Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 29, 1898, Editorial Sheet, Page 11, Image 11

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I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ TIlE OMAhA DAILY BE1ir S1JNDAYMAY29i89 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ U
couhTIo OF OA11A'S ! TRADE
: Morchandi& Values Genemily Ilavo an
. . - Upward Tendency ,
Xcnkr , , In Stininiet' Genet , , Wnnt to See
ft ( inoil hut SicII-1tnIt and T1ire-
eiiItii % n(1ur Znrfere
iIflt Itetnit
There Wfl8 ft fair movement of merchah.
c3I9t O nil krnTh In a retail wny during the
, , wuk just cIose , In Blilto of ( ho fact that
thu wCather condItIou were not sueh a to
IndUce 'tree buyjng. At tlils eaoi , o the
year , when sprtng gootiK have gone htito
conRumthnn ; , and when ft 18 tJ late to I
buy ruch merchahdho an might be wanted
white the weather I cool or Bubjeet to stid-
den changes , there Is nothing so coiitlttctse
to an active buying lemand n steady ,
warm weather. A few warm days wilt not
do. Thus far thihit season the weather ha
not been warui enough to bring out ( ha 1e-
- - - - H3iLfld for mid-summer wearhiig apparel nitti
cbflseqtiently there Is a rather quiet trade
: In many departments currying such lines.
f ! 4liiIMfIwtor , to ( he Grocer , , .
Ilusiness with wholesale grocers continues
to be very sittistactory , 'rho vohtinie of
trade for Inst week wts fully Uhl with that
or thu recetling week and thu outlook Is
bright for i conttnunnce of presetit contli.
thong. As long ILS trops ( ITO in good hnpo
grocers have little fear ( or the future of
trade. 'rho market in nunit cases itt flrm ,
but. a tow lines that are Influenced by veeu-
liar conditions are c.nstantly being qtioted
higher. it thii littler CIILHH cnnned goods
V might be ineittioned , eSliecilLIly corn itfld to-
. iflhitteH. Thu enormous tietnatiti by the gov-
T _ erliiiient itt tanking heavy inroutlis Upon the
itlOt ) stocks of those goodH. Tno report is
that they tire being well cleaned UD ? tI1I1
. . . .V4tseIItCntiy the market is ticing quoted on
ttittntoes 1(1 ( ) ccntH per dtzeti higher than
inst week antI on corn & 7 cents higher
. withi cer indication for ii. still further adVance -
Vance before the arrival of the new PaCk.
' Dried frIlitH have changed btit little with
the exception of evaporated apples and
- nPricot , Wlltt'lI are being quoteti a trhlte
V _ ttronger than they were i wtmk ago.
Ilotli iccl anti rtlanila rope , its anticipa-
tttl , is still going up. the advance for laSt
V wcek amounting to itlitiut I cent ier poptitl.
The market for soniti kInds of fttrinltctrnu2
goods. howtver ! , eslccinlly oatmeal , shows
IL teiideiicy to go the ether way. This is
tiecatise of tile close approach of the new
V of graizi tutu the conHeJUent desire tO
clear tip the old stock. Tue decline so tar.
though , has been only nominal.
Dry goods lioUes are doing a rushing
btmsimiesr. Only it few merchants are coin-
log to towli , htit malt orders for all ititl
; of goods for immediate delivery are corn-
lag in rapidly. The oxpositioti wilt doubt-
' lets help out the dry gools men more titan
) aity other class of jobbers. ns most merchants -
- chants prefer to examine ( lie stock before
making purchases. This Is not the case in
hardware , boots ititil iioe , or hardly nay
V other hue , ittiti consequently tIle dry goods
111)118CM are in a position to make the most
of the upIlortimulties afforded by the expost.
tioti , When a. inerciiaimt 0,1cc , gets to iotk-
lag over a line of dry goods it is dimlicuit
for tutu to leave without giving aim order.
rvecIm1lb when Selections are as large flint
comnimieto as tiie ) nrc itt Omaha.
In settking of the condition of the mar-
lct , a local jobber mmule time remark that
there is one feature about current reports
regarding the condition of the dry goods
mnmiricet that is extremely miggravitting to
those 'vlmo arc interested in it itmnt vhmo
( ( Vch ) ) ( ) ( . I to miltiti It was not true that
prices are ( milling off anti time market break-
lag tmp , IlK hits Imeen generally reported , but
that iii every line but ( mile i'rlces are strong.
l'rimmt cloth In cottomm goods is the ono ox-
( 'CItiflmi , Ittit time weakness in this line is
tltme entirely to the fttct timat time capacity
of tIme mills to turn out this class of good.t
is mn.verat tIrns greater titan the consum-
lug demand and consequently there is auth.
lag strange In tIme v'akmics u ( tue market.
I'ot only Is time general dry goods market
strong. but there is every indication that a
sharp atlvnnce especially woolen goods , Is
not far off. 'Ihme high tariff on wool and
time increased consumption thii _ year over
V last of woolen goods are bound to cause aim
hInrlsvnre i'irnt.
Nothming out of time ordinary ro3k P10cc
mmst week in the lmardwaro trade. The market -
ket remnimins firm. but IIO quotable chmammges
nrc reported.7ire cloth , amid in tact nil
easommahdo goods nrc iii good demand , and
the indicmtttomms are that inc present brisk
trade Is going to continue lnddilnltey. Cot-
lections arc good.
'rrmute in bouts and shoes is nhio about
stationary. Time majority of the jobbers
make very favorable reports amiti appear to
be vell pleased with the amount of bul-
SlosH beimig 'transiteteti. Coummry merchants
are mtnticimmtting a heavy trade as ijoon as
crops arc hmarvest.d mint ! for tlmat reason are
giving more hihorni orders titan they have
boon for several years iat.
Rubber goods men report the demand for
mavlcintoshies nut ! in fact tar nil kinds of
rtmbber clothing as being very satisfactory.
. Traveling men seem to have little dilhlcuity
in taking orders for that class or goods.
but footwear thoes not seem lo 1)C iii quite
- SLmChm good reqtiestt. Tin , Increase in the
cost of rubber undoubtedly Jmas a tendency
tO nakO inercimnntmt slower lit giving their
orders as ninny of them think timttre may
be a ctmt in rriccs later in the season. it
Is probably true. thought. titmit the volume
of bImsimmes9 for the year vihl mmot be materially -
ally reduced by time now scheduia of lrices.
Lumber merchants arc now busy tIlling
time orders tiocessary to compieto tue coit-
eesslotinires btiiltjhmmgi on tIme Midway , and
tIm state buiidings. Tue heavy orders ,
bowaver. are practically all t1t.ll'ereti ntmtl
only a few ottis amid eiitls remain.Vlmcn
. thietto are flumlshied the exposition trade will
- . ho at an end and lumbermimen will have to
aCcLtStotfl themselves to tIme shack btmsiness
that usually ircvahls at this season of time
--V year.
The market on yellow lime iii weak , as is
ahown tiy thin fact that time last price list
Isitimect Ps being emit by nearly every southern
miii , This P4 beimu done because there Is
mrmtctlcahly emily the borne market for time
miil to depcnii tipon. time foreign market
being nearly destroyed by the var. Time
market on cetimir shingles is showing a
tendency to ndvammce. Firms vihl not imow
take orders vitiiout it considerable advance
being made os'&r the quotations of a week
ugo and would willingly cancel orders
taken then for future delivery.
Fruit guiti Pzoiliiee.
Missouri strawberrIes are now mibout the
only ( met ; Oil time market ttnd arc being
quoted ut $3.T 11cr crate. Occasionally a
few Arkmtnstts berries rriv , but they are
not vantt1 by 4'nmmrmmcr , ituti coinamission are forco'i to take wlntt they calm get
for thom , Mlsmmommrl berrics are ot good
quality , but are cormihmig In rather slowly
because of the late season. Time crop iii
also rather stnahi , as about half time plmuit
are reported us having bcrn destroyed by
time dry weather of last year.
'i'tmo market on lemons Is lirm with it
strong tendency to advance. A jew more
wartml days wIll ummdoubtedly start the lirico
'i'ho ubuadanco of fruit is destroyIng the
demand for cabbage , but mum the stmppiy is
small time price remains about time motmne.
Tim receipts of country btmtter are now
qtmlte liberal nail time quality fair. 'l'tte bulk
of it goes fur hacking stock.
Fggs are still ( Itmoteti at 9 cents anti mire
comIng just itbnmt fast enougn to imicet the
coimsuming denimtimtt.
Tile iptiutatians On lIve poultry have not
cimahiged for sumac timne , but time demnrintl is
slacking somnewiutt. Owing 10. the tact timnt
fresh ( rtiita nflhl vegetables arc now cciii-
) ) aratively cheap.
Oonslltlon of Trnde nnd Qutitmiflozis
Ott $ tnvle unmi Fnmiey l'ro.iuee.
c EGGS-Good stock , 9'4c.
IiU'I'TFhl-Commnon to fair. Ollile ; sep.
atator , 150 ; gathered creamery , l3nlic.
\'ii-Ciioico fat , SO to 120 lbs. , quoted at
8tOt : lariw and coarse. 6Tc.
LlVl J'OtTtJl'IW-Chleksnms , W7L4 old
V.- roosters 3i4c : spring chickens , 2Oj2c.
PIOl NS-Llvo. i.151.t5 ; uead igecns
not witmited.
r- I tY-Ulminnd. $7.00 ; imittliand. $ G.OO ; low-
- lund. $3.f.O ; rye straw' , $4.VO coior makes the
price ( Hi hay ; light bales sell the best ; only
V tom ) grades bring top prices.
ONIONS-New sotmthmern , per lb. . 2c.
( 'A tii3AG1-MlssiasIipl , Imer crate , $2.2P
I1lANS-Itaimd.picked navy , per bu. i.2S.
i'OTA'i'OEth1mnu grown , tYU5e : Cob.
ratio stock , 7th' ; tiorthmsrn ( amicy curly Oiiho
. . , scett lotntoes. S5e : new potatoes , ver bbl. ,
' ; 4 ; bushel boxes. l.23t&I.tiO.
crate. $3.OOfI3.25.
1iEITt3-Nesy. er tat , box , $ I , .
] tAilSllflS-i'er dos. bunches , 2M130C.
, ' ' ( ( ' . . . . . ' doz. hunches. 2O1j5c.
(1ttFtN ONIONH-i'er tloz. , 1OC.
CJ'lJMlhtltspe dos. , 73c.
WAX hhiANS.-4.3 bu. box , 750.
PlAS-Per 1-3 bu , . C5I75C.
1'IFPI4ANTIftnms grown. per lb. , Ic.
UTH-Ainiomitis , er lb. . large sIze. i2I
c ; sntali , lie ; Iiraziij. imor lb. , 9J1Oe : Emig-
lIsh walnuts. er lb. , ( smicy soft shell , 1UJI
110 ; Itumldard8 , l9c ; fliberts , ptr lb. , 1UC
\ .
Pecans , pohisbied , nmdinm , j7c : extra
large , 81l9e ; large hickory nuts , 1.OMuI,1O
per lam , ; small , $ lV25J1.i per tu. ; cocoanUt ,
per 100 , $1 ; peanuts , raw , Mi4c roasted ,
MAVIM SynUI'--Plve-gal. call , eftCi ,
$275 ; nl. cans. pure , per , boz. . $12l half-gal.
east , , 16.25 : ritmnrt cans. $3.50.
FIOH-imnportel , fancy , 3-crown
1ioxe , lOe 5-crown , It-lb. boxes , 1C
hioxeq. 22't73c per box ; California , 10-lb.
box , II.
1iONlW-Choice white , lc ; Colorado am-
ber. lOlihle.
ICRAUT-Per bhE , 3.5O ; per halt bbi ,
DATEB-ITaliooree , 0 to 70-lb. boxes ,
5',4c : talr , &C F'nrd , 0-lb. boxes , 9e.
CIDEfl-1'r half bbL , $3 : UbI , , .
F'itUITb' .
STRAW'flEflflIEg-Mirsnuris , 3.25.
/t1't'hlS-Geneto $3.75.
000I3EUE11ItIES-i'er 24-ot. case , $2.00
V 'ROI'1cAI YrtulTs.
0 flAO 1S-Rm'ehiings , $2.0 Mediterra-
ileon sverts. 2.6i2.5.
I.EMONH-Cnlrornla , $3,00133.25 ; fancy
Mesina , $3.&OtJl.O0.
IIANANAS-Cholco , large , tock. per
huncim. $2.0Oj.25 ; medium sized bunches ,
$ l.7MJ.00.
hIDES-No. I grecim hides , Cc ; No. 2 green
lmIiIc. Sc : No , 1 ptbtrd hides , Sc : No , 2 green
anlte d imidems , 7c : No. 1 venl calf , S to 12 lbs. ,
tic : No. 2 vt'al Vfllf , 12 to 15 lbs. , 7c.
TALLOW , OitflABF. ETC.-TnhloW , No.
1 , 3c ; tallow , No. 2 , 2o ; rough tallow. 14e :
white grenmo' 2',41,42c ; yellow and brown
grease , i12e.
SIZEFt' I'ILTS--Green salted. each , 15
750 : green abted shearings ( short wooled
early skins ) enclm , l&c ; dry simenrings. ( short
wOoled early skimis ) , No. I , each , Sc ; dry
lliimt. 1niisas and Nebraska. butcher wool
pelts. er lb. , ncttmnl weight , 415c ;
dry flint. Kansas and Nebraska tnurrnln
vool pelts , per It , . , actual weight , 3lJlc dry
flint , Colorado butchmct wool pelts , per lb. ,
actual weIght. 45C ; dry lhlmit , Coborado niur-
rain wool Delta , per lb. , actual weight , 3
tJ4c.FUflIflenr ( black or brown ) $5,00i20.00
otter , $1.50718.00 ; mink , iSfiGOc : ) eaver , l.Ot )
i'.C'0 ' ' ; skunk , 150. 25c. See ; muskrat , 3c , Sc ,
7c ; raccoon , l5iO0c : red fox , 25cGt,25 ; gray
fox , 25iS0c ; wolf ( timber ) , 25c7m$2.50 : wolf
( lrairie coyote ) , 104150e : wildcat. i0iJ2Sc ;
badger , &j4Sc : sliver fox , 5,0Go.O0.
DIt1SSED IIEEF'-Uood native steers
74c : geol forciiuarters ateers , Cc ; good
hindquarters tecrs , the ; Western steers , 7c ;
imative helfer , 6c ; good forcqmmarters heir-
cr5 , b3c ; good hindquarters helfer , Sc ;
iitttivo cows. 6c : Western cows , 6'e ; cow
forequnrters , b'/c ; cow hindqtiarters , S,4c :
backhialvos , cow , 6,4e ! ; steer , Tc ; triangles ,
cow , 1c ; steer. 5m40 ,
BfliF CUTS-Tenderboins. fresh , Ito :
frozeim. IGe ; boneless strips , fresh , lie : strip
bolos , fresh , 9c frozen , 7c ; rolls , boneless.
fresh , lie ; rolfs , Spencer cuts , fresh , lie ;
nirhuln butts , 1ofloles , fresh , lie ; shoulder
cloths Ci,4c ; rump lnmtt. boneless ,
Cc ; r'o. 1 chticlcs , 5thc ; No. 2 chucks , 5'e ;
No , 3 chUcks , c ; boapless chucks , frozen ,
5c frestm , 52c : cow plates , VI ½ C : steer plates ,
4t ; flank steak , so : loina , No. 1 , frozen ,
l2c ; fresh 14c ; loins , No. 2 , frozen , be ;
fresh , 12'4c : loins , No. 3 , frozen , to ; fresh ,
101c ; short loins , market style , 2c above
homait ; ltotel style , 4c above loins ; cow
catiS , S'.c ; steer loin coils , 9c ; hanging
tenderloinm , 43c ; ribs , No. 1 , frozemi boo ;
fresh , 12'4c ; ribs , No. 2 , frozen. Be ; &csh ,
IOc ; ribs , No. 3 , frozen , Cc ; freslm , Sc No.
I rounds , 7'c ; No. 2 ratmnl , 7mc ; No. l
rounds , 7c ; beef rounds , shtimmk oil , 3c adihi-
tlotmal ; beef rounds , hamik and rump oft , Ic
nbditionnl ; trimmings , 4e ; beef slmanlcs ,
ac ; braIns , PetS doz. , 3c : sweetbreads , ier
lb. , trozt'n , be ; fresim , l2c ; swcetbrezmtla
( calves ) , per lb. , 40c ; kidneys , per doz. , 3.5c ;
o tnils , each , Sc ; livers , per lb. , lc ; hearts ,
per lb. , 3c ; tongues , per lb. , 12c ; calf liveN ,
encbi 3 ( . ; cal cs wimmibe citrca4s or shies ,
lOPe ; calf head arid feet. scalded , per set ,
c.ltb lITTON-Spring lambs , be ; regular
lambs , 9c ; slieq , Sc : market racks ( long ) ,
Do. lintel racks ( short ) , 1k ; bums , 9 ½ c ; sad-
dies , lOc ; legs , l0c : hub legs , 12c : breasts
anti stewfl. 3c ; tongues , each , 3c ; forequar.
terms , Cc.
P011K-Dressed pigs , 5c : dresscl hogs ,
Sc ; tenderlolns , 12c ; loins , small , 7c ;
large , 7'/1e : spare rih , 4i4c ; imarn satlsztgo
butts , 6c Boston l3tmtts , 5 ½ c : siiotmhlers ,
rough , 51c ; shtmlders. skinned , &c ; trim.
timings , 4c ; leaf lard , not rendered , Cc ;
heat1 , cleaned , 3c ; smiouts and ears , 3c :
frebi hams , 16 to IS lbs. , 7mAe ; frehi short
cicars , 5c : cheek meat , 4c ; neckbones , 2c ;
pigs' tails , 3c ; plttcks , each , Sc : chitterbings ,
Sc ; hocks. 4c ; hearts. per doz. , 2.'c ; sto-
mnehs , eacim , 3c : tongues , each , 7c ; kidneys
per tioz. , joe ; brains per doz. , ISo ; pigs
feet , per loz. , 30c ; livers , eaclm , 3c ; hog
rinds , 1c ; blndo bones , Sc.
St. T.mals Gemaeral Markets.
ST. LOUIS. May 28.-FLOUR-Weak and
declining : biatents. $5.OOi6.l5 : straights , $5.40
t7jS.G5 ; clear. $1.0OJ5.I5 : medium , $4.25ff4.50.
\'IIEAT-Lower , closing heavy and not
far from the bottom , with May ic. July 2c ,
September 1 5-Sc and December Ic under
yesterday : spot steady : No. 2 r d cash , do-
vator , $1.15 ; track , $1.15 : May , $1.15 ; Jtmly ,
i2c amtkci : September. 80 3-Sc ; December ,
7O'4c : No. 2 hard cash , $3.13.
CORN-Futures closed easy , irregular ,
with May ' 4c bower , July 1-Sc to % c higher
and September 'c higher , compared wIth
yesterday ; spot lower ; No. 2 cash , 31 ½ c ;
May , .31'4c ; July. 30 7-1131c ; September , 32c.
OATS-Dull , weak anti fractionally bower ;
spot lower ; No. 2 cash , 2Sc ; track. 2Oi2m4c ;
May , 28c ; July , 25'hc ; September , 21 S-Sc ;
No. 2
IlVE-Nomimial at COo.
SEFIDS-Flaxseetl , nominal at $1.25 ; prime
timothy mwetl , $ .COj2C5.
CORNMEAL-Lower at $ l.S5j1.9O.
IhflAN-Quiet and steady ; sacked. SSc
country polnt and SSc east track.
hAY-Quiet and steady ; prairie. S7.5O
14.50. time top being jmaid for new Kansas
product : timothy , $9.001JII.5O.
BUTTER-Firm ; creamery , 14jICc ; dairy ,
EOOS-Stendy at Sc.
METL.S-Lend. strong at $3.G0. Speller ,
lower at $1.10.
IIAGVGING0 7-Si6 3-tc.
I'ROVISIONS-I'ork. bower : stnntlard
mess , jobbing , $ ii.404111 .50. Lard , lower ;
prime stenm , $5S5 : choice , $3.93. Ilaron ,
boxed shoulders , $5.SimA ; extra short clear ,
$0.75 : rums , $ fl.S7'.4 ; shorts. $7.00. Dry salt
meats , boxed shoulders , $5.374 ; extra short
cbenr. rG.25 : ribs. $ C.37mA : shorts , $6.60.
RFCEi PTS-Flotmr. 3,000 bbls. : wheat , 31-
000 btm. : corn , 129.000 btm. : oats , 40,000 bu.
51 1 IPMENTS-Flour , 2,0,0 , l > ils. ; wheat ,
51,000 bu , ; corn , 142,000 bu. ; oats , 10,000 him ,
lCisiiim City Grain mind I'roslIomis ,
Lower , dtmll ; No. 1 hard , $ l.ibti'1.12 ; No. 2 ,
$ l.0S711.1I ; No. 3 , $1OSSjI.OSI.4 ; No. 1 red , $1.10 ;
No. 2. $1.04 ; No. 3 , Sl.OWI.O7 ; No. 2 sprIng ,
$104511.07 ; No , 3 , $ l.027i.t)5. )
CCiItN-Lowcr , rather dtmbm : No. 2 mixed ,
2S5i3Oc % ; No , 2 s'hIte , 31j3214c ; No. 3 ,
3Oi 3um4c.
OATS-Slow. irregular : No. 2 white. 3041' '
- -
lie. .
lIVE-Weak : No. 2 , 55c.
JIUTTEII-Firm ; creamery , 124j14c ;
dzmlrv , 10i112c ,
Eii-F'irm ( ; fresh , 8c.
iticieii"rs ( two days-Wimeat ) , 19,200 , hu. ;
corn , 115.00) ) ho , ; oats , 9,000 hu.
SlLIIMFN'I'S ( two days-Wiieat ) , 62.S00
bu. ; cant , 80,000 ho , ; oats , i,000 bu.
Cisi'IimmnI I 1nrkt.ts.
CINCINNATI , May 2,1rLOUFtDul ) ;
fancy , $5.365J1.70 ; faintly , $ & .004J5.25.
\'JbEAT-norninnl ; No. 2 retl. $ iJS ,
COIIN-Iull ; No , 2 mlxetb , ? .Gc ,
O'1'S-Fiisy ; No , 2 mixed , 30c.
RYE-Quiet : No. 2 , & 5c ,
1'ItOVISIONS-Lztrd , steady at $5.23. Bulk
meats , steady at $6.15. Bseon , un at $7.04.
\'juISKY-Qtmlet at $1.23.
litjT'i'bIhl-F'irmer ; Elgin creamery , i7'c ;
Ohio , 12P15c ; dairy , 9'c.
RLJGA lt-insy ; hard r Imied , $4,4T416IO.
EGIS-quiet at Sc.
Ci1EES1-11asy amid lower ; good to irimc
Ohmic hat. 75j7 ½ c.
( iralis ltCCCiItN sit lrinciiil Mnrket , ,
ST. LOUIS , May 21.-Receipts ; Wheat , 42
Iii b NNIIAPOL1S , May 28. - Receipts ;
\\'hmeat , 426 cars.
CIIbCAOO , May 28.-Receipts today :
Wheat , 300 citrs ; corn , ii49 cars : oats. 403
cars , Estimanteil ears for Tuesday ; Wheat ,
360 : corn. 1,625 : omits , 710.
DuLu'rlb , Ztlmty 2S.-ltcceipts : 'Wheat , 111
Toirtis , Mitritet ,
TOLEDO , May 2S'IIEAT - Active ,
lower : No. 2 ( 'aSh and Mit ) ' , $1.20.
COIIN-Duhl , steady ; No , 2 mIxed , 341hc ,
OA'I'S-Iuhl. steady' No , 2 mixed , 28e.
Ci.OViIitSl.Ilb-Dul , quiet ; vrlmu cash ,
011-North Limo , Ole ; South Limit and
Inttlammn , t6c.
l'corim , ! mtrkcts ,
PEORIA , May 28-CORN-Market lower :
No , 2. 32c.
OATS-Market dull anti lower ; No. 3
whIte. , 26'4ti26c.
\\i I btl4Y-Markct firm ; high proof
spirits ,
Icrolt .lnrIet ,
D1TRO1T , May 2L-\VIIFIAT-No. 1
while. $1.10 ; No , 2 roil , cash amid Mit ) ' , $1.20.
COHN-No. 2 nmlxed , Sic ,
OATS-No. 2 wimito , 3ic.
RYE-No. 2 , 650 ,
I'istismdelphsla i'romler.
? iIhIJtTELP1IIA , May 2.-hitJTTER-
Firm zmnd jic higher ; fancy western
ireautiCI'y i6c ,
EGGS4"Irmn , lXo bigLmer fresh western ,
Promio of Bnperabnndant Crops Causes
Another Slump in Wheat.
Corn , cmi tIme Oilier IInmsiI , is higher ,
but Omit , , SImos , n 1)ecline , us
DocsAls , , l'iirk , ait1t 1.arst
tstiil Itlh , , . Stronger ,
CHICAGO , May 2-Lnck of short inter-
eat anti promise of superabundant crops
throughout the world caused a decided
slump in wheat today. July closed 2'4fl3,4c
and lower , anti September 1',4c , Cormi was
V.c higher and oats 14c lower. Lard and
ribs are c higher. Pork declined Ttjc.
At the start iii wheat there was more or
less covering by shorts , who , In view of time
hOlihit3' Monday nmmti time nervous condition
of th ( ratio , sccmneI to be disposed to even
lip , The demand from that Interest was reSPonsible -
SPonsible for early strength , but when
buyers were satisfied and witimdrmw trade
became' mibuggisim. Time bear news multiplying -
ing anti tile bull interest getting no support
the selling rwmlm became so aggressIve and
vigorous that everythIng vits swept before
it. Liquidation soon became as urgent as
the short selling , the market getting tie-
moralize , ) . The Imnimressiomm becanme general
that Lelter limut lost. control and was Ito
longer to resist time natural course of
prices , There was no Liverpool cables ,
hilt the croim news continued to grow more
bearish , St. Louis reported new vimeat nI-
ready iii that market , There was consIder.
able reaction during the last half hour as
the shorts showed a strommg disposition to
even up , Iteceiptim at Chicago were 300 cars ,
ngmtimmst 110 a year ago , nnti the total numn-
her received hero this week has been 1,737 ,
of whkim 1,062 were of contract ttmabity ,
Minneapolis anti Duluth recelveti 737 cars ,
against 405 a year ago. TIme Atbamitic port
cbemiritmices were eqtmatl in wheat auth ibotmr
to DO btmshtels , July cimemied ISilc lower at
$ l(4l.Oa , sold imp to $1.04 , ( lropled to
$ I,0im,4 , then rabbicil to $ t.03i4tji.o4m at time
close. September started 14c Iciwer to ic
higher at 14fjt6c sold ibown to l23c timid
strengtimenetl to i4C blil , the until figure.
Itlnv eIoed at $1.75.
The weather was too wet for time rood of
corn , flhtti there some netivltyon the
part of tIme bull crowd.Vhmen wimeat broke
corn wemit with it , but there was a c3m-
Pbote recovery litter. Jitby started fre
higher at a14133t40 , sold dimwit to 321732 3-Sc
rallied to 33c , then eased oft to 33c asked
at the close.
'rime Iluctuation In corn controlled outs.
July opened unchanged at 2411c , declined to
23 7-Sc , rose to 21 3-Sc , then fell off to 24 I-Sj
24,1c , the closumig Price.
'l'here was some selling of ribs and pork
through ( 'ommlsshn iioUse. Pork was
weak for awhile but rallied near the close.
Fluctuations in lard and ribs were Inconmie-
quentiab , July pork Openeti Sc higher at
$ ll.56@Il.C0 , advanced to $ II.C2.4 % , declIned to
$11.15 mind soul up to $11.47 bltl at time clomic.
Estimated receipts for Timestlay are :
Wiicat , 360 cars ; corn , 1,625 cars ; oats , 710
cars : hogs , 27,00t ) head.
holiday on the board Monday.
Leading futures rammgo as fohiows :
Articles. . I Open. I IllxIi. Low. I
_ _ _
Mity. , . I 72 1 75 1 70 1 75 1 75
Jimby. . . I ( IiL 1 ud I O1t 1 O4I 1 0014
StIt. , . 5VI4.55 85 52ft 8it : ( S4L
lice. . bO)4 Si 7O ) 70 b0
I.lay . . . i3 0:1 : HtfiV4 323k :32 : (
Jtmi : . . .8' .i'4't :1314 : 32Uit * : is
Semmt . . . 31s4 34661i3t 33I1 3311 33s
? 4ay. . . 27 271 , 0 % H114 27
.Itmby. . , 24'4 ' 24S 23 24Sw4 2414
Semi , . . . 2135 22a 211 : :114 : 014
I ork-
July. . . II ti't 11 0211 11 15 11 .1714 11 55
Sent. . . 11 74) 11 724 hi St. ) 11 61) ) 11 135
Jimmy. . , C 10 6 1214 0 O74 0 17i4 6 07
S'it ' ) ( I 1714 0 2214 U 15 0 2U U 15
Jtmly. , . S 824 5 85 5 80 Ii 55 5 SO
Sept 5 tni4Loi 5 87 % 5 I'S ' 5 1)0 )
Cash quotations were as follos's :
FLOUI1-Steatly ; winter oatentmi $6.OO@
6.25 ; straIghts. $6.00SC.2O : hiarti spring pat-
cnts , $7.20U7.40 ; bakermi , $4.9O5.I5.
WHEAT-No. 2 sprIng. $3.lSiii.20 ; No. 3
spring , $3.lOlji.30 ; No. 2 red , $1.67 ,
CORN-No. 2 , 32 5-Sc.
OATS-No. 2. 264126 ½ c : No. 2 white , 30@
30',4c. No. 3 whIte , 2S412Sm/c.
ItAI1LEY-No. 2 , 4Si15Oc.
SEF1DS-Fjaxseej No. 1 , $1.30 ; prime
timothy seed , $2.S52.90.
I'ROvISIONS-I'ork , mess , per bbi. . $31.45
4111.10. Lard , per 100 lbs. , $6.iO6.l2i. Short
ribs mimics ( loose ) . $5.75. Dry salted shoul-
dermi ( boxed ) , $6.O01j5,5 ; short clear sides
( boxed ) , $6.254J6.35.
SUGARS-Cut loaf , $5.68 ; granulated , $5.25.
'No. 2.
Arm1c1r. Iecelptm. Shipments.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 12,100
: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 351.400
Cormm.bu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .584,1100 645t'oo '
, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , i00
It , bu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Bane , . lit- - - . . , . . , , , .
- - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - -
On the Produce exchange today the butter
market was firm ; creameries , i2i1Cc ; dair-
iet , , I1fl3c. Eggs , fresh , i0c. Cheemie , Un-
cimanged. Live poultry , dull ; spring chIck-
ens. Sj3 ½ c ; duckmi , 67j6c ; turkeys , 64c.
Quotutiomis for lime Hay on General
Coiujiiodjtles ,
NEW YORK , May 28.-FLOUR-Receipts ,
18,727 bids. ; exports , 11,566 bbha. ; weak amid
lower with wheat ; winter patents , $6,4O1
6.65 ; winter straights , $6.1O6.25 ; Minnesota
patents. $3.Oflt7.1O ; winter extras , $1.SOtlJS.3.5 ;
? , Iinnesota bakers , $5.104j5.35 ; whiter low
grades , $2.501j3.00. Ityc flour , dull at $3.65Sj
CORNMEAL-Easy ; yellow. Tic.
RYE-Weak ; No. 2 western , 650.
I3AItLEY-Dull ; feeding , 42c.
BAitLFY MAL'r-Quiet ; western. 6.'i75c.
WIIEAT-Iteceipta. 391,800 bu. ; exports ,
none ; spot weak ; No. 2 red , $ i.33lf . , o. b.
atioat , export trade. Options ivere some-
vhmat tlemnormtilzed today , opening wenk tin-
tier bearish crop news. they rallied on July
covering and then coilapseti tinder heavy
foreign selling and general liquidation ,
closed lie off ott May , 4the lower emi July
amid 162 3-Sc lower on distant months ;
sales included No. 2 red May closed , $1.35 ;
July , $ I.OSmhSji.i34 ; closed. $ i.03 1-8 ; Septemn-
her , S641SJ 1.Sc ; closed , S63c ; December ,
83 i.611h14 5-Sc ; closed , IJ 1-Sc.
CORN-Receipts. 62.400 ho. : exnorts 11RV
618 ho. ; itlimit 'tveak ; 2,38.OjttIodmi
opened steady on unfavorable crop returns
and big weekly clearances , but eventually
yielded to Limo break In wheat timid closed
Y4c lower ; May 30 7-S37c ; clomied. 36 7.Sc ;
July. 37SiTi 3-ac ; closed , 37 3-tc ,
0A'rs-bteceimmts , 37,700 bu , ; exports , 40 292
him. ; spot quiet ; No , 2 , 32 ½ c : No. 2 whke ,
35c Options ruled dull anti weak , closing
m40 bower ; May closed , 32c.
F'FiIID-Qulet ; bran , iOljOOc ; nmiddlimig , 90
4jt5c ; rye , SOc.
hAY-Quiet ; spring , 354740c ; good to
choice , 455j75c ,
1101'S-Quiet : state , common to choice ,
1895 crop 3f14c ; 1896 crop , 61j7c ; 1697 crop ,
I2i114c ; 1 acille coast , 1595 crop , 37j4c ; 1596
cr01) . & 117c : 1597 cr01) , l2tiite.
IIIDES-Firm ; Galveston , iCc ; Texas dry ,
13c ; California , 150.
LEATI bErt-Steady ; hemlock sole , Iltmenos
Ayres , 194120',4e.
WOOL-Quiet ; tlceco , 3Cj22c ; Texas , 12@
PJ1OVISIONS-fleof. ittently : family , $ i2.50
ttrJ.VU ; extra mess , $ lO.5ll.04 ; beef hmtms ,
$13.5Ol1.OO ; laCket ) , $11604112.00. Cut meats ,
iluil ; i'lckled bellies , 6'4j7'4c ; pickieti shotml.
ders. 4c ; pickled hmammis , T3WSe. Lard ,
steatiy ; western steam closed , $ C,35'ijG.iO ; re-
llmmed , isteittly. I'ork , quiet : mess $ ll.5OI' '
11.75 : short clear , $ t2.504114110 : fitmniiy , $12.50
tJl3.60 , Tallow , ilrin ; city , 4 1-Se bid ; coumi.
try , 3 7.Sqj4 1-Sc , nit to muttbit ) ' ,
C'ILS-i'etroleumn. dull. Itomtin , steady ;
strained , common to good , l.42Ytii,45 , 'I'ur-
heltifle ) , ciutier at 254ij29c. Cottonsectl oil ,
stetidy unit moderately uctlve ; prime crude ,
2lt22c ; lrime crumb , t. o , I , , . mnills. i78flSc ;
orimo stimnmer yellow , 2Cc : off summer yellow -
low , 25ti2541c : butter oil , 281j20c ; Prime winter -
ter yellow. 3041 3bc.
RICI4-Mnrket 11cm ; fair to extra , 5 I.S1J
7o ; Japan , , 5 7.811Cc ,
MOLASSI.S-I3teady ; New Orleans , open
kettle , good to choice , 288jOIc.
FREIGhTS 'I'O L.IVEIIPOOL-Dull ; cotton -
ton by steitm. 23c ; grain by steam , 3d.
METAI.B-Plg iron , smuiet ; southern. 19.75
1111.25 : northern , liO.OOljii.75. Copper , quiet ;
lithe , lrokers. * 11.S7m , . Lend , steady ; brok-
cr5. $3.66. Timi plates , quid.
IIUTTF1It-flecelpts , 6,000 picgs. ; western
creamery , 12 ½ 4116 ½ c ; Elgins , l6m4c ; factory ,
CIiIESE-Rceeipts , 1,004 pkgs , ; light
skims. 61/AIGc ; full skinis , 21i3c.
5005-iteceipts , 8.458 vkgs. ; western , 12@
12c ; southern , il3Wl4c ,
Iistltiimmri' M.rkct ,
itmiti lower ; western superilne , $375U4.00 ;
westermm extra , 11.50415.10 ; western fu.rnul' ,
$5.75416.25 ; winter wheat tatcnts $6.3tJ6.6. :
spring patents , $6.764j7OQ ; spring wheat
straights. 10.50116.76 ; receipts , 3,557 bbls. ;
exports , 3 541 bbis.
W1IEA'j'-Iemnorahized : spot and month ,
$ l.24.4jl.24 ! 54 ! : July , $1.04 asked ; steamer ,
No , 2 red , 11.171,4 a.ked ; receipts , 102,095 bit. ;
exports , 104,000 ho. ; southern wheat , by
$1,2oti,254 : somhn , on grade ,
CO11i4L'1Veak and l wef ! , ( ft t , month and
June 3G6 1-Se. July , 3t5W. 3-Sc steamer
mIxed , 3.jfSS 1-Sc , receipm.4 Vi53,4&7 bt. ' cx-
ports 351,128 bu. : pouthe'ri ) 'white corn , 3Sc
asked muouthern yellow. X74 , asked.
OATS--Easier ; No. 2 whittI , 264c : No. 2
rnixed351J38c ; receIpts,9 , Qj bu. ; export5 ,
1YE-I3uhl , lower : No. 2 ntt by 544c ; No.
2 western , 56c. nominal ; recepte , 20,691
bti. ; exports , none. 1.1
liAr-Steady ; choice tmotlty , $ i2.r.O4l3.04.
GRAIN FRII1GIITS-Diilh ; steam to
Liverpool , per bit. , 4ti , i3tiht ; Cork , for
otlers , Per quarter , 54 , btittet
BUTTER-Steady : fntcy veamery , 17c
fancy imitation , ide : fasry' ladle , lIe ; good
ladle , lie ; store packeti , RfJilUc.
EGOS-Weak ; fresh , ipq , '
STOCKS A ? ) ' 1ItlS ,
iiolidmi ) Tontisrrow Cnttscs n Curttl-
macsit of Simceulatls'e , %
NEW YORI , May 28.-The fact ( bitt to.
day was a holiday lii Londomm and that Monday -
day would be it holiday both in New York
tuai London had the elteet of curtailing
speculative operations in stocks. There
Were two conhilcting reports in circulation ,
both coining by different routes front the
same point in the West Indies , allegIng that
time United States fleet had bcn sunk anti
that Atimnlral Saml'son had beeti killed , and
another that Commodore Schley hits pemie-
tratetl tuG harbor of Santiago and sunk the
Spanish lied. The market sold off nit the
first and recovered on the second , but time
dealings were hot iare nor time movemnemit
WIde in itny case. 1 rices were sluggish
otitsltbo of special tock mind flumal chmnmiges
wore small. block Imilminti anti l'eoples Gas
were hitmhcti UI ) again , lifter w prehlrnumiar
, reaetioim alVarently to mih&tko oft some wemi
, foilowing. rimeir Price vmin stiutaimied with
some diillculty at the close , and was ma-
miiltmbntdtl for time evident Purpose of making
I the last pricss tIme beet. The same timing
I WflS manifest In other Stocks. tlrcat Norihm-
I em coiitintmed its upward course and added
nearly 5 iir tent to its recent remarkable
advance. 1lhimmol Steel rose 4 iier Cent ad-
miltional , but reacted 2 per ccitt. New York
Air ihrake m'ose 2 11cr cent , mit lost r.i'itrly
all of it. There was a reaction after the
recovery coincident whim time puhmhlcation of
time bank statement 'lmic wts on its face
favorable. But the expansion of over
$3,000,000 In loans , while suggesting activity
iii bimsumiess , goes with the knowledge that
SlmIIlieS ) of comrnrcinl lnhier have not been
large in time market , nor has tue demand
for timmm loans been eaget. . The inference
Is that the loan expansion outside of time
tiemand for simectIlutive tint's iii the stock
mmimtrket is to be accotimited for largely by
loans inmttie ott sterling exchmmingo as colbrit-
ertil , an operation involving the lending
abroad momicy which is due on exct&i..e
bills. but not drawmi. Tue close for stocks
\vIts , however , near top prices , tinder the
manipulation timid generally a fraction
above last night's closing price.
l'rices of stocks show V some substantial
gains over those of it week ugo , thotmght the
latte Part of the week has seen a tallimig
off in activity and a somewhat settled ten-
ilency. 'l'lme udvanco earl ) ' in the week was
largely based on the Unfounded report that
the Spmnislm hoot iiiVest Indian waters
hind already been anmmiiiilatec and the litter
tendency is not surprisutig. 1rhe latter re-
sistamice to decilno mis been eneourmtgimmg to
tue bull element , and the betiOf is general
iii Wnll street Gmat tim powerlesmifless of
Cceveras Ileet to do mschiof ltts been
demonstrated , and Its ultimate defeat by
the United States forcet is confidently cx-
lmeeteti. 'rime Ilnanclal world looks forwttrti
to this defeat to bring 111th play mnaiiy factors -
tors of strength in tue speculative outlook.
Most potent of these is the eoniitiomi of the
money market , which many now fairly be
described as idetimorhe. Although time vol.
I.mmmie of batik cleartmigs all over tIme country
inchicmttes a larger use of mono > ' thman evemm
Iii 1592. funds continue to how to New York
from other tionmetic centers. 'rime Uniteti
States treasury continuemi to feed out money
immto the market. New York's banks gatmied
over $3,700,000 ( roni this source this week.
in spite of the large loan expansion of over
$8,000,000 time surplus . .rcsurves commtlmiue ,
tliereioro , to blue UI' . Under ordinary condi-
tiomis time resulting chenpuess of nmoney
would start an export movement of gold ,
hut time commtinued heavy excess of mner-
chammillito exports amid nttc , foreign tie-
mumid this week for out' secUrities keep the
imiternatiomimils heavily In our favor. The
country's miet gold imnporti for the fiscal
year wilt exceed $100,000,000. which has never
been alproached CXCeit imi 1881. when they
were over $97,700,000. Ther VIl&tS beemi at the
sutme time it largely imt reasetl output of
gold , tIme home mines' product for time pres-
emit being estimated at'COOQOOOO. The ithea
that govermmnmemit requiremoimtmi fur carrying
oil the war will result in , any stringency in
money rates has been entirely discarded
by ilnancial nuthortties. % V'ith time heavy
expansion of the gold currency and a con.
tintmitig favorable trada balance , which is
muted to by the falling off In foreign travel ,
and in expenditure b travelers nbrcad , in
consequence of the ivar , it is natural that
an era of higher prices and of Industrial
and speculative activity should develop.
'rho ilrniness of Prices of stocss Is urdoubt-
edly largely based on the expectation of
suh a development.
The bond market has broadened during
tIme week and has given evidence of in-
'estment buying at borne points. Prices
mit-c higher all around. United States 4e
have advanced ½ per cent and the Ss
11cr cent in the bid price. Others are un-
The Evening Post's .London financial ca-
biegram today says : Tim only feature was
the demand for gold by Russia in the Lou-
( ion market , notwithstandIng this money
ruleti at ; : I.e unu L'rencn elemmamigo wtts
The following arc the closing qtmotations
of the beading etock on the New York market -
ket today :
AtchIson . . . . . . . . . . P214 St.P. & Out. . . . . . . . . 78
dopfti . . . . . . . . . 5135 do pfd . . . . . . . . . . . .149
blaltimore& Ohio. . ilft St. P. ? .I& 1,1. . . . . . . . 142
CanatiaPueltic . . . . . 84 Soi'PactSc . . . . . . . . . 17
CaniidaSotitflerii fiii'4 Soitaiiway. . . . . . . . .
Centrahl'4C1L'tc. . . . . . 14 S. Itatlwa'pft1 304
Ches.tOtiIO. . . . . . . . 214 Texas t Paoitte mh8
ChicnO & Altos. . . . i 511 UnIon i'acilic. . . . . . . 5511
- . . . & . . . . . . . . . . U.F.D.&U. . . . . . . .
C.&E. ! . . . . . . . . . . 5411 Wabash. . . . . . . . . . . .
0.0. C. & St. C. . . . . 3111 Wabash phi. . . . . . . . . 19 %
oopM. . . . . . . . . . 73 Wheel. .t L. F. . . . . . 214
Duh..i1mldRO0. . . . . 109 SVheob. & L. F. ptd 1114
Dcl. C. Vt. . . . . . . 15 Adimm , Itx. . . . . . . . . . 100
Den. , ' itioU . . . . . . . ilk Anmerican Sx. . . . . . . 128
do phi. . . . . . . . . i4 Unmied States Ex 14 ! )
) rIs intiwi. . . . . . . . . 115 Wells Iargo lix 120
Erholstpta. . . . . . . . . 354 Am. Cot. Oil. . . . . . . .
Ft. SVavmse . . . . . . . . 1135 . Cot.Oil itd. . . . . 754
OreatNorthnrnptj.lii Am. Spirits . . . . . . .
hocking Valley. . . . 5 ( Amn.Sulrusnrd , , . . . , .
llhInoisCimmtrtil. , , 1O14 Ammm. Tooacco . . . . . . lo4
Lake Erie & V. . . . 14 % ilo phi. . . . . . . . . . . . 117
tb 9ftl. . . . . . . . . . . . . 72 Pcopbe' ( pt . . . . . . . 11)1 )
LakeShore..100 Con.thus. . . . . . . . . 191
Lotuwu'illo J Mash , 53 % coIn. Ca'mh , Co..0
! .lamihxettan I. . . . . . . . 105i Coi. F. & Iron . . . . .
i4et. St. ity . , . . 1SIPI do pie. . . . . . . . . 110
Michigan Cmintrai , 10311 ace. Electric. . . . . . .
Miami. & St. L . . . . . . 2814 1hbinol Steel. . . . . . . . 57
c1o1ttmtti. . . . . . . . . 8714 LaChette ( las. . . . . . . 4Th
Mo.l'acifto. . . . . . . . . . 3111 Lead. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Moljile.kliio. . . . . 28 ao p04. . . . . . . . . . . . . 100
J'lo.K , ' . ; T. . . . . . . . l)1 ) Net. tAn. Oil. . . . . . . . 2014
CIim..Immd , . &I. . . . . . . om Oreron 511)0 , Co , . , , . 30
00 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pacific Mali. . . . . . . . .
N.J. Central . . . . . . 0AG l'ttilmmin i'aI. . . . . . . 1St )
N.Y.Centrai. . . . . . 117 SlierCertimicates , , 614
N.Y.Chi.3.13i. L. 13 Slamtditopo &T. . , . . )1I )
deist pfd. . . . . . . . 60 Stmar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .171 ,
Uo2dpftl. . . . . . . . . . 32 do old. . . . . . . . . . 11314
Norfolk . Western 134 T. C. & Iron. . . . . . . . 2511
No. Ammier. Co. . . . . . . 5 % U. S. Leather. . . . . . . 14
No.l'ucitlc. . . . . . . . . 20h do pid. . . . . . . . . . . . . 08
do ptd . . . . . . . . . . . tIU ( U. 5. itubber. . . . . . .
Omitnrio.1 W. . . . . . 1511 do pfd. . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
Oregonav. . . . . . . . 51 % % Ycsterim Unioim , . , , 0134 .
( ire. Short 1.tne. . . . . 30 yortiawestera . . . . . . .2834
Piltsburg . . . . . . . . . . .ISiS do p18. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 171
Itt'adimmg. . . . . . . . . . . . 181.4 It , C. , .it ' 0 ? . . . . . . . . . 25
block island. . . . . . . . 105 % it. 0. . 'V. pfd. . . . . . ti114 ;
S. L. & S. F. . . . . . . . . 7i Chmi , Gt. % Ve't. . . . . . . 1414
u0 lstpfd , , , . . . . , . 0154 Itoamling lstpfd . . . . 45
St. L'aui . . . . . . . . . . . 9851 St. C , .k S. VI. . . . . . . . 43 (
do ptd. . . . . . . . . . . 140 do. ifd. . . . . . . . . . . 1014
Total sales of stockmi today 126,400 simares ,
lncltmtiing : Atchison itreferred , 3,950 ; litir-
lingtomm , 6,355 ; Manhattfln.i'C,330 ; Rock Island ,
10,155 ; St. Paul. IOtl929jplomm ; l'aclilc preferred -
ferrod , 3GSI ; Peope'V ( ifl" . 31,580 ; Sugar ,
floitnu StocZj1.fuontoni ,
BOSTON , May 28.-t..n.l , oamms , 2m3'h per
cent ; time loans , 31J ' $ Idh' cemit , Closing
prices for stocks. bontfa1 atici mining simares ;
A.T.&S. 1 . . . . . . . . i2 Wik/Cet , . . . . . . . . .
Amrrican iurar , . 13ttcttomi pfd . . , . , , , .
AtnStiilr aM , , . , ' 11314 " ? i ° " C. . . . . . . . . . . 0134
liar Stats ( bs i31 E it. : I. . . . . . . . . . . . .
Itch l'tmiepneno. , . 2418 GemiJEhec. p14 , . , , . , 00
DotonkAibiiv. 212 Itc4psim , 'Itis 110
Boston.1 Nitna , . , htht nW1mmr1ammtl Us,1O1
c..hi. a Q. . . . . . . . . . 1I)2'4lMIot'rz ) ' Miii , ( a , , 51.4
Fitcimourr. . . . . . . Ii314tALtiitlc. . . . . . . . . . . . 2034
General lectrmo. ! , 541Uo4ttht k Muflamm 2014
ihhmimois Steel. 57 Annu.k Itostcn , . , , 2911
Mexican Central. , d34jcahqomot& liooti , 547m4
11. Y. M N. E . , . , , , 114'rcet&ounts ' ( ! , , , , 1434
01cm Colotiv. . . . . . 1145 tFrMkllmm. . . . . . . . . . . loll
Om' . Short Line. , , 913 ifr1hQia. . . . . . . . . . . 4143-1
bturoer , . , . . , 1934lt.nltwy . . . . . . . . . , , , 115
Imnion b'itcltie. . . . . 23 'TaMi4rae ' , , , , , . , , , 10734
Webm Emici . . . . . . . . . 144 .iyclrriimes. , . . . . . , 2131
lv. Else. . . . . . . . . . . 22 h1.arrott. . . . . . . . . . . 2114
% v } hec. urd. . . . . . 62 iOldfloailmmion. . . . . . 27
Sun Frsnt'i'eo Mlnhmw ( tmiodntioms. .
SAN FRANCISCO. May 28.-Otilcial cbs-
lug quotahion8 On mlpng stocks today wore
aim follows : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Alfim. . . . . . . . . . . . . . V 3ttstie. . . . . . . . . . . . .
liiphaCan. . . . . . . . . 2 Mexican . . . . . . , . , . , 111
Afladi. . . . . . . . . . . . 7 ( ) ecitlcmiiMl Con. , , . 7u
Heiciter. . . . . . . . . . . I ) Opiir , , , , , , , , , , . , , , , 04
IsI.k imelober. . . , 25 Oircrmnau . . . , . , . , , , , . S
itulilon. . . . . . . . . . . 5 Pooi ( . , . , . . , , , . , , , , 10
caledoufim. . . . . . . . . 23 S5vage. . . . . . . . . . . . 30
CimallenreComi. . . . . 'I' ! SterraNevuila , , , , , 49
Choilar , . , . , . , . , , , 10 SlIver lull. . . . . . . 5
Oemtldeimcs . . . . . . . . 41 timiion Comm. . . . . . . . . 10
Comm.Iisi.Va , , 40 tltaiiComm. . . . . . . . . . 4
Crowmm Polmit. , , , 12 Yellow Jacket , , , , 23
0timItikOurrie. . ; 19 iamm0artl. . . . . , ' . , . IOU
hale 1orcross 119
Silver bars , &Sc ; Mexican dollars. 46i4
46m4c ; drafts , sight , 12'c ; telegraph , 15c.
'Vsebly ilumik Stmtemuemst.
NEW YORK , May 23.-Tite weekly bank
statement eimuw the following changes :
Surplus reserve , imcroase , , $2SSS.345 ; loamm ,
increase , 2,202,4 ® ; specie , increase , t,459-
200 : legal tentler , increase , $2.t4,3OO : sit'
posits , increase , IlfOi5,04O ; circulation. sic.
crease , , S0O. 'rime banks now hold $53,704-
too in excess of the requirement of the 25
per cent rule.
Ntii York Moner Market.
-Easier , i'41 % per cent ; last loan , 1 % per
1'RlM1 MERCANTIT.i PAP1R.-3144
per cent.
STI'MIIaING ExcIrANGl-steaiiy and
nominal , with ctuat business in bankers'
imibls nt $ I.S64j34.S6 for demand and $ l.81
t34.S44 for sixty tinva : vested rates , $ I..1P
4.87'.4 ; commercial bills $ I.S3' .
Si laVl5lt CEI1TIFICATES.-6S5169c ,
IbAit Sbh\'Ei-&T 7-Sc.
BONDS-State bonds dull ; railroad bonds
strong ; government bonds strong : new 40 ,
reg. and cotmton , 12i : 4mm. reg. , iOS' . : coil-
5)0mm , ho ; Is , reg. , til Go. reg , and coupon ,
1iO' ; l'aclibc Cs of ' 09 , 3031.4.
Closing quotations on bonds were as tot-
lows :
tJi.new4s.rc,1224 H. C. fls. , . . , , . , , , , . .il
U , 4 , coo , . , 122 % N. C. 4. . . . . . . . . 105
U.S.dsreg. . . . . . . . 10914 No. nchie . his , , .110
U.S.4s.cotip . , , . , , .112 No. Pacifia 3s , , , . , 0074
U,5.2smg. . . . . . . . . US No.PaCiiie 4 $ . . . . .
11,5. bsrer..t1i.4 1. YC. kst. LLs..i03
ti . 1 , , c-omit. . . . . . , 1 1134 11. & W. Si , . . . , , . . 120
Distmtt3.65s. . , , , 114 N.WConoha. . . . . . 137
A1a..clasA. . . . . , 103 NW.Deb5s. . . . . . .
Aizm.cmnssfl , , . , . . . , ios Ore. Nav.Ist , , . , , . , . 113
AILc'bassC . , . . , , , , 1)0 ) Ore.flar. Is , , , , 05
Aia.Cmmrrency. . . , 00 0. 5. l. Iii. 3. . r. . . . . . 121
Atehson4 % . . . . . . . . 004 0. ILL. Am. 1. r. . . . . 10334
Atchijonaci. 4S. . . . G44 O.inn , . lst.L r , , . , i00't
CInatltISO.2nth. , 101414 0. lump. s. t. r. . . . . . 00
Ch1cao'1'er1 4s , . . 14514 Pcif1cb5 31 ' 03. . 1034
c , o. ss. . . . . . . . . I 12 % fleachln 4 , . . . . . . . .
C.11.Jsi3.44 . .10134 IL.(3.West ( IsIs. . . . . 55
fl.&a , G.its . , .10t14 . St.L.&I. M.Cou.3 94
P.k It. . , . . . . . . . . % SI. L.kS. P.Qimm.0. i 15.4
ZastTnn. ist.197 . St.3'.Consolu. . . . . . . 145
ErieQen. 4s. . . . . . . . 73 St. P. 0. . 1st , , . , 117
3 , . IV. &D.i. , i.e. 7314 St.P.C.kP,5s. . . . . 1154
ieiIsc. ( , , , . . . lOS'S Southern P.yb. . . . 11:4 :
O.1I.aS.A.Os. . . . . 10534 9. It.kT. Os. . . . . . . 70 A. 205.,105t4 Tcmtnnew&etSs , , , 5734
i1& T.CenI , 5 * . . . . . I 1034 'Fx. I'so. L. G. isis 103
lb.&T.0.comm Os. .104 Tex.i'ac. It ; . Oils , . 135
iowa0.iutu. . . . . . 102 U.P.I. . ¼ Q.luts , , 57
La.Nowcon.45.100 ; Ival , . IsiS , . . . . . . . . 100
f _ , ! tl ; . Tint. Is. . . . . Ott % Vitm. 2d1. . . . . . . . . . .
Missouri U . . . . . . . 100 West Shora 4s. . . . . illS
1.1. 11. & 'r. 2tI . . . . . . Ui 34 Va. Centurlo , . . . . . . . 0714
3-1 , 16. &T.4e , , . . , 1)9J ) Va. dcFsrrti. . . . . . . . 5
N. Y. C. . . , , , , . , l17't Union i'acIfl lit.l , . 58,1 ,
N. .1. C. Si. . . . . . . . . 11214 Union t'aotno is. . . 1)4 )
New York Silimimmgquotmitiomms.
N61\V YOR1 May 28-The following are
the closing muting quotations :
Chohlar. . . . . . . . . . . . . IC , OnUtmlO. . . . . . . . . . . 275 .
Crown Point. . . . . . . 10 ( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' )
ConOai..itVa. , , . 40 t'lymnoutb . , , , . , 12
DetadwooLt . . . . . . . . . 60 QuIcksilver. . . . . . . . 100
Gouhd& Cuirr.V . , , . , 15 Qulckumirer oht. , 203
ilslekiqore.roms. , 90 icrraeva-lm 42
llomestate. , . . . 4000 Stammd3r.1. . . . . . . . . 15
lronSilver. . . . . . . . 45 UniOn Con. . . . . . . . . It )
MexIcan. . . . . . . . . . . Li Yoliowjacket . . . 21) )
Pimtnnctal Notes ,
OMAhA1 Slay 28.-TIme clearings for the
tiay were $036,401.31 : balances , $37,031.11. The
clearings for 11.97 were $047,534.01 , nnd the
balances , $32,769.33. Increase in clearings ,
$328,867.30 ,
Time clearings for six days with corn-
Imarisona are :
1S98. 1897. Increase.
May 23. . . . . $1,021,053.83 $899,413.11 $121,695.72
May 24. . . . . 1,099,416.52 766314.92 333iOi.6O
May 25. . . . . 3,0lO,34i.fl SiS,357,71 , I61SSI.21
May 26. . . . . 1,030,415.19 744,050.81 256,156.28
Mtt3' 27. . . . . 970,901.65 663,766.97 302,134.68
May. 2S. . . . . 896,401.31 667,534.01 228S67.30
56.02S,615.42 $1,691,475.53 $ l.414,033.79
CIIICACO , Mmt' 28.-Clearings , $17,805,904 ;
balances , $2SC.S,200 ; New York exchange , lOc
tilmicotimit ; sterling exchange , Posted , 14.8513
4.87 : actUal , $ l.S41Si'4.86 ; sixty days , $ I.S3V
q1'4.S5 % . Stocks dull : Biscuit , 28 ; Ilisctmlt preferred -
ferred , 68 ; Dinmnoni Match , 137 ; North Ciii-
cage , 200 ; Strawboard , 2G ; West Chicago ,
s'r , LOUIS , ' May 28.-Clearings , $3,3S9,29l ;
halancemi , $141,173 ; money , 5G18 Per cent ; New
York extlmmtnge , 25c liremiuni bid , 40c rc-
mitmmn asked.
NIIW ORLEANS , May 2S.-Cbenrings ,
$1,091,405 ; New York exchange , bamik , $1 per
$ i,040 prcmlumn ; commercial , 23c premium
per $1,000.
cINcINNA'rr , iTay s.-1oimcy , 31'6 per
cent : New York exehumige , lie orcmniumn ;
cbenrimigmt , 51,269.850.
MEMPI II S Mny 28.-Clearings , $357,150 :
balances , $ i4&478 : Now York exchange , $1.50.
PIIILADELI'HIA , 1'.lmty ' 28. - Clearings ,
110.269.106 ; balances , $1,789,005.
NEYOitK , May 28.-ilamilt clearings ,
$129,773,705 : balances , $3,757,924.
BAT1 stoni. May 2S.-Ctearings , $3,207-
457 ; balancea , $612,937.
IIOSTON. Mmiv 2S.-Ciearings , $15,932,011 ;
balances , $1,711,435.
. Foreign Financial.
LONDON , May 28.-All Liverpool and
London exchanges arc .losed todav Gold
is quoted at Buenos Ayres at 208d per
ounce. liar gold 1 162.30. The amnount of
bullion gone into time hank of England on
balance today was 111,000.
PARIS. 1ay 28.-Stocks emu the bourse today -
day hail a tendency to ho firm , iUt there
were few transactions. SpanIsh 4s improved -
proved moderntely on the report of an al-
begetl victory of the Spaniards in the
waters pf Ctmba. Exchange on London. 25t ,
3OmAc for the account. Spanish 4s closed
at :11 : 1-8. a net gain of 7-16.
BERLIN. Miiy 28.-Business opened
strong on the bourse today ant ] there was
a 3hmtrp advance in prices. Bank amid mine
shares 'ivenkemmed toward time cloo on the
report of an alleged Spanish victory in
Cuban waters. Spanish 45 were weak
Coffee 5lnrets.
NEW YORK. May 28.-COFF'EE-Options
opened steady arni unchttnged : Prices ruled
steatly and fairly active on evening up in
anticipation of Monday's holiday ; trading
in futures almost entirely local : steadier
cables offset by increasing receipts at Rio
and Santos. Closed stoatly at unchanged
lirices to 35 uoints imet lmigmmer ; sales , 14 260
bags. including Juno at $5.85 , Soot colic0 ,
Rio , steamiy I-to. 7 , invoice. $6.50 ; No. 7
jobbing. $7 , Milti , steady : Coriovn , ss.soii
is.0 ; fair jobbing business. Totni
warebioumse deliveries from the United
States , 23,001 bags , includiimg : : ,373 from New
York. New York std'ck today , 485,870 bags.
UnIted States mitock , 4Ol6G0 bags. Aiiottt
for the United States , 355,000 bags. Total
i'isilbO for the United States , 959,176 bags ,
agaimmst 721,0-34 bags last year.
SANTOS , May 2t-COFFEE-Tnactive ;
good average Samitos , noniuam ; receipts , 12-
000 bags ; stock , 323.000 bags.
IIAM1IURO. May 28.-COFFEE-Opened
% ipfg higher ; at 2:30 : 1) . m. , % 41lifg
net higher ; sales , 4,000 bag5.
ITAYRE , May 28.-COFFEE - Opened
miteady flfli unchanged ; at 32 m. 4f higimer ;
miait's , 6.000 bags.
1110 DE JANEIRO , May 25.-COFFEE-
Weak : No. 7 Rio , 8,500 rois ; exchange , 7 1-Sd :
receipts , 8,000 bags ; cleared for time Uniteti
States. 4.000 bags : cleared for Europe , 1,000
bags : stock , 180,000 bags.
Wool Mstrkets.
BOSTON. Mass. , May 28.-The following
arc the quotations for leading descriptions :
Ohio amid Pennsylvania fleeces : X and
above , 25t2Gc ; XX anti XX and above , 250 ;
ticlaine , 30c ; No , 1 combing , lOc ; No. 2 comb-
lug , 23c. llitclmigtmn.'iconsumm , etc. : X Michi-
igan , 250 ; No , I Michigan combing , 29c ; No.
1 illinois combIng , 29c ; No. 2 MIchigan
combing , 250 ; No. 2 IllInois combing , 2Cc ;
x New York , New ilnmpshmirti anti Vermont -
mont , 221123c ; XX New York. New htamp-
shire and Vermont. 23c ; unwashed medium ,
Kentucky and Indiana quarter-blood cotnh-
ing , 22113c ; Kentucky and ] ndiamma three-
clgiithts-blood combing , 226123c ; Missouri
cmuarter.bboomi comblmmg , 2ifj22c : Miozouri
three.eighmihs.biool combing , 224323c ; braid
combing , ZOo ; hake urn ] ( leergia , iJ20c ,
Texas wools : Spring metilum ( twelve
months ) , lGlJiSc : scoured , 4041450 ; spring ,
tine ( twelve months ) , lGilITc ; scoured ,
41145c , Territory wools : Montana , 11mm
medium anti line , l5lJiCe ; scoured.
4Sc ; staple , iSo ; Utmth , Wyoming , etc. , fine
medium nail line , 140m150 ; scoured , 41j45c :
mitapie , Ito. Australian wools : Scotmred
basIs , combing superfine , 705372c : combing ,
good , 4168c ; eomldng , average , 62G5c ;
Queensland combing , GSc ,
, ess' Yoric Dry Cioths Market ,
NEW YORK , May 28.-The week tins
shown irregular results in the dry goods
mnarlcet. None of these hava been entirely
satisfactory except time sales of mttupbe cottons -
tons for export use. 'i'he hiatt weather
which has prevalleml all week ha the lirilnitrY
cause of poor hmusimmesmt. it is reimorted that
the consumptive trade iii mmearhy all see-
tions of limo country has been lIght. Out
of town jobbers have felt this anti have
been slow buyers nit this account. Local
jobbers state that they lmave hmeemi atiiu to
sell goomlo in tIme mnoro stable lines only by
liberal concessions. bmm woolen fabrics of all
sorts the market hitta ruled tIn , Print
clothi are , iuoted at 1 15-iCc , a lierfectlY
nominal ( IUotatiofl , Ociti gootlo have been
solmi with somne freedom through the week.
Cotton goods have been witimout feature ,
with time exception of continued heavy demand -
mand for hirowim shmeetingmi and drills for
export purposes.
Sugmir Markets.
Stonily ; open kettle , 3J4o : centriltigals ,
white , 4'h114 ' 5-Sc ; yellow , 4i44m/c ; secomiths ,
2i.W3 7.Sc , Molasses , steady ; centrifugal ,
Si , 150.
NEW YORK , May 28.-SUGAR-Raw ,
llrm : faIr refining , 3.c ; centrifugal 50 test ,
45.l5c ; retimmed , un : mould A , 6G-c ; Standard -
dard A , 5 ¼ c : eontectioiiers A , Sue ; cut lunf ,
5 7.Sc ; crushed , 5 7-Sc' ; powdered , S 7-Sc ;
granulated , S 3.50 ; ( 'Ubeit , S 5-Sc.
Oil SigmrIcet , , ,
OIL CITY : Pit. . May 24.-Credit balances ,
86 ; certlticates closed at 5i bId ; sales for
time day , 8.000 blls , at Sic ; shipments , 77,539
bbls. : runs , 52,571 bbls ,
13AVANNAII , Ga. , May 28.-OILS-Spirits
turpentimue , firm at ISc. Rosin , un and unchanged -
changed , - V
Week Winds Up with Unusually Large
Saturday Deci3ipt. .
Iiuyers Not Inclined to AntIcipate Ilte
Sbnmmdny Trails , ra'ornltly-liugw
Sinmimi , ii IHg Elate-
Sheep Rule Strong ,
SOUTh OMAHA , Iltity 25.
Cattle , hogs. t3hieep.
Receipts today . . . . . . . . . . 1,914 6,906 3,613
Oiticini yesterday . . . . . . . . 1,972 , 6,183 I.9
One week ago . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,311 , 3,519 oZ
Two weeks ago . . . , , . . , . tIll 8,853 3,774
Ono month ago . . . . . . . . . . 1,693 6,900 1,523
Omte year ago . . . . . . . . . . . , 1,619 7,916 1,853
lleceiptmi for time is'cek with comparisons :
Cattle. lbogs. Sheep.
Week ending May 2S. . . .18,346 43,1166 23,628
Week ending May Ii , . , ,13,942 42,960 21,653
Week eliding May 34. . . .15,016 42,298 31,505
W'eek ending May 7 . . . . . 16,355 40,951 26,628
" , 'm'eek entilmig At'il 3t,12iO0 41,639 , 33,221
Samne week. 189n. . . . . . . . . 62,952 92,439
Same week , 1196 . . , . . . . . . . 8,369 38SSS Sb
Average prica iinit for hogs on dtt's imi-
slicated for seven years :
May 1898. 1597. 1896. 18)5. 1594. iSSI. 1892.
22 ' $352$303$437465$721$35t
23 . . . . . . . . 431 302 455 459 730 46t
21 . . . . . . . . 42 : 315 432 463 695 451
25 . , . . , 417 340 001 $22 $ 403 675 461)
26 . . . . . . . . .113 339 21111 469 683 458
27 . . . . . . . . 41t ) 834 2113 417 461 692 463
23 . . . . . . . . 4118 334 29 4R ' 461
i indicates Sunday.
All kinds stock commmiincd mmmdc a total
or 1110 ears , as ngitimmst 385 yesterday , 118 a
week ago mtnd 1112 a year mtgo. Tue receipts
of tmogs were large for thu last. day of the
week flInt the market was tncldedly mtgaimmst
time sellimmg interests. Cuttle were iii fair
HUIil' , Omaha , as ilsiltil on mu 5&tturtlii5' ,
havimig moore than Cimicogo mmmtd inmisas City
Thto citicial numnber of cars of stock
brought hmi today by each road ivtus :
Cattle hogs. Sheep ,
C. , Ill. & St. I' . fly . , . . , , , 3 . .
0. & St. L. fly. . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 . ,
Missouri Pacific Ity 2 . .
Uniomm l'nciflo System , , . . 20 24 13
F. , Fi , & itt. \ ' . it. It. . . . . 23 38 .
S.C.1'.ily. . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1
C. , lIt. 1' . M. & 0 , fly. . 18 6
B. & 3d. 3. ft. ft. . . . . . . . . . 16 24
iCC.It.J . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 . .
C. , 11. 1. & P. fly. , east. , 1
C. , B. I. ' & 1' . fly. , ivest , 1.
Totttl receipts . . . . . . . . SO 103 13
Time ( liSliosition of time da"s receipts was
its follows , each buyer purchamlimig the number -
ber of head imidicatedl
iluvers Cattle. hogs.
Omaha l'acking company. . . . . . . . . . . 913
'rIte G. 11. hlmtmnmnond Co . . . . . . . . 131 982
Swift mumti Comnpnn' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 322 2,172
'rite Ctmdnhmy l'acking company 55i 3,143
Lubman & Lluthmschiltbs. . . . . . . . . . 49 . . .
lienton & Underwood. . . . . . . . . . . . 39
liustomi & Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 . . , .
L. F' . Ilumiz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 . . , .
Sivift , front country. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76 . . . .
Swift , Chicago . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
Myers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131 . , . .
North I' . & P. Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 319
Other bttyers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2i0 . . . .
Left over . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200 , . . .
Totals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1,799 739
CATTLE-It was the last day of the weolt
amid there were ( luite a goo(1 mmtany cattle
Iii tIme yards , tlte most of them beeves ,
though the offerings of sttick cattle were
lnmger than omm sonic days.
'I'Iio market on fat cattle was mmot what
sellers like to see. II was a Saturday , the
requtremnemmts of buyers were nut &tllflLI'Clltly
very urgent amid ttmey did nut seem to care
for very ninny umnbess they could get them
at Prices that wotmld make it sortie object
for carrylmmg them over Into next weclc.
TIme trade as a whmole mnighmt. be ltmflmmflCti up
as a very slow , dull timid upon tue whole
ummisatisfactory market. Sonme of the mmioSt
desirable of tile htnimd' little cattle miold
quite readily amid In some immstmtmices not
much lower , but the gemmerab market , in
addition to being slow , was lower , lutid thu
heavier the cattle time worse they sold.
Very few cows mind iteifers were on sale ,
not more than seven or eight loads , amid
they brought about the sante vriees its
yesterday. Ihulls , stage , etc. , also sold in
about the same notches as the 11113' before.
Veal calves continue in good tiemmiammd at
hmighi prjtes.
Time cattle market slumring time week has
not been all that could be desireti by the
selling interests and still there Ints hieen a
fair sized demand. In fact tIme dcmammd at
this lOint 1iut been such that Imriees lma't'e
been better maintained tlmamm at time markets -
kets further east and such cattle tms have
gone forward in tlrst hands have generally
lost money. As to values , heavy cttttle
have suffered a decline of 1t315c for time
weelc and on most days have becmm slow
sellers , especially those with large side
brands. handy little cattle , on time other
iiomitl , have been good sellers all the week
amid prices emi that kind are fully as good
as they were at the close of time previous
week , Choice. little heifers lmave nio held
UI ) to about steady prices , but time gemieral
market on cows and heifers is I0.l6c lower
titami a week ago. So few stockers timid
feetlera have been emi sale during tIme week
that it is rather ditllcult to mmtke coin-
1arisons , but it Is mioted that some cattle
that have been lirouglmt irm during the week
have not sold quite so readily ttntl it mmmight
be surmised that If any great miumnber were
on sale time market woimhti lie a little easier ,
Still suclm cattle as have sold have brought
very hmtgk iirices and probably mis good as
last weelc. Itepresentative sales :
1'EE 115.
No. Av. I'r. No , Av. rr. No. y. Pr.
1..1O30 $3 70 20. .1290 Ii 25 I..3000 $1 37
1. .1190 90 33 , .1051 30 23. .1030 4 40
1. .1050 00 9. .1024 35 57. .1332 40
1. . 950 00 1..llJlO 4 20 15..1167 40
2. .1270 04) 9 , .1012 30 2. .1445 40
4,1i70 ( IS 20. .3285 35 22 , .1260 40
6..1042 05 l5..101d : is 23. .1047 40
4. . 992 10 24. . 993 3m 15..1217 40
20. .1284 15 10..l150 35 23. .1167 40
16. .i231 35 1..I05O 35 21. .1116 40
20. .1266 15 10. .1308 35 40. ,1252 45
22. , 940 4 20 l.,1230 35 23.i029 45
45..1330 4 20 23. . 976 35 2i..ll'Ji 4
20,1259 4 20 311..1497 35 14.1240 45
22. . SSi 4 20 15..116i 35 62.13.SO 45
2.,1035 425 42.1228 435 53.1256 IrS
I. .1170 4 26 20. .1267 1 55 19 , .1293 4 50
13.iOCS 4 23 9. .1218 4 35 18. .1360 4 5T
25..IIS8 4 25 90. . 1025 4 37A ! 19. .3271 4 70
I. . 000 2 25 1..1190 3 35 2.,1015 3 80
1. .1030 2 85 2. .1055 3 40 3. .1085 3 80
3 , .1093 00 : i. . 1126 3 64) 2 , 685 3 80
I. .1050 00 1. . 900 3 50 3. .1236 8 40
i , . sio : 00 1. . 920 3 50 1.iIlO 385
1. 1130 15 1 , .1200 55 3 , . 1066 83
I , . 980 25 1. . 880 60 19.,1235 90
1..iOGO 25 3. . 880 65 1,1140 90
1,10bO 25 4iOii 70 8,1055 90
1..1000 23 1.lhTO 70 13.1067 00
2. 910 35 6 , , 938 71) ) 1. .1035 05
1..IO50 o : is 18. . 032 75 1..1466 4 L5
1.,910 335
IO..1l22 3 70 1. .3050 4 00 13. . 613 4 15
6. . 930 3 70 4 , . 866 4 10 1. . 600 4 15
1. . 650 3 75 2. 950 4 10 1. 660 4 15
2. , 775 3 75 : u , 960 4 10 32. . 590 4 25
S'I'EERI3 ANI ) lhiIlFEflB ,
2li227 4 60
1 , .1200 3 00 1.hi0O 8 60 1 , .1310 3 (1) (
l.i000 3 15 1.1470 3 00 2l440 3 CO
1..l85O 3 15 1.,1400 S SO 1,1821) S 643
3 .1160 3 25 1 , .1210 5 60 1 , .1500 3 75
1.3200 340 i..620 580
2. . 430 4 90 1 , . 251) 6 60 1. , 150 673
1.1200 3 75
10.1O38 4 25 I , , 940 4 45 17 , , 620 4 60
14 , . 527 4 30 alL . 7(1 4 110
11005-Only twice witimin tIme space of
two mnontimt4 have hogs been in such litrg ,
receipt on a Satmmrtiny an they wtro , totlay.
There were 105 frehm loads auth twenty sumtiti
otferei for sale , whmicb would iiave lookeml
large on the closing clay or the week at
most tummy other tIme , but especially so In
view of time iresemit poor commtiltiun of the
market. It wotild seem as It after such a
break in time market , amid utter all time dls-
couraging reports that have heen sent qut
from nh immarket 1)010tH thitit ahlmipers would
imavo hmeltl tntchC their hogs totlay but for
some reasomi tiiey dimi not. l'o4sbly they
figured that tltt-re might be a still further
break and timid it wotmiti be better to stiffer
a small loss at the eommmiemmcemnemmt of the
, Irop thou to wait amid get a heavier lomig
imitci' oh , At itmm' rate the yartlit were full
( if hogs on a Sitttirduy , a comimlitlon timnt is
always immifavorublt- time selling interests.
In addition to time hitrgo offerings thmt'ro
was time further hicttr feature of lower markets -
kets at other selilmig poInts , with the rc-
suit that the market here opened 10c lower
than yesterday mnormilng. few of thu
best loads which just happcmie,1 to suit
some special orders sold at $310411.15 , am ,
against 11.20114.25 ( or time same kinti yes-
tertlay morning , Time gemteral market on
mnixeml loatls however , hlrteticmllly Olmeflemi
lot ) lower than yesterday murmmiog , $1.03
being the poPular Price offered by tile
As a matter of course , with time Inarket
55) mnmmcim lower , stibesmen were a little
backward about Immurting with their hioltlings
at the llgtlrees mmitimietl , anti tile market was
not very active , still the itogs kept sehlimmg
anti by 10 o'clock tha yttrls ivere cleared.
Thu market macst all thm , , week tins been
an the down rado , with no reactions
worthY thue name , Tim week , however
opened with itrices a little hmigimer , hut
$ rge receipts and a falliim oft in the active
' 4
buying of DroIsions cauutl a break or
Ttmesiltsy and W'ednelay. On Thursday
and Friday the average of values was not
much altered , hut , as e1rsdy noted , there
wIts a iltop at the end of the week.
The week closed with l'ricet. close to 20o
lower than tiio week before and 250 lower
thmttn on Monday of tue Present week. The
table of averages given above will show
timt' averoge 1rop for cnch day of time week
anti at tim same time the trices paid on
correm'ponthhmmg days of previous years.
1le.tresemttativo alcsi
No. % v. 51i. Pr. No. y. Sb. Pr.
51 . . , . , , 201 , , . $4 00 73 . . . . . 199 40 $4 ( ' 0
i.l . . . , , , 231 1013 405 66..214 80 405
SO , , , , , , 236 . 160 4 05 6 ? . . . , . . 253 40 4 ( ' 5
SO..23 SO 4 05 78..226 . . . 4 03
Is , . , , . . 217 . , . 4 ( 5 C5 . , . . 262 200 405
73..245 320 4 ( IS 65..231 160 4 (5
60 . , . , , . 2s 3-0 4 05 Ii ) , , , . . . 2.G 81) 4 (5
65 , . , , , . 2S3 50 4/'S 53..2.11 iso 4 ( ' 3
67 , . . , , . 261 10 4 05 71 , , . , , , 210 SO 4 03
57.232 120 4 ( IS 71) , , , . , , 219 160 4 O7 !
64 , . , , , . 291 80 4 071.4 71. , . , , . 214 80 4 074
67 , . , , . . 217 . 160 4 Ot SI..278 120 4 01
69.l 20 4 03 63 . . , . . , III . , . 4 ( II ,
49 , , . . , 373 40 4 0514 , 6..250 , . . 4 07m (
SI..III 160 4 Ot 69 . , , , . 21t , . . 4 OTt
77 . . , . , , 2430 160 4 1)71 67. . , . . .2 iG 40 4 07
66 . . , , , , 270 160 4 10 ii..295 . . . 4 10
75 . . , , . , 259 80 4 10 641 , , , , , , 9 40 4 10
61 . . . . . , lii . . . 4 10 65 , . . , . . 266 , . . 4 10
I 4 , , , , , , 274 360 4 10 62 , , . . . . 295 201) 4 10
73 . . . . . 247 . . , 4 10 37 . , , . . . 254 , . . 4 10
90..213 80 4 10 64 . . . . . , Ill 200 4 10
65 , , . , . , 230 160 4 10 40 . . , . . . 227 $60 4 10
62 . . . , . , Ti 10 72 , . , . . , 260 240 4 10
62 , , . . , . 239 . , . 4 10 64 , , . , . .2S2 . . . I 10
65 . , . . , . 262 120 4 10 71..237 . . . 4 10
st : . , . . . 219 80 10 63 . , . . , . ElI 50 10
74..237 , . . 10 60..261 . 50I 10
67. . . . . . 275 80 10 6..353 . . . 4 10
Cl..PlO . . . i2 % 62.264 50 IIL4
65 . , . . , , 275 . . . I i2 % , 70 . , . . , . iso , . , 4 l24
63 . , . . , . 307 160 15 63..tS 120 4 13
Ci , , . , . . 303 120 415
36 . . . . . 110 120 'I 1,0 60 . . . , , , 269 40 4 05
CC..251 10 ( 5 65..305 210 4 05
r.5 . . , , . , 256 . , , 4 ( IS 60..261 80 4 1)5 )
76..260 50 .4 ( ' 5 70..230 40 4 ( 5
26 . . , . . ,2. , ti SO 4 05 30..228 120 ( 5
70..213 280 ts ; sG..231 200 1)5
13 . . . . . .2 ( tl . , , 00 70..226 . . . ( IS
60..267 80 ( IS 49..231) ) 120 ( IS
. Cl . . . , , , 232 50 03 1.8..21)4 160 (13
78..251 80 03 67 . , . . . , : SS 240 03
63..328 . , . ( IS 7l , . . . , , 253 4) ) ) 05
t 74..2116 80 ( IS t5..274 160 05
74..260 40 07.4 62 . , . , , ,2. 12 80 4 O7f
V 7 . , . , . .2. Ti 160 4 04 ' 72 , . , , . . 253 120 4 0P '
72 . . . . . . 253 SO 4 07' ! . 60..292 . , . 4 O74
I 70..253 160 4 0 % 131 , . . . . , 255 . . . 4 O7 %
1.9 . , . . . . 250 160 4 ORS 1'4 . . . , , , , ' 107 200 4 O7
I . . . . . . 249 SO 4 01.j I'.3..266 160 4
72 , . , , . . 23 ! - ' Vt 0T ( .8..326 80 4 15
V 24b 160 4 10 72..251 160 4 tO
GO..3lS . 80 4 10 76 , . , 262 . . . 4 10
50.'Its 204) 4 10 CC..ICC 160 4 10
61..268 200 4 10 60..295 . . . 4 10
56..291 2413 4 10 61..316 160 4 12 ¼
65 . . , . . , 310 . , . 4 i2'.6 . . . . . .2513 . . . 4 12l
% ' . \r.Or'3 LO'i'ii-'I'llitOW ou'rs. V
13 , . , . , 1043 , . . 2 75 2..230 . . , SO
5..416 SO 4 (1) 1 . . , 320 , . 00
4..410 . . . 400 1 . . . . . .ISO . . 03
2..1130 , , . V 93 . . . . . . . , . 03
7..171 , . . (13 2..300 . . . 05
2..215 . . . ( IS C..256 , . . 05
C..265 SO ( IS ' C . . , , , 22.1 . . . 05
:1.'O : SO 05 1 , , , 200 . . . ( ' 5
I . . . . . .200 . . . (13 ( . . . . . . . , . . 03
I . . . . . .310 . . . 4 10 . . . . . . . . . . 10
2..295 40 4 10 . . . . . . ' . . . 10
5..2'C . , . 4 10 5..261 . . . 4 10
C..218 , , 4 10 i . . . . . .250 . . . 4 10
S..282 . . . 4 10 1..200 . . . 4 10
2..145 . . . 410
ShIlEP-7hmcro were thirteen loads re'
ported imm tIme yartis , but they were nIL
Colorado lzimmmhs. the mnomtt of themmi woohed ,
so that there wmts hot mmttu'h of a selection.
for buyers. Timere was a tlemnamtii for thenm ,
hiowet'cr , timd they ivoulti intve soli readily
111)11 tile owners been willimig to oCtet. themu.
TilL' market nIl thin week hits been lit
3700,1 51101)0 for sellers. Very few mntittofl
milled , have biecli rcct'ivetl unl mill miccoimmitut
agree tlmttt time stmpdy In time coimmitry Ia
hlrnetleolly exiintmmitetl , Such lots mis itava
nrrlvetl hmmuve itrotight good , 11mm Prices.
Tii receipts for the iveclc Imaco eomisItci1.
lurgeiy of lnmnlnt , wlmlch liavo been genii
sellers ut ativmtncctl itrices. Somntm tail enda
sit imirge bummehic's of wooleti Cobnrauio lauimliii
sold dmmrimig the week at $5.60 anti $5.05 ,
tilmibe as high us $5.33 u'mts oiTercti nail re
fi'met1 for ethers , sumowliig tilt' strong teimi- , .
emley of tlmt' market. it wutmlti 1)0 safe to.
quote lmtmmmls , for thie ii'eelc at beast lO7Jiio
higher timali awcelc ego.
Catt Itmimid hogs Am' l.twer 'l'Iiutn at
tIit' Citse , of imtst % 'c'lc.
( 'IIICAGO , May 28.-The receipts of cat-
tIe this week foot up 50,850 hmenul , as conm-
hnrcd with 46,821 Inst week ; prices are IOu
to 20c lower titan a week ttgo : choice t
good steers , $4C3l5.0O mnohiuinm , , $3.45(3i.CO ;
stockers and feetier , * 4,00115,00 : cows antI
r 'heifers , $3,40f34.OO ; weStern 'Hteers , $4.OOIVj
4.75 : Texas steers $3.&Olul.7O.
'Phie iveelc in receIpts or hogs was 162,000
head , against 242,000 Inst weelc ; lIrices iiv-
crageti &TihOc lower than yesterday and.
closed 201j25c lowem' tiiamm a week ago ; hights ,
$3,701u4.15 ; mnlxfd and titmzc'ner , $3.U5IJ i.3O
heavy , $3.tlSq(4 .15 ; pigs. $2.70P3.9l3.
About 02,500 head of sheet ) were received
during tile iveclc , ngaumtst 01,823 , last weckl
llrices were tcady at Limo recent mttivammcel
common to cimoice sheep , 53.05114.60 ; export
sheep , $3.40 : fancy yearlings , $ I,7i ( ; clipped
lnmmulnt. $4,905,25 ; ivoobed lammbs , $3,701j6.1O ;
sprlmmg lamb , , , * 6.00117.04 imer 100 lbs.
iteceilmta : Cattle , 300 head ; hogs , 11,005
head , shecp , 2,000 head.
SI , ! , omtis Lis' . ' StClC.
ST. LOUIS , Mny 28.-CATTLE-Recehptfl
COO head , incltmthlng 425 'rextimms ; shipments.
600 Imead ; mmmmtrket steatiy ; fair to fmtmmcy an-
ti'o mhiIIiog anti export steers , $135415.15 ;
bulk of aies , 11.60014.90 ; dressed beef and
butcher miteers , $1.h584,9O ; bulk of sales. $1.35
314.75 ; steers Umitler 1,000 ptUfltiS , $385814.40 ;
bUlk of mabes. 54.15114.30 ; stockers amiti feed-
cr5 , 53.8581-1.75 : 1)111k of sales. 11.00814.45 ; cotta
anti Imeilerm , 12.25814,70 ; btmllc of stiles , 53.1041 !
3.85 : Texas and lmmiiinim steers , $340414.25 ;
bmmlk of sales , $ J.75814.i5 ; cows amid imeifers ,
$300413.95 ,
hOGS-Receipts , 2,200 heath ; similmients , 1-
7c.0 head ; mrirhcet 1041lSc lower ; yorkers , $3.SG
Ill 1.00 ; packers , $ i.00414.25 ; butchermi , 14.2581
S1IEEI'-Recolpts 400 head ; msiiipmnents ,
100 lmemtd ; mnarket till amid steaiy ; mmativo
nut tons , $ 'J.034j4.40 : hztmntis , 14.00116.75 ; stock-
era , $3.30 ; culls nmiti bucks , $3.75443.75 ; Texaa
mnuttons , $4.20.
ICtismsas City Li't , Slack.
KANSAS CITY , May 23.-CA'1'TLE-fle-
ct'iptit , 36 head ; market unchanged , 'rimere
semis tin excess of coaroc heavy steers again
this week and itricemi about ISo lower , while
well finished steers and , , timcr grades ot
bmtcher , stock are mthmout steady.
I lOGS-Receipts , 3,000 imeai ; general the-
dIne In prot'isIomms catmsed cnrresomttlimgly
I lower hog market this week anti pricea
hmtvo , beeilimetl about bc : bulk of sales to-
, lay. 14.04411.243 ; lmeavies , $1.10414.20 ; ILtckerm
$3.93ij4.20 ; mimixed , $3.0Oug4,22A ! ; lightms , 13,75811
4,10 : yorkers , $4,05414.1O ; pigs , $3,00413.8O ,
SIIFIEI'-tecelpts , 8.5 head ; mmmarket Ioday
good ilemamid ; lmrisk trade amid ZOo otlvnimco
1mm prices Is mania feature of the week.
Nt'is' York LIs'e Stelc.
NF1\V YORK , May 28.-IIEEVES-fle-
Ct'iItH , 272 imeati ; no trniing ; exhortS , 3,083
head cattle. I)76 ( hieal siicejm mmmi 684 qumtr-
terms of hicef. Cais'e , rccelpts , 225 henml ;
prices , 25c bower. liuttermnmllcml , mmonminally ,
$10041 1.50.
RIIICEP AND LAMI1S-Receipts , 438 heatl ;
tirmim ; liunbm , 243c higher ; sumeep aimsi year-
himmgm4 , tutu ,
hlOGR-ileeeiptt4. 2,0119 heath ; medIum anti
heavy lmogmt , steady ; southern mtmmii svestcrmt
pIgs , $380414.00 ; mimetlhmmn timid lmt'avy imogs ,
$126414.50 ; light western , 14.10414.15 ,
East hIsffnh , ) Ls' $ ( ' Stock ,
EAST JIIJFFA1.0 , N. V. , Mmiv ' 21-110013
-Yorkers , gooii to t'iioit' < ' , $4.201'i 4.25 ; rough ,
commnnii Veimoice , $3.30411,00 ; 1,1gm , fair to
ebmolee. $3.604m3.95.
LAM 1113-Choice to extra , 15.23813.343.
HI lhiEl'-.Ctmtrso to selected wothiers , $4.45
414,60 ; culls to conmnomm , 53.25413.60.
( Iiiclnmmiiti Live Sipik ( ,
CINcINNA'rI , May 28.-BOGS-Dull at
53.458 * i.343.
CA'rTLE-I4teady at 52.75814.043.
SiiEiCl'-SteadY at 12,75714,00 ,
LASIIIS-Steally rut 53,75134,75 , .
Sleek lii Nigzlml ,
Recorl of receipt ) ! of live stock at the
four lmrinciiial markets for May 25 :
Cattle. hugs. Sheep.
Omnitlia . . , , . . , . , , , . , , , , . , . , , . . . 1,014 IiO'iO 3,617
Cimiengo . , , . , . , , . . , , , , , . . . , . . : i'io 11(100 ( 2,000
iCammmtuimi City . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 3,000 85
St. Louia , . . , . , , , , , , . . , . , . , , . COO 2,200 404)
' -
Totals , , . . , , , , , , , , , , . , , . : 23,136 5,90 ?
Mmiii Frmtist'set , ' , VImstst 5lirket ,
Sicamly : cash , ll.62 ½ ; Iecemnbor , $1.46 5-8 ,
IIAIII.EY-Steady ; December , $ iISm/t.
JAMES E. BOYD & 00 ,
'i'cepIlomle 1039. Otiiahn , Neb
BOARD Oi TilAlth ,
Dlrc"t wire' 10 Chicago and New York
Corretpommdrntei Johia A. Warren & Ce.
If. It. I'cmmay A : Cu , ( smieCesUOr $ t
Christie-Street Corn , Ctm. ) iimtve remIsoV $
ti to roomu 4 , New Yoric Life lluildjmi4
. - . - - . . ,