. 2 TILE OMAhA DAILY SVNJAY MAY 29 - I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - , , 1808. TRAVELING IEN I1IE CO11NC nrg of the Conventions Brought by Exposition Ocming This Week. ADVANCE GUARD Will ARRIVE TODAY Jrugrntii IIM I'relpfl rlI thu teIeM $ fl 1sN VccI. . uIth n 1Ixturi if fliiiInt , , . nid I'IeIM.re , CniiilIsicd. ThouParnl8 of fluttering banner , floaLIn from the high p1aC08 of the downtown buildIng - Ing , will nvc a henrty welcome to the dcl- ogatca to the ninth annual convvntlon of the Trarclers Protccth'o aseocintlon. tetter known n the T. P. A. , durIng the coming week In honor of the arrival of the gather- log to be held in the exposition Perioti of the year. Iflue nnd white cilt be the colors , they forming the tnndard of the association. Old glory will ho In the top , the emblem In the enter and 'wolcom. & In huge lctter will ilecorato the bottom. Three thousand of tlieiie baniiers will be flung to the breeze early on Monday inornlng They will cry 1ial1" to fully 1&OO delegates and visltor3 to ( lie annual meeting of the traveling mcii of thirty tntc8 and territories of the United ltates of America , war or no var. The vliiItor will commence coming today , but there will be but few of tliemii. Most of tlmm will arrive toniorrow and a scattering - tering fev vilI float In on the following ( lays. One big special train from t. Louie will bring in ( lie flower or ( lie association , consisting of the officers. 'They vIhi reach tIme city at it o'clock. They viIl be escorted by about 160 knights of the grip. This ofilcial stnftconists of the fol- lowliig I'reNI'ciii iiiiit Ills $ nfT. l'resldent , Jose1ihi Vallerste1n of Rich- niontl , Va. ; secretary and treasurer , Louis T. i.alfeauine of St. Louln ; first vice president , w. M. Cassety of Nashville ; second vice president , E. 1. hart of lemiver third vice pieslilent , James Ij. Oiasspcll or ravenport ; fourth vice president. Fred M. llotchkiss of Meriden , Cono. ; fifth vice president , August Rimer of New Orleans ; board of directors , Ernst Robyn , C. 11. Wlckard authV. . A. ifirchliotf of St. Louis , ticorge Fischer of Quincy , C. It. 1)immmm of Terre Haute and Sam V. Jones of LouIsville , Ky. ; national attorney - torney , Henry T. Kvnt of St. Louis ; an- ( bunt surgeon , .1. William Williamson of St. Louis. All these ( lelegateS and visitors 7 will be afforihei1 a more hearty welcome that'- will be afforded by the banners , however. As each one conies in he or she will be hailed at tIme depot ly a member of the general committee on reception. The latter vill escort them to the hotels , where another - other committee will be in charge. Before the citys guests escape from the latter they will have pinned UOfl their breasts a hand- lioum badge , tipoi which will appear the words : OMAhA GUEST lSt)8. ) Following these words will be the letters ' 1' P A. One-half of the medallion will be blue and the other half white , the colors again of thu associatIon. and fluttering below - low will be the rod , yellow and green of the city and the Knights or Ak.Sar-Ben. Tli Millard hotel wilt be the headquar- tern of the ohhicers of the assocIation. but a large itumber of the delegates will be registered at other hostelries in the city. The convention will convene at 10:30 o'clock Fucsday titorniog a Creighton hall. where the business session of the body will be held. in that hail nn extended welcome of the city 'ill be tendered. The program that has been arranged for the occasion Is as follows : Proiritii * for tile Isty. t i'raycr-Rev. T. J. Mackey. D.l ) . Welcome to Omaha-hon. Frank E. Moores , mayor of Omaha. The Travelera Protective Association of AmerIca-Joseph Wallerstein , national president. Nelrasha's Greeting-Hon. Silas A. 1101- comb , governor of Nebraska. hteSiOIIse-11OIi. Jerry M. Porter , a .lruui- nier from Pennyroyal district , Katntuek. "Tue Commercial Tourists of the World" -S. Wright Butler , D.D. , representjng the "house of the Lord. " "As Cold \Vater to a Thirsty Soul so is 000(1 News front Far " ( a Country.-Rov. Homer T.'lison of Texns , national chaplain - lain Travelcrs Protective association of America. "America.-Jules Lumbard. the original . singer of tbO "Battle Cry of Freedom , " ' Tuesday afternoon the convention will be- ; ji : Uncle Sam Says : Thtss \ America's 'Greatest Medicine. \ It will Sharpen ! + YourAppetlte. I . ' FtirIfy and I E Vitalize Your Overcome That Tired 'FeeUng. Oct d bottle of Hood's Sarsaparllla and begin to i take It TODAY. and realize the great good It Is sure to do you. ; i Hood's Sarsaparilla d 1 A.prht' flp . . t..t sc.It.i , , . . it . , . - - - - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - - - . . . ' ' . , ' ' ' 'U. a , , u , ,455I5L , Tue Omaha lIce I Map of Cuba COupOn , Present this Coupon with e IOcfor I I A Map ofCuba. I I A Map ofthe West Indies. I e And a Map of the World , ' By MItIL 14 cents. f CUT OUT TillS COUPONI This Coupon with 25o iLL SICURE Till : - Official Photographs Of the United States Navy. Address , NAVY PHOTOBPA'H DEPT. ( .MIJA BEE. - - - : _ _ m1n ILl ra1 work , At 2 ociock of that tlsy time first ' regular btfslncsa sa&ion will be held , While their hitist.nds and male friends are engaged in It the women who accom- pony the visitors and dclcgatca to tlmc city will be taken for a trolley title about the lty by time womans reception committee. The ride will be commenced at 3 o'clock. 1'n' Itutlitig. ' lii ( lii' iCtmig , Tuesday cvcning will be a great night for ( lie visitors. At 6 o'clock they will be cx- pectial to gsthcr at the MiliartI hotel situ will be tnkcn out to the den of the Knlhts of Ak-Sar-Ika. Vie hllarlttes there wIll corn- mnence hnlf an hour later , Additional In- ( crest wIll be am1lclby the fact that several species of anlma1s from lisgenback's show will be drafted to add to the fun. At 9 o'clock the delcgatc will bc taken out to the exposition grounds , , where tltcy will be givemi a view of the , lnstclrcss rehcarnl on the Streets of Nations , The women wilt be there , too , for while thy men are using Put through the mysteries of the court of King Monulantin ( lie woman's reception ctn- mnittco 'i ill take thcir feminine friends out to the grounds. Vculnes.lay . , tIle day of thi opening of the exposition , vlll be givemi ovet' entirely to that 'occimsimi. o attemnfit to do business will be imiaute. The ulelegates and visltts will form in line in front of the Mlllaitl hotel. They wIll form a portion of the cx- PoSltiOii parade , as they will conmi'ose the eccond section of the first division. TIme officers will nllobo Invited to jolmi in the banquet to be held afterward. The convention will hold regular sessions on Thursday , one commencing at 10 oclock in tIme morning and the other at 2 in Limo aftcrimooim. ' While the inca are thitms engaged - gaged time women will again be taken in charge U ( lie feminine reception committee , They will be escorted at fi:3O : oclock to Llningcr's art gellery , where they will SPCIIi ( the morning viewing the pictures , The evening of the day will be an eventful one. A reception will be given by the Traveling Melt's Transmulssisslppl club in tIme club parlors at Sixteenth and liarney streets for an hiotim' . After that a grand ball will be tendered theta In Creighton hall. 1)ate lit AulJuIiIrIiiti'ti t. Friday will be the comparatively uneventful - ful day. h3usiness sessions of the convention will be held both meriting and afternoon anl at the latter adjotirnifleitt auto die vlll ho taken , . The committee which has made all these arangeitients consists of It , F , hlodgin , ltiil- Icy Smith , Id. Wulpl and 0. C. llolmes.Thie only other committee. which In addition to the reception committee , has had anything to tb with tIme gathering , is the hotel corn- inittee , consisting of 0. C. Holmes , M. Vi' . Rayley anti J. L. Houston. These rommnittees have gotten up a very neat program for the occasloti , It consists of a dozen leaves which contain the full vro- grain and names of the committee. Upon I the cemitrni page Is pictured the oiflclal bird's-eye view of the expositIon grounds. The reception commuitteo Is composed of the following : Clarence W , Close , chair- man ; A. H. BuckstniT. Robert Binforul and C. 0. Leake of the Nebraska division ; B. S. Strecter , E. B. Branch , E. B. Drew , B. B. Elliott and M. Meyer of I'ost A , Omaha : , v. A. Stone , W. I. Butts and W. Helphrey of the Transinlssissippi Traveling Men's club. The women's reception committee consists of the wives and daughters of all the members of l'ost A , Omaha. Thcse committees - mittees will ho In service at the depots and hotels all the time during the meeting. The varIous committees of the Travclers' Protective association met last , night at the Transrnississlppi Traveling Men' : ; club house and perfected the arrangeilLents for the entertainment of the convention of the Travelers' I'rotetive association , which convenes In Omaha on May 31 and continues till Juno 3. Through co-operation with the wives and sisters of local travelers provision has beca made for the cntcrtain- meat of the vomon who will cotite n the party and the members of the Trausmis- sissippl club will take charge of the men and show them all Itoilits of Interest and make their stay in the city nJoyable. A special train filled with traveling men front St. Louis vlli arrive here this morning over the Port Arthur route , The party In- eludes the southern delegates to the national - tional convention ofrthie Travelers' Protective - tive association , which will convene hero this veek. PLANS OF THE MARINE BAND 1t'iiyi's . % 'ItM1uIIIgt4)II 'I'IuIs Atternoon nud 1,4 1)ie in Oiiiulin Burly ' 1'iiesdui' Iuruiiig. WASHINGTON , May 28.-Speclnl ( T Ic- gram.-Tho ) Marine band leaves Washington - ton tomorrow at 2:20 : by the Chesapeake & Ohio , reachIng Chkago at 5:1S Monday aft- ernoon. The band will divide at Chicago , going by two routes to Omaha , under an arrangement made by the Transportation ( lepartmedt and cill reach the Gate City early Tuesday morning , Senator Thurston is making every effort to have the Wymora battery , Captain Mur- dock , accepted as part of Nebraska's quota. The battery is the oluiest military organization - ization in time state , having beit organized in Juno , 1875 , Senator Allen has written a letter to l'rcsldent Wattles to be react on time open. 11mg of the exposition , ecplanatory of time reaxoli why ho cannot be present to liar- tlclpato In the openIng exercises , hills lLavepitssetl the house for tlmt relief of Almuon Stuart of Minden and Alden B Thompson of Farmvale , Neb. Senator Tlmuruuton has recommended that a now postomee be established at ] tnse- dale , lloyd county , Nebraska. The nominations of ex-Gorernor Iawes ) and Thomas Swobo for positions In tIn' mIlitary service give satisfaction 'vitli the Nebraska delegation , Confirmation wili follow early next week. Richard BJorkman of LIncoln , a rnenbc'r ; of ( lie fire department of ( lint city , lies been requested to report to Chicago for physical examination as a hardy senimuan in the nayy , jqrkumnnhns an excellent record - ord , haying. served in the navy a great ninny years , being discharged in 139) ) , There Is a rumor tonight tba thu First Nebra1a regiment , nov mit San Francisco , vlii sail for the ' ' I'hilipptnos on 'ednes- tlay , From reports received at t'ue War de- partrnent tlci First Nebraska has been the recipient of iiiauy Courtesies , its conduct being above critIcism , W , 11 , MIchael , chIef clerIc of the State ulepartinent mind a rpeniber of the govern- milent liourul of the Tranaxniselssl1ipi } .po- multion , expects to leave for Omaha Momi- day e'cmiing ) to attend the meeting of time board called for June 3. RUMOR OF AMERICAN SUCCESS L'iiiie'IIui'.l iiim.l ItiR'oufIr.mi.l , Stor' in Clri.uili * I at Cuijo 111)1 l'iu N. , 'sss ii frout Siuuit iumizo , ( CopyrIght , 1kI3 , by the Associated I'rces , ) CAI'E 1IA"l'liiN , ilaytl , May S-A rumor has reached hero of an important American success , but no conhirmnloim of the report calm be obtained lucre , Slnc the rumored arrival of the Spanish fleet at Santiago do Cuba no miews Irns reached hero , though the cable betweeu this itlace and Santiago do Cuba is lint interrupted - ruptod , Thu slgiuiiicnflco ) of thIs mysterious I silence is hot kmiowmm but excites wonder , No explanatloit is furnished excepting surmlmuu. , based on various influences. The theory that the SpanIsh adoilmal at. lowed himself to be bottled up iii the bay of Sahutiago do Cuba U not credited litre. On the contrary the hlayileui ofilciala say It is far from likely that such a thing baum occurred. It is hoped Lhmuti a message frou Commodore Schley will boon be received at I ( be Mole St. Nicholas or elawittra , ? IERCEll IS RENOIINATED - Republicans of' the second Thstrict Oomph- mont Their Present Oongresman. NO OIlIER CANDIDATE ENTERS THE FIELD Seiet hum t.iui by Aceluuimni Ion niuul VitIuuuiid n llMientliig 'oit'e-A1. lo't'd lii Nato. , Iii , . ( ) s'ts Cniiitiiuigii Cuuumnuittee , Congressman David II. Mercer dropped Into town from WashIngton yesterday and teturned at midnight last night. When ho ient back he carried with himq the honor of a unanimous renomination for his fourth term by the republicans of the Second con- gresslonal district and also the somewhat unusual confidence of authority to nppoiht his own congressional committee and its otilcers , ills renomination was effected without a dissenting voice and with an entlmusiasmu that. carried with it still nreater siuznlflcance. - The congressional convention met In Washington hall at 4 o'clock yest'erdny afternoon - ernoon , but as the bulk of the fireworks lund hieon exploded in the county conventIon that Vreceded it , It was merely a ratification meeting iii which the mxicsed eiisO of the county conventIons ( lint Mercer was entitled to a renomination by acclamation was cxc- cuteti , Time conventioh was called to order by T.V. . Blackburn , who prutsented F' . S. Howell \\'ashington county as temporary chairman. Mr. Howell said that there was no occasion to make a speech at this time , as conditions were speaking for the repub- Ilcan party. Time orgaiizntton was coin- PlOtel by the election of Joitti L. Carson as temporary secretary. As there were no contests - tests the delegates seated were accredited amid the teniporary organization was niade permanent. The foitowing resolution was offered liyV. . F. Ourley anti ndopted by a rising vote. 'hereas , In lion. iavid It. Mercer , thin rcpnljhicans of the Second congressional die- trict of Nebraska recognize an active , liomi- est , oiflclent and reliable representative , wlo : by his industry and capability hits accon itlislied magnificent results for the distrIct and state ; nod _ Whereas , The republicans of the Second congressional district are Proud to say that their representative during his three : oti- secutive terms has been faithful to his trust , right on every public question , loyal to the principles of his party anti has won the ad- niliation of his constituents regardless of volltics : therefore. Resolved. That lion. David 11. Mercer be renominated by this convention by aeclarna- tion for the 0111cc of representative of the Second congressional district of Nebraska , in the congress of the United States , and that thIs renoniination by acclaniation be tendered him as a vindication of tile record lie lies already niade and as a recognition of his special fitness for the duties of a rejiresentative In congress. : utuui'M Pm is O'uu ( 'niniutittee , Congressman Mercer was introduced and after a svlritcd ovation from the conven- Lion he brieihy expressed his thanks and suggested that since time same delegates vere before him the speech that lie had just made before the county conventIon ought to be elastic enough to cover both occasions. On motion of Clark of Washington county Commgressmnami Mercer was authorized to name his own congressional comumit- tee and the remainder of the session was occtmiled by the consideration of half a dozen resolutions , most of which were Unkindly - kindly treated. A resolution commending the course of i'rosidcnt McKinley In regard to the war with Spain was introduced by U. W. Breck- enridge and adopted by a rising vote and witib a hearty applause. Irving F' . Baxter had a resolution by whIch the belief that. Hawaii ought to be annexed was declared , but on motion of H. B. Palmer it was laid on the table. Captain Palmer oplneil that this was a subject on which timere was numch difference of opinion anti there was no reason why it should be taken up by this convention. A resolution by U. B. I3alcornbe instructed St mumutor Thurston and Congressman Mercer LC SeaUre such Ieglelaton as would admit of tbe enlistment of an ir.depeniieiit regi- itlent of volunteers , the inember of which should have time right to elect their own officers. It was explained that this had always been the custom in volummtccr regt- miients and this resolution was likewise tabled. Co U1'I' V Ci ) N YB S'1' I ON CO NVBN B S. i''i'fect lImtruuuiuui- time Fu'uututre' of time Gui I ii t' r I ii g , The county convention to select delegates to the congressional convention was called to order at 2:30 : o'ciockyesterday afternoon by Chairman G. it. Williams of time county central committee , vlmo named Prof. J. A. Gillespie of the Sixth ward as temporary chairman , In accepting the chair , Prof. Gillespie said : 'Thus Is a time when we want a republIcan in congress. It is a re- imublican time anti it is a source of rerct that Nebraska was out of tune , It Is to be hopeul that it will soon get into line with tue procession , " lie declared that . ( lie Itronlises inatle ly the republican party at St. Louis had been kept. The party had promnlsetl time ieoiile it tariff law niiui one imad been iasseti , the results of which were aiimrent in every avenue of business. It imati promised to open the factories and timey Were open. Co.iuiuIel. ' tile. Orgiumuismutinu , On motion of U. II. Wheeler , Judge Irving F , Baxter was mitade temporari secretary , and at the instance of 11. T. Leavitt , time list of credentials , as hamitieti In to time secretary , was approved. Time temporary organization was inaulo permanent and the foilowing resolution was offered by II. B. Palmer , and adopted by a rising vote : Wiucreas. Time lion. 1)avid II. lilercer , our representative in congress , has been faith- ( UI , elhicient and successful for three terms , amid. \'liereaa , 'Die republicans of , Douglas couzmty , lii convention assembled , beliyii in rewarding faithfulness , ability amid iptegrtty , therefore , ho it Resolved , That lion , David If. Julercer deserves - serves a unanImous renomination at time hiantis of ( be republican congressional con- yontion , as a special mark of the esteeimi 10 which lie is held by his constituents , anti as an enulorsornont of his last record , AntI be it further Itesolvoti , That tInt delegation ( rota Douglas - las county to the repubiie.uii congressiomul convention of tIme Second congressional dis- ( net be' . nut ! hereby is , instructed to vote as a uiiit for time reimomnlnatiomm of David ii. Mercer , by aeclmumation. On motion of John Roslcky ( lie represen- tatlon in the congressional convention was flxt'0 at nine from each ward , fourteen from South Omnalma , two front each county pro. cimict anti seven at large. luieam teSs lit A I temuiluumuci' . The delegation was then naitied as follows - lows ; First Ward-Joiin Itosicky , Frank IC. DarlIng , James Cathro , S. W , Scott , A , III. flack , \'lllianm Hutton , henry Morrison , Paul Sonuner , Sutconti'ardFritz Muller , Fred lioyo , Frank Francl , J , \Veluuhaoa , A. C , Ilarte. Joepii Kavan , Fred flrunlng , Edward Mor. nt , henry Knodeli. Third Ward-lUcitard Berlin , Nato Brown , John Ilroomtield , Louis Burmester , Itobert CianCy , Charles Oroves , John henderson , John Lewis , henry Rhodes. Fourth Ward-Irving F , Baxter , 3 , 3. Iloucher , A , Ii. Conistock. Luther Drake , W. Me4a . ( , tft , _ - _ ; F. Ourley , S. ( I. rIEUf , 'I' , 11. McCaguo , "N , U. Taylor , 1) . \VWeikr , l"ifth Ward-Jtuiiltk Y , Craig , 11. 5. OIl- lespie , George flitk'er John L. Carson , W , B. Christie , \V. S. (1Ibs P. A. Etiqimist , William harris , John SwiW' ' SithVardJ.8 Oiiian. John T. Yates , Myron I ) . ICarr , u'hin It. Wcstborg , T. 11. Johnson , t' , C. rmtI , II , T. Leavitt , F. Vi' . Fitch. Seventh % 'ardi1'1E. ' Palmer , John Grant , Charles F. flalnirfl } II , 13. Ircy.John Nor- berg , 11. 11. Batttrii t , .11. F. Thomas , John La. Pierce , It. W. Th'dikcnridge. Eighth \Vard-t7. ' hi. flalcombe , A. Vi' . Jet- tens , W. 'iv , Maci' ' " Jabez Woods , 3. C , Pedersen , Charl Ic , Ii. I ! , Streight , William Whltmore ti , B. Morgan. Ninth Ward-It , L. Akin , I. it. Andrea's , B. 13 , CraIg , J. J. hlergner , 3. A. Lovgrcn , C. F' . Robertson , C. S. huntington , S. T , Wiggins - gins , C. B. Winter , South Omnlia-Jolin C. Trotmtoii , lit. Mar. keson , Frank Jones , Vi' , hi. Olin , hi. L. Dennis - nis , Charles Cummings , James AustIn , George Sherwood , 0. i , Bruce , A , B , Blank , A , F. Stryker , C. A. Fivans , T. J. O'Neill , Joseph lCouutsky. McArtile-A , Geld , Lewis L. Uin. Millard-henry Kelsehr , Charles Detweller , Vest Omnnha.-F'rnnk B , Muon , J. N. Stew- art , Florence-i , A. hloltzunen , John Tiede- man. Waterloo-A. J. tIcDougal , John Z , Ste- lheiit , East Omatmn-A. C. Ach , J , Sullivan. Clontnrf-W. W.Wiltle , 'tV ' A. Saussay , Ciuicngo-Chutrles Witte,1 C. Ii. Demuker , Jefferson-P. A. Anderson , Peter Mangoiti. Union-L , C. thicker , (1. L. Itetimtian. Valiey-M. Jolinsomi , ii. lii. Puffer. Elkhorn-John 11. Morris , Viliiani It. Turmier , iu'u't'er oh I lie i'int forum. This concluded the business of the con- vciitioii , but a motion to atijourn was cut short by the entrance of Mr. Mercer. Thmc delegates rose in their seats anti gave him three ringing cheers as he advauccd to the Plntforiil and the cheers broke out at intervals - vals during his discussiomi of republican issues. After warmly thmniuking the con- ventlon for the honor it. lial just accoruieti him Mr. Mercer said tic was illing to remnaimi at hIs post as bug as ( lie PctPio thought ho was of suflicicut consequence. It lund been suggested that he was gettimig more than time PeoPle on this side of the Missouri were entitled to , but so 101mg 08 hits constituency did not object lie touhui keep on as he had begun. After an enthusiastic tribute to the ox- iosition , Comigresemnan Mercer again rouseti the enthuuiiasmn of hits mumdiemice by his refer- cnce to the present imutermiatlemial crisis. lie declared that. this country lied stood tue impositions and insults of Spain long emmough and had finally deterniiimeil that the Span- lard must be driven from the western item- isphero. Ho tiechnreil ttrnt ( lie PeoPle simould mint become impatient. They could not cx- pcct to have a Dewey affair dished p every niorntng for breakfast. The atiministratton t'as taking thttiilit course anti the name of McKinley would go down iii history together - gether with tIiod o Washimigton , Lincoln and Grant. McKlmilo7 had been a soldier himself and he ins not the man to sacri- flee lives in tIme fe9r of Cuba anti Manila utmless there waq a 1necessity for it , Time event voulti JtistlJr tie wistlorn of his lolicY. ! 'residetf3. ( 'rat'forui 'i'zil kn. At thin eomiciuslbn of Congressman Mercer's speech Presidefit D. 3 , Crawford of the National - tional League of"Rubhican chubs was in- troduceti amid iiY'eh m rousing Nebraska re- ception. In' repI hot spoke briefly amid insPired - sPired the fieheglifdb by an eloquent peroration - tion vividly ssti\'o of the fervid worti faintlng of the' ' soutllern orator. He excused - cused the breviIof1his remarks by sayllig that he thu not wi3h to impede the renomi- nation of a , naiT'ho lmad.'brouguit back to his PeoPle a new postomee , an Indian IIUIply depot and $200OQO for the Transmtssissippi Exposition. He merely wisheti to dcitver two messages. One was from the organization - tion that he represented , which was nit unselfish - selfish and patriotic body of men who volun- ( cored their services to the republican party. It was strictly auxiliary to the party organization - ganization and during the ton years of its existence it hail never run counter to It. It diti imot pretend to dictate platforms or to nomnimmate candIdates , ' but its purpose was to furnish the enthusiasm to carry theft both to victory. . JC&'uuttiek in Line. President Crawford's remark that his oilier imiessage yas from time "republican state of Kentucky" was greeted with au- other volley. of cheers. lie told hiow tIm republicans of hIs state imati first elected a few congressmen , then the entire etate ticket amid a senator and finally cast tint eiectorah vote for William McKinley , Referring - ferring to Present cofldttiolms hue saiti that the democrats are now nothing but Imohlu- lists. We have garnered omit ahl that was good iii time democratic party anti miunule it republican , The corner stone of imopu- ilemim is the prlmiciple that those who have iiothing must receive sometliimug from those who have it while it was thie principle of republicanism thiat every maim's success must uht'petid Oh lila individual effort. In conclusion ho said "I love my native state of Kentucky. My ancestors for generatiomms are burleul In its soil. I love to see tIme clew drops gltetemi on its greemi hillsides and to hear its waters ripple to time sea , But more thamm all I love to tell my broth- . m.cIt of ( hue west amid north that front the Big Sammdy to tint Purchase anti ( rota the Otmio to tlnt Cuniberlands , ICentuky is solidly republicami. " REED GIVES HIS REASONS SPi'uiIi'r of tiu' ilumutue iiximiuulmis " .VIy iiiIN Oiimusi'.i * 0 the itesuuiuflomu for lii.imum.it ion of iIievnii , ChICAGO , May 21.-A special to the News froni Wastiington says ; : "Sjiemtkcr Reed is using time following argument for opposing the annexation of hawaii : An anmiexatlon resolution cannot 11555 comigross. Aim. attempt will result in a debate that wIll .beutcadernic and dilatory , . This tiiscussiomi iwilt be acrlnionious amid I profitless. It wi1hprolong congress indefinitely - definitely anti koepnthio members here wimen they shouhti be hoame lookine after their camimpaigiis. Time debate would inject into the congressionali toStesta an issue that is wholly foreign to theIr methods. The debate woulul have a bad effect on the country and the party. " ; ' ; - ; ; liium4tlomuuid F'r'lgist MIuiIuuui'mtN , Cli ICAGO , Islti * 29-Time easthiouumd umimip. meuutuu for time Jyok anmouimted to (02,071 tomis , against 102,431 ( for ( lie week previous. The Brie led withl2OO1l tomia , Other lines carried : Mlchiigsii Central , 6,851 ; Wabash , 10,710 ; Lake Shmontui,962 ) ; Fort Wayne , 11- 864 ; Pamm hlentileuthlt317 , ; Baltimore & Glib , 11,828 ; ( iranul 'Frunk , 3,627 ; Nickel I'late , 13,074 ; hlIg Four , 2,493. Lake umhulpments amnounted to 13i,6t3 tone. uiuuyu'ummeuuts of lu'cuuui % 'u.ssu'ls , .iIuu > ' 25. At iialtlmnore-Arrived-'hlestia , for Olas- Sow , At NetY York-Sailed-Umflhiria , for LI 'er- pool ; La Navarre' , for hlavre ; Trumve , for Bremmieml Normiathi , for Liverpool ; Werra , for Naples ; Anisterdamiio for Itottordam ; An- chora , for Glasgow ; Heels , for Copentmagemi. Arrived-Luicamuiml , from Liverpool , At Ltverpool-Arrivei--CamPania , from New York , Sailed-Etrurta , for New York. At Ihamburg-ArriVed-AUgustO Victoria , from New Yorl , /et AutwerI-Simlled-NOOrdiand , for New York. At llavre-Sailed-La Touraine , for New York. At Southampton-Saiieti---flerlin , for New York. At halifax , N. S.-Arriyed-Siborlan , from Giuow , , 'a ; ; . , . . . - . - - - - . , - - - . .i - - - , Ro gers' 7. . , . - - ) Money Saving Prices for This Week. ' 1 efrigeratorsGasoline Stoves Alnska- . Reliable and Quick Meal- Yukon- - 'l'lll latest 1898 ' bunter-blue ( illl1)FO\'ed giant Citilkoof- flfllflC-SlflOkC1CS-l1O odoi'-tho afest , i1lt' _ _ _ - - - Tile kinc'I that use little leo 1)1eSL flht(1 best Inrule-Moro of these itovos _ _ _ _ _ _ anti keeps food pure ahll 1301(1 1111(1 ill liSt ) here thti.ii all other nutke ' coiiibiiied-oiir ' with each stove- cold , IMatle of hardwood- . - guiu'anteo eight va1ls to save ice-fiIled ' I ltu'llmilmlp 18118 ( imis'olliip itnvt'-2.04) ) . ' ii ht'lInllo { , lStS ) tmtsoliiit' MIo'e-$3.7i. with charcoal aiid lilhlloral wool-au' tight ° ltPllmthl ( ISIIS Umisohine Stovc-tb.tO , lO&kS-lflOVflb1o BlUe liaBle oil stoves- & - hues aitd drain PiPe- - $7 , slae ( ilillkont ' ' ' ' , . $14 ( nh'k Mi'mtl 1i118 01 StoVi-i.i'ki. ) , , , _ , , ' _ , , _ . , . . . _ - . Itt'fi'Igut'atoi'-$4li. , . . . $1 ! ) iilclt Mu'itl 1fl8 Oil StO'O-,7.'JO. . . $11) ) size ( lmilkoot httufi.geii'mit : nt't-$7.2O. $17 8lz0 Ulmllkoot itefrlgtmrntot's-ft,7i , ' - 'rliee iU'O the latest 1SS ) 1tttei'ii flhl(1 ( ( P0 Otlrnr styles , kind ; uid sizes front ti ( to 5O. Warl'ahltCl- Lawn Mowers I Ice Cream Freezers- I Wire Scrceiis Tue Gai'laiid aiid Peiiiiy1- I 'White MOUhlthill- Lightning , f 1or Wiii(1OWS 811(1 doors-all vaiiia-The best mndo----from Aretli3qt. . Ai'ctie LlOvit1l5 ( , greehi , lIfl1'lC 1111(1 (11'ab $2. 50 up. I -oUter si'ies iii proportion.fi'oiii I c pci' foot up Wire Netthio' Gardeii Hose . climax , best wu'i'aiutetl bi'and-pniee 40eVe sell \Vt1l'l'aiItel brands 1111(1 have the best 1)er 100 square feet Iy ) the roll , goods lIt the i'iglit 1)l'iCeS. Steel 1nges Hotel and Kitchen Outfit - P'i.it' I1utels-flctaum'ahltl ] . and Ioarultmig hoUses. Sole agents utensils-water coolers--filters sil- Cookhig - - - , - for the celebm'uted flt'ttriilimtll , Dii l'ttt'quut , & Co's flttiiges , ( lie Monitum' amid Majestic Iamigos. VU" 1)1itCT ( Wti1'C. If'f ; carry ilL SEOCk and iizaka Ia crdcr in our shops , at1 ! kinds of Te rnd C//'ec Urns , Stock Boi/e-rs , S1can Tab 'es , Ccu'vig Tab/es , J3roi/ers , ! 'I'aJh' Sovcs. Es//ma/cs , iveit on any sbccia1 order wo h. 1'1'J selt S/eves , RangeS , Gasotinc Sloves and Rt'fi'z'gc'aors on nzDn'/4' zaj'mn's ' , or , ivc discount for czsIi. MILTON ROGERS & SONcorl4tli aiid Farnani sts ll1AIOND ThIEVES ARRESTED Two Bold Store Workers Captured by a Oool- Headed Olerk , ATTEMPT ON FRENZER'S ' STORE FAILS i'Vouuui ( Act ton of Cierk Cuiuumuiimgluuuiut Frustrates it itohiucry uuuui Luuuuuls Slut' % VouIuI-iie 'i'lieves in Jnii , A hold attempt was made by diamond thieves yesterday afternoon to , rob the jewelry store of Joseph P. Frenzer , 101 South Fifteenth street. Its failure was only due to the watchfulness and prompt action of W. H. Cunningham , a clerk , who do- tamed one of the robbers at the point of a revolver until the arrival of aim omcer. The second thief was captured later and both are known as experienced and clever operators. Mr. Cunningham was alone behind the counter about 3 o'clock whemi the two supposed - posed customers enterod. They were weii dressed tacit and addressing the clerk , asked imm a businesslike way to be shown an assortment - sortment of lockets , They said they wished to choose front the best goods on band , anti a tray containing time most expensive hue was set out. This was carefully cx- amined , but the prices were considered too high , and the men asked to see a cheaper variety. They were stilt particular about thmeir selection and before their immvtsti. gatioims were over several trays were lined up on time counter. A suspicion of the inca's intentions hind entered the clerk's mind amid lme watched them closely. I'rescntly he observed one of them pass his hand carelessly over the case anti quickly slip a jeweled locket into his pocket. His companion had by this timno selecteti another ornament and asked tIme clerk wtuetlmor the price could not be made more moderate. Cunnimighanu said that no such arrangemnont could be made and the other responded that he would make tInt purqjiase anyway as soon as lie could get a check caslteti , Time rnemm started for the door , but Cun- nlnghamn lmatl prepared himself by softly drawimig OjOil ( tie money drawer and securing - curing time revolver that lay inside , lie raised the wemupon and covering ttuo man with the locket ordered hmimmi to halt. The robber hastily reached in his Pocket and then threw the stolen property back into ( ho tray. HIs companion had reacimed the door amid lied down tue street pursueti by the clerk's brother , wio happened to enter at the moment. lie made his escape , bow- ever , anti was arrested an hour la.her by Detectives Savage amid Iempsey , who traced him to his lodging at 1612 Cass street , anti from there to a saloomu near Sixteenth and Howard streets. Cunningham - ham climbed over time counter and locked ( lie door upon lila irlsomier until an opt- cer was summoned , Thu men gave the nanies of J. I' . Carroll and Archie Keller nimtl are recognizeul as dangerous thieves. On time person of one was found a pair of gold cuff buttons which are identical witim those reported stolen by 11. 5. Susnrnnmi , 1216 hiarimey 'street. Mr. Susinanhi had laid hid' cuffs on lila office deslc and ( lucy were taken during tile momentary - mentary mibsemice , 'l'ILAl7S OVidil IIAST O3IAIIA lihtifiGE. Auiilitiommuul Fumeil it fe for Iteitchulmug lime' iIoNiti0ii Groumiuuis , There is every intlication timat the transportation - portation facilities to time exposition grountimi wilt be still further increased by ( ho opera. ( ion of another lIne between Council Bluffum anti time lihuiff tract of the expositIon. Ar- rsngemaents are now being made by thin Oniaiims Bridge & Terminal conipany ( or excellent transportation facilities between those two points , the company intending to run lassemmger trains of six coaches each across tbQ East Omaha bridge mind directly limb time exposition grounds. l'ermnlsslon for the Omaha BrIdge & Tor. initial comnpany to use a gateway into the grounds at the uoutimeast corner of time Bluff tract was granted at yesterday's nieetlng of time executive committee of the exposition directory , Iii speaking of time matter to The lIce last evenimmg John It. Webster , generat mnanager of thus railway company , said : "Time scheme is etiil in embryonic condition , but I belIeve it will ho ii go. It Is l anned to run taiims every hour. On the busy days extra trains aught he run. The traIns will StOP at each terminus ten mainutes. This will allow ample tirmie ( or unloading and loading time cars. Tweimty minutes will be consumed in ranking time run each way , so that it vIii take just mmmi hour for the round trip. The exposition station wilt be located at the southeast car- mier of the Bluff tract amid the Council Bluffs station will be Union avenue and Broadway. Eaclm train witi be able to carry over ahotit 500 peOlIe , We imave tint yet mimetic defimmito nrrangemnents for passenger coaches amid ho- cornotives , but I kimow where thiey cait be secured. " MEMORIAL DAY EXERCISES i'rogrnuuu for tiui'eeusion Auioitt'd h , the' Gemue'rni Cummiuiuitleu' of thuet ( rnuuih Aruiuy , The Gramiml Army of ( lie ltcpuhltc posts of Omaha have made a special effort to prepare - pare an Interesting program for the Memo- nat day services to be held at hiansconi park oil Monday , May 30 , and announce ( lie foi- lowing program amid order of exercises : NatIonal salute at 10 mt. in at Forest Lavu ct'nietery , by Comrades Ahibsomi , Durbtn , Wiiderlnafm and Doherty. Decoration of soldiers' miii saIior' graves iii' tietnihmi from ( lie different hosts imiuul relief - lief corps thuriiig the mnorniiig , as fohitvi : Custer corps , I iohi' Sepulchre anti Bohmeniimtn cenieteries ; Grand corps , Forest Lawn itiiui Jwishm cemeteries ; Crook corps , l'rospect lull and Mount hloint cemeteries. The military escort to tIme Grand Army of the Republic will fnu'nm on Sevemiteemitlm street nortim of anti right resting emi F'mmrmimem street at 1:15 : p. ni , In the foiitwimg order memul uniter the direction of Comrade it. S. \Vticox , maritlmni of tIme tiny : Plmttoon of Pohie. Cutter Post Veteran Drum Corps. SevemitimVmirti Jt4 ilitmiry flmtnti , George Crook Camp Sons of Veteran , 0. I. . Salisbury , Captain. Omaha high School Cadets , Lieutenant 1V. , A. Canipbehl , U. S. A. , Conimnandiunt. Webster 7outves : , G , Vi' . Suc's , Captain , The parade viil move at 1:34) : over ( lie ( oh- lowing route : Farnam to Twenty-slxtti , teSt St Mary's avenue. to Twenty-seventh , to Lc'aveimworth. to 'l'wommty-ninh avenmut' , to mmortiieast corner of hiencuiin immirk , whut'rc tim. ' column will be Joined by tIme Grumnd Army posts , thence to ( lie grave for the unknowmi dead. Time mueve'rai posts of the Gramiti Armny of the Rt'pmmbhic and visitimig comrades will fornu \Vooiwortii nvemmue east of and right restimig on Park utvemmuo him order of seniority itt 2:30 : p. in. mimi join ( lie escort on its arrival from ( lie city. The several bodies will take positiomm at thus grave for tIme ummlcmiown dead , where the following exercises will take place : hirgo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Seventh W'ard Band Chiorus-I'eaceul , 0 heroes , Sleeim. . . . . . . Koiimitze Memorial Glee Club Iteading lioll of tIme Year's Death. . . . . . . . . . Cornr.ule B. ' 1' . Josselyn Ritual Service , \'ommt n's Relief Cumrps. . . Mrs. Iiotmgli , Presidu'mit , AmwiuiteI by Moe- dames , Iefcoat , huh , Oglen , i'oter , lieu- deroii , Drmeke , EmuittuanVulkcr nod Smtyder. Ititumel Service , Gramui .Armny of ( lie Ito- Puhmlia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Conuratlo J. Ii. Ftmrimy , Conimnnmiuier , anti Comrmuio ' 1' , J , 1uiutckmmy , Chmapltuiim ; lt'oormt- tboii of Grrts'ett by School Chmiidremi ; Firing ot Salute by 'r. ii , Ciarkeomi Camp , Semis of Veterans , South Ounmuima , Fred G , Etter , ( 'aptumin ; Tiupui b'etertmii Bugler Jtst'ili I fensmnmeii , Ilemiediction hiynmn-Amiieric'ut . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Glee Club , Assisted by Entire Auuilence March to time Siueakers' Sianui. . . . . . . . . . . . . Exercises iii charge of Comnrmuln Lafumyctte Anuieruton , chairman of Memorial tlmmy comn- mittee , Music , , . , , . , , . , . . . . . . . . . . . , Seventh Vttrul hlanui I I'rueynr , , . . , . , . . . , . . . . . Cliapiutin ' 1' . J. Mmu'kuty Oration..I 10mm. ' 1' . J 7uimulmony Cluorus-Of Irimid of Freetlonu or New America , , . , Kountze Moniorlmtl Glee Ciulu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . W'uird hliend fl'Ie'ntes to Slum Iuuj 'uiugress. Mayor Moorea has appointed a number of I additional Oniahma delegates to tIme hnterna- tional Muting congress , which ilicots at Salt Lake , July 6. Tlmoy are : Clinton Orcutt , Vi' , M. Gihier , Jolimi C , Barnard , Vi' . 5 , Blackweli emid F , L. Weaver , LOCAL BREVITIES Gus Jones , arrested for ( ho larceny of a vatch , was sentemmced to thirty days 1mm time county jail. Three scorching bicyclists , Frank Speglo , 11 , Vi' , Struck and Otto h'atizsclmke were lIned " amid eo5tW by i'ollco Judge Gordon. Time Omaha nohico have becen notified to look otmt for Frank Murpby , an all-around crimntuial , vlmo is wanted In lenver for burglary , \'edding and graduating iiresents. The finest selection In time city , A. Mantiel. berg , leading jeweler , miorthmenst corner Six. teemutim antI Frurnaimu streets. Ladies of tIme Grand Army of time hteiuubhic whit macct at Tc'ntim ummitl Arbor streets to attend mnenmoriah services mit the llaimtist church with the Sons of Vc.terammmu , May 29 , 10 o'clock , National Reserve association No. 77 gave a luleasant party at time lodge luau in 'rime Bee building last iilglmt. A programmi of mmmusio amni recitation followed by dancing was emijoyeui by a large attendance. Time Ammierlcan Loyal League have moved into their hew quarters , 313 South 'I'hmir. ( sooth street. where timeir meetings wlli be held In time future. Timeir new quarters at- ford amnple room for accommaodatton of their friends during time summer , Itoy. Ciintomm Siniooton of Portland , Mo. , liberal ovangelimit , wilh conduct a preacimiimg service at time First Universalist church , Nineteenth and Lotbrop streets. Kountre l'iace , Sunday morning at I0li : , Subject : "The h'ower of Love , " Youu mcmi cordially invited , TROOPS' 1\IARCII \ IN REVIE\V \ Presid6ut McKinley and Part v Visit the Boys at Caimip Alger. TWELVE THOUSAND MEN FORM IN LINE Bight States Are itvprt'ne'uule-mt in the Pruue'i'ssiomm % Viuit'iu htu'uiui Ires 'i'tVo hours in i'uupusiuug the ite- ie'iuig Stuuiuui , WASHINGTON , May 2S.-Oime of the niost brilliant military pageants enacted simmco thm grand imiustering out Parahie of the feuleral troops down time streets of Washington - ton at the close of the civil war occurred at Camp Alger ( his aftermioon whemm President - dent McKInley reviewed the troops quar- tereti tlmere. It was the first time in over thuirty years that an army of Volumiteers rendezvoused iii time of war lied passed iii review before the comnnmamider-tmi.chmief of the armmiy amid navy , and the demonstration attracted miiamiy thousands from Wastmimigton amid the miur- rounding country to the canip grounds miear Falls Church , There were 12,000 troops in line , l'resident McKinley anti party wemit to time camp in C special train , leavimug the city at 2:30 : and returnimig shortly before 7 o'clock. Besides time presitlent and Mrs. McKinley the roviewiimg party comprised Vice i'resi- dent amid Mrs. Hobart amid semi , Secretary of War and Mrs. Alger , Secretary of the Navy anti Mrs. Long , Miss Long , General Miles and staff , Miss Wbtsomi , daughter of time mice- rotary of agriculture , amid Miss Barber of Ohio , ( lie guest of Mrs. McKinley , Senator Lodge of Masmmaciiusets , hiepresontativemu Fowler of Now York anti Swansop of Virginia - ginia , Colonel flumigliani , U. S. A , , Secretary and Mrs. i'orter amid Miss Morgan. Amnommg Gomieral Miles' staff were Captain Abelgarui of the Norwegian army , military observer , . " General Carlareco and Colonel hlitrnauude of tIme Cuban arimiy. Time reviewing stand surmounted a high hill overlooking time Vnraule ground of time Sixth illinois. Troops 'ere iiitusseti In ( rout of the parade grotmmmti , imnimmetliately oum ( lie arrival of tIme jresidentiai party time line , 12,000 strong , begami moving. Time regimmmeuu(5 v/era in time following order : First New Jersey , Seventh Ohio , Sixty-fifth New York Sixth hlhimiois , Sixth MassachusettsIIigbthi , Ohio , Ihightim h'eiimisylvania , Twelfth i'eummm- sylivania amid Fourth Missouri. Troops A and C cavalry acted as a general escort mind tiltl not particiPate in the review. Time Njmitti Ohio ( colored ) , detailed on advance Imicket duty , amid time First Rhode Island , which had just arrived , diii miot itarticiltate. 'i'uo huh I'M I ii i'uuNsI nur , 'rime review lasted more titan two hours. Time nien paBsed tIme presidential stanml in comimpnmiy front , with umrmmium port , 'i'hme up- pearaimco of cacim reglumment was foiioweui hiy vociferous chmeerlmig. Ommce well ia ( time presitiential party , thin mmmcmi fell into fours antI execuiteul a domibile quick to quarters. Throughout ( lie review time luresluient sat on a pimutforam imi front of tIme stimntl , mmd boneatiu a canopy of time Anmericmumm colors , with the stars until stripes fluttering just back of hIm. With a few exceptiomma time great army of volunteers maulti aim iniposimig uppearminco , ' amid time rcvlowizmg lary ( was 9 imlghly lileased with time result , Time Fourth Missouri , however , and the Siettu l'ennuyl. vanin to some extent , were unoquimpoti , Time Missourians were totally wltimouit gummum or umiiforimis , a state of affairs which imro. yoked great clmeerluig as timey nmarched i'ast. ' After time mnemm uiisliamiuluui somime ( hmoutauuda of ( hem formed a long line ( imrougim widch time president mmmii lila liarty drove , h'reei- dent and Mrs. McKinley amid Vice i'rcsi- deiit amid Mrs , Hobart took a ioimg drive about the camp under the escort of ( len- eral Gralmama , in conimimammd of tbo camaim , and hut staff , Then ( lie Itrcsidemit , mmlii cht'ermu , was drivemm back to time railroad station at Iunn Loriimg , where Imo boarded time special ( rain in waiting , amid was carried back to the WhIte bouse , Two moore regilnemuts cammue to swell ( lie army of volunteers luring the day , One , ( ito First htiiodu island , 1,000 strong , Colonel Charles \V , Abbott , comnmaoulimg , , amid the other , ( be Twenty-second hCaummiaui , wbictm reached iunn Lorlng , the raIlroad station , tilts evening , and did not go to the ciump until late , Time second death in camp occurred early this immormming when l'rivate Frederick linus- imalter , Company Fl , Eighth Ohio , felt a vie. ¶ ( ho of imimart paralysis. II1B remains wore sent homiio in charge of Sergeant Mann lhrowmm , after a short mIlitary service on the grounds. I forced liquor probtbitlou Is belog rapidly ca. : - : -