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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 26, 1898)
- = = : - - - tMTED PRESBYTERL'SS ' 1EE.TT rare h C-eil La4nb1y nf tie Ghirch PoruaRy O. _ ( MODERATOR IA4NA ? GWES HIS SERMO1 \ Fine IAwt'iii tn 1JI tsIllYND4If.Zfltr. rnsly Wet- r eni..4 and tr'mIy Gurn ttutIust Iy CQnIntIttCt , , . The Untte4 Prebytrjan nerat aenbIy opene ! 1t8 8elafls t the CenITal ilinreit Iat evenIu , itli a crrnnn by th rtrt.n moraur. Th * ie w all I1.4 , a oo1 J proportion f the deligat havth eame ki duthg the t1a , an1 the htreit tnhen bY memhir nt th denumthutjoij ) tVtflg ! n Omaha caud the beautiftit itne edte at Twnt7-fotiib lfld De ! to bi rtIeL Tht hi thx fortieth annunl natinnat gnth- eriag. In 1LW the Aociat.t ciurh and tbt MiocIat4 Rrformed eburth jntnet thnr de9ttnft ! and firrnej the tntted Pebyte- ? tin cburh. The imDortant htianes ( of the generI as- 3PmhIy In aeUnt uqn th' , rporta awl ! recornmeniat1op ) ot thi eIght ard anti - - - - - - - the varI&ius wnr.dttes. The question at flflaflces will eutne In far a guad. ihare at : lttentk3n. Thera h an nppaL eas. ab * frrnn thi yno4 of tawa. The tgh boards ar Foreign MtsIona. Home Mtanns , Freed- mens 4iie1ons. Churth Eztpntnn , lIuea- tIn. PtthIIcaUcj Mtnt8t rhI Ridlef and " OI2eILL It xnn thought aiIvIahIp , owtng to the neeeealt.y of having alt the ddettee prop- etty houepd for the nfght , to poitpnne tha $ ulrttlon of a until thte moroIn. .AccorI1ngI the catl of the roil ae deferred. ttt..I Clerk Itriti .n tfnniL _ _ 1 The Clerk , fler. Witflarn S. flId , D D. . I alma In on thu Rnck I1and , pecIaI early - tht afernorn and was Immediately d3mldled at terchanta hoteL He is - z1 veteran In the work. ant ! both aire anti experencu constltnte htni onti of the tather ! In Lirnt'L flt , eI1t. ma tnitetI Preebytarlan of Pitthbur , Pa , the oIIellt ! of the three t - - vrane of the denojn1nath. It 'vai etib- Itahud in 11342. . The other two nrns o the Clarlsthtn Iliatructar et PhiiiIIe1pItt8 , of whlch ftev. 2amuei CoIJh in editor , unit The Thitland. the newest at thi three and thn jaurnaii8tti representative of the tie- Eomlnno In the wL The de1eigat Were wetromed a they me Ia on the truIng by a. cnmmit1ee cool- oned of flr Alounniler Glichrlet anti John Ftack of the Central church. and Co1oneL : ii. S. GUle3pIe anti Dr. Vance of the Firat church. They were Immediately put on the I. ilght treet car for the Central thurth. where all the SeaStOflH of the aisembly are to be belt ! . There Mr. George G. Wallacr rupttlly asstnet [ them to their Iodgtn. xnut of the PennyIvnnia deleguta3 froui Attegheny Mouongthe1u , PhIlaUelphia. Mer- cer. l3tuter Valley. tirookvtlle anti Butler caine on the Rack L1and 3peciat ; alaa many front 3tansfletd , Xenla anti Muak1num. 0. . anti rgylii 'F . & little before p. 'ii. another lare contlntent arrived and had to be at once taken care at. Thie cousisteti of the more than Ifty mtinbera conetttut1u the general committee of Home 3tIs1ons , whtch hail just flntMhed preparing Ith re- : part at the Tarklo. M citting. Eath presbytery - bytery in the country t reprewnted in this committee by a delegate. ) tIitr : ' ' % vuIt1 OF' 'riti CIItRCH. . ItetlrIii Mq.t.rnt.r lIainn L'reaehe , un tbi teil s , ( a itevivul. The church wan aIreatlT pretty well filed up when the moderator. Itev _ Thomas H. Hanna. D. Ii. who is pastor at the First r church at Manmouth. IIi.-eulled for order. On his righc hand sat Dr. W. t. ibb of I Jamestown. O and an his left Rev. Sam- lid Martin. a venerabte missionary from Slaflrnt. . India. Servtce opened with thi. aingtng of psalm C to the tune at "Old Hnntired. " Dr RIbb read the scripture lcsson. the aIm L'X.U. after which Dr M.lrtin offered prayer. Dr Martin Invoked heaven for esp.c1a1 I . cnos1dera1on at this partlcutnr Urns. His words were : 0b. remember our land at. this time. . Be near to our rillere and may It be that what they shalt do shall be in accordance with Thy will. and that peace may come speedlly 131i with ne In thece troublous times. We pray Thee that the time may yet come when all the naUons shalt come to serve Thee in the bleeatngs of peace. After the slogfo of another penlm Dr. Hanna dettvered his eermon. file text was taken from SL Matthew xxviii. 19 "Go ye , therefore. and teach alt nat.lone. baptizIu them In the name of the Father and of the Sun anti of the Holy Ghoiit. " ! , ) : . of the C.r-nt M1MiIOU. The theme of Dr. Baonas dlsconre 'was the character. purpose and scope of the great commission of Christ to His disciples just before His ascension tram Mount OlivaL He seemed to think the church Is In particular note ! just now of a renewal of the missionary eplilL Dr. Hanoa said in subetance : Chrlst life was inisHlonary. His doe- trine was missionary , His last command as missionary , . uniiualthed by race , or apace. or time ; according to Paul thie mind must be in every disciple. Everyone. . who would claim a place In that intarcesaton at the Son with the Father. recorded b John. 'would know that it was In the plan of the Father and the Son that men saved by the tapel were to be in turn the saviours of their teilowmen. Salvation from sin br the gimpeI pIIBIfl out through a saved people to an unsaved world. that La the divine idea of the churchs nlieston on earth. When Jesus , aid , ti0 , make iIiecIpte of all nations , " He uttered the most zn.sjestlc anti oilglnat proclamation ever mortals beard. and committed to men the aubIImst enterprise that human energy was ever Set to acomptish. When Re said. "Go , preach the gospel , lie suggested the only means by which It coulil be brought about. Kindly il1ct could not do It. the sword could not mccoiupllsb it. the bribe of purse or position - tion could never have started men everywhere - where in hunt of their lost fellows. or en- abied tht'nt to tint ! them had they gone. Thit- the gospel could and did. the gospel of Christ. with the power at the Italy Ghost as Christ had promised. Gospel evangelization that took for anything - thing less than ' * be kingdoms of this world becoming the kingdoms of our Lord aa'i His Christ. " is surety out of harmony with the niisston of the church , as taught in the mis- eiar'ary charter she recelveti. I do not uniterrate prophecy. but X like plain commands much better , and deem them at more p ct1ea1 value to the church. : i do believe It would bit healthier for the churrh in general. and be a specitlu for much revailinj pessimism in particular , it many wool , ! turn their minds awhile from the dark saying rcgarding the future. stop trytn tex ? x the timeS anti measure the seasons , and 1ookin , ackwards give more careful study to the letter anti spirit of the eommiesi cur Lord put In her bands when he started her out to win the nations to Himself. Pierson , In his Crisis of Missions , draws a v4vld pIcture of modern "Chrhstsnilnm stun i - in ; Idly facth a lost world , gridgingly se3tIIn ! tO.Goi ) workers Into the burnt , fell , unit giving 11O.IOO.000 ) a year for the work. - and then lastly swinging In silken hammocks - mocks spun out at tine theories and specu- tattoos about secootl probation' and tlneI zestoratton , ' and sinking loin calm repoi. surfeited with repasts whose urmbs would feed a starving world , and at last venturing before Got ! to tacit a gsneraUnn of lust souls , for whas salvation no personal etort bus practically beeu maite. ' This picture is dreadful , auttali too true , too sadly , horribly I 1Ue , Let us look to our "marching , ' brethret , and kwve the obscure things , known only to the Father. to the Father's rsveaiings In His own iood time ant loving niercy and UneLrtng wistluin. 'G , ) ye. preach , bapUzta teach. iLtciple all tile U&- tionL" L&eud of Slit , Chrtjst Beurrr. Ta show the power at Jesus to save the s. _ - - . . wbnla wcv11. Dr Hanna reafled the bee I 't meduteval leun.1 of r lvistapberos , alaantte 1ant wb at ftrst halted bet'w.'ti the supposed strength of satan and the real rm v7f ( 'hrtst Thea he 'nntdei ( vein at mingle' ! inentiafl antt ailmec- kihrnent W bear 'wlflp.rims ef a .jepletel tliis- itry ; Sf inerelfli ; debt , of misslonsfiPs rnnthg heme , of se res well eqtt4pped soil aiuMs t. be at ! towerit rt S 5fl4. wki' are befit bark. What meeeeth tkis' Is it ' ! .e resalt of bfUI ttme' May. we beets tlrnwtnt , ton hard aan the reeenrces of the church Ic the demand abroad 1.e orgeat 1lev the tftt'rmnr enli' b.i.n r"sh-t w1t the gveiI in any sense of the ininmisitino Tbe mere sintmeat ef Phe ; riattifine. carries is r.fustion en its tare. in our peepli'xtty at the halt in or 1st is net y4ld to dIepsir The pewer at the Holy-Ghost 15 the 'splrtt of mlsIons ; when the mis-Inrary spirit is ritnsnt in the church. the Hel ? Ghost Is WOrkIn there. , Utin' the ser'nan a choir sneeted from the four Inca ! churches snng nn4i.'r the dl- reethn of A. G. Cliariton of the Central ehureh the anthem. "He That Dwefleth/ ' written by Prof. W. T. WThi of Monmeuth , In. . and sang here during the Young Pea- pte s convention two yenrs ago. An ad- journinent was taken antil o'clock this morning. Thtt feature ot this e'venlng's session lviii be an address by Dr. W .1. Bebtnson , pas- thr of the Flrt church of All'gheny. an "Calvantein as Embodied in the Westmtn- ster Confession of Faith. " This will be the zath anniversary of the .sdoptlon of the Westminster staililarda. Slaty-twa preshytertes are represented In the assembly , an ! there are a number of vistung missionaries from Egypt and India. This ilcoominotion has a total membership to.iy of t14.S' In America anti 1G,33 in the world. Dr. W. . Owens. corresponding secretary of the floard of Home Missions of the church , ha a son who Is a young suhordi- nate otficer on the Iowa under " ' 1ghttng Bob" E7anJ with Admiral Sampson's foci. flu young man only recently passed tip ( runt the naval academy. anti thiii may be considered his second cruise. Rev. Fraa ! II. Foster of the First T'ntted Fresbyterian church went to Cedar Rapids , Ia. . Tuesday , to olflclnte at the tuners ! of w. tre. who was a. member of his congre- gallon. Mr. Ure died Friilny of rheumatism anti old age. FVLL ILOSTEIt OF' THE .t4sFMflt.V. Nniiiri of the fllnIser' , unit Eider' . Wb.p tee In .tttenilz&me , . The complete rail of the ministers and elders. delegates to the General assembly. hi its follows : .tibany. N. Y.-Rev. H. D. Williamson and Elder William Chalmers. Allegheny , Pa.-tevs. [ I. W. Witherspoon. . D. D. , ft. H. Park. W. L Wishart , T. C. An- Iiirsofl. H. C. Swearingen awL P. C. Simpson unit Elders Samuel W. } ! euzlet. S. C. Stew- art. William 13. Moore. George 31. Pntien , Snainel McKnIght anti D. 3t. Sbj. . .trcyle. N. Y.-Revs. T. 13. Turabull. ii D. , and \V. S. McEachron and Elders Alvin Roberiano anti John Weir. trkansas Valley. .trk.-R.evs. A. B. Mc- Carroll and W. T. 3IotTeL 0. D. , and Elders S. B. Dobbin anti W. EL iamuels. Beaver Valley. Pa.-Re's. .1. S. Ralston , I ; . A. McDowell. D. D. . and D. 3 ! . Cielantt and. Bitters 4att.hew Wallace. Henry Me- Creery anti James Reynolds. Big Spring Pa.-Revs. A. S. Aflten anti John Jamiaon anti Elders W. J. Magill and John D. Mains. Brookville. Pa.-R.ev. J. T. Ailain and Bitter Josiah ' % ? or Bostnn-Rey. S. B. Haslctt and H. G. Mc- Vey and Elders A. Grant anti Joseph Mar- rison. iit1er , Pa.-Revs. B. . A. Gliflian. T. V. Dugan. W. Cooper and W. B. Purvis anti Elders \V. E. BnrUey. T. C. Johnston , Prof. L N. Moore anti James Gill. Caletlonin. Kan.-1tevs. A. H. Munford and Daviti Anderson and Elders Archibald Ken- netiy anti W. S. Wililamit. Cedar Rapids. ta.-Revs. J. M. Hamilton and R. K. Lackey anti Elders John Bender- son anti W. .L Dunnan. Chartlerz , Pa.-Revs. John S. Speer , . D. rD. , John T. Browolee , I ) . D. . James A. Alexander anti. W J. Graham and Elilers Thomas Shaw. William Meloy. T. H. ifun- ter anti John F. Mawbinney. Cilicatto-Reva. T. M. Chalmers. W. T. Mloy. D. P. . and David McCaw and Elders J. P. Tracey i. H. Struble and J. W. Luce. Chillicothe. 0.-Rev. S. A. . C. McQuiaton and Elder N. D. Baldrtdge. Cleveismi-Reve. W. A. Miller and Edward - ward- McKee anti Elders W. C. Chamberlin and WIlliam Latimer. Coll'ge Springs , ra.-Bevs. John William- son. _ D. D. . George F. Bracket. D. Forsythe. s % . F. Cochran and S. K. Martin and Bitters . J. D. Saint , II. . S. Thompson. H. S. Brown , William Doihis antI M. S. Claybaugh. Coltirndo-Rev. Pressly Thompson and Hider A. M. McCltinahzui. Counordla , Kan.-Rev. G. B. Carnithan antI Elder J. L. Buchanan. Canemaugh. Pa.-flevs. H. A. Jameson. w. H. MeMaater and S. D. Prownlee and Bitters Hugh Mack , J. P. Ker.nedy anti Dr. Campbell. Delaware-Revs. Thomas Pirk. J. 13. Pal- lrek anti Daniel Harris and Elders T. C. Strangeway. John Hurne anti John Bell. Des Moines. ia.-Bevs. I. McCay Knlpe , Rufus Johnson. James Sawbill anti W. if. I Patterson , anti Bitters J. W. Henry , John Gray. a. M. Hilt and J. C. Weede. Detroit-Bevs. A. H. Orr and J. P. Courtney - ney and Elders D. P. Monteith antI John Law. Law.Eiypt Eiypt ( .tlrtca-Ravs. ) Andrew W.itnon , D. D. . E. 31. Glften and William 31. NichnI. Frankfort. l'a.-Itevs. D. W. Carson. D. D. . and if. W Millen and Elders A. G. Mc- ( 'rachen and A. A. Purity- . ( arnett. Kan.-Revs. F. 0. - Rosa and D. R. Magill anti Elders B. K. Jennings and I 5 p Elliott. Gujranwala ( Initia-Itevs. J. 11. Martin and Thomas F. Cummina. Central Illinois-Revs. M. M. Marlini and John Harper anti Elders .T. A. Long anti Weaver White. Southern I1linot-Reys. C. 31. Ritehie. A. M. Mtilligan anti W. A. Chambers and El- tiers Robert Rutledge , John 31. Mulligan and V..1. . Johnston. Indiana-Rev. Paul Stewart anti Elder Hugh 31. Logan. Northern Indiana-Roy. C. M. Flier and Elder William DelasiL Kansas City-Revs. D. 31. McClellan. fl. D. , anti S. M. Ilooii and Eers David G Lowry and 2. W. Gowan. Kealcuk , la.-Revs. J. Ii. Logue , H. C. Monteith anti John Lackey anti Elders Hugh Nelson , N. W Lyons and J. W. Han- nun. nun.Kiskiminetas. . Pa.-Rev. S. Collins , D. D. , anal Bitter J. . McGcary. Lake , Pa.-Ruvs. H. U. Hervey , D. D. . and W. B. 3lcl3rhie and Elders A. J. Ramsey and W. C. Bortain. LeClaire. Ia.RevV ft. Hutchinsozi anti EIder N. T. Baird. Los Angeles. CaL-Revs. M. 3 ! . Kilpat- rick anti Ii S. Mcffenry and Elder .1. F. Jamesan. Mansfeld. 0.-Revs. John . Wilson , D. D. , It. 'P. McCrea anti J. W. Martin and RIders Hugh A. Hart , Thamas B. McDowell anti 13. 13. McKenzie. ifercer. Pa.-Rtivs. S. W. Gilkey. D. LI. , sail IL. (1. Ferguaan , D. LI. , and Eide'rs A. S. Black anti . ' .ntirew Robinson. Moninouth , IlI.-Rev. IL H. Bell. LI. LI. . W. .1. Drew. J. F. Jamesair anti B. W - Navin anti Bitters Adam Jackson , J. A. Wal- lace. Samuel Lanhoati anti T. A. Nichols. Monongahela , Pa.-Revg. J. G. Brown. D. D. . W B. Paxton. WIlliam J. Reid , D. D. . J _ C. Boyd. D. D. . W B. McC'ulloeb anti U. H. host and Bitters J. T. Patterson. S. IL SantA. Wililans A. GIven. James II. Watt.s , Samuel Smith and Robert Ramsey. Muskingum. O.-Rvs. I. . White. S. S. MeMnun , S. M , Duncan and W H. MeFar- lanil , LI. LI. . and Bltlers William M. Logan. Villlam Mackey. Alexander Lawrence anti LI. L. Cowden. New York-Revs. Frank W. Crosbie , A. Kennedy Dnff. I. C. K. Milligan. LI. D. anti Andrew Henry anti Elder John Alcorn , John T _ . McKinney , Ihihert Crawford anti John c. Lawia. North. Platte. Nuh.-tLsv. W. S. Golden anti Elder J. ( I. Armatrontt. First Ohio-Rev , . W. P. Barr anti A. . F. AthWu and Zldutr * L E Bilintt and A. H. LsFevre. Oregon-Revs. S. A. . Speer anti C. B. Hawes and Elder B. . F Box , Omaha-Revs. L. Pmutiflt ant ! I. IL. Nib- lock and E1.1i' Thornun sail S B. Pas.ooRcs r tn.h ant p i ; tTei anti E1ier .L H Lesie sad John p Franc's , Piiindeiphta-Itevs. J H. W.bst.r .1 F' Sbiii-rt P , Li 5tI S r Scnlter anti Elders Ii. H4rSOfl John Smitit an. ! John Stinson. PIttsbtirii-ftv S H. Gibson. Prlneetcn , Ind.-Rey. S. L Lyons , LI. LI. , asel Elder t' S. Boy-ti. Piiwet Soend-Rev. W. M. Hwlo ad Blue. ' John Clark. Rock Island , 111.-Revs. S. T. Meloy and W A. Monks and Elders S. B. MeCrea and S. I. . Wootiburn. SOD Franefsvn-ie , . M. M. tWssn , B. B. Blalitot 'Iflititil-Rity. S. Martin. D. B. 51dm. , " -Rers. 3. 3 : Mustan sad S C. Roe and Elders W. I. . Rase sail Jhts McKlrahan. Spokane. Wash.-Re'r. W. A. ! patftng. ! B. B. . and Elder L M. Robertson. Stamford ( Car.ada-Rev. William Me- Cormtek and Elder James Deans. StsubendvtlIe. 0.-Revs. J. H. Jnmeson ft B. . 5. p. Baraekman anti 31. B. Patterson and Eltlera T. G. Donaltison , W. 13. Crawford - ford anti S. C. McPherson. Teunessee-Rey. A. L. Conk anti Eider T. S. Cochran. Vermont-Rev. Prank A. Collins anti Bitter S. LI. Wilson. Wietmorelanti , Pa.-Rev9. S. S. Shaw. B. : % t. Thorne , , tlex D. MeCarroll anti C. H. WurshalI anti BItters A. Hawthorne. JtThn UntiL John Blair anti. V.7. C. Z'Ievtn. Wheeltnw. W. Va.-Reva. S. H. Litlell , W G. Waddle. D. D. , anti Robert Stewart anti Elders R. K Glan , George Love anti Wil- 11am Nichol. Wtscou jn-t' . , o. Buoy anti Euler Robert S. Marshall. Xenta , 0.-Re-va. IL 13. Patton. Jume Htirper , ft D. , anti ic A. Rohb. D. LI' , anti Elders B. S. Livingston , J. ILtash unit James Carson. & 'nnitertnm.t I'rt.Jiyterlnn MARSHALL 31o. . May2..The flfth day of the zeneral' assembly of the ( 'uniberianti Presbyterian church. in session here. devet- aped severaL interesting features. There was a 'rtitnrona d1scnslon of the report of the committee on correspondence , which recommttntteti the adoption of a plan of cooperation - operation proposed by the alliance of the Presbyterian churches. The report was finally adopted. The committee on Christian Entleavor reported anti urged a large attendance - ance at the international convention at Nashville In July. The report on publication showed that the publishing house hati made a profit of : izooo last year. The report was adopteiL The report. on ministerial relief was also adopted. The committee on correspontlence reported the names at the tielegates to the general council of Presbyterian alilanc.e. Mi'donurv Met-tint , : .ttijeiirns. TARKIO. Mo. , May 25.-The general corn- mittee of home missions of the united Presbyterian - byterian church. which has been In seaioa In this city for the past weeir , atijourneti inlay. Rev. Dr. WIlliamson of Tray. N. 1' . , was chairman , and Rev. S. S. Ralston. For- tersviile , Pa. . secretary. The committee appropriated $ ' 9.4O to be tllvitieti among l ) mission stations. To meet this appropriation anti cancel the debt of last year will require contributions tar the coming year of P9.SOd. TO WELCOME THE VISITORS Cimntert1-i Clntunie' to Att in titsCu pnetty itt En tertziiner' , . Secretary McNaxnara of the Festival of Mountain and Plain of Denver has Invited the business men of this city to participate In that festivity. He states that Denver nod the west will come to Omaha and , in a letter to Secretary Utt of the Commercial club , suggests a reciprocal trip to Denver by the Omaha business men. The freedom of the Commercial club will be extended all visiting newspaper men anti the executive cqmrnittee has tiecitied to endeavor - deavor to extent ! them every courtesy. Journalistic conventions are expected , but have not so far been announced. The following cnmmittaea haTer been up- pointed by the club to serve in conjunction with Secretary tit. In the reception and entertainment of 'rteitorz : For the week beginning May 30-H. S. Velltir. chairman . SV. H. Bennett , Clement Chase. W. D. McHugh. W. 3 ! . Burgess. For the week beginning June 6-B. V. Lewis. chairman ; Frank Colpetzer. W. S. Poppleton , George 31. Tlbbg , B. . F. Mar- chalk For the week beginning June ifl-K J. Penfolti. chairman ; K. 31. Aadreesen , George Palmer. A. Haspe. jr. . 31. C. Peters. Fur tile Week beginning June 20-I. S. White , chairman ; C. M. Wilhelm. C. LI. Thompson , Arthur Shiverick. T P. Cart- wright. For the week beginning June 7-John Steel. chairman ; S. IL Dumont. D. LI. Mu- Icr. W. G. Clark. N' . A. Kuhn. E S. Parker. Sharon. Win. . writes : j have tried Do Wtt'a Witch Hazel Salve for Itching plIes anti it always stops them in two minutes. I consitier Dc Wilt's Witch Hazel Salve the greatest pile cure on the market. " CtnIrnniIon at Tempt.Israel. One of the most elaborate church services that has ever been held In this city will be that at Temple Israel next Friday morning on the occasion of the annual confirnintioti services. The musical services will he especially fine , the regular Temple choir being - ing augmented tar the occasion by Mrs. Martin Cairn , Mrs. A. P. Ely and Mr. Harry Ilurkley. besides a string 'rthestra. "Shevnos. " as the is called , is celebrated in commemnratten of the reveia- tion of the moral law at Sinai. but its original significance has of late years sunken into the bnckgrounti before the Ideas clustering about the confirmation ceremony. There wilt he thirteen con- firmants at Temple Israel , namely Stella Brantlies , Viola 'attn. Elsie C' . Goetn , Hattie Gotht'imer , Etta H. Goldman. Minnie Hitler. Jay Hans. Charles Kopaiti. Louis. Kopalti , .Josepnlne I. ; . i'f7. aunnie u. ateyer , Walter A. Mandelberg and Charles A. Pregier. The services wiU begin at 9.3I ) oclock and the doors of the teniple iIi close at 10 o'clock. when the confirmation services proper will take place. L'ntil that hour everybotly- who wlshe to come will be wet- corned , and strangers are cordially invited to be present Funeral of te.irge M , O'Iirit-n. The funeral of Ceore Morgan O'Brien , who diti in Philadelphia inst Sunday. occurred yesterday- morning tram St. Philomena's cathedral. The remains arrived in the city at S o'clock In charge tit Nicholas O'Brien. a brother of the tieceased. and were conveyed - vey-ed at once to the cathedral. Funeral services were bout at the church at P o"glock and an hour later the funeral car- 'tegit departed far Holy Sepulcher cemetery , where the interment took place. A great- many of the friends of the family attended the funeral services , which were directed by Father McDevitt. The 1iorl of- feringa were beautiful anti very numerous. completely surroontilng the casket at the rathedral. The pallbearers were Frank 5 , fltirkley. Charies L. Sauntiers. Frank B. Moorea. Major McMahon , John F. Coatt. Arthur - thur \Valreiey , C. 5. Smyth anti Jacob Krug. t Itertanrttnlile Rescue. Mrs. Michael Curtain. Plafrtfleld , Ill. , makes the statemeot that she caught colt ! , wiziet settled on her lungs ; abe was treated foe ii month by her faintly physician. but grew worse. He told her he wa hopeless vki- tirn of eanaumptitin and ttiat no niedicine caulti cure he Her iruggist euggested Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumptlco- bmigtt d bottle sod ta her delight found herself - self benefltie-j from first dose. She ecocinued its use end ettec takcg six bott ! tousiti herself sound end well ; now doeci ber awn bonsework anti is as well as ohs ever wee. Free trial b-tUee of this Great Discovery at Kuhn & ; Cn.'ti drug store. Large bottles f ) cents and 8.00. Mu rviaa. . Llvnses. The following marriags liosnees were issued yesterday by the county jutige : Name and itesidenee Age. Charles S. McKenzie , Omaha. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Elvina M. DeVine. Omaha. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . John ( } . Schafer. Douglas county. . . , . . . . srah Nlemun. Bennlngvjn. Neb. . . . . . . . if Ray Cook , Council Bius , Ia. . . . . . . . . . . Elizabeth Leeder , Omaha. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - ' - - . - . - - A VETERAN'S ' VALUABLEWORDS Mr. Erastu.s C. Brown , o Albany , Tells of a Wonderful t Experience. , . , en 'I- Mr. Eraitns C. Browi. of ithany. N. V. , i a ethraii of : . . : . - the e'centh New York & \.rti1ier aiid a iwominnt officer of the G. A. K He serveI with great credit (1Lri1u ; the Rebel- 1' . Iloit and in peakin of hi-s int career , ai(1- 1 I - . ' ' ' - ' I i : wn boru iii Albany' fifty-six years ago and hare al. ! ) ( - ' - Ways liveiI : here. Some time since I began to feel out of sorts. I suIfered. from pahllt in the body , lietdaehe. : 1ak of appetite : , and s1epIesiiie and linally wa hU(1 up in beti with the ; worst kind of kidney ( IiSordtr. At that thne I had. shooting PiLtt1 ill the small of the hack and wa o weak I coulI not . ' - " , set up een in bed. Indeed , I was eoiniiletelv in depair.w1ien , a a tninitering angel. my w'ife Came to the rescue. She had heard much of a. rnoern discovery , knt'v of many who had 1een helped by its ne and procured inc a bottle of it. It is an actual fact that before I had. finished the first bottle the tnllrovelnent was so grtat that I i.ould gtt out of beth and in : - . fact I va entirely eared. wholly through the use of Warner's 1 - Safe Cnre. Any doubter of the efficuwy of this great renlely . " in erious ca'es of kidney complaint hai full liberty to write I. IlIC flfl(1 ( I Will answer them. with p1iauure. My address is No. - I 170 south. Pearl Street , Albany. N. V. r viIl willing correspond - respond with ally iii1tererit who are ailliettd as I have been , and hope that tO iiia11 an att will be the ineau of puttixij others on the right course. TAIiE UP FOREIGN 1ISSIONS' Board Prezent3 Betulta of Ii Work t Pbytera Asuembly. DEMANDS EXCEED THE SUPPLY OF MONEY Tear's Wane tt the lVliuie Is Gratify-i iip = In ttite of the Dlmcnitles t'nder ' % 1iivh * 11. , flonrd Hut , Lahsrit. WINONA LAKE , lad. , May 5.-tn , thu - Presbyterian General assembly today tie- rational exerc1se were conducted by Bee : William Wallace of Mexico. A resolution was adopted expreasipg the cordial syni- pathy of the gener4aasemhly with the National - tional Relief comnsshin and similar as- sociatlons hartnt in.riev the welfare of the coidiers , sailors and.manes engaged In the present 'war with Spain. The regular order of the day was foreign misIon. Dr. George. F. Pentecost at I Yonkers. N. T. . chairthiui'of the standing committee. presintetI a. report and addressed - dressed the assembI > . ' The report on tore1gamissions submitted to the Presbyterian Gueral assembly today - day contained the fllow'ing : The fiscal year bein with a debt of :9'.l4. : ; but this anti MI other obligattons had been met. Appropriations had been reduced $100,000. andtbus the debt which had existed in varng.amounrs since 1291 had been extingutaherk , , The gifts to- the heart ! from the W men's board had increased - creased by twenty-eight , but there had been thirty deaths or resignations. Reports from all the fields were encouragiog in spite of the fact that retrenchment had told heavily on the school's. some of whIch had been closed. The receipts were : From chnrehes , $29.- 6 : : ; \Vomea's boards , i1.377 : Suntiay schoola , $38.hiS : ; young people's societies , $1O.tii ) ; legacies , . $ t40 : mIscellaneous donations. 7.6i0 ; interest on investments. etc. . $17,61i ; contributions to meet tlebt of is9' . S79.71t ; total , P7S.1. The tltshurse- meats were * 804,702 , of which 0.051 was for otfice expenses , part of them at the direction of the generaL assembly. The Interest - terest of the board In the Presbyterian building In New York amounts to one-half. or 8S3i97. representing a cash Investment- of $ Z71,19T. and mortgages of 610,000. The actual loss in the operation of the builti- tag the past. year was $ g,000 , but if the builtiing were entirely rented there would be a credIt balance abore all expenses of :0.40' ' ) . The board holds certain trust funds of a par value as follows Securities in general funti. 344.410 : unacknowiedgetl in process of collection. $ ,10 : permanent en- dowmenta of special objects. .304 ; other special endowments. 347.61L Other itetiirttt presenteil. Thu report of the Board of Publication and Sabbath School , alto presented. repre- seated two Interests , the one missionary anti the other commercial , The publication board reported net profits of $114147 on sales aggregating $ tiLt of books anti tracts , anti $ it8 for periotiicaltt. The active capi- . tat of the concern is now S1P,61. The hoard reported the publIcation of LPU.Sia copies of books and tracts and 41,1)$1fi coittes of periodicals. The mIssionary branch of the board received a total of $ U4,34. of which S5L970 was given by the hunday ' schools. anti $20ftkt represents two-thirds of the net profits of the business departments. of L.JP1 In The board reported a decrease its Income. Working under the board are seventy-six missionaries , who have or- ganlned 1.OS new Sabbath schools , with a total attendance of 51,413 pupils. These schools are locateti in twenty-nine states anti terr'torles. The report also gave a Statemer.t regarding the W.Ithersponn building - ing in Philattt'lpbia. which has a total rental value of $12J,000 , or exclusive of the floors occupied by the boertl of 3S0.OOul. At present the rental receipts are $1.000. The Cost of it lta $991.9t2. ; For furniture there was needed ant ! 147,100 is still tiuti Ga contract accounts. To meet these amounts and to reduce the 309,00I ) mortgage now oh the building the board has 1iI.4 cash in band. It was anticipated that the niort- gage will be extinguished In twelve or fit- teen years of normal prosperity Following the report Mr. Robert E. Speer. Secretary ot the board. presented the scope at the work of the church in foreign lands. Mr. Speer said that the church hail not risen to its duty anti had not maintained Its rate of increase during previous , lecaties. Contributions last year were less than those at ten years ago by $20,000From the first place in the amount of funtis netl. the Presbyterian church has fallen second , Ing fallen behinti the Methotilat churches. The speech was a strong pica for an Increase Lu the receipts of the Foregin hoard , anti an eloquent appeal for renewed cantribu- tiona to its work. At the close the speaker was greeted by prolonged applause. The foreign missionaries who are corn- missioners to the assembly were cafled to the platform. tbout twenty responded and representatives from Intita. Persia. Japan and Corea occupied considerable time. tctifTert 'use is Call..iI. The 3tcGiffert case caine before the as- .sembly late this afternoun on reports from the committee on bills and overtnres. Of these there were three. the majority anti anti two minority reporta. The first advises - vises that the assembly take no action. but leave It In President McGiffert to explain his posItion. or retire from the Presbyterian ministry. The first minority report desires that the matter b refecreti to the Presby. tery of New York for action anti settlement The ecand minority report recommendation is for no action. but condemns the alleged erroneous teaching of the New York pro- fessor. The majority anti minority reports are practically identical. except for the final I paragraph. The majority report was signed by thirteen - teen members of the committee , the first minority report by clx and the second ml- nority report by one member. The reports were ordered printed and the subject was ordered the first business for Friday after- noon. At the afternon session the report of the committee of publication and Sabbath schooL work was presented by Dr. John B. Davies of New York. Dr. Elijah B. Craven , secre- Lacy of the board , also spoke. I I At this session the rice moderator. James I A. Mount. governor of Indiana. temporarily took the chair for the first time. Thu report an church perlotitcals was then received. The report recommended a single publication. with editorial oiflces in New York , under the management of Rev. Wit- ham H. Hubbard of Auburn. N. 1' . . and under the supervision of a committee of five , headed by Dr. George W. Knox of New York. The report was adopted after a brief de- bate. Westminster church , Minneapolis , was then chosen as the meeting place for next year's assembly. Governor Mount thanked the assembly Dro r. Slioointn : vintS : o reuhiter- : n ernplittie prote'4t a alhlt U07 ixttIIe ? $ l. ' ) 'mu cIaIininr U ) sdl the beit tiioe--tor thert"4 only one ilti where fnnd-niI thttt' lit'rt- the bi'it can b. - tiit * ! 4) bti. % % 'tt are ottering tutu iiprhht I.e : i. iitgt'r value th8fl evcr-mitle In tli. ' dollar or full rounil toe-with klil Wpti and Utttiiit 'iItt-tant4 or bluek.4-In tht'r-e $ lle $ 3'OIIwill tinil : ill tile 4tyli' of tilt' mitch hlltttr prli'i'tl Ofleti-Wilil.i the price of $ : i.w : ) nuikt * a bi ia'rlng to you -tind never before luive you stui'n tt siiou of ticb great valff.dtjr the niiniey. Drexel Shoe Co. , Omaha's Ep-ttdit'te Slitie flonas. I119 FAR'M STREET Isl We're gilariLahity uow-giitrtlln : teeth ti'oin lerayin by properly caring for tlii'ui-lt's an ettsy nuttier for us to - "I examine your tet'J' : tntl tc'll 3"OU 'what they useil and tyb trn1iI bit tione-We I C3IflrL' nnt1iFni for at e.rvke-eliouht tht3 nt'ctl flIflni. csi Will iii ) t1i b'st , work possible antI cbnr4tt 2.OO for mwrtlt gtiltl humus anti $1.04) t'r silver anti iitlU allty-i-ilittultI thC7 mt'etl extru&'iInz , IVit ( , hn tlO that without pi1ti or gait-tint ! mr. nhth y.iu :1 : nIet set 'at $ .OO-tUt' are tile kinti I1O2ZtIIT sold. at * 10.0(1-our ( $ ( ) . ( ) plat&s ztrt Uiiit elaiitie and we guarJntt'e tlit'ju W be- the bist plate ever ftirniiiheil at. this price-Lady at- teutbuit BAILEY , 13 Yer. 34 float Pulaa 81k.'a. lttthanil Vszna. C - - for having twice met at Wlnona. saying that much encouragement bait thus been given to the churches of Indiana. This ereninss session was devotetl to addresses - dresses by foreign mhisionarles. ilescriptivo or the works anti nestle of their feld3. Get a map of Cuba anti get the host anti most complete. The Bet ? combination map of Cuba. the West Intiies and of the world. \Vith a Dcii map coupon. on page , 10 cents. at Bee olilce. Omaha. South Omaha or Council Bluffs. fly mail , 14 cents. Adtlresa Cuban MaD Dennrtment % tiflitUI FIIs let , . . . $ treet Car. Mrs. M. B. Bites. trained nurse , was badly hurt at 10 i : ; o'clock In leaving a Street car at Sherman anti Mailison avenues. Mrs. Bliss baa been attentilng Mrs. A. Stevens itt the Sherman fiats antI was on her way to her partient's apartments when the an- citient occurred. Ac the car approached Madison avenue Mrs. Bliss made ready to tilsutount , and sudilenly tell to tile ground either from a misstep or a tainting attack. Her head struck the pavement anti she was Unconscious for an hour. The attentiing physician diii not consider her injury serious unless there are unfavorable developments. Mrs. BIis resitles in Council llluiIs with the family of George F. Wright. \ViiIun. i4ntitIi I"niIs Dead. William Smith. a roiored man iho worked for John \Vebster , tell ticati in Hahn's tirug store , at the corner of Eighteenth anti Faraani. yesterday afternoon about 5 ociock. He tirot'e up to the store in a pbaeton. tied his horse. and. as he entered , fell uncon- scions on the floor. He was carried to the rear of the stare anti died In a short time. The deati man served in the regular army from 180 to 1890. anti was a particular friend ant ! comratte of Harr. , i Broelunan. a colored man who works for .thtt city. Smith has a wife in Beilevue , btit has not lived with her for some time. ! 't.ttIIIc. . littitilays. The post.oiflce authorities bare decided to close up shop June 1 and participate in the general rejoicing. Authority for this action has not been sent , but the move is in con- formuty with the tinwriuen laws of the service. Monday next Is also a haitilday- Decoration day. ! tttutb-Tneker Rettr.ts It. Mayor Moores last night received a tide- gram from Colonel Higgins of the stat ! of - Commander Booth-Tucker of the Salvr.tlon- Army , expressing regret at the assault of Lieutenant Dorothy Maurer on the exposi. ; lion statuary. Colonel Higgins aalts that the mayor deal gently with the girt , who , he says. was carrieti awayby an excess of zeal , Mayor Meores replied that h would protect the girl , but. be ativised that She be removed to another station. Itetiritlis for Cttvairy- . Ueutenant. Saxton anti five men of the Eighth cavalry. L. S. A. , are in the city for the purpose of locating a recruiting ala- lion ( or tli. ' cavalry servIce of the regular army here. The place has not yet been st'Ieteti. hilt the army olficers hopti to secure - cure a vacant omce centrally located in the tlOw town business .itstrtct. Au the nina. are accepted they will be sent from the Omaha recruiting olflce to Fart Sill. 1. T. anti to Fort Meade. S. D. . there being plenty at room In the troops located at these posts fir recruits. l'he trucps at Forte Robinson. and Washakie are up to thet lImit -u r. CtoteriyIst.r itlent lilt's hint , S. A. Joocs. a canvasser , who was arrested - rested and charged with stealing a watch anti chain from Mrs. L. Jackson of 107 Lo- cost Street. has been Itlentiilt.ii by Mrs. A. L. Stonecypher of Duntlee , as the man who snatched a pocketbook from her several weeks ago anti made his escape. Other persons who have reported robberies tinne by a canvasser will be sent for to itientify Jones , anti it Is expt'ctetl that Jones will be found to be thti man who baa turned several tricks in the last month. Get a map of Cuba anti get the best anti most complete. The Bee's combInation map of Cuba. the West Indies anti of the world. With a 13cc map coupon. on page 2 , 10 cents. at Bite 0111Cc , Omaha , South Omaha or Council Bluffs. By mail , 14 cents. . ' .ddresa Cuban Map Deportment TUH REALTY M.UIICET. DST1W'MENTS placed on recorti Tuesthty , 3k-ti' - 1331 : Wiirran ty Dents. J. F Schultz anti wife to : . : nnie . ' .ck- cry. lt 4. block 12 , South Omaha. . $ 300 H. B. Taylor to M B. . Dc-cries , lot 29 , Pauisens atiti . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . F. G. lrIau and wife to C. W. Criau , lot ii , blttck i. Omaha. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1. E. i' Ravmonti to F. E. MeDonaiti , lots I and . bIotk I. Me' stibiiiv. . . . ( tult Clultit Denils. F. B. MeDonuitl lit B. 31. Zug. iota 1 anti 2. block I , Moe' ; subtllv. . . . . . . . . . . . . j Denils. I Stwcial master to S. 13. Piper. lot 3. block 41. Kotintze Platen ( retiie . . . . . . . - Spedal master to B. S. Raymond , lots I and 2 , block 1. Moe's ttubdiv. . . . . . . . Total amount of transfers..11,410 ' ' - : I flare you ie'i'n It-The new Howard . j ' piano that has the Otcdtn : atinchinet for t , . # Imitating a band .of lxteta ulned lnstrunii'ot.s-its the wonder of the ate- . . ilupllt'tting pirfeUy the banjo-t.ultar anti zithor-more than nfl Oils , the Howarti L ; a me4litfln g-rntIi in.'itrurni'iir , -anti our price 1:1 : mtwh below the piinal . eo4t On finch El4Itt-tilC catei are either I veneereil nlahoL-any , Cerenteion walnut , CL' ilti : ( illurtereil nik-mikiug a. beautiful niltlldon to any litiut ? . A. HOSPE , " Iusic an Art. 1513 Douglas _ -J Golly. but It's htt-and we're just dxttI for hot svtuitlier-hace one islile of our iWre covered with hanimoeI'i-tTttt beat _ _ _ _ hinit or tiarnniticki-tli. piiiow anti ipreiisIt'r kind-Some of tl1t4e are on'y ' ; ' : ; , otlierj more-but the 7 cent iIntI Ii " ' a r.itIIn tnoti haiuiunt'k-Anotlier lirt - wettht'r : furniture jI9it 1 $ a Itefriger. " 7 < ator-oiiri are Uit' kim ! that itave ire- , A. . ' illill Itt till' sarnt thu. . ' lt''I ) everytlillig - pi.rfect1y-.OS til for tilL' tmialler i417.e _ _ ' It'r tinti its built tilttutmit s'ay the hirer \ ofleti are that cost iitore. , _ " C. AYME ! . A. . , WE DELIVER YOCIt PCRCU-.SE. . ' . - - - - lziI4 Farriam St A hundrttI timi's a ilay you iie tii bnhy just a4 y.ii voiiliI like to htve ulrn In a pietnrekotiatt anti a push on the butwu will stvure just ucii a cairnirite are not tIm expent4lvtt ieatiur tuvtiretl ! boxti of a feiw y&tnrit : ito-Wu Cmiii furnish you a caintuit itt $ : ; thllt sr.ll bike ax3 pkture-we'Il warrant It to ' be pertiet-tltn ) If you tli'v1tip pr lit anti mount your ( . } Wti jltfllre tin- cost Ill only ' amateur oiitlit.'i U trifle--we've couipltttct that yen can easilrlt'ara to operate-We will show you 1mw. TheAloe &PenfoldCo . Am-uar Photo 3uppiy Bonus. Wit Farnani Stt'ett. OMAHA Otvosll. FsxIon lLotsl. - - - - - - - - - - - -