' . . y , , n + r k + a PA R T III 1 t ! ! ! 9 'lESTAIZLISIIED \ JUNE 19 , 1871. OMLAIL1 , SUNDAY Itt R , , II G , MAY 29 , 1393. SLNGL ' COPY FIVE CENTS. GREST Iiii the 2i tex ° Mar .l ix .d- ' - When you visit Omaha make the I3osiml Store your , trading place-your meeting place-your wash up 1 ) lace-your lunch room--make it your home-and Introducing to thousands df strangers and proving again to Omaha and the entire west the 1feel feel at home. We have everything ready for you superiority of our values the vastness of our stock the mighty influence of our spot cash at to will take yourself-tire plick rip exprnse your - ages-and check them free of charge. Aak : any of and the advantages of trading with us , the floor walkera to show the ladies of your party , to our . reception roost , and cent nu n every a ' C DAYS COMMENCINO MONDAY MORNN6 Bat in our restaurant in the basement at prices ° pafar , nti , Saturday Night . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ t an ors as CH AP RATES Ve I ee p 0pe Yi ON ALL flosiIoI rna tai ! All Da Y RAILROADS J 1 1. I BRA1DEI & SONS Jttile 1st-- Coniineuce June 1st. PROPfllETOR5/ 6 DAYS OF WONDER Coutnt.nclnb Monday ; J . , e Are Headquarters For Wearing Apparel 50 0 Clerks 6 DAYS OF BARGAIN BUYING- . , . 1Va l o i You , . 0 _ - For All Mankind. Sucti as Never Was Dreamed Possible. - S BOSTON STORE IS A CITY IN ITSELF-IT'S THE STORE THEY ' More than Million Dollars' Worth of Goods to Select a SelectJ J ? ALL TALK ABOUT-AND THE ONE ALL STRANGERS ARB g the Best Money Can Bll , ; , , SHOIVN1VHENTHYCOME ) TOVISITODiAHA . hotel lT Bargains iii New 1. : , lTw , , , t woo DRESS COODS . pv wt4.r ' + " 1N 'R S I Iid icis : New Wool Checks for w r _ JJ1 . 1 t , 11 t ' ' _ . . entire salts or Separate Skirts „ , „ sera 7 his store has been the r cells of man a great clothing' p N so much worn now , the : Oc quality , t , ' , t SfIIC. l'e 1181'0 often bought large StOCkS and offered ) 1,000 yards on bar. 52,50 Brocades , at JOc yard , . . , . , , . . . . . , , ; , ; h ; ; PSiuv c iSMitiGGa0a5 r ; v . . wnalra , S , + certeona 6 + V , . , ; K1 them at astoniEhingly low price-but never have we held gain of check- evening shades , a lso All Wool Black Grenadines- such a sale as that of br square 6r In floral designs , and other black e(1 t plaid , taffeta fou stripes t checks and goods n to In o Ica work goods depart- worth . s e' , 1 T N , tF r _ Benedict & Co.'s 1 1tS Bought at 0c oh Dollar the meat , choice :5c 1 , 1. . yard ( I l , lard china and bro plaids all ucly coal. ; . , + ] 1011. 111 progress--Never were customers o satisfied-and New of . Challis Styles Imported ' ' k cadCd silks + also rash binations for waists all new fresh styles 1n two and x - ut' 1 it's little 11011der-1411011 the choicest SU1t5 Of the . .Car .011 ' r three toned colors , ' goods oaand . : = S { - - s " ° w silk worth aid slits r5c and entire , , on pc ard ; for Monday , ) c ' $1,50 , go at 25c and ia1e at $1,50 yard , yard . . ' l / POSITIVELY LESS THAN THE COST OF MATERIALSI 49e y ard ill silk department. Silk and Wool IIn o 1' ted Robes 5O e l and The ] r , , 510 MEN'S SUITS 54.9S-30 styles of Denedlct's Strictly All } 1001 Plaids Cliechsand SUITS-In plain and fancy mixtures , all the most desirable styles , 4J49S and other , Paris Novelties only On sale Cliechsa , } Oh9 STS y , well made garments , at. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . robe of a liiil(1 1111 trr r . ' 2 5 j anii . - , : at. , Ported , ou sale at Si.50 ' / 515 MEN'S SUITS SG.9S-Itenedlct's choice Cheviot Mixed , Tweeds , . w' ] r t 7le cl01't , IOllg and. extra YARD. dress and 19.9S pa ttern. for entire , . . . . . robe . . . . . or . . . . unmade . . . . . . . . and ' long waists , L,4d 1 , Checks and Plaids sad Cassimere Suits-also clay worsted suits , lined * and trimmed as well as any $15 suit , go tomorrow at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , r , fr , MILLINERY , 'Si and iii white drab , black 3 c - , 517,50 MEN'S SUITS $9.98-Benedict's elegant serge , cheviot , unfin- , / % , i , . , . I huRl WAISW t Ished worsted cassimere and checked and plaid Scotch Mixture SUITS , , The 1 n r gc st variety of knor sllape 150 different styles , elegantly lined , perfect fitting garments , at. . . . . . . _ ' sailor bats in white , black , navy " _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , and all the new colors , all ribbon ' t 1 . .50-D n CUSTOM TAILOR SUITS , o [ the t trilnmod , ready to wear , on sale at Greatspecial sale of high class shirt 1 c t J 1 , and l0ceaeh. i t FG/r - finest Imported worsteds Scotch cheviots and silk lined 5uita , perfect 'WI M 98c oe waists-all styles , striped , tailor work , go at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " t , a , plaid , checked and , plain , " $3,00 BOYS SUITS FOf1 11.50- BOYS' LONG PANTS SUITS $ . .50- t in madras cloth , gingham $1.D and S1.5O real French KID All the boys (3 to S ) } 'estee Suits , All the boys' and young men's blaok Our Midsummer , "e trimmed and boys' double and bins cheviot and fancy cnssl ) percale and lawn , b o 0 111 G1UVE , 111 black , tan , br01111 and r { , brasteSalts knee pants-(8 . , ( to 15) from lucre the Sulls Denedlct , nges purchase N to 19 years go to- , mode to reatfl at 53.00 at - - iIn rY u two lots at 49c d ; 75cb each. evening shades , " . go morrow at t"Y x : . . Boys' Suits , ages 3 to 15 strictly ' ats p ecial . [ ens for Monday and i- 0 at , per' ' 1Ja11' . . l:7 all wool Scotch tweeds , tight , met - 1 t diem and dark colors , 3 to S sizes , Boys Long ants Sufis , all the week. , Ct 1' richly trimmed with braid , sulfa , F11'f ' / ' thatsell re sularly at 5 3.00 and 13.50 Y our choice of all the 398 Large fine Leghorn hats , flushed , fast black ; ' goat - ' ' finest Pants . . r 55.00 DO'S' SUITS FOIL 5 " 46--AIL v'QI'p Long trimmed with flowers chiiton , lace and. $49 / ' . - Ornaments , over a _ 00 to ' select from , all ' ' ; , y' , r HOSIERY , the very highest grade.nobby and ' Suits , 111 , .iLCS ' 1 note' colors , on sale at SIUS. . . . . . . . . . 11'lth double SOIeS and high stylishly fellows , add trimmed double Suits breasted for Suits little to 16 years , in , cassimerea , chef lots 498 worsteds n dozen different Over 100 trimmed hats , all styles , short , - 4 1 s 1 ) Heed heels , for to retail boys at from .O0 6 l0 go 16 at years . . . . . . , . . made . . . . . . and tall for to up select to ten from-made dollars , go to at. re- . . . I _ bath sailors , shepardess , etc. , trimmed with 9 chiffon and other light summer materials 171-2e a pair. and flowers , formerly $5 , reduced to $1.98 , . fig 5- ( - Worth 3 r c , It25 Laundered Men1S C Men 1 s Under e a r C The most astonishi nf ; Ladles ! Surf , separate skirt and ca pa seifing seen for years. lJt7llea spring and summer J 'er 111nailufactllrer s entire stock and An elegant ribbed balbrt line of men's ran plain all materials and in for less than se Y ribbed UNDERWEAR , of colored laundered bb ' 6 i of all style Suits. skirts and capes descriptrons , , every ' gauze and summer me - and each go at 5c1 lOc 15c , r Summer Negligee ( actual cost of material. , t 1 l rind underwear , all \ orth up to 35 Shits , all sizes , 10 , . , hiltSaI1I dra14er5 select Saheb ( the latest to of patterns : ; . , , . . . . . . . , Exr ulslto tallormndo salts - ' from-choice of the tot ma a of all wool covert Ladies Stlk Ca P eS , / f Ladies 9nest quality of silk , Ifsle thre'd ' / ' 1 . cloths Ina irontrceferatplcs , English mixtures , S150 , { ' 1 r , w h and sponge G SL50 Men Is Laundered Shuts 15cr s Underwear or C lined throughout SILK VESTS 'Iv artit r:5OO , , at ' , . aIt t Some of the highest Men's fine clench bal. . . , , , , . . . go at. . black and all colors , hand- I ' 1n cream. ' ' ( ( i r' t somdl silk trimmed at 3Jc and 4Jc grade men's sullllller bpig gati Underwear' , ! go wash Fsuits tft Ladles 111 beau } I y t 50c 1n lawn , piqu0 , duck and 2.50 , : Capes II tiaclt. Worth $1. fancy percale laundered till ] : fronts and silk many but santpin of them suits north at 1250 t0 tpy , . . till l quality of futile silk s ' Shirts all sizes. . . . . . . tipped cuffs double seated . _ _ _ _ sheer brocade , satin duchesso ] 7d1CS alld gent's finest t drawers , all sizes . . . . . . . . . . . . . Crash suits blazer and , cm- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ lire plaited backs , trfamed / India Iawli , lain white and , . skirt , the 2.5O quality , all q Bc ' ' with tine lace and 'et also 55' . . . . . . . . ' sizes , at 0Sc per suit. find Kcreoy and Diagonal falls T bordered and pure Irish , Great variety of duck , crash and Capes , plain tailor made on R I is ' , linen llenlstltched IIANDKER - solo at- h pique separate skirts at- .f CIIIEfs , g 0 at t 49e , 9Bo , S,50 and S5r00 . , 3tc Dc and i0c each. - ; llosilk bmcndedskirts , 98 V r Ortll up to 250 , " hugonudsmuildeslCns , S498 , . . " also itayuderu effects , at + prw special price , 1l JB rI I1 16REllAS AND PARASOLS of . r lo > la ' silk , Milan serge and Towat rott begins thti big sale ni In D R Department J s 11 sere also Japanese silk d ' the Monday y only y all sllk chiffon + , in all the new r } j N C I I P [ C A R E an One immense lot of Tapestry Portlores o at SLOS pair , this is an exceptional $ I 9 8 s 1 )1' n g st 'leS and colors , no at bargain. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . b f From the great 14. 6 J , Sloane auction sal0 , we begin tomor 1. 59c 98c and 2r 50b 2 IN T I 1IE3 S H 0 IEE STO IC S roww the most gigantic carpet solo ever attempted la the west. One 1Qiy big lot of odd lace curtains , 1 I r Carpets were sold at public auction by this well known concern ono and two 'pair ' of a . kind , as long as they , last ' 5 Oc Mall 11'Orll'Up } t0 55. ut less than x their previous price. 11'o were ono of the 1 6 , , o at b0C each , than } very high class curtains Dr AT 60c ON THE DOLLAa . . In this lot. , , . , , , . , , - " esl buyers ttnd secured some exceptional bargains. " L f its ilk bows , all silk andsatiltstrinfties ; , All the 11'ilton , Velvet and extra velvet 5.00 LACE CURTAINS at 2.50 DpIMESc LAfi , n id a large 5UH 11p pull up ties tofrl , each at , log , 25 More Shoes and Dotter Shoe carp ere that always sell at $1.10-we offer One immense lot o1 flee lnttingham and I. . tomorrow fa n choice line of patterns , as rl 1,000 embroidered waEh veilsmado long as they last , at S5c yard , , , , , , , , , , , , , , Imitation Drussells , worth up to 15.00 , over 'af sine quality wash nut , go at ° _ 5c _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 50 styles to select from. including many i a nd 3J1 , Worth up to15c , Prices W r Styles an over an per Before heavy clune1 s , many soft lacey 'G Brus , O In All the Drusscls carpet from the great w. 1000 doz. and Chad & . J , Sloane purchase , sold ut wholesale up sells effects , all fa one b16 lot at 1.50 1 pair. , boys S , i 49c Everything that new and food and desirable in Footwear as llib as 75c yard , we offer tomorrow ! a a beautiful line of patterns , at 49c yard , , , . SPECIAL BARGAINS IN SMALL DRAPERY FIXINGS STRAW HATS _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ , . Our shoe business keeps from 20 to 30 salesmen busy 'all the year around All the 51.10 , 11.15 and it :1 moquette , and The new Cottage B1'ass EXteiisioll Felt window fIOm lj llinel'ding , Morris . - Axminster dens , to all Carpel the new , whit and handsome and without patterns bor- Curtain Poles " , IUc Ilols , 'c each Shades , I2lc , i n Mitchell's auction , eve. That's more than 3 times as man as an other shoe store employs that can only be produced in this weave each ' worth u0 worth u l to 25 e , will offer la sell I ' 11014 St 'le and shape , of shads in stock is NEW-not of tomorrow at our In house four months 631 carpel yard . w0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . t oil sale tatnorlow at Every pair - a pair our old 5C Strictly all wool flarlford I Ingrain Carpet , this well known 111C l2C W E WARRANT EVERY PAIR WE SELL-ALL OU R SHOES ARE E G00 D w and popular bread le selling right here Ili Omaha , as a big bar. ' 5c 1 lOc ( 15e 1 25e and gain at 75c yard t we offer it in a very choice line of n atteras Our Mens Shoe Dept. on Main Floor is entirely separate from the La. at 50c yard , Dotted Swiss , 30 13U all sFine all silk sofa 35 cents inches wide at Bic g fringe , around pillow. , wnh LOc rrn , , all dies p and ( , t hlldrell's department and contains every kind of a shoe that it eac i nwool 5C eeats , Matting Purchase yard , worth aa , Yard sorth n.5o 200 dozen nten'a'r I tTaw , linen and crash mail can ask for and that is worn this season. Ever Made m Omaha 82 c 5c 50c IT3JTII'S Our Ladies and Cliildrens Shoe Dept. oii Main - - - - Floor - - - is biggerthan any entire shoe store in town-has a seating capacity for over 100 people From a well known Philadelphia straw matting Importer we at less than halt what they would cost you a t 011e time buy his satire stock on head. There arc mattings from the UurenUroslockot elsewhere. aeat to the and ha will ce on sale tomorrow for the foe , lyc and 15c Slikaplinet Rc at 74icyard . . . . . . . . Tic Our Basement Shoe De artmetit is one of the features of our store-all first time , the finest line of straw matting cTer brought to the C for 50o hats. west , they go at lOc , lfc ) , 15c , log , :5c and S9c yard , Thera Plain colored drapery denim relnnfstar the men's and women's shoes sold in our store below $1.50 and all the Ire many extreme aovelUa la that lot worth up to 90e yard. extra heavy quallt Y t , . . , ® C for ' 1 X 00 hats. cheaper grades of boys , , children's and misses , shoes are found in this dept , l S -