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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 26, 1898)
- - - - - - - - _ - - - --C----- _ _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - : - 1 . ' - - - - - - - - r----- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ---T-----T _ ; i ; : JLL i L , &L4L L .J tt'fli. : f- SPECIAL NOTICES /ts1y'rtIpplIIM for IIic'se cnht1iIt IIt b , tnkn until 12 , n. mr tii cnIng ntid iinII H I' . 1)1. the nflrtiln flIII Miiidn rihI IunNa . . AlITertlserl , by reqntltg , null'- , Icres1 t'itetk , VnI ' 1in'l. flIINtCV $ ( Ill. dtecii to i Itunh1lorc.t letter III ( ! SITC ; . - of 'i'Jt tire. Aii.ers ( I Rlil1reNNtll , III Tit IeIIierc.I on iirenutntIn1t of the ohseek ( Jill ) . hIneii , I J-o a wr4 flrt tiiiertlllI k _ IC 1 * vord t larcnfter. Ntli lug tnILail for lwsn limit 2c for the unit inNer. . . toii. TheMe alcrtIlscsllclltN nttit 1FI run ROllJeCJltLTClr. rriit'riozs Vt'VI1) . VjANTIIplaco to play. violin. cornet nILI i'f"n ° . AthlreNi 1' 25. lice. A LADY of gOod cducntlun and excellent abilities deSIres poiitLloIi Iii oIflCe. 1' 34. fleo. . A-M28 27' 13OOlCllJI'J1t , over tell CflH experl- eiico : licst of refcrcnces wants sItuation. AddresaAl NorrIe , I'.O. flux , 1211 OInaIUi. . A-S1921 2' WANTE ! ) , by a middle aged mnn , a posl- thOu n oihlcu man. First class uccoUfltltflt2 htiokketiier. A No , 1a ; gOod rnllcltnr fliRt collector. Address I' 33 , lice. A-M22i' 1lt1I. . CANVAiil1tS to tithe orders new line of work ; no hwtvy goods to carry ; iJalary 01 cnflhInIsMIoi. C. 1' . Adams Co. , &I iouth flhxteeiitht street. HAL1SMEN to cll toilet soap todealers , $100 tier iniintlt sniary ttii4l exinniseN 0X Petlelicu unneceesary. LuUlii Ermt Co. , St. Louis , Mo. . \vAr4r1D , solicitors of good ittkrcs , either sex , to sell California ItoseM : rare , linrdy ornanicittals , etc. ; town ittiti cities only ; viIl pay nhirry weekly ; be .luick . ; tatO ego. 'l'lie I lowland Nursery CompanY , Lei Angcie , Cal. J3-M63t 31' WANTlD , foreman for a factory makin duck elothing , mackinaw goods all loather CiOthillg one who thoroughly Un- derstniith material , who can make pat- ternH ulid original styles ; iniit know the Valilo of cotton ducks und hiningO ItIiJI be able to nislst In tile IluicIlasIng of ma- tonal anti tile ilguring of costs ; a tIler- ouglily lrltCtiCal ) man call command a gUl , permanent po4ltloti. ricaso athiresil with full references , the Mllfonl Slice Co. , NllforiI , Mass. IJ-MGSS 26' WANTED , snleMnefl toaell terfumc atid tOilet artlclcs 1UO per month and ox- JeIse ! ; experience unnecessary. l3lumor l'crfuincry Co. , St. Loul8 , Mo. J1-MCS5 J19' ACTIVl solicitors wanted everywhere for " 4\inerica's hattie for Cubit's Freedom : ' ' olticlal var hook ; tella all nbout Spitlil , Cubit , ilrtUiCH , IIZt'10i4. war and all great eoiiiinnnders ; graphic ilellerIptIon cC Dewey'H famous victory and his colillilete biography : higgelt book ; 600 large pages ; nlngnhllcently Iiluitrateil ; troiiiundoiii lie- macti ; ( Jilly 1.5O ; commiiciloit 50 per coat ; boiiitnza for agontii : 30 days' crtdit ? ; height Iakl outfit free ; write quick. Tile Dominion Co. , Dept. 32 , Cilicago.B793 B-793 29' 2fANAGEItfor i-coining 4111100 , to litlittle businoits ( or Mtino ; ; down towl. 1' . 21 , lice. 14-836 25 wAN'1'rD , Goad liustierx , sell official hinilges itt the exposition cud in the city. B. Slindllii , 110 iieo building. I1-S77 25' 60 CAItPINTF1tS wanted. Armour & Co. . So. Omaha. 1i-S72.25 ' W4N'l'ED. clorkit aiiil others to take thor- ougli curite in bookkeeping nail actual business iiracttee by 1111111. SatiMfaction guaranteed. Write for particulars. St. Paul 13uHinss ! College , St. I'aul , Neb. B-MSS7 2S' 2 1XPE1t1ENCEI ) awning lncn iloflO other 1100(1 alhll } ' . Wolf liros. Co. , 703-03 S. 16th 11-907-29 MAN to care ( or lawn , intist furnhit1l machine. Call morninpt , Southeast ocr. 11th & F&Lrflnhil. 10-106-27' DOYS wanted at Murphy , Waey & Co.s chair' factory. Ii-M929 23 RIObTAIIL1O men to lilace advertialng taut- - icr ; $15.00 weekly nnd expenseit : send lOc for jiostage , sainhi'e , etc. Ioia Cilt'mical Co. , 129 N. Colorado st. , Phihindelnliin , l'a. D-M927 26' SALESSIEN-100 a month RUJO expellsca gUaranteel ( , itching to merchants and fnmihiett our machines for cooling rofrig- craters ; gititrantectO 75 per cent cheaper thati ice. For ( till partictihitis aidres ( Arctic Refrigerating Co. , Cincinnati , 0. 13-M923 26' ? A. 13L1SM10N to soil cigarit to dealers ; salary $ i ) Q to $200.00 er ifloUtli and cx- 1)t'iiitc $ ; experience unitcc'est4ary ; Perma- licilt iiwltioii. 'rho Do Mora Cicar Co. , Sningi1clti , 0. 11-51919 26' SVANTED. 3 good PItlinbers. Frce lOhitek. isoi ; Farnain. 13-5193726 _ t . VATl0l-PLiMALi0 iiioxi' . 100 GIRLS ( or all kinds of work ; 3 to $7 week. Canadian Oiilce. 152 Douglas. C-83S EMi'LQYMlNT . Iluronu , 1524 Dodge ; reliable - ' blo male or female help furnished. Tel. 876 C-437 J12 : , ] AIY agent.s 'antetl to take orders ( or tile A , 11. Johnston Skirt Co. , l'erry , In. Write for samples. C-Mill 25' SEl . the Eitperly corset. 1511 Douglas lit. ; r C-798 J21' t GlltL ( or general houtsovork ; small family. 2601 lodge. C-8l2 W'4\N't'1OD , a colortal wiiow liuly. with son 30 lii 12 years ciii , can hind employment . (01' both tf ( ( ( Idressing LOOk flex 235 , ( iretna , Neli , C-MOSS 26' 0001) cook IiItd laundress , 607 5. 37th St. . C-910.25 C05ll'ETIONT girl for general housework. siititll family ; references required. 1053 Perk Ave. C-Ill-lI' WANTl61)-Ixperienced gIrt ( or general IlOiIiiUWOik In small family. Apply 608 N. lId St. C--91i-25 WOMAN nittnzieer and wide awake Porter for rooming llttco ) down town , 1' 35. ll"e. C-MflT 28 1.A1)llSVttfltd to tIC net1I work ; can ( lflVOt(3 all or irt time ; easily make $4 to $7 lice week. Cull 33 Iiarlter Block. C-M133 26' WANI'FD , good , exporienceil itearitstress ; medium ago. Address P 32 , lies. C-M931 26' . volt IllOS'I'-llOtlSJOtt , CllOlCiO housesaziti cottages all over eity $5 to $75. Fidelity , let iluor , N. Y. Life. _ _ _ fl-269 Z1OIISES. Benewa & Co. , 10 N. 11th St. D-S1O ) i USES , stores. Bonus , Paxton bheci . 25-411 - 7IIOVING household goods and PianoS. Oct. Vitfl & Storage Co. , l51L Fitrinim. Tel. 1559. . 25-813 l'flOl'OSOTIONH ( or the place. 3111 N. hot t4t , , ineltitling house , barn and tiiree'acres of ground , AIJPIY to tV. 1' . lioldon , care of flraniian.Lovo Co. , 219 5. lCtli St. 25-Mm FUI1NITUIIlO And leasehold of a 7 and 13. room modern flat ( or sale ; bargain ; good locution , rent low , hleinis , Paxtoit 111k. 1)-M511 12-ROOM modern hiotis. 111 So. 23th St. . hot nter heat. J. N. Froozer. oltp. old p o. . 1)-6543 I..0iI RION'P , inodert ltous. $30.00 , l2tl nitil California. 006 N. Y , liiiI. l-M$3j 1"l71tN1Su1ll ) Iiowm of S rooms , 8 blocks froiti lmstolllee. Address 1' 31 , lies. 25-913 C0'rl'ACES-3.rooin. $7.50 tuul $8.00 : 310.00 ; 6.roein , $12.60 : 8-room , $36.00 : newly painteil itilil papereil : beautiful for situa- I lion. 436 lIo4rd of Tritlo , 1)-Ill - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ItiI1 II1IN'V-FVII.'flSiilSl ) IIOOMS FURNII3ILI6I ) rooms. 5215. 26th itva. E-Ml51 5125' . EXI'OSITION YIIIITOIIII-1.000 furnished r000is. Write to Exposilion Itootning Co. , Douiilsa block , 1611 * and Dodge. I - - l' OlL 1 * l0tT-PtiCt1Mhl$3t ) lOO5li. ( (5itintiId I 1iiAt'T1FtJL fropt rboi't , 2581 ilnrney. P4-401--hi' - PCrsofl ilesiring rooms or lonr(1 call 610 Brown liloek. 16th and 1)atights trcetW. Infornintlon free. llleCiaI attention givrii strangers. 10-678-25' FOIl iifN'r , front rooms. 114 N. lhd. 14-421 29' TJlP4 Farnam Terrace , tie opetiIiew : brick buiidlng ; lilensant. newly Iurnisiieil. 206-20l2 F'arnnin St. 14-51661 .118' IIFTh.UTIFtIL furnished rooms ntreai'ofl- iiblo rates. 1115 Capitol av. , or FOil IaN so. 1X1'OSITION Othiebil Information lktrittl : 1319 Farnain ; 5.000 choIce rotipi4 tO rout. b-Sb - 1l.l0G , NTLY furnished rooms ' nlodsrn , 620 . 11th. l1-.l93i ) ill' _ - rAlt0P4 Pleasant menus , cool , sheila : 3 blocks nOrth of Ogden house nnd Broadway - way car line. 141 Grant St. , ( cuncil Illuffs , In. 16-M9i'J 30' PliitNlSili.0t ) 1tOOIM . ' , 's ) lJl.tbtl ) . TOO Fi Merriam , flrst.chass family hotel. 25th 110(1 Iodgo SOs. NI i'IV ALBANY , 2116 lllitiey * clogniit ro'ins. ' I1rtt- ( laSH hiouril : terms u eathln- able : translont trade solicitc'J. F-M322 J ; ' PLI4ASANT roonts. mcierIi , strictly first- class board : reasonabie rates ; transients taken. t122 N. 09th sO. 1"-M29 .112' VEIIY nicely ( urnished roouuis : nil unolletil cutiveuilences : for 2 or I getitieiileit price , $30.00 each : without lunch , $25.00 end' ; ; ri- \'itto tuuutily : on car hiutt , Ilette ilitilitcoin Park. 1' 13 , lice. UTOPIA , 1721 Davenport ut. ; rooms , first. class board ; trabsients accoinuuiodttteii. li'-MSlO 28' TillO btOSB , 2020 Ilnrney lube cool riOmS with board : transienti itcconimndnted rates reasonable. F-ID ? J21' Phl01SANT. vell ( tirnislicil conic : flit ittoil. erui conveniences , with or vlthoUt board : private family ; near blatiscolit park. 1' 12 , lice. 1l0M14Td1E rooms , with bath , lnrgd yard with shnde trees , hear Fariuam car. 120 N. 3M ave. F-MS11 28' FURNIShED rooms wlti board : traul- ients accommodated. 2015 DoUglas. F-MSG4 26' TKFi down that " ( or sale" or " ( or rent" shiit 1(1 your winilosy : Tito 10cc reaches more 1)0011k ) lii a daY tItan svlll laS4 yotir WiluilOSV lii a nuontli ; 1111(1 they consult these columns when they want to buyer or reaL F-SOS FIIIST Clnss foams or boarding listed. Mrs. Jeffries' Board of Trade. first Iloor , Slxt0eitthi and Farnam. F'-MlilO 28' POlt bLlON'l'-UXFJJII'lhhIOb ) ILOOMS. VOlt llent. nice south front unfurnisliod bonus. with tiath'itlitelI ; , block. F' . 'IV. Carinichnel , N. Ii , Withnell block.G548 G-548 . .Vl0lly I'leasant apartments ; six rooms anti bath ; fronting pniic : most ( ieSii&tllO 01' iuiytliing in the city for the Price to right luarty. rII _ J. Kennard & Son , 310 and 311 Brown block. G-729 UNFUIONISIIFOD rooms ; Inocerul. 1821 Loav. Flat 4 , (4-MS9I 324' Iron ILION'l'-S'VOUi6S .tNlt OFFICIOS. Irolt rent , tb 4-story brick building at 916 Fttrnam St. This bulidutig has a lire- proof cenient basement , rater on all floors. gas , etc. APPlY ot the office of The lieu. 1-910 PINE STORF1 110GM ON 2ITIt ST. , NFIAIt OXiOttitloul , with living rooms in rear untO cementei basement. See Fidelity 'J'rust Co. a. . ciuce , 1st floor , N. Y. Life. 1-5t424 h-I-ACl3 to rent , snltai.o for job printing or other small business. 'relephone aull desk. Iteat cheap. 1517 Burt. 1-6S1 AB1'S W.iTED. AGENTS varuted--51urat llalstead's Great War Book , "Our Country in War. " All about Aumleu. NavIes , Coast Defenses , Maine Disaster , Cuba , War with Spaifl , nulti relations with Foreigut Nations. Nearly 600 Piue. All written 3hiiC Maiia Disaster. Magnificent colored illustra- tiotun. Agents making $10 to $39 per .tay. No experIence utecessury. Most liberal tornis guaranteed , 20 days' credit. lines low , freight paid. Handsome outilt ri cC. Send 9 two-cent t4tunllui ) to pay lot3tttge. 1diicathonal Union. 324 Dearborn St. , Chi. cage. J-M1S5 .Iune 5' MION or women , $6.00 daily ; new invention ; inexperienced succeed. Dozier Co. , Ontahn. .1-817 29' AGENTS wanteil for "Our Naval War WIth Spain : " tPlCIltlidll' illustrated ; only an- tlientle book to Ie liublisheti ; free outfIt hoW ready ; act quick. National Pub. Co. , Lakesdo $ bldg. , Chicago. J-M855 30' AGIONTS Wanted. Gen'l Fitzhuh Lees oWn and oilhiP Book on Cuba and thq panlsh-Amcricnn . Tremendous do- annul. I'roilts $15 to $25 a day. Credit given. 1'relgIit paid. Write for terms and outfit ciuick. A. 13 , Kuhilman & Co. . Cax- ton Building , Chicago. .1-51854 26' AGIONTS-Qulck men to visit stores anti sell mitcluines ( or printing siguit ; on fences , bridges , rocks , etc. Steady work all sum- mner , Arc Co. , 77 Arc St. , Racine. Wis. 3-51921 26' AO1ONTS wanted , \Vo want one shrewd careful nina In every town to make a few thiotiituid dollnr for himself quietly at. honle and flot work hard : Private instruc- timis and valuable outilt of IIOW goods sent free. Ailmiress Immediately. 1' . 0. Box 5308 , lloston , Mass. J-M922 26' ' ' ' ' ' ' 1VA5'l'i3l-'l'O Ii b3'I' . ALL hotels. boarding houses anti private htones with rooms to remit call 510 Brown block. WANTED to rent , room near information Iiureau ; will lillY $00 tier month for S ifloiltits.ttldresms Information Bureau. K-873.26' WANT1II ) to blent , Cottage in goofi tielgh- liorhood , aol too far out , with yard and burn. 1' 27 , Bee. 1C-5l91 26' WANT14D. 2 ftirnished rooms for light hotittekeeping , Address 1' 29 , Bee. 1C-908.25' WANTIOD. Iloom and hoard for two gentlemen - men in private ( atinily or small boarding house. Call 510 Brown's Block. Block.KM91C K-M91C 26' S1'OUAG 16 , PACIFIC Storage anti Wnrsluouiiie Co. , 908- 910 Jones , enerai storao timid forwarding , 51-830 051. Van & Storage , 1511 % Fnrn'in. Tel , 1533. ltI-S51 IOEST trackage and etorago building lit Omaha , U , S. gov. bonded : household goods storoti anti cared ( or ; lowest rates ; tWO show cases ( or sale , suitable for cx- position. 1013 and 1015 Leavenworth. 'IV. M , blushunan. M-MDOS 31 W.tN'l'l0D-TO IIBY , SECOND.11AND books bought for cash at the Antiquarian book store. 1519 l'arnam. N-M75 2626' VACANT LOTS. 'I'I'ithtiii bitilt-Inilo. radius fir 'rwentletii 011(1 ( Vinton titim , ; also lots south of California and vest of 23d 5th. lientis , l'axton 111k. N-MOSS IF You are In need of anything , try Lbs \\'ant ( Jolutultl3 of The i3eo ; tlie' will bring you wiuut yu waizi. N-SC ? F'OlL S.tJ.3-.FLJILNI'l'IJlIlO. Bl61.LING out at 131 South 29th street , houtchoid furniture , carpets , ronges , cookIng stoves. gas stove , etc. Sitty ho see" from 2 to 6 ii. . ma , 0-116 F'LIRNITITRI4 of flve.rooin house for sale. 29 , ) ? Lake. 0-837 IS' b"Obt sub at a bargain , 500 Iillovs inub 50. ) iintttresses ; new pillows , 25 edits up ; new mnattressei4 , 75 edits miii , 1408.10 Dodge. 0-MB ? J3' S.l.l6SMBN V.tN'l'16i ) , WANTIOD , salesman for line otndvert lsi n specialties. Euiuiro ; Paxton ilolel , II. 1 fligulow. 1)0-25' . - 7lt St1,15-lL(1PLSIBI , Vt1iOS , 10T1' . I iiI'AN youni njc tjava t2-ln'rsoli cartyahl , ? ttLP irnrness. iknufT' tIrn'fftltraj' ' this % vsc'k Ailtiress 1' 21 , lie' . l'-mt.GhIi I'AIflof Ilvr'-yc'ttr-nlii tiny mores. well mittrhietl . fr'o * ltivrttt , itni gt.ntlC togetluer wIth it ilni't.tltss pheaton. I' rsflk hart , & &l and ( entsr streets , 1'-.S78 29' bolt ( itto itair lute heavy draught horses. Smith & 1nsttnrtn , 1617 O'tnkney St - . . sloe-A b'A I It of menU hetI 1 fambletontan lioness. ' 1 bntl I yqirs , hirtys , gentle. sllr. ltel , grateful. 3'ilt'U. 'IVilliiiin , llensiii. NOlI. . l'-51933 28' -a- . - - _ _ . - ' - P1)11 StLiI-3iISCLLl.,1vl1ULt. hOG 011(1 poultry 2'iuce. better than wIre. , net'.iuig. Fine sawdust for floors. Tel. 458. 091 Dougltis. Q-85 _ IlOItSIl cllppiitg mnchln's , knives ztlid no- I imirs , nil stnntIsrd nuztke , ' on huind. gninil. lag razors. sh'utnt , eIiliJJgrft ; prompt sony- lee. A. I. . Utudohanti , Q-S5l FOIl 14AL11-Tcn . .i.1.1'.t.N.S. for S cents at driigglstsono ; glesreiiet.Q-M7SO _ FOR SAld-Thrc'e reurn TuhUlar bnilnrsl , O.lioiso liower efich. APIIII' to the super Iliti'iiiloiit. 105 lioo buiklintt5$5 I liAl.h S llafes-ne * anil second-hiauid ; safes repittrc'tl end refltt.d , 1116 Fnriunin. . Q-Mbib .113 Six Secoed-hinnil steel ranges , suitable for lestatIrauits oi boordlag iiouaemt , for stub at great baRgain ; iuluutt ho sold. 1410 Dodge. q-r.s. JIS' TIIF1 Itest mutietl paints at Sherman & Sic- Cohnell Drug Co. , 1513 fln lge lit. , Omaha , Q-M616 .117 1100 , psitiltry anti lan'it to.ucall ; viro : Is best. Wire Works , 14th linnitey. . . Q-834 JiG FOR SA1J' , Vt'i'y cheap , 12 sltres : lnion 1.1Cc Insurance Co. , of Omaha . , 1' . 0. hex loss. Q-MIil7 F'l.AG 1)011'S for alo. Omaha School SupPlY - PlY Co. , 1023 blarney St. Q-U7G-23 : ; . . , Chleall , 60.34) ( ; ) feet of lumber lxi , 29.6 , 2xS , sixteen fe't long. Smith & Bitstnmtn : , 1617 l'inkney Q-69 ? 26' FOR SALFO , Bnglish setter pups. etTtible for reglittratihn. Fred Gougeon , 22nd mind S streets , South Omaha. Q-10' ) 20 1803 IIICYCLBS ( bOWil to $ S.OO new 1806 model ladles' niuti goats' iilccl s ore now being sold on easy conditions as low as $5.00 ; others outright at $13,115 , nail high grade nt $19.95 and $32.50. to ho Paid for after received ; If ' 'ou will cut'tlils notice out and send to Sears , Roebtick & Co. , Chicago , they will send you' their 1898 UI- cycle catalogue - and full lmrtlculars. Q-1639 313' FOIl SALIJ , 10 head good , f'resfl"cows ala ! suiringere : cmiii afternoon , Jester's yard , 25th nUll Iflirt SOs. , Omaha. Q-.Sl1 23' FObt SiLB or l4xcliafgo , , mimith-Proinier typewriter ; nenriy new. 3 , Ilorrlgan , blloounilelu , Net , . Q-51852 31' ' 1' ! ! 13 Spnuiitlt lOSSeJSlOllS III both the east anti wcst , In map form , with nearly 200 photographic reproductionS of the mer- bait and Spanish navies , naval ( 'oninlanil- cr ; etc. All f r 25 cents , at The hico ofilce. If ordercil by mail , nihdrcss Navy 1'Iioiograph Department , Omnalit : lice Q-G9 : ti lSUllLls.NJ6Ot'5. SEIO Om , Van & Storage Co. about hauling to exposltloim ; no c ticestoit to ltaS' ; low rates. 15i1'I Farnaun. , it-525 31 ANT i-IIONO1'OLY Garbage Co. , cienuis cesspools & itrivI' vaults. e21 N. 16. Tel i79 fl-Gil JiG FOR ItENT , grouiuulon 24th st. , OplOSltO l4xlmshtioul efltt'ant' . itedick Bros. & Co. , 318 South 15th. _ . R-M709 27 i"IvFoNry-FIvIo cents will buy the latest publication illustratIng the U. S. atid 5oililsbi navies , naval cor.tmaniiers , etc. ; aintost 201) PhiottiRralible reproductions , with i-i. large map of the East and West Indies , at theothice of The 'lice. If or- ( bred Li1 ittitll , mililress Navy Photograph Departnlent , Onualta lice. 11-SIt ) FOR SI6RVIC1O. a registered Jersey hull. At 2913 Castellar. 11-51931 2S' Cl.'lltYOY ANTS. TILE 01113' 'Gips9' Queen" fortune teller. Ladies , i c ; gentlemen , $1. . 1901 Farnnm St. _ S-MS-l 2S' 3LtSSAG13 , 1JtT11S , 14J'C. OP.IENTAL 'rurlish baths ( or ladies and genh4. 10 ? So. 11th. . tel. IS'JI. Opeut nil night. T-M2th3 JO' MEDI CATED baths and massage. Mnte. Bnisson , from l'iirth. 107 N , , 12th St. ' 1-ill 197-3-11' TtIAL'A5II0 ) AMES , 507 5. 13 , room 10 ; inns- sage baths. T-M720 27' NllTi6 Ibath nail Massage pnnior , for atoll and svomcu : Swedish gymnastics ; electric light Turkish ; and other baths. F'crytflhitg lirst class. 11. 26. hanson , Mgr. , 2018 Furnam. Telephone , 2065. T-M768-23' LAUIIA Ehlion , 119 N. 16th ( upstairs ) , room 12 , Turko-rtusslaii and plain baths , unaitsage. T-70t J19 A SIRS. Dr. L000 , electric muasm4tge bath pat'- lors ; restful and curative. 417 S. 11th , iip . stairs. T-MS2S-29' 51MB. SMITh , 118 N. 15th St. , hot siwlng nail vapor baths. T-S74-30' 1'EILSONAL. VIAVI for utorlno troubles. 316-S Bc lddg ; physician consultatIon or health book ( roe. U-835 b3ATiIS , massage. Suite. Post , 21I S. 15th. 37-836 $3) . I1UI'TURIS cured tar $30. No detention from business ; 6 years In Omaha. Caller or write for circulars. Empire Rupture Cure , 932.935 New York Life bldg. , Omaha , Neb 37-943 TIlE Pantorlunu , clothes cleaned , iircsed end repaired , ( liii' or night ; special care giv,5n , ladies tailor made gowuts dress stilts ( or hire. N , 14. corner I Ith and Fariiaiit. 'I'd , 963. 37-837 A LARGE map of tiic , W'onld , one of Culia anti another of tue enutro Vi'cst lmtdios , uhotviitg Cuba , Porto hUco , 11n9'tl , Situ Domingo , Slau'tlniqutt itnd all the other 'IVest littiiaui islands ; 10 cents , at 'l'lte Dee otlIce. fly' mall , 14 cents. Address - dress Cuban Situp Delft , Omaha 10cc. 37-868 14AD1 ES and gentlemen (7eu3irouls of s'cut'- log Profitable employment cmiii at 113 So. 16th mit. , room 13 , ( rain 7 to 9 p. itt. , Wednesday , Thuirstiny and Friday.26901 -26901 27' - iiisv TO LOAN-ltlLt11 ! r5'1'&TI0 , WXNPF7D , choice farm ant , city loans. Il. C. Peters & Co. , 1.1. 8. Nat'l hank bldg. $100,000.00 special funil to latin on first-class Unproved Omaha property , or for build- lug iurposs. Fidelity Trust comutauly. W-860 LOAN oil improved :7 : unImproved city city Itroperty.V. . Fariunni Smith & Co. , 1320 Farnum , W-S62 6 1'I4lt ccitt city anti farm baits , Ourvin lInes. , 1613 Farnam lit. W-S6J ANThONY Loan & Trust Co. , 305 N. Y. L. ; quick money at low rates for choice ( aria lands In Iowa , Northern Missouri , East- cnn Nebraska. ½ PER ccitt mousy , lIomis , Paxton blk. w-8u5 MONEY to loan on improved Orflaha real eMato. I3rctuian-Love Co. , 2l9 13. 16th. W-sG-l - IOASTIIIIN money for western invest. macate : scoil for circular , investors Directory - rectory Co. , Now York. W-i90 J1 WANTIOI ) , to loan , $2,600 ; one luau lIre. ( erred ; also want to Itlan $390OQ. F. D. Weat ] , 16th and Douglas. W-8S1. ltiONL1Y TO LOtN-CZt.tT'l'llhS , $10 TO 210.000 TO LOAN ON hOUSEHOLD FUILNL'EUILFI AND VIA- NOS. liOItSlOb. WAGONS AND CAll. RIAGESVAihl4lbOtJ$14 LWCI4IPTH , etc. , nt lowest rates in Omaha , South Omaha and Council Bluffs. No removal , of goods ; strictly confidential ; you can pay thu loan oil at aity time em' in any flrilOUulIS. OMAhA 1J.CULTGAGB LOAN CO. , 30. ; South 16th St. 11116 OLDEST , L.AIIUEST AND ONLY IN. COltl'OIIATED LOAN C01J1'ANY IN OMAILA , X-S65 itermaulent Itositiona , with responsible concerns UpOfl their own itame without security : easy paymelits. Tolmnan' . It. 706 , N. Y , L. bldg. X-572 I1trSNi1 ? t'lfA'R'115. ' Foil nile , it 'LataIflm7 entire drug fttoek , show tpss soda tounttutn and counters , ttl otfll rent More at rCason- able rmnt ; ln.'ntei' ? tnlod Depot hotel , one tilork frin 1' 1' nnil blturlbuiton depots. Ernest Stuhtt. proprietor Y-4T9 . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - i-i To 017'I' In 0i tilt' of btiitlflC'SR go to .1. .1. Gilusun , 81 I Plt.stl Nrtt'l hank. Y-867 - - - - _ _ _ _ ELlV.tTOf0s 6rt.tahp line of six CIA. valets on tib' . fititicnit 'I'alloy branch of the U P. extending south front Lincoln , Nebi iuttttighi all excellent grain producing r5510114 . 'I'I'ihl tie sold together or seprti-itteIyns4iesired , In gooti repair nail fine tvm'ttit order.'I'llI hat olii on easy terms , 'tpjy to Eu S. Miller , Uet. ( rice , Nob. " Y-l.1821J30 _ I - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1..On SAT.4.-jt A sn.'niflcet On no- count of hen'1thtnut give up best pitying business in Omaha. Will sll for $1,20)t ) enh ; hiousr'hoil , genus , inrlutiiutg ( tirniltmre , emtrpiets. di8iit'tc' . , which CJ't over $3,050 last Tall , Owiier eondttq.'tti , , ii. lirst-elits5 private latnrdlng house 81141 Itt tn'tktutg money , 1octititn Is central. Owner Is renting it hcnutlful)2-rooun moderfi house , large littlir shade and fruit trees. blouse Is fjill of chOicest. reenters altO itnardenit tvlto will , ttfiv with purchaser. house rents for ' 00. 0 per mcclii , No one hilt cash ctbsteuuitr liOcti npply , Athlress 6) Cl , 1Je. . FOIl IOENT-Large livery barn , in excellent relinir niti ! iii finest location in city for Transmhssisudhill uintronnge. No competi- ! iofl. A,1lress , 0 63 , Dcc. \-706--26 _ . I1ES'I'AUIIANT for sale. 216 N. hut itt. ' . V-SISII IS' . - $205 SICUhtl2Il kritiitirtto Ituitittess worth 230.00 day cash to hustler Itivestlgute Na- tioltill Novelty Counmny , 1 1X ( ) Vnrnnni . - . s'rATB nlzlut for stin ; of valuable iaven- LIon ; Price $403 for Nebraska ; Is utow 11111- entoil lii IT. .9. and Cnnaila. It tu'hll pay you to iitVestigitte , Address 1' 25 , l3e. S'-51S92 27' TO L10'ISl0 , lumber yard : luest site in city for wholesale anti retnil lumber Inislitesut , Address P .10 , lice. V-SOS-IF $150 INVIISTIOD carumit 85 jiet' cemut weekly ; estnllishei IS cities : third ysiur : itnrtieti bars free , 25. Sloane , 110 St. Paul. Baltl- more , 51t1. Y-M923 IC' lhOTb6l1 ,11miIti' mont ( or rent ftutnislied : entnzillct , ( rout hotel , inquire 1303 Dounlas st. V-SIlls 27' FOR CNCI4.&Nt3hI. VARIOUS PiecOs of property nnd farms In Nebraska to trade for mercltandlse. Address - dress L 42 , lJe1't. Z-MSGS CIEAR lotyn farm ( or stock ranch , Voor- hees-Manlin ttnit , Dc Moines. Ia. Z-M419 26' F< SALII-11IOAL ESTA'b'E. NOUNTZI3 Pltcr. bnrgaln'4 $2,500 $3,730 to $6,500. .1. .1. Olbbn , 511 F Irst I'nt'l batik bldg. . 1t13-SC9 - - hOUSES , lots , farms , bands , loans , niso lire Insurance. .ljctnls , l'axton block. , _ _ _ _ _ FOLLOWI Na : ( lOSimble property : Business lot corner , COxbIt ) ft. , in So. Omaha , Paved. Btusiness lot , 60x150 ft. , Improved , South Omaha , street imaved. Tract (24 ( lots ) , 36th St. Tract (20 ( lots ) , . 10th St. For vartlcuuiars flluilY 1012 Faroam St. : 1114-870 ( II4RMAN S''V1t3S hANK PROPERTY. NOThING F 11. UENT IN OMAHA OR SOUTH OMmhj. . . NOW IS T1I13 TIME TO BUY. Buy and sav.'i reht. Never before in lii. , hlstoty of t3nuahmt have there been such oplortunttic'i offered to acquire lots or homes at s , ut srn Itrices. You malta the prices. , Receivers nttl8t .suIl. Depositors' demands must be satlsIsd. I give out no. hithu. It you want to buy I will match iY hinices etude by any one. 1Mb ; in Sotuth , Omninu. lotslit _ Omaha , lots et'erywhererotb $100 to I,000. Itouims attd lots anti mIcro tracts in Douglas county. Any teasonable pijer will Ito favorably coil- eldered. Tell we what y-jj want. and 1 twill tell you uvlu3t I will take. If you have 4 cthitomer I will pay regular ( 'ounmiaaicmm. I nave no atarats. New 7 per cent baits , $1,000 to $1,500 , for sale on iniproved properiy. , TItOS. 11. M'CAGIJIO , Receiver. ' 10th N. 15th St. R14-M5O5 7-fl. lioute , corner lot ; cheap. 2414 N. 11th. 1tl4-507 314' DESJRADLE rt'lduico lots , 121x130 , first- cbttits location ; 10 minuteS' ts'allc ( rota court Itouse ; cheap for cash. Address 0 Cl , Bee. RLO-M601-J-19 FOR S4L14. 7-room modern house and lot , 22b1 Webster St. , for $2.60' ' ) . Pot' particulars nt1tli'ss Mrs. Sinclair , ] Oox 453 , Seattle , Wash. 1114-51711 J2 902-900 SO. 20Th ! St. . 5 room houses , price $1,500 each. J. N. Frenzer , 01)1) . old 1' . 0. ' 1114-Oil JRRIG.V1'14D PAllId- 450 acres located in Boise valley , Idaho ; will proiluco over 2,09. ) tons alfalfa yearly ; good cattle range convenient ; this is a bargain for any outtt interested in stock. For liarticulitra address Tate & Stein , flolso , Idaho. ItIC-M77G .15' FOB sale , desirable residence lots , 124x110 , in llrst.ciass location : ten minutes' walk front court Itouse ; cheap ( or cash. Ad- drs 0 61 , lieu. 1114-51691 .119 FOR SALE. tltral choice lots in Hoffman Tet'racfl. $30.00 each tviil take them tltis week. Inquire 0. B. Tzsehuok , bleo office. RE-633 IS' 11026145. homes , homes , let us show them to 'ouu. Two genii nutes and one smaller on Vcst Faronm. delightful placeS. Five In Ilanscom Place. l'rlccs to stilt auiy one. Oite seven recta house in north part of city. Flute lot. Pleasant 1,10cc. Stake offer. hi. .1. Keititard & Sott , Solo Agents. 310 and 311 Browit Block. 1114-721 HAVE you twine lots to sell ? Now lit the t Puma to ( lhttlli)5I of them : let the POlle know that you tvattt to aspose : of thttum. The liecu reaches the 1)00015 s'ito hav&t time ittoltey. 1114-SOC bhE.'IIITIFUL lO.aere tract for $750 cmiii ; adjolniutg grouiud Iteld at $200.04) jier nci'e lIne iiitlt.ncre In 3ieiton , $175 ; cast frontlet lot , 24th st. , $310 : north front on Spenrer st. , $600. F. I ) . 'IVeud , 16th anti 1)ouglmts. 1(14-870 3t ) NEAT little buome for $360 ; good elevation ; near car ; inouithly pa'mnonts. F. D. 'Wend , 16th and louiglas. RJ6-S80 26 FOR Si1J4 or for rent. m rood house and 5 u1U'Ctt of garden land , wjnulgtulll , outside collar , V mile ( remit the city : will rent for $4.00 vor atonth will sell anil take nrt intyment In city lrolerty , cattle or genii horses. Apply to Leonard Everett , uttor- hey at laos' , 16 I'eani Street , Council lihuffs , Iowa , . 1102-26903 31 s1IOit'rifMOIr AND 'I'YPL t'flITING. . , J , . , , VAN SANT' School , 717 N. Y , Life. Thto school whiottd students get enmploynteutt. Conducted by . an experienced reporter. -26418 AT OMAHA flus ) College , 16t11&Douglaa. . 875 I3IIORT-IIAND. pip-to-tlato , taught by court reporters. Boyles' School , 403-5.7 Bet ) bldg , ' 3 . 876 _ .t/ - OMAhA Simrthand and Typewriting ccl- loge , lloyd's theater.26122 .112' - . . - - - - - U .1YI,1ti'it ITEII S. 'I'YPE'IVRITI4RS ( 'tn rent , $1.00 per month. The Smith-Premier 'rypewniter Co. , 1625 I'nrnnm ut , : Telephone 1281. 650 OWING to the popularity of tim now models , Nec , . 7 aittl 8 , btemnington t'lie. writers , they ir1va hail to secure mntito room anti have removed' to 1619 Faromiun street , Call and see them. 6T1-J-l8 B 11375581 tiC I Nfl , DREh5SMAIING in families. 2304 Daven. port. -51310 J7' ( iAlLlLi.fllO IiLtbCING , P. J. ICAIUI4'sCII & SONS , 1312 howard. Tel. 1102. -51637 .117 ' - aA'ShiltOKt01ts , 1-f , MAI1OWITZ loans money. 418 24.16th. $79 LOST , LOST , user 24th ntmil Farnam streets , gold untbreiia handle , Itettunil for return to 2616 llarney St. Lost-AltIl 26' libTlll,51 brOIL RENT , _ _ _ _ _ L - . - WANTI6D. CzipabI hotel man or woinalt with $2,000 Pt take ' 4 ttttere'st In best ha ) ' . Ing lintel within exposltloit rnlius ; cell- trel , 48 ronitis , iilntng room seats 60 ; snap for right party , itoumse will clear $12.00) to $15,000 tltuuimug cxIosltioul : if 5011 arC looking for a itrilinaxit investigate tltl at once. lk'iniS , l'axton BIk. , Omttaha , Neb. -MLIII Si lOil1' Al. , I'I DI 105 ! Ciiichester's )4nglislt ) l'enttyrn'aI 1'Iils ( Dlamond liranti ) nrc ( lie host. Safe , rt'hiahle. Take no oilier. ienii It' staltt'ItS for liartlcumlmtrs , ' 'Ilellef for hiulieti , " in letter by return mmdl. At , lrulggliitmt , ( 'itieliester Chemical Co. , l'huiliulclphla , l'a. Mention lle. IllilCIC. \'I'ITITN'14L.11 lire. & Sntith , paving , sewer , hIllltIIfli' ( 'flPitclt ) ' ( , ( * a day ; lId and hickory streets. Tel. 423. 520 SO6l4' % TO 1.0 At , II , GROSS , loans & watchmaker , 518 N , 16. 51891 321 . 1(11) ( hl.t'II Cl.l'ifiNIl , 1) . 0' . 26 1 lDhl'I'ON , irnctical glovecleatter , 813 N. 20. 51890 J21 . - POUNI ) . POUND , Jersey ( Sow. luuqtilrc 438 5. IltIt st. Potltiil-51930 27' S I I 0 1026 A IC 14 II S. LYON1 & BIIRCQUIIST Shot ed 307 S. 17 , I'attersout block , -1.09 .1 12 1TlCt ) ('lhiilLS , WE SOLICIT nutd furnish Positions for st000grnlhers free. Tita Smnlth.I'remler Typewriter Co. Telephone , 12S1. 882 lhlC't'Cl.l0S , DAltGilNS lii utow anti sec'oittl-liniud UI- cycles : easy terms. The Safe thor , ' , 1016 Flrimniit. -51443 .113 ! ! .tltNl4SS ANI ) $ Alll.VlllY. 5 , D. CAI3AD , 519 N. 16th. 843-3-22 . . TAbiOitlNtl. MAX FOGEL makes , cleans and repairs clothes. 307 S. 17. -438 Jil brUltNI'I'PJltlI l'.tclClIn , 26. S. \\'I1N,1t Ctimlutg. Tel , 1331. JUNl hOUSES. ALI'rllN : Omaha , junk house , oet So. 10th , llaYiiil4' . best price . for all kinds of jnnlc. -SB M2F hIflltSlS l'.tSTUILFI. ALFALFA padure. board fences. A. W. Plteips & Son , 207 N. V. I. bldg. Tel. 1051. C1S-12'2' bttIS'I'A 11 itN'I'S , HOME meals ; all hours. IC ° Dodge. . 401-J..11 LXPOSITION FIOONT.tflES FOIt I1ICNT. GROUNI ) lenses frontlutg exposition. Bemis , Paxton block. 881 JIISTICIO OF TIRE m'LOACIS. 25. B. 110IJCIC , justice of the peace , 300 lCarbach block. 963 hACKS ANI ) COU1'b0S , HACKS antI coupes ProIltPtlY fumrnlslted at all hours , day or night , by Ilaekmen's uiiloum. A. D. 1' . , tel. 177 , SOS aumfi 770. - -58391 311' . . . . BALL .s BEARINO DNSMOIIL ss'i'itcrs an I 5111)1)1 ) iCS , UNI'l'El ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ) 'i'Y1'F1'1tI'l'l41l & Stli'l'I.IES CO 111111 1'tti'tttiil St. , Oinnbizi , 1'OS'1U.lPirL NO'I'lCIO , ( Sitrmulul be read daily by all Interested , as climtuiges ItlitY occur at any time. ) Foreign mails for the week nmidlng May 28 , i8S , tviii close ( PROMPTLY in all Cases ) at thu General i'ostotiite as follows ; 1'AII- Cl'LS I'OST MAILS close one hour earlier than closlnr time miltowit below. . 'I'numstIallillu SlmtIhs , SATURDAY-At 6:50 : a. in. for FIt'INCE , 1't'ii4ltLANI ) , 1PA IX , 'i'U RK14Y , I4GYb'T amid IOitlTTSlf INlIA. per s. s. La Navarre , va Ilavre : at 6:30 : a , m. for C 14 1126 ANY , D6N51A It 11 , \\141) IC N , NOIt\VAY ( Chnistlanla ) timid RUSSIA , per H , S. Tritve , t'ia Iirt'nteit ( letters for otii'r Parts of Europe ( except Spain ) , via Clier- hourg itual Southanpton , ntut4t he direetwi "per 'reave" ) ; at 6:30 : a. itt , for tiRb4A'I' bhihlTA1 N , I IIIOL.ANI ) , JIELO I tIM , N1OTII IOItLANIS , I'OItTIIGAL , AUST- lIlA tutU NOR"IVAY ( Beigeim ) , pet' it. a , Uuitbnla , t'iti Quecittitowit ( letters for other Parts of hOuirope ( except Spain ) , must lie directed ' 'Per linthria' ' ) ; at H a. ut , ( or N14TII14IOLANDS direct , per a. a. Anutter- thituii , viii Itotterdamn ( letters must lot tli- rooted ' 'per Anmsti'rdauit' ' ) . itt 8 it. at. for I'J'A1.Y , , er a. it , Vterra , via Naples ( let- tel-s titus t lie ii I meet etl ' 'p'r \'Iri it' ' ) ; at 10 it. rn for SCOTLAND direct , 11Cr a , ii , Aneltoriti , via Glasgow ( letters must ho directed "ier Autchoria' ' ) ; at 11 a , In. for NORWAY dIrect , per a , s. llokhit ( letters must 1w dIrected "per lickla" ) . After the i'insliig of tint Supplementary Tnitutsatlantlc Stalls iinmeml above , cdiii- tinnal supIhememttary ittilils are opened on the bIOr3 of the Atnerican , English , 1"remtch nail German steamners and remain elicit until within ( cii titintites of tiitt hour of uaihiitg of steamnt'r , Shills for Soubli foil Ct' , . I rid A macrica , ' % 'ts1 liiillcs. iCte , FRIDAY-At 10 a. ma. ( supplementary 10:30 : a , m. ) ( or GONAIVI4S , VI' . MAIIC end SAN'l'A MAbt'l'iIA , Per a. it. A. buniois. SAT1JIIIAY-At 9:10 : a. mu , ( or CASiI'ICCIilI , CIIIAI'Ai4 , TAIIASCO aimil YUCATAN , Ier a. s. 24ennett ( letterS for other parts of Mexico must be directed "per ICon- itett' ' ) ; at 11:10 : a. in. ( supjiicmnt'ntmtry 10 ft. m. ) for llAltflAIOS nitmi DI4MEIIAI1A , per it. ii , Fontabeiie ; at 10 a. in. ( supplementary - mentary 10:30 : a. in. ) for FOIITUNIC 1St. . AND , JAMAICA , SAVANILLA timid 0III4YTOW'N , per a. s. AlLah ( letters for Ctsta Rica must. be directed "jwr Altal" ) ; itt 10 a. m. ( suipleuneniary , 10:30 : a. in. ) ( or HAiTI and t.AILT1IAGIONA. pr a. a. llohiitelii : itt 12:30 : 11. in. ( supplementary 1 p. m. ) for ST. 'I LIOMAS , ST. CltOlX , LBICWAItI ) anti W'INDW'AItI ) JSlANiH ( except Ihirbatlos ) , lien S. a. l'rotoria ( lot- tens for ( lreitadn , 'i'nlnldail tund Tohiagu must he .directei "lien I'retoniiu" ) ; at 8:30 : P. mc , ( or N14'IVFOUNIt.ANI ) , Per steamer ( loin North Sythitoy ; at 8:30 : ii. in. for liT. 1'l Eltbth4-Si7Ql IF3LON , her steamer ( noun North Sydney. Sheila ( or Nc'wfoiimtilhttmmti , Tiy rail to hull- fax , ttnd theitco by miteuuiotur , cioe at this chIco daily itt 8:3' : ) it , in. MiuIl ( or MI. iiUelomt , by rail to Iiocton. maul thence by steamier , t'loo at titi ( jiliel' daily ut 6:30 : p. in , STalls for Mexico Cli ) ' . overland , unless sliet'iaihy addressed for ileallatchi bY steamer , close at 11th onIon ( hilly Lit 230 a. iii. anti 2:00 : ii. in , "Rt'gistereil mail closes at ( i'fJ : ' P. flt. previous da ) ' . 'I'rm mis-l'ucl titi iltt I Is , Slails for China , Jiupithi amid liuwail , per 5. 5 , DorIa ( from San Francisco ) , chose tiers tinily up to Slity 224 tit 6.30 p. m. Siplis for Citinim and Jtlittn ( alteciallY addressed - dressed only ) , per a. it. llmpm otis ttf India ( ( rota Vancouver ) ( ' 1050 herti dail' UI ) to Slay " 234 at 6:3' : ) ii , m. Stalls for tim So. ciety bsliimid , pt'r shut lallIeo ( ( rein Sail Francisco ) , chose hn'ro daily IJII to Slimy IStit at 6:5) : P. m. STalls for hawaii , ier H. S. Zeaiandla ( ( rain San Francisco ) , close hero daily up to Slay 26th at G30 Ii. ill , Mails ( or Australia ( except S\'t'st Atistniihlit ) . mw Zealanii , llats'uil anti Fiji Islands , iwr s , s. Aorungi ( ( tutu Van. couver ) , Vioso hero daily after Sift ) ' " 13th l'OST rFiCi6 OTi'P4 , _ _ _ _ _ . ( Uotitiflhl54. ) and tip tO Ma' 36th at 6:30 : p. in. MnIl 'for Chlnit nitui Jiifmti , ver S. \'Ictorlui ffront Tacoma ) , close here daily uii to Juno 'flth at 6:90 : I ) . nu. Stalls for Ails- tralito ( except thmns ( or W'est AustralIa , whtlch nrc , orwnnletl thu b'tirope ) , Nets' /.t'nlrtnd , llruwali , 1131 nntl Siumdltit litlitittlt' , l''r ' 5. 5. Sionita ( ( noun San Framwiseo ) , close lucre dali ) ' tip to Juiuto * 1Qthi at 7 a. m. , 11 a. itt. nail 6:30 : p. mu. ( or nit an- rival at New lork of s. s. CanlIanln witht British uttnlis ( or Australia ) , Trans-Pacliic malls ate forwarded to Port of siti I I rig tinily iuutd t ho ehir'tl u I o of closiitg is turrnimge'l o't time irestiunPtiit of theIr uitlnterrtmtetl overland trattsit. 'ltegiit tered tttni ) closes at C I' . Ill. lirovlous tiny. COltNl4h.hl'H VAN CtT'I' , l'ottntmstet' Postoffice , New York , N. V. , May 20 , 1838. lt.U1.W'A 'i L'IMl0 CAll I ) , hllC'AGO. liUlth.INGTON & Qtilmicy ltiiilrotttl "The Burtinton I hiutrhittgton ltouto"-Thcket 001cc 1502 Fartmni Street. II oute I Telephone 250. l'iepot , Tenth and Mason Streets. Telo- t hitttmO 128. Leave Arrive. ChIcago Vestibujed 1'Ixpross . . . . . . . . . . . . e 5:05 : iuztu ' 8:10 : ant Chicago Express , , ' 9:45 : alit ' IfiS pat Chicago & St. 1.ouii l'3xiresq . . . 7:45 : intt 8:10 : am I'aellle Junction Local . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " 11:00 : nun ' 5:10 : lUti Fnst Stall 2:50 : imu Chicago Spechai . , , ' 12:05 : nun 11:50 : PUt S Daily , e' Daily . exctlt Stimuiay. . ICANSAS CITV , hIT. JO- llurlirito aeplt & Council liluffs Itoh- road - ' 'The hlurlhngtomt lttttlto"-Thclcet Office , 1502 II elite F'mtrnmtn ; Street. Tebepltouto 230. Ielmt , Tenth nflil Slat- stilt Streets. Tolepitone 123. 1.eave. Arrive. bCansa a City Day Expresq . . . . . . . . . . 0 9:05 : am 5:40 : itni ] Cnitsns CIty Night b'xpresq . . . . . . . . . . . ' 10:00 : imtt ' 6:30 : am ' Dolls' , I0Uflh1NGToN & 5115- BurIinfon souni RIver ltnllroad-"l'ho I I Burlington ltoutut"-cjeit- I t'rttl Olllces N.V. . Route ] Tenth muumtl Faritam Streets. I Tlckt 0111cc , 1502 Fztriiarn Street 'I'elelhioute 250. Dc. pot , Toiitii amid Slasumi Streets , Telephone 128. Leave. Arrive. Lincoln. h1nsting anti MCCOIk S S:13 : am 9:35 : nun Liucohiu , , Denvea' , Colornlo , Utah , California , 1llak lUlls , Sluittitlia & Puiget Sound ' -1:33 : pm 4:05 : pm Lincoln Isiriil ' . 7Ot : ) Itilt " 7:40 : imtm Liutcoln Fast Stall , ' 2:53 : mutt " 11:40 : aunt Deitver , Coloritdo , Utah , Cnhifrnia and Puget Sound li:55 : pm ' 11:55 : I'm 'Daily , "D.uhly except Sumiday. 11241024 PACIFIC " - "TIIl'i Ovenlamiti btouttf'-eneral ; Of- lices , N. 'IV. Center NIatim antI . Fnnuiitrtt Streets. City Ticket . 0i1'ce , 1001 l"aniiiat Street , , . , Teleithomie 216. Depot , Teuitit ' , , , " and Mason Streets. Telehoito 629. Leave. Arrive , "The Overland Limite,1" , for 1)eui- s'or , Salt Lake , and ss'estern h'ts. , 8:50 : urn 4:45 : via The Colorado SIte- cml , ( em' Denver & all Colorado p'ts. ' 11:55 pm ' 6:40 : a m Faist Stahl Traii , for Salt Lake , I'acific coast itnti all Western lioltith , . . 4:35 : pm 6:10 : ant Lincoln , Beatrice & Stroznsburg Ex. . " 5:00 : i'm " 12:20 : pm I"remont , Colum. bus , Norfolk , ( Ir'd Isittitti & Flearney S 4:35 : urn " 12:20 : pm Grand Island lOx , , , ' 6:00 : iun " 12:20 : lum ' Daily. " Daily except Sunday. South , Omaha Locql l'ass.-Lenves , 6:15 : a. at. ; 7:00 : a , at. ; 9:15 it. m. ; 3:11) : ) p. at. Arrives - rives , 10:15 : a. m. ; 3:30 : 1) . mit. ; 6:00 : p. m. Council Bluffs Locah-Leas'e , , 11:55 a. m. ; 6:50 : a. itt. ; 7:40 it. imi. ; 8:40 : it. in. ; l0lU : it. in. ; 2:15 : l. fli. ; 4 :35 : I' . m. ; 5:5.5 : p. imt.S:20 ; p. itt. ; 10:66 : It. ifl. . Arrives , 6:35 : a. in. ; 7:20 : it. in. ; 8:15 : a. in. : 11 :30 : a , ci. ; 3 :10 : p. ut. 5:40 : p. ci. ; 6:30 : m. : 9:05 : p. ut. ; 10:45 : p. m. CIIICAUO , ROCK ISLAND - , & I'acltlc Raliroaii-"rhte Great Itock island ltoutt" . ( it3' Ticket Otilce , 1323 , I'nrnam Street. 'relepitone 403 Depot , Tenth anti . , - - Masomi Streets. 'reloitliouic ' ' - - - - ' 'ki. ; 1.eavo. Arrive. liocky Mouittain Limalteti , cost . . . 1:30 : nun 1:25 : nat Rocky Monittairt I.hinitetl. wt'4t . . . 5:20 : ant 5:15 : ant Chicago & St. Paul Veatibnled 11 x - press . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5:00 : pm 1:25 : via LIncoln , Coioraiho Sln'ings , l'imebio , Denvem' amid sset ' 1:30 : Pin ' 4:25 : Ililt Chicago , De Stoliteut & Rock bmtiautd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' 7:00 : pm ' 1l:2 : am Atlantic Exuress , for Des Moines mtnd eastemmi points " 7:00 : ant " 8:50 : vm Colorado Flyer . . . . . " 7:09 : ) flI " 8:50 : urn Daily. ' . ' Dully except unda' . W A. 11 A S H RAILROAD- Ticket Ohilce , 1415 1"armtaun Street. Telephoite 392. Depot . 'rcmithi and Mason Streets. Telephone 126. Leave , Arrive. St. L ouul "Canon Ball ' Express. . . . , ' 4:30 : pin h1:30 : am Dully. SiOUx CITY & PACIFIC , Rallroatl-Genernl ( ) llhccu , Utilted Stutca Natlouial , Ihtilik bluiidiiig S.V. . Corner - nor Tuvoifth amid Faritam Street Ticket 0(11cc , 1101 t"&inmmjm Street. 'l'elephono st1. ; Depot , 15th timid 'I\'ebatcr Streets , 'h'clephoitc 1433. Leave , Arrive. SIoux City , Sian- kato , St. Paul , Minneapolis . . . . . . 5:53 : pm 8:20 : am . Daily. (2IIICAOO & NOI1TIIWEST- , crc Railway-CIty Ticket , ( ) tflce. 1401 l"arimam Shoot. 'I'clepiione , 561. Depot , 'loath autO SIaon Streets. 'l'eicphionc , 629. Leave Arrive. DaylIght Chicago tiverial . . . . . . . . . . . . ' 6:40 : am ' 11:50 : pun SIc. Vn'i1u9' , liio'i Mlutuieapohiut S 5:53 : am ' 10:45 : pm Cit ) ' , St. l'aul & 510. 'I'niloy , Sioux City . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7:40 : am 0:05 : pm renutlson ) , Carroll , \lTmtli I.nke auth CoumtcIl Ill.fs . . . ' 8:40 : am ' 3:13 : am Eastern lIx. , Dcii Moines , Marshall. town , Cedar Rap- lOut and Chicago. " 10:30 : am 4:31 : pm AtlantIc Fl'ei ' Chi. outgo mind Ea'uit. , , , ' 4:45 : pm 4:33 : urn Faiit Mmiii , Chicago to Omaha I 310 ; pm Mo. Valley , SIoux City , St. Paul itnil Mlnoeapohlti Lim'd ' 4:35 : pm 8:50 : am OniChicago Si'e- clal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' 0:45 : pm 8:50 : am ' Daily. ' DaIly except Sunday. bR16MONT , I4IiChIObtN & , MIssouri Valley Railway- Ucuinral Ohllces , United . States Nntioimal Baitlc IIltIii , Southwest Corner 'i'wolft i and Fariiam Streets. 'l'lchcet Offictt 1401 Farnamn Street. 'rtuieplaoute , 561. liopet ! , Fifteuitth a ad'I'ebstcr Streets. Telephone , 3,458. Leave. rnivo. hlluck 111111 , Deadwood - wood , blot Spri'gii 3:00 : inn 5:00 : um Wytiinliig , Casper anal iotlgltltt . . . . . . " 3:00 : vm " ' 6O0 ; pm himistiiigs , York , Dim- -vial City , Superior , ( Jeneymi , Exeter & Sewiird . . . . . . . . . . . . ' 3:00 : jim ' 5:00 : pm Norfolk , 'IV. i'oint itiiii Fremouit , . , . . " 7:50 : am 10:25 : am Lincolmt , W'uhoo & irremflont . . . . . . . . . . 7:50 : am " 10:25 : am Fremnont Local . , , , " 7:50 : nun S Daily. ' 1)utily except Sunday. " Bun. alay only. " Daily except Saturday. ' , e. Daily exceit Slomtday , C1IICA0O , ST. PAUL. , 51124. , nenpolus & Omaha Ruhlway -Ociacral Olihees , Nebraska' ' Ilvhiiioit , Fiftoemitit nuid Webster Streets. City Ticket 0111cc. 1401 lrurutamn Street. Talc- iihtomw. 561. Depot , Fifteenth amid Webster Strtuotis. ' .L'UlOilhiOmiO , 1,458.Leave. Leave. Arrive. Sioux CIty Accom , , " 3:50 : mini ' 8:20 : pm lOilUx City Acconi , , " ' 9:80 : urn " 8:20 : pm Blair , l4materaon , SIoux CIty , l'onca Ilartinatoim umiii liiouintlchil . . . . . . . . . 1:00 : pm 1iOS : am Slot City , Sittlu- ka ' , lit. Paul & MIllfltUtISlhil . , , . ' ' 5:55 : pun 8:20 : nun Emoersoim i'asseuiger 5:10 : cmii " 8:45 : am Daily. " 1)511) ' except hunday. ' ' Sun. da ) ' ulil ) ' . ' " This Ira it atolls itt stntiomtii Fioremmee to South bilair , imtrlusive , Hun- , days only ; on week days , South Blair ormly , It tIl.W.t $ ' 1'lStlI t tIlD , . - - - - - - - - ' a OMAhA & S'l' . I't 15 1'Il l D'iflT . rnal--omutahin , l , , , ' 1 , I - I'1uustern ltitilrn.t ' , AU1l'Vfl Artitur ltotite' k 'ii RQIET.L I 'tua , smiutout lltrcets. Telephmont' , lls % . 'Irnt ! I 5t , l.ouis C'ztimiic'n . ( Ball hlxpreas , . , . , 1:33 : 11111 ' liuttn City & Qiuiney Local . . , , 7:10 : ant n tm S DaIly. ! .tl.La ? dIliSOtfltl l'ACIFit i . - roadOonenuul tip , , , ' TIeet 0111cc , Siiii a , , ncr Hilt cud lotu4l.o 5 I . I Telephone , 301. 11 , p i p ntttl 'IVetister Sts Ttt , 1138. Ledt'e. 'I lCnnsas and Neti. l.lntltcti , . , , . . , , , . 3:05 : POt 'II s ) Iatiitui CIty & St. l.otiIs hpres , , , ' 9:30 : PitI ' 6 it Nebriutika l.tiiuI , . , ' ' 1 :30 : int ' ' ii . Dully , ' bnily except Sumitla' lllCA(1O S1hl.'I'I'AUIi m tIle4 St. 1'atl htnllwity ' 11 0 ' ' _ 'l'icknt 0111cc' , 1501 i"aroa , , , iuIlWAY/i'Ef . Itreet , 'i'eleplmiie 261 1) . ' ' . st/ . 'renthi Itilil Mnon Sic' ' 0 , . . Telr'l'ilone , 629 p. l.eavo , Atr o Chicago Lintited ExPress . . . . . . . . . . . 5l45 pin S 20 am Omitha & ChIcago 14Xlti'CN . , , , , . . . . . . , , , " 11 :00 : ant "I 13 i'm SIoux City and Des Sinines F3xlrest , , , . , . 'll :00 : nut "I IS l'iuL. ' . . 'Daily. "Daily except Stiiittity. - NOTICES OF NEtIYRALII 'l'hint of 'ett''li * ( , misisIt'rt'il l'nr. ticimla rI ' Iiiipoi'lnit at the l'L'CNL'llt 'I'iiaiui , WAS ! Ii NOTON , Slay 25-Time consular cc- Ports gIve notice of tite declaratIon of uictttralhty by live countries , ittiisia , 0 reece , Veutezuela , thai Nctiiimnla muil mmii Grout Ilrhtaln. Particular itm. Portance attaches to the declaration by Venezuela , because its lioi'ts wouhti be of great vitltio to the Spanish , as ul' of refuge and as Itossiblo coal supplies in the event a declaration of neutrality vero with. liehil , The notice Is dated Caracas , April 29. 'l'lie ntinhmtter for foreign affairs took occiuslout to net on the day tuuoit , whulcJu hm. svas miotilieti by Mimtlster LoomIs that ttto UnIted litmites limO declared war , The imotillcatloui (1005 itoh go Into details as to time rules of uiet".rnllty to be npplietl by Veimozucla , nor deal wIth the questIon as to sviether coal Is to be coiutrabauid or not , but expressed Venezuela's positIon iii tbu omie micitteimee ; "The republic will Preserve ' tIme strictest neutrality during the contest. " The Dutch procinittation of uteutrality , in ndtlltiouu to the usual forms , cautious mull cithacits of the Netimerlanils froiti ltecouniitg in any way iimvclscd iii privateoning tm"t ngaimtst acceptance of fom't'hgit privatecrlP ' eltips' paers , tuutder Peitnlty of ltrosecuitlomi , This provisiout ittay ho of value to the United States lii tie evemtt that Spnium should resort to the isstio of letters of ntarquue. Thu 551110 cItizens are also enjoimieti to respect the blockades. Touching the coal supply , - tue Dutch regulatiomi is that thIs shall ho SUIllentclted , only to time exteit iuecessmtry to pornit Ohio Shill , to reach the uenrest 11010 of the country to which It beloigut or tlmat of omte of Its allies lit the sear. hiehligereuts ore forbIdden to brIng Prizes into tue Netbenlaiids seaters. Tlio Ottiumudiutim is in tue snuno ternts as that of Great flnituhm except as to the prcanbie. The Russian stmttemnemit is about as fob. lows : The disagreemimetits whucli have recently nu'isemt betweemm Sitain amid the Umiitctl States of Aaenlca have ittdticctl the ittolerial guy- oruuuncutt to seek , In concert with the other luowers , sonic ntcuiis wlticlt uumhght prevent an crated couiihlct hautweomi these two cotuittnics. Ummhapplly , our fm'leniiiy mneastini's are svitlmoumt uesimlts nuil a state of war utow exIsts betwecit Spain amid tIme United States. It is toiti , keen regret that time imperIal got'- cnmimnoitt tt'ititcsscs an armed comiflhet be- tweemi two states to whIch It is alitlted by oiti friendship amid deep syiiiiatlm. It is flrunly resoirci , to observe with rcgam'd to these two hell lgerents a 1)crfoct anti liii- Itartial umouitrmulity. 'l'iie Urecinum declaration is couttalmetl In a line statimig that time strictest neutrality still bo nmaintplmmed. CERVRA COULD NOT GET COAL Itemisoit Asslgiit'df.iA1aimitloiihma fit. l'rotoscd hlaiilmirtl audit of Coast Cilia's , NEW YORK , May 25.-A special to the World ( room Quebec says : Senor I'olo , before sailing front Quebec for Europe , coimtldod tea a friend time original Iuitemitloims of AtlmiIral Cervern's squadmon. It aplicorti that the Samthsii fleet , being acknowletlgcil unabitu to ' 1 umioet the Aumuericami vessels , was to avoid it and cause all tite damage it could ho tiio /umtiorhcnmi coast. Auoozig other Itinces to lie boitihardeti was Portlantl , auntl nit itttenpt wits to be lilatlo to blow up a itowulor jul11 near that hiltiCO. Senor l'olo uccecibeil iii imialmhmag satisfactory arramigememits for the coaihig of tue 1iet , hilt. the agreemmuent was broken , owing to Aunerheami inlltitmuucit iii tlto coal concern , amid the news of thIs fact tlrovc tim Spamlarhs , ft ooo their orIgInal intonthon of touchilmig at Calie linoleum , anal uiiado thicimi take refuge at Santiago tIe Cuba. Sluice ' ' ' . thou the Sr'niiislm ' fleet hues left on Its Jour- ule ) ' 10 Cailiz. Spain's tactics uutme to trust to ( ever , General Blanco's soldiers nflil the terrible UXI'OiiSC tinily huaciii'rcd by the Anter- Icaim governunemit , cmiii It trIll uiot i'hsk a 'relL'tihiofl ) of the itlamilla duatastt'r. "lii the U" tall , " the late antliatisnilor ulii , "Spain still ahianilon Cuba , after hayIng unathe Its cunumity pay dearly tom' Its victory. " LlItt.'lOS COINAIIIC OF SP4IiNIlt.iCfl ( , Semiutr St'ivcrt Olmki'i a Sp'c'Ii a * 'tYutu' Jit'i'eumut' hill I. WASHINGTON , May 25.-At 11 o'clock thiiit mnormiiiig tito senate coutvt'lteil , an hour earlier tlrnmt usual , to resume Its discus- slon of the war rcveuiue niciuture , Scarcely a dozen senators were present. Mr. lisle ( Me , ) reported an mipproprimitloa bill to supply doilci uncles I mm hioflfllOui $ autil for other Iiurhosea. As reporteil the bIll carries $8,498,405 , of whIch 8,07S,872 in for itensions end the balance for tito mtrmny , envy ammil courts , After a brIef ( lIBetlittihOn ( if the feature of hits measure which itlutkcti liOS- a siiiie the temnponutry npvoliitmmtents of clerks without civil service exauninatloim , it was liassetl. A joInt resolutloim was adopted directIng time seeretumIT of war to reliorl hi ) congress plans for ( Ito lmiiitrovemuieimt of Tampa bay , FlorIda , After this transaction of considerable niornhmig bualmiess , coiishtleruitlon of tln war roventuo mt'uuturo was reittiimmeal , Mr. Stewart ( Nov. ) takIng the floor. Mr. Stewart saId his Itroposeil to address himself partIcularly to those iiaragrai'hs of the bIll wtulc' hiroyliled for the coInage of time itilycu selgimloritga antI time Issue ot legal tenmhcr imotes. lie 110111 that the amount of mnoiiey vroduceii frommi taxation under the bIll suoulul depend largohy upoim the l'ollCY adopted relittivo to tite issue of iuuuro money nail tue Issue of tionils. lIe bc'lloveil that wIth tin Issue of homitia it would requIre largely more taxatIon to Itrotluce a given sumn timami It would without an issued bonds. .li. ( ) % 'lt'Cs ( OlnI in gin Eslale , SAN FIIANC1SCO , May 25-This Call says : On February 25 of thIs year Michael ness dletl In thIs city anti ( ho wouminia WllO for thirty.livo yt'ars had been liii wile took out letters of ailuuilnhstmntloui on his estate , " Shortly afterward the SheiLa wife , tslio ( or ( orty-seveum years miii believed bier buitbammd would return to hIs native town , vut lit liar claim to thto ( 'litatti throughm lion attorneys. For the first ( line vacim trIte learmicil of the other amid It rriuimtlmiit for the Jaw to dircuitaglo the knots shuIeh ( ioss tied with 20 uimuch fineness , Neither doubted the husband's hioucitty.