Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 26, 1898)
- - . - . - - - - - - ' ' - - ( - - - - - - - - - V - - V S _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ TIlE OMAITAD4ULY 13EtiThTJIUISDAY ! , MAY O,1898. _ _ _ tEBRAS1iABOYS ON TIIECOAST First Begiment of Volu.nthers is Enjoying V L1ft3 On the Pacific1 GET A WARM WELCOME AT SAN FRANCISCO : PCIt ( of hip flIlilicH Cafe Mnke tIii ArrhnI of IIU' 1nstcrn 'VrOOlM - 1V nil OccnNtou for n IItie 1)Iis- pIn of IIlIIfl1tt ) . , Jill reports from the First rgImnt ot Nebraska voluntcer8 now cncarnpcI at San Francisco , prparatory to embarking tor the IShitippino Islanda , are to.the tfect that the boya are well arn happy. They are welt , browned from their camp life of three weoka at Lnco1n and on week on the I'aclflc coast. Most of the boyi , Including many of our V own Thuraton Itifica , had never seen the I'aclflc ocean before , and they find great In- terst In watching the atoninshipe an(1aaflI I Ing vcaael n the harbor. They received a rI1it royal welcome on reaching the Golden atato last week , and showed their apprecla- tion by hearty cheers for theIr hoatessC3 there , , V With them as a treasured regimental mascot the Nebrnaka boys took to the coast a beautiful golden eagle lreentel lfl IVllfl cola , their starting point , byVlllIam Jon. nings firyan. "America" caino in tt cage , but henceforth lie will perch proudly In front of their colonel's tent. retralned only by a small chain. Hut their moat remarkable - able pet is "Sampson , " the cutest little baby olt , whose Innocent , kltteniah appearance and eaft , brown eyea make hith , the irido of nil Its rnembera. "America" and "Sanip- son" arc destined to be distinctive pets in the army of Invasion. The first section passed through Sacra- menlo unheralded flfll unnotIced ; the so urnl attracted 100 demonstrative1 citizens of the California capital , but by the time the third sectIon had arrived 1,000 pilople , nearly halt of them school children , hurrletily assembled - bled for the purpose , \vere at the station wIth great quantities of flowers , that were showered into the cars. The train stopped V about twenty minutes , ( luring which time the coldlers mlnglel freely with the crowds and nuttle exchanges of brass buttons for - locks of hair and hits of ribbon. As the . train pulled oUt the Thurston flilles , whIch occupicd two of the cars , gave their corn- . pany you , beginning 'fllcknliay , rlckashaw , Tliuraton ltIfle of Omaha ! " lied ( 'rllNM SoeIet'n Ve1coiie , lurlng the long walt at San Francisco before - fore any troops caine anti during the interval - val between the marching away of the 3ec- end battalion and the appearance of the Flr3t , the women of the lied Cross society had not been 1(110. ( The laughIngly waylaId every ferry-load of passengers from across the bay and asked the women to contribute for the eXPeCted soldiers the Ilowers they were carrying or weriug to the city. Tables withuli the great reception room just opposite the ferry slip were covered with these hundreds of happy contributions. Later decorative flags verc borrowed from the neighboring Ignal otflcq and from the chief wharlinger , and yards upon yards of bunting In the natIonal colors were gathered - ered froni oxnewhere else untIl the high vall and the aides of the refreshment tables became bright wIth effective and appropriate - propriate drapery. ' : ' : ' 1 and flowers ills- trilutod lIberally over long stretches of tables , forming a holloW square with big tatikards of steaming coffee arni piles of sandwiches within , maile a tempting display presIded over by a bevy of vcii-dresscd wo- inca iii dainty aprons. On reaching San Francisco there verc but three sick men among the 800. One of these , John Burlington , is a private In company 0. UntIl recently ho was the physical wonder of the regular army , because of his vhenom- onal ability to expand his chest twenty-four and one-quarter inches , until his waist , dur- lug the process , might be spanned wIth two hands. The others under the weather vere John Queen , suffering from fever , and C. C. Jones , tonsolitis. No time was lost by the Nebraska boys Iii going into camp on the site provided for them at the old flay District race track. Lieutenant Noah , U. S. A. , was on tim grounds awaiting the arrival of the troops , and he guided Major Stotscnburg , who was in command , over the several fields. 110th omcers greeted each other with unusual cordiality , owing to the fact that they were at West Point together. Major Stotsenburg was , until recently , first lieutenant In the Sixth United States cavalry. 'l'lit'Ir 'lihitge' of ' 1'ciit , Within a few minutes after the men were on the grounds the picket 1mb was thrown out and nil interlopera were ordered out- hle the lines. Squads wore detailed te unload the commissary wagons nail for hall an hour some of the most stalwart o No- braska's Sons were unpacking tents arni tent. poles , flour , potatoes mid a variety ol vegetables and other provisions. The iu'n Were supplied with ten days' rations. Ucina Ibe only command that has arrived on tin coast so well rejmred for emergency. Tin command Is in need of nothing except uniforms - forms for a feW recruits who were mus- tercd in Just before they left Nebraska. Tents were up in a Jiffy , and what had been a short time before a series of broad 'deids with waving grass was transformed Into a white tented village of active aol- diers. The offlcers and men expressed themselves as highly pleased with their camping ground. What was thought to be the only possible objectionable feature was the strong wind that blows in from the ocean , but these sturdy men regarded the wind as "Just the thing to keep a fellow warm , " as one of them put. it. The Spring Valley Water company had pipes laid and everythIng - thIng in readiness for supplying water be. fore the troops arrived. As this was the first visit of most of the men to California they found much to Interest them , and every straggling citisen that. they encount. ered was plied with . % li manner of qties' tlona , The officers of the Nebraska regiment now en the I'aciflc coast are : Colonel John P. hlratt of liennctt , Lieutenant Colonel George It. Colton of David City , First LIeutenant Lee Forby of Omaha , adjutant ; First Lieutenant - tenant Lincoln Wilson of Lincoln , quartermaster - master ; Major F' , A. Snyder of Lincoln , chief surgeon ; Captain C. L. Muhlins of Broken Bow , first assistant surgeon ; First Lieutenant It , P. Jensen of Omaha , second assistant surgeon , and Captain James Mall. Icy of Lincoln , chaplain. Major harry 13. Mulford of Omaha is in command of the First battalion , consisting of companici 1 , , E. A. U. S.o the grand parade tonight. IIAVHEN IIItOS. TIICMISYM 141ecial Siles. FUItNITUIIE AND CARPETS. For the porch : 22x22 feather piilow covered in heavy crc- tone , assorted colors , vcll filled nid the best thing out to put on the steps on a nice evening , lOc each , Canvas reclining chairs with arms , strong and well made , fancy striied canvas , tt $1.25. Camp stool , i.o back , 2cc ; with back , 35e , Rattan rockcr no arms , $1.95 ; with arms , $2.&O. 4-foot lawn seats , $2.95 ; iron bed , $2.O ; oak cane sent chairs. 71c : round and scuaro tables , 3Cx3 , $1.95. The sale of elegant carpets bought for spot cash at the W. & J. Sloan New York auction is now on. The biggest bargains In Perfect carpets ever offered. 22 LBS. C SUGAR FOR $1.00. Ne fancy lemons , per dox. , Sc. Three one-pound loaves of home-made breath for bc ; 10 bars Diamond C soap for 21c ; 3-pound cans solid packed tomatoes , 7c ; now sugar corn , per caji , only 5c ; early June imas. string beans. wax beans or lima beans , large cans , for &c condensed miik , per can , only Sc ; Java and Mocha coffee , Vorth1 lOc poun(1 , 20c. BUTTER DEPARTMENT. Now grass butter , lOc , lie and l2c ; fancy ( hairy butter , i3 ½ c and lie ; extra fancy separator creamery , 141c and l5c ; best creamery butter , 1Cc. NOVAR PRICES ON MEATS AT hAYDEN - . DEN BROS. Pickled pigs' feet , 4e ; pickled tripe , : best German summer sausage , lie ; cooked corned beef , per pound. 12 ½ c ; no. 1 sugir cured hams , 'Jo ; salt pork , per iJOUfli , Cc ; bologna , best made , f14c ; skinned hams for slicing , lOc. Trausmis- sissippi headquartcr. IIAYIEN BROS. Dewey souvenir 51)0005 for lady bicycle riders at Kuhn's drug store , 15th nntl Doug- lag , Thursday evening. Egyptian show in their window. IRILL1NO'I'ON ROIJ'l'fl. 19.O ( ) to Denier and Iteturu. Juno 5 and C. Tickets good 30 days. Burlington trains for Denver leave Omaha 4:35 : p. m. and 11:55 : p. m , V Special train for loan and Nebraska .loc- tors attending annual meeting American Medical association at Denver Juno 7-12. leave's Omaha a:10 p. IlL Juno 15 , connecting - ing at Lincoln with the "Journal" train , hiaving on board the principal physicians of Chicago and the eastern states. Sleeping I car reservations can be made now. Call or write J. B. Reynolds , City Passenger Agent. Burlington Route , 1502 Farnam St. , Omaha , Neb. Neb.To To the Friends of Organized Labor : The , undersiglied restaurants and cafes have I sigflCl the scale of Waiters' union , local No. . 23 , and are hereby declared as fair houses by the itbove union. ONE MINUTE RESTAURANT , CAL.IJMET RESTAURANT , KLONDIKII RESTAUR- ANT. E'uIIIc ? . ( itIee The Northwestern Line Daylight Special now leaves tim U. P. depot at 6:40 : a .nL ; arrives Clncngo 5:45 : same evening. No change in the other trains. The Overland i.Limited 4:45 : p. rn. and the Omaha Chicago Special at 6:45 : p. in. arrive at Chicago 745 and 9:30 : respectIvely , next morning. The most advanced vestihuled sleepers , diners and free Parlor chair cars-of course-what else wouid the "Northwestern" have. City Ticket 0111cc 14(11 ( Farnam at. 'i'oiarIsC ItliteM , via the Union i'aUftc to the famous summer resorts in Colorado , Utah , California , V Idaho , Montana and Oregon. i'O rates and advertising matter call at city ticket omce , No. 1302 Farnam at. Maps of Cuba at The lice omce-Omaha- , Council Bluffs or South Omaha. Cut a coupon from page 2. Address Cuban map 3 dept. i.iiia Ta'Ip ] Vfa' , 9. 1899. r'EE'F9 ' A NEW TRAIN 9 And a Good One OMAHA TO ST JOSEPH , $ AND..SUOUIS ' $ THE "EXPOSITION FLYER. " LeavesOmaha. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4JOP.M. : $ Arrives St. Joseph. . . . . . . . . . . , . . , . 8:45 : P. M. k Arrives St. Louts. . , . . . , . . , . . . , , . . . 7:19 : A. M. Ip ' . - ' - I : SLIN6 AND RCUNINO CHAIR CARS. : , Ticket Offica'- Depot-- I 5O2 Farnam St , 10th and Mason Sts % % % % % % t % % , % % % % % % V V _ _ * . V V V V V V V. BIG SALE ThURSDAY. Today Be&ns One of the Biggest Bales Ever ileld in Omaha , $5.00 OAK ROCKERS FOR $1.15 Alt Wool Ingrain , 8Db ; * .OO Lace Curtains , 2,4M lUg Onk Center 'rabies , uSe ; * (1.Ot ) ( Inso- line Stores , : , ti : ; . THOUSANDS OF OTIIEIt BARGAINS. ] tead these prices , then wonder , All day today there will be big sales in every department. Come early and avoid the rush. This sale positively enda Thursday evening at 6:30 : o'clock sharp , hero are only a few of the bargains. Hundreds of other bargains too numerous to mention. Itcinnants of carpets at half price. Misfit carpets at half prices. Dinner sets , 7.&O , worth $15.00. Cook stoves , 39,45 , worth $16.OOa Cane seat rockers , Ofe , worth $2.50. Odd dressers , $7.bO , worth $15.00. Mahogany divans , $6.50 , worth $12.50. Book cases , $4.90 , worth $10.00. lied lounges , $0.95 , worth $15.00. Silk couches , $9.85 , worth $17.50. Parlor suits , $24.50 , worth $50.00. Kitchen chairs , 80c , worth SOc. Oak extension tbles , $3.08 , worth $7.0. Folding beds , il.OO. orth $20.00. Chultoniers , $4P5 , worth $7.50. Antique oak sideboards , $ i0.S0 , worth $18. Steel ranges , $27.50 , worth $ ' 5,00. Comforts , plc , worth $2.00. Iron bedsteads , $3.48 , worth $6.00. V Chamber suits. $14.95 , worth $25.00. Wardrobes , $6.75 , worth $15.00. Stop jars , SIc , worth $2.50. Toilet sets , 10 pIeces , $4.25 , worth $9.50. Tapestry portleres , $2.47 , worth $6.00. Lace curtains , $1.45 , worth $3.00 , hammocks , Plc , worth $2.25 , Lawn mowers , $2.b8 , worth $6.00. Baby carriages , $5.25 , worth $10.00. Refrigerators , $5.98 , worth $12.00. Gaaolino stoves , $2.95 , worth $6.00. Pillows , Cic , Vorth $1.C0. Ingrain carpets , 43c , wort1 75c. Brussels carpet , 5o , sorth $1.10. heavy stair carpet , iDe , worth 45c , Matting , lSc , worth 'J.c. on coen , inc yaru , vortn iuc. Carpet sweepers , 98c , worth $2.00. Cane seat oak dining room chairs , Ole , worth $1.25. Leather seat oak rocking chairs , $2.75 , worth , $6.50. handsome oak center tables , OSc , worth $ ? 50. 1'EOPLE'S FURNITURE & CARPET CO. . 16th and Farnarn Ste. In Building Formerly Occupied by the Morc Dry Goods Co. V BOSTON S'I'OltE'S SilOE SALE. hietter Shoe. . for Less ii1.iiey Than You Csiii Iiiy 'l'iieiit ElNeivilere' . ON BARGAIN SQUARES ON MAIN FLOOR ANI ) IN BASEMENT. Your choice of two shoe stocks , one retail - tail and one wholesale and the balance of Price & Wolf's sample shoes , made to retail at $1.00 $5.00 , $6.00 and $7.00 a pair , at Pc , 29c , 39c , SIc , 75c , SIc , DSc , $1.25 , $1.50 , $1.75 , $2.00 , $2.0 , $3.00 , $3.75. LADIES' $5.00 BICYCLE SHOES. $1.93. 400 pair of ladies' fine bicycle shoes , all different styles , all Wiltbe , all colors and sizes , worth up to $1.00 , go at $1.08. $3.00 , $4.00 , $5.00 VESTING TOP SHOES , $1.03. 500 pair of ladies' black , tan and fancy silk vesting top shoes , made to retail for $3.00 , $4.00 and $5.00 , go at $1.OS. Price & Wolf's sample shoes and Oxford ties , \orthl from $3.50 to $7.00 rair , narrow vidths , all the finest grades of shoes , the finest shoes ever put on sale , your choice of this entire lot f samples , worth up to $7.00 , go at $1.08. V 1,000 paIr of the finest Rochester made shoes in the extrernest of extreme new styles , made to rtail tori $5.00 and $6.00 pair , go at $3.00 , $35O and $2.75. These In- elude all the n' silk plaid tops , silk vest- tngs tops and silk scroll pattern tops. IN CENTEII. AISLE MAIN FLOOR ShOE DEPARTMENT. 30 cases of ladies' black , tan , purple , green and vine colored oxford ties , all hand turned and worth up to $4.00 , all widths and sizes , all toes. go at $1.50. $2.00 and $2.25. BOSTON STORE. OMAIrA , 16th and 1)ouglas Ste. CLOTHING STOCK DAMAGED I"lre "renks OutAinug Ike Inoils of Godsn It ii ziii1 Dc- stroys Over IIiif , Quite a serious flre occurred in the store of Joseph Goldsmith , clothier at 1409 1larney street , shortly after 6 o'clock last aiglit. Tue proprietor had completed moving his goods to the building front a former Inca- tion at Fifteenth and Douglas streets and had just opened for business. At ci o'cloclc tile store was closed and a few minutes later smoke woe seen Issuing from tIm windows. Before the fIre was extinguished the stock , valued by Mr. Goldsmith at $16,000 , was damaged to the amount of half its value. The losa on the building , the property of Meyer & Raapke , was about $300 , covered by insurance. rhio source of the fire seemed to be in the freight elevator on the basement Boor where a quantity of old paper hind been thrown , It was thought irobabic that a cigar bad been carelessly droppnl ( loWn 1110 shaft and had ignited the paper. The fire mounted the elevator shaft through four stories to tile roof , which is of metal and was damaged to a considerable extent , It was badly tvisted out of sinpo by the heat and the cornice at the front of the build- Ing was melted off. On the basement Boor were stored a quantity f hate valued at $2,500 and these are considered a totai less. The clothing and furnishing goods on the first Boor were damaged by fire and vnter to the extent mentioned. Tue other iloors , with tile exception of several pieces of tailoring - oring Innellinery , vero vacant. Insurance was carried on the stock in the amount of $11,000 , di'it1ed among the following companies : Cancorilia , Royal lOx- change , State of Pennsylvania , Thin irgia aiitl Associated UnderwritelVJ. Late to bed and early to rise prepares a InaII for his home in the skies , Earyl to bed anil a Little Early Itiser , the pill that r.akes life longer and better anti wiser , PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. n. ii , Little of the Chicago Tribune is in the city. Pony Moore of Chicago Is registered at the Barker. Philip Foldhauser , a Denver merchant , is at the Murray , V Torn 10. Stuart of Lexington , iCy. , is stopping - ping at the Barker. J , F , Daly of Scbuyler , Nob. , can ho found at the Barker. Sylvester Johnson of Colorado Springs , Cob. , is stopping at the Barker , A. T. Ryan , a prominent stock dealer of Illackfoot , Idaho , and wife are at the Mur- ray. ray.J. J.v , McKinley , wife and son , of Denver. Cola. , are visiting the exposition city and stopping at the Barker. \V. C. flenuolds of the Ievoc-Rennolds I'aiut company Is in Omaha instaliing an exhibit at the exposition. I'rof , Owens of the University of Nebraska - braska is at tue exposition grounds looking after the electrical work. Major Eiiocli Crowder , U , S. A. , left for San Francisco yesterday afternoon. lie will sail fur the l'billppiuo Islands within a veek , I :1 : 4t'braskans at hotels : II. C. Myers , Sclzuyler ; J. F , Forbes , I'alnier ; Fred Echi- tCnCailli ) , Don C. Weber , Arlington ; W. M.tckcy , Eustis ; ' 1' . I. Ackerman , Stanton ; Ill , F , Weems , Fullerton ; J. A. Watland , harvard' J. C. Robinson , \'aterloo ; V. ' , a , Odendabi. Loup City ; F. II. ( Ireer , Columbus - bus ; C , Evans , heaver Crossing ; H. M. Rankin , flenetlict : Viiiard Kimball. George hj Carter , Lincoln ; John Bunt , Fremont ; C , II , Reynolds and wife. Norfolk , 8 , & 11. "VlOL.ETS" Is the real-the aria. tocratic-perftlme for the breath. Five cents. AU dvritrs , . _ . - - - I - * - - - A PVRCIIMITI 11'IIIiIf CUSTOM HOUSE , I1oi.on Store fl.1t Cn'iCPI ' of IIieii IIrcet WDl * Uncle Snot. SALE BEGINS SIITtH1DAY AT BOSTON iSTOItLO. One of our firal , together with our New York representaUre and an abundance of spot cash , eonsuraattd a deal of the great- eat magnitude. cases of linen seised by the authorIties for non-payment of duties , was sold tat public auction , sight Unseen , to the hihest bidder , and we captured - tured tile entirelloti the biggest bargain that it has ever en our good fortune to secure , The lot consistacob 12 cases of nil kinds of damask , buck , hemmed and fringed towels. 3 cases of blcachci and unbleacbed napkins - kins , from the cheapest to the facet qunI- ity. 4 cases of all kinds of table damask , Unbleached - bleached , German , Scotch , double satin darn- ask and many of the finest grades of bleached damask produced. 2 cases of all kinds of crash toweling. At the remarkably low price at which we bought these goods , we will be able to make the biggest io of linens over attempted - tempted In Omaha. To give you a slight insight to the bargains - gains which you may expect , WO Will request - quest you to look at the towels now this- played in our front show window , they are the regular 25c , SSc and SOC towels , prqmptly at I o'clock Saturday morning they will be placed on sale at lSc cacti , This is the best opportunity to secure all kinds of table linen ever presented in Omaha. All hifh class goods , and will be sold at about ,4 what you could buy the cheapest quality for at theordin0ry ape- cml sale. V BOSTON STORE , OMAhA. lath and Douglas Ste. - Sda the grand parade tonight. JLO' , ' AVAIL 18 FOUGIL'I' . The Chniiges iii tiieMuIe of Wnrrnre Ittustruted ly l'iiarcs. If you wish to properly understand the war news , if you wish to have a definite knowledge of naval allaire and the events that are occurring in 'o Rust and \'est Indies you can secure no better , no more reliable source of information ( linii tile oulhcial photographs of the United States navy , just Issued by the Omaha Bee. The lirice is only 25 cents , and more valuable and timely information wits never offered for the money. It is on saip at The Omaha Bee counting-rooms , or wlil be sent to any address on receipt of price , The book consists of nearly 200 pgeB of views made by E. II , hart , naval photographer - grapher , and the list of Bubjects embraces everything of interest pertaining to our navy , of which every American is justly proud , First within the covers of this inter- eating work cornea amap sixteen times as large as the book itself , showing on one side the Spanish POsseSsions , and all adjacent - jacent territory , while on the other side the East Indian possessions are similarly treated , Steamship lines , with ( lie this- tances intervening between d ifforent points , are shown , and a close study of these maps will give one a thorough understanding of this territory , in regard to which tile interest - terest of the American pubiic is now at fever heat. Then follow more than 200 rare pictures of the navy , its omcers and equipment. The views nrc all authentic , and nrc the latest ofllcial photographs of our torpedo boats. torpedo boat destroyers , cruisers , battleships - ships , gunboats , monitors , ranis , dynamite cruisers , dispatch vessels , and other war craft , the whole embodying an authentic portrayal of the American navy as it exists today. A COflhil tb dbscription of the construction - struction , displacement , size , speed , bat- terles , armor , crew and coat of each boat wilt enable the reader to form au accurate estimate of our fighting strength. Included with these are p1iotograpb , C the leading Spanish men-of-war , alec fully described. By far the most interesing.portions of.tho book are 'views of fb' Maine , takeit before the disasterin ' 'ana harbor , showing tile life and discipline aiioard a battleship , together - gether with portraits of the otilcers and crow , supplemented by photographs taken after th explosion , depicting the'i1ivers at work , lend nther Incidents in connection with this sad and memorable event. This work can be obtained by cutting a coupon from page two , and bringing It to The Bee 0111cc , Omaha , The Bee building ; South Oinnha , Twenty-fourth and N streets ; Lifleolil , 1020 0 street ; Council Biuffs , 10 Pearl street. By mail 4 'ents extra for postage. Address Navy Plt.tegrapli Depart- uient , Omaha Bee 4 % _ CiigrMiiiflN Opinion. , , It was my good fVrttlne to take passage on No. I ; from Iiacohn to Chicago on the 15th inst. , and I doiro to compliment the Burlington management on furnishing the fInest and fastest train x over had any cx- pcritmco with. The dining car service in especially commendable and I have no ( lOUbt that the train will be very popular. Nebraska - braska Is certainly at the front in train service as welt as in many other things. " W. L. STARK. M. C. Washington , D. C. , May 20 , 1898. No. 6-the Chlicago Special-leaves Omaha at 12:05 : midnight and reaches Chicago at 2:1 : p. iii. Tickets nod bertils at the Jlur- iington ticket ofilco , 1502 Farnarn street. 'I'It IOIkiiorn Itnilron.1 iInles 'ery Ins' ItliteN for ( lie Oiciiiiir lsiy. Tue Transmississippl and International Exposition will 01)00 In all its grandeur on Juno 1st. The Freniont , Elkhorn & Mis- sourl Valley R. It. have announced very low rates for this opening day , and will run special trains from points within 150 miles of Omaha. See the nearest agent of the itbovo named roach for further particulars. J. H. BiclIanan , Geacral Passenger Agent. I'ieiiNiii't'N of l'riviite Cir , may ho experienced in New Pullman Corn- partinent Sie.'ping 'Cars running from Clii- cage to Cincinnati over Pennsylvania Short Line. For details apply to H. It. Dering , A. 0. P. Agt. , 248 South Clark St. , Chicago. 'iNIteIl IL Colored 'tVlitttii. Another victim for the colored women Ia the Proscribed district cani' to the city yesterday - terday in the person of C. II. Jersey of Baird , Ia. While in company with Minnie All'n , $60 of his money disappeared and tile woman was immediately arrested and locked up. LOCAL BREVITIES Sjecial muBic will. be rendered Sunday in Trinity cathedral at the 7:45 : p. HI. service. Trinity cathedral Sunday school teacllers and olflcers viil discuss fInances on Friday at a special meeting. A colored man named George Tliurston , viio is chargeil with insanity , Is confined in the city jail subject to the action of the commission. Omi May 15 a lawn roller was stolen from A , J. Ifunt Oil howard street. and two of the moo who aria supposed to have taken it have been arremmtcdl and are in jail await- inf trial. The niece under arrest arc Wil- ham Olifoas and Thomas McGiff. U , B. hlendersoil , colored , is in tile city jail and will be .lield till ofilcers from Oswego - wego , Kna. , arrive to identify him. hut ai'lcearance tallles exactly with that of a negro who is wamital at Oswego for criminal assault upon a young girl , A PURC RAF ( CRM Or IARTMI POWDIfl sun ; voirniii Awarded Highest Honors , % Vorld's 1aIr Gold Medal , Midwinter Fair . - - - IiELLEY , SlICER & Co. Big War on Shoes an Oxf'ortls This Week. OXFORDS 98C , SHOES 98C 0 \'lii Continue Our htlj Snl of Lnitis' anti Misses' Shoes timid Oxford. . for tue ilninnee of This Week , , , It will be many a day before such a shoe buying chance as this will occur again-we have in times past offered some rare bargains - gains in ladies' anti misses' shoes-but never have we offered tIlO duplkates of these. Ladies' lIne kid oxfords In tan , either coin or opera toe at lSc , cut from $1.50 and $2.25 , V Ladies' and misses' fine spring heel oxfords - fords , either black or tnn-aizcs 2 to 5 % , at ISo. Regular price $1.75. Ladies lIne vici kId oxfords , coin toe , silk vesting top , either black or tan at 2.25 , worth $3.00. Lathles'flne , tan bale coin toe , silk vesting top , at $3.00 , cheap at $3.50. Misses' fine kid Stloea , either black or tan -sizes 11 to 1 % at OSc. Regular price $2.25. V Misses' dongoln kid oxfords in black jr tan at OSe , cut from $1.75. Ladies' vici McI button shoes , turn sole , coin and opera toe-sizes 2 % to 5 , at DSc. These arc shoes that we sold at $3.00 , $3.50 and $4.00. KELLEY , STIflER & CO. , Farnam and 15th St. Citiengo , St. I'niml , 3hliiiienpoils . ( Omititlin ttnIivn. Account opening day Transmlssissippi Exposition - position at Omaha Julio let the above' railway - way will run special trains leaving Bloomfield - field 5 a. in. ; flartington 5:45 : a. in. ; New Castle 6 a , In. ; Norfolk 6:15 : a. in. , anil Sioux City 6:55 a , iii. , arriving Omaha 1lO0 ; a. in. Bate will be on baiLs of one cent pci : nijl in eac'li directtqn. Iteturning leavn Omaha l3O p. in. Juno 2d. On Jumie let there will bo run another special train leaving \Vfl'Ilt' 5:05 : a. ni. ; Emerson 6:05 : a. Ill , , making stops at all stations between Emerson antI Blair and arrive Omaha 0:30 : a. mu. Rate on this train will be one cent per mile iii encim direction. Returning thii train wiil leave Omaha 11:15 : p. in , Juno 1st , stopping at all stations and arrive Wayne 3:45 : a. in. Theec cheap excursion tickets will be good only on special trains as advertised. 1)1111) . NARBACIt-P. J. , at his residence , 622 S. 19th , at 5 a. m. , May 25. Funeral from residence on Friday , May 27 , at 9:10 : me. in , Interment mit F'orest. Law'l. JONES-Mrs. Arthur C. , of imicura linen- monia , on Tueicday , May 2itii , 11.98 , ugeil 28 years , 10 nioniba itmith 13 dayn. 1"uneral from the family resitlemice , 3416Imtitlma at. , on Thursday , May 2Stll , 1198 , at 2 o'clock p. m , V = SAVE YOUR , rA's ' CLOThING : L from MTkS . % Vit1i aH your relatives and the Exposition to see this SuIn- iner you'll nOt 1IaVO tune to watch your Furs and \Vinter Glothilhg-a Moth Probi Bag at 50c or4Oc will do it. Just the titing for Gents' Dress Suits-keeps them free from dust and all odor-ready to weai' at a moment's iiotice. DK.SCflELD U CLDA V&SIIIT CO. 1510 Douglas Street. V . . . S S 0 0 0 ALL . .t PEOPLE / / ) WANT &Tr GOOD HEALTH. . You may have a course Of medical 0 0 treatment for 0 CURABLE DISEASES. . of all kinds at ( lie ; Shepard Meica1 Institute . New York Life Bldg. , Omaha , Neb , 0 DE''I 1 I TIIQ. Catarrh , Deaf- . I t.I LtJifIL I ILe ) ' ness amid all. I Diseases or the Lungs , ! tomuch , Kidneys , Nerves and 111000. ReferS - S diet' , by permission , to 5,000 cured . patients. 'i'ime largest niedical o111ce . and practice in the west. Time Omaha lice , leaducig daily , says : "The Shep- S ard Mcdicai Institute Is entirely relia. . iiio iii a vroleeslonsl and business Wa ) ' , Dr. Sliepara and lmi associates S have gained and fully maintained a ? S . leading re'puiation in tIme treatment S of chronic diseases. 'PIio public may safely trust them , " 0 IA ! t I T i ; For testimonials from S . YT II I L ministers , tearhc'rs , busi- S noes men , farmers , etc. , telling how they were cured at home through tile S Mali System. S S fl"Time [ Now Treatment ; I , IS how It Cures , " is sent free S to imIl wimo write. It is a clean medical V work for tile whmalo family to read and is of great value to nh who ek S better health , Book and Consuitajidn S Blanks sent free to all inquirers , S S Medicines sent everywhere , IRate your cese and send ( or opinion and , loweut lerms. Charges low , ConS - S tation free , personally or by letter. ' 11ealtmm 'J'Iit , I'aper , tyS S S S S S S S S S S FLAGS. . . . . . . BUNTINGSSiL. SiL. JIu'e Yonr iluihilimigs 1)eeorntcd by the. , PJIILADLLPIIIA DECOI1ATINO Co. , illiB JIouartl , 'I'lmune .l1O1. Ll'EiIY FOOT OF Lawn Hose We sll is guaranteed-the prices range from 7c ! o 20c imer foot. OMAHA TENT AND HUBUER CU. , lull F.tIINA3I WI' , . a lice , May 2 , 'IS. 7a/r nthm. Sonic 1)eople show their PatriOtiSlfl iii one way 811(1 ( 501110 In allotiltir , ahid sonic keep thou's lOCkC(1 up iI e their 1)050111 Solllo\VllerC-it isn't for show. About Ieii days ago a Patriotic clothing maker of New York ole1'ed us a large quantity of sei'ge suits "made up to retail for toll ( buRrs , " at the small 511111 of three tlollai's 1111(1 75 CCIIIS tL suit. IVIC'hIS a patriotic cuss. liii : ; excuse for offering theIR at this low 1)I'ico wits , ' 'at titis time Witch sacrifices of all k'lhlLB tLl'e III order - ' 1 der ail(1 owing to the great tiulilleSs ill busiiiess tL. , account of the wai' , ' etc,1 etc.Tedidiiit lake the i3hlitsV ) COU1I't muster UI ) patr'otislll CllOlhgil to profit by our couiitry's plight , 1111(1 ( besides we hap. tRilled to kiiov that these SfllHO StIItS WO1't.i 11111(10 Ui ) for a large eastern house and wei'e rCjCetCl ( for not being able to stand the acil test which all reputable houses employ. lie 501(1 the suits Jiu4 tile R1fli , There are IlCiltY of ii iises hi the country that don't CLtl'IJ teii eeiits fOr tests an(1 tilat. arc just 1M1tl"lotiC eliougli to take advaiitage of 5111(10 offCl'illgs so as to be able RdVCFtVISC 'tell ' :111(1 twelve doI1ar suits , iii royal blue sei'ges , for sale tolllorl'ow at $ ( . 98 , Thu Nebraska se1'ges IL1C stVI'aigllL goods , fully tested ; uid Wit1'l'R I tte(1 , 811(1'O ( lia'e 11 lMflifl ( several ( Ii Iterent gi'ades from 13. 50 dO\VII to (3. ( 50 , hIhid 501110 CVCH low- ci'o have pleiity of 'CIII , too. What we are af- tei' now ill 1)e01)10 to ' 'itieli" ' 'elil vay. " WHITE WALLS Or TINTED ones can be lirothlcod by using CEMF1N'rICO , It conies in 5-l'oilntl iiitck- ages-call bo used with either hot or cold vntcr , It niakes it hard Imnish wllich ' . 'ihl not "chalk" or rub off. It Is Ifluttle iii twels'e (12) ) iihlaIeit. , I'rice Soc for 5-pound P0CtiS of tinted. 'rho white is 45c tier PacKage. PacKage.SOME DRUG PRICES : Regular Price Our Price 2.'ic , Vermont Root Beer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lie 25e 'l'iionii.non's . Cherry t'IlitiihilLte. ( ) . . . . . lie $1.00 ileef , Iron amid \Villc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49c Quart bottle Good Sherry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Soc ( load 2-quart FOtItltfliIi Syringe . . . . . . . . .190 25c Laxatl'o Broom Quinine , we ia'ii. . . . lie 25c Cascarets , we sell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dc 25e Brommia Seitzer , we soil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IPe 2e : ; Alien's Fonteaso , wo soil . . . . . . . . . . . . lie 25c Ruby l'eari Tooth , Soap , % V ( ' sell. . . . 14 Ole Carter's Liver Pius , we sell. . . . . . . . 12c 2e Ahlcock' I'orous Pinsters , we sell. , Pc 25c MenncnT's Taleum I'owder , vc mccli . lie . SOc Syrup of Figs , we sell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SOc Yale's Face l'owder , we cmli . . . . . . . . Ole $1.04) ) Scott's EmulsIon , we sell . . . . . . . . . . . 67c $1.15) ) W'imie Cnriui , we sell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ole $1.00 Pierce's Favorite I'rescriiition , itch. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ste Sherman&McGonnell Drug Co. Omaha , iiit : Dlge. ' TIle Middle of the Block Druggists. NEW 10 , COLLAR OR. S P E C I A I. I S ' 1 V , mIo 'raxATs AL ! . Privatu Disease Tii.ui. SD I iiiorr of MEN ONL' 21) Years ErprienC. ii ) Years in Omaha. B'wk Free Cononltti. tioc Freo. IloxIlid , ci VV 14th and Parasin Sts ( i.a _ . iaIAIIA. fEI3. . Only SixLeft Left Of (110 ( 50 pianos we advertised on special satle this week to make room for special dispi.iy exposition week we lIavo only six left-one Chickering , one ICuabe , 0110 Pease , 1 . one Steclc Oil. ) Schubert , one Lester. Aside V from these we have a few more Voso & Sons Pianos which we will close out as how as $105.00. A few Ernersons as low as V $185.00. Our new stock , wlliCll is beginning to ar- ilvi , consists of all tIle leading nlakcs- dickering , Steinway , Fischer-and 20 other factories with whelm a. . V different nianos. The cleat are sendIng us the most artistic . desigmis over heretofore accOflilihished and it will be vell worth your whiie to sea this display whether you wish to lurcbase not. V V HAYDEN BROS. _ V.i - - - _ - - - - - - - - - - , _ _ , ' , ViNn't flimit ISo IVIii.rvsir a royal 8 i :11 : e S t reti t f Soi i : ' , sve iinve iii ) IUOCI' . Soiil' :1 : , nre ff1 ( ' 01111' , 1lmn.igIm. % ( l 'ilil li't ) 'OII kmoiv iimcn it arrives , ' . _ _ _ U 11dLer'cLreiir. , Ii , . ) ih.i tlum ( bsirmriIia iii iiimi'r- V ' - 5 . . ctties to he had in title exposition P1ahi-tripCa t.vmi Is right here , _ . : _ _ _ _ , IotVt1e1 _ _ _ . 14 1111CC f 1,0th NIIIrIH mliii muttits- iVeilnr iiiii.te iiiiil rcgtil'nr sla..l , 1' i gti I.ecl. _ _ _ _ . _ IEe' * ' iiIIt ii dtiheromit shiid-NiiiIC , , , , , , , ; ; ' , i.Iiil , .liI ( , gri'y-sDmiio rijied , , , . , , ttisI , ll&riii el or phitili , " . ' 5 , tiut her festii re of goodmiess-al I :2 : I-i I J're.teh mi'el. ihi. isli zt.i.i . gusset ted Iriter % Vtiist , - , - - ( - , - - ® Twenty-five Cents. IOnch-sh.lrt or inimt $ , As , .lmump' tiN B 37 : dc1s cliii imst , aiiii .ini ( par suit iii t'iteii buy- t'r . , r Ie.tacdn , iii I (1 to 1)1 Ii ) u , iii , , or ami' t lie B es'l : V sillier CIitt'hi.p'IiIi IsimnmhiiIlf. 'Ibis Is V V Si different slori' , B argaiii to CimastiVe It itili. . the , averItgo IIiier , , cur , All .tsk , Vthii ( ( , , . ( psi are here tuk. , ii fe.'ii 'it B e I-I arI. iiir iitm. ( If JIt'd' itimisti f.ri'lgti lint- i.rIgSlmm' , ( m' m.rit'v is .1St' . A prieti- ill Oi'iiali : a. emit lr iiiiiiI' these nrc , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - V