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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 26, 1898)
- - 1 . I . I NEWS OF INTEREST FROM IOWA. I 1- COUNCIL BLUFFS. - a' - . ) ILNOfl MINT1ON. - - I , Try Mooro' stock foo4. Call nt The floe office for Cuban mnp , lOc tach. P. 0. herwoo of Knns City was In the city yc8r4ny. ( CL 1. I1uhes of Fondai , In. , city vIsIto : ycterthy , . A. ' 1' . Towns left last evening for Pcorlft ° I a busItie ttlp fi ) . F' . Perry nnd wife of QtIck , Ta. , were ht th iity ycstera. Dr. A. 0. Mutlge , the dentiRt , rcmomI fem 319 to 333 lirondwoy. Fred harris of the MDsourL Valley Thnc 1\R In the city cstcrdy. Illrnni Jones has purciacd ) a Lengue ijh3cie from Cob & Cole. Tlio lvans laundry Is the leader In fine 'ork both for color and finIsh. t2O I'carl etrect. Phone 2O. There will be a specini meeting of tlio Won1e ! Itellet COrp3 , o. 180 , tomorrow afternoon at 2 oclock. Tile Iflgll Bl1ooI cnIct liaYo clctcd 0. 0. Butts cflptnitl , Maurice lelCny' ) first Ileuten- ant and Mac llhiivhtt 8econd lieutenant. J F' . Vont1 , ex-potrinRter of l.ogati , In. , % 1w han bcii IKitIng the family or Attor- tey W. S. Ilfllril , rettirneti home yeBtel day. \VIth a tlte COUIOfl and 2t centi you can aetirc the olflclnl photographs of the Unit'd Itnt3 ; navy at the Council 1flur ( ofllce of The lice , l3fflflO Person stole a bicycle lnt night from the front of the city jail. The ' 1ieeI was ( lie property of Carl Jolineon of Mcdl- auLl flVcflur Iou't yo 'lnk It must be a pretty good laundry that can Please nany hundreda of cuBtornoralYcllLhnt's the "Eagle , " 72 I llroalwny , William Akcr left last evening for len- ver , Cob. , on hIs way to Now Mexico , where lie IntcndR to spend the summer for the ben- clIt of liI health. J , 0. Baker aectired a building permit yc- tcrday for the erection of a one and a hnl ( Mory frame barii at the corner of Seventh ni'd Myiitct atreeta. The regular weeldy meeting of the executive - tivo committee of the Council Bluffs Ex- PCHItIOfl asBocintion vlli be held this oven- thg at the Grand hotel. Andiew hardy , the young man from 'l'ul > or , Ia. , who tried to pasa a confederate bill on Pawnbroker Snyder , will be releaaed froiii the city JaIl this morning. Time case against C. L. Campbell , the cx- school teacher , chnrgod with the seduction n ( iFi-ycar-old Nancy Wade , a former upil of his , has been set for hcariiig In Justice Vkn's court on Juno 1. Time entertainment given last evening at llnnile's hall under the auspices of the \Vomen'a Sanitary Relief conmmnission for the benefit of time Dodge Light Guards wac largely attended aimd irovcd a success. Time Detroit gas maclime will light your raidetmce or store , costing 1 ccitt to run a sixty-four candle power ianmp four hours. : i. a , lJIxby , Imeatimig , mitminbing , lighting , 202 Main anti 203 I'eari at. , Council fliulfa , In. E(1 Sliclmghter , a cook in a Broadway rca- tnurant , VLIS arrested yesterday by ( lie 1)0 1ho on the elmarge of obtaining a watch and chaiu under false lmrctenses. The coinplniut wal ; filed by a young woman with whom Siiciigimtcr formerly kept company. stay Cook of this city and Miss Elizabeth I5eader were married yesterlny evening at the home or the bride's parents inOmaIma. Mr. and Mrs. Cook wili reside in Council IlUITs and after a shorL , lioncyinoomi trip in time east xvIii be at home at 721 Mynster street. , The Council Iihtffs Woipcn' Sanitary Ito- lief commiasion 11l mneet lds afternoon at the Dodge Light Guards' armory In the Masonic building , All women Interested tImV work arc Inylled t Io present. A box vIli b packg(1 and shipied to. the bos at ( imui , McKinley , - 'i'ho trouble between the Gilinski and Saltzinan tanmiiies , arising over Gilinaki ilnpping one of the young Saitzmans , * as aired in Justice liurko's court yesterday at t- rnoon. Time evidence was most conilicting and the court took its decision under ad- vlsenmermt. I'earl Davis and Goldic Staley , time two young women who caused tIme arrest of Al- tert IJicese and Frank Cartwright , time two South Omnima mimen , on time charge of dis- tmmrblng the peace , were themselves arreste ) yesterday. Residents in the neigimborhood mnnde complaint to the police and time women vili ho ordered to leave town. The case against the mcii was contiutmed until this morning. C. Ii. Viavi Co. , female remedy ; consulta- tiomi tree. Office hours , 9 to 12 and 2 to & . Health book furnished. 32-327 328 Mor- riamn block. Money to loan on city propeity. Kinno. . N. Y. . Plumbing company. Tel , 250. , 1)il1 1)zts sit ( lie Court house. Ilusimmess in the district court as practically - tically been at a standstill for the last CQUilO of days , there being no cases for ttial. In the case of William II. Burr against If. It. Wind , Judge Smith yesterday overruled - ruled the motion for judgment on time npswer. Mrs. Catherine Christians was appointed guardian of Nanny and Lliiie Christians , minors , and Mrs. Martima Ilcadley was ap- Pointeti almninistratrix of tIme estate of time late Joseph P. hleadley. FOil SALE-Onod bicycle ot bargain. Cell at The 13cc offle , Councii Bluffs , Berry Boxes. Younkermnn & Co. . 1G2 l3wy. iteiil Estate 'Urgiusfers. - 'rime following trmmnsters vere filed yesterday - day in the title , obstruct ciul lean olilce of J. v , Sinmire , 101 Vt'nrl S.m Lawrcnco J , A. IIOiHt nfld wito to 5 , (1. UnderwmHl , uIl of 15 lots in I Inward's add , v ( I. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . County Treasurer to Cimaries 0 regory , lOt 5 , blOCk 10 , Street's add , t d. . . . . . 5 County 'l'ri'nsurer tO Clmrle. Gregory , miiml 9-10 of lot 7 , block l , Iimtylis & l'nimer'4 itthti , t d. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 County TrenHurer to Charles U regor ) ' , unti 1-10 of lot 7 ilOQk 12. itnyliss & . l'miiimmer'H ud1i , t d..1 CImirie $ Gregory antI wire o Jolmi A. Crymtnl , hot 5 , block ho , Stiect's odd , nmul lot 7. block 12 , htoyliss & I'uI- mimer's mki , ( j 0 ( I. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 400 Sheriff to Zdamy 1) . 'Farbox , lots 7 , hO , 12. iS , 10 , 17. if ntmd 19 , Auditor's sub. thy t lot 5 , MimiIett subdiv. s d. , . . 5,000 Sheriff to havn Central hIulidinc iptU J.ootm ossoelutioti , lot 10 , block 2. l"air- uotmnt 11(1(1 , 5 , 0. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Su'en trttnsfers , total. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Map of , Cuba , \Veat Inilles 011(1 limo World at The flee offlco , IOn enclm , hiirrI&zi , hIi'i'isi's. jjceiiae to VCd hoe bet'II grunted the fol- lm'ito : Nunme und A.ltlress. \Vuitcr I. Ampitlon , I lurtiordVIs , f , , . , . . 43 .A im no Id , I I a mmmii Ion , Ommudmu , Nob. . . . . . . . . 43 ( itorgo I' . lenmuimts. CInm-kdon. Neb , , . , . , 31 Esther I long , Wntmkestmii , S'Is. . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 E. C. Kiilion , I'mttmm'mittnmnie county. . . . . 21 Gertrude ( 'oierputm , 1'ottuwttamnie Co , , , 17 11 , 1)0 Yoimimg , 'estoii , In , . . . , , . . , , , . , , , . , , Ilutlic ' 1'a'iorVcUtfl ( , in. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 KINGSFORD'S ' OSWEGO CORN STARCH for dainty table dishes. 4Ch : _ - _ : - iis : OF' NINETY-EIGhT ugh School Commencement Program Ha Been Decided Upon EXTENSIVE ARRANGEMENTS ARE MADE SlPerlndeInlCtIt ltiue' ntid Princlimni 1inden Aixree n ( lie ietflhiPI- Chmiss lmt 1Irrcics iiiid J.INt of ( lao Graduates. Superintendent Ilisey and Principal tiny- den , with whom the matter was left In clmarge tmy the Iloarti of Education lmavc coal- ileted all the arrangements for the coum- mnencement exerciacs of time lilgim school gradtmating class , wimiclu as previously an- neunced , will be held next. Tuesday evening at the Dolinny opera house , and the program in now in time hands of the printer. Next Sunday at time morning service at tIme Uloadway Methodist church , time pastor , lte' . J , 11. Sensency , will deliver the sermon to time graImmtcs. This marks the opening of conmmnemmccnment week. The exercises at the opera house Tuesday evening will coma- maclice at 8:15 : o'clock , when the following progrurmi will be carried out : Mitsie-Sciecteul . . . . , , , , . . . . . . , , . , . . , Apollo Club lnvocmtthmtl..Rev. \ . H. Barnes I'iano Soiu-Ornndc Concert do I'olkn , . . , Bartlett Mimu Fnye Travis. Address-What is an Education ? . . . . . . . . I'rot. lienjanitim S. Terry , University of Chicago. Piano Solo-Polonaise..Liszt Miss Nova McCabe. Presentation of Diplomas. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l'rcsklent . 11. TImomnim of time Board ot Education. Class Song. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Composed by Ilis hoagie I. . . Pryor Rendered by- the Cidsa. - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Club On Friday afternoon at the High echool time distribution of time senior class book will take place. The class hook this year , which is being prepared under the editorship of Louis Wimitehenul , will consist of upwards of sixty pages and in every way will ho more ciaborate than time one gotten out by time class of ' 97. Friday evening at time residence of Mr. T. B. Cavin on Park avenue , the Juniors will tender the gradunes , a reception. It imas bccmm cuatommmary for time graduating class to close comnmcncemcnt week with a picnic , I bat whether thic will be the case this year has miot yet been decided. The foilowing is the revised list of time pupils vlmo will graduate this term : Classical Course-Edith M. Ayers , Earl A. fleardsiey , Stella M. Norman , Herbert C. Pardey , Beside L. Pryor , 01mm B. Spenrman , Faye Travis , Lewis M. Whitehead , 3. Arthur Williams , Grace S. Carson , Guy It. Dates- mann , Stclia F. Gilbert , Xenophon 'PKymmett , Nora McCabe , Ula M.Viliits. . Latin Scientific Course-John Quincy Anderson - derson , Jr. , George S. Childs , Ruby Bryant. German Course-Albert M. Fiammont , Viola Weistier , Artimur Morehoimse. Btmsiness Course-Salem S. Asmnussen , Roy V. ' . Besley , Frank Black , Nellie F. Dickey , harvey II. Dingman , Lewis A. Dwineii , Belle 1100mm , herbert G. lUrkIand , Lulu Lamnb , Nellie B. Id. Morgan. dance M. Norton , Blanche ltudio , Lewis J. Ferron , , Alice M. Fryer , Allis L. Hooker , Sadie A. I Zoiler , Loule W- . Snyder , -Wnitr It. Sulhoff , Clara H , Wyckouf. The class of ' 98 has selected as its motto , "Step by Step , " and as its colors red , white and hluc. The class.ycll is "hickory , Chick- - ory , 'Itoh , 'Rah , Rate , Council Bluffs High s'ooi , Ninety-eighti' The officers are : I Presidemmt , .1. Antimur Williams ; vice pres- blent , Allis Hooker ; secretary , Clara Wyck- off ; treastmrer , Xenophon tV. Kynett. Iromm-clad potatoes , the best , 70 cents per I bushel. ] 3artci & Miller. % 'euuIier-Frc.3' ' When the case against M , H. Frey , the florist , and Mrs. Lucinda Vennem- , charged with adultery by D. II. Venner , the husband of the woman , was called in Justice 'Vien's court yesterday afternoon , tIme prosecuting witness failed to appear and the case was ulisniissed. This , however , did not end the matter for the couple , as they were Ira- mediately arrested on an information changing - ing them with IOWlflCSS , which had been filed by Vennen yesterday nmornimmg wimen ho learned tlizmt it was cmmuImt1ul if Frey could be held on lila information changing adul- tery. The bail on time charge of aduitery bad been fixed at 500 and timis they bad been unable to furnish and Frey and Mrs. Vennd'r bad been compelled to spend time nigimt in the county jail. Vnder the new change the court reduced the fail to $200 each and this they furnished yesterday oft- ernoon , It. Il. Frey , the father of the young marm , going security. Venrmer , it was learned , left town before the case was called yesterday afternoon , having , it is ai- Irged , effected a settlement with Frey and Mrs. Veneer , It is very doubtful if he will appear to imrosecute time charge of lewdness , tire hearing of which has been set for Sat- unlay morning. Condwood for mmle cheap. Address W , F. , Bee 0111cc , Council hunts. Arru'e our a LeuIIL'f , Time literature committee of time Councli Bluffs ExposItion association helil a meeting yesterday afternoon at which several plans for advertising the city dUring tlmo.oxposi- tion vere discussed. Messrs. Snmull , Leyerett annl Odeil submitted ProImos4iona for ndver- tising matter wimich time conmmlttce took umm- Ocr advisement , T1UI committee favors the imian of iasulimg a small four-mge leaflet sot- tinmg forUm time rulvamntnges of Council Bluffs , describing its railroad facilities and other features , Tints leaflet. to be distributed from time i'ottuvnmttdjnio Wigwnmn to all visitors. 'l'lmls imianit is expected vill be rucondnendcrl at the mmmveting of tine oxocuttvt5 comnumlttee of the association tlmis oveqinr . 'p h1offnmniyra fammcy patent floOr maues time beat anmd Immost bread. Ask your grocer for it. . Siud $ Agntns.t h'iiavmulroheu'r , , The trial of the suit of Dr , 0 , Ii. Rodgers of Omnaina agaimmst l'awnmbroker Friedman of this city was beguim in JutIco Fernier's court yesterday , Last December a case of surgical instruments u'ps atnierm ( roam Dr. Rodgers' olllco in Onmaira and pawzmed by tim thief with 1nIculmnamm , Tine police located tlmenm , but Frietlniman refused to inantl timim over unless ire imnhl the amount ho hail advanced orm therm. Dr , 1oders comnmemmeed replevin proceedings , but wimen time vapors yere served Friedman stated he had sold time immstrunmenrts , lit , Hodgets then brought suit against him for $25 , time value of time goods , Irving hotel , 2759 li'd'y ; rates , l,50. Girt \Vmss'd. Girl for general imousework. Apply at 400 Oaklammd avenue. i'oir- ni'Iiiu'd ti ) In the injunction stilt brought by J. .1 , Simemi against C , 11. Vooro to restrain htm from seilinmg Intoxicating liquors , time defenti. ant yesterday tiled a pmotlou asking that the court compel Shea to statc 1cm what. manner ime is particularly interested in the enforce- macut of the Prohibitory statutes of the state as atm individual ; also to state imis interest -k .t. . , therein as an Iniltvidmmal , as plaintiff (1051g. nated for time prosecution of the said case in the name of the state of Iowa. Storage , Wino & Itonigmacher , 336 lhwy. [ 'Dit TV1l'l'Y-ONI3 ? iI % ' COML'ANIES. I'crmisslon Glseimhiyh.e Governor of lon ( ) Foriu tIi Hnr ) ' hloihlci , DES MOINES , May 25-Speciai--Whefl ( ) the National Guard was called to Des Moines four weeks ago to satisfy the call of the president , many of the towns from wimlclm companies were sent and a number of towns which bave had military corn- jianies made application to the governor for permission to organIze new military corn- vanlcs. This application made , usually , through some unrominent residents of the town , Twenty'one towns have been nutimorized to form military organizations. The state law requires time written permission - mission o the governor before such organization - ganization calm be effected , lawfully. Governor - nor Shaw has given this permission whenever - ever requested. However , In case of a ceond call tronm the president for troops time governor will add the two calls , apportion the numbers according to cotlmmtles , and themi from cccli quota required from eacim county vill subtract the mmtmmber of inca already immustercd in from those counties , The following is time list of t s'ns in which conmipnnies nra now being forme in lmrepara- tiorm for time secommd call for men and time men througin whom ( lie npplicatiolm for ver- mission which time governor has Issucl , nmmd whiclm specifically states that the beneficiary of time permission small not expect any vrefenence of army kind mm case of future calls for immerm : Rolte , Johmm B , Kent ; Carroll , S. C. Paul , \v. 1. . Culberson ; Jefferson , Z. A. Church ; Davenport , Vi. C. Hayward ; Guthrie Center , E.V , Weeks ; Nora Springs , S. 0. Blythe ; Des Moines , Jolmmm Mac Vicar , Eu S. Campbell - bell ; New Hampton , George A , Srmmnhiey ; Vinton , Vi'hipple and Elliott : Scranton , I' . A. Smith ; Iowa Falls , Willlann Welton ; Mason City , - : Audlibon , - ; Sioux City , cavalry , George A. Clelarmd ; Newtomm , L. S. Kennington , 3. N. Edge ; Osage , J , Ii , Swoney ; Fontanelle , W. S. Sinmmmmomis ; I3nttt , - ; Mount Vernon , George W , Rowley ; Rock Rapids , - ; Cherokee , Truxtun Goodrell. TOUR hlnmm1erM In Sessloti. MASON CITY , Ia. , May 25.-Speciai ( Tele- grarmm.-The ) twelfth annual convention of Iowa bankers is in session hero , Charles R. Banana , cDshior of the Coummcil Bluffs Say- lags bavk , prcsldemmt. About 150 nncmubcrs are In iittcndammce. Time address of welcome was delivered by Mayor George W. Brtt and the response made by Aclcley Hubbard of Spencer. Time president in imis address gave special praise to time "group system , " which was time means of bringing bodies of bankers geograplmically closer 1mm mmmeetlngs whelm were most profitable. Time report of Secretary Dinmwiddle of Cedar Rapids slmowed a memberslmip of 335 , mucking time Iowa as- sedation the largest imm time United States. At 2:30 : p. mu. time association took time electric car line for Clear lake , term nmiles distant. The remainder of the afternoon was spoilt on steammiers antI sailboats. In time evening a banquet was given the vis- itors. . YOlItItVN tit AIIILIutIC. ATLANTIC , Ia. , May 25.-Special ( Tele- gram.-Cnptain ) L. E. liollowell has a corn- pany of volunteers organized at this place and telegraphed Governor Shaw this afternoon - noon that they were anxious to go to the front since time president made the second call , - - George Cotn00 of Davenport and a gang of concrete vorlera arrived' hCre to ight and will commence tomorrow nmonnmimmg 00 time $12,000 station on the Chicago , Rock Island & Pacific railway at this place. Tfl.fl Fe mueruuh Ii rectors , MARSIIALLTOWN. Ia. , May 25.-Speclal ( Tclegram.-Timo ) eighteenth national convention - vontion of time Iowa Funeral Directors' as. sedation was opened here today. Two hundred - dred delegates from all parts of the state were present. Major Pierce of this city delivered - livered the address of welcome and Prof. \V. F. hlobenscupf of Iowa City respommded. Roy. F. W. Parsons of Mansimailtown de- Ilvered the principal address of the day and tlmis evening W. W. harris and Prof. Ho- honechup lectured on onhalrning. A banquet followed , _ - % , Killed ljv flue 'l'rnin , NEWTON , ha. , May 25.-Special.- ( ) Ephrairn Pillow , or "General" Pillow , a very well known old colored man of this city , was found death Monday on the Chicago , Rock Island & Pacific railroad track at the west edge of the city , with his right leg severed at the knee , his left leg severed at time hip joint , his 1ft arm broken and his head cut oft. lie is supposed to Imave sat dowmm on the track to rest and to have fallen asleep. F , ( ty-Secomud Mustered It , , DES MOINES , May 25.-Speclal ( Tele- gram.-Tho ) Fifty-second Iowa , fonmmmerly time Fourth regiment , Iowa National Guard , was mustered into the United States service today anil will leave on Saturday for the front. Time living flag spectacle , mm wimich American anti Cuban flags were formed by 1,500 school clmiidren , was repeated at Camp McKinley tii ! afterimoon before an immense ntmdleimco. Corommer's htiqurest l'iH thuIcd , DES MOINES , May 25.-Special ( TeIc- granm.-Timo ) corommer's inquest immto time mmmya- tcnious deatim of M , F. Howard adjourned for timrce days in order that physicians may imoltl arm autopsy. Howard was found dead in a vacant roonm over an East Side saloon. The absence of lila watcim anti money led friends to believe that iris deatim was not a natural one. N.9v titers ; ( if DUBUQUE , May 25.-Spbcial-Three ( ) vostimlnnts have been received into time order of the Sisters of Mercy at Mercy hospital , They are : Miss LizzieDunn , Charlotte , lr. , who be000lo Sister Mary Ursula ; hllss Mary henley , Clarion , In , , wino becanme Sister Mary Aniata , anti Miss Capill of Temple 11111 , Ia. vbo became Sister Mary Caliate , Llnne'mu rtht a CEDAR I1AI'iLS , In. , May 25.-Specinl ( TulegramWimile ) workmen were grading nor a cenment eitlovaik at the corner of Fifth avenue amid Elgimtir street today , they imimeartimed a skeleton , it was only eighteen inmcimes liciow tine surface and was in a good ztnta of preservntlon , Old residents say that a cenlotery was once located in that locality , lit , nielors at 3lelhtmttrmtt' , MARSh hLTO\V , in. , May 25-Spccial ( Teigram.-Tlro ) stores of Rota lirotimers amid .1. J , Soonlielta in Melbourne , four nmmlies from mere , were cnntercl by burglars inst night , tIne sate in tine former being blown to Pieces. Little immofley was secured , , but much mner- cinanmdiso was stolen. A miman supposed to be 1 one of time burglars vas arrested today , loss a I'r'sCotttett , Dubinqmm. ' Telegrapim ; We do not need I hawaii , tire Pinilippiucs , Cuba or Porto Rico. All we riced in army of these islands Is coal- lug stations , To annex them would be aim- ply to annex trouble , Des Moinmes Capital : Of course Iowa is lnavimrg thu rains that aesure a gooth crop of time cccii that was planted by the inteili- gent farmers of the state ! Nobody has been heard disputing it. Avoca Herald : In merntionmlng tine an- mmouncernent of Wilson's candidacy for con- gresa last \veck a harlan paper adds that there arc others , From which IL might be - - 11 I Interred that time em2ipmkor will again try his luck at the wheel. QL political fortune. Mason City Glob.iitzetto : Iowa was never more beautiful his this section of the state. The ground h5sibe n thorouhmly re- pionished with .wat'mnd the streams are full , The sky is cfti Verdure is two weeks ahead of the i1'l. ' Crops are grow- lag grandly. Cedar Rapids Iteifmmblicanl The passing away of h1n , William Uro at Omaha on Sunday removes fromtt1im land of the living a tnnn who was one of Unn county's moat iionol 4nd useful citizens. Mr. Uro settled in l'ntrfax township with his family in 84l At'remaInet1 there for mipvarda of fIfty yea ) ' lie was always a Public spirited citizen. For nine years lie was a member of the board of supervisors , and represented Lion county in time seren- teenthm and eighteenth general asscmbliei. lusla ravs 1ttes , Time steeple of Corpus Chnisti church in i"ort Dodge. was struck by iigtntnttmg Saturday - day night , A Dunlap newspaper reports everybody in that town as busy anti hot 00 idle oman imor woman there. A brood of over 800 chickens Ims just been matched by incubator process at time Soldiers' home in Marsimalltown , Sioux City will spend l,000 on entertain- meat of the Grand Army of tine Republic ( luring the department encampment. A loss of $1,000 was snifforeti In the burning - ing of a farni house in Story county near Ames , the lmommsa belonging to William Mil- icr of Des Moines. Nevada business and social cirdies are regretting time removal of Colonel Scott , his wile and daughters to Des Moines after a residence in Story county , It Is said that in the case of Storms. tIne Burlington moan accused of nmurdenirmg a family , ant effort will be made to nns'stify tIme jury by testimony regandinmg a mnyster- bus negro seen about tine vlace , FIRST PENSION OF THE WAR 'ounehier No. I Gue to ii Coummcll liluffs Vtitiiii on Account Of 11cr Semi. Loat on ( lie Mnitie , CHICAGO , : uiay 25.-Jonathan Merriam , time Unnited States pension agent at Chicago , issued today tine first pension voucher of the war with Spain , It is for Mrs. Elsie A. Montfort of Council Bluffs , In. , motimer of Seaman William F. Montfort , who was a vtctinm of the tIaimmc explosiomm in havana imarbor February 15. Word was recaived at Council Bluffs yesterday - terday that congress haul acted favorably on Mrs. It. P. Monfort's npphication for a peti idea for time death of tier son , William Moo- fort , an able seaman who was one of tine victims of time disaster to the battleship Maine.'hat time anmount of the peimsion vill be is not yet known. Mrs. Monfort's application was mmmdc within a month attcm' tie blowing up of the Mnine and was probably - ably tine first flied with tine dermrtment. Time mpera vere drawn up by Judge Thorn- eli of the district court and Hon. B. C. Bloomer of thIs city ; 's'ounmg Momifort was about 25 years ef age 4ind enlisted in the navy at Brooklyn inlte : summer of 1895. He was a plumber bybtrrlde and had worked with firms both in Craincil Bluffs amid Onmaha. His parents , who rd51denat 718 Vashirmgton avenue , are both well advamiced in years and the pension Ivillhe"of great assistance to them in their nithage. Mr. and Mrs. Mbnifort recently received from the government $286 , of which $94 was back pay that utas dealing to their son at time time of his deathjianmtl $ i92 , being one ydar's pay that cont'csa. trader amm act no- cemmtiy passed , .orde'retImahmou1d be paid to the varents of all satlorslanil marines kilied on the Maine. az1t.h I. . PACKING ' .flOUSE StATISJICS Contitiued Lmrgeit1orelieflt of hogs ayltht nit hmncreeMe over tine l'rccehitig Vcek , CINCINNATI , May2S.-Speclal ( Tele- grann.-Price ) Current says : "There is a continued large movement of hogs. West- cnn packing ss'as 550,000 for the week against 450,000 last year. From March 1 the total is 5,040.000 against 3,995,000 a-year ago. I'rom- bent vhaces compare as , follows : City 1898. 1597. Chicago . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,715000 1,310,000 Kamnsas City . . . . . . . . . . 746,000 575,000 Omaha . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 368,000 330,000 St Louis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 338,000 268,000 Imithianapolls . . . . . . . . . . . 233,000 180,000 Milwaukee . . . . . . . . . . . . 279,000 175,000 Cincinnati . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163,000 141,000 Ottmnmwa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 338,000 120,000 Cedar RaPids . . . . . . . . . 108,000 81,000 Sioux City . . . . . . . . . . . . 77,000 52,000 St. l'trul . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83,000 27,000 uvuu j.ouuv Clevolmmmid . . . . . . . . . . . . . , Louisville . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115,000 70,000 FIRE RECORD. Stonighnton ' % % 'ngoIi Factory. STOUGI1TON , Wis. , May 25.-Time plant of the Stoughton Wagon company , onmo of the largest concerns of its kind in Wisconsin , was damaged $75,000 by fire this morning. Insurance on tine stock and building , $150- 000. About 200 men will be out of work as a result of the fire. Origin of fire is un- known. Livery hlnnrtn at Vr'c. YORK , Nob. , May 25.-Specimui ( Telegram. ) ' -Tlmo North York livery ban'mm was burned mU. 11 o'clock last night. The barn belonged to Samuel FergusOmm anti was insured. Three horses were saved , but Ferguson canrmot ho foimnd. Time loss is about $250. Origin un known. V'III itii Crop Iteiort. CIIEYENNII , Wyo. , May 2L-Special- ( ) The weekly report of tha weather and crop service bureau for Wyoming for time week endimig yesterday sinews that cool and sImon'- ' cry remitimer prevailed timougimout tIme state until Saturday last ; this was foliowed by clearing and % 'nrnmer weather for two days , Thu slronvers were general thronmghmotnt thm tnto antI tire grotnntl is in ecellont conch. tion for agricultural purv.oaes. Snow fell over Portions of tine southeastern counties anti ( here vero occmbnnl frosts , wimicim ' were not damnnging.IJtaCcOtmnmt of time cool weather grain has pct made rapid growth. Seething him been $ by the rainy weatimt'r , Alfalfa rclpv growtir dun- ing tIre week. Tine4yook for a b1g hay crop is icronuisimig , Rues , era in excellent condition ninth cntttlp .tp doing well , The cold rains lituvu caus4j sjight sheep losses , I nis U rim Ict'e Cod'tbill , , I'uys dos ts , TOi'EIVA , Icon , , Mm 25-All thnd litiga- tioni in time , . circuit court broinghnt by the Mutmm1 t.Ifu , hmnsuranco coon- pany of New Yorkjitimst Webb MeNall , rcupcrinitenidenmt of ijip1ancc , anti Attorney Genmeral Boyle , wns 1nnissed today on rime. tioni of tine . , pays tire coats. ICttissrs , ' ' Liirguit' TOPEKA , ICan. , iIi 5.-Tine Republican State league will iioldtlt's annual convention I iii this city tomnorrovt Tine convention will elect delegates to time nationai league meet. - 1mg , to be held at Orrmalna. . M'iuiets ( if net'tnti Ves1s , Eny 2. , At Rotterdarnm-Arnived-Rottcrdammm , from Now York. At New y rk-Arrlveth-Werra , ( rein Na- plea ; Teutonmic , from Liverpool ; Ancimoria , from Glasgow. Sailed-Aurnia , for Liverpool - pool ; Germnaniie , for Liverpool ; Soutimwark , for Anmtwerp. At Soutlnampton-Saiied-htaiacr Wilhelm Ocr Grosse , for New York. At Qucenstown-Sailcd-Pavoniia , for lbs. ton ; Servia , fec New York. Arrived-Ma. Jeatic , from New York for Liverpool. At ilaltlmnorc-Arrtved-1I. 11 , l4eicr , from B re me in , _ . _ _ _ _ _ .L _ _ - 'i.- . - _ - - , . - - . . . - . - - . NARTh1L I4MV FOR KEY \VEST \ Litto Island Oity Is the Refuge for Crhninat dilalsea , TWO MURDERS COMMITTED IN ONE NIGHT' ' Tirere mt OIL hmieonpctent h'ilee i'orce of 'l'irec iett VItlcin ic Ummnhile to 1'resere . % nytlmitig hAke Order , KEY VEST , May 25.KeyVest is silt- ferlng from a reign of terror. Two murders were comnitteti Inst milght , antI the best citizens - zens feel that unless the town is pint under martial law a state of riot may begini at atmy time. The police force consists of three mcii and with the strcet and grogshops In- festenl by turbulent jackira and negroes and criminals of nnany classes the danger is no macan 'soc. In conmBeutnence of last night's bloodshed , Conmmunniler Forsythe has already asked for t gimarti of twenty-five marines to protect time naval station and governmnenmt neck anti strong efforts are being made by citizens to have nimartial law declared. While Wihiianm Canine , a semuan on time auxiliary gnrnboat Merrill , and Vlatllnnar Icimnltaki , a sailor of another gunboat , won-c sitting In a Crmbnn coffee shop last night , Charles Kitchen , a local negro , approached , bearing a rifle elm lila shoulder anti without a word of warmmirmg lie dimmed it at. the sail- on-s antI fired. One shot struck tIme Russian on time back of imis neck , inflicting a woumid from which he died at time hospital a few inours inter. A secomid simot grazed Carrie's forehnead , and as tIne latter leaped to his feet the negro closed in on him and bent burn on the heath witfi the butt of time nib until tue stock of tine weapon broke and the sailor lay senseless. The crowd that witnessed the affair made no attempt to Interfere anti Kitchen ecnpcd. Sheriff Knight organized a posse and spent time night in pun-stilt of Kitchen. lie was found in a lot early this mornunmg , but dasimetl into a doorway , escaped through time house and hatl not been captured up to 10 o'clock. The exact catmse of the shooting Is tmncer- tam , but it is said to have been Kitcimemi's jemniotisy of his wife. The victim of tine second crlniic was Johnn Don-soy , it reputable machinist of Manatee , Fin. , about 55 years of age. lie was founmd ( leal this morning in a vacant lot. There were blood stainms on his head and bruises on his face amid neck 1iis 3iuiiey to Sinemnti. Don-soy was a man of family and owned an oranigo grove at Manatco. lie recently came here and secured a government job. He was paid oft yesterday nnl after paying his board bill imnO $7 or $8 in lila pockets. Foliowing a lively tlrimnkimng bout iii a tav- era a few yards froimi where his body was found Dorsey left tine place ammO was tel- lowetl by Charles Wallace , a coacimnuant and leader of the 'bottic gang , " aim organization of young Key West toughs. Nothing was seen of the linen until the body was found I with time momney gone. Wallace was soon afterward arrested. The employcs of the Key West imotci , nearby - by , say they heard a shot amid a revolver I with one empty chamber was found oim Wal- lace. He denies the cirargo , but said to the sherttf : "You need nmot be afraid that the old man was shot ; he was choked to death. " A further exnunninatlon of time body showed tints was correct. Time muntiplpal conmditions here would be classed as grotesque nornmally , to say imoth- lag' of , war times. How hong they have existed - isted is a puzzle , buL they first. i canme oman- Itest soorm after the arrival here of two cool- panics of time colored Twenty-fifth infantry. One of these soldiers became involved in a shooting affair on the street , amid was lodged in the county Jail. hiatt an hour later a body of his comrades , with rifles , marched on the jail anll forcibly liberated him , the sheriff being powerless to prevent them. Since then this harbor has become time base of operations for a number of free anti easy saloons , crowded night after night with "jackies" and rowdies of all classes. One might this week a fight occurred in ono of timese tavermis and no less than four sailors suffered broken heads. The mmpo- tent police force of three inert saw the whole affair , but of course could do miotimimmg. Within tIme last month three o-calIcii "peace guardians" have resigned offIce , complaining that they have 10mg been paid in city scrip at time rate of $50 a mouth , wimich is discounted ono.halt. A new trio of polIcemen was obtained anti these imow show smgns of rebellion , declaring they viil resign. Long before the war broke out there maci been much talk of martial law for time town , out no steps to thus end were taken. There is little doubt now that martial law will soon be a fact. INVASION OF PORTO RICO _ J .4 _ Rt'n't : 'l'rOON until Fleet An't' to Be Sent 'I'Iteru. ' at Onte to 'l'ntkc l'osstssloti , CHICAGO , May 25.-A special to time News fronni'nshmingtomi says : Porto Rico is to be taken. The president inzns decided that Sanmpson small lmnmnediateiy nimovo on that island wimilo Scimley guards Cervern. At least 20,000 troops will be sent anti anotimer army is at the saum timno to enter Cuba , time traimaports now being ready. From a cabimmet oiflccr it Is icanimed that tine haste iii ordering sinips and troops to Porto Rico is owing to tire fact tinat the president inns learned timat time powers are preparing to ask timat. . Spain ho permitted to wltmtlraw from cuba and allow peace to be deciered , This intimation canoe direct from Europe. The president wants to Inc able to say : "Yes , Spain may withdraw. Timat's why we made war , But wo will imold I'orto Rico antI the l'imilipplrmes. ' ' Witlnotnt a tiissenntlng voice tIme cabinet decided timat time great st possible innate siroultl lie made 1mm tIme invnsiomm , General Miles reported that Spain now inns 13,000 troops in l'orto Rico and that Inc timougimt tine United States should seinni at least 20,000 troops there , Time secrptnry of war immul a conference with' time imrcsifiemmt and it wns docltidd that Sa'mpson sinoulti be sennt straigimt back to San Juan. Tine vresithent feared that when Spain lost its fleet it would sue ( or pence before tine Unnited States lied time island , lIe said it wommiti be mntmclm bettor to imavo Porto Rico when mmegotiationma be- gunm , Secretary Alger said that the army was ready to go to Cuba at any timne. When he returned to mis 001cc inc sent for Assist- tint Secretary Meiklejdlmn anti Gemmerah Miles nmmti notified tlmena of tine call for 75,000 meim anti that the president asked for an Inmmmmc- diate movement of troops to bothn islannds. Meilciejolnnm inns olnargo of time transporte mini lie said Inc wtrs ready to begin , Time first muon to be sent to Cuba will occupy hihm anti healthy lands and remain until tine general occupationn of the Island begins , Assistant Ic'cretary Meihiejohnn rind General Miles uviil hasteim time movemenmt of troops with time greatest possible speed. huii los tint' ( 'tilihu' mnt.I n Cut. KINGSTON , Jamacia , May 25-Tine West Indian anti Panama Cable company denmiont that the cable limes from Santiago do Cubit to Samm Juan , i'orto 111cc , antI i'once have been cut. Time company adds ( mat I'orto htico messages will be received , Last night the city council met nnnl trans. acted considerable btnsinss. First the hotly met as ft board of equalization on epeeial grading annl sidewalk taxes. As no corn- Imialmmts against tine assessment had been flied time levy as previotmaly made will stand. 1mm regular Session Clmnirnman Wear of the pollee committee read a report reconlnnmend. Ing that tine vresemnt police ton-ce be Increased by time atiditlort of three or four omen. Mort was opposed to ernmhoyimmg army more police unmtil money is avaIlable to piny thenm with anti time council refused to adopt tine report. In this connection Mayor Ensor said time reconmmentiation of tine committee should have tine serious conslileration of the coun- cit as bualnmess mont and residents are al- nnost tinily petttionirng for better police iwo- tection , Five policemen , tine rmmayor said , are not enough to patrol tlno city at ought , but inc Is giving the best protection imoSsi- 00e with time torco at menu. lie imopeti , ho said , to see the council Investigate tub nmmat- ter tinorougtnly and make somne nrrnngenmlenta whnereby a fun' more ofilcers can ho mit to work. Liquor licenses were grnnteci to Max Flo- tinon' , 501 North Twenty-sixth street , anti to Albert Butch , 9222 North Tssennty-fourtln street , A special ordInance levying nu special tax for time eonmstntrction of wooden nnltlewnllus mm various parts of time city was read for the second anti third times anmnl ltnssd , amid tIne clerk was Instructed to dras' a warn-alit in favor of tine contractor for $1,510. Chief Snnmith of the fire nhepartntent sub- nnltted lila annual report for the year end- lug April 30 , Dunlmmg tine twelve months closing on the date nnenmtionned tine depart- merit answered sixty.seveni ntiamms. Tine loss by fire annoumited to $6,532. Ed Burke amid Iris minor son gave mmotice of inavinmg conmmnmenceti stilt against tine city for $20,000 for personal injuries received last winter. City Attorney Montornery handed in a wnittemn oplimion on tIme sahoonm occtmpation tax matter. lie comnslthereth all money vnid in excess of $200 simply meld by time city treasurer as trustee. This excess over the occupattonn tax as provided for in time ordl- nnnmco passed last sinounlth ho rettnrnned to time saloon nnemm. Later inn time everminmg Trainer offered a resolution , wlnlcin was passed , in- structimig the treasmnrer to refund to tine an- loon keepers wino had paiti a $500 occumima- tion tax time sumn of $300. Tine mayor called attention to a letter no- celved front Manager lilerbower of the Onmmalma Water coampany in relation to the bill for hydrant rentals , but no action was taicenm. Attomnmey Patrick appeared for Frannk P1. vonica in cennmcctioin witlm a clainmi of $150. Some Iliac ago a portion of pavenmemnt washed out and dannnagcd one of Pivonka's bimlld- lmmgs anti time owner wanits the city to pay itinm for tine dmtmnagc. The council declined to consider tine bIll. Time council was tlnemm edIctS together as license boartl arid tIne imrotests flIed sonic timmie ago taken tip. Attorney O'Ibrienm ap- pearetl for tine Kr-tmg Brewing connmpanmy and withtlrew tine apppticttloil : for tine saloon at 3321 Q street nnttl timis action disposeti of tlnat case. l3ltnmn & Sauttor's case was nnext called ammO a letter from tine nenloO- atnator , Maggie Prior. was reati withmniraw- log time reimmomnstrance and a license was grantei. Tine Imperial Music lnall case iveut over until nnext Tuesday evening becarnue time defcndamnts were not ready. 1mm tIme Schlitz case at Tlnlrty.flrst and Q streets It was founti that tIne rcnnmonmstratOr mad rc- moved to Iowa and this license was graimled. Adjourned tnutilmiext Tuesday evening. 3ikc liarS Jn n linuS % 'smy. Mike Hart tonic a turn for the worse yesterday - terday mind it. was stated that blood poisoninmg had set In. The case is considered a serious brie bI Line attendinig imimysiclails and friends of the injured macnm ijave given up mopes bf his recovery. From intormnatiofl received by the police It Is believed that Matitbox is the man wimo shot hart. YesterthaY Captain Mc- Donougin , formerly of the police force , had a talk wIth hart , wino stated that Maddox fired time shot whiclt Injured hinm. As for uncertain anti it. is Loftus time police are thnotnght that he imad no hand iii the affair. Inquiry developS the fact that Loftus has a faIrly good reputation and was not inn tine habIt of traveling with such iersons as Maddox. It is tnntlorstood that aim effort wiIl statement - be made to obtaIn an ante-mortem mont from hart In case inc ihoos uot rally shortly , Nt Ilnnder 1trntn. A committee from tine local camp of tine lIol- Sons of Veterans calleti on Governor in connection witln the comb a few days ago ProsPective second call for troops. The gOV- erimor refused to recognize the Sonms of Vet- crabs as an orgimnnizatiOil , but agreed to give A. L. Routzer , tIme colonel of tine organiza- Lion , a commission If tIne nleimmhmcrnt would enlist In Bryan's negimnemmt. This Limo Sons of Veterans have refused to tb. Many of tine moembers mayo no objection to enlisting in the heavy artillery regiment talked of , hut they do not care to go to tine front uinder the ieaderslmlp of an Inexperienced soldier like Vt' . J. Bryan. Srk mm t mit' J'stottlec. Another clay's work will about complete time excavations at tine postotflcc site , In all 3,000 yards of can-tin will mayo to be nnovcti , Tine wet weintinor inmtorferetl somowhnmit with the grading , but additiommiti teams wore put oil to mache rip for losttime. . It is expected tinat tine work of laying tIne fotnimtlntttofls will commence ant soon us time graders Imave finmisined. Supeninmtemnclent Fan-miami is now in- stolieti in a neat chico on tine nmortin side of tine alto rind Inc stated yesterday that time work would be rusimeti rca fast as Inossibic. Srue , imt'iiI to r 'i ft. hlt.ttt i iiZ. Mrs. Thnonmmmms S'agrcno caused tine nmrest of her lnuslnnnmtl yestertiay nftcrnoomm on no as- aittmlt aimci battery wnmrramnt. Mrs. Sagrmnc assorts - sorts tinnt a simort tlmnmc ago sue canine here from Cimicago , incr inimnttsanni maying ncemmt for her. Simortiy after her arnival hero ime lie- glum to ill trent her amid yestertinty nnmon-ning me beat anal kicked imer ntnd then forcctl Arc you Drinking Loudonderry for that Rheumatism ? , . , - - - . - j - - ncr to leave Iris rooms tnt the Eagle hotel , rinirtleth arid T streets , Saruno is employcti it one of the pacldng houses anti hmn beca elcased on bail. Magic ( 'It , ( In.alp , Jobmi J. htyamm Is btmlitling fly new cot. tages in Corrigamn addition , The local ( iemmnmn society will picnic at nrpy Mills Imark on Simndny meat , Born-To Mc , ntl Mrs. J. Vocasck , 'rwcn- ty-tinirth cud S streets , a dannglnter. Conmnnenclng next Sunday evenminig services I' lii tic held at the Episcopal chnumrcln. A son was born yesterday to Mr. antt Mrs. A. Kouisky , Twenty-first anal S streets. The Sonit of Veteramna will attend St. Ag. flea chunrehi next Snmnnday morning Inn a hotly. John Kinrald , fornmerly connected with tins telephone excimanmgc lien-u , is now located ins Dennver. Meinmbers of time Grand Arnnny vIhl visit cit of Limo aelnooltu Friday anti talk to tine imnmplis 0mm hmntniottsmn , Miss Clara Mnnnn of Monnt Eagle , 'I'ennm , , is hen-u mmd u-Ill spenti tine summnrnmer with iron brotiner , N , B. hmianmnm. 11ev. hiotmert l. Wheeler left yesterday for Gordon , Nob. , iinero Inc will ildilvcr an ati- dress on Memorial tiny. Patrick mitt Mike Fond vvre cccli fined $ iO mcccl Costa h'estertlay nnfternnoonn by tine lnohlCo jinnigo for assatnlting James Mtnrnlry , Fmitlner Nmngcnt tnt lies Moinneni will address tIne mncnibera of tine Gramnd Arnimy nut St. Agnmes chttnrcln nnezt Surntlny morning , City' Clerk Carlmenntem' served annothnor nmo. tico on Judge ltcthlck ) estcntlny inn m-elntiunn to tine repairs nneetleii at tine city bnrllttinng. ( leon-go Casey , II. A. l'ohlan-cl , W. A. Mc Climntock amnd I. 13. Slmevtomm of tlnla city mayo beenn oppoimiteti nmmonnber-a of time exposition guard. Tine Sons of Veteramma vihl lowe charge of Seykora's soda foummtnimn Sntnnrthty. Time pro- ecetl ivili go tnwantl defrnnyimng leeom'ntioin clay CXlmemmscs. All of tine forty eonmnnnmisnuiorm fin-mime doling innslmness mit tine stock yards lmmnve sigmictl nu Petition nsklmmg tinnnt tine yartis ice closed omn Jtmnmt' 1 iii on-tier tinnit nIl lnnnnds mmmay mayo rum oiminom-ttnmmity of nttennciirmg tIne oicnnlrmg t'xer- days of tine exliositlomm. A sotntininotnnmd .mmmotor car strmmek onme of Hurst's vie s'ntgons at Twcnnty-fountim mmmii ff , . , , - ' streets yesterday amnti scattered Inies alt over tinat locality. The \vngoni mins badly tinmmm- ngetl anti tIme driver was tlmrowmi to tine vave- nmmerrt tvitlr comnaithenmible force , Tlne mnnnica attrcninod to the wngomm ucre nnot inmjmnred. No SOfli ) can be any better timan aim absolutely imnrc soap. The moat epcnai'c I- , . i'-- toilet . ' - - , soaps ; 4 arcmiot better - than Wool , Soap. soap tinlut u'onm't slnrinle uool I. munatbeabso- lintel ) ' vtmrc- a I ) SO 1 U te 1 3' free fronim hit - , , ; ' : t- juriouns In- ; M gretlientni. . . THE BEST SOAP 4 MYMAMA twnsH MINt FOR ANY PUR' USED HAD POSE IS WLSOAF IT SWIMS. "wool Soap is ati excellent arinclo , and every woiucctnn wmmm be beneniteci by uln1g mt. " h1E'EN 1. mnAnnnrn.Trcau. Nat m WC.T LI , 44 + - Two Weeks' ' Treatment . . FREE 'VmhllY AItl 01,1) SPECIALISTS. In time treatm.cnt of all CfffOUiC , NOIVOIIS and Private Discases , .izd sit WIIAKNHSSSS anti DIS0DUIlS OP Catarrh , arm Druos. . , of tIne No , Throat , Cimt , Itonmacim , Lvar , Blood , Skin arid Kithiep Bia. 810I , I..o.t Manminoob. Inydroc.n. , , Gonorrin. . , on..t. . syphmnm. , Stricture , huh. . , l"I.- tuna and Eetam Uicer Diabet. . mnnnght' . Di.- sass oun.d , Call on or uddr , . , with .tamp fez 'n e Book and Iiw Method. . Treatment by Math , Con.uhttioD free , Owalia Medical and Surgical institute * .o I. Wi North nftii nun. . fls DR. C. GEE WO. 7t IS l1L ISo is onme of the most - skllltrml of Clii nese doe- . tors , bccniu"o of mis Srelnt lumouc ledge ttimtl - cures. iiVinng been a. eight ycnmrs in time flied- . - led colkgi' ' of Cinitna , he urndcrmnta'ls t'zie inn- . t' - nnetllttte ncctionm of over ' . . 5,0(0 remedIes. With eighteemn y'ztrs of cx- imenlemnCe amnd oven eight - ( - years of that tinno in i : _ tlrnonlals in curing EVERY CIIAIIACTICII of disease. nvhet'nem CI1I1ONIC Oil OTHER- VISE. Dr. C , Gee Wo guarzimitees a cure 1mm every case or time nnomney will be refunnti- - ed , Consultation tn-cC. Soimd a two-cent stamp for boolc and qrnestiomn blitnlts. Dr. C. Gee We , 519 N. iGtim St. , Omaha. Nein. : ; ve WEAK1EN ! innetemnt Pellet , Core in IS clays , Never returns. m uvllm WaIIC icn'l to any mariner in ii n.ismn.itd ttmventn'o mn ii a preerIjtInn with f'II ' , dine. t lctiu , for a qin IC k vrmn-snc euro mr ! dnlii.ct1 , liglit. I.iioe. , . ? , srroLiiI rn. nInnm : insmm , II i'srl , , ' , 'arlebcel , ' . emt , (1 , II. Vt ri II Mimuic dPu.Pr. ihn 1 sans. Intel , , I Site ) , . - . m'c _ _ . @ Snmpentlunnmcn male urn tIne fctco 114 embar- rassimng antI ammnoyimig. ltrmmnmtttiloglst JOJ IN' \VOOlilUItY , 127 West 12th nct.New l'irk , renniis'ect I I , I t I I gI I I ii3P iIt'lii In t tiry if tt trong by electricity. ( 'onnnnmllttitleifl frt'e , SCIIDUL [ XPRSS riimnmu between Couimcli Blmnffs anal Omaimnn , Now in effect , For proinhit d.ollvtrh' , call on Vnn , We-loin. DluttH 'phonic , 123 ; Oxnmnlna 'pimofle , 780 , RA'FlCfl JOW , For carrlugq or express syingan , call tnt No , 8 Nortln Main street-or cibovo telepimonies. [ AiiOCES , B WA N UWe1LNO8.FhIUl'a. J'AIk suNi ) OAltIlN ) : land. for isle or rent. Bay & thus. 5 l'tnir stn-5.l. -.4 1 - = : : - : _ _ ii : . : : _ _ JOHN G. WOODWARD & CO , , . Couticil Bluffs , Iowa. ' WIIOSA [ CANDY MANUFACTURRS. . Jobber's of CRACKLIIS , NUTS , CIGARS and FIR [ WORKS. Selling itgcnt KA T1L FIELD CIIA S. S TJMNE R JOn Cigars , g ; ( , 7