r TIICOMAITA DAIIWBEI. Ic , ItOSEWAT1fl , Efltor. - I'L'fl1.ISI1ID FVEItYMOIt41NC1. u1I F TII1H O1' StTHS'fl1PT1ON Daily 13e ( Without Stanay ) . One Yeat..OC Daily IJQ ntid Sunday , One Year 8.0' ' ) Ilx MohthM . . . . . 4.0' ) 'rliro Montti 2.0. ) 8uuil.iy llce , One Year SEturTIty 1hi. One Year . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.50 \ cekly flee , Ono Year oirlcFs. Omaha : The 43e 1iuildln. CLIIi Omaha : Singer hock , Corner N anti 2ltli Btrets. Council t3ltirrs : 10 Pcarl , Sret ( , Chkngo 0111cc : 502 Chamber of Coin inro. Nev York : T'mplo Court. w ashlnton : 501 l'ourtecnth Strcet. COltIt1I'ONI)1NCI. All enitimunicatIon ritatlng to tWV9 fltl(1 editoilni matter should bo nddroe ( To the ItIltnr. flUSINtSS MI Itistnc lotterN an1 hou14 1c nc1rcs'tI ( to The J3ee 1'Ul,1lth1fl ! Cotipnfly. Ornnhn. Irnft * , dicc3 , eXIrOU nui1 PtflfllO : money or1er to ba 1)aYfltlO ) to the nr.ler ni titi' eOmPfl1Y. TfIE 1iTF PUDhISIIING COMPANY. STATEM1T OF CIRCULATION. State of Nl.raskn , Douglas county , L George II. Tzschuck , secretarY of ThO I3CO PublIthlng compmy , being duly sworn , that the actual number of full and complete coptea of The Daily , Morning , 1VCOIng and SunlsI ) ' I3OC , printed durIng the month of April , ISS , sva o ; follown : I . . . . . . . . 2.1M 2 . . . . . . I.l1M :1 : . . . . , . . .OI4 ( IS 4. . . . . . . . . . . . . . I ; . . , . . . . .9 G . . . . . . . . . . 2.I.lr,2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , ( ) 22. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , : 23. . . . . . . . . . . . . . p..2 1,0th ) 21 . . . . . . . . . . . ssio : 10 . . . . . . . . . . 2 1,11(17 ( 25. . . . . . . . . . . . . . II . : u.1 ( ) 2 ; 32 . . . . . . . . . . . 2'4'fl ) 13. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , ( ) : ; 10. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0m)3 Lts ; returni and unsold copies. . . . . . Net total Not diLily avotago. . . . . . 25,639 UDOROR 13. TZSCIIUCK , Sworn to before nie and tibrled In my , rctenco thIs 30th day ot April , 1898. ( Seal. ) N. P. FElL. Notary Public. . Juin 1 , ] : xl)1tIofl ) ( tiny. Mai lc it down. I f the Florida 'cenStis ' tnker want to . imtkr' a hig sliovliig for their state they . ivIll lo iIIsIt1.4 ) . IlI \\'IIPII 0111fl1111 l able to ! ( 'll nunilel- )8l ) louils at geol prices In the iii.lst of a iti hurry tI'e ' ns c rtion Is safe thut Its eicillt s at tli top notch. I'lt ( ' niutilnilon of eXIOltlt } ! ) ttuttinry by lIIsjlreIl faiintks inty : he gOOl ( ad- vertlshiig , but It h hardly the hliid of ad'ertsIng the 0x1)u.sltlon walits. 'Plio new call for troops Is to mn1e 110 tllscrlniliintoii lCtWOefl state inllIta- ! ILlen tiiiil ordlunry voluiiteers. lInt ( lie nedItl exatititiers will get Iii their vork just the iaIi1e. _ Wlll SflperIl1tPIIle1It F'oter wIth the nowletlgo lie hiii of Slg\varL and his ieuithihous : : record tolerate his liresunc. ' , t the head of the iohice on the e..psl. ( bit grounds ? ir tli Pailsliiii want a Ilrstchnss TI11tj Stttes : exhibit at their exposition t \ o yeahhielice they vihI iestrahii the JO-SjfltlIIslI ) ! eiitIiiieiits of their brokers and bankers. , - . It wouh1 be just as wehl to have It 11111(10 jilthii : that stntuary sinaslihiig In Oiiiii ha is hot the regular order. Salva- c tloii Is fret' , mit not. free to coiiiniit offenses ngitiiist iroprletles anti 1r11ert' . , The nev1y alIOlIItel ) ( Uiiitcd States . marshal of Ooloraiho hul : ( lie good fortiiut' linuly years ngo to 1)t ) cIirlstitied whIt the iiiag1' ' niIhe Dewey , but hits frieluiM Insist lie got his iippoiitiiieiit strictly cii. hits iiierlts. r ' 1'h , gnnibhers vho control the ret'oiin polct' commission arc not finding iiiiii-Ii f. iohiice iii either the iiolice court , the county court or ( lie district court. The IrOteCtIlIi ) giinriiiteeil : by the llerduinit gang evlileiilhy lots its Ilinlts. 'l'lie 'VorId-Uerzthd has a great deal 10 say In detraction of Colonel Fred ( rant. 'P110 sonIc iiuper hind ii great : ( heal to say _ In ihetrnetioii aild viihIhcatIiu of dils 1hIiistroiis father , Ulysses S. ( irant , during the vni of I hi rebellion. Es-ci y uiiiforini'tl civic society , not ulihy In Oiiuthia , hint In all the surround- lug toviis , shiouhth tiike a iiliiec in the OjH'Iil ii g ii ia the. 'leo have ) I eh pateti In the eXl)08ltiOI1 ) ojieiiliig svhhl ho a 1)I't ) of their records of which each society .aI1 itlvi 1)0 ) proud. NI ) 0fl eoiischenthously opposed to Sunday jieiiiiig iieeil go to the exiosl. ) thi1 OIL Suinhay , but t here Is iio i&'asoii 8hi. . OIi. ' shioiihh obst ruc t otiier from oil. jyliIg ( the shiov so hung as the iiitt rtaIn. iiient is instrIlL'tI-e iiiitl vithiIn the bounds or gooil 1001815. _ _ _ _ [ iiritt I litlsteiiih , tvhio spent iiutny Illoitthis iii Cuhin , thoi's itot favor it hasty iiiviisioii of the hshntid or an advance iii0V'ilt'ilt ) vlt1iout stilleieiit ! force to OVt'rctiiiie ilhi O1)StiIi1e5. ) ! 'flie ilieli vhi ( ) kiiov liiOSt II1Htit. tIiO SItliatiohl In Cuba . LLl.e Urgiig cautIon iii Cuban oiei-atloiis. ) ¶ I'hit' voluino o1 hiiisliit doiio Iii thin tiitt'th : States eoiitiiiuts large auil the 1t'liVts ) ( t'acli veek of bituk cli'arings iiiid OthiOi aeet'ptt'il yidences of haishiiess 11C1 IVhty UVO sliiiiiy iiistalhiiieiits of a (01i1 liiiieih st ( IVy pleiLslllg to OYIl' 000 Intt'i ested more in busijiess than Iii ocratle iitilhtit. . Aecorthing to thin 1)011CC bottiih Organ I lii' iihIce uro itistIgat.iig thin casi , of I hit ) ' 0Illflhi brutally iisaulted by thugs Iii ( ) Iiu of thio most ventral portlon4 of thin idty. 1 lot all thin Invest hgal tog Ito ( ) iiinhia j)0hI has been doing si'nins only to hiiereas& the attractloiis thin tiiy hiohihs ( lilt to vroteshoutl tliIove nod crookti. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Tim teciitt call fortrool)8 gives niiutlier opportuolty ( or ( I overiiot liol. ctiiiili to thitliiguishi iiIiiist1t lit itilother tNjlt VIV01 $ , % 'IUt the \\'a t I1I'liaVtlllt'ltt 1114 ii ) t hitt ihao vliere thin vultiutnors - - siiiiht ho iittstotI , iii. ' 1'lio railroads shittilhil hot thu governor kiio' at oiiee ssliitt jtoilit would ho l1tOtt ) coudueivc to their 1)rOtit ) oil the travel. Olin OflLttM TION iN ( ttIlA. Two ( nets III regard to thifl itlfttlOfl In ( 'ubr hinvo been prettY & .eiiriy ( hell- onstrate(1. One hR thrnt the alleged in- 11111)110 ) IS merely on P:1PCI'- : that Utere is iij. orgahll7.eil Pubaii gove'riiinent. flS hias brett dn. iiietl , 'iflI.itbItY of perflrllilng gvernuuIItlth fill1eons. $ The other fiirt Is that thu strength of tim in8ur- gent forces has hienu very Illuehi ocer ilttC(1 ( tititi that they will not prove OM vnlualhe ) as nihlltnry nihhes ns hinti broil CXhN'tNh. Iii view of tiie9e facts the vIsi1oiii of Presitleiit Mchhiihey in not reeogiihziig ! the so.ealhetl vepubhlc is fully vhiuhicntcd , as is also the good jtIhgllleiit shown iii not accepting its coiiehtislve the stateiiio1it of the Jutitti iii this coittitry regardiiig the nuniber of insurgents that could co-operate with 0th. flt'li1. It Is ItoW Seell that the tosk of ox- ) ( hIiig SittihtI ( rout ( tihia ititist be nc coinihlshIcd ) by the hnited Slates witht very little nsslstiiitce from thin Cubans itiiti It is tIso scout Uuitt v1ieii this shittli IIILVO beeti hoiin lutist uiiniuitttln nil arniy there until fl gOVCrllillelt ! shah be established hinvhtig the elements of IetilltliieiCe ) ! nut ! stnhiillty-ii reiitublcaii goverlneuit : created by the will of it IilnJGrty of thio 1)001)10 freely expressed. I t hiii benit thin geiii'ritl idea , vhiIcIu is prohntbls still i'uutet taliied liy ninny , that as soon ns Spain Is thriven out of Culin thin control of ttfftir there will be turned over to the melt who have bceii for uiore thian three years striuglhiig for the it1leieildnlicO ) of thin Island. This lins been regarded as the jiust and logi. cal course for tue United States to take -the juroper recognition of those who hinve fought and 11111(10 sacihlhees in thin citlise of Oubati freedom. 43ut mcii who litive given I hioughitful coiiidc'iatioit to thin situation realize that to restore peace in ( ) uba iuieitti inure than to conipeh Spuin to html tlowui her thug ; that it tleiiianils riot merely the ( heparture of the Spttishi : trOOiS ) fiiii the islatith , but a. general thisaI'illiLlIlellt itiiil thu i'ettlrtl of alt now mined vhio remain there to thin vnys of 1)C1ICO. ) ' .Phiere must lie us- tabhlshied coinhitions vhilcli vilh huisure to everybody in Onba tim protuctioti of life and property and equal rights uuider thin lavs. ¶ fti'hs governiunlit is not wag. lug war thii're in ( hue interest of a foe. tiouf , but for the wehfaro of thin whole ( ) tilntui IeOlule. ) 'ih'hio puiiose ) is to 1)111CC ) Cuba in a 1)OSltlOlI ) vhiere it Cflhl hIltVC thin ailvantuges nuid henelhts or nit ad. vanced civilization. 'tVo should not be able to do this if w-e vltlidrew all of our iover uud intitietice from thin island as sooui 11S I lie Spttihutrd w.as eXiLhied. ) The I'iulted States hitts distinctly dis. ehitiiuiod any dishoSltion or Intention to exercise sovereigiity , Jul isl ( : ' tlo1u or control over Cuihnt , except fo.t the paei- heat ion thinteof , uleelaritig Its ( leterullIlla. Ilout , vhieui that is nc0011hhhlsli.d ( , to heave tlit goveruiuttuuit and control of thin 15111201 to its ieoiihe. ) 'Pliern can Ia' ito doubt thiitt this wihh be strictly adhered to.Vc canitot (10 otherwise and ietahuu tue CCdllltlCilCC of thic world In thin sincerity of our pledges. But ve shall exercise so Illulehi control uuuttI for so hong a thom as utitty he iti'eessuuiy to itiake the pa- eilhcatioui of the Ishnuid thorough and couiiphete , leaving It , when tln. . 1)tolr ) tliuin to leave eouuies , L $ peaceful nuid orderly as thin states of our tiuioiu , with Ii. iolmtial ) forum of gorertinieuit iI'0112i5- ) lug thin uumainteluaulce of that eoinhitlouu. how bug it tinie Itih1 take to ac- couuphlsli thIs iiiuil what troulIC ) and per 1ulexit3 timay lie Involved in its accoinp. hishunelit cannot be foreseen. But wn huilve assumed thin ob1gtttioui and must falthmmuhhy lerfornm it. 1ILL ON 1N 1QUALITI. Men who enlist In the service of the IJuilted States , wiuether n the alloy or uiutv.flt0 . , miii out an equality so fuit- itS thin regulations goveruulug thucimu are con- cerminil. 1feL1iI1g to thin conmpiaint of cer- taut fzleiids of time naval n1hltia. that no distltict ion Is uiuuthe between thteuti and ordlimary iunui-ot-wars-ineti in : vtiuai service , thin Army umitil Navy Journal ye- nuarks that the mias-al militia is on trial auitl that there is sonic doubt in the regu- har navy as to its utility w-hiiehi It has got to thlspei.Vheii Its members enhist mis orhlnary ( Sealuleul , says that irpnr , Uiey lII t ? ordinary senuumen and not ntisigns or lheiiteuiauits any 1uor ( than they are law- ynI.s 01 doctois oi- society headers. \Ieui viio enlist iii thin in.h uy or naval SUtVicl should uuitlerstaiul-auul it Is to lie lite'slluuui'l that the vei' large majority - ity of them ( hi ) iiuidt't-stiiuol-thiut huat- imeitheir social position in clvii life there can be no thiscriiihuuatioui shuowit them ( iii that account as soldiers or sail- 015. They lutist lake their sham of thin vork , thin hiurdshilps : 1111(1 ( thin dangers luclilentuti to iittlve service in conumnca with those 'hio had no social iosition. For thglitluig hiiI'lO5(5 ) ) 'cotiruige ' atud oliedi- cuter to ordeis are thin essential i-equlrn- uuinuits and thin unaiu vhio hits thiesn is as good us 11113' other uuiutii , regardless of social stauuthimug. TJII .sinI1 1"U ( : ivI1li. : 'i'iiu Spauilshu miduumirah , Cervera , has undeiihitbly 5i10Wi thiat lie is a very s'1hy for. 'l'hin uuutuiimox : Iii vhiehi kept t ho naval 1nntii uiuid thin coinniauutlers of out- 5h11thL0utS ( guessing , viuiho he huiuurehy uiindn his -ny to Santiago do Cuba. iht'tuuouistrntnd either flint lie hs a strut. egist oh' iio ordiuinry ability or that the strategy of outuinvn I authioritit. w-as ( lOfeCt ive. 'liiose who hlitYO fohowed hosely the rumoveluiejits or hun uiuval foicos Iii \\'est liudlati vaters sliico thin .Siptils.h ) hiet V4Zlchiel ? thietm cti fhuitl iilututshliho 1 etiSOtii ; fi thiiuiking that the tuiieituui : suiuuuidiouus 1111(1 ( lourticuhtirly tIm squiniromi uuiudet conutimutuid of 4cthuig 4 dnihral Sauuipsou should have found thin eneiuuy hiefurn this ituuti forced hum to battle , but ht inny Ira nspirn that thin . lu-aunt. course hits it'omi ) jursiued. It Is sititi to 1w thin belief \'utshtiuigtoii tlittt Cervcmmt is butthti iii ) a L Santiago do Cuba and tluitt thin thestruetloit of hits silunthron is assureul. It is to be hoped that such is thin ease , ltit ) 11 Mitdrid dlii- hulitchi states that thin iuiupresiou thinro Is that Cervera got. out ot Santiago. 1)elluilto iiiforuiiatlon in this very liii. hortttuit uimattt't shuouhil be soon rt'eeved. ' .L'Iw dlsposhtiout t0. eiiticise thin naval strategy 1cmurd nod 'ut1uiiirai Smiuuipsou , 3'.httn further dcvelopuuiouts , Is to be ( leiirecntnth. 'jhie board Is couiuposed of t'xperieiieeul ouch , uthl of whom saw tic- tive eiv1Cu In tile civil svar. ' .Pwo of the iiieuubcrs of thin board , Admiral Siciurd aud Cuptain Muiiau , nre recognized In . - - - - - - - -t------ - - - - - - - - . 1uir as nwa1 eXlert. of the lighest iulhhItY. ) In iegarl to ActIng Admiral $ uuuihSOfl. his selection by thie lreshuheuit , to conuinatuth the chief shuullhron ( vfl' thoubtedhy ultie ta a convhctlon , nitir careful investigatIon , of his simper or ( hulahhll atlotus. In lechinlcah kuuos-hoi1ge SaimliMon is doulithess t.litu lmrL of any 112011 In the lmnry , hilt hIs nbhhhty to coin- iuinuitl a fleet lii battle Is yet to be toted. 'l'iirro Is uio reason to believe , iiowever , that hue is hot fully qualified for his great repotmsIbihity. There s n general feel I mr . of con Ihheiicn I ii Coiiminodore Schuley. It votihh be ronmarkahihe htideeti ifIthu thue.se coniuiuanuhers co-operating lii the search fou ( lervt'ra , thifl Spaniard sliouhtl dodge theta nuid get tt'viiy liii. liD rt. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 2'IW ) rOIU UI" ! A'JflflTI ' ixuiix ; Omaha has itui oiportuuuhty before it to cii bunco Us already wehi-estabhlshind teiutitntloi for hiOShitIllle ) t'uutortuuniieuit of guests nunh visitors. Ouuunlin shiouhh iiiake thin uuiest of thihs oppoi-tuuiity. 'iVhiihn this city tins hind thin privilege or weheonuhiug no unnaIl miuimumltof great eouiventious nial asseinblnges amid of shioiviuig honor to uumnny utica amid vonieui distingushietl both at home amid. abroad , hover before hins an occuusion oitnred sitnihar th that viuiehi Is irouimlsed by the eXhOSlthOll ) seasoui , duurhuig whhchu Onmnhia vhhI 1)0 ) thin objective 1)1)1111 ) ) ii0t ouuhy for ithtimost time niutire tour.st trnveh , but also thin tiientiuig 1)111CC ) for a hininhued or uiioie gient state timitI nnthouuah organizations. During time ieVlOI that the expositIon gate iii'e open and thin great show in hirogress Omaha may expect to receIve thin official representatives of eltie , states nod nttiotitl : : goveruimnent lii iii. . lilost endless succession. Unless all signs ( nil , every visitor to this 'couiutiy from any iart of the worhd will be attracted - tracted to Omuahun by thin expositIon and their impressions of thin city and country lit hurt mohlud by the attention iimtd them as guests nuulong us. \Vhtile it is gratIfying to iuote that tIm exposition 811(1 thin commercial amid social chubs have begun to take imp thin enter- taitumument qttnstioiu , too utmiuchi stress cmiii- not be ho Id umlioli thin iiIlIVtiiiiCl' ( of dohiig thihs work right. All the orguuuizatlouis that epeet to assunme part of the duties tlevohving from the attetidauce of vls- Itors upoli ( hue exposition shiouhtl put thicinseives in eoninmunhcnt ion ivithi one another timid have thin dilTeinut features ot tIm task iiroperhy distributed iii ad- _ ahu1.e. 'iVhilin thin nialn tlreetion of nil- tertnliiuiieuit must bo in thin exposhtioui mnunagenient , vhiiii lots thin responsi. bility for Its cffectivenss , the flehd is so haigo that every contribution from whiittever source \yjfl coniut In nccoium- pllshuing thin desIred result , nituumely , to make every visitoi feel glint that he emtilmn and go a way cherish lug kindly iecohlnetiouis of Ouuiahia amid hLs people , If not ( lUteViuiiiiCl ( to totuirui itt 011Cc atid uuinkn his lionin ivithi them. "Us fellers iiuvn to stand togethiem. ' 'Iiuls fanuous nxchmtiuiatoii ! of tIme jiu-y. ullahi III a SQhuictiOil ( tilmtl i1)IiinS ) 'orcihily to thin cliques aiitl combines I lint foistd GeraldIne on thin exposition and hiave lii one forum or atiothietreek1u..sly 5huIliIlleied ( eXhfl2SitI0ii fiiiiuls iilOil ) fit VOfl'l ( eoiitraet ors mnol Inelihehont mm imd ( lishlouiCSt euliployes Time uuiore this miefarious hiuisiiess is exposed the tighitet- the ihngstnrs liuuuig together. TIme 3O ( ) . a-mouth - is - tlgum-ehmead general muanager tuiihy a repetition of thie $300-it-mouth dictator whose resignation svmis accepted 1)3' ) his backers only because they found ( hint thin Peolie ivouid not vote mtiiothiei dollar Into their keepiuig uuitll Gerahdiiie iias dropped. It ; s meet itiid pi-oper to stick a jig lute each job as perlietrated by thin combine as a landiunirk for time Ihimmil stiunnilug up ivhien thin record Is ChOSeI. flhil OVei.Y varning giveui by The lIen fully justilhed. An association of business muon at Daveumport , I a. , has passed resolutions in favor of a treaty of recilroclty with thin 1)oiniumion of Cauadt : niud a similar treaty with Newfoundiand. TIme resolu- tlons refer to the $ lOfl,000,000 worth of tmade between time United States and Cailuuha last year tiliti cite as an argu- iiieiit for reciprocity thin timarrehous gioivt hi of trmuie uiml(101 ( thin recijrocity laws it vogue for thirteen years fol- lovitig 1834. Oh accoumit 01' imuiforoseeii iiuternittioiuiil coniphications tIme lJuiitctl States hums not beeii able to iiiakn time iuiost ol' the rt'ciiroeity provision of time 1)inghey law , bit thin value of rechroclty cita be ProVel without going hiack a half century in time business hiistory of thin nation. Thme governor of lowat huiis statel ( thiat iinmhei thin hatest ciuhi for ti-oops Jum will ahiot ) tiOui thin uitumiuhior called for anmong thin viiriouis eountie uecorthimig to liolm- lation and give each county credit foi- thin men furitlsimed so that alt ii'iil have it chinmice. 'l'lme couuities frouii sshuhch coin- iiiiili5 ) thiitve already 'been ' snot to thin ftomit wili mint be ho'u-uiiitted to 1uiOuiO1)- hize tIme evidences of patriotisni. 'J'hie jilati hits seine advmnititges , hint itmay encounter - counter olistaches thiat will ulofeat it. 'limo mimutuiagers ot' Jouivni's Festival. of thin tlotiiitmtlii 1111(1 ( Plain hiave ilecided thimtt they ivihh iuvo ito yehhoiv In tIme othicini colors of thin cehelnittion thus year. But yellow is thin color of thin gold ivhuiviu giv.'im couuhhtleuico to thin nut- tionuih tluittuinltm.s uiiid of thin cot-ui that yithuhs ieilS for thin A uiit'ricaui faiiuiers mii(1 ! ought to hiohil Its own In spite of the dlsgrucn of yehhosjourliahhsni , All iIt'i.l , i'll New York 'l'rlbune , Three cheers for thic Oregon ! Thmreo cheers for her captain ! Tiurco cheers for iieibuihderBl Atid three times three for thin nation that cmiii vroduco such ships , auth many it turn out mumany morn hIke her ! . & l'itritiig Pi4bt. Mimmnenpolki 'l'rlbune. The peEtifcroU Poho hiss heft Canada , but his undorBtudy , Du hose , remnahuB In Quebec to carry on time work begun by thin ex-mhn- ister. it Is a queer Bert of neutrality which forbids a boihigorcult nation to luck up a load of coal and yet allows Its accredited agetits to carry on a ystcmattc campaign of undoubted value. Touches lije iiutosi * llserp 'I'liiic. Ciilcauo Ctirouutclo , Speaking of thu craze iii bestowing Ad. nmiral Dcwey'a naimia to nil kinds of corn- moditles , the inventor o a cocktail bear. lug ' .tie brand of the Manila hero would seem to be In a fair way to make a fortune , The imbiber of a Dewey cocktail Is said to be consumed with an immediate desire to go in search of it recruiting otflcer , while the - . . . . . - _ _ - , . . _ _ * . * * _ _ - 1- ab9orptlon of two ot them is wtmrrnnted to Create an appetite for annihIlating a Spanish - ish fleet before thUtkfast , 01 'i 'iIie . 'nczhinn rIi4rntiomi. St PaI1 iioneer Press. l'ormer I'restfliit ? harrison has been chosen chIef coiseX for the Venezuelan government in tf ) oundary dispute with I Orent liritain , The court of arbitration will meet in Paris next February. The now spirit that hM come over the relations of the United Sthtts and arcat l3ritaln will turn this onca riheus quarrel Into mu mere friendly suit. t The Snutiit.rut itnIlrnil Ilnil. Springftbid' Itepublican. The governui mit1roqucst from the railroads - roads for a uni ( in1-cent rate in the carriage - riago of so1dicr 'mas ' ben i-eftised pretty gcnernhh- raihiay , passenger associations. As matters stiintt the eastern lines nrc charging 1 cents1 the western 1 cent , and the southern 2 cents. In tim western case the tower rate is due mahtily to the federal law requiring hand-grant roads to carry govcriiniemit troops at one-halt the regular mate. I1ilbie of ' .Veteri l'rrcs. l'lmiladehnhia Itecord , Thmo Transnmisshssipph Rxposhthon at Omaha , which President McKinley wihh set In motion on June 1 by time touch of a but. tomi In Washington , will ho such an exhilbi- tion of the resources of time vast enipiro be. youth thin "Father of Waters" as has never before been gathered in one eliot ; and there is no a'tTfloricahi who wihi be able to look upon it without a feeling 'of pride , nor without - out deriving profit front the experience. Nor ivhhh the instructive value of the ox- POSithOui be confined . to' our own country. Thin war is giving to the world an amazIng oxemphllication of the war-making resources of our veople. To have simultaneously therewith such a demonstration of our in- dustrini energies mid capacity for the Imursults of reace mumst fully convince the outside world that America has , indeed , be- comae a giant among the ppw rs of earth , 'FrnhiL' tguoi'es 'Viti- . Indianapolis Journal. The statistics of trade the three weeks of tbo present month do not confirm the tears or hopes of those who expected a dull period at the setting in of thmo war. In the central west the Xeports abow an unprecedented - dented activity In busImmess. The railroads - roads show a decided gala over the good showing for Arril. This mantis a large volume of business. The clearing houses show an Increase of 26 ncr cent the last iveek compared whthu the corresponding week of 1S97. The unprecedented market- lii ; of brendstuils , with the flattering reports - ports of crops to come amid time large pur- aliases of merchandise by farnmers give strength to the business situation , Thin re- ccipts of wheat tim last week were 5,876,716 bushels , agninst 2,430,109 for the corro- sponthimig week of last year. The exports of wheat. froni Atiamitic lmorts during the first three weeks of May were 7,95,5S6 bushels , nearly double those of thu same 1)CmiOh last year. SAGE A1)MOxi'I'tOxS , i - 'l'iie Ynriil ng.i % Vprdt.s , r .VnMIIingtohi ALrmtiiINt Ftii'eigit Eiititiiglt.iieits , Philadelphia Ledger. Now that the United States is at war with Spain , various ipropositions have been advanced involving a departure from our historic policy. trimese include the annexa- tioti of Hawaii , dime retention of the Philip- limes , a political alliance with Great Britain and the mnainteimumnceof a vast standing army iii times of Peace. i It is velh , under the circumstances , to recall the admonitions of thin fathers of time republic. W'nsiiington's farewell address.contains humorous passages - sages which are sIgnificant In connection with tbo existing sitmaton. [ For exam ple : "Observe geoL faith and justice towards all nations ; cuLkvatm neace amid , harnony ) ivlthi nil. It wli ; io worthy of a. free , enlightened - lightened , and , at a no distant perIod , a great nation , to give to inammkimmd the mnag- nammimnous and too novel example of a people ahways guided by an exalted justice amid bemievolence. "In thio execution of such a plan , nothing - ing is morn essential than that rermanont , imivoterato antipathies against particular nations , and passioumate. attachments for others , shioultf be excluded , niid that iii place of them just and amicable feelings towards all should be cultivated. "Against the insidious wiles of foreign influence ( I conjure you to beilove me , tel- low citizens ) , the jealousy of a free reoplo ought always to be awake ; since history amid experience rrove that foreign Influence is one of the most banefui foes of republican government. nut that jealousy , to be useful - ful , must be impartial ; else it becomes thin instrument of thin very influence to be avoided , instead of a defense against it. "The great m-uhd of conduct for us , in re- garth to foreign nations , is , in extending our commercial relations , to have with them as little political connection as pos- siblo. "flurope has a sot of prImary interests , whiichi' to us must have none , or a very rc- mote relation. liemico she must be engaged in frequent controversies , the causes of which are essentially foreign to our con- corns. Hence , therefore , it must be uuuwiso iii us to Implicate ourselves , by artificial tIes , In time ordinary vicissitudes of liar politics , or the ordinary commibinations and colhislomme of her friendships or efluiiities. Our detatcbod and distant situation invites and enables us to pursue a different course. "If we remain one peopio , under an efll- chant goveinment , thin period Is not far off wimemi wo may defy materlai injury from external aimmioyanca ; when we may take such an attitude as wIhI cause tIme neutrality we may at any time resolve upon to , be scrupuloushy respected ; when belligerent umation , under time linpossibihity of making acquisitlomis upon us , will not lightly hazard the giving us lirovocation ; when we may eiiuoso peace or war , as our Interest , guarded by justice , shmalh couiisel , Why forego the advantages of so peculiar a situation ? Why quit our own to stmimmd upon foreign ground ? Why , by immterwe'a''hmmg our destiny with that of tiny part of Europe , emmtangle our peace anti ProsPeritY in tIme toils of Europoaii aimi- bitten , rivalsbiip , interest , hmumnor or caprice ? 'Tl.er cm lii' no grettr error than to expect or calcufato upomi real favors from nation to nation.1lLis aim Illusiomi , which ox- hmerieuico niust cure , which a just umndo ought to discard. r "Takimig care * ayS to keep ourselves , by suitable defensive establishmnients , au a re- sPectabhe defenstlr'opostimre , we many safely trust to temporary , nhliances ( em' extraordi- mmary en1ergouielfi.t' # Time advice of time great patriot is as sahu- tary today as it was when lie gave it. lie I foresaw thai ntt''iiiTs ! that would ho made , ( rein witlmimi and without , to broaden thin sphere of American Imitluemico so mis to 1mm. evitably eimibrolli ! thin Ummhtod States in tIme disputes amid etintdntions of Europe , lie m'eahizetl that clunmerchah , not political su- liromiiacy , was tlJdeal to hm sougbt by our country. amid b m conjured his fellow citizens to be on guard agalmmat thin insidious wiles of ( emuigmi natiomum. 'rhiat land is miot naturally - rally the happiest and moat prosperous that lights tIme most battles and comiquers time most hirovinces. The glory of war is nurtured emily by the blood of victims mmml time tears of widows and orpbauis. For us should be tIme paths of roace amid time policy of non-inter- vommtion in what does not concern or affect us. Our war with Svain was forced upon us , amid , havimmg takeim UI ) the sword , we must wield it ummtih victory rewards our efforts. But let not our vresent enterprise be the entering wedge of ta policy of militarism , colonial aggrandizemeat amid International entanglements hei4 in such disfavor by \Vasbtngtou and th Fathers. - . , - - - - - - - - . . . . . . . . . . . - 111s.v ElU'ATIil ) SOl.i)1t'It. Mo ( In1ehliacntllo.hici of Mcii F'r tiilli ' .t into Ser'ioe. hndinnauulhs Journal. The men who are now proceeding to the various places of rendezvous from this anti other states are probably the most hatcH ! . gent bodies of men that a government over called to servo it Ia time of war , By thIs Is mcaumt that there never were so few illiterates in an nrmiiy , As a matter of fact , there shouhi be none , and would be none if the requmireniemits of time orders for time recruitment of time regular army immivo been observed in the muster of vohunteors. ha time minion armIes , partletmiarly from thim coast states , there was quite a percemitago of muon ivhmo could not write their mmamnes on time mnustcr roll. Many of them nimulo good soldIers , lAit riot so good as it they hind been able to read and write. It is probabhe that not a imian has left Indiana In time new organizations - ganizations wimo could not write his umnmne on thin receipts of time fluster roll and who will not be able to write letters to his friends at home. ' As a coninion scliooh educatiomi 1 , ( ter fits any mnna for any vocation , so thmer is every reason to believe that the man , oUter thmingi being equal , who has hail time advantage of tIme education of the public schools of In- diniia ivihh be a better soldier thmnmm if ho lund miot. One of time timings whiehm was said to have given Germany time ndvamitnge over Austria anti inter over Framice was that nearly every Germumum soldier hind been educated in the liublic schools. Sonic one said that the sturdy Germnums wore victorious because they carried "thmimikIng rifles , " t stands to reason that there is much in thIs , Thin ability to read amid write involves a certain ammiotmnt of ihisciphine. Time miman who has attained aim ordinary educatiomi has a keemier nliprehmcmmsion than one wimo Is illiterate. hlic eyes and ears carry messages to a mmmimmd that is better qualified to make use of time informatIon than is time hntchhi- genoa of tue person whose inhiuhum is 1mm a state of nature , There is cause to expect thud time young macmm who have gone as vohumnteers irihh ho superior soldiers because of their public school education. They wili more easily acquire time knowledge of tactics anti a ( aniiliarhty with time modern weapomis which will ho put immto their hands. It will take nmuchm less time to brimig such nm'ea to that degree of discipline which Is essential in good sohdiers than has been miecessary to beat imito time heads of illiterate inca a kmiowhcdgo of the duties of soldiers. in camp nien who can read nnd write lmai'o aim Immense advantage over those who must spemid their leisure in blank Idicimess , for the reasoum that tue occupation of time mmiimid promotes - motes cheerfulness , which is mmmi essemittal quality in time good and effective worker 1mm any line of cmmipioynient. In respect to the hmitelllgence of the schools our mcii are far superior to those whmoni Spain line In her arummies , amiti it will be a great and mortifying disappoimitmnemit it time soldiers ivimo have been graduated front the chmoolhiotmso do not show iii commilict a marked superiority to those of a country in which two-thirds of Its people cammnot road. 1'SiItSoN.tL , ANI ) O'1'1mL'itWlSl. The poor man's motto when hue buys a loaf of bread is " 1temeiber Loiter. " It takes a bolder man to start the straw hint season thmamt it does to enlist for time front. In this anti future wars Old ICing Coal may truly say , "Thmey reckon iii who leaves mae out. " Asphalt pavimig is now being laid in Phila- deiphia at $1.20 rer square yard , about one- half time former Price. Time hat which Major General Wheeler will probably wear in his camnmaigmmlulg Is erie which he has worn for thin last hifteen years. It is a soft black hint , \vhiclm , when ho takes it off , lie generally puts lii his pocket. Gramit Armstrong was arrested in Park Itow , New York , en Friday and hued 2 for selling "imitations of an evening news- Paper. " This is probably time sincerest fiat- tcrliig the yellow journals will over have , A combination of six ivehl known firms makiuig collars , cuffs and shirts is imi process of formation in Troy , amid it Is probable that public ammnounccnient of the coniplotion of the nrrammgemneimt wihi be imiado withimm the next few days Capital , $15,000,000. After three successive failures in a costly oxpcrimnont , one of Mr. Edison's associates , wormi omit with the straIn , asked : "Why don't you worry a little about it , Mr. Edisomi ? " 'Whmy should I ? " replied time Inventor , "you arc worrying enough for two. " A Georgia expert reports that time peach crop this season viih be time greatest in the history of the state , exceeding even the big crop of 189 , and ivili bring in hmmndreds of thousands of dollars. Time crop Is rmomv , he ciaimns , safe beyond question and the trees are loaded with large sized fruit. Congressman Eddy is so conspicuously plain looking that a beggar who asked hun for a quarter in Washmington time other day amid got it returnmed it after a good look at the congressman with time remark : "l'li be hmatdI it I'll take your money ; go arid buy a square meal and l'li strike some of'ehso. " AdmIral 1)ewey , It is said , has never voted iii a political electioim 1mm his life , holding , as so mnamny of thmo older men iii ( lie array amid navy do , that aim officer ought mmot to dabble iii politics , "hut servo iris Country , no ummatter who Is in power , " shinily up- hioidimmg the existing administration s'ithiout comimniemit or question. When William H. Staytorm , wire is suIng Mrs. hietty Green , time fatuous New York rich woman , for $50,000 for legal services , was called away ma the midst of time trial to command time Second battaiiomm of time naval reserve , time woman expressed thin hope third he would ant ho killed in time ivar , but. would hive to suffer ( rein a bad commcieirce , An "Arab Napoleon" has arisen in Africa , his name is Rabnh anti hue recently invaded time Foulaim empire of Soicoto , At fii'st ire suffered a er1ous reverse , but finahhy cimierged victorIous from thin struggle amid captured Kane , the great metropolis of time westormi Soudami , where ho now reigns supreme , Owing to the dearth of war news time New York World enlIvened its pages , time other day , with a symposium on the noons- sity of pronipt invasion of Cuba , Leading military oiilcers expressed themselves by telegraph. The substance of their valuable reinarlumu was : - "My position forhmids inn to express amu opinion , " Ahi of which was miilghmty intorestiiig for readers amid valuable to thin telegraph conipanles. Time estmmte of Wihliurmm Steinway , the New York llaiio immaker , wino shortly before hula death , in Ieconibem' , 1890 , ileclarod hinmseit to be worth about $13,000,000 , is now said to ho so seriously encunibereil that there is doubt of it sufllchericy to pay all time claims against it. It is said that in time 'mist years of hmi life lie gave away , little sums to a greatmami' people , which in tIme total formed an liiiinenso aggregate. Under arm old section of time revised stat. utes the morm of Admiral Iewey's Ileet will receIve prize money amounting to at heast $100 eacim amid many aniount to $200. Time statute - ute authorizes tine iaymneimt of a bounty of $100 for oachm man on an enemy's shIp of wan' that. is destroyed in action , The reports from Manila are timat the Spanish fleet was double mmmmmned in the expectation of conquering the American fleet ninth requiring vrize crown for the captured vessels , In this case it Is likely that there were no less than 2,000 mcii in the Spanish fleet , which would mean an aggregate premium of $200,000 to ho divided - vided amimong American sailors , Time naval omeera are taking steps to ascertain the exact - act nunmber of Spaniards on the eleven yes- sels destroyed as a basis for the irsyments to be made , MIST ( fl' TII1 'WAIL 1VA'E. The Oregon Is 5mfsi : by Jtmpitet ? hr you would keep cool , ivolti ti c thier- mometer anti time war rumor. him computing the states in the unloum i.at now don't forgot to coumit in the stale of war. war.A A Minnesota man offers nim nmmienthnment to time popular war cry , so that It will read 'Rermmetmmber ' thmc Men. " All in favor with say "aye. " Motiomm prevails. In view of the imnccrtahnity as to time whereabouts of the Slmammish arnmatla , It Is a propitIous time to relieve hiubhic anxiety on that score , The fleet will navigate thin lagoon of the Transmnhssisshppi Ixposithon on the opening day , Time cruiser Newark , comnnmlssiormetl thIs weehu , carries twe1v 6-mob aflooting irons anti eighmtc'en siimlhem' halt-trigger speakhmig tubes , it aim ) ' of Sraimm's iahder hnpiemms 'ithmiii ramngo tIme Newark is fixed to Indulge iii spirited repartee. Thmnt passengem' who put imi at Cimpe tIny- tlemm last Snttmrhay and put lim circtmiatiomm tIme story that out of the SpanIsh fleet of six ships twelve hail been destro'el , immust have taken a hong hUhlat thnt Sammtingo bottle before Schiiey jnmmmmued lii the cork , GoncrnlVsley MerrItt lmrtleiiiated iii timirty eiigngviimenmts iluring time civil war arid hmal several emigageimmemits with time indiana - diana hater on , lImit hula Cimlengo onngemimemit oveitops nil. Coimsitlerimig tIme e.irciminstmmmmecs time gemmermuh'a surrender vill be forgiven by adnmiring couumtr'mmiimi , i'resitlont McKinley's fate has been the- creed In ativaumee of Spaimm's capturing thin Uimitcd States. Madrid paper nimimoumiecs that lie iviih be imiade oihichat bootbhnck for Spain's murmnmy officers , Zmieammwhmile somume of MeKlmiley's fm'ienths vIil do time liohishiltmg act In the highest style of the art. Should thu Preseumt wai' Inst omit , year ammd I time expcumses iipproximmmate $1,000,000 a day , I nimich uiow mippears probable , thin cost wIll exceed the total outlay of time first tlmrca wars of tue republic. Time revolutiomummmy "ar cost $135,193,000 ; the second wam' with Great Britain , 1812-15 , $ l07,159,00 , Mexican war , 1816-48 , $66,000,000 , a total of $30S- 252,000 , comimprured with $36,0O0,000 for one year of war with Spaimm , Foumm' years of cvhil war cost $3,025,000,000. I , 13. hhammmpton of Guide Rock , Nob. , a veteran of the civil war , suggests in mm note to The 13cc that citizi'ims of Nebraska raise cmioughm nmmmnimey by Imoinilar Bubsoriptlon to buiid and equip a ilrst-class battleship ninth Present It to the timmitod States. Time sug. gestionm La a happy olin , especially for thin "stay-at-homes. " A first-class battleship would break thio heart of $4,000,000 , or about $ I for every mann , womnmamm anti chIld in Nebraska-a mere bagateihe. If arm at- tcmnht ) was niiade to collect it , however , Umo collector would encounter a "succession of imirgo , imoary frosts. " GOSSII' AmOtJ't' W'MEN. Mohhie Fammelmer's minnie is beconiihrmg macre and mom widely known as Imiterest iii hem' peculiar commditlomm increases , says htampei'B liazar. Sine hints lain In bed for sonic thirty. two years , iii imer hiomne In Brooklyn , N , V. , amid durummg that timmie developed mnnny phiast's of ihnysicni ) tlnranigenmment which have excited both speculation timid ivonnier. F'or ohm yeam sine rcchimmech 1mm erie iositlon , wIth her arm above her heath , Thmemm claIrvoyant Powers were developed , anti for a long time her iisychmological gifts were time subject of investigation. Thin latest of tine mann > ' of- foi Is unmade in her behalf lmati for its ohileot thin bn'lumgiiig of a iittie touch of time outside world into hem' nooni. A concert for hmer benefit was given in Plymouth church , arid by mnt'amms of telephone - phone wires anti pimoniogrimphms aim was able uiot only to hear time mmnslc , htmL time speeches amid oven tue apphrttmsn ! Simo srtimi it was hike having becmm death and come again to life , Arid no wonder ! Nw York has an lnvaiid whose umamno is also ividely knmomvn. It Is orom' ( orty-fotmr years since Mrs. flehla Cook went to bo In a house in Nei' York City , whIch was then a small cottage i'lthi a gardemm , amid moore or less open coumitry about it , but svhiichm Iii now a little back buIlding in tire i'ear of tenement houses and sniloonis , elevated - vated roads arid surface car tracks. To leave tue surromnndinmgs amid go imito Mrs. Cook's room is 111cc enterIng anotimer world. Evemythlmmg is srotless and dainty , 1io'nrmm grow in the viiitlows , pictures hang on time wall , arid sire herself is always faultlemishy clad him the finest of white mnighmt gowns amid ( 'ups , nttipphied her by some wonmami iii Europe - rope , Who claimnis this as her special mlvi- loge. loge.Mrs. Mrs. Cook inns devehoped no psychiological gifts , but sIne Is always active in charitable work. Qimamititles of w'oruout clothes are sent to her , whelm shin sorts and arranges and marks for distribution among the poor. The world has hind its bronze ago , itrm iroum ago and its golden age , but timid tine iirosermt is emphatically its wonnmnmi age Is illustrated by time influence and iiromnhmnenmeo of wonmen In every departnmient of effort anuti activity , says thin Baltimore Smmmi. Whmcthier tinny are emutitled to political righitmi or not , timey are deimioimstratinmg timat they have capacity for ninimost every kind of ivomic aniti can give a good account of thmemniseives lii time iiuaimmess affairs of life as well as inn the narrower dorimestic cliche , A strlkurng cvi- thence of time mmmnummner iii which vomnenm are entering llehtls until recently commsitlercti rimaim's exchimaivt3 territory is tine election no- ceiitly of Mrs. Evchymm S. Tonumo mis lirealdent of thin Cecil National bank of Port lepoait as successor to liar husband , tue late Jacob Tome. This is not tIne first Imimiumimice in which a womnntnm has been chmoseim a bank presitlemmt , but such selectIons have itehilommm been nmnule iii the older and , rimoro timickiy settled coimiiiiimiities. * There Is rio rerisomi , Inowever , winy they should not inn made when time wonianm hums ( lenmonmatrated her financial capacity for such a poslthonm. - - - GOOD 'TIMls rfllt P.titMIIitS Ihummn , ' full Simo' nit ti Inflni Aim. tm-onrlimii.c Rns' Street , lndinmiimpohis Journal. These sire good timmmes for' farimmers who have anything to sell , and the seasoim is amino to be one of good prices for those wino till the soil. Vhmcnt nln ) not be a dollar a bushel thiriag time next scasomi. but it vihI brimig a good price , for time reasoui that time ,4 ' _ bins of time bread-catting iiorld are practically - cally omnpt ) ' . iuring time last three years , evemi with time large harvests , time consummup- , tioui Inns been cquah to time imrothtictlou. Thmic I has rethumcti the stock carried fiommi scasoim t ) season to a low ilgtmre , Whteim time uthmort sl.nsoim of 1897 caine ahong there were smnmili reserves to miiakt' imp time deficiency , As time zermsomm a'hvnmmceti ' it itas discovered that there imna a scarcity of wiment , or very hear It. hiemico lirices boonmed , arid now breath is th'sr -so dear that there is conmplaiumt 0mm the part of immammi' conmsumncrs. It is clammed hny spucimiliats ihmo have thevoteti immucii at- tentlomm to time subject ( lint whmcnit ivill not ho an ; how iii years as it was two years ago , Thmo statistics of tlmeso amen are phausitmlc , but , if they are muot Prolilieta , the irltuatiomi is so certain that fair prices may be cotmnuted oil for time guowing wheat crop. With a scarcity of whient the imrico of corn imna ad- vmniced iii spite of the bountiful crops of time liast two years , Time hirlecs of hiogs , cattle anti shmeep mire advancIng. Time temmmporary ilemnand of thin war may hmrtvo sommme effect iiOii prices , lot- - ' time immain cause is said to ho a fmulltuig elf of the miumuber of nmmhiunhs , with amm immcreascd ( lellmamith for macmit lmrothucts lucre amid abroad , Offers to farmimora wino house aninmials to sell indicate a imigimer vrice nih along time iimio luau has tirovailed sluice time scarcIty of 1881. The price of imooi has advanced beyond tIme ihguro whelm time tnruif Imithicates. Ilvemi horses , which bave beemi a drug , are eoiii- mantling bcttei' pm'hces than for years , nin mnitiie , ivhmicii have lund hlttio mmiarhmct 'ahtio siimco elcctmict' tins bccnm npphictl to thin stm'oet railways , have suththeumhy mmcqtiined , , value. Thin better irriecs tom' hmorses mummies are title dually to time ivar , though time value of horses was inmmproviumg before thia'4.- mmmd ivas immnthe for mmcmv cavalry inorses. Time prosperity of Ume farmers 1mm Iimnliauma anti mieighulromimmg states mmmeamms a gooth trade anti a fair activity in other iuidustrics , As there hmas not hiecmm for years so certain cvi- tlemmCes of good timmien for farmers as at Prcseiitwn many hook for a Iwoshierous sea- SOti , war or ience. 1'Omi'i'II ) mtmM.tmtKS. Detroit Joumiiah : "Time linen of liberty , " remnmarimoti time nbsem'vem' or mien amid tlmimmgmi , "is mmii time greatem' fur time remit of us by renmmiout ( it' time uirnictice of lettimig reporters iii deadhead. ' ' hrmdlnmuttpohis Jotirimnt I : ' ' \V hntt kind o f ra- tioiis th ) tlie3' give 3,011 nit your miem lihuce ? ' ' iimntuuiieti cmiii 'omkmiiim mm. 'I' ito othiem' looked ii t in Inn m'epm'oaehi tmml I v it mid ntnsivei'cd : ' 'l'en'smmi mat in ms 2 lmitt'mi all. ' ( 'idea go Tel hum to : ' 'There ' ' exelmilnumeti ? tirmi. Ummjhmn. , as slit' w'Lig'ti liar 'ay mite thifl ti'uVthcd clevmitom' islini mice rim inns full of hiumidies. ' 1 comm breathe Inure fm'eciy ' ' iit ) ' ! Sire lmmui just heft time hargamm ; eotmmiter. Somerville Joum'nmnmi : 'l'o nmiost itcoimh tliti tililerenmee between it countem'tt'it cciii amid a gotth ( ) tiC is ( limit yeti trmni't 10153 time tommmm- temfeit. Judge : "i t makes iii' tired , ' ' exc'iainietl N''it mu i ha ti rll'z7m1 r , ' 'I o um : t gnm 5' ' Time soothsayer glammeeti camimmahhy Into limo ( ott re anti siii'et'd. "lie rejoiced , 0 , 1lmig , " she pm'ott'steti , " ( led. mvii mowers ntrt riot yet immvemutcdh" DetroIt Free Press : 'lsmm't It otld that tint' imeaL'hi ViO ) iittsii't beemi destm'oyetl timid suirlmngT' "J'imrmt is entsiiy nccmmmntet ror. 'J'iue aIde jomi emma I i'tts immtve a I I ht''mi oeeu mlt'l , msi t Ii t ii ti timid mmmimmui' ' have bt left var , nnattcm' en to amnatetui'S. " rnmnthi : " \\'nnti , ghrls , " maid Uncle Si Low , ivintvntm i'ititing hum rimeces , ' 'when you ( omnie dovmm it ) ( lie farm Iii time mitmnmnnmloi' yen OimlCt ? lotS uv fumm itv uS bcctiso we cut In time kitineim. hut I thomi't itcu ca it mmmakm's miimrcii difterenru isimtithmer you eat iii thin ki teheni e r cook I mm I inc Oh nil rig mcmi , ' ' ChIcago Trlhitmiie'hshtn - t from thie far camit-Aii , it's so dehhgimtful to mayo a fruit forum cmi time uutmilsIi'i of nm city ! 'Flnat , rnmchh of nihitilo blossoms is particularly I his \\'estern Emitnrtmtinnen'-.Yaw , Dot vans U brewevy. " Boston Trnriscriumt : "l'iiei'e'n a good lenil of mu mit ii nntttmm'e I a ni eumvy. ' ' mcriintrkt't , t lie i timi I , msoiii , I'm' , ctm I y vntciih mig iido tenrimng his best , mat to Pieces. "Ainiionmt as th'ttrtictivc' mmmi uric , mf nmiy little riephmt'ws. ' ' ? tlm8. Iourmc'i'-\Vlny , , imrofessor , dorm' t you see lie'mi got yomir mitt ? 'rime 1'i'ofesson-'imuniilcr ! so mne hints. I thought it wnis oniti of time hoamders hints. 'I'alum tlnmtt , you 'hieip ! hit Ilie Lnmst liii , . Cimiertio Record. Inn thin last Immni-timo ooet writes.- I lid 'mienthi time utniet multi , 'l'hmero is inc i'oekomnimi to rob Time lodger of lmimi gold , - Tine rooms are cooh , thin beds are good , 'Jimert' ai'e ire cm-and : ; to gape ; Thicn' Is mit ) no I ito. I iii t , poet , sri y , Is thure it lire osenmot , ? YtIiM % Vli.'J'mlIiiL Ais'ieiJ. Somimorville Journal , Time iveatlmer'tt gtntimmg im'arn agahnm. The tunic fiji' smmui' amid ice hr gtiit' , amid mnnmmy people imeed A w'orth of good advice. JIPrL' , them , it is : 'J'm'y to keep cool In hitidy mmnth 1mm rriinitl , AntI mimnum shi I Inc mini I Imerniomneter , it Is nm cmmrse , you'll fhmmtI. Iii Eden Adnimn mmever mad 'l'li ermmiommn oleimi it t mm I I , Amid lie ilieti there , juito lmnpjnily , At lc'ammt until thitn full , AntI so , If you im'tutmlil live untIl 'J'ime fmLl I i fl b , eru'u Cu I lii ismi , Just minmmnmahu lImo ( mlii tlmemmimomneter , It's miomt'tlming , ' ( iim womi't nmilmimi. W'lmeri it is hot , it's tihco as hot , I ( you kmnois' just lion' hot I I Ins. I ( you dmmum' I ii mmow , you will liii cool , as like as riot Ionm't bore ynmmrst'lf , , hmmmi't bore your fr1end. Ii ) ' t'tumii imng time degit'emi , Jum.t mimminiusli tIme (1111 tlic'rmnometer , Amid do it imromptl' , riensu ! a 'A Moral : ' A sensible and well-bred lnan.-cowper. " In offering really good clothing for sale , even though the price be low , it is necessary to appeal to the intelligent purchaser. They alone can appreciate the qualities and values of rightly made clothing. It is the sensiblcand well bred man whose attention we ask to the .pring and summer wear that we are now showing. It is too good for the chronic "bargain hunter. " - Serges are always in good form , and we have a variety of grades of these popular goods at prices that will recommend them , In fancy patterns for those who prefer them , we have no less a range for choice , Summer furnishings and hats and caps are here , too , for men and boys. w BROWNINGKING&CO.L - St.WCor.IthandDoug1MeSta , - - - - - - - - -