EDITORIAL SHEET. THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE.PAGES 9 TO 16. ESTABLISHED JUKE 10 , 1871. OMAHA , SUNDAY MOANING , MAY 22 , 1898. SLXGL.E . COPY FIVE CENTS. Grand Sale Monday. indies' m Mm. Modus coifs' Queen Skin SUPPOIIGIS. Ascot puff tics , all silk 25c The best skirt supporter on earth. All silk string tics lOc Keeps thn skirt up and the waist down lots' Impossible for the tklrt to sag only 2. > c. linen Conors on sole , Bis sure to send waist mca.sure money 20c turn down collars Be refunded If not satisfactory. 20c standing collars , all styles lUc The now pi cuter on sale pleats ribbons Grand HonocK sole. bens , chiffon's , silks , woolen goods , etc. , O.ft. hammocks -lOc.and 50o perfectly. The Thomas Hammock $1.18,1.48..1.88 Children's hammocks 3o ! ) Paper napkins , per 100 20c II lots of elegant 2.r > a books at fie each. 100 engraved visiting cards with plato lots1 BCIS. ; only $1.00. 15c leather bolts with covered buckles fie Special prices on Wedding Invitations , Jioc Irnthcr belts , all colors lOc at home cards , etc. GOc leather belts with jewel suitings 2oe Murat Hulstcad's Story of Cuba only Belt hooks free with every bait. 05c. June Delineator in stock. Wash Dress Goods. Variety such as has never been shown in the city before , even greater and better than the Big Store has ever previously - ly attempted. New line of 33-Inch Twilled Percale , 1 Of * ' ( fuBtcolorH ) Bias Fluid IlIMnch Percales ( Arnold's standards ) Qln fast colors > * -/3v- ' 125 patterns in the newest printed French Organdies , 25C in either white or black grounds f vn Swell line of Scotch Glnirhams in plain colors , IQc tO 35C xt/v w vvv check * , stripes or plaids Black ground Grenadines , 15 C with printings In newest colors Bias plaid Dimities in seven colorings , 19 C nothing more stylish Oxford Cheviot , In nobby plaids and stripes , Pnf > 32-inch wide Eleguntlinoof Skirting Cloths , Duck Galatea 1 PV 15n Afe/S P flTm . . . A JVj and Covert Cloth Best white Cotton SulrUng Duck in the country 15 C at . . . , * Newest line of the neatest , prettiest styles Qn in host makes of Calicos BOO pieces of line Dress Ginghams IOC in checks and plaids New line of dark ITMneh figured lUC . Dress Sateen > "We fill mail orders promptly. A Big Clothing Sale For Monday and All Week. Men's , boys' and children's spring and summer suits of high est excellence to be sold for next to nothing. Unquestionably the greatest sale of finest ready-to-wear cloth ing ever held in Omaha. You'll ' have to admit it's ' the chance of a-lifetime , buys a strictly all wool Men's Suit , In fancy and plain casslmeres 01 $3.75 cheviot suits that are worth ana sold elsewhere for $6.50. \ \ Buys fine tailored Men's Suits of Serge , Clay Worsteds , Fancy Chevlo 5ffBuys Casslmcre , all regular sizes , also stouts and slims , the kind that cos elsewhere $9.00 nnd $10.00. / * t Buys a Men's Suit of Extra Quality Dress nnd Business Suits of the mos 6t fashionable shades and patterns of the season , that In the usual cours of business would mean $12.50. GJQ * yt ctvirl i"11 O t * ncse Pr'ces ' we show over 50 styles o tpO. f tj till LI tpXX.OVx Fancy Worsted Suits that represent a retal value of $15.00 to $10.00. Boys' and Children's Suits at half regular prices. Double Breasted Knee Pants Bulls , also Vestec and Junior Suits , Monday at 95c , $1-25 , 1-95 , 2-75 , 3-5 < > . Boys' and Youths' Long Pants Suits fo.- Monday at $3.25i 3-95 , 4-5 ° , 5-7i und 7.5O , worth double. Hats for This Week. , , Four special Felt Hat Bargains : 1st lot at 48c 2d lot at 98c 3d lot at 1.48 4th lot at 1.98 We guarantee the liats that we put on sale at these prices t < be worth positively one-third more. If you can duplicat them for less we will give you a hat for nothing. A big assortment of straw hats. Special Bargains in . . Men's Furnishings The Qrimn Brand Shirts nt . . . . . . EOc The best quality of Balbrlggan Under Colored Shirts , laundered collars and wear at CO cufts , made of French Percale , at . . . . 35c Suspenders , worth 25e , at 12H Black nnd Tan Sox ut 3 pairs for . Bow nnd String Ties , In all the newest , BalbrlKKnn Shirts and Drawers. In patterns , at 15 fancy und plain colors , nt . Special Bargains in Ladies' Underwear and Hosiery todies' Hose , In black nnd tnn seamless - Ladles' Sleeveless Vests , worth 25c , at 12' < less nt 3 pairs for 25c Ladles' tine Lisle Thread Vest at 2 ! Children's Hlcycle Hose , black nnd tan , Fine Gloria Silk Umbrellas , In assorted double knee , heel nnd toe. nnd wUr- handles , at . ' Jl. rantcd fast colors , worth 25c , at . . . .12' < c I/udles' Summer Corsets , at 25c , 3S c and & Hardware , Stoves and Housefurnishing Department. Stoves Way Down This Week. The Mason & Davis steel range ( like cut ) , high shelf with water back , 0-hole , all complete , best range on earthv , regular price $45 , our OQ QR special price flUiUU The Triumph Economy 0- hole steel range with high shelf and reservoir , OR QR first class ' Fine G-hole cast range 0 QR o < au 20-inch oven The Banker square No. 8 cook 8-bunier gasoline stove Gasoline ovens , double lined 6-inch stove pipe 7c Hardware Hardware. Screen Doors . * . 49c Rubber Hose 6 } 100-ft. Hardwood Hose Reels C . . Adjustable Window Screen , complete. 25c Rake. 15c. Hoe , 15c. Shovel , solid Screen Wire lc Steel . . . . , . . , i 4 Lawn Mower * H-9S SD NalU , $1.83. , 20D Nails $1. Housefurnishing Goods. Foot Bath Tubs , largo slie 39c Granite Pie Pans Nickel Plated Tea Kettle 49c Granite Sauce Pans 1 Clothes Basket , all willow 33s Granite 10-qt. Dish Pans 2 t Knives and 6 Forks 33c Granite 3-qt. Coffct. Pots 2 10-pound Japanned Flour Cans 69c Jointed Rods , Reels , Flea Hooks ai Galvanised Chamber Falls 25ciLines. WHERE TO BUY-HAYDEN * 4 The advantage of buying at Hayden Bros' was never more appar ent than now. The WAR PRICES , demanded elsewhere , make the low figures we quote especially inviting. Buyers at the Big Store get the benefit of the immense purchasing we did for Exposition year , BEfORE THE RECENT GREAT ADVANCE. Many special spot cash pur chases secured by our representatives are on sale at great price reductions. Buying in the world's best markets and controlling the output of the foremost manufacturers , for the Trans-Mississippi country , Hayden Bros , offer the grandest assortments and lowest prices. Agents for Butterick's Patterns. Hail Orders Promptly Filled. * Few Hay Home Journals Left for Club Members ADVANTAGES DERIVED NUMEROUS where the assortments' ' are' largest The greatest of last week's re markable values again duplicated and the many new specials added will make Monday's Bargain Silt Sale The Greatest of Them Ail. Figured 153 pieces Printed PonBee , the best silk I f\ Poiiacc made for wear , wash and general service , 1 If \ sllLu printed In small red , blue and black dotted I Vfl 3I1KS designs on natural colore : ground Mon I J\J ' v day's special sale price ' Plain mill We cnrry none but the best makes , nil the f"7 P * ( "liniioivihle newest changeable effects , also In plain / W / * * V. 7. 7 burnt ornnge. cerise-turquoise , cor.il , green I t laiicidS nnd nil the other popular shades Monday's I II i v v special Stlipos , New stripe * of nil kinds new > 4 and V4 Pliiills and tncn checks , new plaids In nil the most Checks handsome combinations , worth up to $1.75 Our special price on Monday only Plain An Immense lot of plain Black Silk just A/\ Black received It Is In line even quality of JapVJ | tsilliS anese and the kind that always gives sa'.l'/lj ' \J * / V Isfactlon Monday's special price Plain 23 pieces Black Rustle Taffeta , beautiful f" f\ Biuclc lustre nnd finish Black Tuffeta now so \ | | Tafl'cta stylish ours Is a good one nnd our asking I j I. v price for Monday Is only " ChnilKC blc All the pretty changeable effects , such nsA / ( ililticoisc pink and green , red nnd black , cadet blue -\\jl Silk and red , 21-Inch wide nnd very linn nnd I /I , , ' v * v strong Monday's special price only Chucks An excellent quality of Japanese silk , J f\ . . . . .I strongly recommended both as to style and /I I | / iVi , ii wear. In the small and large check , nl ot VI 1'l.llUS tne bright pretty plaids Monday s spcclalyJ price only Cream 32-Inch wide cream Swivel Silk , brocaded In Swivel neat designs a dependable kind and laun- Silk ders nicely exceptionally good value at Monday's special price. Figured White stripes on blue and black grounds. India also neat pretty flgurcj In both light and Silk dark shadlngs fine grade on sale at MonJ J day's special price Illiick On Monday we place on sale an nil pure ft / \ _ * * * * * * * III. . plnln black Satin Duchesse , which we f-vl I/ * guarantee to wear as well as the best satln l IVf I UucheSSC made the quantity U limited , but XJy they last our price Is t Hrocadc 57 pieces Black Brocade Gros Grains an'l Gros Grain Satins , In new and nobby designs , in 'ne and Satins best of qualities , worth up to $2.00 per yard Monday's special price . Best of attention given to mail orders' Ill- ways promptly filled Selections left to' us carefully attended to we guarantee to satisfy you try us. ' ' ' Furniture - ? - - Things you will have to .buy this summer and that you can .get here cheaper and better than elsewhere. Iron Beds , . . . . $2.50 Screens , $1.50 Springs $1.00 Extension Tables * $3.25 Mattresses 51.50 Rattan Porch Rockers , $1.95 and $2.50 Cots $1.00 Cane Seats , $2.95 Matresses to fit S5c Sideboards . ; . . . . , . . . . $10.50 Oak Chairs 75c Odd "Dressers . . . . ' . . , ' . . . . ! $6.85 Rockers $1.25 Washstands ; $3.00 Oak Tables $1.00 Kitchen Cupboards , $3 , : $3.05 and $4.50 Restaurant Tables , 36x36 rounder Just In a new carload of suits or square . . ; $1.95 at $9.CO , $11.50 , $12.50 up to $15.00 Bed Lounges $7.50 We can save you money on all fur Folding Beds $9.75 niture just now. Big Sale on Flour Monday 21 pounds C Sugar Monday . $1.00 3-lb cans extra quality Table I'eara. . 3-lb caus fancy Golden Pumpkin. . . T'.ic 2-lb cans fancy White Sugar Corn. 5c 2-lb cans Butter Beans or Peas. . . 5u Large sacks pure York State Buck wheat Flour , regular prlco 35c , ' Monday . . 15c Large sacks Granulated Cornmeal. 9c 10-lb3 fresh rolled Oatmeal for . 25c Sweet Seedless Oranges , dozen . Oc 12 bars Standard Laundry Soaps. , . . ' ! ! 5c More Bargains Yeast Foam , German or any other ' yeast . 2c Sapollo , per bar , Cc Mustard Sardines , per can 3'Jc Sweet Chocolate , per package.3Uo ' Parlor Matches , per dozen . 8 l-3o lOc packages Starch , only Cc lOc packages Shredded Cocoauut. . . . 3Uc ISc Bottles Pure Tomatb'Catsup Sc Blood Red Salmon , per can. , ? % c Table Salt , 2 sacks for 5c 15c cans Condensed Milk Sc Pearl Tapioca , Sago , Hominy , Bar ley , Green Peas , Lima Beans , etc. , per pound . . . .t. Cc Lemon or Vanilla Extract , per bottle Sc Puddlene , 15c packages , all flavors. . 7' c 1-lb cans Pure Baking Powder E'/jc Washing Powder ( all brands ) only. . . . 3 < ic Scrubbing Lye , per can , only 4c Baked Beans , per can , only. . , 6c Large Bottle Beit Bluing 3V&C The Leading Dress Goods House of the West. One more chance to buy a spring dress for less than half their value. Commencing Monday morning at8 o'clock we will sell everything in light colored dress goods at the following prices : 500 pieces , including cashmuros , novelties , 4 s l/ f , jacquards und utl goods that sold up to 2oc. . 1 j i/2 * * 300 pieces of novelties , cashmeres , checks and -4 f\f plaids that sold up to 3oc , all go at 230 pieces of dres.s Roods novelties , all wool Fcrircs , bluck in'jlmir figures and all goods that sold / up to 40c , in this sale at 4 300 pieces of light weight drets poods , some all wool , some imported novelties , some line black jacquards - / quards and all goods that sold up to GOc , all at 300 plpces of good imported nnd domestic Henriettas , silk nnd wool nn : cities , mixtures , serge * , English blank figured goods and till goods thut sold up to Uu ! ) at Over 2.500 pieces < t imported novnltics , Scotch cheviots , Kngli h mixtures , unytidorcs , light bilk und wool piuids and everything that went at , 7.c , nil on i otic table nt. ( Jvor 2,000 pieces of novelties , mixtures , coverts , black dre s fronds , serges , hcnrictta,3 , inohulrs. brilliantincs' , and every class of goods that sold up to $1.00 , all go at ono price Over 2ot)0 , ) pieces of cove-ts , French , English , Germai mixtures , poplins , whipcords , plaid- * , surges , silk wurpa , und all goods that sold from 61.00 to W.)0 ) , all go for Mo'nday only at Note All the above goods arc summer styles only. J31aek Dress Goods ; Ail our black goods in three lots for Monday all black go : ds that sold from 45e to C'Jo ' at AH black goods that sold from G'Jc ' to $1.00 all go in this sale at All Priestly , all TOcroius , all Arthur & Sons , nnd all our high grade novelties that sold up to 81.60 , Oft/- ' " everything goo.s in this sale at ono price nt."OV ' No samples of the-.c goods as this sale lasts only ono day. No goods sold to pjddlcrs or dealers at these prices , but we will fill mall orders until Thursday for out-of-town customers. We guarantee satlsf . : tlon by mall or money refunded. Send In your mall orders befjre Thursday. Millinery for Monday. An exquisite line or Flowers on display at the lowest prices , The daintiest and most stylish creations in Millinery are here to choose from. A recent Invoice of fashionable pattern hats on sale at $4.50 , $5.0) and $7.50 ; beautifully trimmed and verj stylish. Tea and Coffee Monday we give away free with 1 pound Japan Tea , fancy decorated cup and saucer. Why do you pay 75c for tea , when you can buy fan < ; y basket fired uncolorcd Japan for 35c. ' Japan Tea Dust , only 12 < c New Spring Leaf Japan Xor 19c Extra choice Ulepd for.Uce Tea , only 25c Ceylon , Oolong , Assam , _ Formosa , only SSc Fresh Roasted Rio Coffee , only , lOc and 12'/jC Choice Santos Coffee , , oaly , . . 15c Golden Santos Coffee.-.only 17'.ic ' * Golden Rio Coffee , oaly 0c and 22c Mocha and Java BlendACoffeo only. . 25c Pure Mocha and Java ojily 25c Best Mandhellng Mocha and Java Coffee , 3 poundsifor' . . $1.00 Transtnissisippi Cheese and ( fruits OmQha ? , Favorite , Full Cream Chee.se.only. . , lOo Fancy Wlsconslqi .Full Crcnm 12 0 Herkimer County < Fulirqream 12'/4c Swiss Cheese , fancy , 16e Ohio Swiss , flneiC'made Ibe Young America 9e Herkimer Counljr Young America . . . . lie Young America , finest made 12 > 4c Drlck Cticese 12',4c Llmburger 12'/5o Edam Cbeece EOc Pineapple Cheese . ' Me ! Sap Sago or Green Cheese Sc I Ncufchatel , only , , Sc The Best IN THE WORLD The carsets sold at auction in New York by W. & J. Sloane , were the best carpets made. The leading brands of Brussels , Axministers , ingrains , Tapestry , Wiltons , in all the newest and most beautiful pattcans wore sold to the bidders for spot cash at a tremendous sacri fice. It was the biggest carpet sale ever holdin America. Wo secured several carloads of these elegant lloor coverings and are offering thorn in the Big Curpet department at unheard of low prices. Extra help engaged to wait on all. A grand assortment to cheese from. The greatest bargains over offered in now perfect goods. Ilout-c keepers , room-ren'.crs und hotel keepers will find this a genuine opportunity to sccjro rich carpets at an incccdlbly low prico. Butter for Monday Fresh butter received dally direct fron I the country. Choice country butter , fresh and clean ll 4c and 12 ,4 < New grass butter at 14 Best dairy butter made at 15c and ICi Best separator creamery In the mar ket , only 17 P. S. Remember you can save from 2 ti ! 4 cents on every pound of butter you nil ! 1 at our big store. | Fish Fish Fish , Holland Herring , per keg SO I Fine Large Herring , each 2 'Mackerel ' , very fine , each 2 Family White Fish , only , , . . . 3V * Blood Red Salmon 6V4 Snow White Codfish , only 3 Norway Anchovies 7 4 Fine Large Orange * , only , dozen 9 Fancy Messina Lemons , dozen 10 This Is the largest department of Its klni In the west , where you can get every klni of cheese that's made , every kind of fis ! caught and every kind of fruit grown. D not fall to attend this great sale Monday. Evaporated Fruits Large Yellow Crawford Peaches 8 1-3 Largo Black California Prunes 81-3 California Prunes , 5c , CV&c and 7 ! < j New Bartlett Pears , 8 l-3c , lOc and. . 12H I New California Apricots , lOc and. . . . 124 I New Valencia Raisins , > c , 6V&C and. . 7' . New Seedless Raisins , Cc , 6 > c and , . 7Vt | New Evaporated Apples 81-3 New Home Dried Evaporated Apples.7'/4 _ _ _ 3c 6c 9C SO Ic HAYDENBROS. id 7c . . 'ftlimTTTTTi'iiiii. ritir n inn White Bed Spreads On account of very large sales In this line we were tempted to purchase heavily. On Monday we will show you n number f new Spreads for the llrxt time. Made ex pressly for us for single beds nnd Iron bt > dK. BfixSC slie. good , first-class stock at NKJ each. BflxMi sire , fringed on four sides no better Spreads tn the market nt $1.25 each. On Monday we will Klvo you choice of e\cn different makes nnd styles , hemmed nr fringed , white or colored , all extra largo sire , nt $1.00 each. You will find Whlto Spreads In thlti lot worth $1.M > . White Crochet Spread * at 3So , < 5c , too. G5c and 7C o. See our extra large nnd extra heavy W hlte Crochet Spread , worth $1.75 , marked , down tn $1.35. Notice the $3.00 Marseilles Spread rediic ed to $2.00. I.ast chance to got thoie flno $ .1.50 Satin Spreads , extra lance size , nt $2.4 S each. Borne of these special bargains will o fast. It will pay you to be on time. Special for Monday White Cotton Filled Comforts $1.00 each. $1.50 heavy Comforts reduced to $1.25 each. $1.75 heavy Comforts , extra Rood value , rrtiue A to $1.60 each. 1'lnln White Cotton lilankets ( no color whatever ) on sale Monday nt S9c pair cheap. Summer Blankets nt 41 > e , 75c , $1.00 , $1.25 and $1. . " > 5 pair. Colored Cotton Flannel In all the loading similes and different crades. The largest and best assorted stock of Tickings , Shirting * , Outing , Shaker and Cotton Flannels you will llml at the lllp Store. Tapestry and Chenille Stand and Table Covers , nil sizes and all prices. Man Tailored Suits , Jackets and Stylish Costumes It Is already clearly evident that our recent purchase" la dles' tailor-made garments from II. Black & Co. , of Cleveland , Is appreciated. We bought the lot at our own price. Wt unhes itatingly pronounced them to be the best values ever offered In Omaha. Thcse suits are inadu fioni the finest cloths. New French Fancy Mixtures , New Cheviots , New Coverts , Serges and Whipcords , jackets nil silk lined some are brutd trimmed. Note the Prices. § 5.98 foraSlO suit. § 6.98 for a § 12 suit. § 7.98 for a $15 suit $10 for an § 18 suit Ladles' Jackets , In black , tan and green , lined with silk , at J3.00.Ladles' Ladles' Jackets , In tans nnd grays , cadet , lined throughout with satin or taffeta , at f , > .00. Hlcycle Suits In n ibby homespun , mixed and tweeds , fly front nnd tlght-flttln ? styles , , nt JG.EO. A choice line of s paratc Bicycle Skirts at tl.M. Special Attention Is Invited to Our Separate Skirt Department. The largest and most complete line In the city , Including new fancy wool effects , serges , homespuns , mohairs , linen , duck crash and plcnie. all perfect In shape und hang of unsurpassed workmanship and newness of style and weaves. All Linen Skirts at SSc. Skirts of nil wool material at C9c , worth $1.23 ; at J1.I5 , J1.9S , J2.GO and up. Silk Dress Skirts at $3.98. WE SHOW THE LARGEST LINE OF SILK WAISTS IN THE WOULD. Fine Silk Shirt Waists , in striped plaid and changeable Taffeta , at $3.60. Shirt Waists of black or colored satin , black nnd plaid gros grain or taffeta , at $5.S3. Wash Shirtwaists. All the new nnd pretty wnlnts of this s eason arc hero In bayadere , bins , striped , 'corded and tucked fronts , In Madras , gingham , pique lawn and percale , at Me , 75c , Jl.W nnd $1.2.1. UNDERSKIRTS , In wash materials , lawn grass cloth and seersucker , at 50c. Hlaek Sateen Underskirts , umbrella style , with Spanish flounce , at $1.00. Ladles Dressing Sacques of lawn , lncu trimmed , nt E > Sc. Ladles' Wrappers , In light and dark print , nt 49c. Ladles' line Percale Wrapper : ) , braid trimmed , at 9Sc. Wall Paper. Paints , Brushes , Room Mouldings. MONDAY'S SPECIALS. White Blanks , regularly worth Cc tuul fie. on Monday at 4c rnd 5c per roll , with 9-In. borders at lc nnd 2c per yard. Gilt Papers , worth Sc and lOc , on sale nl 7c and Sc per roll with 9-tn , borders at 2c and 3c per yard. 18-ln. borders at Cc and 7c. Our regular line of 12l c and 15o gilts , In dark colors at lOc and 12 > Ac , with 18-ln. blended borders at 7c and Sc yard. ' All our 17'c , 20c , and 25c gilts , In dark greens , blues , terra cottas and reds , nt ICc , 'XiC and 20c , with 1 band blended frlezo Ingtalna nt 12V4c. 15c and 17Hc. with 1 band blended flitter frieze at lOc and 12 > , rC jaid. Best ready mixed Pales ( , $1.00 gallon ; half gallons , C5c ; quarts , SOo ; In all every can warranted. Bicycle and Household Enamels , U pint , 20c , In all colors. Porcelain Bath Tub Enamel , Vi pints , 40c. Wire Screen Enamel , in dark B"-en , 35u for i pint. Varnish , % pints , 15c ; pints , 25c. 1-ln , Varnish Brushes , Cc ; 2-ln. , Sc ; 1 In. chisel varnish , lOc ; 2-ln. , 15c ; 2-ln. Elding brush , 20c ; 3-ln. siding brush , 20r ; 4-ln 2 n. No. 1 painters' duster , 3Cc. No. 4-0 painters' duster , COc. White Wash Heads. 25c and up. C-inch dry brush , 75c. 10-Inch dry brush , $1.00. Special in Our Meat Department No. 1 sugar-cured hams . 8 % Salt pork , per pound California hams . . ' . ci Best German summer sausage . 14 B Clover brand , Br. bacon . 09 Choice pickled pork . 07 Bologna sausage . : . 05 Corned beef . 05 % Pickled tripe . 04 Pickled pigs' feet . 05 3-lb. pall best lard . 27 Potted ham , per can . 05 Roast beef , per can . 12 Cooked 'corn beef , per pound . 12 ' ,4 Tra&smlsslsilppi Headquarters , Hayden Bros. Drug Dept Maltlne S3c Cutlcura 70o | " Wine of Cardul . ' . 75o Steam's Wine and Cod Liver Oil 75c Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets 32c Williams' Pink Pills 33o llobbs' Asparagus Pills. . . . , 35c Munyon's Remedies 0c Humphrey's Remedies 18c J. & J. Belladonna Planters lOo Allcock's Plasters 9o Miles' Remedies CSo Jewelry Dept Gents gold-filled hunting case watch , 14- kt , warranted to wear 15 years , line Elgin or Waltham worls , $9.U3 ; legular value. $20.00. Ladles' gold-filled hunting case watch , 14- kt. , fine , warranted to wear lu jenrs , flno Elgin or Waltham work * . $ S,05 ; regular vulue , J18.CO. Special sale on sterling silver articles , flics , tooth brurh holders , teals , button books , etc. ; regular $1.00 and $1.25 goods , choice , 49c. Sterling silver sugar shells , meat forks , cream ladles , ollvu tjiooiiH , etc. , 9Sc each ; ngular price , $2.00. 200 tea sets , quadruple plated , hand en graved and gold lined , 4 pieces , tea pot , sugar spoon and creamer , $3.78 , worth $8.50. All the latcdt novelties In shirt waist sett , 15c up. Sterling silver coffee spoons , lilc each. Sterling silver tea spoons , 40c each. Nlckle alarm clocks , fi5c each. Mallacca plated tea spoons , Ic each , China Dapt COc flint blown tumblers , per set IDo Wine glasses Q2o Odd pltces In crystal ware' . . . . . . OCc Milk crocks , 03c Shcrbert cups , 4 styles 05o Platfs 2c , 3c 4o Cups and saucers 2c cacti Complete kitchen lamps , with rellector. . lUa Splendid line of cut tumblers , ' /J regular price. 100 pleco decorated dinner sets $5.1)5 ) Decorated toilet sets I.'JS Salt and pepper shaker . . . . . . . . . . . . . . it *