. Borden receiefl a telegram announcing -
nouncing the death oeohii mother at her
honme near Chicago. 11W 'left at once to
attend time funeral , iih In
PIUtIC Gets _ Xermlict ,
BEATRICE , Neb , , ) tlayj j28.-Speclai- ( )
The Jury In the case at lme Beatrice National -
tional bank against Mzs.Enmma V. Dwyer
roachmemi a vetdict aboutrnidnigimt , which
was read in court in tlmimnlornung. Time ver-
diet Is ( or the plaintiff ) atsgrdung time bank
judgment for time full iflvnt of the note ,
less payments made , WIthtlotoreat , aggregating -
gating a little over $2,000ui'
! tnllIiseimnrseal ,
TIASTINGS , ob. , May28.-Special ( Tele.
gram.-Tlio ) case wimereirm P. M Bali was
arrested on time chage of assault to do
great bodily Injury to George icayser was
heard tlmis afternoon before Justice JulcKia-
ney Bali was discimargeth
Cotim hIhteknii , it Syrmiouse ,
SYRACUSE , Nob. , May 28-Special ( Tele-
graimi.-There ) Is a corn bloclm.atle imere , the
railroad company not being able to take it
away as fast as received.
SE rnei ly LI gim I ii I ii.
FALLS CITY , Neb. , May 28-Spccial.- ( )
During the .eectr1cal storm Thuieday night
time house of Mrs. Crow was struck by
lightning but fortunately no one was In-
jureti , The family was ecated in the parlor
when the stroke came anti In an Instant
the house was filled with soot and a strong
gas. Time bolt of lightning entered the flume
at tIm top and descended. Time raIn that
acconipanied the storm was very heavy.
.Toi'kl ? ) ' 'Fimorpe at Genes'n.
GENEVA , Nob. , May 28.-Specinl.-Tho ( )
famous jockey , Charlie Thorpe. with hits
wife , returned from San Francisco yesterday ,
where ho has been riding for the last season.
They are visiting Mrs. Thorpe's mother ,
Mrs. Bassett , in this city , on their way to
Now York City. Bolero leaving California
Charlie tendered the Nebraska boys of the
First rogimnent a banquet.
Another Senreht hinm1e ,
TEKAMAII , Neb. , May 28.-Spccial-I1 ( ) ,
\v , Monroe's temperance bali was again
searched by the shmerlit with a search mvar-
rant , but nothmiimg was touimtl , This place
has been raided a nuamber of times dtiritmg
the last year , Mr. Monroe betimg eoimvicteti
and heavily flnet , at the district commrt tier-
lug its last terni , as a result of one of time
raIds. I
Stnrt Vorl on n Brick ilinehc ,
EXETEI1 , Neb , , May 28.-Spechnl.- ( )
Ground has been broken timis week for a
fine brick block on time corner of Exeter
avenue and South Deot street. It will be
60x90 feet , and will be occupied by F. M.
Zlska , with a general stock , and 'mV. C.
Woodworth , wIth a furniture stock , Two
other bricks will probably be started in a
couple of weeks.
Iteerimitimig Omee ut ihnir ,
BLAIR , Neb , , May 28-Spccial-Dan ( )
C , \nmi Deuscmm , editor of the Courier , and
Judge Jesse T. Davis have opened a to-
cruiting office here. Timey have heemi coma-
missioned by Govermmor Ilolcomnb to enlist
enough to fill a company dosignateti as
company B , Third regiment. Each has enrolled -
rolled about forty-fire mncn ,
Shmit its thishicitil ,
hASTINGS , Nob. , May 2S.-Speclah.- ( )
Yestortlay while several sumiali boys wore
playing with an air gun Waiter Heron was
shot In the head. The bail , a Ill , entered
in tlmmi editor of the forelmeati mmd ilattened
ngaimmst time skulL It was remnoved by lr.
Irwimm amal time boy Is imow doing vcll ,
Iore itmitui.
ALBION , Nob. , May 28.-This vicinity
has been blessed witlm abmmndamico of rain
recently ammd never before have the prospects
for good crops and good tlmnes been so
bright. A great many of the bomb coumity
farmers are now selling the grain amid reaping -
ing the advanced prices.
flhlmersoik's Voltituteers.
EMERSON , Nob. , May 2S.-Specual.-Tiio ( )
following yommuig muon from this lhaco have
enhisteti in the Wakefleid militia coniliany of
volunteers : Vm'iihlam Ryan , Ed llroiletto ,
Wihiimtmn Brooks , Peter Mortenson , Clem
O'Conmior amid Arthur Manning.
I'nwnee 'VIii Celelmnnte.
PAWNEE CITY , Nob. , May 28.-Speciai. ( )
-Elaborate preparations are In progress
here for a rnammmiotli celebration of time
Fourth of July.
Counimm-iiemmteimt at Clii ) ' Center.
CLAY CENTER , Neb. , May 28.-Spcclmml. ( )
-HigIm school conirnencemnommt exercises were
hmeld last mmlght in tIme Borhmammi Opera house.
There were six graduates.
( Continued from First Page. )
wilt appear at time concert to be given In
time Auditorium Wedaesday evening by the
orchestra. The latter wIll play a number
of which the "Star Spangled Banmmer" ivihi
form a fcattmre and the director has requested -
quested that the chorus be prepared to sing
this portion of the mmumber. This wilt be
taken up for rehearsal Tuesday nihmt
The names of a portion of the soloists who
will appear in concerts In the AuditorIum
on the exposition grounds durIng June have
been made public by Musical DIrector Kimball -
ball , as follows : MIss Helen ilnckiey , Miss
Anna Metcaife , MIss Jennlo Osborne , Miss
Jessie Campbell , Mnie. Sophia Markee , Mme.
Katherine Fiske , George Hamhin , Fred Car-
berry , Frank Clark and Charles M. Clark.
Several other singers have been engaged and
their names will be made public from time
to time.
' .Vitelmincii Ajioinied to 1'ntro Omit-
side' time Groimmids.
A company of watchmen has been adtled
to the force under the commnantl of Major
Lleweihyii. conmmandant of time guard , "The
watchmen comprise a company of sixty-
three men anti the duty of these memm will
ho to patrol the entire length of fpnct'
about the expositiomm grounds anti provcnt
persons froam climbing over. These watchmen -
men will also act in time capacity of special
pohicenien in imrcserving order and prevent-
11mg tIme destruction of property. This entire
company has been recrumiteti from the ranks
of time Grand Army of time Rcpubhic.
TIme foliowing Is the full list of time coma-
liany ; 11. A. Wilber , sergeant : J. II. Chase.
C. B. Faux , W W. Ford , G. W , lllankemm-
ship , T. M. IC. Krucherbackcr , Andrew
Decker , J. M. Jester , 0. Whitney , 11 , T.
Stover , William Piummier , D. J. Simmitlm , 'tV
Bartiow , George \Veitlrnnn , Wiiiiamn E'ihiott ,
J , Id , Cress , J. C , Hutison , Thomas Casey ,
Nt'itt i i. ahonnuist. J. A. Moncriof. 0. J.
Babcock , J. C. Monnimmger , Jolmn hastings ,
S. 11. Knowlton. Louis Grinneli , Martimi
Quick , J , 0 , Sloamme , It , Talbot , F. M. Fur-
cell , William Wililamus , 'tViiiiara Ghine , J.
11. Augho , J , Sides , Charles Nelson , J , P.
Ewing , 'ST. 14. Murphy , 'mV. ' S. Dayemiport ,
J. S. Bennett , David Thompson , J. S. Moore ,
Dominick Cnrr , 11. W. Amuherson , T. F , Ormi-
hey , Fl. II. McConnell , J. 5 , hiulett , 1) , P.
Tubbs , William Libby , 11 , A. Sprague , Dan-
id Burns , 11. Id. Bouco , Tlmomas Morris , A.
F , Clapp , A. C. Woothing , henry harmon ,
Thomimas ii , Doyle , \V. Ii , Cimilcote , W. 2ui.
KnottsV , It , Wilcox , A. Stewart , 11. C.
Valentine , A. N. Ward , 11 , Dexter , li.
Wynman ,
5'I' . LOUIS Nt6VS1'Al'HIt MEN COMUiC. ,
litlVIiltfli 'VIii hliiiijt iii fl Party to
Atirimil lIme Opeimingr hlimy.
L. W. Wakeiey , general passenger agent
of the Burhlngtomm's MissourI lines at St.
Louis , will arrive 1mm Omaha on Tuesday mit
noon on the compammy's first St. Lommis-Omtmima
exposition liyer withi a party of distinguished
newspaper mcmi of St. Louis , occupying a
special car , These mmewspapcr people comae
to attentt time opening of the Tranemlasia-
sipimI Exposition , anti with timeni will be a
numor of staff artists. 'rho iarty will be
entertained whiio in Omaha by the exposition -
tion otflciaimm ,
0mm Wednesday morning time Burlington
will brimmg iii another party of newspaper
people in a special car from Kansas City ,
Timis party will be imecompammied by time mayor
and members of the municipal council of
Kansas City , who have been invited to at-
teimd time opening of the exposition on
Municipal officials of otimer cities lii this
section will arrive hero on Tuesday timid
Wednesday , mind will be Onmahma's guests ,
entertainunent being provided by Mayor
Frank L Moores and the Omaha city coucm-
l'l.eiIu ri ii to r 's'o ummami's Cl uhi In y ,
Juno 18 Is to be Woman's club day at time
oxpcmsition and preparations are going for.
ward ( or the entertainment of the large
number of guests which is expected , Dole.
gates en route to the biennial meeting of the
General F'edoratlon \S'omeu's clubs at
Denver are coming from hasten , I'hihtuthcl1 1
phia , New York , lit , Louis , Chicago anti St.
Patmi , sod the fctheratiomms of neighboring
states mire preparing to meet them , Time
guests will arrive on Saturday morning aumul
will spend the day on the exposition grommmmds.
A program will be givemi at time Auditorium
in the zmftcrnoomi at which Mrs. Mary 11.
Mumford of I'hmilmnlelplmia will speak on
some Idhaso of education anti Mrs , Hermana
Hall of Chicago will give an address on
"Art in the home , time School anti the Coin-
munlty , " Other speakers uluring the sessions
of the two days durimig wimiclm time wonmen
will be here mire Mrs. Cornelius iftevensoa
of l'hmliatielplmia , Mrs. Ellen itt , hitchartison
of Boston , Mrs. W. E. Flechel of St. Louis ,
Edward Longstreth of Phmilathelpimia anti
Mrs. Celia Parker W'oohiey of chicago ,
Gibes ( if hut' lIet'mm1iye lepnrtimieimis
to lie hteilmuveil 'l'inlny.
Mi of time offices of the cxpositiomm wlil tie
rornovctt to the groummtls today nuiti business
mviii opeim Mommday mimounimig with all the tb-
pnrtnmemmts on the grounds except the lie-
partummemit of I'ubhicity amid Pronmumtien ,
Time leprmrtmnont of Ways niuti Meaims , iii-
eluding time secretary's office timid time Bureau
of Admissions , will be located in the Service
building. Time Transportation nnd Comiccs-
sbus departments * 111 also have offices in
this btmilditmg , wlmilo time Depnrtmemmt of lIx-
hibits will retnumm tIme otlicea in the Maimtu-
fnctmures bmiiltiing which imumvo been occupied
by the depmmrtrnemmt for the last two weeks.
Time Service building imas not been entirely
CoflhlmietetI , but it decitleti thmat time hmeatl-
quarters of time various departments intuit
ho estabhialmed en time grommmmtis before the
exposition oimemms anti Sumntlay appenreil to bo
time only time whemm time niovimig coulti be
accomplished without the loss of vmmlumablo
tinmo fronm mm working day.
The Service building is located immethi-
ately tiorttm of time Athinimmlstratiomm arcim on
time west side of Twentic'ttm street , It is
about as mmcar time cemiter of time grolmntis as
aimy spot which might be selected anti will
be conrem'miemmt of access train any imortiomm t
of time thmrce tracts , The offices of Presitlemit
Wattles amid Gemmerai Mammagor Clarimsomi will
he In ( ho Admninlstrntiomi arcim.
'i'Iekcts for time Cli hidreil.
The cimiltiren who are lmolthlng ortlers entitling -
titling theta to a ticket of iutlimmissiomm to the
exposition on aeotmnt of their efforts 1mm sellIng -
Ing copies of the Hatchet ivill be fuurmmlslmed
ivltim tickets In excimango for their orders by
calling attime _ Y. M. C. A , building between
.1 antI 6 o'clock Momititmy eveniumg , A tonipor-
ary 001cc will be cetablisimed in tIme cmmtry
way to time bulding on thin ground floor anti
clmiitlre'n presenting tlmeir ortbers mit thIs
place will receive in oxcimango the tickets to
wimich they arc entitheti , These orders vero
isstmed to all cimiltiremi mvhio sold 100 or mmmorc
coimies of time Hatchet , each child holtiimmg
such an order belmig emmtitiei to one ndmmmis-
sion ticket. These tickets are gooti for any
day , btmt time object in Isuing timemmm Montimmy
is to have each little one supplied witim a
ticket for use on thme opening day.
l'Ittimu'es iii Nelinasitn hlii imliii.
Time hammgimig of time paintings whmichm con-
stittmte a prominent teata ; . of time tlecora-
Lion of the Nebraska building is proceeding
rapidly imimtber Lime supervislomi of Miss Mel-
baa Butterfield , the hostess of time btmiitl-
immg. Time paintings are nil time work of
Nebraska artists or tlmoce is'iio chaimii this
state as their home. Some of time artists
have taken up their abode imi other clinics ,
bitt still cling to the old state as tlmeir
home. Time pictures cover a wide range of
stmbjects , inciudimig lammdscapee , flowers in
profusion , portraits anti one or two very
ambitious efforts in the nude. In the hatter
class is one life-size flgmure of a youumg girl
painted by an Ommmalma womnan. The work is I
exceptionally fine anti nireathy time picture
has attracted the most favorable conummient
from connoisseurs. 1
ai-t ' 1'itIl Motto- ,
The dates for the 'Currency Convocation , "
to be presitled over by lion. J. Stoning Morton -
ton , have been fixed and the gatherIng of
- - - T
noted fimmiunclere wilt take phmice September
13 , 14 and 13 , In the Autbitoriumnu on the ax-
position grotuimds , Time first day will be devoted -
voted to a discussion of time tie of sliver
as nmoiiey , the second day to time merits of
gold and the third day to paper Imlone ) ' , time
morning of the third day being given over
to time greontiackers anti the afternoon to
tlmose opposed to irrc'deemunbio ctmrrency. The
macst proimilnemit advocates of these rariobs
schools of money still be lnrltctl by Mr. Mor-
tomi to participate in time convocation tumid
the affair Is expecteti to be otto of the most
notable events of its kind wimicim immis over
transpired ,
( invenituitettt Uuulimling Control.
Time hoard of Mammagenment ot the Govern-
macmit building anti eximlbit hmeltl a vrotracteti I'
immeeting at time Millard Imotel last night anti.
transacted a large anmotunt of routine btusi-
ness , Time only unritter of interest done by
time board was to fix time imoturs dtmrImi which
time building shall hum kept open. It was tie.
citlcth that during Juno amid Jumly time builtiimmg
will be nimemi from 9 a. mu. to 6 p. mu. luurung
time reiimaining mmionths thin liners will be
gFatiuntiy sImortimmeti , Limo mmliii beiuig to close
about sumntiowmm.
Time qutestiomi of openuimg time bumilibimig on
Sumidnys mvmis mucimtioneti , tuumt tIme cotisemusus
of opinion mm'as timat time decision mmiatbo by
practically the same board at the \'t'orld'a
fair shoulti be atlimereul to aumd tIme btmlhtiiug
I vIhi not be oimemmetl Summdnys.
S. Ii. Morrey , wlmo hats been In charge o
time lnstahintiomm of time exhibit of time Tremis-
ury department , was npimointcti sttperitu-
temident of exhibits for the entice buildimmg.
itt's ( if the 1iItOst ( hOt ,
Smmmmmhl elevators are bejmig Iuhm'eeit in thu
mmmiii court builtliumgs so as to niforil easy
access to time galleries for timoso tmmmabhe to
climb time stairways ,
The fresh wmmter lieu frommi Qtmiumcy , Ill. , nmmtl
Ncoshio , Mo. , for time fm'eshm ivnter aquaria
trill arrive iii tIme city timimu mmiorning nmmti mviii
be imiaced at once 1mm their mmcmv lmonies.
Tlmee myth be mmuosthy famucy helm of various
Time salt water fish are cmi route to Ommmahma
timid are expecteti to nrrlmo emmriy toimioriow
imuornltig , 'l'hero will ho mm' great variety of
thmeso tmmmd thmo tanks mm item they imiii be tli-
played inure bcomm m'emmtli' for timeir reccjmtlomt
for several ulnys.
Luther M. Stierimmger , the electrical en-
gimieer mvhmo designed time electric thecora-
tioii of time oxpositlomm gromtmmtls , Immis arrived
imu the city to oversee time atitlitiomi of limo
lhmmlslmimmg touclmes to time groumtis ; mtmmtl mmlii
remmmmtimu for somime titan.
Mrs. Martlmmt Simtmte , tue ommergetic conmmmmlim-
slammer of hiortietmiture of Coiormmdo , Immts at-
rived witim time immaterial fom' lmer exhibit amid
time iuustnliatluum will be comimmimemiccd at once
amitl ptmsheth to an early commipictloii with Mrs.
Shute's tmsumul emmergy.
Cothey'mt itlmmgmuzine for Jimmie comitnins a temi-
hinge article cii time exposition by Miss Elsie
Iteasomuer , coimmtpictmoushy ihitmstrntcti witim
lmnif-totmo reprotitmetions of reccmmt hihioto-
gralmhs of time exposition buiithlmmgs zmmitl iii-
terestimmg iiolimts nbotmt the grotmituls.
Time hmmimiber to ho misetl km time erection of
Limo gramid stnumti omm time mimaimm cotmrt is on tim
grotiimtl anti Limo stnmmtl mmiii be erected to-
iimom'mow , This 1mm 'mm'imerc time chief exerciseS
of time oimemiimig day mire to talco place. Time
sumbstmmntini seats lmave te'emi tlistrihuutetl at
thiiToremmt polmuts on time mmmaium commit , which
will miftomd conufortabio rcmmtimmg Imiaces for
time visitors.
i'mil lentiomis l'oint I , ) lhi r'tuteii hii
% 'eitt1iei for Sumidimy I a Nelnzuskn ,
'nithi 'stnimuJIe % 'iiItiM.
WAShINGTON , May 28.-Forecast toy
Sunday :
For Nebraska anti IowaTlmrcmttcnimig
weather ; variable wimitla.
For Soutiu DakoteLThmreatemming weathmem' ,
with possibly showers imi eastermm . . portiomm ;
easterly wintha.
For Missouri-Throatemming wcathitmr , 'with '
probably iigimt simowers ; y arlabbo mvimids
For lcnmmsas-Tiiremitdlmin1 wc'ntlmor , litob-
ably with light in time eastern , iop : _
tion : easterly ivimls.
\Vyonuimmg-Gcnbrally fair , westerly ,
I winds.
_ _ _ _ _ _
The Crowning Sensation of th Vor14
Is. , flaenback's ' Trained Wild Animal Show 0o1's '
Mighty Oonress ol the
World's Famous
--.t------- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Train'ed Animals
Sekcted from a1 nations-tue
largest co11ectio of rare , costly
1111(1 curious animaS ever gotten
together under one enclosure.
llaenback's ' Trained Wild
Animal Show ,
Now Situated on West Midway , g
to remain from June 1st to Nov. " ' ' '
1st , have spared no CX1)OllSC to iiutico 1 it the gt'andest aiid.inot
popular of it's kind ever exhibited iii this country.1ihis
show , endorsed by the public and pi'esa , is everywhere a'c
knowledgeci to be the inonai'ch of all trained aninmi exliibi.
tions ,
IOU Unparalleled Features !
_ _
IOU High Class
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Sensational Acts !
_ _ _ Having uc1i a great vtti'iety '
of t4tah'tIillg fQatuies , . ; ts.
_ _ _ _ _ _ 111)10 the Iflallttgeliloflt to giv9
a coiustant cluuige of pi'ogl'ame
See the baby lions 3 days old-sight of a 1i1et1iii Nol.
lare , tile largest and most beautiful lion iii ox'isteitce-a bij
show in himself , 1-lundreds of hital'velous traine(1 ( 1111(1 Untrained -
trained animals froni every forest , desert and jungle under
the sun , including lions , Ugt. . - ' '
01'S , 1eopti'ds , wolves , bears , \ " " : _ . !
elephants , ilinias , , etc.
Admission to
the Menagerie : - < : : ; ,
To tile Arena Performance , 25e. - Box Seats , 5Oe
, . , ,
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