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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 25, 1898)
COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIA "Weak Cobles and the Good OropProspcc Break Wheat Market. JULY AND SEPTEMBER EACH CLOSE LOWI Corn niiil On < * FolliMr Wheat wl Decline * and All Mum In I'ro- Huffer a ill * Luaa. CHICAGO , May 2l.-Selllng by longs , I gether with weaker cables nnd the n crop prospects , caused another brtak uheat today. July Is me lower nnd St tcmber declined 1 6-84jc. Corn lost 7 l-8c and oats l > 4c. Provisions dhow i cllncs of 27 > 4o for pork. 20c for lard a I2'i ' 15c for ribs. The bulk of speculative business wheat ted ty was confined to Septemt and December , nnd In view of the levi foreign markets and the. prospect of 1 crops on both sides of the ocean holders j discouraged and sold out , and scalpers K short , making a w eak and drooping mark /July was heard of at considerable tnt vats nnd was apparently kept well In ha by r.cltcr brokers , nnd the latter also tc ocedslon tit times , when September n December appeared to bo getting too we ; to let thf > crovvd know the high worth Ma > and Juno wheat. Liverpool cab were 1172d lower. Among the b-nrish He of the day's news was a report that Trai hid supplies enough until harvest , vvh will commence In the southern part that country July 1. The Chicago recel yero 4G7 ears , against 12 last year , r Minneapolis nnd Duluth got hta cars. . Inntlc port clearances of wheat and Hi wore again heavy , being equal to Oil bu. July startfil Ifi2c lower at tl 0531 sold up to J1.10& declined to Jl OS'-j , tl up ngnln to Jl ODVO nt the close. Septem Jit nii IttfilHo oK at 87VtiSSt % advanced 8S1lWs > 4e , weakened to ! )7 > 4C , then rallied S7V S7 3-Sc , the closing llgurc. May i Juneverc unchanged. A large speculative business was d > In earn today at declining prices. ' weakness was chlelly due. to an Imprn ment In the weather. The heaviness September had Its Inlluciue also thu Injury of the value of corn. Roce.1 vero fc 0 cars. July opened B-Rc off at trT4 6-8c , adviinced to .Hijfi.14 7-Sc , then dined steadily to 31 1-Sc bid , the final < i tatlons. The heavy selling by May longs v as 1 responsible for a goad share of the de < In oats Receipts were 40 > cars J opened 'ic lower nt 25 5-fc. declined to 2 ; ( fi25'4c. back again to 23 C-Se , then tlccll steadily to tl o-Sc , the- closing figures. There was evidence of provision selllns the packing houses today. Kv cry thing weak and IIOK products felt the dcclini torn Hogs vero DC lover. July r Htnrtid 15P17Hc off at JI2 0 > nl2 02'- , sold to $12.l/Vv , fell back to ill..2'and tlrmeil to Jll S > 7'4 nt the close July lard opcne Ol-'jC lower nt Jti 2T > TiG 27'j , vveaKcnet ! Si , 12' . then up to JG 17'v , the closing pi .Tub ribs opened 5u lower Ttt rJCngii i old elf to JoIiO , then advanced and olc nt tO U71 Estimated receipts for tomorrow : Wh 2S2 cars ; corn. 419 cars ; oats , 2GS cars ; h G7 CK * ) head Lf.idlng futures range aa follows : " " Ail'.clij .lj I H' ' * * * I La * , t Close "i Yj \\lifai- > ! Mr. . . ) ro 1 I ! ' . 1 lill 1 C3. JiiH. . . t ou-in 1 101- 1 ' ' h7 ( Dec. . . , tCIIII May. . . .HVi 34 K ItH : tj 3i Oatu July. . . ' _ ! > * a nIt I trlt July. . . i'07V , ti 7J It 87V , Sept. . . 1-2 1-2 15 12 01) Lntit 12U U 23 II 37 > i II 1'2 > G 17V , C 33 li J7H tl 20 0 - ci nuib Jni > . . . R OS fl 07'- 3 110 5 07H s w 11 IU 0 I-21 a 05 No 2. Cash nuotntlons were as follows : I'LOUR Sttiulv ; special brands , ! winter patents , Jfl C0ff' i9) ; winter stral ) $ G2jOG50f winter clcirs , SGOJiC20 ; sj : patents , J5751),7.CO ) ; linkers' , J3mVaS25 AV1IEAT No 2 spring , $1.20 ; No. J spi JI.1571 40 ; No. 2 red , J1.G2. CORN No. 2. 34We. OATS-No. 2. 23' 29 0 ; No. 2 white , 3 No 3 white , 3&ii3 < JVic. RYE-NO 2 , t3Hc. HARLEY No. 2 , 40U51c. SEEDS-riaxseed , No. 1. $1 3401 33 ; p timothy seed. $2 SO&-2 S3 PROVISIONS Pork , mess , per bbl , : 8T11.SO Lard , per 100 Ibs , J5 lo S 17 > i ribs sides ( loose ) , $3 9Q&G.25 ; dry , K shoulders ( boxed ) . $5005525 ; short i aides ( boxed ) . $ G 35ft6 43 SUGARS Cut loaf , J5SS ; granulated , ' Btandard A , $3 25. On the Prmluco exchange today the b market was firm ; cre-amcrles , IV < { dairies , 110130. Eggs , steady it 10 Live Poultry , In good demand ; spitng o ens , SU&'Jfec ; ducks , 67e ; turkeys , d " HKW > YOKK < JK\Kll\k 3IARK B for HIP Uny on Gen Cunimnillllrit. NEW YORK , May 21. FLOUR 43.7&7 bWs ; exports , ISl bbls. ; strong higher with wheat ; winter patents , ! 7.00 ; winter straights. SC25Q650 ; Minn patents , JGWG7.40 ; winter extras. JI.7& Minnesota bakers. JiSOftGSO. winter KiniTes , J29083W. live Hour , quiet , : 4.13. CORNMEAL Steady ; iycllow we1 SCc. , ' R-i Dull : No. 2 western , G6fhj7c. RARLEY Nominal : feeding , 4'2c. MALT Nomlual ; wcstcrr 'J\\HlL\.T-ReceIpts , ( T79.SB bu. : ex SSO(9 > bu : spot easy ; Ny 2 red , f. Q. b ntloat ; exports , grr < lc' , 9jvlC Hfptcmb.'r 1 to 15 Optloijs opened under depressing cable news , noithwc cilpts rnrt favorable crop reports. was dull all day. with little- feature , n late rally In July on covering , whlc U tmrhuiiriod from last night a. 3c d ou May and 1 3-Sc droii In later month 2 ml May. "Jl59filGl : closing , Jl.W ) . $1 H' Ol.iG ; closing. Jl 11 4. CORN Receipts. 1C3 20'j bu : export ! 197 1m. ; spot weak ; No 2. 405-ic. O dull nnrt. weak all day. Selling was In by irrlproveti crop news and weak nml closed' 5-Mi 4c net lower : May ( S3 7-Si" : July , 3J'4i(39V4c ( : closed , 3J 3-St OATS Receipts. 259 Wf ) bu. ; export- 203 bu , ; spot weak ; No 2. 33'iii3a 4c : whltv , 3Cci , Options reflected vyejkn other depnrtiiH nts and closed Uc net Way cIoHol. 31 c. HAV Ixiwer , shlpplns , 3o j40c ; g > choice. 4t-ft7" > c. HOPS Quiet : state , common to i 21 to Zi Ibs . Sc. LEATHER Flrfn ; hemlock sole , 1 Ay res. 19f r04c. WOOL3iilet ; fieece , 10922c ; Tcxs 14c 'PROVISIONS Reef , firm : family. W.OO ; extra mess. JlOiaftlLOO ; beef J21 50824 00 ; pocket. Jll 50J12,00 ; cU > India meSH. JJ30t M9W ) Cut meat * . plcitled bellies , C4 | 7Mc ; pickled she 4i5c ; plclclvd hams , r-t&c. Lard , s Cistern steamed , J < ! 50 ; refined , nnlot. steady ; mes . J11.75W12 00 ; short wtm. : family , $ ! 3.flOtil4 on. ' steady city , 4c ; country , 31 & 4 1-Sv , QI nllty. _ , OILS Petroleum , steady. Rosin , i strained , common to good , Jl.42i-tfl.4c pentlne.- steady nt 2ltf29Sc. Cottons inactive : prime crude. 21fiC2c. ni prime crude , f. o. b. mills. iG ffl.'ic ' iummer ytllow. 2 > ' .c ; off summer i fcvriliV-o. Iluttfr oil. dull at 2sif29c ; j ellow : winter. 30.f31c. . | RICE rirm ; fair to extra , 51-Sfc.1 pan. 37-8fiGc. _ . 1 MOLASSES-Steady ; New Orlean : Kettle good to choice. 2MJ32C. METALS All departments wen slow today , with changes In quo At the close the metal exchange ca Iron warrants very quiet , ulth u..5 $560 nsked ; lake copper was quljl . t changed , with J120U bid and $12.10 tin was dull , with $14 C5 bid nnd $14..fl * spoiler finished the day steady in lor (425 bid and Jl 33 asked ; lead ral < dull , with $3,60 bid nt the clone ni nuked. Iead U mill nuoted at $3 50 firm making the nettling price ( or ' miners and smelters. I ! GHKESK-Recolpts. 1,200 tljent Bklms. Mr H < ! 5 ' " * KUGS-ltecelpts. 13,600 1 - wealern. llhntio : southern. UUc. BUTTBH-UeceluU. OSSL steady ! wrstorn rrMmcrj' . 16c , factory , MfflZHe. OMAHA UKMUtAl , MAIIKP.TS , CondKlnii of Trnde nnil Cjuotntloi on Minnie nrul rniicjI'roducc. . Kaas-oood stock , < 4c. IJl'TTKIl Common to fair , Dffllc : gc utntor , 15c ; gathered creamery , UOllc. VHAIChoIro fat , 80 to 120 Ibs , quotrd 8/Oo : ( at Re nnd coirs' * . Mile. ' 7fl7V4t o LIVM POULTRY-C'hlckens. rooatcm , .TViWic : young roosters , C0fi5 * prlntr chickens , 2Wi22c. I'lOKONS Live. tl.lMtl.25 ; dead plgeo not wanted. HAY-UpIand. I700r ml-Jland , WOO : lo' land , JJ50 ; rye straw , tl CO ; color makes t price on hn > ; light bales sell the best ; on top grades bring top prices. VKORTAI1LKS. . ONIONS-Ncw southern , per Ib . 2',4e. niANH-Hnnd-pirh Hl navy , per bu . $1 CABtJAan Mississippi , per crate , $20 225 ! Texas , J2 00 POT ATOBS-H 11110 grown , rOU53c : Col rnilei stock. 70c ; northern fancy early Or seed potatoes , 8Xc ; new potatoes , per bl $3 50 ; bushel boxes , JL25. TOMATORH Per crate. $300W125. BRBTS New. per bu. box , Jl 00 RADISHKS Per doz. bunches , 25 < i30c. LKTTUCK Per dux. bunches. 2XgJ5c. ( OIinCN ONlONS-Pcr doz. , lOc. 'lTCUMBERS-Per doz , Tie. WAX BEANS 1-1 bu. box , 75c. PI1.\S Per 1-3 bu. , Kfl75c. HPlNAfH P-r oasket. H. Pini'LANT-Homo grown , per Ib , lo. FRUITS. STRAWBBRRIBS-Arkansas. 24-qt. ca good shipping stock. $ .150 : Missouri * , $4 APPLKS Gcnetons. * 3 73. GOOSBBnRniUS-Pdr 21-qt. case , $2 ( 2 23' TROPICAL KRUITS. ORANOES-Seedllngs , $2.50 ; Medlter nran sweets , jrz01JJ.73. LBMONS-Calfornla , $30083.25 ; fal Messina , $1 OM(3J ( > a BANANASChotcp. . large slock. | btinh. ! J2 OOQ2 K > ; < rflccllnm sized bunch J1.75-200. MISCELI ANCOUS. NUTS Almonds , .per Ib . large size , 1 13c ; jinall , lie ; Brnrlla , per Ib , aijlOc ; Ei llsh walnuts , . per Ib , fancy soft shell , ] ; fluiidiirds , sgoc ; Illberts , per Ib , 1 illc ' , polUhcd , meillum , Ri47c ; ex large , Dtfo ; largo hldtory nuts , JI.CXX& pp r bu ; small , Jl 1W1.3- ) per bu ; cocoain per 100 , $1 ; peanuts , raw , tW/ic ! roaat MAPLB SYRUP Five-gal , can , oa 1275 ; gal. cans , pure , per doz , J12 ; half-t can * . JS 25 ; uu.irt cans , $3 M TIGS Imported , fancy , 3-crown , 14 boxes , ] 0o : 5-rrown , 44-lb. boxes , Me ; 2 Loxcs. 221t23c per box ; California , 10 boJl. . HONIIY Cholco white , lie ; Colorado .1 ber. lOiillc. KRAUT Per bbl , J3 50 ; per half b S " > - , "OATHS Hallo.v-ee , GO to 70-lb. boj 5'jc ; Salr , Sc ; Fard , 9-Ib boxes. Sc. CIDiR-Per half bbl. . W : bbl , J3. HIDES , TALI.GW. HTC. ItlDHS No 1 green hides , Go ; No 2 gr hides , 5c : No 1 salted hides , Sc : No. 2 gr raited hides , 7c ; No 1 veal calf , S to 12 I 9e : No 2 veal calf , 12 to 13 Ibs , 7c. TALLOW. GRBASK , I3TC. Tallow , 1 , 3c ; tallow. No. 2 , 2c ; lough tallow. 1 white grease. 2M'2Jtc ; jellow and bn grease , I'fcf/.J'.ic SIIKUP PKLTS Green salted , each , 73c : green salted shearings ( short wo < early skins ) , each. 13o ; dry shearings , ( si wooled early skins ) . No. 1 , each. 5c : Hint. Kansas and Nebraska butcher T pelts. per Hi. actual weight , < dry Hint. Kansas nnd Nebraska mun wool pelts , per ll > , actual weight , Slilc ; Hint , Colorado htitchet wool pelts per actual weight. 4ff3c ; drv Hint , Colorado n rain wool pelts , per Ib , actual weigh ri'RR Hear ( black or brown ) , J3.0002I otter , Sl.DWiS.OO. mink , IMGOc : beaver. : 7C.OO , skunk , lie , 25c. Sflc ; muskrat , 3c , 7c ; laceoon , IWi'Wc ' ; red fox , 23t < 7iJ1.2S ; t fov. IMiSOc ; wolf ( timber ) , 2T.cfil2.50 : < ( prairie covote ) , IdfiSOe : wildcat. IDS bidgcr , 1 3 We : silver fox , J3 OOJj75 00. rUUSH MKATS. DRUSSKD Itnnr Good native ste 7Vic , good forequarters steer * . Ge ; t hindquarters steer * , DC ; western steois , native heifer * , CT c ; good foreqtiailors 1 ers. 55io : good hindquarters heifers , ! native tows , G'ic : western cows G'ic ; foreqi irters , sc ; cow hindquarters , i tMckh lives , cow , fiHc ; steer , 7o ; trlani cow.4vic ; steer. KHc. nnnr CUTS Tenderloins. fresh , frozen. IGc ; boneless strips , fresh , lie : loins , fresh. So ; frozen , 74c ; rolls , bone fresh , lie ; roll" , Spencer cuts , fresh , sirloin butts , boneless , fresh , lie ; jhou clods boneless. G'ic : rump butts , bone fie ; No. 1 chucks , 5Uc ; No. 2 chucks. I No. 3 chucks , 3c ; boneless chucks , frn 3c ; fresh , 5H : cow plates , 4iic : steer pi : 4iic ; Hank steak , > c : loins. No 1 , fro 12c ; fre h HUc ; loins , No 2. frozen , fiesh , 12Uc : loins. No. 3 , frozen , 8c ; ft 10-lc ; short loins , market style , 2c al lolr.a ; hotel stjle , 4e above loins ; cow ends , $ V-e : steer loin ends , 9V4c ; han tendtrlolns , 4c ; ribs. No. 1 , frozen , fresh , 12Hc : ribs. No. 2 , frozen , Sc : fi 10'lc ; ribs , No. 3 , frozen , Gc ; fresh , stfc : 1 rounds , 74c ; No. 2 rounds , 7'ic ; N rounds. 7c : beef rounds , shank off. $40 i tlonal : beef rounds , shank and rump off. rddltlonal ; trimmings. 4yc ; beef sha 3c : brains , per clou. . 35c : sweetbreads , Ib , frozen , lOc ; fresh , 12Vjc ; sweetbr ( talves ) , per Ib. 4Ct : ; kidneys , per do * . , . . ox tails , each , 3c ; livers , per Ib , 3c ; he K per Ib , 3c ; tongues , per Ib , 12c ; calf 11 each , 35c ; calves , whole carcass or s HI ia loyic ; calf head and feet , scalded , per in 5c 10 MlTTTON-Sprlng lamb * , lOc ; rei lambs , 9c ; sheep , Sc : market nicks ( li 9a ; hotel racks /short ) , lit ; loins , 9 e ; dies , lOo ; legs. 19'ic ; Iamb less , 12c ; bn and jtews. c ; tongues , each , 3c ; foret CPORK Dressetl pigs , MJo ; dressed 1 oV-c ; tenderloins ; 12c ; loins , small , large , 7Uc ; spare ribs , 4Hc : ham sat hutts. Co ; Boston Hutti. 5V4 : shoul rough , 5V-c ; shoulders , skinned , G c ; i mlngs. 4V-e. ; leaf lurd , not rendered heads , t leaned , 3c : snouts and ears freih hams , 16 to IS Ibs , 7V4c ; fresh i " clears , B ic ; cheek meat , 4c ; neckbone : S Pigs' tails , 3c ; plucks , each , 5c ; chltterl .a . 'c : hocks. 4c ; hearts , per doz. , 2Sc ; maehs. each , 3c : tongues , each , ic ; kid per doz. . lOc ; brains , per doz. , lie ; feet , per doz. 30c ; livers , each , Sc ; rlndJ , 3c ; blade bones , DC. St , I-onU Market. n , ST. LOUIS , May 24 FLOUR Dull easy ; patemts. JG25'a ' 40 ; straights. ' BOOr clear. JjCOftoSO ; mixed , JI25'n4 u WH1JAT Closed weak , with sellers i bottom and Mny-'Ic , July 2T4c , Septc December lo under u , . 1-bo and bV.- spot , lower ; No 2 red , c ash bid ; track. Jl.26fn.I7 ; Mar , it. 17 0 asked : September , S4 c . . . - . ber. Her No 2 hard , cash , Jl 23. f CORN ruturrs closed weak nt tm nnd H4c lower than > esterday for ho leading option : * pot. easy : No. 2 -IVic asked ; May , 82c ; July , 32Uc bid ; no ember. 1 3-Sc. ' v 'o.U . OATS lutuTt'8s , pro dull but easier ; U , nwer : Ng. 2 daablc nsked : track 0' iMay. . 29 c bW : July , 24'- > bid ; ; 0ns ember. 22 c aske fNo. 2 white , KV-tt ns UYK-Nomlnnl atafUc. etl SEEDS riaxsecd , Jl 30 ; prime tli les e'eil , . CORNMEALfr-fctrong at $1 90JJ2.00. BRAN DulUV/ywepressed / and. I .11 ( VV"t V ! ! * . C r # l * u I ( ILVY Firm ; , fiKxlrle , J7M ; timothy , la 1 50 > 2 er ; Hl'TTKR Vfrrm. hut cjuotably unchi KOOS Lowerrftt 9c. to AVHlSKY-JbW COTTONT1KS 70c. ce , RAGGING o 7-W6 8-Sc. op. MHTALS Lead , steady at 3 47V spelter , nominal at V4.IO. PROVISIONS Pork. lower ; str , ne s. Jobbing. J12,0t . Lard , lower ; ila , steam. JG ( ) : choice , J907H Bacon , i shoulders , J5 S7 i ; extra short clear , ribs , J700 ; shorts , J7121 ? . Dry salt boxed shoulders. JiTTVi : extra short ( 17H : ribs. JG50jhorts. J > ! Cli. UKCEIPTS Flour. 7.000 bbls. : nhe ; Wf ? 000 bu : corn. IOC.OOO bu. : oats. 5m < 1 SHlPMCNTS-Flour. 8,000 bbls ; ms tra , 30,000 bu. ; corn.,71,000 bu. ; oat , 37,000 let ; Liverpool Market. rs , LIVERPOOL. May 24.- > WHEAT irk dy ; No. 1 red northern , spring , steady , lls , a'r 10s 4d ; September , 7s 7s d. ? , CORN Spot American mixed , ow , steady. 3s t > 'td : futures , quiet. May , 3s to "ulv , 3s .13-sl ; September , 3s 7d. FLOUR St. I ouls fancy winter , ly ' J2a M. 'ur- HOPS At London ( Paclflc coast ell . nil PROVISIONS-HJecf. Steady extra Ime mehs , 53s : prime mess , CV > Pork , ow mess , medium westcrn/Us Cd. Hams Ime cut , 14 to Ib Ibs , , dull , 4s. Bacon , d Cd : short ribs , i * ; long clear n Ja light. 3Ss ; long.Vlear middles , nea Cd ; short clear backs. S4s W ; clear ipen 34ft. Shoulders , -nauare. dull , 24s ed. prime wcbtern , dull , 33a. Tallow , ' > city , firm. onu CIIKRSB Dull : American finest rig 10a : flneu lolotvd. 41s. am OILS Cottonseed oil , Liverpool ; un steady , 16s 9d , Turpentine spirits. xfd 2Cs 9d. Rosin , common , llrm , Ss IV-.d ked Imports of wheat Into Liverpool , vitl week : From Atlantic ports , 73,900 qu irr > from Pacltlc ports , none ; rrora othci J3K3 17,000 quarter ! . Imports of corn Into th pool from Atlantic ports for the we lern 000 quarters. I | p * NEW { YORK. May ! 4.-Bpecl l an rfjr graphic advices to Bradmreet's , tl > pHncipol points of acvumutalkx rke cnto the following changes in uv allal plica last Bntunlay , ii compared with tl pn-cullnc Saturday ! WHEAT United Stntcn and Cannda , en of the Rockies , Incxciutod maOM Itu.j nllo for ami In Europe , Increased bi world's supply , totnl Increase , 2.9HH.WW bu COUN-Unltrd Htntes nnd Canada , east the Rockies , decrease 2tM > , t ) bu , OATS Unlteu States nnd Canada , cast the Rocklrit , decrease 1779f"XI bu. Among the most Important tc < l\ictloiis n thu dftrcnsot of 131,000 uu. nt Munlto stnrnge points ; I31ont ) bu at Now Orlcnr 100 , bu. ut northwestern Interior el \ator , and To.-OQi ) bu. nt Gul\e ton. The li portant Rains not otherwise reported a the Increases of 97,0'W ' bu. nt Clcvclan 50.000 bu. nt Minneapolis , and 49.000 bu. Fort William , Out , The conjoined stock wheat held nt Poitland. Ore. , nnd Tocot n d Seattle , Wash. , shows un Increase 20C.OM bu. of Wheat. Pnltlmorr Market * . BALTIMORE , Mny -FLOtlR-rir western superfine , J3.7W 4.0rt : western cxti JIG07i323. wentitrn family , JGi'WffiJj : wlnl wheat , J630p6SS Receipts , 7,193 bbls. ; i > ports , 13.776 bbls. WHKAT Unsettled ; spot * nnd mon Jl.So'iin.SoVi ; July , Jl.ll asked ; steamer 1 2 red. Jl 23'4 bid ; receipts. 37.958 bu. : expot 80,000 bu. ; southern wheat by sample , Jl. : 1.364 ; southern wheat on grade. Jl.StV 1.334. CORN Weak ; spot nnd month , SS'MTW July , SSMfSS c ; steamer mixed , STHWri' receipts. 376,133 bu ; exports , J3S.743 t southern white and : vellow corn , 40U40V5' OATS-Uull nnd easy ; No. Z white. 3T 3Sc ; No. 2 mixed , 34c ; receipts , 80,718 bu : ports , none. RYU-Dull ; No. 2 nearby. GSVjc ; Nc western , G3c ; receipts , 26,426 bu.r cxpoi 17,14 * . bu. HAY Qulcf choice timothy , JI25Oifl30 GRAIN PRniGHTS-Demorallzcd ; ra gencrallv nominal : steam to Liverpool , bu , 4d , June ; Cork for orders , per quar 3sft3s 4d , June. UUTTUU Steady ; fancy creamery , : fancy Imitation , 1-jc : fancy Imiro , 15c ; gi ladle , 14c : store packed. 12ttl3c. iOG3 Weak ; freih. lOc- . Knimnx City Cirnln nnd Prorlxlon KANSAS CITY. May 21. WHKA About 2c lower ; No 1 hard. Jt 24 ; N < Jl 22Vs il.2l : No 1. J120H-W121 : No. 1 l Jl 23 ; No 2. $1 2tm No 3 , Jl lSftl.20 ; Ni spring. J121 : No 3 Jl 17fTl IS CORN-lc lower : No. 2 mixed. J31 1S32 No 2 white , 3TiiJ ! 4c : No. 3 , 32Hc. OATS-Lowcr ; No 2 white , Sic. UYi : Weak ; No 2 , 6c. HAY rirm : choice timothy , J1025 ; chi pr.ilrle. J1000 IH'TTini StemU : 10 12c. KGGS-rirm ; fresh. SHc. KRCUIPTS Wheat , 34.SOO bu. ; corn , 200 bu. ; oath 4,000 bu. SHIPMCNTS Wheat , 03,400 bu. ; corn , 100 bu ; oats , 7,000 bu. Cincinnati .llnrUrtx. CINCINNATI. May 21 I" LOUR D fancv. S3.Ci70 ! ( : family , J3 ( Wi 25 WHEAT Dull : No 2 red. Jl 30. CORN-Hasy ; No. 2 mixed. 37c. OATS lUsj ; No 2 mixed , 31WJ32C. RYH Liwer ; No. 2. 5 ! > c. PROVISIONS Lnrd , quiet at JG05 : 1 meats , easy at tl 40 ; bacon , active at J WHISlcV-Qulct nt Jl 2.1 IIL'TTHR 1 Irmer ; r.lgln creamery , 17 Ohio. 12ftloc : clalrv , 9'2c. SI'OAR Knsy ; bald rellned , $4 47WC K KGGS Quiet at 9c- CHKHSi : Dull ; good to prime Ohio Ornln Ilerrliitn nt I'rlnclpnl Murk MINNEAPOLIS , May 21. Recel Wheat , 174 rtirs ST. LOUIS , Mny 21 Receipts : Whoa c.irs CHICAGO , May 21 Receipts toi Wheat. 4G7 cars. corn. SCO ears ; oats , cars. Estimated for tomorrow : Wh 2S2 ears : corn. COO cars ; oats , BBS cars. DULUTH , Hay 21 Receipts : Wheat , cars. KANSAS CITY , May 21. Roccl Wheat , 33 cars carsTo"i'o To"i'o Wiirkejd , . ) TOLEDO. O. May 21 WHKAT Lo' weak : No 2 cash and May , JIM nsked CORN Active , lower : No 2 mixed. 1 OATS Dull , lower ; No 2 mixed , W " i RYE Dull , lower : No. 2 c.ish. $ R 23 PLOVRRSnnD Lower , active ; prime tober. JJGO OIL North Lima , GlcJ South Lima Indiana , EG. STOCKS AM > JODS. There lit Evldonc-p of Mnnlpnlatloi ( lie MnrUrt. NHW YORK , May 24 The stock ma continued more or less professional t nnd there was n palpable ev Idcncp ot i Ipulatlon. The success of the campalgi the rise , assisted by one or two fuctoi strength , Invited nn extending interest Indicated a broadening tendency In speculation. The advance was prim due to the rumors , subsequently dlscreti that the United States fleet hod won a tory over the Spaniards In West Ir waters. The final strength of the mi cannot be attributed to these rumors , final upward rush of prices was large ! ) to covering of shorts , who had bei alarmed at the easy advance of prlc , the persistent resistance to decline pedally after the contradiction of th ports of a successful naval battle cov erlng of shorts made final prices the of the day. Net gains were well ov point In the International nnU " Grt groups of the railway list And'ranged ' i nearly 6 points for Metropolitan Street way In the specialties. The widely difl effect of the rumors of naval victory shown by the advance In Americans b the opening here In London and on the tlnent and the coincident decline of Ish 4s. Weakness In some of the specli unsettled the market after the opi here , but the Improvement was In full before the end of the hour on strong don buying , and especially of St. Paul was only Interrupted by slight rcac durlng the remainder of the day. The ser or Iron companies continued to strength and the southwestern rallwn a group showrd some strength nnd act Dealings In odd lots were still large evidence and were not a small factor I undertone of strength of the market , money market continued In a condltl extreme ease nnd Sterling exchange re a fraction under the Intlenee of bujt securities for London account and a ft decline In the London discount rate , i Is now well below the New York rate , week's exports of merchandise to Id i ® York , which was valued at J12.149 S. largest total on record. Indicate tha he recent rl > .e In exchange was In no VVH cr to lack of supply. With the cent tendency toward ease In the Londoi count rate , the demand for sterling fa lateral Is likely to ct.ise. It Is evldcn this country can command further KU of gold If they prove desirable to have. bond market developed lncrea lns ac na the day advanced and shows net throughout. Total sales. J3 22rj , < XW. T States bunds wer > steady without el The IV/ening Post's financial cabli POV s : The stock m irkets here were . : but firm toilay. The settlements sli 'P-1 ' small account nnd was favored by monty Contangocs on Americans we ually 3 to I per cent , but a few weal hy weio. charged 4ll per cent. Mllwaul St. Paul was scarce and commanded 1 cent Americans were distinctly quiet Ing at the best , with a revival of up tlvc Interest. The Improvement In 1 00 contlnue's. The following are the closing quot ed. of the leading stocks on the New YorV kct today : 19,130 I/julsvlllo A Nashville. 11 BO Manlu Inn , 13,41) Metropolitan , 17,9 ? ) Missouri I1 clllcv 0,44 New 'iork Ontral , 7,720 Northc Pacific , 16,523 Northern Pacific tirefum 15.79) flock Island , P6.717 SI Paul. 4,1 Southern preferred. U.toO Union Pacific pi ferred. 3,140 Union Pacific , Denver & Ou 6.C84 Wabash preferred , IG.42I Tobacco , 6,1 Chicago Ureat Western. 12.000 People's Gi i 27,710 Sugar , 3 SIS Tennessee Coal nnd In n.iiO Leather preferred , 4,120 Weste i Union , Sew lork Mntier Mnrkrt. NEW YORK. May 24. MONEY ON CAI Nominally. H/l i per cent. PRIME MERCANTILE PAPER-1'49 l > er cent. ' 8TERLINO EXCHANGE Steady , w ! actual business In honkers' bills nt Jl SG } 4.Sfi 4 for demand nnd Jl S4U for sixty da ] posted rates. JI8454-ancJ fl SSViI t > mmerc bills J4 < 14t4 834 I m SILVER CERTIHroWTES-C7 S-Sff&J'ic MEXICAN boLUAiraswc. . GOVEHNMENT BOKOS-Flrm ; new reg. am ! coupon , 121141 JLs , reg. . 10S : cotlpi IMVt. 2s , 96 ; 6s , rcg. unu'coupon ' , liom 6s Closing quotations''bri ' ' Jwiuls were as f lows : U.n no * 4 * . rax. . . .l'JH | Nti , tl * . . . .is 4SCUU. . , l'2lWC. 4S 10 4J.S , 4s.rj2 loO.VJi , Pacific ists. . .Hi U.S. As coup U.S.-28 ra/ IIS No Pacific 4 * . . . . V U.9 5s.rair now N.-Y. C. ASt t , * . .10 U. S R . coup link 11 * W. 11 ' DUtrlct.1.05 * 113S N.iW. Consols IJ' Ai.clam A IDS * . lflt > 5s 11 Ala..class n Nar.liu 11' Ala . -UMC OU Oro. Nar. 4 * . . . . i > Ala Currency. . . . Dl . , O , s. LI. lis. t r. 12 UO'f till I. .1 * . t. r liU Alchisonaal. 4 . . . . , H4M O. linn 1st * t. r..lH ItM O'lmp 3s t r .11 O. A.N. 1' . t.r. 5s. , S3 i of'33. . .10 Ii2t 44 S r''ll. .VD 4Vi's ' . . .IOIH r..o west isn . . . . H D AH. O 1st * . . . St U A I. M. 03-1. 1 0 ' ' st.r. & * BJStTilltl. iVtlT. . ; SI. P. Contain 14 PrloGeti 4s SI. P.O. kP. Ian. . 11 V. Vf it ) . t t.r , 2 SI P C AP. . ' , . . . .111 'ifti.KI'O. & . 101 > Isontliirn RT. . . . o.iv O.H. it * A. Us. . . . H l * . B. AT. Us iv I ) II AS A21 . . , mm TCIIII new s t 14. . 54. . . . ,110 Ti-x. Pie. L.O. lit * 10 JI.AT.O.nil Us lot Tnt. Pie. Ht. 'J-H . J lov-i C. 1st * . . . , mil * Un'on Piclrtc Ial4. .1 La New Coil 41. . . .10J II P. U..VO Istl. .10' U AN. tint * s. . . . Wib 1st .11 . 8 Mlniourl IN 101 VVlb Jrl4 . 1U M. 1C. AT. 1 ! ! . . . , We < t S'ior 44 . . . .11 M.K.AT.4S Va dofurr il . N Y. C. Ists 1174 * Union Pictrta pM , . " > N.J. tX 'is . 11- Union Ptcinc is U ] | < ilnn Sl rk Uiiotnttnn * . BOSTON , M. y 2J-Call loans. 2'4GI * cent ; time loin , 3f73 per cent. Clos prices for stocka. bonds _ jind mining ahai IS't Alchlton American Suilr. . irsm ilintton L > . Am.Surar DM . . . Ill , K K , I . Bav State Oa . . . . lo > ii Kl c . pfd . Bell rHlKpnenn. . . Mvhlxun 44 . BostonA Alnn . , fji-n Klca Boston A Maim. . . lill lAlloun Mln.CJ. 2 C..B.AQ . - . 1UJX , Mlmtls . Si' 'htwioi V Monti n Rrneral Kiuctno . Ti'Sl llntta.V ilomcn. . . . lllinolB stool. . . Sllj f iluneli llosli . Mrxicin Central. . 4 > tCitit , > > ii lai . Ola Colojv IH'i fraiiKlln . Oro. hliort Lino. . Ul lOsccoli . Itut'wr . 'jm.Onlicy . Union iMcinc . -J. ) * * TannripR . S.'HVoHtrincn . W. E\er \ 1IJ IPirroli . \V. Kleu nfil 5. OM Djnllnlon . WiB. Cen "nil Prnnrlorn Mlnlmr fnotn < lon SAN FRANCISCO , May -Ofllclnl c IMK quotations on mining : stocks today v as follows : Alt ! Mpxlcin Belrtier Dplilr L'fiti Uelclier. . . . 23 Drfnnan Uulltoii 5 Potosl Cnlertonil ! t \llenroCoa. . . . . hilltr. 11 ! Sllvur Hill lo i.Cai.A V-v. . . . 41 tJnlon Ton crown Pulnu. , . . . U UltliCuii iluiilu.v Ourriu. . : 18 .Yellow Jickot . . . . Ilile & Noitioss. . S'J b.anJjnt , 1 Jti llce a I asked. Slher bars 575-Sc : Mexican dollars. 4 ; drafts , sight , 12 } c ; tolegr.ipli , 13c York llnlnir Quotation * , YORK , Mav 21 The following the closing minim ; quotations : Cliollir . 1- Crown Point. nnnir Tonil. . ft V-v 411 Punioutn GouirtiOurry . ton l2 silver ufJ. . . 2 Hai 70 lloinema ii 40 Ml stintir.1 Irondllvrr 45 Unton Con Hex lean U Yellow Jacket . " ' 'Ex'-dlv. > r London Stot-k Uuotntlons. ifd LONDON , Mny 24. 4p. m. Closing : Cunsuln. in > . .111 J-ltl N \ . Cnilrat 16 Consols. acct..lll 8-lrt 16y Can. Pacific. . . . . . . . 8B Krt < > 1 V * Ml'j. ( a , u w 4a. Krlelat pM : . . . . . .M ( Atclilnon . III. ffluiru 1UOM L.AN . n UBiicanorainarv. 1MU Grand Trunk . ! t coniman..lOOM le 1C BAR SILVER Quletr26l,2a per ounce ' cant. 1C MONEY-25c2'j per 1Cd The r.ile of discount In the market i- short bills , 2 125-8 per cent ; for t iis months' bills , 2V4/'ir2 / > S-S per cent , is isa Klnniirlnl No p . a OMAHA , May 24 The clearings for ; r day were Jl,09.41U2Hbalances ( : , J14S.6 to The clcarlnsi for 197 Iw ere J7G6.314 92. I- the balances , J1J0.13015. Increase In c ! Id Inzs VU.101 tO. CHICAGO. May'it'-lCiearJnss. ' J19.34 is re balances , J2,237,0'W.i'N'ew YorK exchangi discount. SterllnK exchange , posted , J i- ii - ff4 sTim tual. Jl S4U'ii4 so'-j ; sixty c i- is jt S1V2IU4 8314. Stocks strolls ; Biscuit. ? s iW Ulseult preferred , SS ; Diamond Match , W North Chicago , 139 ; Strawboard , J7U ; 20 ChlruKO , 9.1' , , . IIid NEW YOUK , May , 24-Clearing. id S25.3SB : balances , J5.b31.S92. isS UOSTON. May 21. Clearings , JH.G.'l isW b tlantea , JLTTl/Kn. W ST. LOUIS ? , May 24 Clearings , J4 , its balances , $730,1/72. Money. Sirs per iri New York exchange , 25c premium bit rremtum naked. lie CINCINNATI. May 24 Money , 3V4fi lie eent. New York exchange , par. Cleai of J1.S9I.2CO. ed BALTIMORE. May 2lc-dearlngs , j : of 545 ; iMlances , JI97.173 er NEW ORLEANS. Vlay 21 ClearlnBi ch 922 Wi3 New York c\cliansr , l > ink , J heW $1,0 ) premium ; tommcrcial , 2jo per ! W uremluni _ he MEMPHIS , Tenn , May 21 Cleai lill" $270,200 : balances , Jsl.liO. New Yorh ll" ch nine , $1)0. . od PHILADELPHIA , May 21 Rank i la- Ings. J15.2S3.421 ; balances , J2OJ5S53 ; m 2ViG4 per cent. ites Klnuiieinl. he LONDON , May 21 The market for / ; ty lean securities vvna lirm all day on ns York bu > ln . The closing tone was ed and the demind genei.nly good , amount of bullion taken Ino the Da im England 6n h-ilante todav was JL let Gold Is quoted at Duenos.yrej ted , leta 1U ! 30. SpnnNIi 4a closed at 31.5-8 , i sy JS- PARIS , May 24 Prices opened fir thu bourse todav , then weakened on re tlon on rumors thit the American- > ? r sufiered n reverse oft Havana. Rio T dfi lined seveiely on account of a I ns- la- that the tax. on the output of copi lalls : to ba Increased. Three per cent r W2f 9tfe for the account. Kxchanse on don. 23f SU'-c for chcrkJ. Spanish 4s i ms ut . ' > x. a net loss of 11-1G. ar- BERLIN , Mny 24-On the bourse business opened hnhitating , but prices nequently became firm. In s > mpithy the tone ot thu western bourses , litho the close local shares reacted blight realizations. Northern Pacifies were 1 on favorable tr.illlc reports , and there repurchases of Canadian Pacific secu OH Wool 3lnrket. BOSTON , Mass. . Mny 2L A flrmei Is noted In some branches of the wool ket this week , though the trade Is The demand was small for'medium The price paid was generally about 2 though some lines went up ns high i Territory wools are being "picked up slonally , but no advance In puces c quoted , yids below the market prl Australian have bexn made , but re JK The following are the quotation * foi Ing descriptions : Ohio nnd I'cniu ) Ivonln. fleeces : : above. 25f(2Gc : XX and XX and rxhov delaine , SOe ; No 1 combing , JDc : No. 2 Ing , ScMichigan. ) . Wisconsin , etc. : X Igan. 23c : No. 1 Michigan combing. 29 m I Illinois combing , < 3c ; No. 2 Ml UV combing , 2Sc : No. 2 Illinois comblni > l X New York , New llampshlre nnt ! mont , 22f < 23c ; XX New York , New 1 shire and Vermont,2ic ; unvvmthed ra Kentucky and IndLmo-quarter-blnoij Ing , 2r23c ; Kentucky and Indiana eighths-blood comtUns. 22fl23c ; M quarter-blood coniUlnS , 2HC22C ; M combing , 20c ; lake and Georgia , Texas wools : HucJuc medium ( months ) , iwrisc : srnnred , 40ii42c ; i JSM line ( twelve months ) . IC&l'c ; si 4Sfe45c. Territory vvfiols : Montan : medium and flue , IMilSe ; m ID ' 45c : btapte , 4 p ; Uwh.iWyoming , eti medium nnd fine , 3J3Z15c : scoured , staple1 , 4tc. Australian wools : 8 lij i basis , combing supenlne , 70572C ; co good. MltaXc ; ccimblns. avtrage , \ Queensland tombing ; 3c. iiw isiJ BUFFALO. N. Y , .May 24 WHRA 1 northern. { 1 C2 ; wfntlr wheat , dull , 8.2M COUN-No , 2. J ' 4c. re * , OATS-Ko. 3 whtt.3iye35c. . torn. RYE No. 2 In More quoted , g ( OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARRE Heavy Ban of Hogs and Fail Supply Cattle and Sheep. DEMAND FOR STEERS CONTINUES GOC Iltnr Movrtnrat Hoim Chrckrd , ti HOBH Stnrt Rod and net Worne a * Markel Procrrd Sheen Hole Slrndy. SOUTH OMAHA. May 21 Cattle. Hogs. Shec Receipts today 4.101 ll.SH } . ! Otnclal vesterday 1,991 4.COG 5 , One week ago 3,747 S.ltn Two weeks ago 4,7 7 S,3ib , Ono month ago 3,11s K.USJ 3. . One venr ago 4.IU 1X463 2. ' Two year * ago 2,213 0iJO ! The official number of cars of sto brought In today by each road was : Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. H'r C. , M. & St. P. Ry. . . . 1 O & St. L. Ry 1 1 Missouri Paclttu Ry. . . . . Union Pacific System. 47 46 3 C. At N. \ \ . Ry 2 F. . E. & M. V : R. II. . 59 40 1 S. C. At P. Ry 2 J C. , St , P. , M. At O. Ry. 1U 15 II. it M. R. R. R 77 4'J 1 C. U. kV Q. Ry 1 K. C. & St. J. Ky . . C. , R. I. Jk. P. Ry. , o. . 1 1 C. , R. 1. & P. Ry. . w. 1 _ 3 J Total receipts . . . .1S.1 171 S The disposition of thu day's receipts w as follows , each buyer purchasing the nu ber of he-ad Indicated : Bujers. Cattle. Hogs She * Omaha Packing Co 170 2W ) ' . . 11. 11. Hammond Co 517 l.t. ) Swift and Company 1,221 2.27S Cudahy Packing Co . . . . 4il 2,330 A. Haas il Lobman * c Rothschilds . 2.1 Huston & Co 2J Livingston As Co lo Swift nnd Co , Chicago 70 Ham . Co 3iM Armour 61 Cudahy. Kansas City. . . 2fi Planklnton. Milwaukee. GU ) Chicago P. & P. Co , Nebraska City 130 Mevers 15'J Other bujers 144 21G Left over . . . . . 2,000 Total * 3,735 11,702 1 All told there were some 3o2 cars of 1 stoek reported In the jurds this morning , against 203 one week ago , Sil two weeks ! and 3M ) three weeks ago. In other vvoi right up to i the arrivals today were average Tuesday's run for the month May. ' CATTLE Toda > 's receipts of cattle w the largest reported at this point sli May 11 , still It was not nil overly la : inn , as compared with prc-vlous Tucsda receipt * in .May. There were all told t * jtsterdav. Id curs here , as ngatn-tt week ago , 21b two weeks ago and il < i th weeks ugo. AH last month there was o ono da\ when the receipts were ns la as today , and that was April 12 , when cars arrived. Thu market on beef steers opened rat slow , with Infers hinting at lower prli and It looked very much ns If they wo attempt to bear thu market , especially heavy westerns. The appearance of a. g shipping demand. In addition to a local mand ot liberal proportions , braced thl and wiien the trade i up ver > materially , once under way It was on a basis of ab steailv prices , steady ut least on the jlrablo Kinds Porno would say that he and coarse cattle were easier , they were c talnly rathbr slow , especially if very he.i Only about ten or a dozen loids of c < and belters were ottered and values on t kind of stuff were unchanged homepri good heifers sold up to Jl S3 The dem was good and the offerings for the n part sold In good season. Stock cattle- were In very light sup only n small bunch of u few head 1 and there. The market did not show change , the demand being as good as u : and prices firm. There were tome sn fed stuff which sold to feeders at ul steady prices. Representative bales : STEERS. No Av. I'r. No Av IT No Av I 1..103Q $300 21..1017 $1 23 8..1077 $1 L. b30 3 23 7..11SO 4 23 20..1UW ) L. STO 350 27..10IO 425 20..1204 J 2..1030 3 73 3S..1113 4 25 19..154.2 4 1..10.W 3 73 19..1271 4 23 20..123J 4 1..1070 375 21. . 97S 423 19..1244 19..140U 3 SO 7..1020 425 21..1271 -1 1J..1100 3 S3 1. . 700 425 9.1059 4 440 1..1U70 425 16..1223 4 1. . 510 4 00 1..1230 4 25 109. . ! M3 4. . S42 4 00 50..1114 1 25 1G..1101 1..1230 4 00 S9..1261 4 25 15..1435 4 1. . KM 400 18..1019 425 2S..1SS2 4 2..1015 400 7. . 971 425 78..12CS 4 1..1500 4 00 7..1175 4 30 50..12b7 -I I..1590 4 00 6..1047 4 30 40..1252 4 1..1410 4 00 7..1521 4 30 22..1OM ' . 1..1400 400 9..1527 430 SU..1195 4 2..11I5 405 20..1175 430 21..116.1 ' . 20..1394 4 ( fi 25. . 978 4 SO G..1421 4 6..1210 405 21. . 977 4 30 3..1603 ' 1..1050 4 10 E0..154S 4 30 7..1334 ' 23..13.11 4 1 , 21. . 934 4 30 4..1355 ' L. 820 415 2..142S 430 9..1173 7S..1020 4 20 1..10SO 4 30 27..1232 ' 62. . 958 4 20 19..1180 4 35 4..1257 23..I34I 4 20 7..1203 4 35 19..1165 33..1023 420 11..1454 435 21..1101 2(1..1077 ( 4 20 23..1033 4 35 41..1297 73. . 934 420 24..1233 433 23..1254 8. . 933 420 20..1137 433 IS..1361 19..120.S 4 23 20..1097 4 35 13..1253 5..1126 4 25 25. . 1204 4 35 it COWS. manyjveeks. The phenomenal advam " } mlddlo of last week followed by a re : " " I appears to have given growers the Ide. on the market had reached the high potn ler that the time had arrived to let go. TO game time with the largo receipts ea. came advices of liberal runs nt Chtcag Kansas City. Altogether the numb hogs In sight waa more than the rr ne could stand and valued accordingly xret. - fered. et. The market at this point opened 10) ) . 5c loner than yesterday and the. early al- were generally at J4.23C4.3) . with a top. After about half of the hog" changed hands and the more urgent i be had been tilled the market fell of it : for ed. weight , assisted by the reported bad nt Chicago. Buvers lowered their bids to JI20Q4 ind about lOo less than jesterday's m 3c Salesmen were not at once ready to ih- ; the conce sion nnd for a time the n eh- was very slow , with almost nothing S'o. It was Impossible , however , to resli ran Inevltablo as the prov Islon market e .60 ; lower and cvervthing seemed to b * > a er- the sellers. Gradually holders let until probably 133 to 140 n p- J4 20114 23. . . . . . had changed hands and then the n nb-1 flattened out again , buyers rlalmlni fe- they had gotten enough , At tv tl url closing this report there were ntlll url loads left unsold. Representative ra aid No AV. Sh. Pr. No. Av. Sh. Me 7 ,235 120 J4 20 67 217 1GO IVO , 44..42D4 M ) 420 Bl 220 . . . ng. 73./K7 120 4 22 > 4 13 227 . . . ed. 73 219 ICO 4 22\ , 73 2iW 40 : lno45 | 20G . . . 4 2 > 54 2 > U W ed , I 152 2i2 ISO 4 23 77 223 10 lne,7G 240 40 425 E ! 2S4 40 l5cv6S 258 M 4 K G7..27il 1GO red 55 2O > 20. ) 4 25 192 2W 120 us ; ' 33 231 fO 4 25 31 2G4 . . . Zc ; 134 248 M 4 25 C4 2 210 I SI. . . . .244 1M 4 25 74 271 M fil 2Mi 120 4 23 77 2U fcO lcS..w23i kO 4J7U 12 279 . . . NO. JO 268 . . . 4-27VJ li 2 . . , ftt K7 . . . 4M U . - > . . ) v 51.112 ISO 4 3D 71 I * . 1 12.1. , . .271 . . . 430 M ± n . . . . , . . . . J2n 430 Ga 231 . , , KA , M 19) ) 4 30 M . 2M 4 S i . 2S1 40 4 30 II2T.7 . . . j 5 M 2X7 40 4 30 Cl. . . > H ICO i S r,7 123 Id ) I tS ! M 2 40 4 .1 19 , . 2x9 W 432W 61 J ll 43 M 2)i 160 4 32i ? C > . . . . Z M 4 1 65 3211 . . . 4 35 50 SO 4 3 M 279 SO 4 .V. M . < . . 333 124 43 75 . 224 310 4 17 % 21 . ITS . . 4 20 40 2H . .42 70 , KH 40 4 20 67 2V < 40 4 I 67 . 2.r . . 4 20 9. . . . .W SO 4 2 4fi . . . 215 , . 4 20 70. . . . Jit . . 12 71 : > ! 160 4 20 W..Z.12 ! iO 4 2 76 . . . . 2 < W SO 4 M 80 US 40 4 2 M . . . . 2IB SO I 20 M 212 XO 4 2 74 . . . . 217 100 I 20 73 21fi SO 4 2 75 . . . . 2i1 $0 4 21) 42 212 . . 4 S 7S 2 < T1 " 3 4 20 . . , . . .141 SO 4 ! ff , 2H 1JO 4 20 31 2tO SO 4 J 19 SW 2W ) 4 S ) 41. . . , .2ll SO 4 : 61 270 . . . 42i ) 61 210 SO 4S 7S 192 . . . 421) ) P ! 201 40 4 : V ) Jit . . . 4 Z2U 43 327 160 45 82 22:1 : SO 4 224 70 221 SO 4 2 140 251 300 4 22S 72 211 120 41 f.9 . 252 . . 4 22 > j 72 2i'l 200 4 ! 61 21 ? 120 4 22Vj CO 297 40 4 S 71 210 . . . 425 61 2IS 120 4 ! Go 2XS 121) 4 23 71 2W 80 4 ' . 69 271 40 4 77.2 < /l kO 4 ! 65 2C3 RO 4 23 56 2li 40 4 i 63 IS1 SO 4 25 71 223 . . . 4 ' . 51 TK . . . 4 25 70 2S5 XO I ' . 73 241 iO 4 23 41 272 SO 4 I 6fi 2S3 120 4 25 62 223 . . . 4. 52 257 SO 4 25 63 IM 210 4 I 72 2S160 425 ( R 27 . . . I ! 64 254 121) 4 25 63 301 210 4 : b5 IT . . . 4 2t 61 272 SO 4 1 53 23J SO 4 2.1 51 2Mj SO 4 : 60 2t6 . . . 425 60 312 SO 4 : 69 262 120 4 25 81 231 . . . 4 ' . 59 314 120 4 IB W5 2.S7 40 4 27H 73 COT . . . 4 ! 70 271 . . . 4 27 a 61 211 . . . 4 : 62 , 2X7 Rfl 4 27H 68 SM . . . 4 I 64 217 . . . ' 30 61 260 IM 4 : M 271 SO 4 30 72 , . . . . 229 ICO 4 I 44 301 4SO 4 SO M . . . . . > 0 240 4 ! 63 IhG SO 4 30 63. . . . . SJ5 N ) I : C4 M7 SO 4 Si ) 30..21) , ) . . . 4 : C2 2Ufi 120 430 Cl 2UI 40 4 ; , 71 317 . . . 4 35 . , WAGON LOTS-TltltOW OUTS. 3 l > 6 . . . 4 2t ) - . . . . . .is : , . . . 4 ! 5 22 < . . . 4 20 I 27J . . . 4 3 ISS . . . 4 20 / f 1. . . . 110 S ) 4 : 2 130 . . . 1 20 1 410 SO 4 1 4CO . . . 4 20 S , . . . . Ill . . I 1 33) . . . 4 20 2 21) . . . 4 4 T12 . . . 420 .1 , .2M . . . 4 1 IEO . . . 4 2 ) 3 ISi . . . 4 6 2.W . . . 4224 2. . . Slf" , . . . 4 4 212 . . . 4 25 B 2J2 . . . 4 6. . . . 240 . . . 4 21 4 3.2 . . . 4 3 . . .Hlfi . . . 4 25 4 3W. . . . 4 5 . . . . 272 . . . 4 2.1 1 r)7 . . . 4 K . . . . 101 . . . 4 10 3 273 . . . 4 J 2 . . . 1 30 SHEEP The receipts looked small to compared with the big run > esterday , i there was what might be called a ; showing for this time of the vear , w the average receipts are not ( . -\pected b very large. The general market was Just about Flo on sheep , but there VV.M only one lo.ul lamlx , to test the market on that klnil fluff. The one loud of shorn brought J 'J ho wooled Colorado I.unUs here > c-stor sold MJc higher than on pievloun | M i clay , anil It Is ufe to Kiy that hud tl been any here today they would have i 11 v well There w * ro some four lo ids of well which brought $121. the xmnc price about the same kind ot slulT as vtsteri 'I here were two loads \\ashlngton s ewes bought to arrive tint wcn > cousin direct to a picker. There was also n bu of ewes driven In. Ke-presentatlve bait t No Ay. I 72 culls i 01 401 ewes and wethers , shorn "VI I .31 c-v\es anil wothers , shorn 'Jl 4 130 lambs , shorn l > 4 4 1 western c\.c , woolcil 110 4 21 Alabama ewes fc" 3 1 buck . . . . .150 2 1 bin U 100 3 1S5 old owes S3 ,1 1SI old cwcs S3 3 CHICAGO I.IVi ; STOCK MAIIK Active Clcitcrnl l ) 'iiiniiil for Mi XTiih ! * rl"OH Stronti T. CHICAGO. May 24 Thu limited offer of tattle todav wera suttlclent to me-et requirements and prlies were steady. export demand continued f.ilrly U Western steers , JlSlfrlSO , Texas Pt JlSOiirlftV cows and heifers , $2 Sof 1 stocUers and feeders , $ I23QI75 ; cam 1 $2 50ft3 00 All active demand for sheer sted toilay and prices ruled stronger , 5c hlghei ; nmall receipts anImp i : great strength to the market ; ell ambs , Jl 1,005 30 , wooled lambs , $575 spring lambs , J625 J723 : clipped sheep , 4 CO ; western sheep , $4.13. There was a big falling off In hog rec toda > . Trade was very slow from the and prices were & $10c lowei ; packers , fi4 )7ibutchers. ) ; . $4 20fi4 70 : mt\ed. I 4 12Vi : lights , $3XVTi420 ; pigs , J270frtW Receipts : Cattle , 2,500 head ; hogs , liead ; sheep , 9,000 head. St , * Live ST. LOUIS. Jlay -CATTLE-Ucci 2000 head , including 150 Te\as ; shlpm 300 head Market steady ; fair to f native shipping and export steer ? , $1 50' bulk of sales , $4 73 4 90 ; dressed beef butcher steers , J4 30Jf4 SO , bulk of i J440fj470 ; steers and under 1,000 poi $3.9 % 4.35. bulk of sales , J3SOR4 20 ; cowi heifers. $223si475. bulk of sales , cows , ( Ti\JS3 ; and Indian steer ) , J ! W bulk of sales , $3 901r4 30 ; cows and he HOGS Receipts 5.000 head ; shlnm SCO head. Market steady for good 1 others slow. Yorkers , $1 soft ! 20 ; pac J 85'34.15 , butchers' , J 40Sr4 D SHEEP Receipts , 2,200 head ; shlprr 300 head. Market strong ana active ; n muttons , J3 KVfM 25 ; Iambs , J4 00j G 60. Kannna City Live Stoclr. KANSAS CITY. Mo. , May 24 - CATI Receipts , 8,011 natives , HOIexans ; offf largely of heavy dressed beef steers ; ruled from steady to &f10e lower : weight steers and butcher stock , actlv steady ; heavy dressed beef steers , 490 : cows and heifers , J360ff4Js5 ; cni J29l1GO : bulls. JX15O325 ; stackers feeders. J4 10T 523 ; Texas Hteerx. J4 ( Wi 4 HOGS-Recelnts , 19,525 head ; liber , celpts and decline In provisions cnus to lOc drop In prices ; heavy. J4 30 mixed. J400-430 ; lights , J3 90 420 ; plga nS5 ; packers , J390 > & 140 ; > orkers , 4 30 SHEEP Receipts , 1,262 head : recel ] medium quality : prices a shade stri sales mainly Jl 7 4.50 for clipped s lambs , J4 253485. InillnnniiollH - Nt > k. INDIANAPOLIS. May -CATTLI celpts , 225 head ; shipments , none ; all good to prime steers , J4 73t5 00 ; fair t dlum steers. Jl 50Q4 75 ; common to stockers , JT-73 < ! i 110 IlOGS-Recelpts , 4,000 head ; shlpt 1,000 head ; mil ket active : good to < medium and heavy , J4J5W1W ) ; mlxei heavy , Jl 1&01.GO : good to choice light : &I23 ; common lights * , J3 901/410 SHEEP Receipts , light ; shipments , market steaclj ; all juion chanucd I good lo choice yearlings. Jl iptfl DO , cote to medium jcnrllncs , J150f400 ? ; goi choice sheep , J3.7D04 ( w ; common sheej C3 33. ' " Xow lurlt l.lvcStoek . NEW YORK , Mivi , 2I.-UEEVE ! celpts , SSi No trading , reeling cables unchanged. Exports. EuO heai ils tie. S10 head sheep , 2.JSI ) quarters of as tomorrow , l.SOO quarters , 121o. CALVES Hecfltup , w head. Marke ; o.oil Prl io veals. JG"7' all sold. oil SHEEP AND LAMKS-Recelpts. ho lit-ad. Shet-p active and firm. > ea on weak and lambs 25c lower. Sheen , at 4 G2'j : yearlings , nominal : Iambs , w 4 nd HOGS Receipts , 3a High he J4 1004 50. : re nd IliifTitlo ! , ! < Sloolc. of EAST BUFFALO N. Y. . M.iy 24H : et Yorkers , good to choice , J4 20f(40 , ri if- common to choice , J1 83fl-s c : ; plg-t , I choice , J3 G5fl3 90 lUt LAMRS Cholco to extra , Ji C&i/o 15 IPS and common. J4.25Q4.5Q. 33 SHEEP Choice to selected wethen ud ft ! 30 ; culls to common , J3 2 > ' ! j3.50. ? r N\\ \ Clurliuiittl I.lve Mock. Nise CfNCINN'ATI. May 21-HOGS-Di J3 50TT4 40. CATTLE J273fl4G3. < SHEEP-Stead > .tt J2 75ZI 00. ke LAMBS Bteacly at r5757 4.75. let S'.oeU In Mlulit. Record of rece-lpls of live stock led four principal markets for May 24 : 1st Cattle. Hogs. at Omaha 4.101 ll.SIS ids Chicago 2.VW 2201V ) < t-t KnnH.m City f M3 19525 i.itof St. Loul * 2.000 5,000 of ew Totals .1C Git 55,313 Coffee Murki-t * . NEW YORK. May -COFFEE C opened steady , at unchugrd price ; points higher : further ucvantt-d Ir pathy with favorabl huropean smaller Ilr.izlllan rocGlits than looV and light covering ; ruled ciulct greater part of the session , HH | i-iilnt Ins checked by sensatloimi war r 5 Ckmed steady. unrhunKfd to 5 poll 5S higher. Sales , 13,750 baRi , Includlm ! 3 Jj 7093 75 ; July , J3 GO. Spot coffee. HI , 3n No. 1 Invoice. tVtc ; No. 7 jobbing n mild , quiff. Cordova , SV4ftlHi < Tota ! 7V4 ' housj- deliveries from Ilia United 7 % 112.3T2 bHgn. Including 11,319 bxc froi 10. ' YorkMtw York stock today. 190.31 United Slatffl stock , lfc.S > t bog ; all the Uplted Eta ( < * . 401,000 bncii : total for the United States , l,0 ,8fcl baf * , \ 7O.I01) ) hut jcrir nnd lM hn s In HANTO9. Mny 21 OorKKC-Inncllva : KO < | avrrnKo Hntitos , o.CtX ) rolm receipts. HC M biiirn ttvto diiji" ) Htnrk. .122,000 IIIIK * IIAJIlUTItn. Miiv 21 Coh'Ki : OpencJ * % \ > ytit hluhrr At 231 } p , in , VtlVipfK. net FilRln r Snli . WO IKIRS uio nu .iANiino. : Mny ji c'orrniJ Dull , Nit. 7 , Hid , S.teS re In. rxi iinliKP , fir > -l.M. Hpd'lpts , 11,0 ) . ) tmmi ( tv\o i1u > ! < ) , rlonrod for r.iiroiip. l.mM bncs , slock , iiAvnl : . Mny sr-rorr net lower , Sule-s. 7,00) COTTOV SI A It 1C JUT. l Jlonir Irrrunlnritr A ft or MIlMlll ) ( IpClllllR. Ni\V YOUK , May II.-Toiliijr's cotton market shoncd some Irregularity nttrr opcnlnK steady at unchunRwl prices tel _ tHiInt ndrnnrennd rnll > lnR : * V pulnt un covprlnK nnd more buying. There wasqullo netho Ilquldntlon Inter .And tha market biokc to u lovrl. cliowlns a not toes of I1G ( points. Still later , however , there vvus i rally , with thu mirkc-t In the nflcntuu'i di < - M'loiilim' ( nnslderahlo Irrt-Bularlty , linally olOMlni ; with n nut loss of . .tM'it.During thi' dav the ninrkot was moro nr less Inllu- ciuixl hv niunlpulatlon , vvlUi claluu ot further pre'ii-iratlons for tin AtiKtut Btinrcxc. Outside1 IU > Inn orders to n lonslilci.i'jlo ex tent were for AUBtist contrncts. spot dull ; middling. B 7-10c : net rice-lpts , 1W bnlfs ; KroHs , 1,011 hales. o\K > rti > to Itrltuln , 6.VJ3 h.ilos , forwarded. 110 bale's , n lf.i , l.MW bales ; stock , 143.IM ) b.llcs. lot'il tuOny : Net receipts , 7iXiI halts ; exports to Cleat Britain , G.VM euUm In Fr.nx c , 5,3M bi'lvs ; to the e-ontlnent , SC > ) bales ; "tuck , .V 0.411 biles. Consolidated : Not roeeliits. 24.21'J biles ; experts to ( Ilrltiin , I'J.U)1) ) ) bnlts ; to rranco , li.Osl Kile1 * ; lo tin ) continent. I"- 070 lutes. Total since Seplem'ier ' 1 : N 'l re- celpts. 'i.SST 1 < > 1 baits ; -jxpnts lo Cireal Ilrltalii , T2Tf > ,3W bal ; to IM > I P , 7,4lo bah H ; tn thi > ronllnettt , 2 "Vi.Z'M ' ) bils- * . Nli\V OULUANS.lnv 21 'OT PON Kll- turcs nulet and to.idy. x.i Jj.IOii biles ; May , Ji ! < 7 bid : June , > 3 'J3ti3 3 , Jtuj' . f'W'O C0.1 ; AUKUSI , WCIfi602 ( ; Sf ) t < M ber 'i 975D 5is ! ; netober , 15 tfJUjPi ; Nii.eiiui-'r , i > 'p ) ' fiOO ; Doeembor , liiDUibO-2 , .linn it y. ytf ( ( jC , spot Him ; siles , 3K ) biles ; jrdlnarv , 4 3-IiV ; , KIKM ! ni dinar } , I 15-lGc1 : low mldillinj ; , 5 .1-Sc ; inlililllnK. Gc. gummlildlliis \ , t ! i" tic ; mlddlliu fair , I. 11-lGc ; uxilpts , 5,110 bales ; stoek. 1U2 T,0 b lies Mav -COTTON'-Spot inle-t ; prlees , 1 I-lGd higher ; mid dling. fair. 4 1-liKi , uootl inlildllntT. J 25-32d ; Amerltan mlildllnir , 3 5-Vl : onllnurv. 3 6-32d ; salts , C.&iV ) biles , of which iW were fur speculation and export and Included 7,1,0' ) Aint rkan. Putures opened steady and ilo-td qiilut ; American middling , I. . M. O , May. 3 3l-C4d , blivers. May and June , SSI-did , luivcrs ; June and July , 3 HI-CH * 3 . .rlil. ( . sellers ; July and AtiKUst , 3 o5-Gld , sellers ; AtiKUst and SHpleinbT , ! 1 Jl-'ilW 1 35-64d. blivers ; Se-ptembei and October , .1 33-CW1 . ! l-6ld. bu > ers ; October and No- vnnbcr , " 33t ( < l , Hellero : November nnd De cember , 32-Mil , biivrrs ; Dcocmbrr anil Jiinuary , 3 32-Gld. buyers ; Janunty and 1'ob- ni.try , J 22-Gld , l > u > tMB NEW YORK , Mav 21 Weather condi tions are alleged to be thu chief factor In delating trade In dry goods Sellers say tb it nuinv expected sales have been held back by the i.ilny da > s of this month. It Is pointed out th it there have been only two da > s In the present month on which It has not rained. Outside of this there urn no conditions which warrant the .insertion that there Is any change In the m irket. ' 1 he heavy curtailment In the production of print cloths has proved a "tlmulatlng fea ture , although no siles at better than 1 13-lGc were reported. The export tt.ule Is also well sustained , but staple lines of dry goods vere quiet There Is no change In the bltuatlon of woolens Staple cottons are still ciulet. Pi Int fabrics are quiet. There have bei n further sales of stocks of dress grods and some lines at concessions , but outalde of these there Is not t nough actual Inquiry to warrant the placing of salesmen on the rind. Ginghams are still strong demind reported. with tv vvi-Il unstained One leading line baa been advanced > (1c per jnril b > the agent" . Oil Miirt.rtH. OIL CITY , May 21 Credit balance i , SCc ; eertllleates opened SGo bid for tn h : ni > bid tit the close Sales , cash oil. 2.0) ) b ! > l3. nt We : S.OOO bbls , at so c. hlilpmenls , 81,952 bbls : tuns , ItH.OSd bills. CHARLESTON , S. Clay 2I-O1LS- Turp-ntlne , llrm , 2Cc. Rosin , tlrm and un changed SAVANNAH , On , Mnv 21. OILS-Sptrlts turpentine , llrm , 27'fee hid : s.iles nt opening , 27'ii' Rosin , firm and unchanged WILMINGTON , N. C. May 21-OILS Spirits turpentine , unchanged. Rinln , un changed. Crude turpentine , steady , Jl 23 , J1.70 and J1.SO Tar , quljt , J1.10. Sutrnr Market. NEW ORLEANS May 21 SUGAR Open kettle , strong , Sfilc , white. 4Wil 5-Se ; jel- lows , 4H < ! Jl1 c ; seconds , 2'4Jj37- ! . Muliuses. steadv : centrifugal. Edi c1. NEW YORK , May 24-SUGAR-Raw. strong , tendlncr upward ; fair letlnlng. 3H ( iiSI-lGc ; centrifugal , W test , 45-lCc : refined , firm mould A , 56-Sc ; standurd A , &Vic ; con fectioners' A , cut loaf , 57-Sc ; erusheil , 57-tc : powdeted , 5 5-Sc ; granulated , 3 3-So ; ci'bes , 5 5-Sc. Cnllfnrnln Drlrii Kralt * . NEW YORK. May 24 CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUITS Firm ; evaporated apples , common. < VSBVic ; prime vvlro tray , gjja'ic ; wood dried , prime , 9'i0i&/ : choice , 9Krc : fancy , SMrfflOc. Prune ? , 44isi.c. AprlcntH , royal , Sftgc : Moor park. juifl2c. Peaches , unpeeled , SftSc ; peeled. 12S14c Mnnchenti > r MANCHESTER. May 21-CLOTHS AND YARNS Quiet and steadv. es l-pOOK REMEDY CO ht idft ttd \ fts. BLOOD e5c POISON 15 ; Oi ) A SPECIALTY. 5 ® frtmtrr , Bteondai ? or Ttxtlur BLOOD of POIBON perauntntij : p r : ; Cured in 15 to 35 Days. Too can b * treated at hem * for HUM rte * undtr Mm * guaranty. If you prefer to com * h.r * w * will contract to per rmU- tc- NM fare and hot l bl.l . anil no vkarc * tcU U : tt w. fall to cure. 10- YOU HAVE 10od IP takm mcrcurr , lo ld * potuh and Mill Is , have acht and palni , Mucoui Patrht * In Ice mouth. Sore Throat , Plmplr * , Copper Col. nd rtd Cpott , Ulccrn en any part of tn HO body , Batr or Eyebrow , falling out. It If IN * Secondary Is ; .on to le- We Guaiantee to Cure ik , W colldt tli men obittnat * eai * and it- challence the world ( or a cata w esinnot fur * Thli dl > ue hoj always batBid Ib * aktll of til * ucit tmlnmt pbr'tclani , m RW.OOO caplul t hl'i our unrondltlonal Ula'rantr. Abiolut * proofc Mnt i aled 200 on application. I'J ) p * book i nt rrtm , IK\ AddrtM COOK REJIEDY CO 14O1 IKWl MABODle Tempi * . Cblcago , III. 75ut COOK 3- 3hs hs , to ills The Bee 125 Leads all competitors at In live ' Sporting'News. For all the The Sports of the Day ? ep. Eead The Bee. .osc l.OOO ,2,2 200 JAMES E 60YD & CO , , Telephone 1ODO. Omaha , Nub on COMMISSION ons , nn- les. GRAIN , PROVISIONS and STOCKS for BOARD OP TRADE. Ing niret wire * to Chlcaio inj New York. be- - Corr * > ( xmdniu : John A. W rr n A Co. urs nut lay. ull ; Removal % c ; ire- tC3. law : tf. K. ffumr A Co. ( ecr or t * for Ible CbrlMle-Strrrt Cum. Co. ) have Inst c to raem 4'M w Yorlr Hf