- _ - - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - I- 1 - PEAUA DAUYfl : StTNDAYStAY9,189S. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ i _ _ OURACU1S1T1O FRO1 FRANCE ; Eegio Bepte86thd in the Orcat Tram misiszppi Exposition. \4 1R0M WILDERNESS TO FERTILE 11E1D . )1nrrI1on , . Chnnwe Wrought In the : Yn.il Territory flongbt VnsIer 3're.tdent Jelrr..un % . fjy the Vntted 8tatc3 , ' p. Manaeron tn 2tay CoRmopoUt-an. The rxmn who ndxnIn8tered the oath of A , _ omce to the first ircstdcnt , of the nItd EtatoR 'wn $ dcttn d a few years later to render a still more illustrious ienica to his country. The charm tfl1 Hngcr ou thu od page Cf our bstory , etghtet as it Ii wlth ueb immcaurab1e conrequencta , not realizea by cXr foreatbcrL Itvcr7 scboothoy knows the itory of Mr. L1vIngitons eppothtnient aa American mth1ste to Prance ; of Ma In- . - - atructiona from JrcsIdcnt Jefferson to pur- cbaae the Inxd of Oricana for a dockyard t&nc dcpo8Itory and of the miniBter's amaze- rneflt bcn Marbol , the French trcaaury inInster , offered to e11 him , not an thiand , buta domain of Imperial extent , the heart of the continent. rcac12tn from the Gulf of l1exko to the lnlIsh poaEcssiona on the north. The presIdent had been authorized to cx- pond 2OOOOOO , but thie proposal called for $ l&,000.fto. ) Mr. Monroe was Font over as an assocIate of the mInIster , but Mr. Liv- lngston had assumtd the responsibility beT - T fore Mr. Monroe's arrival , and had practi- call ) ' accept-cd the proposed terns , aa there - waB no tIme for deIa. 130th mInisters , on APril O , 3S03 concluded a treaty whereby France ceded to the United States the vast territory known na I.ouistana , "forever and in full sovereignty. " Then the storm broke. The purchase , un- - - denlably , wea somewhat revolutionary , and thoroughly unconstitutional , as allecting suture membership in the union , and a menacing - acing the riglith of the original parties to 1 the "Federal Contract. " Mr. Jefferson , himself - self a strict constructionist , did not consider It a constitutional act ; "the executive , ' he said , "has done an act beyond the constitu- tion. The legislature must ratify it and throw themselves upon the country for an act of indemnity. " The senate ratified the treaty and conventions , and on December 20 , 1801 , ftc territory of Louisiana passed a to the United States. - , . Lin-g.lIty of I1IC Aequtaltion. Our most. interesting notes , aside from the question of the legality of this acquisition. relate the arguments brought forward by the opponents to the purchase. "Some were svorried lest the east should become depopulated - latod , lest a great emigration should set in , lest old men anti young men , nbandoning homes and occupations , should cross the Mississippi - sissippi and perhaps found there a republic cf their own. Some feared that mere extent - tent of territory would rend the republic apart ; that no common ties of Interest could ever bind together under one government men who fought Indians and trapped hears around the headwaters of the Missouri , and 2ne0 who built ships and caught sh In the harbors of the Atlantic ocean. " And then the purchase would enormously increase the public dcbL Tuo millions for an is'and , and Zossibly as much ground on the mainland a5 is now covered by the city of Now Orleans - leans as enough , in all conscience ; but 5.OOOOOO for a "wilderness" containing over 1,000,000 square miles was revolutionary - ' ary , unconstitutional and not to be permit- ted. Even Mr. Livingston beat to the storm be had raised , by pleading that we could sell a part of the tract if we could not use It. But few of the men of 1SO reafly under- teed the vast irnporthnce of the Louisiana purchase , in its relation to the development of AmerIcan nationality. That whIch now xnaes the crowning pride of the American citizen. that the states of the union are prend from the AUantie to the Pacifle ; was held then by many patriots as the extreme of danger. Though the Lewis and Clark expedition of 1804 and succeedIng years gate the itret accurate inlormation regardIng the basIns of the Missouri and the Columbia , thus throwing a flood of lIght upon the then unknovn part of our newly acquired tern- tory , still the opposers of expansion re- , - roamed unconvinced. As late as 185 this feeling was still strong. Beside the immense area on this side of the Stony ( Rocky ) mountains , coot-abed in this purchase , there were also the lands lying beyond , which now constitute the states of Idaho , Oregon and Washington ; and in 1824-5 a strong gifort was made in oongress to secure this territory against the conflicting claims of Great Britain. Mr. Smyth of Virginia - ginia declared In the house that "the limits of the federation could not be rafely extended beyond the Stony moun- . - tatns ; be would not object to one or two tIers of statel beyond the Mississippi , but .no further. " In the senate , Mr. Dickerson or Now Jersey pronounced the bill absurd. "A member of congress. " be said , "travel- tog from his home to Washington and no- turn , would cover a distance of t.2OO miles ; at the rate of thirty miles ier day , and allowing - lowing him forty-four days for Sundays , 350 dnys would be consvmd , and the mein- her svoulU have fourteen days in Washington - ton before be started home ; It would be quicker to come around Cape horn , or by liering straits , Baffln bay and Davis strait to the Atlantic , and so to W'ashington , True. the passage Is not yet discovered , cx- COit upon our maps , but It will be as soon as Oregon is made a state. " Mr. Dicker- son's geographical eloquence was so efft-c. tiv that the bUl , on his motion , was tahled , S.iine Conleiupurjery O.Iniois , So much stress upon the old story , because - cause this is the stone almost rejected by the builders. l'rophesiea .01 evil grew with the years. .iorse in hts "Uciversai Geography" e. cIart'd "All settlers who go beyond the Mississippi river will be forever lost to the UnIted States. " Pike whose name is attacked - tacked to the giant peak that was to serve as a magnet to draw adventurous spirits from the cast across the idain , condemned by him to everlasting sterility , made of- ilctal report to the 'war department ; "From these immense prairies may be derived one great advantage to the United States , nam'ly , the restriction of our IOPUlUtiOfl to sozn certain limits , and thereby a continuation of the union. They ; iiI be constrained to limit themselwei to' the borders of the Missouri and Mississippi , while thep" leave the prairic , Incapable of cultivation. to the wandering and uncivilized t'onigine. of the country. " Evva is late as 16S the ? orth American Ileview declared : "The people of the Vnited States have reached their inland vestern frontier , and the banks of the Mis- sourl river are the horses at-the termination of a vast ocean desert over 3,000 miles in breadth , hicb It is proposed to travel , if at all , with caravans of camels , anl wbicb inS - S terposo a ilnal barrier to the .establishment of large communities , agricultural , commercial - cial , or even pastoral. " These uere the prophecies , What of their ,1fulfillment ? The wr of the n-hellion , with * 11 iti sacriee of life. shedding of blood and elpenditure of treasure , 'was not an un- zuixed evil. Ranking close to Its prime re- suIts , the citinction of human alayery and the bomogepeity of the republic , came that I great factor in the untcaticuj of the naUon , th building of the l'atiVc laliways , The ; 'can&van of the camel , " jre1cted In 1 * , I becatnb 10 realiasUon the express train in 'BC' . Condilinn of Pnrehnae Today' . Let us glance briefly at the "purchase" today. The representation of states in the Transmlssissippi xposItIon at Omaha this year from June 1 to lovember 1 'will come largely from the territory acquired in 1S03. Among those certain to make a magnificent showing cIlI be the states that were unUl recent times included In an area marked off like the dcsert of Sabar nd eprinkled all over with sand dots. The men who helpe1 to mold and develop this empire of the west well remember the scluoI maps of forty years ago , 'whereon that strip of territory lying east of the Rocky mountains and west of the Missouri river , extending south to the l.iexicae border and north to British America , was an almost unknown land , and a very considerable portion of it was designated - atod as the "Great American Desert , " That sandy feature of the znsp baa been dropped many years , for good and sufflcient reasons. Some of the reasons arc that the tranarnis- sissippi region produces a crop of 1,100.000- 000 bushels ot corn , valued at Z3,00,00O ; 'wheat. , 300,000,000 bushels. 'valued at $135- 000,000 , and 27,000,000 toni of hay , valued at $1&O,000,000 , This cannot 'very well ha scheduled as a desert land , Between the Mississippi river and the Rocky mountains is the magnificent and undisputed granary of our country , a farm of 67,000,000 acres under cultivation , yielding agricultural pr3i- ucts to the value of $1,000,000,000 a year , And the value of live stock and horses reaches the same fgure. The mineral wealth of the transmississlppt states in- eludes practically all the precious metals and the bulk of other minerais produced in the United States. The annual value of gold and silver mined exceeds flOO,000,000 , while the output of coal is 20,000,000 tons annually , valued at $25,000,000 ; there are 200.000 open- atives to mills and factories , earning 7'- 000.000 per year , and the value of the man- Wactured products reaches $1,400,000,000 : the personal property aggregates over $6- 000,000,000. which represents less than one- fourth of the actual property value. In 1560 there were , l00 miles of railway 'west of the Mississippi river and only twen- ty-six and one-half miles west of the Mis- souri. The railway mileage west of the Mississippi now exceeds 80,000 miles. 'rho Increase in population has been marvelous : so recently as 1S69 , only thirty years ago. the transmiaslssippi population was 6,49,16S , and in lSO it had reached 15,1'O,21i , a growth of 250 per cent in twenty years ; at the close of 16 the estimated population was 20ICS,260. The presidential 'vote in 1592 was 3,109,7SS and in 1896 it was 3,9S3- 756. Education has kept pace with the ma- tonal advancement there are 121 unlver- sit-lea and c..lleges , 6,000 school houses anti 5,100,000 school children in the transmissts- SipPi region. West of the Mississippi river have been founded some of the most important centers of population and commerce in the United States. At the mouth of the Mississippi we have New Orleans. th commercial emporium - porium of the gulf states. in the center is St. Louis , among the most prosperous of American cities , reaching out clear to the Gulf of Mexico and Gulf of California with its jobbing trade and manufacturing enter- itrises. Up near the headwaters of the MIs- slsslppi are St. Paul and Minneapolis , the greatest milling and lumber centers in America. On the Gulf of Mexico lies Galveston - veston and near the Rio Grande Is San An tonio , both with grtowing international trade , In the heart of the corn belt are Kansas City , St. Joseph Omaha , Sioux City , Des Moines , Topeka , Lincoln and Council Blus. On the crest of the Rockies is Denver , the beautiful - ful , and south of the Colorado capital are Colorado Springs , Pueblo , Santa Fe and AIbuuerque. Beyond the Wasatch range , Salt Lake City , the famous capital of Utah , challenges attention , and points the way to the golden shores of the Pacific , of which San Francisco is the commercial metro- polls , vith Los Angeles holding a profitable monopoly of the semi-tropical fruit trade , which has assumed enormous proportions. Then comes Portland , where flows the Oregon - gen , and Tacoma and Seattle , contesting the supremacy of the 'vast commerce of Puget Sound. Other important and growing corn- mercial centers have been established in the mountain thtes. Notable among these are Boise City , Spokane. Butte , Helena , Ogden , Laramie , Cheyenne and Deadwood. Nci.n.er . Izidex of Intelligence , A fair Index of the intelligence and progressive - grossive spirit of any country or section is its newspapers. Measured by that standard , the transmississippl states are the peer of any portion of the United States or the world. In point of character and enterprise the great newspapers west of the Mississippi will compare favorably with those of the most populous nnd progressive states. Thirty years ago the number at newspapers pub. lished J.n the whole United States was less than & ,000. Now the number west of the Mississippi aggregates nearly 6,000 , and these papers are distributed through 22,000 postoffices. There was no boundary defined by either of the P3XUC to the aale wlen we purchased the Heart of the Continent. May not we take it as a happy omen ? mr there has been no boundary or limit as yet to progress in many-sided advancement during these uinety.flve years. The most fantastic dreamer of them all could not foresee in those dawaing days of the century how his children and his children's children would people and develop the wilderness we bought from France. "When we took ioasession In December , 1503 , the eastern boundary was the Missis. sii'pi Item 1t source to th thirty-first parallel , but where that source was no man knew , and the boundary below thirty-one degree was long In dispute , Americans claiming as far eastwad as the Ferdido river , But Spain would acknowledge no claim east of the Mississippi and south of the thirty-first parallel sara the Islapd of Orleans. The boundary on the southwest was never definitely drawn until the treaty of 1619 , 'when 'we secured Florida at a cost of $5,000.000. " fly the convention of hiS with Great Britain the utmost northern boundary of Louisiana was to begin at "the most northwestern - western point of the Lake of the Woods , run due north or south , as the case might be , to the 49th parallel of north latitude anti westward along that parallel to the summit of the Stony mountains , " The region be. yond ( now Idaho , Washington and Oregon ) was claimed by both parties. Fiom this time for nearly thirty years the "struggle for possession" alternately n-axed and waned until heroic Dr. Whitman made his lznmor- tai ride of 4,000 miies in midwinter and saved Oregon to the union , This was in 1b43 and by the treaty of iSIG the matter was peacefully settled. W'e are apt to congratulate - gratulate ourselves on peaceful victories- and often they are cheaply won In every sense , It the old war cry of ' 7lfty-four , forty or fight" in 1846 bad stood for anything - thing we meant to stand by-in effect , fight. tag , and not temporizing-we should today be in control of a coast line connecting us I with Alaska and masters of a country wherein could arise no Kiondike complies- lions-of which country and our right of entry thereon we may be informed in no uncertain terms ere long. % 'I.It be Mn ; . Sausa. .A glance at msp will show the extent of territory acquired by this purchase. Out of it have been esrved nine whole at-ales , namely : Louisiana , Arkansas. Missouri , lansas , Nebraska , Iowa. North Dakota , South Dakota , Montana and a part of Mm. nesota. Wyoming and Colorado. The other ; 'a.rt of Mtnnesota we derived from the orthwe4t Territory and the remainder of Colorado and Wyoming from Mexican tea- alone. Very Interesting and cry profitable Is a study of the rise and pt-ogress of these states , this great domain we call the trans. mississippi country. It will do no harm and possibly much good for us to review our history-too often neglected , both in public and private eueation. Surely nothing becomes - comes an American , young or old , more than accurate , thorough , intelligent knowledge - edge of his country-not in narrow Retloos , but with a 'new us broad as the land in which he lives. A doubt arises whether a Xebraeka youth knows very much about } Centucky with her years of fas. cinating history , and this doubt becomes in. tenelfied when we consIder whether a Massa- chusetta lad has a clear practical 'view regarding - garding the state of Nebraska. There is e'om.a danger of state insularity , While this Is perhaps natural , still it would seem 'we should be loyal to our ideals and the country and the flag , 'ahich mean so much to us all. The Transmisalssippi Exposition ought to and 'will bring together an immense number of our own people , and out of this comming- flag and fraternizing should come a better understanding of each other's resources , broader views of the underlying strength of states and communities , and a correspondingly increased pride in birtlf- right and country-the whlo country-this United States of ours , north and south , east and west. Coming to this exposiUon , our eider brothers and sisters will see those cvi- denecs of culture which they may have deemed well nigh absent from this region. The progress in music , literature and art has kept pace with all material advance- mont. It is something to be proud of that this state of Nebraska , thirty-one years old and rescued not much longer than that from Indians and buffaloes , has the smallest percentage - centage of illiteracy of any state in the union. The state of Idaho , eight years old , raised on irrigated land apples which took first prize at the Worid's fair. But let us call the roll. fore are the states which will be present at the exposition - tion from the transmississippi country-the States representing the Louisiana purchase of ninety-five years ago : The Itoh of States. Louisiana-Admitted as a state in 1512 ; 45,000 square miles of territory , or ,00D,000 acres , and about ,000,000 under cultivation. Oa these acres are grovn sugar , $15,000,000 ; cotton , $21,000,000 ; corn , oats and hay , $10- 000,000. and other products bring the total value of her output up to $75,000,000 an- nunily. Arkansas-Admitted In 1516 ; anarea of Z3,840 ; square miles , abnut the size of England - land ; population in IS'96 was 1,600,000. Five million acres under cultivation ; annual live stock product , $21,000,000 ; farm products , $44,000,000 per annum ; 19,000,000 acres of timber lands , and the largest deposits of marble in the United States. Missouri-Admitted in 1121 ; population , 3.20,000 ; has an area of C9,415 square miles. Maine , Massachusetts , Connecticut , New Hampshire , Vermont , Rhode Island and Delaware could be put down side by side in its limits and still leave a margin of 900 square miles. Seventeen million acres under cultivation. Kansas-Admitted In 1561 ; 408 miles long by 208 miles wide ; farm products , $140,000- 000 annually ; thecorn , crop of 1Si6 amounted to 221,419,414 bushels , valued at $35,633,013 Nebraska-Admitted in 1S67 ; an area of ; csst ; square miles ; 33,000,000 arable acres ; the second sugar beet raising state in the union , producing 15,000.000 pounds ; has raised in one year 300,000.000 bushels of corn on her portion of the "Great American Desert. " Iowa-Admitted In 1546 ; a grand agricultural - cultural state ; her farmers raise products valued at $500,000,000 annually ; corn , 255- 000,000 bushels ; oats , 200,000,000 bushels ; 9,500,000 buehels of wheat ; fruit crop , $3,000,000. North Dakota. Admitted in 1889 ; population - lation , 225,000 ; area , ' 70.795 square miles ; world famous wheat country-one farm contains 75,000 acres. The Dakotas pro. duce annually upward of 60,000,000 bushels of wheat. South Dakota-Admitted in 1583 ; area , 42- 050 square miles ; population , 235,000 ; there are & 0,000 farms In South Dakota valued at $170,000,000 ; raises 30,000,000 bushels of wheat annually. Montana-Admitted in 1S19 ; area , 146,080 square mile ; population , 185,000 ; 30,000,010 acres of farm lands , 38,000,000 acres grazing land ; in gold alone Alder Guich produced siuuovuu. rica state In mlueruL , ii- , , culture and lumber. Minne'oth-Admitted in 1858 ; population. 1.610,000 ; area , 53.531 square miles ; value of manufactured products , $792,000,000 ; annual - nual product of corn , 35,000,000 bushels ; wheat , 65,000,000 bushels ; oats , 77,000,000 bushels. It has the greatest flour-making city in the world , with a capacity of 38,000 barrels of flour per day. One of these mills has the greatest capacity of any flour mill in the world-it can produce 7,200 barrels of flour a day. Wyoming-Admitted in 1890 ; an area. of 97.890 square miles ; 90,000 population ; It is us large as all New England and Indiana combined ; its forest lands cover 10,000,000 acres ; 1.00,000 cattle and 1(00,000 ( sheep are grazing all the year round , and the live stock interest represents $100,000,060 of capital. - Colorado-Admitted in 1876 ; area , 103,925 square miles-as large as all New England nd Ohio combined ; population , 450,000. The bullion product of Coiorado has reached beyond $300,000,000. but so accustomed are we to think of Colorado In connettion with mines that. it is forgotten she is a inagni- ficent agricultural state-her farm products leading her mine products. Thus briefly , hurriedly anti Imperfectly has the region of the old Louisiana purchase been outlined. There ire great states lying outside the Louisiana purchase of which extended mention should be made did space permit ; states whose early history of struggle and ultimate triumph Is a most ascinatiug subject. The stories of Texas , of California , of Oregon , are those of history- making epocha in the progress of our country. These and the rest of the sisterhood - hood of Etates from north and south and east will , at the Trausmississippi Ezpnsi- tion , reccivo a warm western wceome. Arnold's llrorno Gtlcry cures headaches. lOc. 5e. SOc. All druggists. Sionusicoua ( 'ombuh.'lon , Blutwurat. frankfurters. a choice line of Swiss cheese and ether inflammatory material stored for prudential reasons in a hermetically sealed vault Ignited auto. maticaily last night , reports the Chicago Chronicie , in the Steats Zeitung exchange , Fifth avenue and Washington streets , and caused a blaze 'which for a moment threat. ened the building , The prompt arrival of one of the down. town engine companies secured 'immunity for nil of the contents of the beer dispen- Lary except a few time-honored bar , rna. znents in the shape of sandwiches , whose tinth'rlike condition rendered them an easy prey to the devouring flmez , , The blazE' started at a4me 'when a most animated diaeuulon wa , In progress be. tween a man wboe accent was strongly aug. geative of the fatherland and another who was unmistakably a Frenchmau. The subJect - Ject of discussion was admiral Dwey' victory in Manila bay , The German niain. tamed that the galiant commander had wbn agaInst great odds. The Frenchman , on the other baud , declared that any other good fighter could have vanquished the Spaniards with the same advantage in respect to guns , 'The eaciternent canned the discussion to be dropped. Get a map of Cuua anti get the best and must complete. The Bee's combination map of Cuba. the West Indies sad of the world. With a Bee map toupon , on iage 2 , 10 tents. at lIce oce , Omaha. South Omaha or Council Bluffs B mail. 14 cents. Address r.uban Mao Deuartment , COL , FRED CiIT'S ' CO1f AND Oo'Iontl of'1ew Y4t'ig1iting Tourtoenth Talks n tue War , WHAT HIS FATiPLA4UtD IN ' 13 A Conflict Tiiftt _ Will flcnflt This Conntry-Ncc41 for Patience and Conflule's.o in the Nntlon'a Lender. . I saw Colond Freterick Dent Grant , the Son of his father surely , taking command of the Fighting Potrteenth of Brooklyn , and an old soldier rushed up to him and cried : "Gel bless you , colonel. I was with your father at Vicksburg , and I wish that I could only march into havana with youl" Fred Grant wan also 'with his father at Vicksburg , a lad of 12 , at the headquarters , himself to the saddle , receiving a gunshot wound In the leg one of the days because he ventured out into the fighting too far , spraining a leg another day because he would not give up the horse , and attract- jag the admiring attention of General Grant even in the rush of tremendous affairs which just then 'ngagcd the thoughts of the hero of Vicksburg. Later I saw Colonel Fred Grant of the Fighting Fourteenth at his house on East Sixty.second Street It is evidently not the house of a rich man , though pictures of Grant and Sheridan , rare and priceless for their associations , and articles of furniture and art , evidently Inherited from the son- oral , adorn the parlor moms. There are rare things also from China , some of them the gifts of Li hung Chang , and articles , too , torn Europe , reminding one that Colonel Grant himself made a most creditable roe- ord at the Austrian court during the administration - ministration of Benjamin Harrison. "Yes , it. Is true , " said Colonel Grant , "that my father planned in 1873 , in the midst of the Virginius excitement a raid into the heart of Spain. The plan was to land 50,000 veterans of the civil war on the shores of the bay of Biscay , to send them under Sheridan to take the Spanish capital , and immediately to re-enforce them with another - other army of American 'veterans of perhaps - haps 100,000 men. You could hardly find in the history of the world an army so well suited to this venturesome design ; but we had the veterans then , the trained and seasoned soldiers ; young men. too , just out of the war , and we had Sheridan , who for such a purpose could not have his equal. Sherman ? General Sherman was probably to remain at home to mobilize the troops and be in general command. Sheridan was enthusiastic about the expedition , and there is no doubt that General Grant meant busi- ness. We had not4nju h of a navy then. We could not wait for pain to come to us. If a quick , hard , dedlsP.'e blow was to be struck , it seemed tthtt this was the way to strike it. I am quite sire , too , that it was felt that the lesson of'btir victory , which , of course , would hard ben almost certain , would have been a dod one for the world. But , as you know. tad trouble blew over and our people ner hbd the satlsraetion , nor the world the xample , of seeing that bold design carried out. .An Estrir Volunteer. "You were one of the first to offer your services , Colonel Grant. for the present wart" 'Yes , " replied thyeolonel , "I volunteered Immediately. It seemed to me only fair. ainee 1 had enjoyed- . the education of , a , soldier , that I shoulddo everything I could. It is true that I waa only a boy at the time of the rebellion , but I was with my father for two or three years , and perhaps began even then to realize the satisfaction as well as the duties of a noldier's life. I have been eleven years in the service , all told , and have seen sCveral Indian campaigns - paigns , more , perhaps. than I could tell you about modestiy. Military affairs have been the study of my life time ; they have interested - terested me more than any other tpic. This perhaps is only natural. My immediate - diate determination then was to offer my services to the government , and if they should not be required at Washington , then I thought Governor Black could have them. I am very proud to be the colonel of the Fourteenth. We only hope that there will be something important for us to do. " " country has been thoroughly - ing the riChest of her colonies. our neighbor - bor The uses of the methods of diplomacy' are clear. The president utilized them all , bItt Spain tusbed on into the teeth of war , Nothing , not even the good advices of the powers anti the pope could bold her back. Her necessities were largely political , it is true. but they existed , so that this nation , great and humane and fotheaiing as it is , found it well as necessary to curb her desperate spirit and to crush her few remaining pretensions. When and how to Strike. "The uses of strategy In war , the employment of means which might be called humane in contradistinction - distinction to the quicker anti harsher methods-these , like the uses of diplomacy , are necessary it one Is in the position of the president or of the secretaries of war and the navy , or of the general of the army , or of the commanders of the fleets. It is all important to understand just when to strike and how to strike. The victory may seem simply brilliant-whose could seem more brilliant than 1)ewey's7-but those who cannot in the very nature of things be aware of the ditflculties surrounding - ing those In command , or the responsibilities - ties for loa of life and treasure , of the inexcusable - excusable losses which may occur from a step taken too quickly or taken falsely- those , I say , always need to remember that , while telling blows can be delivered , it is also of supreme importance many times to be sure that you are just right before you go ahead. It is hard for real soldiers and sailors to stand with patience the delays - lays of a siege or a blockade , but suppose they starve the enemy into submission and crush him just as completely , and also almost - most as quickly as if hundreds of thousands of lives were lost In an engagement ? No , , lt Is not only the duty of every soldier and every sailor to obey ; that is not only his first duty , but it is the duty of all our citi- Zeus to support the administration , to be patient - tient while our cabinet and our commanders on land and sea w.rk , out their plans to success. I should peraonally like to take my men to Cuba right away. The Ibland is not unknown to me. W'e could fight there and should be glad to thko the chances of war there. But if it is not yet time we car. wait ; in any event , we shalt be ready 'when we are wanted. " "It seems to be the general feeling now , colonel , that this war -ili place the Uulted States before the eyes of the world in a new and better light , " I remarked. euetIta of War. "It will , " Colonel Grant replied , "and that 'will be one of the great and good things about it. First It will unite and solidify our people as they have never been united be- fore. It vill prove to our foreign-born citi- Zeus that there is something absolutely sub. I stantial about our country after all , some thing which makes it for them , as for all t others , a real home and a real new father- jiand. In the matter of the diflerent see- I tlons of our country-I refer , of course , to I the north and the south-the results wili be incalculably large. You notice how quickly and loyally the Fitxhugh Lees and the "Fighting J00" Wheelers are ready to rush to arms , and that not only means that our brothers of the south really love the flag again , and probably always have loved it against the foreign aggressor , but you notice - tice how it makes our own blood tingle , and especially how our northern veterans of the war feel again that no southern brother of theirs shall excel them in their loyalty to the same flag. "But you spoke of the effect upon foreign - eign countries. Let me give you a suggestion - tion about that. I have noticed abtoad that our people are not held in sumcient esteem - teem by foreigners generally and I have sought the causesaf it. Ninety-five out of every hundred Americans who travel In Europe go the usual rounds and behave - have themselves perfectly. They mind their business , interest themselves in the sights , go about intelligently , pay their bills , deport themselves like model travelers. There viiI be five in 100 perhaps who do not behave themselves so well. They get about all right and pay their bills , but but they are noisy , and , in a word , attract unenviable attention. It is these. and not the other ninety-five , who are known as inericans , and it is an unhappy fact that they give us a bad aame. There is another consideration. Our newspapers are some- tims Seen abroad. Their attention is too apt to seem , in the case of the foreigner , to'be devoted solely to the scandals of our American society. There is everything. for instance , about the unhappiness of the Deacons - cons , and now I suppose our foreign frIends find themselves regaled with the unhappi- . 'A Gunshot : I Wound _ _ _ _ _ . ' / , , \ . . t , ; . - - - - - c / JJi"///// / ) ! / f \ . - / 'p'1" " ' ( t - S ft. . .dro4.cA1r71yI ; / J , , ; , ' \ \ \ k - i' cw ; 1 7 * / / ' , ' . I If , COIONgL FRED GRANT IN FRONT OF HIS TENT AT HEMSTEAD CAMP. MAY. 189R. aroused , " I sugcet7'"cnore so than at any time since the civil war. " "Undoubtedly , " Colonel Grant replied , "The destruction of the Maine angered all true Americans thoroughly and from that time we hastened on , no matter if we seemed to be hastening slowiy , toward a war with Spain. I Ujjk it is a mistake to .cali it a desire for go for the destruction - tion of the Mainc-Jh1ieling that Svain ought to be punisbi4 . that and for her unspeakable babarrWj.afa Cuba. A desire to iunish them as djwId whip a wife. beater , or as ' a murderer for the iroteeton ofjcIey for the preser. vation of the rociot oflnat400s , as you might call it , secms'o express it better. Au immediate i9quiry4nto the causes of the destruction of the Maine instituted by the proper inttrnational authorities , might have ? oftened this anger somewhat especially if Spain bad agreed , as under international regulations in such ceea she -would have been obliged to agree ' 3eforeband to accept the flndig. But the , , barbarities and inhumanities - humanities Practiced open the Cubans were continuously before' ha and Maine or no Maine Spaip was hastenlag on to her In. evitable punishment and our American pee- pie were hastening on inevitably to their detemination to punish her , to avenge the Maine , if you thooae to put IL that way , . and to punish Spain t41l.tttrther by liberal- ness of the tie in Mare ; so that the un- presslon Is that these are our leading respectable - spoctable and important people. Again too many of our newspapers Persist In abusing our. public men. For no matter bow -worthy the motives of our public men may be , no matter bow bard it is for them to notice the attacks upon them , they are continually abused for things for which they are not nt all to blame , They are continually called flippantly by their first naides , and are continually written dowa as big igno- ramusen , if not highway robbers. You can easily inikgine what the effect abroad of all that must be. These things surely do not give foreigners a correct idea of our people and the worst phase of it is that we , ourselves - selves , or rather a few of us , are to blame for this. - Increased Prestige , "You are right in thinking that the result of this Litanish war will cause us greatly to be respected the world over.'e are 75,000- 000 , iowerul , resourceful , Indomitable pee- pIe. We have been too busy to think much about anznioi and navies , and surely in ( lii. I vreaent case we have forborne to the last degree to quarrel with Spain. MI that will snake our triumph the more worthy and I significant in the eyes of the world. Our t navy , for its numbers and its personnel , ( or Its eonmauders and its sailors , is matchless. it tse have a large one , that will be all the From Which 'Dane gerous Blood Poison Re suits. I matters noL how blood poison is n.cquired , whether by inherithnco or accident. , it is a stubborn , obstinate disease and otio 'which the doctors find themseh'es unable to successfully - fully treat , Whenever there is the slightsb impurity in the blood , any accident which produces - duces even a trivial bruise or contusion of the flesh , is likely to rosuit seriously. Chronic sores and ulcers often result from such causes , and in many cases they are so obstinate that it ; takes years to get rid of them. The doctors are unable to cure such cases beefiuso pottsh and mercury ( the only remedies which they evvr proscribe for the blood ) tend to Silut in the poison - on and dry it up in the blood , Hero it lies dormautfor a. while , only to break out in a more ag- grarated form than before. This treatment is continued and the same conditions exist for years , the old sore or ulcer becoming a constant companion - ion to those 'whom it afflicts. Capt. .1. II. Mc3rayer ] , the well-known distiller of fine Ken- Lucky whiskies , had just such an experience , and ho is so delighted - lighted to find a cure after many years of suffering that he wants everybody to know just how to get rid of these horribJe chronic sores , He now resides at Lawrenceburg , ICy. , and vriths : "Some enrs ago I was shot in the ieft leg , receiving what I considered on'y ' a slight wound. The place was iow in healing and became flInch swollen , increasing in size and becoming - coming quite angry-looking and in- flamed. Before long it had devel- D _ into a running sore , and gave me a great deal of pain and moon- venience , I was fronted by many doctors , and took a number of blood remedies but none did me any good , and did not seem to check the pro- ressofthe sore. I had heard Swift a I truer , and we can have a larger one for pun- . poses of defense largely , like the present , without becoming a quarrelsome or brawling . power , thinking only of war and living on a volcano. There is no 'way of preserving - peace so good as being prepared at all times to show fight. We have shown fight , and up to date and as far as we have gone it would seem as if the other fellow ought to have enough. We can keep that attItude , and thus foreign countries that think we , have not an ) ' army , or that it cannot fight. , will not be so sure of it ; In fact they will know hatter ; and those countries of the world that believe that a navy is everything - , thing , and that they have great navies and that ours has not been respectable , wili surely stop to think a second time before they venture to quarrel with us. I have thought a dozen times since the first news of Dewey's victory reached us , how electric and unerring the effect of it must be the world over. It is inconceivable that a stronger or a more effective word could be passed around to all of our International friends and enemies , that while we are not t looking for trouble , it Is hereafter going to . be a litUe too risky to attempt to wrong us In the slightest particular. " "Our people , too , " I suggested , "have realized lately what the enormous reserved force of patriotism is. " lleaourc-s of I'anlofisni , "Ye's , " the colonel " replied , "a strange as well as a beautiful thing is patriotism. I have thought about that somewhat. here is the Turk , for instance , confusing , and per. haps naturally enough , his religion with his iatriotism. He loves his country because be loves his prophet , dying ( or tither 'a'itli cqual happiness , Here is the Gcrtnzo , Icy- log his fatherland but pretty deliberate about it , and tending pretty generally towards - wards a larger love of liberty with it nil , which perhaps might endanger the very cm- ire lstel ( if it becane too imperiuus. Here is the Frenchman , loving the very soil of his country , industrious , Sober , happy , cx- uberant in his entbniasm for Frauce. Here is the Spaniard , Iowiu , a country , iutt as be ftud It now , but as It used to be 41i0 yenr ago-and so fgbting , or thinking that he can fight , with a real , Quixotic featber.brain dcsperatioo. Here is the EuIishnian , whose patriotism s partly the reault of the grandeur of his country , Ho acts freely and knows that be is safe. England's expansion bus neccaaIthted this protection of her citi- SpeelflcS.S.S. ( ) hIhy recommended for the bkod , and concluded to give q F' itr a trial , and the ? Csut was highly gratifying. S. S. S. seemed to get right at the troub'e ' and forced the poison OUt of my blood ; soon afterwards - wards the sore healed up and witi cured sound and well , I , un sure B , S. S. Is b far the best blood remedy made. ' It.'isThasy to explain why S. S. S. is so successful in Curill all manner of blood troubles , ii matters not how deep-seated they are. It is a real blood remedy and goes down to the very bottom of the blood and forces out every impurity , noting - ing on tile correct principle of eliminating the poison , rathoi than shuttIng it tl ill lllO'53'S. tern like mineral remedies do , I I1 : Q --t\k \ ; V S. S. S. cures because it is purely vegetable , every ingredient - ient of which it. is made being gathered from tile forests. It is the only blood remedy which is guaranteed to contain not a par- tide of potash , mercury , or any other mineral. S. S. S. will cure the most obstiuath blood disease , which other remedies can not possibly reach. Valuable - able books on blood diseases vi1l be BoUt free to any address by the Swift Specific Coupany , Atlanta , Georgia. seas everywhere , and so cause anti effect have combined to make the Englishman I : pugnacious and aggressive , but with it all loyal , true and magnanimous. It. our own country the nentinient Is the most beautiful of all. We have been aggressive , like our English ancestors ; we have t.aken to our shores seekers after liberty from . : ' 'er'- where ; we have fought many Umes for the oppressed and against oppression in order that all might have an equal chance , with sympathy for the weak and without license. Our people , for illustration , are aniere'i ; beyond - yond expression by the destruction of the Maine. They are too big-minded , however , I to think merely of revenging thensclvcs. I upon Spain , but they do insist that 'paia should be punished. The condition of affairs - fairs in Cuba has long been intolerable and it only needed to be accentuated enough , so that we could really understand It , to make it Imperative , in our love of justice and right and of sympathy for the downtrodden that this condition should be changed no matter what the cost. Think of the highest ineo- * , - . - . ' . ' .1. . . . . . . . , . . . . h , , CD .U UL4UJ LU of the world. There are none anywhere to compare with our own patriotic impulses. " IVICIID OP 'rain lIOUlL. John G. Holland. "God give us men. A Urne like this de- manda Strong .minds , great hearts , true faith and ready bands : I Men whom the lust of office does not kill ; Men whom the spoils of otllctt cannot buy ; Men who Possess opinions and a will ; Men who have honor-men who will not lie ; 1en who can stand before a demagogue And scorn his treacherous flatteries without - out winking ; Tall men , sun-crowned , who live above the fog In public duty and in private tlinkinc- , " 'I'IIld oLl-'i'iaiiiits At a celebration in his honor fast week Eleazer Smith of Danbury , N. 13. , beat the drum be uaed in the war of 1812. lIe was lOO.ycars old last Moodny. Although he is 80 years old , George Jacob Hol'oake is busy delivering his lee- tures in Londoii , He is in cxcellent health and takes an active interest in the aairs of the world , Miss Sarianna flrownlig , sister of Robert Browning , and his life-long companion , has recovered from a severe attack of In- llutnza at Canoes , and returned to Asola. where ho lives with "Pen" lirowuing , the only son of the two poets. Miss Browning is over SO years old , William Stetson , who died in Marlborough - borough , Mass. , a few days ago , had been a member of the choir in the Orthodox church in that town for sixty-one years. lie was always noted for his punctual at- tendanci' , and at the age of 75 'ears re- tamed a good voice , filling a position most acceptably , vaun nenIer , tue lamous French actor , who has just died at the age of 79 , was one of the few Frenchmen who are never seen ungiovcd out of doors , lie was affably chatty and fond of giving good advice to young actors. He frequented for over forty' years the same cafe and in summer sat in front of it. A short time ago it was turned into a beer saloon , This , he said , would be lila death , and so it appears It was. Senator Jus'in B , Merrill of Vermont has recently lassed his 88th birthday. lie has lived under every president except the first three. Entering congress during the i'resi. dency of Franklin Pierce , he served twelve years in the house , and was then sent to the sentte , where be has served thirty.one years continuously. Senator Merrill is still a man of strong mentality and an active figure in the councils of the nation. A ltenirkubir lcsue , Mrs. Michael Curtain , Plainfleld , Ill. , makes the statement that she caught cold , ticb settled on her lungs ; she was treated fur a month by her family physician , but grew worse , He told her she was e hopeless vie. tim of consumption and tiat no medicine oouid cure her. 11cr druggist sugge.cd Ir , iCing's Naw Diicovery for Coaaumptieo ; he bought a boitie and to her delight found herself - self beneflttel from first date. She continued its use and after takkig six buttit. found herself sound and well ; new de tier own bueework and is a. well as she ever as. Free trial b-.ttl of this Great Diecorery at Kuhn & Co.'s drug store , Large buttit * cents and $ L0O.