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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 26, 1898)
r : - T : j - - - - . _ - _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ T1i1 OMAhA DAflAY BEELTIIVRSDAY , ry o , 1S93. 7 - - - - - ShOOTING \VELL \ IN A BUNCh ( Marksmen Keep Up the Treinendo Clip Bthzted on Monday. ) - MAKING SOME VERY HIGh AVERAGES Inet P.r C.nt I. . 'tUT1ITe tmnng * 22. ? ! . .nIt.y * nnul tlir M.ueT 1 * titny TInr , . 1)tvI.led .tiiionw Winner , , . Ttn more evnta at tim targets WQr ) p ; . , piI1ed olT In the tou-amenL of the Nebraska 3portsmena aMoclatton yesterday , the see- end day of the affair. The entries were a ' little larger than on the opening itay and all the evCnti , were even more cloie1) Con- teMed. The cracks nre ninning at a ) per coot clip and otne of the equads are doing e on better than that. FTery race was bard run. There was an average of thIrty-ieven entries to the oveni and an aerngo of thtrt-one and a halt _ Caine In on the monoyi. The closest race was In the sixth erect on the card. when thirt-threo out ot the thlrt-flvo entrlis got , a piece. To roll u ; , such ecores tha shooters ate lng Borne of the prettlct ! work . at the traps ever seen In this part of the country. The highest average was a bIt larger than the day before. It was made jointly by Gilbert - bert and LPlioy , who each cracked 1 % of the 200 targets thrown. lielkes came eec- end with the same eurn as on Tueeday , 11)1. ) Next came , Huthi with 1Ut , Grimm with ti2 and Elliott with flW. I'armeiec scored 187 antI Loomis - . - came a neck ntiend of him with 1SS to his credit. Th two latter were In on the first , second - 'nd third moTley throughout with the exception - tion that in one match Loomle fell to fourth. The "I'lunber" did nicely. being in on Seven , of which one wus a second and thrco third. - The ten event.t were alI twenty targets. known trap anti Unknown angles. with 2.50 e&trancu : fee and $2i adit.I. The card contains a elmilar ten events today. Yes- arday'e resulte , Including only those in on - tim piiraex were as followe : Event No. 1. thirty-live entries : Gilbert. Pultord. LeRoy , Diekey. :0 ; Schroeder , Graham. Courtney. Hikes , Pewera , Grimm , thi.Itl , Loomle. 1l Parmelee. Merrill. Glower , Itike. Fanning , Latt. Ituble , 18 ; Andrews - drews , Siuvera , Elliott. Iluglice. L.tndeman , Ungers , Hagerinan , 17 ; HaiIowell. Doer , d1ller , Plummor. Mnnre. Ilarribon. 16. Event No. 2. thirty-fIve entries : Graham , Fanning. Elliott , Grimm , Loomis. 20 ; Hal- lowell , Powers. Gilbert , Ginver , Lefloy. Ieikee , like. Schroeder. Harrison , Andrawe , Cromwell , 19 ; hughes , Piummer , Fuiforti , derr1li , hIudd , Parmulee. 18 Duet. DIcIoy. 1T Moore , Rogers , Miller , Courtse. Latt , 16. Event No. 3. thirty-lIve entries : Ituble. Hughee , LIndeman Glower. Powers. . Gilbert. iluthi , Lnoinis 20 ; Parmelee. Fulford , Le- Itoy , Hoikes , Dickey. Fanning , 1h ; ' Elliott , Miller , hIaerman , Merrill , tiahluwehl , 18 ; Grimm , flte. Graham. Slevnrs. Andrewe. .7 : Cromwell. schroeder. Latt. Courtn.y. Rcgrra. Duer , 1C. L'vont No 4 , thlrty-elx entr1es Elliott Li Itoy , Powers. Gilbert Grimm. Build. 20 ; Parneleo , Merrill , Deer , Hagorman. bikes , Linileman. 1111cc , Hughes. ituble , 1D ; LatL. Siewors. Courtney. Miller. Fuiford , Dlckqy. 1alioweii. Loomis , 18 ; Glower , flogers , Fan- ning. i harrison , Anthrews , Druch0r , C'rumwoii , Schroeder. Graham , 16. - Event No. 5. thlrtl'-elgbt entries : Merrill , Lrdtoy , Ileikes. Miller. hlixe. Elliott. 20 ; Cable , Hughes. Courtney , Rogera. Linde- man. Diekey , Gilbert Powers. Grimm , 1 ; Budd , Loomis , l'armelee , Glower , Fanning , Ruble , $ levers. 18 ; Lab , Moore. Fulford , Duer , . l'fl Haliowell , 1iaermau , Plummer , Grahaw , Grant Dee , tromwehl. 16. Event No. 6 , thirty-lIve entries : Grimm. I3udd. Loomis , Helkes , Hughes , 20 ; Schroeder. Graham. Ruble , Elliott. Moore. LeRoy , Dickey. Gilbert. 19 ; Parmelee. Hal- lowehi , Powers , Fuiford. Glower. MIlle , floers. Piunnier , Siovore , 18 ; Grant. Lact , Itike , Fanning , Lthdeman. Hagerman. 17 , Merrill , Courtney. Cable , lice. .ndrewZ 16. Event No. 7. thirty-eIght entrIes frtmm , Powers , Clover , t.efloy. Elite. Rutle. 20 ; Elliott. Dickey , Heikes , I1agermr't , Rudd , Loomis , 19 : Parmolee , HalInil , Gilbert , Terriii , Miller , Lindeman , Rogers , Fanning. Sievers , Shaw. 18 ; Graham , L.ttt. Fulford. Duer , 17 ; Moore , hughes , Courtney , Schroeder. 16. Event No. 8. thirty-nine entrIes Parme- lee. l'owors. Gilbert. HeIke3 , Dickey. . Elliott. Ruble , Schroeder. 20 ; Latt , Ruble. ItUhcs , 1'anning , Leltoy , Clover. Fulford. luer , Merrill , Grimm. fludd , Loonrie. 19 ; Miller. Hike. Slavers. Graham. 18 ; 13cc , Cromwell , Andrews. Eck. Mooro. Piuznmer , Rogers , IIaiIowell , 17 ; Grant. 21mw , 16. Event No. 9 , thirty-eight entries : Gilmm , 13Uld ( , l'armelee , Powers. t1Ibert , Merrill , Heikc'i , lUke. Cromwell , O ; Sievers , Ruble. Latt. Elliott , Miller. LeRoy , Glower , Ftii- ford , l'.i ; Loomis. Dickey , Plummer , Fan- atag. Graham , 18 : Shaw , Bee. Schroeder. Hughes. ltogere. Lindeman. 17 ; llagerman , Duer , Eck , 16. Event No. 10 , forty entriea Beth ! . Pow- era. Gilbert , Du.r LeRoy. Dickey , Linde- man , Courtney , Fanning , 20 ; Gr4nt , Crom- - ' , , % ( , lI , Latt. Ileikes ; Fulford. Merrill , Hallo- well , Parmeice. 19 : Grimm. Ilagerruan. Clover , Plummer , Uiler. Elliott , Graham , IS ; itbe , Schroeder , hughes , Loomis , 17 ; Hike , SlHveraimtfrews ; ItI. . Last nIght the Nebraska Sportsmen's association - ciation hold a short business session , It was rosolveh to hold the next annual tournament - nament on the grounds of the CapItal Clt Gun club at Lincoln. J. E. Rogers of Lb. coin was elected president and W' . 8. liughee of Omaha vIc imresldent. ( . .tMlI $ OP TCIC N.tTINiI LEtGIJI6 , iiIl IInsIey Celbrnt..s Ills l6IitItIi % 'icira- ) ' Viz.nluw It 'l'g)4 , . CINCINNATI. 0. , Mn' 25.-Hawley won hib eighth game today. nlthough he was hit hnrderthnn nuni. Dunn wac hit much harder tlmn the score Attendance , 1.7,0 , Score ; ciNCzN.'rl , I III100ILYN. ILlI.O..t.-Z. : oi'irr. rf. . ! I I U Vrtflln. cf..O I 0 0 1J.ckle Ibi :11 0 0 June rf..0 1 0 1 tsnIth. It. . . . 0 I 0 0 sheiierd. lee 3 0 0 IIilIiday. Cf I t 3 0 0 1.ach'nce. .s C I ) 3 3 aIcl'tie. U , 0 0 1 4 0 Ttckrr. lb. 1. 5 1. 0 ( ' ) r'IIfl , C. . 0 0 1 1 0 SIInclie. Th. I 0 1. t m4teinf" ! . 31. .1 'I S 0 llallmn'n. b I I a 0 I'v'bIz. e . . : 1 0 1tan. c. . . . . 0 2 2 0 liawle ) ' , I , . . 0 0 0 4 0 ltnn. p . . . I 3 1 Totals . i 13 3 TolsIs . , . I 1 ! 1 ! 3 Cineinnntt . . . . . . . . . . . a o 3 o : o o o - I3rouklyn . . . . . . . . . . . . 02Q000002-l Earat'd runs ; . Cincinnati , 4 : Urookln. 4 , Twn-bit. Imits : tIOhlitla ) ' . Miller , I eitz , Grillin. 'fhmret.baeu bit : llockley. Ioullti ; ilnys : McPIm.'e to Corcoran to Ut'ckbuy ; l.a'huneu to 1tynn to Tucker. . Jlrst bau on balls : Iiy Dunn , 1 , Struck omit : fly l4itwiey. 2 : by Dunn. 2. % ViIiI pitch : Dunn. 'l'line ( ) t ganmu One hour end twenty mb- ute. Umpirea Swurtwoo.l and \VootL. lIIirs l'izsi'w ii. . , 1'JtIIle , . . ' PITTSIIGRG. May . -Donohue was an easy mark , whiiu Itbines kept the hits widely scattered. Ganrel was put out of BAD BLOOD 'C.tCAET d all oltmed f r tht.m &od are a truly wonciortul ajoOlelCa. I bay. otton wimbed fur a .n.4tctno pisalant 10 take sad St last barn fuund1 in tascaiets. Ixleu Laamnm Ibsen. my blued ha. been purumed ad tSy iximutastun has pmyed wnreleifufly anti I fees much L.itLo In ovsry we : ' 1ats. miAws . maLL.Ius.L2tLrrfl.TCuU. CANDV wiet TAO1 54A5 $ Isi ? w. Piewot. Pat&t&bt. . Potent. 'Paste Good. fl Good. oy.r8een.Weakcn.or Grtou. 1.ZC.WG. . . . CURE CONTIPATION. . . . aedmag 5.a C.p'y. I..usI. a. . 51 i0.sud gj.n.nted by iJidrug- I 0 'Ic. - . ) UMITob5coo HaUl. the amn in thA third inaa ! tot iuestlon- ; it .iteIon of Emsile's Douglas , in rij. fling to Ceenflt base In the' sixth. collided with Ely and 1njurc1 his foot 90 ba4ly that ho had to rrttre. Attendance , L)3. Score ; - I'ZTrMJtfltt ; Pllfl..UraPlii , . ft.lL.A.R. ltlLO.g , Piien. lb. . 3 2 L 0 ( 'eeIy. ef C 0 7 0 0 1)noren. rf I I a 0 o Drngia , . lb I I I e 0 flrar.Th..3t2eMParrt.r0nooo Wfrthr. Ito 2 2 'I 0 l.I.kty , 110 0 I 0 0 DT1I. Cf.1t ) 0 1 ) ? C LiJnle. b. . 0 3 2 3 1 Canzi. lb. 0 1 2 0 1 F'Uc , rf. . . . I 0 I ) 0 II lIrY.1ib ef..0 I 0 0 0 flyIe. e.lbG I I 0 1 1417. s . . . . . . 0 4 1 4 0 COwS , 4. . . G 0 3 3 1 Schrlv.'r , a I 2 7 0 I ? ; .u b. 31 , . . . 0 1 0 1 0 1tnnIw , p..I ' , 0 1 0 Donahue , p 0 1 0 2 0 Totals tIllilti Totela . . . . 3G2$3 Pittehueg . . . . . . . . . . . 3 2 0 0 II I 0 2 Phlladc.lpbizi . . . . . . . . 0 0 0 2 0 1 0 0 6-3 Earm'd rene Plttshurg. 4. Two-base hlta. Eagan. llrn4lie , NaMh. Three-base hit : Doyle. lacriflrn hit : Rhines , Stolen mice : Douglas. Double play : Ely in ifnian to Ganzl. First lnse on bali Oft Rhines , 2 ; oFf Donahue , 3. Struck out : fly Rhinos , 5 : by Donohite , . Passed balls1 Boyle , McFarland. Time of game : Two hours. Umpires ; Emelie and Anmirows. i'rnz , r 4)ntilteh. . , fi LOLISVII.LE. Kr. . May 25.-Frazer omit- pitched the mighty itueio and but for the errors of thu Cniufleis , the ? flnnts would have been shut out. Attendance , 5. ScoreLOCSVII.t.E. LOCSVII.t.E. I NEW TOng. bt.ILO..t.E. R.1I.U.t.P. Cbark. lr..1 1 c o 9d'nllft'n. eft 0 4 00 } titehy , m. I I 3 4 1 Tlerasn , It. U 2 : e 'i lie ) ' . cC. . . . . 2 1 1 0 0 Jy . II , . . . I 1 12 0 0 flter. zr. . 1 : a n . Wftm4)t. ti. 0 1 0 0 0 SVagn. r. lb 1 a It o 0 tllnw.en. s. 0 0 2 ii C1b'm'n , lb 1 1 9 1 1 ) inflIn'O , 3b I 2 0 1 0 , b..O0130 Mny.irr. e. . . 0 0 5 0 \Vsroee , c. . 0 1 3 1 0 Frszer. p. . . 0 0 0 2 0 lttiL , . p. . . . 1 0 0 3 0 Totals . _ . . C hire 11 Tetnis . . . . I. I Ii 11 0 'Tierunu omit , hit by batted ball. Louisville . . . . . . . . . . . .0 0 0 3 0 0 3 2 - NowYork . . . . . . . . . . . 002000020-4 Earned rune : Louisville , C. Two.base lmlth : hloy , Dexter. Three-base hit : Clarke. 11am. , ron Rbcliey. Sacriike hits : Dexter , Smith. Stolen bases : Dexter. Wagner. Joyce. First baSe on bails : Off Frazer , 2 ; oft Itusle. I. Struck out : fly flube , 2. Double iittY Ritelmoy tO Wagner. Wild pitch : Ituslim. l'855t'I balls : Snyder , 2. Left on lmieea : Ltlierille. 3 ; New \ork. 7. Time of game Tro lIours. L'mimLres : Mc. Donald and O'Dny. .tn.tber "l'liemiiiti fluuril. CIIIC..GO. May 25.-Ilanbon's western "phenom" was badly exploded today , when every one of the Orphans scored an.i mmmdc mit hast' 000 hit ott him. The game was called at tile end of the seventh to allow Ilaltimure to catch a. trimiti. Attendance , 3,600. Score : C1I1aO. lLtt.TIMO1tE. 8.11.0 F. . llverttL lb. $ 410 0 0 1L'raw , abe 1 0 1 1 Lang. . . I . . r i 2 0 I ) ! CeIer. r f. . I 2 1 0 0 Dahlen. s. . I I 1 r. I .Jenntn , 21 , 0 0 1 4 0 Ityami. U. . . . 1 1. 1. 0 0 gelley. it. . 0 0 0 b 1 Mertee. rf. . 4 2 2 0 0 , Sterizel. Cf. C I 2 0 2 I'Or'k. 31' 1 1 0 2 I1 1).ynont. , . 2 0 2 1 0 Conner. 2 ? , . . 2 3 3 : ; 0 IICUROO. lb I I 10 1 0 Donahue. c.t 2 2 1 01l0wr'n. c.0 C 220 IFbMII , fl. . . . 1 2 0 0 1 gttNnn. p. . . 0 0 1 2 1 Chani.w , C. . . 1 1 0 0 0 ClArk.c. . . . 0 0 1 0 0 Totals . . . .10 11 fi 11 2 Totali . . . . 4 1 21 11 5 Chteago . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 3 0 0 7 1 6-20 llaltimure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1 0 0 0 2 01 Earneti ruims : Chicago. 8 , Left mi bases : Chicago , 2 ; BaltImore , 2. Two-base hit : McGr.w. Thrro-base lilt : Ryan. Sacri- lice lilt : Donahue. Stolen bases : Everltt , Lange. Dahlen. Demont. Double piays : Kitson to McGnnn. Balk : Isbeil. Struck out ; fly Isbell , 1 ; by Kitson. 2. i'assetl halls : Donihue : , 3 : Bowerman , I. First lam40 On baTh : Oft Isbeli. ; , , ft lUtson. 5. \'Iid pitch : Kithon. 1-lit by bail : L.ange. Dahlen , Demnoul. Tbne : Two hours and live minutes. tmnplres : Snyder and Curry. ! ' , , Mtotm Finally % 'ins. ST. LOUIS , May 25.-The llostons sue- ceeded Iti winning todmtym game from the iirowns in tUe seventh Inning , Wilen harley and Holmes made bud muffs. resuitbag In Ove runs. Attendance , 2,000. Score : T. LDI'1. 13OSTO. 1LlI.O..lC. finwil , 2b..0 1. 2 I 011'mit'n , cfl I I 00 Ilolme , . , ef 0 0 2 (1 ( 1' 'L'aney. lb. I I 1 0 0 harley. It. . 0 0 :1 : 0 1 ! L..mng. . . . . . . a i 2 2 Clements. C 1 1 2 1 e Daffy , If. . . . 0 1 0 0 ( n.I. , . 3b..1.2 I 5 0'ollIzu. . 3b.0 U . . 1.0 Tureer , . . if. . 1 1 1 II 0 0tnh , mt. . . 1 ' I C 0 1iaU's. . . . . 0 1. 2 2 1 how. ' . 2b. . . 0 , 5 1 Htjieu. lb.0 Ill 2 Ollerren.e..1 I 00 Taylor , p..i 23 0 lemo1 , p. . 1.0 0 0 Totals . . . .4 32717 3 Total , . . . . S 72 a 2 Boston . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.00002500-8 St.Louls . . . . . . . . . . . . 020010010-I Two-base hits : Clememits , Dowds , Cross , Turner. Three-iums. hits : Tummy , Long. Himmo run : Taylor. Hit by pitcher : Ifitil , Lowe. Double play : DowU to Smidgen. First base on balls : Ott Taylor. 2 ; off Nichols , 3. Triple paiys : Cross to Dawd to Suilgen. Passed bail : Bergen. Struck out : By- Taylor , 1 by Nichols.I. . Stolen bases : Clements , Turner. Time : Two hours and fifteen minutes. Umpires ; Iiartman and iieidler. . S'imntirs i'Inw CareleMMi ) . CLEVELAND. 0. . May 25.-Tile visitors played iii very hard luck today mmii they were furthermore very careless , Cleve- mail's iiaybng % 'as clean and spirited. Score : Cl.BVEL.ND.VASItINGTON. . It.lI.o.Alc. ILH.U.A.E. Ilurkelt. If. 2 1 1 0 0 Gettm'n. rf 0 1. 1 0 0 ttKean. as 2 1. 1 2 0 Sell&teh. & It. 0 1. 0 0 0 ChiIls. b. . 1. 3 1 S 0 McGuire , lb 1. 1 13 1. 0 \Valace , bO 2 1 4 0 cfl I I U 0 Blake. rf. . 0 I ) 3 0 0 Farrell. c. . 0 1 4 2 0 Ot'Onnor. cO I 1. 0 \Vsgner. . 3b1 1 1 2 1 McAleercfliUSOOlteltZ. 2b..112a1 Telpean. Th.0 ( lIZ 0 0 lVrIrIey. s0 1 2 5 0 at'AIVter. p 0 0 1 0 0 SwUm , p. . 0 0 0 5 1 Total , . . . . 5 5 27 14 0 Totals . . . . 4 9 21 15 1 Cleveland . _ . . . . . . 2 0 2 0 0 1 0 .0 ' -6 \Vaslmington . . . . . . . . 2 1 0 I 0 II 0 0 0-4 Earned runs : Cleveland. \'asliington : , Left 011 bases : Cbeveinna , \Vasliing- ; - ton.I. . First baSe 00 bails : Oft mleAiilster , 1 ; off Swaim. 1. Two-base hits : MeGuire. Wagner. Anderson , Wahiacc. i3urkett , Mc- Kean. Sacrillec hits : McGu-e , O'Connor. Double iaysVaItnct , to CIiIlts to To- beau , Childs to .bc1Cean tu 'I'elelLtl. Swaim to Farrell to McGuire , Wrigley to McGuire \Vngner. . Hit by nitcher : y 1cllIster 1 ; by Swaim , 1. Passe.i ball : 1"arrell. Cm- titres ; Lynch and Connoily. 'rime : One hour and forty-live mniliutes. Attentiance : . . STAND1NCOF TIlE TEAMS. I'Iuyecl. Won. Lost. P.C. Cincinnati . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2S 21 7 76.0 Cloveinnil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 21 9 70.1) New York _ _ _ . _ . . . . . . 2S 17 11 60.7 Ilostor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : m :8 i : 60.0 laitlmnuro , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 . 11 10 58,3 1'Ittiburg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' 16 14 53.3 ( hleugti . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 15 14 53.7 Philatielpilia . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 10 13 ILl ) Brooklyn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 10 15 10.0 I.OtliK'illC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 * ) 10 21) 33.3 St. 1..ommts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2S 9 19 33.1 \'iIi4llIZ1gtnn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 24 20.0 Gumc's today : Phtlahlelimldi at Chicago ; Nosy York at Cincinnat : ; Iiaitbinore at (1e''elurmd ; Boston at 1ou isvlile : % % 'aehing- till ) I'U.tsburg ; brooklyn at St. Louis. $ C(1IlX2f 00' TIIE1 WI6STEIIN LE.tGUH. liiii , ' llrlggs ( ) in' " ills Eisgngemi.mmt Ut C.Iun , Pius tusjmiebi.mily , COLUMBUS , 0. . May 23.-Brigrs was a puzzle to Mthneapclie and ho won lits own game In the iifth with a three-bagger. Score : llJr.E. Columbus . . . . . .00001.1006-282 Mtpn.'upolis . . . 0 U 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-0 1 0 Uatterie : Columbus , Brigga and Duck- Icy ; Miiinenpoiis. Norton and fl-bIter. DETIIOI'I' . Mmty 25.-Today's ganie was a hair-raiser. Detroit winning bya batting rmmlly iii the ninth. mmtter St. Paul had up- lnrontiy elnehed tile gami. Scorn : ILH.E. St.Paui . . . . . . . 0O5000001-.192 Detroit . . . . . . . . 200000113-7 Batteries ; lit. Paid. Phyiu.und Simies ; Do. trait. 'I'hnmas and. Twinetiani. INDIANAPOGIS.IUy 22.-Kuneas City won a hard fought bttl in the eleventh today-on iimm' outSold nimift itilil two singit's. TIi. game Wi , , intensely exciting mind toil of briliiant and yellow" iilays. Score : It 11.E. liidiaiip.lht * . . . . . . . a o o G 1) 4 ao oo-i EimnsasCity . . . . . . 40110000001-7117 Batteries ; Inmibsnnpl1s. Foreman and Lymell ; Kittisus C'lty , Suiitvan anti % Vllsoii. STANDING 00' TIlETEAMS. . Played. Won. Lost. P. C. St.1'aul . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 2 S 73.3 Indianapolis . . . . . . . . 3m ; 19 'T 73.1 Columbus . . . . . . . . . . . 17 10 81.0 lalflhIZtC City . . . . . . . . 28 16 10 63.5 3tilWtlUk4' . . . . . . . . . . . 29 14 15 3 3 Detroit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 19 31.5 Miflhieup.l . . . . . . . . . I 9 19 33.1 Omaha . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 5 22 IS.5 Games today : Omaha at Deiroit ; $1 , Paul at Columbus ; Minneapolis at Indianapolis ; Himmisas ( 'It ) ' at Milwaukoe. .tiiii'l&lbon. ROCK ISLAND , hlh , Mimy 3-Score : lLli.E. flock Island .0 0010 2 0 0 0-3 4 8 Qtiiiwy . . . . . . ' - . flatteries : flock Island. Mctilnnle and RtnIIss Quincy. Price anti Swurta. DIJI3L'QUE , Iii. . May . -Seoru : fiji-i : . Dnbuque . . . . . . 500000046-9155 , . . . - - flattorit's : Dubuque. J Browim and Hotige ; HI. Joseph , Peterson , Mulluney and Dunn. ford. ( Iilte itt t.rtlt liemid. NORTH fiEND. Neb. , May 2&-Speelal. ( ) -Thu Naiihvlih , student bitil team end the North Bend team played bull Tuesday aft. ernoon. Tium students are guod pluyere , but the North ndcrs were out ? , r their fhrst same "f the season and wpre on trial to sf' ! how they ouid line up as compared to former years. 'te score : Nashville , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 0 0 0 2 25 North Dentl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 5 3 1 2 Inter'.tnt ( . Icngnp. SPRINGFIELD , May 33.-Score : 11..It fi. Springfield . . . . : r 0 1 4 0 0 0 0 1-9 13 1 Youngstown..00100oO2-391 flatteries : Springlield. Dolan an.I Graf- flue ; Youngstown , Dinemoro anti Patterson , FORT ATNE , fad. , May m.-Score : R.U. i . FortWayne..000000003-331 Toledo . . . . . . . . . 1 0 0 0 ch 0 0 0 0-i 6 I IMtter1tst Fort Wayne. Alloway and Campbell ; Toledo. Ewing and Arthur. DAYTON , 0. , May . -Score : ILl-Li . Dayton . . . . . . . - NowcaStle.00290106-S)2l flatteries : Dayton. fltes and Donohue ; Neweastle. Wootimmitles and Nb. 1'h011.IA , 1.Iuy 26.-ccnre : - fLUE. Peoria . . . . . . . . . . . 001011000004-113 Ilurlingtrrn . . . . . . 000000:100i10-.312 3 flatteries : Peoria. Roach and Quinn ; Ilurllngton , filler anti Williams. GIIAND RAPIDS , May . -8core : R.U.E. Granti ftald . . 3 3 1' 5 0 1 3 4-2025 ' 1 Manetlelti . . . . . . . . 1 0 4 1 0 3 0 1-10 7 7' Batteries : Gr.inii Rapids , Altrock and Cole ; Mnnsliebl. Eli , Emig and DelL Ermtcrn Lenitui. . Syracuse-Providmce. , rain. Sprlngth..ltl-Wilkeslnmrre , imuilponed. Buffalo , 4 : floclit's&er , 8. Toronto.3bontrsal. rain. .fHlDAlt L.tIM 'rllId iiiu Il3l1.H1. Naite ( if ( lie tneri.n a Entrl's Get in film tl. . 3t.ney , EPSOM , Eng. , Mid ) ' 23.-Time two huntlreti aiim ! eighteenth renewal of the derby stnke ( the classic derby ) of 6.000 sovereigns , was run at Epsom Downs today , antI was won by Mr. J. W I..arnach's chestnut colt .1ttldah , by Jantssnr- , omit of t'llgrimage. The race Is for 3-yenra-clil cults by sub. m'criltion of lIft ) ? sovereigns each , half for. felt , the nominator of the winner to re- cclvii 60) sovereigns , the owner of the see- onti horse to receive 30t ) sovereigns anti the owner of th'l third horse to receiro 200 sovereigns - reigns out of the stakes. The course is tttout 1)110 mile and a halt. Derbs' ilay Obeflt'tl line and pleasantly cool. 'there were the usual scenes on road flfl(1 and immenme' cros-ds of 1)0tiIl , ' gathered on Epsoin Downs. The remark- abbe number of runners-eighteen-un- equaled in the last twenty-three years , CllUllbeI ( with the openness of the result , : i.lddMl greatly to tilt , interest in the event. 'rIle result hi detail was as follows : J. 1 % Lanarch chestnut cult .ieddali. by Jannis- 5817 , out of Pilgrimage. won : Duke of West- mtnster'ii brown colt 13.mtt. by Itheen , out of Vampire , second ; Prince ofVnles bay colt. Dunlop , by Ayreahtre. out of Fortuna third. Previous to tile race tile chief Interest ap- poured to center In J. IV. flogers Ambrican hal' Colt. Archduke II. by- Luke Blackburn , out of DucheMs thy Kingilsiler ) a halt brother of Clifford , a horse of which the public knew little except by reports of big trials. including a supposed phenomenal performance against History , the winner of tilt ! Great Metropolitan stakes. The Amen- cans were said to be suplortlng Archduke It heavily. anti it was recalled that it is just a century since Archduke I. won the derby. The other Ametican runners were the 1iinfllard.Beresfond stables entry. Elfin , a bay colt by Sensation out of Equality. and August Belmont's chestnut colt Bridegroom II. II.The The Prince of Wales , accompanied by a large party , was present at the race. Sir Tattoo Sykes' bay cot ! , Disraeli , the - ravorite , bed UntiL passing Sherwootis , when Elba drew to tIle front and led until do- seending the hill. Then Jeddah assumed. the lead , but was joined by the duke of Pont1ancis bay colt , \'antage , allil Ball a quarter of a mile from borne. Jedthih win- fling by three-quarters of a. length. A length afltt U halt separateti Second and third. . horsas. TIlt , tiuke of Devonshire's chestnut colt. Duedeene , was fourth. Time bettini previous to the start was 100 to I against Jt'titiah , 10 to 1 agaInst Dunlop anit 10 to 1 agaInst. Dali. Archduke 11 was eighth , fiuidauroom II was eleventh and Elfin vt'as fourteenth. The ( 'aterham plate of 2o sovereigns was won by F. Buckley's chestnut billy. Chioris 111. ThIs race Is for 2.000 sovereigns for 2- year-aids. Five horses ran. distance live furions. IIICYCLI3 PAlLID 13 TillS EVENING. Trlnn'e Cinis ha , a Gr.nt P.rorzuu jar 51 , . . lVlie,1imen. This evening will be held under the auspices - pices of the Triangle Cvce cltlb of the Young Men's Christian association a. bicycle - cycle parade and reception. The parade will form on Douglas street with tile head restina' on Sixteenth street and will move over Douglas street to Sixteenth , . thea north on Sixteenth to Corby , west on Cnrby to the boulevard. north on houbevard to Twentieth Street entrance of expoeltida gruunds , where a moment's halt will be made- for lemonade , furnished by Mr. Hay- den. The return will be on the boulevard Ii ) Canitol avenue , east on Capitol to F- ! teeuth Street , soUth on Fiteenthi street to Howard , west on Howard to Sixteenth , north on. Sixteenth to Young Men's Chris. tian association building. where the parade will enjoy a shairt musical and lIterary pro. gram , Including an ntldness of welcome by Dr. 13. C. Henry. ircsltlent of the Triangle club. Refreshments will no served after the close of the entcrtanamenL Wheels will be checked and stored n the dining room of the assocIation. The , formnat.tun of the paratie will be as foibows : Seven mounted musIcians on tan- dems. heavy pacing machines , uniformed members of 'l'nianglo Cycle club , Young Voman's Christian association and lattly riders. uniformed members Triangle Cycle club. bieycl merchants' display , Germanta Cycle club , cycle mercuants' illsplity Omaha Cycle club , messenger boys' dlvi- don , . Unioii Pacilie Cycle , club. unattached riders. Tourists Cycle club. 'rhmose coming without lanterns or decora- lions cnn procure same at tie yoUng Men's Christian associutboil building. The only ticket of admission to tile reception Is at wheel. At a special meeting of the Turner Wiye ! chili "Indians" it. decided to accent tlltt invitation tf time Tnlange club atnti par- ticipatte in the lantern lur.te of TbtarIay ovening.Flfty of the "braves" have agreed to nartlcilnttt. and will leave the lVigwanm Ut : Z0 a. m. Event , , on the lLiiiiiiint Tract'n. CINCINNATI. May 23.-Only two favor. ites won , but the ring suffered severely on the victors' of Vltitarcb in Limo iiftii race , ho being backed from 15 to I down tO 7 to 1. Jockey Joe Schemer was suatimt'nded in. detinltely- pulling up Rose Apple , the favorite in tile liret race , Track tut. Siam. manes : First race , tour and one-half furlongs : Nervura won , King Carnival second , 1'aIls' third. Time : 061. : Second race , ix furlongs. selling : SIster : miatnio won , Deli Chasse second , 'ressie 0 third. Time : 1ib. Third race. live furlongs , selling : L'Piiot , Jr. . won , Lost Time second , Lucky Jun thtrti. Time : 1:0m ! . Fourth race. one mile. selling : henry T.aunt won , Kitty B second , Mitt Roykin third. Time : 1:13. Firth race. oils , mile , selling : Plutarch won , Est-Nt'-Regtna second , Caiti third. TIzne 1:11. : Sixth rate. six furlongs. selling : Mitni- etla. won , Mariti. eeond , ABle Belle third. TImeD 1:16k. : ST. L0L&S. May 2S.-urnmaries : First race , mile antI a sixteentil : Kings Guard won , Virginia M second , Dlii Dawdy third. Time : 1:53. : Second race. selling. seven furlongs : Imp. King Otalil worm. Prince of IndIa second. Osinis U third. Time : 1:20. : Third race. selling , mile nod seventy yenta : Dr. Sht.ppani Won , Forbush second. liuckvldern third. Time ; 117. Fourth nice. hiandknp , live and urme-halt furlongs : Tlmuznaker won. MIss Verne see- ( intl. John Boone third. 'rime : 1th , FIttlI race , selling , six $ urbongmi : Chmang won. NIna Louise stcond , Stockholm timird. Time : 1:15h. : SIxth race , eelliamg , mile and a sixteenth ; flasquli wu ilivla second , Tony honing third. Time ; 1A0 , Mets liens , Want Gunes , Maimieger Ssgts or the Mets Brothers would like to hear from managers of teams in anal out of the city or games to bit played eli thmu old Fort Omaha ! rOUnhIs. Next Sunday time Metz Brothers will appear in their new Unifunnis with the Ilavaien Urotimers , and from now on the patrons will lie accommosiateti with a lirst-s'iass gums' every Slmndimy Aditress till mumewers to harry IL Sage. IWO Charie street Dtve Irtiai Mt. l.eui , ilrldae , . 5.7' . LOUIS. May 25.-Kearm'y Speedy. known over time country a-s a nervy bniiio lumper. dlt'tut train the Merchants' bridge Into the Misseipp1 ! river tduy anti escaped unhurt. The tiimitisnct + was 128 feet and the fact that the river was very high and running with tinltwottd niatie the feat a perilous one Only three persons were lH'e $ tint , tine uf tht'in being a newspaper maIn. McCoy mmmiii Clanyntki Ibuteliesl. NEW YuRl , May 25.-Toam O'flouium has mutehietl MuCtay timid Choynmmkt for a tWian. t ) ' und bout tur a purse of $ I0.IS.I0. the lixht to take place at tile Lenox .thiet1c club. tiis nh. Jmi-f lIe also matched Maimer and Uothbtrd for a twenty-flwt. round go at thi. same ciujptia on July 5 for a purse of $ & 0. : f Ylaipunit Mnkcsi3i.m. ) . ( butt Tlnie. , UALTIMORZ 3bai-m 23.The favorites at Oentiernen's Dntnlfltmark today hail troll- blot , of thstr nwn.jtfiacIal Baron was the only 'gonil thIng" tbaproetl productive to the talent. Resultj 2:27 trottInq ptn lt ) ' Royal Baron Won flrsL third and fourth heats and race. Best. time ; 24'Jfrhen M won second heat. iJ3& 2:22 pect. 1Urt4e ; ' ? ) ' . ' Ainsworth won in straight heats. Ife8t ti'mne .11's. 2:20 trottIng , purn 4ti0t Edsail won in 5traiiht heats. flet 'me' 2i4'- . CHURCHMEN I CONVENTION AlumnI .Icetlng of II , , , ( 'ongregntimnt .ts.lijiett , of Snflt ? . lnkil in. alt Huron , liUflOif , S. B. , May 23.-Special.-The ( ) twenty-seventh annual meeting of tile lien- oral Association of Congregational Clmulbea in South Dakota is in session here. Bela- gates are present from all parts of the state I and the tleliberations of the association I propel and the missionary organizations : promIse to be interesting. Tuesday forenoon - noon the Woman's Board of Mislons of time Interior and the Woman's Foreign MIssionary - ary union held their annual meetings. tothm of which were well attended. Delegates are being comfortably cared for in the homes of Huron people and nil seem to be having a happy tle. VI'1331M 01" I't'x3itlsT .t.'I' .t11HILUEES. ( 'hitiiige 31iiIi. in rnsti'ziti. itt the Cntiti , Chureit , ABERDEEN , S. B. , May 25.-Special.-- ( ) Rev. Father Reliand has been transferred from this- point to Parkston. The vacancy ujll be filled by Rev. Father O'Hara of \Vtmkonda , - Work on the superstructure of the new Cathmolic church has begun anil it is the intention of the contractor to rush the work to completion as rapidly as possible. A fine new dwellIng house on thu farm of E. F. McCoy. near Columbus. was totally destroyed by lire. An effort is again being made to start a Business Men's union or club in this lty. There is no doubt that something of this kilid will eventually be started and prove a great benefit to Aberdeen , the same he similar organizations hawo benelited other ciUss. Hon. H. F. Hunter. immigration commte- siotmer of time Chicago. Milwatikee & St. Paul , is highly plessed over time prospects in South Dakota this spring. Every farmer is - aim Immigation agent on his own hook anti new settlers are conming in rapidly all over the state. Land- has already advanced several doilars per acre in price and 3tr Hunter thinks farmers are foolish to sell even at the advanced price. Crops of all kinds are looking splendid , The Salzer Hunter car will be thoroughly decorated with South Dakota products and placed on exhibition at. Omaha. Two Ceuntit' . . lIu3 : liiraxnjiipa ( , l. PIERRE , S. 0. . Mayaf25.-Specjnl.-Tbe ( ) . residents of Stehingceunty are mnktng a move toward the organization of that county. Under the provisions oft the act passed at the last legislative session to change the boundaries of Stanley county all the tern- tory at present compnsnd in the county of Sterlthg would b' included in S'tauley county. and as haag county has already incurred - curred a good-sized , indabtethnese , the reel- dents of Sterling wihlmako an cifort to go it alone befhre thus vW can be taken. A petition is flOW' beiog.eirculated , and whUe the residents of that $ cnunty would prefer to remain as unorganized territory on. an- count of the differenoc-4n expense of con- darting thehrtnffutrs.Jt1lU'comr' t.by1Sein included in another county , or working under nit organization of their own , they would rather take lime additional cost and stand by themeelves. Harding county , in the northwest corner of time state. is in the same list. and while the effort to organize that county has not been pushed for seine time. It is salt ! that they will also push their organization to get In ahead of the vote this fall , which would make them a portion of Butte county. To Sn.- Their RmitI'alo 11.-rd. SIOUX FALLS. S. D. . May 2.-SpeclaL ( ) -The Depress , on Cheyenne river. are fencing In a large pasture on Cheyenne reservation , in which their growing huffalo herd will be kept incloed in the future. But little care has been given to them of past. years , but when they are placed in a pasture to themselves. it is expected that they wilt Increase rapidly. The herd now consists of tilirty heath of full blooi.s and about fifty cross breeds. The full bloods alone will be placed in the pasture , which consists of several thousand acres. The pasture is placed on the reservation under authority of the Interior department and the work is being rapidly pushed. This is one of the few herds of buffalo which is yet known to bit in existence in time country and is the increase of a tow calves captured by Free Dupree when it became apparent that these animals were soon to be practi- mhly an extinct species. liittt for I lie' Slut.'niii'i'lit mu. MITCHELL. S. D. . May 2.-tSpecinl Tele- gram.-The ) republican state central corn- mittee met hera tonight to name time date tail piece for holding the republican state .aouvention to nominate a ticket. Chairman 1111101. presided. and every county with the exception of several smaller counties was represented. The date selected was August 24. Mitchell was selected on the first formal ballot by a nearly unanimous vote for a place to bold the convention. The representation - sentation was imxed at two delegates at large for all organized and uorgaoized counties , and one delegate for each severity-four votes cast for republican nominee for governor. A motion carried to elect all aitornates for delegates and no proxies be allowed in the convention. ! luuuuuipt Csile.l iii , PIERRE. S. D. . May 25.-Speclal ( Tale- gramn.-State Treasurer Phillips has called in i3,000 of 5 per cent anti iO00 of P4 per cent. bonds. Tlis reduces the bonded indebtedness of the stpte to 4862.000. most of it. at 3 ptmr . the hIghest at 43 per cent. There aijo only $83,000 more of bonds which can b thken up before 1U2 and these wBi undoulitcdly be dIsposed ot before time close of thuik year. There is no iioatiug Indebtetinas whatever anti considering - ing the state of the treasury at the tinie the present treasurer ok charge time state is certainly. malting ae excellent showing. lbniinr 3re 'I'rn'p" . P112111181 , 8. B. , Ia' 25.-Speeial ( Tele- gram.-Wbibe ) this clty has already fur- oisbod a company ot'ntantry and a troop of cavalry on calls for' troops Samuel Logan has been working on'tl'e organization of another - other company of ( in anticIpation of another call anti has cpugh macli promitesl to organize his compaqy. which he wiii at once recruit under the new call. beginning his work tomorrow , Pierre has already fur- nisluid a larger number of troops in prp- portion to its population than any other city in the state , but is rea'hy to do more in that line. Salient.- lbtail.t s * iIatl..slsip. DEAI\VOOD , S. D. , May 23.-Special ( Tel- egrarn.-A ) fund baa been started here by liquor 'leabera to build the ilnest battleship atboat. to cost not loss than $3,000,000 and to be presented to time United States. The movement is expected to become national and the projectors have assurances of generous - erous support throughout the country One minute is not long. yet relIef is oh- tamed 1mm halt that time by time use of One I Minute Cough Cure. It. prevents consump- I tion anti quickly cures colds , croup , broU- I chitis , pneumonia. Is grippe and all throat 1 _ and lung troubles. CATES TO BE OPEN SUDAY1 BoaH of Dirtctoio ettIe the Much Mooted EzpoIitfofl Question. RESTRICTION PlACED ON SAIl OF LIQUOR Tmyn-TIiird , of the Att.ntlssne.lees' on 11.-curd in Favor of sun- Clueing as ltcgsr.ts .tny Part of the ( Ircat Fair. ( Continued from First Page. ) other companies that submitted bids at the time at making the contract , He also made a showing that all the draymen who coin- plied with the rules of the expositIon were at. liberty to haul from the city detote to the grounds. lie said , however. that he traimefer company hail the exclusive right to haul from care switched to points inside tile grounds. N16V.tI.t. IS 'FILE i.iits'r flhLtlY , 4tuitt' Ealti lilt in Shnpe for Inspect l'2 % 'isittr' . 'nw , Nevada claims the distinction of being the first statC to have its exhibit reatly for the Inspection of visitors. and Colonel ii. 13. Maxon , the energetic representative of the motumtain state , is not hiding that.'fact under a bushel , but is ibtuntlug it in the faces of his less ucossful competitors in a wty that 1 is calculated to spur them to redoubled of- forts. The mineral exhibit of Nevada is all an- ranged and the precious specimens of ores of every kind found in the territory. nuinur- ous varieties of stone , includIng the precious onyx and many other rare kinds. all are inplaco in the handsome cases , and they form a most attractIve and InterestIng cx- hibit. Colonel Maxsoujs heart is broken , however - over , over the sad fate that has befallen his agricultural exhibit. The material was all pile. ! in a heap in boxes and barrels on the space in the Agricultural building assigned to Nevada , and when Colonel Maxson and hIs assistants linisimeti the arrange- 010111. of the minerals they made a descent upon the agricultural collection with a view of getting this ready In short order anti breaking the record in this department also. Upon inspection of the various materials constituting this exhibit it was found that the heavy rains of last week had found a hole in tile roof of the building directly over the Nevada exhibIt and had ruined all the flour anti all the salt. tlmere being about 1.000 pounds of both. Colonel Maxson was "stumped. " The salt had been collected in the natural state in a remote portion of the State as an illustration of one of the many undeveloped resources of the territory and it could not be replaced in time for the open- lng. The flour was the product of Nevada mills anti freight formed a very important item in its transportation. It was decided that the only thing to be done vould be to arrange the exhibit without these commodi- ties. but Colonel Maxson said it was a serf- Otis lose. irotilt fiht.t'ID NEW Il.tflY i.lONM. tmniut ! Euitt'rtniutrt Sante Nev-lItrmt tbtuuuirehms sit tli. Exiitsltloui. Among the arrivals at the exposition grounds yesterday were four sprigs of roy- alLy. It is as yet undetermined which gen- tIer they belong to. for the reason that their royalty is tine to the fact that they are children - dren of a captive King of Boasts anti have not. yet been iii this wale of tears long enough for even their proud mamma to get very well acquainted with them. One of the handsome lionesses belonging to the Hagen- back animal show gave birth to four cubs while on the traIn which brought the show from its winter quarters in California. They cannot claim to be the first children born on the exposition grounds , but they can lay claim to being native Nebraskans , and that is something these days. The keepers think the mother anti her very interesting family can be removed from their present uncomfortable - fortable quarters , which wore improvised from a packing ease on the train , and Installed - stalled in a comfortable cage today. The mother lion seems to be very proud of her babies. Another feature of the animal show that is unIque in these parts and gave much amusement to the visitors on the West MIdway - way was the work of one of the performing elephants. She was harnessed to a big mowing - ing van and hauled the other animals in boxes and crates from the cars to the simw building. The building is fitted up with stout cages , In which are conlineil a great I collection of show and performing animais. The lions are the especial pride of M't. fibs- tonic , who is in charge of the show , and arc really magnificent specimens of the family. 'rlt.tININ ( . TilE ( UtitI ) TO M.tit'li. Instreetlira Put time Mcii Tir..ugi , 21u , ' trout. Straw f't)4t" i2x. rt'isLs. The Exposition gUard' is making rapid progress in military tactics under the efli- cleat instructions of the drill masters forming - ing the corps of officers. Daily drills are held. in which the muon. are put through so- were trainIng , to acquaint them with the foot movements. These drills arc held in tIme open space on the north tract , set aside for the infantry drill ground , being back of the Wild West show. Time exercises have been held during the forenoon of each day , hut owing to the heat at that time it. has becim decided 1.0 bold the drill at 6 p. mu. , here- after. Tue vacancy in the office of captain has been filled by time promotion of Marcus Covall , who was appointed as lIrst Ibeuten- ant 'rime position of first lieutenant left vacant by this promotion. was filled by the appointment of Joel Stebbins of Omaha , a young inca who has had military instructIon at tile Omaha Highschool , University of' Na. braska and in the Thurston allies. The full quota of corporals has been filled by the appointment of C. C. Northrup , promoted - meted from the ranks. Three new appoirmt- meats have been made to the guard since time list was first made public , as follows : Dun A. Allen , J , A. Craik , J. H. Swinetord. fins'teliust'tt , . Official Dtiegutiee , The lower house of the Massachusetts legislature has passeda resolution providing foan appropriation of $6,000 for ottlcial rep- resentatlon of the state at the exposition. The resolution provides that a delega. tin shall visit Omaha s thu otilciat representatives - sontatives of the state , coiisstin ( of the governor or lieutenant governor , tour main- hers of the staff , three inenibers of the cx- ecuttve council. one of the secretaries of the executive department , time secretary of state , treasurer , auditor , attorney general. ptemii- dent and clerk of the senate , spenicer anti clerk of the house , the joInt conlmittee on federal relations nail a Joint special corn- mittee , four of the senate end ten of the house , and the sergeant-at-arms. 4)1.1 I' N.&rn.-s , A carload of negroes from Georgia and Alabama have arrIved anti taken up their headquarters in the Oitl Plantation on the West Midway. Ileadeti by a band of eighteen pieces anti playing inspIring American iluickatoPs the party marched through the principal streets of the city. There were uncles unit mammnies , bucks and wsnchu anil pickaninnies by the iiozen. Following the party was a couple of wagons contain- tag the baggage. Thu cavalcade stopped in front of The flee building while the band ground out a I tune and then time route to the exposition grounds was taken and the parade ended at the quarters being prepared on the north tract. Log cabins have been erected and the entirs population of the vIllage will be employed from Ziow till the exposition opens in cultivating Cotton aiM tobacco Settle anti making the interior of tiif' village ft bower of beauty with flowers and lne. 0R13ION ( lETS lttflY TO fltlI.1) . Mpnae 11.-leetad nntl i'gti.t Per and thu. l'r-iiminnrl.- 1)ispntrlie.i. Final arrangements for the space to be occupied fly the Oregon building nOul ax- hibit were completed by Commissioner Bosch of Portland , who delivered to the Eshiblts department a check for $1,336 , being the final payment for the apace. The Oregon building will slant ! on the west side of the bItt ! ! tract. near the Sherman - man avenue fence , anti directly south of the Montana btlihling. Vi'ork will be corn- menceti on this building within a few tiny , anal Mr. Doch says It will be completed within a remarkably short time. Sonic of the timber for the Oregon cx- hibit is standing on the tracks on time hitift tract nimil has attracted great attention. One Piece is a square stick sixty-four feet In length anti three feet imm the other thlnien- sions. It is loaded on two flat cars anti extends tlmt ftili length of botim. Another piece is a section of a thirteen-foot tree , the section being two feet thick , and another - other piece Is a section of a ten.foot tree three feet in thickness. % -Irutsktt liii I lii log's b ii 1.-riot' . Time decoration of the interior of the Ne- hraska huiliiing is proceething rapithby cmiii ( lao building is beginning to lmresont a dicer. tub nuti homelike appearance. whicit will un tioimbtethiy make it a PoPular place. The titmtimig of the interior was conmpbcteul t'onme Iliac ago , and time walls are 1olrmg , btnimtlitMl lay time lianging..of large numbers om imnntl- 501110 oil paintings tromim the brushes of No. bramuka artists. These are beittg hung oration the direction Miss Mt'Iiona Iluttetfiehil , anti add very much to the appearance of the buildIng. The governor's suite on the 8cr- end floor , has been carpeted , the innin room with W'iiton carpet ntmd the snmnibor maul with handsome r..tting. The other rooms are being arrange" . In various ways suitable to the purpose it. ? vhlcim they are intemtdetl anal the fumnictiro will be installed In a few days. it ! louis 'lmuti' . lie1inix , The Illinois climb nmnt last night at the exposition headqmmarters nod was called to order by tile president , E. fi. hienedicL Seine discussbama wac given. to lime qumt'stbnn of what persons are eligible to nmernbt'rship iii time club anti it was tiecitied that all native bor'm hlhinoisans and persons who have lived in that state five years may beconme members of the club. Time chief matter under considera- than was the entertainment of the governor and lila staff armd other Illinois people who wllhl be ht're on Illinois day. Jtirme 21. No definite arrangements have been made. but the cltth proposes to tender a reception anti banquet to the governor on that occasioll aulil to do all in Jts power to , make Illinois People fuel at home. 'l'r , , n ii r iNst I ' .pt i ! I P I 'l'r , I. , l'TS 3 ! eu-i. A meeting of the Transmississlppl Troop- era was belt ! at the rooms of the Commercial club last night to plan for their part in tIme opening of the exposition anti the van- 005 functions and pageants to follow tiuring the stammer. About twenty-five of tIme zitlers were present , representing a consitlerably - larger number , anti all reported that they and their tnoumts ! were neatly ( or duty. A unIform was decided upon , commsisting of thick trousers , higgins and tilt. hats. Another - other meeting will occur next Monday night to complete arrangements for the troopers' appearance on the opening. tiny. .trrnuigimirr ttliiiiilN liuiiiding. The decoration of the interior of the hIll- nois building Is making good progresa. Tll various rooms are being tinted in worm tones with the most pleasing effect antI htige bales of carpets , crates containing easy chairs , boxes of drapery , curtains. etc. . attest the tact that this building is to In' one of the handsomest anti most luxurinum , oil the entire grounds. Tue arrangement of time art annex in whIch nrc displayed the four large paintings of the World's fair is nearing completion anti tlma ! promises to he one of the main attractions on the bluff tract. I3cMit inn NutS.- , . . The llnitislm and Carmuulian-Amnenican club ' .iil hold a meeting in the transnmiseisslimpi headquarters , Thursday evening at S o'clock , All members anti friends requmestcrJ to be present. Women also invited. Rev. Dean Fair will give an address. President F. M. Sterreti of the Missouri commission has officially closed tIme ar- rangemcnts for Mlssotni's space in tiae van- bus malta exposition buildings by tmiuiihimg over to the Exhibits department am check for 3.163. ! in full payment of the balance ems ts ! account. The bronzing of the dome of the government - ment buslthing is being tione by three work- men. One sits on a "chair. " which Is sims- pendoti over the steep subs of the lofty ionmc. anti the other men umianijumiato the raise wlii. ii holda time chair. There is an ilniriense surface to lie covered. but gootl orocaes is 1'ti , natie antI the portion already - ready completed shInes ha the bright rays of the Still iI'ie burnished goitl. ( tIlImll its 4uu I'iIt' , RAPID CITY. 8. D. . May 25--ISpenial Telogram.-Aii ) oltl reattient of Petinimigtnn county named Soren Jc'nscn vonmmmtted ani- chic yesterday by emitting hIs throat with a razom- . Sunday some friematle repia.a'I i.ia whisky with weak tea iii his bottle. 11 is supposeti he brooded over the julte a'isli a fatal result. --i'r . - - . _ : . , \ A nan will defend his - honor with lila life. - . What is .more dishonor- - abI than unmiccessary failure ? Thousands of men make failtmrea of life amid die prenmatmire deaths , leaving wives and children unprovided for , bgcammc of their reckless neglect of health. No man can do good work or be msccessfuI in business wh suffers from biliousness , iii. geetive and nervous disorders such as sick headaclic. giddiness , duizsneas , drowsimmc'ss , cold chills , flnailiings of heat , simontnrams of breath , lose of appetite , fullness amid swell. jug after mcale , wind anti pain in the stein. acir , costiveness , blotches arm On , skin , ines of sheep , disturbed s1eep , frightful dreains and nervous ; tutl trcaimlmltmmg sensations. These arc but time fOrerunners of some dread diteaso like deadly consumption , or itai nervou'i Iarostratioam. . fIr. Pierce's Golden 3fctIici Discovery is the best med. , feint' for hard ivorking men and womnen. it cures all Cases of veak stomach , im. paired shigeattion arid illeerdereti hi'er. It gives keen edge to the appetite , makes time digeetton perfect and the liver active. It inakes rich , red , pure blood and builds firm , healthy dccli , It builds new , healthy , muscular tissue in every vital orgamm. II tones the worn.out nerves. It stm-engtiieimu , the muscular system , anti Isivigorates and vitalizes the whole Syatenm. it induces sound and refreshing slcep , dissipates drowsiness amid mnelammelmoly , anti imparts mental power , elasticity mmd courage. Ii arotiecs the physical energies of time wimme hotly. it cures S per cent. of all cases of consumption , bronchial , throat and kindred ailments , All meifleinc dealers sell it. Costiveness and biliousness. I3octou Pietce's Pleasant Pellets cure them. They strengibeus and stimulate the overworked organs. They never gripe. One " " 13 a gentle laxative , two a mild cathartic , Ef : ; : ; . iJe and . . ATli the first considera- lit lions when buying ItT Liquors for Family Use. 01D CR0 WAND HERMITAGE WH ISKI ES are Bottled [ n Bond under the Immediate - mediate Supervision of the U. S. Government. Nort Tle hn'cran fl va-moe iltammip 'vet tius Cork * tth taptslewttb the nneW. : A. GABlES Ic CO. ii tlm Government G'iar- antee : tnt gt-es w.b ttic i'ot'lumg. Al.t. DuItl.PR SELL ii' . - - - - - I IDIM'c' I"IIt ) Li&'IlLlt Sr.'Ii. 'I. . Uiwl'l 'S'F.his vcni..ty being lii- jentetl directly to tiso - acat of thot , dlsen.-- , 1' ) or the Ganito. Urinary C-c 4PrEans , requmires UI ) ciunsigi , ur shut. Ctu'ii. - - xunrnimte'tI lit 1. 10 3 slay's. Minnil iminin pmicT- . , r4TT' 'ilonw ( ' . isy mmmnil. 81.00 , 'Sp ap only bs' 3hyer. . lIlbnn iru.g t.'n. , S. C. t't.rne'W I Otis utnd iii run mis Slit. , tnsumlin , Neb. . Tholi.S. u ( OTh1tNIENT wantz strong attn in Its S V service. With otie accord - cord the Ar.y iumd Navy ' endorse iitii-iiEN as the grvae.rt known slrcnct2ener. invmrurat- . . . - ' or anti i-r.rattvc. it - . creates a.Olid 'it'b. anus- , etc amid stren,4lmek.ars fr.ll , the bnmin , sm.ength as tlao nerves it ti czucs ' tile timer.tivo to 1' : orgoni quicklyregain tiidirmior- cUl powers. F r norv- . us poitraton. ! over- - a mit. h-mpaiirt'ti vttal.ti iaeihcrscxontLwcstvo ; use of opium. Pqior or totucco , it pesitiwoly c..znct be txt'il 'ti. One bozwill work wonlcr.- . . Six vlIi cure. 1J.tit-fllfN is for silo hj alt dregglats , lit ) I ii- lots , 4) ta'iiL' . Ona to two manths' 1renmenu : Fill out anti mall us the iliagaiasts sheet. Li each box md we Itlil give your c.zse special altec- tiomi wltiiuutcxtra vhmnrge. JttR-IfltN is pm' . lay lijahiner 0. ) jncnu. Ph. 0. . U. S. . dl. r"t. from tue formula of B. 13. Ibarton , M. U. Clevelami.i' , most eami' sn.ciallt. : , lane in clo'etl paeicmgn oil r'caipt C f lmnit't Ulta. thUtTON lIEN-ON. . 91 lIar-Hen Block. i loveland , 0. For sale by Kuhn 7 'o , Lao .inti Doug las ; J. .t. Fuller & t0. , 11 Douglas 81 , anal Graimaimi Drug Co . Lili 111th F.irraztmmz ICing Pharmmr'y. : 1llm tin I Lclvknzvorth , Pc'tons liaimrrnaiey. 2lth and Leavenworth : E. J. S ykorn. So'tim tJamzat'ia. anti all other dnmmgglsms iii Omaha , Son. h Omrmahma. Council Blurts. _ _ _ - . ; c1 YVJLF Cs. Bin ' 4 far ilflofttUfl 4iicnarga. taesumaloa Owi.t..J Irr1tstI. en uirertiamj , .4 - ItS. , , ? . . st am a a ii 1 $ naamabr.D , Prne.'u e.t.I.41.m. t'ItSkI. , ad riot , itrta. , a a THIEYLS1I Cqimacat6o.81st "tiflDU. . esasemn.oi ) .id lay Zragtj5 e. s. s. . r or . , at In usia wrrar by zrrss , rrpsld. tel Patronize llone illdllstries - - . - . % . hly Pnrclmntfnar ; . , , , , at tht' , , - , - : N.'lurzi'tlcn Fatetupri otis - ASVNINGS .tD TENTS. nMtilt. 'i'EN'I' .INI ) lttJlJiIEll. CO. ( Successors Omaha Tent anti Awning Co. ) Snnimtactu'ere t.'imt , . : ladle , ' and geumL' la.klttc.lte. , 'reside : or rent. fill Farrmnin St Omaima. C nanwEltIgs. I ) iA II I. lilt I31NO i.SSOCI .i'I'lN. CanioaI ehignients mace tn our own metrIc. erator cars. Ulue Uihbi , Elite llxpom-t. Vlenim.t ExPort and Family Exufl deileerro to oil plumes of the city. I10LERS. olm.til.t , hIOmLEIt IVOltlt8. JOHN it. t.IIVI1EY. i'rop. linliers. nnd Sheet 'mum it'nrk. Specti taetiltltt. fo 0lflg memedrmi. et. Tel. 111 COflNICE 'Ofll. - , (7. Zr. El'i2NrTEht , i-.iGil3 Clli''ICII WOflKU haumufacturer at G'.lvnnize1l Iron t"rnao , , Czi' . vanied Iron tityiiglii , Tin. Ita ni Slatoi Retiring. Ag'nt for Ebnmmeare firel Calling , , 105-mn-U North F'rt'r"'ttmeet ( 'iLt"KER Ft r'-rnr.t rs. .I3tEitiC.IN uilMCbJI'l' .tNt ) 1IF' , . Wimulimsie Crs.'ker Mnnuat'mtarers , ' 031.111.1 , NEIl. DYFIVORIcS. . MCllIE118 tCl ( ' $ 'I'l'IN Cl'l'Y flyjj V ( ) it liI aui Farussi at Si. flying and cleaning garmdnrs asral go , u every description , Cleaning of line garments specialty. Frotit MILLS. - S. V. CIL1I.tN. F'omir , Meml , V'ectt. flraa. i0i3a5.t7 7t'enth i7ti PIn-i , Omaha , N'a. . C. B , hilack , 1Ianter. TC'-p'ione 50 ? . il1OWOflirs. . fl.t'lS .1 : : COWGILL , HION 1'OitiM. Echo si p1,11 urn , . , Fout isler , . Manufacturers , and Jobbers of lla'hlisery tien. crab rppnIrlng it uspe-'ialtr 1501 , izea nd 1303 Janieon Street , Ornate , it'e. Llf-JSSIirfl cIT. % % ' ( Hb)3i"j ilasltI3l ) Oil. 1' , Munutacturers nitl proees nitty llim-e tail. hot- tie toiiei ilnre.i oil , . , : ii lire -etc Crouit,1 iiou'ni maius. ground and screens-il iiaxbco for th-ig. jiuls. OMAHA , 'IEB , . - MATTIII533IiI. . _ 5)11th t IhlllDING CU , Manueclumr.-rs 'ir ImIgh gi-atita llattrelee , lilt ITem-.ev Street. flmuhs. OvlInAT.I. ND HlliR'r PAC'roltItS. JCI-N13VENiC1)ait'A'tY litre. Ciothrny , , 'ant , , tiirt. Om'wzhi. . ( ) M.'mll' . . NIlfi. HUhItT"TOItIUIS. J ii. ltv tNtS , NPZhIll.tMlC I SlIEltP t'0ull'.tY , Exclusive custom shirt tailors. 1517 Farnarn YzNItfl.Ut : " Pi'ULltiL . I Ii I IIIMt\'N % 'INI'Gtlt Cu , ? ! anutat-tui"ra of % 'in'ssr. Pickles. 5'alsups , 3Iutrur.I , , L'eb-ry ati WOl' eutemliir , ilsure. % VtOONH t'Aflfli.Oft ) , IIIi.l Iii i'FlUltl.'itlt. Fore. good. SUl..ISIOIIJ&l vehicle of uifl 4e.edp. than. for repsitillumg or tubler tires sin new erui.1 , yhels-tbe teem pint. is hilt and L.ravenmvoslft Sbr"ie nnViiUoNDCnitztcu. rmieip. meflu. , , prime. : sn4 tony errisgip. % , ty ttm'ng vu . .art. , t'eond band nr pew Iliad. I quarters S r roW -F tire , , werranied mess * n4 htsiner npixM.It. ' ( - ! ! ! ! ' . - - - - - _ _ _ _ _ CICLUt MANlJ'M-rt'Ititlt8 _ _ _ _ _ hilINlI .t CO. h.arg'-it factory in tim. . w.ut. Leedin JC1.bSTs of Oracles , ifasnea. City , Lincoln smai Hi. JosepS bench. our g.o4s. :108 ? * rnsrtu ifIrrel , . - - - - - -