: : : - - - - - - _ - - . - _ - - - - F I - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ TIlE O3EAIIA iAIJ4Y 1fl : SVXDAY , MAY 9 , 1898. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ j ' AcrNTM WtTTfl. - LCanttflued ) ANTS nntl 'o1kItnii for nut gIsi pie- tuTc , bF tb .riIne , AdmIra' ' Dew1 , hMtIo of MnTtm ; WAr flOVeltle5 ff nil klnth' ; ngent- are coining money. Wtern ( JIai . , Adv. Co. IG7 Van J3uren st. , Ch1cn. J-lfl , ' , , AGNTS WANTED-Ve want one hrew& ' careful man In every tcwn tn make ft frw thousand d'IIars for hInmef quet1y nt ) ItJtfle and nt work bn1 : prl % te IflMTlJC. t1on and aI8atIe outflt of nw goodi $4flt free. Addre jmmtdIatelr , P 0. Box 1kton , Ma. J-M7 FflE-A bcautIu life tze crayon P0t tntlt. lGx2Q 1nehp. worth $10. made from any photo sent u , to any one eIIlng unI &O Dey or MaIne ouefflr peen L ICe enth. A genutne Oil anttn , handsomely - somely frnmed , f you 'eII only 5puofl. , Bend Oc for iampIe spoon and full par- - t1ru1ari. W rtto today. tby are going like wlldflre. You can i'ell ) In an hUr. SmaBeT Mig. Co. . 401 Dearborn SL. Cht- cso. 'v1it Moree and AQETS-Qtiiek men to / cell mitthltfe for prlntln eIna on rencea , brlde. rocka. .te. ; atad work all eum- mer. Arc Co. , 7 Arc eL , P.cine , Wl. .1.- WANTFD now. agent.e to ecu un.l * loka and door holdere. , .ample r.aih lock tree for 2e atamp : immense ; betler than weights ; burlnr proof ; $10 rt day ; wrlt. . quick. Allrea Brohar & Co. , Dept. , - i'hiladc'lphia. Pa. .1- BItIGIIT husineac women cud girte who are willing to canva.cs can mnke more money in a week a-lung Mine. .Ytle' celebrated toilet and health remediec than thry can earn In three months on a alary. For terms nddrese Madame Ynle , tiVabah ave. , Ludington bldg. , ChI- cago. AGENTS to handle the retttst line of aluminum novelties ; i.end tot C-pflO catalogue ; priceS ret1urcii &O per eent : 1o per cent. commheIon ; 'Malne' Pot- venir ppoonq ' 3 dCtn. Iteymond & Gnttlob , Broadway. New York.J _ y "TII } art of memory" will .oon he placeil on the market hv auhacrlption. by the flational I'uhllqhing CornarW. "Gfr- . - . - - mania Life buiIdln , St. Paul , Mlnn , Sur- ItaPSCS by far every extant work on mem- ort culture. J-12I SALARY guaranteed or commiPs0n to agent ; han.llinr life an worka of Glad- atone t ) ) the Icarneit Dr. Gunaaulutt . - credit given ; beautiful outflt free , send 10eent stamps for ltae. AmericBfl 1'ullihing house , i Dearborn. St. , Chicago. APOTt .nthsl best In the world , B ! dozen with medicine at preacrlptlons write quick. Star 1df. Co. , Chicatro. J-1l-29 AGINTS. 7 daily , peIIln apecialty poapa. givit ! cutttotners double Yalue In hand- come I.reaCflti exclusiVe terrItory ; aumple outfit free. Lease Soap Co. , Clneinnati. 0. AOENTS-Lumlnous p1gm' , name plates and street numbera , readable darkest nlihts ; iaznples free. Thomas Co. , Englewood , 111. JT1B 2t AGENTS we will PaY flOO.O per month and raIlroad expensea to any man who s.lIl work cneraetlcalI takIng orders for the most reliable portrait copyIng house in the United Statt-s ; we pay strietl salary. ( ldress Immediately Ci. E. Martel , New York , N. Y. .J-ltl 2' AGFNTS. make O day selling 'Cyclones. " takes place unlawful slot machines. etc. : lightnIng puncture healer ; frozen per- fumes. etc. ; territory free. Clilcaco .tfg- C. ) _ . ( S5 Lake. Cidengo , ill. J-l- ' SOMETHING new. send for outfit. E. T. Brock & Co. . 1O Washington St. . Ch''ao. ' J-12Z-2' - - AGENT-doney maler In hot weather I have had for the past flvt' years n pretty hard strug'Ie to mak. ' a Ilvinc. hut a short fine ago I began selling self-heating at- Irons. antI have made from $4 to t every day. whIch Is PrettY good for an lnex- lerlene ( woman ; my brother Is now sellIng - Ing Irons and makes more money than I do. but he has sold other thins. and I ; more experienced : th Iron Is self-heatIng. so It Is the proper heat all the tIme ; and you can Iron In half the time you coin- nionly (10 , and have the cloth much _ _ nIrer you can iron nut under a tree erin in Jtnv cool ploce. which Is so titce during - ing thIs hDt weather ; one cent's worth of oIl will do an ordinary Irdntng. so you save the irIce of the lrn In fuel In a few weeks ; It Is guaranteed to be as represented - resented : being non-explosI'e. thus makIng - Ing It prfectlv safe to handle : by address- log Baird & Co. . Iept ( r ) , PIttshUrr. Pa. , you can get full partluclars. and I know that any one-can do splendidly anywhere. You can make money sellinc ihlsartlcle all the year round ; we sell at almost every house , and every woman that once Irons with a sel-heatInc Iron wants one , as It sive.s so much labor and does finer work than the old style. 3-143 3 AGENTS. Money makers , l.Ic outfit for cents maIled : worth B rcaIl : quick and easy ; ellers ( new : beautIful colortype pIctures of battleshIp Maine , General Lee. Itirth of American FIa and AdmIral Dewey ; nothIng lIke them : on heavy plate paper , ready for framing , 1Dx5 ; every home and buMiness trntca wants them sample of either. IncludIng lOxil sizes of tatne. President McWlnley , Dewey's vie. . . . tory and Dwey and ht . ertuiuron ; five magnIficent pIctures. all for 3 vents : 3tart at once ; all war pictures , maps and our great War Atlas , windOw Ilaca , buttons. badges and all patrIotic novelties. InwL prices. The PatrIotic Art Co. , C7 Clark St. . Chicago. J-167 2' V.NTED-TO ItCT. WANTED. use of pIano ror storao or small rent. Addres P 49 , Bee. l-Ml27 10' 1VANTID. 100 furnlsheil rooms to accom- : modate exntsitiohl visitors ; call at once. itoom 510 Brown IJIk. K-B'Z 2 STOI1.tGE. PACfl'ICStorago and 'Wnrellouee Co. , SOS- BO Jones , general storage and forwnrdlng , I OM. Van & Storage , 1I114 Farn'in. Tel. B9. BEST trackage and tnrage building In Omaha. U. S. gov. bonfled ; iousehold goods stored nnd cared for ; lowest rates ; two show cases ror sale. suItable for cx- position. lOB and 1015 Leavenworth. W. M. JJushrnan. t-I'I95 31 \'tTflD-TO lILlY. SFCOND.lL.\ND books hought for cash at the AntIquarian book store. 1519 rarnam. N-M775 M2G' VACANT LOTS , WIthin halt-mIle radius of Twentieth and Vinton Sta. ; also lots south of CalIfornIa and west of 23d Ste. flemis , I'axton 111k IF You are In need of anything. try the \\'ant Columin of The Ilec ; they will bring you what you want , WANTED , old horses. mules , donkpvs and goats free from dIsease. Appiy Ilugen- back's Trained Wild Animal Show Co. , exposItion grounds. N-MO1 31 FOIL S.tt.FLt'UICtI'TVRE. 1CT.LlNG out at. 331 South th street , hout'hold furnIture. iutrpcts , ranges , cookIng stoves , gas sieve , etc. Iay be seen ( rein 2 to 6 p. n. 0-126 roit sale at a bargaIn , f& pillows and &O ) mnttreSSes now pillows , cents up ; new mattrcec5 , cents up. 3O-IO Dodge. O.-'M J3 BOUSEIIOLi ) goods for sale c1tealt.2C.6 Voolworth avenue. 0-.MO 29' io1t SALE , folding bed Z1'O Lake St. . - .A. LOT of tIne new furnuuru and carpets for sale. Address 1' L , Omaha lire. 0-3G 9 Volt S.tLB-lit)11513S , W.tGOS , I3TC , PAIIt of five-year-old bay mares ; well matched ; tree drivers ; sound and gentle ; together wIth a first-class Pheaton. Prank hart , fdd and Center streets. 1'-S7 29 SALE. one pair fine heavy dr.tught horses , Smith & Bastman. 2611 Pinkni'y St _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ' . - ' FOlt SALE. Columt.u5 phacton in fine " -.L shape ; cheap. 4213 Farnam..fitU 29' rlil best jilace to buy a good carriage cheap ; bargains in flFit clas * second hand carriage. 14-1l Dodge St. I'-M129-J4' FOR SALI : , Cunningham coupe In strictly tlrst-clas condition. cleii for enab. or on ' easy payments. Wutworth.Proetor Co. . horse market , Union Stock Yords. South Omaha , Net ] , r-311o o LAD1S' drIvIng ltorse and fine Simpson ItOitSB , WAr.O , i'rc. ( Cofltlnue1. ) YIOItSE AtXC'1'I0. at the t'nlon Strak 7rds on Thursday. June Z commencing at I p. m. , we Iil Join in a special auction - tion sale of Ml fresh country horses , an assortment suItable for all purposes , con' timed to t sell to the hlgt.-st bIdder wIthout reserve No auction Wedneslay , this week. Pre.1 Terry Commission Co. , I'-dl37 31 Walworth-Proctor Co. - POlL ! i.tLB-IlSCI'3I.L.lcBOtl. 1100 end poultry Jence tetter than wire nettIng. Fine sawdust for floors. Tel. 41.1 , 54 Douglas. hORSE nllpplni machlnea. knives and repairs - pairs , all standard makes on hand : grind. Ing razors. she's. clIppers ; prompt serv- , ce _ A. L. Undeland. Q-4.3 FOR sALr-Ten t.T.I'.A.N.S. for S cents at drugg1ts ; one gives relict. Q-M89 roil SALE-Three return Tubular boilers ; O-borse power etch. Apply to the super intendent. lG ( lIce buildln. - hALLS afea-new and eeond.hand ; safes repaired and rentrd. lUG Farnam Q-l444 ill - SIX Second-hand steel rangea , suitable for restaurants or boarding housea , for sale at great bargain ; must be sold. 1420 Dodge. Q-S3 315' TuB best mixed painta at Sherman & McConnell - Connell Drug Co. , 1513 Dodge St. . Omaha. Q-Ml36 ; 317 1100. poultry and lawn fences ; all wire ; is best. Wire Works , 14th and Harney. Q-I JIG FOlt SAI.E , vcr cheap. 12 shares tinlon LIfe Insurance Co. , of Omaha. . P. 0. Box ItG. Q-M647 ItIt flICYCS down to B.tXl ; new I3 model ladies' and gents' bicycles are now being , old o' easy conilitlon' . as low as B. ( ' : others outright at $ l.l3 , and high grade at $ I9t'1 and to be Iald for after received ; if you will cut. this notice out and send to Seers , Itoebuck & Co. , Chicago , they will send you their BS hi- cycle catalogue and full particulars. Q-M659 313' FOlt S/JE or Exchange , 5mlth-PremIer typewrIter ; nearly new. 3. llorrigan , IJloomflehi. Neb. Q-MS32 31' TuB Sjanitli IOSSeSSiOflP in both the east and west , in map form. with nearly l pItotogratliie reproductions of the Amer- lean anti SranL'h navies. anyal commanders - ers , etc. MI for 25 cents , at The Bee , llIce. If ordered by mall. athiress Navy I'hotograph Department , Omaha Bee Q-.69 Fort SAL } . Fixtures and show cases at Moody's China store , 310 N. 16th street. Q-t2 ; FIRST-CLASS family Jersey cow , freah In few days. 33 Emme : street. Q-M93 29' AUTOMATIC DrinkIng Fountains for sale. Ten Automatic Drinking Fountains , ills. ; .enslng at will a variety of temprance I drinks , such as iced tea , lemonade , cherry phc'sphate , etc. , by droppIng a. CIny in I n slot. Just the thing for the Exposition. I Profits immense ; for lartirular describ- I ing fountains. terms , etc. , address Grge Ziegler Co. , Milwaukee. Wis. Q-91'4-3 I.,0R SAI.E-A No. 5 RemIngton typewriter , in good condItion ; price 9.OO cash. Walter G. Clark Co. . 1211 Barney Street. I hAVE 5OCO celery plants for sale at a low figure. St. Joe Celery Garden. St. Joe , Mo. . Station No. 1. Q-M193 J1 f.tt CEL.EItY , lant ( or sale at a very low i'rice. St. Joseph Celery Garden. St Joseph , Mo. Q-MID.J3' FOR SALE. a young burro. well brcke and safe for children. M. W. Lee , Dunlan. In. Q-MI5S 37 AICTION sale at 2620 Sherman ave. Monday - day , May 3) . silverware , imported China cut glass , fancy dishes. cabinet grand piano , mirrors. sideboards , sewing machines - chines , FousehoId goOils too numerous to mentinn , sold to the highest bidder ; Mon. day. day 30 , 10 a. m. sharp , 262) Sherman ave. Q-202 2) ' A NE\\ ' stock of Hardmnn pianos. in wal- nut. mahogany. rosewood anti ebony , at prices lower than ever brore ; nine other different makes ; nome as low ' ; BIO.OO. Idueller Piano and Organ Co. , lSth and Farnam. Q-2td 23 FOUR.1IOTtS1 power motor. Omaha hay and Press Co. , Room 40 , Douglas 131k. Q-Ml83 J4 )113L.IILLANEOU5. SEE Om. Van & Storage Co. about hauling to exposition ; no concesitons to Pay ; low rates. l511' . Farnam. fl-S25 31 ANTI-J'IONOPOLY Garbage Co. . cleans cesspools & privy vaults. i N. 16. Tel 3779 R-61S 316 T\VENTY-FIVE cents will buy the latest publication illustrating the U. S. and Spanish navies , naval commanders , etc. ; almost 20(1 ( photographIc reproductions. with a large map of the East and West Indies. at the office of The Bee. If or- tiered by mall. a.ldress Navy Photograph Department. Omaha Bee. 31-370 FOR RENT , space for soda fountain. caller or address Bonner cigar stand. 22S Sherman - man ave. , Omaha. Jt-M114-9' 3IASS.t612 , HATIIS , BTC , ORIENTAL Turkish baths for ladies and gents. 107 So. 11th. , tel. 1391. Open all nirht. T-.i J6' MEDICATED baths and massage. Mine. Brisson , from l'aris. 107 N. EU ] St. . . . ' T-7.i427.-.3-14' IJ..UltA lJlli3on , 119 N. 16th ( upstaIrs ) , room 12 , Turko.Itussian and plain baths , massage. T-7(4 ( 319' MRS. Dr. Leon , electric massage bath par- bra ; restful and curative. 417 S. 11th , up- stairs. . T-5IS35-29' MME. SMITH. 118 N. 1&th St. , hot spring and vapor baths. MADAME AMES , tO7 S. 13 , room 10 : massage - sage baths. T-M992 J' I'EILSONAL. VIAVI far uterine troubles. 346-S Bee bidg ; physician consultatIon or health book free. BAThS , massage.Mme. Poet , 219w S. 15th. ,0. RUPTURE cured for $30. No detention from business ; S years in Omaha. Caller or write for clrculars. Empire Itupture Cure , 932.11:3 New York Life bldg. , Omaha. Neb U-945 TIlE Pantorlum , clothes cleaned , pressed and repaired. day or night ; special care given ladles' tailor made gonne ; dress suits for hire. N. E. corner 14th and Farnam. Tel. 96h. A LAItOE map of the World , one of Cuba and another of the entire Vest Indies. showing Cuba , Porto 311cc. Ilayti , San Domingo , Martinique anti all the other Vest Indian Islands : 10 eents , at The Bee otflet' . By mail , 14 cents , Address - dress Cuban Map Dept , Omaha flee. LI-SI ; ! NUDE IN ART-Taken from nature ; 16 beautiful colored pictures , all nudes , DC i.repaid. French Art Co. , 5iS Locust si. . , l'hliatlelphia. . U- SEND name and description ; object maUl. snony or correspondence ; no charge. Mutual Exchange , 910 Wyandotte Street , Kansas City , Mo. U- PLAIN. honest young widow with meani would marry honorable gentleman. Address - dress , I'ucltIc , 110 EllIs St. , San Fr.nctsco , Cal , U1:629' GENTLEMAN of some means would meet young lady or widow for amusement ; if snited. matrimony , Beet Of references , Address P 60 , care flee. U-212 29' A GENTLEMAN of i wishes the acquaintance - ance of a lad > ' with red hair. Object pass- time. Address P 59 , 13cc. lJ-213 29' DO YOU want to rent your rooms quickl list Ihcm with Omaha Information Bureau , cor. Uth and Farnain.UM230 U-M230 31' KODAlERS. use the Auxillo , 12.00 ; In. creases usefulness of camera ; makes caPinet.ttlzftt heads : sample Ic. Czsorge N. Ener * . Bowling Green , Ky , U-174 29' MATBIMONIAZi Bureau-Send 1ti for tie- tails , with methods and .iescrlptlons ; larg- t'st In cIty. many wealthy members : I2' cial attention given to letters , Address 2.lrL D 3 , Merrett. 135 E. 69th St N Y 11-231-29' ItEFINED widower. ared 40. of means. desires - sires acquaintance of refined lady living at home. Address P 57 , Des. U-1G9 29' l'ifitSOSAL. ( Continued. ) MARRY-Many worth * 1/0 to ! 30.tt ; new plan ; no $5 fee ; private list hOe ; sent eealeL It. 14. LOVe , Denver Cob. MItS. Cronyn , spedalist ; superfluous hair , moles , etc. , permanently removed bY electricity. References givei 1511 Douglas St. - IGANDSOME. cultured widow. 42. worth 1c.ln. : looks for attentive husband in benevolent gentleman. Sirs. CraIg , Ill B. tth St. , ew York , U-134-29' MONIIV TO LO.c-iLfi.tL s5TATfi. WANTED , choice farm and cIty loans. U. C. Peters 4 Co. , U. S. Nat'l flank bldg. : l00cn.c'o ' specIal fund to loan on ftrst.eiasi improveil Omaha property , or for build. lag purpos.ss. Fidelity Trust eomtany. LOAN on Improved it unimproved city city property.V. . Farnarn Smith & Co. , lO Farnam. W-S62 6 PElt cent city and farm loans. Oarvin Bros. . 1612 Farnarn St. A'rIONr Loan & Trust Co. , 315 N. Y , L. quick money at low rates for tholce farm lands In Iowa , Northern Missouri. East- em Nebraska. W-461 _ 1ONEY to loan on improved Omaha real eState. Brennan-Love Co. , 31) S. 16th. EASTEtN money for western incst- meats : send for circular. Inm'ttors Directory - rectory Co. . New York. W-230 37' . _ I WANTED. to loan , 2 ? , : one loan pta- I ferred ; also want to loan O0.O1. F. 13. I Wend , 16th and Douglas. W-4S1 5 PER cent money. Bemis , Paxton blk. \V-S65 )10'4IJY TO LO.S-C1I.tTTISLS. BO TO 510.000 TO LOAN ON IIOUSEIIOLD FURNITURE AND PIANOS - NOS , IIORSEa. WAGONS AND CAll. ItIAGES. WAREHOUSE RECEIPTS. etc. , at lowest rates in Omaha , South Omaha and Council Bluffs. No removal of goods ; trietly confidenttall you can pay the loan oil at any time erin in any amounts. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO. , 316 South 16th St. THE OLDEST. LARGEST AND ONL'Y l. COTIPOI3A.TED LOAN CO.\1PAN' IN OMAHA. MONEY'lonned salaried peopl2TfliT permanent positions , with responsible concerns upon their own name without security : easy paymentS. Tolman , It. 706 , N. Y. L. bldg. X-572 h1VSlNES VliACi7S. FOR sale. a bargain , my entire drug stock. show ases , soda fountain and counters ; also will rent store at reasonable - able rent ; located t.nion Depot hotel , one block from U. P. and Burlington depots. Ernest Stuht. proprietor. Y-479 TO GET in or out of busIness go inJ. 3. .21son.514 First Nat1 hank. Y-SLl _ . . _ ELEVATORS for salea line of six c'Ie- vators on the flepublican Valley branch of the 11. P. 31. IL. extending south from Lincoln. Neb. , through an excellent grain producIng region. WIll be sold together or separately , as desired. In good repaIr and fine working order. Will be sold on easy tCrms. Apply to Ed S. Miller. flea- trice , Neb. Y-1.l4J30 TOLEASE. lumber yard : best sIt In city for wholesale and retail lumber business. Address P 30 , Bee. Y-305-23' MEAT market In good location ; good fixtures - tures and sausage macnine ; will give reason In reply. ' 43 , Bee. Y-M910 29' IBO INVESTED earns 31 per cent weekly ; established IS cities ; third year : particulars - culars free. D. Sloane , 110 St. Paul. Bath- more , Md. A TELEGRAPH OPERATOR CONFIDENTIALLY EMPLOYED BY A PROMINENT WALL STREET HOUSE WISHESTO FORM CONNECTION-WITH A GENTLEMAN WHO WILL TRADE LIBERALLY IN TIlE STOCK MARKET ON INFORMATION WHICH CANNOT GO WRONG. I HAIE ONLY TIME TO TAKE CARE OF ONE TRADER AND HE MUST IL'LNDLE AT LEAST 100 SHARES FOR MY ACCOUNT NO OTHER PROPOSITION WILL BE CONSIDERED. ADDRESS P. 0. BOX 1374. NEW TORK WANTED. a party with $1,200 in a legitl. mate business during the exposition season. Large profits. Investigate quick. A. M. King , 211 N. 15th st. Y-1tt 29' WANTED , a partner with $ C.0 to Invest In a business with large profits and great demand. Investigate. Address P fd. flee. Y-197 23' 2100 REALIZES about 125 profit weekly , $10 makes $2 weeldy : this is our average record for past Year : send for circular. Barrett Bros. & Co. , 520 The Temple. Chi- cago. Ill. Y-196 23' FOR RENT. livery barn in Fremont , Web. ; best town in Nebraska for a good livery. Address John Thomsen , Fremont , Web. T-1&9 29 WANTED , partner big rooming house ; big snap. Omaha Business Exchange. cor. 12th and Farnam at. Y-205 29' BIG list hotels , restaurants and rooming houses. Omaha Business Exchange. Cor. 12th and Farnam. Y-209 29' & -YEAR established cigar bpsiness. Bar- gain. One of best locations In Omaha. Parties leaving city reason for sellinc. Inquire Mrs. Jeffries , Board of Trade , 16th and Farnam. Omce open till 10 p. in. and Sundays. Y-MIS4 30 COOL business for sale cheap ; excellent opportunity. Apply to It. C. Peters & Co. , hi. S. Nat. Bank Bldg. Y-164 29 MAChINE shop and novelty works , doing a good business , for sale at a barrain on account of Ill health. Address P 61. Bee. Y-M219 .14' FOR EYC1IjNCt3 , VARIOUS pieces of property and farms in Nebraska to trade for merchandise. Address - dress L 42. Bee. 7-MSIS S-ROOM house , fine residence , modern : will trade for good improved farm. Wilson , 25th and Franklin Sts. . Omaha.Z970 Z-970 32' FOB exchange , a dark bay. standard-bred stallion for a good piano. For information address Box 157 , Fullerton , Web.Z192 Z-192 29' 1.2) ACRES clear central Nebraska lands for city property ; in lots of 1f ) acres or more at reasonable Pricea , Address Loc ) Box 35 , Broken Flow. Web , 7-M11l. ' _ IOR SALB-813A1. ESTATE. KOUNTZE Place bargains , $2,5'O , 53.130 to $6,500. 3. .1. Gibson 614 First Wat'l bank bldg. _ _ _ _ _ _ UdUSES. lots , farms , lands , loans , also fire Insurance. Bemis , Paxton block.RELu RE-Lu FOLLOWING desirable property : Business lot corner , x150 ft. , in So , Omaha , paved. Business lot , GOxISO ft. , improved , South Omaha. street paved. Tract (24 lots ) , 36th St. Tract (20 lots ) . 30th St. For particulars apply 1012 Farnam St. RE-870 7-fl. houao , corner lot : cheap , 2414 N , 34th. RII.-50'J 314' DESIILABLE resIdence lots , 324x123 , first- class location ; 10 minutes' walk from court house ; cheap for cash , Addreas 0 Cl , lice. ltE-Mc5l-J-19 FOR SALE. 7-room modern house and lot , 2211 Webster St. , for $2GcsI. For particulars address 2.Irs. Sinclair , Box 4F3 , Seattle , Wash. RE-MIll JI' E4)1 SO. 20TH St. . S room houses. Price * 1,500 each. 3. 3. Frenxer , opp. old P. 0. 215-649 hAVE you some lots to sell ? Now is the time to dispose of thorn ; let the IOPie know that you want to dIspose of them. The lIce reaches the People WhO have the money. 215-566 UEAUTIFUL'IG-acr tract for LuZIO cash ; adjoining ground held at U' ' ) ) ; cr acre ; line half.avre in Benson. 1175 ; east frontlet lot , 2sth at. , IDO ; north front on Spencer at1.6(0) . F. D.'ead , 16th and Douglas. 817-49 29 IF TOt' have real estate for salt , and want It sold list It wIth me and I will sell Itif I can. It you wish to purchase and want ft big bargain look over my list. 3. 15. Sherwood , 4.31 New York Life , RL'-M414 ron SAlf.JitIt.b BSTATlI. l'nrr ( Iinued ) ? Port p.ie. deairafesideace lots , 121x129 , in first-class loeitiqn ; ten minutes' walk from court hous cheap for cash. Ad. Ps 0 61 , Bc' ) { E-M631 39 _ EIGHT room m&Tdhi cottage. full lot , cast front. choice locailon , SI ! N. 40th ; U,91I ( will buy it on ea' terms. . . ' IIE.-M137--31' FOR SALE , one Jtte few fine suburban residences near'Oiflnhn , located on the bills west of Aence ; house contains eight roomS , ttittounting sto room , bath room , et.$1fishd in hard woods ; fIrst class plumbing. . individual gas plant , two barns , gardener's cottage , ice house , fine trees , grass and shrubbery ; reason. able price and easy terms. Walter 0. Clark , 1214 Ilarnel' St. 215-160 4 POI1SALES 55 feet south front , near ith and Jones , only $ V'O. ' 8 lots in Saunderg llelmbsugh's add , , fox 150 feet. $ ixo.oG ; cost owner over $3,030.00. Corner lot 413 feet,2-story frame store building and ; tabe , on , Street car line , brick ; sflement all paid for , only $570.00. Wanted , to litirchase 120 acres in the South Platte country within 1(53 miles of Omaha : desire to put lit a vacant ; ot as part purchase - chase money. Wanted , 6-room house : will assume and wish to put in a $600 clear lot as part purchase - chase price. 21. C. PETERS & CO. . U. S. Nat. flank Bldg. 115-16629 . $1,003.00 FOR 5-room house , nearly new , and barge lot nrar exosition : city water ; $230.00 cash and $20.0) a month on balance : no interest. The pyron Reed Co. 215-215 3 IIOMES. homes. homes , let us show them to you. To good ones and one smalleronVest Farnam. delightful places , Five In Hanscom 1'ace. l'ricea to suit any one. One seven room house in north part of city. Fine lot. Pleasant place. Make offer N. 3. Kenrard & Son , Sole Agents , 119 and 311 Brown Block , hlC-721 IRRIGATED FARM- 40 acres located in Boise valley , Idaho : will produce over 2,0 tons alfalfa yearly ; good cattie range convenient : this is a bargain for any one interested in stock , For particulars address Tate & Stein , BoIse , Idaho. RE-M76 35' FOR SALE or for rent , a rood house and 5 acres of garden land , windmill , outside cellar , mile from the city : will rent for $100 er month : will sell and take part payment In city property , cattle or good horses. Apply to Leonard Everett , attorney - ney a. ! . law , 16 Pearl street , Council Bluffs , Iowa. 115-319)3 31 3t lots , 175x350 , at 5014 Franklin street. planted with fruit trees. grapes and shrubbery : picket fence all around ; a nice large lIve-room house , clopet , pantry. well. sistern an' large barn ; two blocks outido city limits : price , $ L9tq ; $9l0 cash balance five years at five Per cent. Address - dress P 41 , Bee , or call on premises. 115-966 29' 7-BOOM house , full lot. Hanscom Place. 1 c.fa 4.I ; ; ; : : house. half lot. easy terms. $ .03. N.V. . cot. 17th and Martha , 6CxjSS , house. 11.000. 2 houses. rent. $ l4.4illpt. N. 20th , 11.230. 0. G. Wallace , Brown block , 16th and Douglas. , I RE-SI 23 lIXI'OSITiON NOT1CE. DO YOU want 1osee all the sights in Omaha this sumnihr ? Do you want a room ? Do you Want any old thing ? Are you from Mismuri' If so we can show you. Send stanip br particulars. Business - ness confidential. Iteferences furnished. Address Hot Time club , Charles L. Ilart. manarer. box 1S. Omaha. Web. 4 29' MtJ4IC. AlIT .tAn L.tNtt'.tSRS. _ is your timdtlosecure scholarshin at special rates for summer term. New School of Musici 191 Farnam. 179 29' Ii OTELS. COLONADE 110F5L--A four-story brick building. 15th rind Jnckoon Sts. . Omaha. J. 5. Izard , proprietor. Rates , European plan. $2.03 per I1a in a. room If de. sired. Parties wishing to engage rooms In advance during the Transrnississlppi and International Exposition can secure same by sending * 2.00 and specifying time , when and how long they will be needed. Rooms must be aen at time specified. as they will not be reserved after that date. The Cobonade is located one block from street cars leading direct to exposition grounds and within two blocks of the principal theaters , 139-29' SlIOItTIl.tlfll AND TYPLCWRITINC. VAN SANT'S Sch6ol , 717 N. Y , Life. The school whose students get employment , Conducted by an experienced reporter. -M41S AT OMAHA Bus. College , 16th & Douglas. SHORT-HAND. up-b-date , taught by court reporters. Boyle ? School , 403.5.7 l3e bldg. t 576 OMAHA Shorthand and Typewriting col. lege. Boyd's theater. -M4 J12' TYl'E WRITERS. TYPE'tVBITERS for rent , $4.00 per month. The Smith-Premier Typewriter Co. . 1625 Parnam St. ; Telephone 1264. OWING to the popularity of the new models , Was. 6. 7 and 5 , RemIngton type. writers , they have had to secure more room and have removed to 1619 Farnam street. Call and see them. 674-3-iS M13D1C.L. LADIES ! Chichester's English Pennyroyal - royal Pills ( Diamond brand ) are the best ; Sate , reliable ; take no other ; send Ic stamp for Particulars. "Relief for Ladies , " in letter by return mail ; at drug- gists. Chichester Chemical Co. , I'hiladel- phia , Pa. Mention Bee. LOST. LOST-Knights Templar charm , small swivel attached to same. Liberal reward if left at Robertson Bros. ' cigar store.216 South 15th St. Lost-131-29' iIILISSMAKING. DRESSMAKING in families. 2304 Daven- port. -I3l0 37' - - - - . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - i'XVNIIILOKIIIIS. H. MAROWITZ loans money. 415 N. 16th. 579 II.RNIISS t.B S.tDDLBIIY. S. D. CASAD , 519'W16th. 543-3-22 llOTBLY1Olt RENT. 'WANTED , Capal"boteb man or woman with 52.OPto taa'4 ) interest in best pay- lag hotel witblh 'tpositiOfl radius ; cen trai , 45 rooms , dlhitig room seats 6l ; snap for right party1nuse will clear $ B.0 to $15,000 durIngiwdpositiofl if are looking for a bon.atixa investigate this at Once. Bemis , Paten 121k. , Omaha , Web. ZiT ) -2IC94 CARRIA'I3 MAKING , P. 3 , KARIIACH sbNs , i3i. howard. Tel. _ 11o2. ) -M637 317 311t1C1C. . 1.113 WITLINELL JIro.&Smith , paving , sewer buildin ; capacily 1t4030 a day ; 22d anti Hickory streets. Tel , 425. STIINOcHIAI'lfliIU. WE SOLICIT and furnish positions fat stenographers free. The Smlth-l'remior Typewriter Co. 'j'elephone , 1314 , 512 hACKS .tND cotriqss , hACKS and coupes promptly furnished at all hours , day or night , by IIat'kmen'e union. A. Ii. T. , tel. 2 ? , 5t and 770. --MEt ill' L"Olt IIXl'os'rlON VISITI)5LS. \S'RITE ExpositIon Bureau ofomfort , Omaha , Web. , torah accommodations ; no tees. - ftiONIlY TO LOAN. H. GROSS , loans & watchmaker , 51 $ N. IL MLII 314 1611) GlOVE C1E.tfl. 23. C MIDDLETOW , practical gioveclesner , LIIN..1. - SitOIMtKlItS. LTONS & BEROQUEST Meted 307 5 , 17 , Patterson block. -429 3 12 I- ltlCYt'IIM. UAILGAIXS in new and second-hand hi. cycles : easy terms. The Safe Store. 1116 Frnsm. -31443 313 PL'ItlTURTI PAC7KIfi ) . 21 , S. WALKIN. 2111 Cumlng. Tel. 1331. 371 EXPOSITION lltONTACr.S I'Olt I1EVI' . GROUND leases fronting exposition. flemis , Paxton block. $31 'r.tli.oltlM ; . _ _ _ _ - MAX F0013L makes , cleans and repairs clothes. 307 5. 17. -425 312 JUSTISI1 01' TilE I'l.ACC. B. B. I1OUCK. justice of the peace 300 liarbach block. . 1101155 P.tSTVUR. ALFALFA pasture. board fences. A , IV. Phelps & Son , 207 W Y L. bldg. Tel. lOB. C1S-J I1I7STA1III.tNTS. hOME meals ; all hours. 1619 Dodge.401.3.Il 401.3.-Il Madam 'Put your best foot forward" into one of our IIEAUTLI'UL. VEIII- CLES. Buy it before June 1st , the opening day. Phaatons Novelties Traps - - . Tires always. DRUMMOND CARRIAGE CO. , 18th and Itarney , ppp. Curt House , Public I..lbrar , County Jail , BAIL BLM1INO D1NSMOIIE Vsed ecc1u- . 4f ivc1y by the "hf ' . \Ve tel1 every thing truly good in typewriters - writers and stipplies. UNITE ! ) TY1'CIVRITI3II t SUPI'LIES CO 1iI1 mmmiii , St . Omaha. . - - ' - - - - _ ' . _ _ - _ - " _ - - a---- ; ; acrc' pays rctuI1.i Far 1auds farmer -0--- LARGEST : LIST IN tI STATE 1. -0- tzo DIREC'TAOENOY 'u-u G.\V. CARLOCK , a i ' .t , 2095o. l5tbStr. , OMAHA. F F 6----- - - - - - fl.tILWtY T13IIJ CAILD. - &Ia.- CHICAGO &NORTHWF.ST- , ! r:1 : i em Railway-City Ticket : IeTh' 'u OfIlce , 1401 Farnam Street I IliLP" . Telephone. 361. Depot. ¶ .I-- 4 _ Tenth and Mason Streets. Telephone , 629. Leave. Arrive. Daylight ChIcago Spedal . . . . . . . . . . . ' 6:40 ama 'lisO pm Mo. V31cy. Sioux Minneapolis . . . . . . ' 5:55 am ' 10:45 pm City. St. Paul & Mo. Valley. Sioux City . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7:40 am 9 : pm Dennison. Carroll , 'all Lake and Council flLffs . . . . " 8:40 : am " 3:15 : am Eastern Ex. , Des Moines. Marshall- town. Cedar Rapids - ids and Chicago. . 'lOZO am 433 pm Atlantic Flyer , Clii- eag , arm xaat. . . 1:4. : , pm . ix pm Fast Mall , Chicago to Omaha S 3:10 pm Mo. I'ailey. Sioux City. St. Paul and Minne.polls Lim'd ' 435 pm 850 am OmChicago Spa- cml . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6:45 pm ' 830 am Daiiy. ' Daily except Sunday. . . . . --CHICAGOST. PAUL. 1.11W- neapolis & Omaha Railway , c'TP'i1.1i3General ' Offices , Nebraska Division Fifteenth and > ' 24ft' IVebster Streets. City Ticket OffIce , 1131 Farnam Street Telephone - phone , 561. Depot , Fifteenth and Webster Streets. Telephone , 1,451.Leave. Leave. Arrive. Sioux City Accorn. . ? ' 3 ; am ' 8:20 pm Sioux City Accom , , ' 9:50 am ' 8:20 : pm Blair , Emerson , Sioux City , Ponca , Hartington and Bloomfield . . . . . . . . 'S 1:00 pm 'fl:25 : am Sioux City , Man- Itato , St. Paul & Minneapolis . . . . . . " * 5:5 pm 5:20 : am Emerson Passenger " 5:10 am ' 5:45 : am . Daily. Daily except Sunday. " ' Sunday - day only. " This train stops at stations Florence 10 South Blair , inclusive , Sundays - days only ; on WeekdaYs , South Blair only. -FREMONT. ELKHORN & I ' Missouri Vailey itailway- t 4 General Oflkes. United I ' Stales National Bank Bldg. - - - . Southwest Corner Twelfth and Faz4tam Streets. Ticket Office , 1401 Farnam Street Telephone. 561. Depot , 5'iftenth and Webster Streets. Telephone , 2.439 , _ Leave. Arrive. Black Hills , Dead- wood. Hot Spri'gs 3:00 : pm 5C'O : ' pin Wvnminc Casner a'nd Douglas . . . . . . " 3:0) : pm u" 5:00 pm Hasting , , York , Da- 'id City , Superior , Geneva. Exeter & Seward . . . . . . . ' 3:00 : pta " 5:00 : pin Notfolk. IV , Point and Fremont . . . . . " 7:50 : ama " 10:25 am Lincoln. V.'ahoo & Fremont. . . . . . . . . . . ' . 7:51) am ' 10:31 : am Frenlont Local . , . . " 7:7.0 : am I Daily. " Daily except Sunday. " * Sunday - day only. ' " Daily except Saturday. . . . . ' flaijy except Monday. . -aS1OUX CITY & PACIFIC ' ( Railroad-General 0flces : , ' United States National I ' Bank Building S. IV. Cot- ncr Twelfth and Farnam Stret. Ticket Office. 1401 Farnam Street. Telephone 561. Depot , 15th and W'ebster Streets , Telephone 14.d , Leave. Arrive. Sioux City , Man- kato , St. Paul , Minneapolis ' 555 pm ' 10 am . Daily. CIIICAGO , ROCK ISLAND & I'ac'ilIc " . . ltaliroad-"me Great Rock Island Itouta" City Ticket 0111cc , 1223 , I ' ' Farnam Street. Telephone 4 : . Depot , Tenth and . S Mason Streets. Telephone 629 , Leave. Arrive , Rocky Mountain Limited , east ' 1.0 am , li25 am Rock ) . Mountain Limited. west ' 5:20 : am 515 ; am Chicago & St. Paul I'estibUltd B a. press . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' 5:00pm 1:2Spm Lincoln. Colorado Springs , I'ueblo , Denver and west. , ' 2:30 pin 425 pm Ch1eago Des Moines a : Itock Island . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' 70) pm i1:23 az Atlantic Exnrps , for Des ) .oincs and eastern Points 703 am ' L.0 px Colorado liyer . . . . . $ 7.O pm ' S.0 am Daily " Daily except Sunday , % VAB A S H RAILROAD- Ticket 051cc , 1415 Farnani J - \ Street. Telephonel9l. Depot ) tt Tenth and Maton Streets. Telephone 129. LAxyc. Arrive. , " Ball .xpreas. . . . . ' 43Opm ' 1130am Daily. 1tAlLW.1' TIME tAltD. . ( t'nctltiited I lllCAGO. BURLINGTON & n Qulney Ithtlroati - "The 0(11 ( inton Burlington ltoute"-Tic'ket OflIce. lSi2 } 'arnam Street. Untin Telephone 290. Depot , Tenth uluuw and Msson Streets. Tele' Phone ES.Leave Leave ArrIve. Chicago \'etibuTt'd Express . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5:03 : pin SlO : am Chicago Express . . 9:45 : am 4:12 : pm Chicago & St. LOuis Express , . . ' 7:45 : pm Sl0 : am Cre'ton Local . . . . . S 4. p ' 10:45 : ama Pneifle Junction Local . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " 1150 am 5:40 : pm Past Mail ' 2:50 : pm Chicago Special . 12O7 : am ' 11:30 : imm I Daily. " Daily except Sunday. -11t'Ttl1WC.TOW & MIS. n i' 1,4 souri River llailroad-"Tha utli iIfl tOfi I Burlington Route"-Gen- I crab omees N. IV , Corner Uniifr I Tenth and l'arnnm Streets , liUUIIJ Ticket omce. 1302 } 'arnam - _ J Street Telephone DO. Be- pot. Tenth antI Mason Streets. Telep'hone 131. Leave. Arrive. Lincoln. hastings antI Meceok 5:33 am 9:33 : am Lincoln , Denver , Colorado. Utah , California , Iliack Hills , Montana & Puget Sound . . , , hIs pm 4au men I.inculn local . . . . . 700 tim " 7f10 i'm Lincoln Fast Mall " 2:53 pm " 11:60 : am Denver , Colorado , Utah , California and Puget Sound 1:53 pta ll:51 : pin 'Daily. "Daily excen' Sunday. KANSAS CITI" , ST. 30. D ' .x,4 t'eph & Council Bluffs Rail- uUI IFlLOfl road"The Burlington ri Itouto"-Ticket Oilicc , 1P I1nhith Putnam Street. Telephone uIuultj 250. Depot. Tenth anti Ma. son Streets , Telephone 125. Leave. Arrive. hnnsa S City Day Express , . . . . . . . . . . 9:03 am 5:40 pm kansas City Night Express , . . 10OO : pm 6:30 am "Exposition Flyer" for St. Louis. . . . . ' 4:10 pm ' 12:3' ) I'm S Daily. 7IIICAGO , Sll.IVAUEEB ! & CC45 St. Paul Italiwas' - City ' Ticket 0111cc , l4 Farnam /cUKE'i Ureet. Telephone 291. Depot , , Tenth and Mason Streets. ' _ : : : ' _ ; : Telephone , 629 .2j Leave. Arrive , Chicago Limited Express . . . . . . . . . S 5:45 Itin ' 6:20 : am Omaha & Chicago Express . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11:0) am " 1:13 pm Sioux City and Des Molns Expreac. . . . . " 11 ama " 1:15 pm 'Daily. 'Dail3' except Sunday. a' , MISSOURI PACIFIC RAIL. road-General OffIces and ' Ticket 0111cc. Southeast Cot. . , : . nor 14th and Douglas Streets. ' 'i Telephone. 104. Depot , 15th . antI Webster Sts. Telephone 1451. I ' Leave. Arrive. Kansas ad Web. Limited . . . . . . . . . . . S 3:05 : pm ' 12:51 : pm I Kansa City & St. Louis Express . . . 9:30 : . pm 6:00 : am Welraska Local 4 .33 I'm * 9 45 am ( Daily. ' Dailyexcext Sunday. I .ASss.q ; lNIOW PACiFIC - T141I . ; ,41lt&2' Overland Route"-Generai Of- flees. N. IV. Corner Ninth amid . . - a Farnam Streets. City Ticket t" Oti'ce 1302 F'arnamn Street. . , tj : : . Telephone 216. Depot. Tenth "a0.e' and Mason Streets. Teleuhona 672. Jeavc. Arrive. "The Overland 1.imitetY' for Denver - ver , Salt Lake , and western 1)'t. . 5:30 am ' 4:43 pta Thu Colorado Spa- cial , for Dens er & all Colorado pOts. ' 11:7.5 pm 6:40 : a in Fast Mail Traimi for Salt Lake , , Pacific coast ann all western ioInts , . . . ' 4:25 utrn 6:40 am Llnoln. Beatrice Stromsburg Es. . ' 5:00 pm " 12:20 pm Fremont. Coium- lu ; . Norfolk. 0r4 Island & Kearney 43. pm " 12:20pm Grand Island En. . . " 5tl 1mm " 12:20 pm , Daily. " Daily except Sunday. South Omaha Local Pass.-L.eaves , 6:35 a. in. ; 7:03 a. in. ; 9:15 a. m. ; 3:10 p. Ia. Arrives - rives , 10:15 : a. in. ; 230 p. in. ; 6:00 : p. in. Council Bluffs Local-Leaves. 5:55 a in. ; 6:50 : a. in. ; ' 7:40 It. a. ; 6:40 : a. m. : 10:39 a. m. ; 2:15 p. in. ; 433 P. in. ; 3:35 : p. m.S:20 ; : p. in. ; 10:05 : p. in. . Arrives , 631 a. in. ; a. in. ; 8:31 a. in. ; 11:30 a. in. ; 3:10 p. rn ; 5:40 : p at. ; 6'.O p. rn : 9:03 ) . in. : 30:15 : p. m. OMAhA & ST. LOUIS RAIL. PORT I road-Omaha Kansas City & - Eastern Railroad-"The Porl M Arthur Route"-Ticket Otfice , j ROUTE. 1415 Farnam Street. 'lelo. . phone 222. Depot , Tenth and .lason Streets. Telephone. 12. 1.eava. Arrive. St. Louis Cannon Ball Exprecs. . . . . . 4:31 pm ' 1l ) nra Kansas City & Quincy Local . . . 7:40 am 9tC pm S Daily. ItlILIGiOUS SERVICE ! . - Iluptiat. P5TH EDEN CH1J11C1I. 51 ! SOtfl'lI TWENTY. ninth Avenue. Itse. C. 11. , % llen , Jr. , Pastor- Servica at 10:70 a. m. arid S p. rn ; SunCay achool at noon ; U. Y 1' . V. , G3 p. in. CAL.VARY CIIURCIt. TVENTV-SIXTII AND Stward Street , , lice. Thomas Anderson. Pastor -Services at 14e a. m. and ' 7:31 p. in. ; Sunda sebool at noon. FIRST CituliCli. TIIITtTT.FiF'TII AND FAll- mm Streets , Rev. T. I. . Ketman. l'sstor..Sert' . ices at 1033 a. . in. and S p. in. ; Sunday sthol at 11:45 a. in. ; .Iuntor union. 3:20 p. in. ; B. 1' . P. 13. . 7 p in. ; fusion Sunday school , Twenty. eighth avenue and Farnam. 5:0 p. in GERMAN C11L'ItCli. TW'ENTYSIXTiI AND Seward Streets. 11ev. Auguit Bolter , Pastor- Servicea at IC:30 : a. in. soC 7:10 P. m. ; Sunday achool at 5:13 : a. in. GRACE CliUltClI. TENTh AND ABDOR Streets. Itev. .1. 0. Staples MinlsterSerrlces at 19:45 a. In. and S p. Ui. ; Sun.Iay school at noon ; gor.el meitinra. Wednesday evening ; Young l'eople's meeting. Friday evening ; read. lag ruom q.en rVery evrnifl IIIIIANL'F.I. CltiJflCIi. IIINNE1' , AND TWEN. ty.fourtb Street ? . Pulp't supplied temporarily ; persict'i It 10:30 a. at. and 7:30 p. in. ; Sunday school at noon. MOUNT I'ISGAII Cltt'1t4'I1. TWCNTY-SEV. entli and Cap's Streets. 11ev. Robin : nnuary. I'sator-Sertlc'ts at 11 a. mu. and O n. in. : Sunday echoet at 11:39 p. in. : prayer meetIng V.'edner'day evening ; Tounit Peot'k's meeting rridey evnfl. OLIVI7T ( 'HUJICli. GRAND AVENUE ANT ) Tttlfly-eCi'h ! , Street , 13ev. A. .1. Flemlig. l'ator-ServiCtS at 31 0. 02. and 7:23 p. m. : Sond5seltoot at noon. SWEDiSh CIIUIICIt. Cli NORTH 51011. te'enth Street. Rev. 1' . Swamig , I'aitor-Serviee , at II a in. and :23 : p. en. : Sundy . .cbool St 9:23 a. 'a. ZION CItt'ItCII. fllS GRANT STllClIr , ItBI' . ' 1' . ' 1' . Vard. 1'astor-Seriiees at 11 a. in. armS 7:30 : p. am. Sunday school at 12t ) i , . in. Ciaristien. 11R5T Cllt'RCII , COIINiW. TIVENTIETIi Street Sal Cal.Itob Avenue , Ret. 3 , B. Vawu'r I'astor-Strvka at lOflo . rn. rind 730 p. m. . Sunday school at 1 ! mm4 Young I't'ople'a bodily of Clirirtlan Endeavor at f0 ' . in. ; prayc : meeting \'ednes4ay at 7:10 . in. GltstNT STit11FT ClWrtct. TWENTY.SINTII and Grant St.r,4i. itey. Carlis TsrI'r , rigor -Services at 10:5) a. in. and 7Z9 p. in. ; Sunday echcci St rlocn. tVAbNL'T 1111.1. C'llIYflCIr. Ills NIChOLAS Street , Re ) ' . Jraepti NichoL. Psto . . .8ervieet lit IeB a. in , aol LB p. in. ; undsy school at S p. in. Co tigrenu I iomim 1 , ClilIfihlY hiLt. ClittItCIi. SIll NORTh FORTY. seoond Street. lie" I. . S. hand , I'astor-Serr. ire , at 11 a in. . Suncay rth.mc.i at noon. FIRST CIWRCII .N . INETIL'NTJI A1) fltV. enpOrt Streets. . Itev. Fanke A Warfleld , Paltot -Services at 1C.3L a. in. sad 7:45 : p. at. ; Sunday school at noon. fI1l.LSIDF : CIXUIICII. TIilltTlt7TlI AT'rI ) OHiO Str.'elJ. 11ev. Jamip l"book , l'smltw-Serbieea at 10:30 a , in. sad 7:39 p. in ; Suoday scheei at non ; prayer service Wednesday at Iia ; , . n. PARK VALE ClIt'IlCif. 3944 CASTtLLAII Street-PulpIt .iui'plied ; services at 1O3o a , in. 511(1 7:30 P m . Sunday whooi at noon. ' ° lhJJlllM CIICUCII. 10 : NORTh I'ORTY.YiRT Ctrtt , Iter , Frank P. Jaclcaon. J'&Jler-ServiCeI at Ii a , tn , and 7:1.2 p. in. ; Sunday scho4 at noon , 'L.YLIOUT1t CliuncIt. TtS'IINTIETII AND n.er Shiteta ltev. liotrard MacAyes ! , I'a'lor -Services It ieo a. in. and e p. in. ; findravor sactety at 7:11 : p. rn ; prsyrr meeting 1'ednes' d5) St 1:30 p in. . $ unaa > ' school at noon. , T. lIAItrS AVSh'IT1 ( 'Ilt'RCli. TVFNTY. heventh Street sad St Mar4 Aeu , Rev. 5 , W'i-tgilh liutiri. P D. , l'astor-Seryicei at lOfl a in and 7:30 p. in. ; Sunday . . 'looi at noon. 5ARATOGA ChURCh. TIVlfNi'.yryJi Street and Ames Menus , Rev. I. , 5. Hand. Pastor-Ser'vic's at 10:30 a. in. aCd 7tS : p. in. ; Sunday ehooi at :30 p. in. - EvangelIcal , IBIANLYiR , CliL'llC'H , iSlI IIAILCY STIIEET. 11ev , 61. 3. Streicher , l'.stor-5eryIcea at 1030 a. in. and 7 : ) ; . . in. ; Sunday schoal at llL a. in. FilEt : cIOURCIf. TIVBLPTII AND DOItCAS Streets. 01ev. F , ii. IV flr.ieeheet. j'amter- Services 51 1a30 a , in. and 7 : $ p. mm. ; Sunday ict.uuIMtfi4S'p.m. E'EDZJII 1.iWSlON CIIW1CU. 2122 ZOAVHN. Irt Street. Rev , 2' . 0. Hultmsn , Pastor- ServIces at 10:30 a. in. Sfld L30 p. in. ; Sunday , ebooi at 3.41 n. iii. ZION OF.JtLIAN Ciil'Tt'ii. 531 SPItAOL'l3 Street. lIce Erp.-st MtIl. Pss'ur-Sen lcem at 111.30 a. in srmd h3O ' Ut. k3nday ih.ol at 11:5 : * a. in. Lutlirrap , DANISR Chit'IlCll. 519 SOL'Tlt TWESTY. second Shrset. itsV. I. C. I'oulan , Pastor- itElilt0I S .l3lt it 1:5 , tt'ontinued. ) - S.rel&i at l3f * in avm I p. ma. , exwpt last Sunday in tOri. m'nih when there r * an in senicee , ttufl.Is ) ' setws'i st S 34 a , en E.MMASURI. SVSPliili CJit'llCll. NINE- ttPntb * 01 t'a's Street * . Rev. I' . 3. Syard. Pa.ter-relee , ci 1fl ; ft. ip. sad ; U p. in , ; Sundy Jeli-aI at nt.'n PIRST GEI1MtN cllt'nClt - , 103 $ Sot-ni Twentitth Street. lice. B. 3. Im. . Pastee- . . SerTktg SI 10.11 a in , aia 7 : . p. en. ; Sunday sehoul at 2 p. in. NoLlNn Itr.MORIAI , CIlitnClt , SIX- terath and Itanmey Stm'ets. reev. A I ? urkls , l'asttw-Ssrricsa at 1 75' a. in. . , , , l 7fi : p. en , Sunday school at GlLCll tltrIWil. 'rWENTY-SIXTll STREET and Woolworth Avenue , 1tP' . Luther Ii. Kubist. Pastor'Service. . at Il a , in. and 1:30 p. in , Sunday school at ills p. in. NonlvEuttN AND BANiSh rllL'ltClt. :116 North Twents-siath Stoost , teen J. N. Aamler- c.rt , l'astor--ervice , at ii a in , an 7.30 p. in i Sunday school at 31:11 : p. am , l'El.h.a BAN1PII C1tt'ReIt 2915 NOIrTlI Twenty-sixth Street-Pul.i , pupt : : , . a tern. peerIIy. services at ii a. in. and I ) h p. in , , Sunday school St neon. ST. )4A11K5 ( 'UtiocH , TW1NTT-FIRST AND iturdette Streets , Rev. Leemamd Uinh. l'astrr- . Strvtq at 9.l a. am. snil : I' . in , ; Sunday school at noon. T. MAT'I'HEIrS ellUnt-fi. fll'PTIIENTII and Center Streets , flv. A. 3 , Tuek. , I'aetor- Stindsy school at S p. in. 61' . PAUI.S OP.RItAN ClltRC1i. f75 PAIL1DR Street. 11ev. Jehn ) ' 8 , Her. l'aster'-'SrrrlCes at 00 a , at. and LZ0 p. in. ; Sunday school at 1 p. no , , erening , FeOOfl.t smid fourt , Sunday in each troath at 1.53 p. in , SAT.131.t I0v.kNflr.L3C.AL. SWEDISh CIIIJRCI ? . 2319 South Twenty-third Street , 11ev. C , B. Siving , Pa5tor-Srrv1ca at 1O23 ; I , in , almS 2:30 1' . in. , Sunisy school at noon , tliilscopnl , A1.I. SAINTS' ( 'IIISJtCII. TWIDI'ru.StXTlt AND lIaif-ttoward Street , . Rev. Therna 3 , Mackay Itector-Iloly communion every $ Unlay in the month. eScept the fist , t 7:21 : a. In. . semmon at 11 a , In. aol 3b . am. ; Sunday sctmooi It 5,33 a. ma. CIUltClt 01' TilE G6OI ) SitCl'llEflfl , ywjt. ¼ . Iteth and Obte Streets , Item. Uoormee ilmyamd \Vlk. 1.1. A . ltector-Serme. ' at L a nm , ii a in sal 7:30 p. in. ; iunday s lev.1 at S 41 a. in. LIT. ANIREIV'S CiiL'ltCII , COItNIlIt CIiAItLEd and Putty-fIrst Sliest , , Itv. C. II Youag , I'rieyt-3ercIre at P50 a. en. , It a. m and 7 : ( I' iU . Sunday shoo2 at 30 a. in. } 'rlIau at 7:4.5 : 1' . at. ST. Al'Ot'STINITS ' ' ' ( 'Itl'ltCIt. 'rlliltTY-TIilflfl sod Francis Street. ' . . l'r4ct In C2may. lt.t' , lv. S. Iloward-Seryteci , at 4 p. am. ; Sunday school at 3 im in. ST. ltARN.tnAS' CliUHClI. Its NOILY1I NINE- te.'tth Street. Ite' . Jm'imn WiiIlm5. Iteetar- Ser'ic' . ' , at 1:10 : a. m. . It a. in. and ) O . . in. ; Sundv . 'a , .1 s. S vi , , in. 5-p. .lOllN'S ( 'IiPltIlI. TtvlNTY-3lxTlt AND F'ranki'n Street , . 1te' . 'IV. S. howard , Priest- S'rvlcen at 7:10 : and 11 a. at. and I 41 ; ' . at Sunday school at 5:30 a. m. : daiiy Cervices at 64L and lo ) a. en. aal 4:41 1 , . in ; days at ; i1 t. in. : I'ridal'5 at :1O p in ST. 1tAT10lAS CIiUn'lI. un SOtTll TENT ! ! Street. 13ev. 1 , . . F. I'otter , Prisat in Cbarge- . Services at 7:31 a. in. ; II a. m. armS : I ) p. at. Sunday e.'bol at 10 a. in. ST. l'AIhl.'it CIlt'flClI. 3131 CALII.'OIlNIA Street-1'ui It lOpplied temporarily : ecrt Ice , at 11 a. Zn. and 3O p. in. : Sunday sclool Ut 10 a. ma. ST. l'lilILlP TilE DEACON CiltInCli 1121 North Tweaty.flrst Street. lt'v. John Albert Williams. Itc'ar-S.n'ta- 7:15 a. in. . n a. 'U. and S p. in. ; Sunday school at 10 a. at , ; fishy moraing pta3'rr. I a rn ; tsntng. I p. In. TREITY CAl IIEIRAI. . C.tPlrtL A'PNt'l and Eighteenth Str.'rt , lOt. 11ev. George Wrth. . Inion , 1ist'w.r. . Item' . Campbell Fair 1)ean- Serrice at 5:3) a. in. . 11 a. at. an ! 7:45 : p. rn ; Suridsy wheel at ID p. in and v. in l'rt'si. lerinmi. AMBLER PI..CI : CHtTJClm , 2'ORTT-Sr.COWD and liartn.Ia Strects-1'uIpit supplied tern- pecan3' ! : etrmiees at 10:33 a. in. ; Sunday school at 11:30 a. in. U1713r01tD I LACE ( "ltt'RCit. , rt l..ti.ir Street. 11ev. linox louis. Pstnr-Servire , am IC:3O : a. in. and 7:3) 1' . iii ; Sunday reboot at noon. CENTItAI. t'NITEI ) cIlt'RClT , 'rwIN'rY- fourth.snl 13dce Streets. 11ev. Alexander Gil- chrlt , Pastor-ServIce , at 10:30 a. in. ani I 33 p. in. ; Sunday echod at noon. CI.IF'l'ON 1111.1 , CIlt'ltCll. 4n3 ( IT1ANT Street , 13ev. lames I ) . Kerr. l'astor-Servieea ibD a. in. and 73) ; p. in. ; Sunday school at noon. FIRST C'lIt'ItcIl. SEVENTP.r.NTI ( AND Ioige Street-Serie , at P:30 a. in. and S p. , n ; Sunday ecticemi at' noon. FIRST GERMAN ( 'llt'RCII , 913 NIlTl1 F.lGl1T- cerith Street , Thy. Ianiei CrIc.ler. I'atcr- Sri-vice , lit 14.30 a. in. and ' : n p. in . Sunday cboI at nxn ? IRST LlNITEI ) CIIUI1CII. TWENTT.rIltST an,1 , Emnm"t SIre.'a. ! t.v. Frank I' Fester , Paetor-.ervtcss at 10:30 : a. in. and 1:31 p. in. Sunday ciro1 at noon , ChrItlan unlen meet- lag at ' 1 p in 3llACil 5115410W CIWRC'II. 167VIi.IAAM Strmet-'ulpit supplied temporarily ; services at 10:20 a. in. and 133 p. in. ; Sands ) ' clicol at anna. 1NOX Clll'RCli , XINT2TEENTII AND 01110 Streelp , Rev. A ChristIe Drown , l'astnr-Serv. ices at 10:30 : a. rn ad 7:3 p in , Sunday ethool at noon ; Young Penpte'a meetiOg at I p. m. Lull's A\'ENt'll efll'nCIr. rOliTIsTli AND Nicholas Strcet , ' . 'F. S hawley , Paetor-Serv- ices at 1O(5 : a. in. Pal 7:42 p. at. Sunday school at 12 in Taunt Peoples Society of Christian Endearer , 6:43 i. in. ) NTAItlO STItEI'T CIIL'liC'fl , 1520 ONTARIO Street-Pulpit upt'I1ed t'mpuradly ; eert'lcea at 10fi a. at. and 7:11 p. in. ; Sunday school at noon. PARE AVRNPI2 CIlUllrll. PARK AVEN1'I3 and Jaekson Street. TIer. fi.itar MaeIiil. I'artor.-Serviee , at 14:3) a. in. and 13.0 p. m , ; Sunday school at noon. SECOND ChIFRCi. TWENTT-FOl'RTlt AWl ) Nltholas Stiets , ttr't. Samuel 31. Ware , Paatr -Service , at 10:1) a. in. and 7:3) p. en. ; Sunday setu.oI at noon. SOIJTI1WEST ClitTlIcli. TWKN'rltTil AND Leavenworth Streets-Sunday school at area. WESTMINSTER CIlttIIC'I1. TWSNTY-NINTII aid Mason Streets-Services at 10:30 a. en. sad lZ0 p. m ; Sunday school at noon. flommiri Catholic. CHt'RCIL OF TIlE ltOI.Y FA3'ti1.T. BIGIT- tesnth arC lzard S'r.-emp , Rev. .1Olm Fitzpatrick , faster-ServIces itt 7. 5 and 10:31 : a. in. and 7:30 p. . : Sunday achiCel St 230 p. in. ChURCh OF TUE SACRED 1112/tIlT. Twenty. secOnd and honey t4trt'et , . 11ev. l'utdck .7. Judge , Pastor ; Ret. J. IlcNsmara , Assistant Pastor-Services at 7. 1:30. : 5:30 and 10:30 a. in. ; Sunday school at 230 p. in. ; seek day mass , 7 ant ; S a. in. ST. CECELIAS CIIIJRI"Il. 4117 hAMILTON Street. 11ev. Timctliy O'Cailahan , Paetor-S.rv- ices at a and 10:0 a. in. : Sunday school at S a. in. 5'1. JOHN'S CIIURCIT. TWENTY.FIFTIt AND CaItfrnia Streets. Rev 3oseptm Ii. Meuffels , S. .1 , Paator-Servpea at 5 , 5. 7 , 5:20 , 9:30 : and 1030 a. in. : Sunday ethtol at BOO p. in , ; veepers at 3 t' . in and : in ! , . 1. ST. .1OS5PIl'S G12l3 > iAl. ChURCh , SEVEN. te'enth and Center Streets. 11ev. Maum'Itiua Itaulkolt. . I'astor-.Services at S and ] 033 a , in. : Sunday school at 2:30 p. in. ST. MART MAGIAl.ENl2 ( 'HUnCh , lGiL Douglas Street. Rei' . Gotge .1. Giauier , Pastor -.Seyvlc'es at S and 20:30 a. ma. ; vespers at I p. in. ST. PATRICK'S Clit'RCII , 1434 CASTIlI.LAT1 Street. 11ev , John T. Smith. Paator--Services at S and 10:30 a. in. antI 730 p. m. ; Sunday . school at 2 o. in. ST. l'ETEH'fi clitiRChI. TWENTY-EIGhT ) ! anml Leavenworth Street , . itev. John II Ens- lisa , I'astor ; 11cr. 33' . 3t. ? , lcNamara. Asalat. ant Pastor-Services at 7. 9 and 19 : : ) a , vu , . veipeis at 7:39 p. ma. ; Sunday school mit 9I : a. am. ST. l'llihJltEN.t'S CATIIIPItAT , 464 5OCT11 Ninth Street , lit. fl-s. ltit'harl Scanneli. Bishop ; Rev. .7. II. McDevltt. Pastor ; They. Viiiiamn 1emly. Assletant l'astar-Service , et C , 7 , 1 , 9 and 10:20 a , in. : Sunday ee.'moolat 2:30 p. in. ST. W'CNC'Eiii.At.'S ROIIEMIAN ChIITbtrlI , 1432 South Fourteenth Street. 11ev. John S'ranek , I'astor-Servlceu at I and 10 a. in. ; Sunday school lit I p. in : erpers at 3:23 : p. wee's day mass at 1:23 a. nt 31 ci li oil I am. PIgST CIf1'TIC'U. TV.'IINTI F.Til AND DAVI2N. port Streets. Rev. Jobn 1.IeQunid , B. P. . I'ator -Sers'icrs at 1030 a in. and LID p. in. Sunday , enocl at noon. I'IRST GIR0HAN ChURCh. ELCVNTII AND CenitrStreets , 11ev. Otto 11. Etlege , Paitor- Sc'rm'icea at ) O:0 a. in and 7:13 i' . in ; Sunday school at noon. HA ? 6COM 1't ilK Chit'ncH. T'SrNTI-.NTNTII Strit aind lS'oolwQrth Avenue , lice. F , 1.1. fihaon. TilL , I'aator-Fermice , at 1030 s. in. and 7:29 p. in. : Sunday scmool at noon , MONMOUTII I'ARK CI1VHCE , rrIn'rr. fourth Street ad l.arimcre Menu , . . lies. Frank W. lIro's , Paser-Servit'e , at 21 a. at. arid 730 p. en , , Sunday school at roon. NOhtWIGIAN ASP IANISII CIiL'Itcii , ici North Twenty'sisth Sited. 11ev. ) eaamug Wil. heirneen. l'ater-Sericp , at lu5 ; ; a. in. and 7:1) p. . Zn. ' Sunday seboni at noon. Si. J lilP14 AF'itiPAW CIIt'ItClf , RIGhT. cent ! , and Vrbster Streets , lIes. .Iamnea C C. Owens , I'mimtor-Seryleeig at 10:5 : a. en. and 7:33 p. in. t Sunday scmool at 1:15 p in , ; Epworth League recry Sunday evening one Imour pre. ct'itng preaching , rearer meeting v.ry trednerday evening at 7:13 ; class rnetlirg eTery Friday at 7:30 p. m SEWARD STREET CIIUJCII. TWENTY-SEC. ' on ! and Seaar.l Streets , 13ev. John 'IV. Itot.in. .on. P. 13. , Pastor-ServIces at 1054 a. in. and 7:31 n. en. : Sunday sthooi at noon. f'OPTTI TF.NTIi STREET ( 'litYflC'II TIIWTU and Pierce Streets , Rev. 0'cirge A. T.ure , Pa , . tr.r-ervicei at 31 ; a. in , and 3I P. in , Sun. day sehnoi at noon ; Junier ltague , 4 p. in ; Ep. i.rth icarus , 6:23 p. am. FOITTli tVEST Cii hItch. 1129 liIC'ItORY Street. Rev , It. 3d , henderson I'astIr-S.,1rcs , at 15.41 a. in , and fib p. rn ; Sunday sC.mo 'l at 11:4 : ! a. in , SIST.PIS1I ( 'IIt'ttC'IT. ES NORTIT EIGhT- centi , Street. Rev. Carl 0. Hanson , i'astor- Ssr'iees at II a. in. and 7:33 p. in , , beisday 19:30 a to and 730 p m. at time rosen , at 111 South Tbirl.-nth attest. WEST OMAhA eliLJItCIs' , Tl'E'TY-REV. tntm and 3iAry Streets , Itey , Jamimes lisynes , l'stor-Servire , it IT a. in , and 7 : 3) p. en , ; 1un.ia' tht..l at esyjn. 'rItINITY clirrtcli. TIVENTY-FlillI .PND fl'nney Streets. Rev , Fred II. San..renn. B , B. , I'sstor-Hcn'Iees at 10:35 a , in. and B3u p. in. : Sundsy bCliOC. ; at nn , Epwortls btagu at 6:31 V. in. is ALNUT hILL. FOIt'TY.h'ZRST AWl ) Charles 5irett. iter. e. N. Imwson. j' ) 13 , . Paalor-Servltes at lB29 a. am. Sal 7:33 p. in. ; Sunday acmuoi at noon. 3. 34. ( lilIan auperlim- terdealt'aorlh league St 6:3' ' p in. SOUTh OMJ.itA Filtier ( 'filtItCol TV'ItIITY. , third and N ttte"t , . Tier. I , A. .Inhflscn , Pastor ALilRlGlIT , 11EV , .1 , C ) , A. FI.L'IZAITT. 1'3i.D. , sstor. Siiaerltnmrsiii , AMERICAN VGLIWTEER-SRIIVI'RS AT j9.5 in .nd 1:31 : p m at ( lid tOOtItI mit 114 5'uth Thttltentb stIeet FIitST t'NiVElt.SAJ.iST ( 'iJi'RC'hf , WillS. It'enth and Z..t0r'p 8treeti Pulpit aupplit4 tmnporatIty. ecroPes at 15:15 : 5. Efl * P4 7:11 p. in. . Esadar id.ni at puos , . - . . . . . . . . . . . . .