Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 28, 1898, Page 12, Image 12

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    - - -
( Copyright , 169 byl Bret llarle. )
'AItT f.
Nevertheless , that night , after her father
had gene to bed , Snlomy Jane sat by the
open wlndOw of the sitting room In an apparent -
ent atlllude of langulti contemplation , but
alert and Intent of eye and ear. It wns a
fine moonllt night. Two pines near the
door-solitary plcketa of the serried ranks of
dletant tortsf--cast long shallows like patbs
to the cottage , and elghrd their splced I
breath In the windows. For there was no
frivolity of vine or flower round Salumy
Jane'n bower , The claming wns too recent ,
the life too practical for vnnllles like these.
But the moon added a vague etuatveness to
everything , softened the rigid outlhles of
the nheds , gave nbadowa to the lidless win- .
down , end toucbcd with merciful indirectness -
ness ( ho hideous debris of refuse gravel
and the gaunt scare of burnt vegetation before -
fore the door. Even Snlotny Jane was affected -
fected by It and exhaled eometldng between
a sigh end a yawn with the breath of the
pines. Then eho suddenly sat upright.
tier quick enr hnti caught a fatnt "click ,
click" 1n the dlrectlon of the wood ; her
quicker instinct nril rustic training enabled'
her to deterntino that It wee the ring of a
horee's shoo on flinty ground ; her knowledge -
edge of the locality told her it came front i
the spot where the troll pnseed over an outcrop -
crop of flint ecnrcely a quarter of n mils
from whereshe sat-and within the clear-
Inc. It was no.errant "stook , " for the shoe
wag shod with Iron ; It wns a mounted trespasser -
passer by night , anll boded no good to a man
you , and I knowJtqtfo 'f.half pay for what
you did. . Take ifr-yotrtinlher can get a
reward for you-if you can't"
Such were the ethics of this strange locality -
ity that neither the man who made the offer
nor the girl to whom It was made were
struck by anything that seemed illogical or
Indelicate or at all Inconsistent with Justice
or the horse thleryrenl , conyerslon. Salomy
Jane , nevertheless , dissented , from another
and weaker reason.
" 1 don't want ! ' uiiioss-though I reckon
dad might-but ypulrG , lust starvln' . I'1) ) get
suthln'd' She turned Thwart ! the house.
"Sny , you'll take fhfJ'hoss ' first , " ho said ,
grasping her lined.At 1 the touch she felt
herself coloring amt struggled , expecting
perhaps another kiss. But he dropped her
hand. She turned , ntlhwith a saucy gesture -
ture , said : " 1101' on ; I'll coma right back , "
and slipped away-the mere shadow of a
coy and flying nymph in the moonlight-
until she reached the house.
hero she not only-irocured ! food and
whisky , but added Ci long dust coat and lint
of her father's to her burden. They would
servo 'as a dlsgulso for him and aide tliht
heroic figure , which she thought everybody
must now know as she , did. Then she ro-
jolned him breathlessly , ; But he put the
food and wliI I.y aside.
"Listen , " he said ; ' 't'o turned the hosa
Into your corral. 'You'll find him there In
the morning , anpl , no opt' wII know but that
lie got lost and joinelt the other hosses. ' +
Then she buret out , "But you-you-
: ? 1
t' 1 ,
r *
G y ,1 IJ " 1 y , it
1\ \
uJ l/
. I
llko Clay.
She rose , threw her shawl over her head
i more for dlsgulso than shelter , and passed
out of tile door. A sudden Impulse made her
selze her father's shotgun born the corner
where lt'etapd-not that she feared any danger -
ger to 'herself , but that It was an excuse.
She mhdo'direclly for the wood , keeping In
the shadow of the pines as long as she
could. At the fringe she halted ; whoever
'tivas ' there must pass her before reaching the
; house ,
Then there seemed to be a suspense of all
i nature.- Everything was deadly still-even
; I the moonbeams appeared no longer tremulous -
lous ; tben',1hero was a rustle as of some
stenithYranf mal among the ferns-and then
n dismounted man stepped into the moon-
llsht'r'Jt was the horse thief-the man she
lad kissed !
For a ivlld moment a strange fancy seized
her usually sane Intellect and stirred her
' e 14mperijto blopd. The news they had told
her was not true-ho hind been lung , and
this was.blp ghost ! Ho looked as white and
Cplrlhlke ( n the moonlight , dressed in the
name clothes , as when she saw him lash Ito
had evidently seen her approaching , and
Inoved' quickly to meet her , But in his
baste ho stumbled slightly-alto reflected
suddenly that ghosts did not stumble-old a
feeling of relief came over her , And It was
no nasasslf of her father that had been
prowling around-only this unhappy fugitive.
A momentary' color came into her cheek ;
her coolness and hardihood returned ; It was
with a tinge of sauciness in her voice that
oho said :
"I reckoned you were a ghost , "
"I mont have been , " lie said , looking at
her fixedly ; "but I reckon I'd have come
back here ill the same. "
" Jt's n little risky comin' back alive ; ' she
anbl tyitp a levity that died on her lips , for
a singular nervousness , lutlf tear and halt
eJleCtallon : { , was beginning to take the place
of her rdief a moment ago , "Then It was
you who was prowiln' ' round and makin'
tracks lu the far pasture ? "
"Ycp . , ; ' I ciiuo straight hero when I got
l She felt lila eyes were burning her , but
did not dare to raise her own , "why- "
she began-hesitated , and ended vaguely ,
" ! low did you get hero ? "
"You helped me , "
I "I ? "
"Yes. That hiss you gave me put life into
me-gnvo me strength to get away. 1
swore to myself I'd conic back and thank
! you-alive or dead ;
Every word ho said she could have antlcl-
Pated , so plain the situation seeped to her
now. And every word be saud she know was
Cho trgtb , Yet her cool common sense struggled -
gled against it.
' Vliat's the use of your e.caplng , of
you're comin' back hero to be ketched
again ? " she said pertly.
Ito draw-a little nearer to her , but seemed
to her the snore awkward as she resumed
her self-possesston. IIIs voice , lee , was
broken as if by exhaustion as he said , catch-
lug his breath nt Intervals :
"I'll tell you. You did more far me than
you think. You made anolber man o' me ,
I never had a man , woman or child do to
me what you did. I never had a jrl0ud-
only a pal like ied Pee ( , uhq picked me up
on the shates. ' I want to quit this yer-
vhat I'm dole' , I want to begla by dolu' the
square thing to you , " he stopped , breathed
bard and then apld brokenly : "My boss
Js over titer , slnkod out. I want to give bin :
to you. Judge Iloompolater will give you
thousand dollars for elm , I ain't ! yin'-uta
God's truth ! I saw It on the hentiblll again
a tree. Tpko him , and I'll get away afoot ,
xalle ta. 1t'g Cho only { bins I can do for
r' _ a . uratiaiararar
what will become of you ? You'll be
" 1'11 manage to get away ; ' ho said in a
low voice , "ef-e-- "
"Er what ? " she said tremblingly.
"Ef you'll put the heart in mo again-as
you did ! " he gasped.
Slit : tried to laugh-to move away. She
could do neither. Suddenly he caught her
In his arils and with n long kiss , which she
returned again nail again. Then they stood
j embraced as they had embraced two days
before , but no longer the same. For the
cool , lazy Salomy Jane had been trans-
formed Into another woman-a passionate ,
clinging savage. Perhaps something of her
j father's blood hind surged within her at that
supreme moment. Tiio man stood erect and
determined ,
"root's your nano ? " aim whispered
quickly. It was a woman's quickest way of
defining her feelings.
"Dart , " it
"Yer first name ? "
"Jack. " '
"Let me go now , Jack , Lie low In the
woods till tomorrow sun-up. I'll conto
" '
Iie released her. Yet she lingered a tno-
mat , "Put or those things , " sue said
with a sudden happy flash of eyes and tee'1h
"and ilo close till I coma. " And then she
sped away home.
lint midway up the distance olio felt her
feet going slower , nail something at her
heartstrings seemed to ho pulling her back ,
She stopped , turned , nail glrnced to where
ho had been standing. Ifni she seen hin
then , she might. have returned , lint he had
disappeared. Site gave her first sigh , and
then ran quickly again , It must be nearly
10 o'clock ! It was not very long to morning !
Slio was within a few steps of her own
door when the sleeping woods and silent
air appeared to suddenly awake with a
! sharp "crack ! "
I She stopped paralyzed , Another "crack ! "
followed that echoed over to the far corral ,
She recalled herself instantly and dashed
off v'llthly to tire woods again ,
As sine fan she thought of one thing only ,
lie had been "dogged" by one of hale old
pursuers and attactell : , But there were two
shots and ho was unarmed , Suddenly she
remembered that shd hind left her father's
gun standing against the tree where they
were talking , Thank God ! she zany again
have saved him. She ran to the tree ; the
gun was gone , Shd rain thither and thither ,
dreading at everyktep to fall upon his life-
les sbody , A new thought struck her ; she
rat to the corral , The horse was not there !
lie must have been able to regal : : It and
escaped-after the shots lad bear tired. She
draw a long breath of relief , but it was
caught up Im an apprehension of alarm , Ilcr
father , awakened fromn his sleep by the
shots , was hurledly approaching her.
"What's up now , Salomy Jane ? " he demanded -
manded , excitedly ,
"Nothin' , said the girl with an effort ,
Nolhln' , at least , that I can find , " She
was usually truthful because fearless , and
a lie stuck in her
throat-but she was Ito
longer fearless , thinking o1 him. "I wasn't
abed , so I ran out as soon as I beard the
shots fired , " she answered In return to his
curious gaze
"And you've hid my gun somewhere
where It can't be found , " he said reproachfully -
fully , "Ef it was that sneak Larrabee , and
ho fired them shots to lure me out , be might
have potted me , without a shows a dozen
times In the last llyo minutes. "
Site hadn't thought since of her father's
enemy ! It might indeed have been ho who
had attacked Jack. Dust she made a quick
point of the suggestion , "Run in , dad , run
in anti find the gun-you've got no short
W M1Wr
The Last Day . ' .
. . ,
. - I
First Come , First Served. Members will be sorvel in order and wo reserve the right to refund the fee on any membership nlaY'havo been
taken after the roster is filled , We will rotalli the fee for ten days if so desired and serve thena from any sets that may for any reason bo roturtled undo
the 10 days' appt oval option. !
U if this unde'slnndin ; we will accept applications all day Saturday and any received by mail the coming week , and will continuo to allo v 10
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throughout the country by canvassers at del > , blo our price sail milliolls of dollars will be hereafter paid folthttn at the higher price , S
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out hero without it. " She seized him by (
the shoulders from behind , shielding lrlm
from the woods , and hurried him , half expostulating -
postulating , half struggling , to the house.
But there no gun was to be found. It
wns strange-It must have been mislaid In
some corner ! Frns ( ho sure he had not left
it In the barn ? But no matter now. The
danger was over-the Larrabee trick hind
failed-Ito must go to bed now , and in tire
morning they would make a search to-
gether. At the same time she had inwardly
resolved to rise before him and make another -
other search of the wood , and perhaps-fear-
ful Joy as she recalled her promise-find !
him alive and well awaiting her !
Salony Jane slept little that night-nor
did her father. But toward morning he fell
into a tired man's slumber until the sun
was well up in the horizon. rnrr dllferent
was it with : his daughter ; she Ihy with her
face to the window , her head half lifted to
catch every sound-from the creaking of !
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the sun-warped shingles abm'o her head to
the tar off moan of the rising wind in the
pine trees. Sometimes she fell into a breath.
loss , half ecstatic trance-living over every
moment of the stolen interview-feeling the
fugitivo's nra : still around her , hla kisses
on her lips , hearing his whispered voice
h : her cars-lho birth : of her now lifel
This was followed again by a period of agonizing -
izing dread-that lie might even then ho
lying , ebbing his life away , in the woods ,
with her name at his yips , and she resting
hero inactive-until she half started from
her bed to go to his succor , And this went
an until a pale opal glow came lute the
sky , followed by a still paler pick ou the
summit of the white Sierras , when she rose
and hurriedly began to dress , Still so sanguine -
guine was her hope of meeting him that
she lingered yet a moment to select the
brown holland skirt and yellow sunboanet
she bad worn when she first saw him , And
she had only seen him twlcoi Only twice !
It would be cruel , too cruel , not to see him
She crept softly. down the stairs , llsten-
ing to the Ions drawa breathing of her
+ r-elWSumN
father in his bedroom , and then , by tht
I light of a fluttering candle , scrawled a note
to him , begging btnn not to trust himself
out of the house until she returned from
her search , and , leaving the note open on
the table , swiftly ran out into the growtng
Three hours afterward Mr , Madison Clay t
awoke to the sound of loud knocking. At
Ifirst this forced Itself upon his consciousness -
ness as his daughter's regular morning summons -
mons , and was respgnded to by a grunt
of , recognition and a nestling closer in the
blankets. Then ho awoke with a start and
a muttered' oath , remembering the events
of last night , and his Intention to get up
early-dnd rolled out of bed. Becoming
aware by this time that the knocking was at
the outer door , and hearing the shout of a
familiar voice , ho hastily pulled on his boots ,
his jean trousers , and , fastening a single
suspender over his shoulder as ho clattered
down stairs , stood in the lower room , The
door was open , and waiting upon the thres-
old was his kinsman-an old ally in many
a blood feud-Ureekenridgo Clay !
"You are a cool one , Mad , " said the latter
in half admiring indignation.
"What's up ? " said the benyildered Madi-
"You ought to be and scootin' out o' this , "
said Breclcenrldgo grisly , "It's all very
well to 'know nothin' ; but here's Phil Lar
rabee's friends hey just picked him up ,
drilled through with slugs and deader nor a
cow , and now they're lettin' loose Larra-
bcc's two half brothers on you. And you
must go hike a d-ti fool and leave these
yer things behind you h : the bresh , " ho
went on querulously , lifting Madison Clay's
dust coat , lint , and shot gun from his horse
which stood saddled at the door , "Luckily
I picked them up in the woods comin' here.
Ye aln't got more than time to get over tie ;
state line and among your folks nforu they'll
be down on you , hustle , old roan ? What
are you gawkin' and utarin' at ? "
Madison Clay had stared amazed and be-
wildered-horror stricken. The incidents of
the last night for the first tine hashed upon
bin : clearly-hopeleselyl The shot , his finding -
ing Salomy Jane alone in the woods , her
contusion and anxiety to rid herself of him ,
tire disappearance of the shotgun , and now
this new discovery of the taking of his hat
and coat for a disguise ! She had killed
Paul Larrabeo in that disguise , after provoking -
voking his first harmless shut ! She , his own
child , Salomy Jane , hind disgraced herself by
a man's crime-had diograced him by usirp-
ing lua right , and taking a mean advantage ,
by deceit , of a fool
"Gimme that gun ; lie said hoarsely ,
Brcckenridgo landed him the gun in wonder -
der and slowly gathering suspicion , Madison -
son examined nipple and muzzle ; one barrel
had been discharged ; ! t wits true. The gun
dropped from his hand ,
i : " 1.00k here , old man , " said Rreckenrldgo ,
with a dakening face , "there's bin no foul
play here. Thar's bbl no luring of men , no
deputy to do this job , You did it fair and
Isquare-yourself "
- ,
"Yes , by God ! " burst out Madison Clay in
a hoarse voice. "YVlrti says I didn't ? "
Reassured , yet believing that Madison
Clay had nerved himself for the act by an
overdraft of whiskyy which hind affected his
, memory , Rreelenridhe said curtly , "Then
wako up and Ilto outs at ye want me to stand
by you , "
"Go to the corral and pick me out a hioss , "
said Madison slowly yet not without a c'
lain dignity of manner , "I've aulhln' to say
to Salomy Jane aford I go , " lie was holding
her scribbled note , which be bad just dit-
covered , in his shaking Laid.
Struck by his kinsman's manner , and
h lowing the dependant rehatlons of tatbfr
and daughter , Breckenrhlge nodded and hur-
rled away , Left to himself , Madison Clay
ran his fingers through his hair and straightened -
ened out the paper on which Salomy Jane
had scrawled her note , turned It over and
wrote on the back :
You might have told mo you did it and
not ] cave your ole father to find it out lion'
you disgraced yourself anti him , too , by a
low-down , underhamled , woman's trick ! I've
said I done it and took the blame myself and
all the sneakiness of it Clint folks suspect ,
If I get away alive-and I don't care which
--you needn't faller , The house and stock
are yours ; but you ain't any longer the
daughter of your disgraced father.
IIo had scarcely finished the note when ,
with a clatter of hoofs anti a led horse , Breck-
enridge reappeared at the door elate and
triumphaut. "You're hi nigger luck. Mad !
I found , that stolen boss of Judge Boom-
pointer's had got away and strayed among
your stock hi _ the corral. Take him and
your'r' safe-he can't be outrun this side
of lho stytq lino. "
"I air'tt"no ( hess thief , " said Madison
"Npbody sez ye are , put you'd be wuss-
a fool = -efY oii didn't ' take lint. I'm tesll-
niony that you found hin among your
hoaxes ; I'II hill Judge Doonipolnler you've
got hum , and ye kin 5011(1 him back when
you're safe. The judge will be mighty glad
to get him hack , and call it quits , So-ef
you've writ to Snlomy Jane-conic. "
Madison City no longer hesitated , Salomy
Jnuu might return at any moment-It would
be part'ocher "tool womanishness"-and he
was ' mood to see her before a third
party , 1IIe laid the note on the table , gave
a hurried glance around the house , which
he grimly believed lie was leaving forevei' ,
and , striding to thus door , leaped inn the
stolen horse , and swept away will : his kinsman -
man ,
But that note lay for a week on the
table undisturbed , in full view of the open
door , The house was invaded by leaves ,
pbie cones , birds and squirrels during the
hot , silent , empty days , anti at night by shy ,
stealthy creatures , but. never again , day or
night , by any of the Clay family , It was
known in : the district that Clay had flown
across lho stale line , his daughter was be-
liayed to have joined him the next day , and
the house was supposed to be locked up ,
It lay off the main road , and few passed
that way , Tlra starving cattle in the corral
at last broke bounds and spread over the
woods , And one night a stronger blast than
usual swept tbrough the house , carried the
note from the table to the floor , wliero ,
whirled into a crack in the flooring , it slowly
rotted ,
But , through the sling of her father's reproach -
preach was spared her , Salomy Jane had
no need of the letter to know what hind
happened , For , as she entered the woods
In the dim light of ( lint morning , she sav
the figure of Dart gliding from the shadow
of a pine toward her , The unaffected cry
of joy that rose from her Iles died there
as she caught sight of his face in the open
light ,
"You are hurt ; she said , clutching his
arm passionately ,
"No , " lie said , "But I wouldn't mind
that it- "
"You'ro thinkin' I was afeared to come
back last night , when I beard the shootin' ,
but I did come , " she went or , feverishly ,
"I ran back hero when I heard the two
shots , but you were gone. I went to the
corral , but your boss wasn't there , and I
thought you'd got away. "
"I did get away , " said Dart , gloomily ,
" I killed the man , thinkia' ha was bunlin'
me , and forgettla' I was disguised. lie
'thought I was your father. '
"Yes , " said the girl , joyfully , "lie vas
after dad , and you-you killed hfin , She
again caught his hand admiringly ,
But ho did not respond. Possibly there
were points of honor which this liorso thief
felt vaguely with her father , "Listen , " he
said , grimly , "Others think it was your
father killed hhu. YV'hen I did it-for he
fired at me first-I ran to the corral again
and took my lions , lhinkin' I might be fol-
lered , I made a clear circuit of the house ,
and when 111red lie was the only one , and
no one was follerhr'-I conic back here and
took off my disguise. Then I beard ills
friends find him in the wood , and I know
they suspected your father. And then an-
ether man came through the woods while
was lilin' , and found the clothes , and
took them away , " lie stopped and stared
at her gloomily ,
I But all this was unintelligible to the
girl. "Dad would have got the better of
i him of you hadn't , " she said eagerly , "so
what's the difference ? "
"All the same , " he said gloomily , "I must
take line place , "
She did not understand , but turned her
head to her master. "Then you'll go back
with me and tell him all ? " she said obediently -
ently ,
"Yes , he said.
She put her hand in his and they crept
out of the wood together. She foresaw aI
thousand dlfilculties , but , chlefest of nil ,
that ho did not love as she did. She
would not have taken these risks against
their unhappiness ,
But alas ! for ethics and heroism. As they
were issuing from the wood they heard the
sound of galloping hoofs and hind barely
time to hide themselves before Madison
Clay , on the stolen horse of Judge Boom-
pointer , swept post then ] with hits kinsman ,
Salomy Jane turned to her lover ,
e e e e e a e
And here I might , as a moral romancer ,
pause , leaving the guilty , passionate girl
eloped with hot' disreputable lover , destined
to lifelong shame and misery , misunderstood
to the last by a criminal , fastidious parent ,
nut I am confronted by certain facts on
which this romance ja based. A month later
a handbill was posted an one of the senti'el
pines announcing that the property would
be sold by auction to the bushiest bidder by
Mrs. John Dart , daughter of Madison Clay ,
esq „ and it wns sold accorillligly. Still later
-by tor years-the chronleler of these pages
visited n certain "stock" or "breeding farm"
in the Blue Crass country , famous for tlue
popular racers it had produced , lie was
told that the owner was the best judge of
horseflesh in the country. "Small wonder , "
added his informant , "for they say as a
young moan out in California ho was a horse
thief and only saved himself by eloping with
some rich farmer's daughter , But lie's
a straight-out and respectable mat now ,
whose word about bores can't be bought ;
and as for his wife she's u beauty ! To see
her at the 'Springs , ' rigged out in the latest
fashion , you'd never think she had over lived
out of New York or wasn't the wife of one
of its millionalrea. "
got ! end Necks ,
Detroit Journal ; ' The unspeakable America
ica would set his foot upon our necksi ha ! "
Thu Castilian was beside himself with
rage , lie gnashed his tcetb : lie clenched
his bands ,
"But never , " ho shrieked , "shall the foot
of foreign too press upon the soil of Spainh
Never ! "
E , S. Parker , micron , Nis „ writes : "i
have tried Do W'ltt'a witch hazel Salvo
for itching piles and it always stops then :
In two minutes. I Consider Do wltt'e
Witch hazel Salvo the greatest pile cure
on the market"
Searles & Searles
s z0 3
y'a a y
/k / I ep
Guarantee to ante Npcetllly null rush-
I'RIVA'I'E dlaenses nt Mcn curd tratrleri.
SEXUALLY , cured for life ,
Night Emissions , Lost Manhood , 117 ?
drocelo , Verlcocelo , Gonorrhea , Gleet , Syphi
ills , Stricture , Pllro , Fistula and Rectal
Ulcers , Diabetes , ! ! right's Diueaso cured ,
Coneuitatlon Free.Cured
' Cured Gt
r' tr and humc ,
by new method without pain or cutting ,
Callon or address with stamp , Treatment
by mall ,
Phd. SLRBLES 0 dt1iIUtt . llaU.U.111A , A'L""R
Two Weoks' '
> a
I To Al l '
'i'IlltY AiM (11,1) '
In the treatment of .II i
Chromic , Nervous and Privatc Dlscasc f
oad all Wl1AKhn9Snl3
DISOgblhitll OP i ir )
Csturh , all Dlaeuter of the Hoae. Throat , altt
Itomach , Llver , illood , akin and ltldaaY n i
.nee , Lost lianhood , Ilydrocde , ( , 1
Gonorrhea , OI.e e , KYptiiIII , Stricture , Pt ! . . , ' .
lute and B5Cta Uit.ra Disbel. . Butht'a , nit.
w cured , can on or sddresa with stamp tot A
Pre. Dooi ( and Nev M.hoda. (
7reutruent by Mall , Conaultatlon free.
Omaha Ncdical and Surgical Institute
ko11 I. uT ! tart Utll St. . Oanaka , ) ( t. :
when we "cuted'ae patrhing
say menu nu up
but apodtlvo ueverruretunicurs tiurlJeauneul . .
Is hr a New ai ethud , rate , painlGa aid re luuts
nolou of time , turd sser t : at home , We
al.acure stouuset eWruus disersrgeaclmoolo
loaarnnsttoir and cln : lbe tint's ' ,
prudatteeusra"leut ! "Irrjladuu autiobiIrue-
Lion to the /u / „ of urine reu1 tpg Ifle ills ut the
esthetes . , ( , " , '
aid are ti sure lnrutes(1 ( lrturunndprnrlallp tilt.
orduraasII.suniiturlso , I'rooJyad"olcJ , uotrea
kfll'ifEI1El.COBAMoillhllhdglloilonfus , I
keiieves IIdnoy 4r'
& Blllddor I
J troubles al ease ,
Curc fn
Q8 Wauraau
E , ch Ca . ;
rule lean 1110
pewarn of welt. namepy' ,