Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 27, 1898, Image 1
riiT ' - . - - . --ii-------- : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - - - - - THE OMAHA DAILY BEE. " ' " J - _ _ _ ESTABLIShED _ _ _ _ _ _ _ JUNE _ _ 19 _ , _ 1871. _ _ _ _ _ _ OMAIIA _ _ _ _ , FRIDAY _ _ _ _ _ MORNiNG _ , MAY . ' 7 , 189S-TWELV1 _ _ _ _ PAGES. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . - . SIE _ _ COPY _ _ _ inri _ _ _ CENTS. _ _ _ _ _ f READY TO OPEN Eztion Managers Pnh Things at Grounds Under High Prcsure , - FORCES ARE WORKING DAY AND NIGHT ' Efforta to Complete Everything Before Next W&lnesday Never Lag. ODDS AND ENDS CLOSING UI' RAPIDLY , Details of the Administration Am Fast - Coming Into hapo. NORTH TRACT AND MIDWAY HUMMING . 1llNStIIflhIHt Of II1II1IUM III the TrnflN- pointloti ( nail Iiiplctitetit 1I'iIlIttt ( t.ts tiuler ? ( o,1 IIcnd fl . - : Aiiiiiieiit IettirCN ( Iruwilig. 1 _ 3uL five days vlII Intervene before Urn bp3nhl1g of the Expo1t1Ofl. 1.a $ and night shfts ( of men are bendtng very energy Ufld their efforts are bearing j fruit. The repair work on the lagoon before - . fore the opening day vtl1 be entirely corn- n1ntpi1 Tt xviII ha much stronger than form- ; ; ' ; ; ; cnpable of resiMLing all heavy rattis that arc likely to occur , The lenkngci in the roofs of the varIoUs buIld- lng9 have been remedied aml no more trouble Is expected from thla source. Tlila . - , . Ia a matter of great concern to the cx- - lilbitors , who feared another heavy rain might greatly damage decoratlon and cx- hlbit. The work of beautifying the land- c1po on the main court goca merrily on. The courts between the Liberal Arts end Mines nnd Mining buildings on the Eouth , and the Agricultural anil Manufacturing On the north of the lagoon nrc being turned - into veritable "posy" gardens , spots that will be the delight of all The temporary house on the south side of the lagoon , used as a nrc eiiglno stntlon , baa been removed - from the ground , ( hid the work of grading for the brIdge across the lagoon can now be completed. and tlllF3 will be followed by L the laying of the brick paverneilt. Twen- tiotli street , leading from the Administra- tloii Arch to the Transportation building , Ia being graled atl(1 rolled , preparatory to being covered with gravel. The closiiig of the week will mark the completion of the Press , the Hospital Cind ' the Service buildings , Tile OCCU1)UUCY of the same will occur Monday and Tuesday CIICI by the opening day all wili be Corn- fortably dfiliCOilCed therein. Tile fire do- partinent. has taken posessien of its new building. The present apparatus consists of two linac wagons with roller hearings and 000 feet of hose for each wagon ; one hook nliih ladder truck , the latest improved nlake , with seven laddcr , ranging in length from twelve to sixty feet , nnd several small - extension ladders for inside 1150. The two chemical engires from New York have not arrived , although they have been n the TOld a number of days. These engines will ho stationed for use on the main court , WillIe the jrcsent apparatus will be re- IllOVed to a flew engine house to he erected on the hluft track. The present fire corn- pany ntmbers nine iiien , as follows , but which is to be augmented by seven others : 11. L. I'earfllan , captaiii James I' . DoWflB , - lieutenant ; Z. L. SmIth and Charles A. hopper , drivers ; George McKray , William Gorinan Cinti Villiain Guider , truckmen ; \\'illiarn l3urincster and John D. McGrcal , p1 pernon. In till ? TruIN1bortIl Itii flu iltliiij. The Transportation -building , which IC one of the largest of Its kind , is fast at- taming exhibition style. The south division - vision , used as tile ngricilitural Imphemeni department , is being crowded with all thc Ilitest and nCost Improved machinery Ulli ifllillCCflefltS knowii to tills oge , ( roni higlIt carriage alid heavy wagon to tin largest threshing macblues and engines The Pullman l'aiaco Car company has sidendid display of its cars , there being long line of SleopilIg , dining and observa tion earn. As soon as gotten in conditiol - these cars will be opened to visitors , show % In hOW easily and orntortably one CflC flow travel , There Is also on exhlbitloi . - 000 of tile first sleeping cars inatle , whici affords qUite CL rOfltrllst to tile modern one The \Vcst Midway has attractions for nil- the high , oi the sea-saw-the lowly , in till geld mines of Cahfornln , Tile Streets of Al Nations , ulllough not ill running order , has IICCIflY visitors , who are attracted hither by the strangely COstUfllCl p001)10 , their Ian- guages , tile acrobats in their daily practice , tue iitti fellows being pusilell to their Ut- . Illost until tile ) ' are compell' to sit down for want of breath. "Tue Old Plantation" has been taken pos- acsson of by the negroes , lately arrived from tile soutil , They arc hurrying to get their cabins In readiness for occupancy , the work being tiollo by the younger morn- hers , while "old granny' ' and 'olil 111011" stlllcrintclll , the little Plckanninles frolicking ' 'Oil the green' ' nearby , giving 0110 something of CiU iticO. of their daily life in the south. ' 'l'llo Vlil anti wooly rest is to be IlicturetI In the \ 'iidVest shio' . Time small boy with the itlqUihtivc eye immis kept a cloao watch for several days on the quarters of tile IIagellbLlCk'l animal show company. Over 100 animals , two-tlllrtls of the entire mitmin- - her , have already arrived and been caged , Tue balance of the show Is expected to ar- rIo either tomorrow or Stmnday , ' J , lIL h.lG CO'l'itAUJ'O.t$1 S'i'iI.I ON , _ 'I'i'Mt I llllII' 0 $111 A rgn 111(1 % ( ) lie I ii g . , II'11l'd I ) ) ' .1 ii ii itt. St'ept t. : The case \ilerein an injunction is sought by John Ilorkins anti \V , A , Gordon to restrain - strain tIme Oimalma , Mercilauts' lxpresa and TralIsfer comilpany frolu orcvcnting ( bent (10111 haulIng ehilbitS withIn the grounds Is v still on before Judge Scott , with a prospect . that it 'IIl CO15tl1110 ! Illost of tIme day. 'file entlo mornIng was spent in the introduction - troduction of contracts anti arguIng the legal : ' IChInses of the suit. The attorney for the exposition contenihcl that all drmtyIllCfl hitmtl , . a l'ighlt to haul exhibits train tile depots to the groiids , bitt that in trallsferrlng cx- D , iilblta ( rein cars stvltcimed into the grounds the CXlOlitiOll oflicers 115(1 a legal right tea . a ; control 'lme unloading nod tlelivery of nil , articles. Attorneyi for thu plaintIffs urged that the draying franchise was in the nature of a monopoly and that he tierclutnta' hix- k"- press company had no right to an exclusIve franchise for doing the business. , At the afternoon session of the court Man- 1 " - ager liabc'ock of the Transjortatlon depart- meet o ! ( ho exposition went on ( lie stanil and testifiel that the lefemlmhant was the ' . lowest bidder ( or doing thp work and that it bad ICCi nuttmoried under contract to do opW hauling from cars wIthin the grounds . : , _ .L to time buliditqum , For the faithful porforul. :1 : ? amice of this work. the defendamit had en- : s'sti Into a contract and 1ma4 gtveq time re- - ' iuIrG4 bond , ot ohi ; this , bu the defend , a1 had Kbsorbed tbe ermuion % charges made QZi the Mlggoud PcIflc flIiro&mt comi4n7 , : " i.- timti saving to the exposItion $4 on every carload of freight sent direct to the car5. Mr. Babcock tstifled that all draymea of the city hind equal rights with reference to hauling goods from the local depots to the exposition grounds and that for doing this work there was no mnonoply or exclusive franchise. hhvhti.tIJ Oh' ) .IJMISSION OhilAIZl. Mztmimgt'r iilluI'IC'M ! Arrnfll.celllClltN fur ( Jntcs and hiM AMI.iMtllfltM , Arrangements have been completed by the \Vays and Means depaf'tmcnt for the entranceti and exits of the exposition grounds and the personnel of the force of ticket sellers , the ticket takers and the other numerous employcs required in tile operation of an extensive system such as Is necessary for the proper handling of the crowds which wilt attend the exposition. There will be live general admissIon gates to the grounds , located as follows : MaIn entrance at ( lie Arch of States , Twentieth and Plnckney streets ; additional entriinces at TweatyfOurth and l'inckney streets , Sherman avenue tinder tile west end of the south viaduct , enst side of Sherman avenue near the north viadtict , railway entrance at Twentieth nail lloyd streets. For the convenience - venionco of the empioyes In tile Service lulidlng amimi the other hulitlings in that vicinity , a ICCISS gate will ho established at Twentieth antI Manderson streets , where liassholders only vihl be admitted. At each of tile entrances there will be admission turnstiles 'or adults , children and plIssilolders. At tim five gates there will be a total of eighteen turnstiles for adults , ten for children and six for pass- holders. The regular admission fee to the grounds will be 50 cents and children be- tween the ages of 5 and 12 years will be charged half price , or 25 cents. Tile main entrance will be lrovidcd with four turnstiles - stiles for adulta , tw for children and one for passilolders. At Twenty-fourth and Pinckney streets there will be four stiles for adults , two for children anl one for passholders. The railway entrance at Twentieth and Boyd streets , the northern boundary of the grounds , will he provided wttii four stiles for adults , two for children and OflO for jmassilolders. The entrance to thio main colirt under tile west end of the south viaduct will be provided with four stIles for adults , three for chIldren and two for passholders. Tue entrance to the bluff tract on the east side of Sherman avenue near the north viaduct will have two stiles for adults , one for children amid ono for passholders. ArralgelmlemltM for Getilmig Out. Automatic exit turnstiles will be pro- vlded at convenient points for those who wish to leave the grounds. These stiles m'ihi be so arranged that persons may go out by simply pushing on them , hut no one call enter at this point , nor can more than one person pass out at the same time , There will be sixteen of these stiles , distributed - tributed as follows : Two at Twentieth and l'hnclcney at the main entrance , three at Twenty-fourth amid i'lnckney , three at tile railway entrance on lloyd street , three at Sherman avenue under the south viaduct on time st sitle amlIl two tinder tithe viaduct - duct on the cast side of Sherman avenue , two at. SIxteenth ned Spencer streets and one at. Twenthetll null Mantlerson streets. These exit turnstiles are to accommodate time leOPle who wish to leave the grounds tluring the ordinary hours of the ( lay or evening. To allow crowds to pass out wllen the grounds are closet ! or at the close of special attractions , large gates have been prorided where the people many pass out In large numbers. These big gates are located at the following points : At time main entrance , Twentieth and Pinch- lle ) , at Twenty-fourth and Pinckncy , on the east side of Sherman avenue near the south viaduct and at Twentieth amid Man- derson streets. There will be eighteen places at the grounds where tickets vIli be sold , these being distributed as follows : Four at time maui entrance , four at Twenty-fourth and Plncknoy , four at time railway entrance on I lloyd street , four at the entrance under , tile \vest end of the south viaduct on Sher- , . Ilmall avenue and two on the cast side of Slicrmnan avenue near tile north viaduct. I l'erion.iel of the Utirenu. I The complete organization of the Bureau I L of Admissions is as follows : : 0. A. lloeijme , , 3 sulperfntentlent ; \ % ' A. Overbeck , chief clerk ; , . Arthur Chase , ticket clerk ; 0 , Groff anti W I 1' . Ilombach , entry clerks ; W. P. VanAer- 1 nam , pass clerk ; A. J. Webb , chief lnsjector ; - W _ C , Matthews , It. A. McEachron , in3pect- . I ors ; Martha Itomellus , Jdmua St. John , , . Evelyn O'Connor and Frances Garrotty , , I ticket counter3 ; Marie Patrick , stenogra. . phcr ; W. F. Johnson , nicasenger. 1 Ticket sellers : Warren Sigher , M. May. . . narti , C , A , Mitcilell , it. A. flyrnea , Arthum r - itieknmanV. . Ii. McFarlamic , Ii. M. Barton , U F. B. Siliith , Clinton Spooner , W , P. Reed I Ernest ii. Peake , C. i , ICerns , Glen k : Mitchell , II. M. Smith , II , I ) . Barrett , 1) , J , Reed , W , G. Langtry , jr. , S. T. Wallace , Gate lcecper3 : John ihontlesson , Adani ICerner , Edward C. Ilumitoon , Maurice J , ScannellV. . H. ileers , George Toinilo , L. N. LeValley , ii , A. Saunders , M. I. Stewart , A. N. Gordon , C. B. Mullen , herbert Dunn , F. P. Cantlee , W. J. ioughs , Charles F. Evans , 0.V. . hiofner , F , J. ilarirnan , J , M. Wallace , F. N. Shepherd , James huff , Julius Rich , ittities Stqcimthaho , Max F. Trustier , James Iuncan , James IL. Kiger , B. P. hleiser , Jolla 1Cowakwski , George II. Butler , IL F. Manning , F. C. Morgan , E. W , Woodruff , Leon C. Crandall , Ij. 0. LandIs , 1)avid Brown , E. J. Ahhott , Fred Berman , Fritz \'nlibcrg , iuncan larraughl , 13. 1) . i'owell , C. I. Matimews , James C. Lintisoy , A. it , Stagner , Charles \V. ( lairs , Grant Stanley. John Alperson , Robert Baldwin , O ii. Rogers - ers , Vihes Collirnan , I ) . U. Rush , Thomas J , Doyle , It. C. iiettcrman , Roy N. Towh , James Evans , Nat Slmepim rd , I' , I ) . McCormick , Frank H.Vihson , John It. Nilason , Allen B. Gobhe , A. F. lioss , C. A. Edhimlg , Jamuie Blair , Soil Newnlan , M , B , Baker , M. Fredrickson , Charles ii. i'ieron , Z. B. Jackson. - louglas , Alfred Petelson , J. IC. Ives , B. A. Murphy. As at present organized tile Bureau of Ad- flhiSiolllJ consists of 103 empioyes , including fifteen lCOIlO ) ) ill tile 0111cc , OiglltCOfl ticket sellers ammil seventy gate kecepera , Manager Ltmldsey ilas called a flleetiflg of this force to be held at thim , Conimnerchal club rooms Saturday - urday evelling at S o'cholk , where time nunler. oils ellihllO'e8 will receive instructions as to their diltlt's. lilt l'1'ISIt-C.N.lItN ( ' 1.1111 iLi'VS. Miii.CN A rrtmm.g'immeliM fur h'erimzmnt'mit Quarters ioa'ii 'i'osvii. The Britislm.Canatiian club held a regular weekly meeting at exposition headquarters last Ilight , The chIef feature of limo bold- fleas bortiol , was the decision reached on securing permanent club hmeaelquarters , room 131 itumge block , having been decided on , It will be attractively antI comfortably fur- nisiicd. There will him registration books , and Information bureau and a rentleavous for ilrltlbh.Callahlian visitors. Tile hub also deitled to secure desk room at once In the Nebraska State building on the cx- position grounds. At the cibso o business Rev. Campheli FaIr. thenim of Trinity cathedral , gave a .leaslng . address In reference to the work and duty of the chub. 'The dean urged thst ( be club do all In its power to assist - - - - - ( Coutinueti on Seon4 Page. ) CONFER \11TI1 \ GENERAL 11LES Officers from Garcia's Oommanl. Arc in Wazhthgtn with Advico. ARRANGING FOR CUBAN CO.OPERATION Gte lime flctnhh.m of time Con4Ihon auth Jiiiilnment of time hilsurgeumt Purees Now In tiLe , il ciii , WAShINGTON , May 26.-Secretary Alger and General Miles conferred today with two ofilcers from Garcia'B staff , General Collazo and Lieutenant Colonel Charles llcrnandez , who camne direct from Garcia's headquarters , bearing credentials from him , to effect a plan of co operntion. They accompanied Lieutenant liowan of ( lie United States army on his return from Garcia's camp , and shared with him ( lie ( hanger of a two days' voyage in an open boat from the north coast of Cuba until picked tip by a small sloop , which carried them to Nassau , Colonel ilernandez says Garcia has his headquarters at ilaynmno , one of the large towns in the central part of the island. It was surrendered by the Spanish forces a few weeks ago after Garcia and hIs troops limul made a long fight. Garcia and ills stuff , with a bodyguard of several hundred men , are quartered inside the city , About 3.000 mon are nuartered outside ( lie city. They are armed with Remingtons anti Mausers captured from the Spaniards. Most of them have machettes , but only the omcers carry other small arias. They have horses like the Indian mustang. Mules aroused used for pack purposes. Coionei hlernandea says the commissary and quartermaster's department is unknown. Colonel Ilernandez says communication is maintained witii Gomcz and points along the coast. From these he has a general idea of ( lie Cuban forces. lie estimates that there are 12,000 men , all wehi armed , and constituting tile orce of the eastern division of tIme island under General Garcia. These include the 3,000 at flayamo , the others being - ing scattered at various points. lIe estimates General Gotnez's immediate command at about 3,000 , with about 6,000 men slattercd at various points. In all tilero are according to the estimates of Gencrai Colhazo and Colonel Ilernandez , about 20- 000 to 25,000 troops actually in the 'ficlil. It is understood that tile purpose of the present visit of Garcia's omcers is to give that general's assurance to the authorities here of his desire to give every possibio cooperation - operation to the American movement. RULES FOR SPECIAL TROOPS Vnr flelnrtmueultletliLeM % VIio Mut' Eumlist lit tite ItegIulieiLtN for Eit- giuieers ziuuI inmuuiumLeC4 WASHINGTON , May26.-The regulations for the organization of ( lie brigade of engineers - neers and the ton regiments of immunes , authorized by special act of congress , were today formally agreed upon by General Miles and AdJ'utant General Corbln. Now that. time qualifications necessary for enlist- nielit are known , recruiting will begin promptly , with a view to the utilizing of tile IflCli iii the army of occupation of Cuba. The brigade of engineers is to be corn- prised of three regiments , to ho designated respectively the First , Second and Third regiments of United States volunteer engi- neers. There are to be three battalions In each regiment of four companies each. For each regiment there are to be fifty-three conirnissioncti omcors and 1,016 enlIsted men. Tile officers will be selected for their skill as military , civil , electrical , mechanical - ical or topographic engineers. An efiort v1li be made to recruit the enlisted - listed men from every branch of the engineering - gineering profession and of mechanical skill. MachInists , steam engineers , blacksmiths , carpenters , plumbers , telegraphers , topog- rapilers , draughtsmen , photographers , railroad - road macn , riggers , hoataien and those skilled in ( he tie of explosives are espe- daily desired. Volunteer engineer troops will be armed and equipped as infantry. Their uniform will conform to that prescribed for ( lie use of engineer troops of the regular army. The men composing ( he "inimunos" are expected to be recruited largely from the south. They are to be organized into ten regiments , five of which wlil he composed of whites , and the other regiments of colored - ored hiersons , They viIl be niatle up as far as practicable of oflicers and men who , owing to their origin , the places of their reaidemco , and other circumstances affect- lug their physical characteristics , possess Immunity , or are likely to be exempt from diseases iuicident to tropical climates. There are to be three battalions corn- rosed eacim of four companIes. The enlisted - listed strengtii of each company of ( he regIment will not exceed eighty-two , willie the rnInimum enlisted strength is fixed at seventy-five. For each regiment the total commanding officers is fIxed at forty-six and the total enlIsted men at 992. IS ALMOST A CENTURY OLD Xlumtlm Nt'tt York 1t.'himit'uit , % 'Imieli lut No a t Cltit' i'iirk , iuttes It , . Org.tnuiIzmmlloii ( remit ( ) ) . CihICK..MAUG. NATIONAL PARK , Ga. , .May 26.-lnciudlmig today's arrivals there are now 12,000 macn encamped at time park. The Ninth New York , Colonel 0. James Greene couuinianding , arrived tills muernl'mmg. There are i,010 men iii the command. Tiils regimnent was organizemi in iSQO anti has preserved - served its organization intact. Time Second. Kentucky regiment reacimed ( ho naric at 710. ; Tilts comnmand numbers 1G30 men , and is commanded by Colonel B. II. ( ] aither. Time Bighmth Now York , whicim arrived yes- tertlayaa today assigned to the Third bri- gathe of ( imo First division of General Vade'mm Third army corps , completing time compic- macmit of time First division , Time Second Kentucky and NIntim New York were .usigumed to ( he First brigade of ( he Second , iivisIon of ( he Third corps , Toimight troops A , C and D of time Third volunteer cavalry , Colonel Grigsby , arrived from limo Black hula region of South Dakota , umuitler counniand of Major It. S. French , The three troops number 225 men. The various commands are beginning mU- itary life In earnest. All the regiments ( hat are pcrmnanemlly encamped were given regimental - imental drill today , and this will be continued - ued from day to day. General flrickinritlgo continued Ills inspection of the First corps , under General Wilson , today. Tie reports of disaffectIon among the Missouri troops arise froni dissatisfaction - satisfaction growing out of an inadequate - adequate watcr supply , but this will be remedied , us the completion of hiiiio lines will afford abundance of water to the commands , The trc.opa also complain of In- sumcient equipment , luiving received flQ uniforms or arms from the overnmeot since being mustered Into the federal sery- ice. ice.The The varous : commands were served 1tb su'plicg ' of fresh meat today for the first time since the arrl'al. of the vOltmnteer at the park , and zutrangenents have been made by the commlsmuiury department to supply - ply fresh meat regulnrly Sixty carloads of rations arrtvel totay ir6ns Chicago and northern cities. Today two miles of ppo were laid in Chickamnauga I'ark under direction of Gen- cml l3oynton and several of the commands are tonight enjoying the luxuries of cold water baths. By tornorrow , night two pipe lines wilt ho completed to the extreme limits of the park and the problem of an acleriuiMe water supply for the big volunteer army wilL have been solved , The government - mont has authorized General I3oyaton , pres- blent of the Chickamauga i'ark commission , to eXhenl $10,000 if necessary in the erec- ( ion of a permanent water works system at the park , The Sixty-ninth New York , First Arkansas - sas and Fifth Missouri regiments arrived tonlgimt. BLOCKADE TELLS ON HAVANA SlmlICN Are Scnreel'oor I'eolile Are Stutr'Iumg uiiil OtherN Are 'I'rylmig to Get Avui , ( Copyright , ISDS , by Press Publishing Co. ) hAVANA , Cuba , May 25.-Via ( Key West , May 26.-New York World Cablegram- Special Telegram.-Buelmess ) is at a stand- still. Very few mercantile transactions arc effected , Everybody avoids transactions , auth it is pubhichy announced that all operations - tions viii be considered void. Most of ( he business houses on Oblspo street , the untie business street of the city , are closing up , There is talk ( hint som have been traims- ferred , nominally from their present owners , wimo are Spaniards , to Cubans and foreign Individuals to avoid confiscation , which is generally' expected. Spaniards who have property are willing that Spain should accede to the demands of the United States , but the lower classes , who are daily Instigated by i3ianco , are fully prepared to meet' all emergencies , and , In fact , are anxious that Limo American in- vaslon should begin. iIa'ana ' has been fortified - tified to meet a land attack , and nIl the cavalry forces are conceqtrated in Havana province and chiefly in the northern part of the province. Supplies are getting scarce , so much so that. "Lavina , " the largest and best wholesale - sale grocery , cannot fill large orders. Only email ones have prompts attention at very advanced prices. The prices of goods are subject to hourly raise. Most articles have advanced iii i'rices ' from 10 to 300 per cent. Even well-to-do people are' deprived of some of the necessities of life. As for the poor , they are deprived of vcrjthing and are in the same box with thio recdncentrados. These inst only pray for the return of the "Guardian Angel , " as they call Clara Bar- ton. These people are dyIng daily in large numbers. I Rafael Fernandez dd atro , having aban- tioned the Island with his ptniily , has placed Montoro Giborja and Doltz , his autonotnist colleagues , in a very critical situation anti they are using all means to leave th& isiani , , These men have been the supposed repro- setitatives of ( lie Cubans In the autonomist party. Although lovednnd respected before now they are hated and despised. Time general that tile exist- leg condition of affairs cannot last long withotmt an uprising of ( lower classes , as the government omnplg. the troops to be supplied first , exhausting the food supply rapicil y. IC the people today had a chance to ieae. fully 75 per cent of the population of iii vana would take advantage of it. Many families are trying to ge ( to the coast , as they have been told that ( lie bldckading American simlpmm vlhl take them off. FIRST CALL ABOUT COMPLETE It iM ENtImfluLtt'lt 'thereYili lie it Fey 'l'IIOLiHLLIIl SIirt , us loud of time Stutes Lack 'I'iieir Full Quota , WASHINGTON , May 26.-The work of mustering tile volunteers into the service of the United States under the president's first call for troops Is practically coin- pieted. Adjutant General Corbln announced tonight that the number of volunteers so far reported mustered was 118,000 auml that enough were prepared to swell the number to between 121,000 and 122,000. ita : RCAIy 'I'O IIH EXCiI.iNGil ) . Smnumiist l'rIsiuut'rs te Taken to , Vesi frtum Fort 11C1'iierHouu. KEY \VEST , May 2&--Coionel Vincente the Cortijo , former at Cabanas fortress , and tmnderstood to be a brother- in-law of Lieutenant Gtnerai W'eyler , Sur- gcon Major Simicoa Garcia .Jullan and two private coldiers , who were captured on the Spanish steamer Argonauta , and who have been confined at Fort McPhdrson , Atlanta , arrived hero today. Tiley were Immediately taken in a small boat th the United States revenue cutter Hamilton , where they will remain until exchanged for Hayden Jones and Charles Thrahl , American ilowspnper correspondents , who landed In Cuba recently and were captured. iEitl'.lTT IS A'S' $ AN F1t.tNCISCO. . .vii I l'ersoumahi Suipervisi' Future Ec- it'mIItiOIiH IC , iIuuuuiImm. SAN FRANCISCO , May 26.-Major Gen- cml Merritt , recently appointed governor general of the Philippines , arrived in ( lila city toiiighit. All futute rnovememmta of the Manila expeditions will be 'subject to imis or- dora , lIe will act only under instructions from \Vasiiingon ( , General Otis svlhl accomrmpany the second expedition , which Is expected to sail within three wceks. The work of equipping tile troops will , now ho im charge of Colonel James W' . i'opo , chlaf quartermaster on General. I4errltt's staff , vho also arrived this evening. . % star's iIui Au'cepttmml. NEW YORK , May 2G.1-Tho battery of- ( ored to the United Siats. government by Jolla Jacob Astor viiefl ) motiIities first broke out was accepted toiay. Lieutenant C. Mardi of time Fifth Unitc'i. States artillery iiamu been detailed to commpnd the battery. Time new battery will bo on time order of what Is called in Eaglanda mountain bat- ( cry , Time gun carriages.und guns are de. tacliable , and are repackedon tile backs of mules for ( ransportatioh. . The battery will lie made up at six lIotc1mkiasrapid-flro guns. I'u'it'ct Sold Ie , . ' & 'mtutim IHI' . ALBANY , N. Y. , May 26-If , ( lie state atm- ( liorities become convinced that the ear will continue beyond ( he time for time state elcc' ( ions tlmi fail , or Itednta , so shape themselves - selves that time voluIlttar troops from ( lila mttato will be kept In ( im United States sery- ice beyonti ( Imat time tit governor will mmmi- doubtedly convene the leg1lature in extraordinary - dinary session to enact legislation wiiicim will. permit tIle volunteers of this state to cast their votes , no matter In what part of time coUrtry tlicy may be. a Iveii lumuaui nHi's. WAShINGTON , May 2t3.-'Fhe secrotry of ( he navy lies given the name l3rutus to the steamer Peter , uson , ecentiy pum- chased at San Franciseg for he purpose of convoying and coaling the Monterey on Its yoyagc. to Manila. The collier liheda , me cently purchased for naval pmrposes , has beeu re-named Caulua. ORECON IS OW AT KEY \VEST \ Captain Olark Describes His Long Trip Around the ibm , HIS CREW IS ONCE CALLED TO QUARTERS fig flattleslmip i , ill F'lrst-Cinsmi Shmimpe After Its Itemnuirkahile Jomirne' flint Is ltenilr t * ) Huiter time Pray , KEY \VEST , May .26-Tue United States battleship Oregon arrived here this moruir.g from Jupiter anti is now at ancher near Sand Key light. .Captnin Charles B. Clark anti other em- cers of the Oregon came itahore at 10 o'clock anti reported all well on board and time ship in good condition. The Oregon left Salt Francisco on March 19 , arrived at Callao aUth left ( here on April 7 , passed Sandy l'olnt on April 21 , arriving at Rio Janeiro on April 30. Time battleship reached liahia on May B antI touched at ilarbadocs en May 18. At the latter Place tile slitim was quarantined - antined , but was only detained one tiny. 'rime battleship arrived off Jupiter at nighUon May 24 , and ( lien communicated with \\'aah- ington. Time Oregon ldcked up the cruiser Marietta ammd the dynamite cruiser Buffalo between Rio Janeiro and Baum , but it luarteti company with them after a few hundred miles , Captain Clark said the crew had suffereti inticli from the heat in passing twice through ( he tropics. ' 'All time way along , " lie atided , "we were wondering where the Spaniards were , and we muevor ascertained ( hat fact until we reached Bahia , " "Do you know now , captain ? " "Well , " he replied , " 1 can imagine we can make a very accurate guess. " The Oregon will remain here for orders. On leaving ( lie Barbadoes the Oregon sailed almost tlircctly north , going to tile north of Porto Rico about 150 miles. The northerly course was continued until the ilermudas were sighted , when it vcmmt for the cast coast of Florida. Captain Clark explains that the reason for going to Jupiter inlet instead of putting In at Key \Vest was to enable ( lie Oregon (0 ( be ready to go either to Key \Vost or Hampton Roatls in short order after getting - ting information from W'ashington. Cap- tam Clark had no omcial kuowietigo of the situation after leaving 1(10 tIc Jaiieiro. C' . ev Cuutl,1 tO Qunrtert. On the entire trip the crew expected mo- mentarliy to meet the Spammiardum. Only once wIts there a call to arms. This was shortly after initinlght on leaving Rio de Jatleiro. As the Oregon was plougiiing through the black equatorial sea a dark object was discovered - covered ahead. The call to quarters was sounded , the men rolled out of their berths with time enthtmsiasni of boys on a circus day and almost instantly every gun was mannctl. The Oregon left its course anti circled around its blaclc pursuer only to fInd it harmless bark instead of a Spanish war ship. At Rio do Janelro Captain Clark was ( old that the Spanish torpedo boat Tenierarlo was following him. This report gave new interest to time trip. for' a day and night , but at the next p rt of coil lie was informed that the Temararlo had gone into dry dock at Rio mie Janeiro just after the departure of the Oregon. The cruise through the straits of Magel- ian was interesting. It was at ( lmis far southern part of the hemisphere that the crew expected a visit from the Spaniards. In many places the channel is narrow nnd crooked , with hidden bays and coves , and back of them mountains towering Into ( ho clouds on either side. Moreover , they were in the land of Icy winter. For more ( hail a month they hind been sailing under tropical skies , anti now time blasts of December whistled among the crags above them , and ice at night lay on tile decks. But the Oregon did not lag. Captain Clark had no idea of giving the Span- lards , If they were there , a chance to catch him napping. It tile great hattlcshlp were caught it woulti be a catch on time wing. The engines were warmed tip to tlmeir best work , anti wlmerever it was safe and possible the Oregon bowled along at fiftecmt knots an hour. The machinery worketi well , anti on occasions the speed was increased three knots in a few minute' . A stop of three tlays was made at Sandy Point , where coal was taken on and other supplies secured. The Oregon's twenty-five omcers , and Its crew of .125 seamen were well anti happy when the battleship cast anchor off Satid Key light at 6:30 : timis morning. 'rime Oregon is in first-classslmape , and ready for another cruise as ion as the ono just ended. The excellent condition of the mcmi , after their sixty-six days' voyage - age , is perhaps even more remmiarkable. Throughout ( ho entire ( rip there were no cases of scrieum illmmesa on board , anti time men are as eager for immediate activity as if they had Just conic from a vacation In the mnoummtains. ICIlY \VEST , Fin. , May 26-New ( York \'orid Cablegram-Special Telegramn-The ) story about dynamite in the Oregon's bunk- era irobnbly has no fountlation. OffIcers say it is merely similar to many others dr. culated about the simip. MONTEREY PUT ON THE DOCK M.uimitor % 'iiI H. . iuude Jtc'uiily for time 'In m' to 3liiui I in to St repigtleu. li've"s Fleet , MARF ISLAND NAVY YARD , Cal. , May 26-Time Pimilatleiphia , after being thor- ouglmly refitted , was untiocked timia afternoon - noon anti time Iilontqrey took Its place on the dock. The bottom of the Monterey will he scrapeti anti painted , after svimlcim time monitor will be reatly for Its trip to Manila , Time large collier Peter Jebsen ( rcnnmeti Brutus ) , purchased by the government with its cargo of 4,800 tona of coal for $270,000 , is also being Prepared for sea. Its hollers anti engines , after inspection , were pro- noummceti In excellent conthition. Rapid-tIre guns wore pLit on board at once. It will make the trip to time Pimiiippines in company with ( ho Monterey , A crew of naval militia from San Francisco - cisco , numbering fIfty-six , imas been ordered (0 time Mohican , wimich will depart soon vltim ammunition anti stores for the ifawailaum naval station. Time Rowan is hot coining to ( ho yard to be comnmittsioned , Arrange- inents are being made to senti Its stores to Portland. 1)eei I umt'u t4eeiI's OtTer , WASHINGTON , May 26.-The War do. partment has declined the generous offer made by lion , Arthur Seweli of Bath , Me. , to charter time slmlp itoanoke , owned by him , to ( ho governunent , The main reason for this is that the Itoalloko Is a sailing vemu. sd and the officials' believe ( imat for trans. port purposes steamships arc Preferable. C'thfurnin IlOilt's to lit , PIrNt , SAN FRANCISCO , May 2q-Cal ifornia way be the first state to furnish mu corn- plete regiment under ( ho president's second call for troops. It fled time union utter tIme first call was issued , and is ready to repeat the exploit General Vartleid , command- ttmg the Second regiment , NatIonal Guards of THE BEE BL/N. / \Veather Showers : 'inds lft . , , , _ Norherly. 1 iGettlmig itenuly fo/ / & priming. ( 'uIuut I.entcrs 111 * Miles. Ouci&uum Ni'i' at : 'nIim S'orrlel Jjcr'ern. 2 Lookiliur for l't"n for time inui heady to IlimUst. 8 Nehrnskn Nevs , ( oioumeI lirumn and Itis Ileuzimnent. ' 'ltIIutnt Ehurlgimt Is % 'iumuiientcii. .5 lmi Itorini amid ( 'nulmiucuLt. I ; t'uult'd l'resl.yterlnums nt % % 'ork , ltmii .t of I lie % 'limmiui Asseiui1l ) ' . ( I Comuuiell imhmiffs * .ncynl lumttcrs , loava Nt'u , nail Comnmuleuul , 7 Snurtiuig hiv'lits of a liy. , S Clmlenuxo Mmmii Corners Cumrringct. , I ) Guinea ls'.mt' mm a Auluire' . " . usC of iilcet tie lIt'n.lllmtlmtpu , lteummItieuumi i.t'ILuxui ( ' Clumis. Pinits fir flit' lumuhlun C.ulmgre'4 , 1 1 Cuuuiiumem't'inl uiuutl FIumnmilnl Ne mu. li "L'eter IIngt's ieviee. " 'l'cmmmperntumre itt Ouiiumliutm hour , 1)u'g. hour , Deg. 1. am. lii , , , . . . ( Il I p.iii . . . . . . ( I n ilL . . . . . . 11(1 2 im. in , . . , , . .T ii , ilL . . . . . . tIM 8 m' im . . . . . . S a. iii . . . . . . i't 'i 1' mu . . . . . . fill 9 8. IlL . . . . . . 7 : ' ; 1 , p. iii . . . . . . ( ill 10 a. ilL . . . . . . $ ( I p. mu . . . . . . 41i ) I 1 a. Ill . . . . . . i ) 7 1 , . IIL . . . . . . 41 $ l : iii . . . . . . . . . 7.1 p. iii . . . . . . 117 II im. iii . . . . . . ( Id California , has ordered an liispection of ( ho Fifth reginient , and says it will be reamly to be sworn iii as a whole tomorrow morn- leg. The Fifth includes cornpalliel in Oakland - land , Alameda , San Jose , Santa Rosa anti Petalumna. General Warfl.ld will then take sEeDs to reorgaiiizo the Second brigade of Ul3'Natiotial Guard and place it iii rcadiiiess for war. Uniier the second call for volun- teeN California will probably furnish two batteries , two regiments of infantry and one troop of cavalry. BAD NEWS FROM MANILA Cruiser unit luuiore It'tborted to ltmte ileeui "Wr'ekeii iy ito I.ilo- Hoard. 14imL OIL ( Copyright , ISIS , by i'rcss ruhllshlng Co. ) LONDON , May 26.-NeW ( York World Ca- blegrani-Spedial Telcgrnlmi.-Tlie ) Daily Telegrapll's Matilia special says : Svnnimtrds from distant districts are flocking - ing imito the town. The insurgents nrc at- tacltug all tile outlying stations. Mapy Slianiards ha'e beell amisassimitttl'd , Though Imported gootis are very scarce there is a fair Stmplly of native products at greatly cmi- hanceti prices. Time Baltimore has been wrecked by an explosiomi on board and is now iyiug imi the mud at Macabulos. A ntmnibcr of tnsurgciits , cornmali'w" u Tarlac , ntmmerouS anti powerful , surremidereti to the Spamiisii. The steamer Saturimus , from the Caroilncs , has arrived at Aibamly. Time captain telegraphs that a rising imas taken Place In the Carohilies. PASS BY GLADSTONE'S BIER GredI4 Gather at w'stu.iimistcr _ iJubey to Gnr41 Up.mthieYCtLtumreM of the tIhiutrlomm Deitul. ( Copyright. ISIS , by Press Publishilig Co. ) LONDON , May 26.-NeW ( York World Ca- blegrlim-SPCCial Telegrnm.Eflglaild ) has paitl its national tribute to Mr. Gladstone. The tmmmceasing stream of his fellow coon- trymeli that for fourteeli hours has passed his bier in reverential homage to his ge- mdus rtiid pulhiC services is greater testimony - mony to lilt fame timan any monumnent ( lint coulri be fashioned by the hand of luau. This concourse represented all classes. Working woniemi walked side by side witlm lathes of fashilon workmen lii stained clothes ccnt abreast of judges , jeers amid the highest of public offIcials in the Public service. Iii the course of a few minutes I saw the present lord chancellor , Salisbury , his predecessor , Lord Herschel , Lord Car- rington , late governor of New South Walet , 011(1 the aged dowager countess of Mare move along In the dense tlmrommg past the come , lyIng on its simple black bier , to which all eyes were ( turned in uilute respect anti satiness. These lersommnges and lmtin- dreds of otlmers as well known had patiemltly worketi their way along In time tlmrong that extent-lcd front midwtty Westminster bridge along the bridge anti across time unlace yard to the entrance to Westimminster hall. It has been computed that nearly 300,000 mnouirimera pasel through iVestimminster imtuhl today , doing honor to time ummemnory of the greatest denmocratic statesman England has ever promlticetl , in time very spot wllero Charies I received ills sentence of death. - Time arrangements were of austere severity - ity , time cimlu't itself being ot the Iinhmiest ) description of light oak , its sole decoration being three brass rings omt each side , At its foot lay a white silk pall , worked In gold , used at the funeral of Archbishop fleimson , wimo died sudtlcnly when on a vIsit to Jiawardemi last year. Tlmero were six imantlles iii the plainest brass , anti at time head was a vlain brass cross , Time woodeul alleyways constructeti on each side of ( lie bier , through which two incessant streamns of pcople thronged , were drtmpeml in black , The unwonted movement ammti vibration caused by time mass of nioureoms passing through the lmahl brought down tile dust of ccmmturles from its seven century clii moof , It imumig in timick cloutis like smoke iim tIme air , tiiiclly coating tIme black draperies anti clothes of ( lie moving tlmrommg. Thu whole ECemle , slmorn mis it 'as of oIl attempt at deco' ratIon , brealmimmg as it did the unmmtulieml , affection of a great people for a national hero , was deeply imnpressive. ! ImJiuut sum Vommuig's Stumi I a Caim rt , ( Copyrimrimt , ii9 , by l'reum , i'imhiiaiming Co. ) LONION , May 26.-Nouv ( York World Cimblegrama - Special Tciegrum.-ilrighnuim ) Young's son , John Willard Young , lutil a receiving ortler made egmttnst lmiua in tile Lommdomm bankruptcy court today at time stmit of ( rtmstce's executors of an lnstirimnco coin- pany for claims amounting to $100,000 , Wil- larti Young , wimo imims been largely corm- cermied in railway constrimction in Mexico , is dcmmgribctl as a company jmmomnoer ( umiti railway contractor. lie claimna time insurance - anco corporatiouia arc only secured to the extent of $5,000. Mrs. Iiui'uue'tt lt'uuIe'l. ( Copyright , 1S9f , iU I'remlmu Puldiblming Co. ) LONIJON , May 26.-New ( York \'orltl Ca- blegramn-Spcciai Telegram , ) -Your corre- umpenthent saw Mrs , Frances IIodton Ihur- net ( tomlay at her Lontlout resh ! o and asked her concernlumg time truth of t'ie statement - ment titat she was about to marry tepimea 'rowescumi , time stage manager of lice pjays. She wrote time following statoimient ; "Time report is entirely unfounded , " Mrs. blur. nett is evidently much annoyed by the re- port. Juelgumst'rmt Agmm I uimtt % slur , ( Copyright , 2598 , by I'ress I'utilisimlng Co. ) LONDON , May 26.--New ( York World a - blegram-Speciai Teiegrani-Jutlgment ) was given today at the Lambeth co'mnty ' court agairmat Wihhiammi Waldorf Astor ( or $ Vi damages awarded a newsboy who was 1mm- jured by a blow from the whip of a 4riyr on Astor's newsinper carta. . - \\TOIIRY \ \ FOR CEll VERA Spain Very Much Stirred Up Over Probb1o Fate of the Adinimi , EXCITEMENT WORKED tiP TO hiGh PITC Officials Put on a Bold Front and Resort t Bluffing its Usual , AFFIRM THAT THERE IS LITTLE DANGEfl As.iort That Corvormi Call Keep the Amerktn Fleet at Bay. FEARS OF A REPETITION OF MANILA Simnmlinrsls I'riuitely Atlmmtit tImut the Amnerlenmm Flet't Citmi lluu'.iiy mt- imiitilutte 'l'imi'i r Simips tim ( liii . Vest Imuiis , ( Copyright , iSIS , by Press Publishlmig Ce. ) ? diADlltD , May 2m3.-NuW ( York World Cablegram-Speciai Telegrmun.-Uneasiimess ) about time fate of Atimnirni Cervitra amid lila ileet at Santiago lois risen to ( lie lmigimcmmt Imitcim , though olllcial reports tittect to do- dare timat his vosition ( hero is sectmre amttl that Ito , , cami defy nil time efforts of the tmuertcan navy to cuter the bay or force its wmty vast time batteries cornmmiminding the Ilairon' ciianmmel at time emitranee. Public opimiioa is tiecidetlly against lila staying at Santiago. l'nrt of tile tmniwra ' clamor for hum going out as fttst as possible - blo to make for ilmivamma or 4'mimmeriean vorL least fortified. Witii their ustmnl frammkness every Spami- larti ntlmmilts privately titmit ime mipprelmenda another Matmila disaster if Cervera has to tigilt against forces three times more imummiorous tlmamm lila. CAIIZ. May 26.-Xew ( York \\'orld Ca- blegramn-Spccini Telcgrnmn.-Atlmimiral ) Ca- mara hmtts arriveti at time arscmmmml of Sami F'ernaiitlo , lie sent at once for Atlmnlrtml Ciiturrtmca , comimmamitler of time Catliz immari- time districts , nmitl mmli tlepartmlmcmlt arsetmals timiti caliaIlmB ( of vessels comimpeslmig tIme reserve - servo ilcet. After a long conference orders were ghoul to hurry proparatiomma , but time local mmavml : authorities cimsily simowed Ctmmmmmua timttt solmie time was required ( o complete conlimmg , victtmaiimmg amid enmbitrkimig heavy glimma amid nimimutmimitiomi , whicim ( Ito roymul fuc- tories at Savilia amid Oviedo do not eimti i 115 quIckly as reqtmlrcd. \'cry commihicthmmg opiniotma relgmt at line Fer- mmamitlo auth Cntliz about time destinatlomi of tlmo reserve ileet , Somimu fancy it will make a false start in ( ho dimectiomi of time Caimmiry isiamuls under the vrctext of going for thu torpedo vessels andmitixiilrmry crtiisers lyimmg timere and really going out to joimi Cervera if it ii get on to Santiago thu Cuba. 0th- em's , particularly immhiitary mmmcii , behie'o alt the treops commcemitratetl so far 0mm tIme coast between Catliz , Gibraltar amid Maimmgmt will be sudtleniy emnbttrled 0mm sevea auxiliary cruisers ttnml tIme Carmmara. squmuhiomi will shIrt for tile I'iillippine Islamic by the Stmez cttimnl Auyhmoiv , tile truth will be knowmi by next week if the vessels can get ready by that date , Ct'reii hiottled I'm. , WAShINGTON , May 26.-Secretary Long saitl at the close of offIce hmourtm today ( hint mme word had comno from mtmmy of the scouting vessels so numnerous inVcst Imidian waters concernhimg time Spanish Ilying squatiromm , wlmcrcfortm Imo concluded that Ccrvera was still in Santiago lmnrbor. Supposetily , Commmnmodore Schmley is lylimg ouitaithe is'atclmimmg the etmtrnmice to prevemit. tile egrers of the Spammisim i'esseis. but while there itt evidence of it certalmi kind on ( lint fmtct , there huts been no official coimfirmation of it. 'rim Is is a I ittle remmmltrkmlimlc in v ieiv of time fmmct timat it Is omihy a day's rumi for one of Schiley'mm torhietlo boats to a ctmbho port iii linyti. Notwitlmstmtmuling time officials express on- 'simaken coimfimiemmee iii their original belIef ( lint time Spanish summathroml Is securely bottled ump in Saumtiago hmtmrbor , there is no conceal- umlaut of time intcmmso tlesire to sttctmre seine absolutely truhtwortimy infomummation omm that polmmt , It is not to he tioubteti tlmat , with the qtmestion elicit tIme beglmmning of immilitary oj- erations in rettmrdetl , for as lommg as there imi a Possuhmlhity of ( ha Spanish naval ferco being mtt ; arge , there lit amm indisposition to start the troop transports for Cuba. lIXi'Hit'L' OPiNiON ON 'I'IllI % VAII. SLItI 1mm Cuuinot lioet. , hi.mItl Omit Ilomig it ittm lust A mumerittut. ( Copyright , ISIS' , by Press l'ublimihimmg Co. ) LONION , May 26.-New ( York World Cablegram - Special Telegram.- ) Admiral Sir George Elliott , K. C , ii. , a hlmitislm mmaval authority of eminence and long experiemmce , who has held sonic of ( lie Imigimest corn- miintlrm in the British mmvy , gives mu his opimmiorm of the naval strategy of ( lie American - ican anti Spammish ticetmi. Adnilral Rlliot. does hot umimaro time smmrpriso so freely cx- premised by amateur strategists at time al- ieged slowmmemrs of operations in time \Vcst huidies. lie says ; "I mice mmothimmg iii wltat lois occurred lii Cuban vaters wimlch itls umot likely to eccmmr between two mmatitins whmilm go to war in an Uumimrtipareml state. 'i'imu whom situation , however , . upimcarmm to have undergomie no change cItlm rcsx'ct to the hewer of time Umiiteti States to brimmg I3pmmimm to mmuinmmlsaion , BilL before nfllrrmiiumg aim > ' opinion as to time future hirosimects of ( hits i'ar imi Iloint of time anml result , it is esst'imtial timat somne clear decision shommld have been arrived at ( in time ( iustiomi , of ammmiexntion , It Is a ivar for iumiiepeutdemice om' for eonqticst. If ( lie fIrst that might soon be nttalmetl ; if ( lie latter tue Proslect of Imossesslon is imot ermcournging. In both Cuba amid Manila a ehmmmnge of inaBtera Is mid. wlmat is desiremi , 'fime fact of time Simaimish stitmutdron having reacimetl Santiago do Cmibmi tlocs not amount to raishimg a blockade' , They mnust corimu out amimi tirivo oft time . hlockatlers , wimicim they cannot do , I do not mice hmosv ( hey can t'BCiII.C for tlmey have hilacetl themselves in a trap. It would lie moat unwise to send time Mmierican army to Cuba tmntil aftem' ( lie sickly umeasomi. If ( lie blockailu is contimmueti the delmmy vihl serve its own liurpose , for time Spanish troops , Ihi-feti , iil.puimi , ivihl not long hold out whemi they fInd they are unsupported. " ( 'ruumim mi ) ' ; iuiI tim , , l'hi Ihipjuismeiu , ( ( 'opyrighit , 1198 , l' l'resmi Vuiihisuming Co. ) liBltIIN , May 2'h-Now ' ( York World Ca- blt'graun-Specimml Telegramn-Itunlora ) ( lint Spain contemplates ( lie transfer of ( ho Phil- ipphmmes to I"rammce continue to create much undutsineas here , as it Is believed that the foreIgn office would irmerpret ( timmtt action as unfricmmdly toward ( iermmmamm interests , There is reasoii for believing tiiat the recent pam- graphs him time serni-olticial press here protesting - testing against ( ho transfer Imave been in- spire4 with a view of letting It be clearly kuown tIt ( irmnpry would sist the trans- icr in 1rsmmco with every dipicwatlc means at Iti tlieposa4