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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 26, 1898)
; ; _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ - _ - _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ - - - t1E - O1AIIA DAILY Bi ' ThURSDAY , ] SEAY 20,1898. - - : ii 1 : I1ERclAi , ADFINACIA4 ! cvora1 Oonditi na Coithibuto .to iaI1y Prices of Whcat. - OARSE GRMN MARKETS ARE STROUGER I - orii nnd Oni 1nch StifflY flit Itn- pI b tllctI , Iiit J'rovlsl..ts , 'IYth the ltt t' Itii of Lnrd , 1tror.L a Loi. , CHICAGO , Mtty L-I'roflt.tnkIng by Vhort , better rAverIool catiles and the n - $1 f3UflhltIflfl that the flrework were probrb1o j21) thO MRY deal , cauieI a rally In wheat - oday. July gaIflej 1 1.Sc , corn 1 1 Sc ilghcr and oitii showed an rniirovement nt 'Ae. In provliIons pork ; lIowH a loHs of , tc ; and i-IIj ; 2e. Lard IM up 2,41j&c. ! rliero witi NOmO recoveij' Iii wheat today ram tim dHresInn and weaknei which ulc yciterday. The Liverpool cabiccame uglier , which w quito unexpected'ln view ) t our ruccn weaknM5 , flint auggeMed the dea or tflftflhlUIfltIOfl , efleCIaIiy it ; the coil. iiiental flhII1CtM were all lower. Tile trade : was dull , but the late hearIh news and the ' cnrlnIi fltfltiMticH seemed to have been partly forgotten , nnd there was a good deal of ) roitt-tnking. Atiother rCthon for tureiigth wnu the nerVOUS feeling over May . . iiiiil the general expectation that Leiter vai fliro to put the price of that month Initteri- jtIIy higher. The Inflrenco was that all the itlturen Would be lnillIhly ultected b the cxelt&ment and high lIrices III May. and t liIi , with the higher llrlceH ithroail , litartetl fihort8 to cover and added onicw1mt. to the ' ZIllflhlCClflCflt , There wiui an effort to ) Ut Inoro vigor RI1I ( ttreflptli tote JUlY , itilil 1110 , efiort YItH III IL mCltI4UrO uccei8Ul , lei11J ] lellCd by tile general expectation Of bUll : flUtllllUbttlOil i1) the party in control of Iny nnil June. 'rho weatner WUH inUlh cooler , but ilUlto favorab'e for grovltig v .wlieat. Liverpool cahle5 are ' .d higher. : Chicago got 2IG care , agant % Cil 11011 year. itnil of todnvH number 1(1 ( were coil- t - jrlt. MIflflealOIi nnd Duluth rccehjiti4 1 wiIro moderate , 323 cari. The Atlantic Perth h . clearnnccl4 ( ) fi wheat and flour were wlUitl teL L flWlOO ho. July opened 'ti3c nigher itt $1.11) i. tl,12 ¼ , Mold 6ff to $ l.GL UI ) to $ l.hl , back to $1.11. thOu rnhhlthl to $1J2 % at the cioiic , ciitcinhcr ) began 5-Sc higher at 37 T-8SSc hol4e to fell lijick to SC nntl advafleet , - o 8S - ; , the hinni ( ltiltatlOtl. May nnged lietWecil $1.57 and fl.70. the latter thin hiiiihii figure. At the iiefllflg corn wn8 firm , but lost for a time the advance It iunrted with , and nzaiii nenr tile close recovered it. flotli , , erIob4 ( of firmness were caucd by the strength In wheat. leceiics were 471 cars. July O1)CflNl ISfc iettr at 313l 3-Se , 141,1(1 ( iOWll to 3 5-S34c und advanced agititi to 3lc nskotl at the close. - Covering by shorts hCiel oats today. it'ceipts ' were 223 cars. July opelied 141c ) iigher at 21c , ndvnn"ed to 21sti2c , c - r chineil to 2I'/c ' and raihlea at the close to 24 7-Sjj2c. Tilt ) hiVIflflC3S of the pccu1attvo articles I II provisions today was lard. There was a 4 good deal of coininIStOil house selling of $ ork and some of It was on 13101) loss orders. iJogs are off lOflHlc. July Pork opened 7 ½ 4tlOc ) lower ut $ i1.774'iilt.SO ' , sold up to $ i1.S , fell III ! to $11.ti7 ½ . then atlvrtneetl to lI.S2Aj at. the close. July lard started 5c lower at $ G.12 ½ , advanced to $ G.22 ½ . declined to $ .1O . n.1 finrl tI l.i 5I.1tL22',4. LIII ) ClOslilI ; ; :0"yjj : ; at $5.9 , ell Ill ) to $5.95i3.9i ½ . fel : back tO ) .SUb 1.52 iiiiil nilvnncetl at the close to $5.9. Ethiiiateil reCCIpti for tomorrow : Vhieat , 217 cor8 ; corn , 6W cari ; oat8 , 340 cari ; hogs. a.oo head. Leading futures range as follows : rtIc1ci..I Opon. I h1lttl ! Low. I Close. Yest'y % IIC&d Nay . ' . 1 01 1 70 1 67 70 1 fl1 July. . . I 12i I 124 1 t)94 ) I lfl. I Spt. . . 87i.8 8s14 itV 1)tc. . 32)i6 3ii K2M 'i ' ) May. . . Ui' 3P4 :13 : 31 JUly. . . :3l'.t : , * : ii 33)U.l1 : it :141ii : iIPt . . . I5)SIt :1 : 35' 33 ' . . Nfly. . . 211 28 011 t7G 2S1 Jtly. * . . 2 Ij 24Tt- . ' l1i 2414-25 Sd . 221t ' 22 2 ( 22hj July . . . 11 77 % 11 Ri 11 5714 11 S2 11 87H StiIt. . . 1 1 DL ) 1 1 97 % 1 1 71) 1 1 h ) 12 00 Litril- JUly. . . 0 123.4 Ii 22 (3 11) fl 22k Ii 17 : , .iL ) 0 20 (1 30 Ii 1714 11 30 (3 IhtItIb. July. . . 3 93 5 fl7 ri 80 ri o r O7 ' , . . . , ' , , m , 1 fl' w7L Ii ( III Ii oi : 4No. 2. CILHII , liiotntloflH were as follows : FLOL'lt-Stcady : spt'clul hruiubi , $7.1fl : winter' loiteiltS , $ G.COJhO ( winter straIghlti4 , G.25hUJ0 ; winter cleitr , . $ G.ODi6.2O ; , rhlg IIRICIILH , * 6,75i7.OO : bakers' , $3.OOj5.2i. WI tFA'r-rco. 2 sprIng , $1.20 ; No. 3 iprlng , 1.lOfil.O ; No , 2 red , $1.65. ClN-No. 2. 5Cc. ' thVl'S-No. 2 , 27c ; No. 2 white , 31c ; No. 3 white. 9i3Oc. JJA11hEY-No. 2. 4OTi51e. SEEDS-FIaxseCd , No. 1 , $1.53 ; irllne tiiiiothiy SCCl. $ .SOii2.S5. 1'IIOVISIONS-Meii 1)01k , 1)CF bbl. , $11.60 fl1.70. Inrd , Per 100 lti. . $ G.l0fiG.12 ½ . Short ribs Klde4 ( loose ) , $ .S016.10 ; dry salted ahlullIlteril ( boxed ) . $5.OOj5.2S ; short clear 13111104 ( hmxcd ) , $ fl,2516.85. SUClAlIS-Utit loaf , 5.S ; granulated , $5.25 ; stiindard A , $3.25. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Artleks ltecelpts. ShipilioulS. . ; ; ; ; - ; . . . . . . : : : : _ - ; ; WIDO p. lICl1JU. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 170,111)0 ) : ioo.seo Ciii. tin. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5110t'oO ' 4U.Oh ) S ( ) .tbu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.IiIit1 J1021i ( ) Ilye , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , ( 1 , 200 l3arleytai. _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25.100 _ ti,000 On I'rou6o exchange today the butter intrket' was firm ; crcanlcriei4 , ] 2l5 ½ C IluIriell , 1ltj1. jlgg'4 ' , tlrni : fresh , ] iYd'llc. Cheese , ( hulet ; 61JVLC. Llvo poultry , good tlciiiiiul . ' sprIng li1clCils , SZJIOc ; ducks , 6t 6V.c ; turkeyl , 6jSc. ? 4RV YOILIC 6 KNllhtatL 3IltIC)1'L'S. - ( iiotnt buN for thit lny in Geirsi1 o1Il niti1 I ties. NlYOItIC , May 25.-F'LOUP.-ItecClpts , 19,711 hjlls. : ' oxlortll , 4SCS bbls. ; strong and hIgher with wheat ; whiter , patents , $0.60 7.00 ; thiiter stratlghit , $6.2530.50 ; MInnesota. pateilti3 , $ G.tOJ7.10 ) ; winter extras , $ l.75j5.50 ; lliiiitnotit bakers , $5.40i45.75 winter low - ginde , $2.00113.O0. Ilyc flour , quiet , $3.C& 4.15. 4.15.eo1tNMIALSteatly ; yellow western , - SOc. ] tYE-1)uhi ; No. 2 western , 66767c. 1) 4 I' ! .1.'VMnnItnl fn,1111ff 4r. 1i , IIhEY MAIT-NuIuhIUtl ; western , 62 75c. . t76.375 Iu. exports. \.i I l.T-Uoeoili H , 4l3.DST liii , SiOt , fjtIiCt No , 2 red , $1.51 ½ t. 0 , b. itiloiLt , export giadu No. 2 VeIl. 9 ½ e f. o. P. itlloat , septeinhier 1 to 15 , Ojittoils Ohielicti higher on Liverpool hews itiitl theru- nftt'r strong , hilt dull ii.ll day. led by Jtii ) , of vhich shorts were anxIous buyers lit tliies t1flltl getting quite bullIsh on July , fitit ( ) hlO5Os Into tleltycries on tile Hlltllltlid ( ( ) p lrosPecis. I'fees were 7o oil Oil MIt ) ' , 1c Oil July itntl 5.'l1-Su on litter iiiiiithiii. No. 2 red , May ; t.5ji1.CO ; closed Lit $1.53 July , 8l.16tj'4 ' : closeil at $ llSVj. ( 'OlIN-Receipts 200 S5U tu ; uxports. 103- 022 lU , UlOt , steady ; o , 2. 40 1-Sc. Options siltl off all this foreiioon under itqtiitla.tlon. hut rallied hater svithi WllOXtt. anti closeti oiilt ) :1t7li4t. : flat lower : May. ZS 54itt31 7-Sc : elosoti at 3 6.e ; July,1.S 5.Stp9 V4c ; ciocd at 33 1-se. OA'l'-Itecelpts. 211u,401) Iju , ; exports , 4,675 ili. sales. 70,0th ) bu. Sjot , wealt ; No , 2 'J3u ; No. 2 whIte. 3i ½ c OptIons dull IIIIII wtlt nil day , closing 1,40 net lower ; Zday elosol nt 33e. HAY-Lower ; shipping , 3540c ; good to choice , 455c. 1101'S-Quiet ; state , common to choice , 189Cr01) , 3tIc ; lt'i crop , 67c ; 1&IS cr01) , 6ij7c , i'aclllc coast , 1S93 crop , 3ZHc ; IbUG ( ' 11)ll , Ci7e ; 1597 crop. l2i14c. 1llIES-Stady ; Galveston , 20 to 25 lbs. , lie : Toxn dry. 21 to 3(1 ( lbs. , 13c Caliorjiia , 21 to 23 1113. , ISe. 1.EA'I'I 1Fit.-VIrm ; hemlock sole , Iluenos .Ayres , 1UJ0 ½ c. \VOOL-.Quiet ; tboete , lCdI2c ; Texas , 121k 1'ltOVli1ONa-iio0r. firlil ; family. $ l2.60j1 13.00 : extra ifless , $1060611100 : beef 1)11018. $23.60ij2I.0O ; packet. $ h1.50il2.00 ; cIty extra Itidia mesa , 1S.lUi1.UU. Lut iilents , quiet ; lIckle'tl bi'hiles , $ .54Jil7.5O ; piclileti shluuItlerH , - $7.60 ; vlekled 1)11105 , $ T75'14.5O. hard , steady : SVtSI4'ilt tenlned , S.45 : relinuil , quiet. I'nrlc , sttllly : mess. $ ll.TSUj 12.00 : short clear , . . . - $ i2.tOlili.t0 ; faiinlly. $13t10l14.0J. Tallow. stenily ; city , 4e ; countr ) ' , 314 1-Sc , as to quality. OllS-Petrotetiin , steady. RoBin , Moady ; strained , conunon to good , $ l.42W&1.15. Tur- 1)Ullthile , steady itt 2Uj2'J4C. Cottonseed oil , illfletlVe lrhInu crtlilo. 21(22c nominal ; ir1nio ertid , ( . 1) , Ii. iilis. 16 ½ 11114c lirlino ,4tIIiinier , 'ellow. 26o ; oiY summer yellow. 25Uz23 ½ o , flutter oil , dull at 2St2'Jc ; IrIino )1)liflW winter , 0t3lC. RICL-Firm ; fair to ettra , -sjne ; Ja- 11111) . 5 7.SSjGc. MO lAS5E-Steady : Now Orleans , OOil ettlo good tochiolce , 2S1j3c , Mll'Ah3-Today's ; Ilieta. , inarlait do. vuloi.ed Pr0110tiIict'll strength ) on scarcity of sellorh mid increased deulalid 01)11 pIg Iron warratits )1loved a stoaciler tIndt'rtit0. Aside from tills lila situation locally WitS I featureless. At the close pig iroi warrants were t'iiilcd stoutly by the Metal exoiittflgti ttt $ t3.0 bId uflhl ST nsked lztiu copper. Very ( tutot , ttt $12 bid anil $1h14 uked ' till , higher IZII.1 Ilitti , with * lSQ bid end lLS1 asked ; sels'r ( , quiet , with $4.25 bid no.1 14.10 akcd , and head innCtiV' , with $2.00 bid and $3.65 risked. Les ( is , itill quoted at $3.S0 h' th firm fixing ( hA s'ttlfni p11cc for mInCr and snielters In the est. oMAhA a II l5It.L 2UAIUCII'rS , ( onslIinn of Trade au. ! ( tIo4fttIofl Oil Uttflllle fInd Fnn ( ' ) 1'i'1iice. IGGS-Oood stock , 9V.c. HUTTflIt-Common to fair , Dtlc ; iip. nator , lie : gathered creamery , lil1c- VlAL-Chnico fat , 8' ' ) tQ 12&3b. , quoted at S9. : large and eonrao' Chuic. L1V1 1'Ot'f.T1tY-Chieken , 7u7 ? , : old roosters , 3i41Gc ; young roOsters , 616 ½ C ) ring chIeken , 2O22e. 1'1Ol.ONS-Live. $ l,1&J1.23 ; dead plgqons not wanted. IIAV-Uplantl , $7.00 ; midland , $6.0' , : lowland - land , $3.50 ; ry straw , $ t.V0 ; color inaks the Iltico On lia. ; light bales sell the best only tot ) grades brIng top prIciul. VIGETAHL1S ONION-Nw southern. per Ii ) . , 2 ½ c. CAUIJAaIS-MIsslssnHi , per crate , $2.25. _ flIANS-ifniul-plelieti navy , ncr bu. , $ l.2. l'OTATOIISIIrIIIIti grown , 0JDJC Cn1- rado stork , 70c' nortl"rn fancy cony Ohio seed potatoes , SSe ; 110W. potatOes , per bbl. , ; 3.fM hiushel hioxc'q , 11.23. TMATOlt--1' r crate. $7.lftiil.23 , IIEFTH-New ler ho. box , $1.00. I1ADIIJI 1 iI31.l'er doz. bunches , 250C. LTTUCl-Per tlo. IJUnChICS. 2025C. .OItFFN ONIONS-I'er doz. , SOc. CUCUMIl1flS-1'er tloz. , 75c. \VAX St1ANS-1.3 bu. Iox , r. P1AS-l'cr 1.3 bu , , G3f75c. I'IFfl'IJtNT-llome grown , per lb , ic. 11tUITb' . STRA\V131htflhiS-Missourl , t.OO. A1'1'Lltl-Ovnetoii , $3.75. OOOi13lIt1tl 1IS-Pep 21-qt. case , $2,00fP 2..5. TliO1'1CAI 1flU1TS. 0 hA NOES-Seedlinpj $2.30 ; Moditerra. neali styretS , l1FMONS-Cn1ornln , % 3.00fi3.23 ; fancy Messinti , $ l.5lfl ( 1.00. IIANANAh-'liutco. large stock , per liutich. $2OO2.25 ; medium sized bunches , $ I.752.O0. M ISClLbANEOUS. NUTS-Almoiul , lb. . large size , 121 13c : small , lie ; llr&izilj , ler lb. , 0jlOc : 1ng. lhsll % vatiiuts , per lb. , tangy soft shell , 1lt lie ; fltiLlIh&lflls , SjUc ; : ilbcrts , lnr lb. , lOc' pecans , tiolisheil , meiliuin , 6i7c ; extra . large , SljUc ; largo likkory hilts , 1.O5z1.1l : ncr ho. : slilalh. $1.23Ut l.S ierhU. , : cocoatlutil , per iSO , $1 ; v anut , raw. J5c ; roasted , GitPc. MAI'1A SYRUP-FIve-gal. can , each , $2.75 ; gui. catis , pure , ter tliz. , $12 ; half-gal , Call ; , $6.25 : uuart cans , $3.60. F1a13-lmported , fancy , 5-crown , boxes , jOe ; , 41-lb. boxeS , Ise ; 2-lb. iIXCI1. 221t25e Per box ; California , 10-lb. box , $1. 1IONFSY-Cholce white , 12c ; Colorado am- her. lOUllIc. ihlAUT-Per bbl. , $3.50 ; 1)er half bbl. , 2.25. , 60 10 70.lh. boxes , S ½ ct Sair , Sc ; Faril , 9-lb. boxes , tic. CIDFSIt-I'er half bbl. , $3 : bbl. . $5. ' hIDES , TALLOW. ETC. hIDES-No , 1 greolt 111,105 , Cc ; No. 2 green hides. 5c No. 1 iltetl IlidoS , Sc : No. 2 green gaited lilde , : No. 1 veal calf , 8 to 1.2 lbs. , tic ; No 2 veal calf , 12 to 15 lbs.,7c , TALLOW. GItIIASE , ETC.-Tahlow , No , 1 , Sc ; tallow , No. 2 , 2c ; rough tallow. 114c ; white grease , 2 ½ i24c ; yellow and brown 13' ( ' 1150. 1 ' . 412c. SI I EEP 111lrs-orcen salted. each , 13 75c ; green salted silearings ( short s'ooletl corly skins ) , each , The ; dry sliearings. ( short wooled early skins ) , No , 1 each , Sc ; dry flint , Kansas and Nebraska butcher wool nelts , PCC lb. , actual weIght , 4115c ; dry flInt , Kansas nod Nebraska nturrain , . , ' , l , , , .lt. , , , n ii , - nr'ttfll tCIht. iflo tlrv flitit , Colorado lutcllel 'ool la'1ti , per lb. , actual weight. 45c ; dry flint , Colorado murrain - rain wool 1)eltS , er lb. , actual \vogllt , U lc. 1'tJTtS-flc'ar ( black or brown ) $5.O0'j20.00 ; otter. $ l.soqrsoo : ; mink , 156flc : leaver. $1.00 lhO.O0 ; skunk. ISe , 25e , SOc ; muskrat. Sc , Sc. 7c ; raccoon , I3it0c ; red fox , 23cIt.25 ; gray fox. 251150c ; wolf ( timber ) , 25ct$2.50 : volf ( hrnlrlo ( 'OyOte ) , 1&iiSOc : wIldcat , . 1025c ; badger , 5j40c ; sIlver fox , $3.O075.OO. F'IIESI [ MEATS. DIIESSED IIEEF-tiood native steers 7V4c good forequartars Steers. ' Cc ; good hilwliunIters , steers , 9c ; western steers , 7c : native helfers , Gc ; good forequarters belt- cr5 , 53.c ; good hiindqqartors lIelferS , 83c ; native covs , 6'7c western cows , 6 ½ c cow fIri'quarters , t'c : cow hiiiidquarters , .ic ; iackhitlVes , cow , 6jc ; steer , 7c : trlangle8 , cow , 13c ; steer. 5'4c. BEEF CUTS-Tenderlolns. fresh , Ito ; frozen. ICc ; boneless istrips. fresh , . lie ; still ) loins , fresh , So ; frozen , 7c1 rolls , boneless , fresh , lie : rolls , Siencor .cUtH , fresh , lSc ; sirloin butts. boneless , frOsh , lie ; shoulder clods. bond ess 64c ; rump butts , boneless , Cc : No. 1 chucks , 5 ½ c ; No. 2. . cllUCki4. 5 ½ c ; No , 3 chucks , Sc ; bonelc8S cltuek , frozen , Sc : fresui , 5'c ; coy. ' plates , tic ; steer llate8 , 1l'c ; lliiiik steak , Sc ; loins , No. 1 , , frozen , lSe ; fre'h 1le ; 101118 , No. 2 , frozen , lOc ; tre8n i 'c ; loins O 1 ilOZCII e ; ijvLI , , , . , , , lOc ; 8lort loins , market style , 2c above lolis ; lintel style , 4c above 1,11115 , ; ( 'OSS' loll ) cnd , 8'c ' ; steer bItt 011(15 , 9'c ; hanging tendei loIns , 13c ; rll01 , No. I , frozen , bc ; fresh , 12c ; ribs , No. 2 , frozen. Sc : fresh , bO'4c ; 111)5 ) , No , 3 , frozen , Cc ; fresh , Sc : No. I rounds , 7''c ; No , 2 rouildl , 7e ; No. 3 rounls ( , 7c : beet rounds , 511011k ott' , e addi- tiollaIb beef rounds , sltltlllc and runi off , 1 ½ c alditIonnl ( ; triiltlnhligs. 4c ; beef shanks , : tc ; brains , PCI' doz. , 35o ; sweetbreids , , per lb. , frozeil , lOc ; fresh , 12'c ' ; swoetIrea,1s , ( calves ) , per lb. , 40c ; kl(111Cy14 , pe1 iloz. , ISo ; Ox tells , ouch , 3d tiverH , ) cr lb. . Sc ; hearts , ler lb. , 2c ; tongues , uer lb. , 12c ; ( 'alt Ilveri , each , ISo ; calves , Whiols . carcass or sIdes , 1'J ' ½ c ; calf Ilead and feet. scalded , per set , 750. 750.MIJTTONSprlllg Intubs , bOo ; regular hiiTnbS , tic ; sheep , Sc ; znarlcet racks ( long ) , 90 ; ilOtel racks ( short ) , 1k : loittil. 9'c ; situ- dIes , bc ; Legs , lO ½ c ; Iamb legs , 12c ; breasts RaIl stowS. 3c tongues , each , Sc ; forequarters - ters , Go. 1'OltlC-Dressctl , pigs , 6 e ; dressed hogs. 5'c , tonderlolns , 12c ; louis , small , 7 ½ c ; large , 7''c ; slare ribs , 4c ; ham sausage butts , Go ; Uot0fl Dhitt , 5 ½ c ; shoulders , rough , & % e ; shoulders , skInned , 5c : trim- bihligs , l ½ c ; leaf lard , ilot rendered , Go ; heads , cleaned , Sc : situtits anti edrs , Sc : ( rcahi hams. 16 to IS lbs. , 7i/c ; fresh short clu.'trs , 53e : cIleek nicat , 4c' ; necllones , Sc ; dgs talisIc ; jlUck ) $ , each , Sc ; chItterlings , Sc ; lioclct , 4c hearts , tier ( loz. . 25e ; Sto- Iflulchls , eitcll , ; c : tongues , eucht , 7e : kIdneys , her tIoz. , 1lc ) ; braIns per doz. , iSo ; pigs' feet. her doz. Ito ; livers , each , Sc ; hog rinds , Sc ; blailo Patios , Sc. St. Louis ltltrIet. ST. LOUIS , Nay 25.-FLOUR-Quiet and Ic t'er : latents , b.00g6.25 : straights. $5.50ij 5.75 : clear , $ SO05,25 ; ineulluin , $4.50ij1.75. , v1 I 14'"I higher , closlitg strong at thin ti' , wIth 'the exceptIon of lufay , whIch VnI4 In oft : July closed 2 1-Sc , Septemlier I 1-Sc a.nui 1)ecembur Ic above 'esterilay ; spot higher ; No. 2 red cash , elevator , $1.25 : tn ck , $1.26 ; Ml , ) , $1.27 ; July. 59 I-Sc bid ; S4ltlhltter ) , 85 1-Se biti ; 1)cceinber , Sc ; No. O,1.l , 5)flclL COStN-Futures ilrm , wIth only fractional cluitiges ' 0fll yesterday ; No. 2 011511 , SSc ; i'.1t5' 32' . . : hit ! ; Jill ) ' , 32u' 1)1(1 ; September , 23 3-ge asked. OATS-1"utures weak anil fractionally lower titan yesterday : SPOt lower ; No. 2 cash , UOc track , 29 ½ Gi2Uc : Mt' ' , SOc askeul ; July. 24'so ; September , _ 24c ; No. 2 vhiitti , 3lt32c. 1tl-Noininni at Sic. SEIIDSlelaxseeui. notulniuliy lower at $1.67 ½ : irlme timothy seed , $2.G0I2.C5 , cORNMEA1--Strong at $ t.902.0O. BRAN-Dull ; aclced , Gfli3G2c , I I AY-St mug and scarce ; p'aIrle , $ T,5O4j 10.00 : tlntothly. $ U.6O1fl2.t.0. IIUTTEII-Qulet ; creamery , ItUJIGe ; dairy , 1Oilb4e. EUGS-Stendy at tPc. \hI ISEY-Nominal at $1.25. corroN TIES-700. BAGGING-S 1.Si6 3-Sc , Mll'l'Al.S-Leiuul. lirin tt $3.47 ½ i3.5O. 51)01- toy. itoinlititI at $1.10. rItO\ I tONS-Pnrk. lower ; standard niOss , 101)1)10g. $ li.704lit0. 1.artl , , tlUiOt ; prIme steam , $6.00 : choice , $11.13 hid , l1at'on , loxeti , ulioiilders $3$7 ½ : extra short clear , $6.76. ribs , $6.S'R : shorts , $7.00. 1)ry salt meats , hioxed shoulult'i's , $5.37 ¼ ; extra short ci. or , $6.23 : rIbs. $ G.3AI : shorts. $6.50. IIECEI 1'TSFiour. 5,000 bbls , : wheat , 30- 000 1)11.1 coril. 93,000 bli. ; oats , 23.000 bu , SI I I I'M l'N'1'S-Flour , 7,000 bbhs. : wiieii t , 26.000 bu. ; corn , 140,000 bit. ; oats , 10,000 bu , Neiv Vsrk l'vudIR'e lnrks't , N1YORK. . lutity 5.-BI7T'l'Fllt-Ttn- ( ' 011dB , 12,211 lkgs. ; western , i2tj1to ; Elgins , iGo ; f.urtort , l2 ½ 0. Cl I EICSF.-ttecolpts. 933 Pkgs. ; market weak ; light sklin , 5li6c ; Ilart skitils , 6Sj3c ; ( till likililS. 2tt3e. EGiS-lte'eittS , 1,061 pkg , ; market iuteati ) itt l01tl1'4c. SlOAR-Muriet firm : raw strong : ( air refining , 3e ; ceittrlttigah , 4c ; refined , powdered , 5 5-Se ; griuittiiat.'ul , 5 3.Sc , Grilhil lteOOIlilI sit I'rlnu'iipnl Inrki'ts. hIT , 1OU1i , May 25.-1teveipts' Wheat , 16 ctur. ctur.MINNEAI'OljlS , May 25. - Receipts : WllMtt. 165 cars. Ci I 1tAQO , May 25.-Receipts today : Wheat , 266 cars ; corn , 474 cars : oats , 221 cars. 3stirnuieu1 tomorrow : Wheat 217 cars : corn , 610 ears : oats , 310 cars. 'lJJ1UT1 1. Zulu ) ' 25.-Iteceipts 1 'beat - , 13.5 cars. NANSAS ( 'lT" , May 25.-Reeelpts ' .Vheat , 76 cal's. iCflhINiIN Cli ) ' ( ruin itiisi itruvlp.luns. iCANS.S CITY. May 25.-WI LET-Mnr- ket tll'y ilull. 2t4'.lc lower ; No. 1 hard , $ l.2 : No. 2 bard , $ l.2lM ; No , 3 , l.i6tJl.1S ; No , I red , $1.25 ; No , 2. $ l.Sl % for fancy ; No , 5 , $ l.IG.fll.17 ; No , 2 slrlmg , $ l.1Sjl.I9 : No , 3. $1.14ii.1I3 one car while mnled at $1.08. CO1N-Market slow and lower ; No , 2 mixed Ot331e ) ; No , 2 white , 3tii33c : No. 3 , 31 ½ e. OATS.-Market slow anti about toady ; No , 2 'whIte , 3le. RYI"-Market weak' No , 2 , SGc. hAY-Market active ; prairie towert choice , S9.<tl.73 : ; timothy about Meady ; choice , $10.00. nuT'rmt-Mnrket steady ; creamery , 12,4 IbjIle ; ulelty , iofIie. EfIOS-Market firm ; fresh , So , itEcl11"rs-wheat , 46,500 bu. ; corn , 65.500 bu. : oats , 4.0(0 bu. R1hhI'MENTS-Whoat , 73,000 bU. corn , CU- , 000 bu , ; oats , 11,000 bu. Ii'erinot Illarket. LI VERPOOT. , May 23-Wi I iivr-spot , No , 1 rel , northtrn , spring , stently , us : July , lOs 7ti ; September , 7s % ul ; 1)eeembcr , 7s Id. COltN-ift'nt American mixed , new , steady , 3s 6 ½ d ; Lotures , quiet , May , Sc 61-Sd ; Jill ) ' , 55 G3d : September , Us 70. FLOUR-St. Louis fancy winter , dull , ila 9d. 1101'S-At L.ondon ( Pacilic coast ) , dull .t2lN. PIIOVISIONS-flccf , steady : extra. India mess , 655' trlme mess 655. Pork , Prime 1)1055. medium western , ss i , I1atn , short cut , 14 to III lbs. , dull. 31s. ilacon , dull , SUs 6,1 ; short nba , 31s ; long clear mildIci , light , 355 ; long clear middles , liclivy Sis cl short clear backs , Sis Gd : clear belICt4 , Stit. Shoulders , square , dull , 26s 6d. Lard , prinie western , dull , Sls Gd. Tallow , prime city , IIrm. CII El'Sh-Dull : American 'flne't whIte , LOs : 1111041 , colored , 42s. OlLS-Cottontoed oil , Liverpool refined , 5toa1y , IGi d. TurpentIne spirits , stonily , 26s thl , ltoin , common , firm , Ss 7d. lIill)01'tS ) of wheat Into 1.iverimol for tile week : From Atliuitic ports , 73,930 quarters ; from l'ilcItlc ports , none : rrotn otiicr ports , 17,00 qimiurter ; . Imports of corn into LIver- 1)001 front AtialitIc 1orbs for tile Week , f'S- 003 qtiarters , 1ilitiIii.r ( ' Mstrltts , UALTIMORE , May 25.-PLOUIt--Flrnl ; Western stiperline , $3.'f'tf 1.03 : western extra , $160115.25 : western ftinily , ' $3.SS4.i5 winter vlieat , $6.506J6.83. Receipts , 3,610 bbls , ; cx- portS , 832 bbls. \V1 I FIA'r-unsett loti ; spot nnl , the month , $ l,3I ½ t1.3IS : July , $ l.12 % asked : steamer No , 2 roil , $ l.2S ½ Ijl.28 5-S. Receipts , 63USS but. ; tixIlorts , miono ; southern t'heat by saniple , $ l.30uil.3S' ; mjoUtilern wlteat on grade , $1.5O1'l.55. COI1NV'e'itk ilfltl lo or ; SlOt aiiil June , 3iIiISc : July , . 3SAlt38 5-Scm steamer mixed , 36)5t3Tc. Receipts , 26.245 bU. ; exports , 257 - 537 hil , ; irnutimern WIllIe corn , 40c misket , untltiiprn'ellw. , . StibilOc. OA'I'S-Quiet : No. 2 white , 37.Qfl3Sc ! ; No , 2 mIxed , Sic. Receipts , 43,646 bu. ; exports , 40,025 bu. RYE-Dull and lower : No , 2 nearby , 630 ; No. S Western , GSc. flecelpts , 11,92S bit , ; cx- ports , none. I IAY-Stenuly : chalce timothy , $ l2.S0313.0O. GRAIN FLIEIOIITS-Denmorahized ; rates generally mtnninnl , : steam to Liverpool , per .hu.til , Juito ; Cork for orders , per quarter , SsrThSs 4d , JtiilC. flUTTER-Steady ; fancy creamery , 17c ; fancy imitation , Ito ; fancy ladle , iSo ; good ladle. l4c ; store paciced , I2j13c. EOGS-Weak ; fre3h , lOc , Orleisus Market. NEW ORLEANS , May 25.-HOG PROD- Uc'rs-QdIet ani easier ; porlc , stnnda.rd mess , $ l2.O012.25. Lard refined tlerce , 4 3-8 @ 1 ½ e ; yore lard , 6 r "i6c. Ibex meats , dry silt ShlOUldI'l'14 , 6 r mt' ; sides , 6 5-SIt63bc. Tla'on , clear rlis , i .Slj'4e. hams , choice stmgnr cured , 'JiiI0ic. COl'i"FE-Firmn ; 1110 , ordInary to good , 4 581U'140. FLOUR-Steady : ( alley extra , $6.OO6.10 ; pateithu. $6.25iG.S7 ½ . COltNM EA1.-2U SOc. I3RAN-SOc. 1 1 AY-l'rline , $15.0O71G.OO ; cllOicC , $17.OO1 17.50. ( 'flnT'No 2 mr'dttini mixed. 41'Ac : white and yellow , 45c. OATS-No. 2 sacked , 37c. Ciiucinitt -3IiirkptM. . CINCINNAT E , May 2.-FLOUR-Dull ; fancy , $5,3p.5.70 tutu 113 , $5.001j5.25. \VlhtA'i'-Easter ; No. 2 red , $1.23. COHN-Quiet ; No. 2 mixed , SIc. OATS-Dull ; No. 2 mIxed , 31 1-SJl1'c. TtYl-Duil : No , 2 , 58. l'IIOVISIONS-t.ard , quiet , $5.00. Bulk rnezLt'4 . t'.utdy , $6.10. Bacon , quiet1 $7.00. -v1 115KV-FIrma ; $1.23. BUTTEI1-F'i rmor ; Elgln. creamery , 17c ; 01110. 12'i13e dairy , 9 ½ c. StJGAlt-Easy ; hard refined , $1.47i5J6.10. EGGS-Quiet a.t tic. chEESE-Dull ; good to prime Ohio flat , &i8 ? ½ c. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Cniforiilst nih-ui F'riilts. NEW YORIC. May 25.-CALIFORNIA DRIED F1tUTS-Applo4 , strong and other ft uits ste dy : evaporated a1)ides , common , 64)S ) ; ( . ; prime wire tray , 9ii94c ; choice , 'J ' ½ @ IDe ; fancy , lOc. Prunes , 4bS',4c. Aprlcbts , Royal , S@lOc : Mourn Park , 1Oi12c. Peaches , unpeeled , Slttk' ; 1)00100 , 125716c. ! ' , - , , l1iti'ltlM. PEORI.tu. May 23.-CORN-Market lower ; No. 2 , 33hc. : flA'CS-Mirhiet dull and lower : No. 2 white , 2Oe , \\'IIISNY-luIarkCt firm ; high proof spirits , $1.2214. - . 1otui i'Inrket , TOLEDO. 0. , May 2U-WI IBAT-Actlve and Ilrm ; No. 2 cash and May , $1.41. CORN-Steady ; No.2 mIxed , 33 ½ e. OA'I'S-Dull 011(1 lower : No. 2 mIxed , 290. CLOVERSEED-DUll prime clover , $3.60. sa , , 1e1i110111'Viii'iit .lnrki't. SAN FRANCISCO , May 25-WhEAT- ' \ etk ; 1)'ceniber , $1.52 3-Sc ; May , $1.59. BAIL.EY-Qulet ; December , $1.21 3-Sc , Sugar Market. NEV' OIILEANS , May 25.-SUGAR-Open kettle. strong. 3I4c ; whIte , 4i/,4i1 5-Sc ; yellows - lows , 4SI ½ c ; seconds. 2 ½ U37-Sc. Molatses , steady ; centrifugal. 5v13c NE\V YORK , May 25.-SUGAR-Raw , strong , tendlitg upward : fair reiluitlg. : bt : 813 3-160 ; centrifugal , 95 test , 4 5.IGc : rellneil , firm mctil,1 , A , 5 S-Sc ; standard A , 5'4c ; con- fectiomiers' A , cut loaf , 5 7-Sc ; crtmshoui , 5 7-Se ; powdered , 5 5-Sc ; granulated , 5 3-So ; cubes , 5 5-8c s.1utlcS ANt ) IIONIH. Ileors Att , ( 1 ( lli , Mnrk.t will , the it-'i1t of , ' . ' lx.j ioiie I'rhitN , NFS\V YOI1N , May 25.-It was a day of maneuvering for lQSitIOfl between the op. IOSIIIS Cleifleflts among ( Ito traders on thu Stock exchange. 'fhie rear factIon took heart and tested tile market at varIous Pollits with a view of ihislodglmig some of tht stocks which weme bought yesterday In the .exclt'mnt'ilt over the sui.Os0d , victory In Cuban waters. Thai comlee dlscreulltlng of yesterday's hood of m'uinors imuide thu market seem vuhileralde this inornimig. De- cilia's of , .tmnerleamii in Lunuiomi nldetl to tiit nppcari4nce , .ttd there was selling ( am' London account iii tile early ( lenlings lii pliico of titu' rather urgein buying wlmic'h . , , . ' . , , . ' ' , 's.n U fi f'fl I riP voqtr.l ii u' In i .Ini 'I' ) n comniletioii of tile settlement on tite 1.otttloil exchmtngo apparently .cned thin demand , which was ( iistriltlte.l . to a. iita outstnnml- lag short Immterest , lIlt the eam'Iy reaction filtl not go far nild was checked by thin vigorous support mtmtul stImulated rise of a. ilitIltIer of tile leading specialties , including Ztbumliattaii aimd Metropuiutn } 3ti'eet itiiIi- way. Oil revIved runtora of consolidation. Sugar , l'eoplo'nu Ga and : ev Jersey Ccii- truit were milso strong , and sustained tIle market , and a little later 'l'hlrd Avenue jOllIed thu local traction stocks vith a Junip of 6 iioiiitu , Most of the , amiuloibilt tocka ,1e'OlOIbtid ittrengthl utter lUylimg of Now York Control hInd llf1 ( its 'rcn : to 117 ½ . A nunlbt'r of trunk limie and coalers shui'el In this strength , iut the rtllroad list us a % ' , 'llOlO cOiltliltiei sluggish nut did not me- 51)011(1 readily it ) tile tinpetumu s'iiIch It wa s.ughlt . to impart by this liltIng of hpeelnl storks. TIto ulemnumul proved lIght imiiuI lrlces drooped , The bears were tItus omicnurimied to inure vigorous measures 11) brIng about a , h'ollno. 'l'heir attack was directed agaInst limo ipecialties with a viuiw to uncovering stet ) los arulem 8. 'J'htls they suct''edeui Iii doing In Metropolitan Street Railway , To. bat'eu antI ammo oi' two other specialties. Do- clubs lit thmes Stoek ranged float 1 to 4 poIlits II imul Iii sonIc ruilroads exteiluieul to a Ptlitt. ) No general lIquIdation rtu Induced , however , anti ( hero was some entering a.t limo d'cliiie. so that the mnarRet milieu ititul cloiueti dull timitl firm. Milnilattamu hiott'i'tI good resIstance and rtalml.U a gout ! jnu't Of Its advance. In tito railroad list some of time S'andurhllts mmiii time coalers are closed higher. M Innenimolls Iron , 'fhmirti Avenue itnul Great Northern contiiueu ; to show con- spieuou strciigtht. OthiewIe ilet loses were tile rule. From time steciiiattve point o ( view (110 bottling up of tue iptmmlIshi hoot in Smtiltla.gI ) scents It ) be COtlmIitleret till ) next best thintt to tile defeat of tilt , hoot In IlUttlo. 'file Issuance of the presicbumlt's caller ( or 'SOCO nitoro 'volunteers jns inimuhu Use of by ( ho bears In their uft'rmion * , raid , There wius Itoh HIllel ) doing Iii ( tie 1)0110 mIter- ket , tibt priret vcru firmly hit'll. , Total sales , $2.4QU,00h lUnited Ktnems olti Is , regIstered - tored , advanced % llC cent aid 4s , couloil , I er cent in the bid jirloc. 'rite new Is were bitt up 3-8 llt'r cciii. but deelliteti a urnimi , 'rho llvenimig Post's London llimnclal en- hlegrmim : The Epstmfl rpees and time coming holIdays made till tile stock ntimrkcts hero stUtnUilt 0.1111 featureIeumt toula' , Iiruizlis hiavo fallen on realizatlot seIlIitm tmy those % % 'lh ( ) lied early informotiomi i ) tmo debt ar- rangi'nlentim , Americans syore ; ulet. Mines were mlimli ill ) Prestdenit FCrugur s refuuuati ( I ) recojptize lliltlsim , 'uzer lmity of the 'b'rans- Vaat. 'rim London statement Ihat the Itank of Enginiul i&mitt & redu eet the iu'imug Price of .itmmmerlcan colil was Incorrect. 'h'ime I.omi. ilon dtHcount rate fell today to 2 3.5 ioir rent. 'ntis nttIiiUetl weakness is vartiy caused L' tim ult'arthi of Alilerlean bills , hut it is beIie'emI that tIu New York mitoney I market may yet harden , Options as to a change in the lIaoi ( of England discount rate tomorrow nre'enIY divided , The foliowhnt ar the tiosing quotations f ths lending etokifl ; the New York roar. cot today : Ziivit . , . , . . . . ' , iit St. P. Ii ( .Ini. , , , , . , . , 79 dopfd . . . . . . 111,4 , do f0 . . . . . . . . . . . 145 htittImoro . Ohio. . 10 t. P.1.t.s . Canu1ii1'1ClflO . . , . . 54 tio. PacIfla . . . . . . . . 3514 CnnadaSUttlerfl , . 5sr So. Railway. . . . . . . . . CentraIPCtflO. . . , . . l31. so , Ratlwy fd . 2911 ChuomiOntO. . . . . . . , , ' 1exas Pacitto 14 ClmIcatO&Altofl..l&t' LJiiIofl l'iiciflo. . . . . . . . 0.ll.&Q , , , . , . . . . . , b0d &u..I . . . . . . . . . . Mi W'abh . , , . , . , . . , , 'I C.C.LL& St. L. . . . . 344 Wabt1ipd. . . . . . . . . 19 $ . . . . . . . . . . Whesl. & I. . hI. . . . . . buL&I1lcPmon.e.l07 , . WheM.i I. , Ef4 Il Del , 1. . .lc V . . . . . . . . 4drn 1Imc. . . . . . . . . . 100 belt , u 1110 II . . . . . . . 12 American ix . . . , . , . 125 do phi , , . . . . . , 47 UnIted StMPs 1ic , , , 41 iriomnew ) . . , , , . . . , 1214' % yllRFaro Ex,117 iretstpM : , . , , , . . . , . 5hi An ) . Cot. Oil. . , . , . 22 I'm. VaVno . . , . . , , .tmllV A. Cot.OIl phi , , , . . 74(4 tSrentNorttmArnpih.lGT Am. Spirits . . . , . . . . P2)1 flocinir Valley. , , , (1 Ain.nirli5pft . , , . , . 314 IlhlnotsCsntrtl , , , , I0t % Ant. Tobacco. . . . . . 10194 Litk 1rIo a. v. . . . 18 . do ; jftl , . , , . , , , . , , . . 117 do old. , . . . , , . . . , . . 7214 Ptopli'S . . . . . . . . L'ik.Sti0r ' . . . . . . . . . 159 ' COll5Oii . . . . . . . . . . 105 . Loultvltls .i 5414 COin. Cn'1e 00 . , , , , iGO Maaiiattii L . . . . . . 100'4 uol. P. .i Iroil. . . . . 22,4 Met. St. fly . . . . . . 100 . tb Old. . . . . . . . . 110 ) .iIcilgami Cetitrai,1031'i . Gsa , Rhoetno . . . . . . , 5tH 1111111. k St. I. . , , . , , 47 lllInoi Steel , , , . , . . . 111 .lnlstutul . , . , , , , . 86(4 Lactede Oa . . , , . , , 479g ! uio.l'aelflo. . . . . . . , , , : itt , , . , . , . , . . . , , , . 33(4 Iuioblia&Ohio. , . , , 29 110 PUt. . . . . . . . . . . . . 1o29 Ilo.liT. ! . . . . . . . Il fl51.Lln.Oil. . . . . . . . 'iS Mo.R. i ' 1' , , , . . . ' 38 Oreton Intp. 00. . . . . 'IS ( iii..lntl. . ! tj , , , , , , 9 Paetfle . 'Atl , . , . , . , , . (10 pftl. . . . . . . . . . . . , 98 PuUmitii I'at. . . . . . . . 1911 h. .1. ( Sentrii . . . . . . . tiStI SIIerCArtlfiaMes , . 57'.t r.y.cmtltral . , . , , , 119)1 Staiid.Itopo ItT. . . . 04 N.Y.thml.&SLL , , 13 Siurar. . . . . . . . . . . . . 197)1 dolst mild. . . . . . . . 03 do pith. . . . . . . . . . 113 iloSdptd . . . , , , . , . , 33 T.C.&iron . . , , , . . . 284 Norro1k. ' Western 13(4 U , S. Lsathcr. . . . . . . 1114 flo.Amor.Co. . . . . . . 611 do pfd , , . , . , . . . . . . 08(4 Not'aaltc. . . . . . i. . ' 'O % U , 5. Rubber : . . . . . . 2014 ilotfd . ,4 . . . . . . . . tiC' do pfd , , . . . . . , , . . . . 78 Om'egoitNav. . . . . . . . 151 Vetern Union. . , , 01(4 tJrC. Short Limmo . . , . . 20 Nortlmwesteru . , , , ,1 28 l'lltsburg' . . . . . . . . . . .lUit do Pill . . . . . . . . . . . . . 170 % it'luilml . . . . . . . . . . . 1814 It. tt. &W . . . . . . . . . 24 ibock Island . , . . . , , . 101mt It , 0. & W. pith , , . . , , 01 S. h. . . & S. F' . . . . . . . . . 74 dm1 , 01. West. . . . . . . 14(4 uioliitpal. . . . . . . . . (31(4 ( St. L&S. W . . . . . . . . 434 St. i'atd . , . . , , , , , . . 1814 do. phd. . . . . . . . . . . 10(4 do oat . . . . , . . . . , . 147 1teadtmt 1st tfti. , , , 45)1 1awsIiC.O. ! . . . . . . . . 10. Total sales of stocks today , 370,600 silnrOI ) , Including 9,073 Atcllison preferred , 10 275 Burlington. 1O20 Louisville & Nashv le , 37,650 Mrtilhnttan , 15f'59 ; Metropolitan , 17,255 MIssouri l'aciflc , 17,251 New York Central , 4,500 Northern l'ncItic. 71,333 Northern l'a.- i'iIlc preferred , 11,130 , Rock Island , 13,290 St. Paul , 5,470 Southern preferred , 18,570 tinion fl-- - . , . , . . , - . - - e. . _ . . . ' . . , I InA U' . . I. . . . . % . . . . . . . . , .t..1 - . . , j. t ttI , i,1t. , . mro.eLt t. , , , , . . , u , , n.j. , , , , , . ic , 80,232 'l'obacco 5,360 Chlicmigo Great Western , 12,712 P00111CM ( ins , 21,559 Sugar , 10,950 Leather preferred. eav York llltliey Mnrlet. NEW YORK. May 25-MONEY ON CALL -Nontinaily , 1 ½ per cent. I'RIME MIS11CANTILE PAPEIt-4 ½ j5 1)0 ! ' cent. STERLING EXCHANGE-Steady , with actual business in bailkers' bills at $ lS6 % 4.S6 ½ ( or demnuind mttttl $ l.SIV1 for SIxty days ; posted rateS , i.85UJ4.S7 ½ ; commercial bIlls , $ I.82'M1.83. SILVER CFRT1FICATE'3-57'iif'Sc. itAIt S1L1'ER-57o. - MEXICAN DOL.LARS-l5thc. GOVERNMENT BONDS-Dull , strong ; IICW 4s , ro. timid coupon , 121 7-Sc ; 4s , mg. , ios3 : couwn. bO9 ½ if1I1 ; 25 , 95 ; 5s , meg. , 110 ½ : coupon , bl0 ½ Il1 ½ ; l'aclilc Cs of ' 99 , 103. closing quotations ott bonds were as fol- iowsb _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ u:9.noa' : 48. TOil . , , .l2' .P'4N. 0. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11. S.imow 45 coil , . ,12' 2t , C. 4 ! . . . . . . . . . . . . 108 IT. 8.IsreC . . . . . . . . hmi9. ( No. I'aetti IsIs. . .1164 U.S.4s.c000. . . . . . . 111 No. Pachtto is. . , . 0094 U. S. : s. . . . . . . . . . No. l'aclfla 4s. . . . . Dli . . . . . . . . . . . . . N.y.C. * St. t..4i..103 % U.S. 5.u. COOt. ' . . . . , . 11 1 N.Y. . Os. . . . . . . . . . 121 . fllstrict.03s. . . . . 1tii : , i. , V.Con'sols..17 Aaclais ! A. . . . . . 1(1.044 ( . N. W. Dob. 5s. . . . . . . 154 Ala.cmassfl..1(18 ( % Ore. NayjstS . . . . . . 112 % Ma.elassC. . . . . . . . UP Ore.Nav. 4s . , . 113 Ma.CurrenOy. . . . i , 0. 8. i. . . Gs , 1. r. . . . . . 1231-6 AtClmlftOfl4Fi. . . . . . . . tI)1 ) O 5.L s. t. r. . . . . 102 % Atchlsonaoi. 4'i. . . . ' 1411 0. Into. hats. 1. F. . , . b0t . ) CailaflaSo,2mld $ . . . lout 0. hap. ( i'm , L. r. . . . . . C , , .N. P. t.r. Si. . 81)1 P4c10c1.s o105. . 30:3 : % ( , . . 0. te ) . . . . . . . I lp(4 Rctitiir 4 . . . . . . . . 8.194 0.11. &D. 4443 . . .lOIIt 1l.G.Wet lst'm. . . . . 83 D.&R. U. IsiS . , .10t14 St. t. . 2. 1. M. Con. S 9.314 n.&n. G.4s. . . . . . . . 1)2(4 ) ( St. L.&S. I'.Ofl.U. 118(4 F.astTaan. IsIs. . . . ill ? St. 1' . tDn3oIs. . . . . . . 143 FrmeJon. ( 4a. . . . . . . . 71L6 i3t. P. 0. & P. IsIs. . . 117 F. IV. iD. Is. t. r. T71 81.1' . C. & P. Is. . . , . 115 'del , . i'lec. tjs . . . . . . 103(4 souttierIl Ity. 5 $ . . . . 9294 n.h. itS. A. 6 . . . . . 100 3 , 11. k P. ( t . . . . . . . G.H.&I3. A. 9tts..lOi44 setls. . . 90 h1.& . . . . I 1 * ) Tex. 1'.io. L. C , isis 104 il.&P.0.con Os. .11.4 Tex.b'.ui. Itm. 2.i. . 34(4 Iowa C. isIs. . . . . . 102 0. P. U. . ! 0 IsIs. . 513 La.NoWCon.45..100 With. lst5 . . . . . . . . 11)74 I. . .1 N. UmIt iS. . . . . )3I Wab. 24s. . . . . . . . . . . 8254 Msourl ! ( lit. . . . . . . 100 a Weit Shorn 4 $ . . . . 108 To. tc. .1ST. . . . . . . (1194 Va. Centuries. . . . . . . 67 % 8.hcr.4 11814 VatioferraI. . . . . . . . 5 N. Y. C. isiM..th7.)4 tlnloii I'acltlc lfI. . 5134 N. . ! , C. 1)9. ) . . . . . . . . I 14 . _ Ujmlon P.tcltio is. . . 9314 Boston Stoe1 QllOtlIttOllll. BOSTON , May 25.-Call loans , 2 ½ 3 ½ per cent ; time I0a11i4 , 35j5 ) ei CcItt. Closing rlces for stocks , bonds and mInIng shares : A.'r..4 t. 1" . . . . . . . . 123Iito'uton I . . . . . . . . . . . Ill 54 AII1CTICaII Sitzar. l'37i. E ii , I . . . . . . . . . . . . ittil Aol , Suwar ufJ. . . , I I 314 OslI. 1.lee. pal. . . . . . ill ) I3ttv State ( ; .i . . . . .1 5-10 .ktctil'.on .15. . . . . . tIeli rehopulolle. . . 252 Nv Emugla'iti li'j . . . 113 ttot0il.S.AtD I IY. 2'1t Glal. 11c.Ss. . . . . . 11)1 % 11051011 ii. Nala3. . . 1 Ii 1 I Wi'l. cent i s . . . . . . 4 I. C. . 13. S 0. . . . . . . . . . 1O1i Allouez ! , ihtl. Ci , 3 % Fltchotirir.'JI . % AtlantIc. . . . . . . . . . . . 31554 enerat Ett.ctrmo. , .9i5 itoston , t Monti'tl ; 197(4 Itlinots Steel 51 34 Ilutto Li ltostcll 24 ? .loxtcami Ceitram 44 Ca1umiiett i1021.i 547 % N. V. 3. N. 1. . . . . . . 85 Celttellilial . . . . . . . . 34 010 Colony. . . . . . isi : Frailkhhml. . . . . . . . . . . 1o ( Itucoer . . . . . . . . . . 21 OeeoLa. . . . . . . . . . . 411 1101011 PSCIa 2254 iSuilicy , . . . . . . . . . . . . I 11 SVCSI 1'IIIIl . . . . . . . . . 8201 Taiititram'tt . . . . . . . . . 159 v. Eloti. . . . . . . . . . . :22 : SVolvriii's. . . . . . . . . 21 v. Etec. utd. . . . . . 52 I'arl'otL. . . . . . . . . . . 2 ( ) will , COIl. . . . . . . . . 294 Old 1)OilliilIOll . . . , . , 20' ' ( AtcIlIlloil flfl. . . . . . . . : : San Franaiiieo 3h1mtug LllOtiIt10flr4 , SAN FRANCISCO Slab' 25-Official ciou , lag quotatIons on ntnimtg ( stocks today were as follows : . ' ' AIta'.U ilalo ii Nercrow * . mImi AlnhaCo . . . . . . . . . 2 JustIce. . . . . . . . . . . . . H AiulieS. . . . . . . . . . . . . S Si.'xlcti. . : . . . . . . . . . . 19 hatcher. . . . . . . . . . . 8 Occidental Comm. , , , iii ) Po12 Ilolener , . . , 28 Opiiir . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 LUm 111011. . . . . . . . . . . S Ovcrtiltit. . . . . . . . . . . . 7 CaledomlIa. . . . . . . . . 11t . l'otosl. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 CilillIflIge Con 7 Stylgc' : . . . . . . . . . . . . II ) Chollar. . . . . . . . . . . . 1(5 Slerr.i N0'fldll. . . . . 53 Contideticc' . . . . . . . . . : ms SIlver 11111. . . . . . . IS Cou.Oam. . ' Va. . SI ) . Umiloim Coi . . . . . . . . . 10 crol'n PoitSi H Yellow Jmclcet : , . , 22 Uuula&Currmo . 19 'IltailtIarut. . . . . . . . . 1151) 'asked. Silver bars , 67 5-Bc : Mexican , lollars , 4G@ 46c ; drafts , sight , 12c ; telegraph , lSc , New $ 'ork Miulimj Quotutlolls , NE\V YORK. May 23.-'rite following are the closing mining quotatlomts : Cmioilar. . . . . . . . . . . . . S I ) tnLtrtO. : . . . . . . . . . . 300 Crowml i'Ohtlt. . . . . . . S Ootlr. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Cnti , Cal. & Va. 42 lIyIloutll. . . . . . . . It ) ladwooi . . . . . . . . . SI ) Qtimclcsltvsr. . . . . . . . 101) iloummtl& Curry. . . . . 15 Oti1tsltver of.1 , . , 20' ) } lalekNort'ro , , 75 SIerraNeYV13 ; 45 Itomimestaso. . . . . . 40(3(1 ( ( Stlmlarll. : . . . . . . . . 155 ImoitShlvor . , , , , , 43 Uiiloim Gait . . . . . . . . . II ) Mexican. . . . . . . . . . . 13 YollowJUOksi . . . , 1.3 1OflhlOml StoeI& Qimimmationi' . LONDON , May 23.-i p. m.-Closing : Conots , mm'y , . . , , . I iT'2V. Camitram . . . . . . . 1 11114 Cotuliots , noel. . . . . . . I I :3(4 : pomnl'vlvaimta , , , . . . , 159 % Cam , . P.icittc. . . . . . . . 8dj lteailng. . . . . . . . . . . . 1354 grie. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 211.4 Meix. ( : oi , 110W t'i 6314 : r1o2ds. . . . . . . . . . . . 3Il AteilIsOn . . . . . . . . . . . 1234 Ill. fleimiral. . . . . . . . . . 11)7 % L &N. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30)1 Mexcaim ; ortitmiary , 111 % ( iramul TrimitIc. . . . . . . . mIll : tt. t'imii , , . I UI t , 11A11 SILVER-Quiet a.t 26',4d per ounce. rdONEY-242 ½ Per cent. The rate of discoummt In tile open marketer ( or short bills.2l4 , er ceiit ( or three months' bills , 2l4 I'r ' cent. Flmmiue'iuit Nmtis , MI4MPJIIh3 , Temia. . , i.IiIay 25-Clearings : , $228,398 ; balances , , $ IG.t7 ; New York ox- clitmmmge , $1.50. BOSTON , May 23.-Clearings , $ l5,403,2lt ; balances. $ h,4S2,842 BALTIMO1II4 , Mmiy 25.-Clearings , $3l7U- 973 : lailamtces , sjcs'jrt. , : NEW YOI1IC , May 25.-Clearitmgml , $117,781 , . 427 : balnmices , 57,5412,331. Ph 1 1 LA II LPI I IA , May 25.-Cienrlmsgs , llSCO,955 : balances , $2,378,296. CINCINNATI , May 25.-MomleY easy at S6:6 : per cent : New York exchange , par ; clearings , IJ,20'TISO. t ST. LOUI 5 , Mu y..2j.-CIearlngs , $1,303,176 ; haltmnt't'mI , $459,648 ; moneys V' per cent ; New Yom'k exchange , 25st pieflslumn , dOe Premium asked. NI'S IV ORLEANS,1 , Mmty 23.-CltamImtgs , $978,861 ; New Yor1t.49ClttmtgC , btxiik , $1.00 Per $1,000 lr'miumn ; conmereIal , 'iSo imer $1,000 lrcmnhimm. OMAHA , May 25.tho clearings for tile ilay vero $1,0i0,311.92 : balnilc'eil , $169,263.22. 'I'ito clearings for 1897 Yero $4l3,357,71 until tue balances $ LI0GG&1. Increase Iii clear- usgs , $161,981.21. . ChICAGO , May 3.-Ciearlngs , $ l9,0S2,300 ; bniaimcimc , 51,881.100 ; Ntnv Yoric exchange. Soc dIscount ; Sterling sccimnngo , postel , $ ISS4' 457l ; actual , 31.f16I.86 3.15 ; sIxty dmys , $ E81 ½ fl,55 ½ . Stocks easy ; Itlscimlt , coin- muon. 27 7-5 : Iliscuit preferred , 38e ; SIa- mnoinl Match , $ l.37m4 : North Chicago , 199 ; Strawboard , 26l't ; , taut Chicago , 92 ½ . Oil Jlmir1tets , OIL CITY , I'a. , May 215.-Credit balances , SOc. Certificates olmeiieul lit b6e 1)1.1 . ; 6.000 bids. at 574e , l,0' ' * ) bit. at SIc , 28.000 blils. at 81c ; shilintents , 116,311 ( ibIs. ; rumis , 32.121 bbiim , SAVANNA hi. Ga. , May 25.-OT1.S-Spirits of turlt'mttimit' . flrm n 2Ic. Rosin , firm anti umu.'htungt'd. CILtIILESTON , 13. C. . May 25.-OILS- 'rurentlmte , iiriii at Zlki , RosIn , firm nail Unchanged. WILMINGTON , C. MaY 25.-OTLS- Siliriti of turpenIne , ih amii unchanged. floslmt , lirmu anl umielmittigetl. Crude turpen. tub , stonily at $1.253 $1.10 amid $1.80. Tar , uiuiet at B.10. OIAIIA ) LIVE STOCK IARKET 1ight Palling Off' in Arrivals nnd Marked Decrease in Priceit , CATTLE SELL VERY NEARLY STEADY DilTereiee in Quality 4Inks Figures Look Snlalier-liogs Salter a Sc- rcre Sstbnck In Conipnu , ' yit1i I'ro'IsIolls , SOUTh OMAhA May 23. Cattlellogs.Iiho'p. h1'r' . Receipts today. . . . . . 3,672 7,436 lS2 10 OfTIcial yesterday . , . 1,096 ilS1S 1,956 , 1 One week ago , . . . . . . . 4,053 10,167 6,755 . . Two weeks ago. . . . . . 4,309 6.933 10,753 , . Same day , 1597. . . . . . . . 3,683 10,572 5,645 Same day , lSSG . . . . . . , . 2,463 8,619 793 Today receipts footed tip a total of 260 Cars , as against 361 yesterday , 316 a week ago. 323 two wteks ago almtl 311 it year ago , It was , lit fact , it 81111111 mUll for n\Votines- day of tills month , but it Wa.3 about tip to the average midtlle.of.tile-wcek run of lust mfltliltii. The official number of cars of 8tock brought imi today by each road was Cattle. hogs , Sheep. 1L'r's. C , , 1st. & St. 1' . fly. , 1 . . . . . 0. & St. 1. . Ity , , . . . , 1 . . , . IIissotmrl I'itciilc It3r 3 4 ' . Union l'ac , System 67 23 6 . , C , & N. 'XV , Ry. . . . . . 3 . . . 1' . , E. & M , V. it , It 32 33 . . S. C. & P. Sty. . . . . . . . 6 , . , . CSt. , P. , Id , & 0. ity 15 4 . , 13. & M. It. it. It. 23 53 1 1 C. , It. I. & P. 1t' . , fl 1 1 . . C , , It. I , & 1' . . . . . 1 ' Total receIpts . . . . 160 10 ! S 1 Tile disposItion of the far's receipts was as follows , each buyer purchasIng the numn- ber of isead Imulicateil : iltmyers. Cattle. hogs. Sheep. Omilalut Packing Co. . . . . . 64 1,6138 , . , . 0. 11 , blnnimontl Co. . . . . . 370 1S1S 28 Swift aild Contpany . , . 6641 2,241 231 Cudahy I'acklmtg Co. . . . . . 853 3,131 7i3 It Sleeker anti Degmin. . , 36 J , I , . . Carey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Lobman & flotilsi'hiilds 771 liuston & Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pt ICrcbbs & Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 11111 & Ilumitzingom 32 I. , b' . hbtist : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2i ) Iivingston & Schaler , 31 Cocy & Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3S9 Swift nail Company , ClII 72 _ . . , Swift from country. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 618 Cudaijy I' . Co. , K. C. . . . . . . . 441 i'uteyer's . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 203 Other iuyors . . . . . . . . . . . . . 144 Left over . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lot ) Totals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,105 9,556 1,820 CATTLE-All told , there were 145 cars of 'cattle of mill kInds reported ill tile yards this inornin' . Of tite cattle Store about 100 cant ( Otl5iSted of corn fetS beeves , the greater silare of theta westerns. Tito biti- 1111CC of the receipts was mmule Up of butch- ers' stock atul stock cattle. 'rue lnat'ket on fat cattle was In 50100 me- SPouts tile counterpart of yesterday's trade , that is ilailuly hutivo cattle were iii active domain ] amsil sold quito roadimy at ItrettY close tott'ady yirlces. heavy cattle , as was a1o tilL' case 5'estordii ) ' , were slow saln and a 'little' lower' . In tact , the general market dId mtot appear to be very actIve , afitriflrmramlderiiitttltrwere dull , and still tIllS most of the offerings were cleaned up in good season , Time average quality of tue cattle wits not quIte up to yesterday's standard , and tilere were not so many Silitil above $4.50. Butc'liers' stock was jtmst about steady and quotations could hardly be cliangeii. This offerings of good cows and IleIfers vere ot 'er5' large , WillIe there was abotIt tile Usual tientanil , so that tile supply viiS 401111 nithausted. ilttlls , stags , etc. , sold mit about tilli santo : ) rtces as yesterday. 'l'hme SU3)lll ) of stockers was te largest in some days , a train of Washington cattle beitig in the yards , in addition to the usual odds amud ends. There' were tWent3'-Olle cars of the \Vashiiigton cattle , but they vero sold to arrive , ttnd were not offered on the market. The demaild contInues good and tile market toulaT was unchanged. Jtere- scmltatlve sales : STEERS. No. Av. I'r No , y. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 1. .1000 $3'OO 42. . 265 $4 25 1..12S0 $1 55 10. . S2 335 1X..1194 425 4..10S5 435 1..520 :1 : so 2..1050 ' 25 57..1l431 4 25' 1. .1290 3 8.5 41. .1173 25 86. .1156 4 55 1. .1520 3 90 2. .1201) 25 8 , .1327 4 35 1.1670 3 90 29..lOt)7 ) 25 83..1256 4 37I , 16. . 766 3 95 22. .1245 25 16..1112 4 40 ' 2. .1025 4 00 24 , . 872 25 21. .1278 4 40 647. . 720 l SI ) . . . . . . . .1020 25 16. .1315 40 3..1143 4 00 40. , 930 4 25 41. .1333 4 40 :1. : . l3 4 01) ) 15. .1178 4 11) ) 20. .1221 10 ' 27. .1169 4 05 lb. .122' ' ) ' 1 5i ) 6. . 665 10 8 , . 1556 4 0.i 22. .1048 30 61. .1356 40 2. .1000 4 05 21. .1239 4 30 1. .1510 10 is. . 3' ) 4 is 39. .1232 .4 31) ) 17 , .5179 45 56. .1153 4 15 11..l0G8 4 313 19. .1143 15 28..le,0i .3 Ii. O..I1flt 50 3I..117'i 15 4. _ 910 4 15 18..l207 4 : : o 39..llSl 45 9..1O30 15 22..h110 4 35) 19.1041 4 45 21..1S0S 20 7. .1015 4 :14) : ) 20..1569 l 15 23..1O13 4 20 19..l210 ' 80 3..iO16 ' 1 50 16..llGG 51) ) 2..1130 4 lI ) 1. . 970 4 50 8..1010 21) 1..132O 4 II ) 16..1237 4 50 11..1O1S 20 45..11553 4 53) 17..133i1 4 50 i..1iOQ ' Si ) 2O..1083 85 17..1421 ' 1 50 : t. . 956 20 23..i1G5 35 IS. .1287 . 55) ) 'is. . stil 25) 26..1171 I 85 21..111S 4 55 S. .1(531 ( 20 I1..1b12 4 33 15.)285 ' 1 65 20. .1235 2.'S 22. .1190 35 4. .1436 4 63 19. .1040 4 25 COWS. 2. . 855 25 . . 8..1l13 ro 1..1200 3 75 2. . 75s ) 75 1. .1260 50 1..1321) 3 75 1. . 585) 75 1. .1320 50 1S..1117 3 80 1. . 805) ( Si 1..1040 50 4..13l7 S 80 3.1013 ho , .1. . 1350 Ss 1 , . ' 750 5 80 1. . 960 tb 2. .1100 6 4..1212 3 II ) J20QjlQ',0 63 8.,1222 IS 85 2. . Slt 3 10 b..1l64) ) S " .5 1..I'JiO ) 385 1 , . 900 10 1..l150 ' 1 65 1.1120 385 2. . 6)0 20 1. . 810 3 65 1. .1020 3 9' ) : t..iss : ss 2..iiso 3 7 , 1,1145) 90 I9..16G6 .1 30 21lOiO : t 'it ) 2..1211) ) 90 5. . 894 .3 35 1.1130 1 70 2.1330 95 I , . 985) ) 33 1.llOO 3 ' 75 i..hl'JO 05) 2. . 935 40 1..hISO 75 2,1220 04) 9. . DSI 10 1..1050 ' ; 1..133' ' ) 00 1 , .1000 40 2. .1340 73 2. .1270 05) 1..I11 ( ) 45 1.101 ! ) 75 1.1270 15 1.11S0 50 SlIP ) 75 I..i1C'O 23 I1E1FI4RS. 2. . 010 .1 00 1..1000 10 1S.11SS 4 25 2. . 7155 4 01) ) 16. . 821 15 3 , . 743 4 25 31 , . 725 1 Os ) 1. . 76' ' ) 15 1. . 805) 4 25 I . . 7' ; ) 'I 10 1 , .109) 23) ) 1. 673) ) 4 23 :1. : .1246 4 10 18. . 963 'I 20 12. . 703 4 25 I..lOSO 4 10 1. . 90) ) 4 20 2. _ 635 4 10 YF5AR11NG S'I'EEISS AND IIEIF'EItS. 5,792 425 . CO.wS AND IIEIFERS. 8..1152 i 90 11 , . 1156 ' 1 15 1i.,1092 4 15 1111 hLS. 1. . 920 : i 00 1. .1170 3 35 1 , .1910 3 50 1..i17l ) 3 25 1.1660 : i 35 I,11l0 S 60 1. . 960 3 25 1lSlO : t 35 I,136O s GO 1. . 1520 3 25 1. .134(1 ( 3 45) ) 1 , .1463) 3 65 1O..1565 I 30 1.)430 :1 : 55) 1 , .1150 2 65 1..1G5i ) S 1) ) 1..i85O S 51) 1.,2070 3 73 1..1GO0 ; t so 1..llOi ) 3 50 ' IITAGS. 1 , .1490 3 75 CALVES. 1. . 370 i ; 2s 2. . 3555 6 25 1. 140 6 60 STOCKI4IIII A141) 1 , . 500 : i 75 65. 921 4 20 2 , , 94)0 4 35 1 , . C70 3 ' 75 3 , 04)1) ) 4 20 1. 600 4 35 1. OSO 3 ' 75 1 , , 953) ) 4 25 10 , .142:1 : 4 40 1. 720 4 00 13 , . 99' ' ) ' 4 25 2 , till ) 4 40 4 , . 557 4 (4) ) 10. . 710 4 30 22. . 8155 4 40 1. , GO ) 4 00 145 , .1011 4 30 1. , 400 4 53) ) 7 , 723 4 10 1) . . 904 ; 4 35 5 , . 686 4 64) ) 3 , . 823 4 15 6. .1101 4 35 1. . 65J ( 4 Gil 110G53-'i'otlay'mu offerimlgis consistetl of 100 fresh cmtrms and 2,000 Itesul carried liver from yesterday. Comtshiem'limg the state of the market , it looketl lIke a iig run , hut litter developments provi'd tillit there were none too many hogs to supply tile reqiitremt'imts of buyers. Tile mnmtrkrt openeml a lint SOc lower than veiiterdmty's close. 'rile local otickers were the lrlmt'lPaI lnlyers itnU tlio' mthmaremtly haul use for till tlutt llogs here , its they ljougitt freely , nail everythIng on sale , btttt fresh and stale Ioitln , , was cleaned up In a vt'ry short time. l.igiit loads soil very largely mit 81.105W 4.12 , with gooti mIxed loads largely at 51.15 aIlil the heavier loads at $4.20 , with a $1.25 toll. Yesterda.y tim extreme mange V.0.5 $4.SOiii.S5 , with liii ) big milk at $120511 4.30 antI time lommg string at 81,25 , which will give some Imicit of lbs extent of thin decline. 'fill ) reason for tmdtly'S ilocilne Iii to be found in the lower provisiomm market , large receIpts of hogs at leading immrket Iloints mind COilSetlimCIlt ichino mill along tue line. 'rimis inorititig Chicago reported ( ito mmtarkot oil Ilogmi ISo lower , with a good innimy mmmi- sold , hogs sold today on op nVermtgo l7mc lower thiun Out Monday , 12 ½ c lot'er thunt a week ngo , 'J21hc lower ( blunt tius extreme itbgh itoimit of time month mtmtd at the lowest Poimit totmciiei shmtco Iday 11. wilemi all time sales averaged a little less than $0.00. Rep- resentatlve sales : No. Av. 3n. Pr , No , Av. tlti. Pr. 12 . . . , . . 211 , . . $1 05 12 , , , , , , 231 80 $4 $ 10 Ill . . . . . . : toO . . . . . 4 10 14 , , . . . , 51)0 , , 4 10 132 , . . , , , 197 120 4 10 40..230 80 4 10 25 , . . , , , 210 80 4 12 ½ 82 . . . . . . 222 80 12 ½ 63 . . . , , 2.1 210 111/ 10 , , , , , , 5)l ) ) , , , 4 12 ½ 72 , . , . . . 231 hO l2m , 81 , , , . . . 2.11 160 12' ' , 65 , . . , , . 257 80 12 ½ 12. , , , . . 310 80 12 ½ 1O.251 _ . . 12 ½ It ) , . , , . . 210 . . . is 66 , . . , . . 264 1645 35 61 . , , , , . 271 160 15 ' 74..2. ? 124) iS 75 , , , . . . 212 360 15 Cl . , , , , , 223 40 18 73 , , . . , . 248 80 15 07 . , , . . . 279 SI ) 15 Si , , , , , .2' 27 40 15 73 , . . . . .236 80 4 15 112 . . , . , , 239 . . 4 15 Il. . . . . .251 , . , 4 15 10..2'J7 , . , 4 15 10 . . . . , . 260 , , , 4 15 10 , . , , , . 268 . . , 4 15 10..275 ; . . , 4 15 14.252 . , , 4 15 45. , , . 278 80 4 15 02..231 , , 4 15 70..245 . . . 4 15 65 , , , , , . 34)3 . , . 4 xs 55..22 50 4 15 IU.277 . . . 4 15 66 , . . . . ,256 80 4 15 62. . . . , ,211 . . . 4 15 60 , . . . , , 232 , . . 4 15 62 . . , ,269 . . . 4 15 56 . . . . . . 245 160 4 35 63 . , . , . . 238 120 4 15 100.Gil 160 15 - 55 . . . .229 SO 4 15 Si . , , . , . 243 * 0 15 25 , , . . . , 212 SO 4 15 II..259 160 13 ' 72..2 56 4 15 10..270 , , . 15 73..273 SO 4 15 57 . ' , . . 221 . . . 15 83 . . . , , , 191 . . . 4 35 64.26' ' ) e. . 15 70..211 . , 4 IS SI..215 . . 15 f',234 , , 40 4 15 41..211 , . . 4 15 f'S . . . . . . 276 120 4 15 70..242 120 4 17L4 05 , . . . . , 260 80 4 17 30..249 . , , 4 171 RI..222 . , . 4 17 , ; . . . . . . _ . , . 4 17(4 G . . . . . .2&'t 120 4 17 83 , - . . , . 2.11 , . . 4 j711 Si . , , . . . 231 . . 4 17 ( 65 . , , , . , .2 ' 2 80 4 l7' , 82 . . , . , .2 . .t $0 4 11 5.l , , , . . , SStl . , . 4 23) ) 45..200 , . . 4 20 SI , . . , 252 . , . 4 20 56..278 . . 20 81..213 . , , 4 20 82 . . . . . . 2.11 . . . Is ) 72 , . . . . , 271 163) ) 4 Ii ) cti..r9 ice 4 20 S0..244 SO 4 20 70 , , . , , . 291 . , . 20 31..291 . . . 4 20 el:2610 : so 20 10 , , . . . . 233 . . , 4 20 6'.231 80 20 75) ) , , . , . 260 . . 20 74..270 120 20 III . . . . . . 297 60 4 22'4 & 6.,296 . . . 24 56 , . .n. , 2113 . , , 4 221,4 12 . . . . , . 235 . . . 4 05 69..215 40 4 10 Si..204 80 4 141 55) , , . . , , ' ; , , , 4 10 64 . . . . 211 160 4 10 69 , . , . . . 255 123) 4 10 C , ; " . . . ' 233 160 4 124 70,222 SO 4 121,4 , 63 . , . . . .2. ; o . . . 4 15 71..225 . , , 4 15 2. % . , . . . . : i65 361) 4 15 54 ' . . . . 2S7 8(3 ( 4 15 69 . , . . 2:17 : 40 4 15 6't , , , , . , 2.32 123 4 iS 71..229 50 4 15 00 , , . . . , 262 50 ' 1 15 8'l . . . . , , 224) 40 4 15 6.0 . . , . . . 251 320 4 15 ) . . . . . . . , 4 15 65 . . . . . 213 .60 4 15 64 . . . . . , 220 160 4 15 ' 74 . . . . . 275 21t ) 4 15 Cl..2'2 40 4 15 Si , , . . , , 277 120 4 15 74..242 8 % ) 4 15 81 . . . . , , 243 320 15 63 . , , , . , 264 84) 15 Gl.,2111 . . . 4 15 05 . . . . . . 267 1St ) 16 72..252 40 15 65..250 . 15 5.1..fIT SO 67..2.51 360 1714 67..251 210 l7 $ 70..260 40 4 1'l7 69 , . , . . . 222 80 4 17 ½ St..247 160 4 l7t1 72..251 50 4 17 ½ h1 . , . . . , 2C.S 164) 4 l7 53 , . . , ,251 SO 4 17 ½ 52..2541 40 4 2(5 ( 39..260 . , . 4 20 It . . , . . , 291 , , . 4 20 f'l . . , . . 262 40 20 32 . . . . . . 257 . . . 4 21) 60..272 160 20 ( :2..263 : . , . 20 53. . . . . .271 . . . 20 62 . , , , . . 291 . 40 24) 46 , . . . , 416 . . . 423 46..O SO 4 25 66 . , . , . ,5 07 . ' 'l. 23 \'AGON 1.OTS-TihltO\V OUTS , 2..65 . . . . 4 05 11..2241 . . . OS 2. . . . . . . . . . . 05 5..232 . . . 10 I . . . . . . .410 . . . . Ii ) 6..205 . . . It ) S.0 41) II ) S..425 SO 10 1. . . . . . . 110 , , . 13) 5 . , . , , .22s1. . , 10 CS..20:1 : , , . 10 4 . . . . . .22' ) 40 10 S. . . . . . ISS _ 10 S 272 4 12'4 S , . , . . , 221 . . . . .1 12 5.272 : . 4 15' . . . . . . . ' . . . 4 15 , ' 1 , . . , , , 27 , , . . 4 15 I . . , . . 420 . , , 4 15 5..3.51 . , 4 15 5 , . . , , , 264 . . , 4 15 3. , , , . . 2t1'i . , , 4 15 5..278 . . . 4 15 5..2Cr. . . . 4 15 . ' ii. . . . . , 1m . . . 'I ii i , , . , . .314 . . . I STIEEP-Thei'o were a few loads of sheep 1111(1 lambs in the yards , and tilttler the hI- ( husnee of tlto good buying 1emnnitd everything - thing sold readIly a.t steady or tIrm Prices. There va.iu ttotliing very good nntot3g thin offerings , some commonish wooletl hilntbs goIng at $4.S214 and some short a.t $1.60 , RepresentatIve sales : w't _ Pr. 225 western esves and vethiers. . . . 85 $1 25 221 western cves and wetiters. . . . 85 4 25 479 westeril wethers , mIhoril , , . . . , . , SI 4 40 5' ) Wyomning mixed , shorn , , . . . . , . 65 4 60 \Vyotnillg ll3iXetl , silorn. . . . . . . . 69 4 60 204 'Wyonsing hiiiiw , wooled . . , . . . . . 65 ' 1 Sl,4 (3I11CAO LI 'Ii S'1'OCl Mt.itlClO'l' . Simiml' of Cflttl ( ' Overremiclics DeiimmllIlI flUlL 1'm'ie.s Ii't'I lime. CHICAGO , May 25.-CATTLE-WlIilO there was it. fair lttqtmiry ror cattle totlay the demntintl dId mtot keep taco vlt1t tile ill- creased $ ulll)15 amId prices gettertthly 'ero Sc to lOc lower ; native beet steers , $ l,00SEi 5.23 : western fed steers , 33,90571,60 ; canners , $2.SOifI.I5 : cows und ilciferS , $3. i0s3.5O ; bulls , $2.SSij'4.l5. IlOGS-'i'u. " StmlPly of hogs showed a marketh ( ztliit , off , . tile receillts dtmrimlg thu first half of tIle 'eok footimlg up about 102,000 head , against 410.005) tom' tIle t'uri'tl spondlng portioll of last t'ck. Bu'em's were Very iiIdeIentlont ailti prices were forced lt4iiSu lower ; heavy Imekers. l,0II7t' 4.Sti ; butchers , $ l.O5brI.35 : mixed , $ l.OOij ) 4.32 ½ : lights , $ 'i.7334,243 ; pigs , $2.4'YdI.bS. ' SIIFSE1'-After Iithmlflay'.i tind Ttmi'stluty' light runs of 8110011 today's good supply was % 't5'5' wolcoino 5tUtl ( lie recent tid\'anco tVa14 generally mitiataimied ; clipped sheep , $3.53) ) ii i.6O ; ciI1)eu1 . lainh , 54,0055.30 : woolt , l iambs , . $5.,63f6.1O ; slring laniDs , 56.25517.00. Receipts : hogs. 43,000 hetttl ; cattle , 16,000 head : sheep , 20,000 ltouul. : Kansas ( 'Ity Live Stock. IANSAS CITY , Mny 23.-CATTLE-Re- CeulItit , 5,600 ilettd natives , 250 'I'cxans. Light 'weight teer nail all grades of ltmtcltei' stock xmt'tive , steatly : Ileav3' steers 51(1W ( to SOc lower ; ilmime dresseul hoOf teorS , $ l.G5j ) 1,80 ; medIum , $4.35fi'I.QO ; light , $ i.OG'mil.57 ½ ; stoclieri4 itmiti feeders , 54.23555.215 : iutciit'r cvs , S'3.4w514.25 ; ilelfers , $3.857j1.75 ; caitners , $2.501j3.G3 ; veal calves , lr ; , ( ; ½ u ; lnihls , $ .3.545G 4.15 ; stags , $ 'J.6MJ4.23 ; Textis steers , $3.93 ( . 1 lOG S-ltecelpts , 35,305) bend. Mai'ket lower , emi decllno in mn'ovlslomts : bulk 4)f miles , $4.OO'Wi.23 ; heavy , $4.208z l.52'mixeul ; , 54.O&t4,25 ; lIghts. $1.65t4.1O ; pIgs , 2.75il.CO : ; puckers , $3.955i4,2i : : ½ ; yonkers , $ : l.931m 4.1)0. ) SIiEE1'-ltt'eelpts , see : : beau. Mtti'ket no- tlvui , 101j2Sc ltlghmcr ; Colrnulu , , t'jtI lstmniel iiolil at $5.70 ; clipped 'uv'stern , ItulmIbs , $1.50 t14.75 ; cilpiCd nluttomis , $ i.201J'I.SS , St. J.ti IN'e Siupuik. ST. LOUIS , Shity 25.-CA'L"I'LE-Recelpts , 2,50 head , Including 1,204) ) 'ft'xalls ; shmtp- muemlts , : isU ) ileitd. Sularket stettiy ; to e"ity ; fair to fttmut , ' native shlpplitg itmiti export steers , 51.50715.15 , bulk of sales. $ i,60fl,9O ; dressed beat mimtuh iutcller steers , $ l.SYtJ 1,50. bulk of itles , $ l,40714,70 : steers , under 1,000 lis. . 53.851514.50 , hulk of sales , $ I.05)fill.5O ) : stockers unul .feetlers , $3.253t4.50 , hulk of sities , * 3.505514.20 ; co's tilIth iteiftrs , $ l.25@ 1.75 , Imulk of sule , $3.60j'1.10 ; ! t'exns nail lmlihlail steers , $3.SOlfl.65. bulk of sales , $3.75 4t1.2l ) cows antI helrers , $ : l45il3.75 , hOGS-Receipts , 7,005) head ; t4llllmeilts , 1,504) Imeaul. Stlarket 1045115c lower ; yorkers $3.8O4O0 ; packers , $3.9O4iiO ; butclli.'rs , $1.2t It 1.33. SIIEI4P-Recclpts , 1,600 head : shIpments , 1,500 head. Market strong : native mnuttons , $3.637J4.25 ; lights , $4.OOUjfJ.7O. New York 1.i''e Stoclc. NEW YORIC. May 25.-BE EVES-Re- celpts , 2.019 heatS ; steers , a simile lower ; iulhui iimtul cows lOc Iligher ; steers , $155415.15 ; oxen end stags , 52,75711.60 ; lulls , $ : i.25js.9o ; choice ( itt bulls , $ l.0044.25 ; cows , $200013.75. Cables slow anti lower ; steers , 10ii'lOc , dresse , ! weIght : live Sileel ) , 9 ½ 4j10 ½ c , Oresseli weigmlt ; exports Loony , 1.503 iluar- tOt's of beef : tontorrow , 696 cattlu. CALVES-Receipts , 5,128 head ; active mtid higher ; veils , $ I,7551fl,5O : extrits , $ II.60'JJG.IS. Si I EEl' ANI ) Li1th11S-llu't'4'Ipts , 1,103 hteuuil ; guoti demna ad , but IOu lsver. Iliteop , 3:1.505514.50 : ; citoice , $1,62 ½ : culls , 83.00513.23 ; liunbs , $600416.75 ; mainly 56.25146.65. lIOJS-'hteceipts ( , 0,036 head ; lhrmner lit $1.20 431.60. I mud lii immijiolis Live Sa'k , I NDIA IA POLlS , May 25.-CA'rTLE-Ile- colpts , 400 Iieaui ; iiIlilflIemlis. 110110 ; mnitrhet stonily ; flledittiil to prlnlo steers , $ l,75'515.00 ; good to 'iimdcu i4te'rs , $ l.5051Ji,70 ; comnmnomu to good stockers , 51.70411.50. IIOGS-Itc'ceipts , 5,000 iteaml ; shlpmnemtts , 1,000 head ; ntarlcet dull nmtd slov miitth IOu iower ; good to choice , nwtlltmmn iumiil htu'avy , $4,1541'1,5O ; mixed and heavy , $ I.O07I.15 : gootl to choIce lights , 53.70931.05 ; 000lillOfl lights , SIIEISL'-1tecolptm4 , 254) head ; shipnseitts , fair ; market active ; gooti to choice year- liegs , 81.10414.50 ; common to medium year- hugs , 5i,5O41 1.00 : good to 01101CC sheep , 53.75373 4.00 ; common , 53.005513.35. . i'inst 1lli'rty I.l' . ' Stielc , EAST L1h3i'hl'FY. Pu. , May 35.-CATTLE -Steady ; exirn , 5.00115.IO ; prime , $5Oj' ' 5,40 ; common , 81,005514.30. 11005-Slow end lower ; prime heavy hogs. $ l5Oi 1,15 ; tet medIum l.241lSO ; immlavy ) 'orkt'r $ , 81,15131,20 ; llgtt yorkers , $ l.QOstI,10 : pigs , as to tiunilty , 83.60413.15 ; roughs , $2.0i'1.50. ' SI lEEi'-Flrnt ; choice Cliipel , 81.05411.15 ; commoit , 83.25443,60 : choice clillCi1 ) lambs. $4,80414O ; comniomi to , goomi , 51,231 * 1.75 : sprimig mambs , 55,005136,50 ; veal calves , $5.0O41 6,00 , $ to.'k Iii Sight , Record of receipts of live StoCk at tiio tour PrinciPal mmtarkots for Mmiv 25 : Cattle. hogs. hflmc'ei , . Omnalta . . , . , , . . . , , , . , . . 3,572 7,436 1,812 Cimleilgo . , . . , . , , , , . , , , , , . 16,004) ) 43,000 20,05)0 Kmtitsam4 CIty . , , , , . , , , . . 5,000 10,500 2,3)0 St. Louis , . . . . . , , . , . . , . , 2,500 7,000 , 1,600 Totals , . , , , , , , , , , , , . 2714172 73,736 25,712 Cliie'lmimumhi Ji'c Sl.olr , CINCINNATI , May 25-BOOS-Dull ; $3.30 31113.25. CA'l'T1l'i-I3teaiiy : 52.23416.25. HI I ilEl'-Htcady ; 82.75411.00. ; $ I.7&'Sjl.IS. Wool Shmirket , IIOSTON , Mass. , May 25.-Tim following are tile qUotations ( or leading uleiscrlptlolis : OhIo itimil I'emimtsylvamiia Iheeces : X aimd ILIoVm' , 22C' : XX and XX ahl,1 , zubovo , ISo ; tiImthlte , Mo ; No , 1 combing , Mc ; No , 2 combing - ing , lie. Z.lic'itlgamm. % 'Ii4Ctniimln , etc. : X 2.lich. . Igan , 23o ; No , 1 Stichilgan comnilng , 290 ; No. 1 IllinoIs ComnhhmIg , 290 ; No , 2 Mlcumigan comiling , 28c : No. 2 IllInois combimig , 2$5.i ; x New York , Now Ihnntlshlre , and Vermont - mont , 2241'iSe ; XX Now York , New Hump- shIre mind Vermont , SIc ; unwitsiied metilumn , Kentucky nii'l ' IndInisa quartor.bl4)otl u'omb- Irmu 225123c ; lct'mmtucky 1.111(1 ( IndIana ( Itree- oigiitlis-blood connbhmmg , 224433e ; MissourI tiuartur-bhooil c'ontilng , 2141 22c : 24 lussouri tttt've-eigItt ilil.blOOll conibltig , 227523t' ; bruiul combing , ISle ; lake and ( Jeorgla , 194125)im , 'I'extmus wools : Spring medIum ( iveive lnmontima ) , 1G41lSc ; scoured , 4071 12e ; slrIig , hue ( twelve mnoilths ) , i641i7c ; mscopred , 434115e , 'rcrrtory wools Montana , tine mmit'dlumn and 11110 , lS41iGe ; scoured , 45 ; staple , 48c ; Utah , Wyoming , etc. , iIml41 medium nitul floe , 1li15o4 liCoilmeti , 41W1I1" staple , c Amstmnlbtn wools. ScoUr't basIs , combing siiperiine , 749f7Ze c'on31Hllii. good , Mh65e , combIng , verAge , 2tl'i ; Quceitslnitil combing , OSe. CDTTIflI 3ltltKliST. Iluslncs Is Coiiltit'tct 01 * nrrst' Ilnes * 'Itlm 1,1 mlIts' , % l'limci * 111 lims , NflW 'YOitK , 3.htiy 25.--Tlto outcomnu' off spoctmlatlon in today's cotton market wn' net iitirticu1arly gratifying to either ioiittt ' or silcrts , bIlsImless beIng ( 'ollultIctesS cit li8t" " rev hiits 'itlt iltietiiatioits lituiteil to range of 7 PoInts , ttet' opelling 113111 , witH' lrie's llilehlntlgC'sl its 3 PutintS lower , tife' market levelopotl irregularity , intprovinur several ioints on light local coverhilg , nuLI , saint ) bti'iilg for outside ncc'nmnt while thIb ) 4 distant 010)1(101 ) c'tiieui ( ml ) Oil tteihlmtg orders' . At no time throughout tltn 50551011 oIildI tradIng ilmive bemt t'alled active , t'ablt'i" from the I'mtgllsli market were about as t'xpectetl , Cr01) news vas flbOtit a off , antI cut taut little ilgure as ala jmlittencu % 011 the llla1ket , Selling was chekeh to 001110 extemit tt5' report of alt hilereise1 tie- lmtitfltl for print c'lotils in New York , a' Ilillithe llighivr Prices and a genermil imnpro'e" radiI in tile dry goods market and ( tirther" slight gnins ht thin southern spot t'ottott mntirket. The futttro list closed litOtitI ) ' , with near 1110111115 1 to 7 % 1,011115 iligilet' , and fir' IflOill13 2 to U Points net lower. Spot , thuhit. middlIng , 6 7-iCc : not rceiflts. 133 tflilcs gross r0c0i1)tS 763 bales ; exports to Gi'ertt1 liritnimi , 1,9.2 bahes France , 191 bales : tifis' continent , (59 bales. F'or'nrdcd , 10 balesi smil 843 tmties , : splatters' , 45 bait's. Stock , 133 601 lales. , Total today net receipts , 4,971 Liuieil ) ; eXl)0i'tS. to Great iritain , 6,992 letlu'S" (0 lrance , 191 holes' the cdiitinetlt , lales ; stock , 4551,48:1 : , aies. ( 'oitstlltiitte't1 , IlOt receipts 29,193 bales : exports to Um'eat Britain , 31,1151 boles : icramlee , 6,72 111111)51 time cnntinnt , 23,537 ta.lcs. , 'l'otflh sinet' Sp- ( ember 1 , tt.L t'eceiptii , 8,331.167 bales ; cx- ports , to threat Itritain , 33,282 552 ll'S' II' ) ' F'rititce , 7S7f"JG bales ; ( lie comitimient , 2I9LM $ tn I es NEOltl.EANS , May 23.-C'OTTON-Ftl- ttlres Very steady : sztles. l2SO0 halos : ? Jiiy. $5.93 1)1(1 : , Jtmite , 55.95113.96 ; .lttly , $601516.13. . ; Atigtmst. 86.01416.05 ; Septemilbulr , $ . , .1164i5,97 ; Oe- ' toier , $5.961t5..lT : Noveinbt'r , $ S,9S416.u4) ; 1)0. ( 'cmnler , 56.007(6.02. ( Spot llrili ; salt's 3,250 bales ; ordinary , 1 9.ltu : iootl ortlnni'y. ( 4 15-l6c : lov ittlti iS I lit g , 15 3-Sc ; inililiing 6 5.1Cc ; iniulilllng fitir 6 11-IGe ; receipts , 1,81 balest stoCk , 817,252 tmttle. LI % 'E1POOI4 , May 23.-COTTON-Spot' , hncrcast'l , uh.'nttmntl ; ; Irl13 tincumttitgeil Amer. icait mnhlulltng , 3 15.54) , 'l'ito stileS of tito iltt1 Were 10,000 ttii"s , at 'imicmi 155) WOFO br' slcculatioii amid export nutl ImtcltidetI S It'll Amlericaml : receipts , 3,04)0 1)111014 , tmielili1flgr 1,100 American. littllres opened qtiict , 1'itill it inoilemato deinmulill mtmtsl closetS MtenIlS' American mnidtllhmtg , I. . 14) . C. , ? .ln' . , 31-GiS :1 : Sl-Gltl , vtilut's ; Idity amid Jtimte , 83.Git5 .0 21Gid'alti's .ltmito lUiti JulY , U1.CI4. ' : i .1-1-Slul , bim'erms ; July nmlti Augtmst , 3I-64il buyers ; August nnl September , 81-Cl4h btm'ers ; Septeutber umal Oetuler , 53.614) , ' buyers ; October antI November , 32-614) , buyers ; No'emnhcr nutS Dceoinber , 3 3l-Gi3i 3 32-GuI , sellers ; lecemtwr amtd Jiinuitrs' , 3 31-04415 32-GuI sellers ; , Itumiuarv amid Febilo. . amy , S 31-61413 . ,2-Gltl , sellers ; 1'cbmtiary amid : March , 3 32-Gltl , inmyers. CoiT' , ' 3inrkets. NEW YORN , Mit ) ' ' 25.-COF1i'5E-Opt loath stonily , With lrices 5 PohmIts lower , umlilor' " 4 distuppaintl ug European ctilht'5 ) , liberal lIra- zilhmin receipts , tlimnlmtisiteil tlhstrhhtition of.1 5(1111)1108 in this comutr' ittitI mubtiemlee ot slieculutive support. ( 'loseul quiet mtmttl utt cutnngtnl to 5 poiilti4 lower ; Hales , sroo bags1 incluiling 5hmt' , 55,70 ; Jtll' $5.55. Spot colT'e ( Silo , dull : No. 7 , imivol Q , Gc : No. 7. jobbhmig4. Ge ; atilil , inactive ; Corulova , S ½ 'ui15 ½ c. To- \varellnutlo ulcIt'erles from tite Unlteml States. 11.130 bags. litcludimig 10.665 frotni New York : New York stock ( nulit5' , 4S11,5I0I bags ; Unltetl States stock , 607,031 bslgsl ; ailoat for titi' timtite,1 , Stittes , 412,004) bitgn total 'Iltde fem tiio Uniteul Stales , 1,019,034 bags , against 751,556 Inst ycuti' mind 352,865 , Itt. 1396. SANTOS , Ntt' 25.-COFFEI'I-Quiet ' ; gonill : t'erilge tlnittosu , 11,560 i'els ; receipts , 9,00Sht bags ; titock , 320,000 bags , I hi' . Si 111111G. May 25.COF'FEE-OlCmlCdf uneltangeil ; mit 2:50 : it. at. dull tutu till- chtitmgeul S aIes , 5,000 lsmgs , RIO IE JANEIIIO , Sltsy 25.-COFF1'1i5-- ' 1)ull ; No. ' 7 , RIo , 7,100 reis ; excliangu at , ; recelltts , II .001 him gil ; cleareul for ( hut UnIted States. 4,000 bags ; stork , 152.000 ingis , 1 IAV RE , Slay 25-C'OiFEiI-Clused net lower ; sales , 5,000 bags. 1'ii t'hiit ti amuimelmil. LONDON , 51a' 23.-The mmtarkot for Ainor4 leami st'ctmrltht's , imiter a 11cm opetuing , vaa ittiet , 'tvi I Sm a. ( I u'cl I uI mtg t em , lt'nc 'l'radtilgl \\.ns merely Itroft'lmdoimnl. 'l'hio closlmig tunm W'UM ( 'aSY nail , lemmunil lIght. 'fltti nmmioimnt ( if bu I I 11)11 guna' lit to t It o I initk .i . f l'mtgln nit a itt uualinee ; t oIit' , 21 8,005) . ( Sal il is .i2iit . , mut ilttoiios A 'res at 1411.70 ; Imtilla cmtmnClI l > llls were nllottu.l , totitty at 127 84) . SiummIsll , 'Is closcil itt 50 15-16 , a Ilet gout Of 5-141. I'AltlS. Nay 25-Iuhi itslnesi markedI thu oa'nhmlg of the hoitrite toulay. Later then' IVOII mull lnllruv''iuemlt ' , but operators ii ftertvtm rul hecru nlu Ii mttl ecllel , , ii mid priceS I lit let. SlianI sit I 4 beetu ill C flrni el' on cit ntors I ) f t Ii e llt'SlCCtI'O Sjnin Isit ion it . Spm mmlste 13 cloel mtt SI 7-8 , n net gain of 3-8. 'l'ltren ier Ct'llt rent8 , I02f SOc for time uccount ; exi'hiamtge 011 1omuloim. 25f 29 ½ e fur checkit. ' ' 1lEttiAN , Sltt' 25-'l lte stock immtirttct to- day opemicit ilrin , tmlsc.ut'imt ly weniceiti'tt amid m'aIlIed ( ot iirl ( lit' dccc of ( Ito dti''H itmsInessI. 1)amilc sItiurcs were irregtmltir nnt Ittisslitit seeuim'iIes were ihrm tlirctu2'imottt. There 'wore large applIcations for tlta Itjasan Uralsk m'nliroail loan. N'lV Yimlc Ir' ( ndM 3IiirhteI. N1b\\ ' YORK , isImsy 25.-'I'he luarliet for ulry gotds is simhject to Irregultur clttinges tvlmicit keep sellers guessing mis 1 , , ( ho fu ) turn. . .A veelc 1mg. . ) tIle cltttnges liolmmted tea a lucavy fall triule , hilt today scller were moore reticemit about exutressimig tlteinstilveiti. 'J'ile mnmirktt Ia only active lit geitel'itl iliiosj Govormimnt'mlt coiltractS contInue to b tars 10 both the 'outlcn itmlI cuttuat gootimi nuurkets. Jobbers report Irmegulitm' resultiu. Tue fancy goouls ( lIVisliltS tire , lolmtg a ( mite bumsiness , hut i4talleS ) mIre ( lIlittt , wltil less'- exceptions. Quiet drives amid siecIul , PriceS , 801'l'O ( ( I keel ) goods moving , inmt wIthout these ( hero wotmld be little activity to ic- lOl't. At first htnndii ttilt1ei4. otmU4imltl 'iS. tltose solul for export , are qimlet. W'iultt , sltt'OthmIfliS tiltow consiulurable titrClIgtllS Stocks nrc generally nut heavy , Prlit clotilts tire strong anil litiiet. EXtt'aiI mire still quttctl mtontimtally at I 15-lGc. l'IIXSIONH 1it ' .Vl414'm'llItN 'J1'i'l'1h.t11t Sui'i'irs of Ii tt ' 'Ii r Itmii'milm'd. , , ' l'i I lie ( k.iit'rmii ( ut''rmlisil'mm I. WAShINGTON , May 25-SpecIfll.-I'Cliw ( ) loits Iiavo hc'emi isimeui as follows : issue of May 13 : Nebraska : Orlglnal-W'Iillaitl 11. Georger Somtlt Sioux City , $6 ; Peter hlartntaii , ham- iltomt , $6 ; 1)amilel C. 2Ilils , Angus , io ; ' Stormucus Pliolferinan , lientrIce , $10. Aldh- thomttuI-ilemlry 1. , Armstrong , Omaha. 56 to S $12. Iitcreaso-'WlllIant III , Freer , hIaisett , 86 to $10 : Edwin J. ( Ioruilmtier , Fairlielil , $ S to $12 ; ilainiltomi Niibb , Sewarul , $6 to $3 ReIssue-Wilson Lomig , Maxwell , $6. Iowa : Orlglmtal-Solomnoim 11. Vnrl , Storimlm , 1..alte , $0 ; Itufims II , StomiemanVlmmtlml'op , 58 ; 1)aitiei S. Weitmiel , 010 , $6 : Cilmirles lCaut' . limit , MagnolIa , $6 ; Guvrgo Lutz , 1)ubhlmt , $8. Invroase-Jcroinltilm IC , Ilhmslaop , Tillin , $0 to $8 ; Elms Skimlner , Waterloo. $20 to $30 ; Sol. . omen W. Itced , Waslminglomi , $1 1 to 1.7 $ John 'IV. Oats , Colummibus Junetiomi , $12 ( iii ) $14. $14.North lakota : OrIgInal-WIllIam IL. Joist's , Ellendtmle , $0. f Colorado : Orjgimmai-Vait W , McCory. lleaI , , Lomtgnnoiit , $8 ; flamilOmi Ioiislimguez , Vtgei , . Original \\'Iulow , otc.-Minor cC IrvIng J , I'oliock , Pejiver. 510 : filtecIal May' 14 , ( speclmil act ) , Carrie F. litsseli , l'ucblO , 510. Montana : Origlnni-Fraimlc Icohin , Mis- ' 501215. $8. Si'tIth ' lakota OrigimimmiVldows , etc.- " Melissa Cook , Westport , $12 , 1)n'v I'roll Slim I ii At't'll.mi is , ST. LOUIS , May 25-Four lI1l'ii lost their lives today lit St. 1..ouIs timid Iii Ut , Clate' ( otmnty , Illinois , Just across the river fl'omn. lucre , Fred ilIebel mind Frouh W. Sclmmltit were liimutnntiy killed by time tuoiitiibound cx. press on the Louisville & Nimslmville railrondf at 1trntmlclller station , hive miles lt'itimid ihohlevillo. Ill. They % Vl'O ftlttlflfl Oh this ( lack talking vben struck and their botilos were imorribly mnamigled. lii title city two laborers iiiined herman .Schniltz atid Aims gummt Wimimaisami were crushed to mlcatim in a mmtwvr cave-in , . Removal U. It l'emmmmy . 150 , ( smmeirssors ts , . Ce , himi't , . ( Sliristle-Si rest tlinm. ) rcnmov. nil to rirmn 4 , Nes'r York 1.1 to iliml hI JAMES E. flOYD & CO1 , 'I'Clt'IIlOile 1039 , OmnuIlt : , Neb COMMISSION , GRMN , I1ROVISIONS ttitt STOCKS ilOAlti ) Oi TI1A1)iS. hlir"t wIre' to ChIcago and New York. CoITeap0fldntsl Jciiimt A. % 1'&rrn 4 Ce. r ' . ,