_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . - - - - - - - - - - . - - - - - . - - , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ . _ ---t---------- . _ - - - - - _ : - _ _ - _ _ . - - . . - . - - - - - - - - - . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - . _ - _ - _ - _ - - - - - - - _ - - - _ - _ - - - _ - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I TJIi OMAHA DAILY SUNDAY MAY 29 1898. - ' 4 iEXH , , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - , 1 MUSICAL MATTERS. Next SVClflC8tfly the TrAnmIutsIppl nflt International xposItIon will open U.i doora to tlc CIIltUtC(1 ( and r flned of alt the world nnd proclaIm to them the nchlevementB ot these ttnltcd Stntcs In all ( tint may be clnsscd as product8 ot cIvIlIzatIon. In the domaIn ot muIo our country has ( lone much during the past few yenr ; more than the many that preceded them. A few years ago we Were oblIged to look to Europe If we wanted any musIc written of a hIgh or- der. In 187G , for the opening of the Cen tennlal ExposItion , It was deemed neccssarY , In order to ccuro music nultablo to o gnnd an occasion , to hIre ItlchardVagner to corn- cEo ; ft march. Ife dId compose one ; a ills- grace to him and to us. It war ncceptcd. performed anti consigned to obloquy and oblIvIon. By the tIme we got to the Worhls faIr we had dIscovered that we linl some composers of our on nnd ( Icorgo W. Chad- wIck of lioston was selected to compose the musIc for the opening exercIses. The must- cal department of the Transmlsalsslppt E - posItIon has secured a work composed by Mrs. Beach , also of Boston , whIch will be performed for the fIrst time next \Vcdnes day. It Is for brass band and chorus nail It Is saId that the scoring for the Instruments - ments Is novel nail Interesting. The musIcal department at the expo3ltton has betoro It an opportunIty unprecedented In the hIstory of the middle west for the ipbnIIdIng of musIcal art In this part of the UnIted stateS. An enormous amount of moticy lies been opproprlateil , a mngulflccnt audItorium built , a band Atand erected that , is In itaclf a work of art and a monument to the generosity of the managers of the exposItIon. EverythIng that could hare been done seems to have been done since the music was started on Its career. What money vIiI do Is lIkely to be done and in- dccii Is being done to make the musical de partment as itcarly what It mIght have been Iii the beginning without any such expedl- turo ; it Is therefore proper to expect a aerles of cntertntnnientasuch as thIs part of the country has never heard before. The Thomas rchestra will prove a tower of strength and wIll afford to the musically inclined a chance for securIng a hiber.l education at a nominal cost , t.i In the hearIng at inuste Is great proilt , musIc being sound and only to ho learned by hearing. The conductor , Mr. Arthur Moes , Is a thorough musIcian. expi'rIenceii ' In nil the diitie that vIil devolve ipon him. tie was horn In Columbus , 0. , In 1850 , was ciucntei In Europe , studyIng under Kullak , Weltzmain and flora , was ono of the found- era of the CIncinnatI College ot MusIc , ill- rector of the CincInnati May festival chorus and Is a fellow of the American College at MusIcians. During tim last year ho has been assistant conductor to Thcoiore Thomas of the Chicago orclle8tra. Mr. Mcci ; Is a thoroughly ciiucnteii gentleman , a attitient of PIlilosOPily , asvcli as musIc , anti a wrIter of wide reputatIon anti no- knowiedged ability. It the musical opart- meat attempts to keel ) abreast of .iie tImes anti iubhlsli an analytIcal Irogram no one could be found better able to prepare It than Mr Macs. Omaha is partIcully fortunate in P05- sessing a large number of first-class inual- clans who are able to carry forward the education of the people of thIs sectIon as well as the teachers at Chicago or eveit New York could do under the same clrcum- stances that prevail hero regarding public performances. it v1ll be the pleasant priv liege of the musIcal department of the cx- lOSitiOIl to brIng this fact to the notice of the army of visitors to the auditorium con- ecrts anti while no engagerneuts have been announced It Is surely safe to prophesy that the leading performers will be frequently heard at these concerts. In no other way b can thio richness of local talent , which should attract students from all time middle west , become known to those who attend the exposition concerts anti unless it is made known the concerts will be of little permanent. value to this city. Instruction is the one thing that one can sell over and over again and still have as rich a store to ; the next buyer as for the first. Omaha shoulti be ¢cr of musIcal learn- lag and of musical instruction , JIOMEIIL MOORE. WASHINGTON , May 27.-Special.-For ( ) the flrt time in several years the MarIne band , attached to the Marine barracks , in the City \Vasimington , will go outside of the capital city for any length of time. 1)ur- Ing time days of the Nashville exposition the band was liermltted to give two cOnCerts In that city. It was also allowed to participate ! i1 the Chicago horse show , but not since Sousa loft it has It been Permitted to accept - cept any engagements extending over any consltierabio length of time untIl fenator Thurston and time members of the Nebraska delegation in congress succeeded in lnduc- log the president to change his decisIon that the band should not go to Omaha to partlci- pate in tile opening of the Transmlssisslppl anti International Exposition. While to the residents \Vashingtomi the band of the United States ldarine corps would appear to have existed Inco the foundation of the government , in point of fact , thIs famous organIzation is not yet 100 years old. It was some time after , or about the time of the war of 1812 , that n smash band of Italian musicians was landed upoim AmerIcan shores and Induced to take sorylco at the marine beatlquartera In this city. The little band of those days formed the noucius of the present famous American organIzation , which has grown and changed in its nationality - ality , fluctuating in Its characteristics. according - cording to the mouhulng luiluenco of the controling power which ruled its destiny. At ono time the niotnborshtp was oven greater than at time present date , but the larger organization bad but a brief , though briiltant , existence , At present the force consists of fifty musicians , all of whom are vcll trained anti thoroughly competent to perform the exacting duties required of theim by the band nmnster , The band is not only a band of the United Statea Marine corps , but it Is the presIdent's band , nail the baud which gives summer concerts three times each week to the Public of Wasblugton at the White house grountis , in the east front of the capitol , and at the Marine barracks. It Is perhaps through these concerts , as much as anything , that the band imiut become more widely known throughout the country than In any of its other functions , but probably It was thirougit Its iaturtlay concerts In time "White Lot" that the beau firmly estab- iishied. Itself in the hearts of the Washington - ton populace , as well as in the hearts of the thousands of visItors who are constantly Inspecting time sights of timis American capi- tel. The small world of Washington was usually In attendance upon these Saturday afternoon concerts in front of the irest- dent's mansion , and there is no more charm- lag nor picturesque spot in all the DIstrict of Columbia than the same " 1mlto Iot. " as the grounds are called back of time White house , The band men In their red and white unIforms sit on a low , temporary platform - form in the middle of the lawn facing the White House. On the green sit anti walk 10,000 to 16,000 people of nit ages , sexes and condItions. A little valley stretches Its grmen velvet carpet from the stand down to the shores of the I'otomuac , beyond rIse the hIlls of Virginia , and Ar- Ilngtou. the borne of the Lees , nosy the restIng place of thousands dead , is seen peeping over the green hills. As the shadows deepen and the aun seeks its borne In tue west , the grass grows damp with the gathering dew , and Uo Marine band , with Its progruni compieto , plays that great anthem - them which is now echoing in the hearts 01 all Amerlcaa people , "The Star Spaagied Thanner. " the sutilenee rise as the inspired strain floats over the White Lot and the heads of the people and is lost In the darkening sihatiows along the shores of the Potomac , and it Is this band which has the distinguished honor of opening the expost- tion at Omaha on the first day of June. 05 There have been many changes in the personnel of the leadership of the hand since Its organization in the stressful days of 1812 , many of the leaders coming to the band famous for their ability to direct a great musical organization. while many of the leaders left the band with fame which they hail won by ability In musical fitrec- tion. The present leader , William II. San- teirnana , was born in the city of hanover , Germany , and comes from a long line of musical ancestOrs. At a very. ariy ago hi began the study of tbq violin under corn- peteilt Instructors , and when fourteen years old took up harmony and instrumentation. i'our years ttcr ho enlisteti in a military band at Lelpic , serving three years , at time expiration of which time ho entered the Conservatory o Music in that city for the purpose of completing his education- The years spent In Lelpaic were most fruitful in opportunities for hearing the finest music and gaining experience In all branches of his professIon. Ilnmedlateiy after the close of his course in the conservatory , Mr. Santelmann accepted an engagement to go to l'Iilladelpitla with a concert band , and one year later was received into the band of tim United States Macmo corps , In 1S95 he withdraw from the Marine band anti or- ganizeti an orchestra of his own , which met with signal success at the various social events of the city at which It tier- formed. In March of the present year h&o received the appointment lie now holds. Tim personal popularity of Mr. Snntelnmnn Is such that his appointment was hailed withi delight by the old members of the band who had known him throughout his American career , and many of the retIred members who hail been comrades with him under John Philip Sousa have again hlut On the uniform imntier lila leadership. lIe Is magnetic , vigorotis anti full of fire as a I conductor , while his thorough knowledge ci instrumentation give the Ju(1grnon ( areas- sary to understand the capacity of his itlny- era anti the capabilities of eath instrument. While Mr. Santelmanu has never beta brought into promlnenco as a composer. a number of his compositions have achieved marked success wherever performed. To mention each of the members of this great band would require quito a small volume If nil the laurels which they have von as individuals were to be e'Imsldered. ' The Assistant Lender Mr.Vmtiter F. imnith , has seems considerable experience with the Marina band previous to his Iresciit connec- tion. For a number of years Mr. Smith sas I solo cornetist and assistant leader under Mr. John I'hllil ) Sousa's leadershi , , Later he was for three years with Sousa's Concet banti and now has recently returpel to his former ymca in tile band , through the strongest rcspect and esteem whici its present leader commands from all vlso ktiow hitri thoroughly. Mr. Smith is a western mann , coming from the state of Michigan. Mr. Larsen the first cornetIst of the band , is a graduate train a European conservatory of music , and has recently hind the honor of bcing acting lender of the band previous to Mr. Santeimanmi's appoIntment. He is a thorough musician and a favorite in the city of Washington. Mr. Jaeger , the flute soloist of the bantl , iioctis mme introduction since his reputation Is sPread all over the country. I3esides being a great soloist , Mr. Jaeger enjoys the tiis- ; tinction of beIng the owner of the only solid gold Ihuto that has ever been made , anti which he uses on rare occasions lot- solo playing. Josef Oliverl , the solo clarinetist of the band , was a miativo of the city of Palermo , in Sicily , and it is possible that the warm sun and mellow wInes of thnt island may have hail their Influence upon the playing of his Instrument , for seldom it is that a richer tone or more delicate execution can be heard from any artist upon thtt difficult instru- macnt. He is also one of the "old stand-by's" in the band. F. Fatzschko , who plays the oboe , is a Pole , but ilaYS this eccentric instrument as though It might have been an acohian harp instead , Signor Licariono , the first tuba player , is a native of the mountains of Calarbrla , in Italy , while Signor Giovannini , the eupho- alum soloist , comes from one of the Italian cantons of Switzerland. Signor Giovannini is especially remarkable for the broad , full tone which ho produces upon this instrument - ment , and Is a very popular eoiolst In the capital city. Mr. Samnueis , the first trumpet player. is truly one of the veterans of the organization , Besides having served nearly thirty years in the Marine band , be has spent eight years In the Dritish navy. Mr. Samucle Is a native of the Island of Malta. Louis Tilicux is a Frenchman and an ox- member of the Granit Opera house band , i'aris , where ho was famous as a horn solo- 1st. 1st.Mi MiWerres , the bassoon player , Mr. John Llndcr , the maxaphono soloist , and many others of the band contribute to its sue- teas with well-earned laurels in their miii- vidual capacities. And It may be said that the fame of this organization rests snore upon the unity and the taithfimincss wIth which each man has done his part than upon the luster which surrounds one or two bright stars whose glory eclipses all else. else.E. E. C. S. Ceirnitig 1I'eists. 'Youlig Mrs. Winthrop , " which wIll be presented at the Creighton theater all this week , beginning with two performances to day , is the very clever nntl interestIng work of thiti lender of American playrigtsts , hironson liowartl. It is a society play of 'the class represented by "The Wife , " "The Chnr ILl IJnIi" anti the like , and the action con- tore round ( ho domestic Infelicity of a hue- band anti wife , who have insensibly drifted apart. who are momentartly brought together - gether by the deaths of the child which hind come to ho the only remaining tlu bottvCcn them , who tlrift mmpart again , and nba arc liormanently rccancllcd by the means of a kind and wIse old lawyer , who snoves them with reminiscences of theIr courtship and marriage and of their tlead child. it is a delightful play , full of that mysterious nail elusive elemnent called hieart interest. " Among the trIbutary characters are a giddy society woman , wIth a rooted habit of mmmc- rlage and divorce , and a very weil contrived pair of juvenile hovers , of whom thin girl is blind anti wholly without experience of the raptures of love until her heart is stirreil by untanmillar emnotions. Mr. Smith awl Miss Kennark will be Mr. and Mrs. Winthrop , Mr. Enos the lawyer , Miss hierkaley the frivolous Mrs. Dick and Mr. Davis and a new anti very capable ingenue , the young lovers. The specialties include time l3lon- dells and Gus \Villiamns. A special matinee will be given Monday afternoon , nail the rcg- ular Wednesday matinee will be omitted this week. Tim Murphy's engagement at Boyd's , which opens tonight and contInues throughout the week , vIh1 be devoteti entirely - tirely to the presentation of his hiropular double bill consisting of 'SOld Innocence" and 'Sir henry Hypnotized. " This en- tertainmuent has been seen hero before , anti has beems very Icimidly received by our theater-goers , 'Oitl Innocence , " it will be remembered , is a bright comedy , adapted from the French drama "In Petits Oiscaus , " which also supplied the material for Julia hare's well known "A Pair of Spectacles. " In the character of time trusting old man into ivhioso soul suspicion 80 comically enters , Mr. Murphy has abundant opportunity to exploit his tin- usual gifts of eccentric comedy. lie is supported - ported , as heretofore , by Dorothy Sherrod anti a carefully selected c mpany , anti it is said that lie has preparci a brand new curtain speech , which mnust be heard to ho appreciated. In "Sir Henry Hypnotized , " Mr. Murphy Is seems in a number of those character impersonations in which he stands at present without a rival on the stage , These performances , as a whole , are dodd- edly entertaining , nod can be cordially recomnmenficti , not only to the Inhabitants of Omaha , but also to the multitudInous stranger withIn our gates. A strong bill is promised for the inaugural week of the exposition at time Bljou thea- ter. This cool summer theater is Increasing Its patronage daIly. The excellence of Its entertainments , the minlmsan admission fee charged and the cool temper ture of the place are a tew of its commendatory" ad- vantages. The Omaha museum is fast taking a place In the front ranks of Omaha's pleasure resorts - sorts and increase in the number of patrons of the better class Is a good indIcation of the Increasing popularity or the new en- torprlse. Manager Troost has just returned from New York anti has secured some of the strongest features of companies that have lust closed their season in the east , Musical otes. F , S. Rawelli ! gave a successful concert last Wednesday evening at Patterson bali , assisted by Mrs. Merges , Miss Clark , Mrs. Challis and Verginia Merges. A good sized audience was present and encores were fre- quomit. Mr. Rawchift Is a pupil of Hans Al- bert. bert.Mrs. Mrs. Cotton's pupils will give a recital to invited frlexitla Tuestlay evening t the First Congregational church. An attractive pro- grain has been prepared with the followIng welt known vocalists antI musicians par- ticlpatiug : Miss Genevieve Snodgrass , Miss Jessie Lehman , Mrs. J. W. Thomas. Miss AMUSEMENTS. Transmississippi . - Exposition. The Pre-eniltient ' Featiire- ' Chiquita . , . The I Living Do11 And Matchless Woiuler ot the Civilized World. Her Age 28 Years-- Her Height 26 Inches. So sma1-so porfeet-o marvo1ou and Venus like in forma- tiOll that she is otilli-oly beyond. the C0fl11)rOllOnBiofl Oven of the iiiost imaginative mind. Ages and worida have failed to IrOduCe liar equal , Eternity can never duplicate her , ' $ lie one idol of all kindred and kiiid-marvel of marvels- without question the feature of the exposition. 'Will receive and entertain visitors at parlors , ' \V'est Midway - way , daily , Reduced Admission 10 Cents. Ihrite Towle , Miss isnpe Shlverick , Miss Helen Peck , Mrs Charles icommntee , Miss Alma Amuireen , MisiFa Cole , Miss L.oimite lioltort , Miss Corn Chaffee , Mimis Maymo Sullivan , Miss AnnA flzngate ( , Misu Par- thenia Bowman , Mr F. Wysockl , Mrs. F. Moriarity and MrAlbett , Mt. Will Gochea , Miss Jean Boyd Mullen , MIss linen Burnhmem , Mr. Will gmMciCuno , Mrs. M. P. Learneti anti Mr. Alhem-t.MisSaraii lIOWCfl , Miss ( hertrutlo Kountzs cml Mr. Albert , Mrs. lila ' 13. Leyhert , Mrs. C. Id. WIlhelm. MIss Alice Smith , Mr. Manchester , Miss Clara Palmer anti A. Cameron. . . A1Usi'dTS. 'I , , , ' I OMAhA MUSEUM AND ThEATRE , 181gIOIT Fnrnnm Street. OPEN lAII.1' PROM 1 TO 10 V. 31. Win , II. Troost , Manager. Great Bill for Exposition Week . ofMay,30 Great Setterick Family Baud S-Pcorlc-S Direct from Europe. PAINOEKARLO TULO Circassian l'rince from Asia MInor. VIRGIL GRAVES Spotted Boy. MILE. OLLIVETTE Human ( ins Jet. KIEISI BROTHERS Electric Black Art. , IN l'ilE TIIIIA'l'OILIIJM- LITTLE BETH The Child Wonder in her Cuban American Dances. - MACK AND HOWARD. Comedians. PROF1 BARNELL Juggler. CLAYTON AND DISHON The CelL and ( he Soubrettc. ELECTRO Illuminated Vocalist. Admits to all. I O l , Seats 5c aiic1 lOc. C tIThMONT BREVINO % COMPANY'S HAIIQUAI1WRS. LADIES' AND GENTS' ( P CONCEW HALL . 1515 Clikago Street. South SIde PcITtftson Square , GRAND CONCEBtEVERY NIGHTs ADMISSION FREE. A. NYZIBRO. ProprIetor and Mnaer Besides our commcortcoppamiy , now havIng a first class reputation. will appear : 'ruE l'EIii soPitAro , 'MLLE. MARIE DiLANO. MISS DEFOR1ST , Alto. MISS WILBFH , Soprano. MR. CEORCE CLARK , In his Banjo Minstrel Songs and IIalogue. ADMISBION FREE , "a' Grand Opening , B 0 yu S Exposition Week. Tel. 1919. ONli WEEK COMMHNCING 'I'ONIGIL'V MATINEE SA'I'UItDAY , Return Hisgagemuemit of MR. TIM MURPHY in OI.D INNOCENCE and SIR hENRY UYPNOIIZD. Prices-Lower Floor , $1.00 , 'lIe. Bal. 'The , 50c Matinee-Lower Floor lUc. I3al , lOc , 25c , 'l'lC""i" ' I PUtt'fl tt lltmrgelu , LIAe s5 L.ULA Mamiacer. . Tel. 1531. 0. \Vuodward , Atimusornent Dlreter , 'rolAV. : i15. TNIGIL'F , Hd)0. 'l'IILI WOO1)WMtI ) S'VOCIC Co. Presenting Young Mrs. Winthrop S1'IICIAL'FIES-'l'he lilomisleils msnul Gus VIhtIzumiis. Parties living out of the city who dt'sira to visit the' theatre should order seats by mull or telegraph as seats are sold two weeks in advammce , mtate positively what performance and date. Address 0 , D. Woodward , GUILL'S CONCERt' GARDEN Southeast Car. 10th amid Divvenporf. I. N Guilt , I'rop. and Moasger , Attractions for week May 30 : ll.s alylii rtodgors-i'remler Iribli sonjp.tre'ssl Carroll & ( Imsrtlner-"L womitler uvliat.'s tim iiittor uvitli her ; " The Johmnhons-\Vny up song arid timsace urtists ; Netirittintu & Morgobi-ltotimmeti hkCtilm ilrtibt.s : ( Jillilitin & Deinioro-'The favorite oitKu.wmlikcrs ; Froth iiiiiioiison-futrslme gout- ly , N. it.-lon't full to see our great lirst Ptrt..Cctke.\Valk-FlmiiLlO. Daily tmmaLimitcs t'xctiit Mondays at 230p ; , am. sharp. Bl JOIJ THEA'1'ER inti zulu Cnpitol As's. 3. Ii. IIENRZ MANAGER , HIGH CLASS- VAUDEVILLE Atl ) SPPtM.ti.1'IIS EVERY NIGHT 1A SUNDAY , 8:30. : Matinees Wed. and 2:30. : AdmissIon l0j. SCHLITZ ROOF GARDEN Coemmer 16th niisllfnrncy Streets , Henry Uevn , I'rop. If V AND SATURV MATINEE. GRAND CQNCERT H' FJIAt'ADIfIJIIANN'S ( ) ltClllfSI'JIA. . hOTELS. ill URRA'1 ' 1:1 : 0 'f1L , 4t1I St. Amnerican Plan-I to I dollars per day , Street cars from tTjd1 and from hotel to Exposition Grouadstiahillfteen miputes , B. S1IJLOWAY , Manager , THEMILLARD 13th a'imd Douglas Sti,1 Omaha , CIfNTRAL.LY LOCATED , AlEht1OAJ AND EVIIOI'IcAN I'LAN.- . MAISICEI. .t SON , Props , -HOTEL BARKER- con. rn AND JONES ST. , OMAHA. RATES IiIltSO ANI ) li.OO I'EII DAY , EiCctujc cars direct to exposition ground. , FHANK B.IIKEII , Cashier. . . . . . . , . . .SAM J4ULIAN Chief Clerk. T h e B a I m ' a LdgIiign. 1610 hlarney St. , Opp. Creigliton Theater and ConventIon Hall. S fl , I.IOIIAND , Propr , SPECIAL NOTICES Atiwerticenients for titse eoinmnls will he nken mmntil I mu. for Site eveNing nnil until 8 p. iii. for time nornlng nail Sunday editions. Ati'erIsers , by reqneeting a flflUt bereti cheek , t'nn Itn'c answers 15t1 tiresmesi to us mmumlicred letter lit cnre of Time 11cc. ) tmiasucris No usdslrcssed Ttil lie lehlwcrcd on urescuintloit of tIle elseek only , hints. . , 1 I-c it 'word flrst insortloni In a woril thereafter. i'nthslttg tnken for less ( lusts iNo for time first Immser. tinmi. T1ICPIIu ddert lecincmsts muuiiit is. run commscutls'eiy. SITUATIONS 'WANTED. BOOKRHIi:1'EIt : , over ten years' . alice ; best of reteretices ; Wants situation. Adtltess Al Norrie , 1' . 0 , Box , 1214 Omtimi A-lt'icZL 23' fly Accountant ; will take charge at col- lectiomiui : responsible ; 10 years banking experience. Address I' SC , 13cc. A-Oil-i' - AMEItICAN lady , siwake F'rench , immuisician. hantisome. young , siutick. Address with details. 93 Arcade llutel , City. A-Mi000-3 A PRACTICAL all nrotlntinian , nge 36 , amarried and no haul habits , wantn elms- vioymcnt ; good references , P 46 , lice. 41S3 20' LOCATION wanted-A gootl nevspaper man wnhits to locitto in a growing towim , or no otmtslile Positiflim oh me tiitiiy s'iil ho accepted. Address P & 4 , lice , Omnaiut , Nab. A-Itt 110 30 HIOLI' . VANTEl-3lAL13 CANVASSERS to take orders : new line of work ; no heavy goods to carry ; salary at commission. C F. Adams Co. , & 24 South Sixteenth street. 13-830 SALESMEN to eii toilet soap to dealers ; $100 per month salary and expenses ; cx- perience unnocessary. Louts Ernst Co. , lot. l.ouis , Mo. B-SIT \'ANT1fD , solicitors of good niitlrcss , either sex , to sell California Itoses : rare , imartly ornarneninle , etc. : ( owls 1nnd cities ommil' vili pay salary vcekly be quick ; state age. Tim Ilowiand Nursery Cotnpttfly , Los Angeles. Cal. B-Mali 31' WANTED , salesmen to soil perfumes amid toilet articles ; $ iOO icr immontht timid cx- Pemmnes ; cxpcrlemmco unmmeccssnry. l'lumner i'erftmrnery Co. , St. Louis , Mo. li-M615 J10' A CTIV1 solicitors wanted everywhere fo ; "America's Battle for CubaM F'reetlonm ; " otlicial war book : tells all about Spain , Cuba , armies , navies , war mtmmti all great commanders ; gm'nphmic description of Dewey's tamnoumu victory amid isis COlimilettl ) biography ; biggest boolc 6041 large pages ; magnificently Illustrated ; trenmcmmtlous tic- mnammil : only $1.50 ; commission 50 per cent ; homimtnza for agents ; 30 days crctilt freight imitt : otmulit free ; write qutcic. The Dominion Co. , Dept. 32 , Chicago. 11-701 23' 2 EXPERIENCED awning amen ; none otitem' need apply. Wolf Ijros. Co. , 703-05 13. 16th B-D0-29 BOYS 'ivanteti at Murphy , W'nsey & Co.'s ctiittr factor ) ' . ] i-Ml129 2S' WAN'rED-Florist or gardner at lSII Via- ton St. B. hans. 13-917 1 \VAN'I'ED , stemiogrmtpiicr , young nutum multi , accurate , with icmmowmethgo of .gemi- oral oflico work : lOSitiOfl permnncmmt. Address - dress , with references , in own hunmid- writimmg , It. 110 , Mercer hotel. 13-MO3S \VAN'I'ED , hirat-clasa advertising maui to introtluco nsoisthily fnsuslon jotmrumi to leatllmmg dry goods hotises In Omaha and vicinity and to solicit ocni advertising ; can be done in connection wIth other work ; cxperlencc'cl newspaper or program mali. who can give satisfitetory references - ences , preferred ; ativertiser will give per- onnl interview in Omaha about June 1. , Adc1ress until. May 30 , Thin Queen of the \Vest Publishing Co. , IT ? La Salle street , Chicago. 13-M9$3 29' A hAVE office amid errand boy wammted itt once ; must write welt ; aaza ago anti ret- erences. P 47 , 13cc. fl-M971 29 RELIABLE and energetic men to sell high grade lubrIcating oils , greases anti ape- cialties ; salary or commnissomi. Address stating reference and experience , Central Refiuuing Co. , Cleveland , 0. B-MK5 20' WANTED , men at once to k'armm this barber trade. The government has called upon us for 100 graduatjau for the army. h15,00 weekly ; two years' employment. Our ice- tures on hair and skin dIseases unakq gratluates in demand as reglnmcnt barbers. Many local barbers heavIng malta grutlu- aLeS in tiemand as reglrnemit barbers. Miumy local barbers leaving makes home demand good also. Eight weeks completes. Write ( or catalogue. Molar System Barber Cal- legc , Chicago. B-MOM 32' WANTED-Big salary to A 1 maim having years' practical experience as extender for wholesale hmotmsemm. State age anti em- ploymcmits. Address P 43 , Bee 0(11cc. ( B-MOM 29' ' ( \rANTED30 intelligent. strong , healthy , young nien for roller chair pusimers , etc. , must come well ammdortced anti prelmareti to imt up $10.00 , live of whichi is for pass nnd uniform. balance as guarantee good ( alum. Can be seems froam hO to 12 a. in. Monday , F. T. Cunimins , 214 S. 12th St. 19-152-29 AN 1599 MODEL imighm grade bicycle , a llrst class sewing maclilac or a leautltll parlor or church organ for a few hours' work at your own home. Address with stamp , Time Mutual Purchmuaimig Ass'n. , 293'abashi Ave. , Clmicago. 13-143-20' WANTED-lIrlglmt young oman not uniler 25 to take charge of our Interesting amid fasclnatiumg war PUZZle , "Who 1.Vlll Frets Cuba ? " at exposition. All who see It iii operation buy. Timousantle cams be soul , Liberal tenna. Address with references. TIso hansel Novity Co. , Chicago , Ill. , 210 Clmicuigo Opera House. 13-145 29' WANTED-Live hustlers everywhere. Lat- eat and best patenteti bicycle novelty , Everybotly btm's. Takes like wildfire. Salary or commission. Address lmmedi- ately , Slatta & Poe Mfg , Co. , Chicago , Ill. 13-102-29' WANTED-Gooti traveling salesman to ohl tailor music clothing direct to conuitlmer ; liberal terms : state ago minti experience. Address Lock Box 327 , Itock Island , Ill. 13-101-20' GOVERNMENT POsitiofla , 'Fho war makes a tiemand for men in thai government civil porvice. Ifxarnimmatiouimi soon. Full Information free. Columimian Correspondence - once College , Washington , 13. C. I3-M 100-i' 5,000 APPOINTMENTS to be mailo in gbv- ernment service , Immcrenseti number on aceoulimt of war. I'nrticuhumrs as to Hal- aries , positions , etc. , free , National Car- reapontienco Institute , Dept D , Washington - ton , D , C , 13-144-23' FIVE first-class salesmen to sell to best retail mnerclmants. Positions worth $0 per week nuti axpenstes. Address Eastern Mfg. Ca , , Manhattan Bldg. , Chicago. 11-101-20' WANTED-Live , hustling coon to hiantlle best article ever tittered hiuttermakers. Adtlremis Chicago Dairy Supply Co. , Mum. land Block , ChIcago , 11-103-29' LARGE CIgar firm vnnt good mon every. whore In soil to tlealerH , Special immtluco- ments offered. Liberal pay to beginimers. Address Union Eagle Cigar Ca , , Cimicimgo. 11-105-29' SALESMEN. Slot ) a month nail expenses guaranteed , solhing to merchmmtnts and families our maclilacs for cooling re- frigratorH ; guaranteed 75 per edit cheaper than Ice. For J'uil partictilttrs , aililress Arctic htefrigarator Co. , Cinch n - nail , 0. WANTED. boy of sotno experiemice in drug stare : counpetemmt to run satin fountain , ( live particulars. P 54 , lice. 11-108-29' EVE1tY\VIiIfItlO men to advertise "LUstro" time modern scouring soap. tack signs , distribute circuiars , pIties samples , orders. etc. Steady work ; salary $12 weekly anti expenses. The Lustro Co. , Chicago. 19-107-29' SALESMEN. warmted to sell our lilies of goods to time jobbing trade of Ornahmt , Council Biuffs anti the euitiro state of Iowa. to ( ho wholesale drtmg , fancy goods , dry goods , hmouso furnishings anti Immird- ware trade. Reply stating ( till particulars as to experience , ability , etc. , to ( lie Illinois I'ure Aluminum Counhitmny , Lu- mont. Illinois. 11-106-23' STRAW hints bleached hike new. Fiicker Bros. , room 10 Creighiton bile , 13-Dt W % 'ANTlli-MAI.E hEll' . ( Continued. ) A.-SALESMEI' to ccli cigars to dealers ; salary , 160.00 to $200.00 per month anti cx- luenses ; experlneo tmnnecossary : per- mnnent poaiuon. The Do Morn. CIgar Ca. , Springfield , 0. 11- - \'ANTfli ) . men anti women in every towum to work for sis at their tmonies. No can- "itasing , We sentl you work immediately. We IluiVo seeral iiimes of work to gtvcu out , sense Of which requireS no experletice s'hmatever , If you ccii t devote ( ho whole day to our work , you cnn earn 15 or $6 ft week by working an hour or tss'n of aim evening. Enclose stnmnp. We will enti roil full instructions free of elmarge. Stan- ulard Art Mfg. Co. , No. SI Standarti % muiilti- imig , 112 West Twcnty.thtrd at. , New York , Ifx1'EntlNcFr salesmen to eil mann fac- turers' line of neckwenr on cnnmmisaion iso mommey nulvamicetit references required. S'Ischmlawits & Co. , 711 North Seventh St. , St. Lotus , Mo. 11-140-29' WANTED-Saiciunmais who is going to cx- hilblt in exposition space to add anti show nit entirely new mind very fast selling article aflul make money from ntlvnmwo cash orders. Planet Mfg , Concern , St. Louis , Mo , 11-142-23' HALIfSMAN wanted. Free outfit. Several etirmm $20 weekly cash. lhrutttice. 243 l'u'mtrl , New York. 13-141-29' EXPIfI1ENCED free salesmen wnmiteil to work on aalam' ' nmitl eonmmnlssion , Adilress Stark Valley Nursery , Plaimiview Net , , 1i-iuIiOO 31' OI1EAT nmoneymnker for sniemimeum visiting factories. ligtmt plants , muihi ; , elevators. General lmusthing agents wutimleti. lligalow Siieclalto' Mfg. Co. , 185 Dcarbom'um , Cliicutgo fl-illii-29' \VANTIfD , good tinner , Scamidlmma'imsmm lire- fert'eti , who can play in bniiih. Address iock box 253 , Newumman Grove , Neli. 11-3-1150 31 \\'ANTID , Saht'smnems to travel nail sell g0ttl5 , Call 441 l'ttxton block , betweemi 8:30 : antI 10 a. am , Il-lOt 29 A \VIfLi established 11(15150 desires to april a branch oihlco in Oummaummt : will pay coin- Petcuit mntuiiiiger $1 200 ncr year : small cmiii- Ituil rettuireth. ttklress Manager , 200 Mamrnii bldg. , Chicago , 13-173 29' "WAX'V13D-1"EIiAt.i3 11137.5' . 1000IIILS for all kinds of work : $3 to $7 week. Canadian 0111cc. 1522 Douglns. C-SB 5E13 the FpieriO' corset , 1511 Dotmglus St. C-708 321' 0 I IlL foi geumeral housework ; small famnily. 260 $ Dodge. C-812 WANTED. Gin for hmotmiuework. Mrs. 11. B. Neely , 4371 Ilninhltomi St. C-ISO \VANTRD , First-claus cook ; must have rocomniendist Ions. Mrs. C.V. . itlegt'utt It , 2137 5. 33rd at. 0-967 GOOD Girl for general imotmsework ; funnily of three. 2621 llnrmmey lIt. 0-967 29 0001) girl for general liouseivork , 1(00 Cliicngo. C-M993 29 COMPETENT girl for general hrnuuueworlc ; 2 iii fmtmnily. 116 5. 31 Ave. C-11)5-29 ) * WANTED , 150 girls. lfmnploymnent Bureau , 1524 Dodge. Telepimommo S76. C-437-Jl2 \VAN'I'ED-Foum' , ladies , mtienmbers of \ . C. 9 . tT. to aeli sPecialty ium wldclmV. . C. ' 1' U. is Imitercateil. Salary itmiti commission 1' 52 . ' Address , lice. C-l61-29' LADIES , to utritlremis eimvelopes , circimlars mimmil svm'lte for us at hiopse. hii'pi' s'ith self-add resse,1 , stitmil PetI envelope. I'eer- less Co. , South Iiemitl Intilana. 0-111-28' \VAN'I'ED , counprtemst gIrl for general hitmtiscvork inquire , 1921 Corby St. C-1i2-29' LADIES , wamited to do needle woik : can devote liii or part thmne ; cash ) ' mimmike $4 to $7 tier week. Call 33 Barker block , C-Mlhl-30' WANTED , compctamit girl for general hiouseworic in family of two. Apply 2121 Callforuiia St. C-lb-Ill' FA'r folks rcducetb 15 lbs. a months ; nn' one emma make renied' at home ; sunmple box , etc. , mailed tree ; it ( 'Oats yttm tiotlmhmmg to try it. hall Chemical Co. , A 31 , St. Louis , Mo. C- WANTED , a conmpotcumt girl for housework - work ; references required , Mrs. 'tV. 'P. 'Vymnan lOths amid 11arne' , C-M203 .11 LADIES to pnibroider illou' covers , work sent to your home , gooib pay ; senti stamped envelope for liarticulars amid sample. Empire hfnmbroider3' Co. , 23 Duane St. , New York. C-141 29' LADIES to do Idutin sewing at home ; $1.50 a day ; four nmonthms' work guarnimtet'tl ; send stamped addressed emmveiojie far liar- ticulars. H. W. Hutton & Co. , Pimilmithel- hihin , Pa. C-bIG 29' EMPLOYMENT Ibtmreau , 1521 Dodge at , , wants 150 girls. Tel. 876. CDI JIl idiiRI9l % P-ISO V SES. CHOICE houses amid cottages all over city ; $5 to $75. Fidelity , hat floor , N. Y. Life. D-SJ9 - HOUSES. l3cncwa & Co. , 108 N. 15th St. B-HO hOUSES , stores , . Bemnis , Paxton block. D-St1. MOVING hmousehmoltl goods anti pianos. Om , Van & Storage Co. , 1511 Farnam , Tel , 1559. B-HI FURNITURE Anti leasehmold of a 7 auth 13- room modern flat for sale ; bargain ; good location , rent low. Ilemis , Paxton 131k. D-M511 12-ROOM modern house. 131 So , 25th St. , hot siater Imeat , J. N. F'renzer , app. old 1' . 0. B -656 F'IJItNISiIIfD house of S rooms , 8 blocks from iostolllce. Address P 31 , lIre.D913 D-913 COTTAGES-I-room , $7.50 anti $1.00 : f-room , , $10.00 ; 6-room , $12.60 ; S-room , $16.00 ; newly painted and imleretl : benutIfui for aitua- tion. 436 lloaj 9 of Trade. D-912 FOIl RENT , S-room house on pavetl street , East Omahmmi , with misc of teleplmono ; cheap for ( lie summer. Lamereaux hlros. , 102 S. 16th. D-96t FOR RENT , nine-room Imouso with barn , 22d at. , near California : unotlern : rensommn. bie to good teuieflt , Apphy at 1.06 N. 5' , Life Iiuiithing. D-00200 NINE room moslerim house cheap ; beautiful yard ; iinrt furniture for mtle. Aldress I , 56 , Bee. B-Ill 29' VERY choice , furnisheti , h2 rooms ; not .for roomers. GOt 11cc bldg. 1)-MITS 31 FOR RIONT , aix-room cottage. furnished , near exposition , 3117 North 29th St. Dlbl 29' 4-ROOM 1ioue , gootb repair , $8.00. 7-room house , 2329 Frammklln St. , $10.00. 5-room flew cottage , 1914 Castellar St. H , C. Peters & Co. , U. S. Nat. hunk IlitIg. 13-162 29 SEVEN large south front rooms , suitable ( or lodgers , 18th anti Jiaruicy. (4. ( 5. Curtis. D-M222 J4 6-ROOM cottage , till modern couivemmieumc4u. 830 8. 28th St. fl-1t1iCR 211' , - IUIt"IllIN'r..1etJ1tP6ISIII0H itOOMS' FURNIShED roomas. 521 5. 26th ave. 19-111151 M29' EXPOSITION VIfhl'l'ORh-lOOO furnished rooms. Write to Ifxoumltiorm ; Itoomlng Co. , Douglas block , 16th antI Botige. hf-M4HJI4' FOR IIENT , Two front rooms. 310 N , lId , 13-021 23' LARGE jilenaaumt rooms , Cot , ! , shmnmio ; 3 blocks north of Ogden Imouse and liroati- . way car line. 144 Grant lit. , CouncIl Bluffs , In , F1-M936 30' IIFIAU'l'IFUL tarnished rooms at reasonable - able rates. 1115 Capitol av , , or 1020 Iouig. las at. hfXI'OSITION OSlhcIaI Juiormmufioui Bureau , 1319 Farnam ; 5,000 chiolcu rooms to rent. 13-810 hfLEGANTI.Y furnlahmeub rooms ; modern , 620 11. 19th , 13-83900 J24' MODERN south rooms , transients. 514 N. 19 , 19-tiiC'--J.23' TIlE FARNAM TFIIU1ACFI , 2036-38-40-42 Fnrmmamn , new modern builthfng , new fur- nishmlngmi ; all elegant outside rooms porcimes , lawum , trees ; within live minutes walk of busiiuu center ; aim slight cheva- tiour especially desIrable for man and faumdly , If-MEL 318' FUIINISIIIfD r iom. 1913 Douglas. 1-M956 Ji' is'Olt lllNT..PitXIhIi1) 310011 $ . ( Contimnmc'tl. ) - FIIRNISIIEI ) rooms tot' gentlemen ; 1624 Cass ; on Slmermnnn avemmue car line' ret- erences required. E-M97 31' PUI1NIIIIIED rooms. 848 5 , 19th stre'ot. b.-M9C 20 FUINISIIIfD roonm8. . 603 N. 16 ; grocery tor 10-301-327' - DESI flAIlt1i mania with hotel comst'eni- ( 'flees , lit small family , clowmi town , to tixiioiuitiofl % 'isiitors , by ( lits tiny or Week. Telephiomme 21S1 for particulars. 11-908 NICELY tmirmiishieui roammimu au ear hue , flt'nm inhimutes rrom CXItitltinfl grotmnd , reason- aide rates ; transients nccomrnotlntcti , 1620 N. lltii St. 10-116 29' ROOMS , heat location in city for vposi- titus % 'isitors , "Time Stewqrt , " llii-922 N. 19th St. 13-115-29' TO OIfNTh.I3MEN , large rooms , first ciass motlern , Imear btmalncs crister : references exchanged , Athlrcss 1' 43 , lice , 1'-MhlS.34' FIIiNISIIED roonma with or without board iii 1)untlee ; Very reasonable rates ; nice Idace : comivenieuit to car : timuthi privilege , Address 1' Si , llee. 15-117-29' FOR 1lfN'P , micliglitfut rootmis on motor iimme fromis $2.00 to $3.00 er 'eck no raise tlunimig exliosition it tnkemi aim or before Jumio I ' btmam'il It desired , 1700 Avenc .5 , Coumiehi Illuffs , F-lit 29 ' " NhCI3L1' ftmrnisheui rooms. 2412 Cuss street. 15-11207 El.ISGAN'l'ly ftmrumiiuhieui roommms , single or lit suits : by dii' , sveek or mouth. Frets bathis. 1503 mutcs at. 15-130 29' N1CISLY fmmrnislioti roommium for triumisicuttu. 1914 Douglas , 11-MIST 31' FihtNlShliSl ) 1100115 , 'l'rumnuiiemit ; this is your Imiact' , strictly $1.00 irr &la' , vitliout irnarti ; immotiern lituSt' mmevly hit ted retmnma , baths , gooti suirrtimmmstlltmgui. enuvemmient to exposition grtitimmtis amid Simerinnum nvemmue car hue. 1S02 Ohio lOt. 15-MiSI ii blOOMS , all comu'eimicmices , 621 So. 13th. 15-151 328 2224 F4'tItNAM , thilril hoar , cool , front , nfl ' : i'itvruslemiccs ; gamut latmien emily. 15-154 2' ) FUI1NIS1iIID rooumm , ammitahilts for two genticimmeis , or ititlIcs. Call or uut1lrcs S20i ( 8. ISthi. 15-216 29' - - ' LABOl. list rouns for remit nil linrt8 of city. 0111cc open till 10 p. in , nail Stmmmtliu's. Itirs. Jeffries , hoard of 'I'rathe , Sixteeuith nmmd Farumnrn , first floor , bf-itilS.'i 30' 'l'IIFI ThhItO\\'lShl-lS gooti roommis. lOS N. i7 , . I5-2it192 .h2S' IfXi'OSiTION visitors , cmiii itt 1110 llrowm hilt , car. 16th anul ltnmgins , tom' reliable tim. fanmnuttion relative turiiishietl rumouns ; mie charges. 15-176 29' l1lY mile'ly ftmrmmimuhieil roommms , hiotiso all muotlern ; lirivate fnmnil' : aim cmii' line mmmc -I _ lammutcoun laurie. 1' 55 , lice. E-Ml7S FIJitNISlilfi ) 3-rocnm hiiiur'e , mmmcmilcrum , $13,119. H. C. l'etcm's & Co. , U. S. Nat. Bank 111,1g. , 15-162 29 - pt'ltxIslI 151) ICOOMS AND ii fl.tbtI ) , TIllS Merrianm , flrst-class funnily hotel. 25th numui Iodgc Shu. F'-847 NISW ALBANY , 21111 Ilimmutcy : elegant rttinls , first.citmus : board ; tt'rmmms ransoms. able ; triumisient trade ohicited. ohicited.FM3lI F-M3lI 37' I'rlsAsANT mamas , immoilerms , strictly first- ciaas boarmi ; reasommablo rates ; trmtmiaieiita taken. 522 N. bOth itt. F-M129 312' .5 , 15 Il V mm lcd y fti rum Ishied u'oumuia ; a I I mail era. comiveniencaim ; for 2 tic I gentlt'mneii ; price. $30.00 each ; st'ithout lumichm , $25.00 eac'li ; pci- % 'istu funnily ; aim cam' limit' . near Ilimimactimil , park. 1' 13 , 11cc , F-lull 'I'I iB 110511. 2020 i4utrmmm' ; hive cool roomna with Iyouii',1 , ; I raumsiemitu accoumimnocintt'ui ; rates reasonable. F-797 JIl' I'LBASAN'l''eii ftmrmmishmcd roam ; all mimotl. em commvemmiences , wIth or without board ; Itrivato faintly ; near Ilanscomu park. t 12 , ilee. F'-lOI I'AKIS dowmm ( lint "ter smile' ' or ' 'for reust' sign imi yotmr wlimtltnv ; 'rho 11cc reaclmea more Immoimlo lim it ( lay timan will iass yoUr wiimtlow in us mmmommtlm ; iuiinl they cotititilt these cohtmomna vhiemm they want to hiuy' or remit. 1i'S65 FURNISHED rooms Ivitli boartb ; ( rams- slants uccomnmnodntcth. 2005 1)ttugias. F-M939 110' UTOPIA , 1721 Davenport st. ; rooms , first- class board ; transients accornnioilatetl. F'-MiSG J4' LARGE south ( remit rocimma ha suIte tsr slim- gb , and board. All immotiern , 2576 hlariiiy at , F-2i1 29' NICELY fimrnishel riitimmls ; good loitrd , trammsients acconmnmothutted. 19'O ) t'itphtol At'e. F-M2u6 31' TO exposition 'lsitors , ) oii cmiii lhiitl imleaS- mint accauninodmttitilis at I lotel Nichiolutmu , 1101 N. IStim St. ; macala 93 cents : rooms 50 ccmiti imp ; three cur lines iii two biock , Atblress Mrs. C. L. i.Votk'hi , F'-203 20' FIJI1NISIIISD rooms 5 blocks from tile CX- hilsitioii grotluitis : also raezL1. Itirs. t ) , A. Scott , 2814 N. 19th , F-2i7 2) ) ' NICELY ( mmrnlslmeui front room , utumltumble ( or two geuitiemen , with goad ioam'ii , 23Ot 1)oughtus tit. F-Ill 29' PIIIVATIS ( amily svlll ( mike a few bonnier ; for sumnnier in cottagim itt Luke Okohmoji , Adibress 1' 62 , lIce , F-MIll 34 2211 BINNEY-Rooms nnb , fIrst-class board transients acconmmnotliiteti ; reasonabla rates. F-lsilIO 34' > - - FOIt ILIIN'I'-LJNFVILNISIi III ) IIOOMS. FOIl Rent. nIce south front unfurnialmeti l-oomns , with bath ; \5'Itlmueil iilock , hi" . W. Carunichaci , No , 6 , Withnell block.G348 G-348 UNIrUItNISIIISD roonma ; motIons. 1821 1.cav. Fiat 4. 0-711(99 .113' 'rhiItIflf large iuumiurmmlslieui rtiomuu ( or lIght iititiilekCelil ng on groti ati ilotm r. Apply at. 110 South 25th avenue , uicar hotlge. 0-MISt 31' - - - - 1h1L 1tIN'V-S'l'Oht ES ANI ) ( ) ii'FJItfS , FOR remit , tl'e d.sory ( brick building at 91(3 ( Furnam St. I'lils luilcling has a fire. 1roo ( ceniemmt imasemelit , water out all doors , gami , etc. Apply at time oihleo or The lIce , 1-010 FJNIS STORE ItOOli ON 11Th ST. , NFIAI1. cx 1)051 ) ( iou , ivi t hi I lvi ng room ii i ii rear ii miii cemented basement. Sen 1'itlelity 'I rust Co. at once , 1st ( hour , N. V. 1.1Cc , I-2s1424 SPACE to remit , simitai'ho ( or job pnlimtiilg or other small bmmsint'sH , 'l'elepiionu nail dealt. Remit cheap. 1517 Burt , ' ' , ttmltnhlo tam' FOIt 1ISN'l' ( . Suite of roonus ilactor's tifilco. J. A , F'iillcr dl Co. . 1403 Iouglas St. 1-963 FOlt ItISNT a store room near exposition grouniis , ) iply 11 , 2702 1)ecittmir street. I-Multi 30' volt htlfN'I' , onni nt flue firmest locmuii"ims irs Oroauia ( or ticket broker , etc. Intimuirts 1602 Fnnrmum lOt. 1-910-30' FOR Lt15N' , now store rooms joining cx- , positiotm , 24th timid I3iroguo iOta , 1-156 -5 AGI9N'I'S "VANTIl1l , f 1 AIISNTS wanted--Burnt Ijaistead's are4 War Ifook , "Our Country in Vnr. " AlL about ArmIes , Navies , Coast DefcnHcS Maine lIsuster , Cuba , War wills Bm'alfl ' , lunti relations with Foroigmi Nations. Nearly tXiO lyages. All tvj'ittcin sInce Maine. " . Dianster. Magimiflcent coloreti Illuittra. . ' . . .0 , tionn , Agents mumalting $10 to 18) ) er thay. No exlierience necessary , Most littoral terlummi guturonteed , 20 ulnys' crethit. jirice. " low , freight paid , Itantlsome outfit ( rc'o. ( lend 9 twr'-cemut ntanmpui to pay Posage. ( Educational Uniomi. 324 jeari'erum ' ( It , , Clii. cugo. J-MitS .Eurie 5' MEN or women , 16,00 tiaHy ; now iimveitioim ) ; inexperienced ucceod , Dozier Co. , Omriuthma. J-817 29' AGENTS wanted for "Our Niuval 'S'iur Wlth Hpaiim ; ' ' splendIdly iliustratosl ; only authentic - thentic hook it ) be imubIliiod ; free outfit now reaiiy : act quick , Naiioumnl h'ub. ( Jo. Lukesido iiltig , , Chicago. J-311155 30' SVAN'i'hfl ) . gooti hustlers to sell ( lie nih. cliii medals and buttons in the L'XIlOsitiOui and city. ] Ie building , recta 410. 3-31972 20' itiris 0I W'ililamii 11 , Giatimitorme ( lIve ycara in preparmution ) now ready Extra terirme. to utgcriis , ( iruiriti oiportmmnity far enrumest. workers , Solid 10 cents for complete cuts ( It , or write ( or circular. F , W , Ziegler Co. , Ill Dearborn St. , Chicago. J-M3 2 $ '