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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 25, 1898)
NEWS OF INTEREST FROM IQWA. COUNCIL BLUFFS. MB.NTIOX. Try Moore'/l stock food. Call at Tho'Bec office for Cuban maps , lOc each * - , - in. , A. 0. Miulg'e , the dentist , from 319 to 233 Broadway. A' ca o of ecarlet fever was reported yes terday at 776'Madison avenue. The Brans laundry Is the lender In fine work both for color and finish. C'20 Pearl street. I'hone 230. Dim Farrell , who ban been visiting here for a few iays ] , returned to his home In Lake City , Col. , yesterday. Secretary F. N. Chns of the Iowa Ex position commission returned yesterday Horn u short visit to his home In Cedar Falls. Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Came announce the marriage of their , daughter Klolso to Al bert J. Faul , thti wedding to take place June 1. With a Bee coupon and 23 cents you secure the ofTlclnl photographs of the United States navy at the Council Bluffs office of The Bee. With n Bee coupon and 25 cents you ran rccurn thr official photographs of the L'nltrd ' BtatCH t.nvy at the Council Uluffd alllco of Thu lice. Don't you think It must be a pretty good laundry that can please so mnny hundreds of customers ? Well's the "Eagle , " 724 Broadway , Dr. 0. W. Gordon of this city has been ck-cttd to lecture on "Cllnatology" at the annual meeting at the American associa tion of Physicians nnd Surgeons to bo held In Chicago June 1. The entertainment for the benefit of the Dodg3 light guard at Handp's hall this even ing promises to be a delightful affair. * 'i Interesting program , Including dancing , has been arranged. Tickets 25 cents , Henry McArdlc , cUarged with assault by Louis Knst , had a hearing before Justice Burke yesterday nnd was discharged , the * evidence showing that a mere technical as- fault had been committed and no Injury In flicted on ICost. Andrew Trnynor , general baggage agent nt the Union Pacific transfer , has Issued n call for the annual convention of the American association of general baggage agents to bo held at Detroit , Mich. , July 20. Mr. Traynor Is president of the asso ciation. The High school athletic team will leave thl.s morning for Kcokuk on the Rock Isl and "Jlyer" Instead of over the Burlington as first at ranged. They will be accompanied by Alexis Warren , Fred Berry and Ted Barclay of the Sioux City High school tram. Ilnny K. Smith will also go along. The fcilthil authorities yesterday Invtsll- gatcd the circumstances nttcndlm ; the ar rest of Andrew J. Hardy , the man who at tempted to pass a confederate bill on Pawn broker Snyder Monday nlglit , nnd decided that he was not amenable under the federal statutes. "Hardy , If prosecuted nt all , will be charged under the state law with at tempting to obtain money under false pre tenses. Prof. J. C. Hlsoy , superintendent of the city fceliools , has been requested to act on the commlttcec of judges of thu papers which have been sent In to the Bureau of Education .of the Transmlsslsslppl Exposi tion under the competition in history. I'rof. Culihvdl of the Lincoln University is mati of the committee , the other member belnc Miss Villa Shlppy of the Otnuha High Bclicol C. B. Vlavl Co. , female remedy ; consulta tion free. Office hours , 0 to 12 nnd 2 to 5. Health book furnished. 325-327-323 Mer- rlam block. Money to loan on city propel ty. Klnne. N. Y. Plumbing company. Tel. 250. FOR SALE Good second-hand bicycle at ft bargain. Cell at The Bee offlje , Council Bluffs. Court Note * . The Jury-In the district court before which was tried the case of John Krlgger , charged with the malicious destruction of a fence at Courtland Beach , after being out all night brought In a verdict yesterday morning ac quitting the defendant. Rev. L. Roche commenced suit against J. J. Brown nnd wife to recover on two promissory notes for $600 each , dated Octo ber 18 , 1894 and October 29 , 1895 , which he alleges are duo and unpaid. In the matter of the estate of Elizabeth Kcmpstcr , deceased , the final report of the administrator was approved and he was dis charged nnd his bond exonerated. The ad ministratrix of the estate of the late G. H. Cust also filed her final report , which was approved nnd she was discharged. "In the superior court yeseterday Judge Aylesworth held a brief session In the morn ing. In the case of Henry Myer against Elizabeth Nailer and others a decree quietIng - Ing title to plaintiff as prayed. In the cases of Sidney Gage against Jacob Stein et al and the Belknap Savings bank against A. M. Stevenson ct al , judgments were cntert by default for the amount of the notes sued on. Irving hotel , 2709 B'd'y ; rates , fl.GO. Girl WniKrd. Girl for general housework. Apply at 400 Oakland avenue. Cordwood for sale cheap. Address W. F. , Dee office , Council Bluffs. Iloilgc LlKlit ( innrilH Ilejcotcit. A telegram was received here yesterday morning from DCS Molnes announcing that the following .members of the Dodge Light Guards had failed to pass the physical ex amination and bad been rejected for svr- vlcq : Sergeant Paul Van Order , Corporal S. C. Amlerton , Privates Grout , Hoist , Weaver , Fuller , Flaharty , Hardcgan , Young , Doj j | laney , Danlelson , Beylund , Carter and Mecham , DanlcUon and Beylund were two of the recruits taken to Des Molnes last Sunday by Adjutant Compton. Lieutenant John Moore and Privates War ren Dallcy , Harry Sackctt , Dick Ruther ford and D. Tucker of the Guards arrived In the city yesterday morning on a forty- eight hour furlough. Storage , Wlnn & Kontgmachcr , 330 Bwy. Hoffniayr's fancy patent Hour makes the best and most bread. Ask your grocer for It. MnrrlnKU I.IOI-IIMI-H. Name nnd .Address. . Age. Boymour Wulluce , Council BlulTs . 17 ! Mnmlo Walton , Council UlurTtf . 21 C. L. CnrsH nt < en. Council Bluffs . 21 I'hcmlii Ailuins , Grescnt , lu . 19 J. C. Peterson , Onmlm . . . . . 22 Ellennoro Jennen , Omaha . is Berry Boxes. Younkcrman Co. , 102 Bwy. Map of Cuba , West Indies and the World at The Boo office , lOc each. llonl Ijntiite TrniiHfrrit. The following transfers were filed yester day In the title , abstract nnd loan office of J. W. Squirm. 101 Pearl street : BhorlfT to WIIMnm T. Kdwnrds , lot 14 , block 4 , Street's add , H il . $ 447 BherlfT to William T. Edwards , . lot 14 , block 17. Mill add. s cl . 3.9S2 Thomas II. Broughton nnd wife to Nettle 13. Kite. nwM nett 9-77-38. w it. 2,000 IMrH of Fred Lrntzlngur to Carl H. O. VoKcler , sH of lot 10 , block 3 , Jackson's nilil , w il. . . . 1,600 Cora S. Woolley to'O. G. Halnl. e 50 feet of lot 9 , block 3 , Grimes' add , nnil u 50 feet of sV , of lot 2 , block 1 , Hull's nililW l..i.V. . 1 John Van Kirk and wife ct nl to Louisa Campbell , lot 10 , block 2 , Wll- BOH'H Terracu ; lot 4 , block 4 , and lot 11 , block 1 , Muyne'H add , -a ml lot 3 , block 7 , Mullln'a aulxllv. w d . 6.C30 Charles Howard OouRlrtHS to Jacob KlmH , undlv 1-7 of oV4 swU 6 , w < 4 nwVi . nH no 10. W/4 II. eU neti 22 , nwU nH uwVi and owti wU 23-74.41 : ncVi nnd eH mvVi ,7-75-41 ; and wi ! e > 4 11-7C-41 , i | Q d. , Beven 'tfanif ers , toUJ ' HE HAD ANOTHER MAN'S ' WIFE M. H. Frcy of Lincoln Now in the Pottawnttamie County Jail , WRONGED HUSBAND BREAKS UP THE SNAP I ) . n. Vonnrr of Enitlr , . ! > . . PliiiU IIIK Life In rounull Ul u IT. . Some six weeks ago M. H. Frcy , the son of a wealthy florist of Lincoln , Nob. , pur chased the Interest of City Treasurer Brooks Reed In the firm of McPhcrsoii & Reed , florists. A few .Jays after locating here he engaged rooms and board for him- coif and wife at n boarding house on Wash ington a\cnuc , where he was joined by a handsome and stylish nppcnrlng young woman whom he Introduced ns Mrs. Frey. The couple seemed extremely affectionate and nero seldom seen apart , the young woman accompanying Frey to and from bis plncu of business each day , and no one had the slightest suspicion they were not what they claimed to be. Developments yesterday disclosed the fact that the young woman Is Mrs. Luclnda Vrnner , wife of D. E. Venner , n grocer of Englc , Neb. Frcy and Mrs , Venner were arrested at an early hour at their boarding house on nn Information filed by Venner , charging them with adultery. Venner arrived hero Monday night and accompanied Detective Weir and Captain Denny to the house where the arrest was made. Frcy refused to admit the officers and Weir was forecd to break In the door. Frey drew a revolver but was disarmed be fore he had time to use It. They were taken to the city Jail and later committed to the county jail In default of , bonds , which were fixed by Justice Vlen at $500 each. Frey expects to be able to furnish a bond , having telegraphed to his father In Lin coln to furnish the security. He has also secured the services of an attorney from Lincoln , who arrived yesterday afternoon. Frcy has a wife living In Lincoln but claims to have been divorced. If such Is no the case ho cannot , under the Iowa statutes , be held upon the Information of Venner , arid n telegram has been sent to Mrs. Frey asking her to come here nnd file an Information. According to Venner's story , he has been camping on Frey's trail ever since last December. On December 16 Venner placed his wife on board the train at Lincoln to visit her relatives in Muscatlne , In. A few- days later he heard she had gone oft with another man. He finally traced her to Council Bluffs , her arrest and that or Frey following. Miss Leper has purchased a League blcy- clo from Cole & Cole. IIOAHU OF K11UCATION MEETING. June 1 to lip n Holiday on Account of th . At the special meeting of the Board of Education last night It was decided to make Wednesday , June 1. a holiday among the city schools In order to afford the pupils nnd teachers an opportunity to attend the open ing of the Transmlsslsslppl Exposition. The superintendent brought before the meeting the matter of making an exhibit of the school work at the exposition and made several suggestions as to the matter in which It should bo made If it was decided to do so. Principal Hayden stated that the pupils and teachers were ambitious that an exhibit of the work In the different branches at the High school bo made. After con siderable discussion the matter was referred to the committees on teachers and finance together with the president of the board. These committees are to ascertain the prob able cost of making an exhibit. In which building the exhibit can be made at the least cost and to report to the board at an early date. On motion of Member Cooper It was de cided to stop the printing of the annual report ordered by the old board until the new course of study Is arranged and then only to print such portions as the board may approve. The contract for printing the report was let by the old board to a local firm. Member Cooper , In defense of his po sition , stated that ho did not believe the law contemplated boards of education printIng - Ing annual reports at a big expense to the taxpayers. Heretofore It has been cus ; tomary for the report to bo printed every three years , and1 of the last one some 5,000 copies were printed. The matter of the sidewalks In front of the old Pierce Street nnd Eighth Avenue schools , ordered laid by the city council , was referred to Chairman .Henry of the commit tee on buildings with power to act. A resolution was passed that no teacher should draw her pay for the last five weeks of schools until she had completed her work and received a certificate to that effect from the superintendent. The matter of prescribing a course of study for the new school year , which the law requires the board to do , was referred to the committee on teachers and course of study , with Instructions to report to the board at a meeting to be called by them when ready. The authority granted Superintendent Hlscy at the previous meeting to employ a stenographer was rescinded on motion of Member Cooper that the stenographer's services bo dispensed with. Several bills left over from the regular meeting were ordered paid , but one for $3.50 for a cord of wood was referred to Member Spruit , he having ordered It. The board has a contract with Spencer Smith to supply wood nt $2.75 a cord. For tltc .Solillrrx. The following program will be rendered at the entertainment to bo given tonight nt Hnndo's hall under the auspices of the Coun cil Bluffs Woman's Sanitary Relief commis sion for the benefit of the Dodge Light Guards : Vaudeville . t . Selection . Apollo club Peasant Dance . . Misses McMillan and Stcphan SOUK . , . Mr. C. M. Trephagenj Hec-ltntlon. . . , , , . Mrs , S. M. Perkins I j SOUK nnil Dance . Miss Francis McMillan j 1 Piano Solo . Miss McCnbo A Dress Rehearsal ( a musical burlesque ) Uy the MlnHCH ICdyth Thomnti , Grace Barr , /ou Hill , Llda MvFnilden , Clnlr Troutmnn. Nina Klntncr , Mao Wlnte. Madge Hoi- lunbook , Margaret McBrlde. Kdna Uon- hnm , Hnttlo and JU-rtlm Worley ; Miss JinlBoii , nccomimnlHi , The Apollo club will play between acts. South O in a ha Me ii Under Arreit. Albert Blaesc and Frank Cartwrlght , two young men claiming to bo South Omaha packing house employes , were arrested yes terday morning on the charge of disturb ing the peace. Blaeso was evidently on the war path for Spaniards or Indians , as he ( was found to have two revolvers In his possession. They got Into a quarrel with the Inmates of a house on Second avenue and Eighteenth street. Schoul Teacher lit Trouble. Charles L. Campbell was arrested yester day afternoon on an Information filed be fore Justice Vlen byJoseph Wade of Gar ner township , charging Campbell with e- duclng his IS-yenr-old daughter , Nuncy Wadp. Cnmpbcll In A ) oung ninrrlnl man with to children nnd until A couple of months ago taught school In ( lurncr tomi- stilp. The girl was one of his pupils. Camp- toll , who U now a resident of Council Bluff * , stoutly dcnlm the charge. F ! < Mt < * rn for llecornllon lnr. Colonel K. R Fonda , chairman of the com mit tro of nrraogrment.i of Abe Lincoln post , Grand Army of the Republic , for Decoration dny wlnhes thnt everyone willing to ilunnto flowers or cvcrgrvens ohmtld bring them to the sloro building nt 407 llnmilnny , which h.i been placed nt the disposal of the com mittee on Saturday or Monday forenoon. It those who cannot bring them " 111 notify the committee It will call for them , The col lection of How ens Is In charge of the Wo men's Relief corps and Rev. Henry DeLotig nnd the children of his Industrial school. Iron-clad potatoes , the best , 70 cents per bushel. Bartcl & Miller. Axxiiiilted liy MnNked Men. CEDAR RAPIDS , In. , May 24. ( Special Telegram. ) While returning home tilonc last night , and while in n lonely portion of town , Miss Mac Bailey , a'promlnent young \\oman of Marlon , was seized by tno men who wore masks. They drew daggers' and threatened to take her life if she made an outcry. They took her pockctbook and money , but after dragging her along the street for some distance they handed her money back nnd started Into an alley , evi dently with the Intention of assaulting her. After they had taken her Into the alley one of the fellons went back to the street to watch and the girl broke away Irom the other and made her escape. Thcro Is no cfue to the identity of the men. Fn n ! Acc'ldml ( o It ill I road Man. NORTHWOOD , la. , May 24. ( Special. ) James Davey , the section boss on a division of the Burlington , Cedar Rapids & North ern track at this place , was killed Saturday morning. Ho and the section men went into some box cars to get out of the storm. The storm abated. Davey took a tricycle and went up the track to attend to some busi ness. It began to rain. Ho was riding with his back toward the train. The train was switching and ran , against the tricycle , throwing Davey off. The fall broke his neck. He has worked on this same road ever since he was 14 years old. Attempted Slllrlde. CEDAR RAPIDS , la. , May 24. ( Special Telegram. ) Frank Scdlncck , n Bohemian groceryman , living In the lower end of the city , attempted sulcldo this evening by shooting himself In the right lung. Ho was Intoxicated nt the time and U. is thought he cannot recover. Patrick O'Leary , representing nn en larging picture house , found Bertha Smith , n 11-year-old girl , at home alone today , and attempted to outrage her. He was fright ened away before he had accomplished his design. Ho was captured and Is now In the lockup. I * . , C. It. A : .V Annual. CEDAR RAPIDS , la. , May 24. ( Special Telegram. ) The annual meeting of the , Burlington , Cedar Rapid * & Northern rail way was held hero today. The retiring di rectors were re-elected and the following officers elected : Chairman of board , U. R. Cable ; president , C. J. Ivcs ; vice president , Robert Williams ; treasurer , II. II. Hollls- tcr. New York City ; general auditor , J. C. Broeksmlt ; secretary and general treasurer , S. S. Dorwart. The report of the president showed the road to be In splendid condition. Xoir Candidate for .Indue. OSKALOOSA , May 21 : ' ( Special. ) At the republican primaries held 'In ' this county : O. W. Lafferty of this city received a majority of votes over the present Incumbent , Ben McCoy , as Mahaska's choice for judge , be fore the coming judicial convention to be held In this city. The unofficial figures are Lafferty 97 , McCoy 44. Mr. Lafferty Is a prominent and old-time attorney here. An Iowa Mail ItllNiiliiir. OTTUMWA. la. , May 24. ( Special. ) Ell Smith , aged B8 years , a farmer residing four onlles south of Cotnpetlne , and who carries the mall from Competlne to Ottumwa and return , left his home May 17 , since which tlmo nothing has been heard of htm. The family fear ho has met with foul play. llllHlllPMN The contract has been let for a new school house In Clarion. Business men have raised $1CO to pay for five balloon ascensions In Corydon on five Saturdays. The scheme is to draw business to Corydon. The firm of Barker & Johnson , at Iri- dlfinola , has been dissolved , Mr. Barker re tiring from mercantile business after more than forty years. The advance guard of the cottage brigade at Spirit Lake Is coming In. A number of new buildings are In course of erection along the lake shores , and many better ments are noted. The assessor's books make a fine showing of the Increase In the wealth of Crawford county during the last year. The assessed value of personal property Is $793,874 , and the realty value $2,975,496 , or an actual gain of $1,239,105 over last year. A deal of considerable magnitude was made In Webster City by the transfer of the Rasmussen hardware and Implement busi ness , Invoicing at $14,120 , to W. C. Grant of Sibley , la. The busiriefcs haa been estab lished for the last twenty-five years. DEATH RECORD. Sidney fircetx Mrrrltt. SIDNEY , Neb. , May 24. ( Special Tele gram. ) General Wesley Merrltt and party passed through here tonight and received a grand ovation from the citizens. The depot platform was crowded. As the gov ernor general of Manila stepped off the cars , he was greeted by a number of old friends. He shook hands heartily and expressed great pleasure on his proposed trip and said ho would uphold the honor of his country until success attended his efforts. Ho was re joiced at the manifestation of the people of western Nebraska , with whom ho had spent many happy days years ago , when com manding the Fifth cavalry. As the train pulled out he was again greeted , with loud cheers for his success. Pnnl Trout. Paul Trout of Dubuque died at his home In that city Monday night. The deceancd was the general secretary of the , Iowa Coffin company , a director of the Omaha Casket company , president of the Colorado Casket company and vice president of the Dubuque Malting company , as well as being a direc tor of the German National bank of that city. M. Walpl , manager of the Omaha Casket company' has gone to attend the funeral. Mr. Trout was well known In Omaha , having been hero a great many times. His death was caused by abccss of the liver. J , It , FrrKU on , BEATRICE , Neb. , May 24. ( Special Tele gram. ) Information was received hero to night of the death In Chicago today of J. B. FergUEon. Ho was a well known rail road man of the state and was exceedingly popular. Ills last work was as commercial agent for the Union Pacific at this point. Death resulted from tuberculosis of the throat and neck. He was about forty years of age and leaves a widow and one. eon. * Maps of Cuba nt The Bee omco Omaha- Council Bluffs or South 'Omaha. Cut a coupon from page 2. Address Cuban map depU HE WANTS iMlR TO OMAHA 0 t ) 0 0 11 lown Man Would Ljte' { < b Join an Excursion Party o P Ustrians. MADE TRIP ON FOQT'.fORTY YEARS AGO Unite llrnitill of ' .Oi'li Moliim lleonlln IIIn Jouriioy lA' ' C < [ Uiii'll lllntTn In tSAS lne | H-nnt > r TrnvflltiK nnil it Nuiiilifr of InolilcntH. liS MOINES. May II. ( Special. ) One of the plonocrs of Iowa now living In DCS Mollies , linlc nnil liearly , Is Isaac Brandt , \ \ > ho wns postmaster of DCS Moltu-s under President MnrrUon nnd hns held many posi tions of responsibility hero nnd In the. state. Mr. Drnndt was n warm personal friend of , John Drown nnd ho loves to tell of the visits j tlmt fntnona abolitionist nmdc to him here j nt his home within a block of thu state j | capltol , where he still resides. Mr. Brandt I Is also famous as a walker and he says hu I would like to join a pedestrian excursion to Omaha and go over the route he traversed just forty years ago to Council Bluffs. Mr. Urnndt gives the following narrative of this journey : "Father Clarkson said nt one of our early settler picnics that It was hnrd for him to believe tlmt the distance to California nnd the Pacific const was as many miles as It Is taught us by our maps , remarking that ho had been to Pasadena , San Francisco and the National park , but that he had been carried there by railways , In easy and lux urious coaches , and whirled through the val leys and great plains by the powerful loco motives , that have almost annihilated space. But when I think of the distance between Maine and the btutc of Indiana I know what It means , for I drove n two-horse team the entire distance , and when I think of the dis tance from Urookvllle , Ind. , to Orundy county , lown , I know the distance , for I drove a mule tcnin from one place to the other , and know that the maps give the correct distance. "The spring of 1858 was very wet ; It rained by day , rained nt night and rained by the week. On the morning of May 24 I took my little gripsack nnd went over to the stage oftlce on Second street , near where Harbach's brick building Is now occupied by J. C. Cunningham as a poultry house , with the Intention of going to Council Blurts by stage. I asked Mr. Sears , the way bill clerk , the fare to the Bluffs. 'Fifteen dollars , ' was the prompt reply. 'When will the stage get there ? ' I asked. 'I don't know , ' he replied. I turned to A. T. Johnson , the business manager , asked him when he thought the stage would reach the Bluffs. He answered : 'I cannot toll ; the roads are very bad , nnd the sloughs are tcrj'blf | > . ' I asked Colonel E. F. Hooker , the general manager of the Great Western Stage company. He replied : 'I ' cannot say ; the roadslire ( bad nnd a great many of the brldgoaYnre gone. One cannot make any promises'/ ' } then asked Clerk Scars If the wayblff-wnls full. He replied that It was ; that If -wished .to go I could ride outside , on the $ ' ) > it'pr with the driver , but the fare was tho'-sime. ' I thanked him , and ducllned to entei ; . m' name as a passen ger , i "Some people think ithat conductors on railroads are Independent. If they had lived In the days of wayfy'illiand stage coaches ( they would know what ( dependence meant. Conductors of stage"coaches were monarchy over the traveling , j/uBllc ? ' Wfriililn'tltPny * Fare. "It was Important1 itiat I" should go to the Bluffs. Being no stranger to taking long journeys on foot , I took my little grip and bade goodbye. The first day I reached the Eagle house , near where Redfleld Is now located. The second day It rained most of the time , but I arrived at Dalraau- atha In time for supper. There were two Mormon elders there that night nnd they entertained mo very much with their views of the scriptures. The third day I took din ner at Squire Morrison's stage station and that evening I arrived at Lewis , then the county seat of Cass county. The fourth day I reached Reed's station at Big Grove , in Pottawattarale county. The fifth day I had a pleasant walk Into Council Bluffs , where I arrived about 3 o'clock p. m. "J remained In the Bluffs a few days. There were a great many Mormons at the Bluffs and still more up at Florence , a few miles above Omaha. One morning a large delegation of Mormon emigrants that had arrived In the Bluffs started to go to Flor ence by the way of Crescent City , a few miles north of the Bluffs. It was a motley crowd men , women and children but more women than men and a few old grand mothers ; they hod wagons , horses and hand carts , that were loaded and pulled by wo men and men. When the caravan was fully under way I appointed myself a reviewing officer. I walked up nearly to Crescent City and seated myself on the hillside to see them In a grand review. It was a sight , people trudging along with great bundles on their backs women with straps and ropes over their shoulders pulling carts loaded with their belongings. One old lady , quite gray , was trudging along with a cane. I asked her If It was hard work. 'Oh , no , sir , ' she said , 'It Is not. I hope by the grace of God to reach that promised land. These good people , when I get so tired that I can't walk , let mo ride once In awhile. No , no , It Is not hnrd work. I know by the grace of God I will reach the promised land , where Brlgham Young , our prophet , lives. ' I had heard about faith removing mountains. Here I had an ocular demonstration of an old , decrepit woman ascending Crescent Hill , apparently with case and grace. "Tho first day on my return I stayed at Reed's , at Big Grove , near where Oakland is located , second day I reached Squire Morri son's stage station. The third day I came to Dalmanatha and the fourth day to Squire Lanson's , In the western part of Dallas county , and from thfro. home on the fifth day. It mined everyday more or less ; the roads were almost .Imijassable for stage coaches and loaded wugons. "As I approached DosMolnes _ It was about dark when I rcacueiS thp point on the hill at the edge of the fyQu } near where 13. It. Clapp's fine residence 'now stands. I couM see nothing but water south over 'Coon river bottom. I came pji down to Market street and 'found SctfT'Mbrldge all right. I paid the toll gate mati T cent nnd crossed to the east , sldo of 4MrrIver. I couM not find any streets. It was all water. I itnl- lood for a skiff , but noklff came. I waded up to where I thought Walnut street ought to be and railed again for a skiff , but none came. It was quitentart. I waded out to ward John R. Thomas' blacksmith shop , where I thought I saw a light. I was then In water up to my waist. Having water above m and wattr all around rut , t was MtliflcJ that DC * Molnn * ouM some Jar be a prohibition lown. I callH loyJIy fi.r a ski ft. At last Ivl J , tt'tlls cirn < ? to fir rcscup. t nearly uptct the skiff In g * ' , nic Into It. but when Mfdy aboard br roifl me all around and UnilV < l in * nrar ? IM Dan Nelson's hotel now stands on 1/KUit street. 1 found my nlfe and t/ublf < fc'l ill , but they Mid It had Uen ialnlo ; cmy day since I left. "My total bill of Fip nitfi , Incluflli * ray lodging at the IlluRs , was I V.I * . TITO I nrlilrlif . " 1 had only two particular lnr | > t nf h l/- pen on tuy trip bsck. Uli.'ti I itiinv in mi unexpected creek In Car * cuutily I lii'lti' ) lb little bridge ROL.C. I hurito ) a nation | /l t t to throw my grip sack ncror * . tli'ii ln < > k 4 run nnd jump. I Inndtd In the mifi nn th snmc sKlc ns tny grip. When I UM IH pull out 1 tboUKht of tny dcrmaii Ytrmmrj fflwl and her baby. I met wild wore \nm\t\f. \ \ \ when 1 came to I'aiilhi-r rrn-k In OalUt county. The brMRij wn (50111- , I toijM mil throw my grip acrcnin , atid I could not n ltn It or jump It. Tin.litrrntji wait ; , ot > Mi- , but U was very full , I raw n man nn tli < < opposite filile. He wanted t ; ct wlii-tc I was , so I oiTurul to Undo NlriVx wllh him , Ho quoted scripture to inn. Hit teiild. ' wns 11 grral fjulf between ii , ' I could not deny It. There were hoim-a not far nwny on either nldc ; , I xUKKrutcd Hint each of UB l.ortow nn nx , find a riurrW placu In the creek iitid fell u trr < > or tree * to form a place where HC could 'crxin * It over on nil fount. The niigKi'ntloii * > . * fol lowed and two trcen fell with thulr top * together , makliiK u fnlr criiiiiilMK. V > ' < ! traded sldcH of the river. He look my borrowed - rowed ax home and 1 took liU. U'ii part'-d thankliiR each other und well nitlnn < .d with our exchange. "It has been forty yenrn nlrice I made that trip to the IllulfM. Many ilmtiK : < 'K hnvu taken plncu In our city , county nnd xtatn. llumlredu of our early nettlcM huvc pnxiii-d to the great beyond. Our public highway ; * linvc been entirely changed arid Improved. The ntago coach U a tliltiK of the poxt. The rallroada with their great throbbing englnca have nearly annihilated xpace. The blcyclcn have about outflanked horses. And the man with the balloon U nearly ready to vie In the atmosphere with the American eagle. Edison has made It possible for us to sit In our offices and converse with friends mnny miles away. It would seem foolish for persons with all these advantages and Improvements to do much walking. "But there Is to be n greut exhibition nt Omaha this Bummer , where there Is to bo a grand exhibit of all that Is good and grand In our western states. Should there be an excursion formed In DCS MaJncs to go to Omaha on foot 1 will be pleased to go with them. " TO CUItlC CO 1.1) I * U.M2 DAY Take Ixixatlve Drama QuUilne Tablets. All druggists refund the money If It falla to cure. 23c. The genuine has L. I ) . Q. on each tablet Cnlln Dciuoorntlc 8(11(0 Convention. INDIANAPOLIS. May 24. The official call for the democratic state convention has been Issued by Chairman Martin for June 12 The apportionment ot delegates Is one to every 200 votes , and one for every frac tion of 100 of the number of votes cast for Jclin B. Stall , presidential elector In 15 % . This will make 1,528 delegates. Arrt'Ht n Hook Swliullcr. ST. LOUIS , M"ay 24. Chief PostolHce Inspector specter Dice has procured a warrant for the arrest of ono Arnold , alias Lee , an alleged book swindler , upon evidence sworn to by Lon D. Adams , cx-vlce president of the National Bookmen club of this city. Author ities at Chicago today arrested a man named Cleveland C. Arnold , who Is thought to bo the same person. Health is Wealth , DR. B. C. WEST'S NERVE AND BRAIN TREATMENT > THE ORIGINAL. ALL OTHERS IMITATIONS , I. .oldunder positive Written Gaarantes. hy authorized agent * only , to car * Weak Memoir , Uizzinoss , Wakofulneei , Fits , Hrtterin , Quick. nM , Night Losies , Evil Dreams , Lack of Conti- cieuce , N.rrousneas , Lueaitado , all Drains , Youth ful Error. , or Excoesivo UFO of Tobacco , Upturn , or Liquor , which leads to Misery , Consumption , Inunity and Death. At ttore or by mail , (1 a box ; six for $5 ; with written kaarantee to care or refund money. Sample pack * age , containing fira days'treatment , with full Instructions , 25 cents. One aamplo only eold to each person. At store or by mail. Red Label Special , Extra Strength. For Impotoncy. Loss of. Power , Lost "Manhood. Sterility or Barrenness. ] jAl B boij eiz for (5. with 'written Kuaraatee ! to cure in 30 days. Atetoro w _ . i Myera Dillon Druir Co. , S , K. Corner lUtu and Fnriinin Sl . . Omaha. Neb. adway's Pills Purely veg liable , mild , ana ratable. Causa perfect Digestion , complete absorption , and healthy reirularlty. For tne cure of all disorders of the Stomach , Liver. llDwels , Kidneys , Bladder. Nervous Dlboasei. LOSS OF APPETITE , SICK HEADACHE , IXniOESTIOX , IIIL1UUSXESS , TOIIPID L1VEII. DYSPEPSIA. Observe the following bymptoms resulting from Diseases of the Digestive Organs : Consumption , Inward pllei ) , fullness oC blood In the head , acid ity cf the stomach , ntiu&eu , heartburn , disgust of food , fullness of u eight In the stomuch. sour eructatlonn , elnklng or fluttering of the heart , choking or ruflocc'.r. : tentatlonx when In a lying posture , dimness of vUlon , dots or wcba before the tight , finer und dull pain In the hejcl , den * cleniy of ptrsplrutlon , jellownets of the Kkln and eyes , iitln In the side , client or limbs and sudden HustiPs of hcut. buinlng In the tlrvh. A few do s of HAinVAVfl IUL.US nil ! fres the tyflcrn 01 u' : the above named dliordrrti. 1'rloe , 5 cent ? per bax , b'old by all druggists or rent by mall. Send to DH. : < ADWAY A CO. , Lock Dox 65. New York , fo" book of advf * . oTmnu DOCTORS Bearlea & Searles SPECIALISTS Onarsmtv * ta cure pecdllr eallr all KEJlVOHS , CIIROMO PniVATB disease * o lien and ntisxsu WEAK MEN SYPHILIS SEXUALLY. cured tor lit * . NUht Emissions , Lo t Manhood , Hr IrocsU. Verlcocsle. Gonorrhea , Oleet. Byph. lUa. Itrlcture. Piles. Fistula and Hecttl VnMn , Dlabstes. Drlfhft Dls s our.O. Consultation Free- Stricture and Gleetioat ! fcr ntw method without pain or cuttlnf. Gallon or addma with stamp. ky mail m. mm s SIARLII Drudri Rhtumatism.i i A WJtflKHPI I. lUSKKfir III * HKKX I 'oi M 'in f Hid > iv ; u ' % iL'i > . , WM * * / lrfft 44 V I Mr itfft , W > | f * i M * * M' 1 " ' ' * ' ' * until * < iffc f M * v < > iv fKft A'ft * * riit * . < v , 11.M ifM ///r ( b twTifAr t ttl H * 't'tifc i Jrt | ) Ml l | ' / / < / < t f tM [ H/i-w , tf.t * . $ ttn v t' , > v A'I STRICTURE CURED AT HOME. y ) , lit u ( < NO ii'il'tt > fl//XO llin rf M,4t * M > * MIf Jfff I tfi.l.lkKi'K / - / , > > ; < /5' r l.k Dimn * Hrmat. PCkUkMU PILLS OH(1 I mm * O.lf Cm.lne. trt. tj t/i r < l f4 . lADict u vltA tlM rtbboa , Take ' . , . Ib itimiff fof c ntciltrl , t Um elkU tai " Ifclltf f.r L dtr , " l Ittttr. VT r Uni Mull , I ( I.OOO Tr ln > ml > U ffta Ttrir. . < * r tU locu tr SPECIAL NOTICES COUNCIL BLUFFS WANTS * D\Vn.'L.LINOS , FRUI'i , "ATCta AND Unda for iM * or rent. Uty A lien , i * Pearl tr t. \y ! > > > i mi fray. J'Ur itu4 i > 'I * " Mi'tl ' riM ( y iiwiuu , can U/JI what uf'4 UiVUt f k-Jllt 8 'JUl-ttiOU M * ' it K datUiriOQ M-nJ for question i , k ; > < / ) iur tri'-ii. No. X fur women. AJ cvM - , { nGVi > o ttrivUj confidential. bj- Addtx-fg nil letters to G. W. PANGLE , M. D. , CCS Ilroudwuy , COUNCIL IH.IUTS , IA l3 * Scnd 2-cvnt ctntno fcs rrnlv. Gas and Gasoline Engines. I to 100 Horse Power. Call or us or write for price * ami DAVID IIUUH.KY & CO. , Council llliifT * , IOTI-O. ' * ' " _ i WOODBURY'S-- WEAK MEN CURED SYPHILIS OR AND BROUGHT TO PERFECT . BAD BLOOD. by our lull trrf.ment of Turkish U limits for KM. KlRht Lot'tt , Pay Lorwn , Xti-re I Uruiitlniu cared , bjr Turkltli . I \ I I orllmlntroubl Syphilis flare norrr ItlU. * CurtU ai u perfect you . crcrwerp. Ws tfiake our own . m * < llcims I rull , treatment . with gaiL-an- , . . anil yon can relron Rotting well. Wilt . u | tecliO.OO ! 81n laloiettt.H ) > written , ( ruannte * with full cure. Hingis . HAHN'S PHARMACY. HOT si oo HT m IUIIK'K I'lMimiCT. nrnl Varnitm.OuiiA. N KB WARNING ! # Palrooize Home Healers anil Save $ ? Q1 We , the undersigned Stove Dealers of Council Bluffs , wish to warn everybody against paying two prices for the goods they buy. I We will give you a BETTER RANGE I # for from SI5 fo $20 Less Money. $ "VVe are only in combination in this effort to pro- te.ct our citizens from paying from $15 to 620 more 0 than they can purchase reliable goods of us for. * I Our Guarantees Are Good. LIKE THE CIRCUS , your peddlers are here today , there tomorrow. Such guarantees are worthless. We will DUPLICATE the peddler's goods in , , weight and the kitchen utensils , and GUARANTEE - ANTEE TO SAVE YOU OVER $15.00 on w every purchase , and give you a more durable and bet- w ter working Kange. | COLE & COLE , Agents Buck Steel Ranges. . | P , C , DE VOL , Agent Majestic Sleet Ranges , ICHAS , SWAINE , Agent Superior Steel Ranges , * PETERSEN & mmn , Agents IIII Steel Ranges , Everything is Going In order to make room for Now Gooda and for rcarrnngmunt of the Interior of our store wo are offering the entire stock of the late Council Bluffs - * * p ; ice ? q ite - unheard of among Carpet Co. * y ° * Cariets -E llugr * , Matting and all other goods carried in stock by the company. Wo have some very special bargains in Oilcloths , Mattings , Window Shades , Hugs and Portieres , and particularly in Carpets. TREVNOR & GORHAM Successors to Council BluITt ) Carpet Company. ODD FELLOWS' BUILDING. JOHN G. WOODWARD & CO , , , Council Bluffs , Iowa. WHOLESALE CANDY MANUFACTURERS Jobbers of CRACKtRS , MJTS , CIGARS and TIRE WORKS. Selling Agents KATE ) FIELD CIIAS. JOu Oliinrm. Co C/uc .